darkmagiciang1rl · 6 months
Dark Magic Inheritance
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“Banish 2 Spells from your GY; add Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand, that specifically lists the card "Dark Magician Boy" or "Dark Magician Girl" in its text, except "Dark Magic Inheritance". You can only activate 1 "Dark Magic Inheritance per turn.”
[jokes/original under the cut]
The REAL dark magic inheritance 😇😇
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maraariana01 · 9 months
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i missed this AU so muchh RAHHHHHH
for those who are new. hi. this is my into the pit happy ending AU where basically spring bonnie finally gets to be a dad like he wanted and everyone is alive and happy (it's more complicated than that but shh)
i just hggrhgrh i Love spring dad and i just want him to have a family,,,,
[ do NOT tag as william aft0n ]
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r-g-d2 · 4 months
Fionna and Cake
Finn and Jake!
A F&C Swap Au! :))
Pt 1? Re-Drawings!
presenting the idea!(? 🥹
("pt 2" out! some "posters")
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Hello!! I bring u smthing super special to me today!! <3 is a— project? that I have waaaaay time ago!! And finally after being so lazy I finished it!! <33
I bring u— Finn&Jake! A Swap!Au of F&C of course :)) A thing I was SOOO EXCITED to show!! <3 Is something I plan to carry more than just some drawings! ;)) I have a lot planned!!
But for now...
This is just a post to Present to you the idea! And if this Post gets support, I hope it is like that- I'll bring more information about the Au! And characters! Bc they change, duh— hehE-
Extra sketchsss!!!
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Hehee <3 pretty simple but I thought they were necessary—?
Ok, Now, clarifications:
1— I KNOW I'm not the first one in swap Fionna w Finn, I KNOW I am NOT the first one in swap Betty and Simon, and I KNOW I am not the first one in swap Scarab and Prismo either, Im pretty conscious about that
💛- But! I think Im the first one in actually do Fionna as Finn :bb Bc— Honestly I think I just saw ppl drawing Finn w Fionna's normal life, but not Fionna w Finn's magical life 🤔 u know— all buff and w Cake's... tattoo 🙃🤧
And! I think, or feel, like I am the first one in combining all this Swaps in just one SwapAu!! :DD So- yuh—
2!!— Guys! I know some re-drawings might look kinda weird and kinda not like AT Style, But the thing is this:
💛I have the Sketchs of all this since NOVEMBER of last year, Then in December I just was doing the linearts, And just now I finished all this... So, dont worry, that for future drawings of all this Au, will be better!! Will look better, and be more close to AT/F&C actual style since I improved w it!! <3👍
And 3!!— Dont worry if some designs doesn't convince ya! (cofcofSwapPrismocofcof) Some will definitely change in the future! :)) (cofcofWinterQueenCOFCOF—) but they have this "issue" cause of Clarification 2 I could say.. (In the moment I did the sketchs, all this wasn't planned too well... so I didn't put much effort into the designs...?)
And I think that's all I could say by now :))
Remember this is something just made for fun!
Hope u like this Au! bc- Honestly it means a lot to me for some reason..
And hope to bring u more information! Not soon though— I need to rest a little hehE— All this post was a "stress" in my head for all this time.... BUT IT WORTH IT‼️💛💛 WOOO SUPER PROUD OF THE RESULTS!! BUT FUTURE ONES WILL BE EVEN BETTER!! WOOOO—
well— ehem—
See ya!!! 💛
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mochatea-art · 8 months
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ok first main post and its my AU sun and my first time animating wooo i have no idea if ill keep doing animation but it was fun so who knows lol
as it says in it i made it in firealpaca (cuz im cheep and broke af) and cuz its the main thing i draw on lol
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koifsssh · 1 year
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i think imagining wally on a motorcycle is very strange, but in a funny way! he’s very small, so would he need a smaller type of motorcycle? haha! it’s all very amusing to think about. However, i do think he would paint his motorcycle! personalized to him! So everyone knows it’s his! 
I do think he had painted all his other friend’s rides as well! everyone gets a paint job! wooo!  Among other things, i did have the thought of how Home would fit into this. At first, since he is a house after all- I would make him Wally’s motorcycle, but making a motorcycle with a face was a little odd for me, considering i had only learned how to draw a motorcycle for the sake of this au! So,,, I decided to have Home as wally’s father! (or grandpa, whichever is more amusing to you! It’s not very concrete how he fits in, i just wanted him to be there!)
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i did use @clownsuu​’s design for home, since i think its a very neat design! (Do send some love to him! he’s one of my favorite artists, actually!) But anyways, i do think Home would have gifted Wally a motorcycle... got it custom made for wally’s size? haha!
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catb1tez · 2 months
🪸A mermaid meets a human🪸
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IT’S FINALLY FINISHED WOOO!!!! I told ya’ll i’d draw Mermaid!Jon, now all that’s left is to write The Little Mermaid au 😈 Which I actually plan to wait till May to do that to celebrate MerMay.
This drawing took me so long and a part of me thinks it looks bad, but i’m still very proud of it. This was my first time ever fully attempting this art style, and also I got to use my brand new device for drawing! (Very happy to admit that the first drawing on it is mermaid au of DamiJon/JonDami hehe)
Speaking of the mermaid au, I’d like to go into details about why I designed Jon’s mermaid tail the way I did. For some mermaid drawings, I find it very fun to base them off of real fish! And Jon’s mermaid is specifically based off of a Blue Gularis Killifish. I’ll leave photos below to show examples of said fish, and some will be the reference photos I used.
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themidnightwholistic · 4 months
If It Wasn't In My Blood, What Do You See Right? (Do You Believe I'm Special?)
is an au I'm working on !! I plan on writing a fic for it, but I also know it's gonna be a much bigger project than my lab au fic. I might not start writing it for a while, I apologize.
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Feel free to ask any questions about the au or about any au of mine. I love answering questions ‼️‼️
Also first art post WOOO !!
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7goodangel · 1 year
But what is paperjam? where did you find that name? And how did you create it? was it difficult or easy, did he have other designs?.
Paper Jam is a ship kid (kinda not really tbh if you think about it) of Error Sans and Ink Sans. Created in the anti-void over a few years from the ink that Ink uses to fight and Error's left over strings. And some determination and bam! PJ!
Well... Paper Jam was one of the many many names floating around for the ship Error x Ink at the very beginning of the fandom. I saw that name and instantly thought of a combo design (yes, combo. PJ was originally a fan combo design. Based on the AskComboClub's concept) that could play off of the printer ink color scheme of CMYK! And then the idea was formed. Thought that name would be funny for a ship kid / combo cause of multiple reasons (for combo - a gaster thought that was clever; for ship kid - come on you can see Ink naming a child after a ship name). Although, the name as the ship didn't really catch on so... yeah o-o Note... I was not expecting PJ to become even a smidge 'popular'...
The first design I made waaaaay back in college days! In-between classes. At that point I just came up with a concept on the fly and ran with it. After several years I came back to the drawing board and redesigned his base outfit (though he can have many different style outfits). So... I would say... 4/10 on the hard scale? (1 being easy)
Yes he does have other designs! I did make a version 2 that was taller way back then too. Though he didn't stick around much. Then I also made a few different outfits. And of course there are several, several AUs I have made of PJ... XD
Wooo! Hopefully that helped cleared some stuff up!
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deathzgf · 7 months
( almost ) ALL MY AMREV + FREV WIPS ( 12 october - 5 november 2023 ) ! ! ! ! !
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WARNING : long ass post jFDSFLKJSLF ( will all be under the cut )
NOTE : not everything is here ! a lot of my amrev + frev drawings are doodles ive done in class ( which i cant find ) + i Do Not Like a lot of them + Tumblr only allows so many images T___T
ah yes . . . the doodle that started it all . . . my good omens sona in the french revolution ! except i had no idea what i was doing at ALL and had no historical context ! which i now do have and it makes me ENRAGED for how good omens handled that era . . . why are they in the bastille in 1793 . . . ANYWAYS ! YEAH !
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aaand because of that doodle , i researched frev fashion ! and guess what ! that robespierre fashion video came up ! wooo robespierre ! and then this was the first fucking thing i drew of him i cant . I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW THE FUCK HE MISSED SO BAD + HOW THE BULLET WOULD LOOK
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BECAUSE after that i drew this ! pookie ! ! !
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first saint just drawing . i was listening to angel with a shotgun on loop . . . and i thought . . . angel with a guillotine . . . get it cuz hes . hes angel of the terror . and . and . a
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i dont have any explanation for this
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i hate this . but first robespierre AND saint just drawing wahoo
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first frev oc except the hair on that one drawing is red because i went back and changed it cuz i made their name Jules Le Roux and . You know . Red hair . yeah
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jules and calixte ! ! ! calixte is @toastytrusty ' s oc and my sweet sweet little baby i love them dearly
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. . . saint just doodle i forgor to come back to
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miku binder robespierre
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saint just painting robespierres nails because :3
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WE INTO THE AMREV NOW WOOO . anyways me when ive married and icarus and hes flown too close to the sun lol ( his wings are meant to be burning letters btw . yeah )
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jules , calixte , and leonard interaction ! ! ! ! !
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which didnt go well
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this turned out gayer than intended i genuinely dont know what happened here
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i wanted to continue this so bad but i fucking forgot about it but Uhhh uhhhhh uhhh
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you know those vamp ! robespierre and vamp hunter ! saint just aus ? yeah
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PLEASE STOP SAYING IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK IVE NEVER DRAWN A VIOLIN BEFORE PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE . anyways he playsss theee violinnn he tucks it right underr hisss chinnnnn
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winning the idgaf war . unbothered . living his best life
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theres a storytime for this drawing but ill save that for later . john adams ( 2008 ) scene redraw but instead of jefferson grabbing adams elbow its his waist except it looks awful and i need to redo it soo baddd
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vamp ! robespierre and saint just ( ? ? ? i guess vamp hunter ! saint just cuz thats usually what goes with vamp ! robespierre but idk man ) . they were meant to be on like some moonlit picnic or some shit but then class ended and i forgor about this
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donald trump , alexander hamilton , and thomas jefferson . need i say more ?
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the ORIGINAL toxic doomed yaoi ( hamburr )
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burr . boobies :3
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that one scene from saint just et la forces des choses BUT AGAIN this turned out gayer than intended . why do they keep doing this
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hey girl i think theres something wrong with your leg
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semi modern band ! gay trio . . . thing . . . ? girl idk . but i gave up
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making jules a proper ref ! who cheered !
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let me know if . you want me to finish any of these because otherwise theyre probably going to rot in my gallery HELP
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rayofmisfortune · 5 months
IIIIIIII have a lil question for you, or rather two (and you can answer these whenever!)
First up! If you were to...mayhaps have a comic done of your lil fireboy and watergirl au beans (like just a silly lil one nothing major >_<) Would you be ok with it being posted and you being tagged and credited or would you rather it send through inbox (I...do not know the limitations of the Inbox tho so idk for sure if it'd work...? But thought I'd ask)
And second thing! Swearing. Like...full censor like a bleep or symbols to block out the word, or would a cut off word be fine? >_< (like sho- (this is shoot) kinda thing but with an actual swear) Have something in mind and while i'm not a big fan of swearing myself i sometimes have a character swear (usually some form of censored for anything drawn) and just wanna make sure I don't make you uncomfy >_<
Andddd for reading thro my rambling questions have a dood of your beans! (don't mind the terrible camera quality....)
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They are both in basic my dood pose cause i was just trying to get a feel for how to draw them >_<
ik I say this a lot but- *shakes* A COMIC???? JESTER I WILL STRANGLE YOU- /aff /lh Someone transfer discord nitro on here so I can properly translate my excitement via emotes jfjfjfj
Uuuuuh to ANSWER!
I would be fine with it being posted and I tagged in it! Only if that's what you wanna do of course! Don't wanna force anyone into anything hehe
I'm fine with swearing! I myself have a veeery potty mouth so I really wouldn't have a problem with you doing either! (I do tend to avoid swearing when I write if that's any worth jfjfb) Though- thinking about it a little more... I'm just imagining a scene where one of them slipped and fell off a platform (not towards any body of liquid) and they'd scream their voiceboxes all the way to the heavens. Manage to say a curse, completely ignore the fact that if they were human they'd have a concussion- and focus on the fact that WOOO I JUST SWORE WITHOUT GETTING CENSORED YAHOOO JDJDJ ah- but to properly answer, yes I'd say they'd be able to curse. One earlier than the other. Probably Wamoon ending up annoying Solare with pulling up a personal playlist filled with curse words and singing along to them while Solare gets the guns (read fire) ready jrjrrj
*SHAKES YOU SHAKES YOU SHAKES YOU* ooooh I love that you noticed Solare's designs (forgot word oof) on his casing are sharper than Wamoon's! Didn't know if people would pick up on that but YUSSSSS I also love how you drew the fire and water in their hands! Very flowy and shapy!
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Over the eye won wooo
Oh yeah y'all probably wonder why he wears those
There is practical use-
Since he ate the smooth smooth fruit in this au he's so smooth and slippery and apparently clothes are affected too according to the wiki
So I imagine koby had quite a few problems when he first got the fruit and had a near death experience because of it, so the spikes are there just in case. And also it helps to murder da pirates of course
I'll draw evil koby and luffy actually meeting again
But that takes place after the timeskip since I got some ideas from a friend hehehe
He'll look a tinssyyy bit different-
Not too much since hes so smooth but different hairstyle from usual-
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somanywords · 8 months
fic writer tag game
Thanks for the tag, @tessabennet <3
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
This is getting harder to play now that I've got 11 fics out in the world (wooo!), but here are 5 that I really enjoyed writing--some that are really fun to reread, even by myself who spent way too long editing, some that made my brain work really hard, and my very first one ever, which still makes me smile. :)
Another Song, Another Spring (stucky, modern au)
Bucky smiles into his phone. “Yeah, thanks, Mom. Actually, I had a few questions? What age do babies start mimicking language, aka cussing? And what age do they start walking?” “Is this for your book?” his mother asks suspiciously. “Yes,” Bucky says, staring into the eyes of the baby on his couch. “Yes."
2. tryin' to talk with a fist in ya mouth (newsies, canon verse)
Jack from start to finish, a tired and kicking beast of a story. Featuring growing up, finding yourself, and finding others, although not necessarily in that order.
3. say it soft and it's almost like praying (stucky, divergence post ws)
Natasha says, “Look, whatever the truth is about you, we have no way of really knowing the Winter Soldier's intentions. He’s not all there, he’s not who you remember. He’s a hot mess, Steve.” “Why does everyone think that?” Steve says, and he’s nearly yelling, but not quite, because he doesn’t need to, not when they’re so close. “Why does everyone keep saying he’s a mess—have you seen me? ”
4. Misplaced Pencils (stucky, canon verse) (1st fic! 1st baby!)
“Ma, I’m going to start drawing,” Steve says. “Are you now?” she asks interestedly, sitting across from him. “What kinds of things will you draw?” He stares at his spoon, giving the question the full attention it deserves. “…Things every artist should know how to draw,” he starts slowly. His Ma nods. “Things that are interesting to me…and Things that are beautiful,” he finishes. Or, Steve and drawing throughout the years. Also Bucky.
5. the grey sea and the long black land (six of crows, post canon)
In the dream, she wakes up each morning and knows exactly who Inej Ghafa is, the churning sea inside her finally quieted. Inej sifts through the new tentative foundations of her life to learn which direction is forward--Told in fifty sentences
This one went around a while ago, so if you've already played, feel free to ignore or point me to your posts--@turtle-steverogers @its-tortle @zenaidamacrouras1 @greyhavensking @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place @blurglesmurfklaine @aimmyarrowshigh @darter-blue and anyone else who wants to share <3
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katlover14 · 2 months
Is this love? (An Ink x Y/N Oneshot)
(I’ve never written oneshots before, so sorry if what I wrote technically isn’t one. Why did I write it about Ink? Because I kin Ink and because I couldn’t think of anyone else to write it about. Here ya go, Ink simps!)
(P.S: I’m NOT an Ink simp. I would choose Fell, Classic, or Horror over Ink any day.)
Ink perked up when he heard that familiar sound of the most beautiful laughter he’d ever heard. It was… intoxicating? That sounds like the right word. He couldn’t help but laugh along with you. A strange, warm feeling rose in his chest. It felt so fuzzy.
What is this feeling? Ink wondered as he looked over to see what was making you laugh.
A cat video. Of course. What else could he expect to make you smile so much? Ink rolled his eyelights, though he was a tad bit jealous that a video of cat’s failing to jump onto high places could make you laugh more than he could. He decided he needed a distraction from your infectious laughter.
As he started drawing, his mind wandered to the first time you two had met. He doesn’t know how he remembers that day. He should’ve forgotten it by now, but yet he hasn’t for some reason.
~Wooo, flashback, wooo~
Ink panted as Error cackled in glee somewhere close by. His vision was blurry and his bones ached. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if he continued to fight. He had no choice. Ink held on tight to Broomie before melting into a puddle of ink. He collapsed in whatever AU he’d teleported to, his vision fading in and out.
As he was about to pass out, he heard the most soothing voice he’s probably ever heard. Not that he would remember hearing a more soothing voice. “Are you alright?” That was the first thing he’d ever heard you say. But, of course, he passed out before he could respond. When he came to his senses, he was in an unfamiliar place.
Ink shifted around in the blanket that was covering him. His bones cried out in pain and he winced, stopping the movement immediately. “Error really wanted to kill me this time. It feels like these wounds are going to take a long time to heal.” He muttered with a groan. He wanted to move into a more comfortable position, but his aching bones reminded him why he shouldn’t move.
As he was about to close his eyeless sockets to try and get some rest (mostly so he wouldn’t be forced to acknowledge his bones hurting), he heard the door open. Forgetting about how much his bones hurt, he shot up and immediately felt an immense amount of pain all over. He cried out in agony, barely hearing the footsteps that quickly ran to his side.
“Don’t move! You’ll make it worse!” Your voice rang through his head as gentle hands quickly moved to lie him back down. Ink coughed, the pain so unbearable that it was even affecting his nonexistent lungs. He felt something cold and sticky touch one of his wounds and the pain lessened ever so slightly.
You were quick to apply the salve to his bones. After about five minutes, Ink’s pain was gone and he could breathe easy again. “W-where am I?” He asked, not recognizing the AU he was in at all.
“KoiTale. Don’t worry, you’re safe here.” You spoke so gently to him. He was a stranger, and yet… you weren’t trying to hurt him.
Ink: “I’ve never heard of KoiTale. Must be a new AU. What’s it about?”
As you went on about the symbolic meaning of the popular Japanese fish and how it correlates to this AU, Ink listened intently. He found it interesting, to say the least. He was so immersed in your description of this place that he didn’t notice you bandaging his wounds. When you finished talking, the ache in his bones was minuscule.
“Hey, um, what’s your name? I just realized I never asked.” Ink questioned, looking at you as much as he could without moving his body too much.
You: “(Insert name).”
Ink: “That’s a nice name. Mine’s Ink. Pleased to meet you.”
Ink: “Oh, and thanks for patching me up. You really didn’t have to do that.”
~Wooo, flashback end, wooo~
Ink still doesn’t know what sparked in him that day. But he didn’t mind the feeling since it wasn’t doing any harm. Though he did get very jealous the first time he met your S/O; he still doesn’t know why he was jealous. He perked up again when he heard your laugh, his cheekbones warming up slightly.
Putting down his pencil, he stood from his art desk and went over to the living room. As he sat beside you, he felt you curl up against him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders while the two of you watched cat videos on the tv.
This must be a normal thing friends do if you haven’t pushed my arm off yet! He thought as he giggled when a kitten fell off a dresser.
Ink inevitably forgot about the feeling he got around you, chalking it up to be unimportant. Though later he had indeed wondered if that’s what love feels like…
(Koi fish represent: love, affection, friendship, strength of character, perseverance, accomplishment, courage, good fortune, success, prosperity and ambition. I was mainly focused on the first three representations.)
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gendervapor14 · 9 months
bell-mère olpa essay is in the queue but my queue is chonky so it won't be out until like saturday evening. which gives me some time to maybe rewatch episode 7 and tweak it a little but. wooo it's. longer than i was expecting.
anyway a few of us one piece fic writers have noticed what we're affectionately dubbing, "opla osmosis", where one piece fics in general seem to have attracted a bit more attention (more kudos) due to opla drawing in some more fans (old and new). SO. i'm going to do something unprecedented. i have the next two days off. i'm going to use that time to work on an outline for the corabelle lives AU, and publish the first chapter. usually i write ALL of my multichaps before posting, but i think due to the nature of this story (essentially an arlong park fix-it) it might get some traction with all the opla hype? i think people will actually like this story. so i'll give it a shot and try posting a chapter soon without having the whole story finished. RISKY i know but it's fine it's good to try new things and poke your nose outside your comfort zone sometimes.
either way it'll be far more normal than the last corabelle story i posted. that was a COMPLETE flop. i'm not upset i literally tagged it "sad porn" i would run too
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skylordgrey · 8 months
Some art I've completed this year! Wooo!
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Image 1: Based on the song 'Ashes' by The Longest Johns (Divoha gave the idea. Bes and Storm (Left) belong to @divoha4. Ferret and Moose (Right) belong to Me.
Image 2: First concepts I did of Moose and Ferret!
Image 3: Cat AU of Moose and Storm
Image 4: Moose and Storm
Image 5: Powers AU Moose (Moose has wings, which can become aflame)
Image 6: A pony custom for a close friend (Character belongs to Otternaut on TH)
Image 7: Warrior cat AU. Older cat is unknown, kittens are Storm and Ferret.
Image 8: Cat version of Moose's daughter, Cotton
Image 9: New character I got from Otternaut, had to draw him!
Image 10: Pony ocs! (Monsoon is owned by @rottingcompost. The others are owned by me)
Please do not reupload my art anywhere. I will screech.
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mcsophiesoap · 8 months
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Ha! It's been a while hasn't it hAhA...eHH..ANYWAYS, a new au of sophie! (This is like the millionth one I sWear-) this is my friend's au, she doesn't have Tumblr so I can't really tag her so uh..THANKS AUD FOR THE INSPIRATION!!
This is Sophie as a little slime gAl, I'm guessing it's some monster au? I'm not sure, I haven't thought of her Backstory so maybe next time I'll come back with a full blown tragic Backstory. But what I have gotten so far is very simple:
She can change her color depending on her emotions
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(not the greatest picture but it would have to do for now hehe). I might have to research different types of slime and how they react to human skin, wOoo!
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Look at this excited bAby awEE, I'm thinking that she would have ADHD because I have possible ADHD so it would only make sense, plus that's mostly the only disorder that I fully know about and have experienced alot of the symptoms so TvT. But it wouldn't hurt to look for other disorders that might be good to put a little bit of personality (is that good or not I'm not sure?)
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My first drawing of her, I think she may be a bit monotone at times or something I have no idea. Hopefully I come up with something soon, she is a unique Charater I have made. I don't think I ever created a slime Charater before which is fun! I'm looking forward on doodling her ALOT more!
That's it for now folks, I'll see y'all in the next post hopefully (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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