#The Dead Keep Walking
sasukimimochi · 1 year
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The sound of low, raspy humming of a familiar tune took his attention away, lifting his head to gaze into the nearby forest of Yiling. “Wei Ying?”
Following his siren song, Lan Wangji shook as he brought himself to his feet. He grimaced in pain, taking a few shallow breaths but never able to breathe too deeply. The ache in his back forced him to stop routinely, but he couldn’t give up now… The melody was so close.
He pushed forward, stumbling into dense foliage and pushing it aside painfully. “Wei Ying…?” His body froze, pupils shrinking in shock.
Sitting upright against a tree in the distance was a corpse holding a young child, and not just any corpse and child. It was Wei Wuxian with Wen Yuan. Calmly drifting around the corpse was a thick resentment, moving like a living thing protecting its young. The moment the two were stumbled upon though, the humming came to an abrupt halt and the resentment curled around the two protectively.
Despite Wei Wuxian not turning his head nearly as quickly as he usually would to figure out who had stumbled upon them, the resentment reared itself almost like a feral animal in defense, giving the two a wide berth from the Lan.
“...Wei Ying…A-Yuan?” Lan Wangji managed, his heart falling to his feet.
He was too late.
this first art for TDKW! What do you guys think? v//w//v i rly like this one im proud of it
See More for TDKW below the line!
“The Dead Keep Walking” / TDKW - General rating* *maybe Teen if gross things are described, tbh more likely to be teen but not sure.
TDKW is a short project I have planned centered around LWJ finding the dead body of WWX and A-Yuan is with him- but WWX is undead and walking. WWX may be a corpse, but he is conscious- a bit more like TGCF in that sense for plot reasons, but I may provide a sort of "as canon as possible" answer to fit more into mdzs properly. maybe something like a tag he attached to his skin or something before death combined with resentment from his living body.
WWX is not completely right in the head; he repeats things a lot, has lost the ability partially to actually debate with people (he will just repeat himself when he knows he's correct or wants something) has an uncharacteristically flat expression because of his state and his movements aren't always too fluid. he is however still good at protecting, as his resentment still resides with him in death. he has become more unapologetically feral as a result.
There's not a lot of information I can share yet for this fic, but I wanted to share it since I have been thinking about it for quite some time!
A R T:
Broken Lullaby Sparkles and fretting
Music Playlist!
Find more MDZS art/projects on my masterpost! ❤
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riickgrimes · 3 months
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recycledraccoon · 7 months
Burrows End is SO SO good and Aabria is such a master of story telling. This season, despite being genuine DnD vs other systems Aabria has used, hasn't actually seen all that much full blown combat. Like, of course they've fought things throughout, but it's been so much more information hunting and puzzling together all the lore. But this obviously means those scenes we do have such full blown COMBAT with sets so much more important, which was obvious in the reactor....but the bear....so obviously it's been focused on in reference to Tula's reveal, or as a show of how fucked up biology wise this world they live in is and how dangerous it is in the forest.
But it's also Aabria laying such incredibly subtle groundwork. It's showing us "this is possible in this world. This happens. They can get inside of you, burrow into you, and you will be their walking warren. Parasite and host intertwined."
And then we move on...we focus on the secrets of the first stoats and learning of all these human things, and the chipmunks and bear are just fun tidbits to throwback to about how scary and fucked up things are, but no longer relevant.
Last week we heard those tapes, and I thought "that voice change there...the 'they're so sneaky'...was that a first stoat, who we only heard as squeaks, instead speaking through Dr. Wenabocker as he died?"
And I forgot about the bear too.
But the SECOND it was revealed that Wenabocker left, that his body was gone and that Phoebe left too? It all clicked.
The Bear wasn't just a fun, really cool fucked up battle set for an episode, it was incredibly important foreshadowing. The foundation, the trap, the big bad all at once hidden behind a cool, fucked up bear in the second goddamn episode of the season.
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figmentof · 3 months
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THE ONES WHO LIVE | 1x03 | "Bye"
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spacedlexi · 5 months
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"sounds nice... having a partner"
#the walking dead game#twdg#violentine#clementine twdg#violet twdg#MAANN when clem says this in s3 JUST WAIT BBY#people who say clemvi has no basis like ep2 isnt just them working as a team for 2 and a half hours regardless of player choice#like be fr#clem telling louis that violet patching up the back wall is ok because she needed something to keep herself busy. married behavior#vi asking clem to help check in on everyone while she deals with the wall. their shared smile when she comes back outside :)#and then they sit in the leadership spot together overlooking the yard and everything theyve planned together coming to fruition :)#sorry i just think their romance set up in eps 1 and 2 is obvious as FUCK and im tired of (Some) people pretending it isnt#'i havent seen her warm up to someone in a long time' brody literally tells clem that vi seems to like her after its been 24 hours#after shes been a block of ice for a whole year. and clem just melted those walls down immediately while they fought walkers together#violet is so devoted to clem post ep1 its embarrassing for her#'i saw she had you pinned and i- shit i got So crazy...' sorry if you dont think shes in love with clem idk what to tell you#'i'll tear that boat apart before we leave without you' i know you would girlie!!!#the animators went CRAAZAYAYAYAY the way they look at each other... their little smiles at each other....even before the belltower#the way clem looks at her while they dance.... the way she puts her head down on her shoulder so contentedly....#and then she keeps her head on violets shoulder as she pulls away so clems chin gets dragged with it like she doesnt want to let go#'so you never forget that night' 'i never will' they are DISGUSTINGLY in love with each other it makes me physically ill#its 2024 and im still hearing 'i just didnt see it :/'. lazerbeams you#spaced art 2024
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monsterinmyboxers · 8 months
KINKTOBER! day 17. — breeding with DARYL DIXON.
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it was only supposed to be a bath.
you wanted to spoil him, just this once, feel his muscles relax beneath your fingers. it didn’t take a lot of convincing, much to your surprise. he needed this more than you thought.
it started with you washing his hair, massaging his scalp, sitting on the side of the tub as you did.
then after you rinsed the shampoo and conditioner out, whilst you reached for the body wash, he grabbed one of your wrists. the grip was oddly gentle, and wet as expected. “get in with me.” he suggested, pausing. “please.”
now you were naked, sat in the bath behind him, rubbing the body wash over his skin.
he wasn’t as tense as he was earlier, instead leaning onto your chest whilst you worked. you thought it was cute. but, after a while, he started to squirm, his hands reaching back and gripping your limp dick. guess he was tired of feeling it press against his lower back.
“really? here?” you spoke while he moved to face you, sitting on your thighs. “easy clean up.” his response made you chuckle.
he made quick work of prep, water making the process much easier. once he sunk down on your cock, all the way to the base, he relied on you to carry his body weight and bounce him on your lap.
you did say you wanted to take care of him, right?
so, you do, the water sloshing around at every slight movement, with daryl letting out grunts and shaky sighs.
the more time went on, the more talkative you got, a telltale sign that you were close. “god, you’re perfect.” so, so close. and the moment he noticed, daryl took full advantage of your state. you’d give him anything, especially when you were about to come.
“come inside of me, c’mon.” now he started to grind himself, attempting to coax the cum out of you. maybe, this was why he wanted you to join him. he missed that warmth, your warmth.
he would be willing to take it in any way he can. whether that be whenever it radiated from your smile, or your arms around him, or your lips pressed against his, or your cum inside him.
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antlergrave · 2 months
i hope the person who tried to shit on me on twitter for my Regan art knows that they're only promoting me more, and now lots of people want to see more art from me, which motivates me to draw lol
it's really not that hard to not interact with something you don't like, but they decided to publicly shame me to their followers on another platform to incite hatred towards me and act like it's a crime for others to ship Rick Grimes with other characters other than Michonne. i really love Richonne and i honestly don't think there's anything wrong with coming up with non-canon ships as long as it's not illegal or hurting anyone, but publicly attacking someone online over a ship and fanart is the most ridiculous and immature thing you could ever do, especially when you're a full grown adult with a job and you're acting this way towards others who are clearly just having fun and causing no harm🤦🏻‍♀️
you can sit there and watch people and zombies get brutally killed for hours, but can't handle a single fanart of two men kissing? bffr 😂
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I havent seen anyone make gifs of these 2 moments so I did it myself
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ozonegrrrl · 2 months
drew some concept art louis designs ...
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ricksmarlene · 3 months
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TWD 3.06 // TOWL 1.05
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Part 1 Part 2 (you are here) Part 3 (in progress...) ...
For warnings/etc, refer to part 1 (there are no new warnings for this part) Art/more info for this fic can be found in my masterpost.
Part 2
· ✦  Right Here  ✦ ·
The journey to the location the corpse wanted was slow, due to Lan Wangji’s injuries and Wei Wuxian’s rigid body. The ever silent Wen Yuan peered over Wei Wuxian’s shoulders as he held onto them, eyes big and round as he looked at who he onced called rich-gege.
Lan Wangji couldn’t focus enough to even notice.
Upon arrival, Lan Wangji swayed, knees shaking as he collapsed. If not for Wei Wuxian who had been in front of him, he would definitely be on the floor, but his resentment did the job of keeping his legs locked so he didn’t fall with all three of them.
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian used his resentment to support his arms, supporting Lan Wangji with one while setting Wen Yuan down with the other. “A..Yuan…” He gestured to the dilapidated bed in the abandoned home loosely. “Dust…”
Wen Yuan scampered over quietly to the wooden bed to remove rubble and dust, wiping as much off as he could with his little hands. While he did that, Wei Wuxian very slowly stepped forward, one foot after another until he stood next to it. “Yuan…”
The little boy moved out of the way, starting to look around for anything for the hurt gege to rest his head on. “Ah!” He tugged on the shredded curtains, and with a few big heaves, he fell back in a heap. He popped out of the gray cloth, the sight making the corpse’s eyes squint slightly in what Wen Yuan thinks is his way of laughing now. “Xian-gege...” He speaks very quietly in a hoarse tone, much more quietly than he usually does, as he toddles clumsily back over with the armful of cloth.
“Thank…you…” Wei Wuxian carefully lowered Lan Wangji to the bed first so he was sitting, supporting him with one arm while Wen Yuan helped him fold the curtain into a make-shift headrest with the other.
Once Lan Wangji was comfortably settled on his stomach and his head resting, the corpse exhaled quietly as if whatever he had just done with the little boy was quite the task. Well, it was, but not when he was alive it wasn’t. “A-Yuan…” He holds out his hand slowly for the boy to take, then helps him get on the bed to sit beside the man. “Stay…”
Wen Yuan whimpered and held onto Wei Wuxian’s robes, a little tremor in his shoulders. “S-scared, baba…”
The corpse froze momentarily, but then allowed himself to fall to his knees once more and lean into the arms that came to hug his face. This was no surprise to Wei Wuxian. He’d not seen it all, but the little boy had seen too much. “Baba…will be…outside…pick…herbs.”
He nuzzled the boy to comfort him, but for a time, all Wen Yuan did was cling harder. “Watch…Lan Zhan…Baba…will be…right…here.”
Lan Wangji stared at the two with half-lidded eyes, feeling a deep aching throb move over his back in waves. “I won’t let anything happen to him…” His voice came quiet as if trying to match their volumes without thinking, but really it was just the exhaustion.
Wei Wuxian lifted his head slowly, his hand once more naturally returning to the little one’s back in slow, silent strokes. His gaze was calculating, but then he spoke once more. “You’re hurt.” He repeated, leaning down to hold his mouth against Wen Yuan’s forehead in what seemed to be a mock-kiss before gently scooting him back onto the bed. “Don’t…touch…Lan Zhan..’s….back.” The corpse leaned in and whispered something into the child’s ear, before finally letting him go to get up.
Lan Wangji’s eyelashes lowered in slow, drowsy movements. Ah…his back must be a mess if the other could tell where he was injured. He couldn’t find it in himself to regret it though, not as he watched the slow retreat of black robes through the broken doorway with blurry eyes. 
His eyes felt heavy, but much more so as a small warmth leaned into his side carefully and held his hand. He wanted to turn his head, but it hurt too much, he was too tired…too…
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punchitmrsulu · 4 months
“I love you so, so much. Till my last breath I am yours. You’re the love of my life.”
You’re the love of my life!!!!
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Bitcheeeeeessssssss LORI WHO???????!!!!! JESSIE WHO?????!!!!!!!!!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 11 days
As so many of you are filling my inbox asking about salad and why I found the fact they had two types of salad for dinner in the Buck and Tommy dinner scene so funny, I'm guessing you're new to the 911 fandom - Welcome if so! I am going to give you a very brief rundown of salad and Buck and Eddies various relationships, but @clusterbuck is actually the keeper of salad theory and you can find far more detailed analysis over on her blog than you’re getting from me here!!
I can't find gif of the actual salad moments so have pictures!!
Chris smashed salad bowl that he is making a salad in with his dad in season 4 (in Breaking point) - when he finds out about Ana being the person Eddie is dating.
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We have Ana turn up at the firehouse with Chris during the black out in 5x02 with 5 - yes 5 - types of salad When Eddie has his second on screen panic about Ana - when Ravi mistakes her for his wife.
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Then in 5x03 just before they break up - Eddie, Chris, and Ana are at the dining table in the Diaz house and they are eating fruit salad
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Then in 5x05 we have Taylor with her prepackaged fruit salad breakfast the she has 'made' for Buck when he gets home
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she is making a bean salad in 5x09 during the most awkward I love you scene in the history of television!
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Then we have a caprese salad in front of Natalia during the Dinner Buck cooked for her in 5x17 - when she finds out about various aspects of Bucks past and present - Taylor on the tv and Kameron turns up
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Then in 7x07 - when Eddie is daydreaming of a do over with Shannon during his lunch with Marisol they are eating a salad
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then we now have Buck and Tommy eating two different types of salad (a pasta salad and a salad salad) on their dinner date
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so basically it's become a bit of a running joke that if salad is involved with Buck or Eddie and one of their dates (especially in their own homes) , the relationship is doomed!
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on-twd-writing · 11 months
there is no but for me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warning: mention of infertility. English is not my first language.
Readers pronuns: She/Her
Description: Abraham asks Daryl a question (S6E11)
Italics is for the flashback.
There is no but for me
The last few weeks have been draining, and the fear of the so-called Saviors became more real day by day.
 They had to be faster, they had to fight them and win. There wasn’t even another option, no plan B. In this world, a plan B meant death most of the time. Yet there was a small spark of hope. Maggie was pregnant, and she and Glenn were as happy as ever. There was so much death and fear in the world, that Maggie's pregnancy almost sounded like a miracle. And this kind of miracle also reached a certain redhead in the group.
  Abraham started to think about the possibilities. A family. A place to settle down. His own daughter or son. With Sasha, he could imagine this, yet he hesitated. The whole idea had been kinda new to him. Even though Abraham was sure about a lot of things, he wasn’t sure about this plan for his life. When you have a child, you have to take responsibility, you have to protect the child, care for it and while Abraham was sure he would be capable of doing both things, he wasn’t sure if the world would let him do this.
 And that was why he was asking the others for their opinion. He needed to hear their thoughts; he needed some reassurance that starting a family in this world was okay. That he wouldn’t make a mistake with this one.
  The next one on his list was no other than Daryl Dixon.
 Abraham knew that Daryl and Y/N were a thing, despite never making it official. But they didn’t have to, Abraham has watched them long enough to see it. How Y/N would always stay up with Daryl to stay on watch, while they were still on the road and before they arrived in Alexandria. Y/N was somehow able to understand the grunts and huffs of the archer, she was the one who was able to calm him down whenever things escalated. He wouldn’t flinch at her touches, and sometimes they would sit in complete silence for hours, since they didn’t need words anymore to communicate.
 So, for Abraham, it was clear, that if someone would settle down as well, it would be these two. Why not? Daryl and Y/N were also good with kids, from what the redhead could tell.
 "You ever think about it? Settlin’ down?"
 Daryl raised his head, looking at Abraham. What was going on with the redhead?
 "You know… marriage, kids, the whole package. Come on, everyone knows about you and Y/N" Abraham chuckled a bit.
 "So, you have never thought about it?"
 "Ya think shit’s settled?"
 Daryl let out a gruff, slowly walking away, over to you. What did Abraham expect from Daryl? A conversation about marriage? Children? Not only was Daryl a very private person, but there was another reason behind it.
 Of course, you have talked about it. Actually, not that long ago…
  It was one of the first nights in Alexandria, and he couldn’t sleep and didn’t want to. This place wasn’t as safe as it seemed, or as people wanted to believe it. He couldn’t let his guard down, he had to protect his family….Judith, Carl… you. His partner. He never liked the term girlfriend. It sounded like you were in high school.
 When he heard your steps on the porch, he didn’t look up until you sat down next to him on the stairs. You handed him a cup of coffee – black coffee, no milk or sugar, exactly how he liked it. Daryl looked at you, a slight nod – thank you.
 You two sat in silence for a long time. The dark, innocent city lay in front of you, and for a moment, the world didn’t seem so cruel. Maybe peace was an option. Maybe coming home was finally an option.
 "What’s on your mind?"
 Your quite voice broke the silence and he looked at you. Yet you knew him to well that something was bugging him. He was staring into the night and you knew him, you knew him well enough.
 "Do ya think this place can be a home?"
 You let your eyes wander around, thinking about it for a moment. The clean streets, the smell of fresh flowers, running water …a soft bed…
 "I want to."
 You really wanted it but yet you couldn’t fully believe and understand it. But one part of you wanted to believe it, that maybe finally you could have a place you can call a home. This feeling was burning inside your chest, now a small flame but who knew maybe a fire in a few weeks.
 "What ‘bout a … home for us?"
 Your eyes grew bigger when you heard this question. You two never really put a name on it, you didn’t have to. You never pushed Daryl to give it a name, and he never gave you a reason that you needed a name for it.
 "Sounds…like a good future for us…"
 You smiled at him, leaned your head against his shoulder, as you closed your eyes.
 "I really like the idea."
 You could feel how Daryl smiled slightly as well. You two have never talked about the future, since you never knew if there was a future for you. Would you survive the next day? Next week? Month?
 "Ya do?"
 Daryl never thought about settling down with a woman. Before the world went down, he had been shamed by Merle for having any romantic feelings. Or being soft for someone.
 "Yes,… even this is new and it still feels weird, I want that. I want a future with you and I want… this to work out here… for us."
 "Wha’ da ya wish for?"
 Daryl wanted to give you everything. He wanted to make you happy, to feel safe and protected. He would do everything for you, just to see the beautiful smile of yours.
You snuggled closer to him, thinking about it.
 "I want to wake up next to you, in a cozy bed and none of us has to get up right away. I want to try to cook with you…"
 He let out a chuckle, knowing very well that you are a terrible cook.
 "… and then end up at Carols place, because otherwise we wouldn’t get a nice dinner. I want to listen to music with you, read a book while you work on your bike. I want to wash our clothe and-"
 "Ya wanna’ wash our clothes?" Daryl raised an eyebrow at your unusual wish "What kind of dream is that?"
 "It’s something normal. I want normal things with you, Daryl. I don’t need something fancy or adventurous, all I want is normality with you. I am sorry that this is so boring."
 "No…, ‘sounds good."
 You giggled a bit "That’s good, because I think I want this boring future with you."
 After everything you all went through boring sounded perfect.
 "What ‘bout children?"
 Daryl was afraid.  He didn’t know if he was a good dad and he didn’t want to ruin a wish you had.
 "I… don’t know…"
 He could tell in the sound of your voice that there was something else. He shifted and looked at you "What’s da matter?"
 You looked away from him into the dark night. Daryl waited for your response, not wanting to force you. He would never do this but you knew you had to tell him the truth. It wouldn’t be fair to keep this a secret.
 "I can’t."
 "Ya don’t have ta’ explain anythin’, darlin’."
 "No, I mean I can’t…can’t get pregnant… I’ve found it out years ago and that was why my boyfriend left me before the world ended."
 You were so insecure about it, you knew Daryl was different and you knew that Daryl loved you and yet, you were afraid that he would leave you for it. You weren’t afraid; you knew that Daryl would make a fantastic dad. You saw how he would handle Judith, how he fought for Carols lost daughter…
 Daryl grunted next to you; he lifted an arm to put it around your shoulder. A kiss on your temple followed.
"Don’t ya dare ta’ think ‘m gonna leave ya because of that" he murmured.
 "Listen, when it comes to ya, there is no but for me."
 His voice was firm, yet caring. This was enough, more than you could ask for. Daryl was a man of few words and he was able to shut down your dark thoughts right away. Daryl would stay, you knew it.
 You snuggled closer to him, enjoying the warm summer night a bit more.
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stuckinapril · 5 months
me stoically navigating my way through drama bc bigger things are ahead and it’s not my fault people are dumb
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bunny-extract · 8 months
I just can’t get over Ghost realizing he’s exhausted every other option before lining his fist up to his cheek and punching himself in the face over and over, frantically working against basic instinct to dislocate his own jaw. His limbs growing cold and numb while the virus takes over his nerves, rooting itself into the fiber of his muscles, recoding every neural network while he holds on to the memory of your smiling face back at home wishing him a safe and quick deployment. Smiling to himself with a mouth full of blood before his bone finally cracks.
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