aupermittymeowmeow · 2 years
Since my Princess Peach redesign had so many likes, I’d thought I would show you guys my Princess Daisy and Rosalina designs too! <3
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thoughtlessagitator · 9 months
losing my marbles today
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fawnnbinary · 2 years
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rate this geralt I did after drinking
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midniallsnack · 10 months
i am totally sleep deprived and with no sleep comes the ability to cry waterfalls so forgive me if it happens but there is just so much to be grateful for.
where would i be without my friends and my family. how do i even begin to thank them for everything they have done for me throughout my lifetime. i feel like im an endless space of love and there is just so so much of it in my heart and i think im going to explode from it. im overflowing with it and there is such little time. what do i do? i need every person i know whenever i spend time with them that it is time well spent and that i love them and that i am cheering them on. truly, i believe this is what we are born for, to love and love and love and love endlessly forever and ever
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diomedrian · 2 years
I went on a roadtrip w a friend and God. I'm trying SO hard to have faith is us but just. The history of me. I know she wouldn't leave just yet but also I want her to tell me that, I want to ask her every day if we are still friends or have I upset her enough to walk out on me
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Who's your daddy? | s.r
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summary: After a long day's work, the BAU returns to the head office where they find a stroller with a small baby sleeping and a child very determined to surprise his father… But who's his father?
warnings: too much fluff, spencer!dad, my best attempt at Spencer dad because it's 24/7 on my mind. I REALLY ENJOYED WRITING IT, AAAAAAAAAAA. This story is not spencer x reader, i wanted to try something different so i created a character. I hope you guys like it.
words: 4,241.
a/n: I decided to surprise myself and try the family/family found challenge from one of my favorite writers in the whole universe, @imagining-in-the-margins. I used, I think, one of my favorite concepts which is "secret family/spouse/child" for this little au.
i want to remind you that English is not my first language, so if there are mistakes I hope you will forgive me :( I hope you like it, plus I really enjoyed being able to try something new and outside of what I usually focus my writing on. THANK YOU, TQM.
Catching criminals is a good way to kill time.
The BAU team knew this perfectly well, that's why they were dedicated to it. Every day was a new experience trying to find and capture the worst of the worst of humanity. Even though sometimes they just wished those freaks would take a day off.
The last case had sent them all the way to Silicon Valley, successfully catching the unsub and making it safely back to the FBI offices.
What they didn't expect was to find their technical analyst and friend, Penelope, gazing in amazement at the inside of a stroller.
"What is that, Penny?" asked Emily, walking up to the blonde figure who was totally engrossed by what she was seeing in that baby carriage. The group approached silently, after seeing the woman's signal for them to come as quietly as possible, and saw inside it.
A small baby was sleeping comfortably inside. They estimated that he was about eight months old; they could see a few strands of thin brown hair that were tousled falling down his forehead, his little nose was puckered and his little hand clenched the tail of a fluffy lion. His outfit was as cute as possible: his body was adorned by a white long-sleeved T-shirt with an iguana on it and a leaf-green overalls, but much of his body was covered by a gray blanket.
"Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?" Penn looked up, feeling her heart stir. "I went out to greet you and found this beautiful creature. He was sleeping and alone, so I decided to keep him company until someone came to claim to be the father of this beautiful peach." J.J couldn't fall for the charms of that baby, after becoming a mother her Achilles heel was children.
"Was he alone, Penelope, are you sure there was no one with him?" Luke couldn't help but wonder how it was possible that they had left a baby, alone, in the middle of a hallway in a federal building. "Positive, I've been there for about ten minutes and I haven't seen anyone approach him."
The team brought their full attention to the mysterious stroller, looking for some sign of what would be the perpetrators. Hanging there was a gray-colored bag with a small giraffe keychain; inside it was the necessities for any kind of emergency that might happen. Diapers, change of clothes, some food, powdered milk, a bottle, everything necessary for a baby.
"We should check the cameras to see who brought him here" Matt suggested, feeling his nose being invaded by the smell of baby cologne, a very mild and almost hypnotic one.
"It's a blind spot, Matt." Tara replied, noticing how the little guy rolled over and let out an adorable yawn, falling back asleep. "He's too cute." Penelope's eyes seemed to shoot hearts.
"We should move him out of the hallway, it's drafty and he might catch a cold." J.J brought her hands up to the carriage and began to push it, being followed by the rest of the people back to their cubicles.
Despite the movement, the little boy, who was now nicknamed "peach" thanks to Garcia, remained in that deep sleep.
"I wish I had that deep sleep" Emily smiled, looking at peach's features.
He looked like someone.
Who was it?
"I want to go back to those times where my only problem was sleeping and eating" Rossi commented, causing his colleagues to laugh.
"I don't understand how a baby could have gotten up there without anyone seeing him. It's a building full of federal agents, there's no way no one saw anything." Matt nodded at Luke's words. "Let's jump to conclusions, how did a sleeping baby get here? There's no way he pushed his own car to get here." J.J peeled his gaze from the car, feeling a light bulb in his head turn on.
"In the bag there were juice boxes, it is unlikely that they are for him. It is recommended that at twelve months they can only have juice, so they may be from the parent or he has a brother or sister accompanying him" Rossi smiled, nodding at the words the young woman was saying. It was quite logical coming from the mother bear.
"If that were so, where is this responsabl-"
"Excuse me," A high pitched voice interrupted Luke's sentence "I believe you have my brother."
The group turned to see where the voice was coming from. A small figure was standing behind them, he looked quite calm and was running his hands down his brown pants.
The small glasses were drooping down the bridge of his nose, his hair was disheveled just like his little brother's and his hands were arranging the sleeves of his blue hoodie.
"I-is he your brother?" Emily stood at the height of the youngest, who was nodding before he approached the baby carriage and took to watching the little one, inwardly thankful that he remained in his deep sleep.
"I just went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone." The little boy drew an elongated smile, taking in the faces of everyone around the stroller. " You're federal agents, so I didn't panic too much when I didn't see him."
The boy settled on the floor, taking off the backpack he was carrying and pulled out of it a book, which had in golden letters the title of "The Little Prince." Apparently, it was in French.
"How do you know we're federal agents?" Luke seemed just as surprised as the others, who didn't understand how the youngest could remain calm after taking his brother away, and besides, he knew they were federal agents.
"It says so on your badge, sir" The small hand pointed in the direction of the badge hanging from his pants, causing everyone to turn their gaze to it. "Besides, my mom told me."
"And where is your mom?" Rossi was the one who took the word, smiling at the confidence the young man possessed.
"That's a good question, sir. I'd like to know where she is, too." He shrugged, trying to remember what the woman had told him before leaving him in the hallway of the BAU office. "I know she told me, but at the moment I can't remember. It was too noisy when she said it."
The rest were silent. The little boy was handling a rather formal vocabulary, one that is very strange for his age, plus he looked quite interested in reading his book than paying attention to the rest of the stares.
"Excuse me, sweetheart… But how old are you?" Penelope smiled friendly towards the young man, who took his eyes off his interesting book.
"Five and a half, but many say from the way I talk I'm older."
Luke opened his mouth, surprised at the young age he possessed and that, moreover, he was in charge of his brother.
"What about your brother, how old is he?"
"He's eight months and two weeks old, he's still not close enough to say he's nine months old, so I'd rather be exact."
Emily was increasingly sure that he looked like an exact copy of someone she knows, but she couldn't associate it.
"Even so," Continued the young boy "there's something you guys haven't asked me" the book took a step back, closing it and setting it down on his lap.
"What's that, kiddo?" Tara asked.
"My name or my brother's" The group looked at each other. He was right, they had been so preoccupied with finding out about the person in charge of them or their age that they had overlooked asking his name.
"You're right, that was rude of us, what's your name?" Matt fixed his gaze on the young figure, who was giving them a smile where one of his front teeth was missing.
"I'm Alex, well… Actually my name is Alexander, but my mom and dad call me Alex, except when they're mad." A small giggle escaped Jennifer's mouth. "And my brother's name is Oliver, but we call him Oli."
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Alex." Matt's hand extended in the direction of the little boy, who shook it with a smile. "What about you guys, what are your names?"
The group smiled, introducing themselves to each other so that the young boy could remember each name without a problem. After this, the little boy began to repeat the names, making sure he could remember each one well and be able to get each name right.
"Okay, Alex. Now that we know each other, I want to ask you a question" J.J addressed the little one, who gave him his full attention.
"Shoot, Miss J.J" His answer caused everyone to laugh, letting the little guy's charisma win them over.
"What are you doing here? I don't think you decided to come here at nine o'clock at night with your brother and mother just to see the place."
"Well, we actually came to see my dad." Admitted the little boy, adjusting his glasses.
"Your dad? And where is he?" Penelope searched with her gaze, as if she were on her computer looking up the information on her servers.
"It's a surprise! Dad doesn't know we're here, it's the first time we've come to see him at work. I wanted to surprise him so I asked Mom if she could bring me here, and since I've been good, she agreed." Proudly, Alex reached into his backpack for a neatly folded piece of paper. He opened it and held it out to J.J., who was surprised at the grades on that slip of paper.
"Wow, I see only A's here" The printout passed from hand to hand, noting that every course had been passed with the highest grade.
"Yep, even sports! Mr. Adams, my teacher, said I'd been the fastest in the class. Even though I prefer literature, I got along better with letters than balls."
Emily was sure she was a clear copy of the youngest on her team, Spencer Reid.
Wait, where was Spencer?
"Where is Spencer?" Emily turned her gaze to her buddies, who were handing the paper back to Alex so he could put it in his backpack.
"He said he was going to do some stuff on the fourth floor, then he'd be on his way here." Tara replied, turning her attention back to the little boy. "By the way, what's your dad's name? Maybe we can help you look for him, we're the best profiling group in the whole FBI, so we can find him fast."
"His name is Dad!"
"And what's your mom's name?"
The group went blank. It was clear that a five-year-old wouldn't know what his father or mother's name was. Despite being quite intelligent, to him his parents were called "Mom and Dad."
But it seemed they had managed to summon something, for after mentioning the progenitor of both, little Oliver interrupted their conversation with a whimper announcing that his bedtime was over, plus his beloved mother figure was missing.
"Oh no…"
Alex moved in the direction of the backpack, opening it to look for his brother's pacifier.
The longer they lingered, the louder and louder the little boy's crying got. J.J tried to cuddle him, trying to soothe him while Emily rocked the stroller back and forth and Tara hummed a lullaby.
Luke and Matt were trying to distract him, waving their hands in front of him and making funny faces. Rossi was trying to help Penelope and little Alex with the search for the pacifier, who would occasionally bring his hands to his ears to stop the sound of his brother for a couple of seconds.
But silence came in surprise, causing everyone to stop their actions. Their gazes turned to the baby, who was giving a giggly laugh and wiggling his feet, babbling something. It looked like Oliver was feeling something.
"What's going on here?" a female voice interrupted them, again directing their gaze back.
A tall woman, who was wearing a simple beige sweater and black pants plus black converses, was approaching the stroller. The group of people moved away from her, who was leaving a plastic bag with a box in it on one of the desks and holding the baby in her hands.
She made sure to settle him on her shoulder, stroking his back slowly. Alex smiled, moving closer to the young woman and hugged her side, letting his glasses lift a little from being so tight against her.
"Mommy! Where were you, I thought you'd left me alone forever! Well… Not alone, I was with Oli but you know what I mean." The woman let out a giggle, bringing her free hand to the younger one's disheveled hair and stroked it, feeling the younger one squeeze tighter and tighter.
"Alex, love, I told you I was going to the store to buy Daddy's donuts, don't you remember?" She pushed little Oliver away so she could kiss his forehead and settle him back into the stroller. Her hands, now free, went to Oli's side and took a small pacifier, bringing it up to the baby's mouth, which he immediately accepted to begin sucking on.
"Oh… That's what you told me."
Thewhole group let out a laugh, noticing the little one's rosy cheeks. The woman, now recognized as "mommy", turned to look at the group who had taken it upon themselves to care for her two children.
"Gee, sorry for ignoring you guys." The girl giggled, giving them the same look Alex had given them a few minutes ago, fixing on each one. "Thanks for watching them, I know Alex is responsible, but I'm glad to know there were older ones around."
"You don't have to, Alex was a sweetheart. We were nosy and took his little brother, it was our mistake." Emily admitted.
"That's right, Mommy! I went to the bathroom and they had taken Oli" The young woman simply laughed, kissing the younger boy's forehead before speaking again.
"It's okay, kiddo. They did the right thing, they did the reasonable thing."
"We tried to find out who his parents were, but he told us their names were mom and dad" Alex nodded, looking at his progenitor who seemed quite amused by the whole situation.
Alex took her mother's hand, motioning her to come closer to tell her something. The female complied, listening intently to what her young son was saying before she let out a giggle and nodded, returning to her position.
"Well, actually called me mommy. But before I was called mommy I had another name, pumpkin. My name is Amanda, but at home they call me mommy or baba." Alex opened his eyes, surprised that his mother had another name besides "mommy."
"It's a pleasure, Amanda. I see all your names start with a vowel." Rossi was the first to speak, reaching out to shake Amanda's hand. "Your husband's too?"
"No, he's the exception." The femme admitted, beginning to wave to the round of people standing there.
For a couple of minutes, the group began a pleasant conversation where they talked about the time she was missing. They had jumped to the wildest conclusions, but they knew that at some point they would meet the mother of those two angels.
"Oh, I bought a lot of donuts now that I remember, do you like them? They're my husband's favorite." The woman walked over to the bag, from which she pulled out the box and smiled.
The group appreciated the gesture, beginning to receive and distribute the pastry among those present.
A chocolate-covered doughnut with sprinkles on top was received by each person.
Wait… Her husband's favorite?
Emily looked at the two little ones, then her gaze went to the young woman, then to the doughnut and her eyes went back to the little ones.
Emily could feel her head smoking from the way she worked.
No, it wasn't possible.
Spencer would have told her if it was.
"Excuse me, Amanda…" The mentioned one looked up, fixing her gaze on Emily as little Alex took small bites of his donut and shared it with his mother. "What-what did you say your husband's name was?"
"Oh! I didn't say it, actually." She admitted, taking a bite of the donut she was sharing with Alex. "His name is Spe-"
The answer interrupted by the shout Alex gave, turning away from his mother to run down the hallway for the new presence.
"Daddy! Daddy!"
Spencer peered down the elevator, noticing how the small little man ran into his arms and pounced on him.
"Alex! What are you doing here, little one?" He carried the little guy, leaving a resounding kiss on his cheek and looked him in the face. His cheeks were covered with chocolate and his glasses were drooping gracefully down his nose. "Are you alone, who brought you?"
"Mom did!" The youngest was smiling happily, playing with his progenitor's hair. "Dad, did you know Mom has another name besides Mom, her name is Amanda!"
"Yes, buddy. I knew mommy's name was Amanda, but I affectionately call her Mandi."
"I thought you called her Mommy, not Mandi."
Spencer carried his little boy over to the cubicles, finding his work group/friends staring at him with stupefaction on their faces. He was sure their faces were perfect for being part of a surreal painting.
"Spence, surprise." Amanda approached the man, leaving a kiss on his lips and received her husband's kiss back.
"What are you two doing here?" Spencer looked at his family with some surprise.
"Three, daddy. Oli's here too" The little hand pointed toward the stroller, where the movement of the youngest of the Reid family could be heard.
Spencer walked over to the baby carriage, leaving the eldest of the Reid brothers on the floor and peeked out so he could see his little boy, his newest devotion.
"Hi Oli, are you awake yet? Daddy's here." Oliver watched his father with his big hazel eyes, moving his hands so he could reach one of his father's curls. "Hey, buddy. How big are you." The man took the little guy in his hands, drawing him into his body so he could carry him, smiling at the feel of his son's movement stopping as he began to pet him.
The whole group was silent, unable to believe that the youngest of their team had such a well-kept secret.
A wife and two children! How was it possible that even Emily hadn't known about this?
"Spencer…w-what is this? When did you intend to tell us? About your wife, about your children, about-about this!" Emily waved her hands around trying to take in the situation, feeling the pieces of the puzzle coming together on their own.
"I thought Hotch was going to tell you before he left." Spencer looked at the group of people, stopping his gaze on his wife who lifts her shoulders, trying to tell him "don't even look at me, I didn't say anything."
"Clearly he didn't say it" Jennifer looked at her best friend, trying to look as relaxed as possible, but it was impossible, I guess no one was trying to "act cool" at that moment.
"Well, I guess it's time to introduce you to my family." Amanda smiled, leaning against one of the desks as she watched Alex approach her. "This is Amanda, Amanda Reid, my wife" The young woman waved her hand, crossing her arms again with a smile on her mouth. She loved that he said my wife. "This is Alexander Reid and Oliver Reid, Alex and Oli of affection." Little Alex smiled, again waving to everyone with his hand and took what was left of the donut his mother offered him.
"How long have you been married?" Next to speak was Rossi, who felt Hotch had betrayed him by keeping that secret so long.
"Well, married… we've been married for five years. Dating we've been dating for seven…" Amanda turned to look at her husband.
"Seven years, five months and thirteen days." Spencer nodded, looking down at the baby who had just fallen asleep in his arms.
"So…" Matt looked over at Alexander, who looked amused eating the sprinkles on top of the donut.
"Yeah, Alex was a surprise. We knew we wanted to be parents, but we wanted to live together first, and well… The first night of living together caused Alex's arrival." Amanda laughed with her cheeks flushed, noticing how Spencer's cheeks were also filled with that crimson red. "Oli arrived after a couple of tries. We didn't want Alex to be alone and have to read all the books to himself."
"Now he reads Oli to sleep, like the good big brother he is" Spencer smiled, placing little Oliver in the most comfortable place to sleep.
After that confession, the pair settled in at the desk where the woman was sitting.
"I have so many questions I can't process, I really don't understand. So…how come we didn't see this in your apartment when you went to jail? We'd be completely blind if we hadn't noticed." Penelope had gotten to a good point, causing the friends to nod and the pair looked at each other before they could respond.
"It's because you guys went to Spence's old apartment." Amanda replied. "When we had Alex, we outgrew the apartment. We tried to look at an apartment in the same building, but they were all the same, so we pooled our paychecks and managed to rent a slightly larger apartment down the street from there. After Oliver came along we had to move to a bigger place." Spencer nodded, wiping the corner of his son's lip, which was full of chocolate. "But when Spence needs to focus, he goes to his old apartment to work. Diana was living there for a season and then she came to our house." The young woman pushed her hair back, feeling her husband's warm hand wrap around her hip.
The group was attentive to what they were saying, nodding at every word and concentrating on the story they had for them. Like little children, they formed around the young couple to follow their narrative.
"When Mexico and jail happened, it was really an ordeal. Hotch called us to get into the program with him and Jack, we had to go into hiding because we were Spencer's immediate family. Before Diana could hide she was kidnapped and, well, you know the rest of the story." Amanda's hand went to her son's hair, playing with the unruly locks of the scalp. They were exactly the same as his father's.
"But we would have known, I would have figured it out! H-how did you…?" Penelope was utterly convinced she would have found that information.
"It wasn't in the system." Spencer admitted. "I begged Hotch not to release it, it's manually, on paper. But online it's not, it was more likely to endanger my family." The young couple looked at each other and gave each other a smile. Sighing, Spencer continued. "Something like Foyet and Hotch would have happened, it was too dangerous. I wasn't willing to lose them and place them in danger."
Finally, the group of people began to understand, nodding at what he was saying and relaxing after that news.
"Spence had intended to tell them, but after Cat Adams, Scratch, Mexico, jail, Diana… I don't know when the time was right, to be honest with you." A collective chuckle filled the room echoing at that moment.
"Wow Spencer, you sure had this secret well hidden." Luke smiled, patting the younger man on the back, who was grinning broadly after breaking free of that secret that had him gnawing inside.
"Well, it's never too late to throw a welcome home party for the new family." Rossi smiled, moving closer to Amanda so he could hug her.
Mandi smiled receiving greetings from everyone, feeling like she was home.
"Good, then I'll start buying presents from now on. For both Oliver and Alex." Penelope smiled, receiving a wide smile from Alexander, who was the most excited to receive gifts. "I've missed so many birthdays and Christmases already."
"So…" Alex stole glances at everyone, who looked quite intrigued by his words. "Can I tell you aunties and uncles?"
That was the straw that broke the excitement level in the entire group, causing everyone to nod and smile broadly, feeling their chest heaving with joy.
"Did you see, Alex? Now you have lots of aunts and uncles to share, plus cousins." Spencer fell into step with his son, who was hugging him by the neck with a smile.
"That's right daddy, lots and lots!" The little boy turned to look at them all before stretching his arms out to hang around Luke's neck, who was greeting him with a smile that went so far as to make his cheeks ache.
The entire group stayed talking for a couple more minutes before deciding to head home to relax after a full day full of excitement.
Before she could get on the elevator, Emily smiled in the direction of the group of people.
"I think we know who his daddy is." Tara's whisper caused Emily to laugh and step onto the elevator, letting the doors close and signal the end of the work day.
The day had closed on a high note, not only for the capture of a criminal, but also for the discovery of a new family.
And Spencer couldn't be happier to finally reunite their families.
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
kissesssss, bai. 💕
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crimsonv1 · 1 year
Stay Quiet -
Flamingo (Albert Aretz) x reader smut.
TW// semi-public s3x , mommy kink, femdom, Dom! reader x sub!Albert, male receiving, BJ, praise k1nk, Fem! Reader, [ You're Albert's friend in this]
This one for y'all who been requesting Albert smut 😽😽 <33
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"AAAAAAAAAAA😨" The familiar scream made you jump from your bed. Well, not necessarily your bed- but Albert's.
You were taking a trip to Florida to see one of your best friends, Albert. He invited you to stay at his house for the time being, and you agreed to take him ABOUT anywhere he wanted to go.
And now, you were sitting on Albert's bed while on your phone doing some miscellaneous thing. He had a guest room but you were staying in his room just to explore. And while you were here, he was making some YouTube video for his channel, probably scary since he was screaming so pitched.
When you saw a figure by his bedroom door you got up and followed it into the kitchen, where he got some snacks out of the fridge and jumped when you pushed him from behind. "Y/N! You scared me -" he started laughing as you did too. "What're you doing?"
"Oh, I'm just about to go live, wanna come?"
"Thought you said you didn't do lives?"
You questioned, "Well I'm starting to do them now," "Sure I'll come" You answered smiling and walked to his setup. You originally went under the desk to pet his cute dog, who left not soon after you started to pet him.
Albert sat down in his chair and looked down, laughing "What're you doing?"
"Hmm, resting." You sighed dramatically as you got a mischievous idea, putting your head onto his knees pretending to rest.
"Whatever you roll with," he responded, laughing (and blushing ) 🤗. He started the live, doing his ' Intro ' while scrolling on the monitor for something to do,
When he finally found a game to play, or a video, maybe even some questions he adjusted in his chair, kind of forgetting about your presence.
Midway through the 'stream', you started tracing your fingers slightly over his thighs, and maybe even sometimes his waist, waistband, and hips. He did a fake cough as a 'whatre you doing' sign but you continued to trace around his waist.
You suddenly pulled his chair inward, making him jolt while his torso was pressed onto the desk, being barely enough space in between.
He laughed awkwardly, until you slowly pulled down the waistband of his sweatpants, just enough over the growing tent in his boxers. His sentences started to become incoherent to the stream, his mumbling becoming louder as he tapped the desk above you. You could only imagine how red his face was as he coughed awkwardly, too.
You traced your fingers around the bulge, and when you pressed harder you felt a tacky, sticky spot. His breathing also became louder as you did this, and when you slowly pulled down his boxers to a bit above his sweatpants, but lower than his growing tip Wich had precum leaking, his breathing became faster, and his muscles strained in his legs as his hand started to rapidly tap against the wood.
You slightly jerked him off, trying not to make him start to moan loudly off the bat as he got donations, but you did hear a few whimpers come from him as your pace got faster.
You started to wrap your mouth around the tip, as his breathing became seperate and his moans started to show more. You deepthroated him quickly as his hand strained against the midst of the table. You could hear him rushing to end the stream as he strained his moans and whimpers.
When he did, it was loud. You stopped your actions for a moment, while he quickly spun out of the desk area being so tight, you followed- on your knees to him. Wrapping your palm around his c/ck again. "a- aa... Wh- what .. are you doing?" He sighed and moaned, "Isn't it a bit late for that?" You smirked.
"Yea but-" his breath caught in his throat as you quicked your pace faster than before. "Hnng... Mommy" he lowly spoke, as it came out as a whimper. "Hm?" You innocently questioned. He didn't answer, much too embarrassed. "what did you say?" You slowed your hand.
"m- mommy! Please.." he whimpered loud,
"Please what? Use your words" you answered, quickening your pace again "please.. don't stop, nghh y/n, fuck.." he moaned into his own words, bringing his hand to ghost over his mouth as his other one stayed gripping the chair handle.
You wrapped your mouth around his c/ck, and that did it for him. He moaned so loud the neighbors could most likely hear him. "Fuck.. y/n i- I'm gonna.." before he finished he came down your throat, you swallowed it as he started to rest and pant, but you had other plans.
You took your mouth off, but continued to hand- fuck him. "h- huh... No.. fuck, please m-mommy " he begged and whimpered as he looked at you pleadingly. "you can be a good boy and take on more , hmm Albert?" You questioned with sincerity in your voice
"m-mhm" he nodded as he began to moan and whimper, he kept choking on his own breath with every stroke, the overstimulation making him beg. He couldn't even speak when he came, all he did was moan.
You got up, and went to get a cloth and wash your hands. You brought the cloth to him and helped him clean up, as he re adjusted in his chair to pull his boxers up.
You kissed his neck, he sighed and grabbed your hips. "So ..are we something?" He asked
"I mean...I guess so, yeah.. I love you" you smiled and shrugged. "love you..too" he came up to kiss your collarbone.
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twilighttrekkie · 2 months
‼️Warning: Spooky Month Spoilers Ahead!!!‼️
just watched the new spooky month episode and. wow. i'm so normal (lie) i cannot wait for the next episode aaaaaaaaaaa
ahem. anyways. the part with the priest asking where skid's father was and skid looking so crestfallen and the part with pump asking "but if they love me, then why're they never here?" had me bawling /lh waaaaa skid and pump are so sweet, they don't deserve to feel so sad 😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS. I AM EXCEEDINGLY NORMAL ABOUT KEVIN AND I'M SO HAPPY THAT HE GETS AN ACTUAL FRIEND TO WORK WITH. Here take my Kevin and Radford screenshot collection because they're incredibly pfp-able AND THEIR EXPRESSIONS ARE SO FUN HERE.
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admittedly i kinda wish we got to know more concretely whether streber is actually dead or not, but i completely understand putting it off to build suspense. that's literally my only criticism of the episode rn lmao and even then it's more of a personal curiosity thing than something i actually have against the episode
10/10 episode: much like every other spooky month episode i've had the pleasure of seeing as it came out instead of years afterwards, it has permanently changed my brain chemistry 🔥 guys if you're spooky month fans pleaseee go watch the episode. and if you have no idea what this show is, go check it out, it's completely free to watch on youtube!!! it starts off very shitpost-y, but quickly gets very dark (while still keeping the humor that made the first 2 entries special!! Spoky Month evolves more and more with each episode, but never loses its roots, which is something I really enjoy).
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secretkittywolf · 2 months
Fairy Tail ships I ship
(I don't own any of the fanart used. Credit to the original creators)
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They're so cute!!!
I adore these two so much. I hope that they become cannon in the 100yr Quest (if they haven't already since I haven't read it)
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Besties for life!
They have such a cute brother-sister relationship and Natsu was so happy when the Edolas Lisanna was his best friend. Such a cute platonic pairing.
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I love them!!!
I love their relationship so much. At first, Gray couldn't stand Juvia but he soon realised how much she cared and how much he cared for her. The whole Juvia vs Gray fight in the finale made me cry, especially when they killed themselves because they didn't want to kill the other QwQ
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They're ship is so cute and gradual and I love it.
Yes, Gajeel did hurt her and chain her to a tree when they first met, but he's shown and proven to her how much he's changed. Their love is beautiful and I love them.
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I have to admit, I did ship them at first, but it's more platonic than romantic now. Still a cute ship tho.
Romeo & Wendy
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Another platonic pairing. It's cute but I don't ship them romantically.
Sky Sisters
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They have such a cute friendship!
I adore the Sky Sisters friendship and I want to see more of them! I also heard that these two could be cannon, which I'd would love to know if it's true or not. So yeah, ship them platonically and romantically.
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I want more of these two!!!
I want to see more of Elfman and Evergreen so badly. The tsundere and the big strong guy is so cute and the scenes in GMG were so cute.
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I'd love to see more of them since I ship them platonically at the moment.
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I love these two idiots.
Freed adores Laxus and the dragon slayer obviously has a soft spot for Freed.
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Light and dark. Sun and moon. Introvert and extrovert etc. I ship them so much!!!!!!
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He's the reason why she's still a part of Sabertooth!
Sting really cares for Yukino and they're so cute together. He even became guild master so Yukino could stay and it's so sweet!
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Another platonic pairing I love.
They're a couple of sillies and I need more of them being idiots.
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Their whole relationship is both cute and sad.
Mavis cursed herself accidentally and now they're immortal together. I love them
Cancer x Gray (Gracer??? Ig??)
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Why is this the only image of these two together?!
I need more Gracer! (Sounds better than Cray doesn't it?) The whole danceoff was gay af and since I'm a multishipper, I ship them.
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The fandom made me ship them. The fandom made me realise just how cute these two are.
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Rivals to best friends, I love them so much. I also ship them romantically on occasion as well.
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Both platonically and romantically, these two are cute.
Benefits of being a multishipper!
Bisca x Alzack
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They're cute and they're cannon!!!
Seeing them in Edolas together was adorable and I'm glad in the cannon universe they also get together.
Ulter & Meredy
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They have a sister relationship and I love it. I don't see them as anything else but sisters
Meredy & Juvia
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Adorable. They became such good friends and I want more of their friendship. Please gimme more!!!!
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I think these two are quite cute together.
I'd love to see more of their friendship!
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Read a fanfic once of these two and I love them together!
The princess and her knight in shining armour!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I ship them so much!!!!!!
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They always make me laugh. I ship them both platonically and romantically.
Natsu & Erza
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I adore the brother-sister relationship they have.
Erza is the big sister having to keep chaotic younger brother Natsu under control (even tho Natsu is older)
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saline-coelacanth · 16 days
You guys have no idea how insane I am about Night Hunter in season 2 I am going CRAZY about him. I'm gonna put more thoughts under the cut so I don't spoil anything but yeah.
I WAS RIGHT! I WAS SO RIGHT! I know I never made a post about it, but I've been a firm believer of the theory of Night Hunter being Zoey's dad and it feels so good to be proven correct on that!
And like.... obviously Night Hunter, (or Beau which is his real name) is not the best dad. Obviously. When you're evil and on the opposite side of your child you're automatically gonna have some problems as a parent. But still, he cares about his daughter SOOOO much and it was so heartwarming. And sure, he put Mateo in danger who is Zoey's very close friend, but as I said before Beau is not a perfect dad. He has a lot of problems, but it also just makes me so happy seeing that he cares about Zoey and that he's trying.
Also just gonna say it, the flashback episode is probably my new favorite episode of the entire series. Beau and Hannah were so cute together and it was super cool seeing the beginnings of Beau's corruption, although we still don't entirely know how he became Night Hunter or why he sided with the Nightmare King. Maybe we'll find out later on, idk. But I do really wanna learn more about Hannah and her falling out with Beau. From how he worded it, it seems that Beau was the one to mess things up, but I still wanna know what exactly went down.
And when Beau used the Nightmare King's sword to save Hannah, that moment made me SCREAM! I was so convinced that that was the moment he became Night Hunter, but then Hannah brought him out of it and he reverted back to normal (for the most part, it's clear that sword had some lasting effects on him)
Just- AAAAAAAAAAA I am losing my mind over Night Hunter!!!!!!!! He was already my favorite character but now I just love him even more he is so interesting and cool and I'm gonna scream.
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spacey-llama · 1 month
How did u get into just dance 👀👀
haha why thank you for opening the can of worms
Proper punctuation for this one, it’s long. Seriously. I’m basically putting my whole history with the Just Dance franchise in one post.
So, I got into Just Dance in kindergarten when my music teacher put on Cotton Eye Joe from Just Dance 1 as a fun little exercise thing.
However, I didn’t get deep into it until I started having sleepovers basically every weekend with my best friend at the time, and she introduced me to Just Dance 4 on her Xbox 360 (she also introduced me to Minecraft, but that’s a different story). We weren’t allowed to play Crucified or Disturbia, but every other song was on the menu. It was cool!
The funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever been a good dancer. I was just enamored by the colorful characters and the delicious songs. Most of my music taste comes from Just Dance soundtracks!
I didn’t have a console of my own until YEARS later, so I would look up the choreos on YouTube and follow along w/ them. Throughout the years at school, teachers would also put on choreos as fun little things! I still associate Moskau from JD 2014 with 3rd grade gym class.
Small tangent, I was moving states when they started putting Just Dance 2014 ads on TV. So, I really associate that game with these two weeks I was staying in a hotel before my parents could find an apartment. Troublemaker is a choreo I specifically remember seeing on TV.
When I got a Wii U, I got Just Dance 3 and 4 with it. Later on, I would acquire all the games (except for 1, 2, and 2014) up until 2017. Dude, I played them all the time. The YEARS I spent fixated on those games was insane. Most of my friends didn’t like them, so I didn’t have many people to play with, but it was fine. Also, I would literally point out any song playing on the radio and be like “Thats on Just Dance (insert game here).” I still do that.
Oh, and the first song I got 5 stars on was Me And My Broken Heart on JD 2015! It’s still one of my favorite choreos ;)
AND THEN! My Wii U broke! And instead of trying to find a place to fix it, my brother elected to SMASH IT IN THE BACKYARD WITH A HAMMER!
So I didn’t play much Just Dance after that. I still have all my old game discs, though. And I’d play it with friends at their houses if given the opportunity. Unrelated, but I’m also very unfamiliar with any game that came out after JD 2017 (sans 2023 and 2024) because of The Hammer Incident.
“Oh, gee, Spacey, this is so crazy, how’d the fixation grab you again?” Glad you asked! See, I started seeing edits of the Just Dance 2023 storymode and I went “LORE???? CHARACTERS?????? THEY HAVE NAMES NOW?????? AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”
And I immediately watched the story stuff on YouTube and fell in LOVE! I like the silly little cast! The songs they use in the story modes aren’t my faves, but the CHARACTERS and LORE are what I am here for.
So. Yeah. Then I got 2024 for my Switch (not smashed by hammers) as well as Just Dance+ and I’ve been on that grind ever since. It’s one of those games that I find most people tend to like. It connects people. I’ve kept foreign exchange students at my house, and we wouldn’t be able to hold a long conversation, but we could play Just Dance together. There’s a comfort in that. I could wax poetic on the beauty of Just Dance and its ability to bring people together, but I won’t.
Also, while I do adore the main cast of 2023/2024, I’ve kind of started to take older characters and give them names, personalities, and stories myself! So if you’re going to follow this blog or anything, expect a lot of that.
TLDR: Kindergarten bestie introduced me to Just Dance, was crazy about it for years, it faded into the back of my mind, the 2023 lore got me back into it.
Thank you for the ask! I love yapping!
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boinin · 10 months
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I apologise in advance for how feral I'll be when Vol 3 of the LNs comes out and gets translated. kunigami lore aaaaaaaaaaa
Hoshi shared translations of the titles yesterday! So to fuel some hype, here's some speculation about what each part of the light novel will focus on.
Here's an index of existing fan translations of the two published light novels. I'd recommend reading them: they're short and enjoyable. Although a lot of the content has been covered or referenced by the mangas and Egoist Bible, there's some new trivia about your faves in there too like baby Isagi being able to predict the weather 🌦️
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1. Niko Ikki: "Immersion"
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I'm not a Niko stan (I don't dislike him! I just have other faves), so this is the hardest entry for me to conceptualise in terms of theme or story. If anyone with a better grasp on his character would like to chip in, be my guest!
Niko has the following key character traits:
➡️ he's the youngest of the characters introduced so far;
➡️he's something of an underdog;
➡️ he enjoy a particular rivalry with Isagi, as (in Isagi's words) they have the same eyes and brain;
➡️ Niko appears to be fairly introverted, enjoying games and anime/manga; and
➡️ A defining trait is his insecurity about his forehead.
Some further thoughts on what Niko's entry might feature:
🔵 "Immersion" may refer to how Niko loses himself in football: both in terms of how he goes unnoticed by his opponents and how involved he gets in the sport. That's my best guess! I'm stumped otherwise.
🔵 I anticipate there will be some rival or potential bully Niko has to overcome, using his wits and intelligence. Maybe he has to prove himself to a dismissive school football club?
🔵 His tactic early in Blue Lock is to use more physical players (such as Oikawa and Zantetsu) to score goals for his team, acting as the playmaker. The LN may elaborate on how he developed this strategy.
🔵 The forehead thing just has to be a teenage complex around acne or something, right? I don't think it's more serious than that, given how much the writer and mangaka joke about it (see: forehead kanji on the Vol 25 manga cover).
🔵 I don't think we'll be seeing Niko spotting mosquitos across the room... but the LN will likely comment on his good vision/spacial awareness also.
2. Kunigami Rensuke: "Rule"
Kunigami's light novel will be a prequel, same as all the others. While we won't get any hints about Wild Card (🥹) it's likely we'll learn about:
🟠 How his desire to become a football superhero came to be. The main manga suggests this came from him watching footballers on TV while young.
🟠 His family. Kunigami is a middle child, with two sisters. What's their family dynamic like? Does he get on with his sisters and parents?
▶️ A theory: being the middle child and only boy is one reason Kunigami goes by the saying, "fair and square". His parents enforced that message so their three children would get along!
🟠 Explanation for his personality traits. The LN might explore the rationale for his protective nature. Perhaps Kunigami was raised with the notion of looking out for his sisters, which extends to his friends and teammates in Blue Lock.
🟠 The LN will likely show how Kunigami fared as a striker in high school. Given how good he is starting out in Blue Lock, dude must have been a beast on his school team.
Overall, I'm praying Kunigami's entry is light-hearted. Our grumpy orange goes through enough angst in canon - he deserves some happiness before coming to Blue Lock 😭 I think the odds of this are actually pretty good, because if there's an angsty entry in this volume, then that's gonna be...
🟠 Lastly, the title (Rule) likely refers to his "fair and square" motto. Kunigami lives a very regimented life in Blue Lock (eat, train, play football, train some more, shower and sleep). Perhaps the focus of the LN will be how he developed that willpower and dedication.
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3. Hiori Yo: "NEW GAME"
Hiori's LN entry is the easiest one to anticipate, since chapter 206 gave a fairly detailed account of his upbringing and family life.
"NEW GAME" is likely in reference to his enjoyment of video games (how these acted as a means of escape for him) as well as how Blue Lock represented a new life away from his overbearing parents.
Here are some of my expectations (sorry Hiori 💔) for his entry:
🔵 a retelling of the events of chapter 206, focussing on Hiori's injury and his discovery of his parents' discontent.
🔵 an exploration of the impact his pushy parents had on his personality and enjoyment of sports.
🔵 backstory about Hiori and Karasu's friendship/rivalry! For example, did Karasu ever target Hiori as the "weakest link" of a team? I'd be surprised if he doesn't show up - the Wanima twins appeared in Chigiri's novel, as did Sae in Rin's.
I'd love to hear people's thoughts about this! I'm looking forward to these getting a release, even if it'll be some time before I can actually read them. The illustrations alone are a treat - in the first two volumes, these were completed by Sannomiya-sensei, the mangaka for Episode Nagi.
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
I want to cry?? /Pos?
I got Prof. Kaz and it says he is just trying his best??? I'm just trying my best??? Aaaaaaaaaaa
Also as soon as I read Cracking as an option I swear my brain blanked and the word British just bounced for a few seconds.
Sincerely Prof. Alecto Kaz
i completely forgot 'cracking' wasn't like, a normal adjective, because one of my friends describes just about everything he likes with it and i've become desensitised (you will never feel as honoured as when a retired northerner describes you, earnestly and proudly, as 'an absolute cracker')
and yes!! you are!!!!! and so is he!!
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siennaditbot · 11 months
Just finished watching all of Kim Possible for the first time ever (and in English) and man, it's such a great show.
I did watch it as a kid whenever it aired in Finnish. (I miss those fun school mornings...) The dub was ok as well, though I won't go back to that again. Did check for some clips and I'm glad I was able to watch it back then, but CCR and Will Friedle are so good. The others are too, ofc.
Anyway, back then it was all tainted by my own feelings, cuz I too had a guy childhood best friend I had feelings for. I saw him and myself in them and wanted the same yadda yadda yadda. Well, stuff happened and we haven't talked in at least a year. No big, pfft.
At least this time I got to enjoy this show without them stupid feelings affecting my experience lol. (Except with the So the Drama "a loop has been formed and I'm not in it" and all the Ron feelings about Kim finding someone else. Ugh, been there.)
Anyway, binge watching gave me a completely new experience. Not much shipping related stuff in the first 2 seasons, though there were some I giggled over and replayed to analyze. Mostly just best friends being best friends. No significant awkwardness.
Seasons 3 and 4 though? GAHH. So much ship teasing. Emotion Sickness is my absolute fav episode with Kim getting a device that controls emotions and makes her fall in love with Ron, and the guy's so confused but also so so lovestruck. (He didn't know abt the device at first btw)
I love all those soff little Ron moments, I keep replaying them over and over.
"It (them dating) could happen!"
"It's not that I haven't thought about it, I mean who hasn't?"
"What's not to like about Kim? She's smart and cute..."
"Something's different now. I mean there's something between us... Who am I kidding, that's not different. There's been something there for a long time. I think there's something there. Does she?"
Gahhh I love soff Ron so much.
Also yes I am the type to rewatch all the soft and kissy scenes over and over, there are others too since compilation videos exist!!
Anyway, just realized how most of their kisses are initiated by Kim, but my favourites? (Lol that feels cringe to say. Fav kisses? Pfft) Either both going in or initiated by Ron! (The Emotion Sickness one is great too, Ron's so love struck!!! Adorable.)
-> So the Drama dance scene (THEY'RE SO SOFF GO LOOK AT THEIR FACES), one where they run into each other's arms, and the final one where Ron places his hands on her face and goes in first.
I never knew how much I wanted to do a forehead touch->kiss or have someone hold my face like that.
Also S1 EP1 Ron voice superiority. So low and cute. That makes me swoon. Gahhhh. Rewatched the first few minutes and DANG I WISH HE KEPT THAT VOICE. I'm barely able to form a sentence rn. Gahh.
Also adore all the denial scenes, Kim's too. Girl's so jealous of Yori. "Awk-weird" to bring your best friend as a kinda date to an event? Oh yeah, feed me. I love the awkward pre-dating stage so much that I'm mad my Sonic fic doesn't have more of it lol.
All the tiny nods to stuff changing during season 3? Ron going "She's not my girlfriend!!" to Shego of all people, all of a sudden and without probing, just cuz she asked where Kim was! I love him.
Also, the theme song is banger. Also also, I set the communicator beep-beep-be-beep as my notif sound. Kinda confusing while watching, though, heh.
Was that all? I think so, maybe. I'm pretty sure no one will read this but hey, what is Tumblr for if not stuff like this. Yay for fictional men and couples!
As a final note, I don't think Ron's an absolute swoon worthy guy (barely feel compelled to draw him), I just appreciate guys being soft. Yes, go talk about your feelings and yes, stutter your way to victory!
Anyway, now I'm done.
I'mma throw some gifs under the cut though.
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bellafragolina · 1 year
AAAAAAAAAAA can I get Arven with an older brother who used to be his older sister. Who just, takes care of him because of the shit going on with their parents?
ooh my first arven!
You. . . you're Arven's whole world, outside of Mabosstiff. You're all he really remembers. With your parents both being too concerned with their research, you're left to grow up too fast, and become what Arven needs. With what you can remember from when Sada and Turo actually parented you, and with intuition, you become the sole trusted person in Arven's life, until the events of the game. You make sure his life is as normal as possible, and he loves you so
Arven is someone you love and trust deeply too. You're wary of the world, of adults and people you're supposed to be able to rely on. Arven is the first to know that you're not his sister, but his brother. He asks questions, naturally curious of what this mean now, but he hugs you too. He easily takes to your new pronouns and shows you the clothes he thinks you'd look best in, as his big brother
Once you both start attending school, Clavell takes notice to you both. He tries to reestablish a relationship, since he used to the be friends with your parents, but you keep your distance. Arven follows you too, which confuses and worries Clavell, until he finally learns the reason
You worry too, afraid your distrust will lead to Arven mirroring you, not making friends with his peers, nor telling anyone about the accident with Mabosstiff. You fret on how to make things better, but luckily Arven finds himself a group of friends.
And with these friends, he leads you out of your distrusting shell, into the light where people help take care of you, how he wishes you had be taken care of before, now seeing how much of your childhood you lost to let him keep his. You're his big bro, and he loves you so much
here we are! lots of firsts today!
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splatoon-edits · 9 months
What are your thoughts on the new trailer for the Side Order DLC?
oh cod i have so many thoughts.... like so many thoughts oh my goodness my brain is overflowing with thoughts. So uh this will be under the cut so i can ramble as much as i like.
the music kinda reminds me of the soundtrack for ENA in some parts, and as a massive Joel G fan myself i approve. (not that the splatoon music team ever doesn't deliver perfection)
FISH. PARROT FISH. MY WHOLE LIFE OF WATCHING DOCUMENTARIES ON THE OCEAN IS HELPING ME FOR ONCE. THOSE THINGS EAT CORAL BITS. They don't eat only coral, and more often they eat the algae OFF of coral, but still. At least, that's what i think they are.
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She was wearing a dress this whole time??????? I thought it was just an oversized t shirt??????
Also when she introduced herself as Acht and i was lil confused as to whether she was going by a new name or that was the localization of Mizuta. But from what i've seen it seems to just be her localized name.
WHY IS SHE HERE(im not complaining but WHY) She was sanitized, she should have lost her personality. Why is she here? Why is she fine? HOW DOES SHE KNOW MARINA?? Like yeah Marina was a well known octarian soldier like i think even 8 knew of her but she didn't know of 8. So like it makes sense that Dedf!sh would know Marina, but why does Marina know Dedf1sh?? Like yeah music is an important part of both inkling and octoling society so like maybe she was also important? Or do they just know each other as friends???
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Its so cute!!!!!!!!!! The beloved!!!!!! I adore how expressive they managed to make the face despite it being so simple!!!!!!!
Her lil crown is so adorable!!!!!!!! And the lil tentacle flappy things!!!!!!!
And 8 can ride on it!!!!
AND ITS 8???? imma be honest i was lowkey in the camp that it was gonna be a clone of 8 or smth cuz of how unwilling they were to tell us if it was 8 or not. So it was interesting to get confirmation that it was in fact her!!!! Which like !!!!! EIGHT MY BELOVED!!!!!!!
Anyway, this thing seems like its gonna be like lil buddy in that it can help out. The trailer has a small split second where it has text about powering up the splat bombs from the lil pearl bot or smth. So like yeah seems like it can help. Plus that weird tether?? Laser??? Thing...??? we saw coming out of it.
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i'm pretty sure it had already been confirmed in a dev interview or smth but this is 100% a alternate reality for if chaos had lost and order had won. i'm not sure how i feel about that??? but y'know what its happening so i can't do much about it. plus it does mean they can kinda do whatever they what without affecting canon too much which should lead to something interesting
ok wait back to the pearl bot real quick. the japanese website for side order (after google translated so take this w a grain of salt) says that "it appears to be Hime(pearls jp name) herself inside, but for some reason she appears to be in the form of a drone" SO LIKE??? WHAT???? WHY IS SHE IN THERE. I ASSUMED SHE WAS JUST TRANSMITTING THRU IT WHILE SHE WAS SOMEWHERE ELSE. which like to be fair i was wondering why she was not there in person. but its not like she was there in person for most of octo expansion either so like????
Also if this is taking place in 8s mind (seems unliekly after this) then maybe the drone is her way of communicating to 8 thru all this??? like maybe its smth marina made???
Speaking of Marina. It seems like these two are looking for her. Which would explain the glitched out art of her in the first trailer
ALSO SPEAKING OF THE FIRST TRAILER. 8s hair was brown there but now its seems like its a washed out color. Like it can still change colors(especially near the tip) but its a rlly pale/pastel ink color usually.
OK RANDOM IDEA TIME. a lot of stuff looks digital. (the drone, the animation of 8 spawning into a level, the matrix code looking stuff etc) so like maybe this is a simulation of some kind that marina made to view into an alternate reality? like in that one interview:
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She talks about finding a world of order at the end of the world. So maybe she made a device to peer into that world of order? And then her, pearl, and 8 made their way into it.
That might also explain dedfishs use of the phrase "innocent bystander who got SUCKED INTO all of this" so maybe she was nearby at the time of the device activating. But why would she have been there? and if she was there why would marina not have introduced her to pearl and 8??? maybe the device wasnt meant to be activated at that point yet. maybe it wasnt ready
so wheres marina??? she may have gotten separated from the other 2 and so now they are looking for her??? idk i am literally just rambling here. i have no clue whats going on and so many ideas.
but anyway, this all started because i was wondering how you would get to the dlc area. cuz its not like this is happening somewhere else in the world like in octo expansion. THIS IS AN ALTERNATE REALITY.
ok gonna have to end it here since i had to take my cat to the vet today (dw she is okay) and i am very tired and cannot think any more thoughts at all ok bye!!!!!!!
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