#Time Patrol Bon
comickergirl · 15 days
Finally a full trailer for Time Patrol Bon LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO
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somescenecatholic · 7 months
TP Bon (Time Patrol Bon) is getting a Netflix Anime!!! Please read and repost to share the news!!!
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GUYS PLEASE MAKE THIS SUPER POPULAR AND LOVED (and the rest of the stuff Fujiko F. Fujio made too such as Doraemon, Kiteretsu, Perman, 21-Emon, etc.) BECAUSE AAAA ITS LITERALLY SO SO SO COOOOOOOLLLLL
TP Bon (Time Patrol Bon) is an scifi adventure about an ordinary highschool student named Bon who becomes part of a team of time-traveling agents who are tasked with saving people's lives during historical events that happen across different eras and locations around the world!! It's a Netflix Anime so that means it will release WORLDWIDE!!!! It releases in 2024!!! (my mid-late junior year and early senior year r gonna b crazyyy)
It got a manga and a short movie back in like 1989 but idk if it ever caught on bc its so so so hard to find!!! and ofc it's not engsubbed (i will literally give the biggest hug to whoever engsubs other FFF stuff)
I am so normal about this!!! I am totally not exploding at the seams with joy rn!!!
LITERALLY LIKE HIS STUFF IS CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED IN THE WEST BC OF EXTREMELY BAD MARKETING IM SO ANGRY AT IT RRRGGH!!! But u can read all about that on my super cool Doraemon post hyperlinked in my pinned post.
thank you!!!! <333
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me rn!!! (chibiemon from dorabase, read it on manganato)
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ep-10 · 14 days
T・P BON | Official Trailer | Netflix
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animemakeblog · 7 months
“T.P Bon” The Manga For Gets Anime by Bones in 2024
Netflix Japan announced an anime adaptation of T.P. Bon by Fujio F. Fujiko and unveiled the announcement video. The anime will have a two-part release and make its global Netflix debut in 2024.
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newsintheshell · 7 months
📢 Appassionati di viaggi nel tempo, Netflix ha appena annunciato che nel 2024 arriverà la serie animata di T・P BON - TIME PATROL BON!
L'adattamento del manga firmato da Fujio F. Fujiko (uno dei due celebri creatori di Doraemon) sarà diviso in due stagioni.
Il posto di regia presso lo studio BONES (My Hero Academia, Bungo Stray Dogs) è affidato a Masahiro Ando (Snow White with the Red Hair, Sirius).
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gaiyuki · 3 days
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bon namihira : )
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kuncishockmedia · 13 days
Petualangan Menegangkan Bon Namihar "T.P. Bon", Anime Sci-Fi Baru dari Sang Pencipta Doraemon Telah Hadir di Netflix
Kuncishock – Bagi para penggemar Fujiko F. Fujio, sang maestro manga di balik Doraemon, bersiaplah untuk petualangan menegangkan yang baru! “T.P. Bon“, anime sci-fi terbaru dari Fujiko F. Fujio, telah hadir di Netflix pada tanggal 2 Mei 2024. Serial ini membawa kita ke dunia time travel yang penuh aksi dan petualangan, serta kisah yang menyentuh hati. “T.P. Bon” bercerita tentang Bon Namihar,…
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
i need more tommy x red content, i feel like all of their interactions would be so unintentionally funny, like red is trying her hardest to be nice and tommy is just so scared of her. however i can actually see tommy being one of the first people outside of the ellie and joel that red warms up to. but whenever joel and tommy gets into a little brotherly spat she can get a little mean with him.
😂 I'm doing this headcanon style just because I feel this would have to encompass a lot of different moments lol
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Tommy doesn't realize what Joel means by Red being a little wild until a week into their settling down in Jackson because he makes the mistake of grabbing her backpack (mind you, he was just going to hand it to her, but he didn't know how she would react)
Instantly, she's stepping towards him and rationality is gone from her eyes making him drop the bag immediately as Joel steps between them with hands raised. His eyebrows are in his hairline as he watches his older brother try to placate her. He damn near feels like bolting when she moves around him and snatches her bag from the floor beside him, giving him a glare
It takes a good few drinks and forcing his brother to sit down and tell him who the fuck he brought into his town before Joel gives him her full story
She's not just rough around the edges, like he had gauged during that first meal when he met her. He had thought she was quiet, antisocial maybe. No, she's full on raised-by-wolves wild.
He avoids telling Maria for another week to keep from stressing her out. He wonders how the hell his brother found this woman.
This becomes unavoidable when the problems start. She almost breaks a guy's wrist when he puts his hand on her shoulder. Ellie is yelling at people in her defense. Grant comes back from their first patrol together, without Joel, beat to shit for flirting with her. She keeps pulling weapons out on people.
He knows Joel likes her. Hell, he thinks the man even loves her despite his grumblings, ambiguity, and avoidance of the topic. So he's stuck between caring for his brother and his town/wife's wishes.
He tries to bridge the barrier during family dinners and gets nothing at first. It takes a few dinners and a couple of hints from Ellie (who is so much like Sarah sometimes it hurts) before he manages to get her to talk about music. And for a while, she doesn't seem so bad as he watches her warm up and relax and look a little bit more human.
He brings up seeing concerts growing up with Joel before serving in the Army and when he tells her Springsteen was a better show than Johnny Cash, somehow it's like she's a different person as she debates with him.
"You're fucking out of your mind. You saw Cash and you thought Springsteen was better?" "Hey, I didn't say it was bad-" "Springsteen?" "Are you going to kill me if I said I also liked Bon Jovi more?" "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Lighter, quicker in her replies, more at ease. No stutters, no hesitancy. He can see what Joel means about those hints of her former self and he doesn't miss the smirk on his brother's face, even if Tommy is worried she's gonna kill him.
Things get tense when there is discussion of Red getting kicked out. He's the one that has to break it to Joel.
Maria is stressed after more incidents with Red and he's quick to suggest a different job. Less people, something she'd be more at ease with. The kennels were usually run by Jamie, the towns most experienced vet who was having to split time between the dogs and the horses and the farm animals. She's more than willing to have Red help.
Red takes to it quickly and Tommy can't help but feel proud of himself for the suggestion. Joel tells him he talked to her and she's trying even if it looks like torture for her. The incidents go down with the exception of the Harper problem. He makes it extremely clear to her she's to keep away from Red after Joel tells him what happened.
Red does well enough in the kennels that Maria thinks she's good to stay in their commune. The worry eases a bit and he can breathe.
Tommy often finds her there, sitting with the dogs, reading whatever books she can on training and caring for them. Jamie leaves some of her veterinarian texts for her to study and she's quick to focus on that. Joel tells him that when she has a goal, a job, she goes all in and it seems the dogs are her focus now.
He catches her there one day when he's returning Bailey back to her pen after a patrol. Usually they nod at each other and that's that, but he's almost startled out of his skin when she appears right behind him. He hadn't heard her at all. Sometimes she scares the shit out of him and he wonders if his brother has a death wish.
But she looks nervous and Tommy tries to be patient as she stutters out a sentence, almost looking frustrated at herself, "Um...it's getting colder...and, um, the puppies..." She takes a deep breath with clenched teeth and continues more evenly, "I don't want the pups to die and it's, um, too cold. Joel said I had to ask you."
He doesn't interrupt, tries to piece together what exactly she's asking and act like this was a normal situation, "You wantin' a heater installed in here for the dogs?"
She nods firmly before jumping to add (making him slightly flinch), "And the older dogs. The cold isn't good for their joints."
Maybe because he's trying to make an effort or because she doesn't ask for anything ever, but he's quick to agree even though it means arguing with the electrical team. He gets the heaters installed for her that week and even installs some insulation to help.
She seems a little less scary after that.
He's the one to find her when one of the senior dogs passes. She doesn't cry, but clings to his fur, laying on the ground, as if her warmth could bring him back. Part of him wants to go get Joel, but doesn't want to leave her alone. So he sits beside her, resting a hand on her back, and stays.
He helps her bury him and when she goes back to the pen, silent and closed off, then he goes and gets Joel. She stays there for a week until his brother manages to coax her back home.
It seems to break down some sort of wall between them. Even if she isn't exactly warm to him, he can tell there's less tension. He sees more hints of how she is with Joel and Ellie. She gets through a family dinner at his house and even throws a few more digs at his music tastes. When they're on patrol with Joel, she proves she is a much better shot than him and even laughs when he misses their designated target. Joel mutters "half a mile, my ass."
Old habits die hard. Joel was always the one to take charge, to tell him what to do. Now that Tommy is more in the leadership role they butt heads like before. They're arguing over construction plans and Joel is frustrated with Daniel, the man in charge of the project.
He knows Joel has more experience, but Maria had put Daniel in the head role and he wasn't going to undermine her. But his brother is on a rant about all the things the man is doing wrong and he's having to defend Maria's decision.
When things get more heated, Red is there. She doesn't say anything to him, but it's like having a live wolf in the room. He freezes at the way her eyes are blank, hollow, cold. One wrong move and she'd be on him, it didn't matter who he was. The argument ends if only so Joel can keep her from killing him over a dumb fight.
The line is clear. She'll protect her own against anyone. It terrifies him but he also respects it. Joel needs someone to watch his back.
Tommy doesn't realize how much she begins to grow on him until he happens upon her at the wood mill. The men are leering and one is giving her a hard time, obviously coming on to her. He knows she's trying. Trying to be less aggressive and reactionary, trying to keep her head down. But it's him that reacts when the guy grabs her arm firmly and doesn't let go. When she tries to shake him off and he spits out, "Maybe someone just needs to break you in, wild thing."
He doesn't think, old traits flaring back to life. Tommy socks the guy in the face. Hard.
The man hits the ground on his back hard and he just stands over him next to Red who looks unsure and a little surprised, a first for him to witness. But Tommy shakes his hand and hisses at the man, "Don't you lay a hand on anyone like that again, understood? Don't you even look at her ever or I'll break your fucking jaw. You can tell your buddies the same."
The rest of them don't say anything and he helps her grab what she needs before they leave.
They're walking back to Joel's house, his hand smarting a little and her holding the wood pieces she had gone to collect. They're almost at the house when she looks at him like she's trying to dissect every piece of him, split him open and analyze what makes him tick. It's uncomfortable but he stares back with what he hopes is an easy smile.
"You didn't have to do that," she mutters with a hard frown but he can hear the underlining words. Joel always said she has a hard time saying what she means. That you have to peek underneath what she's saying. You helped me, you came to my defense, why why why?
Tommy huffs and smiles a bit wider before patting her on the back. She doesn't flinch.
"I was just lookin' out for family, that's all."
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 months
Settling Down (Peter Parker x Percy Jackson x Dick Grayson x Reader)
Requested by @jayfeather965 for Short fic request! Moving to the Pokémon world with Dick, Peter, and Percy?
A slight modification in that we're assuming they're already in the Pokemon world, and helping you choose your first Pokemon/general headcanons about them with Pokemon. Dick has a Lucario that he taught Acrobatics. Peter has a Pikachu that knows Electroweb. And Percy has a Dewott.
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With the three loves of your life being lifelong Pokemon trainers, it may be surprising to some that you have never had one.
But you've never had the time, or the room, or inclination.
But with two vigilantes and a demigod as your partners, now you have all three.
Your apartment, a floor-through space, though technically Dick owns the whole building, is Pokemon friendly and accommodating. Percy uses the water room for training along with his Dewott, which is way more disciplined than he is - though sometimes they train with Dick and his Lucario in the gym area. There's a lab for Peter's experiments where his Pikachu helps expend its excess energy by producing the electricity for his machines when not utilizing the solar power grid.
But, since it's a chill day before you've asked your partners to help you actually find a Pokemon, you decide to see if they have any final advice.
Peter and Pikachu
Peter got his Pokemon the conventional way, from a Pokemon Professor.
He was a shy kid, and his Pikachu helped him come out of his shell, so to speak, mainly because it was so outgoing.
And quick to electrocute his bullies.
Getting his superpowers was, pun intended, quite a shock.
But now he finally had the strength and the speed to keep up with his zippy little friend. He could swing around New York with his little buddy zipping along like a lightning strike.
It was probably that that cemented their relationship.
They looked out for each other, developed new techniques, and perhaps most crucially, finally exhausted the little mouse of its boundless energy.
So with a much calmer and less aggressive companion, Peter and his Pokemon seem at peace.
When you find him, he's in his lab, and his Pikachu is playfully bouncing sparks around in the little wire cage they use to expend the surplus electricity.
"Hey! Excited about tomorrow, babe?" Peter chirps, grinning at you.
"Yeah. Just... trying to see if there's any last minute tips you have."
"Well... don't count out a Pokemon just because they seem too different from you. Pikachu and I get along so well, but we were so different at first. It took a while to realize how much it likes napping on me, even if it makes my hair stand up, haha."
Moves - Electroweb, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Magnet Rise (speedy moves + floating to easier maneuver with Peter)
Dick and Lucario
Dick only got his Lucario from Bruce. It was an egg that hatched into a Riolu.
Bruce had been endeavoring to help Dick learn some responsibility.
So Dick raised the thing from a Riolu pup, taking care of it. A task he took to like a fish to water.
At first, he didn't want to take the Pokemon out with him on patrol, knowing it'd be in danger.
But one day he came home injured, and the worried Riolu sat with him all night, working so hard on something.
When Dick awoke, he realized his Pokemon had evolved. And not only that, it had learned Heal Pulse to try to help him.
Dick felt so bonded with his Pokemon then, and they began to work together, even on patrol.
So they trained together, with Dick's style even helping his Lucario learn a move it ordinarily couldn't - Acrobatics.
Dick trusts his Pokemon partner with his life, and it him - so much so that it rarely, if ever, is in its Ball. It tends to just chill in its own space.
"Your Pokemon tend to teach you as much as you teach them. Don't think about what a Pokemon can do for you at first - instead, just focus on feeling that starting connection. You're finding a friend for life."
Moves - Acrobatics, Heal Pulse, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush
Percy and Dewott
Percy caught his Oshawott in Montauk - perhaps it was sent to him by Poseidon.
Unlike Dick or Peter, his Pokemon tends to be a lot different than him - instead of strengthening what he knows, it covers some of his deficiencies.
His Pokemon is both more childlike than him, and more disciplined.
Which means it tends to help him him relax when he needs to, and urges him to train and focus when he should.
Meanwhile he can be the midpoint between its playful and focused moods.
When it became a Dewott, they made the choice to have its scalchops edged with Celestial bronze, and it helps destroy monsters with as much aplomb as Percy does.
They have both made the decision together not to evolve it further, as Dewott likes to be able to use tools.
Of the three, Percy tends to use his Poke Ball the most to take care of his Dewott. It's a quick way to get it out of danger, and Percy doesn't like when it wanders off.
He'll have it stored in his Poke Ball in public, usually, and unleashes it to battle or at home for leisure.
You encounter Percy listening to music and chuckling as the Dewott tries to dance.
"You can't worry about it all that much." Percy says to you with a smile when you ask for advice. "Your Pokemon will choose you just as much as you choose it. They're not just pets, they're partners too."
Moveset: Razor Shell, X-Scissor, Icy Wind, Air Slash
At the end of it all, you feel pretty excited at the prospect of finding a Pokemon of your own.
Dick has reminded you to focus on the connection, and not the potential capabilities of a partner.
Peter has told you to keep an open mind.
And Percy has reminded you that it's a two-way process.
With all these tips, your anxiety is mostly calmed.
And of course, it's forgotten before bedtime when Dick playfully lines up their Pokemon and makes them "promise" to make your new buddy feel at home.
Pikachu chirrups playfully, Dewott nods seriously, and Lucario crosses its arms and holds one paw out, trying to do a thumbs up.
And you just know that no matter what happens, your new friend will be coming to a great home...
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
Infidelity AU where Tim and Kon are married and have taken over the kent farm. They are struggling to have a baby because Kon was a clone and has a messed up reproductive system.
One morning does Kon on patrol in Metropolis so Clark goes to help Tim out on the farm for the day. After an afternoon of pure sexual tension they sit on the couch hot, sweaty, and shirtless. Tim opens up about how Kon is struggling to knock him up, and how desperately he wants to be pregnant. Clark is more than willing to give Tim a baby and impregnates Tim on Kon’s old bed from his Titan days.
Clark helps out around the farm more often because he likes seeing Tim get progressively bigger with their baby. Tim eventually gives birth and Clark knocks him up again immediately after.
Tim and Kon go on to have more children than Bruce and all of them are Clark’s kids. They agree to stop having kids together, but they still have sex every night
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kon and how being a human-kyptonian hybrid makes him sterile is so good!!!!!!! and tim!!! as much as he loves kon he's never been able to resist or deny the attraction he had to clark that has followed him since he was a poor horny teenager masturbating to the thought of him.
kon doing work in metropolis while tim finishes up chores on the farm and clark shows up because he's on bedrest after a space skirmish which is why kon is taking over his duty. clark might not live on the farm but he still has very nice memories of it and sometimes he yearns for the simple farm life he had as a boy given that things in his personal life hadn't been going well in...a long time. he and lois had been growing distant for years and the only reason they'd lasted for so long towards the end was because lois hadn't wanted to divorce him while his parents were still alive. which he appreciated because clark hadn't wanted ma or pa to die concerned about him.
so clark is having a bit of a rough time of it. grieving his parents, dealing with the divorce from lois just a few short months after.
bruce had even subtly pushed he take time off (which was saying something because it was bruce). in fact bruce had been the one he recommend visit the kent farm that was now looked after by kon and bruce's son.
clark was certain that when bruce pushed him to take time off and return to his roots that he handn't meant fuck his son into the cushions of the couch that had been around since clark was a toddler.
tim is so tight around him, so wet and slick as clark grunts and forces in the full length of his cock until he bottoms out against the pretty pink lips of his cunt. tim takes him so well it must be from kon being a frequent and enthusiastic lover of the pussy twitching and clenching around clark's cock.
clark never thought he was the kind of man who would ever take a liking to another man's wife but...tim is just so pretty. and clark is just so lonely without his parents and he hasn't had sex with someone in years ever since he and lois agreed that they were just cohabitating until his parents passed.
of course clark had tried. lois encouraged him to try seeing other people because even though they were "married" it was more through name. but not a lot of women were interested in continuing to see clark after he tried explaining the situation to them. lois didn't have that issue. clark would be on the couch in an old college tshirt and some boxers while she got dressed for her date. her dates would bring her flowers and chocolates and clark would try to pretend it didn't hurt. he'd swallow back the bitterness that wanted to rise up with every sweet caramel and bon bon he popped into his mouth.
god clark was pathetic. he really had sunken to rock bottom by giving into the bit of attraction and small crush he developed on tim by flying out to the farm to help out.
it started out innocent. just sweet conversation and getting to get to know each other better. tim was fixing up some things around the farm. ma and pa had let some the repair fall to the wayside in their older age and it hurt clark to know they hadn't called him to help fix the drafty window in the kitchen, or the squeaky hinge of the front door, the gutter that was unsticking from the roof, or the peeling paint in the upstairs bathroom.
it's...nice helping tim fix it up, serving as a handy man for him while they look at paint swatches for the bathroom.
it really is innocent. but then they get talking and clark loves the sound of tim's laughs and the little furrow of his brow as he focused on examining the house's breaker box to figure out why some outlets in the home don't work.
tim and kon are trying for a baby is what he tells clark when he asks why tim is going through all the home repair. tim tells him that he wants the farm to be all fixed up so that when he gets further along and has a baby that he won't have to worry about all the little repairs.
clark also learns kon and tim have been trying for months for a child without success and...it just reminds clark so much of him and lois and one of the things that had really been a struggle to over come after they married.
clark had wanted kids. lois hadn't. and they'd never discussed it before getting married. clark supposed that was their own fault. a marriage was more than just loving someone. it was understanding them and being understood in turn. it was about complimenting one another, being able to depend on the other, making each other laugh, and helping each other when things got tough. it was about sharing values and dreams and hopes for the future. and it was about not giving up on each other and trying to work together to find solutions to problems.
clark had loved lois and knew he was loved in turn but...the two of them were stubborn. they were set in their ways and both believed themselves to be right.
clark had never really lost that desire in his chest for a baby.
and hearing tim talk about fucking kon from dawn to day, talk about how he was taking shots to boost his fertility and how they made him so fucking horny-
clark is a weak man.
the desire. the loneliness from not touching anyone for so long. the little part of his brain chanting for him to cum inside tim deep and fill his womb with every drop of seed-
clark just hopes ma will forgive him for having sex on the family couch.
soon after they finish the first round on the couch tim leads him up to kon's old bedroom that's now more of a guestroom since he and kon moved into the master bedroom.
clark fucks tim roughly and thoroughly, slamming the headboard into the wall hard enough that little cracks started forming as tim squirmed and whined under him.
clark stared down at where tim was split open on his cock, clear cum coating his cock as he snapped his hips into tim's cunt flushed from use.
clark has been pent up for years and unleashes it all on tim whose eyes are rolling back into his skull and panting as clark fondles and gropes his tits, waist, and any part of him he can get his hands on.
it would be one thing if this was an accident. a one time thing.
clark knows its wrong and so the guilt and shame should keep him from doing it again but it doesn't. every time kon goes into space or out to help out with a disaster area, leaving tim unattended. clark speeds over to "keep him company".
but its just an excuse to fuck tim again and cum so hard that it feels like his heart is going to explode.
when tim gets pregnant clark knows he's the father. and rather than dread or shame feels...elated. excited.
sure kon is the "father" but clark coming around won't catch a second look.
tim is so happy to be pregnant and clark makes sure to be gentle when he comes to visit him soon after hearing the news from bruce.
jonathon is born a few months later and clark swears he's the most beautiful baby he's ever seen.
years later after clark has fucked tim full of even more babies is when tim brings it to a close.
he and tim have been having sex for years and clark is more than a little hurt to hear tim wants to end things between them. he might be biting back tears when tim rushes to soothe him. calls him a silly man and says that tim was just talking about clark knocking him up. that tim has all the babies he wanted and of course he and clark would continue seeing each other and having sex. that kon is often gone with duties and tim has been practically permanently wired to be insatiable after years of sleeping with clark.
clark is not a perfect man but by god hasn't he earned the right to be selfish?
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somescenecatholic · 6 months
Where can I read the TP Bon / Time Patrol Bon manga from Fujiko F Fujiko?
I dont know dude :<
LITERALLY if ik of a way to read it id be ALL OVER IT bro
you could buy it here tho!! I cant wait for the anime EEE X333
for anyone reading it comes out on netflix WORLDWIDE in 2024!!!
its being made by studio bones!!!
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What if Jacob did kill Esme in A Leech in the Rain?
Leech in the Rain by me and @therealvinelle
Interesting question.
Let's dive in.
The Immediate Aftermath
We'll say Jacob hasn't been grievously injured by Esme in the struggle. He's able to burn Esme's body and does his best to double back and cover the scent trail such that Edward won't notice Jacob and Esme having gone off alone together and only Jacob coming back.
This is likely... poorly done but Edward's a bad tracker so he might be bad enough that it works.
Edward returns and Esme's not there, Bella notes that neither she nor Jacob have seen her all day, they think she went out to hunt.
Edward accepts but becomes increasingly agitated by her absence. She could have been kidnapped by the Volturi as Charlie was. She might even have been murdered by them. They have no way of knowing where she is when she didn't take her phone.
Bella hints that Esme may have run off to them of her own free will as she's been acting mighty suspicious recently. That freaks Edward out and he goes on his search, what Bella didn't account for was that his search radius would be enough to find the remains of the pyre.
It's possible it was another vampire, but doubtful given the Cullens and their recruits are the only ones in the area. Odd though is that Edward isn't catching familiar scents. Something has been sprayed everywhere to try to cover the scents so he can't make out any of the Volturi or even Esme's scent very well.
Bella tells him this must have been the Volturi method but even Edward is confused as to why Aro wouldn't take credit. He's in such a state of grief, though, he doesn't think to question it.
Now his family is that much closer to breaking, Esme is gone and Carlisle will return to nothing. The Cullens can't be the Cullens again when one of their number is dead.
Edward enters a deep depression.
The Army Buildup
Now, Vlad and Stefan get a little more time than they did in the fic and things are going relatively well. In the fic, Esme's flight to Volterra immediately gave the information of where Vlad and Stefan were, the army they'd raised (which mostly being new vampires, Demetri couldn't track at the time), and Caius immediately launched an assault and wiped them out to a man (Vlad and Stefan barely escaping, and Bella, Edward, and Renee escaping for Jacob's funeral).
In fact, if they're careful, they can do quite well. They can avoid spies if they refuse to accept any more vampires/don't let them near the troops and purposefully keep themselves out of the way. This is somewhat easy as they're out of the recruiting phase and can have some of the vampires they created patrol the territory to catch anyone attempting to spy.
However, Aro will look at the uptick in violent death in any given area, and even as Vlad and Stefan have the troops spread out they won't be able to send them far enough safely enough (might run into another vampire) to spread the nubmers enough that Aro wouldn't notice.
Likely, what they do, is in order to distract Aro and make sure at least some of his power houess are out of Volterra in time they set Renee loose in some city. "You go buy your body lotion, Glenn Coco!"
They do this with several newborn vampires in several major cities across the United States.
While it blows their cover, as Aro will know they intend to move, Aro will either have to sacrifice a city and his secret or else divide his forces.
What they don't count on, of course, is Bella.
Bella Fucks Up Vlad and Stefan's Groove
The Renee plan is great, except it is Bella's mother, and while for a while it looks like Bella would be glad to be rid of the woman and is scheming to do it herself, then Vlad and Stefan send her off, bon voyage, and Bella freaks out.
They've sent her mother to be murdered by the Volturi.
"You'll save your daughter though," Vlad and Stefan point out, not realizing this makes it worse as Bella's turned on her daughter completely and it's Jacob that wants Renesmee back.
Bella refuses to go to Volterra until they save her mother and Vlad and Stefan (as in the fic) do not know if Bella can use her gift unconsciously (e.g. if they cut off her head and tote around her body, does she still work).
They end up having to kidnap Edward to get Bella to accompany them, as they're certain Bella will at least choose Edward (which she will) but what they don't count on is Bella's unbelievable ability to flip sides when convenient to her.
Bella goes along with it right up until they're at the gates (Bella having to be there as her radius doesn't extend quite far enough, at least she claims, to not be in the battle herself) at which point she drops the shield and offers her services as the enemy has kidnapped Edward and torn off his head. They uh can keep Renesmee and Carlisle, Bella hates them both.
Unfortunately for Bella, Aro doesn't trust her and has her executed.
The army is subsequently wiped out, Vlad and Stefan fleeing for their lives once again, and murdering Edward in a fit of rage in the aftermath.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where Cloud stumbles across a Shirtless Sephiroth before Sephiroth snapped.
Started writing it, had a break down halfway through, bon appetit:
Cloud's tired and dirty and all he wants is to finally be clean, slink his way into the cafeteria for whatever malboro slop the cooks are calling dinner tonight, and then go collapse somewhere.
But first, he gets to indulge in his single real pleasure these days.
A solitary shower.
He'd been last to come in from patrol, hanging back behind the others in his infantry troop for a solid hour. It's a strategic move on his part, a holdover from his cadet days where he'd learned early on that group showers and him simply don't mix.
The last thing he's ever felt like doing after a training, or now patrols, was dealing with all the roughhousing and shit-talking that always happens in the shower room.
Especially when Cloud knows it'll inevitably end up with him, and the sleek build he'd been born with that had always caused him problems back in Nibelheim too, as the butt of the jokes.
In the end, waiting to get clean and having last dibs on anything in the cafeteria, is a small price to pay for an empty shower room where he can actually relax for a little bit.
A small window of bliss where he can luxuriate in Shinra's endless supply of hot water and the bar of homemade Strife(TM) soap shipped straight to him from his Ma's loving, calloused hands.
Only that's not what happens this time. Not at all.
Because, halfway through Cloud's shower, the door to the shower room opens and someone comes striding in.
And given the lack of shouted greeting or immediate bear hug despite being naked and wet, Cloud knows it's not Zack coming down from on high to harass him good-naturedly.
Cloud, determined to ignore and not accidentally provoke whoever it is, keeps his eyes firmly on the snower knob and speeds up his scrub down.
Hopefully, Cloud thinks, if I'm quick, I'll be able to finish up and get out before they try to start anything.
Plus the shower room is huge and empty so there's plenty of room for two people to shower at the same time and not even have to look at one another.
So, realistically, this shouldn't be an issue.
Which, of course, means that the shower directly beside Cloud is the one that clicks on.
Cloud just bites back the scowl that wants to blossom across his face and scrubs faster, more than a bit bitter at not being able to bask for a little longer in the scent of winter-honey and Nibel flowers.
"Your soap is pleasing," a voice, deep and distinctive, speaks up from beside him. "What brand is it?"
Cloud freezes, his entire body locking into place like he's had a close encounter with the wrong end of Shiva's Diamond Dust.
Which honestly seems like something that'd be much more survivable for him than this situation right here.
Because he knows that voice. Everyone knows that voice.
Cloud finally manages to unfreeze enough to turn his head slowly to his right.
And, sure enough, he sees exactly what, who, he'd thought he would
Sephiroth, the Silver General himself, is standing beneath the shower head directly beside Cloud, silver hair pulled up into a tight, high ponytail, and bare chest and shoulders glistening.
Cloud's had a number of dreams start out like this but he never honestly thought it'd happen in real life. No matter how often Zack might tease him.
Cloud's mind finally kicks in a split second later and his first instinct is to snap a salute.
Only one of his hands is wrapped around his bar of soap and the other had darted down to cover his dick like he's some fair maiden from a novel attempting to preserve her modesty.
"The First Class showers are malfunctioning," Sephiroth offers out of nowhere, seemingly content to ignore the awkward stare-and-flail routine Cloud had just performed. "These were more ,,, convenient."
Cloud just nods, head bouncing up and down like the chocobo Zack always accuses him of being.
"Your soap?" Sephiroth prompts him again.
Naked, wet, covered in soap suds, and trying not to let his eyes drift any lower than nipple level, which is actually pretty difficult considering how much taller Sephiroth is than him, all Cloud can think to do is thrust the sudsy bar of soap out in Sephiroth's direction.
Just like the wolf-bred, moutain hick idiot everyone accuses him of being.
Only, apparently not. Because Sephiroth just dips his head in acceptance, reaches out to take the soap, and immediately starts to wash with it.
Cloud's never going to be able to use that bar again for a number of reasons. If he even gets it back that is.
"I-It's, ah, it's homemade," Cloud finally hears himself saying, voice barely above a whisper. "O-Old family recipe. Helps keep monsters away too."
Winter-honey and Nibel flowers are both poisonous after all even if the Strife's had long ago figured out a way around that.
"Fascinating," Sephiroth replies, and, much to Cloud's surprise, he actually sounds like he means it too. "I'd be agreeable to hearing more."
Cloud tries to make an agreeable noise but he's pretty sure all that comes out is a squeaking sound.
"Would you like to do my back?" Sephiroth asks then, one hand offering the soap back to Cloud.
That's it, Cloud's officially dead and this is some kind of porn-themed afterlife. Or he's actually asleep.
Either way this can't be real.
And either way there's only one answer Cloud could ever give to that question.
"Yes," Cloud nods rapidly, hand coming up to take the soap.
Only when his fingers wrap around it the sudsy bar proves too slick for either of them to hold onto.
The soap shoots out of their hands and up into the air between them.
Cloud watches as if in slow motion as it goes up and then falls back down to land between their feet.
For a long moment there's a ringing sort of silence between them.
And then, when Cloud looks back up, Sephiroth smiles.
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gaiyuki · 4 days
getting on my hands and knees begging people to watch time patrol bon 2024 when it comes out may 2
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
This is so very random buuuutttttt
whats ur music taste like? whatre some of ur fave bands/artists and songs?
OMG Hi Bestie!
Not random! I listen to a lot of music lol and I love listening while I write, so it fits.
My favorite band is The Killers. They’ve been my favorite band since I was like 14 and Hot Fuss dropped (because I’m old.) I learned to drive to that album and to this day, if I’m on a road trip alone, I will listen to Hot Fuss on a loop and use it to mark time (just 3 more times through Hot Fuss left on the drive!)
TBH the rest of my musical taste can kind of be described as what I like to call indie hipster bullshit lol I love indie and folk music. The National, Phoebe Bridgers and Noah Kahan have been on loop for me a lot lately. Other artists I listen to with regularity: Hozier, Cold War Kids, The Last Bison, Margot & The Nuclear So And So’s, Frank Turner, Paris Paloma, The Civil Wars, Snow Patrol, Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, Gotye, Kimbra, Saint Motel, Bon Iver. I really like the Folklore/Evermore era of Taylor Swift, too!
Fitting less into that genre but still on regular rotation: Bruce Springsteen (saw him live in March, incredible!), Say Anything (most punk rock show I’ve ever been to), Fitz & the Tantrums, She Wants Revenge, Meat Loaf, The White Stripes, The Barenaked Ladies.
Pretty much the only things I DON’T listen to is Christian music and bro country lol otherwise I’ll probably like it!
Thanks for asking, Bestie! Love you!
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juju-or-anya · 10 months
Wednesday and Tyler: A Love Story in 50 Songs
Here is a recreation of the relationship between Wednesday Addams and Tyler Galpin using 50 songs that represent different moments and emotions of their bond:
1. "Welcome to the Black Parade" - My Chemical Romance
2. "I Will Follow You into the Dark" - Death Cab for Cutie
3. "Hallelujah" - Jeff Buckley
4. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day
5. "Crazy in Love" - Beyoncé ft. Jay-Z
6. "Everybody Talks" - Neon Trees
7. "My Immortal" - Evanescence
8. "Chasing Cars" - Snow Patrol
9. "Breathless" - The Corrs
10. "Love Will Tear Us Apart" - Joy Division
11. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers
12. "You and Me" - Lifehouse
13. "I Will Remember You" - Sarah McLachlan
14. "Bleeding Love" - Leona Lewis
15. "Hurt" - Johnny Cash
16. "Use Somebody" - Kings of Leon
17. "No One" - Alicia Keys
18. "Skinny Love" - Bon Iver
19. "The Scientist" - Coldplay
20. "Uninvited" - Alanis Morissette
21. "I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz
22. "Black Hole Sun" - Soundgarden
23. "Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls
24. "Someone Like You" - Adele
25. "Wonderwall" - Oasis
26. "Mad World" - Gary Jules
27. "Only Time" - Enya
28. "Losing My Religion" - R.E.M.
29. "Nothing Else Matters" - Metallica
30. "Torn" - Natalie Imbruglia
31. "Don't Speak" - No Doubt
32. "A Thousand Years" - Christina Perri
33. "Fallin'" - Alicia Keys
34. "November Rain" - Guns N' Roses
35. "Fast Car" - Tracy Chapman
36. "With or Without You" - U2
37. "Stay" - Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko
38. "Every Breath You Take" - The Police
39. "Just the Way You Are" - Bruno Mars
40. "Landslide" - Fleetwood Mac
41. "Tears in Heaven" - Eric Clapton
42. "Fields of Gold" - Sting
43. "The Power of Love" - Celine Dion
44. "Fix You" - Coldplay
45. "Time After Time" - Cyndi Lauper
46. "Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd
47. "When You're Gone" - Avril Lavigne
48. "Angels" - Robbie Williams
49. "Linger" - The Cranberries
50. "Endless Love" - Diana Ross ft. Lionel Richie
These songs capture the variety of moments, feelings, and stages that can arise in the relationship between Wednesday Addams and Tyler Galpin. From melancholy and darkness to hope and passion, each song contributes to telling their unique story.
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