#Top Sports Technology Companies
kryptronix123 · 2 months
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sahaj123 · 2 years
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coochiequeens · 2 months
I know this blog focuses on TIMs invading women’s sports and locker rooms but Saving Women’s Sports means more than that. Like calling out sexist bs when companies give men real clothes to compete in and women get basically underwear.
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The Nike Air Innovation Summit in Paris on Thursday.Credit...Dominique Maitre/WWD, via Getty Images
By Vanessa Friedman April 12, 2024
Ever since the Norwegian women’s beach handball team turned the fact that they were required to wear teeny-tiny bikini bottoms for competition into a cause célèbre, a quiet revolution has been brewing throughout women’s sports. It’s one that questions received conventions about what female athletes do — or don’t — have to wear to perform at their very best.
It has touched women’s soccer (why white shorts?), gymnastics (why not a unitard rather than a leotard?), field hockey (why a low-cut tank top?) and many more, including running.
So it probably should not have come as a shock to Nike that when it offered a sneak peek of the Team U.S.A. track and field unies during a Nike Air event in Paris celebrating its Air technology on Thursday (which also included looks for other Olympic athletes, like Kenya’s track and field team, France’s basketball team and Korea’s break dancing delegation), they were met with some less-than-enthusiastic reactions.
See, the two uniforms Nike chose to single out on the mannequins included a men’s compression tank top and mid-thigh-length compression shorts and a woman’s bodysuit, cut notably high on the hip. It looked sort of like a sporty version of a 1980s workout leotard. As it was displayed, the bodysuit seemed as if it would demand some complicated intimate grooming.
Citius Mag, which focuses on running news, posted a photo of the uniforms on Instagram, and many of its followers were not amused.
“What man designed the woman’s cut?” wrote one.
“I hope U.S.A.T.F. is paying for the bikini waxes,” wrote another. So went most of the more than 1,900 comments.
The running comedian Laura Green posted an Instagram reel in which she pretended to be trying on the look (“We’re feeling pretty, um, breezy,” she said) and checking out the rest of the athlete’s kit bag, which turned out to include hair spray, lip gloss and a “hysterectomy kit,” so the women would not have to worry about periods.
When asked, Nike did not address the brouhaha directly, but according to John Hoke, the chief innovation officer, the woman’s bodysuit and the man’s shorts and top are only two of the options Nike will have for its Olympic runners. There are “nearly 50 unique pieces across men’s and women’s and a dozen competition styles fine-tuned for specific events,” Mr. Hoke said.
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Sha’Carri Richardson
Women will be able to opt for compression shorts, a crop top or tank and a bodysuit with shorts rather than bikini bottoms. The full slate of looks was not on hand in Paris but more will be revealed next week at the U.S. Olympic Committee media summit in New York. The Paris reveal was meant to be a teaser.
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Anna Cockrell.Credit...Dominique Maitre/WWD, via Getty Images
Mr. Hoke also pointed out that Nike consults with a large number of athletes at every stage of the uniform design. Its track and field roster includes Sha’Carri Richardson, who happened to be wearing the compression shorts during the Paris presentation, and Athing Mu. And there are certainly runners who like the high-cut brief. (The British Olympic sprinter Dina Asher-Smith, another Nike athlete, told The New York Times last summer that while she opts to run in briefs, she also leans toward a leotard style, rather than a two-piece.)
What Nike missed, however, was that in choosing those two looks as the primary preview for Team U.S.A., rather than, say, the matching shorts and tanks that will be also available, it shored up a longstanding inequity in sports — one that puts the body of a female athlete on display in a way it does not for the male athlete.
“Why are we presenting this sexualized outfit as the standard of excellence?” said Lauren Fleshman, a U.S. national champion distance runner and the author of “Good for a Girl.” “In part because we think that’s what nets us the most financial gain from sponsors or NIL opportunities, most of which are handed out by powerful men or people looking at it through a male gaze. But women are breaking records with ratings in sports where you don’t have to wear essentially a bathing suit to perform.”
The problem such imagery creates is twofold. When Nike chose to reveal the high-cut bodysuit as the first Olympics outfit, purposefully or not, the implication for anyone watching is that “this is what excellence looks like,” Ms. Fleshman said.
That perception filters down to young athletes and becomes the model girls think they have to adopt, often at a developmental stage when their relationships with their bodies are particularly fraught.
And more broadly, given the current political debate around adjudicating women’s bodies, it reinforces the idea that they are public property.
Still, Ms. Fleshman said, “I’m glad Nike put this image out as the crown jewel of Olympic Team design,” because it may act as the catalyst for another conversation that has been long overdue.
“If you showed this outfit to someone from the W.N.B.A. or women’s soccer, they would laugh in your face,” she said. “We shouldn’t have to normalize it for track and field anymore. Time’s up on that.”
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yandere best friend pt3
tw; infantalization, yelling, violence, self harm, feels bad because comparison is the thief of joy, life being unfair
ageless blogs n minors DNI blease tq <3
yea im on a roll haha i just finished part 2 and now i moved onto part 3, as u can see i was projecting here with the leg situation
anyways its pretty short and as usual, no proofreading
You don't know how he's doing right now. Time passes so fast that its been four years since that haunting call from your friend. You finished your masters degree and now you're deeper in debt than ever. You're taking on three jobs unrelated to your qualifications and running on no sleep, just like how your friend did when he was working towards his biggest goal.
Well, maybe you lied. You knew how he's doing, because his stupid restaurant name is ubiquitous.
It's strange, unfair and confusing how he managed to turn his restaurant into a multimillion corporation this fast. It's now a famous brand with multiple branches across the globe, it has expanded into selling frozen products in supermarkets everywhere. It's still growing too, more and more people are investing in his empire, making him richer and richer and making you green with fucking envy.
People who invest in stocks bring up his brand pretty often, saying that it's worth to invest a couple thousand dollars in it because its in some sort of top 500 index. You weren't really interested in that because you don't even have a couple thousand dollars to spare in the first place.
Your friend seem to mostly stay out of the limelight, making him more of a faceless founder. It's rare to find interviews with him, even if you did, he would always give vague, generic answers to the questions. He would focus more on promoting his products than anything else, he's neither humble or arrogant... but he's just like a robot made only to advertise whatever it's selling and make as much sales as it can.
The masses would very much prefer to pay attention to the celebrity ambassadors the marketing department hired.
Personal information about your friend was scarce, so far you knew that he went ahead and got himself a diploma in culinary arts and another diploma in Food Science and Technology in the last four years. No doubt, to improve the credibility of his company and in hopes of having more customers flock in.
You felt... bad. Took the conventional, the more socially accepted route of studying to one of the highest degrees, but your friend who started off with only a high school diploma and an iron will was so much more successful than you in life.
Perhaps it's simply the human condition to compare ourselves to wildly different lives. Every time you check the news about your friend, it's always something about his company achieving another award for delicious tasting food, well known events involving major public figures or the highly anticipated release of a new product.
You don't come across pictures with your friend in it, but when you do, it's always a picture of him talking to an important figure in a lavish setting, or having the fanciest dinner you have ever seen with people in formal clothes. He looked amazing in every one of it, he was so put together that it looks unreal. Well, seeing that he can afford the best treatments the world has to offer, it doesn't come off as a huge surprise.
And that is soul crushing, you wish to be him. And you forgot the hardships he went through. And you became bitter. And resentful of him. And resentful towards yourself. And-
Oh, your break is up. Time to continue your self loathing inner monologue while dealing with snooty customers. All the while, forgetting that your friend also has to deal with mood and energy vampires everyday.
As if things couldn't get anymore worse, you fucked up your legs. Well, not you. But some spoiled brat with a speedy sports car slammed onto you while you were lawfully using the zebra crossing. Their daddy was loaded and had the right connections, so the person who took your legs out walked away scot-free. You were left to clean up the mess yourself.
Luckily, it's not the worst thing your legs can take. You'll still be able to walk, but it will take ages to heal and might as well amputate them to pay for the damn bill. Throw in a kidney or two and you might just pay half of it off. So, you'll be wheelchair ridden until further notice.
You moved back into your parents' home, the same country where you and your friend first met. As much as you hate depending on others, you need your parents help. You are financially ruined and you can't exactly find a job that's kind to people with your disability. Or to people with any disability, in fact.
Word spreads so fucking fast. Your friend made a beeline to your parents house as soon as one of his private eyes reported that you're back home.
He was in a meeting with the board of directors managing one of his numerous subsidiary companies. It baffled everyone in the room when your friend showed interest in something other than profits and company growth. It was thought that he has no soul, no loved ones and no sentience. He was just a massive piece of code programmed to make as much money as possible at all cost.
Seeing that he experienced such a strong emotion upon hearing your arrival, that he had to adjourn a meeting, was so jarring.
It made him seem... human.
You were fast asleep. Exhausted from what the world has pelted at you and weak from all the pain. Your parents invited your friend in as he was extremely excited and happy that you're back, oblivious to the fact that you're in this state. He didn't bother listening to the full report his private eye was about to give him.
As soon as he entered your room, his smile fell upon seeing your crippled state. You were unconscious, if you weren't, you would probably die from mortification... your successful childhood best friend, seeing very unsuccessful you. An old laptop sits uncomfortably on your belly, yet another job rejection letter was shown on the screen.
Your friend was speechless. He could already hear the growing storm of regret, self hatred, anguish, anger, sadness brewing inside him, it was muffled, but its getting increasingly clearer and louder.
His trembling hands gently stroked your casts as tears threaten to fall from his eyes.
What happened? He whispered, it was loud enough for your parents to hear. Hence, they began explaining.
The name of the person who hit you with their car was all he needed to know. He is going to take care of it. Everything else bounced off his head as his eyes slowly travelled to your hands, he took one of them into his larger ones. He massaged them with utmost love and longing.
It's rough. It's calloused. It's scarred. It's everything that he never ever want your hands to be.
You groggily woke up, using your free hand to rub your eyes. You paused when you saw your friend by your bedside, silently staring at your hand in his. Tears rolling down his cheek and dripping onto the collar of his very expensive jacket.
He failed. He may have tried his best to stop it from happening, but he ultimately failed. You went through more or less, what he went through.
He shouldn't have left you alone, he shouldn't have trusted that you won't suffer like he did. He should have intervened, he should have bought that plane ticket instead, He shouldn't have respected your boundaries that day, he should have come to you regardless.
You have proven that you are incapable to take care of yourself. No more mistakes, no more neglect, you need him now more than ever. He is going to make things right and you will have no say in anything anymore. You will depend on him and he will make sure of it.
As soon as his eyes met yours, he lost it. He broke down sobbing in his hands. The weight of his failure is crushing him to pieces, how could he be so fucking stupid? Obviously, you needed him despite receiving that scathing text message four years ago. You were so young, so naïve, so inexperienced and oblivious to the cruel, cruel world around you. Of course, you thought you would do okay. You haven't seen the world at its' worst like he did! He should have known better... and he knew better! He just...
He just wanted you to be happy. And, he thought you would be happier if he left you alone for a while. In the meantime, he would continue building that perfect life for you to come home to, filled with nothing but comfort and luxuries. But look at you now, you were robbed of your innocence, and, your friend blamed himself for it.
You're suffering and he was the cause of it. only if he didn't neglect you in the first place...
Only if you didn't fucking reject him over and over again. Things would have turned out differently. You also had a part in this!
You covered your face out of embarrassment, you did not want him to see you at this stage of life. You didn't want anyone seeing you like this.
Please leave me alone. You said.
You always knew your friend to be the softest, sweetest person around you. He never got physically violent to anyone (at least, to your knowledge).
Imagine the shock when he yanked your hand away from your face and delivered a devastating slap to your face. You were stunned as the ringing of your ears and the pain of the blow overwhelm your senses. Within moments, a red print was formed on your cheek.
Your parents rushed in to put a barrier between you and him, but he ignored them and began yelling and pointing at you hysterically.
I trusted you! I trusted you! How dare you do this to yourself!? I worked so fucking hard-- I sacrificed everything for you, and you can't even keep yourself healthy! Oh, he was angry. He was shouting and screaming, most of the time it just made you scared and confused. You can't understand what he was getting at because he was jumbling over his words.
Your hands, they aren't supposed to look like mine and look what you have done to them! His voice went hoarse from all the exertion.
You weren't supposed to work for anything in life, I was supposed to provide for you! Why can't you just fucking depend on me!? Why can't you just accept me!?
You can only watch on as he threw a massive tantrum, your father tried his best to pull him away from the room, but to no avail.
You are going to depend on me, I am going to provide for you and that's final! I don't care what you think, you can't be trusted to do anything alone! With that final piece, he wrenched himself off your father's grip and stormed out of your childhood bedroom, slamming the door behind him so hard, that some wall décor fell to the ground with a loud crash.
He is going to replace them later. Now, he needs to make a few phone calls.
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eserveofficial · 1 month
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 Japanese company Panasonic Ac Repair Center Near Kukatpally Hyderabad embarked on creating elements and expanded to manufacturing entire appliances. the corporate survived warfare II, at the same time benefitting from a postwar abundance amount and troubled to navigate the political aftermath. It conjointly weather-beaten varied economic crises. Panasonic Service Center Near Kukatpally Hyderabad has pivoted often, expanded globally and these days continues to appear toward the long run of technology, together with teaming up with Tesla.
Here could be a temporary history of the company’s initial century:
Panasonic Repair Center Near Kukatpally Hyderabad was based on March seven, 1918, by Konosuke Matsushita, who was 23 years recent at the time. Previously, he’d been living in a very two-room apartment house together with his woman, Panasonic Service Center Near Kukatpally Hyderabad Mumeno Iue, and her teen brother, Toshio. when operating as an apprentice to hibachi and bicycle manufacturers and dealing for the port light bulb Company, Matsushita had returned up with a style for a replacement quite light-weight socket.
Despite discouragement from his supervisor, Panasonic Service Center Near Kukatpally Hyderabad Matsushita and his family tried to sell the devices out of their homes. They even sold off a number of their most precious possessions to form ends meet. Meanwhile, Matsushita distributed his product offerings, eventually fulfilling an order for blower insulation plates.
This Panasonic Service Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad gave the trio the means that to maneuver into a much bigger house and Matsushita electrical Housewares producing Works was born. Matsushita quickly expanded the company’s line of business to incorporate an attachment plug and a two-way socket. The previous recycled the metal screws from used light-weight bulbs. Panasonic Service Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad By the top of 1918, the corporate had big to 20 workers.
Matsushita was before his time in a way as his management approach. Once the corporate was a pair of years recent and had 28 workers, he fashioned what he referred to as the “Hoichi Kai,” which interprets to “one-step society.” Panasonic Service Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad It brought workers along to play sports and participate in alternative recreational activities.
Another unconventional leadership maneuver Matsushita spearheaded was transparency within the early 1920s, employee retention was a serious drawback in Japan Panasonic Repair Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad , initial because of competition among corporations, Panasonic Service Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad then attributable to economic worsening. Matsushita’s philosophy was one in all trust, and he set to share trade secrets even with new workers to create trust in the least levels of the organization. By the top of 1922, Panasonic Ac Repair Center Near Me the corporate had 50 workers and a replacement plant.
Related: 2018 could be a Milestone Year for powerful corporations together with Google, Tesla, and Airbnb
Since its foundation in 1918, it's big to become one in all the biggest Japanese physics producers together with Sony and Toshiba, additionally to electronics, Panasonic Service Center Near Kukatpally Hyderabad offers non-electronic merchandise and services like home renovation services. Panasonic Service Center Near KPHB was hierarchical the 89th-largest company within the world in 2009 by the Forbes international 2000 and is among the Worldwide high 20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders, Panasonic Repair Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad manufacture and market the electrical lamp sockets and plugs he designed. It had been incorporated in 1935 and started increasing chop-chop into a variety of various electrical product lines, throughout the thirties, it superimposed such electrical devices as irons, radios, Panasonic Ac Repair Center Near Me phonographs, and light-weight bulbs. Within the 1950s it began manufacturing semiconductor device radios, TV sets, tape recorders, stereo instrumentality, Panasonic Repair Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad and enormous home appliances, throughout the successive decade, it superimposed microwave ovens, air conditioners, and videotape recorders. Most of its merchandise square measure marketed beneath the complete names Panasonic, Quasar, Panasonic Repair Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad National, Technics, Victor, and JVC.
Non-consumer merchandise embodies minicomputers, phone instrumentality, electrical motors, chemical, and star batteries, and cathode-ray tubes the corporate conjointly has developed and marketed electronic measure and temporal arrangement instruments, copy machines, Panasonic Repair Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad automatic control devices, workplace automation instrumentality, and merchandise within the communications, broadcasting, and solar power fields. the corporate is noted for its significant investment in analysis and development; additionally, Panasonic Repair Centre Near Kukatpally Hyderabad to its main analysis laboratories, every Panasonic producing division is backed by its analysis team.
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francesminos-tt · 5 months
cregan is married and fucks his son's nanny, jace 👀👀
I am not sure if this is what you ask for, but I tried😅
It was somewhat laughable for a graduate student to work as a babysitter, but Jacaerys found this job best accommodating to he needs. Jace was on his year of pursuing a doctor’s degree in Winterfell Institution of Technology, a renowned academic hub for science enthusiastic like him. Jacaerys came from an affluent family, but he decided to finish his education and carve a place in the world on his own, which meant no easy money from mother, no top-notch sports car from Papa Laenor, no private security from Daemon, and absolutely no private jet from grandpa Corlys. Jacaerys had a scholarship, and he worked as a part-time babysitter to help pay the rent.
“Okay, time for bed, little man.” Jacaerys helped the little boy into his dire wolf printed pajamas before tucking him in, making sure the boy was warm and comfortable.
“Can you tell me a bedtime story, Jace?” Rickon asked, his dark eyes tentative and pleading.
“Of course.” Jacaerys replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed carefully, “Which one do you prefer tonight?”
There were at least a dozen children’s book in Rickon’s room, ranging from fairy tales to folklores, all with beautiful illustrations.
“The werewolf and the dragon prince.” Rickon replied with anticipation, “That’s my favorite one!”
That was Jacaerys’s favorite, too.
“All right.” Jacaerys smiled, reaching over to pick up the illustrated book and opened it on his lap, “Ready?”
Rickon nodded expectantly. Jacaerys brushed some stray curls from the boy’s face and began to read the story of a dragon prince venturing into the dark woods and befriended a long lost clan of werewolves. Rickon was fast asleep before the dragon prince could made it to the wolf’s den.
Jacaerys gently closed the book and dimmed the light, leaving only a small light source in case the boy woke up at night. Jace would kiss the boy on the forehead if Rickon were one of his younger brothers, but he had to remind himself that Rickon was not his family. It would be inappropriate and felt like trespassing if he got too intimate with the boy.
Jacaerys closed Rickon’s bedroom door behind him with a soft click and headed for the kitchen. The house was dark, indicating that Rickon’s father had not come home yet. Cregan Stark was a busy man, and it was normal for him to work late into the night. You had to sacrifice something in order to run the biggest technology company in the realm, after all. For Cregan, he had to give up his family time, even his wife, who had filed for divorce and moved out, and that was why Cregan was in need of a nanny to look after his son when he was gone.
Jacaerys was the perfect candidate for the job. He was the eldest of five siblings, well-experienced with children, especially little boys. He lived near the Stark house, a short 15-minutes’ walk, so it was easier for him to come to the house on a short notice. Also, he was a post-graduate student, highly intelligent and extremely patient, so Cregan did not have to hire another home teacher for the boy. For Jace, the job fit him just fine. He got along with Rickon, and he could have a quiet night to study after the boy fell asleep, not having to listen to his neighbor’s ugly moan when they jerked off or the nasty curse when they lost a game.
Jace poured himself a cup of tea and opened his laptop. He really needed to finish reading the materials for the lecture next week. Jace was on his third cup of tea and second energy bar when the door was pushed open, entering a tall and muscular figure wrapped in a puff jacket, scarf and beanie. Cregan was a strong guy, so this outfit only made him more towering and muscular, more like a bear than a wolf. Jacaerys could never understand why Cregan insisted on parking his car three blocks away and ran the way home in such cold weather. Cregan said it was a good exercise for his lungs, but Jacaerys never fully believed him.
“Hello,” Cregan greeted Jace cheerfully, “I assume my son has fallen asleep already?”
“Yes.” Jacaerys replied, “It’s past midnight, Cregan. Every boy Rickon’s age should be fast asleep by now.”
“He always behaves so well around you.” Cregan shrugged the jacket off and threw it to the couch casually before entering the kitchen to wash his hands and get some tea, “He’s a total menace when you are not here. He wouldn't go to bed last Saturday and I had to promise him a vacation to Dorne in the summer and ten private museum tours.”
“Maybe he just likes me better.” Jacaerys joked. Contrary to most people’s belief, Jacaerys was not as serious as he looked. Granted his sense of humor could be considered dry in common standards, but Cregan found it charming. In fact, he found everything about Jace charming, from the young man’s intelligence, diligence, strong sense of responsibility, to his handsome features, relatively small but toned body (do not ask how Cregan knew it) and those pink lips that looked so soft and kissable.
“Perhaps.” Cregan said, pouring milk and sugar into his tea as if his life depended on it, “I like you very much, so maybe Rickon takes after me.”
Jacaerys’s smile disappeared, replaced by something unreadable.
“We talked about this, Cregan.” Jacaerys lowered his voice, as if he feared there were ears in the wall, “You are married. I am your son’s sitter. We cannot-”
“I am going through a divorce, Jace.” Cregan said, stopping at the high chair where Jacaerys sat, “And Rickon is sleeping, so technically, you are off duty now.”
Jacaerys could smell the aftershave from Cregan, fresh woody scent with a hint of musk, reminding him of a cozy cabin in the snow. Cregan always made him feel cozy, like sitting beside a burning hearth. Chatting with the Stark had become Jace’s favorite pastime, and he had grown very fond of the man, but it didn't mean he could cross the line. Call him a conservative, but it just didn't feel right to develop a relationship with your employer, no matter how much Jace wanted it.
“Relax.” Cregan said, stopping right behind Jace, “I haven’t done anything inappropriate yet.”
“You shouldn’t.” Jacaerys replied, but somehow, he didn't struggle when a pair of strong arms snaked around his waist.
Cregan chuckled, resting his chin on Jace’s shoulder, his little stubble stinging the sensitive skin on Jace’s neck. Cregan felt cold, but warm at the same time. The feeling was too complicated to describe. Jace had never felt anything like this before, the slight tingling creeping up his spine, the clench of his stomach, and the lump in his throat.
“It’s up to me to decide, isn't it?” Cregan whispered in Jace’s ear, brushing his lips against Jace’s cute earlobe.
Jace never had the chance to finish his sentence, for Cregan had sealed their lips together into a passionate kiss. It was not the first time they kissed, but it was the first time Cregan’s tongue sneaked into Jace’s mouth. Cregan tasted just like how Jace had imagined it, fresh like the fresh air of a crisp winter morning and warm like a cup of hot liquor. Jacaerys should push the man away. He really should, but his mind was too clouded by the caffeine and intense reading that he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He just placed his hand on Cregan’s strong chest, but didn’t push.
“You have no idea how long I have dreamed of this,” Cregan whispered as they parted to catch their breath, “and what kind of nasty thoughts are on my mind whenever I see you.”
“Pervert.” Jace murmured, his cheeks burning, “I am your son’s sitter!”
“You like me doing perverted things, don’t you?” Cregan’s large hand slipped into Jace’s sweater, roaming on the young man’s smooth skin and stopping at his nipple, “Or you won’t be like this.”
Cregan teased Jace’s stiff nipple with his fingers, pressing, pinching, and embedding his nails into the flesh. Jace jolted in surprise, breathy moans escaping his lips.
“Cregan, we really shouldn’t.” Jace tried again, but his words were powerless.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want this.” Cregan lifted his head from Jace’s neck, and looked straight into the young man’s soft brown eyes, “Tell me to stop, and I will.”
How could Jacaerys tell him to stop? Cregan felt so warm, their bodies pressing tightly together, so perfectly matched like two matching puzzle pieces. Jacaerys liked Cregan. No, hell, he fancied Cregan, from the moment he came to the house to interview for the nanny’s job. Jacaerys tried to keep his affection hidden, for he felt embarrassed and guilty that he had developed feelings for his married employer who happened to be a guy.
Jacaerys was the first to break eye contact. He couldn’t look at Cregan’s eyes anymore, so honest and open, as if making out in the kitchen when his son was fast asleep in the room was absolutely normal. Jace didn’t struggle when Cregan’s hand slipped into his sweatpants.
“You are hard.” Cregan observed, wrapping the bulge between Jacaerys’s legs in his large palm and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You are, too.” Jacaerys said, more like a retort. He reached down to Cregan’s pants and mirrored the large man’s gesture, amazed at how large Cregan was. Jacaerys was not some pillow princess. Once he had made up his mind, he would do everything within his power to enjoy the moment. And now, he had made up his mind to fuck Cregan tonight.
Fuck moral standards. Fuck appropriateness.
“For you.” Cregan wrapped his free arm around Jace’s tiny waist and lifted the young man up onto the counter, and settled between Jace’s legs.
Jace instinctively wrapped his legs around Cregan, pressing their groins together, their hard cocks making first contact through Jace’s sweatpants and Cregan’s jeans. Even through layers of fabric, Jace could feel Cregan’s pulsing cock so much that he couldn’t help but swallow, anticipation slowly building inside him.
They kissed again, eagerly taking off each other’s clothes. Soon Jacaerys was sitting on the counter completely naked, his butt against the cool surface, his laptop and coursework completely forgotten. Cregan had taken off his shirt and his jeans were half way down his legs, exposing his massive cock and the thick bush in his groin. Cregan’s body hair was just as dark as his hair, a little rough to the touch like his stubbles, which Jacaerys just adorned.
“Fuck, you are more beautiful than I imagined.” Cregan marveled, pumping Jace’s cock with one hand and groping the young man’s tight ass with the other.
“You are more romantic than I expected.” Jace joked, sweat dripping down his curls onto Cregan’s lips, which Cregan licked clean immediately.
“I want to fuck you.” Cregan said, always so open and honest that Jace found it cute.
“Okay.” Jace nodded, opening his legs a little more.
“Okay?” Cregan asked, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“What? Are you backing down now, Mr. Stark?” Jace chuckled, deliberately calling Cregan by the man’s family name, as if they were nothing more than employer and employee.
“No. OF course not.” Cregan flipped Jace over and covered the young man with his large form, “You cannot get rid of me now, Jace.”
Jacaerys had no such intention, but Cregan would have to wait to hear him confess.
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danilovefest · 1 month
from: Box Repsol Blog
Cycling, a sport that inspires me
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A love of cycling
I discovered my passion for bicycles when I was very young. Before getting on a motorbike, I had already tried it all on my bicycle. For me, it was as if my bicycle were a motorbike! I started riding motorbikes from a very young age, but at that time I thought that if it didn’t work out, I wanted to be a cyclist.
Now I only go cycling to stay in shape and enjoy myself. I love cycling up mountain passes and I get a kick out of beating my times whenever I do the same route again. I have to keep myself in check so that I don’t go overboard and get carried away. It’s not a good idea to go flat out every day. You have to be smart when training and know when to take a break for a few days. Even though I don’t cycle professionally, I take it seriously and get annoyed when I see that my times are off and when my pace is not as good as the last time.
Another thing I like about cycling is that you can adapt it to your own fitness level. For example, during winter I remove the outer chainring as I barely use it. When my legs feel stronger, I look for the best way to improve, adding the chainring or really upping my cadence.
The best part is cycling as a group. The time and distance fly by when you are in good company, and it is also a way of getting better quality training. I still enjoy the days that I cycle alone though as it’s a different approach; I have to look for motivation from within.
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Bicycle collector
The bicycle itself plays a big role and I use a Pinarello Dogma F10 fitted with Shimano. The key to choosing a bicycle is to find one that fits just right, that weighs very little, and that has a high quality carbon frame, not forgetting about the look of the bike.
Years ago, I decided to start a collection of all of my bikes because of all the unforgettable memories and experiences I’ve had on them. Many of my sporting accomplishments have been achieved when using cycling for training. I have fond memories of those tough times that I faced, pedalling with all my strength on a steep climb.
I now have a wonderful collection of Pinarellos. It is a selection of bikes that represents the changing times and fashions and when you look at them all together, you can see the differences in technology and colours used over the years.
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A passion for professional cycling
Purito was my favourite cyclist because of his explosive power, but now that he is retired, I have my eye on other Spanish cyclists, like Alejandro Valverde and Alberto Contador. I’m also looking forward to seeing who will be the next rising star to keep us entertained. In recent years, Froome, Quintana, Nibali and Alberto Contador are the cyclists we’ve seen competing for the big titles. So who knows who might surprise us this year.
If I had to choose my favourite cycling stage it would definitely be the Alps. I’ve had a great time cycling there myself and it’s the best area. The Dolomites stages are really tough and I’ve suffered cycling up those passes, but it feels amazing when you finally reach the top.
When watching cycling on TV, I prefer to watch the bigger tours. I tend to watch them more often, although it is easy to get hooked on the classics with the exciting shows they put on.
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My experience cycling
I have taken part in a tour cycling race before, and I know that in this sport it’s difficult to position yourself, to know if the group got broken up, or if you’re at the front. That is why it’s vital to wear an earpiece because it helps a lot in this regard. There has been a lot of talk about whether using an earpiece disrupts the competition, but nobody can deny that it increases rivalry between the cyclists and makes for a better show.
I’ve sometimes thought about taking part in Paris-Roubaix, but when I consider how tough it is, it puts me off. My brother has cycled in it. He has told me what it’s like and to be honest, it looks way easier on TV than it is in real life. I don’t think it would be my favourite race if I ever did cycle in it.
I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about my passion for cycling. As always, thanks to all Box Repsol followers for reading and for your unconditional support. See you at the track!
Dani Pedrosa
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rosepehtels · 2 months
my worldbuilding categories
you can view a published version of my world here!
i've finally found a structure i'm happy with thanks to this vault i found. this set-up approaches all the worldbuilding categories i would like to build on for my world!
observed traditions & cultures
social dynamics, roles & hierarchies
professions, skills & employment
relationships, sex, & marriage
ceremonies of life & death
wellness, style and sanitation
hobbies, games & sports
music, dance & performances
visual arts, movements, & styles
culinary practices & inebriating rituals
botanical specimens
alliances & factions
religious groups, cults & followings
political factions
military groups
guilds, companies, & societies
arms & armor
siege engines
armor & shields
common items, provisions & supplies
clothing & accessories
food, drink & consumables
furnishings & decorations
tools, equipment & household goods
ritual & religious objects
materials, substances & solutions
lore library
myths, legends & conspiracies
notable events
wars, battles & conflicts
laws & politics
book, documents, & journals
time, calendar & holidays
diseases, disabilities, & conditions
languages, dilects, & scripts
science & technology
transport & travel
my other obsidian posts:
obsidian resources
my review on obsidian
5 obsidian plugins for writers
my top 5 obsidian plugins
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felassan · 1 year
Article: 'EA Sports and EA Games Splitting Apart in Internal Shakeup'
EA is undergoing a major internal reorganization, with EA Games being renamed "EA Entertainment." Electronic Arts is undergoing a major internal shakeup, announcing today in a message from CEO Andrew Wilson that it is realigning its major studios and its leadership structure in an effort to "empower our creative teams." The reorganization includes splitting EA Games and EA Sports, with the former being renamed "EA Entertainment" in a signal that EA intends to expand beyond games where possible. "We’re building the future of interactive entertainment on a foundation of legendary franchises and innovative new experiences, which represents massive opportunities for growth," Wilson wrote in a message announcing the news. Laura Miele, previously EA's Chief Operating Officer, will take over as EA President of Entertainment, Technology, and Central Development at EA Entertainment, where she will work closely with Vince Zampella and other well-known executives. Cam Weber, who rose out of EA's football games, will continue to lead EA Sports. Both will enjoy expanded control over their respective labels intended to give them more oversight over budgets and decision-making flexibility. Wilson will continue to preside over both organizations as EA's CEO. The moves coincide with news that Chief Experiences Officer Chris Bruzzo is retiring, with EA Chief Financial Officer Chris Suh also departing the company. David Tinson and Stuart Canfield respectively will take over their responsibilities. The moves are the latest in what has been a major reorganization for EA. Earlier this month, we reported that Star Wars: The Old Republic is on course to move to a third-party developer, with many of its developers being given the opportunity to move elsewhere in the company. It's unclear whether the current reorganization will result in layoffs. As before, EA Sports will continue to look after the F1 series, which just releases, as well as PGA Tour and the newly-acquired Super Mega Baseball. This is on top of traditional blockbusters including Madden, the newly-renamed EA Sports FC, NHL, and the upcoming College Football reboot. EA Entertainment, meanwhile, will encompass Respawn, DICE, Ripple Effect, Ridgeline Games (Battlefield), Full Circle (Skate), Motive Studio (Iron Man), EA's Seattle studio, BioWare, and the EA Originals label. EA also includes numerous mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and the recently-released Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth. While dramatic on the face of it, much of the current structure will remain intact, with Zampella continuing to lead Respawn and Battlefield. Samantha Ryan will likewise continue to be in charge of BioWare, Maxis, Full Circle, and Motive Studios. Apart from giving studios leaders more control over their respective domains, the big change appears to be centered on separating out EA Sports, which continues to be EA's biggest profit driver. EA's soccer sims in particular continue to be major money machines for EA, with FIFA 23 pushing the publisher near $2 billion in net bookings. "Over the coming months, Stuart, Laura, Cam, and David will partner closely with studio leaders to implement these organizational changes, further embedding dedicated capabilities into franchise teams and driving operational rigor," Wilson wrote, claiming that "EA's business remains strong."
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tlonista · 1 year
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I feel bad for all the writer logistics venting here but god, RIGs. They're futuristic cellphones that are central to huge amounts of the action in Dead Space, except each one is hyper-specialized in ways that only work if you wear one type of clothing -- they chill out over your sports-bra-and-tank-top except when they're built into a gigantic armored suit or clamped to the back of your jacket with 20 metal ribs. Yes I understand it's a fun diagetic interface thing I'm just not used to actively worldbuilding to let my characters change their damn shirts.
So my working theory is that a RIG is basically a combo health readout, biometric sensor array, and lightweight personal computer, all of which is simple enough in the 26th century that companies can build lots of models and expect people will sync info across more than one, and I don't need to worry about characters keeping a single one straight. For lightweight models let's say people have magnets implanted along their spine that anchor them -- unobtrusive, simple, works with Ellie's tank top. (And when Isaac's unhooking the ribs in the remake, it's some manual failsafe that idk reverses the magnetism to release the RIG.)
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So then there's the controls. As of the remake we can see Isaac using a combination of taps on his wrist and on the icons of a holographic projection, which is fine, except it raises the troubling question of "how is that screen appearing." Maybe the screen around his neck is an oddly angled projector? We see wrist-mounted projectors in Dead Space 2, which also seem to have cameras that let users stream video of their faces. I don't believe they make an appearance in the remake, but I don't think they're ruled out?
The other answer I've seen is "everyone's a cyborg, they have AR built into their eyes" or some such. But I feel like this doesn't mesh with the vibe of the universe, which is if anything very rough and physical. It's also not clear why someone would design a system that lets everybody know what you're watching on your cyborg-vision, as we see in the remake's introduction. So I guess after all this, my conclusion to "how does this technology that is central to the characters' lives work" is still technically "I have no fucking clue."
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hirocimacruiser · 7 months
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Indy Racing League FLAT OUT Infiniti
IRL is a new series that started in 1997 after splitting from the CART series, but it has now become America's most popular formula car race. The IRL series is held 13 times a year (2001) on oval courses in North America. The IRL is represented by the world's largest motor sports event, the Indy 500 Mile, which is held as the fourth race in the series.400,000 people attend this race, which has a total prize money of 1 billion yen and a winner's prize of 200 million yen. A large audience gathers.
Currently, the machines used in the IRL combine a 3.5-liter V8 DOHC non-turbo engine with an open-wheel, open-cockpit, single-seat type car body similar to F1 and CART. The engine is equipped with a rev limiter, which limits the maximum rotation speed to 10,700 revolutions per minute, and the maximum output is approximately 650 horsepower. Currently, the car bodies are produced and marketed by Italy's Dallara, Britain's G-Force, and America's Riley & Scott, and engines are supplied by Nissan and Oldsmobile, named Infiniti and Aurora, respectively.
Through IRL high-speed oval track racing, the ultimate performance testing ground, Nissan In order to prove its technological capabilities and reliability as a high-performance car manufacturer, the company has been competing in the IRL since 1997. In 1998, it took the lead against an overwhelming majority of cars equipped with Aurora engines, and finally achieved its first victory in the IRL in June of last year.
Riding on this momentum, Nissan introduced a newly developed engine to the front this year and began dominating the series. The new engine is the ``35A'' type, which is the same type as the Q45 (Cima)'s power plant and is a detuned version of the VRH50 that was entered in the 1999 Le Mans 24 Hour Race. It is the latest weapon that is lightweight and compact, with a lower center of gravity and improved fuel efficiency than last year's model. This engine was supplied to two teams, Cheever Indy Racing and Dreyer & Rhine Bold Racing, and competed in the 2001 season with Eddie Cheever and Robbie Buhl driving.
The new engine spent the first half of the season undergoing initial maturation, and in the fifth race of the series, Cheever recorded the fastest lap time, quickly proving its high potential and becoming a regular contender for the top positions. Then came the eighth round, a race contested over 200 laps around the 1.5-mile Kansas Speedway. This was the first victory for the new engine. Cheever, the winner, said: ``Today I had a powerful weapon in my hands, the most powerful weapon in the form of an Infiniti.This engine is available to everyone, because it is installed in the Infiniti production cars that everyone drives.'' It was developed based on the engine ``Kara''.
After this first victory, he was unable to achieve any results, retiring in the 9th race due to an accident, and in the 10th race he was in the lead until just before the finish, but fell back due to a mistake in refueling, but in the 11th race, Buhl finished 5th. With Cheever finishing 3rd in the 12th race, Infiniti is closing out the season with a bang. Infiniti's goals for next season are, of course, winning the Indy 500 mile race and winning the series championship.
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january-summers · 6 months
But then what would Red Vs Blue look like as a Sword Art Online fusion?
Because, like, it's easy to just dump them in complete AU, but I mean actual story translation?
Cause obviously the Reds and Blues would be newbie player, or at least they'd be casuals who don't play very often or obsessed with a certain game/genre but not actually very good at it.
And Freelancers would be more pro-players, like Wash did e-sports but he's not really into it, he's good, but he'd rather be having fun with friends than games-as-work.
Carolina's still chasing her father's approval and her mother's shadow by being the top of the gamer world, (her mother Allison was an e-sports superstar, and a top ranker in twenty MMORPGs).
Meanwhile, Director Church has created one of the worlds first full dive Virtual Reality MMOs, and he did it all while trying to figure out a way to un-vegetable his wife, who suffered brain death years ago when trying out another company's first attempts at full dive technology.
Director is convinced if he can just learn enough about brains in simulations, he can use the data that was saved from his wife's dives and put her back to rights.
So he created the game, and it's supposed to be the best game ever, incorporating all Allison's favourite things.
But there's a catch, in order for Director to get the data he needs, the game has to be running non-stop for A While. Specifically, the players need to be playing non-stop for A While.
So he's trapped them in the game with the threat of death looming over them.
There's probably something hidden in the T&Cs of the user agreement so everyone who logs on legally agrees to this shit, but no one reads the T&Cs, so they have no idea. They all genuinely believe they'll die in real life if they die in the game, and the only way to get out is to clear it. Like, even Carolina doesn't know.
The AI overlord Operating System of the game is FILSS/Sheila.
I was thinking (alpha) Church as Carolina's IRL brother who followed their dad into computer programming, but then it (the Chex) would be weird when the Allison Data that Director puts into the game develops its own personality (Beta). So maybe he's just part of the operating systems, on of several AIs running around low key maintaining the game and adding/manifesting new missions and materials based on their interactions with the users to ensure the game is meeting everyone's skill level.
He just sort of joins the Blues and pretends to be a human player.
Man I hope Director is paying the players to be there. He'd probably only pay minimum wage. Has a hospital set up for long term monitoring of players, and Aiden is going to have a field day with the research into what this kind of shit does to people's minds.
Lopez as a Bot that gains sapience/sentience.
It takes Griff months to find out his sister is in the game. (she "just wanted to spend time with him, but holy shit bro have you seen-")
Tucker accidentally hatches some kind of demon creature and tames it, it thinks Tucker is its mother. He names it Junior.
The Freelancers are the Front Line players, making the push towards clearing the game (possibly all of them were beta players for the game?), but somehow the Reds and Blues are actually some of the most powerful players even though they mostly just stand around talking, and getting into side-quest shenanigans.
Sarge is actually Simmons and Griff's shop teacher who is determined to look out for his students in the most tsundere way possible. Donut doesn't take shop class, he does home ec, but he knows them from Simmons' brief attempts at being on the school baseball team.
The Reds and Blues (minus Sarge) are all teenagers now, probably seniors, who go to the same school. (Wash is supposed to be in collage getting ready to graduate but e-sports got in the way, Carolina is younger than him but older than the Reds and Blues.)
Butch Flowers is the home ec teacher, (or/alos a computer science teacher) he and Sarge have a one sided rivalry that got passed onto their teams.
Tucker used to be on the baseball team, but he's currently suspended for reasons that probably weren't actually his fault, but no one knows what it actually is because Tucker like encouraging the rumours, since they're hilarious.
Caboose just wanted to make friends and have fun, and now the cool kids are hanging out with him and he made a Best Friend called Church and he doesn't have to go home at all!
Doc is either a first year medical student who doesn't have time for this!!! or Donut's boyfriend the others have never met because he goes to a different school.
Is the game sci-fi guns blazing or high fantasy swords and sorcery?
I don't know, irrelevant.
The reason Church is still bad at shooting things though is because as an AI he can make himself as powerful as he wants to be, and no-selling his shots is FILSS's way of smacking him with a rolled up news paper.
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chussyracing · 2 months
what is happening in the world of motorsports?
Andretti are planning to enter F2 and F3 championships and opened a new facility at Silverstone Park UK (with a promise of future commitment to F1 as well if they get a green light again)
probably because of Alpine's struggles so far this year (and also thanks to Andretti looking for a way into F1), there are some rumours flying around about Alpine being bought out by a different brand
Ferrari is bringing a significant update to Imola which could potentially help them with quali issues and bring them closer to RBR if not on their level for now (generally big ifs and maybes)
McLaren will be bringing upgrade package to Miami (like Ferrari originally planned too) but Andrea Stella doesn't actually expect to close the gap to Ferrari with it
Mercedes is still having corellation problems between sim and race track data and it turns out their operating window is also significantly smaller than other teams
Williams launched "Williams Grand Prix Technologies" company to help solve their clients' problems using F1 solutions
Fernando Alonso signed a new long term contract extension with Aston Martin and it's supposed to be well beyond 2026
Charles launched his LEC ice cream line which you can buy in shops in Italy (they are 5 flavours and they are not expensive as i expected)
Charles also - most likely - got a new puppy named Leo Leclerc
Lando is in Forbes 30 under 30 Europe 2024: Sports and Games
Carlos Sainz met Jannik Sinner (F1 Ambassador) and Novak Djokovic (nastie) at Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters yesterday
Lewis is getting a new instagram account and posted a few pictures including Roscoe but more importantly also a pic from the studio (which could hint at new music we may never get as usual)
Lewis also received an award at GQ creativity awards last night
Lawrence Barretto said that the rumour inside the paddock is that Carlos' options for a new team are Williams and Sauber (but it's not a very reliable source tbh)
Since there have been rumours about Carlos being given an ultimatum from Audi, reportedly they have been exploring their other options and Nico and Yuki are on top of their list to hire
Max hinted again on retiring after his contract expires once again
And since we are talking contracts, Toto Wolff once again mentioned Kimi Antonelli is the biggest candidat for the Mercedes seat, although he previously sad he can't talk about him too much to avoid pressure
Pierre and Lando were both at PSG game and saw them lose ✨️ (they were not WITH each other though)
and speaking of Lando, it looks like Alex's grandma is a big Lando fangirl 💀
Hockenheim and Nürburgring (as well as South Korea) are in contact with F1 with the possibility of discussion of 2026 rotation calendar which could see new as well older tracks returning
Ted Toleman the founder of his F1 team also named Toleman passed away
Envision FE team changed up the lineup for rookie test to get Paul Aron in the car because Berlin E-prix is happening at the same time as WEC and both Buemi and Frijns will be driving there so they can't drive FE the next day, instead Paul Aron and Joel Eriksson will drive
Also there are rumours about London race instead being moved to Silverstone
Caitling Wood will have a Barbie car at Porsche Sprint Challenge GB Championship and I need everyone to see it, so I'm adding pics below
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theultimatefan · 7 months
Angel City FC Launches Performance Optimization Solution From Kitman Labs
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Kitman Labs, the global enterprise SaaS platform providing the only single, centralized operating system for performance intelligence in the elite performance industry, today announced a new relationship with LA-based, NWSL club, Angel City Football Club.  On the heels of the NWSL’s deployment of the Performance Medicine Solution from Kitman Labs as its league-wide advanced EMR, Angel City FC will expand the use of iP: Intelligence Platform across the club to include Performance Optimization.  
Angel City FC will now be able to combine performance data - including game, training, gym, physical testing and more - with player-level medical data for a complete, real-time assessment of each athlete.  All data is captured in a single, interactive system - eliminating data and information silos, enabling cross-Departmental communication and supporting informed, data-led decision-making.  Both players and practitioners will be able to access and input data through a dedicated Coach and Player App to allow for real-time data capture and on pitch application.
“Communication, collaboration and cohesion are critical for the success of any elite sports organization.  By combining both the medical data from our new advanced EMR with our performance data, our staff, coaches and players are now equipped with the analytics and actionable intelligence necessary to work together to unlock optimal performance outcomes across the squad,” said Sarah Smith, Head of Medical and Performance at Angel City FC. 
"The purpose of The Intelligence Platform is to unify data, people and processes,” said Stephen Smith, CEO and Founder of Kitman Labs.  “Elite sports organizations are inundated with data - typically incomplete, captured in various departments throughout an organization and largely under used and under leveraged.  Angel City FC now has the ability to centralize and mobilize their data and extract the full value of that data to support evidence-based decision-making at every level of the organization.”
Kitman Labs has an established track record of working with top leagues, teams and athletes across a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, rugby, and American football.  The company's technology is currently being used by leagues and teams within some of the world's most elite sports organizations, including the National Football League (NFL), Premier League, Major League Soccer (MLS), National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) and Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU). 
This launch follows other recent business strategy moves Kitman Labs has undertaken including two strategic acquisitions of The Sports Office and Presagia Sports. The combined companies represent the industry’s largest network of elite and youth organizations (1000+), creating the industry’s largest dataset of talent, performance, and medical data for all stages of the athlete lifecycle.
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nwbeerguide · 10 months
USC Athletics partners with Stone Brewing Co. for official craft beer.
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Press Release
ESCONDIDO, CA ... The University of Southern California (USC) Athletics, announces the debut of its first-ever official craft beer, Stone Fight On! Pale Ale. The beer is brewed by Stone Brewing, the Southern California-based brewery that has been trailblazing the craft beer category with a fierce commitment to quality and freshness for 27 years. The official USC Athletics beer will be available for purchase the week of August 14, 2023.
Stone Fight On! Pale Ale will be distributed throughout Southern California at stores, bars, and restaurants and onsite at the Los Angeles Colosseum and the Galen Center, home of the USC Trojans. Its 16oz cans feature classic USC iconography and colors. Inside, the beer is a quintessential SoCal Pale Ale – a balanced blend of tropical and citrusy hop flavors, light-body and endlessly drinkable at 5.5% ABV. Stone’s brewers developed the beer to offer that hoppiness Southern Californians crave in a style that suits tailgates, beach days, and cheering from the stands or at home.
“USC Athletics has been seeking the perfect beer partner – a regional brand that would be meaningful to our fans and add to the gameday experience, " explained Drew DeHart, Vice President/General Manager, USC Sports Properties and Playfly Sports. “Stone really nailed a Pale Ale that’s representative of the SoCal craft beer scene, and easy drinking too. We’re honored to see our USC colors, marks and Trojan alongside the Stone Gargoyle.”
“Stone beers are popular nationwide and across the globe, but SoCal is where we started and is home to our biggest population of fans,” explained Erin Smith, Stone Brewing SVP of Marketing. “We’re thrilled at the opportunity to create a beer that instills local pride in that cross-section of craft beer drinkers and USC fans and alumni. It’s our hope that this beer is enjoyed year-round for its incredible flavor, and that it truly adds to the gameday experience across all USC sports.”
Find the beer online via Stone’s Beer Finder, Find.StoneBrewing.com or order it online for delivery in California and select states via Shop.StoneBrewing.com.
Founded in 1996, Stone pioneered the West Coast Style IPA, helping to fuel the modern craft beer revolution and inspire generations of hop fanatics. Today Stone operates breweries in Escondido, CA and Richmond, VA plus seven tap room and bistro locations. Stone offers a wide range of craft beers including its most popular Stone IPA, Stone Delicious IPA and Stone Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager. The company’s long list of environmental efforts includes a LEED Silver Certification, world-class water reclamation and creative uses of spent grain. Stone has been called the “All-time Top Brewery on Planet Earth” by BeerAdvocate magazine twice. To find Stone beers, visit find.stonebrewing.com. For more information on Stone Brewing visit stonebrewing.com, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 
USC Sports Properties is the locally-based, exclusive multimedia rightsholder for USC Athletics. As a part of the Playfly Sports Properties portfolio of nearly 40 collegiate and high school state association properties, the USC Sports Properties team connects brands to USC’s passionate and deeply-rooted fanbase. Through broadcast, in-arena, experiential, and technology-based marketing and media solutions, Playfly Sports Properties’ fully scalable platform provides marketers unparalleled access to the most highly engaged audiences on a local and national level. Playfly Sports Properties is a division of Playfly Sports.
Connect with the USC Sports Properties team by visiting www.playfly.com/properties.
Playfly Sports is a sports media, marketing and technology business centered around the team, league, brand, and network.  Believing in ‘Fandom as a Service’​ and focusing on a consultative, data driven approach to REACH, ENGAGE, MONETIZE AND MEASURE FANDOM gives the company’s partners and brands a competitive advantage.​ Playfly connects more than 2,000 brand partners with approximately 83% of all U.S. sports fans. Through the proprietary platform the business delivers scalable, data-oriented marketing, technology, and media solutions with capabilities including exclusive MMR management, sponsorship sales and activation, streaming, consulting, ticket/premium sales, all along with new revenue-driving platforms and technologies.  Founded in September of 2020, Playfly Sports is now home to approximately 1,000 team members located across 43 U.S. states dedicated to maximizing the impact of highly passionate local sports fans. Follow Playfly Sports on social media @PlayflySports or visit www.playfly.com.
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edithcrawleygirl · 8 months
Oakley Flak Jacket vs Flak 2.0 vs Half Jacket 2.0: A Comprehensive Comparison
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If you're in the market for high-performance sports sunglasses, you've likely encountered Oakley's top models, the Flak Jacket, Flak 2.0, and Half Jacket 2.0. With a dizzying array of options, it can be challenging to determine which one is the right fit for your active lifestyle. In this comprehensive comparison, we'll break down these three Oakley models, offering insights, pros, and cons to help you make an informed decision.
Oakley Flak Jacket
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Design and Build
The Oakley Flak Jacket is a classic choice for athletes and outdoor enthusiasts. It features a sleek, wraparound design that provides excellent coverage and protection against the elements. The O Matter frame is lightweight and durable, making it ideal for extended wear during sports activities.
Lens Technology
One of the standout features of the Flak Jacket is Oakley's proprietary High Definition Optics (HDO) technology. This ensures clarity and impact resistance. Additionally, you can customize the lenses to suit your needs, whether it's for specific sports or everyday wear.
Excellent coverage and protection.
Highly customizable lenses.
Lightweight and durable design.
Some users find the fit a bit snug.
Oakley Flak 2.0
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Design and Build
The Oakley Flak 2.0 is an evolution of the original Flak Jacket design. It retains the wraparound style but offers subtle design improvements. The frames are slightly smaller, making them more suitable for a broader range of face shapes.
Lens Technology
Like its predecessor, the Flak 2.0 also boasts Oakley's HDO technology. The lenses are interchangeable and available in various tints and coatings to enhance your vision in different light conditions.
Improved fit for a wider range of users.
Same excellent lens technology as the Flak Jacket.
Interchangeable lenses.
Some may still find the fit too snug.
Oakley Half Jacket 2.0
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Design and Build
The Oakley Half Jacket 2.0 is a more streamlined and lightweight option compared to the other two models. It has a semi-rimless design, reducing the frame's bulk while maintaining excellent lens coverage. This design choice makes it a popular choice for cyclists and runners.
Lens Technology
The Half Jacket 2.0 also features Oakley's HDO technology, ensuring optical clarity and impact resistance. It comes with semi-rimless lenses that are easy to swap out, allowing for quick customization.
Lightweight and streamlined design.
Ideal for cycling and running.
Quick and easy lens customization.
Some users may prefer the full-frame design of the Flak models.
Oakley Flak Jacket vs Flak 2.0 vs Half Jacket 2.0: A Comprehensive Comparison
Now that we've explored the individual features of the Oakley Flak Jacket, Flak 2.0, and Half Jacket 2.0, let's compare them head-to-head to help you make an informed choice:
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If you want to boost your Oakley Flak Jacket, Flak 2.0, or Half Jacket 2.0 sunglasses, customizable replacement lenses are the way to go. There are companies like MRY that are experts at making replacement lenses that slide right into your frames. These new lenses can improve how clear your vision is, reduce annoying glares, and even give you different tints for various lighting conditions. The best part? MRY's lenses are top-notch, just like Oakley's, so you can trust them to refresh your shades and keep them up to snuff.
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