eaglefangz · 1 year
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no one fucking look at me no one fucking talk to me everyone shut up don’t even breathe in my general direction
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guooey · 2 years
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favorite genre of images. cat you just know had a pasta
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horce-divorce · 3 years
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arowitharrows · 3 years
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
Edit: adding my tags directly to keep things accessible:
#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living.#they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on
#When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace‚ I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships.
#I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner.
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billiewena · 3 years
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welcome to the good luck steve post, for every reblog steve will wish you good luck :)
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insomniac-arrest · 3 years
whatever our souls are made of, you and me are going to end up stuck in the same ice hole
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elbiotipo · 3 years
When one thinks about "ancient" Native American civilizations and ruins... the thing is that... most of them, they weren't ancient. The Inca were not fully conquered by the Spanish until 1572... for reference, the Mona Lisa was painted in 1502 and Martin Luther made the 95 Theses in 1517.. the "ancient" Aztec Empire was younger than the university of Oxford founded in the 11th century, Montezuma lived at the same time than Leonardo Da Vinci... There are castles that are younger than Machu Picchu, those cities were inhabited by millions just a few centuries ago, and some (Cuzco, México), many actually, are still inhabited today. People speak about the Ancient Maya as if it was some mysterious civilization that was lost, and while it was past its prime at the time of European conquest, the Maya still had city-states and were living in the same areas they live today.
There are still millions of people, right now, who speak Quechua, Nahuatl, and Maya in all their dialects, and I'm just talking about the three most well-known civilizations here... there are millions of Native Americans who still speak their languages and practice their culture and beliefs alive, both thriving and struggling today.
Talking about the "Ancient Inca" or "Ancient Aztecs" makes as much sense as talking about the "Ancient Dutch" or the "Ancient Swedes", and it's another way of erasing them, saying that they just aren't around anymore just like say the Sumerians, or that they just weren't relevant to world history. They were contemporaries to modernity and they're still alive today.
You can talk about the Ancient Olmecs or Ancient Chavín though. Because the Inca and the Aztecs are relatively "modern" but their cultures were just the latest from a cycle of civilizations stretching millenia before Christ.
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fjeldmouse · 3 years
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rootbeerfloats · 3 years
my favorite character type is a character that is gay but they have no romantic chemistry with anyone because of how fucking insane they are
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goobra · 2 years
you want me to get high? the thing that killed icarus?
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ankle-beez · 3 years
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Jesus fucking christ disney
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milesgmorales · 3 years
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PETER & MJ Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) dir. Jon Watts
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flame2ashes · 3 years
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There’s something hilarious about how these mods were made by the same user
EDIT: If you’re going to reblog this post you might as well reblog this version lol
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keymintt · 2 years
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lynvaren · 3 years
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In a sapphic mood tonight ladies
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layla-carstairs · 3 years
I love the warm colours family bc they truly all said "we do not talk about Bruno.... but if we did-" and proceeded to have the time of their lives telling you about Bruno.
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