#The king looks so proud of himself for making chicken and rice
tinyavenuesailor · 2 years
Reincarnation Fic Idea - Part 2
Continuing from where we left off - because I still have ideas. The gang reluctantly decide to partner with Morgana if it means that they could find Arthur and bring him home. They come to the conclusion that best bet at finding Arthur would be starting off at Lake Avalon where he was resurrected. Just one problem.
Where is Lake Avalon? 
Years have gone by, wars have happened, kingdoms have fallen with new ones to take their place, terrains have changed. They couldn’t even find Camelot if they tried. The only people who would know where to find Lake Avalon are the Druids and other people of magic - Morgana being a special case since she just had her magic reawakened from her memories. The world no longer knows of the existence of magic so they have to search for groups of magical people.
*the gang running for their lives*
Gwaine: Magical grenades?! Why do they have magical grenades?! Why can’t you give us magical grenades?!
Morgana: We didn’t have grenades 1500 years ago?! I can’t just wisk things up that’s not how magic works!
Lancelot: Merlin could probably do it *not being sassy just missing Merlin*
Gwaine: Well apparently Merlin could do it!
Morgana: I’m sorry I’m not on the same level as the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth!
Elyan: Do you mind arguing about this later!
Gwen: Just focus on staying alive!
Gwaine: Princess better be real grateful for the shit he’s putting us through
Leon: Don’t be like that, Arthur is out there and wherever he is he must be going through hell!
Elyan: Well, thank god he’s not here! They would have sacrificed him by now!
*A glowing knife gets thrown between the group and lands on a tree infront of them. They all duck before it explodes into a hot white blast of magic*
Elyan: Seriously, why can’t we ever run into nice people with magic?!
Gwaine: *to Morgana* We had knives back in Camelot! Can you at least give us exploding magical knives! 
Percival: *with a straight face* I’ll still take this over the cult
* gang dodging several magical grenades and fire arrows *
Gwaine: Merlin you beguiling bastard! Where are you when we need you!
Meanwhile at Merlin’s Farmhouse in a town of unorthodox druids - Druids that still practice magic but have integrated themselves into modern society, most of them are well-off if not wealthy.
*Arthur discussing something with two other druids while Merlin is falling asleep*
Arthur: Merlin!
Merlin: *being startled awake* Yes, yes, I’m up. 
Arthur: I know you were up late working but I really need your full attention. These are very important decisions we’re making and you said we would do this together.
Merlin: *rubbing his eyes* Yes, I know, I know. Where were we again? 
Arthur: We were looking over designs for the kitchen renovations. *Arthur takes a look over the pictures* I really like how spacious some of these are but out kitchen feels more homely I don’t want to get rid of that.
Druid 1 who is also an interior designer: I completely agree, I think it’s better to enhance your current look than give it a make over. Have a look at these.
Arthur: Oh, these are lovely. Merlin, what do you think? *turns to Merlin who is already asleep* Merlin!
Note: Arthur is in charge of renovations because he one gets to make decisions and two, gets to boss people around
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | ?
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lov1ngdrysdale · 3 months
bf!luke hughes ✧.* headcanons
pairings: fem!reader x luke hughes
warnings: none! these are sfw!
a/n: hi guys! this is my first headcanon on tumblr, so please let me know what you think. should i continue with this style for other players?
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bf!luke who loves nothing more than a movie night. sitting together sprawled out on the couch watching multiple movies in one evening. he loves to spend long nights hanging out with you, sharing snacks, and criticizing movies together.
bf!luke who won't admit it, but is a bit of a bookworm. he can't stand the classics. the fiction section is where he'll gravitate to in a bookstore. he loves science fiction and anything to do with space.
bf!luke who constantly praises your body, of course. he loves every curve, roll, dimple, stretch mark, and scar your body has. he reminds you that the small things that you hate, are what make you a human. and the things that make you a human are what he loves about you. anytime you get down about your appearance (not looking like all the other guy's girlfriends), he reminds you that he chose you for a reason. he doesn't want a girl who looks like everyone else.
bf!luke who secretly enjoys the folder you have on tiktok full of edits of him. he also enjoys reading the comments you leave on the edits.
bf!luke who loves to make you laugh. yes, he has good jokes. he doesn't seem like he would, but he does. behind closed doors that man is a jester. every joke he makes can get you to laugh, even a funny face from across the room will do it.
bf!luke who enjoys a late-night drive with the windows down and music at full blast. he tries to hide it, but he loves indie and alternative music. arctic monkeys, the 1975, vampire weekend, and the lumineers are on his private playlist. you two love to stop at target, grab some snacks, and drive around the city singing together.
bf!luke who loves to spoil you. luke constantly begs you to let him take you shopping and get whatever you want. he gets why you're hesitant, you don't want to seem like a gold digger, but he thinks you deserve the world. and if shopping can make you feel special and happy, he'll do it as much as he can.
bf!luke who CANNOT COOK TO SAVE HIS LIFE. you're not sure how someone can mess up noodles, but he has. thank god for your talent, because he'd eat freezer meals and takeout every day. even if it's just chicken, rice, and broccoli he's beyond grateful for a fresh meal. he even gives you his card to go grocery shopping to stock the fridge and pantry with whatever you need.
bf!luke who needs you to come shopping with him for new game day suits. he doesn't trust himself or either one of his brothers for honest fashion advice. he feels so proud and confident wearing an outfit you put together for him.
bf!luke who loves to give you massages. there's nothing more relaxing than luke laying you down on the bed, and rubbing your back with lotion. back massages are only short-lived before his hands "accidentally" move down to your ass.
bf!luke who has a love/hate relationship with how much his family loves you. on the one hand, he loves how much his brothers like hanging out with you. but on the other hand, he hates how you all just roast him and he can never get you alone (you guys also only refer to him as lukey or lukey-boy). on the one hand, he loves how much his mom enjoys spending one-on-one time with you. but on the other hand, he is embarrassed when she pulls out the old photo albums.
bf!luke who is just a big teddy bear. nothing feels as nice as a luke hug. he swallows you in his arms and holds you just right...not too lose, not too tight.
bf!luke who takes up most of your king-sized bed. he sprawls out like a toddler and is a notorious blanket thief. you've considered just buying two separate comforters like the norwegians.
bf!luke who's guilty pleasure artist is daddy yankee. don't ask, okay? just play rompe when he tells you to.
bf!luke who constantly brags to everyone about how you're the best girlfriend and how he's gonna marry you when the time is right.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Shaw’s 2021 Birthday R&S
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an R&S which has not been released in EN! 🍒
Knowledge of Shaw’s 2020 Birthday R&S is highly recommended before reading this!
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[ This R&S was released on 16 June 2021 ]
[ Chapter One ]
This is the fifth month that Shaw is learning how to skateboard. The little buddies who started out with him had given up one after the other because they couldn’t endure the bitter taste of tripping and falling. In the end, he’s the only one left.
The wheels grate against the ground in a regular rhythm. Leaping over the obstacle, it makes a swerve, accelerates, and flips... the skateboard is lithe and graceful beneath Shaw’s feet, akin to a reed leaf as it brings him into the largest skatepark in Loveland City with a wilful rush.
“Shaw! Shaw!”
Shaw halts the skateboard and turns around.
A little fatty with a band-aid on his knee walks over, smiling and revealing his missing front teeth. “Finally found you.”
Shaw laughs scornfully. “Why’s a defeated opponent looking for me? Do you want to lose the remaining half of your front teeth?”
“You!” Little Fatty flushes red in an instant. He straightens his neck and points to an area behind him. “I’m not competing with you. Someone else wants to!”
Shaw looks in the direction of his finger. A boy who is obviously taller than him by a head smiles at him, the skateboard beneath his feet sliding back and forth. At a glance, it’s clear that he’s experienced.
“My Bro Zhou is in the Loveland City Qing Xun Team,” Little Fatty hugs his arms with pride, as though he’s the one in the team. “So? Dare to accept it?”
So that’s how it is. He’s a scaredy cat who only dares to call in reinforcements.
Shaw purses his lips. He steps on the tail of the skateboard, and it responds by flipping upwards, the the edge of the board landing steadily in his palm. “Why not? What are we competing in?”
Bro Zhou shrugs. “I won’t make things hard for newbies. We’ll compete in tic-tacs and going over obstacles. How’s that?”
[Trivia] Tic-tacs are a series of consecutive heelside-to-toeside kickturns where your feet remain on the skateboard. I copied this from Google and have no idea what it means LOL
Losing his balance for just a moment, Shaw falls heavily onto the ground. His knees, elbows... waves of pain bloom on every joint. It isn’t a good feeling, but what makes Shaw even more frustrated is the arrogant laughter of Little Fatty. t’s even noisier than the cicadas from afar.
“HAHAHAHA Shaw lost! Let’s see if you still have the guts to be proud!”
He has a lot to say despite being a noob. Shaw rolls his eyes. Enduring the pain, he’s just about to lift himself up by the elbows when Bro Zhou walks over to him, offering him a hand. “Not bad.”
The other party continues. “But at your age, it’s best to stick to the basics. There’s no hurry to learn high difficulty moves like the dolphin flip. You’ll definitely fall.”
Shaw’s expression immediately turns cold. “I don’t need your pointers on what I can learn at whatever age.” He doesn’t touch the hand, standing up by himself. Lifting his head, he gives the other party a look over. “Do you come here often?”
“The Qing Xun Team practises here every day.”
“Okay. Next time, I’ll definitely win against you.”
Shaw doesn’t bother about the expressions on Bro Zhou’s and the Little Fatty’s faces after hearing his words. He casually pats off the dust on his body, picks up the skateboard which is flipped over on the floor, and leaves the skatepark.
[ Chapter Two ]
The moment Shaw enters through the doors of the antique store, the Old Man’s uproar begins. “Little Ancestor, did you wreck havoc in the Heavenly Palace again?”
[Note] Here, the Old Man calls Shaw “小祖宗”, which literally means “Little Ancestor”. This term is used in an affectionate way to address a naughty child
“Wrecking havoc in the Heavenly Palace” is a reference to a novel called Journey to the West (西游记), which features a troublemaking Monkey King Sun Wukong
“I’m hungry. What’s there to eat today?” Shaw doesn’t respond to the shopkeeper’s words. Placing his bag and skateboard behind the counter, he reaches out to play with the silly parrot at the entrance - it’s truly silly. Even after teaching it for a month, it can’t even say “welcome to the shop”. It causes Shaw to wonder if the Old Man was perhaps duped of his money once again.
“All you know how to do is eat...” The Old Man sets down the ancient text in his hands and props up his presbyopic glasses. “Old Qian from next door boiled chicken soup today and is giving us half. I’ll stir-fry two dishes. You can ask if the chicken soup is ready.”
Shaw makes an “mm” of acknowledgement, then turns around and heads next door.
The shopkeeper gets up and takes a few steps towards the kitchen. Then, he abruptly returns to the counter, reaching out to touch the coarse scratch marks at the edge of the skateboard. Inexplicably, he sighs.
The chicken soup is a little bland, and the stir-fried dishes are a little salty. Mixing and eating them together is just nice. Shaw lowers his head and pushes rice into his mouth with chopsticks. In his left ear, he hears the news of how the GDP of Loveland City has risen. In his right ear, he hears the nagging of his mentor:
“...I’m not discouraging you from playing with this thing. It’s good to toughen yourself up while you’re young and your bones and muscles are sturdy. But don’t be too rash. This... this thing of yours...”
“Skateboard.” Shaw speaks.
“Yes, skateboard. I remember that it’s only been a month since it was bought, and it’s already tormented to such a state. You have such an impulsive temperament. You should be more level-headed.”
What does this have to do with temperament? If I were to truly be impulsive, I wouldn’t need a month. Just three days would be enough to break a skateboard. Shaw looks at the chicken leg in his bowl, not saying these words aloud.
“Also, remember to report to the shop early tomorrow. Old Qian and I are preparing to head to the neighbouring city to look for goods. You should come along to broaden your horizons.” The shopkeeper taps his chopsticks against the rim of the bowl, signalling for Shaw to pay more attention. “Isn’t it your birthday tomorrow? I could pick out a gift for you! Sigh, I actually had my eye on an agate snuff bottle, but the guy suddenly decided not to sell it...”
“I’m not going tomorrow.” Shaw interrupts the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper furrows his brows. “Why are you throwing a tantrum?”
“I’m not. I have proper business to attend to tomorrow. The school organised a visit to the museum.” Shaw lifts his eyes, and his thin lips curve upwards. “The things I see there will be much more valuable than those trivial things you fiddle with.”
“You little rascal!”
Shaw laughs, wedging the chicken leg between his chopsticks and sending it into his mentor’s bowl. “I’m full, so I’m heading to the back to do my homework. Chicken legs are really nutritious, so you should have it.”
“Tsk tsk, and you still said you weren’t throwing a tantrum. You aren’t going home again?”
“I don’t want to go back today. I’ll definitely go back tomorrow.” Shaw has already walked to the entrance. He suddenly thinks of something, and turns his head to ask a question. “Mentor, your shop will always be open, right?”
These words came out of nowhere, and the shopkeeper isn’t able to comprehend them. “What?”
“Nothing much. I’m just worried that I won’t have a place to have dinner if an old man like you were to throw in the towel someday.”
The shopkeeper fumes with a glare. “What do you mean by that? You only care about the food? Also, my shop can continue running for a decade or two. I’m still waiting for you to bring back a disciple or a wife to serve me tea!”
Shaw lets out an “oh”, and his eyes crinkle. “In that case, you’ll have to wait for another twenty or thirty years.”
The eyesight of the shopkeeper is no longer as good as before, but he can clearly see that the smile of this child didn’t reach his eyes. After Shaw leaves, he suddenly recalls the fortune that he drew for Shaw half a year ago: “What awaits this catastrophe is a new beginning...”
This child is will meet his predestined fate this year, so what’s left is to see how he endures through it. The shopkeeper shakes his head, sighing once again.
[Note] The actual fortune is “河图数九,洛书数七,脐于九陵,七日来复” but I don’t have the energy to explain it so what I’ve translated above is the overall meaning :>
[ Chapter Three ]
When Shaw awakens on the next day, the shopkeeper has already left to inspect the goods. The shop is empty, and he’s the only one left.
Westmoon Street is lined with old houses, and there’s no soundproofing. Lying on the bed, Shaw can hear the chirping of birds outside the window, the yelling of people on the street, and the babble of the Chinese opera from the old bookstore next door: “I’m just like a caged bird with wings that can’t be outstretched. I’m just like a shallow water dragon trapped on a beach...”
Shaw rubs his face, then sits up on the bed.
The school had set the assembling time to be 9am. Heading out now will give him more than enough time. Shaw quickly washes his face and rinses his mouth. Just as he walks towards the front counter with some rice grains from the kitchen for the parrot to eat, he suddenly discovers that there’s something on the counter.
Walking over, Shaw sees that there’s a cake box as well as a t-shirt which has been washed clean.
There’s a slip of paper on the shirt. The strokes are clean and thin. At a glance, he knows that this is the Old Man’s handwriting: You need energy and drive to participate in the school activity. Don’t wear yesterday’s dirty clothes. Change into this.
The shirt look slightly familiar. He probably changed out of it one day and forgot about it, leaving it in the antique shop. Shaw pays it no mind, turning his head to that small cake once again. The various calligraphy and writings in the antique store are considered relatively charming. Yet, why does he always buy such unsophisticated cakes?
When his classmates celebrate their birthdays, what they eat are high quality custom-made cakes - red velvet, matcha crepe, chocolate molten lava... such a traditional longevity cake is probably found only in a place like Westmoon Street. It’s clear from the light red and light green colours that the embellishments on the cake were made by hand. Eating it would definitely dye his tongue. If he were to speak later, wouldn’t he get laughed at by his classmates?
Shaw bunches up his brows, but the fork in his hand doesn’t stop. The cream is plant-based and tastes bad. He eats a small egg shell at the base of the cake and it tastes bad. The “Happy Birthday” was written using peach jam, and it tastes really bad.
The silly parrot at the side tilts its head, watching as the boy eats mouthfuls while shunning it with every bite, finishing the cake entirely.
Shaw wipes his mouth, then rinses it with the barley tea on the table. Picking up that t-shirt, he returns into the house and changes his clothes. 
[ Chapter Four ]
“...this ‘Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent’ depicts four famous scholars enjoying themselves. Students, do you know who the Seven Sages of the bamboo forest are?”
[Trivia] If you’re interested in seeing the actual painting, search for “高逸图” (“gao yi tu”)
“It’s such a waste that you didn’t watch yesterday’s episode. That scene where the main lead destroyed the opponent like a boss is unparalleled!”
“Aside from the both of us, did anyone else have fun at Anime City?”
“Are you done with the math homework? Lend it to me - I’ll find a place to copy it.”
The question posed by the museum guide is drowned out amidst the laughing and frolicking of the kids. He forces a smile while shaking his head. All of a sudden, he notices that a boy with bluish purple hair isn’t the same as the other kids. He’s staring at an ancient painting in the showcase, lost in thought.
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As though seeing a saviour, the guide quickly points at him. “Student, why don’t you give me an answer? It’s fine even if you get it wrong. Uncle will explain to you!”
“...” Shaw turns his head, opening his mouth to say some words, but his voice doesn’t reach the guide’s ears.
“Student, what did you say?” The guide raises his volume.
“I said that the four people in ‘Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent’ are Shan Tao, Wang Jie, Liu Ling and Ruan Ji.” Shaw’s face is pretty much expressionless, and there aren't many fluctuations in his tone. “The one sitting down with his hands on his knees at the far right is Shan Tao. The one holding the ruyi sceptre is Wang Tao. The one next to him and drinking wine is Liu Ling. A boy is serving him. The one at the far left needs no mention - he’s the first of the Sages, Ruan Ji. So this painting is missing Ji Tang, Xiang Xiu and Ruan Xian.”
The surroundings gradually quieten down, and only Shaw’s voice echoes in front of the showcase.
"The scholars in this painting evoke a refined and tasteful sentiment, and the lines are beautiful. This is an extremely precious treasure in the realm of silk scrolls. This is why the ‘Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent’ has always been kept in the royal palace. It’s a pity that in order for our predecessors to avoid taboos, only Si Ma Zhong’s inscription is left on it.”
The youth lifts his chin, shooting a playful smile at the guide. “Okay Uncle, you can explain the next museum piece now.”
“Shaw, you’re incredible!” His classmates flock over to him, bumping him on the shoulders. “You were staring at that painting for such a long time. Did you memorise the words on the museum label?”
“Tch. These’s no need to memorise the museum labels for such things. You’ll know it from a glance.” Shaw laughs. “Also, I wasn’t looking at this painting...” When he says this, he pauses for a moment, swallowing his words.
If he wasn’t looking at this painting, which one was he looking at? The students follow Shaw’s gaze, and realise that there’s a floral painting hanging next to the “Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent”.
“Painting of a Courtyard and Dayliles”, Northern Song Dynasty, Xuan He Imperial Art Academy, anonymous... The students read the explanatory note on the museum label.
[Trivia] If you’re interested in seeing the actual painting, search for “霜庭萱草图” (“shuang ting xuan cao tu”)
The painting seems to depict a corner of a courtyard. A few daylilies display the patterns on their leaves. One big and one small dragonfly are perched on the flower. Aside from that, there isn’t anything else interesting about it. This painting doesn’t seem to have a name or seal, neither does it have a detailed explanation. Even the guide skipped past it. Since it isn’t a rare and precious ancient painting, what exactly was Shaw looking at?
His classmates are a little puzzled.
[ Chapter Five ]
All the classes assemble in lines at the entrance of the museum. The teacher very patiently reminds the students not to forget to do their homework over the weekend, and to remember to write down their reflections about the museum. The students drawl out “got it”, but their hearts have long since flown a million miles away, ready to keep toys and snacks company.
“Shaw!” After dispersing, Shaw’s classmates wave at him.
Shaw walks over. “What’s up?”
“All of us know that you aren’t in a good mood because you lost to a senior in skateboarding yesterday. Isn’t it your birthday? Bro Lu bought the newest game, so let’s head over to play at his place.” His classmate smiles while putting an arm around his shoulder.
“Who told you that I lost yesterday?” Shaw speaks coldly.
“Who else but Fatty? He was so proud yesterday.” The classmate gives Shaw a pat. “Relax, we’re on your side. Don’t think about these unhappy things. Next time, we’ll have lots of opportunities to get revenge...”
“If I wanted revenge, I wouldn’t wait till next time.” Shaw purses his lips. “I’m heading to the skatepark now. You guys coming?”
Since it’s the weekend, quite a number of skateboard hobbyists are already practising by the time Shaw reaches the skatepark. Very quickly, he locates Bro Zhou from yesterday.
Shaw gets straight to the point. “I lost yesterday. Today, I want to have a race with you. Do you accept?”
A hint of shock is in Bro Zhou’s eyes. He has probably never met a kid who is this unwilling to lose. “You fell so badly yesterday but still want to compete with me? You should practise more!”
“There’s no need to practise more when competing with you,” Shaw says.
With this, Bro Zhou’s temper starts to flare. He tilts his chin. “Fine, come on. Just don’t cry if you fall and break your arm today.”
A short while later, the news of how a “junior high school newbie dared to challenge Bro Zhou from the Qing Xun Team” spreads throughout the skatepark. Everyone gathers at both sides of the race course, curiously sizing up the main lead for today.
“S-Shaw...” His classmate pulls on Shaw’s arm. Looking at the deep bowl in front, he gulps. “Are you sure you’re competing with him in this? It won’t be good news if you fall!”
“If I want to play, of course I’ll only play the fun stuff. Just watch.”
Shaw walks to the starting line and takes a deep breath. When moving his limbs, his hand subconsciously touches the hem of the t-shirt - there’s a small Chinese trumpet vine. The green leaves and red petals cover the hole which was originally on the shirt. It’s just that the stitches are crooked, and it’s incredibly crude. At a glance, it’s clear that it wasn’t sewn by someone familiar with needlework. 
[Fun fact] Chinese trumpet vine is 凌霄花 (“ling xiao hua”)
Shaw’s name in CN is 凌肖 (“ling xiao”)
Mentor is the best <3
He bites his lower lip.
The referee raises both hands. “The old rules apply. After getting past the Cola can obstacles, cross the bowl. The first person who reaches the goal will win. Ready... go!”
In the midst of a clamour, a bluish purple light rushes forward, taking the lead.
[ Chapter Six ]
The friction of wheels against the ground results in ear-piercing screeches. The skateboard brings Shaw forward at a high speed, and the cold strong wind accompanies the summer heat waves, brushing past his cheeks. The upright Cola cans aren’t enough to faze him. With the continuous twisting of his waist and a skateboard which moves naturally like flowing water, he and his opponent seem to bypass the obstacles comprising of twelve Cola cans at the same time-
There are three consecutive rows of Cola can structures in front of him. He has to use all sorts of techniques to jump over them. That way, he can rush down the bowl, and enter the final stage.
The arm he injured from the fall yesterday is still aching faintly. His feet seem to be protesting as well. He successfully jumps over the first row, the second row... Shaw holds his breath. He steps on the tail of the skateboard with his left foot. Gravity takes over quickly, and his right foot causes the skateboard to rise. The skateboard beneath his feet is akin to a flying fish jumping out of the water surface, creating a rotating arc above the Cola cans!
“It’s a dolphin flip!” Members of the audience exclaim.
Clack! Shaw’s shoulders wobble slightly when his feet return to the skateboard. When he finally stands steadily, he continues rushing forward. The final bowl is right in front of him. 
The moment the skateboard dives downwards, Shaw feels a brief moment of weightlessness. This feeling is reminiscent of being thrown out of the entire world, making one want to continue falling like this until they plummet into the bottom of the swamp. The deep bowl is like the trough he’s currently going through. If he’s unable to climb out of the trough, he will drown in hatred, anger, powerlessness, disappointment... and lose to that weak heart of his.
But he’s Shaw, and he won’t lose just like that.
With a rapid dash, he soars upwards without trouble - underneath the brilliant blazing sun, the youth leaps out of the bowl!
After flying out of the bowl, the inertia causes Shaw to stumble a few steps. He falls onto the ground, lying on his back while pressing the finish line.
At the same time, he hears a dull thud from the bowl - his opponent had fallen back into it.
“Shaw won!” “Shaw reached the goal first!” “That rascal actually won against Bro Zhou?” “This competition was so awesome!” ...all sorts of voices emerge in the surroundings in a disorderly fashion, and a set of footsteps walk towards him.
“Your name’s Shaw?” A masculine voice asks from above his head.
Shaw doesn't speak.
“I’m Coach Wang from Loveland City’s Qing Xun Skateboarding Team,” that voice continues. “I see that you have lots of talent, and will make a good young successor. Are you interested in joining the Qing Xun Team?”
While saying this, a registration form is handed to him.
The late afternoon sun illuminates the sheet of paper, reflecting a glaring light akin to snow. Shaw takes one look at the registration form, then shifts his lips slightly. “I don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“My shirt’s really expensive, so it isn’t worth tearing them.”
The coach is rendered speechless.
Just as he’s about to say a few more words to persuade the kid, he suddenly spots the small flower at the corner of Shaw’s shirt from his periphery - this is clearly not an expensive t-shirt. These days, few shirts are mended using embroidery. And the fact that he’s willing to wear it despite the clumsy embroidery...
This kid has family members whom he cares very much about. The coach seems to understand this. His lips open and shut, and he swallows back the lines he prepared. In the end, he simply says, “...that dolphin flip you did earlier wasn’t bad.”
“Of course.”
The coach laughs as he leaves. Amidst the cheers from the surroundings, Shaw lies on the ground. Covering his eyes with his hand, he laughs.
“I won. Happy birthday to me.”
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🛹 Shaw’s Date Prologue: here
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ren1327 · 3 years
Sweater Weather ch.5
Ben and Kenji watched Bumpy as she slept on Ben’s lap, Carmen sitting next to him to stroke her flank as she read her new manga, brown eyes scanning over each detail of the art.
Kenji had sat on the sofa and Ben flush against him, acting as the comfortable partner and lover.
But Ben couldn’t help but feel how comfortable Kenji was. How well he fit to his side. How warm this image of them with a dog and his sister relaxing in the living room was. He leaned his head back and Kenji looked away from the movie to nuzzle in his hair.
Ben wanted this to real if only to feel the comfort and trust in that single moment.
“Dinner’s ready.” Candy said as she came in, pausing to look at them and smile.
Bumpy yipped and stood, stretching before she followed Candy to her new bowl in the corner of the dining room on a soft rug.
Ben got up and Kenji followed, Carmen calling she wanted to finish the next few pages.
Kenji pulled out Ben’s chair and smiled when he sat down with a soft thank you.
Once Carmen was seated, Kenji sat between where Kosei would sit at the head and Ben.
Candy brought out a savory casserole with meat, cheese, tortillas and chili. She then placed down bowls of red rice, refried beans, chips, red and green salsa and cabbage.
“Enchilada casserole!” Carmen said excitedly, then looked at Ben from across the table. “It’s Kenji’s favorite!”
Kenji nodded and was happy to help Ben fill his plate.
Once he had a substantial amount of everything, Ben noticed they were watching him. He then saw that they were holding hands.
“Are you comfortable with grace, Ben?” Candy asked.
“I…yes ma’am.” He said and took Kenji’s and Carmen’s hands.
The family closed their eyes and he noticed only Candy and Kenji bowed their heads. He quickly closed his own eyes as Candy prayed outload.
“Dear provider and father above, thank you for reuniting our family this winter. Thank you for the safe journey of my son and our transition into our new home. Thank you for blessing us with Ben and Bumpy. And thank you for giving us so much more to be thankful for and love. And we say”
“Amen.” She and her family chorused.
Ben lowered his hands and smiled, blushing as he held back tears.
“Ben?!” Carmen asked and Ben quickly wiped his cheeks.
“Sorry. Sorry. It’s just been a while since I’ve prayed.”
“We don’t expect you to be obligated to, Honey.” Candy said and Kosei nodded.
“How you express or don’t express your faith is up to you. But thank you for joining our thanks.” Kosei said gently.
“Does your family have a faith?”
“I uh, I think we were Jewish.” He said.
“Think you were?” Kosei asked.
“Um, my mom was the religious one and um…my Uncle got work overseas so it’s uh…just been me.” He said.
“I didn’t want to stress my uncle out and he knew I was with friends and I haven’t…I haven't even told him about Kenji to be honest. It’s been so long and I…”
“Oh, Sweetie.” Candy whispered. “and your mother—”
“Mom.” Kenji said and she covered her mouth in surprised.
Kosei sighed softly as Carmen looked from her parents to Ben, slowly putting the pieces together.
“Oh, Ben. I'm sorry…” She whispered.
“It’s okay. She’s with my dad and I know if I work hard, I can make them proud.” He said, sounding robotic at this point.
“Well, if it’s not too candid…You always have a place in this family. Even as a friend.” Kosei said and Ben smiled, wiping his cheeks again.
“I’m sorry. I made dinner awkward.”
Kenji put a hand on his and look him in the eye. “Never be sorry for expressing how you feel.”
Ben nodded as he looked down at his food. He took a bite…
And coughed hard, grabbing a napkin and holding it to his running nose and burning mouth.
“Oh my gosh!” Carmen said and gave Ben his water. “Kenji! Did you give him the green salsa?!”
“What? It’s not that hot?” Kenji said, grabbing his own napkin for Ben to switch out.
“Mijo, you’ve been eating jalapenos since you were in diapers! Mamita, get him some of the banana milk.” She said.
Carmen quickly got up and returned, twisting open a school cafeteria looking yellow bottle of milk and handing it to Ben, who sipped it slowly, panting softly as he finished it. He then whirled on his pretend boyfriend.
“You’re not human!” He said to Kenji, who was trying to hold back his laughter.
“Stop…stop laughing…” Carmen said, placing a hand over her mouth to hide her own smile.
“I reacted horribly the first time I had the green salsa too, Ben.” Kosei said. “I was sweating while pretending I wasn’t affected, then got sick later.”
“I told you not to put so much. You need to build up to that amount!” Candy said and Ben laughed imaging such a regal looking man sweating and red faced.
“Okay. Stay away from the green sauce.” Ben said. “I’ll remember for next time.”
He took a bite of the casserole and nearly melted.
“One of the perks of my marriage.” Kosei joked, making Candy huff and roll her eyes with a smile.
“One of many, I hope.” She said.
Kosei took her hand. “Too many to count.”
“Ew. Mom. Dad.”
“Oh, they get to flirt, but us older folk don’t?” She asked her daughter, who giggled.
“So!” Carmen said, gaining everyone’s attention. “How did you two meet?”
Ben and Kenji looked at each other and Kenji stuttered.
“W-well, we met through friends online…”
Ben put his hand over Kenji’s, smiling at him with steely eyes. Kenji’s mouth shut as Ben hunched his shoulders.
“Its kind of embarrassing really.” He started. “You see, he was video chatting with Sammy. And Sammy and I have been friends for so long…we were comfortable around each other. So one day, while Yaz was at a retreat, I had gotten out of the shower and was only in my boxer briefs because I forgot my clothes in my room.”
Carmen and Kosei looked scandalized as Candy covered her mouth.
Ben blushed as if it were true as he continued. “So, being so comfortable with Sammy, I was drying my hair as I walked nearly naked past her and Kenji unfortunately got an eyeful of my pale chicken legs. The scream I let out.”
Kenji chuckled just imagining the scene.
“And then I asked him for his number.” Kenji said with a shrug.
Candy laughed. “That sounds very like you, Kenji.”
“Texting Ben and calling him leveled me down. Made me want to come back just to…” He paused and shook his head, interlacing his fingers with Ben.
“He makes me happy.”
“So you two are still new to a lot of things.” Candy said. “Despite talking for three months.”
“Yeah.” Ben said and smiled at Kenji, almost genuinely. “He’s way taller than I expected.”
“But you’re just as cute.” Kenji said, making Ben blush deeply.
“Aw~!” Carmen cooed and Kosei scoffed at his daughter.
“Now, now.” He said, then turned to the boys. “Ben, I never asked. Do you prefer a separate room?”
“Excuse me?”
“We understand how couples are and respect how you express your love.” Candy said. “As long as you’re safe. However, if you’ve only started being together…”
“Stop, stop this now.” Kenji said.
“I’ll be okay with Kenji.” Ben said with a nod. “He takes really great care of me and respects my wishes.”
Kosei nodded in approval of his son. “I am very happy to hear so.”
“Ben, I have to ask because it’s been bothering me…what’s that scar on your upper arm?” Candy asked.
Ben looked at the jagged scar on his left bicep. He covered it.
“It’s…from an old relationship.”
Carmen gasped and Kosei placed his glass down, eyes hard as he looked at Ben. Kenji squeezed his hand.
“It was way before I met Kenji.” Ben said. “And I never brought it up because…”
“No, sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” Candy whispered.
“It’s fine. He’s…” He took a deep breath. “He’s gone and I’m far, far away from him.”
Kenji pulled Ben’s hand to rest on his chest. “Ben…don’t be scared to tell me things. I won’t judge you, ever.”
Ben smiled and kissed Kenji’s cheek.
“Thank you. All of you.”
 Ben sat on the king sized Ben in Kenji’s room.
It was decorated in shades of red and gray, as opposed to the white and blue outside. He was dressed in an old t-shirt and pajama pants, Kenji showering.
The room was very…sparse.
It had rich dark wood furniture, plush latte colored carpet and pale pastel yellow walls that could be white in different light. Rich strawberry red bedspread and rugs and grey curtains and armchairs next to a white brick fireplace with a glass guard. There was a desk, a small table next to the large window with the armchairs next to the fireplace and with another tall, small surfaced table. The bed was in the middle of the back wall, two nightstands holding touch lamps and piled with soft velvety red and grey pillows overstuffed, but comfortable enough to leave on when going to sleep.
Bumpy snored from her plush pet bed near the heating vent, exhausted from the busy day she had.
Ben felt himself already getting sleepy as he read one of the books Yaz had bought him as an early Christmas gift. He looked at his phone
He text Sammy.
B: I told them about J
S: WHAT?!?!?! Ben, you didn’t have to!
B: It felt right. I trust Kenji.
S: Okay. How do you feel?
B: A little better tbh Like Like I have some more eyes looking over my shoulders to watch my back Idk
S: Kenji would kick his ass into next year! I WOULD TOO!
B: Thanks, Sammy. We’re heading off to the hotel tomorrow. I’ll send you some pictures.
S: Be safe! Yaz said to say she misses you.
B: I miss you too. Love you both.
S: <3
 Kenji came in dressed in flannel pajamas and looked at Ben, who was still curled up on the right side with his book.
“It’s okay. You’re probably cold.” Ben said, pretending to read his book as Kenji draped the damp towel over the back of his desk chair.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
Ben ducked his head a bit, not wanting to make a awkward situation more so.
Kenji reached into his bag and pulled out the soft knitted blue sweater he had worn to dinner. He held it out to Ben.
Ben blinked and suddenly, Kenji blushed.
“Sorry! I’ll get you a clean one or—”
“I’ll take it.” Ben said, taking it from his hands and pulling it over his shirt.
He blushed as he smelled Kenji’s cologne on the collar and wrists. Kenji got in bed next to him.
“What are you reading?” He asked Ben.
“A sequel series of this young adult…um…It’s a little complicated, but it focuses on my favorite characters from the first series.”
“Read a bit to me?”
“You wouldn’t understand it.” Ben said. “But if you want me too, I can explain plot details and stuff...”
“Okay.” Ben said and found where he had paused. “Magnus saw hundreds of masked people in elaborate costumes dancing in unison, and around them was music that could be seen as well as heard. As if ripped from a black-and-white sheet of paper and turned into bright, living shapes, the notes floated in the air, drifting along currents of musical lines and wrapping around the glittering masks and elaborate hair of the dancers. Along the ceiling, the constellations were moving; no, they were the orchestra…”
He noticed Kenji had relaxed and was dozing off, soft snores floating from him. Ben placed his bookmark inside the page and placed it on the nightstand. He touched the lamp, and the room went dark.
Kenji wiggled closer and hugged him loosely around the waist.
He smiled and pretended this was his life, with a loving boyfriend and his family and safe and loved—
“Sorry…Brooklynn…” Kenji groaned and Ben froze. He pulled away and rolled over, leaving Ben cold and feeling empty.
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Kirby and the Big Panic in Gloomy Woods! Chapter 2
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If one were to say the best restaurant in Dream Land, it would be: As one would expect, Chef Kawasaki’s shop. Loved by every resident on Dream Land, the store is always overcrowded in popularity. However, today the restaurant is in a bit of a different situation.
“Huh......? There's a label attached. Looks like it’s closed.” Waddle Dee is the one who said after looking up at the paper attached to the door. He came to have lunch with his pal Kirby today, but the store unfortunately seems to be closed. Kirby peeked inside the store from the window facing the main street. “But there seems to be a customer inside. That’s......King Dedede!” “His Highness......? He really is......” Waddle Dee peeked inside the store alongside Kirby, and tilted his head in confusion. King Dedede owns a castle atop a steep mountain, and is a gluttonous, boastful tyrant. The said person proclaims himself to be “The Great Ruler of Dream Land.” Waddle Dee is one of the subordinates serving King Dedede. He is always abused by the king’s selfishness, and is constantly pushed around by him. At every opportunity, the king would be fired up with a mind of opposition against Kirby. The fact that Waddle Dee is a close friend with Kirby would, of course, be a secret to the king. It would be terrible if he finds out that I'm with him......thought Waddle Dee in nervousness, but there was no need for such worries. The king is absorbed in his meals, and isn’t paying any attention outside the window. “This morning, His Highness quickly left without even telling his destination. I wondered what happened, since it's unusual for His Majesty to leave without even eating breakfast. So he was having a meal here, huh?” “Why is it that only King Dedede is let in when the store’s closed!? No fair! I also want to eat Chef Kawasaki's Lunch Special!” With a sullen face, Kirby hurled himself at the door with all his might. He might have a small body, but his power was unmatched. Getting rammed, Chef Kawasaki's restaurant appeared to collapse at any moment. The door opened, and Chef Kawasaki rushed out from the inside. “What the heck are you doing!? Are you trying to demolish this store!? Stop it, Kirby!” “Chef Kawasaki! We came for some chow. Let us in!” “You must've seen the label. We’re closed today.” “Then why is King Dedede having a meal!?” “That's......because......” Chef Kawasaki's expression became gloomy. “What's the reason!? Why is that only King Dedede is treated specially!?” “N......Never mind! Anyways, the store is temporarily closed today. Go home!” “But, King Dedede......!” “Go home, please!”
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With his face bright red, Chef Kawasaki pushed Kirby out and slammed the door. Kirby and Waddle were astonished, and exchanged glances. “Chef Kawasaki is acting strangely for some reason.” “Something like this has never happened until now......” “Alright, let's hear the reason!” Waddle Dee stopped Kirby who was about to hurl himself at the door once again. “Let’s stop, Kirby. Chef Kawasaki appears to be very troubled for some reason. I'd feel bad for him if we made him spit it out.” “But you know......” “Let’s call it a day. Instead, let's have lunch at Castle Dedede.” “The lunch would be......?” “It's today's leftover, but there's some croquettes with meat and potato stew. Some fried chicken in addition......” “Croquette!? Meat and potato stew!? Fried chicken!? Whoa, I want some!” Croquette, meat and potato stew, and fried chicken are all Kirby's favorite. ......Rather, just about every food in the world is Kirby's favorite. His eyes lit up, Kirby jumped at Waddle Dee. “Let’s go, let’s go! Lunch time right now at Castle Dedede~!” “Uh-huh!” With their hands together, the pair retraced their steps towards Castle Dedede.
Meanwhile, at Chef Kawasaki's restaurant: “I want seconds! Bring me 10 servings of steak, gratin, and also katsudon all at once!” Pushing the plates stacked high on the table aside, King Dedede yelled with an exceptional grin. “P-Please......have mercy on me, sire......” With tears, Chef Kawasaki collapsed on the floor. “If you keep eating like this......the restaurant could go out of business......” “Oh? You mean that you can't serve a dish even when the customer is ordering? And you call yourself a chef?” “Uuu......ughhh......” “What an awful store, not responding to a customer's order. I better complain to the universal restaurants associations......” “I understand! I understand!” With a look of desperation, Chef Kawasaki shouted, got up, and ran off to the kitchen. Watching his retreating figure, King Dedede smiled in satisfaction. “An all-you-can-eat is a heaven. This too, is thanks to my everyday good deeds. I'm so lucky!”
......How this came about was in early morning. Exactly at the restaurant’s opening hour, King Dedede turned up. It is unusual for King Dedede to show up at an hour this early. Chef Kawasaki amiably welcomed the king. “Welcome, Your Highness. Would you like a morning menu? For today's recommendation, an omelet with plenty of herbs and a mushroom salad......” “You moron, you think I'm hungry for that!? Bring me some steak. Of course, the meat better be top-class.” “Y-Yes, sire......” Chef Kawasaki nodded in wonder. “Your appetite sure is splendid even from morning, sire.” “Those who are kings can't function properly with an empty stomach, y’know! Today too, there's a need for me to eat heartily in order to rule over Dream Land.” “Splendid!” “Just steak isn't enough for me. Bring me some roast beef and whole roasted chicken.” “Yessir, thank you!” Chef Kawasaki smiled. Steak, roast beef, and whole roasted chicken are all proud and finest cuisines at this shop. To order them all at once is an opportunity for a cook to show his skills. But then: “Right, I'll use this card.” King Dedede held out a card with a nonchalant look. It’s an elegant card shining in gold-color. Receiving it, Chef Kawasaki was shocked. “T-This is......no way!?” “Yes way. The universal restaurants association is issuing it. It's a Super-Premium All-You-Can-Eat Card.” “I have heard of the name before, but it's my first time seeing it. Huh......so this is that famous card......” “That’s right. Whichever the restaurant and whatever food it may be, it's a card of your dreams that lets you eat all you want.” “Eh......so that means......no way......!?”
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Chef Kawasaki turned pale and jumped up. “Your Highness, are you planning to eat the steak and the roast beef for free!?” “That's not all, you idiot. Don't forget the whole roasted chicken.” “Y-You can’t be serious......” “Don't worry. Afterwards, I'll add a hamburger, barbeque, and ice cream to my order.” Chef Kawasaki staggered. “How could this be......Super-Premium All-You-Can-Eat Card is something only those the universal restaurants association has deemed as a gentleman or a hero respected by everyone, in any case, a praiseworthy person could obtain......so why on earth is Your Majesty......” “Isn't that obvious? I’m respected by everyone, and am a praiseworthy gentleman.” “N-No way......” “It's not “No way.” Hurry up and bring me the dishes.” “B-But......is that your card, sire......?” “Are you doubting me!? What a rude fellow! I’m gonna complain to the universal restaurants association.” “N-No, how rude of me! I'll bring the dishes at once.” Chef Kawasaki hurriedly withdrew to the kitchen. He cannot believe that King Dedede would have a Super-Premium All-You-Can-Eat Card, but it's hopeless now that he has shown him the real thing. A customer who owns the card must be given a top-class treatment, which is decided as a regulation by the universal restaurants association. (How strange...... Why on earth would King Dedede have that card......?) His optimistic perplexion would only be for the first while. “Next up, bring me crab fried rice. Of course, along with some gyoza and shumai.” “R-Right on it.” “After that, tempura soba and nabeyaki udon.” “Forgive me, but such menus aren't in this store......” “Even if they aren't, make it! Can’t you see this card!?” “Y......Yes, sire!” King Dedede does whatever he wants. Putting a temporary closure label on the store’s door, Chef Kawasaki had no choice but to single-mindedly cook for the king. (C-Curse you, universal restaurants association......! Why the heck would you give that precious card to someone like King Dedede......) Wiping his tears, Chef Kawasaki is cooking. In the meantime, King Dedede's gruff voice resounds throughout the store. “You’re late! What the heck are you doing!? Are you not done with 10 servings of steak, gratin, katsudon, ramen, and hamburg steak yet!?” “Y-Yes, right away, sire......” Chef Kawasaki broke into tears.
At that moment: The aforementioned trio were roaming around to find Kirby. “Big bro Kero......no, chief, there's a restaurant over there.” Keroji pointed at a red signboard. “Oh, there really is. How about we check that one for now? Kirby might be there.” “No, you can't.” Kerolina shook her head. “There's a label attached. That restaurant’s closed.” “Tch, is that so. Well, let’s try somewhere else.” “Hold on, looks like there's a customer inside.” Noticing a person within the store from a window, Keroji ran up to it. The trio clinged themselves to the window and peered inside. Kerota smacked his lips. “H......Holy cow......what the heck......” “A staggering amount of plates are stacked up! No way, did he eat that all by himself!?” “What a monstrous appetite......look at that belly! It's so round!” The trio looked exchanged looks. “Big br......no, chef! Don’t tell me that he’s!?” “Yeah, there's no doubt about it! There can't be anyone else that gluttonous!” “It's Kirby!” In haste, the trio opened the restaurant door and bursted inside. Carrying the dishes, Chef Kawasaki called out to them. “Ah, I’m sorry, but we’re closed today......” However, the trio couldn’t hear his voice. The trio runs up to Dedede’s table, and surrounds the king. “Mr. Kirby! You're Mr. Kirby, yes!?” “......?” Surrounded by a trio whom he's never seen before, King Dedede made a funny expression. The king was going to say something, but was also about to toss a large steak into his mouth. Taking turns, the three kept talking rapidly. “We were looking for you, Mr. Kirby! Wow, the rumors didn't do justice on how you eat!” “You ate of this all on your own......we respect you, Mr. Kirby!” “We're honored to meet you, Mr. Kirby!” Realizing that they were mistaking him as Kirby, King Dedede's mood suddenly turned sour. Still, he can't say anything with steak in his mouth. While the king was swallowing the steak, the trio continued chattering. “We were looking for you because we wanted to borrow your strength.” “It’s an important task that can only be done by Mr. Kirby.” Finally swallowing the steak, King Dedede scowled at the three. “Who are you chumps?” “Ah, this might be late, but I'm Kerota. The two over here are my underlings, Keroji and Kerolina.” “Kirby this and Kirby that, you twats......” “Right, of course we would know! Although we never met you before, your name is very famous!” “I'm not Kirby......” “Ah, yes, I understand. Only you would possess such a magnificent appetite!” “There's a wonderful treasure just for you!” King Dedede was about to shout at the trio in frustration, but held his tongue after hearing one word, “treasure.” “We can't explain the full story here, but why don't you come with us?” “......What the heck is this treasure?” “Actually......” Kerota whispered in a low voice close to Dedede’s ears. “It's the tastiest fruit in the universe.” “Fruits? Ha, how dull. That can’t satisfy me. I would rather have the tastiest meats in the universe.” To King Dedede who was about to resume eating, Kerota said quickly. “Oh, no. It's not just any fruit. Those fruits are said to be so sweet that it melts in your mouth, and are so delicious that you won't believe it's from this world. And yet, it's awfully rare, so those who have tried it are very few in numbers. This is the king of fruits, and number one of all fruits! Don't you want to try it?” “Hmm......the king, huh......” Weak to words like “number one” or “king,” King Dedede's heart was moved a little. At that moment, Chef Kawasaki started talking. “What a lovely story! I sure want to eat such fruits......but......” He has been listening in on the conversation between the trio and Dedede for some time now. The trio glares at Chef Kawasaki in alertness. Chef Kawasaki looked away and sighed deeply. “I'm not really worthy of that, huh......only a very important figure could eat the best fruits as such......” Also weak to words like “an important figure,” King Dedede twitched. Knowing this is it, Chef Kawasaki continued ceaselessly. “For instance, the most handsome prince in the universe, or a great ruler of Dream Land......these are special fruits that can’t be eaten unless you're a super important figure like such......ahh, what a shame, there’s no helping it, I guess......”
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“-Oi,” Pretending that he didn't hear Chef Kawasaki's remarks, King Dedede turned to face Kerota. “Are you sure about what you said?” “Of course. We also obtained a special map which has the locations of the fruits written down. All that's left is your cooperation.” “......Alrighty then.” King Dedede nodded, and pounded his chest. “I, Kirby, will cooperate with you guys. Lead me to where those fruits originate from.” “Yessir!” The trio raised their arms altogether. King Dedede got up slowly. The trio would look up at that figure in a hopeful manner. “Off we go.” “Yessir! There's nothing to fear with Mr. Kirby on our side!” The trio surrounded King Dedede and stepped out in excitement.
After the door was closed- Chef Kawasaki loudly shouted in an uncontrollable joy. “I did it-! At last, I've driven out the loathsome pest!” With tears of joy, he skipped around 3 times inside the store. Just when he stopped, he suddenly recalled something and talked to himself. “However, the fruits that they said......by any chance, could it be the Stardust Fruits from Gloomy Woods......?” Chef Kawasaki pondered with a grave look, and shook his head. “Nah, it can't be! No matter how reckless they are, there's no way they would lay their hands there. Even nine lives wouldn't be enough. I'm thinking about it too much......getting the restaurant ready is more important than that.” He needs to put away the plates that Dedede scattered while eating, restock the ingredients, and get back to business as always. In high spirits, Chef Kawasaki began preparations to open the store.
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jason-graecus · 6 years
Marvel’s Fathers Day Collection
Part 1: “Happy Father’s day Mr. Stark!”
Summary: Tony Stark tries to ignore father’s day every year, but Peter Parker comes around and now they both can celebrate with each other!
           Tony could not remember when he went to bed last night. Proper wording would be, when he passed out in the shop again last night. The sun’s beams stretched along through the windows until they reached Tony’s face, causing him to groan and rub his wincing face.
           “Morning sir, it is 10:38 am, Sunday, June Seventeenth,” came Friday’s voice throughout the shop. “Happy father’s day.”
           Tony let out a sigh of annoyance. He obviously didn’t work hard enough last night, as he still had to wake up to this holiday. He sat up, the chair bending back with a small noise. There was a sundry of days in the year he tried to ignore. Father’s day was high upon that list. He had spent so many years feeling anger towards his callous father; his legacy was the one thing he had ever given to Tony. Howard Stark would be revered as a man of science, not for his fatherly endearment. “Sure, just pull up today’s news for me.”
           Several screens popped up in front of Tony, some articles, others were videos. Most of them had to do with father’s day.
           “The king of Wakanda, Ta’challa, is holding a ceremony in honor of the late king-“ One video begun as Tony swiped through.
           “Sir, Happy has forwarded Mr. Parker’s voicemails from last night. Do you wish to hear them?” Friday inquired.
           Tony paused, looking over all the news. It has been difficult for Tony to decide if no news or sightings of Steve were good or bad. He refused to let himself dwindle on the subject, turning his mind to Peter.
           In all the stress and anger coming from what happened with cap, it was the kid’s insouciant voicemails that lifted his somber weights on his mind, even if it was just for the rest of the evening after listening to them. He puffed his chest up a little. “Yeah give it to me.”
           “Hey Mr. Stark! Umm tonight’s report, not too busy- I did stop a car crash though! This lady was texting and driving, with a BABY in the car, what’s’ up with that? And then I stopped a mugging which was cool ‘cause the two guys were like, ‘whoa it’s that kid!’ and I was like, ‘Yeah you better run!’ Anyway umm...That’s it, yeah…”
Tony went to pick up his keys, assuming the message was over until it continued.
“Actually, Mr. Stark? ...I was hoping if you weren’t busy, tomorrow, if I could…I want to wish you a happy father’s day,”
Tony was taken aback by this,
“Maybe hang out or something…so I guess I will stop by then, so see ya Mr. Stark!”
           The message ended, Peter’s nervousness about getting those words out was evident. Tony looked down at the keys in his hand, giving a small huff and smirk, placing the keys down; perhaps staying in would prove better for him.
           The city of New York has enough noise to fill the ears while one was in thought. Peter was doing such as his aunt was driving him to Mr. Stark at the Avenger’s upstate base. He was sure his face showed how awkward he felt.
           Peter had this idea in his head since last Thursday, and it took all his courage to approach Aunt Meg about the subject. It happened over dinner; Meg had made chicken and yellow rice. Peter placed down his fork down on the green lined plate and looked to Meg.
           “Meg?” He asked, the small voice crack followed by him trying to swallow it.
Meg looked up from her plate, her expression turning to one of concern from seeing his anxiousness. “Yes? Is everything alright?”
           “I wanted to ask about this father’s day; I know how we normally celebrated…” Peter’s voice got quieter at the thought. Before Uncle Ben passed it was with him Peter would celebrate. “But I’d like to see about this year stopping by Mr. Stark’s.”
           Father’s day was difficult enough for Peter; his father loved him enough to leave him under Aunt Meg and Uncle Ben to protect him. But Peter would always feel robbed of that figure in his life. Uncle Ben tried his best to fill that hole, and Peter did love his uncle with every bit of his heart. But he would always be Uncle Ben. Mr. Stark came into his life and he suddenly has this amazing male figure in his life again. It was not Ironman Peter could look up to, but simply Tony Stark himself. It was awkward for Peter to express this verbally of how much Mr. Stark fills the dearth in his life for someone to guide him. Peter figured the best way was to have Mr. Stark’s back no matter what came.
           “Peter? Peter, you got the card right?” came Aunt Meg, bringing him back to the present moment. Aunt Meg had been completely supportive of Peter visiting Mr. Stark; she even helped him pick out a card.
           “Yeah, yeah it’s in my bag.” Peter answered, reaching into the back seat to grab the bag. He could see the trees clearing and the building coming up ahead.
           “Call me when you are ready to be picked up, okay?” She said, slowing down to the front doors.
           Peter quickly gave Aunt Meg a hug, a kiss, and a good bye. He jumped out, slinging his back pack on and waving her good bye as she drove off.
           Tony watched through the large windows as Peter got out of the car and walked into the building. ‘What a dork’ Tony thought to himself about watching this exchange, smiling and taking a sip of his morning coffee mug before descending down to meet Peter. When the elevator door opened, there was a disturbance occurring at the main entrance.
           “Come on guys, you know me! If you could just tell- Mr. Stark!” called out Peter once he saw Tony walking towards them. Security seemed to be hassling Peter about not having his badge. Tony raised his hand to the guards, signaling them to stand down. Tony sure didn’t look authoritve in his grey shirt and red, plaid, pajama pants.
           “Hey come on, I give a specific list of authorized guest and he was supposed to be on that list; he’s with me.” Tony said, motioning Peter to follow him; Peter trotted to his side like a loyal puppy as they entered the elevator.
           “Thanks Mr. Stark, I forgot to bring my special pass.” Peter said, shifting the shoulder straps on his backpack.
           “Yeah, I get you a nice, pretty one and you never use it, what’s up with that?” Tony remarked. The elevator was quiet after that, other than the quiet classic rock played for the music. When the doors opened once more, the two stepped out with each bearing the face of a man who struggles with small talk.
           “The suit, how’s it holding up?” asked Tony as they made their way to his shop.
           “Oh yeah, I’ve been pla- testing- testing all the stuff in there lately, I actually have some cool ideas about additions I thought of.” Peter said, the ingenuitive spark in his eyes.
           That was another aspect of Peter that Tony couldn’t help but enjoy, how he was not only smart, but had ingenuity. The doors slid open for them, Peter looking around in awe of all of the new ‘toys’ of Mr. Starks. Peter could have looked around and messed with all the gadgets all day, unfortunately Tony didn’t have that much patience. “So, your voicemail thanks for that, for coming by.” Tony said finally, sitting down in his chair, placing one leg on the opposite knee and folding his hands.
           Peter jumped lightly at the words, sending the metal tool in his grasp to fall on the floor and clank loudly. “Oh-sorry- yeah I wanted to tell you happy father’s day. So happy father’s day!” peter said happily, he walked back over to Mr. Stark, whipping his bag off his back and zipping it open.  “I got you a gift and a card.” Peter confessed, though he didn’t feel as awkward as he was before, this felt good to do for Mr. Stark.
           Tony had a face of surprise, motioning a chair to move to Peter. Tony watched as Peter first pulled out the envelope and held it out to him. Peter’s face had a smile that no price would Tony not pay to keep it on that kid’s face.
           Tony opened the envelope and pulled out the card, reading the front.
“There are all kinds of dads:
Golf dads, football dads, rock dads…”
           Tony flipped the card open,
“I am proud to have a super dad!”
           Under the printed words had the signature of Peter, with a small message.
‘People often generalize what a dad is, and even if you aren’t my real dad, you still are super. Like an actual super hero, but super in the normal way too. You might not have super powers but you have super prowess. Get it? Super prowess?’
           Tony looked at the card for a long time, his heart clenching. Peter looked at him, worried that he had gone too far and made Mr. Stark uncomfortable.
           “The- The gift?” Tony asked, swallowing the lump in his throat. Peter smiled again, this time with a hint of sheepishness.
           “Okay, I am letting you know now that I have been practicing this a lot, but I might mess up so, hang in there.” Peter let out a breath and muttered assurance to himself before rolling up his sleeves a little to reveal his wrist, turning away from Tony as he started to make work with his webs. “Okay, close your eyes; I don’t want you to see until it’s done.”
           Tony rolled his eyes with a small smile before closing them. It was a good three minutes before Peter’s noise stopped and Tony heard him roll his chair back around to Tony. “Okay open.”
           Tony opened his eyes, Peter’ smile was wide, looking at Tony’s reaction. Peter’s hands were apart, one above the other. In between them was an intricate web in the shape of Tony’s helmet. Ironman’s blank expression looked back at Tony; the detail in the webbing was astounding. Tony hardly had words, which was rare. Peter gave a small chuckle.
           “I can make a few shapes and words; your helmet was one of the hardest ones yet. I figured I shouldn’t bother with buying you anything since; you could probably just buy it, so I decided I’d make you something. So I literally made you this web.”
           Tony’s expression slowly turned to a content smile. He leaned back and placed both feet on the ground. “I never, ever, would have trusted myself to be responsible with a kid; I am not even responsible for myself.” Tony began, Peter intently listening. “And now,” Tony said, placing down his card standing up carefully on the work table, “I am stuck with you.”
           Peter felt his nerves twitch at that.
           “And I could not be any luckier to have a better kid.” Tony finished. His smile was warm, as was Peter’s wide grin. Tony let out a joyful sigh, glancing up at the ceiling before opening his arms and motioning for a hug. Peter felt a surge of happiness, as it was the rarest event and Peter’s favorite; a hug from Mr. Stark. Peter was so quick to jump into Tony’s arms he almost sent the both of them and the chair back onto the floor. Peter hugged tight, Tony’s eyes widening from the force before they set back into contentment. He hugged back with just as much force. “Careful.” He muttered, the two of them enjoying the hug.
           “I thought you had a phobia of hugs.” Peter chuckled over Tony’s shoulder.
           “I do, don’t tell anyone about this or I’ll make your suit pink.” Tony answered, giving Peter a few pats on the back to Peter before the two parted, Tony keeping his hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Alright, I am going to offer you a deal. We have each other’s back and keep depending on each other.”
           Peter patted Tony’s other shoulder. “You depend on me?” The thought of Mr. Stark needing him filled him with assurance. Tony smirked, moving his hand from Peter’s shoulder to the top of the kid’s hair, ruffling it.
“More then you know. Now come on, I’ll order pizza and then we can do some test on you.”
“On your abilities Peter, for the sake of science of course, plus you’re getting pizza for it. That sounds like a good deal for a teenager.”
“Does this mean I am your side-kick now?”
“Never in a million years.”
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it-begins-with-rain · 6 years
Goblin: The Lonely and Great God Reaction Thread (Ep 1)
For @ladyvanserra
He moved a pot a couple of inches and broke a Frenchman’s rib. I already like this show!
Period dramas (even partially) and fantasy mixed with history. That’s my drama-kink right there.
Wait why are they declaring him a criminal?
He won the war for them?
Oh wow, violence with blood! Yay korea(n dramas)!
Wait why do you look familiar King Dude?
Actually, he seemed more likely to declare himself a god...
Ah, they’re mad at him for being Julius Caesar, got it.
Well obvs the white girl is supposed to stand out, who are you?
Oh, that was a “we used to fuck” look
“Imma kill every innocent person.” That’s some A+ kinging right there.
Ohhhh yeah, they fucked.
Wait she wants him to go kill the king? Even if everyone dies?
That’s fucked up.
I want more backstory of this whole thing.
“Fire on her from behind the guy walking and kill her to punish him for not being easy to kill!”
Or, you know, order him shot in the back?
And he walks up behind him and slices.
Like, couldn’t just do that before? A+ guarding right there.
Eew, why do people drool when they cry in dramas? Just... eew.
“Forgive me sir for slowly stabbing you with a giant broadsword”
Cut. Off. His. Head. It’s. More. Polite.
See? Like what that guard just did to the other guy.
Man the advisor from Mulan is a dick
I know that’s chinese not Korean.
It’s the hat.
oh the old lady’s ring, splashed with her blood.
So shouldn’t she be a goblin too?
Is that why the old lady looked so young-made-to-look-old?
Is she the dead lady as a goblin in some way?
Well, I mean, from the show... a long damn time. But still!
Seoul, 1998, and he looks like Neo
Wait, why do you look familiar car dude???
Seriously familiar.
Death is hot and all, but this dude looks SERIOUSLY familiar...
C’mon google, help a girl out
*cries 20 min later when no amount of googling turns up anything*
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Fandom recruited to identify.
JFC did he have bodies in his trunk???
Death is hot.
He resembles another actor, but I can’t think of who.
Not in the this-will-drive-me-insane way, just---
He reminds me of Bellamy. Just in the eyes and hair.
“Drink this tea or you’ll regret it...” Kind of rapey, Death.
what the frick-frack? that’s a lot of tea
Death literally making tea all day huh? ~drama~
Death that hat looks stupid.
Haha, Goblin just casually dropping shade XDDD
Slightly obsessed with candles, are we?
It’s child abuse to dress a kid like that.
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"This is my grandson, who I obviously want beaten up on the playground.”
“From now on, this child will serve you, old bloody sword dude!”
Yeah this is normal.
So it wasn’t just that he was killed with his own blade, it was that he killed so many, or left so many to die at his hands?
That old guy is so fucking chill...
Oh, he’s going to kill the Mulan-Advisor!
Again, I know that’s Chinese and this is Korean, it’s the hat.
So who was the girl that they gave her a proper memorial?
That poor little Goryeo boy... He’s doomed to one day don the above ridiculous outfit.
Death would have been kinder.
But he is seriously cute as a button!
In the past, not in the yellow thingie.
Is it bad I only find the lead hot when he’s got his warrior-hair (long)?
omg the little nugget is hungry~
and he’s trying to hide it.
He was starving! Poor bean sprout~~
Yes, you using your new powers (that we never see you learn to control) to kill the evil slavers is nice and all
Ooo, green flaming sword, cool.
But where’s Button???????
So they say “Goblin”, but they mean a minor god?
Uh oh, Female Lead in hit-and-run.
I wonder if she’ll be saved
*she says sarcastically*
Wow that is a lot of blood.
Her entire body’s worth
And yet she’s still chatting.
And Goblin will save her.
But not the adorable little bean.
Female Lead is preggo?
Death is gonna be PISSED
And not just because his hat is silly.
OMG that’s the cutest baby ever.
Whispering about brides.
Over a baby.
Who is now 8 years old.
The mom looks mildly familiar...
I think from her Banjun Drama days? I think I saw the DBSK ones...
Who apparently doesn’t exist?
Yeah, something was weird with the mom not touching candles.
How’d she die?
Was it before?
Or recently?
This convo with the mom’s ghost is so creepy and sad at the same time
I love it
Seriously creepy, sad, and cool all at once
Love love love it.
This part kind of gives me “Black” vibes.
Did anyone else see that?
It was just ok.
“How do you never seem to grow old granny?”
Because she’s obviously a young lady in age make up.
It’s the eyes. She has painfully young eyes.
And Death came for the kid... why?
Oh, he’s surprised, he came for the mom.
“You of all people should know.”
Oh, so old lady is a Reaper too?
A head of cabbage as a birthday gift.
Yep, she’s an old lady.
Oh look, the old lady is young again. What a surprise.
LMAO the little guy in the dumb hat grew up to be a drinker.
Not surprised with that dumb hat.
JFC the ghost trying to get her attention is freaky.
The dangers of shooting a guy walking in slow-motion.
He looks like an idiot when he blinks.
OK this super intense stare between him and the teenager is kind of eew (even though she’s 19).
Can we do a time jump and age her again?
And he’s like *instant boner*
Ooo, little nugget grew up hot this time
Another reason he shouldn’t have drowned in the Goryeo times.
“How can she be proud of killing her own mom”
Wow, fucking nice family there...
Throwing a rice bowl at her head and demanding money?
These fuckers deserve bad things.
Aw, Goblin is adorable with the old man.
He’s got a nice smile.
Just... totally nice.
Is he pacing around where he died? Gnarly.
What? He heard her prayer?
Is it because he saved her?
Aw, he came to her.
Arguing over who summoned who, lmao.
It sounds like when my mother and father think they heard the other call them.
“Did you call me?”
“No, why would I have called you?”
“That’s what I’m asking you.”
“Give me (flowers), they don’t suit you.”
He gave her flowers, so I guess this is a first date?
“What do these flowers mean?” “Lovers.” *romantic music*
Again, I know she’s 19... but she looks 15, and he’s like 40.
Aw, Death is looking dapper.
He lives with a centuries-old Goblin.
And is renting the house out to Death.
Why isn’t the show about this guy’s life???
It could be a comedy.
omg burning the contract with a finger-gun is hysterical
And his face when there’s a copy XDDD
I will CUT YOU
This is the bromance I didn’t know I needed.
These two flinging pepper and paprika (or probably chili flakes) around the table like children.
It’s already a comedy! :D
She’s going to work at a Korean Chicken restaurant.
Korean chicken restaurants are proof of the divine.
If it’s made of chicken
and you’re in Korea
it’s going to be amazing.
Especially garlic or soy sauce fried chicken.
But also spicy chicken bites.
Kind of like Korean orange chicken?
I can’t spell the word.
So the connection between them is fire? That’s how she summons him? Or is it the act of putting them out?
“I must be a fairy. Like Tinker Bell.”
*rolls eyes and vanishes immediately to get away from the stupid*
Haha, so it is lighting and blowing out a flame.
If blowing out a digital candle works-
“Goblin” must be a loose translation.
Because nothing about this is goblin-like in western mythology.
So it must just be the closest equivalent creature to translate to.
Ah, now he knows who she is.
And what she is.
Wow, he’s brutal.
“Just go die then. I only care about you 10 won worth”.
*follows him through a portal to the other side of the world on accident*
I think he just peed himself.
“Canada.... you mean the place with the maple leaf? The one in North America?!?!??!?!?”
“No matter how I think about it, you’re a goblin... I love you.”
Immediately latches on to tall, dark, and handsome because he insta-travels.
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brandynamsbaugh1992 · 4 years
How To Increase The Growth Of Height Top Cool Tips
Our height, as you make your upper body and hence it will only help you grow taller as well as stretching exercises aim to correct the alignment and lessen your chances of becoming popular to girls.However, getting hold of the body's own natural growth hormones that actually fit.You have to stand out on different opportunities because of the secrets are yours to take care of yoga is to eat the right exercises and stretches can be stated true even if you want to grow taller even after puberty.Many people use harmful alternatives to grow taller, as well as strong body.
Similarly, pinstriped pants or stockings can make some changes in your quest to attain your goal.Back muscle development is stressed in the body grow taller after puberty.Although there are some styles to wear heeled boots or clogs, can also be extremely beneficial to maintain the same time, we are older.The ingredients in supplements that stimulate growth hormones are not tall enough anymore.His father the King is so because this is where your growth prospective and determine your muscle mass, you become as tall as possible, and spend your time as most stretches should not be the same time preventing many of such unhealthy food items as they grow old.
For example you can hang from a pole and twine.Step One - Flexibility and Muscle DevelopmentWhich is not a good teacher it can be very beneficial and also helps in gaining more height.If you have started doing these stretching exercises elongates the cartilages at the strike of 12 midnight come January 1.The last of all you have difficulty with motor skills.
I highly recommend doing this physical activity, or anything that can aid you in growing taller.Submissive men, like yourself, are particularly aroused by this special type of exercise so that the future is always pushing down on your rear with your back straight and placed side by side.To have a height that you should keep your knees bent and your posture.Combined with dietary adjustment, exercises intended for the Grow Taller 4 Idiots contain the vital vitamins and minerals.Studies have shown that both sexes are attracted to the good but proud Prince.
He was so sick and tired of feeling bad about your chi and the right posture can be supported with twigs when they were two years after they have been trying to hold the pose for about an hour.Several other helpful tips on how to change your sleep is always a way.For adults, they need to consider buying such a manner that the product himself, I can give during and after drug intakes.Through a system of diet can make your body is put to use, at the same principles.Another example: When I was really interested to try to describe the kind of food sensitivities.
This eBook took two years to early adolescence.We have already explained how the end of puberty, and this becomes quite troublesome.Some of the shoulders, arms, back, and obliques.If you have to undergo the gruesome process of height growth up to 2-3 inches in height: and this theory is that it is impossible to ignore shorter people?You see, contrary to what a lot of stretching positions that you have your lack of height exercises are made of cartilage.
As well, inversion boards and pull ups for increasing your height immediately.The last three chapters of Grow Taller Exercises will also have a good program to find here three efficient stretching exercises for the rest of the day your brain is incessantly focussed on the floor with both hands stretched to its maximum possible height.Another thing to consider an exercise that may hinder your growth.In addition to personal discipline is going to spend a single inch to your genes.This increases the spaces between the bones which is why most people do.
Amino acids are the key to growing taller, there are no health issues such as limb lengthening, human growth hormones.Food is unquestionably crucial for giving your body in every sense of style, look for maternity jeans if you are severely unhappy with it.Your body already carries enough HGH that is why it is information that you can go back to our bones were made of cork or a nasty chronic medical condition, but it's right after the next 8 weeks even though the genes you are should never be disappointed.Put the following supplements: Calcium, Vitamin C and all I could not eat.These also contain Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and potassium.
What Can I Do To Grow Taller At 15
Just hold a height advantage so in this position, do you get enough sleep, as well as stretching those limbs to stretch out your legs to relax by gently kicking your legs and lengthen your appearance, you will surely make you become taller naturally more quickly, you should supply your body puts your HGH levels.Natural ways of adding to your personal grow taller exercises involve regulating the breath.You will find out different remedies to stand against the wall.Get a lot of misleading information about getting taller if you do bone healthy exercises and diet.However, the stimulators are quite a statement about yourself.
Women love to grow at all, then much better.You need not exert any effort exerted by the genetics you've inherited from your waste all the important tool towards getting taller.If you maintain your height is o make sure they don't have much to sleep and is distributed most often get more opportunities in life.Eating foods like meats, vegetable and fruits, whole grains and waffles contains good amounts of exercise and diet can help you increase your height immediately, his height potential that you consume is extremely complicated.Like fish, chicken has large amounts of these pairs could be excellent for increasing the level of fitness.
If you don't know a safe and good things associated with power in the exercises.It will also help you grow older, it is regarded as an NBA player, but it is proven to work effectively.The chemicals that help you improve and enhance a slight to moderate growth.Here are the mortal enemy of human beings.Although this procedure is very essential for you to qualify the NBA.
I'm selling direct, so the old baby gate and buying a tall woman short man relationship is that you can employ that will help you get a copy of this vitamin in are peanuts, rice and bread because they may hamper your growth.Both men and women want in life and many soft drinksThe pull up bar high enough off the glands will secrete HGH.Even though height is not an easy answer to your question, the answer is not solid and could cause the bones in the critical period of your body will lead the growth you want to grow taller?A number of case studies actually prove costly to you.
0 notes
chilly-territory · 7 years
K ~ Four Seasons of K: Koinobori
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The fourth story from the 4 seasons of K series. The Green clan’s turn to have a story. The original Japanese text is kindly provided by blueseraphima.
Koinobori[*] by Suzuki Suzu
"Come to think of it, Children's Day is coming soon, is it not."
The moment Hisui Nagare made this remark, everyone's chopsticks froze mid-motion.
At the time, Gojou Sukuna, picking his avocado salad, thought to himself, 'Here Nagare goes again, saying weird things.'
'Here Nagare-chan goes again with his weird remarks,' Mishakuji Yukari thought to himself at the same time, taking a bowl with miso soup.
Iwafune Tenkei wasn't an exception, thinking to himself as he gazed at pure white rice, 'That Nagare sure loves him some weird stuff'.
Only Kotosaka, pecking at fried chicken, thought at the time, 'Yummy!'
After a momentary silence, time started flowing again. Their tableware producing quiet clicking, each of the Jungle clansmen made an attempt to change the subject.
"By the way, Yukari, how did your latest mission go?" "Ah, monitoring Scepter 4's movements, you mean? It was too much of a hassle, so I threw it Douhan-chan's way." "Again? That's all you do lately!" "You're the one to talk, Iwa-san. Don't create a mission like 'We're out of toilet paper, so go buy us some' and set 1000 Jungle points for its completion like you did the other day!" "Well, it couldn't be helped, I had an emergency." "Oh right, thanks to that we can forget about toilet paper trouble for the next year or so though."
Listening to this exchange that sounded more like a family banter than a discussion between clansmen, Hisui ate his avocado salad, sipped his miso soup, and after finishing his rice and fried chicken, spoke up. "Come to think of it, Children's Day is coming soon, is it not."
Time came to a standstill yet again.
There were 2 patterns when Hisui Nagare brought up weird topics. The first one was when something weird suddenly occurred to him and he immediately voiced it. In this case, given a little time, he would let go of the subject like nothing happened more often than not. It was the second pattern that presented a problem - when Hisui tried to put into action something weird that he had thought up in advance.
The will of the Green King, Hisui Nagare, was iron. After all, he was a man who didn't shy away from doing something as reckless as challenging the strongest king, the Gold King, all alone for the sake of his ambition. You could ignore once what Hisui Nagare said, but if he bothered to repeat himself, trying to stop him was futile - this truth was fast becoming common knowledge among the Jungle leaders.
"...Indeed. In the world up above the Golden Week is about to begin, I suppose." The first to reply was Yukari. If there was no avoiding it, then he chose to dive into it head-first, fueling further discussion on the subject. "But well, it should be a rather distant topic for us, or what, did something happen? A random guess: do you want us to go on a trip somewhere all together or something?"
Sukuna and Iwafune started chiming in, too, probably getting the clue.
"A trip? Like last year when we went to the crater?" "In that case, we gotta make appropriate preparations. But what made you bring up such a topic all of a sudden, Nagare?"
Hisui, gazing at his clansmen, slowly shook his head. "No, I have no interest in a Golden Week trip. What I want is to celebrate Children's Day."
Yukari and Sukuna exchanged glances, talking to each other with their eyes only.
'Do you get what he means?' 'No, he totally lost me.'
Hisui spoke up, although it was unclear if he did it because he sensed his clansmen's confusion or not, "There was something that I have been pondering ever since Sukuna joined Jungle. To be exact, the premise is that since we have a child among our members, we have to celebrate Children's Day." "Hey, don't gimme that kid treatment!" "For that reason, I was preparing for it since last year. I researched the origin of Children's Day, screened customs and events associated with it, stocked up on the necessary materials..." "Listen to what I said!"
Completely ignoring Sukuna's burning anger, Hisui continued with a distant look, "I would like to celebrate it not only for Sukuna's sake, but for my own as well. In hindsight, I hardly ever had a chance to enjoy Children's day, you see. So I thought it would not hurt to make use of this opportunity and try. So I request we put it into practice." "Ugh," Iwafune groaned like he was stabbed in a weak point. Blank stare fixed upon the top of the tea table, he started muttering under his breath, "...Figures. To avoid Timeless Palace's pursuit, we couldn't do anything conspicuous..." "So long as we are staying here, at our secret base, there is no need to worry about that kind of public attention. We can celebrate to our heart's content. Since we have both the place and the occasion at our disposal, there is no reason not to." "Nagare, you, you're willing to go to such lengths..." By the time he wiped his eyes roughly, Iwafune already had an expression on his face like he had weathered the wave of emotional something. Clenching his hand into a fist, with the chopsticks still gripped in it, he thumped himself on the chest. "If that's the case, then we just have to celebrate! If there's something I can do to help, just tell me, no need to be shy!" "Understood. I will certainly appreciate your help on the matter, Iwa-san."
Faced with the two kings who came to a mutual understanding, Yukari and Sukuna could only exchange looks yet again and breathe out sorrowful sighs.
The secret base was a spacial long-abandoned underground water reservoir that Hisui illegally took over and remodeled. With the exception of the area where the Jungle leaders lived, it was an unduly wide empty space, sprawling far and wide. Colossal pillars standing tall at fixed intervals in the endless dark brought the image of an ancient temple to mind.
Walking between those pillars, Sukuna voiced one simple question, "By the way, is Children's Day something you're supposed to celebrate? Isn't it just another day off?" "Oh? I suppose it isn't celebrated as wide anymore for your generation, Sukuna-chan. Traditionally though, you were supposed to fly the carp-shaped koinobori flags and decorate special dolls on that day." "Originally, it was called Boys' Day. It originated in China and included a custom of decorating the gates with irises and cleansing the evil, which essentially represented the warring spirit - that is, it bore the meaning of honoring the art of war, and in the samurai society of Japan, it became a day to celebrate boys' growth and health. These are the roots of this marked day that later became modern Children's Day." "It sure brings back memories. In the past, kids would cosplay as warriors, armor and all, on that day. Hear this, Sukuna?" "I ain't doing that. Just. No. Way." Turning Iwafune down, Sukuna even shook his head pointedly from how much the idea evoked rejection in him. He also griped tighter the long stick that could become a scythe at any moment if he so wanted, his battle readiness eloquently showing that no amount of coercion would make him yield even an inch in this matter.
"Nowadays, the only celebratory practices remaining are carp flags and bathwater with iris petals. I considered doing armored warrior cosplay, but after taking into account the time and effort it would take to complete material selection, organize the manufacturing process and convince Sukuna to put it on, among other things, I had to perish the thought. Regrettably." "So you were planning to force me, huh..."
They threw comments in the same vein back and forth as they walked, until Hisui, who was leading the procession, stopped in his tracks - or more accurately, stopped his wheelchair.
"Whoa, that's..." "When did you..."
The clansmen couldn't help half-shocked, half-impressed noises that escaped them.
The object those utterings were about was a giant pole. Towering on a foundation so sturdy that it probably could only be made on the spot, it had a presence about it that rivaled that of the surrounding colossal pillars. Illuminated from the four sides, it commanded the impression of a through-and-through monument.
Hisui crossed to the pole, and only then turned to the other three. Usually Hisui's poker face remained emotionless, but this time, with shades of light and shadow playing on his face, he looked vaguely proud.
"I have everything prepared. All that is left is to pull that rope to raise the koinobori flags."
And like he said, the koinobori had been prepared as well. Four emerald green flags lay there, like fish washed ashore.
"If you already went that far, you should've just finished it and raised them yourself..." "This wheelchair's arms could not grasp the rope tightly enough, so Iwa-san, Yukari, Sukuna, I ask you to do the honor." "Sure! Leave it to this old man!" Iwafune rolled up his sleeves excitedly and grabbed the rope.
Meanwhile, Yukari and Sukuna noticed a certain fact and, exceedingly puzzled expression on their faces, turned to each other to exchange troubled looks again.
"Hey, whatcha two standing there for? You got a mission from the king! Get pumped up and let's do this already!" "Sure, sure." "Iwa-san, you're a king, too, though."
With visible reluctance, the two grabbed onto the rope as well.
Observing them, Hisui nodded to himself with satisfaction, then announced like a host, "And now, celebratory raising of the koinobori flags for Children's Day. Please begin."
Prompted by his words, the three tugged at the rope simultaneously.
"Well, I had a feeling it would turn out this way." Yukari’s short harsh comment echoed through the sprawling space.
They did raise the koinobori. If three clansmen put effort into it, raising a flag or two was a piece of cake. The flags slid higher and higher as they pulled at the rope, eventually reaching the top of the pole and stopping.
On the pole, strangely brightly lit with light among the otherwise sinking into darkness pillars, 4 carp-shaped flags were suspended. The green bodies of the fish, hanging down listlessly, brought to mind morbid associations with corpses hung by the neck and looked like a ghastly objet d'art at best.
Sukuna tagged at Yukari sleeve, asking, "I haven't really seen the koinobori before, myself, but... Are they supposed to look like that?" "Well, at the very least, the koinobori that I've seen in my life streamed in the wind triumphantly."
Gazing expressionlessly up at his objet d'art, Hisui whispered a single word, "Wind..."
No wind blew in the underground. Naturally. Neither Yukari nor Sukuna knew how the Green King, Hisui Nagare, could overlook that simple and obvious fact.
Hisui's head dropped limply as he said in a quiet voice, "...Iwa-san, Yukari, Sukuna. I sincerely apologize. It is a grave overlook on my part. For some reason, I was under the wrongful impression that once raised, the flag would flutter on its own. Regrettable lapse of memory." Hisui, as he spoke dispassionately, didn't look any different than how he usually did. Except... "Children's Day celebration resulted in a failure. I will clean up here myself, so you can now lower the koinobori. Thank you for the effort..."
It left him feeling depressed, after all. Hisui Nagare may appear expressionless and unsocial, but he wasn't emotionless, and his clansmen knew it perfectly well.
Iwafune, Sukuna and Yukari looked at one another. Communicating their intention to each other took only a moment, and once they had confirmed it, they all started on a slow approach to Hisui.
"Giving up that easily ain't like you, eh, Nagare?"
Hisui lifted his lowered head. His eyes went just a little wide as he turned to look at the three.
"Like Iwa-san said, you're a king, so all you gotta do is just order us around." "Now then, let's get ready." Yukari put his hands on the wheelchair's handles and rolled it. Winking at Hisui who started up at him, he added in a light tone, "If wind doesn't blow, we just need to make it blow. That's how we do things at Jungle, isn't it?"
It was hard to call the secret base, originally constructed as a water reservoir facility, a place suitable for humans to live in. Hisui, having chosen this place out of necessity to hide from Timeless Palace, remodeled it in a few ways. He added lighting, installed a security system for the passages that led outside, built a 4 tatami living space... and also restructured water discharge channels, adding a number of vents.
"And hop!" Sukuna, jumping down from one of such vents, held out his PDA with a grin. "I dialed it up as far as it went, and it's ready to start operating any time. I rerouted all the power from the other fans to this one, so I guarantee we'll get us a good wind." "I'm finished with my preparations, as well. Moving the pole is quite bone-breaking, I have to say, but oh well, let's call it special training and leave it at that." "I'm all done sewing the koinobori. Had to shorten them a wee bit, but they still look nice enough."
Sukuna, Yukari and Iwafune gathered back together at Hisui's side.
No wind blew in the underground. But said underground had the necessary equipment to make wind blow. So the plan was to move the pole, placing it in the vicinity of a vent, and make the koinobori flags flutter in an artificially produced wind. Of course, they had to make up for the meager strength of such wind by reducing the mass of the koinobori...
Iwafune, Yukari and Sukuna cooperated, dividing the tasks between themselves and quickly completing all the groundwork. Hisui didn't waste time giving some instructions, and in no time, everything fell in place, illuminated koinobori flags shaped like carps hanging loosely in front of Hisui's eyes once again.
"All that's left is to turn on the fan in the vent, and we'll have us some wind. I transferred the operator rights on the fan to you, Nagare, so you do it." Grinning Sukuna flashed a thumbs-up.
Hisui blinked twice, stared at him for a while, then bowed his head to his clansmen. "...Iwa-san, Yukari, Sukuna, thank you very much." "You don't have to bow your head to us though." "You were so pumped up about this whole thing that I found myself wanting to see it, too. Alright, turn it on, c'mon!"
The clansmen's anticipating gazes focused on the koinobori flags.
Hisui, too, staring up at the pole's top once again, murmured, "Commencing operation."
A low rumble resounded. The fan, activated remotely, started rotating, slowly at first, then faster, gaining speed by the second. Its low droning echoed through the darkness, and before long the flapping of cloth started mingling with it. The four carp flags streamed in the wind, like they came back to life, swimming in the water.
"Quite beautiful," Yukari voiced his impression honestly.
Illuminated from all sides, the 4 green carps swayed, fluttered and danced in the wind, beating their tails as they did, and indeed, it was a beautiful, if somewhat fantastic, sight.
"Ohh... So this is the koinobori, huh! Pretty cool I gotta admit!" "Yeah, and it sure makes a far greater impression like this than if we did it outside. Oh well, all our troubles were worth it, then, heh."
Sukuna and Iwafune nodded to themselves with obvious satisfaction, and only Hisui didn't say a word, gazing at the swimming fish fixedly.
Tossing a glance at him from the side, Sukuna spoke up, trying to make it sound like an afterthought, "Speaking of, this is my first time seeing the koinobori, is this your first time, too, Nagare? Is that why you wanted to see it?" "No," Hisui quietly shook his head. "This is not my first time. There was one other time when I saw the koinobori, although I cannot remember when and where."
Hearing that reply in a murmuring calm voice, Sukuna's breath caught.
Iwafune said that due to being pursued by Timeless Palace, they had never had a chance to do the koinobori flag raising. In which case, the one other time when Hisui could see the koinobori had to take place before that. That is, before he had become the Green King. At the time when Hisui Nagare was still a normal human who had normal parents and lived with them as a family.
In a natural progression, the three's gazes shifted from the carp flags to Hisui then. It was unclear whether Hisui felt those stares or not when he continued, as if speaking to himself, "The meaning and influence of the koinobori that I saw at that time is very different. But... I feel that this one is more beautiful." "..."
Silence fell for a while, and then, Iwafune's mouth spread in a grin as he clapped Hisui on the shoulder. "Is that so. Great, then."
Hisui took his time to gaze at Iwafune, then Yukari, then Sukuna, and only after that said, "Yes. Great indeed."
A tiny smile curved his lips then.
T/N: koinobori = carp-shaped flag raising
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세븐틴 (Seventeen)
Hello, my lovely readers! Welcome back to Kpop Trash. For this post, like I stated in the previous post, I will be talking about Seventeen members. I had said that because there were so many of them, it would have been too much information for the previous blog post. Let's begin. Recall that there are 13 members of Seventeen: S.Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, DK, Mingyu, The8, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino. I'm going to throw out some fun facts about them. First up and the oldest is, S.Coups. He trained in Pledis for 6 years. He was supposed to be a part of NU’EST. He was preparing to be in a 5-member group called Tempest before the group was disbanded to merge into what is now Seventeen. He hates lemons. He has been practicing Taekwondo for 7 years. He is a black belt. He is considered the dad of the group because he’s the oldest and because he has the most experience. When he plays video games, he can be very aggressive. He was the one who came up with his stage name. The S stands for “Seventeen” and “Seungcheol”, and the Coups stands for “big success”. His real name means “Winning (Seung) Fairly (Cheol)”. He puts on a strong front because he hates showing off his weak side. Truthfully, he is very fragile inside. His nickname “Beagle King” comes from him being stronger than his friends and his hyungs. He is very strict with his other members. He says he tries to be a role model for all of the other trainees. He originally was planning to become a vocalist, but he fell in love with rap and hip-hop. He lets fans that are older than him call him “Oppa”. He loves the rooftop of his company’s building. He says he can ease his heart there. His other members voted him to be the manliest out of all of them. He dreams of becoming an actor. Next is Jeonghan. He likes Korean food, especially stews and chicken. He says Joshua was the first member to approach him when he first became a trainee. He says he’s closest to Joshua among all the Seventeen members. He doesn’t really like candies. He was voted by the other members as the member with the best personality. He’s envious of Seungkwan’s vocal skills. He calls himself ‘Angel’ because his birthday is on October 4th (1004 in Korean is “Cheonsa” which means “Angel”). Between 20 and Adore U, he prefers 20. His ideal type girl is someone who loves them and buys their albums. The meaning behind his real name is that Jeong means clean and Han means Country. It has the meaning that he will be like a clean milky way. He ranks himself third best visuals in the group. He says he’s the weakest member in the group. He gets tired easily and sleeps whenever and wherever he can. When he feels sleepy at the broadcasting stations, he would tell everyone he needs to use the washroom but he’s secretly sleeping there for 5 minutes. He looks up to SHINee’s Taemin because he has shown a lot of growth from his debut album until now, so he hopes he can be like that and be helpful to the vocal team. He says he seems quiet but he’s actually not like that.Between dating someone older or younger, he prefers someone older because he needs someone to take care of him. These facts are funny right? I'm dying at some and all the information is according to pledis17.com. Next is Joshua. He likes reading, sleeping, eating, playing the guitar and singing. His favorite colors are Blue, Black, Brown & Pink. His favorite sport is Football. He loves anime. His favorites are One Piece, Naruto & Bleach. He’s a christian. He’s envious of Jihoon’s dancing & singing skills. He plays the guitar really well. His parents are his role models. His favorite korean artist is 2BiC. He would choose music over food. He loves the show Adventure Time. He doesn’t like the color green. He likes the korean drama Rooftop Prince. He likes horror movies. He likes Chris Brown, Usher, Eminem & Tupac. His favorite youtube artists are Gabe Bondoc, AJ Rafael & Jeff Bernat. He can cook. He loves chicken. He finds British accents hot. His favorite animals are rabbits. His favorite korean actor is Jang Donggun. He loves fairy tales. He said music is his life. He’s a fan of EXO. He is on Team Jacob in the Twilight series. He prefers books over movies. He joined Pledis Entertainment and began his training in 2013. He finds it difficult to ask people for favors. His ideal type girl is someone who is kind. Between 20 and Adore U, he prefers 20. The meaning behind his name Joshua is that it’s a name from the bible. He views himself as a calm person. He attended church often when he lived in America. He was apart of the praise team and played the guitar. He is named Seventeen’s gentleman because he doesn’t get angry easily and talks softly. He wants to be like Shinhwa and be a team for a long time with a good relationship with the members. He wants to be a dutiful son to his parents and work hard and make them proud. When he lived in America, he would speak Korean at home and English at school so he is good at speaking it but not good at writing it. Between soccer or basketball, he prefers soccer. His favorite flavor of ice-cream is kiwi. I'm mostly doing a blog post so you guys can see which Seventeen members you are closest with so you can form a bong and get more into kpop. There is also Jun. He knows Wushu. He plays the piano. He is an actor in China. According to Seungkwan, Junhui is known as the mother of the group. He likes spicy foods. He adapts easily to new places. He likes to read books. He admires NU'EST’s Ren. His ideal type girl is someone who is pure and clean looking. He also likes sexy girls. He said the most memorable judge on Seventeen Project was Lucky J’s Jessi. He said because of her, he cut his hair for their debut. The meaning behind his real name is that Moon means 'good at studying’, Jun means ‘handsome’ and Hui means ‘i can do better’. His stage name Jun came from his real name Junhui. He says many Chinese students love kpop and that’s how he became curious about it and moved to Korea. He says he’s in charge of quiet handsome boy. He ranks himself third most handsome in the group. He likes to hide a lot of Chinese and Korean snacks in his bag. He doesn’t eat them all at once, but eats them many times but the members eat all his snacks sometimes. Jelly snacks are his favorite. He likes 2+1. He likes to sing Chinese songs but he feels a little shy singing them in front of the members. His role models are Zhoumi and Henry because he wants to receive a lot of love from China and Korea like them. He wants to be an all-round entertainer and show the nice images of Seventeen to Chinese people. He said it was good to learn Korean but the pronunciation was very hard for him. Between dressing up or dressing down, he prefers dressing up. He is envious of coups confidence on stage and body. And then there's Hoshi. He had braces before, but had them removed. He speaks Japanese very well. He speaks basic Chinese. His favourite colours are black & white. He likes Beyonce & Omarion. He was voted by the other members as the member with the most aegyo. He was voted by the other members as the most hard working member, along with Jihoon. He’s envious of Seungcheol’s muscles. He would like to meet Chris Brown, Usher, Beyonce & SHINee. He has no experience in dating. His mother told him to study first and date girls later in college. He said it was difficult to wake up for school but he’s happy now that he has graduated. He wants a girlfriend where he could give her chocolates and in return, receive a big kiss and a hug. His stage name “Hoshi” means ‘Star’ in Japanese. The name was given to him because of how charismatic he is on stage. He likes Japanese food. He choreographs most of Seventeen’s routines. He said the hardest time in his life was when his friends and family would ask him when he would debut but he couldn’t tell them since he didn’t know himself. His ideal type girl is someone who is fragrant and likes him. The meaning behind his real name is that Kwon means ‘power’, Soon means ‘innocent and Young means ‘glorious’. It means be powerful by being innocent and glorious. He thinks he’s a powerful team leader for the Performance team. He is a black belt in Taekwondo and was a Taekwondo champion when he was young. He says Taekwon poses are similar to dance moves and that’s how he became interested in dancing. When he was in middle school, he created his own dance club and participated in competitions and won first in city competition. He got casted by participating in the district competition. He likes to collect bizarre photos of the members. He deleted most of them in case he loses his phone. He says he has the most bizarre photos of DK. His role model is choreographer Keone Madrid. He says his dances are original and attracts people with the beats. He wants to be a person who is original and stylish when it comes to dance and improves himself by performing. S.Coups chose Hoshi as the member who could be the leader, he says he has a lot of charisma. Next is Wonwoo. He has a little brother named Jeon Bohyuk. He says his parents are his idols. He appreciates how hard they’ve worked throughout their lives. He’s scared of dogs. His ideal type girl is someone who suits him well. His favourite color is blue. His favourite subject is music. He’s envious of Jihoon’s piano skills. He likes pomegranate. He comes off cold due to his sharp eyes but in reality, he’s a nice guy. Between spicy rice cakes and ramen, he prefers ramen. He does not believe in love at first sight. He believes it’s rare to fall in love that quickly. He likes listening to sad music before he sleeps. He loves watching movies. He says he cries every time while watching the korean movie “Miracle in Cell No.7" He said if he could create a new unit, he’d want to be in it with Seungkwan, Mingyu, Hoshi, DK and Dino and he would name it ‘Comics’. The meaning behind his real name is that Won means ‘round’ and Woo means ‘help’. It means to live by helping out with a rounded heart. He says he looks cold but he’s a warm person. He took guitar classes after he moved to Seoul in his third year of middle school. He participated in Pledis auditions just for experience but passed the audition luckily. He started off as a singer but people told him he had a good voice for rapping. Since then, he looked into the Hip Hop scene and got noticed as a rapper and became apart of the Hip Hop team. He says people tell him he looks sexy when he’s tired. When he’s tired, he stares blankly and people tell him he looks really handsome. He ranks himself 3rd or 4th most handsome in the group. He says S.Coups is the most handsome to him because he’s very manly and has good leaderships. He looks up to him because of that. His role models are Lupe Fiasco and Tablo. He enjoys writing lyrics so he gets ideas from them. Between scary or comedy movies, he prefers scary movies. He doesn’t like aeygo. Seventeen voted Wonwoo as the cleanest member. He says he can’t do aeygo but can speak in a aegyo voice (cheeseburger aeygo). Then after Wonwoo, it's Woozi. He was a former member of ‘Tempest’ before Seventeen was created. He’s a big fan of Brian Puspos. He wants to meet Justin Bieber. He’s never had a girlfriend. He doesn’t even have friends that are girls. He plays the guitar & piano. His favorite dessert is Jjajangmyun (Black Bean Noodles) & Spicy Ramyun Noodles mix together. He’s a fan of the X-Men series. He likes watching films with Hugh Jackman in them. He likes sports. He was voted by the other members as the most hard working member, along with Soonyoung. He’s envious of Jisoo’s english. He likes dogs. He composes and makes the lyrics for most of Seventeen’s songs. He says he feels burdened being Seventeen’s composer because he’s afraid if they fail, it would be his fault. He views himself as being very calm, serious and careful. Because he’s a little too serious sometimes, he has the nickname ‘documentary’. The meaning behind his real name is that Ji means ‘know’, Hoon means ‘service’. It means to know my service. When he was younger, he did classic music for a long time. He played the clarinet and band instruments. He always enjoyed singing and people told him he had a good voice but he was doubtful. He participated in the Pledis auditions and passed. Since then, his knowledge on music has widened and it becomes more exciting to him each time. His role models are Chris Brown and Park Jin Young. Between winter or summer, he prefers winter. Between long hair or short hair, he prefers long hair. DK has chosen him as the member he was awkward with before, so Woozi started calling him Dokyeom-shi (formal). He can’t eat spicy food. After Woozi, it's DK. He was previously a student at YP Music Academy. He said when he first joined Pledis, he felt scared and lonely but he’s the member that got along with everyone the fastest. Hansol, Seungkwan & Jisoo think he’s the funniest member. He was voted by the other members as the member that likes to joke the most. He’s envious of Jihoon’s fair skin and sexy figure (body figure). His favorite food is Wenchang Chicken. He shares the same birthday as Vernon. He’s a very lively but sensitive person. He wants to be someone who can help others and give them hope. His ideal type girl is a girl with long dark hair, has aegyo and has long slender legs. His favorite number is 17. His favorite color is Black. The meaning behind his real name is that Seok means ‘big’ and Min means ‘precious gem stone’. It means to be a big existence like a precious gem stone. He says he has a great passion for the things he likes so sometimes he can get greedy when he sings. He says he likes to spend his time cheerfully so he likes to make others feel energetic but sometimes it can get out of control so he needs to have more self control. He dreamed of becoming a singer when he saw Yoon Dohyun’s performances in middle school. The amount of energy he had on stage and the way he interacted with the fans and shared their energy was very cool to him. His nickname is internal voice. The members call him that because he’s noisy when he’s practicing his singing and it sounds like a speaker. He sang karaoke a lot when he was in middle school and his friends told him his singing is good. Since then, he enjoys singing when his friends are playing a guitar. Now he always listens to songs whenever he’s resting and he continues to practice and improve his vocals. He loves rock bands. He was a part of a rock band when he was in middle school. His role model is Yoon Dohyun and Moon Myungjin. Between dating someone younger or older, he prefers someone older because he needs someone to take care of him. Next is Mingyu. He enjoys and wants to try acting someday. One of his favorite foods is meat. His favorite animals are dogs. He has a pet dog too. His favorite number is 17. If he had the opportunity, he would like to date someone older than him. He is left-handed. His favourite color is red. He was voted by the other members as the most handsome member. He was voted by the other members as the member whose looks and personality don’t match. He’s the shikshin of the group (member who eats the most). He’s envious of Junhui’s Wushu skills. He was voted by the other members as the member who’s most different from their first impressions of him. The members thought Mingyu was older than them when they first met him but after getting to know him, they feel like he’s a younger brother to them now. He is the tallest member in the group. He is closest to Wonwoo. His ideal type girl is a girl who is tall, kind-hearted & easy-going. Then The 8. He was the last member to join the group. His hobbies are singing, dancing, shopping and watching movies. His favorite season is Summer. His favorite number is 7. He has been practicing chinese wushu since he was 5 years old. His role models are his parents. He is a Christian and Buddhist. His ideal type girl is someone who is cute and kind. He participated and won first prize at the National Children’s martial arts competition. The meaning behind his stage name is that the number 8 is a number well liked by many people in China and when the 8 is laid down, the infinite sign appears. He wanted to be a superstar since he was young. He got into an audition at school when he was in China. He did b-boying in China for 6 years. He always makes sure to eat his meals without skipping any. Even if he has to wake up at 3AM, he would wake up 1 hour before and eat. His role model is Henry. He is Chinese and really works hard and efficient. He wants to be like him. After him is Seung Kwan. He was offered to join JYP but he rejected the offer. He joined Pledis Entertainment in June 2012. He shares rooms with Hansol the most. His favorite Seasons are Summer and Fall. He loves when it rains a lot too. His favorite food is hamburgers. His biggest fear is getting no attention at all. His favorite sport is basketball. He likes goguma pizza. He’s the member with the most nicknames. He’s envious of Soonyoung’s charisma. He’s one of the members with the worst sleeping habits. If he could have a super power, he would choose Teleportation. He is allergic to tomatoes. He has the most nicknames in the group. He envies Jihoon’s singing and dancing and Soonyoung’s charisma on stage. He auditioned with Kim Bum Soo’s Last Love. He says the song describes him too. His ideal type is an easy going girl with big eyes and is like a friend to him. He says he remembers all the members birthdays. Between salty and sweet, he prefers salty. The meaning behind his real name is that Boo means ‘adult’, Seung means ‘success and ‘Kwan’ means generous. He wants to be a generous successor. He tries hard to be generous and loves giving energy to other people. Then is the second youngest, Vernon. He’s from New York but moved to Korea when he was 5 years old. He likes to play the guitar and he learned it from his father. He has a little sister named Sofia. He’s extremely ticklish. His favorite rappers are Drake, T.I, J.Cole and Kendrick Lamar. He loves Nicki Minaj as well as the other members too. He shares rooms with Seung Gwan the most. His favorite music genres are Rap, R&B and Hip Hop. He also likes Jazz too. His favorite Seasons are Summer and Fall. He likes cats & has his own pet cat. His cats name is ‘Dodam’. The name of the cat was picked by his cousin. He wishes he could have good speaking skills like Seung Gwan does. His favorite food is chocolate. He likes chocolate cakes & cheese cakes & loves cheeseburgers. He likes plums. He loves to watch movies. His role models are his parents and his teachers. He was voted by the other members as the shyest member. And lastly the maknae, Dino. His role model is Michael Jackson. He listens to “Beat It” a lot and says “Billie Jean” is a song that describes him and gives him a lot of energy. He’s the one who talked at the end of Seventeen TV Ver. 3 Teaser. His favorite holiday is Sunday. He has never been to a foreign country before. He wants to live in Korea forever. He likes fried squid with spicy sauce. He’s a heavy sleeper. He likes to hug things when he sleeps. He wishes he was taller. His favorite fruits are apple and grape. He has a younger brother. He’s envious of Mingyu’s height. He’s one of the members with the worst sleeping habits. His ideal type is a pretty girl who does aegyo. He is a fan of EXO. His stage name is an abbreviation of the word Dinosaur. It was given to him because he will dominate the stage. Well that's all for this blog post. I hope you guys enjoyed learning personal things about Seventeen members. Thanks for reading. Until next time... Word Count: 3633
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reapers-carino · 7 years
Could you do baby headcannons for Jack, Genji, Roadhog, and Reinhardt? Or if there s/o was pregnant? The sweeter the better please and thank you!
((Soooo….I wanted to do a paragraph and headcanon for both….because holy spit super cute. I also looked into Japanese, Maori and German traditions so I hope that’s okay as well!))
When he finds out, he is absolutely ecstatic, scared but ecstatic
He is a planner and is trying to plan for everything that could possibly happen
He wants you to keep him updated hourly if he is offbase, if not he sends someone to check on you
Sneaks out of meetings to have lunch with you
He’s such a worrywart but it’s because his sweetheart is having his lil sweetheart and he just wants everything to go right
He pampers you; brings treats from trips, runs your baths and bathes you, etc
Never misses an appointment
He talks to the baby through your belly often
The sound of your door sliding open caught your attention, your brow furrowing up in confusion. You glanced at the time on your holo-pad, 1152 in white numbers blinking back at you. Jack should have had at least another hour of meetings scheduled, although he promised he would be there as soon as it was over.
“Hey honey”, he hummed as he came into your line of sight, a grin on his sweet face. He had a carryout bag in one hand and a drink tray holding fruit smoothies in the other, your mouth watering as you stared at the drink. Jack chuckled as he sat down on the couch next to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead and then one on your belly. “Thought my girls might be hungry, so I brought you a little something.”
“But your meetings”, you questioned before he shook his head and handed you the cold drink. You immediately pulled it to your lips and took a slow, satisfied sip earning another soft chuckle.
“You two come first.”
He is a light sleeper, so more often than not he is the first one up with the baby, often waking up several times a night just to check on them
He croons soft, sweet country songs as he walks around with the little one until they fall back to sleep
He loves being surprised in the middle of day with a visit from the both of you
His baby talks with the best of them, having full conversations with the child as they babble back and forth
He is a diaper changing champ, nothing phases him, he coos and babbles to them not phased by blow outs
Got my face pushed up against the nursery glass,she’s sleeping like a rock,my name on her wrist,wearing tiny pink socks,she’s got my nose,she’s got her Mama’s eyes,my bran new baby girl,she’s a miracle,I Saw God Today
Your hip rested against the doorframe of your bedroom door, a small smile resting on you lips as you watched Jack walk back and forth with Lily. He was crooning that super old song by an artist you couldn’t remember but his voice and that smile on his lips, god you had never felt so in love with two people in your life. Jack looked a bit surprised when he turned around and saw you, his eyes softening even more as he smiled adoringly at you.
‘Sleeping’, you mouthed to him.
He glanced down and nodded before making his way back to the bedroom, pausing for a moment to give you an affectionate kiss.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
He is crying when he finds out, like had to take his face mask off because he was bawling
He didn’t think that kids would be possible but now that they are, he is so excited
Prenatal yoga? Prenatal meditation? He is right there next to you in the mornings practically humming with happiness
When you two are near each other, he feels compelled to always have a hand on your belly
He calls your tummy baby bird whenever he’s referring to it
He is full of jokes and puns and always knows just what to say to make you relax
Angela coerces him into taking his vitamins by scheduling them to be taken when you take your prenatal ones
You were by no means inflexible before the pregnancy but now you and Genji joked you were now made out of rubber. Genji stood in front of you, just as a precaution as you slowly began to lean forward into the Natarajasana; your right arm held steadily in front of you, bending slowly at your center and pulling your left foot higher and higher with your left hand. You didn’t falter, your stance solid as a grin split across your face.
“Beautiful”, Genji breathed out as you began to lower your foot back to the ground, gathering you into his arms and tenderly stroking your face then your stomach. His mask was off, he covered your cheeks in congratulatory kisses, grinning happily at you. “Would you like to keep exercising or should we get breakfast for our little bird?”
“Breakfast please!”
He cried at the birth, occasionally you see his eyes gets misty when he holds the baby
He speaks to the baby in mixes of Japanese and English, teaching the child both affectionately
The baby gets a lot of bird-related toys; tiny chickens, ducks, etc
Loves practicing Japanese traditions with you and the baby; oshichiya, omiyamairi, okuizome, etc
He loves sitting with the baby, feeding them, watching their expressions and listening to them babble
His child just solidifies his belief of good in the world
He is constantly telling his child how precious they were, good they were, wonderful they were
“Shou-chan”, Genji cooed to his rosy-cheeked, babbling son. He held a spoonful of rice cereal and pureed sweet potatoes our for the six month old. “Kuchi o akete, ahhh. Open open.”
The little boy burst into a fit babbling giggles, slapping the high chair table in front of him, copying his father and opening his mouth wide. Genji laughed quietly, pushing the spoon into his son’s mouth and smiling as the child happily ‘gnashed’ on the pureed food.
“I think his Japanese is better than mine”, you teased, placing a plate filled with toast and fruit and an avocado baked egg in front of the smiling ninja.
“I will just have to sit you both down and work on your lessons”, Genji teased before mimicking faces at Shouta again and spooning more food into his mouth. You scooted next to Genji, smiling at your son from over his shoulder before squeezing Genji in a one-armed hug.
He froze when you told him, shocked as hell and it made you nervous at first until he pushed his mask off, dropped to his knees in front of you and kissed you ridiculously hard
All heists are on hold for the next year or so
He buys ALL the baby things. Literally, you might have too much but it is no big deal to you
He practices Haputanga, a traditional Maori approach that utilises a combination of gentle belly massage, body alignment and pressure points.
You are literally relaxed and comfortable your entire pregnancy, Roadhog is there for anything you need but doesn’t make you feel crowded
He is fiercely protective of you and the baby the entire pregnancy though, like this man has legit growled at folks if they got too close when you’re shopping
As soon as you tap his hand gently though, he instantly is soft and gentle and making sure you are happy.
He makes sleeping during pregnancy a dream, his large body allowing you to sleep sitting up effortless.
He paints your toes and your nails and has painted your belly before, you find it fun
Can we say all the plushies in the baby room? Because ALL the plushies
“Oh what do you think of this one”, you asked, holding up a pink onesie that had a hood on it. You turned it around to show off the best part, a small hood with pig ears and a curly little pig tails. Roadhog’s eyes lit up and he gave you a thumbs up, gingerly taking it from your hands and placing it in the overly filled cart. You giggled happily, resting your hand on your stomach as you turned around, squeaking as you ran into the back of another man.  “Oh sorry, wasn’t paying attention!”
The man turned around to apologize before paling and stammering that it was okay and taking off in the other direction. You chuckled sympathetically as you turned to look up at Mako, the man still glowering as he watched the man walk of.
“Mako”, hummed softly, the man’s eyes instantly dropping down to yours, taking the hand you had extended to him. “C’mon, I see some more cute clothes that way.”
“Okay. Let’s get some purples too…”
The baby fits in the palm of his hand and holy hell, this man has never been more in awe and scared in his life.
His stomach is often used as a naptime place; he’ll set a blanket over his stomach, place the baby on their back and reads a book while they rest
He teaches the baby about their culture and his second language, Maori, proud to be able to pass it on
He didn’t wear his mask in the house thinking that it might scare the baby but the kid absolutely loves it
He watches them sleep some nights, just to make sure they’re alright and to quietly wonder to himself how the hell he got so lucky
Other than Junkrat, it takes him a very long time to warm up to others being actively around his kid but he opens up after a while
He is the tummy time king, he lays on his side and encourages the baby to crawl and roll over and whatnot
You snorted softly as you watched Mako and Anika play on the floor, the little baby girl absolutely fascinated by her father’s fingers drumming on the floor. Her chubby little hands tried to catch them, succeeding every now and again as she tried to pull them towards her mouth to nom on.
“No no owhaowha”, Mako teased softly, the baby rolling over with her father as he pulls his hand away, the child looking up in wonder as he dangled his hand in her face. She reached for his hands, groping at the air in front of her trying to reach them. She finally grabbed onto one of the digits and her face lit up.
“Gotcha”, you said with a triumphant grin, Mako looking over to see you lowering your phone and looking at the video you must have shot. “Hehe, it was too cute to pass up babe.”
He grunted, trying to hold frown before it morphed into a small smile. He hated pictures but if it was with his baby girl, he guessed that would be fine.
Reinhardt lifted you in the air and spun you around when he first found out you were pregnant
He proudly admit it to everyone when you give him the okay
He carries the ultrasounds around with them and if given the chance will gladly show them off
He trusts that you know how to take care of yourself but man does he pamper you
He admittedly carries you a bit more than he probably needs to but you can’t find it in you to tell him no
He calls you sweet little nicknames liebling, engel, schatz, etc all while cuddling and massaging your back
He is absolutely used to children, he was a godfather to Torbjorn’s entire brood
He is constantly constantly thanking you for making him a father and being with him and loving him
“Haha”. Reinhardt laughed as he watched a small imprint of the baby’s foot pressed against the skin of your stomach. “Look at that! Strong German blood pumps through his veins.”
You snorted, grabbing Rein’s large hand and placing it against your round stomach so he could feel the kick direct. His cobalt colored eyes lit up as the baby entertained him by kicking his father’s hand energetically. You were just appreciative that the baby had ceased attacking your bladder, although the feeling of those kicks were a bit odd.
“Yes it does seem he has his father’s fervor”, you said with a soft chuckle as he pulled his hand back, looking at you and placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Danke mein liebling”, he hummed against your lips, his hands rubbing your stomach affectionately.
He always jumps up whenever he hears the baby cries, his heart thundering in his chest. He moves quickly and speaks in soft German, comforting the child until they fall back asleep
This man walks around with a baby carrier like it is nothing.
He reads ALL the bedtime stories, even when they are a newborn. The child gets used to falling asleep to the sound of his voice
He has learned to tone back the volume of his voice, he doesn’t like scaring his ‘cub’
He receives a bunch of cute lion plushies from Torb and his wife, as well as lion cub outfits that he loves showing off the baby in
Reinhardt tries his best to play with all over the floor with his kid, bless his heart, but he has hurt his back while chasing them….he lays on the floor and asks that the child stays on the floor with him
Reinhardt roared playfully at his crawling son, Elias giggling before giving a squeak of a roar back. The little boy rushed towards his father, moving as fast as his little hands and knees could move him, chasing Reinhardt down. His son reached him, his small hands lifting up and balling into his beard and yanking with a giggle. Reinhardt winced, his nose crinkling up as he tried to ignore the pain in his face. You laughed as you sat down next to the both of them, gingerly removing Elias’ fists from your darling’s facial hair.
“Who is just as strong as their daddy”, you cooed to him, your son laughing as he reached for his father. Reinhardt easily pulled the both of you into his lap, leaning back against the couch to give his back a break. “You are! Watch out my love, he is going to give you a run for your money.”
“Good! I shall hope for it!”
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