#Transcribe example
longstart · 2 years
Transcribe example
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#Transcribe example how to
#Transcribe example install
Whichever verbatim style you choose to use will depend on your study objectives. You have the choice to transcribe the focus group using a strict verbatim style, where each and every word of the participants, including all the fillers (um, er), background noises (doors opening, bangs) and non-verbal communication (sighs, laughter, claps, pauses, coughs) are recorded in the transcript OR using an intelligent verbatim style, where the fillers, background noises, repetitions et al are taken out. How To Transcribe a Focus Group Discussion Step 1. So what is the right way to transcribe a focus group? Below are the steps you should follow when transcribing your focus group discussions. With that said, focus group transcription calls for patience, attention to detail and a lot of care.
#Transcribe example install
For instance, “This is participant 4, my thoughts on the role of women in the workplace are…” Keep in mind that the more structure you install into the discussion, the less open it’s going to be. If you want to be able to identify the participants, give each participant a pseudonym that they should use every time they speaker (to ease speaker identification). Etiquette.Īt the beginning of a focus group, make sure that you let the participants know what the focus group etiquette/ground rules are. Sometimes you can use a key informant to help you plan and manage the discussion! 3. If you are a lone researcher, find an assistant or a friend/colleague to help you conduct the focus group discussions. Focus groups are best carried out by a pair of researchers. And you’ll need more microphones to recorder larger focus groups.Ī quick tip. Your iPhone, though a great phone, wont cut it. You’ll need to get the right equipment ( here are some recommendations) for recording focus group discussion.
#Transcribe example how to
I’ve penned a detailed post on how to record focus group discussion, but here are the main points. This will enable you to easily record the conversation. And make sure the participants are sitting in a circle, round a table, or a large semicircle. If you have fans or AC in the room, make sure it’s switched off. Location.Ĭonduct the focus group discussion in a quiet surrounding. 3 Tips for Conducting Focus Group Discussions 1. Thus, when conducting focus groups it’s important to consider these factors and take the following 3 steps to ease transcription. In addition, it’s very difficult to distinguish the speakers. Because focus group discussions usually involve a large number of participants it’s difficult to capture all of the voices, especially interjections and overlapping conversations. Transcribing focus group discussion differs from 1-on-1 interviews. It’s always advisable to conduct at least a couple of focus group discussions with volunteers before conducting in-depth 1-on-1 interviews. Because they comprise of a larger number of participants, up to 15, they provide a broad range of information. Focus groups are a great way to collect qualitative data.
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 7 months
Mind: I suppose you think that’s cute. What it makes you is a fraud.
Heart: yeah but i’m a cute fraud though right?
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bbqphantom · 1 year
yk that tom petty quote abt how george used to quote bob like scripture.? yeah
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worldsunlikemyown · 3 months
Would anyone. Would anyone be interested in a writing system for the enlightened language
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fideidefenswhore · 17 days
Mary wrote to Cromwell on 26 May [1536]. Even if this were in response to Lady Kingston's visit, the speed with which Mary sought reconciliation with Henry demonstrates her genuine belief that it had been Anne keeping her father from her. According to Chapuys, the letter in no way resembled the draft Cromwell had drawn up. Mary apologised for her bad handwriting, saying she had written very little for over two years and was only able to do so now, because Lady Kingston had given her means. Since we know she had communicated regularly with Chapuys, she was either lying, or her messages to him were verbal. We also know she had sent letters to Mary of Hungary and Gattinara [...]
The King's Pearl: Henry VIII & His Daughter Mary, Melita Thomas
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smallishbabes · 2 years
Wilbur and Phil bickering while Techno plays the game. I love Phil’s “What do you mean??”
Source: Charity stream
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get-back-homeward · 10 months
August 31, 1961: Bob Wooler predicts the Beatles’ future in Mersey Beat
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by Bob Wooler [x]
Why do you think The Beatles are so popular? Many people many times have asked me this question since that fantastic night (Tuesday, December 27th, 1960) at Litherland Town Hall, when the impact of the act was first felt on this side of the River. I consider myself privileged to have been associated with the launching of the group on that exciting occasion, and grateful for the opportunities of presenting them to fever-pitch audiences at practically all of the group’s subsequent appearances prior to their last Hamburg trip.
Perhaps my close association with the group’s activities, both earlier this year and since their recent reappearance on the Merseyside scene, persuades people to think that I can produce a blueprint of The Beatles Success Story. It figures, I suppose, and if, in attempting to explain the popularity of their act, the following analysis is at variance with other people’s views, well that’s just one of those things. The question is nevertheless thought-provoking.
Well then, how to answer it? First some obvious observations. The Beatles are the biggest thing to have hit the Liverpool rock ’n’ roll setup in years. They were, and still are, the hottest local property any Rock promoter is likely to encounter. To many of these gentlemen’s ears, Beatle-brand noises are cacophonous on stage, but who can ignore the fact that the same sounds translate into the sweetest music this side of heaven at the box office!
I think The Beatles are No. 1 because they resurrected original style rock ’n’ roll music, the origins of which are to be found in American negro singers. They hit the scene when it had been emasculated by figures like Cliff Richard and sounds like those electronic wonders The Shadows and their many imitators. Gone was the drive that inflamed the emotions. This was studio set jungle music purveyed skillfully in a chartwise direction by arrangement with the A & R men.
The Beatles, therefore, exploded on a jaded scene. And to those people on the verge of quitting teendom—those who had experienced during their most impressionable years the impact of rhythm ’n’ blues music (raw rock ’n’ roll)—this was an experience, a process of regaining and reliving a style of sounds and associated feelings identifiable with their era.
Here again, in The Beatles, was the stuff that screams are made of. Here was the excitement—both physical and aural—that symbolized the rebellion of youth in the ennuied mid-1950’s. This was the real thing. Here they were, first five and then four human dynamos generating a beat which was irresistible. Turning back the Rock clock. Pounding out items from Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Carl Perkins, The Coasters and the other great etceteras of the era. Here they were, unmindful of uniformity of dress. Unkempt-like long hair. Rugged yet romantic, appealing to both sexes. With calculated naivete and an ingenious, throw-away approach to their music. Affecting indifference to audience response and yet always saying “Thank-you.” Reviving interest in and commanding enthusiasm for numbers which descended the Charts way back. Popularizing (more than any other group) flipside items—example, “Boys.” Compelling attention and influencing, wittingly or unwittingly, other groups in the style, choice and presentation of songs.
Essentially a vocal act, hardly ever instrumental (at least not in this country), here they were, independently minded, playing what they liked for kicks, kudos and cash. Privileged in having gained prestige and experience from a residency at the Hamburg Top Ten Club during the autumn and winter of last year. Musically authoritative and physically magnetic, example the mean, moody magnificence of drummer Pete Best—a sort of teenage Jeff Chandler. A remarkable variety of talented voices which song-wise sound distinctive, but when speaking, possess the same naivete of tone. Rhythmic revolutionaries. An act which from beginning to end is a succession of climaxes. A personality cult. Seemingly unambitious, yet fluctuating between the self-assured and the vulnerable. Truly a phenomenon—and also a predicament to promoters! Such are the fantastic Beatles. I don’t think anything like them will happen again.
Retrospective from Bill Harry, Editor of Mersey Beat [x]
Editor’s note: Cavern disc jockey Bob Wooler, a Mersey Beat columnist, penned this piece in the August 31 1961 issue of Mersey Beat. How prophetic his last sentence proved to be! In recent years I told Bob I intended to revive Mersey Beat and I wanted him back in the fold as a columnist. Sadly, he died early in 2002 while I was still panning the website.
There are one or two things I would like to point out. The main advertisement on this page was for NEMS record store. Apart from the fact that I regularly discussed the Beatles and the Mersey scene with Brian Epstein each time I dropped copies to him, in addition to the fact that he began to review records for me from Issue No. 3, it is obvious from the sort of coverage, such as this article, which the Beatles were receiving every issue, that Epstein was aware of the Beatles from Mersey Beat and not some youngsters asking for a record in his store some months later. Bob also mentions the impact the group made at Litherland Town Hall. It was Bob who persuaded promoter Brian Kelly to book them for their debut appearance there on that date. It's also interesting to note that the only member of the Beatles mentioned by name is drummer Pete Best. Bob nicked the 'mean, moody, magnificent' tag from Howard Hughes' description of Jane Russell in the movie 'The Outlaw.' As this article was published in 1961, Bob did get something wrong: he mentions a residency at the "Hamburg Top Ten Club during the autumn and winter of last year." They only had residencies at the Indra and Kaiserkeller in 1960, although they made a few appearances at the Top Ten (Their Top Ten residency didn't actually commence until 1961).
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experthiese · 5 months
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Lupin gets fussy over the pronunciation of his name.
Zenigata is the only person who frequently uses a more exaggerated Lupan, with a short 'ah!' sound, and he's the only one permitted to do so without being corrected. Everyone else is expected to say his name as Lupon or Luparn, depending on their accent and difficulties with French sounds. He's not exactly looking for perfection, just an attempt to get it right.
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splodey-goat · 20 days
TBH if you're gonna censor your youtube video just use the standard bleep. You think it's less jarring or more whimsical or whatever but a slide whistle or a clip of a different word or whatever just makes me think i misheard something or there was background noise, the universality of the bleep is for a reason. Cutting the sound for the word or part of the word sounds like an audio stutter and using soundalike words is the aural equivalent of dyslexia and having to bounce between the censor methods video-to-video means they never stop sounding less obtrusive.
Also like I know you're doing it for the algorithm but like, it feels a little too cheeky either stand by your shit or just sound censored.
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meddwlyngymraeg · 1 year
A little bit of Welsh from English radio today, for fun! Here's Welsh comedian and broadcaster Elis James, a native South Walian Welsh speaker, with his friend, foil and cohost, the English comedian John Robins, who from gigging in Wales and driving across the UK has picked up some Welsh! His pronunciation is hardly perfect, but I figured for a bit of fun, vocabulary and listening (largely to Elis, for the pronunciation at least), I'd post this here.
Vocabulary, transcribed
llath(au) -> yard(s)
ambiwlans(ys) -> ambulance(s) (sounds the same as English, singular and plural, lluosog, except if you really want to make it sound Welsh you could also use ambiwlansiau)
araf -> slow (adjective. The verb 'to slow' as in 'slow down' is arafu)
canol ddinas -> city centre (North America: downtown)
gwasanaeth(au) -> service(s) (of any kind, not just service stations!)
Dw i angen gwasanaeth i fy ngherbyd, os gwelwch yn dda. I need a service for my vehicle please.
Dyn ni'n stopio ar y gwasanaethau/yr orsaf wasanaeth. We are stopping at the services/service station.
Some more examples:
Bydd rhaid i ni gymryd y ffordd wasanaeth. We will need to take the service road.
Am ofnadwy! Mae'r ffyrd gwasanaeth wedi torri. How awful! The service roads are broken.
Dwi'n newid fy nharparwr gwasanaeth eleni. I am changing my service provider this year.
Mae pobl yn y diwydiant gwasanaeth wedi blino. People in the service industry are tired.
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n41r · 4 months
I just got up and the first post I see is your video of your fight against Red Dragon back in December? AAAAAA, thanks a lot for the subtitles since it's a bit hard on to pick up what each characters are saying! Wait... wait, hold on a sec? Did you say you were planning to fight Demon King Mus instead of Red Dragon there? Cuz ohmygosh, you're way too lucky on Red Dragon's EX not landing on any attacks there. Just got an imagination that it's like Pandora playing a prank on you instead of giving out Mus, he gives you Red Dragon after you scanned the cards because he sees the command reels just wayy too timing precision based and just goes "Hohoho, let me give you Red Dragon instead and go easy on you a little bit!" aka giving you the first anime battle being Red Dragon. But it actually went on way too luck based there XDDD
Fun fact: If you defeat an enemy that's darkened out so only their one/two person figures are revealed (I like to call them boss enemies), your name will be engraved on the boss section for other players to see when passing by without playing the game. Dunno how that works as of now but hey, getting one bragging rights about how you defeat the said boss enemy with what Oreca monsters you use is amazing enough! Thanks a lot for the video and out of curiosity, what apps you edit the videos out and how the heck you can both record and hit the buttons so fast?! Not to mean offense but wanna try to do that too aaaaaa-
Yea, some of my squad's reels kinda suck lmao- This was result of my anxiety ridden panic, in which I choose to do slime levelling without thinking because I was afraid the machine at my local arcade might suddenly disappear o<-<
Lady luck really smiles on me that day- All of Red Dragon's missing EX moves, nobody get KO'ed, This is one of my fav fight after Salamander-
I edited my video on laptop actually, my phone is probably not strong enough for vid editing apps-
I used AviUtl for my editing but I can't really recommend that one because it's not exactly user friendly and requires lotsa of experimenting
I would recommend either Filmora or Capcut I never actually use Capcut, but I've seen some tutorials and see how the UI looks like, and it looks pretty beginner friendly to me
Also not sure if it's relevant, but I used to play rhythm games, so button spamming is my specialty- /slapped
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straydogged · 7 months
ok now that I'm not so immediately deeply upset and triggered with regards to the childhood stuff I finally got around to unpacking/purging, I can laugh about the essay/memoir I wrote in grade 12 that is so so so clearly describing a dissociative experience (most likely a full switch w/ the katniss introject that was around a lot in high school), hilariously so. unsurprisingly it was about one of my wilderness survival training exercises where we were alone in the bush for 3(?) days, so I attributed it to going "bush crazy" which was something the instructors talked about
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rjalker · 2 years
yeah I hate Star Trek.
It's literally just setting Data up to fail. He literally can't do anything right as far as the ableist writers are concerned, and that's the whole joke. We're supposed to be laughing at Data for this.
This is one of the most unapologetically horrible examples of the ableism in Star Trek directed at Data. The goalposts shift so no matter what he does, he's always wrong.
This entire scene exists for the sole purpose of making Data, who is blatantly autistic coded, the butt of the joke. If this weren't the purpose of the scene, then instead of reacting with shock and anger, everyone, Beverly included, would be laughing their heads off and the whole thing would devolve into everyone pushing eachother into the water and starting a splashing fight.
But no. The entire joke is that Data's useless and will never be good enough and will never fit in, so they all have to react like he just tried to fucking kill her -.-
[ID: A video clip titled "Star Trek TNG Data Attempts To Be Funny Star Trek Generations"
The video starts out with a black title screen that reads, "'Star Trek Generations' Data attempts to be funny".
The scene then opens with the characters on a boat in the middle of the ocean, wearing naval costumes.
Data approaches Beverly and asks, "Doctor, I must confess, I am uncertain as to why someone falling into freezing water is amusing?"
While he speaks, Beverly smiles widely, trying to contain laughter.
"Oh, it's all in good fun, Data." She says, still grinning.
"Fun?" He questions.
"Fun!" She repeats.
Data shakes his head, frowning. "I do not understand."
Beverly shakes her head in exasperation, and, still smiling, says, "You got to get into the spirit of things, learn to be spontaneous! Live in the moment! Do something unexpected! Get it?" She is still grinning happily.
Data repeats back, "Got it", though he is still frowning slightly. After a pause, he reaches out and pushes Beverly over the side of the ship.
She screams loudly, and several other characters gasp loudly in alarm.
Worf, who was climbing back up the side of the ship, reaches out with one arm to try and catch her, but grunts in pain and falls back into the water instead.
Beverly hits the water and goes under, and the camera goes back up to the ship, to show Deanna and Geordi staring down into the water in horror.
Beverly resurfaces, spluttering and exclaiming wordlessly.
Data steps closer to the wall to peer down, smiling proudly. Beverly continues to exclaim as she treads water angrily.
Data, still smiling, turns back to face the rest of the ship, expecting to be met with the same laughter and cheering as when Worf was pushed in.
Instead, his friends all stare at him in horrified, open-mouth silence.
The smile falls from Data's face.
Geordi approaches and says, sounding shocked and upset, "Data...that was not funny!"
They both look over the side of the ship to where Beverly is still exclaiming, and the scene transitions to the two of them sitting at a table while Data's cat runs over to greet them.
Geordi is speaking, his tone serious and upset. "Whatever posessed you to push her in the water in the first place?"
Data, hesitant, responds, "I was attempting to 'get into the spirit of things'. I thought it would be amusing." His cat is nuzzling his face and he speaks, and he scolds, "Spot," beforem moving the cat back to the floor.
"Is she still angry?" Data then asks.
Geordi responds, tone still serious and reproachful, "I'd stay out of sickbay for a couple of days if I were you."
Data is left to stare in silence, not understanding what he did wrong, and the video ends.
End ID.]
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heliopixels · 1 year
Can I just ask what the hell was happening during the transcribing process
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airenyah · 1 year
update on my thesis: i STILL haven't written a single word for it, i'm STILL missing 4k words
i've gone through my literature and analyzed almost all my examples and done almost all the research i still needed and taken notes sooooooo
that means all that's left to do is to turn my notes into actual proper sentences
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lgbtpolitics · 1 year
There's actual consequences to therapyspeak being used so casually to dramatise a situation but also I just find it annoying? And, in a weird way, patronising? I dont even know how to explain it but I just hate it when something like me being a bit tired is suddenly spoken about in terms of "boundaries" and mental health. Like its not even wrong that pushing yourself affects your mental health negatively but you dont need to TELL me that every time I say I dont wanna do something.
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