#Twitter alternatives
honeysucklepink · 8 months
Who wants a Bluesky invite?
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Lotsa cool art folks on Bluesky now...I have five invite codes, mutuals only please!
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shiningstar5022 · 1 year
About Twitter Alternatives
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solarbird · 2 years
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This... this is kinda fucked up. “net worth” as a protected category on a venture-capitalist-funded twitter alternative.
This is also not the current version of this page. The current version of the post dot news signup page adds gender identity and silently deletes “net worth.”
But it was in fact in there. Wayback Machine shows it.
And they did a silent edit to remove it.
There are a few reasons not to go to post dot news, including that they don’t use URLs so it’s a pretty hardcore walled-garden/silo attempt. It’s the opposite of mastodon and in the future - if auttomatic goes through with its plans to adopt activitypub - tumblr.
But this... this smells bad.
---- transcription ----
Noam Bardin - Chief Poster Meet Post: A Social Platform for Real People, Real News, and Civil Conversations.
Remember when social media was fun, introduced you to big ideas and cool people, and actually made you smarter? Remember when it didn't waste your time and make you angry or sad? When you could disagree with someone without being threatened or insulted? We want to bring that back with Post.
We believe that all humans are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights that include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of their gender, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, net worth, or beliefs. If you do not agree with this principle, Post is not for you.
We believe in freedom of speech and will oppose any government's attempt to censor speech on our platform. However, we have rules, which we plan to rigorously enforce via content moderation, with the help of our community.
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wolfgabe · 10 months
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As a well-seasoned Spoutible user at this point who has been on the site for several months I believe Christopher Bouzy makes a great point here. It's unrealistic to think that Spoutible or any other alternative could replace Twitter/X within the course of a few months. Also, many seem to fixate on anti Spoutible disinformation as the reason more people aren't joining right now while not considering alot of people are likely waiting to see if Spoutible has actual longevity first which makes sense considering how many Twitter/X alternatives right now have quickly crashed and burned the moment the initial hype phase wore off.
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emmeliamathews · 2 years
If any writers on here are looking for Twitter alternatives, check out Counter Social. They’re pretty serious about not allowing disinformation and hate speech.
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ac1d--tr1p · 2 years
is there any good deviantart/tumblr/twitter alternatives out there? :((
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volixia669 · 1 year
Twitter fucking kicked me out lol
I tried logging back in and it just kicks me out again. I even have two factor authorization! So something is bugged, and depending on how many people it effects it may actually be the end of twitter.
Which is unfortunate, because Spoutible has an egotistical founder who led a harassment campaign against sex workers, romance authors, and queer people all because a few people went “Hold on, we need some clarification with your TOS.”
Bluesky has a lot of people intrigued, but black journalists are already noting the lack of moderation leading to high levels of racism. Which isn’t that surprising given they didn’t have a block button day 1. Y’know, that thing which marginalized people need to keep assholes from targeting them. Oh and Jack Dorsey is just another crypto shilling, AI loving techbro who works closely with people in that space. I have no doubts crypto integrations are planned.
Post if I recall is owned by a media mogul billionaire, and isn’t that popular, though may become more prevalent if Twitter goes down. Maybe.
Aaaannnd Hive had a guy who used the r word on their team, and didn’t have any friendly interactions with sex workers last I checked.
There’s Inkblot, which is more a DA/Artstation replacement but with no AI/NFT/Crypto bullshit.
There’s also actually getting stuff done instead of doomscrolling, but pfffft, with my bouncy brain?
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vivaciouscynner · 2 years
Gonna try to make this the last thing I say about twitter. People CAN calm down - a little. The site isn't going away, it's just going to get progressively crappier. But the more important thing is, you've got time. That site still has servers up and services running.
Unless there's a new update with breaking changes (likely to happen after Nov 21's update), if they remove more servers and services, or are forced to legally shut down, you've got nothing to worry about.
I suggest EXPLORING alternatives and not making it an end-all-be-all scenario. People have been posting guides on how to use and interact for tumblr and mastodon; please read them - especially the mastodon ones because it's really not that confusing. They really have instances for almost everything and again, choose a sever that has less users. You can still interact with other instances.
Moving on: What I predict in the next coming months is that the site will remain for a long time but be utter crap to use. Functionality won't be horrible, but people will be even worse than before. The teams that held those messes together - they're gone now.
What's coming for the idiot is a lot of lawsuits. He's got fines that go into the billion and lawmakers starting investigations. He's in trouble. The downside is that it's going to be forever before any of these lawsuit do anything damaging to him. He STILL has a fuck ton of money so he'll likely lose a lot of money but he'll end up okay - which fucking sucks. The big L for him is that he'll never be as big as he ever was, and that's something. My hope is that he'll get prison time, but really, that's just wishful thinking.
My biggest suggestion is start the process to download an archive of your data from your account settings. It'll take a couple days to make and you'll get an email, and i think a notification, when it's ready to download. It'll be a big zip file of all your posts and likes, and bookmarks and stuff. The idea behind this is 1. you don't lose your data. 2. if twitter ever gets bought out by another entity and makes it better, you might be able to import it and sort of start where you left off if you go back.
Try not to freak out about losing people yet, as I said, there's a lot of time to feel alternatives out and establish a new home if not a temporary one.
And, as usual, bring your content here, not your twitter baggage.
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rowendoesthings · 2 years
i finally transferred (almost) all of my art from twitter and deviantart to this new site named "itaku.ee", and im gonna be using it as my default art social media from now on. its got awesome filters and a great tagging system, and i highly suggest artists that wanna move from twitter and tumblr to go there, both sfw and nsfw!!! they're still fairly new and dont allow anyone under 16 to register an account, thank fuck tbh.
im still gonna be hella active on here as well, but this will be more for textposts, updates, and reblogging shit i like rather than posting my own art. i also deactivated my twitter and my deviantart because i want a clean slate tbh, so if you see anyone using my handle (RowenDoesThings) thats not me!
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daily-spooky · 4 months
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aqualogia · 5 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ #ㅤㅤ𝒅ivid𝖾rsㅤㅤ☆
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superkursunaskr · 2 months
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shiningstar5022 · 1 year
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lonelypond · 7 months
Also, I'm on bluesky if you want to add me there.
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v6que · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⣷⠀⠀𝔇𝗂𝗏𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌⠀⠀⭒
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my-kawaii--world · 4 days
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OMG I WANT IT!!!! Someone know where can I get one?
**Update I ordered one HERE and I LOVE IT!! It arrived in one week :)
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