#The divinity of Hyrule changes people the closer they are to it
summertimemusician · 7 months
Linktober Day 9
*sneezes after downing coffee* Well irl stuff got in the way so I'm way behind my original schedule for these and for Linktober but here we go with another arguably short one, fuelled purely by self indulgence, headcanons, spite against my linguist essays that kept me from keeping to schedule, severe sleep deprivation, a shout out to the Ender Lilies soundtrack and Majora's Mask soundtrack, and Nintendo for not clarifying anything about the lore so I'm snatching what I can and making it my own lol. Look, when you fíxate so much on details the Zelda team doesn't elaborate on you have to fill in the gaps with what you can.
As always can be read as romantic or platonic, technically in a LU context but not explicitly in it by itself.
The Lord of the Mountain liked hearing people sing.
In a way, it wasn’t a surprise, Hylia and the Golden Three each had their ballads and symphonies and minuets, each splendid and with cuts of their divinity in it, Farore was fond of lightning and forest alive minuets, and you could swear Farosh sparked just a bit brighter when one would him the beginnings of the Minuet of the Forest near their spring, Din was fond of boleros, fiery and alive and howling with the echo of flame touching earth that made a shine run through Dinraal’s scales, Nayru, in contrast, was much fonder of blizzard and river quiet serenades, the songs of contemplation at first snow ringing clear when Naydra curled around it’s spring, content to be free of Malice.
And of course Hylia had her ballads and lullabies, perfectly fitting to her display of divinity, of honey days and vast bird like wings, of ambered summers to come and to pass and dazzling solar storms of starlight and sunlight sparking through the human form of her descendants and heroes. So in a way, you weren’t surprised at all that the Lord of the Mountain – Satori, with a familiar touch of londsleite divinity, the hunt of the woodland beasts and diamondscar adoration for the Hero of the Wilds, similar in glory to the Light Spirits petrichor and vermeil fondness for the Hero of the Twilight – liked to listen to people sing. What you were surprised was how it attempted to follow along, it’s head across your lap the second you sat down in the clearing, a gentle hum on back of it’s throat, an owl’s cry and a cicada’s humming and faintly, chirring purring as presses it’s faces into your hands, a gentle request for petting.
It was adorable, even with the faint notes of the chill of clear spring water on winter and the livewire feeling of magic, like holding your hand too close to a flame but not quite touching it.
A low chuckle brushes against the back of your mind, a feeling like biting on ice, the prowl of a wild beast and the build up of lightning and light used to create his blade, the amused affection of a warrior reconvening with their brother in arms, you think you see the bone ivory of the Deity’s hair on the side of your vision, though you know he’s not physically there, ‘He likes you.’
You hum, gently patting behind it’s ears, pushing through the chill, gracefully not mentioning the burning with a smile at the mythic being’s faint chirring, birdsong and the wind through cherry blossoms that sparkle like rose quartz, “Well I quite like him too, I can see where it’s gentleness comes from.”
The ghost of a touch over your hair, the caress of lightning striking over your skin and the hair on the back of your neck pricking up and the crisp cold of winter, the chill of the ending and the flame of a new dawn, of new days, the phantom of magnolias and spring water on your tongue. The fragrance of pine, daffodils and blood soaked lilies on ashen fields on your senses, gentle and careful, marking but not claiming, ‘Only because it’s you, beloved. It’s not something easily given.’
You sigh, shakily composing yourself, you let yourself relax into the phantom sensation. Of hopes and dreams and healed suffering, of the divinity of hunt turned into protection and lightning given form, of tangled timelines and crystalized memories, “I know. It does not change my opinion, either way.”
To be the subject of a god’s care and regard was dangerous, after all. For the human and the deity in question, you know the stories from your world well, of the effects of Hylia on First and Sky, of Twilight and the personification of the Twilight Realm and the spirits of his land, of Wild and clawing from death’s embrace into that of the wilderness.
Knew how the fact the Fierce Deity’s mere proximity causing pain on those who changed him into hunting for hunt’s sake into protection for the sake of someone else cut deeper than even the ever encroaching entropy all beings must one day face. It was no wonder the Song of Healing was his creation, to want to ease the burden.
You gladly grant him some peace, in turn, even if it wasn’t much. It’s the least you can do, for always having his ways of watching over your heroes.
“Join me? We can make a duet.”
You feel more than see him shift, ephemeral, fleeting, gentle against the edges of your existence, as foreign to Hyrule as your own, sparking over your spine as you feel ozone and rust on your teeth. Satori is humming again to match the rumble of thunder in the man’s voice, the heralding of songs of war and elegies for the dead, ‘Of course, though I’m afraid I do not know many songs, besides…’
“It’s alright,”, you smile faintly, there’s a white ocarina in his hands, as he leans, a spectre against your side, “I’ll teach you some of my own, though you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t remember all the lyrics.”
‘It would be my honor to learn.’
You think he smiles, from the fluttering of something ancient and long forgotten against your side.
You sing to Satori and the Chain, a small respite of familiar and forgotten tunes, the Lord of the Mountain hums along. The Fierce Deity’s song cutting through any nightmares that may ail your heroes for another night.
When the dawn of a new day comes, the feeling of divinity against your skin feels just a bit more obvious, sinking into every crack of your being like a shroud, falling over your boys like a veil, reflecting the breath of eternity over Hyrule.
(First gives you a look that’s half exasperation, half understanding. Sky pointedly sticks to your side as Time looks you over, markings deep with vibrant color. You shrug with a helpless smile as you feel the lightest brushes of Hylia’s fond days of gold and starlit summers days against the Lord of the Mountains warm, luminous affection and the Fierce Deity’s smug, but content lonsdaleite smile.)
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blue-likethebird · 6 months
Reusing the memory system from botw for the tears of the dragon storyline in totk was such a terrible decision on so many different levels that it’s honestly kind of impressive.
While the botw memory system had flaws of its own, there was one small but significant thing that worked in its favour: botw’s memories were largely separate from the main plot in the past, and have absolutely no bearing on the story being told in the present. Aside from a few specific instances (ie the calamity striking, the ceremony, Link and Zelda becoming closer) the memories are all self-contained moments that emphasize character development over driving the story. Because there’s no major narrative throughline between them, it gives players more freedom to discover in any order regardless of how much they’ve progressed through the main quest without running the risk of stumbling across a memory that ruins something else later on in the game.
(This got long so the rest of my analysis is going under the cut.)
The biggest change between the memories from botw and the dragon’s tears from totk is definitely what kind of information these cutscenes relay to you as the player. Botw’s memories are primarily snapshots of small interpersonal moments that hold very little significance to the greater narrative taking place in the past. Totk’s memories are the greater narrative. With only one major exception -that I’ll touch on in a sec-, every cutscene in the dragon’s tears shows a crucial moment of story development with no time left to explore the characters driving that story forwards. There’s no organic moment revealing, say, a quirk of Rauru’s that Mineru finds annoying, or Sonia’s sense of humour, or any of our literal Main Villain Ganondorf’s motivations for going to war with Hyrule. If there’s any moments of character focus they only happen in ways that advance the plot (meaning the only real character focus is on the characters totk wants the entire universe to orbit around, namely Rauru and Zelda), and as such it’s harder to bring myself to care about what happens to anyone.
To illustrate the point I’m trying to make here, compare the memories of the champions Link regains during the divine beast quests to the conversations with the ancient sages at the end of each temple. The memories make passing mentions of the ongoing preparations for the calamity, but the real purpose of those scenes is to showcase who the champions were as people before their deaths and give us a reason to mourn them, even though we know at the start of our journey that they’re all long gone. In contrast, the conversations with the ancient sages are all about the events of the imprisoning war and their promise to Zelda that their descendants will come to Link’s aid in the future, very obviously copy pasted for each of the five times that cutscene is brought up (which is a particularly egregious moment of bad quest design but that’s a rant for another time) in such a way that none of the 5 incarnations of that cutscene reveal anything new about the ancient sages as characters, to the point where none of them even show their faces. I care about Daruk because the game shows me that he cares deeply about the wellbeing of his fellow champions and brings out the best in others. So why should I care about the nameless, faceless sage of water? What’s there to move me about their struggles if my only interactions with the sages are a series of exposition dumps? If the game can’t give me a reason to sincerely care about its main characters, the whole rest of the story is meaningless.
(As an aside, I get the feeling someone on the dev team caught on to the issue I’m describing here, because the tea party memory sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the dragon tear cutscenes. It’s such a jarring change of pace to have the otherwise plot-heavy dragon’s tears come screeching to a halt for a scene where Sonia sits down with Zelda to have a cute little tea party and talk about absolutely nothing of significance that the whole thing almost seems like it was hastily tacked on to the story later. Given that the next (chronological) memory sees Sonia fall victim to an unceremonious death by chiropractor, it feels like someone realized that Sonia really doesn’t do or say much in the scenes before she dies and threw together the tea party scene so players would have at least one moment to look back on fondly when she’s fridged. But I digress)
The story told in the dragon’s tears is a highly linear one. But the open-ended nature of botw’s memory system remains, meaning that these tears can be found and viewed in any order. At first this doesn’t seem so bad, since the first two tears you’re likely to find if you follow the game’s intended path are also the chronological first and second of the memories you can discover through these geoglyph tears. But after those first two, the game kinda gives up on guiding you towards these tears in a way that flows well with the story they wrote: the closest tear geographically to the two the game initially guides you towards correlates to one of the penultimate scenes of that entire storyline, while the next scene chronologically is found almost halfway across the map. As such, it’s all but guaranteed that you’ll spoil yourself in some way without using either a guide or the (somewhat unintuitive and never fully explained by the game) little map in the forgotten temple. Finding memories in order didn’t matter so much in botw because the scenes you could find still worked well as standalone scenes before you discovered every memory and pieced together the full picture, and the game is never trying to surprise me about the characters’ fates at the end of this storyline: hell the first memory you’re guided to shows the calamity striking. But in contrast, viewing a dragon’s tear at the wrong time can completely ruin the story they’re trying to tell in those cutscenes. During my playthrough, for example, the first tear I found after the game stopped guiding me to them showed Ganondorf removing Sonia’s stone from her dead body. At this point I had known Sonia existed for all of like an hour, so every subsequent appearance she made was ruined for me by the fact that I already knew she was nothing but cannon fodder to be killed off for the sake of another character’s pain (Rauru and Zelda a-fucking-gain). I expected to be pissed that it was so easy to spoil myself, or maybe sad in passing that a character with her potential was so underutilized, but instead I just felt… tired. I wasn’t even halfway to the first settlement and already I was completely numb to the story the game was trying to tell.
But the worst was yet to come. And oh boy was it ever a low point for storytelling in the Zelda series. Remember how I said up above that the memories in botw had no connection to the story in the present? Let’s just say the same cannot be said for the dragon’s tears.
It’s May 2023. I’ve just finished the sage of wind questline. I still have hope that the story the game is trying to tell will be good. Deciding that I’ll go to Goron city next, I head towards the Thyplo skyview tower to expand my map, catch a glimpse of a nearby geoglyph from the air, and glide over to check it out. This geoglyph shows me a memory that not only recaps the entire dragon tear storyline, but also ends on a bit of foreshadowing about Zelda’s fate that’s about as subtle as a brick to the fucking face. By exploring -the thing the game claims it prioritized above all else in the design of its world and quests- I’d once again been hit with spoilers for a major story detail.
My main objective in this game is to find Zelda. It’s the only driving factor behind my journey towards all these different regions. The current big mystery I’m supposed to solve is why Zelda’s causing so much hell for the people of Hyrule. I now knew exactly where she was and what the deal with her appearances in other parts of Hyrule was, and I’d found it completely by accident by doing something the game says over and over again that it wants me to do. Unlike with Sonia’s death, this time I was a mess of emotions. I was pissed the fuck off that this open-world game had punished me twice already for trying to explore. More than that, I was disappointed that a game I had been so excited to play, from a series I had so many fond memories of, had let me down like this. With every subsequent quest where the sages and I chased a Zelda I knew was fake to our next objective, and every NPC wondering where she was that I couldn’t tell the truth to, that disappointment grew. The entire rest of the main story was ruined for me before I had progressed past 1/4th of the regional quests and a third of the dragon’s tears. There was no more sense of anticipation or mystery. I finished the rest of the game with a bitter taste in my mouth and haven’t touched it again since.
Do I think this story could have been good? Honestly, I don’t know, and by now I don’t really care either (that’s a lie. I care so so much and that’s probably why I hate totk as much as I do). But it’s all irrelevant, because like Cinderella’s stepsister cutting off her own heel so she can cram her foot into a glass slipper that’s never going to fit, totk is sabotaged by the devs’ insistence that everything fit itself into a world they custom-made for botw. This isn’t a new formula that the series is following, it’s Nintendo slapping a new coat of paint on an existing skeleton, and I’m not optimistic to see what this particular approach has in store for the Zelda series. Especially not at the price they’re charging for it.
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ezdotjpg · 7 months
ok but know I need you to Tell Me Things about the Zeldas. all of them. I am literally*bouncing*.
(I love how both your TP Link and Zelda have RBF. they have truly Had It)
HEHE sorry i held onto this ask until I had all the Zelda designs posted, and then I,,,forgot to do that lol.
some Bonus Zelda thoughts! some of this i've maybe said before idk:
her armor is more ceremonial than practical. While I didn't give this to every Queen Zelda, I liked the idea of the princess's pauldrons progressing to more plate armor in the queen's dress. That's also why I changed her color scheme to blue to differentiate from the princess' pink (exceptions for this being HW Zelda who wears red as queen, ST Zelda who still wears pink as queen and BOTW Zelda who wore blue as princess)
anyway. she's more of a scholar than a warrior but she still has killer aim with a bow
her pet project has been recovering, restoring, and filling in the gaps of the royal library and archive. Mage helps her out with this as he has a knack for stumbling upon forgotten ancient texts in his travels
A lot of ppl assume she's rather prim or austere but she's actually got a lot of whimsy and humor in her. It's why she and Mage get along so well :D
She lets Mage get away with a lot of shenanigans and keeps the royal guard from arresting his ass all the time
if mage is ur weird uncle she's like. ur cool aunt
she's still sailing the seas with her crew!
she and Wake have had a bit of a falling out though, partially over disagreements about searching for New Hyrule, and have gone their separate ways for now. There's not any real animosity between them, just like,,,frustration. They'd still do anything for each other.
She's got 2 pistols and a cutlass and she knows how to use them
She could bench press Wake. easily.
She's brash and commands a lot of respect but she's also a lot of fun to be around. She's brutally honest and says what's on her mind.
I think she still feels a lot of confusion and frustration about the revelations about her lineage and the role King Daphnes seemed to force on her because of it. She doesn't want much to do with what the divine. She values the freedom sailing on the sea gives her.
TP Zelda
she's. so tired. a lot of the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom has fallen squarely on her shoulders. She's holding shit together by a thread but by god is she holding it together.
Looks pretty cold and unapproachable but she has a kind heart. She cares deeply for the people of her kingdom. She would sacrifice a lot for them and already has.
Never relaxes. Works like 24/7. get this girl a hobby
Midzel canon. Midna also had a thing with Link but it wasn't a polycule more of a this is my girlfriend Midna and this is Midna's boyfriend Link kind of a situation. Anyway she misses Midna.
Wolf and Zelda are like. coworkers. They haven't really gotten any closer in the aftermath of everything. Wolf wants nothing to do with playing the role of the hero in a political sense like Zelda keeps asking him to. I don't think Zelda necessarily blames him for escaping that responsibility, but she Is frustrated she doesn't have that luxury.
MC Zelda
a little cutie!! very bubbly and extroverted and curious about the world. She spends a lot of time outside of the castle running around with Mini. The King is so glad she's safe after everything he still just lets her do whatever she wants lol
She used to be the one dragging Mini into shenanigans all the time but he's gained a lot of confidence over his quest and is less timid now. now they are equally engaging in shenanigans
Hangs out with Malon too!! The three of them are besties
I like to think she can also still see the minish even if she can't shrink down to their size. she thinks they're so cute. Maybe mini gives her a jabbernut so she can speak to them too :-)
She helps Mini build his fucked up little trash robots. She also pretties them up with paint
scolded by castle staff frequently for getting grass stains and dirt on her nice clothes lol. She probably isn't usually running around in her full princess garb though.
Like Mini, has mostly refused to process most of what happened to her and is just trying to enjoy life.
Prince Zel
I went back and forth about whether or not I wanted to go with naming him Sheik or not. I decided against it since this is the version of him that never had to become Sheik. He keeps Zelda as a legacy name and shortens it to Zel most of the time.
Pretty lonely in the castle without many friends his age. He desperately wants to be better friends with Mask but is mostly rebuffed.
Even though he doesn't have to become Sheik in this timeline, I think he has begun training with Impa. Just under a lot less duress
Still occasionally has prophetic visions but has become somewhat hesitant about sharing them. I think he understands a little more of what went on in other timelines than he lets on, but he doesn't know or put together all of it.
Often described as odd or intense or standoffish by ppl who meet him but he can be really chatty and lively under the right circumstances
HW Zelda
Her armor is also mostly ceremonial, even though she's definitely more of a warrior queen. She and War are both dressed to project 'peace time' and 'prosperity'. She has other sets of armor that are more suited for combat.
She and War are a lot alike, calculating and cunning, which is why they understand each other. It's also why they're often at each other's throats. They're not really above backstabbing each other, though has Queen she has a lot more leverage.
She's not exactly warm or particularly kind, but she does care about the safety of the Kingdom.
Also never relaxes and works like 24/7
Constantly dealing with a tense, power-hungry and antagonistic court looking to undermine her authority. She has her own private ambitions she's working towards.
ALBW Zelda
She's a really charming and fun person! very down to earth as Queen and a lot more willing to eschew tradition.
She comes across as carefree but she's been ruling Hyrule by herself since she was young and has been subject to a lot of pressure. She had to grow up pretty fast and is wiser than she seems at first glance. She has her court and the people's respect.
She and Mirror share an interest in fashion and the arts. They're,,, they're both theatre kids.
I don't have a lot of other headcanons abt her yet sorry but. i love her
ST Zelda
Has been crowned Queen at the ripe old age of 16 because the last time they appointed a chancellor he turned out to be a demon who stole her body. so
She does not feel ready to be Queen at all but she's doing her best. She's determined not to let anybody push her around again.
She's taken an interest in learning how to fight after the events of spirit tracks. She never wants to feel as helpless as she did then, trapped as a ghost outside her body. Also she really enjoyed hitting things with a giant sword in her big phantom armor. She's become a much better swordsman than Spirit ever was lol
She specifically requested her own suit of armor to mimic the phantom armor
she's pretty protective of Spirit
BOTW Zelda
I think she was conscious for all 103 of those years fighting ganon, even if it seems somewhat blurry and surreal to her now. She remembers it in fits and bursts. She often feels disconnected from her body.
She has no interest in reviving the monarchy or ruling over Hyrule again. However she does have an interest in rebuilding Hylian towns and helping all of Hyrule recover. She still feels like it's her responsibility, not because of her role as princess, but because of what she perceives as her own failure to avert tragedy.
she doesn't just blame herself though- she blames the gods and her father too.
Right now though she's mostly taking a break to get her bearings and recover from 103 years of endless fighting. She and Slate travelled around Hyrule for a while at first, and now she's settled in Hateno trying to figure out how to be normal again. Some rebuilding efforts have already started spearheaded by Hudson and she helps out with those.
SKSW Zelda
honestly not even she is sure what parts of her are herself and what parts are hylia. it's as disconcerting for her as it is for Loft. She's both frustrated that he looks at her differently now and understands completely why he does. She still wishes he wouldn't.
she remembers more about being the goddess than she necessarily lets on
she's really invested in the settlement on the surface and is basically its unofficial leader. she puts a lot of time and effort into making sure everything is going according to plan and that they have everything they need to keep living on the surface
she's protective of Loft and worries a lot for him. She blames herself for a lot of what he struggles with now and wants to make it better.
she's not the fun police though, she likes a death-defying loftwing stunt as much as the next person
she did become a knight after the events of skyward sword! They don't really wear the uniforms down on the surface much anymore though and it's become less of a formal order while everyone focuses on building and improving the village.
She's been working on her swordsmanship
I think she really loves music and singing
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breannasfluff · 11 months
When Sidon tells Wild he’s a little off-putting, he believes him. Now, after spending time with the Chain and watching half of them go out of their way to avoid him, Wild gets the feeling Sidon was downplaying it.
It’s frustrating because the boys are nice and it’s clear they don’t avoid him to be mean. It’s just…instinctual. Sometimes people are more sensitive than others and tend to avoid him. Maybe this whole group is sensitive.
Legend will talk to him for a while, but he always grimaces and wanders away at the end, hand to his head. Twilight, at least, is happy to hang out with him and Wild gravitates to his side more and more often. It’s nice to have a friend and feel less alone in this large group. He tries with the others—he really does. Whether it’s light conversation, volunteering to help, or not fishing with bombs when Time looks like he’ll faint; Wild plays nice. He’s well-behaved and doesn’t push back on directions, even as he chafes at taking them. 
It's exhausting and frustrating, but worth it to stay near the others. Each day it continues, though, stretches his patience further and further. He can’t help how he makes others feel; he woke up like this.
When he asks Zelda if he had a similar effect before the Calamity, she makes a complicated face and says he was very quiet. He knows that from his memories and it doesn’t answer his question. Then she changes the subject and he lets it drop.
No matter how far he travels, he invariably follows the invisible tether to Zelda. She’s still cloaked in the faintest traces of divinity and he can’t help but be drawn to it.
“Why do you do that?” she once asked as they sit on a hill above Hyrule Field.
Wild’s leaning against her shoulder, snuffling at her neck. The action is unconscious and he jerks back. “Sorry! I—sorry.”
Zelda laughs and leans back on the grass. “It’s fine. I just noticed you do it often and was curious why. I know I don’t smell that good after a day out on horses.”
“It’s not your…smell—which is fine!” He leans back as well, rolling on his side to watch her. “It’s more the…aura around you?” He waves a hand vaguely like that will explain it.
“Yeah, it’s like, um.” He leans a little closer, trying to decipher how to put it in words. “Golden, but more than gold. Rainbows and, and supernovas exploding under your skin and leaking out—” Wild stops abruptly because he’s burrowing into her shoulder again. He pulls back. “It’s your power. Hylia, I think.”
She turns to look at him, unflinching at his strange eyes. “You’re drawn to it?”
He nods. “Ever since I woke up. I can feel it, faintly. Can tell which direction you are in Hyrule.”
“Huh.” Closing her eyes, Zelda relaxes in the sun. “And here I hoped I really did smell nice.”
Read the rest here!
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occasionallyprosie · 5 months
Devotion - Chapter 4: "Four More Heroes"
Some people face their internal troubles… others adopt children so they can ignore it. (Aka, Dev is basically batman in that way)
AO3 Link
Previous Tumblr Links: 1, 2, 3
Dev stayed dormant for a little while, just residing in the sort of mindscape of the Golden Sword before he reached out and began to wander the Sacred Realm.
The Sacred Realm was... dull by now, after the time he spent there when he had first become a sword spirit, and just the sheer brightness of it... Even if the light rapidly replenished his magic and therefore his energy, spirit, and his ability to function, it was a lot.
Then he heard whispers.
"You think he's real? Or another lost ghost? — I don't know... I don't know how he could've even gotten here."
Dev turned, eyes landing exactly where the voice came from. It was just one voice, though disjointed and a little staticky, broken apart and shattered yet mended as one. The voice went silent the moment he looked the direction the source was.
"You're not as quiet as you think you are," he said bluntly. "Who are you? How and why are you here?"
Nobody should be here.
A kid came out from around a corner. Dev stared at the kid in the Sacred Realm. His soul was familiar, but it wasn't one he knew.
The kid stared at him, giving a weak smile. He wore a multicolored tunic and looked a bit unsure.
Dev softened. The soul was—that alone led him to being kind, to trusting them. There was divine courage, though it had faded and was just a ghost of itself, but it was there and it was inside this boy.
"Hey, are you alright?" Dev asked.
"I... Well, umm..." they glanced around. "I... Don't know."
"You don't know if you're alright?" Dev chuckled softly, he moved closer very slowly and carefully.
They made a slight face. "No, it's... Where am I?"
"You don't know?"
"No... sir."
Dev knelt in front of them. "My name's Dev. What's yours?"
"It's..." they hesitated, looking confused before it visibly hit them. "I don't know." They looked at Dev with maybe a bit of fear and grief in their eyes. "I don't know my name."
"What do you remember about yourself?" Dev asked softly.
The kid shook his head. "I... We don't. We were... just here."
"Well, kid. You're in the Sacred Realm, regular hylians shouldn't be here, so why don't we figure out how to get you out, okay?"
The kid nodded slowly and took Dev's offered hand. Dev led them out of the pyramid and he, with a gentle warning about what he was going to do, he prodded at the kid's magical signature.
What he found was... shocking.
They turned out to be a sword spirit, Dev had to search Hyrule just to find their sword form. After a while of Dev teaching them and coaching them into leaving the Sacred Realm, he was there on the other side and helped them to change forms.
The kid looked a bit shaken. Dev knelt in front of them.
"Hey, you alright? I know it's a bit disorienting."
"N-No, I'm fine, it's just..." he stared at the ground before shaking his head and looking at Dev. "I wasn't ready for the memories."
"Oh? Can you tell me about you then?" Dev asked. "Your name?"
"Link," the kid said. "My name is—was Link, I'm—I was a blacksmith, and the Heroes of the Four Sword. It's... it's been a long time, hasn't it?"
Dev stared for the briefest moment before nodding. "It has. Around... 2300 years."
The kid inhaled sharply.
"I'm sorry," Dev offered.
"No, it's... not your fault," he managed, clearly shaken. "I just... over two thousand... goddesses."
Some centuries later, everything suddenly warped. Everything changed, ripping and pulling and pushing and stitching back together.
He was back. Back in that light, that warmth, that lackluster realm that was just him, his awareness, some mindscape formed. But it was wrong. It wasn't just his, there were things here that weren't him.
It wasn't the familiar forest, the endless, sunlit forest with unending changes that he was trying to map out and always finding new things, a true paradise for an explorer like he'd been.
This was a sort of temple, a forest beyond the windows but also an ocean and mountains, but there was no way out. The windows were stained and depicted different people, heroes, he'd realized.
"How are you here?"
Dev whirled around, well not really, he redirected his awareness to the spirit behind him that had evaded his notice... somehow.
"Fi?" He breathed.
The woman, far more Hylian-like than he had ever seen her, standing not far from him, cloak billowing around her. Blue hair, pale nearly-white skin, purple and blue eyes, otherwise she was the same as he remembered, just... less broken, less decayed.
She floated toward him, landing neatly in front of him. She visibly studied him, eyes flicking up and down his appearance. An oddly human action for a spirit that claimed to have always been a spirit.
"This is... unforeseen."
"How are you... What do you know?" Dev asked.
"The timeline split," she surmised. "There were three. I decayed in one of them, and that is where you are from."
Dev nodded. "Yeah, I... I wanted to help the next hero, like you did for me. Help and protect them."
And he'd failed, he added bitterly to himself.
"I see." She seemed thoughtful for a moment. "There were two other timelines, myself in each, we became one as did with the Master Sword of your time."
She paused for a moment. Dev mentally traced this supposed timeline, a singular line that split into three, remaining separate for centuries, and was now clicking back into a single line. One of the three lines was him, the other two was Fi.
"There is a new hero."
"We can find him."
She shook her head, a bit of a stilted movement, but Dev remembered her becoming more human for him as a child.
"I don't have the power to take physical form anymore."
Dev decided not to just say that he did. Instead he shrugged. "Alright, let's wait then."
He didn't like it. He was worried, but Fi wanted to stay put supposedly. The kid, Link, Heroes of the Four Sword in singular form —he found out that there was actually four of them, unsurprising since he'd read their stories dozens of times— had been with Dev when everything warped and he ended up with Fi. He hoped the kid, wherever he was, was safe.
"Thank you, Link," Fi said.
"Dev," he corrected her. "The heroes are Link, I'm... more of a guide now."
There was something behind those heterochromatic eyes, he wanted to say pride or something similar —but wasn't that odd? Within the confines of the sword, Fi looked Hylian, but every single time he saw her outside, she was crystalline. How... interesting.
"You determined my full designation."
"Fidelity?" He guessed, giving a small, wry smile.
Though it was unsurprising that she figured his out so easily, it was surprising when she returned his smile with a small, uncertain one of her own. "Yes, and yours is Devotion?"
He hummed and nodded.
The newest Link was a soldier, barely an adult. He was prideful at first glance, but Dev could feel, sense, and see the way his hands trembled as he grabbed the hilt of their sword.
There was a fierceness behind those sharp, cobalt-blue eyes. A ferocity that vowed protection, but also a meekness, a fear hiding beneath that ferocity, a need to prove— no, a determination to prove themselves. It was a weak determination, one forged out of a fear of failure, not a necessity to succeed.
He let Fi act as she wished, and to his own surprise, because it was something she never did for him, she tested him.
She denied him her loyalty for the briefest moment. For a brief moment that had the fierce warrior faltering and a fear that already existed, that fear of failure, becoming far stronger behind cobalt curtains.
Then determination steeled in front of the fear and he pulled again, harder.
Fi gave in.
She said nothing, so Dev stepped up. He let some of his power seep into the blade, giving it some encouragement and letting it glow slightly golden.
"Hello, Link," he greeted gently, the name coming to him without any real logic as to where, his words a hum in the boy's mind. The boy startled but there was no time for that, something appeared behind him. Dev gave a sharp warning.
The boy's eyes widened and he spun, slashing the Master Sword through a blast of magic that had been shot.
Dev stepped back, studying the way the boy fought. He was skilled, it was undeniable. He was trained, a knight, but there was so much that he could improve on.
This Link was fairly respectful, easygoing, and calm, but Dev could recognize fear and determination in his eyes. Dev offered guidance where he could, whispering battle strategy in Link's mind during meetings and helping him learn to find the best way himself.
He didn't take physical form, too many people and he didn't want to deal with being a person just yet.
Fi told Dev she didn't like to speak to her wielders if she did not need to. Though her words were different, Dev was good at reading between the lines: She didn't want to get attached, likely so the parting wouldn't hurt more than necessary.
Dev couldn't care. Not that he didn't care, but he could not. He refused to care about getting hurt. He learned during his mortal life that you couldn't avoid people for fear of hurting when you lose them.
He also promised Zelda he wouldn't avoid people to avoid being hurt, so he refused to do that.
The first time he took a true physical form was when Link had passed out after a battle and one of the little displaced heroes had grabbed his sword.
"Hi, you remember me?" Tune asked, eyes filled with curiosity as he set the sword on the table and sat on the chair to stare at it. "Captain Link says you can talk, but you never talked to me... I'm sorry I left you under the ocean."
Fi offered some quiet insight, giving Dev some context and her thoughts on the matter.
In a moment, the sword was replaced by a person and Tune yelped, jumping back as Dev took form, sitting on the table. He stumbled back, staring at him in shock.
"Don't apologize for that, little pirate," Dev said, lighthearted and warm.
Tune gaped. "Y-You—You're the sword!"
He laughed. "I am. I am part of it, at least. I have not met you before this war."
Tune looked confused. "But..."
"My partner did." Dev slid of the table and knelt in front of Tune, the young boy was fairly short for his age, not even coming up to Dev's shoulder when he had been standing. If Dev understood right, and he had been getting good at telling age from magical signatures, Tune was about twelve, maybe thirteen.
Tune nodded. "Yes—please."
"Well, a very long time ago, the timeline split into two, and then it split again. Not too long ago, there were three separate timelines." Dev informed the young hero. The courage in his heart was unlike even that in the current Link or Dev's dear Sprite. "When this war began, that changed. The timelines merged together, a convergence."
In the air, Dev drew a line with some magic lingering behind his movements to let that line remain visible, then he split it into three and brought them back together at the bottom.
"Fi is the other spirit of the Master Sword, she is who was with you throughout your journey. She is weaker than I, as she is much, much older, and sealed many, many more evils than I have."
Tune made an 'o' with his mouth, drawing the sound out. "And you?"
"I'm Dev. I am very young in comparison to Fi, and my power replenishes independently whereas hers is bound and limited as a result of our different creations. I used to be Hylian, she has always been a spirit." He tapped one of the timelines. "I formed sometime in one of the three, where Fi had faded away, and when the timelines merged, Fi and I now share the space of the Master Sword.
"Grabe!" Tune gasped, almost startling Dev with the use of a once familiar island language, then Tune visibly realized something as he beamed. "Do you know Mask? Or does Fi know Mask?"
Fi made a slightly pained and guilty chime. Dev gave a soft smile.
"Fi does. I've never met Mask."
"Then you have to! Come on, I'll introduce you. Captain Link's healing and I bet Mask is probably super worried, so we should distract him."
Dev could feel the older brother energy that Tune just radiated. He nodded.
"Lead the way, little pirate."
Tune led the way out and Dev followed him. He wove through the crowds of the military camp and Dev ignored the questioning looks shot his way.
Tune lit up and he ran and tackled someone. A small boy, in green just like Tune was, though this boy's was a darker green.
"Gah! Tune no!"
"Hey, Mask!" Tune wrangled the kicking child under one arm, stealing his floppy green cap and mussing yellow-blond hair.
"Oh—Ge'off!" Mask struggled until Tune released him.
"Cap'n Link's in good shape, Mask, stop being such a worry wart," Tune teased lightly, though it was clear his words were genuine.
"Who's this?" Mask demanded instead of addressing the chide. He eyed Dev warily.
"This is Dev! He's..."
"A sword spirit," Dev offered. He tilted his head a bit, recognizing the very faint sugary magic on the kid. "You like fairies?"
Mask startled. "Huh?"
"You have a bit of fairy magic on you," Dev tapped his nose and Mask scrunched his face up, annoyance joining the shock. "Do you like them?"
"I... I was raised by the Kokiri," Mask offered carefully. "But— Yeah, I like them. They're nice."
"Hmm, how about we do some plotting?" Dev looked over at Tune with a glitter of mischief in his eyes. "So when Link's all better and back to being reckless on the battlefield, we can give him a little... scare."
He knew he had their full attention with that suggestion. Two little gremlins these two were. He should be too old for this sort of thing, but he had a soft spot for kids. Especially ones where he could feel a connection that went deeper than sword and wielder.
The three heroes, Tune, Mask, and Link, they reminded Dev of the kid, the younger sword spirit had that same curiosity, the same determination, the same determination to help out, and the same steadiness that the three had displayed. Tune also looked a lot like the kid. Dev knew, objectively, that the kid wasn't going to get hurt, he was a sword spirit after all and almost nothing in existence could even hurt him, but that didn't stop him from worrying. It only stopped him from going out and abandoning this war to find the kid.
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luimagines · 1 year
To Denounce the Evil’s of Truth and Love
Part 5!
First chapter/ Previous Chapter/  Next Chapter
Content under the cut!
Twilight was trying hard to come to grips with this.
He hadn’t intended for his secret to fall apart as fast as it did. And he certainly didn’t think it would drive the poor girl into a devastated panic. She was on the verge of tears as she apologized over and over and over again.
Hyrule looked as concerned and confused as Twilight felt.
“Um..” He tried to step closer. “...Are you ok?”
To add to his confusion and slowing mounting terror, she started laughing. “How am I possibly ok? We only needed the one person so that we could finally track down the cause of this problem and seal away the crumbling and searing tears of our reality and instead we have two other captives who felt like joining along for the ride, endangering themselves for no good reason just because what? You felt like it? Do you know the guy?”
“Yes.” Twilight and Hyrule say in unison. 
It does not help the girl as she falls to her knees. She might be having a breakdown, Twilight notes and shifts a look to Hyrule. The other boy has a little bit of decency to look nervous and ashamed. The girl whines and it;s a pitiful sound to Twilight’s ears. “Yes to whhaatt?”
“Both.” They repeat together at the same time.
She hangs her head over her knees and stays like that for a moment, shoulders moving slightly. She might be crying. 
Twilight feels awkward. Of all the possible reactions he was anticipating when they eventually realized that Sky wasn’t the only one they had around, (captive or stowaway) this wasn’t one of them. She sounded horrified and heartbroken and maybe Twilight had misjudged her character compared to the other two.
She looks up at him- him, not Hyrule- and with tears streaking down her face, her eyes contain an unreadable emotion. “So you’re risking your life… because you felt like it?” 
Twilight scratches the back of his neck. “Not necessarily. It’s the hero’s duty, ma’am.”
“We all feel it.” Hyrule helps. “We’re all heroes… If you wanted our help, you could have just talked to the group instead of just kidnapping our friend.”
She shakes her head. “Admittedly, it wasn’t my idea. And yet here I am having to both clean up the mess and organize and execute the plans.”
She sighs and rubs her eyes. “What do you mean by heroes though? Last I checked, there was only the Champion That Survived but he’s gone missing months ago.”
“Actually-” Twilight winces. “I know the guy. He’s in our group too.”
She groans and roughly runs her hands over her scalp, ruffling her hair aggressively as she goes. “This is horrific. I hate this. Why am I the one-”
She stops herself and gets to her feet. “Forget this. A job has to be done. But we can’t let the other one go. Is that why you’ve stayed as long as you have?”
Twilight freezes in his spot at the sudden change of atmosphere. She went from near unconsolable to determined and steady in the blink of an eye- evidence of her breakdown ignored. It gives his whiplash and he feels his mind reeling with the effects of this. She still stares him down expectantly.
Hyrule rubs his arm and raises a hand. “In my defense, I was in a bottle.”
She sighs, and pinches the top of her nose. “Valid. Anything else? Do you plan on leaving then? Get the rest of your group and perform a so-called ‘rescue mission’ and put a stop to us from fixing the problem?”
Twilight also looks at Hyrule. He’s seen how they treat Sky and how he’s been treated. They’re really not bad people. Just… weird and they go about things not in the way he would personally do it. But they’re not touched by destiny or divinity like they all have been to an extent. So maybe it’s just personal opinion at any rate.
Hyrule however, has not received the same treatment and should he go back and give a bad report, Twilight doesn’t doubt that the others would come in with as many bomb and flames as they can. Part of him wonders if they’re already planning on doing that with the amount they’ve already spent away from the group but he’s been ignoring it for as long as he can allow himself to do so. Twilight wonders that if the longer they take to find them and the longer they stay with the trio, the bigger fire power the other Links plan to bring, from the skies if they must. Granted, the girl in front of him is more than capable of extinguishing all their literal fire power, but he doesn’t wish any harm on the trio.
But maybe it’s just the girl in front of him that he’s gotten attached to.
Hyrule coughs. “I’m actually…. Intrigued by your operation here. I wouldn’t mind staying. And someone has to make sure you don’t hurt Sky and Twilight.”
“Sky?” She furrows her brow.
“We’re all named Link.” Twilight flushes a bit by the absurdity of it. “So we all have nicknames. We call him Hyrule.”
She deadpans. “Real creative.”
The boy in question blushes a bit and ruffles his own hair. “They also call me The Traveler. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
She winces. “Again. I’m so sorry you got pulled into this. The fairy…I’m shocked she didn’t say anything. I would have thought she would have been able to sense the spell… and the double for sure would have been able to… I need to talk to them. Both of them.”
Twilight shivers at the deadly intention in her voice.
Hyrule coughs a bit. “Am I free to explore?”
She turns and stares him down as well, not too dissimilar to how she looked at Twilight earlier. She holds her breath enough to make them both nervous before she sighs like a tired parent. “Sure. Why not?”
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So during the introductory scene of my fic Dwell Not in the Past originally I was going to have Wild tell his story before Legend, but unfortunately Wild went off and spent so long being a theater kid that it messed with the pacing.
That being said, I did finish writing that version of events even after I realized it was going on for too long, so here it is! In the final product, this would be the story that Time interrupted by heading to sleep early.
“That’s a shame,” Time cut in. “Champion, what of you?”
Legend kicked back his heels as all attention turned to Wild, the others letting slip the change in topic. None of them were keen to pry at secrets, curious though they all had to be.
Wild took his time, adjusting his cape around him as he gave his answer consideration. The flickering firelight wavered across his face, already shaded by his hood. Several of the others, and Time himself, leaned in closer as Wild began his tale.
“It’s hard to say how long ago the last hero lived, but the legacy of his battle with Calamity Ganon echoed thousands, perhaps even ten thousand, years into the future. It was in his lifetime that the ancient Sheikah built the Divine Beasts and Guardians. Together, the hero, princess, and pilots of the Divine Beasts worked to fell Calamity Ganon—and fall he did. With no need for them after the defeat of the great evil, fear of what the Sheikah’s creations could do spread. Eventually all the machines were buried; the Guardians were stored beneath Hyrule Castle, and the Divine Beasts hidden away elsewhere. They were almost entirely forgotten by the people, relegated to legend.”
Wild paused, the shadows across his face cast in sharp relief rendering his expression unreadable.
“Ages passed until, one day, the Calamity’s return was foretold. The King and Queen of Hyrule looked upon their infant daughter, feared the fate that awaited her, and would have believed in the legends of old in hopes of easing her trial. They found the Divine Beasts, uncovered the Guardians…”
Wild threw more wood onto the fire; a small bundlel of thin, dry sticks that caught in a burst of light, illuminating his scars even within the depths of his hood.
“But the Calamity knew better, the second time around. When it reared its head on the day of the princess’s seventeenth birthday, it corrupted the ancient machines. Guardians turned on the people they were made to protect, and the pilots of the Divine Beasts were overrun by malice.
“It was only thanks to the princess that Hyrule lived to see another day. Her knight so injured that only a special shrine of healing could save him, she marched alone to face the Calamity. And she held it, trapped it in battle for a hundred years.”
A somber smile, just barely noticeable, graced Wild’s face. “Until the hero awoke.”
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 4 months
In the context of your story, how does the Legend of Zelda timeline work?
I basically made my own timeline! Took parts of canon, melded parts together and made up my own stuff
My notes are below the cut. My notes don't cover every single incarnation of Link and Zelda from the franchise, just the ones that will be mentioned most frequently in Luminous (and especially its sequel, Iridescent), and the ones with the biggest changes to the plot (and any OCs)
Trigger warning for discussion of grooming and sexual harassment in Hyrule Warriors' section
Hylia and First: As per Hyrule Historia, Link was imprisoned on false charges of treason. The lord of the land feared his growing popularity and power, and had him locked away. In prison, Link continually had visions of Demise’s rise and he feared he had gone mad.
He was freed after 4 years when the lord died. Demise’s armies had already swept across the country, destroying almost everything. The people begged for Link’s freedom, but were denied until the lord was dead.
While Link was recovering, Hylia arrived in the city, the last stronghold against Demise. Link only met with her because he could not refuse. He was presented to the people in his old clothes, praised as their hero, chosen by Hylia herself. Link was very closed off and icy at first, not just with Hylia, but with everyone other than his friends. He was torn between vengeance and his genuine selfless nature. His relationship with Hylia was a slow-burn and never had the chance to be fully realised.
Hylia, although she loved her people, had never walked among mortals before and found she did not always understand them. She was fascinated by Link; he grew to be much more than a piece in her plans, but she couldn’t explain what she felt.
Fi: “Your Grace, your heart is going at twice the normal rate, are you well?” Hylia: “I wasn’t staring at Link!”  Fi: “…That is not what I asked.”
Hylia and Link slowly grow closer and there’s definitely romantic tension there. They frequently spend time together, especially in Link’s favourite meadow, and Hylia has taken him flying on her Loftwing. 
Link dies moments after sending Skyloft to the sky, already mortally wounded. Hylia succeeds in sealing Demise away, but is slowly dying as well. She immediately goes in search of Link and finds his body. She breaks down, begging his forgiveness, and expresses her desire to be equals; to stand before him as a mortal woman and to see Link happy and free. 
Hylia buries Link in his favourite meadow and brings Fi to Skyloft, hiding her away. Barely clinging to life, she refuses her sisters’ calls to return to the Sacred Realm and goes to Link’s grave. There, she sheds her divinity and disappears in a shower of golden sparks. Centuries later, she is reborn as the first Zelda and Link is reborn as another child named Link, her very best friend.
Skyward Sword: No real changes. However, Link, Zelda and Groose do not establish the Kingdom of Hyrule. They establish settlements and alliances, and grant the Surface its new name of Hyrule. Link, Zelda and Groose are all buried in the Forgotten Temple.
Sonia and Rauru: Spoilers, shh! 
The First Great Calamity: A thousand years after Ganon was sealed away, the first signs of his return as Calamity Ganon began to appear. Knowledge of the Demon King has not yet been lost, though it has become fractured.
Crown Princess Zelda was joined by the very last pure-blooded Zonai, a young warrior named Illios, who was chosen by the Master Sword a year before the Calamity returned; he was the last member of the team to be found.
Together with the pilots of the Divine Beasts, they sealed the Calamity. Illios was granted the title “Link” in honour of the previous two Chosen Heroes. It changed from a title to a nickname to his preferred name over time. 
Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask: When he’s sent back in time, Link and Zelda succeed in foiling Ganon’s plans before they can begin. However, Navi soon disappears, leaving without warning. 
Still heavily traumatised by his quest, Link goes in search of Navi and ends up in the mysterious land of Termina. When this new quest is done, Skull Kid, Tattl and Tael accompany Link back to Hyrule. 
Navi’s fate remains a mystery. Link grows up to marry Malon, and Zelda remains his best friend. When Link, in his old age, decides to hide Fi within Korok Forest, Skull Kid immediately volunteers to watch over her. 
Twilight Princess: No major changes. Takes place two hundred years after OoT/MM. However, it is noted that tales of Hyrule’s founding have become mere fairytales and the First Great Calamity is fast becoming a mere myth too. Knowledge of the Divine Beasts and Guardians is practically nonexistent; it’s believed the princess and hero fought alone. History is being lost, along with the knowledge Hyrule needs to protect itself in the future.
Link/Time’s spirit is not quite as harsh and angry, though he is paranoid about Link’s/Twilight’s safety. He constantly urges his descendant to be as careful as possible and pushes him to be the very best he can be.
Unknown Princess and Hero: A close advisor of the queen, while helping to explore below Hyrule Castle, eventually found the Imprisoning Chamber. The queen was killed and the advisor was possessed by a shard of Ganon’s malice. He became little more than a rage-filled puppet, with ever-growing magical powers.
King Daphnes did what he could to protect the princess, including hiding and/or destroying knowledge of the Triforce from Ganondorf. Rauru’s seal was greatly damaged during this time. King Daphnes urged his daughter and her dearest friend (unknown to all, the destined hero that never got to be) to flee as far as they could, before the goddesses released the Great Flood. 
Wind Waker: No changes to the overall plot or character arcs. Almost all prior knowledge from before the Great Flood has been lost. The stories that remain tend to contradict themselves, and no one’s entirely sure of the true history of Hyrule anymore. More information will be uncovered when Hyrule is restored but, until then, the past is shrouded in mystery and is never fully recovered.
This Link was not Chosen, but took up the mantle of his own free will, determined to save his sister (and, later, to protect Tetra too.) The Triforce of Courage itself eventually chose him and accepted him as its wielder. 
Hyrule Warriors: Vastly different. Cia and Lana are not immortal Guardians, but mortal sorceresses, priestesses, and advisors to the Queen of Hyrule, and Princess Zelda. They are twins with the gift of prophecy, time magic, and magic over ice and fire. Their sacred duty was to guard the women of the royal family; they were to advise them, warn of any threats and provide any help needed. They had the highest positions on the queen's council.
Cia was always the more doubtful twin, never quite content with her station in life. She wanted to cease being a priestess and get married, she wanted to be a leader, not an advisor. But with Hylia herself commanding her to her station, how could she refuse? She felt trapped (and wasn’t entirely wrong on that point.) After a decade in royal service, she began to hear Ganon’s voice in her dreams. He played on her loneliness, promising her all manner of rewards if she would aid him and destroy the royal family. He swore she would have the life she wanted, free to love who she wanted, a leader in her own right, free to study any magic she wanted and give orders instead of following them. Maybe one day she could even be a queen...Her dreams for her ideal life were slowly twisted into obsessions. Love was replaced with lust and possession. Ambition was replaced with sheer greed and obsession with power.
As the Queen of Hyrule commanded, Cia and Lana began to try to locate Hylia’s Chosen Hero, should he have been reborn again. The queen wanted the hero to be Zelda’s husband, believing he would be the most ideal candidate for Zelda's hand. Cia found him first; a young knight trainee, only fifteen years old, named Helenus Link Altun. Preferring to go by his middle name, Link, there have already been whispers of his combat skills and his incredible beauty. Indeed, he’s easily the most strikingly beautiful person Cia has ever beheld. Cia immediately decides she wants him for her own, instead of "giving" him to the royals. 
Using magic granted to her by Ganon’s “leaking” powers, Cia blocked Lana from finding Link. Any visions her twin had of the Hero end up murky and confusing. They confirmed to the queen that Hylia's Chosen existed, but they don’t know who he is, or where he is. Lana sensed a rising darkness that she believed Princess Zelda will have to face with Hylia's Chosen, but couldn't See more than that.
Cia quickly takes to spying on Link, then begins seeking him out face to face. As time passes, she spends more and more time with him, slowly trying to win him to her side. The day of his sixteenth birthday, she formally asks to court him. Link is at first flattered by the attention (Cia always claims he’s so mature for his age, so clever, so talented) but slowly starts to grow unnerved when his friends point out the age and power gap (Cia is in her early 30s, Link is barely 16. Cia is a priestess and queen’s advisor, Link is still a trainee knight.) He begins to realise how often she doesn’t listen when he says no, how she insults his friends. She presses for physical intimacy much more than he’s comfortable with and is already beginning to hint at marriage. 
With Ganon whispering in her ear, Cia becomes more and more obsessed with power. Although she cannot find the Imprisoning Chamber, she can hear him. A part of her begins to wonder if she really must free him; won't he just relegate her to second place again? But no, surely not! He's her truest friend...Isn't he?
She turns to dark magic, desperate to keep Link to herself and grow her powers and station, not wanting to rely solely on "her friend." The day Princess Zelda and Link finally meet, Cia attacks with an army of summoned monsters. Zelda’s mother and most of her council are killed, Lana is badly injured. Link is injured but awakens the Triforce of Courage while protecting Impa. Cia’s attempt at taking him with her fails.
As the survivors of Hyrule Castle regroup and try to understand what’s happened and why, Cia sweeps across Hyrule, recruiting those with a grudge against the Hyrulean Royal Family, including Volga and the Yiga Clan. 
There are no gates to other worlds and other times opened. It is civil war within Hyrule. Cia demands that Link be handed over to her, as her “rightful husband.” Zelda is not willing to place her new friend in danger, even if he didn’t have the Triforce of Courage. With the Triforce added into the mix, no one is willing to risk it falling into Cia’s control. 
With Cia far away and no longer fogging Lana’s Sight, Lana begins to sense darkness deep underneath Hyrule Castle. As the war continues, Lana investigates and feels the “source” is incredibly powerful but contained, and somewhere deep, deep underground. The magic holding it back feels lighter and weirdly similar to Zelda's magic, but also unique in its own right.
Around this time, Cia’s forces kidnap Link from the battlefield. Link is Cia’s captive for a month. It’s said the only person who ever truly knows what happened to him during captivity is Zelda. He never told anyone else. Link is rescued by Impa and her soldiers. 
With Zelda and Impa’s help, Link locates and claims the Master Sword. He feels much safer once he has it, and that relief can get to his head. As he tries to overcome his trauma, he becomes more temperamental and impatient. Healing is a slow process with many ups and downs. Meanwhile, Cia practices with shadow magic, creating dark doubles of her enemies to use against them on the field. It’s said she created copies of Zelda just to destroy them in various tortuous ways, and copies of Link just to look at them and touch them. 
Link is referred to as “Helena de Ilion,” by defectors and gossips, in regards to his beauty. 
Lana, Zelda, Impa and Link work together to create a seal that covers the entire underground of Hyrule Castle. Anything deeper than the escape tunnels becomes impossible for anyone to enter, including them. Without Ganon’s voice, Cia feels more alone than ever and spirals faster. She feels abandoned by her “true love” and still conflicted about "her friend." Would he have pushed her aside or let her be Queen of Hyrule? He said destroying the royals would be doing him a favour, so how did he intend to repay Cia? Was he ever going to?
In the end, Cia is killed by Link and Zelda working together. Link lures her into a trap and Zelda kills her personally.
Link and Zelda eventually marry, years after the war. They have four children together. Right to the end of his life, Link still sometimes wonders if the whole situation was his fault. 
Princess Maryah and Conn: Over 1,000 years after Hyrule Warriors. Enemies to friends to found family. Princess Maryah was the youngest princess, the spoiled baby of the family. However, signs of Calamity Ganon’s return grew and her sisters were all killed, leaving just Maryah and her father. 
The sword called out to a young boy named Conn, a rancher. Four years Maryah’s junior, he has no problem calling out her spoiled and vain attitude. Slowly, she grows to care for him, viewing him as a younger sibling. Perhaps the first person she wants to protect with all her heart.
To everyone’s surprise, the Calamity never arrives. (Just as well, as they never even found the Divine Beasts, just a few hundred Guardians.) However, Maryah faces assassination attempts from the Yiga Clan and, when she’s crowned, an exiled noblewoman tries to rise up in rebellion. All attempts to kill Maryah are foiled by Conn. All attempts to kill Conn are, likewise, stopped by Maryah. 
The greatest threat the duo face is a poisoning attempt on Conn. As the Chosen Hero, he has some immunity to poisons. Instead of killing him, the poison places him in a coma. Soon, other courtiers and servants are poisoned. Maryah sets off in search of a cure, joined by Impa. Her council lead an investigation into the poisoner’s identity.
Maryah and Impa find the cure after successfully identifying the poison. Maryah’s council identify the poisoner: a spurned suitor who was desperate to be King, and never believed Maryah and Conn weren’t romantic. After his (eventual and furious) confession, he’s publicly executed. Maryah reigns as queen well into her 80s, with Conn acting as a beloved uncle to her children. 
Breath of the Wild: 700 years after Maryah and Conn. Link and Zelda’s relationship starts out as one-sided hatred, but grows into an incredibly close and protective friendship. Both were (and still are) willing to die for each other. 
With Link being a Zora Prince, they are considered to be on more equal standing. Zelda delighted in teasing Link about Mipha. 
Tears of the Kingdom: Spoilers, shh!
Note: The various "Ganondorf's" we see across time are always either evil men in their own right or "infected" by pieces of the Demon King's magic. Some are truly named Ganondorf. Some, like various Heroes, are given that name as a sort of title/nickname. It is considered a highly insulting title, though the history of why and the name's origins has been long lost.
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amiharana · 1 year
the more stuff that comes out about totk, the more interested and emotionally invested i become in the lore. where did these floating islands come from? who were the zonai and why are they back? do they have some sort of connection to ganon or hylia, or other races in hyrule (e.g. the sheikah)? how does the presence and existence of the zonai connect back with the rest of the zelda timeline?
like since there's at least? 10,000 years since the previous links and zeldas to botw/totk link and zelda, did the zonai exist in that 10,000 time period or way before and they were just never seen in previous games (for narrative purposes?)
do you think the presence of the zonai will give us some insight to the hero and princess of 10,000 years prior when the divine beasts were first used against ganon + all the ancient sheikah technology was still used? do you think the zonai had some sort of hand in helping shape that tech?
i know that during the development of botw, some of the things that inspired some of link's "abilities" were from hobbies of people on the zelda development team, e.g. the master cycle zero exists in the dlc because eiji aonuma is a motorcyclist in his free time. do you think someone on the team skydives for fun and that's why they added link falling through the sky and shit lol
they NEVER explained the paraglider in botw. you know me as your local revalink brainrot provider and what i think about the existence of the paraglider if you've been following me long enough. since the paraglider gets a little design update in totk (and unfortunately kind of loses revali's symbol in it
what the HELL are these glowing spires coming out of the ground everywhere. will they function the same as sheikah towers. what the fuck happened to the sheikah towers bc i'm either blind or they're gone. do shrines still exist in this game
hateno village (and other settlements) seems to have gotten updated! what new things do you guys think will be added in villages that weren't there before? also idk if it's just me but why do the three trees on mount lanayru look closer to the village??? i don't remember them being that close idk lol
THERE ARE LITTLE CAMPS IN CASTLE TOWN RUINS IM GOING TO CRYYYY they have the hylian crest on them so they have to be related to the royal family (in a business way) somehow? are these the construction folk who are going to rebuild castle town? do you guys think we'll get to see castle town completely rebuilt by the end of totk? DO YOU THINK WE'LL GET TO REBUILD EVERY RUINED SETTLEMENT TARREY TOWN STYLE??????? <3333
i know some people hated the fact that the botw map was reused and imo it's Nawt that serious girl calm down lmao. in fact i think reusing the map is an excellent challenge for the zelda team; how can you rework this familiar world into a fresh one the players can enjoy and explore again? with all the literal changes in the geographical markers of botw and the addition of new little thingie ma bobbies all throughout the map, i'm excited to see how the zelda team has approached this sort of challenge by reusing botw assets
THE THYPHLO RUINS AREN'T DARK ANYMOREEEE tbh i never finished that shrine quest LMFAOKDJFHJKD the not being able to see part always stressed me out and the fact that you had to fight a hinox in the dark 😭😭😭 IM SAWRYYY IM THE MOST ANXIOUS PLAYER EVER but i can't wait to explore it in the light????? i think someone mentioned how it also had zonai architecture; i'm just so invested in how the presence of the zonai shaped the now-world of botw/totk hyrule
so i wasn't able to see it in the trailers because i'm sooo blind, but did you guys ever see the divine beasts at all in the clips? i mean i wouldn't want to do a divine beast dungeon again LOL, but where do you guys think they are? are they just chilling in their respective regions? did they bury the beasts again? do you think we'd be able to actually go inside and explore the beasts for funsies now that they're not corrupted/in position lasered onto the castle?
the zonai have got to have some connection to time i know we could probably figure that out from the totk gameplay video from a couple weeks ago BUT STILL. let's have a twilight princess ancient hero comeback and just have old man ocarina bones sit in, or maybe multiple previous links spiderman no way home-style or whatever that movie was called. i didn't watch it sorry KDJHFJDK
water bubbles as transport like come on vesicles. come on transport cells. ANYWAYS THE LASERS link is a spy girl fr come on kim possible
WHO IS THAT. i can't take pictures i'm watching the trailer and pausing and unpausing on my switch while typing this on my laptop IS THAT A NEW HYRULEAN RACE. do you think it's like a fe3h ashen wolves moment where they've just been living underneath the ground because they were banished by hylia and no one knew lol
THE SANCTUM WAS RESTORED KSJDHFKJSDHFJKSDHF HOW DID THEY FIX IT SO FASTTTT what if link actually went back in time. the room is all sparkly so i'm like. did u fix it with magic or likeeeeee WHAT IS IT ASF
WHERE THE FUCK IS ZELDA. what do you guys MEAN you rely on link and the master sword. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??????? IS THAT THE ZONAI KING OR SOMETHING.
historically the hylians have believed in this like. pantheon of gods comprised of the golden goddesses + hylia, and i've always been under the assumption that other races just coexisted their faiths e.g. zora mainly believing in jabu-jabu, ww!rito believing in valoo, etc. what if there was like a pantheon of zonai gods but it's like greek vs roman style. what if hylia had a zonaian (?) counterpart. idk i'm spitballing out of my ass rn but i think it would be cool
seeing all these flat little creatures floating in the sky makes me miss vah medoh and revali
link pulling people in wagon it's giving skyrim "oh you're finally awake" PAUSE WHAT ARE THOSE GREEN THINGS ON THE WHEEL. IS THAT ZONAI TECH/MAGIC
how the HELL did they build those shits on top of the talus. the bokos were really like It's Free Real Estate
link making himself a fully functioning tank rn. my brother in christ that is a vertical stone block with a cannon fused to its edge on wheels. i love it.
i kinda wanna know what happened to the elemental arrows. like in botw they tell you that rubies innately have the power of fire, but how does that differ from a regular fire arrow? does it do more damage?
what the FUCK is zelda cradling in her hands. is that a seed or life or something. it looks like an embryo lol. divine beast embryo
riju 🥺🥺🥺 the champion descendants 🥺🥺 doofus with a bucket on his head... SIDON WAIT HE HAS THE CROWN ON HIS HEAD
"link! you must find me!" WHERE ARE YOU GIRLLLL
i didn't realize there was a word limit. i just kept typing. ok those are my thoughts so far IM SO EXCITED
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novantinuum · 1 year
oooh tell me about that yiga fic wip 👀
oHOhoHOh, the Blades of the Yiga AU...
Okay, so this is a single-point-of-divergence AU that spins off of the in-game memory where Link rescues Zelda from the Yiga in the desert... the divergence point is specifically that Link gets seriously, gravely hurt while rescuing her. Like, he almost dies. VERY hurt. And this single moment sends out ripples that seriously changes the ultimate fate of Hyrule.
My idea here is that both Link and Zelda are thrown into an intensely vulnerable situation that leads to them opening up to each other and laying their insecurities bare WAY quicker than they ever did in canon. This memory was the turning point for them in canon too, but in this case Link spends multiple weeks healing from a wound that nearly killed him, in which he comes to a deep understanding of his own mortality and innate desire to feel Known,,, and Zelda rapidly comes to terms with how unfair she had been with her treatment of Link and how their struggles are actually more similar than she ever thought, through a series of incoherent half-conscious babbles he let out while burning with the fever of infection. Like, almost seeing someone die can make you Reflect on some things. So they get a full dialogue going to unpack all the things they're thinking about Way Earlier than in canon, and stuff gets Deep in that unpacking because,,, wow,,, trauma bonding sure is something, huh.
And then beyond the Yiga Incident, their increased camaraderie begins to lead towards tons more positive changes. It's Link who openly supports Zelda in standing up to her father, helps her find the words to try and convince him to let her continue her research. (Which leads towards Far Better future outcomes for the Calamity, as she is instrumental in the addition of fail safes to the Divine Beasts.) It's Zelda who encourages Link to be vulnerable and let his family back into his life, instead of shutting them out due to fear of them getting caught in the crossfire of his duty to the kingdom. Essentially, this is a story where the two of them growing closer far quicker makes them better, more balanced people. They help each other love themselves, and ultimately it is that self-love AND their love for each other that is instrumental in saving Hyrule.
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carlosenlightend · 2 years
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The Gerudo people have been threatened by a looming doom. The return of Ganon and his corruption, the Thunderblight. Divine beast Naboris now roams the deserts of Gerudo getting ever so closer to the Kingdom, with the intent of destroying it all. Despite many attempts no one seems to be able to stop the superweapon, the Gerudo are starting to evacuate, Naboris is sure to attack soon enough. … There’s a strange light emerging from the Great Plateau and strange structures have emerged from the ground, structures resembling the same technology of Naboris. Something is changing, is this for the good? … Rumors have now started of a legendary champion rising along the structures, making his way across Hyrule activating each of them one by one, is this the savior of us all? … I wonder … … … … .. … #eldritchhorror #illustration #drawing #inkdrawing #darkfantasy #artistsoninstagram #berserk #dark #fantasy #horror #darkness #link #comics #darkart #illustrationart #darksouls #demon #traditional #dnd #darkartists #eldritch #mangaart #evil #eldenring #zelda #botw #gaming #metal #lozbotw https://www.instagram.com/p/Chs8ODDOPnd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
The heavenly Sword and the "Ballad of the Goddess" prompted me to another request. How would the Champions from Botw react to the fact that the reader is a goddess, and she is Hylia's sister. She owns the precious triforce, which passed to her long ago after the death of Hailya as an inheritance. Thank you again ( ╹ ▽ ╹ )
Heyo!! Sorry this took me so long school and work has been a lot lately. Anyways this is a joint headcannon for the Champions as a whole so enjoy!!
I'm gonna make this an age of calamity timeline sort of because some things will change with you around
First of all, you were a wandering goddess, helping out where you could without using your full power. Without the Triforces power you were strong but you preferred to allow humanity to solve their own problems. With a little heavenly guidance
Your main power that you used was music. You could play a melody on your flute and it would guide a person's soul, helping them to understand their desires and purpose.
With calamity rising once again you decided to investigate the castle where you knew Ganon would strike. What you weren't prepared for was the organization of the Champions to be in the castle and for the princess to notice you.
You had snuck to the lowest levels of the castle with your little egg friend to try and place a seal that would hold Ganon back as long as you could when you felt her.
This girl looked so much like your beloved sister, but the aura told you all you needed to know. This was her. Your sister reincarnated once again
Behind her stood a member of each kingdom scattered across Hyrule. You easily connected them as the elite guard you had heard whispers of.
It took some convincing but with a show of your powers and carefully sharing your aura with Zelda, although you had to approach like they were scared animals when faced with the protective circle around the princess.
Zelda was the first to trust you, although your little guardian may have seriously helped with the process. You allowed her to spend all the time she wanted with it and you got to know eachother.
Zelda confessed to you about her struggles with her powers and you declared you would do everything in your power to help unlock hers.
It took time but you managed to help her learn. It came down to her accepting a lot of emotions she had pushed down and finally allowing herself to be free of expectations. Yeah. Not an easy task. But you managed to help her feel confident and your efforts were greatly appreciated by her and the ones who cared for her.
In the beginning you would have to play your flute to allow her to find that inner harmony and then she could use her powers of light
Urbosa was someone who came around pretty fast. She has this mom instinct and despite you being thousands of years older her brain saw you and Zelda giggling as you did research in the fields and her brain went ah yes. Another child to take care of.
She also has a really good judge of character and do she knew immediately you only had the best intentions.
Mipha loved to hear your stories. You once found her talking to Vah Rutah and you mentioned that her ancestor Ruto would be proud of the Champion she became. Mipha asked to hear about stories and you gladly obliged with her wishes. Telling her all about the young Zora sage and how she had fallen in love with the hero too.
Mipha saw you as a mentor person and you would share your knowledge of her kind and you would help her perfect her ability with her trident. With your help she learned to defend against any attack and to carry that confidence into her life outside of battle.
Revali was a tricky one to get close to. He didn't trust you and the closer you got to the other the more he came to resent your presence. It wasn't until he found you atop Hebra peaks playing the flute when he finally allowed himself to get close.
The Rito are a musical people, not that Revali would ever allow others to witness his incredible prowess (yes that's a quote). But seeing you nestled in the snow playing that melody, each snowflake twirling around you as if by your command. He understood why everyone was so in awe of you.
Soon enough, Revali would meet you in the highest peaks of the Hebra mountains to play together. He would confess how he wished he could do more than play the side character but you would remind him that without his assistance Link and Zelda would never be able to defeat Ganon. His role was not small or unimportant nor was he.
Daruk may have been the easiest to befriend. You visited Death mountain and there was a rockslide. You punched one of the rocks splitting it into pieces and the big man was your new bestie.
Not to mention that super spicy marinade for a tasty rock made him know you were as stand up as they come
Honestly you and Daruk could be a dangerous combination. Super powerful dirty meets indestructible shield. You once blasted his shield with you powers and sent him bouncing down the mountain. He was fine but you were both banned from hanging out without supervision.
Link was one person who could not be that supervision. He tried his best to be the stoic hero everyone expected of him but if you three were alone together, the brain cells ran away fast.
To be fair it was a great combination in battle. You could use stasis on Daruk and Link would hit him as hard as he could creating a meteor of mass destruction barreling into your enemies.
After a battle you all would have a camp out where you and Link would work perfectly together to whip up something mouth watering. You had millions of recipes from your time wandering and just as many stories to tell around the fire.
It took time and convincing, but you managed to get each champion to bring along an instrument and play through the night. Sometimes Daruk would get a little crazy with a drum solo or Revali would get snarky if he felt like he was being stared at but eventually you would all relax. You would lead a melody and they would all fall into step bringing forth a tube that could bring a year to your eye or convince you to dance.
It wasn't long before Ganon came forth, malice reaching out across the land and taking hold of guardians and Divine Beats alike
Using the power of the Triforce you placed protection on each of the Champions. They would be unable to die until the sun rises
With your divine blessings and the power of the Triforce you were able to grant the Champions a boost on their strength and powers. You focused all you had on protecting them from injury and fatigue.
Unfortunately the sun would rise soon
With the help of your little Guardian you tapped into the warp pads on each Divine Beast and teleported yourself, Link, and Zelda to them.
Each battle was draining on your powers, you had extended you halo of protection to all of Hyrule. No citizen would die while you were watching over them.
Finally the Champions we're ready to face Ganon. Together you and Zelda merged you powers to trap him in a bubble of light. The Champions locked the Divine Beasts onto the beast and blasted him. You forced him into his beastly pig form where Link and Zelda together could finish the battle
Powered by the Guardians blasts you created a gate around the fight keeping him contained. Using your flute, you played a rythm to confuse Ganon.
With the Master sword and the bow of light, Ganon was finally defeated.
Hyrule was saved and you were finally done with your goal. You giggled as your egg teleported the Champions together to celebrate.
You were tired from the long battle but happy nonetheless. As you watched the Champions celebrate- even Revali grudgingly allowed Daruk to ruffle his feathers- you smiled. You thought of your sister as you watched over her creations and you knew she would be proud.
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attllhak · 2 years
Twilight Divine Beast epithet? The Ordon, the Twili, the Zonai? I just found your fic a Change in Fate and I am /very/ curious.
This took me a bit to answer because I had to find the text conversation with my friend this came from.
Originally this whole theory started with us talking about phenotypes and genotypes in the Links. This isn't relevant I just find it amusing this was the conversation happening at the time.
At some point in this conversation, my best friend almost randomly asked me "Wait are the zonai descendants of Ordon village?"
Which, made me think.
Firstly, Ordon is in the right place. The Ordona province in Twilight Princess is south of Faron, though by Breath of the Wild that entire area is considered Faron. (I don't know if this was mapmaker making mistakes at one point, or Faron moving in to engulf Ordona. Doesn't really matter either way.) And the Zonai are from Faron, so they're in the right area.
How do the Twili fit in? Well, a lot of people consider the Zonai to be Twili in some way. So, I did some thinking.
Let's assume Twilight and Dusk manage to fix the mirror, and they find a way to let any Twili return to Hyrule and live there without the need of the Twilight covering the area. This isn't a leap, all Zonai = Twili theories require this assumption.
So, with these assumptions, we can naturally assume that at some point after this Midna will have to work with Dusk to set up a small Twili colony in Hyrule. And of all the places to put this colony, I think it'd make the most sense to put it in Ordona. There are only two hylians to ever end up close to a Twili, and that's Dusk and Twilight in regards to their relationship with Midna. Meaning it'd make sense to put the colony next to the home of one of these hylians, since there's a preexisting relationship to help ease the transition. And, putting it near the capitol doesn't make as much sense. Dusk is too busy being queen to act as an ambassador of sorts in the day to day, and I don't think the people of Castle Town would be eager to welcome the Twili. Ordon village, however, was never actually attacked by Twilit monsters, since we save Ordona before her light is stolen, so there's less bad blood there to start with, and Twilight's job means he can spend more time at home building a closer relationship between the cultures.
Furthermore, the Zonai have two notable aspects about their culture revealed in BotW: they were powerful magic users, and they were considered barbarians.
The Twili have a natural talent for powerful magic, but unless they've been turned into monsters they don't seem to be fond of physical fighting. Conversely, the Ordonians are not magically inclined at all, but they are physical fighters, with both swordsman and wrestlers found among them. (Some of them, like Twilight, are both!)
I like to think the Zonai were likely the result of the Twili and Ordonians merging their cultures and intermarrying. It's not as out there as any other theory, anyways.
So, what does this have to do with Twilight's 'Divine Beast' epithet? Well, that's pretty simple.
At the end of Twilight Princess, only a small group of people know Twilight as a Divine Beast. Midna and Twilight, of course, as well as the Sages, since they were there when Midna came clean about everything. I don't know if even Dusk knows about this title. And yet, by BotW it's well known enough to have powerful animal-shaped machines named after him. So, what happened?
I think Midna would have wanted to honour the hylians who helped her save her people, even after everything they lived through. And besides, Midna said her people had a prophecy about a Divine Beast coming to save them. It'd make sense she'd let people know she fought alongside this Divine Beast, and talk about who he is. So, when they made the jump to the colony, most Twili would know the Divine Beast was a Light Dweller and Hero.
This of course would mean the epithet was used more often, and would have existed when the merge into one culture happened. With the Zonai calling the Hero of Twilight the Divine Beast, it would make sense that by the time the sheikah made the Divine Beast machines the title was well known enough that Twilight could be the namesake of the giant mech animals.
TL;DR: I think the Zonai were the result of a culture merge between the Twili and the Ordonians, and that's why enough people knew of Twilight's Divine Beast epithet for the Divine Beasts to be named for him.
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ezlo-x · 2 years
I have an ask! What role do the Divine Beasts play in your AU, if any?
I sorta answered this question in this ask but I do wanna add and change a few things.
The Divine Beasts are still a big threat just like I mentioned there in the ask. The new champions (and Mipha) are the ones who need to gain back the Divine Beasts through a trial that was given by the Sheikah monks.
The Divine Beasts are highly active and tend to cause harm, not specifically to the people, but to the environment that they roam around. Vah Ruta causes massive flooding and is at the brink point of breaking the Rutala Dam. Vah Rudania causes the earth to shake with the close possibility of activating a centuries old dormant volcano. Vah Medoh strong winds causes for the weather to alter and become more colder than before. Vah Naboris causes strong sandstorms that slowly inch closer and closer to Gerudo Town.
Aside from being a threat and the champions gain back control of the Divine Beasts, they have the same role as in botw on aiming their giant laser beam towards hyrule castle.
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luimagines · 3 years
Hi! First of all, I wanted to let you know that your writing makes my heart melt! All of your works are as funny as they are incredible, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with your blog!
If it’s okay to request, could you write something about the boys having to dance with the reader? And when they do, they start to catch feelings for the reader but don’t realize it? If it’s okay, of course ♡ have a good day!! And please, take all the time you need if you write it!
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If I had a nickel for every time some one requested a detailed scenario where you can dance with Link, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
I should have known there were those who yearn. (And I listened to the song you referenced anon, and it's nice but I personally like Sam Smith's version better.)
But yes, I'll see what I can do.
Part 1 will include Warrior, Sky and Four
Content under the cut!
Warrior wasn’t sure why the princess thought that throwing a party for the hero was considered a good thing.
Or at least not without warning them about it first.
He supposed she was just excited to invite heroes of the ears into her home and wanted them to feel that at least their efforts were appreciated.
But he hated this.
And Link knew he wasn’t the only one to think so if the looks of his companions were anything to go by.
But even as he makes his rounds amongst the elite, the fake and the genuine, he tried to make sure that his friends were at least have a comfortable time. He wanted them to know that they didn’t have to keep a face like he did amongst this group so if they wanted to have fun and dance and eat then they could.
They were guests in his home as well.
But no matter where he looked and no matter how many rounds he made, he noticed that were nowhere to be found.
Confused, he ventured outside the venue.
And as he looking for you, he just sees a silhouette against the moon light on top of one of the decorative rocks out in the middle of the rose bush maze.
There was no one else around and then again the guards and people were too drunk and joyful to notice someone breaking the ground rules of conduct or if they noticed, they simply did not care.
He makes his way toward the shadow and stalls for a moment when you look his way.
The way the light hit your frame seemed delicate and ethereal with an otherworldly glow to your hair and skin. The royal purple garb they gave you as a gift for not having anything suitable to wear to the party hugged your curves and angles in all the right ways. Someone must have offered you some jewelry to go with it because he doesn’t remember you having the gold necklace and matching head piece that pulls your hair back into a crown of curls tat frame your face in a divine manner.
Link found himself unable to breath for a second.
You smile and say, “I’m just taking in some air.”
“Not enjoying the party?” He blurts, worried for a moment that you’ve been uncomfortable this entire time... by yourself.... away from everyone.... just sitting in the darkness with the sounds of music and laughter in the background.
“It felt weird to be at a heroes party when I myself- am not a hero.” You shrug and lean back casually on the rock. “Here to drag me back Capitan?”
Warrior blinks and registers the change of pace in the music and will deny to the end of his life where he found the nerve to do what he does next.
He smoothly places the his cup of lightly bubbled alcohol on one of the lower rocks and holds out his hand to you. “Dance with me. Just once.”
You blink and also tune into the music behind the two of you.
It’s a slow dance.
You gradually smile and reach out to him, pulling yourself from the rocks surface and into his arms. “Just one dance.”
Warrior tries to hide the gulp that threatens to noticeably bob his Adam’s apple and places his hands on your waist and holds your hand respectfully. “Have you danced before?”
“Technically.” You answer and place your own hands in his and on his shoulder, pulling yourself closer to him. “I while I know how to dance with the elite, it’s just never been my scene.”
“I know how you feel.” Warrior takes the leads and guides you through the steps of the song. He’s been through countless hours of training for battle- and not those that end in bloodshed- but those that take place in the ball room with the nobles and high end society that would have one looked at him scorn and distaste.
He doesn’t blame you for wanting to get away.
But he does want you to enjoy yourself... if only a little bit.
The steps come naturally to him and he takes a moment to spin you around before you trip over your own feet.
A small giggle escapes your lips as you twirl and send the fabric billowing around you.
Warrior is struck stupid by the sight and almost steps off beat with the music. He’s quick to correct himself but he seemed to have your laughter on his mind on repeat.
“I’d stay out here with you if I could.” He admits as he repositions himself against you, trying to lead you away from the rose thorns and the maze itself so neither of you get caught up in it. “But unfortunately my disappearance won’t go unnoticed for long.”
“Oh...” You blink and look up into his eyes. “I suppose you really only have time for one dance, huh?”
He’s unprepared by how disappointed you sound and it would appear so are you with how quick you try to cover it up.
“It’s fine! You’re an important figure here, I guess it’s only natural that every one would want your attention. I hope you enjoy the party though. Unlike me, you deserve the recognition.” You smile genuinely but your eyes look like they’re trying to get some unknown message across.
“If I can somehow get away again-” Warrior rushes to keep your smile there and to include you in the collective joy the party was supposed to bring. “-Will you save another dance for me?”
You hum and tap you finger to you chin in thought. “It hasn’t been that bad being out here by myself...”
Warrior really hopes that you let him dance with you again even when you pull apart to the end of the music. 
But you grin and reach up to boop his nose with the same finger. “Alright soldier boy, since you asked so nicely I’ll save the last dance just for you.” 
Warrior laughs a little breathlessly and has to force himself to step away from you. He hopes to any and all who can hear them that’s he’s not actually blushing right now. “Ok. I’ll be back then.”
“I’ll be waiting.” 
Sky was sure that every one was having a great time. 
The music was loud and energetic and his friends were all off doing their own thing while the festival was in full motion.
It was a celebration for the people’s loftwings since it was usually the time of the year that they left their rider’s side- presumably to go lay their eggs for the next generation of riders.
But it was all fun and games for everyone involved.
Wind and Four seemed to be in a highly competitive match of toss the sack with Twilight being the point keeper on the other end. Wild and Hyrule were busy enjoying the food and no doubt collecting the recipes (Sky was hoping that Wild would make the food so he was no way inclined to stop him). Time and Warrior were off in a corner, talking to each other with a cup in each of their hands. Legend stood next to them without a cup but he seemed to be more interested in the décor and loftwings themselves.
But you...
Sky stopped walking along the ribbon perimeter and looked over to you.
You were by yourself... You didn’t particularly happy..
And that just won’t stand.
With subtle determination, he marches over to you and taps your shoulder.
You seem to blink back into the present and raise an eyebrow to him in return.
He can see the question on your lips just as you’re about to say it so he juts his head into he direction of the dance area with a simple hand out in your direction.
He hopes his intentions are clear.
You eye his hand and snap your mouth shut with a soft click. Sky gulps  suddenly, a strange bout of nervousness attempting to choke his system as you take your time to think about his offer.
Sky would never force you to do something that you don’t want to do but really (and he has no idea where this urge comes from) wants to dance with you.
Just once.
Just once to see you smile and enjoy yourself.
To see you happy.
You place your hand in his, soft and small and so much different than his own. “Lead the way, Boy Wonder.”
You smile and he returns your gesture, gently pulling you toward the open area as the next song starts. It’s light and airy and it’s enough to keep you moving even if you both stall for a minute to just sway side to side in each others arms.
Sky didn’t know that he’d feel so whole and accomplished by just holding you.
Emboldened by the tune of the events, Sky takes a step back and twirls you around as the music flows up and down again just in time to bring you back into his arms.
You laugh. “Perfect timing.”
“I do try.” Sky winks.
You giggle to yourself with a small shake of your head but you keep swaying with Sky across the dance floor.
The music comes to an end and Sky does his best gentleman’s bow as he lets go of you completely- even if he finds that he doesn’t want to. “An absolute honor to dance with you.”
The music starts up again in a similar tune but all he would have to settle for is just one dance. It’s all he’s comfortable with asking from you. 
“Sky wait.” You blurt.
He turns around to see that... well you seemed to have startled yourself as well.
“I um..” You bite your lip and vaguely gesture to the musicians in the distance. “They’re not done.”
Sky smirks a little. “But the song is.”
“I uh... Just one more dance?” You hold your hand out to him this time and he stares in shock.
Not for long though.
He’s quick to place his hand in your and pull himself back to you. “I’d love to.”
Four was excited to show everyone around the Festival of Fools. It was his favorite time of the year where everyone got to be silly and destress and play and eat and dance.
Four had always run around trying to do what he could never get away with on a typical day but right now he had to make sure his traveling companion didn’t actually burn the town down.
He loved them but he’d lying if he said that he wasn’t just the tiniest concerned over their facial expressions when he said that anything goes really- no laws but those of the people apply today.
Which made him the temporary babysitter for some of the more rowdy ones.
But he had lost sight of you a while ago.
Not that he was concerned or anything but... He did want to spend time with you.
The festival doesn’t happen everyday and he knew that there would only be so many days left that he’d be able to spend with the group and even less so that they’d be given a chance to relax and unwind.
That thought urged him forward to find you.
If only to make sure that you were having a good time.
He had found you by the food court where you munched on a meat stick and watched as the people came and go.
You looked bored.
Now Four knew that parties weren’t entirely your scene and you weren’t the kind of person to go and throw yourself into the middle of it all.
That being said it still rubbed him the wrong way when you looked like you would rather be anywhere but there.
 He oughta do something about it.
Just across the street a band had begun playing music for the people to dance to, now that they’ve usually had their fill for lunch.
Four saw you look over and smile, basking in the edges of their amplified joy and amusement.
He grinned and ran over to you, tugging your hand into his own and pulling you close to him. “Dance with me!”
“Wha- Four? Where’d you come from?” You dropped the finished stick in shock and followed him as he dragged you to the open space just beyond the food cart.
“I live here.” He laughed and spun you around. “Just one dance!”
“I- but- Four!” You dug your heels into the dirt and stopped the both of you from reach the destination. “I can’t dance! I- I’ve never danced.”
Four turns to look at you and smiles encouragingly. “Just let loose, it’s easy. There’s no right way to move, you just do. Just feel the music and my lead.”
You bite your lip and Four takes the moment of hesitation to pull you forward again. you let him and soon find yourself on a dirt arena with lively music and people all around you.
“Don’t let go of my hand ok?” Four grins.
You find yourself grinning as well and soon you’re both spinning and jumping and leaping and twirling around each other to the beat of music.
It’s fast and fun and within moments on simply holding onto Four you find yourself laughing uncontrollably as he throws you around like a rag doll in which ever way he likes.
He’s stronger than you imagined him to be but then again... He’s a blacksmith.
It shouldn’t be all that surprising.
Somehow in the midst of it, he throws you in the air and over his head, catching you in a spin and letting you catch your breath and the music dies down and another begins.
“You ok?” Four asks, a little breathless himself. He doesn’t think he’s heard you laugh so hard or for so long.
It’s nice.
“That was fun!” You managed to say in between your giggles.
Four’s grin widened and even if he knows it’s not your style.... and he only asked for one, he holds his hand out again just in time for the next crescendo to begin.
You look up and look at him and his hand...
You don’t hesitate to put your hand in his and he pulls you close to him again.
You spin and laugh and jump and twirl well into the night, completely forgetting about the others until you have to turn in for the night.
Four’s feet hurt by the end of it and he’s exhausted but to see and hear you smile and laugh and enjoy yourself in what is arguably his favorite time of year was completely worth it.
He hopes that he can spend more time with you... He hopes for just one more dance before it all ends.
Part 2
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Astor nodded. He and paced the hall and muttered under his breath.
“I see...I never meddled in the realm of technology...but to think that Sheikah Technology could hold such a secret.” He tapped his chin, staring at the astrolabe on the other side of the dungeon bars. “I suppose it makes sense. The advanced accomplishments and feats that such technology is capable of...it’s only naturally that it is powered by unconventional means.”
Siv spun the Sheikah Core on his index finger like it was a ball. “Yeeeep. I’m guessing that’s what allowed the super old dudes to beat the Calamity all those years ago.” He shook his head. “So, yeah. Dick Lord Ganon is gonna use that to turn the Guardians and Divine Beasts against us. And even if the science peeps keep researching into them...well.” He looked up at Astor. “Obviously, they would never figure out this crucial little detail even after a hundred years of science-ing. So this is our little secret, capiche?”
Astor nodded again. If what Asivus was saying was true (And it was) then Hyrule were truly doomed. The Calamity would exploit this secret, and use it to flip the entire war on its head. This is what Ganon would use to turn the Divine Beasts against them.
If any of the researchers found out about this aspect of Ancient Technology, and adapted to it, then Ganon would lose his biggest advantage...and it might be possible to...
The seer quickly shook away the thought. No, even if they knew, the world would be helpless all the same when the Princess fails to awaken their powers. In fact, it would probably be more brutal if Ganon’s forces were reliant completely on the bludgeoning and stabbing that came with monsters. Machines would have avoidable patterns in a post-apocalyptic world, but monsters of malice would be exceptionally harder.
So yes...We keep this info from everyone. Especially Robbie and Purah and...
“How sure are you that no one else could figure this out?” Astor asked.
“Decently sure. I mean, it’d be pretty hard to guess such a crazy thing.” Asivus shrugged.
“Are you positive? Because I know my—” He stopped in his tracks, suddenly stumbling on his words. “I—in reference to random researchers—other non-specified—she’s not—Look. There are very talented and intelligent researchers across the kingdom, surely someone—”
“Did you say it yourself? Everyone’s way to arrogant around here!” Siv threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “No one’s gonna look for faults in their perfect little war machines! They shoot lasers, and don’t talk back. It’s a general’s wet dream. Even if someone figured out this secret, no one here would listen to them.” He waved his hand in a circle and gestured towards his half brother. “Case in point: You.”
Astor folded his arms and sighed. “Alright, fine. So that’s how the Calamity will turn the Guardians and Beasts against us. But what’s the actual execution of it all? The plan? What’s your play in this? How did the Guardians in the yard get corrupted?”
Siv was silent; thinking. He seemed to be endlessly swimming through thoughts and words and memories. The man fiddled with the discs surrounding the astrolabe, eyes drooping in misery. Interesting.
“I was supposed to make them. That’s what he wanted,” Asivus finally said. “Beast of water, lightning, air, and fire. Or, demons? Blights or something. Creatures that were to take on the Divine Beasts.They’re built slightly different than Guardians, so he needed a little something special to deal with ‘em.” He blew hair off his forehead with a huff. “It all sorta just came into my head in the minutes before I fucked up those Guardians, so the details come and go, but that’s the gist. I make the Blights, Ganon does his thing, then I wait at the Sanctum to achieve true happiness or whatever he was bullshitting.”
“But you failed.” Astor interjected. “You failed to make the blights, and thus today’s calamity failed. At least, in this timeline.” Siv opened his mouth to object, but he continued to think outloud. “The Guardians were a fluke, then. You were not capable of creating Blights, but wielded enough malice to corrupt a Guardian. Although that brings into question how you control malice to begin with...and why you were chosen specifically for the task...”
Asivus was silent again, spinning the astrolabe on the floor. Astor observed him for a moment.
“Is he speaking to you? At the moment?” The seer asked. “Every time you fall silent is when you start looking down at that device. That thing I can correctly assume is the instigator of all this, given that you look at it every time I ask about the recent Guardians you ruined.”
Asivus narrowed his eyes at him, annoyed at being so readable.
“Ganon isn’t in your head, as you said you were overcome with this information in the minutes you truly held that astrolabe and walked by the Guardians.” He thought back. “Earlier before the incident you said you had a dream, and then you found the astrolabe? You leave it on your desk as a paper weight, before developing the decent moral to drop off a potential lost item to the Sheikah. But then you were holding the astrolabe in proximity to the Guardians, and subsequently are suddenly given the revelation to the Calamity’s plan...”
He locked eyes with him. “Combine that with the truth about all Sheikah Technology itself...and the fact that your eyes only change when that core is in your possession...”
Astor walked closer and gripped one of the bars, calmly. “That astrolabe is the link between you and the Calamity. It speaking to you through it. It’s lending you the power to control malice. It’s a manifested vessel of Ganon’s ill intent for this world...perhaps made of whatever malice plagues yourself. Perhaps he chose you for the job because you’re brimming with his favourite substance.”
Assivus started at the seer, and blinked once. Astor took that as confirmation, but asked anyways: “Am I wrong?”
Siv bit his tongue for a moment, before sighing in defeat. “You’ve got Ligero’s mannerisms down to the T. The perceptiveness nearly makes me wish I had actually paid attention to his parenting attempts.”
Something twisted inside Astor at that comment, and his voice grew a dangerous edge. “I’m nothing like him.”
“It’s alright, don’t take it personally. I just have a love-hate relationship with smart people.”
“Tsk.” The prophet stared down the corridor in thought. “Don’t we all.”
“But you’re wrong about one thing.” Siv added, and he looked up at Astor with a new seriousness. “I didn’t ‘fail’ to make the blights.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I didn’t fail to make the blights, I didn’t want to.” Asivus raised his voice, and rolled the astrolabe to the other side of the cell. “You can’t fail something you never really attempted in the first place.” He winked. “I mean, that’s been my philosophy on life for the last 15 years, heh.”
Astor blinked in surprise. “But...why? The world is doomed, and you were handed a position of life and power on a silver tray. Chosen above anyone else.  Why wouldn’t—?”
“I didn’t do it because I’m not like you, pissface!�� Siv snapped. “I jump outta my socks to make a selfish decision. I don’t just run away from any inconvenience in my life.”
Astor nearly laughed. “Oh? And what exactly is it that you do, then? You’re really going to preach to me, Mr. Assivus Asunder?”
“YEAH! That name is exactly why I decided this!” He waved his arms in the air, and gestured to himself as he slumped against the wall. “Taking action and fighting for anything, regardless of what, sucks ass. Initiating change? Bad. Acting on what you care about? No likey.” Siv pounded his chest proudly. “The ideal ending for Asivus Ex-Hartell is to just chill out, and wait for the end. Drink in hand!”
He raised his empty flask, but nonetheless pretended to drink.
Astor frowned, but let the distant drip of leaking water echo in the corridor.
He watched Siv for a few more minutes, silently tapping his fingers on his elbow.
“You still care about your brother.”
It was a good think his flask was empty, as otherwise he would have spit out his drink. Siv angrily sputtered. “The fuck does that have to do with anything—?!”
“Why are you just relaxing in there after all this time?  You think you deserve this? Don’t want to be a burden for others?” Astor looked him up and down.
“Listen, you little shit. I know at this point it shouldn’t be a surprise that my family is made up of asshole, but—”
“You know when I first saw you around the castle, I did recognize you. The eyes, you see. But of course, I didn’t see the need to trouble you with my story, but I did watch you.” The prophet sneered. “Dear Asivus Hartell, sneaking into town to share a peach cobbler with his niece. Assivus Asunder, teaching his nephew to shield surf, and trying to encourage him down a more righteous path than his own. The Royal Orator Siv, who thanks his little brother for taking care of him by spending four hours making perfect hand drawn rat doodle cards.” Astor leaned down with a smirk. “You’re not the only one who paid attention to the captain’s birthday presents.”
“Alright get to the point, fuckface.” He waved the prophet off. “What? I screw around with my dumb family. What’s it gotta do with anything?”
“It means that for all your talk of laying down and dying and giving up, your action seems to indicate that you don’t actually believe that.” He jabbed a finger at Siv through the bars. “Or at least you don’t fully. Maybe you don’t want to. So don’t go blathering about your sorry life, only to try and insult me in the next minute. This isn’t about your apathy. You’re just scrambling at this low bar Ganon gives you as you drool the rare opportunity to unequivocally be an undeniably good person. You just want to tell yourself you’re a hero.”
Drip. Drip. Drip.
“OK.” Asivus curled his lip. “I didn’t want to join Ganon, because I’m still stupidly trying to not be an asshole. I’m too much of a wuss to commit to the dickhead role I was probably meant to fulfill. I’m pathetically trying to keep control over my image—is THAT what you want to hear, magic man? Congratu-fucking-lations. You turned the tables, you can see how pathetic I am and can feel better about yourself. How do ya feel?” The astrolabe had rolled by Asivus’ lap, and gold speckled in his eyes.
Astor sighed and answered honestly. “...Well. I’m envious, truth be told.” Siv blinked, but let him continue. “I haven’t bothered trying to be a hero my whole life, much less have such a driven (and these days useless) hunger to be ‘good.’” The seer shook his head, staring down the hall again. “I’m envious, but I do think you’re a fool. I’d take the opportunity to wield the future in a heartbeat, no matter the consequences.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying.” Siv chuckled. “This malice stuff is fucked up.”
“Only because you don’t understand it.” Astor replied, offended. “I’ve studies it for years, and it’s often misunderstood. There’s a beauty and usefulness to it, even detached from the Calamity. You’re just not intelligent enough to get it, I understand. ‘Love-hate relationship,’ like you said.” He snorted.
“Are you sick?! This Ancient Core thing made me walk through so many shitty memories and thoughts...I wouldn’t walk through that again to end OR save the world.”
“Again. All due to your plight of ignorance. It’s not your fault.”
Asivus rolled his eyes. “You know what? Why don’t you explain it me then?! If you’re so excited about it? Talk aaall about how I’m not fit to properly wield this and how pathetic I am?”
Siv dangled the astrolabe in the air between his fingers.
“Go on! Explain how great this malice is, and maybe then if you’re so eager I’ll just leave the thing in your care!”
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