#Skin Care Tips
witchybitchypeachy · 10 months
Skincare tips
sleep as much as you possibly can
avoid touching your face, clean your phone regularly, change towels and pillowcases regularly.
find a gentle cleanser that does not disrupt the skin barrier
Dr Dennis Gross peel pads are the holy grail! they will transform your skin
Effaclar Duo with Spf by La Roche Posay : unclogs, gets rid of impurities and helps with sun protection.
SPF every 2 hours, tinted SPF is better at preventing hyperpigmentation since it has higher coverage.
Biafine after Cosmetic procedures or Lasers or sunburns, it will calm the skin down in a day and prevent a sensitive reaction. reapply every 3 hours if possible.
eat a healthy diet
Wear sunglasses outside always
organic skin care products are a scam
eat Sardines, they are the best source of Vitamin A there is, I know it may be gross but it will give you glossy skin.
Drink 2 litres of water a day
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herigo · 7 months
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cleos-monastery · 11 months
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: ̗̀➛As someone who wears make up and spends my time to create a look, I also spend my time to clean and undo my face and skin. DOUBLE CLEANSING has been part and probably the reason why it helped me so much with achieving a clear skin and I rarely break out too nowadays. Here are my steps on how I properly wash my face to achieve that clear skin.
✎STEPS 1 and 2: Prep before cleansing ✎STEPS 3, 4, 5, and 6: Meticulous process to remove make (eyes and especially lashes) ✎STEPS 7, 8, and 9: Cleansing the face with cleansing balm ✎STEPS 10, 11, and 12: Proper way of cleansing face with cleanser
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༊*·˚Products that I used: Cleansing balm: I either use the Banila Co Zero Cleansing Balm or the Heimish All Clean Balm Micellar Water: Garnier Skin Active Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Cleanser & Makeup Remover Cleansing foam: Senka Perfect Whip Moist Cleansing Foam (my personal holy grail)
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1.Before anything else, I always wash my hands first with a hand soap. The first thing that comes contact to your skin is your hands and finger tips so it's best to always wash your hands first before you do your cleansing routine. 2. I use a headband and tie my hair into a bun so it doesn't get in the way with washing my face. 3. Using my cleansing balm, I scoop out a fair amount and start warming it up with my fingers for it to melt. I apply the melted balm to my eyes first to remove the eye make up. ╰┈➤I always always prioritize my lashes and I use my ring finger to clean my lashes to clean off the mascara. I take my time to clean my lashes until the mascara is off or any of the make up residue. 4. Once I'm done, I use a cotton pad to gently wipe of the remaining balm and residue 5. I use a q tip and wet it with a micellar water to remove any of the oil residue from the lash I use the other side of the q tip (the dry side) to clean my tear duct. 6. Once I'm done with the other eye, I do the steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the other eye before I proceed with double cleansing my face. 7. I use the same cleansing balm and scoop another amount and warm it up until it's melted and start to apply it all over my face. ╰┈➤Cheeks╰┈➤Forehead╰┈➤Chin These are the areas that my skin gets very congested when I apply make up so I always take my time and focus these areas by cleansing it off to get rid of dirt and any residue. 8. Before I wipe off my face, I let the balm stay for a minute before wiping it off with a clean and dry cotton pad AWAY FROM THE FACE (wiping it outwards the face)
9. Now this step, I wet my face before using a foam cleanser and squeezing enough amount unto my middle finger. 10. I emulsify my cleanser by adding a bit of water until it gets into a foamy like texture and applying to my wet face and gently washing my face. ╰┈➤Don't scrub and harshly wash it because it causes abrasions to your skin. ╰┈➤Wash your face for a minute 11. Rinse thoroughly and pat your face with a clean towel.
.୨⎯ "After these meticulous steps I proceed with my next routines" ⎯୧.
Let me know if you guys want to have another skin care routine of mine I could share! I am open for questions regarding these matters!₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧
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ribbonest · 11 months
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Free skin-care 🍵
hi dolls! today I’m going to show u a few skin care tips/masks which help a lot and cost less ♡
Skin brightening - Cucumber Tomato Face Pack
You can actually make a lot of masks with cucumber but my all time favorite is the brightening one. As I have acne prone skin and tend to get a lot of redness / scars I use this method a lot.
recipe: https://www.vedaoils.com/blogs/news/homemade-cucumber-face-pack-for-glowing-skin#
Hydrated lips - Honey sugar scrub
I mostly use this while doing my make up :) I apply this scrub before doing my make up and then start the process. After I finish with my whole face I just wipe off the scrub and apply my products. In my opinion using it that way is the best (if you’re going to do make up ofc) since your lips look "fresh".
Mix one teaspoon of honey with two teaspoons of sugar.
Massage the mixture into your lips and leave for 10 minutes or so.
Remove with the help of a wet face washer.
Toner - Rice water
for glowy, moisturized skin use rice water as a toner. apply twice a day after cleansing your face. you can also "steam" it , like use the steam from rice water. so good for oily skin works well for me !
Recipe : https://www.herzindagi.com/amp/beauty/rice-water-toner-diy-learn-recipe-and-beauty-benefits-of-using-it-article-164384
Refresher / Cleanser - Clarifying Oat Face Mask
love using this once in a while because my skin feels like baby skin and the redness calms down
Recipe: Combine 3 teaspoons ground oats and ¼ teaspoon apple cider in a bowl until a smooth paste forms. Then add ¼ tablespoon lemon juice and ½ tablespoon brown sugar; stir until the mixture is even. Apply to freshly cleansed skin and let sit for five to 10 minutes, allowing ingredients to penetrate top layers of the skin. Then rub in circular motions to exfoliate and increase blood-flow. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry with a towel.
these are my most used recipes for my face (I have oily skin btw) and I can 100% say that they work well. lmk if u have questions.
love, el <3
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glow-skincare · 2 years
Great Skin from Within: A Guide to Clearing Your Skin With Food 
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Photo from BeBeautiful.in
In order to have great skin you have to take care of it not only from the outside but from within. So what do I mean by this? Taking care of your skin from within means that you must nourish your body with healthy food. Diets filled with fried foods and foods with too much sugar can cause breakouts, redness, excessive dryness or oiliness, etc. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your favorite foods, you can still enjoy your favorite snacks in moderation. Here are some great foods to add to your diet that will help you get clear, healthy skin in no time! 
Omega 3 Fatty Acids 
These fatty acids help your skin stay hydrated and also help preserve collagen in your skin which keeps it supple, firm, and more youthful. These acids can also smooth dry, flaky skin. 
The best source for omega-3 fatty acids are fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel
Flaxseeds and chia seeds- add ground flax seeds to smoothies and shakes or try making a delicious chia seed pudding 
Soybeans- tofu 
Walnuts- add to oatmeal, smoothies, cereal  
Foods rich in antioxidants can reduce the risk of many diseases, help clear your skin, and boost your overall health. Try incorporating some of these delicious foods in your diet: 
Fruits such as peaches, cherries, apples, watermelon, papaya 
All berries, especially blueberries 
Vegetables such as carrots, dark leafy greens, broccoli, artichokes 
Green tea 
Now that you know more about what foods can help you achieve clear, glowy skin, let’s dive into some easy recipes. 
Green Smoothie Recipe
This smoothie is filled with amazing ingredients that can boost your overall health and clear your skin. 
2 cups of spinach
1 cup of almond milk 
½ cup of plain greek yogurt 
½  cup of strawberries 
½ blueberries 
½ banana 
¼ cup of walnuts 
Blend it all up, pour the smoothie into your favorite cup, and enjoy :)
The Best Chia Seed Pudding 
Chia seeds have so many amazing benefits. They are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, they can aid in digestion, and help clear up your skin. My favorite way to add more chia seeds to my diet is to make a chia seed pudding. Here is the recipe: 
2 tbsp. Chia seeds 
½ of almond or any milky of your choice 
1 tsp. of honey or any sweetener you like 
Whatever toppings you like I like adding strawberries, blueberries, and bananas 
Pour the chia seeds, milk, and sweetener into a container and mix until well combined. Then let it rest for a few minutes before mixing everything together one more time. Add your favorite toppings and you are ready to enjoy a delicious breakfast! 
Key Takeaways
Remember that having a great skin care routine that works for you is only one part of the process to getting clear, glowy skin. You must also take care of your diet and health. You don’t have to eat sad looking salads to get clear skin, eat whatever foods you like that will nourish your body and keep you healthy.
Like and follow if you enjoy my content and feel free to message me if you have any questions! 
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hazeltailofficial · 10 months
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Pacifica Vegan Ceramide Extra Gentle Face Wash CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 CeraVe Eye Repair Cream
Easy Skincare Routine For Hard Days | AM + PM
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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becoming-thebest · 6 months
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tangylemonade · 8 months
My face has been breaking out/ being all red and irritated and it’s driving me crazy. 😫
Does anyone have any skin care tips that have worked for them?
I just want it to stop 😆 . It makes me feel uncomfortable in public when people are looking at my face and it’s made me feel slightly self conscious while I haven’t been before 🙃
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itsguccidollface · 1 year
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Sometimes SOMETIMES it can be good 4 achieving smooth glass skin. But you didn't hear that from me 👀
However, pls find what works 4 your skin, don't just. buy whtevr is trending because someone got amazing results, if u rly want glass skin then I recommend Korean skincare 4 your skin type and allergies
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soovyclub · 1 year
10 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles and Prevent Premature Skin Ageing A guide on how to naturally slow down the skin ageing process with ways to reduce wrinkles and prevent premature skin ageing with natural remedies to boost collagen production and the health of your skin from the inside and out. https://www.soovy.club/blog/ways-to-reduce-wrinkles-how-to-prevent-premature-skin-ageing
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Revitalize Your Skin
Revitalize Your Skin: The Art of Ayurvedic Abhyanga Oil Massage"
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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care and nurturing our skin. But what if I told you there's a centuries-old practice that not only rejuvenates your skin but also promotes overall wellness? Enter Ayurvedic Abhyanga oil massage—an ancient art that has stood the test of time, offering a holistic approach to skincare and well-being.
The Essence of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine originating in India, places a strong emphasis on maintaining balance within the body, mind, and spirit. Abhyanga, a key component of Ayurvedic self-care, involves the therapeutic application of warm, herb-infused oil to the body. This practice is not just a beauty ritual; it's a profound method to nourish and revitalize your skin while promoting inner harmony.
The Benefits:
Deep Hydration: Ayurvedic oils penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, providing intense hydration. This helps combat dryness, flakiness, and dullness.
Improved Circulation: The rhythmic and intentional massage strokes of Abhyanga stimulate blood flow, promoting better circulation. This, in turn, enhances the delivery of nutrients to skin cells and encourages detoxification.
Stress Reduction: The soothing nature of the massage calms the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. As stress is a common culprit for skin issues, this can significantly contribute to a clearer complexion.
Lymphatic Support: Abhyanga aids in lymphatic drainage, helping to flush out toxins and reduce inflammation. This can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with puffiness and skin conditions related to inflammation.
How to Perform Ayurvedic Abhyanga Oil Massage:
Choose the Right Oil:
Sesame oil is a popular choice for its warming properties.
For a cooling effect, opt for coconut or sunflower oil.
Infuse the oil with herbs like lavender, chamomile, or neem for added benefits.
Prepare Your Space:
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
Warm the room slightly to enhance the soothing experience.
Warm the Oil:
Place the oil in a warm water bath to achieve a comfortable temperature.
Begin with a Self-Prayer:
Take a moment to set an intention for your self-care practice.
Start at the Extremities:
Begin massaging your limbs, moving towards the heart in gentle, circular motions.
Focus on the Joints:
Pay extra attention to joints, such as the knees, elbows, and ankles, using circular motions.
Massage the Abdomen:
Use clockwise motions over the abdomen to support digestion.
Allow the Oil to Absorb:
Leave the oil on your skin for at least 15–20 minutes to allow absorption.
Follow with a Warm Shower:
Rinse off the excess oil with a warm shower, using a mild soap if needed.
Incorporating Ayurvedic Abhyanga oil massage into your self-care routine isn't just about achieving radiant skin; it's a commitment to your overall well-being. Embrace this ancient practice as a ritual of self-love, and let the nourishing benefits ripple through your body, mind, and spirit. Your skin will thank you, and so will your inner balance.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
Logan, my dearest beloved Logan, give us tips for skincare pls. we need them.
I feel like you're going to be disappointed in me when I say that I am a fraud.
I love skincare. It's very relaxing. I am serious about it every morning and every night.
I do not understand it and I do not pretend to understand it.
Megan gets all the credit because I call her and I say, "My darling, the night cream you gave me makes my skin feel tight" and then she texts me two days later with a link and I buy the new night cream.
Genuinely, the only thing that I understand is that those little paper masks that are very very cute, are not normally great for you skin. I don't care if there's a panda on them. Stop it.
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havatabanca · 1 year
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glow-skincare · 2 years
Sunscreen 101
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Photo by Byrdie
One of the most important products in your skincare arsenal is sunscreen. Sunscreen actually has many benefits and there are plenty of sunscreens that are lightweight and will make your skin look and feel good. Here is a guide to sunscreen to help you out with all of your sunscreen questions. 
Benefits of Sunscreen
So what are the benefits of wearing sunscreen daily? 
Sunscreen protects our skin not only from damaging UV rays that can cause skin cancer, but it can also prevent signs of aging and discoloration. 
Chemical vs Mineral Sunscreen
There are two main types of sunscreen: chemical and mineral sunscreen. Chemical sunscreens use special chemical formulas that filter out the sun’s UV rays, while mineral sunscreens physically block out the sun’s UV rays by creating a physical barrier on the skin. 
Which one is right for you? 
Chemical sunscreens are lightweight, blend nicely into the skin, and do not leave a whitecast. So if this is a deal breaker for you, chemical sunscreens might be best for you. 
Mineral sunscreens are very gentle and are a great option for people with acne-prone or sensitive skin, but unfortunately they can leave a whitecast or feel chalky on the skin. If you are concerned about long-term exposure to chemicals and have sensitive skin, mineral sunscreens might be a good fit for you. 
Product Recommendations 
Now that you have decided which type of sunscreen is right for your skin, let’s get into some sunscreen recommendations. Korean sunscreens are some of the best in the world. My current favorite is the Beauty of Joseon: Relief Sun Rice + Probiotics Sunscreen.This sunscreen is lightweight with no whitecast. It blends nicely and leaves my skin feeling smooth and soft. Here is the link: https://beautyofjoseon.com/products/relief-sun-rice-probiotics
Another great everyday sunscreen option is the Derma-B Everyday Sun Block SPF 50+ PA++++. It doesn’t leave a whitecast, it is incredibly hydrating, and it doesn’t feel sticky at all. A must for beginners who are interested in adding to their routine. Here is the link: https://www.yesstyle.com/en/derma-b-everyday-sun-block-200ml/info.html/pid.1092381819##productAnchor
Lastly, if you get tired of reapplying a cream sunscreen you can always try out a sunscreen stick like the Abib Sunstick Protection Bar. Reapplying sunscreen over makeup or just anytime throughout the day can be tricky, but this chemical sunscreen is really lightweight and applies perfectly over makeup. It is easy to reapply quickly throughout the day. Great for everyday! Here is the link: https://www.yesstyle.com/en/abib-quick-sunstick-protection-bar-22g/info.html/pid.1076585441##productAnchor
Key Takeaways 
Sunscreen is an important part of your skincare routine. It can be overwhelming picking a sunscreen out of hundreds of products, but finding one basic sunscreen that works for your skin and incorporating it into your routine can make the biggest difference in your skin!
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hazeltailofficial · 10 months
Easy Skincare Routine For Hard Days | AM + PM
My easy skincare routine for difficult days. This routine is good for anyone struggling with self care for any reason, whether it be mental or physical health problems, grief, or feeling burnt out.
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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slowlivinggirlie · 1 year
Those things that rub off body hair work only if you have really fine hair. My friend gave me hers because she’s Italian and it didn’t work. I can only use it on my legs because that’s where I have blonde thin hair.
You can’t use any fragrance on your skin for a day because I’m pretty sure it gives you some micro tears. I used scented soap after and it burned me like nothing I’ve ever felt. I wanted to scream.
The only upside is it exfoliates extremely well while it removes the hair. So it reduces a step for me.
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