#So make of that what you will
introspectivememories · 4 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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You’ve heard of “rotating blorbos around in your mind,” now get ready for “rotating just the most random phrases you’ve ever heard or seen.” Now with the added bonus of: the broken record function, which lets you experience the magic of repeating the phrase internally on loop forever with no clue as to why and no way of stopping it no matter the relevancy to current circumstance or situation!
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fangruninsimp · 1 year
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"Forget not who you are, Ramiz."
Babel, R.F. Kuang
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rusquared · 2 months
current obsession is origami fidget toys. and flash games.
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conschintz · 4 months
kristen is really me-ing this season. ally beardsley please get out of my walls I'M SCARED
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lady-zephyrine · 2 months
So based on the few times we've seen him with a fish in his mouth, we can assume that Gooey likes seafood.
However, I don't think he'd want to eat cephalopod meat, especially since one friend (Chuchu) is an octopus.
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
Kudos to Red Guy his babygirl is actually a war criminal , no one is doing it like him
oh listen i would say of the two of them he definitely has the worse taste like. its almost hilarious
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khaotunq · 11 months
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Ryu's Adventures In... dramatic brooding. First Kanaphan as Ryu (Wake Up Ladies: Very Complicated, 2020).
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tananais · 2 years
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Elisabeth & Maximilian | Elisabeth & Franz The Empress, 1x06: "The God Who Us Has Freedom Sent"
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saionjeans · 3 months
i usually say im juricoded because i can really relate to her on the basis of how she presents as a lesbian and how people perceive her, but the main thing about juri, which is her romantic tragic pining to the point of fetishizing her own yearning more so than the actual object of her affections, is fundamentally unrelatable to me. if anything my problem is that i don’t feel deeply enough, and don’t care to. juri acts subdued and detached but is in fact incredibly melodramatic, whereas i act subdued simply because i am, in fact, subdued. so im juricoded but only in the most superficial sense. which i do realize makes me sound like im saying im just perfect actually, but also saying “im juricoded except for all her pathetic flaws, which are absurd and fundamentally unrelatable to me” is something that juri herself would in fact say. so there you go.
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panbaric · 2 months
i'm confused your wip is carlos pov but you tagged it as lestappen
It's outsider POV!
Carlos is such a fascinating juxtaposition to the narratives of Max and Charles, because in a lot of way he is the anti Max (young racing driver with a famous dad in 2015 Toro Rosso), while recently being held up as an anti Charles with the "Ferrari fired the wrong driver" allegations. But the issue is that Carlos is a very good racing driver, and that's it. Max and Charles have the weights of prodigies, prophecies, and legacies interwoven in their narratives (and indeed, are interwoven in each other's narrative). The fic is exploring that, but from a Carlos POV, hence the outsider POV.
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
I love love love your comic and art style! I was wondering if you would be willing to say if it has a happy ending? Totally understand if you don't want to post spoilers or anything, even just posting the word yes or no would work. Only because I'm not sure if I can handle a completely tragic story atm. (Just wanna emphasize- absolutely no pressure, you do you, don't feel bad if it isn't something you want to share!<3<3) have a lovely day!
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to be perfectly honest, i don't have a planned ending. Well, to be precise, i haven't decided on one yet. There are a couple that ive been deliberating on, but since we're so early in the story... i haven't really been worried about picking one.
i suppose there's a "good" ending, a "bad" ending, and a cliffhanger ending?
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seaglassdinosaur · 2 months
I had a dream where I made a post that was about the word Twink as if it was a verb
Like ‘twink twank twunk’
And in my dream I knew tumblr would go nuts for it
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 11 months
Is Yennefer a commie or a liberal?
Trick question. She lives in a precapitalist medieval feudal society so those terms don't apply.
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starlightseraph · 5 months
watching this as an irish person made me pass out. the green beards. i may be an atheist but i’m now praying to st anthony to help me find my sanity again.
(series 3, episode 5 • “hot off the press”)
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heroesspirit · 6 months
Hiiii ^3^)ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
Do you have a reference post about the fairies in your AU?
No I don't! Anything I have at all regarding references is in the pinned post. Fairies aren't super important to the comic, I just felt like showing off their designs. That being said, I am exploring how fairies work moreso in my fanfictions! Even then, it's nothing in great detail as of yet.
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