#They're both menaces
fantasy-girl974 · 3 months
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Let's destroy the Zeniths!
[stickers for @marshal-huntress]
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incorrectjokerout · 9 months
Bojan:Hey,do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?
Bojan:I want to wander around playing it to annoy Kris.
Jere:Technically,you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that.
Bojan:Jere,you have opened my eyes.
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lucien-calore · 7 months
John: Do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows inside my mouth?
Polly: You're a hazard to society.
Esme: And a coward. Do 20.
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adarkenedforest · 1 year
Floyd: feral snarling
Azul: N o
Jade: smiles a bit too wide
Azul: Don't think you can sneak past my senses. Whatever you're thinking? Stop it.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
no but it's the way muses like nya and taja would whisper the filthiest stuff in their partner's ear, or aloud, with the most smug smirk on their face.
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kariachi · 2 years
Some quick Halloween fic. Kev and Ben hanging out.
“Does it even count as a costume if you’re just shapeshifting?”
“Yes. And I’ve got the cape too, it’s not just shapeshifting.” Rolling his eyes, Ben glared down at his frustrating efforts to lace his boots, with no help from the fucker in the building who actually wore the things. Traitor behavior right there.
“And yet here I am,” he said. Strewn over his bed, Kevin turned a sharp look his way.
“Because you can’t shapeshift without being a whole other species, and if you tried to do that as a Halloween costume I’d be forced to kill you just to save the others the trouble.” Humming, Ben mulled the facts over.
“Good point. Still think you could’ve put more effort in though.” Kevin snorted derisively.
“More effort?! Do you know how long I spent on this cape,” he demanded, flaring it for emphasis. It was a pretty thing, one had to admit, all patterns of dark greys with sparks and lightning bolts in bright blue along the hem. “Most of the mail was one thing but do you have any idea how much of a bitch making chain out of stone is?”
“Hey,” Ben said with a shrug, finally getting his boots done up the way he wanted them, one fine and the other a mess, “you wanted to practice your fine work with your powers. It was a problem of your own making.” Glowering half-heartedly at him, Kevin stretched languidly, careful to keep his claws out of Ben’s sheets, and flopped over onto his back to the clicks and clicks of metal and stone.
“Yeah, yeah. Seriously though, if you don’t like your costume why are you even wearing it?” Ben shrugged again.
“Because I’ve been planning it for a year,” he said. It was true, he’d buried his grandfather’s old airman uniform- far too large on him but fine for his purposes- in his backyard the November before and only dug it up that morning. The dirt and grime and holes from nibbling creatures had, with a bit more tearing and some fake blood, made for the perfect outfit for a zombie. “Feels like it would be a waste to abandon it now. Even if the dirt itches.”
“It’s only one night, Benji,” Kevin laughed at his suffering. “The kids’ll probably love it.” Snorting, Ben flashed him a smirk.
“Yeah, if you don’t scare them all off.” Preening, Kevin grinned back.
“Hey, if they can’t take a little monster action on Halloween, how can they expect to survive?”
“With slightly less candy, for one.”
“Oh like you care, Mr. ‘The Extra Candy’s for Me’.”
“It is not my fault two bags isn’t enough for these people.”
“‘These people’ are between the ages of two and thirteen, you’re giving them the fucking candy.” Shaking his head, Ben tutted as best he could while smiling.
“Swear, that’s the only reason you come over every year, to make me give up my hard-earned candy.”
“‘Hard-earned’ my ass,” Kevin said. “Someday you’re having kids and with every miser they run into on Halloween I’m reminding you of all this.”
“I don’t doubt it,” Ben laughed. “And I don’t doubt you’re either going to be the most or least popular house on your block, Mr. ‘If They Can’t Handle a Little Monster Action’.” Kevin snickered back.
“Hey, if nothing else any kid that can get up the walk’s gonna get treats.”
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Hehe. 😇
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Can I be sandwiched in the middle of them? Like Steve is there to greet both Bucky and I because I decided to stay with Buck as he recovered. Pretty please?
The Menace 😈❤️
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megsamforever · 7 months
I'm reading through the Jinlan City tag for SVSSS on AO3 again (because canon divergences for that are one of my favorite things) and I love that so many authors agree that the best way to fix things is for Shen Qingqiu and/or Luo Binghe to simply burst into tears.
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jedislight · 23 days
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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aaaaand it's finally done :D. Coffee shop date.
Why use a chair when there's the better option?
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...I had a thought.
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zetadraconis11 · 2 months
Seen this way, the Ministry of Magic and the school made the book and Professor Weasley just gave it to us.
Just think how Professor Fig would react to that.
or Mc's friends react to it. Mc runs past him and they ask what MC is doing
I could easily imagine Ominis jumping on Mc and would like an explanation from Mc why.
The Ministry of Magic is certainly a mixed bag of morals, imo. I wouldn't put it past them to actually include the Unforgiveables. Especially if they weren't as forbidden as they are during Harry Potter time.
With that said, I've heard some thoughts of Fig being a very chill guardian of MC, lol. Especially since he knows all about MC's Ancient Magic and "destiny". So...
Prof. Fig: So the book has the Unforgivables in it?
Prof. Weasley: Yes, I know it's concerning, but I hope MC won't do anything rash...
Fig: I trust MC. She'll be fine.
Weasley: What?
Fig, casually sipping tea: She's a responsible young adult. Once she is given a task, she completes it. I wouldn't worry.
Ominis: Your book says you need to learn WHAT?!
Garreth: Wow, I didn't think my aunt would be that hard-core...
MC: It's not that big of a deal...right?
Sebastian: No, I don't think-
Ominis: You lost your opinion privileges, Sebastian, you don't have a say in this!
Amit: But...why would the Field Guide require you to learn them? They're very frowned upon by the magic society.
Natty: Maybe it's to understand the spells most dark wizards use?
Poppy: I suppose that makes sense, but it seems rather dangerous to toe that line.
Sebastian: I mean, as long as you-
Ominis: *covers Sebastian’s mouth with his hand*
MC: Okay...I will literally get hives if I do not complete EVERYTHING I'm given, so I will learn these spells just to not be haunted by an incomplete task.
The group:
Poppy: ...at least you have a can-do attitude?
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heyhollow · 19 days
I would just like to point out that you turned a Doberman into a golden retriever and I think that's hilarious. (Referring to how you usually depict Michael to the ballpit version in that comic.)
This is literally all I could think about while Drawing Ballpit Micheal Lmfaoo
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I know there's like a canonical reason he's like that in the au
But I only ever draw teen Michael as an ABSOLUTE DELINQUENT
It was honestly hard drawing him being nice lol😭
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cellgatinbo · 8 months
they got back to the order and cellbit asked what other federation workers roier knows, and he went "yeah there's-" *disconnects*
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mogoce-nocoj · 8 months
bojan shows up at the kä european tour and they perform carpe diem again but this time käärijä intentionally wears the mesh shirt
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crazydaymycrazyway · 2 months
If someone of the blood cult from way back recognizes Suryong as no. 47: How come you're back alive?
Suryong: There hasn't been a place made for me yet
Suryong: Heaven clearly doesn't fit
Suryong: Hell spat me back
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