#Vernon Mob
rainynightdog · 9 months
Watch Demons on YouTube Music
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sassaffrassa · 1 year
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speaking of mob boss au
@bomberqueen17 has been doing a lot of the heavy lifting on mob boss au re: historical details and lapsed catholicism and also wrote an absolute banger of an opening scene
image inspo
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mansionofblood · 10 months
Welcome to the Mansion of Blood tumblr blog!
My name is Aren and here is where we'll be posting our Slasher Fanfic! Updates will come every Saturday unless an issue comes up.
Ghostface - Scream movies (Under alias Cain when in public and is a fanmade GF)
Billy Lenz - Black Christmas 1974
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy 2016 (We changed the ending of The Boy to actually make this possible)
Leslie Vernon - Behind The Mask: Rise of Leslie Vernon 2006
Characters WILL be changed because this IS a fanfic. It won't always be connected to Canon events. Please keep in mind.
#MoB chapter - Tag for the chapter post
#unrelated to MoB - Author talking about some shit
#MoB artwork - Artwork relating to MoB
#MoB updates - Any update relating to MoB
Please be patient with us. This is our first fanfic. Be nice.
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of-fear-and-love · 4 months
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Anne Vernon's outfits in Shakedown (1950)
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
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Story told by Charlie Hodge.
Next to him are Joe Esposito and Larry Geller. All men, Memphis Mafia. You can hear the story on the video above, if you prefer, or you can scroll down and read it (Charlie is the way to go, press the play button). But before the story, just wanted to say: Charlie was so funny! The "huey" joke! LOL! I adore him. ♥ Rest in peace, sweet Charlie, also Joe. God bless your souls.
Well, as we know, Elvis was not a drinker. Hardly he'd get interested a few drinks, but that's the thing: when a person like that drinks and gets carried away, he goes all the way, not knowing his own safe limits; in reality it doesn't take that much alcohol to make 'em tipsy. As any person who didn't drink often, Elvis' tolerance for alcohol was very low - taking from the stories told over the years. Sometimes disasters happen when one not used to drink have too much drinking, other times just funny things take place. Charlie is talking about one of those moments for Elvis, a funny one.
According to Hodge, he and the guys (Memphis Mafia) were with Elvis in Palm Springs, on set while he was filming a movie during the 60's. Charlie recalls it as being 'Live A Little, Love a Little' — for which filming began on March 13th, with principal photography ending in May 1st, 1968, so that story happened in early 1968.
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Elvis and Michele Carey on scene from 'Live A Little, Love A Little" (1968)
Charlie says Elvis was filming one of the scenes he's in the sea, when he complained the water was too cold. He then asked his guys if they happen to have anything to drink, so could use the liquor to help keeping his body warm while he was filming that sea scene. They didn't have any, so they sent Charlie to buy some. Charlie bought a peach brandy and rum, so he came back with it and Elvis drank it... but it turns out he liked the peach liquor, a little too much.
Normally people who don't drink they go ease with sweet tasting liquor and they don't stop drinking, simply because don't feel getting drunk... until they are hammered. This happened to poor Elvis a few times.
When he finished the one peach brandy drink he had, on their way home after shooting day was over, Charlie mentions how Elvis was already slurred speech/swaying drunk but he said he liked the drink and wanted to go buy some more. The guys stopped by a liquor store. There, silly Elvis enters the store and absentminded goes walking around, calmly checking the options as if nothing was happening around, while "poor Joe", as Charlie says, was desperate to get him back in the car, in fear some mob took place if people found out Elvis was there.
Well, they got home safely after all, and El had all the drinks he wanted until everybody heads to their own bedrooms. Charlie says Elvis was wearing his blue nylon jammies and, he jokes about it, saying all the guys too were wearing blue nylon jammies that night, actually; in his words, "because we figured, if Elvis looks good in blue nylon jammies, we do too!" 😆
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Scene from 'Live a Little, Love a Little' (1968)
Shortly after, Joe Esposito hears a knock on his bedroom door. He opens the door and sees Elvis standing two-hands leaned against Joe's bedroom door frames, ill looking (clearly sick from the drinking).
El looked at Joe and said,
"Joe, I'm dying."
Esposito tried to calm him down, telling him he was alright and he should go back to his bedroom and just lay down and sleep, but Elvis ignored.
"Call daddy" (Vernon)", he said to Joe.
"Tell him to sell Graceland. He doesn't need that big old place... and sell all the cars, he don't need them too."
Joe continued trying to calm Elvis down, ignoring the nonsense the man was saying, but El (as any good wasted person who thinks he's in perfect clear estate of mind), insisted,
"I'm not kidding, I'm dying!"
Finally Joe got to send Elvis went back to his own bedroom, but soon EP was back repeating the same things. "I'm dying." According to Charlie, this went on for about three times. On the third time, as soon as Elvis said, "I'm dying" again, he threw up right in front of Joe. 🤢
Can you picture drunk Elvis? (LOL) Those little anecdotes of Elvis Presley's life are just so fun to hear about! That bring him closer to us, making that god-like looking man feel like any friend of ours, or even ourselves. I love hearing those "hammered Elvis" stories, don't you?
Elvis in scene from "Wild In The Country" (1961)
What kind of drunk person you think our sweet El was?
I think he would get extra affectionate, mellow and even needy, which makes me crave to be right there with him. ♥
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icarusbetide · 2 months
king's college, hamilton & custis: two very different 1773 students
Jacky Custis (Washington's stepson) enrolled at King's College in May 1773, but "dropped out" in less than a year. Crazy how small colonial America was, because guess who else began attending King's College in 1773 before being formally matriculated in 1774? Alexander Hamilton. Who, like George Washington who originally wanted to send Jacky to Princeton, had applied first to Princeton but gone to King's College after being rejected.
You can really see their contrasting motivation because Hamilton was devouring all these books and whatnot as per usual, and Jacky was out here sending letters to his mother going "the teachers look upon me in a particular light aka they suck up to me a lot"; Myles Cooper the president of King's College writing to Washington in the best light possible at first, saying that Jacky "dines with the Professors and myself in the College-hall...I doubt not will make a Proficiency equal to the warmest Wishes and Expectations" in July. But they gave up the ghost and Washington wrote in December that Jacky wouldn't be returning to King's College. Very passive aggressive: "I have yielded, contrary to my judgment, & much against my wishes, to his quitting College." (Myles Cooper is also the Loyalist that Hamilton tried to help by talking down the Patriot mob long enough for him to escape.)
From the notes in Cooper's September letter to Washington, it appears that Jacky left King's College late September and arrived (?) at Mt. Vernon on October 2nd, never to return. Washington assumed this was just a mini vacation but it wasn't. Knowing this and that Hamilton most likely started studying in fall of 1773, there's a very slim chance that Custis and he crossed paths at least once.
Someone write that fanfic for me. Hamilton remembering a lackadaisical, pompous student he met at King's College, joking and sharing the story with the military family - Washington realizing who he's talking about, but not saying anything much until Hamilton realizes in horror that the "John or whoever that ate with the professors and never picked up a book and went on and on about his girl Nelly" is General Washington's son Jacky.
This is me still fixating about the southern Hamilton au, but it tickles my fancy to think that both Washington's actual son and his rumored illegitimate son attended the same college in the same year, though with wildly different results. More realistically, even if Hamilton never met Jacky, it still must've been an awkward conversation with the general, if it ever got brought up. "I studied at King's College, sir." "Oh really? My son attended King's College in 1773." "Oh! I started studying there in 1773 too, maybe I met him!" "Probably not since he dropped out in a few months." "Oh."
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docgold13 · 6 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Rupert Thorne
A powerful and ruthless crime boss, Rupert Thorne muscled his way into the Gotham City and swiftly took control over a large section of the criminal underworld.  Edging out former kingpins, Arnold Stromwell and Salvatore Valestra, Thorne’s enterprises ranged from narcotics to racketeering, money laundering, gambling and weapons smuggling.  Although his criminal endeavors were well known to the public, the corruption within Gotham's justice system kept Thorne in his penthouse and the authorities off his back.
District Attorney Harvey Dent was determined to put an end to Thorne’s grip on the city.  Dent’s dogged pursuit of Thorne became even more relentless as he was campaigning for reelection as District Attorney.  Dent was getting close and Thorne became desperate to put a stop to it.  
Thorne attempted to blackmail Dent after his agent had pilfered the medical notes from Dent’s psychiatrist.  Dent was contending with rather severe psychological difficulties and Thorne threatened to expose this to the public unless Dent agreed to drop all investigations into his enterprises.  Dent refused and a scuffle broke out wherein Dent was caught in an explosion that terribly scared half of his face.  All this resulted in the creation of the villainous Two-Face.  And Two-Face would prove an even greater threat to Rupert Thorne than Dent had ever been.   
A new breed of criminal was encroaching on Thorne’s territory.  Villains like Two-Face, The Penguin and The Joker were substantially cutting into his profit margins and The Batman was a near constant threat to his whole organization.  Determined to wrestle back control, Thorne hired the mercenary known as Bane to break the Bat and ostensively reseat Thorne atop the criminal empire.  
The plot failed, Batman triumphed over Bane and Thorne’s hold on power became even more tenuous.  In desperate need of cash, Thorne agreed to pool resources with The Penguin and the mob enforcer Carlton Duquesne in a venture to sell high tech weapons to the war-torn nation of Kasnia.  
The operation was taken down by Batman along with the mysterious new heroine, Batwoman.  Duquesne was convinced to testify against Thorne and the once untouchable gangster was sentenced to life in prison at Stonegate Penitentiary.   
The wonderfully intimidating John Vernon provided the voice for Rupert Thorne, with mobster first appeared in the sixth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘It’s Never Too Late.’  
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punkrockhistory · 3 months
In memory of Grant Vernon Hart, American musician, drummer and co-songwriter for the alternative rock and hardcore punk band Hüsker Dü, singer and guitarist of Nova Mob, born on this day in 1961, St. Paul, Minnesota
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cvntrlseecvntrlvee · 4 months
► seventeen's wonwoo ◄
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[♡]=personal favs, [♕]=smut, [☼]=fluff, [☁]=angst
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↳ challenge me by seokgyuu — ♡, ♕ | ?k
you have never been a person who turns down a challenge, but when your best friend challenges you to hook up with 13 boys in one semester you kind of wish you were.
↳ x + y = you and i by angelwonie — ♕ | 8.6k
you wish jeon wonwoo would sometimes act like an insufferable prick instead of the perfect guy, because then you wouldn’t have to feel your head spinning each time he looks at you.
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↳ a break (wonwoo, mingyu) by smileysuh — ♕ | 15.6k
You and Mingyu live a perfect life. He’s an idol by day, and a doting husband by night, who showers your new baby with adoration. Life is easy- but when Mingyu starts paying more attention, he realizes why things are so easy: because it’s not just the two of you raising your baby, there’s a third person involved, and your baby has no concept of what differentiates a dad from a baby sitter.
↳ anteric (wonwoo, mingyu) by smileysuh — ♕ | 16.6k
when you bump into the guy that ghosted you, your model best friend and roommate, Mingyu, steps up to be your fake boyfriend for the night... and when the asshole is hired at your workplace, your other roommate, twitch gamer Wonwoo, is roped into the charade too - “polyamory exists dude, get over it.”
↳ besties (wonwoo, mingyu) by smileysuh — ♕ | 15.2k
Your best friend drags you to a frat party despite your budding relationship with a man named Mingyu, and your best friend even convinces you to let loose, after all, you might not be single for much longer… however when he tells you to let your freak flag fly and kiss randoms- neither of you can foresee the massive blunder you make when ‘some random’ ends up being the best friend of your new ‘boyfriend not boyfriend’.
↳ blown up love by starsstuddedsky — ☼ | 7.1k
gaming is all fun and... well, games, until you start crushing on the only person that takes pity on you and saves you from mobs.
↳ chocolate rum cookies by wonwoolight — ☼ | 3.5k
↳ cuff (vernon, seungcheol, wonwoo) by smileysuh — ♕ | 4k
You and Vernon have been together forever, and your relationship is almost perfect… but it’s missing something. When the young member mentions wanting to spice things up a bit in the bedroom, his hyungs Wonwoo and Seungcheol are more than happy to give you and Vernon some in-person lessons.
↳ cupid by yoongiseesawmp3 — ♕ | 9.3k
brother’s best friend!seungcheol. you move in with your brother joshua while you look for a new place, so you finally meet his best friend and roommate seungcheol.
↳ desperate by toruro — ♕, ☼ | 3.7k
when your husband starts to get more and more busy, you naturally grow needy. it’s only after long game of cat and mouse that he finally gets you to fess up about what's been bothering you, and it's safe to say your answer is definitely not what he's expecting. 
↳ favorite by wonusite — ♕ | 9.3k
When Professor Jeon realizes his most earnest student is no longer paying him the attention he craves, he goes to great lengths to make sure he’s the only one holding her attention.
↳ for the books by trblsvt — ☼ | 2.2k
wonwoo's students seemed intent on matching him up with a fellow teacher. he didn't really want to stop them, it was too funny for him to break up their fun. plus, he didn't mind the certain someone he was being "set up" with.
↳ good to me by moonhoures — ♕ | 1.3k
date night ends with some overwhelming pleasure
↳ lucky! by 97-liners — ☼ | 1.3k
the fanfic trope where a character wakes up loopy after wisdom tooth surgery
↳ meet cute of the century by lovelyhan — ☼, ♕, ☁ | 25.4k
the last thing you expected when you volunteered at your city’s local animal shelter is to meet the hottest cat person in the world. now if only he’d just adopt one of them so you’d stop ogling him every time he drops by
↳ my way to you by wonwoonlight — ☼, ☁ | 3k
You don’t remember a time when you don’t have Wonwoo by your side. But when things happen and you’re left to deal with your feelings, you can’t help but wonder if what you have with him can be framed under the name of friendship after all.or, alternatively, Wonwoo’s been in love with you for as long as he can remember and he doesn’t know if he should be thankful or not that you’ve never suspected him for it
↳ rogue by smileysuh — ♕ | 15.5k
“Lay back,” he instructs next. “I’m going to take your panties off.” Your heart races in your chest as you realize what he’s about to do, and you fall onto your elbows on the hood of his car, breathing heavily as Wonwoo leans down and begins to press kisses up your bare legs. His fingers hook in your panties, and he drags them down, exposing your hot core to the cool evening air. You can’t help the gasp that leaves you, and as Wonwoo positions your thighs over his broad shoulders, you think you might actually faint from the tension.
↳ royal advisor!wonu x crown princess!reader by 97-liners — ☼ | 9.5k
↳ sehnsucht by leejihoonownsmyheart — ♕ | k
You and Wonwoo have been rivals since your first of University, and despite it being your final year, that rivalry doesn't seem like it's going anywhere soon when you both end up in German 101.
↳ sir, please by gyuwoncheol — ♕, ☼ | 3k
Wonwoo doesn’t mind keeping you at the edge if it means watching you fall apart.
↳ knock on your door // still knocking on your door by 97-liners — ☼ | 4.3k
au where you’re roommates with mingyu’s girlfriend. they have a big anniversary coming up, so mingyu bribes convinces you to switch rooms with him for a week, and he gives you those pathetic puppy eyes that he wields like a weapon and you can’t say no to those eyes, so you agree and move into mingyu’s room for a week. except what he didn’t warn you was: his roommate, wonwoo, is hot. and mingyu evidently hadn’t warned him that the roommate exchange was happening
↳ wanna be yours by viastro — ☼, ☁ | 8.9k
you thought that growing up as best friends meant you’d stick together for as long as you could. you never thought of that exact chance for you and wonwoo until entering university, where you were nothing but his driver when he was out partying for too long. so why do you still pick up the phone when he calls you if he’s the one who left first?
↳ where you return (mingyu, wonwoo) by miabebe — ♕ | 7k
After almost a year of no contact, you meet an old fling at a wedding
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Reader is completely inexperienced and elvis gets a boner because of her he is trying to hide it but she doesn’t know that happens and it concerns her so she asks him if he needs to go to the doctor. His cheeks turn bright red at first thinking she is joking but he then realizes she literally hasn’t got a clue and as he explains it is normal and what is happening
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You grew up pretty sheltered because your parents were overprotective and very strict, even at 18 they still wouldn’t let it up, but that was all going to change when you caught the eye of Elvis Presley, who had come back from the army just a few weeks ago, he had seen you around town a few times, and one day when he saw you he purposely made his mission bumped into you to get your attention, you were quite shy especially when you realized who it was you bumped into, your face flushed. “Oh, I-I’m so sorry, Mr. Presley..” you say softly as you looked at him with such innocence. He had a sly smirk on his face, shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it, darlin’.” He stared you up and down, his eyes practically undressing you, and he managed to block you in so that you weren’t able to walk past him. “What’s your name, honey?” he asked. “Y/n, Mr. Presley.” you say nervously, you couldn’t believe he was asking you your name. “Call me Elvis, please. That’s a beautiful you have. Almost as beautiful as you.” he said with a smile, reaching hand up to brush his fingers against your face lightly. 
That only caused you to blush even more as you tried to dodge his touch, not wanting your parents to see, they had only walked away for a moment so they could be back any minute. He couldn’t help but smile from the sight of you blushing and your innocent demeanor. “Would it be too forward of me to ask if I could take you out on a date?” he said. Your eyes widen at his words, in complete shock that he was asking you on a date when you just met two minutes, you didn’t know how to answer because your parents were strict about dating and boys in general. “I... Uh... I’d love to, but my parents probably won’t allow it. Especially because they know who you are.” you said hesitantly. He let out a soft chuckle at your words. “Mm, I see. Where are they? I think I may be able to convince them otherwise.” he said with a smirk. You were quite taken aback by his confidence, you knew it’d be impossible but you decide to just play along. “They should be around here somewhere..” you say softly, looking around and spotting them in the less than busy clothing store, you were surprised Elvis wasn’t being mobbed by fans with how out in the open he was, but usually people in Memphis respected his space. “Oh, there they are.” you say, pointing them out and then leading the way over to them. 
When your parents see you coming over with this man you just met they realize who it is and they are confused as to what he is doing with you. You can tell by their faces that they didn’t know how to react. “Mom, dad.. This is Elvis..” you say, the words coming out as if you knew him personally. He stuck his hand out to shake your fathers hand. “Hello, sir. Ma’am..” he said with a nod. Still starstruck they just kept staring at him. So you decided to break the ice. “Elvis wants to take me on a date” you blurted out. “He wants to what??” your mother says. Elvis tried to hide his smirk at their reactions. “If it’s alright, I’d like to take your daughter out on a date. Now she’d be safe with me, we’ll probably just go to the movies and my father will be there to chaperon.” he nodded, though he was lying about Vernon coming along with you guys. You looked at your mom your eyes practically begging her to let you go and to convince your father. She looked at you and then back at your dad. “Well.. As long as it’s chaperoned I don’t see why we couldn’t.” she said, nudging your dad. He looked at Elvis, not understanding his intentions, especially with him being 7 years old then you, but it was Elvis Presley and he didn’t know how to say no to him. “Alright, I don’t see an issue with that I guess.” he says. You smile widely to yourself and you saw the smile that danced across Elvis’ lips. “Thank you so much. I promise she’ll be safe and I'll have her home in time.” he said with smile. 
That night you had picked out the prettiest dress and had your hair all done up, the moment you heard the doorbell ring, you came running down the steps to answer it, smiling at the sight of Elvis, he looked absolutely handsome in his black dress shirt and pants, his hair perfectly styled. You said goodbye to your parents on your way out and the two of you walked to Elvis’ car. “My, my, you look mighty pretty tonight, Y/N.” he grinned. You let out a soft giggle. “Thank you.” you said. You both got into the car and he drove the both of you to the drive in. Once you were there Elvis was making himself comfortable and you were a bit nervous never really been on a date before like this. You watched as he moved closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, your heart was racing but you kept your focus on the movie, but the entire time his focus was on you, he just kept staring at you, his eyes looking at the way your dress hugged your curves in all the right ways, even sneaking a peek down your dress, biting down on his bottom lip. 
He could feel his pants getting a bit tight and he shifted around a when he noticed he had gotten hard, not wanting your to notice, but with all his shifting around you couldn’t help but look at him to see if he was okay and you happened to glance down at his pants, gasping softly. “Are you okay? Do you need to go to the doctor, Elvis?” you said quite confidently thinking something was wrong with him. He furrowed his brow a bit at your words, thinking you had to be joking, but from the look on your face he knew you were serious and he couldn’t help but get flustered. “Um, no, baby, I don’t need to see a doctor. I’m.. I just... I got a boner, is all. Y’know, I got turned on, because of you.. This is what happens..” he said softly. “Oh... I’m sorry.” you say. He laughed. “What are you sorry for, baby? It’s a good thing.” He says. He had no plans to do anything with you besides maybe some innocent heavy petting, which was something he enjoyed the most more than the actual act of sex. “Y’know, honey, there is a way you could help me with this. Just some innocent fun.” he smirked. You looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “What’s that?” you asked, he leaned over and whispered softly in your ear, you giggled at his words. 
“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to, honey.” he said kissing your cheek with a smile. Maybe it’s because you’ve never actually got to do anything like this before or maybe because he was Elvis Presley, but either way you were eager to do whatever he wanted. “I want to... Show me how..” you mumbled. He grinned at your words, grabbing a hold of your hand and then you using his other hand to unbutton his pants, and slowly pulling his cock out, your eyes widen at the sight of him, utterly speechless and then he guided your hand over to him, wrapping your hand around the length of his cock and he let out a soft groan from feeling, placing his hand around yours as he guided your hand up and down his cock, helping you pump it slowly, he let go of your hand to let you do it on your own. “Mm... Just like that, darlin’..” he groaned softly, he rested his arms on the back of the seat.  
You stared up at him with a small grin on your face seeing the way you were making him happy, once you got the hang of it, you were pumping his cock faster in your hand, his groans only growing louder, he reached over to gently comb his fingers through your hair. “Such a good girl.. You’re gonna get a nice little surprise, honey.” he mumbled under his breath with a smirk, his breathing a bit heavy, and his body tensing up the faster you pumped him, his tilted his head back as his noises grew louder, and before he could even give you warning he was already reaching his orgasm and his cock twitched in your grasp as his cum came squirting down onto your hand. “Fuck...” he uttered, tilting his head forward to look at you, smirking. You bit down on your bottom lip looking at the mess he made, this made you feel things you had never felt before, you tried to hide your obvious blushing. He chuckled, putting his cock back in his pants, buttoning them up. “Thank you, baby.. That was just what I needed.” He grinned, reaching over in the glove box to grab you a few tissues to clean your hand. “You’re welcome. I liked it a lot...” you said with a shy smile.
“Mm, we’ll have to do some more next time..” he chuckled, pulling you back into his arms as the two of you continued to watch the movie. 
I got a little carried away with this one, I’m sorry. I go into too much detail with the backstory. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! 
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just-two-blokes · 6 months
Me: 'No, there aren't any deleted scenes in my favorite series / movie that made me truly mad that they weren't included in the movie. I mean.. they are deleted for a reaso-'
Richard Ellis joining Thomas at the table in the servants hall, asking him why he looked so glum and asking him if he would like to go to York with him in the first DA movie.
He makes Thomas happy. And I want more happy Thomas. And more Richard.
The extended 'Honky Cat' scene from Rocketman. No discussions. It's a fucking masterpiece.
Dudley Dursley telling Harry Potter he doesn't think Harry is a waste of space.
In the books, there are actually multiple scenes that at least show a little bit how Dudley has changed from book five forward. Like Dudley putting a cup of tea in front of Harrys bedroom or asking Vernon why he isn't coming with them in book seven.
But him actually admitting that he doesn't think of Harry as a waste of space when he usually pretended for Harry not to be there, bullied him in school or got mad when something went well for Harry shows that he was able to change.
Dudley Dursley was a spoilt, ungrateful and mobbing child but he managed to at least leave some of these traits behind.
This shows that he is able to change if he just wants to.
Phyllis Baxter asking Thomas about his 'treatment' and telling him she doesn't believe that it works.
There are two deleted scenes in season 5 where Phyllis tells Thomas multiple times that she doesn‘t believe you can change a person‘s nature with drugs and electric shocks and that he should stop for his own sake.
It just shows how much she cared about Thomas and wanted him to be safe.
Alright, can I please get these scenes in the actual series/ movie?
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shadowkoo · 3 months
mini requests
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OPEN | closed
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Hi! I'm opening my requests for the first time in nearly three years! I'm hoping by doing this sort of drabble game / mini fic requests that I can ease my way back into writing after my long hiatus. If you are interested in sending in a request, please continue reading for all the details. Thank you!
Rules + Requirements :
Follow me (if you are not already)
Reblog this post (boosts are appreciated)
Must be 18+ (minors please dni)
To Request:
Choose a group & member (1 only please)
Pick a genre (max of 3)
Select a prompt (max of 2)
Visit my askbox and use a similar format like this: "Can I request Taehyung (BTS) fluff, smut, and coworkers au with prompt #4"
*please make sure that you include the group in parenthesis after stating which member you're requesting
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Groups + Members:
BTS - Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
EXO - Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, Chen, Suho, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay
NCT - Taeyong, Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Ten, Winwin, Kun, Jungwoo, Mark, Xiaojun, Hendery, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Yangyang, Jisung
SVT - Vernon, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Minghao, Woozi, Joshua, Hoshi, Junhui, Seokmin, Seungcheol
GOT7 - Jinyoung, Jackson, Bam, Yugyeom, Mark, Jaebeom, Youngjae
ATEEZ - Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho
MONSTA X - Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Changkyun
STRAY KIDS - Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Genres + AUs:
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
Friends with benefits
Meet Cute
Meet Ugly
Athlete (you may specify in your request)
*idol au means that they will be depicted as their real identities (as actual kpop idols & famous celebrities)
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"Don't look at me like that. You know what that does to me."
"I wish I never met you."
"It's your lucky day."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Open your mouth."
"Why do you even care?"
"You're more important than you think."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Please leave."
"That's my final answer."
"Did you see that?" "See what?"
"What do you want from me?"
"God, you look so fucking good."
"You're unbelievable."
"Isn't that your mom?"
"I swear I've seen your face somewhere before."
"You're such a tease."
"Don't you dare lie to me."
"Who are the flowers for?"
"Don't forget that we're in public, baby."
"Are you scared? You should be."
"Please say something. Anything."
"Do you forgive me?"
"You forgot."
"You're crazy and I like it."
"Where are you taking me?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I need you. Now."
"What did you say?"
"Did you miss me?"
"I dare you."
"I bought you something."
"Is it supposed to taste like that?"
"Ew. Why does it look like that?"
"Baby are you close?" "No but the Uber is."
"How many doughnuts can I stack on it?"
"This is why no one likes you."
"Put your dick away, this is a Lowe's."
"Stop yelling at me!" "You’re panicking, you’ll crash the car." "It’s not everyday a demon crawls out of your trunk!"
"Who the fuck did I marry?"
This is the fifth letter you will write to them, and it will not be the last.
Six days after they left, the ticking behind the wall began.
A mob boss with a black eye and a jagged scar over his wrist sits alone in a dingy motel room. The kitten stares at him affectionately, oblivious to the danger they both are in. Oblivious to the mess it caused.
It happened concurrently, and so quickly. The moon started getting closer and brighter in the sky, and you started hearing them in the radio static.
With a palpable fury, the demon turns to you, ignoring the rubble of your kitchen, and sneers. "How did you summon me? You've pulled me out of chains centuries old." Frantically, you skim through your cookbook. "I don't know! I was trying to make soup!"
They held out a hand, an echo of the melody playing from their fingertips. "The world seems to dance to your tune," they spoke, their voice a captivating blend of amusement and intrigue. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken questions.
Sometimes you question how everything could have turned out if that day had gone differently.
Chills creep down your spine as you peek through the cracked doorway. You're not supposed to be witnessing this. They'll kill you if they find out.
Free Space - send in your own prompt! Please keep it relatively short!
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Not every request may be fulfilled, it is up to my discretion.
Word count may vary between requests (300 to 3k, etc.).
Unless requested otherwise, all fics will be written as female reader insert.
Please refer to the top of the original post to know whether requests are open or closed (reblogs may show something different).
Things I will NOT write: suicide, self-harm, animal abuse, underage sex, pedophilia, incest, vore, rape, non-consensual, or dubious sex.
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sassaffrassa · 4 months
This was it, then. He couldn’t run, he was cornered, and the Squirrels never ran alone. He was out of time. 
“I am sorry for these and all of my sins,” Roche said, and while he was at it, he kept going into the part he was supposed to say at the end because he wasn’t going to get to the end, now. “My Goddess! I am truly sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good--”
The door burst open and Iorveth loomed there, tall and magnificent, sharp features limned in the light from the sanctuary. Roche stared up at him. There was a revolver in Iorveth’s hand, and his long braid whipped around behind his back with the force of his movement.
“I have sinned against you,” Roche went on, staring up into the barrel of the gun as Iorveth brought it around to aim at his face. 
... maybe someday we'll write the rest of it <3
hnnnnnnggg this scene is so good. one day, when the brain cells come back from the war, and the vibes align, i wanna play in this universe so bad
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the one with blood
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pxnsneverland · 1 year
Beauty and the Boss | austin!elvis x oc (part 7)
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plot summary: Laura Jean Walker is the daughter to Louisiana’s most powerful mafia boss, but to her, he’s just her jail warden. When she sneaks out to the Louisiana Hayride with her friend she sees Elvis Presley perform and instantly knows something is special about this boy. Especially when he saves her from being assaulted by a townie. She thinks she’s on cloud 9 until she gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Memphis Mafia led by Elvis himself. Will Laura Jean try to free herself or will something hold her back from finding her way home?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 1938
warnings/notes: N/A
Chapter 7
               As our escape car made its way to the police station where Elvis was being held, minutes felt like hours. It was ridiculous. He had committed no wrongdoing. The riot had been sparked by the cops, not Elvis. The vehicle arrived at the police station, which was already encircled by protesters demanding Elvis' release. We were brought inside the station through the mob. Colonel left Gladys and me alone to speak with the officer in command. For once, I was relieved to have a smooth-talking conman among us. Ms. Gladys seemed beside herself, pale with a worried expression. I put a soothing touch on her shoulder.
              “It’ll be fine, Ms. Gladys,” I reassured her as much as I could, “They can’t hold Elvis in here. They can’t even charge him with anythin’.”
              Gladys sighed loudly, her hand over her heart. “I promised myself that after Vernon went to jail, I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Elvis, no matter what. Then he wanted to do this music thing and I thought it was harmless and…” Tears streamed down her cheeks.
              “It is harmless. Elvis isn’t the problem. It’s those bigots and prudes in society that are the problem. They’d rather have things stay exactly the same than even think about change.”
              Colonel approached us. “They will let us see him. They are holding him but nothing to worry about. The police want to make an example out of him, scare the kids, you know? Ah, they will send him home with a fine and nothing more.”
              My chest tension began to relax slightly. I'd feel better once this was all over and we were all secure back in Graceland. Until then, no matter how frightened I was, I would put on a brave face. “We want to see him.”
              Colonel turned and nodded to the officer who signaled for us to follow him. He took us down a poorly lit corridor before entering a code to unlock a door at the far end. It opened to reveal an interrogation room with two chairs, one long desk, and a lamp hanging overhead, much like on those cop dramas on television. Elvis sat in one of the seats, exactly as untidy as when they took him away. Gladys immediately hugged him, kissing his face and clutching him closely as if he would vanish.
She finished by hitting him in the arm. “What were you thinkin’?!”
Elvis touched the spot on his arm where she had struck him. “I was thinkin’ that I didn’t get this far by being a musician who wears tails and sings to dogs. You’ve always approved of what I done, Mama, and all my fans do too. That’s all that matters.”
Gladys shook her head as she sat down in one of the seats to rest, as if all her energy had vanished. Elvis shifted his gaze to me, encircling me and putting his cheek on the top of my head. “I am sorry for getting you involved in this, Darlin’. I never wanted you to get hurt.”
I shook my head. “I’m fine. I’m just glad you’re okay. It could have been so much worse.” And, to be honest, I wouldn't have known what to do.
“Worse? Quite an understatement,” Colonel replied from his corner seat, “My boy, I told you simple. We play this show as family style and then we go back to our show business. You just had to get through one performance.”
Elvis glared, but he wouldn't release my arms. “And I did, as myself. I’m sorry, Colonel. You done so much for me, but I just couldn’t do it. I can’t be somethin’ I ain’t no matter what happens to me. Not when it comes to music.”
Colonel shook his head, clearly agitated. “You are just lucky I snowed them. You will have to pay a fine, a hefty one, but it is better than jail. I don’t know where you get these ideas from, but they are going to have to stop.”
“Why?” I cocked my brow. “This is what his fans want. It’s what sells all that merchandise you make and pays for whatever it is you’re doin’ when you’re not at Graceland. Sounds like Elvis’s ideas are workin’ better for everyone than yours.”
Colonel grinned evilly. “Ah, I see. So, this is where you are getting these silly ideas. The pretty girl with the big mouth.”
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Elvis exploded.
“You’re smarter than this. Smarter than letting a little skirt distract you from the career you have worked so hard to achieve, the family you’ve worked to protect.”
“Laura Jean is my family now which means she’s in this just as much as you are. And ain’t no one distractin’ me from nothin’. What I did tonight was my choice! And I ain’t goin’ back to that family style Elvis you keep talkin’ about so hush up about it! I can’t sing if I can’t move!”
Colonel leaned back and nodded, but he still didn't seem persuaded. He had that dreadful look on his face again, this time directed at me. I didn't give him a second thought. Elvis knew music better than anyone. Being himself and singing his heart out was precisely what he needed to do. It's what made him so famous and endearing to his fans. It's what made me care so much for him.
Elvis smiled sheepishly as he peered down at me. “How did you like the show?”
“Besides the riot of teenagers, it was amazing.” I laughed as he kissed my cheek.
Then two cops entered the room. The expressions on their faces indicated that they were not there to accompany us home. Gladys rose from her seat, as did the rest of us, to see what was going on. One officer signaled to his comrade, and the other took out handcuffs, seizing Elvis and putting his hands behind his back.
“What the hell are you doin’? Let go of my son!” Gladys screamed.
Colonel approached the officers. “Officers, w-what is going on? I talked to the chief. He said we were all good to go as long as we paid for all the commotion caused tonight.”
“Change of plans, Parker.” The officer tightened the shackles around Elvis' wrists. “Looks like your boy here has been doin’ much more than causing riots and inciting violence.”
Elvis battled his bindings half-heartedly. “What are you talkin’ about? I ain’t done nothin’!” That wasn't totally correct, but he hadn't done anything that they were able to figure out about him in two hours.
Suddenly, the other cop grabbed my arm. I was struggling. “Hey, let me go!”
“This girl is all the proof we need. Elvis Presley, your being charged with the kidnapping and abduction of Laura Jean Walker.”
My eyes grew wide. What? How did they find out about that? Except for me, Elvis, and the Memphis Mafia, no one knew, and none of them would have informed anyone, especially a cop. But none of that mattered. Whatever had brought me to Elvis, I didn't want to go, and I wasn't a kidnapping victim. I fought harder against the cop's grip. “What?! No, he didn’t! Let him go! He didn’t do nothin’!”
I could still hear Elvis yelling down the hall as they dragged him out the door. The Colonel followed as taken aback as the rest of us. Gladys' expression had changed from worried to outraged. She raised her finger at the officer.  “Now, you tell me who is out here spreading these vicious lies about my son! He’s good boy! He didn’t kidnap Laura Jean! She’s his girl, simple as that! Ain’t no crime here!”
The officer softened as he spoke to Gladys, clearly recalling his manners. “With all due respect ma’am, the girl’s father has given us a completely different story. Until we get to the bottom of it, we have to hold your son and her as well.”
My mouth became parched. “Daddy? Daddy told you this?!” I should have known better. Instead of returning the money, this was his answer. In this manner, he might win the fight while also eliminating the leader of a competing gang in a single strike. I never imagined he'd descend so low. For good reason, the mafia avoided the police for the most part. I was curious as to who he had hired to back up his story. It didn't make a difference. He should have realized by now that I wasn't scared to fight him. “Is he still here? I want to see him.”
The officer nodded. “We’ll take you to him. Mrs. Presley, will you please wait out in the lobby?
              I was escorted into another room, away from the individuals I had considered family for the last month. When the door reopened, Daddy strolled in, cocky and unconcerned about what he had just done. I felt a strong urge to hit him in the face. I would have if I hadn't known he'd instantly block it.
              Daddy extended his arms to me. “Oh, my little girl…”
              Instead of hugging him, as I'm sure he expected, I began banging on his chest with all my might. It had no effect on him, but it made me satisfied. “You damned bastard! How could you do this?!”
              Daddy appeared to be perplexed. “How could I save you from the man who kidnapped you? The man who’s been…God, who knows what he’s been doing to you.”
              “He hasn’t done anything to me except treat me better than you ever have!”
              “So, he’s got you under his spell just like he’s deceived the whole world? Somehow, I figured you would be smarter than everyone else.”
              “And I thought you would at least be decent enough to give back what you stole instead of involving the police. You know how the law feels about Elvis. They want any excuse to throw him away!”
              “He should be thrown away! He kidnapped my daughter for ransom!”
              “Ransom you owed him anyway! And I wasn’t kidnapped! I was treated like family, like my own person. I was more of a prisoner at home with you than I ever was at Graceland. And let’s face it, Daddy, you don’t care one lick about me. You just don’t want to get bested by another mafia family, much less one headed by someone much younger than you.”
              When Daddy's cheeks became crimson, I realized I'd touched a nerve. He snatched my arm violently. His fingers were pressing into my skin. “You’re damn right! You belong to me! You hear me?! And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some little punk take you from me and give me the run around!” He drew me in closer. “Now, be a good girl and you tell the police that he abducted you and held you against your will or I really will give you somethin’ to be afraid of.”
              I was familiar with this speech and its intimidating air. He handled his employees who went out of line the same way he treated anyone who had slighted him. It was the mask of the murderer I suspected him to be. I almost thought he'd do something to me if I didn't cooperate, but even if he did, I didn't care. I couldn't care less about him or the authority he wielded. I was concerned about Elvis, Gladys, the boys, and Graceland. They were now my family, and I would go to any extent to keep them safe, just like Elvis. I would even defy my own father.
            “No,” I calmly answered, looking him down, I’m going to tell them that I left home to go live with my boyfriend and his family, and you didn’t approve so you lied to them and said he kidnapped me.”
             I struggled to stop myself from cringing as his grasp on me tightened. “You wouldn’t dare.”
             “Try me, Daddy. Elvis isn’t the only one the police would love to lock up.”
             Something about the way I appeared apparently made him hesitate. He seemed to be seeing someone else instead of me. He let go of my arm long enough for me to draw it back. He shook his head, but not in defeat. I couldn't quite put something in his gaze, but I didn't like it. “Your mother would be so disappointed.”
             “Thanks to you she’s not around to care.” It was a stomach hit, but he had gone too far, so I had to go just as far. I was, after all, my father's daughter.
             As he put his hands in his pockets, his jaw clenched in the corner. “I’ll see to it that the charges are dropped for the kidnapping and abduction.” He took a step closer to me, his finger in my face. I smelled cigarettes on his breath. “But just remember, Laura Jean…you wanted to play with the big dogs. I hope you’re ready for what that means.” He grinned slightly and kissed my brow like an adoring father. He moved carefully towards the door. He walked away, giving me one final glance.
             I knelt on my knees, panting heavily. I'd challenged one of the South's most feared men, and it wasn't some juvenile rebellious challenge. I had approached him as if I were a genuine candidate, which I knew I wasn't. But I'd have to be. Daddy didn't enjoy losing, and he'd already lost twice. This wasn't over, and unexpectedly, I wasn't afraid that I would be the one paying the price.
Stay tuned for part 8!! Click HERE to view!
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toruro · 9 months
sending in my lists and scenarios but its not a scenario it's just what anime character do you think each member is most like (w/ explainations pls hehe)
it doesn't have to all be from the same anime just in general, also getting back in my anime phase but maybe ill send an actual scenario later
svt as anime characters
literally pulled up myanimelist for this ... retrieving memeories from the 100+ anime i've watched and now i feel like a nerd.
seungcheol — chrollo from hxh in the sense that they're both leaders and above all, they prioritize the group. thinking of when cheol said the members are more important to him than the company & when chrollo said that keeping the group intact is more important than his life
jeonghan — howl from howl's moving castle i refuse to elaborate
joshua — this was actually so hard but i think sugawara from haikyuu like he's nurturing ... but also super chaotic and good at hiding it
jun — lev from haikyuu ... they're both tall, cute, funny, and kinda weird jdksdnjks
soonyoung — i feel like the only fitting respond is naruto ?! they're both so passionate and dedicated to what they do, and they clearly have a lot of care for others around them even if they have funny ways of showing it also furry
wonwoo — guys i know it's kind of stereotypical but it would be a crime for me to say anything other than kenma. like definitely on quieter side and enjoys gaming and CAT CAT CAT and also just very good at what he does in general
jihoon — shirogane from love is war! both are kinda funky when it comes to showing affection but also both sososo hardworking and genuinely caring (i was joking w jj and said i'll make everyone sasuke but actually jihoon and sasuke are both tsundere freaks sasuke is just insaner)
seokmin — nel from bleach. i don't know how to describe it like guys they're the SAME. cute and kind and fun and bubbly but also badass and the embodiment of power and talent !!
mingyu — i've said this before but he's so bokuto to me like ... big golden retriever energies from both like they are either very hyper or pouty and sulky and like their duality is ... crazy.
minghao — megumi frok jjk ... blunt and funny and IT'S JUST THE VIBES U KNOW ... emo little shits
seungkwan — killua from hxh. they both just care so much and bring out so much from the people around them, but also has a fun, witty, and snarky sort of humor. there's actually so much more i have to say about this comparison but my head is pounding out of my skull rn but yes
vernon — mob from mob psycho 100! i feel like they both have this very fun and kind energy to them but they're both on the quite side too! cares a lot about the people around them and is maybe a little awkward at times but literally the sweetest and understanding souls ever
chan — nishinoya from haikyuu! both are so talented and so good at what they do but also so bright and fun and literally brings up the mood of everyone around them (also kiki from kiki's delivery service. i feel like they're both so talented and were thrust into a big big world from a young age and worked really hard to navigate through it, made friends along the way and !! does this make sense ?!)
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starsstuddedsky · 2 years
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Seventeen Masterlist - Reqs
↳ In Sickness and Secondhand Embarrassment
summary: what’s the best part of a terrible date? the end. that is, until a roommate catches covid and you’re forced to stay together (wc: 5.3k)
↳ Jeonghan's Guide to Insurance Fraud (And Falling in Love)
summary: your best friend offers a way for you to get your wisdom teeth removed without going into debt. the only catch? you can’t fall in love (wc: 11.2k)
↳ Please Know My Feeling (3/4 of Soccer Boys)
summary: bitter about your ex boyfriend moving on so quickly, you decide to ask your friend to be your fake boyfriend to prove that you could move on just as easily. but what happens when you can't tell the difference between what's fake and what's real? (wc: 12.1k)
↳ Something In Between
↳ Your Existence (4/4 of Soccer Boys) coming soon
↳ Tip the Glass, Pour Me Out
summary: drunk confessions, one sided love, and late realizations (wc: 2.4k)
↳ New Year's Eve
summary: how do you find a last minute partner on new year's eve when your friends spontaneously betray you to find partners of their own... OR what happens when you kiss a (not so) stranger (wc: 1.2k)
↳ What? Like It’s Hard?
summary: With the help of a little bit of bleach, Soonyoung is certified legally blonde–complete to last minute-dedication to scoring as high as Elle Woods on the LSAT. While he has no interest in law school, he’s notorious for never turning down a dare. So how does a frat bro in serious danger of failing his senior year get a 179? He asks the smartest person he knows. Or, studying for a law test has never seen this much chemistry. (wc: 24.3k)
↳ Pumpkin’ to Talk About
summary: (caratlibrary october event) “I thought Cinderella was supposed to come in a pumpkin carriage, not come with a pumpkin for a head.” (est wc: 3k)
↳ Blown Up Love
summary: gaming is all fun and... well, games, until you start crushing on the only person that takes pity on you and saves you from mobs. (wc: 7.1k)
↳ Struck By You (literally) ⭑ bonus!
summary: the most embarrassing moment of your life happens when your crush accidentally hits you in the face with a ball. but maybe there's still a chance for romance somewhere in there (wc: 4.9k)
↳ As A Matter of Fact
summary: when you're caught in a simple lie, the best solution? dig in your heels and stick to your guns until everything inevitably goes wrong and everyone gets hurt
or, a serial dater and a pessimist fake a relationship in the vain hope that nothing will go wrong (full wc: 38k (varying per chapter))
↳ 11:59
summary: your (very new) boyfriend has a surprise for you (wc: 1.7k)
↳ October 11
summary: fall rains are never your favorite but a warm smile might just change that (wc: 2.9k)
↳ If You Call Me (2/4 of Soccer Boys)
summary: choosing to be partners with the soccer player in your science gen ed was bound to be a mistake, but when he insists on bringing you gifts to compensate for the notes you always share with him, you decide it means war. who will win this battle of kindness? and will you ever know if the feelings you have developed will be returned? (wc: 7.9k)
↳ Lingering
summary: sunrise at the beach with a crush (wc: 1k)
↳ As It Was
summary: working as a bodyguard for one of the most famous pop stars in the world turns out to be a lot different than you expect, and somewhere along the way, you find out you aren’t nearly as different from him as you thought… (wc: 10.2k)
↳ Can I Make It Any More Obvious?
summary: telling everyone you already have a date to prom is a brilliant idea, until the one person you actually want to go with overhears (wc: 1.6k)
↳ Tangled in Love
summary: there's nothing in the world that vernon loves more than cats. at least, that's what you think (wc: 3.8k)
↳ Shall We? (1/4 of Soccer Boys)
summary: having a crush on your best friend made everything more complicated. would you be able to tell him how you felt, or will you be stuck in this limbo forever? (wc: 6.3k)
Seventeen Halloween
Soccer Boys Masterlist
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