#Tech Placement
hrways1 · 2 years
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thresholdbb · 4 months
Do we think Seven can feel all of her face and body?
The Borg know when things happen in the collective and can arguably feel them, but when an individual is severed from the Borg, that expansive collective consciousness is violently narrowed down to a pinpoint. We know Seven has pretty good proprioception because she agrees that her shoulder hurts when the EMH finds that her biradial clamp is off by 0.3 microns. Because of this, she arguably has a very good understanding of how things in her body feel. That said, she doesn't really complain about physical pains, and we really only see her struggle when things are emotionally difficult.
Since she had been in the collective since she was 6, she wouldn't necessarily know that certain sensations are not normal. If there were any issues that happened as a result of her assimilation, she wouldn't necessarily know they are unusual after she was severed because that's what she has always known.
So back to my original question: can she feel all of her face? Looking at the placement of her facial implants, they are both on the trigeminal nerve. The cheekbone implant is right around the root of the nerve, and the eyebrow piece sits right over another branch. Trigeminal neuralgia is crazy painful, but she could have trigeminal neuropathy and think it's completely normal because she doesn't have a typical baseline to compare it to. I imagine the Borg implants must interrupt some nerve functioning to ensure that the drones move as they are supposed to, and the nano probes would repair any damage that would affect their functioning. But the Borg would consider physical discomfort irrelevant, so relatively minor issues like neuralgia, pins and needles, or any other unusual sensations would not be considered an issue.
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elvenbeard · 11 months
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Road Trip 1/4 🏙️
Kerry: "Fuck, couldn't even tell ya when the last time was I went on a road trip." V: "Never been on one at all." Kerry: "... you kiddin'?" V: "Well, I guess you could count that half year I worked as a roadie. But that was more work than fun." Kerry: "If you're travelling with a band and don't've stories of wild escapades to tell on day two you're doing somethin' wrong." V: "That so?" Kerry: "Okay... lemme tell ya a story..."
I recently talked about how I love imagining Kerry and Vince on a long-ish road trip together, telling stories, absentmindedly holding hands, just enjoying the scenery and getting away from NC for a little while. And starting arguments with random radio DJs about old songs xD I bet Kerry has many stories to tell not only about his Samurai times but also his own tours and the shenanigans he went up to. Even Vince has a handful of travel stories to share, although he's not nearly as far-travelled as Kerry.
Where are they headed here? Not as important as they way to get there...
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in the scarena - iac 2023 day six
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xipiti · 1 year
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quaranmine · 5 months
Book Reviews with Quara
Since I keep talking about audiobooks, now I want to do a sort of mini book review of the books I've read since starting to "seriously" pick up reading again last year. Also I just like typing about things. I'm skipping Fire Season by Philip Connors and Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams because I've spoken about them already. Keep in mind I am not super-super critical of reading material; generally if I enjoyed it I'm giving 5 stars. If I disliked it though I get a lot more critical because then I want to start analyzing what didn't work for me. Now go forth and learn about what my reading taste is when I'm not reading/writing angsty mcyt fanfic!
Books I loved, aka 5 stars:
Cold Storage by David Koepp
This was the first book I checked out from Libby and it was a banger. I am still trying to replicate that high tbh. When I gave my mom access to my library card in Libby (her rural library has nothing and my city library has everything) I made her check it out too. The narration on the audiobook is fantastic. My mom raved about the narration and basically says she doesn't want to check anything out that wasn't as good--regularly her reviews to me are "good narrator, not as good as that Cold Storage book" lmao. You may know David Koepp as the guy who wrote the Jurassic Park screenplay. This is his first novel.
It's about a mutated fungus that is a sci-fi version of the very real Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which is more commonly known as the zombie-ant fungus. In this book, a version of Cordyceps can infect all lifeforms, including humans, and has been locked away deep in a former US military vault that has since been sold and converted into an underground storage facility. The plot follows two unlikely protags who work in the storage facility, as well as the two retired military people who are the only ones to have seen the fungi in action, as they try to prevent it from being released into the world. It's funny, horrifying, and gory.
They are making a movie of this book. The release date is tentatively 2024, but I worry about it because I have heard so little news on it. They did do filming though. I have high hopes because they cast Joe Keery as a main character, which I think is perfect casting for the guy in question. I have low hopes because they cast Liam Neeson, a white man, as a character who was originally Hispanic and (as I just noticed while writing this) changed the character's name to be more white. Ugh. Who is Robert Quinn and what did you do with Roberto Diaz???????
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
What if you got kidnapped and woke up in a parallel world where everybody knew who you were, but they think you're someone else? What if you're just a quantum physics professor, but this other version of you is a successful theoretical researcher? What if your wife never married you in this universe, and your son was never born? How do you get back home? This book is constantly pulling out interesting new questions, twists, and places to explore. Also I liked that while it does feature romance pretty prominently, it's about a guy who just really loves his wife of 15 years and wants to see her again. I just like it when men love their wives.
Also, a fair amount of Goodreads reviews poke fun at this author for having way too much fun hitting the enter key on his keyboard, but since I listened to the audiobook I never had to deal with any annoying formatting choices lol
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
I feel like we all know about this one already, tbh. If you don't, heavy tw for child abuse and eating disorders. Tread carefully. It's worth it though if you are confident you won't get triggered. If you haven't read it I recommend the audiobook specifically because Jennette narrates it herself and that gives the book so much extra. It was a 6 hour audiobook and I was gripped by it all day.
Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister
BACKWARDS TIMELOOP BABEYY!!! This one was great. It's about a Mom who witnesses her teenage son kill a man. Every day she wakes up in the past again until she can solve why this happened, the mystery leading up to it that entangles her family, and try to prevent it. First she ways up the day before, then two days, then three, then a two weeks, then a few months, then a few years--until her son hasn't even been born yet. I enjoyed it. Also a plus for British accent narrator (can you tell I'm American....)
A Rip Through Time by Kelley Armstrong
This one was fun. I checked it out because it was longish and I had to drive like 8 hrs roundtrip for a work trip, so I listened to this the entire way. It's about a (Canadian) woman named Mallory who was a police detective in the modern day, who gets attacked while out for a jog in Edinburgh, Scotland. The attacker strangles her and she goes unconscious. When she wakes up, however, she finds herself in someone else's body--in the Victorian era. She's now a 19 year old housemaid, and has to adapt as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion. She quickly finds out that she works for a man named Dr. Duncan Gray, who is a medical examiner. And there's a person who's been murdered in a very similar way to how Mallory herself was attacked. And she's quickly finding out that the person who's body she's in was not well-liked.
My favorite part about this one is the emphasis it has on early forensics in Victorian Scotland. Dr. Gray is a fantastic character and it is so interesting to see him doing his lil cutting-edge forensics research (which Mallory, being educated in modern times, wants desperately to help him with.) Also the narrator, while being Canadian, does Scottish accents for all the Scottish characters. I'm not the best person to ask as someone who isn't Scottish but I thought the accents sounded pretty good lol
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
My mom recommended this one to me. It's also a lot of fun. The title is, mostly, accurate. Ernest Cunningham (protag) is a writer, who mostly creates how-to books for mystery novelists he sells on Amazon. No, he doesn't write mysteries, he just writes the how-to books. But he's very well-versed in the "rules" of how to write a classic mystery! He promises that, as the narrator of this story, he will always be an entirely reliable narrator. The book itself is obviously fiction but within the narrative of the book, it is being told like a nonfiction account of something that the main character is writing down. This book is sort of a bottle mystery--strange murders while everyone is snowed in at a ski resort during a family reunion, anyone? The main character is funny and breaks the fourth wall often. I am convinced that there is a separate audiobook specific version since the narration within the book references it being an audiobook. The main character will be like "so, you probably realize this isn't the real killer, since we still have 4 hours of the book left to listen to" lol. I almost want to check out a print copy of this to see if the text is different.
Starter Villain by John Scalzi
First one on the list that I didn't listen to as an audiobook. Honestly, I probably read this book in 4 hours flat. Three of those hours just dead-focused while on a plane (with the book's hold expiring as soon as I landed and took my phone off airplane mode.)
I don't really know how to explain this one. I don't think I understood what it was about until I actually got like 4 chapters in and then I couldn't stop. It's just off-the wall ridiculous. There are talking cats. There are dolphins that want to unionize. There is a volcano lair. There are explosions and assasination attempts. There is a reasonably bleakly accurate capitalist picture of what "villainy" means in our world. There is a poor main character in over his head as he learns he's inherited all this from an uncle he never saw. This book is like...satire comedy. Comedy and outlandish but you're also depressed about billionaires a little while reading it.
Books I thought were Okay (3-4 stars but actually I gave both these 4 stars I think)
The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong
The second book to the book I mentioned above. Honestly, I remember very well what the first book was about (i typed the summary by memory) but I have trouble remembering specifics about this one. It's a bit too long as well, at 14 hours. I don't have anything bad to say about it, I just didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first one.
But honestly I do remember it was still a good time. I just really like Dr Gray as a character and the setting, early forensic science focus, etc. These books are also setting up to be an EXTREME slow burn romance between Gray and Mallory, which I don't mind. (Literally by book 2 the most we have is that she thinks he's attractive, so at this rate it will take us 3 more books to get anywhere lol.) I will be checking out the 3rd book when it is released this spring.
Someone Else's Shoes by Jojo Moines
Also a book that suffered from being too long. It's a 12 hour audiobook but I think that it could have been 8 or 9 hours and gotten the same point across. My mom recommended this to me. It's narrated by Daisy Ridley, who does a good job. I enjoyed it, but I also started to feel like I really wanted it to be done?
Also unsure how to describe this one. Slightly-contrived-but-cute plot about how a bag switch up in a gym connects two women's stories. One is a, frankly quite annoying, American woman who married rich but has now been completely cut off from her money (and even passport) by her ex-husband who's cheating on her with a younger woman. One is a British woman with low self-esteem and a bad job who is struggling to keep her family afloat while her husband suffers from severe depression. I think my favorite was a side character named Jasmine who brought light to every scene imo.
Books I disliked (2 stars but after writing this review I almost want to make it 1 star)
Aurora by David Koepp
David I really believed in you after Cold Storage. But imo, this book isn't it. It throws away every interesting part of its apocalypse-level plot to focus on the characters. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a good character-focused plot, except I never connected with anyone in the book. I just kind of didn't enjoy any of them. This is a story that is supposed to be about a solar flare taking out all electricity and communications for most of the world. And it only covers like a few days after the disaster AND THEN TIME SKIPS LIKE 8 MONTHS UNTIL EVERYTHING IS HAPPILY SOLVED NEIGHBORHOOD UTOPIA STYLE. I'm sorry????? Assuming I can believe that this little suburban Illinois cul-de-sac has managed to set up subsistence farming in a few months and is living perfectly happily, why would you....not show me how that happened.....
Also the "everything fits together" character moment at the end felt unearned. I was like yeah, okay, I guess this slots together. But the author didn't earn that moment for me. Instead of connecting with the characters and the plot and getting invested I felt like I was just being....told that everything worked out?? Or told that this was an important moment instead of actually Feeling the moment? It's hard to explain but I was like ok great thanks let's all go home now.
Sigh. I just can't get over the whole "throwing away the most interesting part of your setting" part. Again. Why would you spend a significant time setting up the science and how much of a disaster the solar flare is and then not show any of the characters figuring out how to survive it long-term....?
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
This book has such a high rating. It's very popular right now. It took me like 12 weeks of waiting for my hold to come up, and that's with the library having 7 copies.
It is, supposedly, about a smart octopus named Marcellus who helps an elderly lady solve the mystery of her son's disappearance at sea when he was a teenager.
In practice, it is about one minute at a time of Marcellus (the best part of the book) and extended sections of characters that I don't care about at all. I assume all the pieces of the story were supposed to come together later, but I was just highly bored. I was so bored that I DNF'd at 25% when my hold was up. I do not care enough to wait weeks to check it out again. Based on the one star reviews I read, the characters I didn't like did not develop into better people later and remained similarly annoying. Now, I don't need characters to be good people of course. But I do expect to be interested in them. I still don't know how the son's disappearance factors in because I felt like I heard barely anything about the supposed main character woman.
I feel vindicated because my coworker also checked out the book and told me a few weeks ago that she was at 50% and there still wasn't anything happening in the plot. I will ask her tomorrow if she finished it or not and if it ever got better.
Write an entire book for Marcellus the octopus and I'll check it out...
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
This book had so much potential. It's about a group of four women who were formerly assasins but are now retiring at 60. To celebrate retirement, they go on a cruise and then realize that they're the new targets for assasination, presumably because they know too much about the organization that used to employ them.
In execution....very meh. I actually had a Libby glitch on this one, where I think I missed about 1.5 hrs of narration total because the book skipped twice. I have no concept of which parts I missed. What I do know is that, the book was already so cobbled together before the first skip that I didn't realize I had missed anything until the end. Like sure, parts didn't make sense, but I was ready to accept that it was just Like That since the rest of the book was like that. After reading a bunch of reviews of this book I am convinced that there is NO way that all of its flaws can be explained by me missing a small part. After all, I did listen to 8.5 hours of it still.
The characters never felt their age to me. I felt like they either acted like they were 80 or 90, or like they were 20. It just seemed odd to me. The characters also felt very 2D, like the author wrote down three traits per person and called it good. There's a younger woman who appears to know the main character and conveniently helps the group, but I literally never figured out where their relationship originated or how they knew each other. Maybe I missed that too. By the end of the book I still didn't know who anyone was and couldn't remember which person was the main character. The plot jumped around to new locations constantly and often with little transition--this happened even on the parts where I definitely didn't get a skipping glitch. The main villain was a guy I literally had barely heard anything of til that point, although perhaps he came up in the 1.5 hrs I missed. They described the same painting in excruciating detail THREE separate times. It was...too feminist? Feminist in a contrived way where I have to be reminded every 5 minutes the characters are women? Like, I know, I am reading a story about women. Please don't mention it several times a chapter. There are ethical and moral considerations about their profession and chosen organization that never really get given the weight required. There was a love interest for the main character that I hadn't heard of once until he was introduced like an hour from the end--maybe I missed more about him in the parts I skipped? Unknown.
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signanothername · 1 year
Being useful is overrated it’s time people start becoming useless on purpose
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thankyoumskobayashi · 8 months
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New Bambi:
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New Toshiro:
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New Retsu:
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New Quincy Ichigo:
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Manga Aizen:
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Pot/Spot Grimmjow:
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Pretty CB Gin:
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The Better Pot Uryu:
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souldex's website is here: https://bbs-simulator.com/characters
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yourcoldcocoa · 9 months
army crawls out of venus retrograde gasping wheezing covered in blood
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hrways1 · 2 years
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Our HR consultants are experts in the field. If you are looking for a Tech Recruitment Agency regarding Human Resources Professionals, Remote Jobs & Hiring Firms.
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yeyinde · 1 year
Also (it’s the same anon who asked the fanart question) I’m basing his cyberware off of River’s from 2077, is that okay? Cause that’s what I had it pictured in my mind as but I wanna make it accurate so if you had something else in mind ;w;
Oh, that's perfect!!! I tried to keep it sort of vague with the details so anything could be superimposed into the small descriptions provided, but I did look at a lot of designs of both River and Johnny Silverhand when sort of describing the way it sounded, and to get a feel for how it would move with him
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beta-adjacent · 1 year
Reagan— was going to be an alpha naturally, has been biologically engineered by Rand to not have a dynamic/hj (see Rand)
Rand— bioengineered himself to be all the dynamics but is a beta through and through. Do NOT fight me on this, he uses his dynamic as a point of spite, he used Reagan as the test subject so he could make them both alphas and he failed and he passes the failure off like "it was my plan all along to make you adynamic because it won't distract you"
J.R.— see, ok, Rand's pre-experiment dynamic actually heavily depends on JR's. If one of them isn't an alpha, the other one is. But there's also something great in them both being the same dynamic hmmm..... The point is that JR and Rand are supposed to be foils for each other so the dynamics (and Rand's motivation for experimenting with dynamics) should play with that
Brett— suffers from the Kiteman Effect (AKA I don’t know what dynamic would make his familial trauma the saddest). I do love beta Brett though
Ron-- omega, sorry, it just makes sense to me
Glen-- sigh, see, the correct answer is alpha. You know that shit gets to his head too, ugh....
Mycole (AKA Magic Myc AKA The Mycinator)-- biologically can't have a dynamic or he'll die, still forced Reagan to snag him a clone celebrity's alpha pheromones to wear as perfume so he can get bitches. Reagan did so, in exchange that Myc would buy her lunch for a week. Myc loopholed it and bought McDonalds everyday with coupons so it was still the cheapest possible
Andre-- beta, any interpretation really works here, so long as we understand he doesn't really give a shit about them. Ironically, he's also the one people usually go to when they want their dynamic changed
Gigi-- nobody knows, she keeps that shit locked and loaded, hidden from everyone even her team. She changes up her pheromones every case to get the right social advantage
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feltpool · 2 years
The Right Man for the Job?
Who assigned the different Batch members their roles within the team?
Because I’ve been thinking this over and it seems like they’re not necessarily placed in the positions most suited to their individual strengths.
Wrecker is super strong. If you need someone to lift an entire troop transport off of someone or to shoulder barge a bunch of droids out of your way then he’s your man, but he lacks stamina compared to the others and tires quickly when running a long distance in ‘Cornered’ and when operating the underground carts in ‘Infested’, so certain types of physical work really aren’t what he’s best suited to but he seems to have been stuck with the role of ‘dumb muscle’ regardless.
But he’s shown himself to be perfectly capable of problem solving in order to achieve his goals, such as working out how to cross the pool of molten metal in the droid dismantling factory, he also created a soft and warmly lit space (complete with curtains) for Omega using only whatever he could find onboard the ship (since they were stuck on a desolate moon at the time and he couldn’t exactly pop to the shops) without any assistance, and along with his bomb disposal experience it suggests that he’s far better with precise, detailed work and working with his hands than he often seems to be portrayed as being. 
So... did he make Lula himself?
On a side note: When Ruby escapes from her cage and is running scared she makes a beeline right for him, even if she does accidentally freak him out by climbing onto his face, and after he’s fought and shown his dominance to Muchi she seems very relaxed around him despite being sat on as well as being surrounded by other people and the bustle of a busy city, which suggests that his calm demeanor and gentle nature could mean he’d work well with animals.
Echo has excellent planning and strategy skills, they make a point of making it clear that not only were the Techno Union using him for this exact purpose, but that he and Rex used to work out their battle plans together before the events at the Citadel.
But instead he seems to be relegated to doing the dog work.
Carry Ruby’s cage Echo, Fix the ship alone Echo, climb the sheer wall using one hand and, what, one elbow? Echo, etc, etc
Crosshair similarly appears to have excellent planning and strategy skills and we’ve seen him use them to lead his team and outmanoeuvre his quarry with no hesitation or error. But when he was with the Batch nothing we saw ever suggested that he was given the opportunity to assist with planning or strategy for their missions.
Crosshair was assigned to be the sniper so was kept in the rear and watching their backs and while he excelled at doing that job, was it really the best position for him within the team?
Because it seems like Tech could have done that job just as well as he did.
Not only is he a great shot and has his visor for all sorts of visual augmentation, but since all those aerials on his pack as well as him regularly checking his datapad and comms mark him down as the team’s radio operator wouldn’t they want to keep him well protected, especially since he lacks a complete set of armour?
Him operating from the back and watching over the others would put him further from the main action and far less at risk of major damage owing to inadequate protection for his abdomen and thighs, but he’d still be on hand to assist with anything technical that Echo couldn’t handle before he got back to them.
Is Hunter the one on the team who makes the best leader? That’s hard to say since no one else appears to get any kind of a say in how the team operates or what jobs they take. Until he isn’t there anymore. At which point they default to the ARC trooper, and the one present who likely has the most command experience, leading them.
And I get that during a mission they need to work as a single unit, to jump when told to and without hesitation, but nothing appears to get discussed between missions either. They just don’t talk to each other, which is weird after seeing leaders like Rex interacting with varying members of the 501st and talking things over with them even though he’s the Captain and could just hand out orders too.
The moment these guys appeared we were told who they were, what they did and which specific boxes they fitted into. But I’m not at all convinced that any of that is really correct, only how we’re supposed to see them until the wider plot rolls out at which point we’ll be expected to be magically surprised to find that they’re not actually who we were told they were in the first place.
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Navigating Tomorrow: Top 5 Future Trends in Blockchain Technology | RRCE
Blockchain technology, once synonymous with cryptocurrencies, has evolved into a transformative force reshaping industries across the globe. As we look to the future, several key trends are poised to define the trajectory of blockchain development.
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of-fear-and-love · 18 days
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Pocket Fujica 330 Zoom 110, as seen in 飛龍猛將 / Dragons Forever (1988)
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