#The Roadhouse
inthedarktrees · 1 year
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Sheryl Lee & Moira Kelly | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
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Plot holes dropped threads yeah yeah we've all seen em, you know what haunts me? The layout of Harvelle's Roadhouse. It defies the laws of physics. It appears to be longer on the inside than the outside, but that's not even the biggest thing. We've seen Ash has a room in the back, BUT WHERE DO ELLEN AND JO SLEEP? We collectively as a fandom have decided the Roadhouse has an upstairs in fic because it just makes sense BUT IT DOESN'T EXIST IN CANON. AND Ellen says she has "a couple cabins out back" WHERE????????
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jensensitive · 1 year
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And John had another big secret. There is a place where hunters gather, and it's run by an old friend of his. Kripke reveals how that storyline came about. "Very frankly, we had a note come down from the mysterious and unnamed powers that be, that they wanted the boys to have a way-station. They wanted to develop a place where we could see familiar faces, where they could go and maybe pick up a case, or pick up information, etc. So we took the note and we considered it, as we always do And Bob Singer had this notion that I really liked, which was, 'What if it's like the cantina in Star Wars? What if it's a place where dangerous things happen and dangerous people cross paths? That's a really intriguing idea. And from there came the roadhouse. Then we had to populate it…
"We felt we'd spent so much time with the father son relationship, we wanted to see what a mother-daughter relationship looks like in this world, because we always try to make the story about family. So this idea came about for Ellen and Jo," Kripke continues, explaining the genesis of the Harvelle women. "Everyone would have expected that Ellen had some fling going on with John, so we didn't want to go there We wanted them to have a true and honest platonic friendship, but we also had to explain why John never told the boys about the roadhouse. And hence this terrible backstory of how John got Ellen's husband killed.
"Ellen brought a maternal energy for our world, which the boys have never had before, which I found was really interesting. Like a lioness, which is tough and badass and You touch my children, I will kill you.' Samantha Ferris really brought that character to life. She was everything you wanted the character to be - she was nuanced and complex and tough, yet beautiful and feminine.
"Jo was originally introduced to be a love interest for Dean," says Kripke, confirming fan speculation. "And there was supposed to be this growth of this character who rebelled against her mother and went off to be a hunter, and you could see this person harden and toughen as the season went on, which we actually ended up executing, but not the way we'd expected. I thought Alona Tal did an amazing job. She was likable and charming-everything she was supposed to be and more. I think we did her a disservice by misconceiving the character. We wrote her as an innocent girl who wanted to be a hunter, and that gave her this energy of leaping before she looked and doing all these things that Dean wouldn't necessarily spark to. She was just so enthusiastic and so girl-next-door about her approach to hunting. In hindsight, Dean wouldn't be attracted to that character- he'd be attracted to Jennifer Garner's character from Alias. He'd be attracted to someone who walked in the door, slaughtered everybody and walked out, and then he would say, 'Who's that? Alona played it beautifully, but the character wasn't playing as the love interest, she was playing as the little sister. And because that wasn't what we set out to do, and because we don't necessarily need a little sister character in our cast, unfortunately we phased out the character."
If the show's vocal Internet fans are representative of its general viewership, then it's safe to say the "little sister" character will not be missed. But Jo is not the only roadhouse denizen that didn't work out quite as planned. "Then we had the character [Ash.]"
[spn s2 companion, p. 14, 15]
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Jo's level of hunting experience wasn't the only element up in the air for Alona's first few episodes. "Eric Kripke had mentioned in the beginning that there was a possibility of making her a love interest [for Dean]," Alona confirms. "I adore Jensen Ackles. It would have been an honor and a pleasure…" But the direction the characters took produced a different chemistry onscreen. "We felt that there was tension between the characters. They made us very snappy toward each other, and that tends to come off as a brotherly-sisterly kind of relationship."
[spn s2 companion, p. 138]
Rob: So, at the end of this episode, we find out that your dad was killed doing battle with Jensen’s dad, right? With Sam and Dean’s dad. You remember that? (Alona: Yeah) Like on a hunting trip. And at first, I felt like we were gonna find out that you were like Sam and Dean’s, like Sam and Dean’s half sister or something. Cause, yknow, she was like– it’s something with John Winchester that I had this history with. So you’re thinking that maybe, yknow, your mom and their father had a relationship. Did you read– did you think that when you first read the script?
Alona: Honestly, I think that– If I remember correctly– again, because it was so long ago, I’m– there were a lot of life changes to this living thing called The Roadhouse crew, right? But when I first talked to Eric– to Kripke about it, he did say that I was… like a little– that that was a potential. That they were my– that I was like a little sister. (Richard: Oh!) Like a half-sister, and that we were gonna find out– that was something that could have happened. But they weren’t sure if it was gonna go there or potential love interest. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. I don’t remember if it was the network– somebody wanted it to be a love interest. But then, it would have been– He was amused by the thought of it being really [laughs] creepy– that they were going towards love interest and then finding out [laughs] that she’s a half-sister. I think it was a little too much for the network back then.
Rob: Yeah [laughs]
Richard: Shame on them.
Alona: Although, I thought it was a really– I mean, playing with a potential love interest, but never fully going there, and then finding out she was a half sister would have been a lot, would have been fun. Cause it would have led to this like “eughh” moment between them.
Rob: [laughs] It woulda been funny. Yeah, it woulda been funny
Alona: It would have been– it would have been really funny. (Rob: Yeah) A little ahead of it’s time perhaps, but um, but that never ended up happening, and neither did the love interest thing, so, yknow there’s that.
Richard: I kinda thought– I took the bait as a viewer, I thought you were gonna come out as a half sister. And I mean I know I probably would have known that, going to so many conventions, I would have heard that already, but nonetheless, watching the episode, I’m like, “Ohhh, they did– they did it, and they had a daughter, oh man.” [Rob laughs]
Alona: Yeah! Yeah! (Richard: So, fooled me) And it would have– that would have made perfect sense.
Richard: Yeah, yknow, Rob and I kind of bemuse– yknow, we think out loud a lot about what drives the decision making of writers, and lord knows we don’t know. But your character is one of the prime examples of “they could have gone so many different directions.” I mean like, and, and they could have been– there’s a parallel universe where you ended up being a regular on that show for fifteen seasons. Yknow what I mean? Like, your character, really is, uh, attached– and [the] Roadhouse could have become more of a home base set. Like, yknow, when you watch this season up now– yknow, later on they had [the] Men of Letters [bunker]– [the] Roadhouse, it definitely seemed like the one standing set the show had for a while.
Alona: It– I think that’s what it was supposed to be. I remember Eric mentioning that– I mean that, the character was supposed to go one for much longer– Jo and Ellen. It was– it was  supposed to be that. And back then in what now it seems like the stone ages, there were the fan forums. [...] They had the cw forums, and fans would go on and they– I mean let’s not sugarcoat it– they hated my character.
Richard: And you were an obvious partner for Dean. Yknow what I mean– that rapport?
Alona: Yeah, especially like season two, that was– that was where it was going. And that– that was– she was brought in there, and I remember Eric telling me like, “You are the female version of him. So act, yknow, how cocky he walks around, and he has all this like, the bravado of the Dean character.” I tried to have a little bit of that in Jo without making it too obnoxious, and it just was– it backfired. [...] The response of the viewers was not what was intended, right? It wasn’t what was expected. It wasn’t what the writers, and the brilliant creator of the show were wanting, so they had to pivot. And that’s only me assuming. I wasn’t in the rooms, right, but the way it pivoted was so parallel to what they were writing that I can only assume that it was influenced by-- a show that really does listen to its fanbase– which is a good thing! For the show and for the fans. Not so much for me.
[spn then and now, 2x06, 16:30 - 24:00]
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lynchgirl90 · 7 months
Edward Louis Severson Ill ( Eddie Vedder) performing Out of Sand at the Roadhouse
Twin Peaks - The Return,
Season 3, Part 16 (8/27/2017), Twin Peaks the Return
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strwbryshortie · 2 years
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heaven bar scene brainrot for your pleasure
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the roadhouse is pretty established to be somewhere in nebraska. the spn wiki suggests it's somewhere in central nebraska, but as it's a roadhouse and is a known to be a passing through place for hunters, doesn't it make more sense for it to be off the I-80 along the southern end of the state? americans help is this a reasonable thought process, is the I-80 used enough to substantiate this
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castielsarmpit · 10 months
In my head dean and Ash fucked, and no one can convince me otherwise.
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supernoooo · 1 year
S2E2 Everybody loves a clown
aka Supernatural did creepy killer Clowns bevore it was cool
The Roadhouse, I'm happy
Also welcome Ash! I missed you. All business up front... and party in the back.
My partner isn't home, it's 3am, my meds haven't kicked in yet and that Clown is scary. As soon as my meds kick in I'll have some very intense dreams.
Dean truly is emotionaly constipated
Did those damn Kids never hear about stranger danger? Just letting clowns into their home?
I'll get the Show 2 points for consistency, Dean has a scar on his forhead from the crash
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tempestades · 2 years
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showmeyourflyers · 2 years
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spnepisodemasterlist · 10 months
Season 2, Episode 5: Simon Said
GSam and Dean meet Andy Gallagher, a slacker with psychic powers of persuasion. Once the brothers learn that Andy's family was visited by the Demon, Sam wonders if he could be one of the special children. (Directly from IMDB)
Director: Tim Iacofano
Writers: Eric Kripke, Ben Edlund, Sera Gamble
Set in: Guthrie, Oklahoma/ Nebraska
Holy shit, this episode is dark: starting with a vision of a murder-suicide
Wow I had forgotten that Sam and Dean used to go to the Roadhouse with every little problem, they’re literally there all the tiem. 
“Hey Ash, we need your help” / “Well, then I guess I need pants”
I had also forgotten about the budding romance between Jo and Dean
“You’re afraid of my mother?” / Dean nods, “I think so” Damn right, Ellen Harvelle is appropriately scary
“Hey, can I have it?” (referring to the Impala) / “Sure man” Dean gets out of the car, and gives it to him, thus an immediate realization that something is super super wrong
“He full on Obi-waned me! It’s mind control man!”
I love how most of these psychics know how to use their powers so much more than Sam does
Is this the episode that is, “Too soon?” / “yeah, Dean, three seconds is too soon.”
“You know, one day I’d like to just sit down and eat something that I don’t need to microwave.” Aww I can’t wait for the bunker where Dean’ll actually be able to do that. 
The evil guy in this episode looks vaguely like Elijah Wood, to the point where I thought for a while about whether or not he was actually Elijah Wood. 
Long lost twins??????
We’re getting deep psychological questions in these early season two episodes: “bottom line, if they’re pushed enough, everyone’s capable of murder.”
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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Julee Cruise (1956 – 2022)
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smolmight97 · 3 months
“Ceroba, are ya seein’ this?!?!?!?!?!”
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fullcravings · 2 months
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Texas Roadhouse Rolls Recipe (+ Homemade Cinnamon Honey Butter)
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fistedsister01 · 4 months
Paige Vavzant
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i think everyone at the roadhouse constantly gets a little bit second hand high because ash's room is so potently full of weed it spreads throughout godbless
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