#Snape angst
dranna · 5 months
The Half blood prince
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‘Take it… take ..it . Something more than blood was leaking from Snape. Silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid, it gushed from his mouth and ears and his eyes.’
a quick, 1 hour long sketch ~ line arts and doodles are available on my Kofi <3
~ commissions open | prints | links ~
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turvi · 11 months
And I Love You So
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All the images are taken from Pinterest.
"Severus and Y/n"
Severus groaned when he heard Professor Slughorn announce his new partner for potions. He thought he had impressed Slughorn enough to let him work individually, but the professor claimed that the other students could use his help.
He watched Y/n approach his desk. She looked so happy and bright. He rolled his eyes, distracting himself by collecting ingredients he would need to make potions. For now, Severus was glad that she was quiet until-
"Hey, I am Y/n L/n."
"I know"
This was how the majority of their time went by. Y/n would try to talk to Severus only to get a maximum of two words out of him. At times she could feel him getting restless beside her.
"You are putting too much Dittany root." His fingers twitched as he shifted his weight on his feet.
"Don't worry, Severus...I know what I am doing. Just wait and watch."
He scratched his head and watched as anxiety filled his chest. "It's too much it will explode on your face."
"Aww, Severus you care about me."
Severus looked at her with a disappointed look. "I care about you ruining such an easy potion."
"Trust me, Severus, I got this," Y/n said, patting his arm. Severus shivered when he felt her touch. It was so gentle and warm. His hands were never warm.
"Your hand is warm." He cupped his mouth instantly, not believing the words that came out of his mouth. It was an observation. Nothing...too bad, right? But then he saw Y/n smiling at him.
"Pay attention to your potion" He went back to stirring his potion. He never felt so warm. Probably the temperature is rising. He observed her potion and saw the dark shade of purple forming. While his potion was in a lighter shade.
What made it worse was that Slughorn gave Y/n extra credit for creating the perfect potion. He should have felt defeated and jealous. But she just looked so beautiful standing there smiling at him. What did he do for her to smile at him like that? Like a sweet summer, she shone bright, and she was so warm.
Severus shook his head. "I need a drink." He watched Y/n approach their desk with a smug smile. Severus gave a defeated sigh. "What?"
"Maybe you should put more dittany roots in your potion next time" She looked at him with a mischievous smile, and Severus let her win this time.
A few months went by. The season of thunder and rainfall was here, indicating a bitter goodbye to the summer. He sat at the usual desk waiting for his partner- potions partner.
He felt her before he saw her. Her energy was so bright he could spot her in a crowd with his eyes closed. He waited patiently. Severus knew what she was going to say. "Did you hear the thunder?."
"Did you hear the thunder?" Y/n said and frowned when Severus chuckled. "What are you laughing about?"
"Y/n, you have been pestering me about monsoon since the start of our new term. I know how the sound of thunder and rain comforts you, and you love to dance in the rain like an idiot." His tone was more amusing than taunting, and Y/n knew.
"Ahh...so you listen to everything I say. And you say you don't care."
Severus smirked at her."I don't, darling, but you sit beside me regularly voicing your love for monsoon."
For the first time, Y/n was quiet. Her heart pounded against her chest at how he smirked at her and called her darling. She felt nice. She realised she liked seeing him smile.
After the class was over, it started raining again. "Come on, let's go."
"Y/n, where are we going. Slow down."
She didn't reply to him and walked out in the rain. "Y/n, come back. You will get sick."
Y/n twirled and let out a happy squeal. "Yeah, I will, but at least I am enjoying it right now."
Severus shook his head. The sound of her laughter felt like a warm hug in this cold weather. "Come on Sev, dance with me."
He shook his head. "No. I am not stupid like you. I don't want to get sick."
"Please, Severus, just once...then I won't bother you, please." she extended her hand. Severus had a lot of worries. What if someone saw him dancing with her? What if they get sick, what if they slip and fall. But her smile. He couldn't think of a reason someone would smile because of him. But here she was so happy and excited at the idea of dancing with him.
He cautiously held her hand and let the raindrops fall on him. His eyes widened when he felt her hand on his waist, his hands finding her shoulder and waist, drawing her closer to him.
Severus heard whispers and snickers in the background, but he just couldn't take his eyes away from her. The sound of rain and her humming drowned the sound of the whispers and snickers. He frowned only because he couldn't kiss her, thank her, or worship her just because she was patient with him. Just because she held him so gently. Just because she smiled.
Smoke clouded his lungs as he tried to make his way through the corridor. He was in his room earlier trying to find ways to tell Y/n that he loves her. The past few days, his feelings have only grown whenever he would find her simply resting her head on his chest, holding his hand, or feeling her eyes on him whenever he looked away.
Dread filled his chest as he heard screams from the Hufflepuff tower. Severus ran as fast as he could, coughing as smoke entered his lungs, colliding with students running on the opposite side. The only thought in his head as his lungs burned was to save Y/n.
"Y/N!" Severus called out in desperation as the common room burned around him. He kept calling her, trying as he made his way through smoke and fire. Then he saw her trying to open the door to someone's dorm.
"Y/n, come out now."
"Severus, students are stuck in there. I can't leave them. Get out the fire is increasing." Y/n yelled as a pillar fell down, increasing the fire.
"I am not leaving without you." He didn't give her a chance to argue and helped her open the jammed door. "I'll put a spell that will clear the way."
Severus and Y/n finally got the door to open, and she helped the students out as Severus cleared the entrance for the students. As the last student got out, Severus got in to help Y/n out, and she smiled as she ran towards him. He picked her up and got her out of the tower before the fire consumed it.
"How did this happen?" She looked up at him as he carefully put her down. But he didn't respond. He just kissed her, his heart pounding against his chest with fear, relief and love. She smiled against his lips. "What was that for?"
"Sorry, I should have asked, I just-
She cut him off as she kissed him again. Severus held her tightly against him. The dread in his chest was still there. He felt like something was not right.
But Y/n sensed it before Severus could. She pushed him away, taking the attack that was meant for him. Severus could only catch a glimpse of the hooded figure.
Severus couldn't run after it as he held the lifeless body of Y/n. The one person who loved him. The one person who smiled when she saw him. He lost her in seconds, and he couldn't even tell her how much she meant to him, he couldn't tell her how much he loved to hear her laugh, he couldn't tell her he loved her.
Severus held her hand, but they were not warm anymore. He lost her. Forever.
14 years had passed. Severus lay there in the boathouse taking his last breaths. He knew everyone hated him, and he didn't mind, he never did. He could only hope now that Harry and his friends would win the war. He couldn't do much. He finally could rest.
But as Severus started to close his eyes, he heard a familiar. He instantly recognised her voice. Was it really her? He could see Harry was trying to revive him. But Severus didn't want to live anymore. Not when she stood there smiling at him like she did all those years ago.
"Y/n!" his voice croaked, and the trio looked around, trying to see what he was looking at but saw nothing. The trio saw life fade away from Severus. They mourned his loss, not knowing he was finally where he always wanted to be. With Y/n. Dancing with her to her favourite song.
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pr-olvdr · 8 months
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i need some snape friends. anyone wanna be mutuals ? snutuals ? that doesn't sound quite right
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sacredsnape · 1 year
Alright alright first off hi! Welcome back I missed your writings and second could I please request a one shot about severus after war but he’s still the headmaster and the staff want to give him something on his birthday, so they get reader who is an escort, sev is obviously mortified but reader is chill and is like we can just talk if you’re uncomfortable with touch.
You can do whatever you want with this honey, but I just want it to end up with him asking for a real date. 
Hi anon! I love this request sm. At first, I was going to make it pure fluff, but then I got a little carried away 😈
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Genre: smut/fluff
Warnings: handjob, blowjob, brief reader masturbation, unprotected p in v, Sev has a huge pp, praise kink, soft and tender sex, crying during sex, slightly sub Sev, hickies, mentions of Sev's past hookups, mentions of Nagini's attack during the war
Two years after the war, Severus was still feeling the bite of Nagini like it had just been yesterday.
The place he had been bitten ached every day. It stung with the memories that came with it; he was lucky to be alive but mortified that Voldemort tried to kill him with his snake.
Above all, Severus felt a great deal of spite towards Voldemort. He outlived that slimy old bastard and was now living a calm, relatively happy life in a little cottage in Hogsmeade.
Severus was still Headmaster at Hogwarts, and with Minerva's help, he learned how to gradually enjoy the position. He was still very serious about protecting the students and setting fair yet strict punishments. After the Carrows, he did everything in his power to ensure that no student was in danger.
Severus went to work on January 9th, 2000, like any other day. He clocked in, grabbed his coffee from the kitchens, and then went to his office, only to choke and spit out his coffee everywhere when he saw a complete stranger sitting on his desk.
"Happy birthday?" you tried meekly, growing slightly nervous as Severus's eyes narrowed as he looked at you.
He placed his coffee down on a small table in the corner, turning on his heel with his wand now pointed at you, completely forgetting that it was his birthday as his fight or flight instincts kicked in.
"Who are you?" Severus demanded, his voice low and cold. "Why are you in my office? Get out!"
Your lips parted in shock; did Minerva not tell Severus about the surprise she had gotten him for his birthday?
"Severus, I can explain-" you began, starting to stand up but he stopped you, pointing his wand into your chest. The cool tip of the wand left a small indent in your skin, and you felt a wave of heat roll through you at the contact.
"Then explain. Quick-ly," he muttered, his eyes set with determination to get you out of his office. "Before I banish you from this castle and my office forever!"
You bit your lip, gently closing your hand around his wand and pushing it away. Severus raised his eyebrows at you, perplexed, before you spoke again.
"I'm going to assume that Minerva didn't tell you, but she and the other staff knew that your 40th birthday was coming up, so they wanted to...surprise you with me," you nervously began, squirming under the Headmaster's piercing gaze. "I'm an...an escort."
Severus felt as if someone had splashed cold water on his face. His stomach dropped and then churned, his mouth suddenly feeling very dry.
With reluctance, he slowly, almost meticulously, dragged his eyes up and down your body. He noticed that your attire was simply not appropriate for the frigid weather outside - you were wearing a skimpy little dress that barely covered your ass. He looked back at your face, noticing that your hair was tied back into a tight ponytail, one that would not come undone with rigorous movement.
Severus swallowed, licking his lips. You simpered under his gaze, squeezing your thighs together as you suggested, "If you're not comfortable, we don't have to do anything. I can just sit here and chat with you."
"Sit here and chat with me," Severus repeated, laughing darkly. He shook his head, finally putting his wand away in his robes. "I can't believe they did this. I survived that blasted snake's attack, and now they're trying to get me laid."
"You haven't been laid?" Your question came out as more of a gasp, genuinely surprised. You considered Severus to be a very handsome man, and you knew that the quiet ones were usually...well endowed.
"I have been laid," Severus snapped without meaning to. "Twice. The first time happened when I was 31, and the second time happened a few months after the second war started."
Severus didn't want you, a gorgeous, polite woman, to think he was some loser in his 40s who hadn't been boned yet. His first time was a messy one night stand with a witch he met in London, but at least he learned how to eat pussy that night. The second time was with Lucius during a Death Eater meeting at the Manor, his back pressed against Lucius's front as he rammed into him from behind, his hand clamped tightly over his mouth.
Severus shuddered as he experienced flashbacks of the two times in his life he ever had sex. When he used to have more energy and motivation, he'd masturbate in the shower or in bed after a long day. He was now realizing that he hadn't experienced an orgasm in years.
"Severus?" you spoke softly, waving a hand in front of his face. He flinched, snapping out of his thoughts and grabbing your wrist in his large hand.
"I've obviously had experience," Severus drawled, whining softly as blood rushed to his cock. "No...stop. Don't get hard, don't-" His thoughts were scolding him, shaming him for getting hard after feeling a fraction of your skin against his, but your skin was just so soft and warm, and he could smell your lavender body lotion.
Your breath hitched as he held your wrist, aroused at how big his hand was. You briefly imagined that hand running over your body and between your legs, sending you to orgasm with those long fingers-
Severus chuckled. He had read your mind, fascinated by your salacious thoughts of his hand. He tentatively intertwined his fingers with yours, surprised to feel the sting of tears in his eyes.
His entire face changed. His once dark, serious expression turned soft, almost tender, and a singular tear rolled down his cheek.
"I'm sorry," Severus gasped, tearing away from you. "I- I get emotional very easily. I'm sorry, here-" He fumbled around in his robes, pulling out a handful of Galleons. "Take this. I don't want you to waste my time with me when I cry at the slightest touch-"
His panicked ramble was silenced by your warm lips pressing against his. Severus gasped, his erection straining against his trousers and nudging your lower stomach as you pulled him closer. You moaned into his mouth, pushing your fingers through his black hair, which had streaks of gray that you found oddly attractive.
You took the lead, pushing your tongue into his mouth and curling your fingers in his hair. Severus became even harder during the heated kiss, groaning lowly as you dropped a hand to feel him.
"Holy shit, you're so hard. You feel huge too," you breathed, slowly teasing his bulge over his trousers. Severus whined, gripping your hips as you continued to tease him. His cock was so sensitive even under his trousers, and he was worried that he'd come undone in the next thirty seconds if you kept touching him like this.
"I'm quite- fuck- humble about my size," Severus blushed, a chill running through him as your hand slipped past the waistband of his trousers. According to the witch he hooked up with so many years ago, he had "the biggest cock she's ever taken."
"Oh, I don't think you should be humble about this thing," you giggled, feeling an ache grow between your thighs as you cupped his bare cock. He was thick, and you could feel veins if you moved your fingers the right way. His cock throbbed against your hand and you smirked when you felt a bead of precum drip down your knuckles.
"Fucking hell," Severus hissed, gripping the edge of his desk so hard that his knuckles turned white. His heart was racing, his mouth opened as his climax threatened to peak already.
A broken moan left him as you pulled his trousers down, letting the fabric pool at his ankles before taking his big cock in your hand. He had to be seven inches at least, with a well trimmed area of grayish black hair that connected to his happy trail. The tip was a darkish pink color, and it wept precum as you began to jerk him off.
"Is this okay?" you sweetly asked him, looking up at him through your long eyelashes. Severus nodded, too lost in his pleasure to verbalize his satisfaction.
Each flick of your wrist sent electric bliss down his spine. You were so perfect, so gorgeous, so delectable, like a demon of lust that was possessing him with so much pleasure.
Severus fucking whimpered, a sound he hadn't made since he was with Lucius. You smirked, stroking him faster and harder until the sound of your hand moving on his shaft was clearly audible.
"Ahh, that feels amazing," Severus whimpered, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. He was so close already, so fucking close, that he almost felt ashamed. Although used to coming so quickly, he wished he could draw it out for a little bit longer, just to keep feeling your hand's magic.
"I'm- I'm gonna-" Severus had no time to warn you before he came with a loud groan, the hand gripping his desk shaking as he shot ropes of hot cum all over your hand.
With a satisfied smile, you dropped to your knees, resting your cum-covered hand on his thigh and the other between your own legs. You had no underwear on under your dress, and you dipped a finger inside of your pussy, moaning at how wet you were.
"Do you hear that?" you asked Severus, rubbing circles into your clit with your thumb so that he could hear your wetness. "You made me this wet. You did that."
"I did that," Severus uttered in disbelief, feeling a twinge of pride. He didn't know that he could make someone so aroused in such a short amount of time; even his hookups in the past took a while.
"Uh-huh..." you mumbled, curiously licking the tip of his cock as your fingers continued to work on your clit. Severus inhaled sharply, gathering your ponytail in his fist.
"You have such a pretty cock," you purred, sucking the head into your waiting mouth. Severus moaned softly, digging his fingers into your scalp as you took as much of him as you could.
You immediately hollowed your cheeks, beginning to bob your head gently. Severus was in heaven, his eyes falling closed as you expertly sucked and licked around his sensitive shaft.
"S-so good. You're such a good g-girl," Severus stammered out his praise. You moaned around him, your pussy throbbing with need at his deep voice. Ever since he first spoke to you ten minutes ago, you'd been dying to hear his voice praising you.
You bobbed your head more eagerly now, resting both slick hands on his thighs. Severus groaned and rolled his head back, seeing stars burst behind his eyelids. Your tongue was magnificent; it licked him just right.
"So good... you taste so good," you moaned, humming as you savored the taste of Severus. Severus gripped your hair harder, resisting the urge to buck into your mouth. He didn't want to hurt your pretty little throat, after all.
Severus stared down at you with half-lidded eyes, in a daze as he listened to the lewd slurping sounds you made around his cock. He was close again, and as if you had read his mind, you pulled your lips away, smiling cheekily.
"I was just about to come," Severus grumbled, looking adorably flustered above you. You licked your lips and swallowed the precum you had gathered, replying, "Wouldn't you rather come inside my pussy? I'm clean and on the pill."
Severus laughed, the sound making your heart swoon. "You're an eager girl, aren't you?" he mused, helping you onto your feet. Your knees hurt a little from kneeling on the hard floor, but it was worth it.
"I think any girl would be eager with how big your cock is," you replied coolly, pulling your dress over your head. Severus wheezed, all the air leaving his body as he stared at your nude figure. You were exquisite, an ethereal sight to behold. He moved forward, placing his large hands on your waist as he hungrily kissed you, moaning as he pushed you against his desk until you were on your back.
You felt dizzy with desire as you gazed up at Severus, your breathing labored as he spread your legs. He looked at your pussy like he was in love with it, visibly amazed at how your juices glistened in the candlelight of his office.
"Happy birthday to me," Severus smiled to himself, leaning down to kiss your forehead before pushing in. You and him moaned together, your hands flying to his back to hold him there.
Severus was trembling, his eyes screwed shut at how warm you were. It was like your walls were made of velvet, caressing his thick cock so well. He was in awe of the sight of you; you were panting, your kiss-swollen lips open in a silent gasp. Your pussy was making a mess all over his desk and soiling the important paperwork he had laid there.
He'd have to thank Minerva for this when he remembered. With purpose, he leaned over you and pushed forward, driving his cock deeper inside of you.
"Mmm, you're so big and amazing at stretching me out," you praised Severus, grinning as a blush covered his face. Severus was a sucker for praise and he shyly hid his face in your neck, holding you close in his arms.
"Why don't you start rolling those sexy hips of yours, birthday boy?" you cooed into his ear, stroking his hair. Severus whimpered against your neck before nodding, beginning to softly roll his hips.
You dug your manicured nails into his shoulders, feeling his cock stretching you in every way possible. You've taken big cocks before, but his felt so different. It felt like it was made for you.
"Fuck, baby. Your pussy is fucking incredible," Severus admired as he sat up, roughly pulling your hips towards him like you were a ragdoll. You mewled, running your hands up and down his chest.
"You're fucking me so well, Severus," you said, your voice sultry. "Fuck me faster and I'll come all over your big cock."
Severus nodded fervently, following your commands like the good boy he was. He bucked into you harder and faster, his sharp hip bones digging into the backs of your thighs.
You secured Severus in a tight hug, shaking with each snap of his hips. He was making the most obscene noises, growls and groans that made your pussy even wetter. He held your waist so tightly that you were sure he'd leave behind marks.
Severus looked down at your bouncing breasts, his lips curving into a smirk. He leaned down to kiss them, flicking his tongue over your hardened nipples and making you whimper.
"Severus," you moaned beautifully, the sound of your voice causing him to move even faster. His desk started to creak and shake, and you were momentarily worried that it would collapse.
Severus was very close to you as he nipped and licked at your breasts, so you took that as your opportunity to attack his neck. You sucked hickies onto his pale skin, surrounding his scar with deep purple marks.
Severus felt your lips and how close they were to his scar, and a fresh wave of tears gathered in his eyes. You were appreciating his body for the way it was and it made him cry out of gratefulness.
"Fuck, f-fuck," you moaned, your eyes widening when you saw tears falling onto your breasts. Severus looked up, tears rolling down his cheeks and onto his chest.
You reached a hand out, delicately caressing his face. "I hope you're crying because it feels good," you panted, sliding a hand down your body to rub your swollen clit.
Severus watched you rub your clit, a burning desire to further please you growing inside of him. He nodded, "Feels so good, I feel so wanted..."
He exhaled a shuddering breath at his own words, awash in intense emotion. He couldn't believe he just said that, but he wanted you to know. He wanted you, a complete stranger until recently, to know that you made him feel wanted.
You smiled softly at him, biting your lip a moment later when Severus replaced your hand with his own. He pressed those lovely fingers of his to your clit, rubbing precise circles into the nub.
"Fuck yes, right there! You're such a good boy, please come inside of me," you encouraged, your body feeling hot as your orgasm approached.
Severus hadn't expected his orgasm to hit so suddenly. With your praise and the way your pussy was squeezing him, he came, whimpering sweetly as he filled you up.
You came shortly afterward, calling his name so loudly that you wouldn't be surprised if the entire castle heard. You felt like you were in the clouds, your body feeling featherlight as you came down from your peak.
Severus was very still, his cock still buried deep inside you. He then collapsed onto your chest, weakly kissing your neck and murmuring his gratitude.
"Thank you so much, that was incredible. I've never had such a powerful orgasm before."
You beamed and ran your fingers through his hair, kissing the side of his head. "I'm glad I gave you a birthday to remember."
Severus giggled, sitting up slowly to look at you. He kissed you, but this kiss wasn't like the others, which were heated and rushed. It was tender and meaningful.
"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" he suddenly asked you as he broke the kiss. Your eyebrows shot up, and you felt tears of your own gathering in your eyes. He was asking you out on a date, your very first date for that matter. Maybe you were finally going to settle down and be happy with someone if everything went well. You hoped that it would be with Severus.
"Yes. A hundred times yes."
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Being a casual smoker where nobody but my inner circle knows about this is such a casual and fun double life.
Imagine now how comforting might this feel for Severus, smoking a cigarette in peace after he's back from a Death Eater meeting, enjoying the only harmless personna he can have. Nobody knows about this little habit of his.
Minerva suspects it but she leaves him in peace, Albus doesn't really care, Voldemort tempts him with other more dangerous vices. So this is only for him, for his tormented soul to enjoy one cigarette from time to time and dream about the life he'd have if he stayed out of it all.
Maybe it would have all been better if he listened to that blonde older boy and ran away somewhere far after graduating Hogwarts. But now it's two late and him and that older boy are now stuck in an endless spiral towards hell.
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hazedwords · 10 months
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Quick Severus Snape Headcannon:
Despite what others believe, Severus Snape and Lily Evans passed notes to eachother in class (if they were done with their classwork) and sometimes in the library when they studied.
Severus kept all of the folded notes in a little wooden box and re-read them later on.
After a long, tiring day of teaching dunderhead students, Professor Snape goes into his office and opens up the locked desk drawer with the little wooden box in it. Once in a blue moon, the shadow of a smile crosses the grumpy professors face while he looks at the contents of the box.
(Check out my other posts if you like this Severus headcannon, I plan to add more headcannons)
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
The New Potions Professor (Snape x Student Reader)
Synopsis: It’s Severus Snape’s first year teaching at Hogwarts. You and him had dated for a short period while he was still in school and he broke your heart when he ended things between you. What will you do now that he is your professor?
Notes: Reader is 18 years old and a 7th year student, Snape is 21 years old, reader has a vagina, preestablished relationship
Warnings: questionable morals, age gap (two and half years), student x professor, yelling/arguments, cursing, dom/sub/switch, fingering (f! receiving), blowjob (m! receiving), sex, a little kinky
Genre: Smut, Angst
Words: 2,976
Masterlist here
Part 2 here
Nostalgia is all you feel as you walk through the doors to the great hall laughing and chatting with your friends while hurrying to grab a seat at your house’s table. It’s your last year at Hogwarts and you are looking forward to what this year has to offer but you are also nervous at the thought of entering the real world.
“Oh shit! What the hell is Snivellus doing at the professor’s table?” your friend exclaims, breaking the flow of the conversation. Quickly and with great force, you turn your head rather sharply to get a better view of the professors' table. Sure enough there sits your ex, Severus Snape. 
You and Snape had had a fling, as he had called it, during the time you were both in school. He was, of course, only two and half years older than you, but he was a 17-year-old 7th-year student and you were a 15-year-old 4th-year student at the time thus, it was a bit scandalous. 
Severus was someone who didn’t enjoy being the center of attention so the relationship had been kept a secret, not even your closest friends had any idea about it. He was your first kiss and your first time and you suspected you were his also though he surely seemed more experienced than you and had no problems getting you off.
You had both been deeply in love, or so you thought. Snape had ended things between you after only a few months of the relationship, shortly after he turned 18. He never gave you an explanation or a second thought. You were deeply heartbroken and honestly, you still hadn’t gotten over him in these last few years either. There was just something so mysterious and inviting about him that made you unable to forget about him or to move on, plus the sex had been out of this world. You still daydream about those hands of his sometimes.
“What the fuck is he doing up there? Isn’t he only 21? He’s basically the same age as us. Why the hell would they make him a professor?” you remark clearly annoyed. 
“Yeah… that is super weird. We’re going to have old Snivellus as our professor huh? I wonder what he will be teaching.” 
You shrug, “I just hope he isn’t as stuck up and rude as he was in school. He was always skulking around and making people uncomfortable with his presence.” Your friends laugh in agreement with your comment. 
Whatever subject he is teaching you don’t care, you just know that you are going to do your best to make his first year as a professor hell. It’s time for revenge.
You saunter into the potions classroom on Tuesday afternoon for your first lesson, or as you call it, your first day of torturing Snape for what he did to you. You take a seat at the very front of the class, right next to his desk. Usually, you would prefer to sit near the back of the classroom but this is a special occasion. 
Shortly after the class has finished filing in and is seated, Snape enters dramatically, walking at a quick pace with his long dark cloak billowing in the wind behind him. The class goes so utterly silent that you could hear a flick of a wand in the air. His eyes sweep the classroom and you could have sworn they pause at you for a second before moving on.
“I know that many of you are aware of who I am already as I was at Hogwarts as a student at the same time as you; however, I am now your professor and I will be treated with respect. Any little step out of line, even one finger on the line, and you will be punished severely. I will not stand for any sort of disrespect,” Snape says in a voice barely louder than a whisper yet it can be heard from every place in the classroom. 
Snape looks at his papers at the end of his sentence and begins to call the roll. As he says your name his voice catches a bit. “Here Professor Snivellus!” you smirk while raising your hand, eliciting a wave of giggles across the classroom. His deep brown eyes cut you a glare that could shatter glass and the room goes silent again.
 “I am your professor now and I will be referred to as such, (Y/N). Do I make myself clear?” he snarls. “Ten points from (Your house) and I will see you for detention on Saturday at six o’clock!”
You smirk as he goes back to calling the roll. You didn’t quite expect he would have the balls to give you detention right away but you got what you wanted, a few more hours to annoy the shit out of him.
As the class drags on you take every little chance you can to make snarky and sarcastic remarks toward him even going as far as to call him over with stupid ass questions about the potion you are working on every few minutes. 
“Professor Snape, I need help!”
“What is it this time you daft dunderhead?”
“How do I cut up this dittany?”
“You learned this in your first year, stop pestering me with stupid questions and prepare your potion or I’m going to fail you.”
He doesn’t take any more points away from your house since it is the beginning of the term but you do end up with a month's worth of detentions with him by the end of the class. You are so busy celebrating your success in making him so fed up with you in your first class with him that you don’t even notice him walk up behind you. You jump a little at the sound of his voice. 
“(Y/N), you have been an absolute nightmare and this is only our first class together. I need to have a word with you.” You shrug and sit back down at your desk while you wait for the class to empty. 
As the last student leaves Snape shuts and locks the door with a flick of his wand while muttering a muffling charm to deafen the sound coming from the room before shouting, “What the absolute fuck is wrong with you, you little shit?”
You can’t help but laugh at his reaction. In fact, you laugh so hard you knock over the bag that was sitting on your desk. It falls to the ground with a loud thud and you see that Snape is flustered and his cheeks are a pale pink color. He surely is being unusually emotional today, maybe you can use that to your advantage.
“I have no idea what you are talking about, Professor,” you smirk. “I was simply repaying you for the hell you put me through. I call that a necessary courtesy.”
“Are you really still angry that I broke things off with you? It was years ago, (Y/N). Why are you being such a whiny bitch about it? Can’t we just pretend it never happened?” Snape growls. “It was better to end things than to put you at risk. Don’t question things you will never understand, you brainless swine.”
“How was I at risk being in a relationship with you?”
“It’s not that simple, (Y/N).”
“Just fucking tell me, you shithead! You never gave me an explanation. Don’t you think I deserve one?”
Snape furls his eyebrows and looks down at the floor. “I wish I could explain however I cannot. Knowing why will put you at just as much risk. I can’t- ”
“You talk as if you still love me Sev,” you plead, tears falling down your face.
“(Y/N) please let’s not do this. Can’t we pretend it never happened?”
“No, we can’t! Now tell me why the fuck you broke things off with me or I swear to Merlin I will make your life a living hell while you are my professor.”
“Don’t think of me any less when I tell you and you can’t tell anyone. I need you to promise me.”
“Sev, what the fuck?” “JUST PROMISE ME!”
Snape has a tight hold on your house tie and the collar of your shirt and he’s inches away from your face as he says this. He looks pissed, with his ebony eyes staring straight into your soul. You’ve never heard him raise his voice like this before and you are a bit scared and you are sure your face shows it. “Fine, I- I promise.”
Snape takes a deep breath to steady himself and releases the hold he has on your shirt. Through bared teeth he begins speaking, “I’ll tell you during your detention on Saturday then. Don’t be late and you better behave yourself during class from now on or I won’t tell you shit. Now get out of my classroom.”
You are on your best behavior during the rest of your potions classes that week. You wouldn’t dare mess up this chance to finally know why Sev broke up with you especially now since it’s pretty obvious he still has feelings for you. The week drags on pretty uneventfully and you have loads of homework waiting for you in your dorm as you head to your detention on Saturday night. 
You arrive right on time and Snape is waiting on you. As you arrive he tells you to take a seat and to annoy him you decide to sit on top of his desk. He rolls his eyes at you but doesn’t say anything about it. He decides to pick his battles with you more wisely from now on.
“Can you tell me now why you broke up with me Sev?”
“Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because I have something else I need to say first.”
“Go on then, or do you need a moment to prepare your last will and testimony before I have the honor of killing you?”
Snape raises an eyebrow quite irritated at you. “Before I say what you want to hear I need you to know that I never wanted to hurt you,” Snape says looking at the ground. “I truly had no choice because I didn’t want to put you at risk. Well…” Snape pauses and his dark brown eyes stare directly into your soul, “When I turned 18, I joined the death eaters as one of the Dark Lord’s most trusted servants. I didn’t want your life to be in jeopardy by being with me so I did what I thought was best and ended things. I do want you to know that I later regretted my decision to join them and I more so regretted breaking up with you.”
Words cannot even be formed to describe how you are feeling or even thinking at this moment. Thankfully Snape continues speaking. “Currently the Dark Lord has disappeared as I’m sure you are aware, however, Dumbledore believes he will return. I have thus become a spy working under Dumbledore to help bring the Dark Lord down if he ever does reappear.”
You stare into Snapes’ eyes and see that they are filled with tears. You hop down off of the desk and embrace him in a hug. Snape rests his head on your shoulder and caresses your back letting his tears fall down and onto your robes.
“You see (Y/N), we can’t be together. It’s too much of a risk. I will not lose another person I love to the Dark Lord.” Snape pulls back from the hug and takes a few steps back.
Your breath catches in your throat, “So… you do still love me then?” 
Snape fiddles with the buttons on his sleeves. He doesn’t say a word but the look in his eyes tells you all that you need to know. Before he has a chance to say anything or attempt to stop you, you close the distance between the both of you and plant a soft and gentle kiss on his mouth. It’s as if his instincts take over. He immediately grabs you and pulls you even closer as he begins kissing you back deeply and passionately. 
Suddenly, Snape pulls back. “We really shouldn’t be doing this, (Y/N).” He takes several steps away from you and runs his hands through his hair trying to compose himself. His lips are wet and swollen and a pink hue is settled across his cheeks. 
“I know what I want and it’s you. It’s always been you, Sev.”
He takes one moment to consider before roughly shoving you against the wall and kissing you hungrily while holding you down by your shoulders. His fingers begin to wander down and trace your curves over your clothing causing you to let out a little moan. 
“Already moaning for more I see. Tut tut you little whore,” Snape growls in a low voice into your ear. He grabs your hair and gives it a tug to lift your head back to expose your neck. He finds the soft spot there and sucks on it. You know you’ll have a bruise there tomorrow but you don’t care. Your eyes close to enjoy the pleasure his kisses are bringing you.
Suddenly Snape turns you around so that you are facing the wall and he puts his hand down your pants. He quickly finds your clit and begins circling it. Your legs turn to jelly and you have to brace yourself on the wall to keep standing. 
“Fuck Sev!” you scream in pleasure. Snape uses his other hand to cover your mouth while continuing to rub your clit with the other. “Be quiet you imbecile! You don’t want the whole castle hearing us!” 
As you approach your climax your legs start to shake uncontrollably. You cry out and bite down on Snape’s hand in the process, the pain causes him to let out a soft moan which he tries to hold back but fails to do so. Snape continues to slowly circle your sensitive bud until you come down off your high. 
Panting heavily you turn around to face Snape as he removes his hand from your pants and sucks on his fingers. “Mmhmm, you taste so good (Y/N). I need you now.”
“What’s the magic word dumbass?”
“Really? Are you gonna make me beg for it?”
“Fine, please (Y/N). I need you,” Sev whimpers.
“Go sit at your desk then.”
Snape sits down at his desk and you kneel in front of him while slowly unzipping his pants and removing his hard cock from his underwear. His breathing picks up as you take him into your mouth.
He immediately starts bucking his hips and you soon find the rhythm to match; expertly bobbing your head and using one of your hands to stroke him. His moans continue to get louder and louder until you finally have to reach your hand up to cover his mouth. Shortly after he cums, and you hungrily swallow every drop.
“Fuck that was amazing, (Y/N).”
“Good to hear that you enjoyed it, now be a good boy and strip. Then, go lay down on your desk.”
Obediently, Snape does just as you ask, clearing away all the papers on his desk and laying down completely naked. You hastily rip off all your clothes and climb on top of him. Teasing him by rubbing his member up and down your dripping wet folds. He lets out a little whine begging for more. 
“Stay still, Sev. Don’t move a muscle. I’m going to take care of you now.” You slowly settle down and guide his erection into you. “Shit! You feel so good!” Snape moans and starts to move his hips. “Silly boy, I said don’t move!” You proceed to hold him down by his hips, not allowing him to ease any of the growing tension in his groin. “Now, behave or I won't let you cum again dipshit.” 
You begin to ride him slowly and surely, increasing your pace while leaning down to kiss all the sensitive areas on his neck that you know so well. It takes all the control Snape has to stay still but he surrenders to you. Moaning and sighing uncontrollably, you can tell he is getting close.
“You’ve been such a wonderful boy my sweet. You can fuck me back now.”
“Ah- Fuck! Y-Yes, thank you, my love!”
With sudden clarity Snape takes control again, standing up and placing you down on the table ass up. He spreads your folds and inserts himself into you. One hand finds its way to your throat and gently wraps around it, the other begins rubbing your clit. 
Between Sev’s hand wrapped around your throat, his fingers expertly rubbing your sensitive bud, and his wonderful cock filling you up, you soon feel your orgasm approaching. You cannot control your moans of pleasure any longer and neither can Snape. 
“I- I’m gon- gonna cum!”
“Be a good little slut and cum for daddy!”
One more thrust and you reach your high. Your pussy clenches around Sev’s cock causing him to reach his also, releasing his warm liquid into you. As you both come down from your ecstasy Snape pulls out his softened length and casts a cleaning charm to tidy you both up before kissing you and pulling you into a soft embrace. 
“To answer your question… Yes, I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Sev.”
As you both redress, smiling and visibly happy for the first time in a while, you conclude that you are looking forward to the rest of your detentions with Snape. Hell, if they are all going to end like this you might continue to be a brat in his class just to secure some more alone time between the two of you as your rekindled relationship continues to grow.
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yan-senna · 1 year
I Used to Love You (Severus Snape)
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Severus Snape bumps into a childhood friend of his - Y/N Y/L/N. He has always had feelings for her, but was afraid to tell her. He learns that the feelings were mutual… But it’s too late now. Will they be able to move on?
This is a request from JeanTheBear on Wattpad. Thank you for your request!
I hope you enjoy!
Published: 5/3/2023
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Author’s note:
I’m SO sorry about the delay! I just realised I haven’t posted anything in a month😩 Hopefully it was worth the wait!
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Word count: 1.5k
Warning: Angst - confessing one’s love too late
Severus Snape has a lot of memories he wishes he could remove from his mind. Most of them are from his childhood - his abusive father, Lily, his bullies… Though one memory appears more frequently than the others. It’s one of the very few pleasant ones - his time with his childhood friend, Y/N Y/L/N. They went to Hogwarts together, and she made his time there much more bearable, especially after what happened with Lily. Y/N was always there for him.
She wasn’t just a friend to him - in their last years of Hogwarts, he fell in love with her. He never confessed his feelings to her, though - he was afraid of her reaction if he told her. Besides, she would never love him back.
After they graduated, they unfortunately lost contact. Now, fifteen years later, he still thinks about her. He thinks about her every day and wonders how she is…
Right now, Severus is walking in Diagon Alley as he needs to get ready for the new school year. He needs to buy a new quill to grade the dunderheads’ papers…
As he’s too deep in thought, he realises too late that somebody is about to bump into him. He steadies himself before he can fall to the ground. He growls. “Watch where you are going-“ he snaps before he sees who just bumped into him. He widens his eyes. So does the other person.
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dranna · 6 months
writing request: lucius comforts sev after lily's death. something angsty, maybe?
Thank you for the request dear!~ hope you’ll like it
AO3 / Commissions / Links / Contents: Angst angst angst, it’s purely angst. Little tiny comfort at the end , no happy ending
Summary: Lucius tries to comfort Sev in his own arrogant way, not realising that how deep it cut Severus . Oh dear
a/n: She meant a lot to Sev for sure, but it didn’t mean that Lucius liked her too. I think it wouldn’t make any sense he made an exception with her only because of Snape (of not knowing fully how much Sev adored her), so she remained an “another worthless mudblood” in his eyes. What you guys think🤔
tags my beloveds: @giosnape
Me while writing this:
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Eventually the news reached him too,
Crushing him,
And leaving a forever open wound.
She is dead. 
But her son,
The Boy Who Lived survived,
Pouring newfound hope in people’s minds.
I don’t care about the boy! 
But Her.. She is dead!
Dead, dead, dead, dead!
And because of you! 
His heart cruelly sang,
Echoing it in his mind,
Filling his whole being up.
What was I thinking when I ran,
With the Prophecy to the Fiend? 
I should’ve known,
I should’ve..
Thoughts ended in quiet sobs,
While his knees gave out, 
And he sank,
Deeper and deeper into despair, 
Cursing himself to death. 
He was shaking in his house, 
Eloped in cold and dark. 
However he stopped to feel, 
The physical stiffness and ache, 
A much more sinister pain, 
Was crushing him into the ground, 
Which broke to the surface from the depths of his soul. 
Like waves suffocating a shipwrecked, 
Abandoned mortal, 
Filling his lungs with ice, 
Burying him alive. 
Dead, dead, dead, dead!
And because of you! 
As he was lying on the floor, 
Severus lost the ability to think or feel, 
He could only endure, 
The shattering Truth, 
His Dark Mark being his grim witness to this all. 
Who knows how long he’s been there, 
Froze in time and place, 
When, from somewhere far away, 
The sound of faint knocking could be heard. 
He didn’t move,
Not even tried, 
But the knockings kept pouring over his mind. 
As time went on, 
They didn’t stop, 
Only got louder and more harsh. 
With the last strength he got in his bones,
He pulled himself together and opened the door. 
A wizard was standing in the frame, 
Hair white, face aristocratic, 
Robes the best quality. 
He glanced once, at the broken man, 
And let himself in, in silence. 
Snape was still at the door, 
Not registering what was going on, 
“Close the door and come, 
Sit with me on the bed.” 
Commanded the white haired man, 
His voice was firm but honey sweet, 
Worry and adoration hidden within. 
With a move of his wand, 
The fireplace roared with warmth.
Severus did as was told, 
Like a machine without thoughts,
He sat down besides Lucius, 
Still achy and cold.
He was boneless and without a feel,
Staring into nothing.
Warm, elegant hands locked his jaw,
Gently turning it towards Lucius, 
“She was a mere mudblood,
You need not to feel ba—“ 
Jumping back on the bed,
Screamed the professor, 
With the force of roaring winds,
Loud and wrecked like a wounded animal,
Fighting for his life in the corner. 
“Sorry that I called Her that, 
Would you please come back?” 
Sighed Lucius slightly annoyed,
But gentleness remained in his tone,
However Severus didn’t move,
Just stared with burning eyes into his soul.
Eventually the light haired moved,
Tenderly putting one finger under his jaw,
“I didn’t mean to upset you even more, 
I came here to comfort you,
Knowing how much She meant in your eyes,
I shouldn’t have called Her this title.
I apologise.”
Knowing how much it took for Malfoy to utter these words,
He really must have meant every letter,
Reflected Severus with a softening glare,
While slowly moving closer,
Besides it’s not his fault,
It’s all mine,
She was nothing in his gaze,
He only came to help Me. 
He climbed into the other’s lap,
Curling into Lucius’s chest.
His arms immediately held him tight,
Long sleeves shielding him from outside,
Malfoy started rocking back and forth,
Eventually calming the other down. 
You’ll see, She will fade out of your memory!”
He exclaimed cheerfully.
You idiot, 
I know you mean well, 
Saying this thinking it will help,
But I need your presence not your words,
Your embrace comforting on its own,
“I forgive you Lucius.”
Whispered Snape after some time, into his robes,
Feeling an invisible hand,
Putting weights into his soul. 
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turvi · 11 months
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The crowd in the Three Broomsticks was slowly dying down as the clock hands ticked closer to 8:00 pm. Y/n's eyes still kept looking for Severus. Out of habit, she started picking her nails, as her breath got heavier with worry. She looked up at the sky, and a shiver ran up her spine.
She has been feeling heavy all day. Y/n had been feeling something was off. She tried to convince herself it was nothing, but her intuition told her something was wrong.
She couldn't take it anymore. Y/n got up from her seat and climbed on the Hogwarts Express, but not before looking behind her, trying to find him. Her heart broke when she couldn't find him.
Her heart palpitated as she slowly made her way to the Slytherin dorm. But Y/n stopped midway when she spotted a familiar blonde boy pacing in front of the Hospital Wing.
Y/n had never seen Lucius so distressed. She slowly walked towards him. "What's wrong?"
He flinched. Lucius was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize when she came up to him. "Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Go back to your dorm." His stern voice tried to hide that he was worried.
"Fine, don't tell me." Y/n pretended to walk away. As soon as Lucius got away from the gate, she beelined for the hospital wing.
As soon as she entered, the sight in front of her almost made her lose her balance. Severus lay there on the hospital bed as Madam Pomfrey tended to his wounds.
His onyx eyes looked into the void. Y/n feared whatever thought was running through his head. Her heart broke when she heard him hiss as Madam Pomfrey applied a healing potion to his wounds.
Y/n held back a sob as she walked closer and more wounds appeared. "Severus." It hurt her throat to even speak. He looked up and looked paler when he recognized her voice.
"I'll be right back." Madam Pomfrey realized the couple needed a moment. Severus' eyes fluttered when he felt her warm hand on his cold one.
"I'm fine. There's no need to make a big deal about it." He retracted his hand. Instantly missing her warmth. But she shouldn't know what happened to him. She would see him for what he truly is. Weak. How is he meant to protect her when he can't even protect himself?
"Severus, please." She desperately held onto his hand, her breath shuddering as he looked into her eyes. Severus wondered why she looked in pain when he was the one with the wounds. "What happened?"
"You shouldn't be here." Severus looked away. He knew if he had looked into her eyes longer, he would break down and tell her everything. No. That would make him look weak. And she would leave him as everyone else did.
Y/n as a last resort, cupped his cheek. Her thumb soothingly caressed his cheek as she looked into his eyes again. "I'm here, and I'm not leaving you. You can push me away as much as you want. I'll fight you just to be with you."
Severus thickly swallowed. The passion in her eyes for him easily broke down the wall that he had built up over the years. His eyes were clouded with tears. "Can you please hold me?"
Y/n immediately but carefully got into the hospital bed and opened her arms for him like it was second nature. She tried her best not to cry. Severus wrapped his arms around her tightly and sobbed into her chest. Her heartbeat and warmth almost lulled him to sleep.
"The Marauders. They are still bullying me even after I stopped talking to Lily. What more do they want from me? Was it not enough for them to bully me just for existing?"
Silent tears dropped down her cheeks as his tears soaked into her skin. His body trembled, and she held him closer to her. Rage filled her heart. But couldn't leave him until she knew he was okay. Y/n started patting his head, softly humming as his breathing got normal.
"It's a lovely song." Severus weakly smiled at her. He closed his eyes as he felt her fingers tuck his hair behind his ear. Her breath shuddered as her eyes took in the wounds on him. Y/n blinked her tears away.
"My mother used to sing it for me whenever I used to have nightmares. Although it sounded better in her voice." Y/n's voice was heavy with sorrow. She couldn't see him in this state.
"Hmm, but it's your voice that makes me feel at home."
There was a beat of silence as the lovers held each other, trying to find comfort in each other.
Suddenly, Severus pulled away from her touch. Y/n frowned as he distanced himself from her. "How can you love me, Y/n? You deserve someone better. You deserve someone normal. Not someone like me who is weak and temperamental."
"I AM A DISAPPOINTMENT, Y/N!" Severus winced. His wounds burned as he moved further away from her. He felt it was selfish to keep her in a relationship with him. He didn't deserve her warmth and love. "The marauders are right, Y/n. I shouldn't even exist."
Y/n was at a loss for words. This is not the first time Severus has pushed her away, and this won't be the last time she fights to be by his side.
Severus flinched when he felt her arms around his waist again. How is he going to survive without it?
"You made mistakes, Severus. But you owned your mistakes too. You are not a disappointment. You are so talented, smart, and brave." Y/n held his hand, tracing the previous scar.
Severus, if you were terrible, you would not have lived with the guilt of how you were with Lily. You would not have tried to mend your mistakes. And I know it's not a small thing that will be easily forgiven with a simple sorry. But you are genuinely guilty of what you did. And you are still punishing yourself for it. So no, you are not terrible. And I'm going to be with you until my heart stops beating."
Severus turned around and hugged her tightly, ignoring the pain that was shooting up all over his torso. "Thank you for your forgiveness and love, Y/n. I don't know how I will ever repay you for being so patient and kind to me."
Y/n smirked, "You could kiss me." Severus chuckled as she wiped his tears. He looked into her eyes before he cupped her cheeks and tugged her closer. His lips clashed with hers as his tongue savored the traces of coffee and chocolate on her tongue. His hands frantically went to her back, holding her closer as he kissed her deeper.
They didn't realize when they broke the kiss until they were gasping for air. "I love you so much, Y/n." Severus desperately proclaimed.
"And I love you," she whispered against his lips. A promise that she won't let the marauders get away with this.
A/N: I wrote this on my phone so now I have an excuse for my shitty writing . REBLOGS AND COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED
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smilingformoney · 1 year
The Nightmare
Snape x OC | Angst/Comfort
Severus wakes from a terrible dream.
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Read on Ao3 or under the cut:
Severus woke in a panic, sweat dripping from his brow as he cried out for his wife. He reached out across the bed for her but - she was gone.
He bolted upright, looking around desperately. It couldn’t have been real, could it? Had she truly been taken?
“Sephy!” he called out. “Sephy, where are you? Sephy…”
He brought his knees to his chest, his breathing quick and shallow. She was gone, he had taken her, and their babies too…
Severus almost jumped out of his skin when he felt the mattress move as someone weighed it down. He looked up, and sobbed with relief when he saw Persephone sitting on the side of the bed, concern etched into her beautiful face.
“Oh, Sephy, there you are!” Severus gasped in relief as he threw his arms around her and pulled her body against his. “I thought - are you alright?” His hand flew to her stomach. “Are they okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine, Sev,” Persephone said softly, albeit with some confusion. “Just a bit of morning sickness, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong.”
Severus buried his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her lavender scent and listening to the throb of her pulse reminding him she was alive.
Persephone cradled him in her arms, holding him protectively. “Did you have a bad dream?” she asked.
Severus nodded, not looking up.
“Oh, Sev, come here. Lie down with me.”
Persephone climbed into her side of the bed and allowed Severus to cling to her, his head resting on her breast, one hand carefully cradling her stomach.
“Do you want to tell me about it?” she asked as she gently stroked his hair.
“It was so vivid,” Severus said hoarsely. “So real… he was back. He took you. I tried to find you but I was too late. He… he killed them. Our babies, he killed them.” He sobbed against her chest, tears staining her nightgown. “Then he… he killed you. I screamed and - and then I woke up, and you weren’t here. I was so frightened, Sephy. What if he does come back? What if there was something we don’t know about -“
“Shh, shh, don’t talk like that,” Persephone said soothingly. She gently took his left arm, the one that was laying over her belly protectively, and carefully turned it over to show him the bare skin. “See? Gone. It died with him.” She took his hand and softly laid it on her skin near where she had felt Ariadne squirming against her organs some minutes earlier. “We are alive, and our love is so strong that we made two of them. Can you feel them?”
Severus closed his eyes and focused. Underneath his hand, ever so gently, he could feel something moving. Then, to his surprise, he felt a kick, right on his hand.
“Does she know I’m here?” he gasped.
Persephone giggled as Ariadne kicked again. “She’s excited to meet her daddy.”
Severus moved down the bed to gently kiss her belly. “Hello, my darlings,” he whispered against her skin. Persephone felt Ariadne stop moving, as if she was listening to his voice.
“Oh, I think we found the secret to calming them down,” Persephone chuckled. “Say something else.”
Severus smirked, pressed his lips against her skin, and murmured, “I love you so much, my precious babies. I am counting down the days until we meet. I know that you are both going to be so brilliant, so brave, just like your mother and your sister. I will spend every day of my life working to give you everything you need. I love you both so, so much.”
“They like that,” Persephone smiled. “They like your voice. They’re calming down already.”
“Then I shall speak to them every day,” Severus promised. “And they will know they are loved from the moment they are born.”
He placed another gentle, loving kiss to her belly, then glanced up when he heard a sniff.
“Are you alright, my love?” Severus asked with concern as he realised she was crying. He moved back up the bed again to kiss away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.
“Happy tears,” Persephone promised. “I’m just… overwhelmed by how much love you have for us. And how much love I have for you.”
“I never thought I could love a single person until I fell in love with you,” Severus said. “And now I love four. Four beautiful, perfect, incredible girls.”
“I bet they’re going to look like you, like Abbie does.”
“Certainly not. I must have given Abbie all my genes, I have none left to give. They’re going to be the spitting image of you, I’m sure of it. Will they be identical, do you think?”
“I’m not sure,” Persephone mused. “What if we end up with one of each? One you and one me.”
“There’s already a second me next door, we don’t need a third. One was more than enough; Abbie is only tolerable as she’s a better me than I ever was.”
Persephone laughed. “Tolerable?! Severus, you worship the ground that girl walks on.”
“Maybe so, but don’t tell her that, I’ll never live it down.”
“Oh, I don’t need to, she’s well aware. Now come on, let’s get back to sleep. Do you need a potion?”
Severus hesitated. He wanted to say he didn’t need it with her there, but he was still a little shaken up. Sensing his hesitation, Persephone took her wand from her bedside table and summoned a Dreamless Sleep Potion from the cabinet.
“Thank you,” Severus murmured before taking a generous gulp from the vial. As he did so, Persephone settled onto her side, her belly supported by a pillow.
“I miss snuggling into your chest,” she sighed as Severus wrapped his arms around her, gently cradling her belly protectively. “The first night after they’re born, I’m giving you a proper cuddle again.”
Severus chuckled against the back of her neck and laid a gentle kiss to her shoulder. “Thank you, my love,” he said softly.
“For what?” Persephone asked, although her eyes were already closed for sleep.
“For soothing my nerves so easily,” Severus replied. “For loving me so well, and for so long. For staying by my side, and for marrying me despite all my shortcomings. For giving me three beautiful daughters. For… well, for you. I love you so very much.”
Persephone smiled. “I love you too,” she mumbled sleepily. “Now get some rest, Severus.”
He placed one more kiss on her shoulder, then settled down to sleep, resting easy now knowing that his wife and unborn children were safe in his arms.
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sacredsnape · 2 years
Can I please request a oneshot where reader comforts Snape after he's had a hard day? Thank youuu
I wanna give him sm comfort :( he deserves it
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Genre: Fluff/angst
Warnings: mentions of stress
Link to masterlist
Sighing heavily as he closed his classroom door at the end of the day, Snape slumped back against the wall, exhausted.
All of his classes had gotten on his nerves more than usual, and he was so agitated and tired that he wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and never speak to anyone ever again.
He proceeded to scrub the dried up flobberworms off of the desks, scrape gunk from the bottoms of the cauldrons, and give a good sweeping to the area around the basin in the corner.
"Bloody dunderheads," Snape muttered resentfully to himself as he picked up a glob of moondew that was stuck to some flobberworm mucus. "They seriously don't know how to clean up after themselves."
As Snape hastily washed his hands at the basin, he heard the door of his classroom open, expecting to see a student coming in to further bother the shit out of him, but instead he saw you.
"I was looking for you," you explained as you softly closed the door behind you, walking over to your boyfriend. "It's almost dinner time."
Snape replied with a grunt, washing his hands more vigorously now and avoiding your eyes.
"Sev?" you gently asked, watching him scrub his hands raw.
"What?" Snape replied shortly, annoyance lacing his tone as he turned the tap off and finally looked at you. He was visibly tense; his shoulders were hunched and his jaw was clenched.
"Are you okay? You seem a little tense," you worriedly said, watching Snape roll his neck side to side as he groaned.
"I'm not tense, Y/N. I'm absolutely peachy," he retorted sarcastically, and despite his tone, you couldn't help but smile, finding his sarcasm to be endearing.
"Let me help you relax," you sweetly offered, extending your hand out to him. "You've had a hard day, I can tell."
Snape hesitated before nodding reluctantly, taking your hand and allowing you to lead him out of his classroom and to his room a little way down the dungeon corridor.
"Wait here," you told him as Snape sat down on the edge of the bed, a small frown on his face. "I'll bring you dinner. Also, don't frown so much. A smile looks better on you."
To coax a smile out of him, you pressed your lips to his forehead, which earned you a timid smile from Snape. You then left his room, leaving Snape there.
Snape's smile instantly fell the moment you left and he massaged his throbbing temples, his head aching as he remembered all of the assignments he had to grade before next week.
Snape would've loved to just lay back on the bed and relax, but he couldn't; he'd been so stressed lately and could hardly handle his responsibilities anymore.
Most of all, he just wanted to be with you all day and bask in your endless affection and loving words. He didn't want to deal with more students tomorrow, or staff, for that matter. All he wanted was to spend time with you and cry a bit.
As Snape thought about it, he realized he hadn't cried in a while, in fact. The last time he did was months ago, and he figured a good cry would make him feel better.
Snape sat there until the corners of his eyes started to sting and his throat began to tighten, conjuring up all of his stress so it would push him over the edge. He's never cried in front of you since he didn't want to show you that vulnerable side of him, so crying was a private activity of his.
Snape sniffled loudly as tears began to roll down his cheeks, his hands tightly clutching onto his robes. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sound of his breathing, shutting out everything else around him.
Too concentrated on his shaky breathing to notice you had returned, Snape nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt your hand brush against his arm.
"Oh, my prince," you cooed, setting a silver platter of delicious food down on the bedside table. "Go ahead, let it out."
Snape quickly shook his head and wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve, mortified that you had seen him crying. "No," he said hoarsely, trying to scoot away from you, but you had a gentle hold on his arm. "You can't see me like this."
"Why not?" you asked, genuinely interested in why Snape believed you couldn't see him in such a vulnerable state.
"Because," Snape breathed, feeling more tears gathering in his eyes as he stared at you. "I don't want you to think that I'm weak."
You stared at him, surprised that Snape would ever consider himself to be weak, when he was the bravest and strongest man you ever knew.
"I would never think that you're weak," you truthfully said, closing your hand around his and squeezing it reassuringly. "You're so strong, darling. Despite everything you've been through, you've been so resilient. I know how difficult your life has been, but I am so proud of you for getting through it."
Snape bit his lip hard, trying to fight back the sobs threatening to leave him, but he couldn't, completely breaking down in front of you.
"Shhh," you soothed him, gingerly holding Snape against your chest as he trembled. "You're okay, baby. I'm here, I'm here."
"No one-" Snape gasped, shielding his teary face from your view. "-has ever cared for me so much before. I- I appreciate you so much."
You kissed his forehead and rocked him without thinking twice, stroking his thick hair and mumbling, "I'll always care for you, Sev. You deserve to be cared for you and deserve so much love and reassurance. No matter what anyone says, you're worthy of happiness and acceptance."
Snape's chest and throat were beginning to ache from how much he was crying, but they were nothing but tears of joy.
You continued to soothe him while Snape whimpered, "I love you more than you'll ever know."
"Than I'll ever know?" you giggled, running a thumb across Snape's cheeks to wipe away his tears.
"I have a lot a love for you," Snape mumbled, finally looking up at you. His eyes were watering still, but less now. "So much that I can't even put it into words sometimes."
"You are such a sweetheart," you admired, kissing the tip of his nose, which caused color to blossom onto his cheeks. "You're my lovely, precious, sweetheart."
Snape mumbled something that you couldn't quite hear, but you swore you caught the words, "Nuh-uh, you are."
Snape held onto you then, his arms around you, seemingly afraid of letting you go. He was trembling less now and was visibly relaxed, and you couldn't have been happier that you helped him get all of his emotions out.
"You should eat before your food gets cold," you noted, reaching behind you to grab his food.
"Aren't you going to eat?" he quietly asked as he looked down at the platter, his mouth watering at the sight of all of his favorite foods.
"I already did," you answered, smiling at him. "Go ahead and indulge, handsome. You deserve it."
Snape simpered at being called handsome and eagerly nodded, beginning to eat his dinner.
You affectionately watched Snape, your heart swelling with so much love for him. No matter how hard Snape was on himself, and no matter how deeply that he believed that he was weak, you knew that you'd always reassure him and remind him that he was far from that.
To you, Snape was the most heroic man you could think of, and you were so grateful to be in love with him.
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signedxoxoviolet · 3 days
I know who you pretend i am.
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Young Severus Snape accidentally calls Reader Lily.
Warnings: angst and smut, NSFW (18+), everyone is 18, bad english maybe, mind the tags, SMUT UNDER THE CUT
Tags: oral (M receiving), angst, everyone’s crying, just sad, anypov
A/N: short because i don’t like crying
Ao3 — coming soon…
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Everything was going perfect, you sucked your boyfriend, Sev’s cock as he gently gripped your hair with his eyes closed. Unholy sounds running out of his lips like a broken river dam.
“Oh fuck..yes..your lips feel so fuckin’ good Lily”
He called you Lily.
He called you the name of James Potter’s girlfriend.
And he didn’t even fucking notice.
You pull his dick out of your mouth. “What the fuck Sev!?” You spar with anger.
He suddenly opened his eyes and let go of your hair realizing what he did.
“[Y/N] I-i didn’t mean..” you could clearly see how panicked he was, his tongue slipped accidentally but he swore he wasn’t thinking about her.
“Didn’t mean what?! To call me Lily?! You fucking pig.” you yell at him, standing up. You knew he had a crush on Evans, you just acted blind for the sake of your relationship, but you couldn’t take it anymore.
Tears filled your eyes as you stood up, grabbing your clothes and slipping them on.
Snape stood up and slipped his underwear and pants back on “Wait-wait please [Y/N] you have to understand— let me explain!”
“Just tell me you fucking love her Severus!” you turned to him, tears rolling down your cheeks
“You lied to me. You lied to me all these fucking years.” You started sobbing, now Sev’s eyes were starting to hold tears too
“I love you [Y/N], i swear i do.” Severus begged “Please don’t leave me, you’re the only one i’ve got..” He grabbed your hands, tears rolling down his face. Its true, everyone left him except for you, you were his only friend.
“Let me go Severus. Don’t touch me.”
“Please sweetheart—“
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You gripped your hands out of his grip.
“Go cry to Lily since you love her so fucking much.” You wiped your tears before opening the door of the room. “It’s so over between us.” You slammed the door close, shutting away all the memories you had together.
You haven’t heard from him since.
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btsbabe7 · 2 years
For you, always
Word Count: 6.4k
Pairing : slightly younger adult Snape x 8th year female student (of age adult student), (hogwarts university)
Synopsis: It’s not love at first sight, at least not for him, but being up to no good finally leads you into a fast-paced commitment with your substitute professor where you both grapple with his past demons and your affection towards him.
Warnings!: 18+, mentions of sex, brief sex scenes, unprotected sex, past trauma and toxic habits
Playlist for this story (just an overall Snape inspired playlist)
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Yellow metals and beautiful stones, take my beloved and mend their bones. Take their pain, make it mine and entangle us together, until the very end of time. -Ava
She was a Hufflepuff, and he, a Slytherin.
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The sounds of shuffling and hushed whispers draw your attention away from the book in your hand. Only select students had the privilege of being in the library after hours, and the two rushing towards you aren’t on that list, nor are they actual students anymore.
Their laughs echo off the walls as they fight for the chair directly in front of you. Their pants and grunts quickly turn into giggles as you pat the free chair next to you. Clearly they’re up to no good.
“Y/n!” George and Fred laugh while Fred grabs the book from your hands and waves it in the air.
“Hey!” You whisper loudly. “Give it back.”
“‘Give it back,’” Fred mocks before turning the cover to his own face. “Charms that Don’t Do Harm, eh?”
George chuckles, but you don’t find it funny. In fact, you’re quite embarrassed knowing that half the spells in there are usually for first years and would be of no help to you anyways.
“How did you two get in here anyways?” You hum and snatch the book back.
“Woods owes us one. He’s the new Quidditch coach, didn’t you know? He let us in,” Fred states.
“Plus we heard you needed some help,” George answers enthusiastically.
You toss them a glance of confusion.
“Help with what exactly?”
“Your crush of course,” they answer simultaneously.
Your cheeks burn hot.
If they knew about your crush, surely you’d be expelled.
“What crush? And how did you know where to find me?”
They both grin mischievously.
“She’s asking all the right questions, eh mate?”
George nods and Fred does the same.
“Never mind who your crush is. We don’t care about that,” Fred sighs.
George continues, “It’s about how you’ll find them in a castle full of people.”
You’re sure they can see the confusion spread across your features, which only amuses them more. Fred pulls you close while George pulls a folded piece of beige parchment from the inner pocket of his robe.
“Is this some sort of prank?”
“You haven’t heard of the Marauder's map?” They whisper and glance around to be sure nobody else is around.
You shake your head.
“First, you must swear that you’re up to no good,” George whispers and mutters the words with his wand poking into the middle of the unfolded page. Your eyes widen at the sight as the map opens; an entire map of the grounds and names of each student and professor on the property float along the page.
“Eh, see! We knew you’d like it.”
“You’ll be able to find your crush with this,” George states.
“Looks like your uncle is still in his office, it’s been about three hours,” Fred points out as your eyes fall on your uncle, Dumbledore’s name.
“And Professor Snape?” You ask curiously.
“Why would you care about that grump?” They chuckle together. “He’s always in his office for hours at a time, shouldn’t be a problem for you.”
“Anyways, you can find your crush with this,” George reassures. “We just wanted to help. Just be sure to look out for professors along the way.”
“Why would you guys want to help me?” You mutter as Fred closes the map.
“Well, Ron wouldn’t shut up about it. Apparently Hermione mentioned the likes of you having a crush and she won’t let up about it.”
Of course you had mentioned liking someone, which was an understatement in itself, but she’s your best friend. She hasn’t put together the pieces to figure out who he is, which is a relief. If it took her energy away from her studies, she usually didn’t let it bother her for long. However, if she told Ron, perhaps she’s still curious and watching for signs.
“Oh, and maybe ask Harry for his cloak,” George suggests.
They both scramble out of the chairs, pushing the map into your hands with George pushing his wand into the center again. “Just don’t forget to say that you’ve managed your mischief when you’re finished.”
“That’s the most important part,” Fred chimes in before joining his brother’s side with a smile.
“Thanks,” you mutter while carefully storing the map in your messenger bag. By the time you glance up, they’re both gone, and their echoing laugher is the only indicator that they had been there in the first place.
A full day passes and you hadn’t given the map much thought until Ron pulls you to the side after Professor Trelawney’s class Friday afternoon.
“Ronald!” You groan defensively. “I’m gonna be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts again.”
“Again? You’re the niece of Dumbledore, doesn’t that mean Snape has to cut you some slack?”
You shake your head, eyes already glancing down the emptying corridor.
“Being the niece of the headmaster doesn’t earn me special privileges, Ron.”
“Fine. I’ll talk to you while we walk then. I guess we all weren’t graced with a free period,” he chuckles while pacing next to you.
You focus on making it to class as you both round corners and rush down the corridors.
“So, what exactly is it you wanted to talk about?” You mutter after moments of silence.
“Oh yeah,” he chuckles, tearing away from his own thoughts. “They gave you the map, right? Fred and George?”
“And you’ve used it?”
“Well, no…”
“Bloody hell, Y/n! I thought you’d use it by now. Hermione’s been talking my ear off about this crush of yours. Says you deserve to be with someone who makes you as happy as I make her.”
You chuckle, but a frown follows.
You hoped she’d let up about it. After all, the person you have a crush on is strictly forbidden anyways.
“Well there’s that student trip this weekend. Maybe I’ll stay behind to talk to him.”
“But what if your crush is going on the trip too?” Ron asks curiously as you both round the corridor to your next class. “Students rarely stay behind if they don’t need to.”
“He’ll stay.” Ron’s eyes draw to yours, but you smile to reassure him. “I just know.”
He nods as you both come to a stop in front of the door of the classroom.
“Ron, I really appreciate the help,” you add before pulling him in for a hug. “But I’m late. Perhaps we’ll all catch up after you all return?”
“Of course,” he replies and gives you a short wave while you tug at the door and let yourself in.
You catch the teasing grin plastered on Draco’s face the moment you step inside. And the door slamming shut right against your back doesn’t help at all either, and only gains you the stares of the ten other students filling the seats of the class.
“Late,” Professor Snape scolds through clenched teeth. “Again.”
Of course this isn’t the first time you’ve been scolded by him for something against the rules.
“Surely Dumbledore’s niece has more privilege than the other students? Not showing up on time seems to be the only gift you’ve graced us with this year.”
“But I—“
“But you what?” He asks, spinning away from the chalkboard before marching down the steps and aisle towards you. “Another excuse, perhaps?”
You swallow dryly and shake your head while the other students snicker in the background.
“I didn’t think so.” Snape spins back towards the front of the room, leaving you gasping for air against the wind of his robe and the lingering smell of bitterness.
You sit down in the only seat open in the class—next to Harry of course, who looks apologetic.
You all spend an hour reading over materials, copying Snape’s potion lists that he’s scribbled across the board and testing out small spells before class is dismissed.
“Y/n,” Snape says, not even turning to glance at you this time. “Stay.”
The other students begin giggling and whispering, but you know you’re in trouble when Harry pats your shoulder gingerly before leaving. The loud slam of the door being the indicator that you two are now alone.
Professor Snape turns away from the board, places his wand on the desk and slowly walks toward you with a permanent frown displayed on his face. Your heart pounds violently under your robe, nails digging into the walnut table beneath your grip while chewing your bottom lip to prepare for your scolding. He steps right in front of you, barely giving you enough space to stand, let alone breath. His eyebrows are furrowed, but his features quickly soften as he peers into your eyes and opens his mouth.
“Detention all weekend. No trip.”
And just like that, he’s waltzing back to his desk.
“You’re dismissed.”
You can feel the wobble in your knees as you gather your book and quill and walk towards the oversized door. Once you’re in the hallway, you can feel the burning of tears forming in your eyes. You can feel the aching of your knees and weakness in your arms from embarrassment. Of course it would’ve been worse in front of your classmates, but him doing it alone felt equally excruciating. Nonetheless, your plans of not attending the class trip had become solidified, and not on your own accord.
“He what!?” Hermione groans, pacing the space between you, Harry and Ron’s legs. “He can’t do that!”
“Actually, I believe he can,” Harry sighs cautiously.
“It’s fine, I’ll just prepare for exams. Besides, I didn’t want to go anymore anyways,” you mutter, looking to Ron for backup, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Hermione.
“You knew and didn’t tell me?”
“Hey!” Ron shouts defensively, sheer panic on his face. “To be fair, my mind was elsewhere.”
You reach for your best friend’s hand and pull her onto the bench beside you.
“Moine, weekend detention and missing the trip isn’t the end of the world. There will be other trips and other weekends to spend together.”
“But this is our very last year,” she huffs.
“We’ll have plenty of years together. Plenty of time to travel without the restrictions of school and professors,” you reply while tossing your head back and smiling at the purplish-pink clouds fading towards the sunset.
She rolls her eyes, but let’s out a sigh while shaking her head.
“Fine,” she huffs and pulls you in for a hug. “But I need to talk to Ron in preparation for the weekend. I just know he hasn’t packed yet.”
You nod with a giggle and she reaches for Ron’s hand before pulling him off the bench.
You watch as they step away towards the grassy area further away from you and Harry, and you wish you had the freedom to do that with your crush.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Harry asks, quickly bringing your attention back to present.
“Of course, Harry. Just promise me you guys will have fun.”
“We’ll miss you for sure,” he sighs and grabs your hands, which immediately makes you flustered. “But I promise.”
You glance down at his hands nervously, eyes focused on the way his thumb rubs over your flesh tenderly. He’s never touched you besides a casual pat on the shoulder to either get your attention or to wish you luck. So which is this?
You lean into the comfort that his hands provide and use that to muster up the strength to ask for his help.
“Harry, I uh… I actually have a favor to ask of you,” you stutter and draw your eyes up to his. “Do you think I could borrow your cloak while you’re away?”
The next morning, you’re waving and sending your friends off as they stray away from the castle with somber smiles on their faces. You know they’d rather have you with them, enjoying butterbeer and the company of each other instead of knowing you’ll be stuck in ‘Snape’s Dungeon’ all weekend, as Ron had put it.  Nonetheless, you have all intentions set on making this weekend the best yet, despite the minor inconvenience of detention.
Once your friends disappear from your line of sight, you turn back towards the castle, only to find Snape lingering by one of the courtyard posts. He’s chatting with your uncle about something you can’t overhear, but you’re surprised to see his permanent frown replaced with a smirk of pure content. He catches a glimpse of your staring, naturally, but you soon come to realize that you’ve been eyeing him for much too long. Far too long for the eyes of a student to linger on a professor, that is.
Moments later, your uncle gives you a brief wave before dismissing himself and strolling back into the castle. Shortly after, once your uncle is out of sight, Professor Snape thunders toward you.
“Enjoying the view, are we?” He questions with raised brows, overlooking the landscape before his eyes fall on you. “Or perhaps you were attempting to eavesdrop on the conversation between your dearest uncle and I?”
You gulp, feeling the same wobbliness in your knees that your felt just a day before. He’s not nearly as close as he was in the classroom, but the knot in your stomach feels just the same.
“Don’t forget,” he states slyly, sporting the same smirk he had given your uncle earlier, this time in exchange for your silence. “Detention all weekend, starting at 6pm.”
6pm!? Night detention would surely be worse than morning.
You pout, but he only smirks again before twirling around and heading inside, leaving you trembling in the wake of his absence.
You fill the rest of the day with reading and some light sketching out in the empty courtyard.
You wish you had more time to watch the sunset, but with only an hour left until detention, you return to the Hufflepuff wing. You quickly strip your robe off and uniform off to shower before heading back into the common room to think while awaiting your doom.
At a quarter to six, you pack your belongings and start the long trek to Professor Snape’s office.
The hallways are eerily quiet aside from the lingering footsteps of students who stayed behind as they rush back to their dormitories. Being in the corridors and wandering the castle at night was prohibited, a violation against the school rules, except in the chance of detention, of course.
You come to halt outside the intricate wooden door of Professor Snape’s office. Drawing in your breath, you draw your fist up to knock, only for your hand to brush against nothing at all.
His eyes are on yours and once you realize, you straighten up nervously.
“It appears you are capable of being on time, even early, just not to class,” he notes sarcastically as you step into the office.
Darkness engulfs the room, except for the sunset spilling through the lattice windows to your left.
But what were you expecting from someone like him anyways? Unicorns and fairies?
Shelves and worn wooden cabinets line the walls of his entire office and house an endless assortment of bottled potions, ingredients and herbs. His desk is neat with stacks of books on potions and the works of great wizards before his time, a bundle of fresh quills front and center, potion bottles and marked up scrolls tied with twine, not to mention an array of ink bottles lined neatly in a tiny basket.
“Sit,” he demands from behind you.
You sit in the black leather chair in the corner of the room and place your bag on the floor with a bated breath.
“It’s technically against the rules to have you here this late. However, as a temporary replacement for Remus, I get to make the rules and you’ve been late three times this month alone.”
You swallow hard, attempting to take everything he’s saying into consideration while trying not to get lost in the darkness of his eyes.
“Are you listening to me?” He snaps, coming down to his knees in front of you. Anger ripping through his eyes, but it quickly fades the moment they meet yours.
Does he feel it too? Does he realize the way your core burns at the thought of him being upset and scolding you because it shows that he actually cares?
“Y/n,” he hisses slowly, making sure to annunciate each word that follows. “Whatever you’re trying to do is strictly forbidden.”
He’s within your grasp, but somehow all the years spent pondering over your feelings for him fail you. You realize, in this moment, that you’re utterly in love with him and there’s no way he can reciprocate those feelings appropriately. Even as an eighth year student and it being your final year, engaging in such behavior wouldn’t go unscrutinized.
You dry your sweaty palms on your robe after he turns away to his desk. Despite your own feelings, you thought he’d have something more adventurous in mind for your punishment, but you never expected to be sitting in silence in the corner of his office while he scribbled away on his scrolls and graded student quizzes.
It only takes an hour for your book to grow boring before your mind simply won’t stop pondering about the man working in front of you.
He’s spent his whole adult life teaching. From adolescence to adulthood, he had always been overlooked—from being placed in teaching a class as simple as Potions and never being given the full opportunity to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts until Professor Lupin had taken personal time was a simple example of that. And in the midst of it all, you remember the horrible stories Harry shared with you, and only you, about the memories Snape had once shared with him when he was in a state of pure desperation. Bullied as a kid, having his first love stolen from him, and it was no secret that Snape had become a Death Eater to finally try to find belonging amongst his peers, only to find the woman he loved dead after switching alliances. He had never been dealt the easy route in life and that led him to become bitter.
And who wouldn’t when they never received anything they deserved in life? Who wouldn’t become bitter after every choice they made, no matter good or evil, brought on constant heartbreak and pain?
You slip out the chair and leave your book behind on the leather. You can feel his eyes boring into you as you eye a single shelf of potion ingredients before he returns his attention to whatever he’s been working on.
Every groove and knick in the walnut, every particle of dust lingering between the shelf and bottles can be felt against the flesh of your fingertips as you glimpse over the assortment in front of you.
Lavender. Aconite. Dried Nerium Oleander. Snake Fangs. Horned slugs. Unicorn horns and hundreds more corked and sealed jars line the full, yet organized shelf. You can only imagine the types of potions he’s brewed in this very office and in his lifetime alone.
“Quite curious, aren’t you?”
The feeling of heat sweeping over the back of your neck causes a tingle to run down your spine.
“Maybe,” you breathe softly while lifting your fingers from the shelf and rubbing the dust between them and your thumb.
“I didn’t think a young Hufflepuff such as yourself would be interested in the likes of something so simple, yet complex as potion making seeing that you find it difficult to make it to class on time.”
“Perhaps that opinion was formed at the liberty of your own insights and not by merely observing or asking me of my interests?”
He steps in front of you with a smirk. His obsidian curtain bangs clouding the seriousness in his hooded eyes. “I’ll have you know that I take notice in the interests of all my students, believe it or not.”
Is that so? Is what you’re tempted to ask, but instead you carefully bring your trembling hand up to his cheek. The warmth of your hand radiates against his cool flesh as he leans into your touch with closed eyes. It only lasts for a moment, barely, before he’s ripping away from your touch—not disgusted by it, but disappointed in himself for letting his guard down. And to almost let his guard down after Lily failed him so many years ago would be paralyzing.
“Strictly forbidden,” he groans.
“You’re dismissed!” He snarls, not saying another word.
You rush towards your belongings, gathering them quickly before rushing out the office and running to your dormitory with tears flooding your eyes—not for yourself, but for the pain you felt expelling from his anger.
You spend most of the night tossing and turning in silence—contemplating the reasons one would think they’re incapable of deserving love, only to come up empty-handed. It’s not long before you toss your quilts back and rush towards your bag hanging on the tattered coat rack in the corner of the room, letting out a tiny, “lumos” to illuminate the contents inside.
You plop down on your bed with the blank parchment and press your black walnut wand against it with a deep breath, swearing that you’re up to no good.
As the map reveals itself to you, your eyes search the map for your uncle first. After all, he’d be the only challenge in your way with your friends gone and out of your hair for the time being. But much to your surprise, he’s nowhere to be found on the map.
As you mediate on it, you remember Professor McGonagall stating he’d be away on business over the weekend, which allows you full range over the castle. The others professors had gone to accompany the students on their trip and the select few that stayed behind appear to be in their sleeping quarters for the night. It’s amazing, this map, the way it shows exactly where everyone is at this very moment. And as you search for Severus, it seems that he’s already on his way to find you.
You swallow hard and close the map, stating the words Fred and George had advised before stuffing it into your side table drawer with your wand before shuffling out of bed and making yourself appear more presentable in your pajama shorts.
The knock on the door is expected, but still makes your stomach flutter and your heart skip beats in your chest. You carefully open the door, only to be met with his eyes gazing straight into yours.
“I’m sorry for waking you, I shouldn’t have come,” he states immediately and turns to leave, only stopping at the feeling of your hand firmly grasping his arm.
“Stay,” you plead, equally surprised by the neediness lacing your voice.
“Y/n, it’s forbidden for a teacher to be with a student,” he replies simply in a tone so much softer than you’re used to.
He knows.
Not that your actions in his office earlier weren’t obvious enough, and Severus Snape was never one to be oblivious to subtle cues, though he sometimes chose to ignore them.
“Severus,” you mutter cautiously, “you deserve happiness. You deserve to be loved for once.”
You can hear the way his breath gets choked up in his throat before he fixates on you.
“Not by you,” he answers coldly. “I don’t deserve your love.”
But you had prepared for this. You’d spent all night playing the scenarios through your mind.
“That’s not for you to decide, is it?”
His furrowed brow softens and raises in curiosity as you lead him more and more into the room until the door is shut and locked behind the two of you.
“If anyone finds out—“
“—then we’ll be prepared,” you finish, allowing your fingertips to trace down the length of his buttoned tunic before meeting his sparkling eyes in the dim moonlight coming through the lattice windows.
His lips rush against yours and you gasp softly as he takes you in his arms and twirls you around. He hums against your lips while you quickly undo the buttons clasped against his chest. His lips don’t leave yours when he lies you back against your bed, the pine creaking lightly under your bodies as he molds himself against you. The weight of him against you feels so foreign, yet so perfect.
Moments pass and your hands find themselves tangled in the greasy thickness of his black tresses while he kisses into your neck, earning a soft moan from your lips.
The sudden coldness causes your eyes to flutter open against the dimness. He stares into your eyes, lightly stroking your curls with a sigh. You know something is wrong—something in his mind has once again convinced him that this is wrong, that he doesn’t deserve this.
He slips off of you with no words spoken and begins buttoning his tunic while you lie in discontent on your golden and black quilt.
“Severus,” you whine, but he shakes his head and draws his hand up to silence you.
You can see the torment in his eyes again and you wish you could understand it, wish you could take it all away. He walks towards the door, hand stopping on the knob as you call out for him again.
“I made you aware that this was forbidden,” he states sternly. “We’ve already gone too far tonight.”
Swallowing hard, you bite back tears as he slips out the room and leaves you alone with your thoughts of him once again.
If only he knew how much your heart genuinely yearns for him.
You’ve hardly slept at all, but finally force yourself out of bed at noon. Surely the lingering professors would soon wonder why you haven’t come down to eat yet, but all you can think about is Severus. And if your lips didn’t still tingle from the coolness of his against yours last night, you’d swear it were all a fever dream, and it wouldn’t have been your first.
You let your curls down in the mirror with a sigh. Your cheeks are hot and flustered at the thought of last night and seeing him again today knowing you’ll have to pretend nothing happened at all. And the worst part, the part that hurts like a basilisk fang to the heart, is that he still believes he doesn’t deserve any of it.
Six o’clock approaches quickly and you stand outside the familiar door with weary eyes. Your thoughts had torn you apart and exhausted you endlessly, yet you’re here, ready to try it all over again because he deserves it. You know he does.
You expect him to open the door like he had the previous night, but you’re not greeted. Though, you know he’s in his office, you had checked the map to be sure, just in case he decided not to show.
As you push inside something crunches under your shoe and you glance down to see burnt pieces of scrolls leading the way towards his desk. After closing and locking the door, you drop your bag to the floor and approach his desk with caution.
Ink pitter patters on the scrolls below the desk. This catches your attention first, then the sight of him, and it makes your stomach churn.
Severus leans against the desk with his head bowed shamefully in his palm. There’s a bottle of whiskey sitting on the desk, still clutched in his other hand. He’s drunk and he’s in so much pain, you can sense it.
You grab the ink bottle and sit it upwards before grabbing the whiskey from his hand, which earns you a loud, muffled groan on his behalf.
“Give it back, Y/n.”
Luckily, he’s not as drunk as you thought and you’re glad he’s coherent enough to remember that it’s you that’s there with him.
“You’ve been drinking?” You ask blatantly, remembering that your uncle mentioned Snape’s hatred for drinking. He mentioned that the smell of alcohol alone brewed anger within him due to his abusive father’s habits.
“Obviously,” he states and drops his hand to catch a glimpse of you.
You roll your eyes and quickly cast a cleaning spell before slipping onto the edge of his desk in front of him while capping the bottle.
He groans and sits up in the chair, gazing at everything in the room, except you before answering, “You think you love me and it’s simply too much to bear.”
You swallow and stare at him with nothing but seriousness sparkling in your irises.
“I don’t think,” you state sternly, waiting for his eyes to find yours before continuing. “This crush that everyone thinks I have has been so much more for such a long time. I’d be lying if I said you aren’t the only thought on my mind every waking moment. You’ve become my only thought, my only breath, my only desire. I don’t think I love you, Severus, I know I do. I can feel it, I just wish you would allow yourself to receive it.”
There’s confusion and realization in the pain clouding his deep brown eyes, but he remains silent. After all, even you had no expectations after seeing him last night. You just knew you couldn’t give up that easily.
He stands up, eyes focused on yours as his body towers over you with anxiously parted lips.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
A spark flickers in your eyes at the saying and he wishes you could see yourself from his point of view. He wishes you knew how beautiful you look perched on his desk with your hands nervously tugging at the hem of your skirt. He wishes you knew how crazy you drive him, almost as wild as the curls framing your face. He wishes he could tell you how you’re all he can think about, how the taste of your lips was all that engulfed his brain the moment he walked out last night, and how your touch had burned his flesh in a way no dark magic ever could. Yet, all he can do is try for you.
His hand caresses your cheek just as yours did his yesterday, and you lean into his touch with a grin.
“Y/n,” he mutters, waiting until your eyes flutter open before finishing. “If we do this forbidden act, there’s no turning back. You understand that? Understand that once we give in, we belong to each other? There won’t be anyone else that compares to you and you’ll remain the only object of my desire forever.”
Your heart almost explodes at the thought. If only he knew the amount of time your heart spent beating for him, and only him, would he be asking this?
Surely he’s noticed all the stolen glances you had given over the last four years. If only he knew the reason you were always late was solely just to be in this very moment with him, would he understand?
“Are you sure?” You ask.
He nods, staying focused on you. “But I told you, I don’t deserve your love.”
“You deserve the world,” you breathe. “I know there’s pain in letting your guard down, in letting someone back in after heartbreak. I know there will be challenges, but I’ll always be here for you, Severus, for as long as I shall live.”
“Always, for as long as you shall live?”
You nod just before his lips crash into yours.
Both of you exhale, taking each other in like you’ve spent a lifetime waiting. You can’t exactly explain how it happens, but you don’t want it to end.
You don’t want to let go of the way his hands pine into your flesh as the pants and moans that bounce off the walls only solidify your love for each other. You can’t let go of the feeling of his eyes being solely focused on you because he truly wants you to know how much you mean to him. He wants you to know he’s committed, that you are the only woman he desires. That he, in fact, loves you too and has for quite some time, despite his own attempts of trying to overlook the signs. And for the first time in months, he smiles and it almost kills you.
You grip the edge of the desk with a gasp the moment his thrusts falter. His eyes squeeze shut and his hushed pants fill your parted mouth. You’re so close that you can hardly focus.
“I’m so sorry for the pain I’ve made you have to endure,” he whispers and collapses on top of you.
You wrap your arms around him and whine as his hands grip your flesh firmly before he spills into you. You whimper at the feeling, so much warmth and unfamiliarity filling your womb that it makes your head spin.
You lie back on the desk to steady your racing heartbeat as he plops down in his chair to catch his own breath. It isn’t long before realization settles in and all you can do is smile.
“You’re the one that deserves the world,” he states, “and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to give it to you.”
You smile with closed eyes, holding onto the lingering moments of sheer ecstasy that follow your high. And you spend the remainder of your time together in each other’s arms.
The following night is your last together for awhile and you spend it in his sleeping quarters with your moans muffled under his palm.
Your eyes roll back and he smiles at you with a sparkle in his eyes, one you’ve grown all too familiar with within the last twenty-four hours.
“I love you,” you whimper as he spills inside of you again.
He slips off of you, huffing violently before collapsing beside you for the third time today.
“I’ve given your proposal some thought,” you breathe, focusing on the fire crackling in the fireplace across the room that he started to provide warmth and lighting for the evening.
He stirs next to you and you can feel his eyes on you, but he doesn’t utter a word. He remembers what he proposed to you after making love to you for the very first time, and though you already had the answer waiting on the tip of your tongue, he told you to give it some thought. You’re still young with lots of life ahead of you, but so is he, and you know exactly what you want, and it’s him.
It’s always been him.
You turn on your side, allowing your curls to freely pool over your bare shoulder blades as you trace the indentation between his brows. Your fingertip grazes down the bridge of his hooked nose and over the edge until it meets his closed lips. His eyes are closed now against your touch as shaky breathes leave his mouth.
“Severus,” you hum and caress his cheek.
He turns his gaze back to you, eyes lidded and tired, but focused with a tinge of worry flickering in their depths.
It’s only natural for him to be worried; given his history, your decision to his proposal could break him and he simply wouldn’t be able to bear it.
“I want to be with you… forever,” you breathe out.
He trembles underneath your touch, but you swear you feel his heart beating with yours, the only noise pounding in your ears as he pulls you close with a sigh of relief before kissing you slowly.
“I want to do it tonight,” you whisper against him.
“Tonight? Surely you want to wait?”
“I don’t want to wait. I’ve done my waiting, four painful years and three days of it.”
He sits up and you mirror him.
“Whatever you wish, my love.”
The two of you climb off the bed.
He slips back into his tunic as you wrap the extra obsidian sheet around your body. He meets you at the edge of the bed and takes your hand into his while leading you in front of the fireplace.
The burning embers illuminate the cracks in the wooden logs a deep, crimson red. The warmth radiates off his body as he pulls you closer, taking your left hand in between your bodies with a smile.
It’s only right that a spell bonds this until an official ceremony can take place, but as he slips a simple, gold banded emerald ring onto your finger, you realize he’s so much more prepared than you expected.
It’s absolutely gorgeous and it fits perfectly, no adjustments needed as if it had been made just for you.
You open your mouth to say something, tears of happiness flooding your vision before you’re shushed by the warmth of his lips pressing into yours. His hands caress your cheeks and he places a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling you down onto your knees with him.
“The words of the spell are simple,” he breathes. “But it only works if both parties mean them wholeheartedly.”
You know you’re completely committed. You just hope he feels the exact same, despite all the times he’s reassured you.
“Together then?” He insists and takes your hands in his.
You had practiced the spell over and over again since last night, muttering the words as you watched the sun rise and sketched in the empty courtyard. It’s a simple spell, yet you know the power it holds. It would bound the two of you together forever, for a lifetime and even after death, but it was a commitment you were ready for.
You nod and squeeze his hands with a reassuring smile.
“And you want this?” You ask last minute, eyes focused on his.
“Yes,” he answers simply, no hesitation in his tone or eyes.
“Then together.”
You stare into each other’s eyes as you sit knee against knee, hand in hand in front of the heat of the crackling wood before casting the spell together with closed eyes.
“Yellow metals and beautiful stones, take my beloved and mend their bones. Take their pain, make it mine,” you both vow and squeeze each other’s hands tighter as the pain rips through you both. You can feel all the pain he’s ever felt, every heartbreak, every disappointment, every failure, and it brings tears to your eyes as each of his memories become your own, and yours, his. “…and entangle us together, until the very end of time.”
When you both open your eyes, an emerald fire burns golden around the both of you. He chuckles in pure happiness and it warms your heart and erases all doubts that had lingered.
The fire burns out after a few moments and you crash into each other, gasping loudly against each other’s lips as he lies you back and makes love to you once again. Only this time, a golden fire burns in the depths of his eyes, and an emerald green in yours.
He’s finally yours, and you his.
“Forever and always?” You gasp softly.
He carefully takes your curls into his hands and presses a firm kiss against your mouth.
“For you, always,” he breathes.
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A/N: I couldn’t not write this with Autumn slowly approaching and after I diving back into researching the details of my HP house placement this weekend [after years of being placed in Hufflepuff].
It made me nostalgic and made me realize that I miss the HP world so much. Now I’m determined to rewatch all the movies and repurchase the books I lost so many years ago. And in the meantime, it only felt fitting to write something Snape related since his arc always hits me right in the feels.
S/N: A quick Labor Day weekend write (sorry if there were typos). Also, this was a jump away from my normal kpop fanfics and I’ve been on the fence about posting it. However, I can’t make progress if I’m nervous about sharing, so I’m giving in!
As always, thank you to whoever decided to read. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊
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Please be sure to check out my other latest fics:
- Yeonjun as your boyfriend (TXT drabble)
- In the Heat of Summer | KNJ
- Closer | KNJ
- Who I Am With You | JJK (18+ Only)
~ Navi: masterlist (all fandoms) & (bts imagines/drabbles)
**A HP masterlist will be added soon, this was a very spontaneous write, so I don’t have a section yet**
September Update!: a HP masterlist has been added! 😊
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, but please don’t copy! Written purely for fun :) Please only repost to other socials w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
i just want a sappy, angsty one shot where schoolboy!Sev has a crush on popular, pretty reader but he doesn’t feel like he deserves them and ends up confessing his feelings while having a breakdown in front of reader and they comfort him, confessing as well
(btw i love your writing style, you really are a gem to the community❤️)
Long Awaited Confession
Genre: Slight angst with a happy ending, fluff
Pairing: Student Snape x Student Reader
Warnings: some arguing, talking about bullying
Word Count: 999
A/N: Thanks for liking my writing! It really means a lot! Lot's of love! <3
Severus has had a crush on (Y/N) since their first year at Hogwarts. They had befriended him on the train when they had sat beside him in the carriage, but their friendship quickly became – complicated. They had quickly risen in popularity and they were soon of the most popular students in the whole school. Severus, on the other hand, became as popular as a flobberworm the moment he set foot inside the castle. He had immediately been sought out as scum and was bullied profusely. 
For some reason, they had not abandoned Severus, though their friendship became more distant with each growing year. They had their other popular friends, but they were the only friend Severus had and though he knows their friendship will always stay like this, a passing thought on their mind while meaning everything to him, he wishes they could see him as something more. He knows he doesn’t deserve them, but he wants them; more importantly, he wants them to want him as well. And so, he doesn’t know how he ended up here with them in the corridor, deciding that he is going to confess his true feelings to them and get it over with no matter what. 
“Hey, Sev!” you say, spotting him huddled in the corner fiddling with the skin on his fingers. Severus looks at you and smiles, though you can tell it’s a nervous smile, not his usual happy smile, you decide to just ignore it. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” he mutters, before taking a deep breath. “Could you walk with me for a bit?” he asks finally, cringing at his lack of social abilities.
“Sure! Where are we going?” you ask, curious to know what he has planned.
“Oh, I just wanted to go for a walk around,” he shrugs.
“Sounds fun! After you!” you say gesturing for him to lead the way.
Severus begins walking and (Y/N) falls in step beside him. They walk at a pretty slow pace, just taking in the sights of the castle. Instead of talking, it seems they are both just enjoying each other's company, as they walk in silence. Soon, they find themselves down by the lake and Severus sits down on the rocky shore, staring out at the water as the wind stirs it creating a rippling effect.
“(Y/N),” Severus starts, his mouth suddenly very dry, “I know I don’t deserve you as a friend –”
“Sev, don’t say that!” you plead.
“It’s true and you know it! You are so popular and I – I am nothing!” he says, his voice raised slightly. “Why do you even stay friends with me? You’ve got all your other more popular friends!”
“I – What?” you stammer, very confused at his sudden outburst of anger.
“Figures. You don’t even know what to say to me. Think about it, (Y/N). What do we even have in common?” he demands, his eyes suddenly wide and his teeth barred slightly. “You never even give me a second glance! Can’t you see that I – I like you and you probably don’t even give a damn about me!” he screeches, standing up and stomping over to the edge of the lake. He picks up a stone and chunks it in.
“Sev! Please don’t speak like that! You don’t understand!” you beg, willing your feet to move until you are standing next to him. He won’t even look at you, he just continues to stare off into the distance, seemingly lost in his own mind.
“I like you a lot and I am miserable having to hide it from you! I’m not hiding anymore, even if it means our friendship is over now that I’ve confessed. I don’t want to stay friends with someone who views me as disposable anyways,” he says his voice trailing off and tears falling down his face.
“Look at me!” you utter, firmly grasping his shoulders and turning his whole body so that he is facing you. “Severus Snape, you’re right. We don’t have much in common, hell, I don’t even know why I’ve stayed friends with you this long.”
At the end of your sentence, Severus’s eyes fall to the ground, and he hunches his back a bit in despair as his tears flow faster now. He is shaking and sniffling; he’s lost all control over his emotions. He struggles against the grip you have on his shoulders but he is unable to break your grasp.
“I KNEW IT –” he screeches before you place a hand over his mouth, effectively silencing him.
“Shut up for a moment! I’m not done speaking,” you say, glaring at him. “I was going to say that I don’t know why I’ve stayed friends with you for this long when for a long time, I’ve wanted to be more than friends… I like you too, Sev.”
The tears stop flowing in their tracks as Severus takes in your words. “Really?” he finally asks timidly, scared that you are just toying with him.
“Yes,” you reply with a nod, embracing him in a hug. His body melts into yours and as you pull back from the hug, you can’t help but glance at his lips. Taking a chance, you lean forward and hesitantly and gently kiss him. For a mere moment, he doesn’t return the kiss causing you to freak out a bit but just as you are panicking, he returns the kiss. It’s a soft and sweet one but it has your heart pounding against your chest.
“What will people say when they find out we are together? I can hear them now: Look at ugly Severus! Did he confund her? Perhaps he laced her drink with a love potion!” Severus mocks, a frown upon his face and his eyebrows scrunched together.
“I don’t care what anyone says!” you say, taking his hand in yours, and winking. “I will gladly show you off, my prince. With you by my side, I could take on the whole world!”
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myrtasnape · 2 years
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