#Universal Studios Hollywood City Walk
icelynodette · 1 year
Universal City Walk California To Oregon Travel Day
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Yesterday was and will be our most vacation-y day of our trip. Our one day in the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park.
Now, I'd been watching the wait times on the Universal app over the last few days and, while the prevailing wisdom was to save the Harry Potter rides 'til the afternoon 'cause everyone was gonna ride them first thing... I could see those wait times at ten and twenty minutes between eight and ten in the morning after which they shot up to an hour and more.
Between eight and ten.
My unspoken plan, then, was to get up super early, leave around six to beat all the Monday morning commute traffic, and hit the turnstiles promptly at eight after which we'd be able to knock off those and maybe a coupla other highly popular ride before ten.
That didn't happen.
We got up around six, left around 730, got into the park somewhat after ten after a Starbucks breakfast in City Walk. Then, first thing inside the park we had an official photograph taken because one of the Universal photographers asked us. Then we walked over to Hogsmeade, through Hogsmeade, to Hogwarts castle to wait in line for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.
The wait?
Eighty minutes.
We spent a bunch of that time moving through a shaded forestry area, eventually realizing the kids behind us were from Spokane on a band trip to a Disney music festival. Once inside, we discovered the kids in front of us were similarly from Washington state on a trip as a choir. They were super Harry Potter fans, though. One of them was wearing a Slytherin robe and wielding a wand, both of which set them back three hundred bucks. No problem, though, since they brought a thousand for Harry Potter merch plus—and this was very sweet—thoughtful gifts for their family back home.
We actually spent a bit of the waiting inside Hogwarts engaged with these kids who, for whatever reason, spent a big chunk of that time trying to figure out where in the context of eight Harry Potter Films this ride takes place.
Between films three and four, they decide. Harry's hair basically gives it away.
So yeah. That happened.
The ride itself is very clever. It's constantly in random motion the whole time whether actually in motion or virtually in motion. Either way, in some people it induces motion sickness. And I, as it turns out, was one of them. Only a little bit, though. It didn't hang on for long. But that was that and I'd done Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.
After that, we thought beers in town... only the "town" was still inside Universal Studios Hollywood and the beers were sixteen bucks.
So we went back to Flight of the Hippogriff that's right across from Forbidden Journey.
Also an eighty minute wait.
Interesting, these long wait times didn't bother us 'cause there's lots to photograph and then lots of photographs to filter through my Snapseed app that's my tool of choice for tweaking, well, everything.
Eventually, the ride was shirt, fun, and didn't tweak my head like Forbidden Journey. Plus, just before we got on, we got a firm recommendation from the family behind us that Revenge of the Mummy ride was totally legit. So that was a definite To Do for our afternoon.
After finishing both Harry Potter rides, we indulged a bit of photography in Hogsmeade before heading over and down to the line for the Universal Studios back lot tour.
Forty minute wait. About an hour's worth of ride, though. During which we got to discover that, of our childhood experiences from this tour, only three remain: the flash flood, Jaws, and the Psycho house. The flash flood was pretty much what is always was. Jaws was somehow different. And we drove right in front of the Psycho house whereas my memory has me seeing the house before from below, up the hill.
Other than those experiences, everything else was new and pretty cool. Especially the two big 3D experiences: King Kong and Fast & Furious. Plus, adding that dude carrying a body and wielding a knife at the Bates Motel parking lot scene was an inspired addition. 🙂
One of the tips we got before coming down was never eat in the park. The prices gouge you. Which is true. Exhibit A: those sixteen dollar beers.
So we left the park for City Walk and The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen where we wanted to sit at the bar. Only they don't have a bar at this location but we got a good tip from the host and so headed straight for the bar at Margaritaville where we had a lovely business lunch.
A business lunch?
Yeah. That's how it worked out plus, due to an fortuitous error in billing, our food was basically paid for by other customers so we only had to pick up the beers.
And a very healthy tip.
By the time we were in the move again, making our way back into the park, it was not only somewhere between 330 and 4, but the temperature had also dropped a touch and the wind had picked up... making it seem like the temperature had dropped a lot.
Our first stop, believe it or not, was figuring out how to take a photograph of slogan attached onto the glass of a door in Springfield, home of The Simpsons.
The slogan?
Unlicensed for over two decades!
Which, as it turns out, is tough to photograph when the glass in which it's attached is reflecting a lot of bright things.
The solution?
Take the picture from a huh angle pointing down so that the glass is reflecting the ground which is in shade. BAM.
After that, it's down the four separate escalators down to the lower lot. The Revenge of the Mummy ride is, conveniently, right there as soon as you hit bottom. And the wait?
Fifty five minutes.
No sweat.
Which it really wasn't although the line wasn't as engaging as wandering through all those Harry Potter movie sets on your way to Forbidden Journey.
By the time we hit the front of the line, it was quickly obvious we had different expectations of what this ride was... than what it really is. Me, I thought it was gonna be a cross between the walking part of The Haunted Mansion... and the riding part of that Indian Jones ride in Adventure Land. Instead, it's straight up a high speed roller coaster.
In the dark.
That goes forward a lot.
And backward a lot.
In the dark.
Did I mention that?
At first the ride seems sort of leisurely, trying to immerse you in a creepy vibe. Then, at some point, the creepy Egyptian god proclaims in a slow, creepy voice
Your soul. Is. Mine.
Only, the creepy Egyptian god puts more emphasis on the word MINE at which point we are launched into the darkness on what is now clearly a high speed roller coaster that, in that moment, literally takes your breath away. It's why, as Kimmer observed, everyone's so silent in their coaster cars as those cars return to the load/unload area.
It's a kind of stunned silence.
After that, I was thinking the Jurassic World ride, the only one I had in mind left to experience. We strolled a bit down to the Transformers 3D entrance after checking out some of the food places but nothing clicked. Then I showed Kimmer the end of the Jurassic World ride that's basically the end of Disney's Splash Mountain so now Kimmer's thinking we need to get plastic parkas.
So now we're on the hunt for plastic parkas, first at the Jurassic World store and then randomly walking about, asking certain people where they got theirs... which brought us back to the Jurassic World store where you can get them at the cash register.
Eleven bucks.
So we just got the one for Kimmer and got into the Jurassic World line.
Forty minutes.
During which time it gets colder. And it gets windier. And then the ride breaks down. And the wait time becomes Re-opening Soon.
Now waiting in line under such conditions isn't the worst thing because they've got large monitors everywhere that basically a TV channel for the faux Dinosaur facility that's educational and entertaining.
It's getting colder. And, yes. There's a certain investment that settles in because the longer you wait... the more it feels like you have to wait because what if you leave and then the ride opens again???
An hour in, though, the announcement comes that they have no idea when the ride's gonna open again. So we abandon the wait with nothing to show for our experience except the one plastic parks we bought for Kimmer.
Back up at the upper lot again, it's colder, it's windier, sunset's definitely fallen on most of the park, and we head back to Hogsmeade for golden hour photography and one more turn of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.
Thirty-five minutes.
This time, we're in line with a dad and his two kids, locals with annual passes, who just spent the day in Super Nintendo World that included waiting three hours in line for Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge.
The kids had the most magnificent day and we're eager to share their stories augmented by their dad's take on the logistics of the day and how all the virtual tech works. He even had a bit of video on his phone to fill out the experience.
Now, we're in line for the Forbidden Journey but he's not gonna ride it.
Because the last time he got such motion sickness he had to close his eyes. So he's dropping his kids at the front of the line and will meet them when they depart the ride.
We end up sharing the ride with his kids and, this time around, I get motion sick. Nothing vomit-y. Just a bit of dizziness that hangs on after the ride and doesn't let go.
Fortunately, we are done for the day. It's a little after 730. It's dark. It's cold. There really isn't anything else we want to do. So we make our way back to our campervan, Big Foot, grabbing me a mint tea from Starbucks along the way just in case I do have anything stomach related going on.
By the time we're back at Kimmer's cousin's place, it's around nine thirty and we settle in for an evening of boisterous family time that includes a pair of highschool freshmen as well as pizza and cookies homemade made by Kimmer. A quite fun and lovely way to enter the next phase of our trip: a round of camping for all of us starting later today.
I will say, before I have to get going as well, I had an epic night of sleep last night.
Thank God.
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lifeofloon · 1 year
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So happy to have a Toothsome's Chocolate Emporium and Savory Feast Kitchen here I'm CA now! Drinks are so good, we didn't even get pics of em!
Food shown is Pub it up Burger, French onion soup, and chocolate gnocchi with peppers and chicken.
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Universal City Walk California To Oregon Travel Day
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luxebeat · 1 year
California Dreaming: Favorite Holiday Destinations
California Dreaming: Favorite Holiday Destinations
Gardens, hotels, and attractions throughout Southern California are decked with holiday installations to get you into the holiday spirit. Most have boutiques filled with decorations, lights and gifts to bring home to dazzle your own home and holiday tree. Here are my favorites: Universal Studios Hollywood Holidays at Universal Studios Hollywood Come enjoy holiday inspired cookies, funnel cakes…
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UNIVRS Store Opens on City Walk at Universal Studios Hollywood
UNIVRS Store Opens on City Walk at Universal Studios Hollywood
The UNIVRS Store has opened on City Walk at Universal Studios and I have a sneak peek at the goods! This retail destination features limited-edition, character-inspired merchandise from the Universal family. And as someone who has deep roots at Universal Studios (I’m a recovering tour guide!) I was so thrilled to go to the media preview and get a closer look. The new UNIVRS store opened on City…
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fiberslut · 2 years
Apparently the multiverse is real
Chapter 1: Welcome to New York
prologue | next
Pairing: the avengers x reader
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so you may find some funny words/sentences or broken grammar in here. I'll say sorry in advance but I've tried my best.
Summary: You accidentally travel to Marvel universe(not earth-616), but luckily you've got your phone with you. You may ask what do you mean luckily, just read this fiction.
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Is this real? Am I in some of the Hollywood studios? Or this is a prank? Is the tv crew gonna come out and scare me anytime soon?
But my phone really said I'm in New York City, not Los Angeles.
What am I going to do now?
Then it hits my mind. If this is real. If I'm in the Marvel universe. It means I've traveled through a multiverse. The only person that I could think of right now is Doctor Strange. He must know how to send me home with his portal, I guess.
"Sorry, he's not here, he's traveling in the dark dimension right now" Wong said
Did I just walk for about 1 hr for nothing?
"Can you just open the portal to him and talk to him or something?" I ask
"The dark dimension is not a place where a portal could open to Miss" Wong annoyingly answer me
and I wouldn't blame him, it was almost midnight when I knocked on the Sanctum Sanctorum doors
"Can I stay here just to wait for him, please? I have nowhere to go"
Wong pause and look at me for a sec, he turn his head to look inside the door and said
"Who are you and where are you from?"
"It's a long story Wong, I don't think I can tell you here, in front of these steps"
"Wait how did you know my name?"
"If you really wanna know, you gotta let me stay for a night ok? c'mon it's freezing out here"
"How am I gonna know that I can trust you, you may be with Mo-"
"No, I'm not with Mordo, can you let me in now"
"How do you know about that name?"
I couldn't wait any longer, I run through the door and bump Wong out of my way. As I turn to look at Wong I notice that the door that just ran through broke. Did I just do that by hitting it? But I don't feel any pain at all.
"Are you one of those superheroes huh?" Wong asks me as he tries to use his magic to fix the door frame
"I don't know, maybe you could tell me"
"So you just woke up in the central park?" Wong asks
"Yeah, that's all I could remember"
"And what about how do you know my name?"
"Well as I said before, I think I came from another universe where all of you guys are just characters in comics and movies"
"What? We are not real?"
"Yeah sort of, do you have any more questions? I'm kinda tired right now" I ask as I yawn
"Hmm I think I will wait for Stephen and we'll ask more then, you can sleep upstairs, there's a room next to the main library"
I walk upstairs. Pass a library.
Yuck. This place is so old and creepy.
And I found a bedroom. Yep, I think this is my room. So I go in. Tuck myself into the bed and fall asleep.
I woke up and couldn't find Wong at any place so I decided to go out and do things as my plan. Yes, I have a plan now. A risky but a brilliant one. I open my phone to find where the Stark Tower is and surprised about how my battery is still at 100%.
After 1 hr of walking, I finally arrived at the legendary Stark Tower. Wow, it looks so good in real life, such a shame that we haven't seen much of it in the movies.
I walk inside and to the reception
"Hi how can I help you madam?" The Ultron ask me
"Yeah I have a meeting with Mr. Stark at about 10 AM today"
"Can I have your name madam?"
"It's Y/N Y/L/N"
"I'm afraid I don't have your name on the list madam"
"Oh wait a sec" I said as I take out my phone and pull some wire of the Ultron to connect with my phone"
"What are you you you doooing ingg madam?"
"Relax Jarvis you'll be fine"
"Please sto-" And finally, the reboot is completed.
"Make an appointment for me at 10AM Jarvis"
"This way madam" The Ultron points me to one of the elevators.
I walk to the elevator and push the top floor button.
Oh boy. I am going to meet the real Tony Stark.
As the elevator door opens. Yeah, it was like in the movie, the large open area that connects to the outside of the building for Tony to landing when he's in the suit, the bar, the view of New York city. WOW.
Tony turns to look at the elevator. Confused.
"Are you Mr.Kinroy?" He asks
"Clearly I'm not" I said as I look at him, damn he looks so good, no wonder why he's got all the women.
"How did you come up here?" He asks as he takes out his phone to check on the Ultron at the reception "Did you just hack my Ultron!?"
"umm yeah sorry about that but I really need your help"
"Wait wait who are you?, and how could you hack my Ultron"
"Could you just ask me to sit down and offer me some drink before all of those questions? geez I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday"
"ok ok let's have a seat and talk""So who are you?"
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and you're not gonna find any of my info on your little phone" I said as I look at him being frustrated at his phone.
"And why is that?" He looks up
"Because I'm from another universe"
He looks at me in disbelief.
"And you expected me to believe that?"
"Anthony Edward Stark, you were born on Friday, May 29, 1970, in Manhattan. You were admitted early into MIT. You lost your parents in December 1991 while they prepared to go away to the Bahamas. The media said it was a car accident but we know they were assassinated by the Winter Soldier"
Tony's face turned pale. "Those infos are on the internet, everybody knows that, and about the Winter Soldier, you may hack into SHIELD database and can know about it"
"You dreamt about having a daughter, Morgan. I bet this is not on any database"
Tony's eyes widen. He walks to me quickly. "How did you know about that, I haven't even told Pepper"
"Will you believe me now that I came from another universe?"
"What do you want from me? Money? Technologies? Weapon?"
"No Tony. I came here to help YOU"
"Where I came from, you guys are just characters from comics and movies and I am a big fan, so it means I know EVERYTHING about everyone in this world. I think I can help you with those information"
"And why would you want to help me?"
"Because I need protection, resources, and a way to go back"
"So what do you want me to do?"
"Adopt me as your daughter and all of the infos are yours"
He thinks for a while as I walk to the bar and pour some water to drink
"Every infos?" He asks
"Yes every infos"
"Then.. prepare to call me daddy, Miss Y/N Stark" He smiles mischievously
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Dagger Squad Takes Universal Studios 🌎| Top Gun Maverick Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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So I just got back from Universal Florida & had this idea so imma use that location instead of Hollywood cause I’m more familiar with Florida
Going to Universal Studios Orlando with the Dagger Squad would look like:
So like any amusement park, adults become children….and that’s exactly how you and the squad become when you walk through the entrance of Universal Studios Orlando Resort.
Y’all pitch in to stay at one of the resort hotels for a couple nights to get use out of both parks and not having to fork out $$ on an Uber by just taking advantage of the complementary bus/water taxi. You’ll room with at least two others and if Mav is with y’all he’s literally the dad. Expect him to hang on to your stuff if he’s not planning on going on a certain ride as the rest of y’all.
Mav also will be like, “does everyone have their tickets, wallet, phone, sunglasses, etc?” He & Bob are the ones packing extra water bottles to make sure everyone is hydrated.
Once y’all are in the City Walk either one of two things will happen: you all will collectively select a park to start together, or, split the squad up. For this scenario, y’all stay together and it is utter chaos. Fanboy is vlogging to his instagram story with Coyote shouting, “oh my God, it’s the Minions!!” When he sees the Minions ride but pouts at the almost 3 hour wait time.
The first thing y’all do is the 3D/4D Transformers for some nostalgia purposes and the guys are just freaking out by how cool the attraction is. Phoenix remains at the front of the line cause she’s in charge of relaying how many is in y’all’s party to the attendant. When y’all get on the ride (seat arrangements are you, Rooster, Phoenix & Bob in the front, payback Fanboy, Hangman & Coyote in the middle and Mav gets the back with a family of three beside him. But he doesn’t mind cause he gets to witness the entertainment that is the guys shouting at the sudden twists & spins), one would not think y’all are some of the greatest fighter pilots the world has seen, cause it’s like y’all are teenagers watching a horror movie.
Men In Black is a competition for all of you. Hangman’s all like, “get ready to taste defeat,” but ends up scoring second to last. Bob pulls out the win after hitting the 100,000 point bonus.
Expect Rooster to be dancing along with the Blues Brothers when they perform their show if you’re passing by it. He also has a dance-off with one of the construction show dancers which brought in a large crowd to witness.
The mummy was rated y’all’s best group picture for that day when you failed to mention it was an indoor coaster when they thought it was something else. The drop had Bob and Fanboy hanging onto each other screaming while you’re pointing to the camera with a big smile. Mav has it framed on his office wall back on base and in his garage.
ET was one for the child’s heart and when y’all had to give the names to the attendant for the passport you all gave your call signs. You never thought in a million years you’d hear ET’s voice say y/c/s, and the names of your fellow pilots but it was something to remember.
For lunch y’all got food at the food truck in the Simpsons land which was worth it. Of course it’s park food so expect a buck and coin but y’all were so hungry at that point you didn’t care.
On a whim y’all decided to see the Hollywood Horror Makeup Show & Phoenix is the one to get pulled on stage. “Oh no,” she mumbles with a smile as she stands while everyone has their camera out to capture the moment. Coyote makes a face and looks away when the fake blood appears on her arm when the guy fakes cutting into it because the man was like, “how the hell did he do that?!”
Since it had a short wait, you quickly all jump in line for the Hollywood Rip-Rocket. It was the first outdoor rollercoaster and what made it great was getting to chose a song to listen to as you rode it. Rooster chose “Glamorous” by Fergie which you heard him belting out at the top of his lungs. “FIRST CLASS UP IN THE—AHHH!!”
The Fast & Furious ride became a source of many great inside jokes. “Guys remember, we’re a family.” “You hear that? Family.” “Why don’t y’all love me like they love each other?” The ride itself was average but the music and the jokes is what made it fun.
There’s going to be selfies in each line so make sure your camera roll is not full. Y’all are stopping almost every 20 steps to take pictures and Mav will literally be like a proud dad taking them. Thankfully some people will stop and ask if he wants to be in it to which you’re grabbing him by the collar to get in the photo. “Let’s go Papa Mav, you’re in this family too.”
Escape from Gringotts had a long wait so y’all decide to come back the next day to start with that. That’s also when you entered Diagon Alley for the first time and felt like you were Harry Pottet gathering his stuff for school. So you damn well know y’all are in Olivanders picking out your wands. “Do I wanna be basic and get Harry’s?” “Ohmigosh they have Luna’s—I want it.” “The Elder wand looks so dope. Question is: do I want it as Dumbledors or Grindlewald?” “Who here is a hufflepuff—oh wait Newt is!”
A cheers is in store when y’all get your first butterbeer, which has almost all of you get some foam on your nose. You guys all then do Gringotts before seeking out the interactive wand spots in Diagon Alley & finding the hidden Knocturn Alley before quickly riding the Jimmy Fallon Race Through New York and wait almost 2 hours for minions. “This better be worth the wait, Coyote.” Thankfully it was funny and cute, but you wouldn’t wait more than an hour for it in the future.
So now that y’all have checked off all the rides and most of the shows in the Universal park, it’s time to head to Island of Adventure. And what better way than to take the Hogwarts Express. Since some of y’all have been to London and seen the real Kings Cross Station, y’all were impressed by how put together the attraction was. Rooster has a picture of you and Phoenix embracing with your wands up pointing to the Platform 9 3/4 sign.
So Island of Adventure has A LOT of thrill rides, which what are those perfect for ?? Pictures. And boy do you have quite the album by the end of your trip.
So the train ends in Hogsmede so of course y’all are freaking out over the fact you’re in Hogwarts. “GUYS WE FINALLY GOT OUR HOGWARTS LETTER!!” So there’s a literally photoshoot going on at the bridge between Hogmede & Jurassic Park. The boys all got their aviators on, showing off their houses and wands while girls and guys are checking them out. There’s photos of you on Paybacks back, dueling Hangman & Bob, cute ones with Phoenix, Mav & Fanboy and mixtape style with Coyote and Rooster.
Hagrids motor bike has A LONG wait, but forbidden journey doesn’t so y’all do that one first and thank God you didn’t eat anything because that sure got you with the motion sickness. The photo is hilarious with majority of you looking confused, petrified & downright frightened. Once anyone who felt a little off got better y’all do the Hippogriff mini coaster. That in itself was quite the sight with the amount of 6’ft men y’all had in your group. Payback and Rooster had to have their own cart cause their legs could barely fit.
After a quick snack and the fact it was heating up with Florida weather, the water rides became your next stop. And once again, y’all have your favorite group picture for that day because the drop combined with the animatronic T-Rex chomping down on the Jurassic Park River Adventure made for some great reactions. You and Phoenix were hanging on for dear life when it felt like y’all’s asses were lifting off the seats. In the photo Rooster has his arm practically holding you down. The ones who came out soaked were Bob, Fanboy, Payback, and Mav though everyone else got a decent amount of water.
Oh and Coyote did his BeReal on the drop just as the T-Rex is coming down which you were amazed he even managed to capture it. He was in the front so everyone behind him got in the photo and you can just see Bob in the corner look like he’s looking death in the eyes. Coyote sends it to the bestbereals on Twitter and it goes viral with almost 500k likes and 200k retweets.
Y’all decide to do Velocicoaster, Hagrids, & Hulk at night when people leave for the wait time to be shorter. In the mean time the gang gets their own boat for the Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges and that’s where you, Phoenix and Hangman get drenched because it felt like y’all were personally targeted. “Oh fuck, not again !” Every turn had y’all facing the direction of a fountain or passing a gusher as it goes off and landing on your side. It’s so bad you three have to go to the standing dryer once y’all get off. “I should’ve brought a change of clothes.”
The ripsaw falls ride had similar reactions to the River Adventure but not as bad—although Coyote nearly lost his sunglasses. After a quick snack break y’all do the Spider-Man (which had a lot of nostalgia for some of the guys) and decide to do an early dinner so later on when people leave for their reservations the wait times would decrease.
On your way out you hit the King Kong Ride which turned out to be a 3D/4D ride and had y’all surprised the entire time. Jake was next to you and there were times where he kept bumping your shoulder cause he was jumping at the loud sounds and how realistic the 4D felt. “Jesus Christ!” When Kong was fighting the dinosaurs you could hear Rooster and Payback going “Get ‘em Kong!! Show him who’s king!!”
There are many places in the City Walk to eat so there’s plenty of options. Since some of the guys wanted to go watch the game playing at the NBC sports restaurant, you call in advance to see if they have a wait time and luckily they had an opening for your party. “Okay let’s hussle, Hagrids is at a hundred minutes and it ain’t getting lowers than that so y’all better eat like it’s your last meal on earth !”
Mav is that man who’s taking pictures of y’all at the table. You wink at the camera while Bob is smiling beside you as Payback puts bunny ears behind him. Hangman and Rooster are making bets on the game, Fanboy is updating his social media posts and Coyote is Tic-tac-toe with Phee. Everyone is making conversation as they drink and eat. It’s a great time and y’all leave a generous tip to your poor server who it was her first week and was getting used to handling big parties. She did pretty good and gave y’all a military discount after noticing the different navy jackets and hats y’all were wearing.
After dinner you and Phoenix go to the Toothsome’s Chocolate Emporium to share a $17 milkshake which was HUGE. y’all were gonna get your own but saw what they looked like and went “yeah let’s split it.” Rooster keeps eyeing it and goes, “yo let me get a sip,” every five minutes. Eventually you and Phee get full and let him have the rest which makes him look like a kid on Christmas morning.
So once everyone’s stomach was settled it was time to get back to the park. And like y’all wanted, the wait times were shorter compared to the 70+ minutes they were when you left. First y’all walked all the way back to Hogwarts for Hagrids Motorbike and it was well worth the hour and half wait. It’s a two seater so you all had to figure out who was going with who. You rode with Fanboy in the front row which was amazing cause he’s the biggest HP nerd you know so seeing his expressions on the ride was memorable in itself.
Velocicoater….was the best experience ever with the Squad. Mav sat this one out because he was like “I’m too old for that,” after seeing the high climb followed by the drop. What made it cool was it was dark outside by then so the ride was lit up and y’all got Rows 2-5 with it going: you & Phoenix, Hangman & Coyote, Payback & Rooster, and Fanboy & Bob. Hearing Coyote scream bloody murder the entire way was the highlight of your day. The second time it accelerated for the climb you heard “I CANNOT BELIVE YALL MADE ME DO THIS!” With the faint sound of Rooster & Paybacks laughter in the distance.
I mean y’all pull close to 8+ gs on the daily, but a roller coaster going maybe not even 1 has him shitting his pants. The photo of Coyote because his contact icon on your phone. “Why do you and Phee come out great and here I am looking like I just came out of G-Loc?”
The last ride was The Incredible Hulk and again, you got front row with Payback, Hangman & Coyote (which he hated). The loops had him reach out to hold your hand and thanking Jesus when it was over. “Finally we’re done.”
The last day there was really no game plan since you guys had went on petty much everything. At that point you guys split it up and would met up and switch groups if there was something someone wanted to go again and another person was like “let’s go I’ll do it with you.” Those who wanted to do the thrill rides again stayed together while some went to do the 4D ones. “I’m doing Velocicoater again cause that was fun as fuck. Who’s coming?” “Me. Aye let’s do front row.”
“Coyote, cmon let’s do Hulk again—it’s 20 minutes!” “Hell no!”
“Does anyone wanna share a turkey leg with me?” “Shit, yeah I’ll Venmo you right now.”
“We gotta get Voodoo donuts on our way out tonight.” “They have one here?” “You’re telling me you didn’t see all those people in the City Walk with pink boxes? It was right by the NBC restaurant, Bob!”
At the end of the night y’all meet up in Hogwarts to watch the lighting of the castle and their projection show. Mav, being the surrogate dad he is, got there early to secure a good spot. With one last butterbeer you stood in between Hangman and Fanboy to watch the show. Jake had his arm around you, allowing you to lean into him while being careful not to spill the drink as you paid attention to the castle.
It was sad for everyone having to leave but it was the best weekend you could ask for with the people you cared for most. These were your best friends, your team, your wingmen. No matter where you guys went in your career and even if it would be the last time in awhile before you all could get together again, you would always remember when the Dagger Squad took Universal Studios.
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La La Land (2016, Damien Chazelle)
La La Land is a 2016 film written and directed by Damien Chazelle.
The film tells the love story between a jazz musician and an aspiring actress, played respectively by Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, made a contemporary musical that pays homage to the classic musical films produced between the 1950s and 1960s. The film's title is both a reference to the city of Los Angeles and the meaning of being in the "dream world" or "out of reality". Chazelle wrote the screenplay in 2010, but couldn't find a studio willing to finance the project. Only after the success of his 2014 Whiplash did the project gain interest from production companies.
The film received universal acclaim from critics, who praised Damien Chazelle's direction, Stone's performance and the film's soundtrack, receiving top marks from many critics and proving to be one of the most popular films since its theatrical release.
It was the opening film of the 73rd Venice International Film Festival, where Stone won the Volpi Cup for Best Female Performance. It received 14 nominations for the 2017 Oscars, equaling the record of films such as All About Eve and Titanic, ultimately winning 6 statuettes. It won seven Golden Globes, out of seven nominations, the Audience Award at the Toronto International Film Festival and many other international awards, becoming one of the most awarded and appreciated films of 2016.
On a hot and busy Los Angeles highway, the first meeting takes place between Mia, an aspiring actress who works as a barista at a café in the Warner Bros. Studios, and Sebastian, a jazz pianist who dreams of opening his own place. After yet another failed audition, Mia's roommates, seeing her down in the dumps, convince her to go to a sumptuous party in the Hollywood Hills, at the end of which, walking home, she is attracted by music and enters the club where it comes from.
A few months later, the two meet at a party where Sebastian is playing in an 80s cover band, and it is from that moment that they begin to see each other as friends, despite the strong chemistry between them, discussing their passions and their respective projects for the future. Sebastian invites Mia to the cinema to watch Rebel Without a Cause and she accepts, forgetting a previous commitment she made with her current boyfriend Greg. The two end the evening with a romantic dance at the Griffith Observatory.
Only a few people attend Mia's show. Disappointed and embittered by the negative criticism received and by the lack of Sebastian, Mia decides to leave Los Angeles and her aspirations to return to her parents in Boulder City, Nevada.
Being also a musician, Damien Chazelle has always had a strong predilection for musical films. His vision for the film was to "take an old-fashioned musical, but portray it in real life where things don't always work out", as well as paying homage to all the people who move to Los Angeles to pursue their dreams. Chazelle conceived the idea for the film when he was a student at Harvard University, along with his classmate, Justin Hurwitz. The two explored the concept in their senior thesis through a low-budget musical about a Boston jazz musician called Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench.
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film-classics · 26 days
Kay Francis - The Queen of Warner Bros.
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Kay Francis (born Katharine Edwina Gibbs in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory on January 13, 1905 – August 26, 1968) was an American actress. A tall and sultry beauty, she wore clothes with style and grace and was treated like royalty in Hollywood as "The Queen of Warner Bros."
Following her mother's footsteps onto the stage, Francis made her Broadway debut as the Player Queen in a modern-dress version of Shakespeare's Hamlet. She then landed her first two roles in films, both made in 1929 at Paramount Pictures' Astoria Studios in Astoria, Queens. Realizing they had a possible star on their hands, Paramount transferred Kay to their Hollywood studios, where she flourished.
In 1932, however, Francis' career changed gears when Warner Bros. promised her star status and a better salary. The studio delivered, and she soon became one of the biggest stars in Pre-Code Hollywood. For the better part of the decade, she starred in hit movie after hit movie, such as One Way Passage (1932) and I Found Stella Parish (1935). Female audiences, in particular, often flocked to see Francis pictures simply to appreciate her sumptuous wardrobe, her name synonymous with glamour, fashion, and modern womanhood.
At the height of her fame, a falling out with studio executives resulted in fewer prestige assignments. No longer able to land good roles, she retired from film in 1946 and returning to the stage until 1954, appearing with some success on Broadway.
With the start of World War II, Francis joined the war effort, doing volunteer work with the Naval Aid Auxiliary and also performed extensive war-zone touring in Europe and North Africa.
She retreated from the limelight in the 1950s due to her failing health. In 1966, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and succumbed to the disease two years later, aged 63, in Manhattan.
Was the highest-paid actress at Warner Bros between 1930 and 1936
Appeared on the covers of 38 film magazines, second only to child sensation Shirley Temple, from 1930 to 1937
Awarded a gold medal by the Fashion Academy in New York as the Best Dressed Onscreen in 1936
Appointed head of the Naval Aid Auxiliary's Hospital Unit.
Bequeathed her diaries, press notice books, film stills, and other memorabilia to the Museum of the City of New York in 1968, but is now housed as the "Kay Francis Papers" in the Wesleyan Cinema Archives at Wesleyan University
Donated more than $1 million to The Seeing Eye, an organization in New Jersey which trains guide dogs for the blind, after her passing in 1968
Honored as Turner Classic Movies Star of the Month on September 2008 and January 2022
Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to motion pictures at 6766 Hollywood Blvd
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Tenitra Michelle Williams (born July 23, 1979) is a singer, songwriter, and actress. She rose to fame in the 2000s as a member of the R&B girl group Destiny's Child, one of the best-selling female groups of all time. She earned several accolades including a Grammy Award and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She released her debut solo album Heart to Yours which topped the US gospel album chart and became the best-selling gospel release of the year. Billboard named her the fifth best-charting gospel artist of the year and she received a MOBO Award for "Best Gospel Act". She released her second solo album Do You Know. After Destiny's Child's disbandment, she released her first pop album, Unexpected, which spawned the singles "We Break the Dawn" and the US Dance number-one "The Greatest". Her fourth studio album, Journey to Freedom received positive reviews and became her highest-charting album in the US; it includes the singles "If We Had Your Eyes", and "Say Yes" which topped the US Hot Gospel Songs chart for seven weeks and won the Stellar Award for Music Video of the Year. She has found success as a television, Broadway, and West End theatre actress, gaining a nomination for "Best Lead Female – Equity" at the 18th Annual NAACP Theatre Awards. Making her acting debut on Broadway in Aida, she has since starred in the sitcom series Half & Half and the musical productions The Color Purple, Chicago, What My Husband Doesn't Know, and Fela! She was a featured judge on Top Pop Group, a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing in the United Kingdom, and starred in Fix My Choir. She has appeared in both the American and British versions of The Masked Singer. She appeared on Never Mind the Buzzcocks. She began a 28-city tour starring in What My Husband Doesn't Know. She graduated from Rockford Auburn High School. She pursued a degree in criminal justice at Illinois State University. She left to pursue a music career, as a backing vocalist for other artists such as Monica. She met Destiny's Child band members, Beyoncé Knowles and Kelly Rowland. A choreographer acquaintance of her who knew the group connected her. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CgWyXyUrQ0S-qfnn2vnHMKvJZ0RUOOfKEXiqYc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jivetravel · 5 hours
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Exploring America's Finest with Tailored Tour Packages from Dubai
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey across the diverse landscapes of the United States? From the bustling streets of New York City to the awe-inspiring natural wonders of the Grand Canyon, the USA offers many experiences waiting to be discovered. And if you're a traveller from Dubai seeking the ultimate American adventure, look no further than these specially curated USA holiday packages from Dubai designed with you in mind.
New York City, New York: Start your American odyssey in the Big Apple with our New York City package. Explore iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and Central Park. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Broadway with a dazzling theatre performance and indulge in world-class dining and shopping experiences.
Los Angeles, California: Next stop, Los Angeles – the world's entertainment capital. Walk in the footsteps of celebrities along the Hollywood Walk of Fame, soak up the sun on the famous beaches of Malibu and Santa Monica, and take a behind-the-scenes tour of Universal Studios Hollywood. With its perfect blend of glamour and laid-back vibes, LA has something for everyone.
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Las Vegas, Nevada: Experience the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas with our Sin City package. Marvel at the dazzling lights of the Las Vegas Strip, catch a spectacular live show, and try your luck at the world-renowned casinos. Don't miss the chance to explore nearby natural wonders such as the Hoover Dam and the Red Rock Canyon for a taste of adventure beyond the neon lights.
San Francisco, California: Discover the eclectic charm of San Francisco with its iconic landmarks and picturesque vistas. Take a ride on the historic cable cars, stroll across the majestic Golden Gate Bridge, and explore the vibrant neighborhoods of Chinatown and Haight-Ashbury. Indulge in gourmet cuisine at renowned restaurants and sample fresh seafood at Fisherman's Wharf.
Orlando, Florida: Dive into the enchanting world of Orlando with our theme park extravaganza package. Embark on thrilling adventures at Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and SeaWorld Orlando. Whether you're a kid or just young at heart, Orlando promises endless fun and excitement for the whole family.
Grand Canyon, Arizona: Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the Grand Canyon with a guided tour of one of the world's most iconic natural wonders. Marvel at the breathtaking vistas from the rim, embark on a scenic hike into the canyon or soar above it all on a helicopter tour. The Grand Canyon is a testament to the power and majesty of nature.
Miami, Florida: Escape to the vibrant city of Miami with its sizzling nightlife, beautiful beaches, and multicultural charm. Explore the colorful Art Deco architecture of South Beach, indulge in Cuban cuisine in Little Havana, and soak up the sun on the pristine shores of Miami Beach. With its pulsating energy and tropical vibes, Miami is a true paradise. 
In conclusion, the United States offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that cater to every traveller's passion for adventure, culture, and entertainment. With especially American tour packages from Dubai, you can embark on the journey of a lifetime and explore America's finest destinations.   Get set for an American adventure that's bound to exceed all expectations! 
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systementcorp · 26 days
From the glitz and glamour of Hollywood to the bustling streets of New York City, the world is filled with incredible entertainment destinations and events that draw millions of visitors each year. Whether you're a film buff, music lover, or theater enthusiast, there is something for everyone to enjoy. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the top entertainment destinations and events around the world. Hollywood, California When it comes to entertainment, Hollywood is the epicenter of it all. Known as the entertainment capital of the world, Hollywood is home to the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame, where you can see the stars of your favorite celebrities embedded in the sidewalk. You can also take a tour of the famous studios like Warner Bros. or Universal Studios, where you can get a behind-the-scenes look at how movies and TV shows are made. New York City, New York New York City is another top entertainment destination that offers a little bit of everything. From Broadway shows to live music venues, there is always something happening in the city that never sleeps. Catch a show on Broadway, explore the vibrant nightlife scene in Brooklyn, or attend a concert at Madison Square Garden. Whatever your interests may be, you're sure to find something to enjoy in the Big Apple. Las Vegas, Nevada For those looking for a more high-energy entertainment experience, Las Vegas is the place to be. Known for its world-class casinos, extravagant shows, and lively nightlife, Las Vegas is a playground for adults looking to let loose and have a good time. From Cirque du Soleil performances to celebrity DJ sets, there is no shortage of entertainment options in Sin City. Cannes, France Each year, the Cannes Film Festival attracts the biggest names in the film industry to the picturesque French Riviera. The festival showcases some of the best films from around the world and is a must-attend event for film buffs and industry professionals alike. In addition to the screenings, there are also parties, red carpet events, and networking opportunities for those looking to immerse themselves in the world of cinema. Coachella Valley music and Arts Festival For music lovers, the Coachella Valley music and Arts Festival is a must-visit event. Held annually in Indio, California, Coachella features some of the biggest names in music across multiple stages. In addition to the music, there are also art installations, food vendors, and interactive experiences for attendees to enjoy. The festival has become a cultural phenomenon and is a bucket list item for many music fans. FAQs What are some tips for attending a major entertainment event? - Plan ahead and buy tickets in advance to avoid missing out on popular events. - Be prepared for crowds and long lines, especially at popular attractions. - Consider booking accommodations close to the event venue to make transportation easier. - Check the event schedule and plan your itinerary in advance to make the most of your experience. What are some budget-friendly entertainment destinations? - Look for free or discounted events in your area, such as outdoor concerts or movie screenings. - Consider visiting smaller cities or towns that may offer unique entertainment experiences at a lower cost. - Take advantage of discounts or promotions offered by entertainment venues or attractions. - Plan your trip during the off-peak season to take advantage of lower prices on accommodations and attractions. How can I stay safe while attending a major entertainment event? - Be aware of your surroundings and keep an Eye on your belongings at all times. - Stay hydrated and take breaks as needed to avoid exhaustion. - Follow any safety guidelines or instructions provided by event staff. - Have a designated meeting spot in case you get separated from your group. - Trust your instincts and leave any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable.
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vibe601 · 1 month
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### Exploring Los Angeles on a Budget: Tips for an Affordable Adventure
Los Angeles, the City of Angels, is known for its star-studded streets, sprawling beaches, and vibrant cultural scene. While it might seem like a city where glamour reigns supreme, you can absolutely enjoy LA without spending a fortune. Here’s how you can explore Los Angeles on a budget, making the most of your trip without breaking the bank.
#### 1. **Travel Smart**
Getting around LA can be one of your biggest expenses. Instead of renting a car or relying on ride-sharing services, consider using public transportation. The LA Metro and bus system can get you to most major attractions like Santa Monica, Downtown LA, and even Universal Studios. A TAP card costs $2 and you can load it with a day pass for $7, offering unlimited rides.
#### 2. **Affordable Accommodations**
Stay outside the pricier areas like West Hollywood and Santa Monica. Neighborhoods such as Koreatown, Silver Lake, or even Downtown LA offer more affordable lodging options. Hostels are a great choice for budget travelers, with prices as low as $30 a night. Additionally, look for hotels that offer a kitchenette to save money on meals.
#### 3. **Eat Like a Local**
Los Angeles is a melting pot of cuisines and many of the best meals are found in food trucks or small, family-run establishments. Explore ethnic enclaves like Thai Town, Little Armenia, and the historic Olvera Street for authentic and affordable meals. Don't miss the chance to try some of the city’s best tacos for just a couple of bucks each.
#### 4. **Free Attractions**
LA is home to numerous free attractions. Spend a day at the beach, visit the Griffith Observatory (free entry), or explore the Getty Center. Enjoy a free concert at the California Plaza, or walk through the Arts District to check out street murals. The city also offers free museum days, so check schedules in advance.
#### 5. **Discount Tickets for Events and Attractions**
Look for discounts on tourist passes and tickets for attractions like Universal Studios, Disneyland, or the Warner Bros. Studio Tour. Websites like Groupon or LA’s official tourism site often feature deals. Also, consider visiting attractions like the Los Angeles County Museum of Art on free days.
#### 6. **Hiking and Nature**
One of LA’s greatest assets is its year-round pleasant weather and natural beauty. Enjoy free hiking spots like Runyon Canyon, Franklin Canyon, or the Santa Monica Mountains. Each offers unique views of the city and doesn’t cost a dime.
#### 7. **Shopping on a Budget**
While Rodeo Drive is iconic, shopping there might not be budget-friendly. Instead, head over to the LA Fashion District for wholesale prices on clothing, or explore the flea markets like the Rose Bowl Flea Market for unique and affordable finds.
#### Conclusion
Los Angeles offers a wealth of experiences that don't have to drain your wallet. With a little planning and some local insight, you can enjoy all that this dynamic city has to offer, while keeping your spending in check. Whether it’s soaking up the sun at Venice Beach, enjoying a taco in East LA, or catching a free show downtown, LA is full of affordable gems waiting to be explored. So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Los Angeles!
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sampeixotoofocial · 1 month
City Walk Universal Studios Hollywood Los Angeles (Vlog 4) #universalstudios #hollywood #losangeles
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