jinn-exe · 6 months
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IM CRYING??? HELLO? the real founding fathers of johnshi nation
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made-nondescript · 2 years
figured what todays productive activity will be! going to make an infographic with the average mcc stream start time of every participant since mcc 14. this will require having to open all of my mcc viewership excel files all of which have 15+ sheets which may or may not crash my computer! but i think its worth it to shame always-two-minutes-late-grian
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mememan93 · 5 months
I don't think enough people have played spirit tracks for your poll...
I know :(
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moonshine-nightlight · 5 months
Potential Long Stories
hey, while looking to next year, i have a number of long story ideas i'm considering and i'd like to gauge y'alls interest in them and see if there are any top contenders since i'd likely only be able to work on one for the next year or two (similar to how Nothing's Wrong with Dale was posted)
these are all just the top ideas i'm considering at the moment and are subject to change when i get back to writing in Spring 2024, but i really want to know if any of these grabs ppls attention as often more interest in a story motivates me to write more!
see under the read more for summaries of each story in the poll
if ur interested in more than one, vote for your favorite and mention the others in the comments/tags!
See this post for a poll on short vs long stories!
See this post for a similar poll on short stories!
see below for summaries and minor details (titles subject to change - but i'm also lazy and hate titling things so maybe not)
A Perfectly Ordinary Research Position: You'd nearly given up hope finding a research assistant position at your new university, but there is one. The professor has apparently gone through four research assistants in the past year and he’s in demonology, but you're desperate. One hasty proposal for a linguistics demonology minor and an application letter later, you find yourself accepting the post. Now you only have to get up to speed on demonology and juggle your own studies with your duties as his assistant. If only the professor wasn’t quite so old and eccentric, constantly changing his mind and personality by the hour. Why, it’s almost as if he’s more than one person. No matter, you'll figure out a way to handle it all. You have to.
Not a direct sequel to Dale, but takes place in the same universe around the same time; ReaderxMaleDemon
Shadow Diplomacy: You’ve been Shaodd’s assistant since he came to your town to Arbitrate a land dispute that was threatening to escalate to violence years ago. Still, you’re used to everyone paying him attention and disregarding you to some extent, no matter that Shaodd always treats you with respect. This kingdom has finally crossed the line, by barring you from the senate entirely. You’re not sure what you thought Shaodd would do in response—but to say you’re his spouse was not at all on the list. Now you’re stuck acting as a married couple while untangling the mess of a situation these people have found themselves in. You can’t help but think how much easier the charade would be if you weren’t in love with him.
Fantasy; ReaderxEldritchEntity
Patronage: You can’t believe it’s come to this. Your country had finally won the war only to fall on desperate times while trying to recover. Your king, a foreigner in all but on paper, is the one who decides a sacrifice to the country’s patron deity is called for and what more worthy sacrifice could there be than his queen? Unfortunately for him, while the sacrifice works, your patron appears before you can die and he says that since you were the sacrifice, you are the one he will defer to. From figure head to divinely backed, can you lead your country back to prosperity?
Fantasy; ReaderxMaleDeity
Tailor Made: You volunteered to accompany the five students who won the contest for free prom outfits, offered by a local high-end tailor shop. You’re braced for someone fussy and quite frankly a snob, but Calvin is not what you expected. He’s sophisticated, but kind—effortlessly setting your students at ease and making everything go smoothly. After everything, you find yourself striking up an odd friendship with the man. You don’t understand why you feel so comfortable around him, but you don’t want to question it. If only you couldn’t tell he was keeping secrets. Will they drive you apart or bring you closer together?
Modern w/secret demons&angels; ReaderxMaleDemon
Imposter Syndrome: It seemed like a tedious but straightforward job at first. Twelve technicians, with a crew of the long-haul vessel brought out in cyro to restore a large mining rig that had malfunctioned. Yeah, the fact that everyone who’d been manning it had died was spooky, but the medical team had already cleared most of that out. The most annoying part was that you were going to have to be in a full suit since the long-hauler didn’t have enough oxygen to restore it to the rig. Then Crewmember Redman found Crewman Chroma’s dead body and worse yet, there were still 12 technicians accounted for. The logs were no help, everyone was on the roster in the system except you all remember the right number. But you hadn’t met anyone before you were put to sleep for the trip. Problems only mount when not only do you fail to identify the impostor, but crewmembers keep dying. Will you be able to figure out who’s killing off crewmember’s before you’re the one in their crosshairs?
Science Fiction; ReaderxAlien
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forerussake · 6 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the wonderful @elenothar! Thankssss❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for a bunch of fandoms over the years. Currently I'm most active in Guardian and adjacent fandoms, but I think I could and would still write for pretty much everything I've written for in the past. So the full list would be Guardian, the Silmarillion, QZGS, MDZS/CQL, YYM, the Rebel, DMBJ, and some RPF :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Counting the promises as yet unbroken (165)
A ballad of burning lungs and bated breath (125)
A hand within a hand (holding light) (120)
Kaleidoscope (114)
Crowded full of parting's feeling (99)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to always respond to comments, bc i myself really like it when an author responds to my comments, so I would be a hypocrite not to do it myself. But also I kind of enjoy that interaction. Especially if ppl have commented on specific lines or on the themes. Sometimes commenters have insights about my fics that even I didn't have myself while writing, and I like to let them know their thoughts were appreciated :)
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I am an angst writer, but I often try to make the endings of my fics at least a bit hopeful :/// I think the angstiest ending to a finished fic would have to go to either Crowded full of parting's feeling, which ends with LXC being (for the first time in his life) truly and utterly alone. Kind of a bummer. Or perhaps the easy part, which ends with ZYL crying himself to sleep on the kitchen floor.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As I said, I try to make my endings hopeful, if not truly happy, but there are a few true happy endings to my fics! I think my RPF pieces tend to be the happiest bc I am slightly less likely to put these guys through the wringer the way I do with my truly fictional blorbos. I think the happiest however is homecoming, which ends with WJX finally coming out as trans and being her best and truest self.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet??? Hopefully it stays that way! I do write RPF though, so I'm very ready for one of the crazy antis to one day drop into my inbox calling me all sorts of nasty things for *looks at writing scribbled on hand* having the audacity to put characters in fictional situations that don't hurt the real ppl that inspired these characters in any way??? yeah :PPP
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Occasionally, when the muse strikes! But my ace brain finds it quite difficult. My mind tends to trail off and scatter all over the place when I get to the actual smut, and I have a hard time reeling it back in. As a result my smutty fics often get needlessly long xD and they also get a little kinky bc my brain tries to come up with ways to stay engaged in its own writing xD I like testing the limits of how poetic I can be about smut scenes.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Almost never. I rarely enjoy reading them unless they are very well done, so I don't generally think of writing them. The only consistent exception to this rule is all the weilan derivative fics! I love those very much, even if I don't always know the characters. So i've written one of those myself: no shame in having loved, a crossover between the Rebel and Detective L, which takes Luo Fei's perspective at snapshots in the Rebel canon, reflecting on everything that Lin Nansheng learns, loses, and cannot seem to stop giving away. It's a sad one, but with a slightly hopeful ending :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I don't think I'm big enough in any fandom for anyone to consider stealing my work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I have had one podficced :D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not. On the one hand I think I'd love to try one day, but I'm also very particular about certain things and I fear I might get antsy. I love brainstorming about fic though! Some of my best ideas have come from talking to people.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Uhm Weilan I think? I'm not really in fandom for the shipping.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ohh hard one. I have three, if I may:
And miles to go (before I sleep): it's a story that's still very dear to me, but it's been so long since I started it that I think I'd need to rewrite the whole thing, bc I've gotten better at writing in the meantime and the style of any new chapter wouldn't match the first ones.
First gradually, and then all at once: I wrote all of this in a single week, and then uni got in the way, and then my hyperfixation on YYM ended and since then the fic's been stuck in unfortunate limbo :(((( I really want to finish it but I need the muse to guide me
Tryptich: not yet posted, but fully planned. It's one of the toughest, angstiest, most cathartic fic plots I have ever come up with, and I really want to write it because it is such a meaningful story about mental health and loss and recovery, but it's also YYM fandom, and as established above I need to regain that hyperfixation for this to move anywhere :(((( or just have a lot of free time on my hands where I can write both the guardian fic stuck in my brain and this.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uuhm, I think atmosphere/scene setting, structure, and character study/reflection.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue tags (bane of my existence). I also think my work can sometimes drag on, I use too many words sometimes. Also I feel like I can be kind of a one trick pony xD I repeat a lot of similar lines and dramatic build-up between stories.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Can be great when other ppl do it. If it's a language I can read a little bit that's nice , otherwise including a translation at the bottom helps. I'd definitely never write dialogue in a language I'm not fluent in. That being said, I do pay a lot of attention to what language my characters are 'actually' speaking, even if I present their dialogue to my readers in English. For example if would write a phrase like "he pauses to breathe between all three syllables" (which sucks as a line, but bear with me), in an English-language fic where the characters would canonically be speaking Mandarin Chinese, then I would make sure the line that character said would actually contain 3 syllables in both English and Chinese. I do a lot of that kind of reasoning in my head. "If this line, reflecting on dialogue spoken in Y language, was transposed directly into language X that the characters are really supposed to be speaking, would the line still work like this?" if the answer there is no, then I will either change the line, or change the English dialogue until I have something that reflects what I imagine the characters would say in their native language in the way I need!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE??? it's probably either a hand within a hand (holding light) or kaleidoscope.
Thanks again, this was fun!!!
tagging: @pangzi @programmedradly @lunarriviera @lucientelrunya @mjsakurea @lynne-monstr @dual-domination @aredhel-of-doylkien @thedaughterofshadows if you want to :)
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inchidentally · 6 months
JSYK I'm with you on containment breaches. Tends to go hand in hand with girlfriend harassment too. Countdown to Rebecca's account going private in 3..2..1
I can't remember which post I left tags on about that but yeah the "corporatization" of any rpf always spells trouble. it's why I don't rb any of it from the main F1/Netflix/sports accounts. LN4 media doing it is I assume with Lando's OK but even there it's a bit... uncomfortable.
rest behind a cut so nothing goes into tags
(this is probably way more than you were asking for anon but apparently these text posts is what I do now)
look. carlando was my main ship when I got into F1 fandom and is going to stay in my top 3 forever. but I keep the lines drawn nice and sharp. I l-o-v-e shipping them but I'm also aware that they're literally big brother/little brother and that all of the physicality and closeness is identical to Charles with Arthur. that and the fact that Carlos is sahuuuuuper straight and folks just confuse euro dude behavior with friends for gayness. Carlos was the one who pushed for Lando to grow up and get a gf and Carlos himself was practically engaged for 6 or 7 years. his own sister gave Isa her wedding bouquet ffs. he's so confirmed heterosexual that he can't be alone for more than 2 seconds between girlfriends lol
but between McLaren content on social media getting absolutely bombarded with irrelevant carlando comments and the hate toward Rebecca ramping up every single damn day (I'd say it's a solid 80/20 mostly of rpf hate toward her and the remaining being plain old jealousy) idk it's not feeling good rn. and it's mostly on IG and a bit on YT (I don't use twitter) but yikes at how much Lando content has something about 'he's thinking about Carlos' or 'omg just like Carlos' or carlando when it's nothing to do with carlando. Lando works so incredibly hard at the two to three careers he's running consecutively and it feels pretty damn insulting to reduce him to one F1 friend - however close they are. Carlos has nothing to do with Quadrant or Lando's YT work or his own sponsorship work. that's Lando doing all of that.
that and when the Today show interviewer pushed the "bromance" angle you could see Lando get kind of fed up (which they tried to edit out) and steer the question back around to actual racing. tbh he even seemed a little icked by DTS making such a big deal about carlando and he and Max joked it off.
even through my Singapore euphoria I could tell Carlos and Lando were walking media ppl back from going too literal with the DRS and saying no, it was advantageous for Carlos and yes, Lando absolutely would've overtaken him if he could have gotten the win for himself. I've actually really respected Lando reminding people that they're not in these rarefied positions to do anything other than try to win or as close to it as possible. they're not making millions and living the high life just to throw race results in the air and play favorites with their friends !!??
and this whole "competition" between carlando and dando/charlos/landoscar/whatever is absolutely not making it's way onto my blog lol. I do know that a lot of people in tumblr are just joking when they do that and I think the 'angst' posts are funny but wow IG and YT are not playing around. they're making videos trying to like disprove other Lando ships and it's ??? (funniest one is the Vegas opening ceremony thing and fighting over who Lando was waving to, Daniel or Carlos) these dudes are absolutely not having real life in-fighting about which of their friends they like "better" or who is their bestest friend. (especially when Lando in the same interview as above stated that F1 drivers - Carlos included - are not his actual private life friends so uh oh how does that play into the competition?? it's so absurd)
I'm not a wives and girlfriends obsessive but I absolutely I am not here for them receiving anything negative from F1 fans unless they themselves have instances truly, openly as problematic as the drivers often are. even then I'm wary bc the sexism motive and double standards run so deep in fandom against women. Rebecca has done nothing but exist as Carlos' gf and it's just a sea of "there's something fake about her" and "body experts" claiming the relationship is fake and that she's "obviously a beard" while he's actually with Lando. that last part craaaaacks me tf up because these men travel to Middle Eastern countries where homosexuality has the death penalty or prison.......... they are NOT gonna be out here referring to themselves publicly as a bromance and their ship name if they're trying to keep this huge gay secret while they tour maximum home o'fobic countries???
I have a few extra thoughts about why folks have especially latched onto being proprietary about which men Lando is closest to or "should be with" when it comes to rpf but I feel like we all kinda know why. I'm over here writing pages of text about him which is lame in it's own way - but even I acknowledge that his greatest attraction as a person is himself and not his relationships to other people. it's why he's the sun that a lot of this content orbits around.
I'm also genuinely glad that Lily's existence and Oscar's quiet but firm reminders of her arrived alongside the landoscar fandom happening. I don't personally see any hate toward her and no one's in denial. even the rare fic that has him and Lily fictionally break up is fully fair to her. I've also posted a lot about how I genuinely love real life Lando and Oscar interaction even more than the rpf (and I love the rpf lol) and honestly the feeling seems shared with a lot of us from what I've seen. so especially if Lily uses her engineering degree to start working in F1 it's good to know that she won't have to deal with crazed conspiracy theories about her being an F1 industry plant to keep Oscar's dick out of Lando's hole or whatever.
for anyone who's read this far or skipped to the end tldr I'm always going to ship carlando and landoscar (and even dando) as well as charlos. but as a carlando shipper I really hope the commodification of it dies down before it truly starts to piss off Lando or Carlos. or Carlos has to put his foot down like Lando did and say hey, stop harassing my girlfriend it's weird.
shit's just been feeling very 'forced' lately to the point of imploding and I'm uncomfy :/
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brookheimer · 1 year
re ur tags on the succession fav/least fave poll: i'm in the small margin of people whose top 2 are ken and rome i love them both sm it's so wild to me to see those results.....nothing against shiv ofc she just doesnt resonate with me as much as the other two. but i wonder if the majority of people are selecting favourites based on who they resonate with or if it's just Vibes
no it’s crazy! honestly i think these results are crazy inaccurate as of rn and are tooootally fucking w kengirls’ perception of the fanbase (understandable) — i am after all called romanfuckingroy and when succposting i primarily post ab rome & shiv (love ken but less personally invested in him/have less to say bc other ppl have typically said it already), so i think the romanskew is real. it’s so bizarre to see tho esp bc i am so used to feeling like the odd one out for romangirling (less so this szn but that’s still pretty new LOL) !
i mostly did this bc i wanted to try and see ab the kenroman stuff — the one thing i did expect was kendall-roman lovers to be pretty rare. there’s this weird, like, adversarial feeling sometimes between hardcore fans of both (for LITERALLY NO REASON, might i add) that there just isn’t with shiv fans. like maybe it’s more on twitter than on here but there’s been so much weirdness towards kieran culkin/roman after the emmy stuff; lots of people saying he doesn’t stand a chance to beat jeremy, kendall is leagues better, roman is a side character, kieran culkin is not even on the same playing field as jeremy, etc. and that’s been a mindset that’s been around for a while (just think ab the reaction to too much birthday — the amount of anon hate i got for saying it was a great roman episode!), so i think roman diehards have grown to feel kind of resentful towards kendall fans, and now there’s just this weird tension which again is rooted in absolutely fucking nothing. like, people love kendall and shiv, people love roman and shiv, but there are very few people who love both rome and ken — i think some kendall diehards tend to view roman as very one-note and just, like, a perverted asshole comic relief side character, and some roman diehards (prob in response to that) think kendall is uninteresting and boring and overhyped. like no!!!!! they’re both fascinating fucking characters w a fascinating fucking relationship !!! why are we pitting two bad bitches against each other!!!! jeremy and kieran are both incredible kendall and rome are both fascinating like?!!?
so basically i was just curious to see if that held true, and i think in large part it does — prob only somewhat cuz of that tension tho bc i think ppl who are drawn to Eldest Daughter Melancholy Responsibility-Laden Doomed-By-The-Narrative characters r drawn to ken and shiv while ppl who are drawn to Told They’re Weak And Unworthy Their Whole Life And Are Constantly Trying To Hide It characters r drawn to rome and shiv. ken and rome don’t really have a trope in common in the same way, so it does make sense why they’re a less common pair of faves. if that makes sense!
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levil0vesyou · 6 months
i'm so sorry for that monday production story, i hope it doesn't affect you as much now. adults really do say some wild shit and don't even realize how damaging it can be. my dad would point out all the broken and abandoned houses and dirty cars on the street and say they were mine, and i always replied they were his, and we'd start bickering, and then laughed it off, and i only thought about it recently and have no idea why he would say such a thing? i think it subconsciously got ingrained that i'm not good with housekeeping and generally don't deserve nice things (sorry for trauma dumping). just, adults are so weird with their kids and don't realize the damage
(ask is in reference to my tags on this post)
(there's more trauma in this reply btw, fair warning. under a cut bc long)
Thank you, it actually means a lot!! I wasn't even sure if anyone was gonna read it lmao, tag rambling sometimes feels like just straight up screaming into the void lmao
Hate to disappoint, but its effect on me has been increasing for years 😎👍 It's so weird how you can have shit like that lie dormant for ages until you one day go "hang on" and then it starts eating away at you
It also goes really well with her "Niemand wünscht sich ein behindertes Kind" (lit. "Nobody wishes for a disabled child" but can more accurately be translated as "Nobody wants a disabled child") which she only said once and not even about me but basically one shotted me and has been squatting in my brain evilly ever since. Top ten fucked up sentences to completely devastate your disabled child, number 4 will surprise you 😎👍
(I actually did bring that one to her attention years later but she dismissed any effects it had on me on grounds she didn't mean it that way 😎👍)
Yea, that's some bullshit tbh. Like, that's not the kinda shit a father should be saying to their kid, like bro this is an impressionable young mind in your care who trusts you blindly, not your fucking sibling or highschool bestie you can shoot the shit with. Parents give like zero shits what they say to their children, it's wild. And very concerning sometimes
And it would probably be possible to heal that shit more easily if they actually recognised that, maybe even apologised, but at least in my mum's case, she categorically refuses to acknowledge any instances of one of her children being negatively impacted by something she's said or done if we're the ones bringing it to her attention.
Like, I think she recognises some of the stuff she's said and done as not great but any attempt to amend that list will result in her "oh so I'm a horrible person and at fault for all your problems and you refuse to take responsibility hmmm?" spiel 😔
For the record tho I wanna say I don't think she's a horrible mum and especially when it came to material well being/physical health/etc she really did try her best and I could've had it much worse. She was an underpaid nurse raising three children (two of them disabled) mostly on her own while also caring for different sick elderly relatives over the years.
It's a miracle she made it work and while I do think some stuff was unnecessary, some of especially the later stuff that was more affective (not like hitting or anything, the only parental figure who ever hit me was my grandma who did it exactly one time tho even that took many years to process which is how I know "it's okay to hit your kids" ppl are full of shit) which I can far more easily understand & forgive. That said, if your own child says "[thing you did or said] had a negative impact on me" maybe believe them lmao
...yea this is a bit too long huh
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Favorite ships in RE verse (Remake included)? Ik you like Ashley/Leon so feel free to scream about them. I'm also curious to know if you have any ships among the side characters.
oof. aight. so.
Leon/Ashley is the only "real" RE ship that I have, in the sense that it's the only one that I actively create and seek out content for. I'll go into the whys and hows of that a little later, but. In case anyone was curious why I go so hard for Leon/Ashley --
Actually. When I reblogged this post initially, I almost tagged it as #WHEN PEOPLE ASK ME WHY I SHIP LEON/ASHLEY #THIS IS WHY
I restrained myself because I don't like doing that to other ppl's posts, but. It's a pretty accurate representation of what drew me to the ship initially 18 years ago. Queen/Knight ships are my absolute favorite dynamic for a ship ever ever ever ever. Hands down. No contest. And what are these two -- especially in OG -- if not that?
My second favorite kind of ship? Doomed ones. Missed opportunity ones. "If only things were different" ones. "Our roles in each other's lives will never allow this to happen" ones.
And that's also them.
Real talk? I would actually like the ship way less if I thought for a second that there was a chance that Leon and Ashley could/would actually get together in canon. I'd still like it, but not nearly as much. (which is why it's really funny when people try to be like "it'll never be canon" YEAH NO SHIT I HOPE IT NEVER IS)
So I was cursed to fall super hard for this ship from day one. Like, there wasn't even a chance in hell I wasn't going to ship these two. No other two characters in this series have a dynamic that's even kind of similar to this.
And then the remake happened and it poured even more of the shit I already liked about it on top of what was already there and I was like "mmm yes it's delicious thank u capcom"
So that's my whole thing with those two.
And outside of those two? Well.
Back in the days of early RE fandom, we were so small and so starved for fan content that it was commonplace for people to read fics for ships that they didn't care about or even like lmao. I once read like 80,000 words of a Wesker/Leon fic because that was all I could fucking find that I hadn't read yet (and also wasn't weird monster dog porn -- late 90s/early 00s RE fandom was fucking weird ok).
Those early fandom days were also kind of magical, though, because so much of the canon was wide open to so many different ships and interpretations and scenarios. Like, as time has gone on and RE has grown larger and larger, the world of RE has started to feel smaller and smaller. It's way way WAY harder to write a canon-compliant fic these days, because there's so many moving parts to the story now, and a lot of details have been cemented in place that never used to be there.
Like, it's rad that the canon has so much to consume in it. But it sucks because it feels restrictive as a result.
So, like.
I have actually written fics for so many different, random ships over my 25 years in this fandom, because this fandom used to be more of like a... swap meet, sort of? Where we'd all just take requests from each other and write fics for each other and share them around -- because the fandom was so, so goddamn small back in the day.
I have actually written fics for:
Leon/Ashley (of course)
Chris/Rebecca (seriously)
Wesker/Ada (this one was fun, actually. I'd fuck with this one again)
Of course, there were people who were ride-or-die OTP folks (though this actually didn't get really bad or become any sort of real majority in the fandom until after RE4's release, and that's only because RE4 just dumped so much gasoline on the Aeon vs Cleon war holy fuck. RE fandom became a fuckin minefield after RE4), but a lot of us really just dabbled in a bit of everything. So I never really got like... super attached to any one ship, if that makes sense?
There is actually something very nostalgic about Leon/Claire for me, if you can believe it, because the ship was only viable until about the time of Degeneration, so we're going way back. That movie made it very clear that these two were not at all going to stay as active parts of each other's lives, so the ship basically died upon its release.
But prior to that? That was one of THE BIG SHIPS in the fandom. So, the vast majority of fics that I wrote back in the swap meet days were Leon/Claire, because the majority of my fandom friends fell more on the Cleon side of things.
Today, I don't like where their dynamic has gone in later canon. There's nothing there anymore, and I've lost all interest in it.
But... at the same time... when RE2make happened, it was something I thought about revisiting just for old time's sake. I haven't pulled the trigger on it yet, but I do still think about it from time to time. Maybe I'll actually go ahead and do the thing one of these days, now that I'm back in the habit of writing RE fic again.
But anyway.
The point is. Any side ships I have, I really just enjoy in passing. Like, if I see nice art of Chris/Jill or Billy/Rebecca I'll definitely reblog it because I do enjoy it, but I have never even one time gone out of my way to find it or any fics of them. Most of my contributions to side ships are thinkpieces and meta analysis.
Leon/Chris is one of the ships that I've done deep dive meta analysis for -- and half of that was just to piss off fanboys who were already mad about RE6 to begin with, because those fuckers made the fandom UNBEARABLE in the early 2010s -- but I still don't go super hard for them.
Same thing with Remake-verse Leon/Luis. I've done meta for them because people have asked me for it, and I do find their new dynamic absolutely fascinating from a literary/storytelling standpoint. They're another ship I do enjoy, but... again, mostly in passing.
So. idk if this actually answered your question. RE ships are just kind of a weird topic for me in general most of the time, because I went so, so, so long just looking at characters' individual arcs as opposed to engaging in actual ship content.
I've talked about this a little before, but I did go through that period (around 10 years) where I tried to pass it off that I had no ships in order to seem like an "objective" source for canon information (which, in hindsight, is so fucking stupid because I could've just done what I'm doing now and kept objective facts about the series/canon differentiated from my ship shit, but w/e), so in those 10 years, I didn't really engage with RE ships, like, at all.
So now I'm just kind of at the point of "dude whatever idc as long as we're all having fun."
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lilolilyr · 1 year
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25.670 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10.503 of my posts in 2022 (41%)
#x – 527 posts
#goncharov – 443 posts
#esc'22 – 361 posts
#queen dead – 298 posts
#*cue crabs* – 186 posts
#threshold day – 179 posts
#q – 177 posts
#mine – 149 posts
#andromaquynh – 144 posts
#tog art – 141 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#anyway apart from lotr i think any fictional death gets a ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ it's fictional and them not-dying is just as fictional so idc
I gave 1 gift in 2022
My Top-Posts in 2022:
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54 notes – posted 24. Juli 2022
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58 notes – posted 2. August 2022
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New photo of Cybill Shepherd and Talia Shire as Katya and Sofia in Goncharov (1973) resurfaced! Had the two characters originally been supposed to have a kiss scene that was later cut from the movie?
68 notes – posted 25. November 2022
Ot3 fake-dating fanfic idea:
Your main character has a top secret job that they have to travel a lot for - when asked by their date why they had to leave in a hurry, in a panic they said it's because they're actually poly/ in an open relationship and have to go home to their partner. They don't expect to get a second date after that, but lo and behold actually the date calls back and over time they get into a mostly long-distance relationship - in which the lies about their 'other relationship' quickly pile up...
Now the date wants to meet the other partner, maybe because the main character made them seem much too nice - and now they have to pretend to be in a relationship with their co-worker....
Please @ me if anybody writes this, no matter the fandom!
86 notes – posted 23. January 2022
My #1 of the year 2022
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221 notes – posted 18. August 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
Because obvs it doesn't show the full posts, espesh with moodboards, I added screenshots of the actual top posts below, plus some other interesting facts!
What I'd also love to have on the year in review is: what posts did I reblog the most times? What was my longest reply conversation? How many times did I reach post limit, and how often did I change my blog heading/description?
Wbu guys, any more ideas? :D
The one-pic previews for the moodboards re also rly pretty xD but here's the real deal
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Adsfg that's what happens if the post gets squished small while font size stays the same huh? Well I hope that doesn't happen on many phones without the year in review background... Oh well!
My top post results almost got skewed by memeing to 1 thing again! Not as badly as last year with 100% ESC content, but Goncharov definitely made it in xD even though I made most of the posts, all the non Katya/Sofia ones rly, on sideblogs... Thankfully lmao! Also # N°2!!!
Apropos top hashtags, x is my tag to separate rambling from search tags so that's obviously on a lot of posts... & It's cool that Andromaquynh is apparently still my most blogged about, or at least most tagged, ship! Though that it's the only ship in the top 10 is also rather fascinating
& then queen dead - cue crabs! My anti royalty tag combo made it onto the list, in the correct order even xD
And of Course there's threshold day up there as well lmao. Reached post limit for that
If you're on mobile and the archive link I put on the '133 posts created' doesn't work, here's one for mobile also including reblog additions and the like, or here's the archive link to copy to your mobile browser:
Bc it says, with tags, who you most reblogged from, other ppl then get tagged by these years in review... & I got tagged a lot lmao
Browneyedgenius Frogswithasmallkn1fe Panicatthesocialmedia Banashee Lonely-night Petrichoraflora Purlturtle Falyakonmp3 glassbearclock
Idk whether to be proud or worried that I'm on here too much for my stuff to show up on so many ppls dashs xDxD
& while there are some beloved mutuals and long-time followers on that list, there are also several I've never seen before?? Did they change their urls recently or do they post so little that I never noticed them in my notes even though I'm one of their biggest post suppliers? I may never know xD
Ahh I checked again and @falyakonmp3 @glassbearclock I think I know your sideblogs? TOG fandom for the win :D fits in with that being in my top hashtags twice :) happy you guys enjoy my reblog collection & mayhaps occasional original content!
just one blog mystery left xD frog who are you
Also @purlturtle looks like we reblog a lot from each other! 😄🤗 Mutuals supreme
I was gonna say ExcUse YOu tumblr, I gave 2 gifts this year??? Then realized it might have been from a different account
Anyway I gave crabs twice, I wanted to give someone checkmarks for her birthday the second time but that wasn't possible so crabs it was!
I also got a gift once this year, at least I think it was this year? Some months back anyway I got ad-free tumblring for a month!
Anyone want to gift me that again, or crabs for my birthday this weekend? :D
That Pikachu ad man made it onto the yir gif is hilarious!
& Yes I am back in the country & somewhat back on tumblr, too!
Not too active yet bc uni stuff I need to catch up on, so I'll keep my heading for another week or so, but I'm reachable again 😁
Not that I've been completely out of contact, the Airbnb had wifi and I've uploaded a lot of pics in my insta stories, those who follow me might've seen... But I've been completely off tumblr and discord to enjoy my vacay, even when I did have wifi
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I posted 883 times in 2022
That's 454 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (9%)
804 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 444 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#critical role - 232 posts
#cr spoilers - 66 posts
#cr - 37 posts
#critical role spoilers - 28 posts
#goncharov - 22 posts
#star trek - 21 posts
#caleb widogast - 20 posts
#the mighty nein - 17 posts
#goncharov (1973) - 14 posts
#essek thelyss - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i do feel bad for the like ten ppl who follow me bc who aren’t into cr and now have to scroll past endless fanart and meta
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Y’all gotta be SHITTING me
161 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
I made a quiz on which member of the mighty nein you are! 
reblog w/ results
232 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Any of this feel like Orym’s guard background coming into play? The “We all have to be ready to kill another of us” isn’t an exact scan to “we all have to be ready to die to protect the one person”, but I think there’s some sort of corollary. Typically found family shit is more of a “we’ll all die rather than hurt each other” (except one or two that are willing to do what has to be done and all that) but like, guards have to be ready to die at any time. Orym said it himself, he went into his marriage “eyes open” about the possibility of dying on the job, about having to accept the reality that he very likely might lose his husband, and then he DID. Having another attack on his family- Orym is ready to lose the people he loves to do his job.
287 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
The only way I’d ever watch Goncharov if it was made irl is if they marketed it as a remake of the classic 1973 movie
789 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I could write for hours about this but I’ll make it quick, why haven’t I seen ANYONE tallking about the music in Goncharov?? we all know the clock symbolism but when you realize that Goncharov’s leitmotif is literally the ticking of a clock going from a major key to a minor key, you realize just how insane it all is. It nevers stops, always ending up in a minor, always counting down towards doom, inescapable, just like his fate and the fate of everyone around him
3,106 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moonshine-nightlight · 5 months
Potential Short Stories
hey, while looking to next year, i have a number of short stories I'm considering and i'd like to gauge y'alls interest in them and see if there are any that should move up my list.
these are all just the top ideas i'm considering at the moment and are subject to change when i get back to writing in Spring 2024, but i really want to know if any of these grabs ppls attention as often more interest in a story motivates me to write more!
see under the read more for summaries of each story in the poll
if ur interested in more than one, vote for your favorite and mention the others in the comments/tags!
See this post for a poll on short vs long stories!
See this post for a poll on long stories!
see below for summaries and minor details (titles subject to change - but i'm also lazy and hate titling things so maybe not)
Courtship Confusion: You’ve been working with Morgan for a couple years. A consummate flirt, you’d initially been put off by his whole charming deal, but now that he’s your best friend you’ve been wanting to see if he’s still interested in dating you. Unfortunately he’s not picking up your hints. Before you give up, a pair of visiting concubi remind you of cultural differences when it comes to dating. Maybe you’ve both been misunderstanding each other. Maybe it’s time you set the record straight.
Modern w/known non-humans, ReaderxMaleSiren
Quid Pro Quo: You’d thought the only remotely positive about your husband’s death would be that you wouldn’t need to deal with your terrible in-laws anymore. Then you found out that demons were real and your husband’s family had made a deal decades ago trapping all their descendants in service to one. You manage to set up your own deal with a different demon: if you help Adriel figure out who is embezzling from his realm spanning organization, he’ll help you figure out how to get your kids free of the contract. After hitting dead end after dead end, you finally think you’re both getting somewhere, but will it be enough?
Modern w/secret demons; ReaderxMaleDemon
Goddaughter: You thought you’d seen the last of your family when you left—you’d certainly done everything you could to cut ties with them and with your father’s enemies. Unfortunately, they finally seem to have caught up with you—running into you by chance in the grocery store of all places. Now you and your daughter have been captured, you’re tied up while they’ve taken her who knows where, your father is just as useless at protecting you as always. Then you hear a familiar voice. What on earth is your neighbor, Vee, doing here? Why does he know your father? And why does he sound positively…demonic?
Modern w/secret demons; ReaderxMaleDemon
Bedwarmer: When you heard your Chancellor had died in battle and his lands given to a mountain orc who’d practically won the battle singlehandedly, you weren’t sure what to think. When the steward put out the call for a bedwarmer for said new Chancellor, you figured species didn’t matter much after all—powerful people were all the same. Still, the role came with a year reduction in indenture for whoever was selected from the candidates. You’ve never had any problem with no strings attached sex so you add yourself to the list. It’s not until you meet this Kor’Shearda and are chosen that you begin to realize how wrong you were.
Fantasy w/known non-humans; ReaderxFemaleOrc
Runalong: Sometimes you feel like you’ve spent your whole life on the move. Shuffled from one place to the next with no real say in the matter. Is it any wonder that on those long car rides from somewhere that just started to become familiar to somewhere brand new and unknown that you might imagine a companion along side you? And what does it mean that now you’re an adult and you still think you see them sometimes?
Modern w/unknown non-humans; ReaderxGNSpirit
Feral: You’ve been so happy living on your own in the little house you inherited, you didn’t even mind the strange stipulations in the will about hanging plants and markings on fence posts. You were never particularly superstitious. Or you weren’t. Strange noises at night, eyes that glow, tracks around the porch—it’s all starting to freak you out. What could be lurking in the shadows of your yard? Is it all your imagination? Or does something—someone—mean you harm?
Modern w/unknown non-humans; ReaderxFemaleHellhound
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wewebaggit · 10 months
By longevity I meant we have like 2 more years until s5, so most people that are active sticking it out until then are obsessed focusing on what they like. Fans focusing on the negatives and what they don’t like are gonna get bored and check out because they get no interactions with the obsessed fans.
It’s no fun talking to yourself online, let alone when you’re posting things as if there is an audience listening. And so that’s why people utilize tags to reach others. Isn’t that why you used tags? To reach people and get engagement?
You mentioned paying attention to who reblogs/likes what and how people are stingy with what they engage with? And how we’re all too busy circle jerking to engage with you? So I assumed you cared about reblogs/likes since you seem to be keeping close track of them on other peoples posts even?
All I was saying is to don’t bother trying to reason with rabid fans that have no intention of turning off their fixation to look at negative aspects of the show, which has the capacity to ruin it for them all together. Is that cognitive dissonance? Absolutely.
Honestly, we could go through every plot-line from the show and we’d probably end up with way more bad than good.
So yeah. The praise for the Duffers as if they are masterminds can feel sort of over the top at times, because they’re no Einsteins. They’re two white dudes from Chapman.
Again you are free to keep posting whatever you want, wherever you want, regardless of whatever I or anyone says. And people can block you like you said. It’s that simple. Whether that results in asks that you don’t like or no clicks, is beside the point if you don’t care about those things like you say. So then, who cares?
Circle jerking is cool. Solo jerking is cool. We’re all getting off the way we want so I don’t see a problem.
"You mentioned paying attention to who reblogs/likes what and how people are stingy with what they engage with? And how we’re all too busy circle jerking to engage with you? So I assumed you cared about reblogs/likes since you seem to be keeping close track of them on other peoples posts even?"
Will only answer this as this is a valid reading but incorrect. RBs instead of likes n the discrepancy in responses and circlejerking is abt ppl who say one thing n like another and shitting on other views while saying don't shit on something as they shit on other things. Sound familiar? Which again is cool or whatevs bt so is me pointing it out.
If all is okay then why the fuck did you even bother? You can circlejerk all you want. And not you agreeing after fucking being on the high horse for so long. LMAO.
Anyway. I never stopped you from anything. YOU came onto my blog. So maybe next time just walk away. Byeeeeee. 💙
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wewinbees · 3 years
Techno vs Dream Duel
i saw twitter talking about the dream vs techno duel and it revived something in me im talking about it again (on here i won’t use that website but they missed a few stuff and hgnfnfn thoughts must go somewhere)
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edit: putting this disclaimer at the top of the post bc its long and i didn’t realise it was technically cc neg until after posting it LMAO. basically tl;dr is duel weird, glad theyre friends now
so the big prerequisite to the duel is based on reputation. despite his channel being quite content based on mid-2019 with his new skyblock series, technoblade soon joined minecraft mondays, where he earned his reputation among the larger YT circle as a PVP god, winning 4 times and coming 1st individual more often than not. there was plenty of toxicity from other players, but the event helped his channel take off during the new minecraft resurgence. techno’s fanbase grew quickly and began to hold High Expectations for him, seeing all the times he’d won in the past
around this time, dream started his channel and actually was in MCM 9, teamed with BBH and it was one of his first big events. he ended up in 11th individual, with techno coming in 1st, though dream and bbh finished one place above him in teams.
dream established himself through his speedrunning, both challenges like the manhunts and ‘minecraft, but’ videos, and was shown to be one of the best 1.9 pvpers. and rose very quickly, hitting 1mil by the end of 2019 and growing quick through the rest of the year. he quickly became known as ‘one of the best minecraft players’, and made lots of videos with mr beast at the time, all of which portrayed him as such - a legendary minecraft player.
funnily enough, techno had an interaction with mr beast already, during MCM week 13 with wilbur, where he placed a 15k bounty on him in the final round of hunger games, announcing it halfway through the tournament, putting stress on both him and wilbur (who had 0 chance of winning Anything, by the way) and probably screwing their chances of winning. and when techno was panicking and brought it up, mr beast went “haha. anyway!” like LITERALLY he said “aren’t you the best minecraft player??” like that’s gonna stop getting hard targeted. they didn’t win, and wilbur was really cool about it, this is still one of my fav MCM POVs bc they’re so fun together despite this being like the first time they talked. but still. mr beast’s attitude with dream is already Pretty tonally different than his w techno back then
now i could only find one video of them together between this and MCC 6, Dream’s enderdragon vid which was pretty chill, but the techno vs dream rivalry was born from MCC. i didn’t join the new mcyt fanbase until around october, so i don’t know the full extent to how they were compared before this (most is just researched through youtube comments and reddit as well as just word of mouth accounts from diff ppl), but i’ve seen a little bit, specifically in a dream and mr beast collab, where dream didn’t want to go along with that, but he doesn’t Quite keep up that attitude later on. if you watch that clip, you might wanna watch a little bit after it as well, they go on for longer than a minute (which oh my god why)
at the time, techno was in the last 2 weeks of the potato war where he farmed nonstop, meaning he hadn’t practiced at All - this was one of his 3 interruptions from farming, and as a result it was his worst ever performance…. at 9th place, still coming 4th in teams, only 195 coins away from dream’s team. 9th individual is still a good score, might i add, he’s one of the only players that have never dropped out of the top 10 despite playing in 10 canon events. dream got 3rd individual, which is amazing for a debut, but this led to uh. ahha
dream made his Only Ever MCC video, the day after the tournament, to hype up the new rivalry. now i made a post about this before that summarises it, and framed it comedically so i could put it in the dream tag, but really this is a Big example of dream pushing the rivalry more than techno. and techno is shown to HATE This fucking video man. like ohhhh boy he doesn’t like it, which, yeah, absolutely fair enough!
if he made a vid out of MCC 9, dream getting 13th and him getting 2nd, and then framed the whole vid around that, it would be EXTREMELY BM!!! especially since as this point they didn’t know eachother very well, dream saying they only really became friends after techno joined the dream smp. So It’s A Yikes there. the antagonistic tweets are more obvious for that, but i know dream deleted a lot of them (which is good on him, actually)
basically, while techno absolutely added to the rivalry bc it was good content, dream pushed it a lot more, and in more of a taunty way that techno. and from what i see it was largely bc of his reputation as a New Minecraft Youtuber. he wanted to hype himself up more, and what better way to do that than taking down the old king.
i haven’t found the clip quite yet, but there’s a bit of techno talking about his reputation before dream came around, where most people said that techno wasn’t that great at PVP, but made up for it in his ‘high IQ plays and good game strategy’ and how after dream came around that was inverted, which him and everyone else in the call agreed Was Worse. he would rather be smart than good at video games. that’s not true though, we’ve all seen the potato war here, he is Scarily smart
now MCC week 7 is an event. here’s another post of mine on it, but to summarise it was SCUFFED and Dream’s team suffered bc of it and he got Kinda Toxic. threatening to log out midgame and saying the tournament was rigged in techno’s favour (which, haha, laughs in MCM). this is BAD and ended up festering some hate towards the noxcrew, which is a great way to make me personally lose all respect for anyone bc i love MCC and noxcrew and oh my god i want their hand in marriage so bad it’s my favourite ever.
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but anyways, the next event is MCC 8 where they team, and THIS is where the duel was born. basically, in the team announcements, mr beast brings up the duel (see above) and techno and dream both respond. dream’s response is deleted, but he said something like “hell yes, sign me up, my middle name is down” to which techno says
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now my issue with this one? based on these tweets, THE DUEL HADN’T BEEN CONFIRMED. AND IT WAS MENTIONED PUBLICALLY. WHAT. now i’m going by the assumption that it had been at least mentioned in private before this, but a precedent has been set with these tweets: mr beast wants to do it, dream wants to do it, techno does Not Want To Do It.
meaning if it never happened, people would know who backed out. so there is now Public Pressure on techno to accept this duel, for which the stakes are Insanely High, or else people will know he was the one who wouldn’t do it, making him seem cowardly and unofficially confirming ‘Dream’s better than him’. so now he basically HAS to accept
basically immediately he jumps into the training arc, from the potato war and straight into the 1.9 training. from what i’ve seen, he mainly trained with fruitberries, cxlvxn and tapl (dunno if firebreathman was there for this one?) in both 1.8 and 1.9. apparently techno had actually suggested they do all the rounds in 1.9, dream’s main version, but it was split both ways. techno trained this for it looks like most of august, and his according to friends had ended up busy enough he barely talked. this stream at 31:19 is just one example, here’s a great phil clip too, but this duel was a Big Deal!
not even bc of the money, the guys were already loaded, but because of his reputation, Because that’s what the stakes of the duel were for techno. he’s supposed to win. and as a result the pressure was insanely inproportionate. from what dream said, he thought this duel would be interesting because he wanted to know who would win, and he wanted to prove himself. for techno, it was more that he Had to prove himself
this clip from techno says it best. because this is what it hinged on. techno had everything to lose from this duel. dream didn’t have to win, he’s a speedrunner, his audience never had such high expectations for him it became a meme to say “L” when he won. he could afford to lose. techno couldn’t. and as a result, oh BOY was there gonna be stress, and for a guy who already has anxiety issues that could not have been fun
they split the money before the duel, to try to reduce the stakes a little. techno’s tweet on the image a lil bit below shows him openly admitting to being stressed, which is such a tonal difference to dream’s taunting tweets by the way, plus there’s multiple clips of him saying he couldn’t eat for a few days before the duel [at 4:15] then one saying he couldn’t really eat AFTER, all because of stress.
the mind games around the duel are interesting. apparently dream considered his big advantage to be techno’s stress. he wanted the first round in 1.8, hoping to beat techno in his own version to psyche him out for the rest of the game, he told techno that he knew the name of his alt account just before the duel started and overall thought his lack of stress from high pressure situations would be what would win him the duel. he duelled tommy, wanting to underperform apparently just bc he thought techno would see and underestimate him. Huh?
ironically, he found out techno’s alt and panicked bc techno had a 99.3 KDA, and lost the round in 1.8 and said he was nervous for a few rounds that he won in. which brings us on to Sportmanship. if you want to see for yourself watch (or just skim) these two videos. now techno is a great sport most of the time, it’s a big appeal of his content for me, but dream repeatedly makes excuses for his loss and techno’s win
that he “should have won” and got “lucky hits” and that he overall “performed better” because he finished with more health on some rounds? bro. You Lost. now from what I’ve heard the claim that “two equally matched players can 7-3 eachother depending on the day” isn’t completely untrue, which is code for i heard fruit say it once, so i trust dream on that one. but the amount of excuse making here does Not sit right for me. like i get he’s salty bc the loss, which again! Fair! but it’s just. Ehhh. take the L on that one bro
i will say, in a brief defence of dream, even though he WAS kind of a dick around the rivalry, no one knows that better than himself. he’s expressed regret about the kind of way he acted around this time, and him and techno are still friends now, and he’s straight up said losing the duel to techno humbled him, and was probably for the best.
adding later, but heres a thread from dream’s private Twitter talking about how stressful it was for him and what it felt like after losing! there was a lot of stress on both sides on the competition
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as for the mr beast bias, the format of the video was meant to be karl: dream support, chris: techno support and then him as a neutral commentator. Didn’t Work Out, techno won and mr beast went “Noooo-oh, my goodness!” and when dream was losing, he went “dreams meant to be one of the best players in the world, where is this coming from?” to which techno says “im not half bad myself”. not the best unbiased host. also techno tried to shout out calvin for help with training rod PVP and the editor put in a picture of Famed Protestant John Calvin. scammed
now the dream vs techno duel is Literally what made me a techno fan. and it’s all bc of this one clip that i saw in a compilation that made me lose it. he trained for like a full month w the best 1.9 PVPer. and NO ONE TOLD HIM?? huh???? AND HE STILL WON?? bro that’s hilarious my brains picking that one
rewatching the duel theres at least 1 obvious point where he tried to axe crit while sprinting (he comments “i miss the axe crit there and lose the fight as a result”) it is just. Wow. and im not even good at PVP or PVP analysis, so chances are there’s more i didn’t notice.
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now technotwt found this and were understandably sad about the lack of support techno got. that’s not my main issue here though. this was run BEFORE the duel. it was recorded later that day, on the 27th, and then released on the 29th. that’s why i have the 2 other tweets, to show the timing. bullshit. Poll, techno saying he’s stressed and THEN recording time.
techno had to go into the duel knowing only 20 fucking percent of people had confidence in his win. WHY? there was literally no fucking need to run the poll beforehand, if it was done after the recording but BEFORE the upload, it wouldn’t have changed the content at all, But no. techno went in with a NUMBER. 20% of people. goddamn it. oh well, his dad had his back at least. technodad, you’ll never not be the coolest. i don’t think mr beast had any malicious intent w this but still makes me mad
on the subject of dads though. philza minecraft, the only man? fuck yeah bro. he had techno’s back, dude, oh my God. here’s a clip of him telling techno how hyped he was for the win (plus tommy talking about missing techno while he was gone training). while all of Dream’s friends were taunting techno w pics of bacon and pigs? PHILZA DRANK WHATEVER THIS WAS!! MY STREAMER!!
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techno also had the support of like tapl, calvin, sophie, niki and plenty others, with tommy and tubbo showing their vouch when reacting to it on stream, and plenty were neutral (as seen in the poll) but the scales were notably weighted towards dream, especially in terms of content creators. techno probably knew that going in, but still must have sucked. reblogging this post w a redemptive feature of this though
extra things:
this is a must watch for this subject by the way, i linked it before but just in general Watch This One
this is very good further watching too, this guys analysis was amazing
this is funny too, but it’s quite recent and shows dream’s past the bad days of the rivalry
techno being funny in the duel
more recent, but the techno banter episode talks about a lot of the things in the post at around 4:14
i’ll also say, it doesn’t seem like there’s any bad blood between techno and mr beast or anything, like at all. as much as this post may suggest, they’ve done plenty of videos together since the duel (with one coming out relatively soon i think??) and this is all just my interpretation and part of why i personally am not a fan of the guy, but from what the fans can see they Are chill and it’s weird to assume content creators secretly hate eachother.
exactly the same thing goes with techno and dream! we know that they’re good friends now, and no matter how iffy things seemed around the duel, it is all in the past and we shouldn’t use the duel or things from the early rivalry as any kind of overruling event to judge them on who they are now. these are just my words on it all
now i didn’t clip or source Everything, bc some videos wouldn’t let me clip and i didn’t want to put a tonne of timestamps, but if you want me to hoke something specific out please let me know and I’ll put it in the replies (or the main post i don’t mind)
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funnywormz · 2 years
Character list ask-Spamton if nobody asked for him yet, but if they did then Rouxls?
• favourite thing about them: i mean. ik im getting repetitive here but honestly i love everything abt spamton. his dialogue is so funny but also it hits so hard at times. love him
• least favourite thing about them: when it comes to canon spamton i honestly can't think of anything. i have some issues with his fanon interpretation but that's not the fault of canon spamton lol
• favourite line: his dialogue is all so great but i gotta go with these
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• brotp: i love thinking abt spamton and kris being genuine friends at some point and bonding over their shared experienc of being controlled by others and stuff. they make me happy :-)
• otp: spamvil obviously! ive talked abt this ship so many times so i won't elaborate more here lol
• notp: obv sp@mt!s and any ship involving him and a minor. other than those there aren't really any spamton ships i mind much tho
• random headcanon: at some point i started headcanoning him as having chronic pain issues as a result of inhabiting a puppet body. he can manage it most of the time but the guy practically eats painkillers like candy lol (as for how he actually eats stuff, i have no idea. magic i guess). also i now genuinely believe in my joke headcanon that he actually just eats money, since it's basically canon anyways. although i think he can also eat normal food when he wants to
• unpopular opinion: although it's funny to portray him as being creature adjacent sometimes, i don't think he's "crazy" or "feral" like he sometimes get portrayed by fans. he's erratic (and obviously mentally ill) for sure but there's reasoning behind everything that he does and i don't think portraying him as being a stereotypical nutty random character 24/7 is all that helpful even if it's occasionally good for gags.
also he's kind of an asshole and not in a cute way
• song i associate with them: once again, many, i have a long spamton playlist lol. but the top two for me atm are tiger in my tank by eels and minotaur by thee oh sees
• favourite picture: these faces
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• favourite thing about them: his dialogue! he's so hilarious every time he shows up. he would be so mad to know i laugh at him all the time but it's the truth.
• least favourite thing about them: nothing he's perfect
• favourite line:
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• brotp: not exactly friendship but i get so much enjoyment out of the thought of him being terrorised by jevil lol. also him being lancer's lesser dad and secretly caring abt lancer despite trying to pretend otherwise...... aughh
• otp: as i said for queen, ive been finding queenkaard rlly entertaining lately lol
• notp: aside from problematic ships, i can't really think of anything
• random headcanon: he genuinely does like worms and also invertebrates of all kinds. sometimes when he goes bug collecting he lets lancer tag along but only if he promises to be quiet and behave himself (he never does)
• unpopular opinion: i don't really know what ppl think abt rouxls so i couldn't say if i have any unpopular opinions lol
• song i associate with them: primadonna by marina for some fucking reason. idk why that's just the first song that popped into my head when i thought abt rouxls and music
• favourite picture: obsessed with his tense/god damnit face
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donotpercieveme123 · 2 years
Someone tagged me in a post about the founders as aro and hell it's about time I post my own headcannons! I think they're all some flavour of aro.
1. Mito (my beloved)
Aro (romance repulsed), and a lesbian. Her marriage to Hashirama was arranged (I like the reason behind why as it is in WASS, where whirlpools had to get rid of her because Princess wanted to lead and it upset their democratic political system basically). Girl boss lol! So yh I think she's a bit bitter, especially since she never wanted a husband or children. Tsunade mentions Hashirama but not her, I imagine she was a very emotionally distant figure in her children's life. But I think her and Hashi became friends, they were comfortable enough together at first, but with time she grew to resent him a little for all his empty promises and what happened to her home years after as a result. I think she's also best friends with Touka, and they have something of an affair, a fwb type situation. Everyone's cool with it.
2. Hashirama
Aro (but just indifferent, he'd be okay being with someone who is romantically interested in him as long as they accept that he won't be able to return those feelings). I actually think he's canonically aro. He never mentions his wife and the most important relationships to him are familial and friendships (the VotE scene yh, lovers are often top of the list of ppl who hold dearest and he doesn'tmention it, he never actually mentions his wife lol). Even into his adulthood he never really realises it though, especially since nobody's ever expected jt of him (Mito is literally a romance repulsed lesbian lol, and Madara is emotionally constipated). When he was younger, like early teens, he thought he was going to marry Madara just so he could have his best friend to himself, solidifying bonds and what not. He never even considered it as romantic though.
3. Madara
Demi romantic/ can't really tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. Spends his whole life thinking he's in love with Hashirama, playing out this tragic unrequited romeo and juliet story, when really he probably just wants to be prioritised. He'd marry him just to have him to himself lmao. He got so depressed and heartbroken over Hashirama marrying, thinking him and Mito were some love sick couple, completely taken with each other. Which not true at all. He resents her, but accepts it, especially since it's around the time he leaves the village. The whole time Mito is like, bitch I know ur eyeing up my husband, I DON'T WANT HIM, have him please, he's annoying. They'd actually really get along if they talked through it lol.
4. Tobirama
Yh just obviously he's aro (also romance repulsed, but in a more I literally don't care kind of way, get that shit away from me). He never marries, never has children, never wants to. He's devoted to his brother and the village and that's okay with him. He's secretly a little lonely though, I don't think the man had any friends. Maybe he knew Izuna well enough to think that if things had happened differently they might have been friends. They would have literally been platonic soulmates!
5. Izuna
I've already posted about this but yh he is REPULSED by romance, nothing turns him off or weirds him out faster. Having said that he is big on relationship anarchy. He likes to blur the lines with friends in terms of how he physically expresses his affection. Man has no boundaries lol. He also really wants a qpr (either completely platonic or fwb, and depending on if I characterise Tobirama as ace or not, he fills both of those). They're fucking intense lol. Like ur half of my soul and I hate and love u for that, I want to carve my mark into you, and rip our souls out and tie them together so we'll find each other in the next life. Fucking insane😂 They're both yandares about it though, they never really acknowledge it, and if anyone else points it out they'll gaslight the shit out of them. Like idk what ur talking about, all friends are like this. Unhinged.
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