kbirbpods · 1 year
in which kaje collects faer clone OCs
hello just plopping my OCs here for reference and what not
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Sarad, who I have already written about! Sarad's pronouns are fae/faer. Fae is a medic for the 212th. Sarad 100% has a crush on Kix but you could not pay faer enough credits to admit that, thank you very much. Check out faer fic here, featuring @flowerparrish's OC Tra!
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The bestest agender around, Shocks! Shocks uses they/them pronouns and is on the Coruscant Guard. They are one of Fox's secret favorites, mostly due to the fact that they baked their way into his heart. Shocks also loves dyeing hair. They are definitely Thorn's vod'ika in all the ways.
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This is Fleece! She does not care if her goatee makes her masculine, thank you very much. She's a girl and she likes her looks. She got her name because she loves to knit and gives people warm sweaters like. All the time. Please enjoy this thing I wrote about her:
"The 212th needs another trooper," Cody argues. "Kark that," Rex responds. "Kenobi makes you guys warm sweaters all the time. I want Fleece." Bly laughs. "I'm pretty sure Aayla's already wooing her with the softest balls of yarn she could find in the galaxy, good luck you guys." Meanwhile, Fleece: "Can I stay on Kamino and make baby blankets for all the batches being created?" The Kaminoans, squinting, trying to decide if she's defective or a treasure.
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Last but not least, my di'kut trooper, Kar'la. Kar'la got kaysh's name due to Kaysh being an utter asshole. Like, actually. Kar'la means warm-hearted and sincere, so the name was given as a joke... and kaysh kept it. Kaysh will fight anything that moves, which unfortunately include vode. Kar'la is in the 327th much to Bly's dismay. Aayla's convinced she can fix kaysh with love and nail polish. Time will tell.
CREDITS: For the recurring face picrew: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/326758 For the recurring trooper picrew: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1235414 For Fleece's side profile: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1927774
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months
"what, no hug for me?" "that depends how good your intel is."
echo and cross weren't even reunited for five seconds and were already snarking at each other your honor they're each other's favorite brother
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
So my favorite Star Wars AU is when the Clones are just a little more than human, in the other worldly sense.
Like, yeah, Anakin's half force, but everyone who goes through ARC training can't die and no one's really sure why, but some asshole just shot Fives in the temple and all it did was make him mad.
And sure, Mace can see shatterpoints, but Commander Fox has eyes the color of freshly spilled blood and once threw a man threw three durasteel walls.
And maybe Obi-Wan is the consummate Jedi, but he's pretty sure he just saw Tup reach through a man, but when he questions Cody about it there's something eerie and ancient in his gaze that Obi-Wan doesn't want to question.
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local-cryptid · 3 months
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*gestures wildly with vod'ika*
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varpusvaras · 7 months
Bly, five years old: What the kriff is that?
Cody, five years old: It's a baby!
Bly: I know it's a baby, what the kriff is it doing here?
Fox, four years and nine months, being carried by Cody like he's a feral kitten: I will end both of you in your sleep
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matchademi · 10 months
Me:brain no BRAIN NO
Brain:What if Rex was the one who constantly commed Fox and visited Fox on his leaves when he had the time. What if after Cody, Fox is Rex's favorite brother. What if Rex was trying his best to figure out why his Ori'vod is changing more and more every time they talk. What if Fox kept pushing Rex away more and more, but Rex kept trying to close the gap because he had already lost Ponds, and he was not losing another brother. What if Fox killing Fives is the last straw for a little brother watching his his big brother change, and Rex has no idea why and Rex is angry because his big brother just killed his baby brother and he has already lost so much.
But Rex just wants HIS Ori'vod back
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graylinesspam · 11 months
My favorite Cody&Ahsoka dynamic is when Cody genuinely likes Ahsoka and fucking hates Anakin.
I love the idea of Marshall Commander Cody having to suffer through the long year of the clone wars that Anakin was still a padawan under General Kenobi. Having to deal with Anakin's insaburdinate over dramatic ass every force forsaken day.
Never able to have a single one of his meticulously coordinated plans actually get executed properly because inevitably Skywalker would fuck it up by doing what ever the hell he wants to do. And not even bother to let anyone else know when he was doing it.
And Cody is so damn relieved when he's promoted and finally out if the 212th. But he's still not quite gone because he's always freaking there. With the 501st, still getting in the way.
But when Ahsoka shows up. Not only is she actually intelligent, but she's 1000% down with conspiring to undermine her master. And after way too long dealing with Skywalker's "Tactics" Cody finally has some direct sway within the 501st. Bc he has an inside man.
Anakin walks out if a mission debrief after spewing the most batshit nonsense that Cody has ever heard in his short (but getting longer every fucking day) life. And Cody turns to Ahsoka who's already grinning at him like a lothcat about to knock a glass off the counter.
"So what are we actually doing?"
Then Cody gets to pull up his proper holodiagrams and coordinate at least her half of the mission and Ahsoka's just stoked that someone is actually taking the time to sit down and teach her actually military tactical movements. The kind that the clones have studied for years.
And anytime Anakin bitches about them not following the plan Ahsoka hits him with his own lines. "Well made plans rarely last past first contact, Master." or "I followed the plan. Up until the circumstances changed." or "We needed a more aggressive touch."
The same passive-aggressive smug bullshit Cody had to put up with during Anakin's exceedingly long year as a commander.
And by the end of the war Ahsoka has a bonkers mix of studiously acquired historical military education, and the half-outlined manic planning patterns of Anakin Skywalker. Which is why she's basically untouchable in all combat scenarios.
Because no matter how much you know about militant tactics she probably knows more. And if she doesn't she will just say fuck it and resort to some Skywalker bullshit.
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firefly-fez · 1 year
You know what? I think any and all scenarios that put Rex in a crossover or an AU where he ends up in a different universe should have him be 100% on board with whatever shenanigans he’s faced with. He winds up in, say the BBC Merlin or Once Upon A Time universe? Or the MCU teaming up with a young Peter Parker and/or Miles Morales? He’s utterly unfazed. Nothing throws him. Ahsoka is with him like “Rex, we’re totally out of our element here, be careful” and Rex is just like. “Ahsoka. We agreed to help this kid, which means I’m responsible for protecting a young, stubborn, hotshot with magical powers I don’t understand. No offense, vod’ika, but this is just another Tuesday for me.”
Just... Rex as a non-magical, non-superpowered, non-force sensitive character in every setting, who absolutely does not know the first thing about any of this stuff, but from the sheer repetition of dealing with Jedi nonsense (mainly Ahsoka’s nonsense) over so many years, has just developed a nonchalant, unblinking acceptance of the craziest stuff. Like, in superhero or fantasy settings you usually have the side-kick/best friend character a little confused like: “what’s going on? [explanation filled with complicated jargon] In ENGLISH, please!” But instead of that, Rex (who is NOBODY’S sidekick) is just there like; “The kid got bitten by a spider, now he’s magic, the Quarren-looking creature is the enemy, we need to secure the area and neutralize him with a serum injection before we can safely recover the hostage. Keep up, Shiny.”
Just...just picture Rex in a crossover situation where you have this young protagonist superhero/sorcerer/insert-genre-here who’s very green but also talented on their first serious mission scared out of their mind trying to save someone, trying to scramble for the quickest explanation they come up with to get Rex to trust them that “I know where they are I just can’t explain how I know, you just have to trust me” and Rex is like “Yeah, yeah, sure you can sense it. Lead the way, kid. Follow your instincts but don’t get into trouble without backup, okay. I’m right behind you.” The kid just stares at him wide-eyed for a second like “wait -- you, you belive me?” and Rex is just like “This ain’t my first rodeo, kid. Now get moving, time is of the essence here.”
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singswan-springswan · 9 months
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She didn't even miss a beat
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clownery-and-fuckery · 4 months
Slamming you with this and running away
"Echo?" Tech's voice brought the older clone out of his head. He hummed, turning his head to his youngest brother. He looked worn down, tired from the long mission. They had been here for weeks now, working tiredly to fight and rebuild lost ground. They had been run through the muck, fighting and working nonstop for much longer than any of them were prepared for. Even Wrecker's energy dimmed a little after a while, and his moods mellowing really did freak the others out. It doesnt help that the regs have been nothing short of insufferable, tearing into them the entire time. Hunter was currently off scolding Crosshair and Wrecker for their latest act of retaliation against the regs and their taunting. No doubt rehashing the "we're meant to be the bigger person!" argument. "What'd you need?" Echo asked, not wanting to think about the screaming match that's about to unfold between Crosshair and Hunter. Tech pulled himself up, sitting on the crate beside Echo as they watched over the camp. He didn't speak for a moment, as if he was wondering whether to say anything at all. He took a small breath. "Could you translate something for me?" He asked after a moment. Echo blinked in surprise. "You need me to translate something?" He repeated. Tech nodded slightly, tightening his hold on his datapad as he tilted it towards Echo. "The regs said it." He explained with a shrug. "I am.. not entirely sure of its meaning." "I can take a look, sure." Echo felt glad, honestly, to be helpful. Tech had been self-teaching himself Mando'a for a while now, but he would occasionally turn to his older brother for assistance. Echo read the words, and his face fell. "Tech," He started, taking the datapad from his hands to read over the word again, making sure he read it right. "Who said this to you?" "A reg." Tech repeated, tilting his head. "There was a group of them while I was working on repairing the main console, in the central control room." He pointed across the open hanger towards the main building. Echo felt his blood boil. "They said this while you were working on machinery?" He asked. Tech nodded slowly, watching Echo's face as his brows drew together. "Are they still there?" Echo rolled his shoulder. "I believe so," Tech shrugged. "I was not looking when I left. Why?" He watched Echo hop off the crate, and was swift to follow. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to have a chat with those regs." Echo said simply, stomping across the hanger. Tech stayed on his heels. "Why?" "Because." Echo continued to stalk across the space. Tech tilted his head, frowning. "What does it mean?" He asked. Echo didn't answer immediately, though his glare softened. "Echo?" "It–" Echo sighed, slowing his march to something more reasonable. "It's an insult. A really karking bad one." Tech paused. "I don't understand," His brows furrowed further. "How is 'shuk'yc' an insult?" Echo winced at his volume, turning to the surrounding troopers. Namely, Cody, who's head snapped to attention at the word leaving Tech's mouth.
(( shuk'yc- not working, no use, useless, broken down, out of order - usually said of machinery ))
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somestorythoughts · 4 months
Eldritch Clone Troopers but Not All of Them
Like the Kaminoans didn't start whatever weird thing they did that resulted in Eldritch troopers (what were they trying to do? I don't know. The troopers don't know. That Kaminoans know and this was NOT it) until after they've got a few batches underway and it never really affects the oldest troopers.
So you've got the CT's who are all eldritch horrors masking as Jango Fett, the CC's may be normal or may also be eldritch, and the Alpha class troopers who are normal. (I have not read the comics, this is my understanding of the trooper age order from fics and those sound like the canon timeline may be odd so. Basically the older troopers are not eldritch and the many many younger ones are.)
This does absolutely nothing to change the fact that the Alpha class troopers and possibly the CC's have all decided that these scary feral CTs are their baby brothers. Absolutely nothing. It also does nothing to change the fact that all the eldritch troopers see them as their gruff older brothers who make them do extra laps when they mouth off to them and sneak them candy when they mouth off to the trainers, who make sure they're meeting all the requirements and teach them their own tricks for hiding inefficiencies, who'll scold them ten ways from sunday for messy armor but also help them through panic attacks.
Picture if you will Alpha-Seventeen lecturing Rex for something insane that somehow worked and then sending him off to do 10 laps around the hanger or something and Obi-Wan's staring because he just saw this short scowly guy who looks like Jango Fett lecture this 6-ft blond with three rows of teeth and a shadow as blue as his armor and then Seventeen turns to him and is like "What? He's a little shit."
I find this very funny.
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ironhoshi · 2 months
oh, brother, run fast chapter 2
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months
if the bad batch dies at the end of the show i'll be sad but it'll make me even sadder/angry because i just KNOW echo's death won't get as much focus as hunter or wrecker of crosshair's death.
he's been sidelined so much since he joined up with rex, to the point of barely getting a mention until he just... shows up during the barton-iv episode. it makes me so sad because echo's the member of the batch we've known the longest. he's the one who's been around the most, one of the clones who has been the MOST affected by the entire clone wars/order 66, but because they pushed him to the side halfway through season 2, it means that his death might not have the weight that it deserves.
is it too much to ask that if he does die, we get a heartfelt, emotional, soul-crushing final exchange between him and rex, a parallel with fives' death in rex's arms? if echo does die, i hope we see them mourn. i hope we see rex have a complete breakdown at losing his last boy in blue. i hope we see howzer and gregor mourn the brother who helped rescue them and gave them hope. i hope we see omega cry over her big brother, hunter, wrecker, and crosshair mourn the member of their batch who left everything he knew to join up with them.
echo dying would literally be the worst thing and i think i'd cry for weeks, but if he does die at the end of the show, i want his death to affect everyone around him, because he deserves that. he deserves time to show just how loved and needed he was by his brothers and sister.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Consider, if you will, a Clone Medic named House.
"I'm Doctor House. What's your issue?" House says as he limps into the room.
"You're not a doctor," his batchmate says with a roll of his eyes, "You've never been to medical school."
House smacks him in the shin with his cane, "You never went to medical school."
His batchmate glares, and rubs his shin, "I think abusing your patients is medical malpractice."
"I wouldn't know." House replies with a smirk, "I never went to Medical School."
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cc1010fox · 5 months
Foxxxxx!!!!!! The 501st are on-planet and Captain Rex says he "lost his little bastards"!!!!
Fox speaks into his comm. "This is Commander Fox issuing a BOLO for any 501st. Report their designations and locations to your commanding officers. If Captain Rex approaches you looking for anyone specific, I want you to be able to request that information and receive it."
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matchademi · 8 months
Wolffe:*squishing Miwa's cheeks* Vod'ika
Miwa:*glaring*I'm a kriffing adult, and I have been a part of this galaxy longer than you!
Wolffe:*tighter squish*VOD'IKA
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