#i am leaning towards a happier ending at the moment just due to how trashfire this is going to get
rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
I love love love your comic and art style! I was wondering if you would be willing to say if it has a happy ending? Totally understand if you don't want to post spoilers or anything, even just posting the word yes or no would work. Only because I'm not sure if I can handle a completely tragic story atm. (Just wanna emphasize- absolutely no pressure, you do you, don't feel bad if it isn't something you want to share!<3<3) have a lovely day!
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to be perfectly honest, i don't have a planned ending. Well, to be precise, i haven't decided on one yet. There are a couple that ive been deliberating on, but since we're so early in the story... i haven't really been worried about picking one.
i suppose there's a "good" ending, a "bad" ending, and a cliffhanger ending?
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