#Situations at home. and it gave me something to live for at one point. holding out for that y'know. that one day i might be happy bc i'd
sapsolais · 2 months
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asonofpeter · 10 months
Night Shift
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Pairing: Jaime Reyes x F!Reader
Summary: Jaime doesn't like that you work a night shift at a bar, so setting out to get a job at Kord Industries, you're shocked when he comes home with something else....
Warnings: mentions of men being pervs, lots of screaming and a little bit of violence, SPOILERS FOR BLUE BEETLE!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: My first full fic in a while? Yes, it is indeed and with my new love, Jaime Reyes. If you haven't seen Blue Beetle, pause and go buy a ticket cause this movie is good! So proud of mi Xolito! Anyway, I'm proud of this, so enjoy! 💕💕💕
I don't consent to my work being copied, reposted, or translated.
“You don’t have to do this, y’know? I’ll get the job tomorrow and work hard to support the family and us,” Jaime stood up from your bed, grabbing hold of your hands to stop you from getting ready for work. 
“Jaime, I know you want to do everything you can to stop us from losing the house, but we need the money, wherever we can get it from,” you inhaled. 
You moved in with the Reyes three years ago after your parents kicked you out. The details are unimportant and messy but you were happy you ended up in a loving household after all. The only problem now, you’re on the brink of becoming homeless.
“But a job where drunk assholes violate you?” he scoffed and you rolled your eyes, knowing most customers haven’t gotten handsy since you started. “It’s not right,” he shook his head, squeezing your hands. “I don’t want you to have to go through that,” he rested his forehead against yours. 
You knew he meant well. It sucked having to work at a bar where wearing low-cut tops and push-up bras made for extra tips. Especially when you worked during the night. But then again, even when businesses are going bankrupt, bars are seemingly filling in at an all-time high. You had to take advantage of the dire situation even if Jaime didn’t like it.
“I can handle my own,” you smirked. “Nana taught me a thing or two,” you winked. 
“I bet she did,” he chuckled. 
“And besides,” you removed your hands from his grip, smoothing them up his arms until they rested on his biceps. “I have my big strong boyfriend to protect me,” you looked at him finding the blush forming on his face adorable.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in as he leaned forward to kiss you. His lips moved against yours slowly, one of your hands moving up to tug on the hair of the nape of his neck. 
Living in a small house with five other people gave you no privacy whatsoever, so moments like these were cherished. All those stolen glances, hidden kisses, late-night talks—it all meant something. 
“I gotta go, okay? I’ll see you in the morning,” you pulled away. 
“You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you walk to work alone at eleven at night,” he grabbed your arm lightly, pulling you back into his embrace. “I’ll be there to pick you up at seven too,” he said and you sighed out contently.
“It means a lot, but don’t you have your job interview tomorrow?” you rested your head against his chest as you both walked out of your and Milagro’s room.
“I’ll sleep, wake up, pick you up, then come back and get ready,” he shrugged and you agreed with his well-thought-out plan. 
“Ya te vas, mija?” Rocio asked once you both entered the kitchen and you nodded. “Cuidate, y come tu comida, no quiero que te desmayes,” she handed you a paper sack and you smiled, thanking her. 
It was things like that which made you grateful for Jaime’s family—your family. The constant protection and worry they hold over you like one would for a daughter or sister. Making sure you had a lunch packed so you can eat and not faint during your shift. It warmed your heart and made you grateful every day. 
“Make sure she gets there safe, okay, Jaime?” Alberto pointed to his son and your boyfriend nodded, reassuring the two. 
Walking out of the house, you found your hands intertwined as you made your way down the block. You glanced at Jaime to find him smiling at you before he looked ahead. You grinned at the fact you caught him before you too continued your focus forward.
Palerma City was alive at night, even in the small barrio you lived in. The streets were dark, flickering lamp posts illuminating the people who were still up trying to make a living by whatever means. You looked far past, the bright neon skyline of the city, all the rows of high rises where all the rich white folk were fast asleep tucked away in silk sheets. 
You would get there one day. 
“What did my mom pack for your lunch?” he asked, pulling you out of your thought.
“A torta de jamon, an apple and orange, some Fritos, and oh, a gansito,” you gasped in excitement before you stuffed the bag in your backpack. “I know exactly what I’m eating first,” you giggled. 
“My mom literally said we ran out of gansitos,” he said in shock. “She loves you more than me,” he feigned hurt and you wrapped your arm around him, cooing as you kissed his cheek.
“What can I say? I’m lovable,” you hummed.
The two of you turned the corner and you found yourself at “Margaritaville”, the newest establishment where you got paid minimum wage and received great tips from businessmen who got off on a pretty bartender flirting with them before they made their way home to their wives. Or from people who recently got laid off from their jobs and needed someone to talk to.
Either way, you’d put on your best smile, bat your lashes and make sure your top was low enough if that meant being able to pay part of the rent.
“Be safe, okay?” Jaime pulled you in for a hug. “I’ll be awake at 6:30,” he promised. 
“I will,” you mumbled into his neck before pulling away. “See you soon,” you smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 
He cupped your cheek before you pulled away, your fingers pulling along his, straining to stay in touch as you kept moving toward the door until they unlinked, his arm stayed hovered in the air for a split moment while yours dropped to the side. He watched as you turned back and waved until you entered through the back door, making sure to stay for a minute before he turned back around. 
The lingering touch of you remained on his fingers until he arrived home and made his way to bed. It wasn’t fair you had to become a main stream of income for the house. It shouldn’t be you pulling in the long hours, it should be him.
He needed to get that interview at Kord Industries tomorrow.
You undid your apron, shoving it back into your backpack. You let out a sigh as you did a once over to the barely empty bar. The next shift already arrived and was taking care of the customers. Letting out a yawn, you placed your tips in your pocket, opening the back door only to be greeted by Jaime who was waiting at the curb.
“Buenos dias, mi amor,” he smiled and you felt your cheeks blush at the pet name he liked to change out every once in a while. “Made you breakfast,” he handed you something rolled in some paper towels before you unveiled two bean burritos. “How was work?” he kissed your cheek while he took your bag from you.
“Made $150 in tips,” you stated, biting into your food. “Getting paid tomorrow, so it went well,” you nodded. “Customers were more to themselves tonight, except for this one guy who was crying about his wife leaving him. I think he left looking for a prostitute to be honest,” you chuckled. 
“Poor dude,” he hummed. “But the money is good,” he said, wrapping his arm around you. 
The rest of the short walk was made in silence and it was calming to just have Jaime by your side. The eight-hour shift takes it out on you and you couldn’t wait to go to sleep. 
“Hola,” you greeted as you walked through the door. 
“Como te fue?” Nana asked and you responded to her before a yawn came out.
“Disculpe,” you pressed a hand to your chest. “I’m gonna go shower,” you said, the family understanding as you made your way to your room. 
After a quick shower and changing into casual wear, you felt refreshed as you walked back into the family room. The whole family was gathered as Jaime stood in the middle, hair geled back and his fancy clothes put on.
“Wow, que chulo,” you complimented with a bright smile plastered on your face as you stood behind the couch. 
“You see, cabezon? You look fine,” Uncle Rudy told his nephew and Jaime nodded in defeat, clearly flustered. “Y/N wouldn’t lie, she loves you too much for that!” he cackled and you joined in, making Jaime blush even more.
“Let’s go and get this over with, I still don’t trust that Jenny girl,” Milagro muttered under her breath and you sent a glance at Jaime. 
You were aware of what happened when Milagro and Jaime lost their job with Victoria Kord. Millie was correct to have a distaste for the older lady, but after her niece offered an olive branch, giving Jaime an opportunity–you weren’t sure if she was in the right to have that distrust. But then again, you weren’t there.
“Descansas, okay?” Nana kissed you on the cheek and gave you the blessing before she walked out and you nodded. 
The rest of the family walked out, leaving you and Jaime left. 
“Good luck, okay?” you grabbed his face and gave him a chaste good luck kiss. “I know you’re gonna woo them over,” you sent him a sure smile. 
“How are you so sure about that?” he held your wrists, running his thumbs over your delicate skin. 
“Cause, you’re Jaime Reyes”.
“You don’t know what’s inside?” you heard Millie ask. 
You were awakened by muffled conversations, your brows furrowing as you checked the time. They couldn’t have come back that soon and if something serious happened, they would’ve woken you up. 
About to drift back to sleep, you eyes shot open by shouting. The voices of Jaime, Millie, and Rudy combine together. Bolting out of bed fast, you opened the door and ran into the dining room, finding Millie and Rudy to be playing hot potato with a blue bug, Jaime trying to get them to stop.
“Mira, look what you did! You woke her up,” Rocio gestured to you and the room suddenly got quiet. 
“Ay, Y/N, I’m sorry,” Jaime winced, trying to grab the thing from Millie but she held it out of his reach. 
“Look what Jaime brought back. That Jenny girl is a total floozy, like what is this that she gave him?” she cocked a brow, holding it clearly so you could see.
“A bug?” you rubbed your eyes. “Why would she give you a bug?” you asked, walking closer. 
“She told me to guard it with my life, I wasn’t even supposed to open it,” your boyfriend explained and his words made you uneasy. 
“I think you should put it back, you don’t know what it can be,” you turned to Millie. 
“She’s right,” Jaime held out his hand and Milagro reluctantly agreed, placing it in his palm.
You watched as he was about to place it back in the box until it lit up, his face inching closer to inspect it. You stared back in amazement, the bug coming to life.
“I think it likes me,” he grinned, glancing up at you with a twinkle in your eyes that made your heart skip a beat. But that smile was instantly wiped away the moment the bug launched itself onto his face.
“JAIME!” you screeched, the family shooting up from their seats as they tried to aid him.
“It’s on your face!” Uncle Rudy screamed before he grabbed onto the bug, attempting to rip it off but it shot out a bolt of electricity, sending him across the room and Jaime against the wall. 
Your body began to shake and you wanted to run over to help Jaime but he got up, the bug detaching from his face until it crawled over his shoulder and under his shirt like a spider you wanted off immediately. 
“Jaime!” you shouted, his body thrashing around the room like he was fighting with the bug. “Baby, please,” you cried, hands over your mouth as you tried to begin to process what was going on but you couldn’t.
“Oh god,” Jaime stilled, hunched over as he looked at you. “I think it’s inside of me,” his gaze filled with panic and you felt your skin crawl. “It’s inside of me!” he screamed, hand reaching out for yours before he doubled over in pain, the bug poking out underneath his clothes before arms pierced through, sending him up against the ceiling.
Another wave of screams sounded, the love of your life’s agony cries being the worst thing you ever heard. The tears were falling down your cheeks. You wanted to help him but couldn’t. You wanted to know what was going on but didn’t. You were completely helpless in this situation.
Black goo grew over his body, his clothes burning to crisps and you were afraid of what it was going to do once it got all of him. Were you about to lose your Jaime? How did you get to this point when it was just a job interview? 
“Y/N!” his call for you made your heart stop and you tried telling him you were here but his cries drowned it out. 
Suddenly, he was completely transformed, a suit of armor in black and blue engulfed him. The cries and the screams quieted down as you all stared at him. A split second ago, you thought he was going to die, but now he was fine? It didn’t make sense. 
“Mijo?” Rocio called out as Jaime walked over to the photo of La Virgen, his illuminating yellow eyes staring back into the reflection.
“What was that?” he looked back in shock, hands over his mouth. “Did you hear that?” his voice was panicked, his expression hidden with the eyes providing just the tiniest amount of concern. 
“Jaime, what’s going on?” you took a step forward. 
“That voice, you don’t hear a voice?” he walked forward, standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by all of you. The suit seemed to have turned on, blue light glowing between grooves and you all watched in awe. “Systems check?” he mumbled, looking around the room. 
“Jaime?” you asked, noticing the arms powering up.
“It’s okay, everything is going to be okay!” he shouted just as he was flown through the ceiling before he became a dot in the sky. 
Nothing was okay.
Reblogs are the best!
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its-your-mind · 4 months
*deep breath in*
the fears 👏 have always 👏 been (in one way or another) 👏 parallel 👏 to 👏 desire 👏
let me explain.
so many of the statements given by actual avatars center around some sort of need that was met by their entity. Lots of them even had a positive relationship with the fear that drove them.
Jane Prentiss is an excellent example - the Corruption has always been about a form of toxic and possessive love, but she personally has a deep desire to be “fully consumed by what loves her,” and finds a perverse joy and relief at allowing herself to be a home
Jude Perry is another - she fucking loved watching people’s lives be utterly destroyed. The Desolation only offered her a power of destruction on a grander scale, and then gave her a more intense rush of joy as she did its work. When she tells Jon that he needs to feed the Eye before it feeds on him, it’s almost as an afterthought; she was happily feeding the Desolation long before it burned her into a new existence.
Simon Fairchild. Every time that old loose bag of bones wanders into the picture, he is having a fucking EXCELLENT time playing with the Vast. He loves showing people their own insignificance, and he loves luring them into situations where he can throw them into the void as he smiles and waves.
Peter Lukas (hell, the whole Lukas family (except Evan. RIP Evan.)) hated. people. all he wanted was for them all to go away, to leave him alone. The Lonely only fulfilled that desire.
Daisy, Trevor, and Julia, all devoted to hunting those things they deemed monstrous.
Melanie, holding tight to that bullet in her leg because on some level, she wanted it. It felt good, it felt right, it felt like it fit right alongside the anger and spite that drove her to success.
Annabelle Cane first encountered the Web when she was a child, running away from home in order to tug on her parents’ heartstrings in just the right way to have them wrapped around her little finger. Later on she volunteered to be the subject of an ESP study. Hell, she’s the one who dangled the “Is it really You that wants this?” question over Jon’s head in S4.
And that brings us to Jon, beloved Jarchivist, the Voice that Opened the Door. Ever since he was a child targeted by the Web, he was looking for answers. He joined the Magnus Institute’s Research Department looking for them, he stalked his coworkers in search for them, he broke into Gertrude’s flat and laptop out of desperation for them. And when he realized that all he had to do was Ask to get truthful answers to his questions? It was only natural for him to jump at that opportunity.
Elias told S3 Jon that he did want this, that he chose it, that at every crossroads he kept pushing onwards, and the inner turmoil that caused was one of the focal points for Jon’s character through the rest of the podcast.
There’s a certain line of thinking in many circles about the power of the Devil: he’s not able to create anything new. All he’s able to do is twist and warp that which was already present, making it something ugly and profane while still maintaining the facade of something desirable.
Jon didn’t choose the Eye. But he did wander into its realm of power, exhibiting exactly the qualities it was most capable of hijacking and warping to its own ends. Jon didn’t choose the Apocalypse. But Jonah picked at him little by little, pointing him towards each Fear individually. Jon didn’t want to release the Fears. But the Web tugged on his strings just so and laid a pretty trail for him to follow until he reached its desired conclusion.
Jon didn’t choose ultimate power, or omniscience, or even his own role as Head Archivist. But he said “yes” to the right (wrong?) orders and kept on pushing for the right (wrong?) answers. He wanted to succeed at the work he had been assigned. He wanted to protect his friends. He wanted to rescue them when they were lost. He wanted to prevent the apocalypse, to save the world. He wanted to know why he was still alive, when so many had died right in front of him.
The Great Wheel of Evil Color that is the Entities might not fit as neatly into categories in this universe - maybe there was no Robert Smirke trying to impose strict categories on emotional experiences, or maybe the ways they manifest in the world has turned on its head (goodness knows many of them have been showcased and blended in some very fun and new and horrifying ways so far) - but their fundamental foundations seem to be the same. Hell, in episode one we learned that there had been enough individual incidents to create a distinction between “dolls, watching” and “dolls, human skin.”
Smirke’s Fourteen isn’t going to be relevant as common parlance, RQ said that already, but I don’t think that means the Fears themselves (and their Dream Logic-based rules) are different - I think it means that the levels of understanding, language used, and personal connections among people “in the know” are going to be entirely unfamiliar
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drvscarlett · 2 months
Sweet Nothings (4)
Carlos Sainz x Pageant Queen!Reader
Summary: All that they ever wanted was sweet nothings but everything changed like midnight rain.
Sweet Nothings 1 2 3 4
A/N: the final installment for sweet nothings. thank you for your support for this one!! let me know your thoughts or send me an ask for blurbs!!!
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It was quite rare for the couple to stay at home. It was weird that they weren't out and about or even racing. Somehow they knew that this lockdown is taking a lot out of life out of them but they were still grateful to be spending it with each other.
Its also that period of time that Y/N has been asked a question.
"What do you want to do?"
A harmless question by Carlos. It was supposed to be something that asks her what does she want to do for the day but she ended up thinking about what does she want to do with her life.
She is 23, lots of people would say that she is still young and there's a lot of things to look forward to. But she can't help about what should she do as she grow older. There is this unspoken pressure that she has to do well before reaching a certain age.
"Carlos, mi amor, do you have plans?" Y/N asked
The man in question met her eyes, he was visibly confused by the question.
"What plans mi amor? Do you mean to ask if I have zoom meetings?"
"No, I mean what's your plan in the future?"
"Well, I'm planning to win a championship, then I'm going to marry you, we will build our family, continue winning, retire, travel the world with you again" Carlos enumerates.
She smiles at her inclusion in Carlos' plans for the future. It was not new knowledge for the both of them that they plan to marry each other and build a family someday. They have already reached a point in their relationship where it feels right to discuss such plans.
"Why did you ask?" Carlos wondered "any change of plans?"
"Not at all, just curious"
Sebastian Vettel is a force to be reckon with. He speaks up to different issues and he won't allow anyone to hinder him. It was a stark contrast from the Sebastian Vettel from Red Bull which is why Y/N always call him the wise sage.
Carlos and Y/N have been invited by Sebastian for an outreach program. Y/N insisted on going and Carlos went along because there was nothing on his schedule for that day. It was that time that Y/N managed to speak to the children about their living situations and how Sebastian gave her an advice.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself" Sebastian noticed "First time doing programs like this?"
"I haven't done these in a while" Y/N admits.
Her very first experience with outreaches like this would have been in high school. It started out as a requirement for school where they have to do community services before they could finish the academic year. There were plenty of slum areas in her home country so she would always be participating in outreach programs or medical missions to help them. It was quite taxing but it was something that she enjoyed doing. She remembered how it was no longer a requirement but she still finds herself volunteering.
Y/N doesn't know how long she has been rambling,Sebastian was a really good listener.
"I didn't see you as that type of person you know"Sebastian said "It's a different side of you"
"What kind of person do you think I am?"
"For starters, I know you do modelling so you are a pretty face. It is a perfect match for Carlos, he is a pretty boy you know" Sebastian discussed.
Y/N has to hold a little laugh because she knows the topic is serious. She just know that Carlos will be elated to be called pretty boy by the sebastian vettel.
"You are always very supportive of Carlos and you cannot be associated without Carlos so I feel like its a good thing that you have a side of you that makes you seperate from Carlos"
The conversation with Sebastian seems to struck a chord in her heart. Everyone thinks that Y/N is a full-time WAG and she knows that it is true. But if someone ask what does Y/N do besides being a full-time WAG the answer is modelling. It still doesn't seem right for Y/N that she's not doing enough of an impact.
"You feel it too right? You know you have to get out of the box of just being Carlos' girlfriend" Sebastian worded it out for Y/N.
"Is that a good thing that I want to be more than just Carlos' girlfriend and create an impact just like you?" she wonders.
"It's not a bad thing at all" Sebastian assured. He would be the one to know especially when he has a wife that has been extremely supportive of him being vocal about his opinions. He knows a true partner would understand.
"But this might change things" and Y/N knows that she might lose Carlos in the process.
"Sometimes we have to sacrifice some things to get better things"
Y/N looked at the children who were happily eating. She wanted to bring more of that to the world. But then she also saw the glint of her necklace, a gift from Carlos.
Can't she have both?
Carlos didn't mean to snoop around her things. It just so happens that he will be using the computer to email someone when he noticed that Y/N left her email open. He was about to delete the message he just sent by going through the sent tab when he noticed an email.
Application for Miss Universe Philippines.
Surely if Y/N is joining then Carlos would have known. So he clicked the email and was surprised by the contents. He felt like there was a cold bucket of ice poured over him.
"Mahal, you wouldn't believe the price of these mangoes I got from the market" Y/N entered the shared apartment "What are you.."
Y/N stops in her tracks as he noticed that Carlos was in front of her computer.
"When will you tell me about this?"he wondered
"I didn't mean to keep it a secret Carlos"
Carlos could feel a twinge as he was called by his name. It was going to end up to be a fight between the two of them.
"Why didn't you tell me that you want to be Miss Universe?" Carlos repeated
"It's not something that I have planned honestly. I just want to try something new and you know that email is just a shot in the dark, I don't even know if I'll be qualified to compete"Y/N explained
"But still, when did you start dreaming of being Miss Universe" Carlos asked.
Y/N started pacing as she tries to find the rigt words to say. Carlos looked at her with worry and he felt left out with the plans that she is creating. They both knew that this is a turning point in their relationship.
"It just happened carlos. I just wanted to use my voice to make an impact or change. I don't want to be just a pretty face and do nothing with my life" there was the frustration and floodgates opening.
Y/N felt herself collapsing after hearing the silence. This is what she feared initially that Carlos won't get her dreams and this will be the end of their relationship. She ruined a perfectly good thing.
But as million of things and scenarios are going through her head, Carlos slowly made his way to her. He takes her hand into his and lifted her chin to meet his eyes.
"Amor, do you think I will hinder you from your dreams?" the gentleness of his voice is the calm that she needs.
"You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad at you?" he asked "I just wanted a little heads up. I just want to know what you are up to. Im happy to support you if this is what you want"
Bursting into tears,Y/N leaned forward to hug Carlos. Weeks of tiptoeing is over and all she had to do was come clean.
It was the morning after the Singapore Grand Prix when Y/N received the message. She was utterly shocked upon reading the email that she was appointed to represent one of the provinces for Miss Universe Philippines. It felt like a dream so she had to make Carlos read it to make sure she isn't dreaming.
"This is amazing news mi amor!"
Carlos was in glee. He just won a Grand Prix and now his girlfriend is going to compete for her dreams. It was like he was enveloped in a high that he failed to notice the sad eyes that Y/N has.
"Why are you not happy? Aren't you supposed to be happy?" Carlos wondered.
The reality is sinking in that if Y/N accepts this then her whole world will change. No more attending Grand Prixs. No more spending all her time with Carlos. She will be very busy and Carlos will also be very busy.
"Its going to be difficult. There are trainings, meetings,and everything" she is feeling overwhelmed.
"Okay take deep breaths amor"
The couple sits down and Carlos fetched a glass of water for Y/N to drink. He understands how Y/N often has a tendency to overthink or overcomplicate things when it is within her reach.
"I don't think I deserve this"she says
"Nonsense."Carlos disagrees "You are going to compete with that amor. You are going to compete and you are going to win"
"If I do that then I will be leaving you behind mahal. No more hotel rooms,no more grand prixs,no more spontaneous date nights"
The smile on Carlos face falters. Y/N takes a heavy breath, she knows that its for the better. She cannot ask Carlos to put his life on hold for her. She knows that next year, Carlos will want to try to win the championship. She has long accepted that she is ready to free Carlos in case she cannot support him anymore.
"I think we should break up"Y/n dropped.
"No" Carlos' reply came swiftly
"Listen mahal this is how its going to end up. Were both going to busy and then we will fall apart. Its best to end it while were on good terms"Y/N rationalizes.
"Im not listening,no no"Carlos stood up and walked away.
Y/n went to chase the Spanish driver. Tears were already spilling in her eyes because she didn't want to do this and Carlos is not making it easier for the two of them.
"Mahal please,listen to me"
"Why are you breaking up with me? This doesn't change things between us"Carlos reasoned.
"It will change a lot of things."she answered back "Its not going to be the same and its gonna be difficult"
"But no matter how difficult it is,I refuse to break up with you" Carlos states "I love you Y/N and I cannot just stop loving you or let go of you just because things are difficult."
"But what about your dreams?"
"I'll continue chasing my dreams. You chase yours. I'll support you no matter what"Carlos assures.
Yes, it has been years since they got together. Y/N still can't believe her luck with Carlos. Sometimes she feels as if he is unreal and way too good to be with her.
"Are you really willing to put up with me?" Y/N wonders
"I have never been more sure of anything in my life"
His hands intertwined with her as he places a soft kiss on her forehead.
"We'll be alright"
It was a busy start of the year for Y/N. Ever since Suzuka GP ended, she flew back to her home country to train and to prepare. It was honestly very draining but she finds herself enjoying the whole process.
Y/N and Carlos decided that it will be best to keep their relationship on the down low. They are still together but they just have to keep it lowkey for the timebeing so that they can both focus on achieving their dreams. Carlos understands how Y/N didn't want to win just because she is popular as Carlos' girlfriend, she wants to win for her advocacy. Technically they are not broken up, they are on a time out. Its not an arrangement that a lot of people deal with but then again they don't share that bond that Y/N and Carlos had.
They don't usually talk a lot these days since they are both busy but upon reading that article after her evening shoot,Y/N made a call right away.
'Lewis Hamilton moving to Ferrari in 2025'
Y/N couldn't describe how pained she feels for Carlos. She remembered how Carlos mentioned it a few weeks ago that they have been arranging a contract extension. She remembered how she kept assuring him that Ferrari won't let go of him,not after he broke Red Bull's streak. There are no words to describe how much she feels terrible about the situation.
"Mi amor?" Carlos picked up "Its late there in the Philippines why did you call?"
"The article is it true mahal?"
There was a pause on the other line and Y/N felt her heartbreaking.
"I didn't know. It seems unreal but I just got off from a call with Fred and they are really dropping me"Carlos confirms.
"That's so so shitty. They are so fucking shitty. I'm gonna go and wage war with Ferrari. First they fuck up your strategies then now they drop you"she was seething.
"Amor, you can't be rash. There's nothing we could do about it"Carlos, always the voice of reason.
"Where are you?" Y/N asked "Should I book a plane ticket now? I'm gonna give you a hug"
"Amor,you have duties there as a competitor for miss universe philippines"
"I don't care. You are somewhere half across the world and you just got dropped off and I need to be with you" Y/N's desperation could be heard from the phone.
There was a heavy sigh on Carlos end.
"Amor, I'll be alright. Your mere call is more than enough to make me feel like I am not alone"Carlos assures.
"Im sorry mahal,I couldn't be there" she says sadly.
"You are always here in my heart"
Miles and miles away but the two hearts have never been far apart from each other. They spent the entire night talking about their new plans with the following changes that happened.
ChiliUpdates just posted a photo.
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User3 man went from losing an appendix to winning the WDC
User5 Carlos Sainz gets axed by Ferrari then wins the WDC then refuses to elaborate.
User8 I really love this el matador nickname because he ended red bull's dominance
User9 he is so ICONIC!!!
YNjpeg just posted a photo
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liked by CarlosSainz55, LandoNorris, and 762,987 others.
YNjpeg four different colors and there is never a moment that I didn't adore. You are now a world champion and there are no words to describe how proud I am of you. To see you transform into the man that you are today is an honor and a privilege. Never ever stop being you.
Once again, congratulations world champion Carlos Sainz!
CarlosSainz55 Mi amor, thank you for always believing me
User3 Y/N isn't even in the paddock a while ago but she wrote this message???
User5 Our Miss Universe 2024 and our WDC 2024, name a more iconic duo
User6 the respect that they have for each other.
CarlosSainz55 and Y/Njpeg posted a photo
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CarlosSainz55 we survived the great war.
YNjpeg I'm always thankful for all my lucky stars that they brought you to me. I love you forever mahal.
User8 is this real??? chat is this real?
LandoNorris FINALLY!
SebastianVettel what a lovely couple, you both deserve each other
Charles_Leclerc mate FINALLY!!!!
232 notes · View notes
anton-luvr · 8 months
can you do childhood enemies to lovers with sungchan please 🤞 i love ur writing!!
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𖦹 childhood enemy!sungchan x fem!reader | fluff | ce2l au 𖦹 note ; tysm for requesting anon!! i had so much fun writing this i love sungchan </3 thank u for waiting and i hope u like it!
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Sungchan's yawn changes into a frown when he notices the pair of unfamiliar shoes by the door.
His aunt never mentioned about having guests over.
Thinking he had to endure another awkward social interaction, Sungchan sighs as he takes off his own shoes.
Don't get him wrong, he loves his aunt to bits.
But oftentimes, the friends she had over would nag him till his ears were ringing, endless questions about his college and non-existent dating life thrown his way.
So when he steps into the hallway to see that it's only a girl about his age with his sister in the living room, he's instantly relieved.
Until he notices his aunt is nowhere in sight.
"Somin," he calls out suspiciously, making his way over to the living room. "I'm home!"
The little girl squeals in delight, and she rushes over to hug Sungchan tightly. "'Chan, meet my new friend!" she says excitedly, pointing at you.
The smile on Sungchan's face freezes.
When he last saw you more than ten years ago, he had celebrated the fact that he would never have to see you again, but here you were: standing in his aunt's living room and staring right back at him.
Memories rush through his mind like a rollercoaster: childish fights over ice-cream, competitive glares exchanged when the teacher gave back your grades, and the promise he made to himself to hate you forever.
"S-Sungchan?" you sputtered, snapping him out of his thoughts. "What are you doing here?"
And just like he used to, Sungchan gets defensive. "What are you doing here? This is my aunt's house." he asks back, tone sharp and bringing an edge of hostility.
"She's the new babysitter!" Somin replies, unaware of the situation. "Her name is Y/N, isn't she nice?"
"Y/N, this is my brother! His name is Sungchan." Somin continues, grinning brightly at you.
You bite on your tongue to hold back from snapping back at Sungchan, feigning a surprised expression in response to Somin's introduction.
"Okay, bye! I need to go watch TV now." she sings, dashing off.
A heavy silence settles between the both of you as she leaves you alone, and Sungchan fakes a cough to break it.
"Sorry about that." he muttered.
"Oh, it's fine." you lie, shifting uncomfortably on your feet.
Sungchan shakes his head strongly at this, making his way into the kitchen.
"No, it's not. It's our first time meeting after forever, and this is how I treat you." he sighs. "Here, let me get you something to drink."
Not saying another word, you simply follow him into the small but cozy kitchen.
You watch as he pulls out two cans of soda from the fridge, and a small smile rests on your lips when you recognize the brand.
"I didn't know they still sold these sodas." you said, sliding into a seat by the kitchen counter.
They had been the most popular ones when you were a kid, and you would save your allowance to buy them during the scorching summers.
Sungchan makes a huffing noise as he places them on the counter, sliding one towards you. "You won't believe how expensive they are now." he complains. "It's almost five dollars a can!"
Hearing him complain like a grumpy middle-aged man, you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?" he asks, confused as he takes a sip from his can.
"You sound like an old man." you giggle, pretending to dodge when Sungchan picks up his soda as if to throw it at you.
The silence from earlier returns as your laughter dies down, and you wrack your brain to think of something to say.
Thankfully, Sungchan beats you to it.
"So... how's life? How have you been?" he asks.
Shrugging, you take a sip. "Not much. I'm on summer break from college, so I thought I'd earn some money at it while resting."
Sungchan hums, leaning back on his chair.
"And my aunt hired you to babysit my sister? Yikes." he mumbles jokingly.
You scoff, rolling your eyes. "I see that you're still the same, huh?" you retort.
As if you had accused him of a great crime, Sungchan gasps and dramatically clutches at his chest. "Hey, if this was us back then, we'd already be fighting and screaming at each other on the floor!"
The fact that it's happened before makes you chuckle, shaking your head.
It was crazy to think about how you used to hate him with all your guts, but here you were, having a conversation with him in his aunt's kitchen.
And as if on cue, you hear the front door rattle open and the loud chatter of ladies fill up the house.
"Oh God," Sungchan groans, mortified as he buries his face in his hands. "My aunt brought her friends over again."
You didn't understand his reaction till they swarmed over, chatting away like a coop of chickens.
"Oh wow, who's this gorgeous lady?" one of the ladies asked, waving enthusiastically at you.
"Is this your girlfriend? You never told us you had one!" another lady teases, whacking Sungchan on the shoulder.
He chokes on his soda, shaking his head frantically. "W-We're just friends! She was taking care of Somin, that's all!"
"Hmm, and maybe she can take care of you too!" one of them adds in, smirking at Sungchan.
"Someone's turning red!" Sungchan's aunt notices, laughing along.
Sure enough, his face was the color of a strawberry. Embarrassed, he stands up quickly, pulling you up with him by the hand.
"Okay, it's getting late, I have to take her home." he rambles, tugging you after him as he squeezes his way to the door.
"You do?" you echo, following him in surprise.
"Aw, our Sungchan is all grown up! He's bringing a girl home, how sweet!" one of the lady coos, and Sungchan's eye twitches.
"Bye!" he shouts, slamming the door shut behind the both of you.
All noise fades the moment he does, and the peace of the night wraps around you like a hug.
"Sorry about that. My aunt's friends are... something." Sungchan mumbles, annoyed.
"It's fine." you say. You were sure you had at least five aunts from your family who were the same, if not worse.
"Wait, but are you actually going to take me home?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at the brown haired boy.
Eyes widening, Sungchan plants his hands on his hips. "Of course I am! What kinda douchebag do you think I am to let you go home alone in the dark?" he scoffs, seemingly offended.
Shrugging, you laugh as you walk away. "Well, let's go then, Mr. Considerate."
He catches up to you with a "Hey, wait for me!", your footsteps falling together in a rhythm as you make your way home.
"Anyways, how about you? How's life?" you ask.
Sungchan hums at this, kicking a random rock on the sidewalk. "It's good. I'm finishing up my degree in engineering, then I'll probably start working."
"Oh, cool!" you say softly. "I would never have guessed you wanted to be an engineer." you laugh. "You were so obsessed with being a fireman back then."
Your words unlock another memory for Sungchan, and he smiles to himself.
Silence falls between the both of you again, but it felt more comfortable this time.
And as you continue walking together, Sungchan can't help but look at you from the corner of his eye, the old hatred softening away into unfamiliar adoration.
And he realized his aunt's friends were right. You really were gorgeous.
Your eyes still had the mischievous glint he used to hate, your cheeks a soft pink from the cool autumn breeze, while the orange street lamps overhead cast a soft glow on you - almost like an angel.
His face burns in realisation when he catches himself admiring you, and Sungchan's about to slap himself when you stop in your tracks.
"Alright, this is it. Thanks for walking me back." you smile, pointing at the apartment complex you stayed at.
Sungchan smiles back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. "No problem," he says. "It was nice seeing you again."
You nod, waving as you walk up to the entrance.
"Goodnight!" you call, pulling out your access card.
But the beep of verification has barely gone through when it's cut off by Sungchan, shouting.
"Y/N, wait!" he calls.
"Do you want to go get a coffee or something tomorrow? J-Just to catch up." he stutters, eyes shining with what seems to be nervous anticipation.
"Sure," you say immediately, surprising yourself. "Text me the details?"
"I don't have your number though." Sungchan says, smiling sheepishly.
You face palm yourself, dumbfounded. "Sorry," you laugh awkwardly, taking his phone from his outstretched hand.
He watches in amusement as you type in your number, failing at least twice because you kept pressing the wrong number keys.
God, you were so cute.
"Still struggling with numbers?" Sungchan teases when you pass his phone back to him, and you slap his arm. "I passed math in high school, get it right." you scold lightly.
He grins, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Well, you can tell me all about it tomorrow," he says casually.
His words make your cheeks warm up, and you nod.
"Bye!" you call out, stepping into the lift.
Sungchan waves back as the lift doors close, and he can't help but smile like an idiot.
It seems like he wasn't going to hate you forever after all.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
275 notes · View notes
isoliawrites · 4 months
I'm here
Sully Family × Son!Reader
Word count: a lot
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01 02
{Just a filler. I don't know what to change much in this part.}
"What?" Y/n asked Tuk in disbelief. "Mom and dad are talking about it right now" Tuk says as she runs out of the tent again and Y/n follows out as Mo'at allows him to. Both of the ran to one of the hut, Kiri was already there, listening. Y/n quietly does the same while Tuk takes a peek inside.
"This thing, this Quartich.. whatever he is.."
"What's going on?" Neteyam asks and Kiri quickly signals them to be quiet. They came and joined in to listen to their parents.
"He can walk right under Eywa's nose"
Y/n watched as Jake and Neytiri argued, he didn't fully understand yet why they had to leave. Neytiri argued "This is about our little ones. I cannot, you cannot ask of this" she walked away from Jake "I cannot leave my people. I will not" She stated once again. Jake looks at her, "He's hunting us. He's targeting our family-" "You cannot ask this!" Neytiri cuts him off "The children, everything they've ever known. The forest, this is our home!"
"He had our children. He had 'em under his knife, look at Y/n!" Jake argued back. Neytiri went silent, torn between her people and her children's safety. She went and grabbed her bow "My father gave me this bow as he lay dying! And he said protect the people.. You're Toruk Makto!" She pleaded but Jake insisted "This will protect the people!"
Y/n hated seeing his parents argue like this, he can't stand the screaming and arguing. He stands up and leaves, he knows they're leaving because what his dad says is final.
Y/n's POV
I felt mixed emotions as I left. I think I'm going to cry or something. I don't want to leave..this is our home, our place. I don't want to leave Mo'at, why does this happen to us... and why am I getting so emotional while the others seem to hold it together better.
I went inside our tent and sat down on my bed... Everything is happening so fast I can't seem to process it well. I heard someone come in and I turned to look, it's Neteyam. "Y/n" he called and sat next to me. "Everything is going to be alright" he said as he stroked my head. I push his hand away "No it's not Nete. We're leaving. I won't have another chance to see the forest and everything I knew" I say to him. "We won't know that for sure, we might return here and meet other new people along the way-" "They won't accept us!" I argued back and he was stunned. Great. Now I feel bad. "....sorry" I said to him and I lay down facing away from him. My eyes felt like they're going to burst at this point.
"What is it-?!" Suddenly Nete flipped me over so I was on top of him. "Nete! What are you-!" I shouted. Nete cupped my face and said "Listen to me, it's us against the world, Y/n. Like what dad says, this family is our fortress" He said to me, looking very seriously at me. "I know, I know, stop talking like him" I answered quickly, not in the mood for arguing. He let's go of me and lay next to me. "Your taking all the spaceee! it's my bed!" I told him, and how dare he..this is my bed. I'm fine sharing but he's pushing me out of the bed slowly. "No I'm not, come on baby bro don't be selfish-ow!!" I hit him square in the face "Don't call me that, skxawng!!" Seriously, my dear brother needs to grow out of his nickname calling phase. Oh and yes, I pushed him out of my bed.
"oh your going to get it" Nete said as he layed on top of me and practically trying to kill me cuz he is heavy! I tried to get him off but he won't budge. All of the sudden we both heard dad calling for Nete. He quickly got up and left as I sighed in relief. My mind drifts back to the current situation, imagining us going back after everything is over and how we can all live like before where we don't need to be so vigilant and careful... and Dad wouldn't need to be so worked up all the time. But a part of me knew it was impossible since we aren't going to fight back.. they will keep hunting us one way or another. The worst case scenario is if we were ever caught again.. they will surely take us away.. it could be any of us or maybe even Dad since they seemed to know him.
After Neteyam was finished helping Jake pack their things, he went back to their tent. "Y/n?" Neteyam called to him but got no replies. He looked at Y/n who is asleep. "Must be tired.." Neteyam mumbled as he went to start helping packing other things. He let's Y/n sleep then after he was done he slowly got up and went outside.
When he went outside, Jake was about to get in. "Father.." Neteyam greeted, "Is your brother inside?" Jake asked him. "Yeah he is inside, sleeping," Neteyam answered his father. Jake was silent for a while before nodding, Neteyam looked at his father and noticed that he looked like he wanted to say something but he dismissed that thought.
"...Y/n is not happy about leaving" Neteyam told him, Jake looks at him "I know, none of us is happy about this decision but this is for the best. Help Tuk pack up her things we're leaving as soon as possible. Get the ikrans ready"
Y/n's POV
When I woke up everyone was already finishing packing their things, Mom came in the tent "Y/n.. I was about to wake you up, let's go, the others are waiting" I stood up quietly and followed her "I've already packed your things" she added and I only nodded.
A ceremony was held as I saw the new chief rise and Dad was demoted from the clan leader. Many people saw us off and Mom cried on the way out, we had to leave our home. I managed to see Mo'at for the last time and as we said our goodbye she gave me a hairpin. "Take care of your brothers and sisters, I trust you most" was what she said as I left.
We all got on our ikran...expect Tuk and I. Tuk went with mom and I went with Dad. I look at Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri who went on their own, oh how nice it must be. All of us then took off as we headed far away from the forest. I looked back behind me and the forest was getting smaller and smaller as we flew across the ocean. My hand slipped as I tried to keep a glance of the forest and almost fell but Dad quickly grabbed me. "Y/n that's enough" He said to me. Dad tightened his grip around me as we flew faster to lead to others.
As we pushed foward the forest finally disappeared. My heart became heavy by the the fact that we are going away from everything we ever known. And the fact that I and Tuk will never have our rite of passage.. I feel like I was leaving behind and missing a lot of things back at home. I can't understand how the others waa strong enough to not even cry while I'm here trying my best not to... again. Why am I like this? There's always an uneasiness feeling in my heart. It also doesn't help that the fact Spider was still back there and we aren't helping him.
Jake was wondering why Y/n was so quiet since they left. He tried to take a peak at Y/n and what he saw broke his heart. His son was quietly crying and tears were running down his face. The last time he saw his son crying was that incident. Jake knows that Y/n was a strong child and he never cried or complained about anything even when Jake was being hard on him. But sometimes Jake forgot that he was just a child just like the rest. The night they escaped from Quartich, Jake almost went insane when he saw his injuries... he almost lost one of his children and it's the same one years ago. His point was proven right when he doesn't allow Y/n to go out without him or Neytiri but on the other hand he also blames himself for keeping Y/n inside with no knowledge of even self defense because he too was too focused on Netyam and Lo'ak.
Jake knew that he hadn't been tending to Y/n a lot but it's just hard for him to show affection to his sons. Every time he looked at Y/n he was reminded of how he failed to protect him. It was easy to overcome that fear long ago but since the humans invaded back it was hard, nearly impossible for him. Y/n sobs became quite louder and he coughs from trying to keep it in, Jake snapped back to reality and slowly wiped Y/n's tears away. Y/n flinched at the contact but Jake hugged him close with one of his arm and told him
"It's alright Y/n, you can let it out. You can cry, I got you"
As Jake said that Y/n began to cry quietly as he doesn't want others to know. Jake hugged him close and Y/n buried his face in his father's embrace. It felt good to Y/n that he was able to let go of the tears he was trying to hold and it calmed him down better and faster. After Y/n calmed down, the sky went gray and rain began to pour down. The water wipes away the stain on Y/n's cheeks making it impossible to tell that he cried before, the thunder follows as soon as the Sully's make their way towards the new sanctuary.
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After a long time of traveling Y/n finally a glimpse of civilization. The waters were getting clearer and he could see the animals and plants inside the ocean. They went through the reefs and flew across huts and the people.
All of them looked at the Sully's as they landed. "Dad I don't think they're friendly" Y/n said to Jake. "We gotta try" Jake replied as he got Y/n off his ikran. All of them walked together to greet the chief, Y/n alongside Kiri at the back. The Metkayina immediately surround them and Jake puts his hands up to tell them they're here not to cause trouble.
Y/n's POV
We were surrounded by the people and honestly I was mesmerized by their appearance. They have different colored eyes and bodies, with tails like fins unlike us. Two boys came forward to take a look at us. Nete and Lo'ak tried to greet them but they didn't greet back... are they really going to welcome us? It doesn't look really promising. They looked kinda scary too. "Easy, just be cool" Dad said. Yeah Dad.. very helpful.
"Look! What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?" One of them commented. They started to make fun of Lo'ak and Nete before going to me and Kiri. One of them looked stunned and I immediately held on to Kiri, not daring to make eye contact. A girl then came over and scolded the boys. I learned that their names are Rotxo and Aonung.
"Y/n.." Kiri called as she held me close. I then heard something coming and I looked up to see three people but they were riding something like a flying fish, I guess they must be the leaders judging from their outfit. I remember Dad saying they are Tonowari and Ronal..
Dad and Mom greeted them "Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?" Tonowari asked and Dad replied "We seek Uturu"
"Uturu?" Ronal immediately replied, her tone was not happy. "Yes, sanctuary for my family" Dad added but she did not reply. She came and inspected us one by one as Tonowari tried to explain what her wife meant and how it is not possible… and she was right. They are reef people and we are forest people. She went to Mom and Tuk "Their arms are thin" she continued to me and Kiri. She grabbed Kiri's tail "Their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water"
Ronal then went to Y/n but he stepped back, looking down. She was shocked to see Y/n's hair and skin. Ronal was persuasive and grabbed Y/n's hair looking at the color, she had never seen them before. Y/n looked at her and she could tell that Y/n was afraid, his eyes turned into a shade of chartreuse as the sun shone on them. Ronal's frown disappeared a little and turned into a curiosity. She trailed her hand down to Y/n's shoulder and grabbed his hands, suddenly shocked she announced "These childrens... are not even true Na'vi"
Y/n looked back at his family as Ronal let him go and everyone was shocked. Kiri pulled Y/n close to her as she said "Yes we are!"
Ronal inspects Lo'ak and found the same result too. "They have demon blood!" She shouted and the people began to become uneasy. Jake immediately jumped in the situation "Look, look" he raised his hand, showing five fingers. "Look, I was born of the sky people and now I am Na'vi. All right? You can adapt, We will adapt, okay?" he makes his voice heard and clear. Neytiri on the other hand was not pleased with Ronal's attitude as she chimed in "My husband was Toruk Makto" she said as she walks toward Ronal.
"He led clans to victory against the Sky People" she added. "This you call victory?" Ronal shot back "Hiding among strangers?" She went to Neytiri "It seems that Eywa has turned her back on you.. choosen one" she said to Jake. Neytiri hissed at Ronal and she hissed back, challenging. Jake stepped in between them and said "I apologize for my mate, she's.." "Do not apologize for me" Neytiri said but Jake continued "... has flown a long away, and she's exhausted." "Jake." Neytiri said but Jake looked at her and told her to back down and Neytiri obliged. Tonowari also tried to ease the tension "Toruk Makto is a great war leader. All Na'vi prople know his story... But we Metkayina are not at war.." he turned to Jake and added "We cannot let you bring your war here" Jake responded "I'm done with war. Okay? I just want to keep my family safe"
Neytiri was done going back and forth as she repeated "Uturu has been asked". Tonowari turned to discuss with Ronal and suddenly Tuk, in Jake's arms asked "Do we have to go?". Jake answerd "We'll be okay"
Ronal looked at this interaction before looking at her husband. Her fierce eyes met his soft eyes and after a moment she agree. Tonowari was relieved and announce it to the people.
"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. Now they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being... useless" Jake was relieved as he said thank you and the others followed.
"My son, Aonung, our daughter, Tsireya, will show your children what to do"
Aonung was not happy about this decision "Father, why do-" Tonowari cuts him off "It is decided." Y/n looked at the other sibling, Tsireya who was much the polar opposite as she speak happily "Come, I will show you our village"
Y/n's POV
Tsireya showed us around the village and the last place to our new house. The road was built above the water with some kind of weaving and it was bouncy. Tuk hopped along the way and it was relieving to see her laugh and smile. Mom and Kiri were definitely not too happy about everything, their faces were telling that enough. So when the other went out to explore I stayed with Mom.
I was laying my head on her lap as she brushed my hair "Your hair has grown, Y/n. Do you want to cut it?" I always keep it short because I was inspired by Kiri and I asked her to make my hair the same style as her.
"No need Mom" I answered her.. It is better if I keep it long, that way I can hide it better. "You have such a beautiful hair, like your father" Mom said as she brushed my hair "Doesn't dad has the same hair as the others?" Mom chuckled at my question "When I first met him his hair was smooth, like a baby. And his braids was messy, like a child" I chuckled along with her at her remark
"It's nice to see your hair grow out, it's healthy and beautiful" She said as she divided my hair into sections to braid it. She divide the section of my white hair alone and I tuck my hair in instinctively "No need to braid it Mom, it's fine"
Mom immediately noticed my plan of not cutting my hair and I tried to argue with her but it's no use. In the end she braided only my white hair and gave it some beads.... Why did I even stay here? Oh yeah I wanted to make her feel better but this is what I got. I looked at her and she was silently laughing! How mean! "Not funny Mom. I'll be laughed at!" I argued. "You should be proud of it Y/n, it's beautiful.. If someone makes fun of it you tell me immediately"
The others suddenly came back as Dad called us for a family meeting.
"Kiri" Neytiri called as she ask Kiri to sit down. "Okay" Jake started "I need you kids on your best behavior. I mean it." He said as he looked at his kids one by one. "Learn fast, pull your weight. Don't cause trouble, you got it?" Lo'ak knew it was directed at him so he answered "Yes, sir." "I want to go home" Tuk who was quiet the whole time suddenly speaks and she was crying. Y/n pulls Tuk close to him and rubs her back "Oh Tuk.." Neytiri was saddened at Tuk's state. Jake holds Tuk gand and said "Tuk, this is our home now" Jake sighs before he continued "Now we're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs all right?" He tried to assure his childrens and Neytiri also helped "What does your Father always say?" Neteyam, Lo'ak and Y/n answered "Sully's stick together"
"That's right. Sully's stick together" Jake repeats but Kiri stays quiet. "Now with some feelings yeah?" Jake tried again and this time Tuk and Kiri joined in.
"Sully's stick together"
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The next day they started with their lessons to learn how to live like a Metkayina. This time Jake cannot ask Y/n to stay back because he had to learn, and the place isn't as dangerous as the forest because Sky people aren't present.
Aonung, Tsireya and Rotxo jumped into the water followed by Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk. Y/n stayed behind for a while as he observed the others especially on how they swim, he didn't jump in like the others. Instead he slowly went in the water after he tied his hair and hold his breath as he sinked down.
Y/n opened his eyes to see thousands of sea creatures inside the ocean. The water was clear and there are many corals with different colors and shapes. The animals noticed him and suddenly swims towards him, circling and pecking him. Y/n get ticklish and breaks free. He saw his siblings in front of him and tried to swim to them, he slowly tries to swim like how Tsireya and Aonung does it. Y/n slowly pushed through the water, as he kicked his legs to move suddenly he felt a strong current from behind and resulted in him swimming faster and further forward. Y/n looked back thinking it was an animal pushed or something but nothing was behind him. He tested it again and pushed forward but this time stronger and resulted in him losing control.
Y/n panicked as he tried to stop but he can't as the flow of the water kept pushing him. Y/n looks infront and he was about to crash into Tuk so he immediately turned. He was relieved for a moment and saw that his siblings was going up so he made a turn while still being pushed by the flow but that resulted in him crashing into someone else. Aonung.
Tsireya and the others were looking at the Sully's as they had to take their breaths for the second time. Aonung and Rotxo were making fun of them when suddenly Y/n crashed into Aonung.
Aonung was shoved forward. Only after that did the flow stopped behind Y/n and oh boy did he crash into the chief's son. Flustered and panicked Y/n quickly swims up to the surface as the other followed, Aonung had no time to shout at him. Y/n reaches the surface as he gasps for air "Y/n! Are you alright?! You crashed!" Neteyam quickly swims to him with Lo'ak and Tuk following. Y/n was still catching his breath "I-I don't-" "Catch your breath Y/n" Lo'ak said to him as he pats Y/n's back.
The others went up and Aonung looked pissed. "Did you swim with your eyes closed? It hurts you know!" "Sorry.." Y/n quietly apologized. Aonung heard what Y/n said but he wasn't pleased "I can't hear you, frea-" "Hey! He said sorry alright? Did swimming makes your hearing a problem?" Lo'ak cuts him off. Aonung was about to talk back when Tsireya halted him "That's enough. It was an accident and Y/n already apologized"
She turned back to the others "It's alright Y/n, he isn't hurt. Are you all right?"
Tuk chipped in "Your too fast! Wait for us". Tsireya chuckles and assured them "Just breath, breath" "You are not good divers- ow!" Aonung jumped in and immediately earned a smack on head. "Come on, bro" Lo'ak said and Neteyam also added "We don't speak this.. finger talk, guys. We don't know what you're saying". Tsireya calmly replied "I will teach you"
"Where is Kiri?" Rotxo suddenly asked. "Kiri?" "Who?" "Kiri. Where is Kiri?" Y/n looked at Rotxo who took notice of Kiri's absent. "Did you see her?" Tsireya asked and Y/n replied calmly "I think she is still swimming. She's really good at it". Y/n saw Kiri along the way and saw how she quickly adapts and got busy exploring the new world.
Next day
"These are ilu" Aonung said as he introduced the animal to the Sully's. "If you want to live here.. you have to ride."
Y/n's POV
The next lesson we are having are riding an ilu. Kiri didn't want to come with us because she wanted some alone time. I was actually pretty excited about this one because it's similar like iknimaya which I always wanted to do but can't due to Dad being a douchebag.
One problem is that I think Aonung is still pissed about yesterday as his tone was very different when talking to me. I carried Tuk with me as an ilu approach us. "Is this yours?" I asked him and he looks at me "Of course not, this one is for you guys to use. They're quite tamed already so it easier for you" he said. "When did you first make a bond with an ilu?" Nete ask him this time and he shortly answered "When I was young" Tuk wanted to pet the ilu so I set her down Nete joined along to interact with the ilu with her.
As I turned, Aonung approached me "Anyways, white hair, been wanted to ask this but how is your hair white?" I tensed up at the question and answered him "My name is Y/n and my hair is not white...only some of it." "Is it because of your demon blood?" He looked at me and smirked. I ignore him and went to Nete but he grabbed my arm "Why are you running away? I asked you a question". I yanked my arms out from him "I don't know, alright? Please stop pointing it out. I don't feel comfortable about it" He became quiet. Guess that works... it was awkward afterwards so I went back to my siblings.
I went to my siblings and they were playing with the ilu. "What’s wrong Y/n" Nete asked me "It's nothing.." I answered and just then I saw Lo'ak and Tsireya. Lo'ak was first to try and make a bond with the ilu. Tsireya guides him as the others watched and I can tell he was nervous... or trying to act smart or something? He wasn't really listening to what Tsireya said. He makes the bond quite fast and the others were commenting about his position but he just took off.
Aonung and Tsireya dives down to see Lo'ak and I followed... not long after he fell off or should I say failed quite harshly. I chuckled a bit before going up "He fell off didn't he?" Nete asked. "Yeah, but it's a good thing we're in the water. Falling off from an ikran is a much more ouch isn't it?" "Yeah it is" Neteyam and I laughed quietly together as Lo'ak looked embarrassed in front of his crush, Tsireya.
"White hair! Your next" Aonung called me and everyone else snicker at that nickname. I instantly felt worse as I felt everyone's eye look at me. I look at Nete "Come on now, or are you afraid?" Aonung said to me as he gestured. Nete was about to kill Aonung but I held him back. "Y/n-" "It's fine, don't make it a big deal" I told him. I try to ignore the stares but it's making me nervous..
Y/n went to the ilu and as his hand came in contact with it, the ilu's eye widen and it screech. Before Y/n could react the ilu rebels and pushed him back. The others tried to calm it down but in the end the ilu ran away. "Well, there goes the ilu" "He did way worse than his brother" the others laughed. Y/n was clearly embarrassed and mentally prepares himself for another insult like from Aonung but it never came. Y/n was surprised when he just shushed the other kids and looked at the sully's "You guys have a lot to learn, and a long way."
In the end Tsireya decided to split up the group as she took Tuk with her, while Aonung and Roxto got the boys. Needless to say, the session was quite a hellish moment for the boys because they were continuously tortured by Aonung and Rotxo. Although they were constantly laughed at, Aonung and Rotxo still gave them some helpful advice and corrections on how to ride, resulting in Lo'ak and Neteyam learning faster. On the other hand, Y/n scared away almost all of the ilu's and was not able to bond with any of them.
"You do know that ilu's can sense your emotions and feelings, have a little faith in yourself and you'll make my job easier by not scaring away all the ilus" Aonung told Y/n. It was silent between the both of them and Y/n was baffled "....How did you-" "Your face is like an open book" Aonung said. Y/n was quite embarrassed by his statement but he well he gets that a lot. Neytiri also told him that he needs to learn to have a little faith in himself, especially if he wants to catch up to his siblings.
"Thanks for telling me" Y/n smiled and Aonung looked away and quickly changes the topic "A-Anyways, go on have a try. You better not scare it away again"
He brought another ilu and held it in place. By this time Y/n was feeling a lot better. He looked at the ilu and accidentally made eye contact with it. However this time, the ilu did not run away, instead the ilu approached him. Aonung tried to hold it back but when he knew that the ilu was trying to get to Y/n, he let go of it. Y/n smiled again as the ilu made his way to him. Y/n offers his hand and the ilu gladly complies. He looks at Aonung, trying to show him and Aonung tells Y/n to make the bond.
Y/n's POV
I hold my tsaheylu and slowly make the bond, a huge wave of emotionos flows through me. I can see fragments of memories that doesn't belong to mine. I learn that the ilu is a female, after that I got on the ilu as Aonung guided me "You are doing it wrong, you and your brothers are all the same" he huffs in annoyance, and well I just say sorry. He helped me fix my posture while grumbling to himself. After he was done, he told me "You are the one who will lead her, not the other way around. Got it?"
"Okay" I answered back. I took a deep breath and told her to go underwater. She happily oblige and we were moving under the water. I couldn't believe it! We moved slowly at first and then she started to accelerate, I held on to her more securely as she took me to explore the waters.
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It felt so magical..there was a lot of sea creatures and plants. We moved fastly in the water, just like how I usually see when my siblings were riding their ikran. We swim for a while before going up to the surface again.
"I did it!" Y/n happily said when he came up to the surface. "Did you see that?!" He aprroached Aonung excitedly. "Yeah, nice-" Aonung was abtuptly cut off when Neteyam and Lo'ak stepped in the middle of them both "You did it Y/n!" They said, congratulating him. "Even I couldn't do it as fast as you! you're a fast learner" Lo'ak added. Aonung face sours a bit "it's not that he is a fast learner. He listend to my instructions well. Tomorrow we'll work on your breathing" he said while walking away.
<Couple hours later>
At night, while everyone was alseep, Y/n was wide awake because of a nightmare he just had. He didn't want to talk about it or remember it. Yet there was something bothering him. Like a feeling of uncertainty. It didn't help much by the fact Spider was still kidnapped. He steps outside the marui and went to a nearby shore to clear his mind. He sat down and takes a look at the ocean, the sounds of the waves does help. Y/n looked at the vast ocean longingly, he missed their home, their forest. The green lush paradise with never-ending adventures, the flying mountains, and the animals.. they don't have it here. As Y/n stared emptily he suddenly felt something wet poking him. When he look beside him he yelped in surprise when a strange creature like animal was staring at him. There was something wrong with the creature, it was made out of water.
"What in the name of science..." Y/n looked at the creature slowly, trying to figure out what it is. The creature just stood still and kept looking at him. It looks really harmless though. No sharp teeth or claws....just water. As he take a closer look, he realized that the creature looked liked a fan lizard. Y/n's eyes widen and he immediately tried to touch it. "Hey-! Wait!" Y/n shouted as the water creature ran back to the ocean and perished before he could even touch it. Y/n went inside of the water as he tried to look for it but since the creature was literally made of water so it's pointless. "Aw man!" Y/n punched the water surface out of frustration. He walks further but then he suddenly heard a voice.
"Y/n! There you are-! Why are you there?! Get back to land!"
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dinasangel · 3 months
cowgirl!abby x reader
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summary ; after having seemingly nothing ahead of you for what felt like years but was really just months, your mother finds a new opportunity for you, a new purpose to linger in your life, but is it made for you?
cw ; switch!abby, switch!reader, slow burn, southern au, eventual smut, abby denying her feelings for the longest time ever, hair braiding!! , catching butterflies, will-they-won't-they, arguments but coming from a nice place , closeted/unsure!abby, sharing a bed, slight homophobia, teaching abby how to play a piano, cuddling on accident and on purpose, slight praise kink from both sides, abby teaches you how to ride a horse , dancing!!, baking, injury , reader is scared of dogs ok , NO use of y/n , rrrrrr idk this will probs be added to
a/n ; is it ok that i added stuff to the content warning that'll be in future chapters just not this one and isn't all smutty stuff or is that not ok????? also sorry the caps are ugly i feel improper without them.
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A slick heat beat down on your hair, snuffing any previously made attempts at improving it's state, and the journey you had just taken had worn you of any care for it by this point. Growing up in England only made matters worse, severely unpreparing you for this sort of weather, and you dreaded the fact that this was all you'd be feeling for who knows how long. Suitcases were hauled from your mother's car , safely situated at your side before she brought you into a crushing hug, one that had you groaning at the pressure.
"Make sure you write, you know how worried me and your father'll be." She said sternly, hands holding your shoulders.
"Yeah, I know. I will." You replied just as adamantly.
"Okay, good. You make sure you have fun now, okay? Oh , and remember-" your mother rambled on , which you were sure was just her way of keeping you back longer.
"Remember my manners, yeah, I got it." You interrupted. You truly were going to miss her and your father, but you were sure if she was here any longer she might just cave and stay eith you, which you did not want. A warm smile curled against her lips, crows feet appearing at the corners of her eyes.
"Look at you, my sweet girl, all grown up." She sighed dreamily and you couldn't help but grin, eyes rolling lightheartedly.
"Yeah, yeah." You dismissed, bringing her into one last crushing hug before exchanging small 'goodbyes' and 'i love you's' before she reluctantly got back into her car and headed off, leaving you to sit on a bench, awaiting your ride.
Your mother had been friends with a man called Jerry Anderson for longer than you could recall, and after one of their most recent catchups, the topic of you had eventually been picked up. You had always been a good student, exceptional grades whilst maintaining a stable social life and everyone had always expected big things from you, only once you had graduated university, your whole life had come to a standstill and it was starting to look like you'd be living at home forever. That was until Jerry brought up the fact his daughter, Abby, could use some tutoring, and it was settled before you'd even known ; you were going to tutor his daughter.
You didn't know why, nor did you even care really. As long as it gave you something to do with your life , you would do it. Being a picture perfect role model and ending up this way was no short of humiliating , and no amount of concealing it from everyone else could hide the truth from yourself.
"Tsch, what the fuck is this signal?" You groan quietly as you attempt to do anything with your phone to distract you from the boredom looming over your body and the nervousness pooling in your stomach, filling the gaps between you organs in a sickly warm way. Thankfully for you, a truck pulls up , usefully arriving at the exact time discussed. This never would've happened back home. You hate the fact you feel homesick already.
A door opens and you stand up, shaking the hand of the man in front of you. He's taller by a few inches, maybe 3 or 4, hair which is seemingly quite long done up in a neat ponytail and you're almost jealous of the way it sticks better than your hair, messily braided by yourself, a skill you've never mastered. You're sure you could, but between studies and friends and family, you'd never had the time.
"So you're the one who's gonna be putting up with Abs, huh?" He teases playfully with an accent you weren't expecting, sounding far more Spanish than Southern, pulling his hand away to grab your suitcases, an act of chivalry you're not too acquainted with.
"Abs?" You questioned.
"Oh, Abby." He corrected. You nodded in recognition, slightly humiliated you didn't link the two.
"Yeah, I guess." You say, climbing into the passenger seat of his burgundy truck. The seats are slightly worn, objects strewn across here and there, but nothing grotesque. He gets in and starts the engine up before beginning to drive. A heavy silence hangs in the air, once he seems to be a lot more comfortable with in comparison to your agitated state.
"So...what's she like?" You ask reluctantly, unsure on whether making conversation is a food idea. You don't even know him, and you're not sure he's worth getting to know.
"Abby? She's smart, really, just not got the right knowledge to get outta this place. Listens real well too, always got an eye for seeing things about people. She's nice to be around, awkward if you don't know her though. Real funny too, but don't tell her I said that." He explains. His carefree attitude irritates you slightly. This is all business to you.
"Why's she want to leave?" You ask, testing the waters, unsure od where the boundaries lie. Manny shrugs his shoulders.
"I never really asked. Why'd you leave?" He counters, confusing you.
"I mean, you had this whole life n now you're here, what's up with that?" He explains himself, eyes flicking to you slightly before returning to the road.
You shrug slowly, staring down at the objects you can see here and there.
"Dunno. Just...not much left for me back there, or something." You say vaguely. He doesn't pry, which you like.
"So, what's England like?" He asks.
You find yourself settling into a comfortable conversation with him, the soft sound of music playing on the radio as a mere background noise. You find you don't dislike him as much anymore.
The town is small, definitely smaller than anything you've ever seen, and it's equally shocking how friendly everybody is. Every person you pass says hey or at least waves. It should decrease your nerves and allow you to relax a little, but it has you even more jittery. You're noticing how much you stand out even more as things go on. Most people are dressed in shorts , dresses, tank tops, skirts, anything that let's what little cool breeze circulate their body and suddenly you wish you'd acquired more taste in clothes that go beyond your usual jeans , long or occasionally short sleeved shirt and converse combo. You make sure to make a mental note to go shopping as Manny continues to drive.
A wooden, clearly old house (though better described as a cottage) slowly emerged into view. The paint was cracked in some areas, however other parts looked freshly applied, so, putting two and two together, you assumed there was renovations being done.
"So...how many people, y'know...fit in that?" You asked Manny, unsure there was going to be enough space for everything.
"Oh well, Abby has her own place not too far from here so it's actually just been her dad." He explained as they pulled up into the dirt driveway before getting out. You went for your suitcases, slightly protective over them in such a unfamiliar setting, but Manny was quick to wave you off, getting them out himself. You followed awkwardly behind, unsure of yourself ; wondered if it was too late to turn back now.
"Manny, hey!" Jerry called out, leaving his position on the couch to wrap Manny up in a hug before holding his hand out to you.
"Hey, it's so good to see you." Jerry greeted politely. You have a slight smille, your mother's words lingering in the back of your mind.
"You too."
"I'll go check on your room. D'you want a drink or anything?" He asked to which you shook your head.
"No thank you."
"Alright." He said before heading upstairs, leaving your eyes to scan the house. The place was well painted, a stark contrast to the outside of the house. Lace curtains adorned almost every window, walls covered in random paintings, some hand drawn personally, some purchased from nearby stores. A few coffee mugs lay out, a couple records here and there. It was warm, obviously lived in and taken care of. The wooden floorboards creaked slightly as you slowly moved along, trying to remain inconspicuous and subtle in your curiousness which felt lot like snooping to you. Your fingers reached out to run along the record player held on a tidy shelf, only filled otherwise with a plant and some cds for the car before you heard scrambling paws on wood and, before you could even move, a dog jumping up at you.
Your first instinct was to instantly recoil, retracting your hand back as you stepped back unsteadily. You did not like dogs. Small ones were tolerable at the most, but big ones were crossing the line by a mile, and this was a big dog. In all reality it just wanted to play and was excited by the presence of somebody new, but you couldn't consider that right now.
"Hey, Alice, c'mon, get down." A soft , almost silky smooth voice laughed awkwardly, a voice you were not yet familiar with. The dog - Alice - retreated, allowing you to look up qt the woman who had just entered. Dirty blonde hair, probably considerably long however the proper length went undetermined due to it being tied up in a tight braid. She was a little like an ox ; viisibly muscular, slightly taller by 3 inches , yet her demeanour was anything but. Her hand reached out to yours. You stared at it, unmoving.
"Hey, s' good to see you. I'm Abby." She greeted as warmly as she could. Abby. The girl you were tutoring. Your lack of movement and response caused her to pull her hand back awkwardly.
"Not much of a hand shaker?" She asked, clearly desperate to fill the silence hanging in the air like thick fog, threatening to suffocate the two of you.
"Not really." You lied, knowing full well you could still feel the texture of everyone's hands you had shaken on your skin (yes, everyone was two people). Today seemed to be going your way for a split second as Jerry came in, however all hope was quickly disintegrated.
"So uh, bad news. There's been a leakage in one of the pipes , the one right above your room and I wouldn't wanna make you stay in that." He explains, features and tone nothing but apologetic.
"Oh." You say. If a long journey with an over-emotional mother and heat that had your clothes sticking to you in the mosf uncomfortable ways humanely possible wasn't bad enough, this was the final tipping point.
"We can pay for you to stay at a motel for you for now but-"
"She can stay with me?" Abby interrupts, quick to add onto her words for a reason you can't quite place your finger on.
"Cause, y'know, she's my tutor and all so it's just easier than going back and forth to different houses and I can take the couch." She explains, rambling on and on incessantly, hands moving and curving. It'd be annoying if you weren't so exhausted.
"Okay yeah, if that's okay with you?" Jerry asked you to which you shrugged absentmindedly.
"Sure." You agreed.
If you thought the silence in the house around two other people was bad, you were infinitely wrong. Being sat next to someone you barely know in dead silence, only provided the whirring of the car to fuel your thoughts, was a nightmare. You could briefly notice her opening her mouth every so often , and you assumed that she was going to ask why you were here and for some reason couldn't. Her eyes constantly flicked to you, desperate you would say something first to do you both a favour. You didn't.
"So uh, why'd you-" she began.
"Hey, Abby? I really don't want to be rude but, I'm exhausted." You interrupted, pleading with everything in you that she would take the hint and be quiet, which thankfully, she did. You almost felt bad. Almost.
The rest of the car journey was done in silence, and you didn't even bother looking at her house nor examining the contents of it as though you were doing a quick in-and-out shopping trip, walking in and being lead up to her room , suitcases placed down before she rambled on about something you couldn't even grasp the concept of the second she opened her lips to speak.
"Um, anyways, g'night." She murmured, awkwardly going to leave the room. Watching her walk out of the door like a dog with it's tail between it's legs was enough for you to give in and soothe her nerves slightly with an exaggerated sigh.
"Hey Abby?"
"Thank you."
It was the first time you'd seen her smile or look even slightly relaxed all day.
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anon-sect · 5 months
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Bensen had long discovered at a young age that he had inherited a rare trait that was passed down his family line on his father's side of the family. It was the ability to transform objects or things into other objects or things. He experimented with it in the days of his youth. When his father found out he had it, he warned him not to use it on living things. He respected his father and his words all the way until he had graduated college. He had a high paying job that dis more than kept the bills paid up. But it wasn't satisfying enough. He wanted something that he could use his inherited ability. So he decided that he would do a part-time gig to make extra money on the side. He posted an advertisement with a fake name of Jack the handler. If there was anyone that needed to be handled or gone, call him. He even brought a separate phone just for his side hustle.
Bensen honestly didn't expect anyone to call, but someone actually called the number in the advertisement. A young woman had complained about her abusive boyfriend, who was both verbally and physically abusive with her. She tried reporting him, but he had connections on the police force. He would only be in jail one day and back into her life again. She really wanted him gone forever from her life. Bensen agreed to handle her abusive boyfriend problem at a cost, which she was willing to pay. She gave him the details of his whereabouts.
The next day, Bensen arrived in a back alley area behind a local restaurant. Just on cue, a young muscular guy about 6'1" tall was stepped out to take his break. He had never transformed a living thing before, so he was excited to do it for the first time. "Is your name Jesse?" He asked. He wanted to make sure he had the right target.
"Yeah, and who are you?" Jesse asked, curious that a stranger would ask for him in a back alley completely out of the ordinary.
"My client asks that you be removed from her life. All the abuse she had to endure the past year has to stop." Bensen spoke, getting ready to take his first human victim as he got closer to him.
Jesse knew exactly who his client was. "That bitch sent you, didn't she? Well, she will regret it when I get home." He spoke, seeing a smile of excitement on the stranger's face.
"You are mistaken. You won't be going home or back to work." Bensen paused as he thought about what he should make the guy become. The guy was a asshole to his girlfriend, may as well become something an ass sits on. "In fact, you are coming home with me." He added.
Jesse didn't know what to make of the stranger, but he definitely wasn't going home with a guy for some gay crap. "Get out of here before I beat your ass to a point your mom won't recognize you." He saw the threat was not working. He saw the stranger's eyes glow for a couple of seconds. Suddenly, he found himself completely immobilized with clothes on top of him. He didn't know exactly what happened, but even his body was different. It was flat and hollowed out.
Bensen fished out a pair of thong underwear from the pile of clothes on the ground. "Wow, it really did work. I can't wait to get home and wear you. You look comfortable." He stuff them in his front pants pocket and left the area before anyone else showed up. But he was too late. Two other employees were taking their break at the same time as well. He didn't anticipate this situation.
Jesse was mortified when he saw daylight again. The stranger was holding him in his hands. After hearing the words 'wear you', he knew exactly what happened. He was somehow transformed into an article of clothing. From the feel of his body, he hated his new form because he had the sinking feeling that he was underwear. He saw himself stuffed in the guy's pocket like property. He mentally cursed at the guy, but seeing that the guy didn't hear a single word.
Willie and Lesner walk out to see a pile of clothes on the ground and a stranger standing next to them. Both looked at the clothes on the ground and happened to see Jesse's name tag on top of them. Being not sure what was going on, Willie was about to question the stranger.
Bensen needed to flee the scene, but didn't want to leave behind witness. He thought of a pair of socks for the two guys in front of him and a small thin nameless rag for Jesse's clothes and shoes.
Willie saw the stranger's eyes glowing for two seconds, and everything changed in an instant. He found himself laying on the cold ground. He couldn't move his body. He tried screaming out for help, but found he had no voice. He heard large foot steps and saw the stranger picking him up off the ground. The stranger was now giant size. He then felt his body was empty on the inside, yet soft cotton on the outside.
Lesner panicked mentally when he realized he was no longer human. He wanted to call out for help as the stranger housted him in the air in his hand. He didn't like what was being said. It was like something out of a nightmare, yet while being awake.
"Awesome, new underwear and a pair of white socks. I see one of you is Willie, and the other is Lesner. Sorry about turning you into socks, but I can't leave behind witnesses. But at least I won't forget your names. I believe you two will make my feet really comfortable." Bensen spoke as he stuffed the socks in his other pocket and ran from the area before anyone else showed up. On the way home, he ran into a former bully from school. He couldn't resist the urge. He turned him into a shirt, grabbed him up, and came home.
Back at him, Bensen got undressed. He wanted so much to feel what it's like wearing a person as clothing.
Jesse saw one leg enter him and then the other. He curse so much it was driving him crazy as he was pulled upwards. His face impacted with the guy's dick and where his penis would have been being cramed up the guy's ass. He was in no way gay, but this was insane. He hated being worn by a guy. This was a nightmare beyondy anything he could have imagined.
Lesner felt a foot enter him. The fact that a human foot controlled all his motion sickended him. He was just a simple bystander, he didn't deserve to an object owned by another guy or even worn on the guy's body.
Willie on the other hand was in bliss. He had fantasy of what it would be like to be a sock. He even dreamt it before. It was his favorite dream he ever had. Now it was a complete reality. He didn't want it to end. In fact, he hoped the guy never turned him back to normal. He had already accepted the guy as his master.
Bensen loved how it felt to wear people as clothing. The surge of authority he had over his new clothes felt so good. He called his client's phone. "This is Jack the handler. Your abusive boyfriend won't be bothering you anymore. In fact, you will never see him again. I put him in a place where I am sure it's a living hell for him. I expect full payment." He spoke over the phone. Within in minutes, he got a text alert of a bank deposit. He was pleased. He made money using his gift while also gaining new clothes that are supposedly are so durable they last for a very long time. He would have to test that theory.
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devilat-thedoor · 7 months
Smile Pretty
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A/N: one of many ideas birthed in the DMs with my bby Li ( @stardustvanfleet ) the way our conversations can get so easily carried away is insane. but i live for it and i love her so so much and this wouldn’t have come to be without her. i do have an idea for a Pt2 if it’s wanted? and i’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming after this. but i hope you enjoy🩵
Word Count: 2.4k
Jake x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+ Minors DNI(Striptease, Dirty Talk, Degradation, Oral[m&f rec], Camera use, Spit, Cumplay) If i missed anything, please let me know!
“God, I love that fucking dress…” Your boyfriend murmured to himself as he ushered you through the front door. After locking up, he turned back to you, hands immediately finding your waist, and pulled you in for a kiss.
You held a single finger over his lips and pushed him away. “Sit down… I have a surprise for you, baby.” Spinning around, you stalked deeper into the apartment as he followed behind you.
Jake shrugged his jacket off and slung it over the back of the leather chair in the living room before sinking onto the cushion, “What did I do to earn a surprise?” He asked, watching you slip into the bedroom, and pulled his phone from his pocket.
“You planned a nice date before you leave for tour… I wanted to repay the gesture.” You called from the room and began peeling your dress off to slip into the skimpy, black bra and g-string, trimmed in a cherry red, scalloped lace. You’d purchased the set earlier in the week after Jake told you he’d planned a date night for the both of you and knew you’d want to surprise him with something sweet, after dinner, to end the night. After looking yourself over in the full length mirror, adjusting the cups and situating the thong just right on your hips, you pulled the short, black satin robe over your shoulders and tied it up. Fluffing your hair out, you commanded the echo dot that was sitting on your dresser, “Alexa, play Foxey Lady by Jimi Hendrix.” You poked your head out of the door, seeing Jake’s face looking down at his phone, before leaning against the door jamb in a sexy pose.
When the music began to play, his eyes lifted to see you standing there, wrapped up like a present in the silky, black material. His mouth hung open as you pushed off the frame and gave him a smile before slowly toeing towards him. “Wait- just hang on a second…”
You stopped in your tracks, confusion twisting your features as he fumbled with his phone. “Jake, what are you-.” Your question was answered by the way he lifted his phone, holding it horizontally to record you.
He held his hand up, pointing at you with a hungry stare, “…Aaaand….action…. Let me have my surprise now.” Biting your lip with a playful smirk, you started towards him again, one foot in front of the other. Halfway across the room, you made a show of pulling the tie loose on the robe and letting it fall open, finally showcasing the racy set you’d picked just for him. You smiled when he shifted in his seat, palming his hardening cock with a squeeze. “Goddamn, angel. You look fucking beautiful.” He was watching you on the phone screen and you made sure to look straight into the camera for him as you let the robe slide down your arms into a heap on the floor.
You did a slow twirl, allowing him to see the little red bow that connected the strings at the back of the panties, “Do you want me to unwrap your present, Jakey?”
He gave an eager nod, all but drooling as he watched your hands fold behind your back to unclip the bra. “Fucking hell…” The garment fell to the floor, exposing your breasts to Jake and his phone camera. When you hooked your thumbs into the panties to pull them down, he stopped you, “Leave those on…for now.”
“Okay…” You stood in front of him, leaning down to place your hands on his knees and give him a kiss. He flipped the phone enough to capture the kiss on his little home video as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Your hands traveled up his thighs, ghosting over his erection, to unbutton his pants. Breaking away from the kiss, you looked at the phone and back to him, “Time to call cut, baby… Turn the phone off.” You dropped to your knees in front of him, giving him an expectant look.
He halted the recording, giving you his big pleading eyes. “Can I just record a little bit? Just enough to get me through the first few tour dates…until you come visit?” He pouted his lip at you in a silent plea.
Your resolve melted, a new excitement forming at the idea of making a film with Jake. “Fine…only a little bit.”
A grin stretched across his face, “Hold this for me.” He passed you the phone and stood up, pulling his zipper down. You took the opportunity to resume the recording and aim the camera at him, taking care to capture the very minute he dropped his pants to reveal his thick length, stiff and bouncing after being freed. He took the phone back, chuckling at the way you gazed at him. Jake turned the lens back on you, pushing your hair out of your face, “Smile real pretty for the camera, angel.”
Looking up, you stared directly into the lens again and flashed a beaming, toothy grin as you reached to grasp his cock. “How do I look, baby?” You used the sexiest tone you could manage, letting your tongue gather the precum from his tip.
Jake breathed out a sigh, his eyes fluttering momentarily, “So fucking pretty when you’re on your knees…hungry for me.” He paused, grabbing your chin and pulling your lip down with his thumb to show your teeth. “Are you gonna take my fat cock down your throat, pretty girl?”
Your eyes widened at his vulgar speech. He was never shy about being vocal, but he was definitely playing up his dialogue for the sake of his film… So you would do just the same, be the star of the show for him. “I am, Jakey… I’m gonna take every inch.” You ran your tongue across the edge of your teeth and locked eyes with him, “You wanna fuck my mouth, baby? Make me gag?” You were stroking him slowly with a firm grip as you held eye contact.
“Look at the camera, babe.” He focused the camera on your face, shuddering as you rolled your fingers over his head, and waited for you to stare back into the lens. “Now suck my fucking dick.” You didn’t need to be told twice, instantly leaning in to pull him into your mouth. You kept your eyes trained on the phone as you took him further, slithering your tongue along the underside. “Fuuuuck…deeper…” He grunted, placing his free hand on the back of your head to push you down, “You said you’d take every inch. Be a good girl and fucking…take it.” Jake held your head in place, rocking his hips against you as he watched you through the screen. Every few moments, his head would fall back or he’d release a guttural groan as he snapped his hips harder. The first gag was mild, just a minor throat spasm, but when he aimed for another with a sharp thrust, you squeezed your eyes shut with a violent cough. He gripped your hair to pull you from his length, admiring the thick string of saliva that kept you tethered to him. “Hmm. My filthy fucking girl.” He gripped himself, tracing your lips with the tip before tapping his cock over your face, “Spit on it, angel…make a fucking mess.” You obeyed, pushing a glob of spit through your lips to coat his length. “Open up and let me cum in that sweet mouth of yours.”
Opening your mouth wide, you let your tongue hang out, ready and waiting for him. Jake slipped back in, immediately finding his rhythm, and began hitting the back of your throat with blunt, pointed strokes. “Look at you, fucking choking on me…” He brushed his thumb below your eye, wiping away the black, streaky tears from your running mascara. You moaned around him, hollowing your cheeks to suck harder, and he twitched against your tongue. “Goddamn, angel…I’m almost there. I- Shit…” His face screwed up as you began to pump his cock while bobbing your head faster, driving him straight to the edge.
“Come on, Jakey. Let me have it, baby. I’m starving for it.” The way he was throbbing in your palm made it clear that he was close, but you were taken by surprise when he let out a deep, strangled groan and painted your lips with the first rope of his release. You took him back into your mouth, allowing him to empty his seed on your tongue with a soft hum.
Just as you were about to swallow, Jake grasped your jaw, demanding through his labored breaths, “Hold it…Show me.” He growled when your brows drew together in question. “Stick that fucking tongue out… and show me what a good little cumslut you are.” He let go of your face and straightened up, making sure the video was in focus to capture the display. You flashed a mischievous smile and rolled your tongue out to reveal Jake’s cum coating it. Pulling your tongue back into your mouth, you pushed his release through your grinning teeth and let it drip over your plush lip and onto your chin, giving a lewd exhibit for the film. “Good girl. Now swallow it.” He watched proudly as you gulped him down before dragging his thumb across your chin and pushing the leftover mess into your mouth, “You’re not one to waste, are you, pretty baby?” You sucked on his digit as you shook your head. He took his thumb back and cupped your cheek with a warm smile.
You grasped his hips, using them as leverage to pull yourself up from the floor, and snatched the phone from his hand. When he opened his mouth to protest, you looped your hands around his neck and jumped, locking your legs around his waist, and pressed your lips to his. Jake held you up, his hands gripping your ass hard, and carried you to the couch. “My turn?” You asked quietly as he laid you across the cushions, “Do I get to make my directorial debut?” You pointed the camera at him as he hovered over you, leaving a trail of gentle pecks between your breasts.
He stopped his path right below your navel to look up into the lens, effectively making eye contact with you. “You wanna film me eating this sweet, little cunt, angel?” He continued to work his way down after you nodded, smiling to himself at the soft whimpers cascading from your mouth. When he made it to your panties, he bit the right string, pulling it and back and letting it snap against your hip with a wicked laugh. His fingers slipped beneath the straps to peel the g-string down your legs. “God. You gotta see what I’m seeing…” He pulled the phone from your grasp and turned it back on you, aiming directly at your pussy as he dragged his middle and ring fingers through your folds, showcasing how wet you were by the amount of arousal coating his digits. Jake flicked his fingers over your clit, drawing a mewl out of you, before giving you phone back. “Hold the camera steady, baby… I don’t want you to miss a second of this.” The second his sentence concluded, he jumped in and began lapping at your clit, thrashing his head back and forth with a hungry groan.
Your hands ached to pull on his chestnut locks, to scratch his scalp, but you kept them still to hold the phone in place. “Fuck, Jake…You- Ohhh.” Your thoughts were cut off when you looked down at the phone screen to catch his eyes, staring deep into your soul as he closed his lips around the sensitive bud and pushed his long fingers into your cunt. The eye contact felt so incredibly intimate paired with the way you watched him devouring you through the screen, like it was a movie made for your eyes only. His fingers curled against your gspot, forcing your eyes to finally roll as you bucked yourself into his face. “Ahh… Baby, please. Don’t fucking stop…” 
Jake was pulling out all of his tricks; careful nibbles with his perfect teeth, pressing all your sweet spots with his calloused fingers, the rapid flicks of his tongue turned to flat, slow drags. He was eliciting sounds that you’d never made before, luring them from the depths of your chest as he wound you up. “Sweetest fucking pussy, angel. Cum on my tongue so I can give you a taste, sweet girl.” He removed his fingers, hooking his hands around your thighs to hold you down as he focused all of his attention on your clit.
“Shit. Jake…ohh fuck, Jaaake…” The heat was spreading through your body, burning bright and blinding as your trembling hands dropped the phone. The device clattered to the floor with a thud but neither of you made a move to grab it. It was mere seconds before you were taken by your climax, the world tilting and shifting around you in a dizzying tailspin. You couldn’t make a sound, your jaw hung wide in silence as your vision blurred. Jake pushed his tongue through your entrance, using it to coax you back to reality and bring you down from the high.
Your body went limp, relaxing and melting into the couch as he retracted his mouth and crawled up your body. Holding true to his promise, he pressed his lips to yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth to allow you a taste. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer, but he was moving sideways, reaching. When he broke away from the kiss, you opened your eyes to see him picking the phone up and flipping it to the front facing camera. He looked at his reflection on the phone before angling it to fit the both of you on the screen, “We look good on camera, don’t we, angel?”
“Mhmm…” You glanced at the phone and pressed your lips to Jake’s cheek, “We look real good, baby.” You could feel his cock growing again as he began to grind into you with a devious smile.
He turned his head to face you, pecking your lips and catching your bottom lip between his teeth for a moment. “How about we go finish our movie in the bedroom, hmm?”
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎: 𝐒𝐞𝐱 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 - 𝐂.𝐉𝐇 ♡
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Out Of This World
【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : You were gifted an alien plant from one of your friends that lived off the planet since you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 3.17k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Sci-Fi. Galatic Heroes Au. Smut. Fluff.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Enchanted!Jongho x Assassin!Reader
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Swearing. Crying. Making out. This is slightly dub-con. Neck kisses. Hickies. Possessiveness. Slight toxic thoughts. Breast play. Begging. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Lots of emotion.
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“Hey so has anyone seen Peach? we’re about to leave.” Seonghwa was walking around like a worried mother, trying to find you before you all were supposed to leave for this event thingy they had agreed to attend. You weren’t in the mood for parties or galas at any time of day or night. So you disappearing before one wasn’t a surprise.
“I’ll go look for her, shes probably in her room trying to find a place for that new plant Wooyoung gave her from off planet.” Jongho rolled his eyes knowing his best friend all too well, heading straight for your room which was situated on the same level as his in the compound. A couple of days ago Wooyoung had returned from his trip back from to home planet and had gifted everyone with something from there. So of course you being a planet lover. He brought you one of the exotic flowers. Yeosang pestered on how ‘we don’t know what that plant could do. Is it even safe’ but Wooyoung reassured everybody that it was fine. And that he had no clue what the plant was anyway. So with that Jongho said he’d catch up with them and take his bike later with you rather than making them wait.
While this ordeal was unravelling you were frantically holding the said flower in a beautiful pot that Wooyoung had gifted you along with it. You had so many plants as it is that you’ve realized there was no room for the newest addition. A knock at your door startled you almost to the point of dropping the poor guy all over the floor. But luckily your reflexes kicked in quicker than usual. “Come in!”
You knew it was most likely someone like Seonghwa or Hongjoong coming to parade you about ‘getting ready for the gala’ but you seriously didn’t want to go. It wasn’t like you hated your friends or the party per se. You just hated people in general. And why you may ask? Because people are loud, rude, narcissistic and most importantly stuck up. Half the time people love to walk all over you because of your job. Given you and the others were galactic rangers, people only looked at you in two different views. Scum that brought danger to earth. Or these kind of saviours, superheroes. Something you didn’t consider yourself as. So either way, you didn’t want the interaction. So staying home it is.
“Give me one good excuse why you are still in your pyjamas running around like an idiot holding an alien plant and maybe, just maybe I’ll consider you not going to this lame party a good enough reason.” Jongho’s voice brought you to a halt, your head snapping back down towards the little Kitchen/Entrance. Your nose was scrunched up, making Jongho know you were trying to think of a lie. You were never good at them always having a tell clear as the day. He just scoffed, slipping his shoes off so he could walk into your room. “So, what’s your excuse, Honey?”
“It’s uhh…” You half smiled, tip-toeing toward the large male. “I need to find a spot for my son.” You shove it in his face in an almost innocent manner. Jongho held in his chuckle, staring at the strange purple-looking plant. He had to tilt his head, noticing it was moving almost like it was breathing. Shaking off the weird thought his gaze looked back up to your wide eyes, the sparkles in the corner of them made his heart flutter. You loved nature so much, from the simplest things like flowers and fruits to the weirdest in Jongho’s opinion, Moss, Fungi and vines.
“Son?” He had to chuckle.
“Yes, my son. Isn’t he pretty? I need to find a spot for him.” You brought the plant to your chest inspecting him with such innocent eyes. Oh, what Jongho would give for you to look at him like that. You were perfect in every way. Even if you are shy, introverted. You smiled at everyone, making any of your teammates feel like they were the centre of your attention. But every time you gave him that same smile, he felt like he was the centre of your world. Like nothing else mattered but you two and your longing stares. Maybe his crush on you has gotten out of hand and maybe he should just ‘man up’ as San puts it and tell you how he feels.
But he doesn’t want you to stop looking at him like that. Like he could do no wrong. That he wasn’t a monster, an outsider. Like he thinks he is. No, your smile would just say he was one thing. Human.
“Well, I guess you’ll need to name your son too.” Jongho steps a little closer to you, now both staring down at the plant with the beautiful purple and gold patterning on its petals. You hummed in response beginning to think of all the stupid names you could give it but then something strange began to happen. The plant swayed, but there was no breeze. Its leafs wrapping slowly around the stem and then slowly squishing itself down. What was it doing? You knew it was an alien plant but this was definitely not something a plant should do… right?
“Has it done that before?” Jongho asks.
“No It’s onl―” Your words were cut off when a bright purple powder suddenly exploded from the plant landing straight onto your and Jongho’s faces. From the reaction, you dropped the plant, making the soil go everywhere on the floor by your feet. You hissed at the pollen-like substance sticking to your eyes. you could hear Jongho also groan in protest, more likely from the same thing.
“What the fuck!?” Jongho yelled. “I’m going to kill Wooyoung I swear to god.” He manages to get the sticky purple dust out from his eyes, letting him open them to see you cowering with your fingers desperately trying to get the dust off you. “Honey, hey… come here.” His hands cupped your face, using his thumbs to gently wipe away all the dust he could.
“Why is everything purple?” You blinked a couple of times noticing your surroundings were tainted in a violet-like hue. Jongho didn’t want to scare you but he too had the same view. He helped guide you to the sink in the kitchen, putting the tap on so he could splash some water on yours and his face. The purple slowly went away but the hue was still slightly there. Drying your face with some paper towel you suddenly felt an odd shiver pour down your spine. You gulped, having a hot flush start to wash over you as if someone turned up the AC. You took a step back leaning against the countertop, trying your best to shake the uncomfortable feeling.
“Are you okay Honey?” You looked up from the floor to see Jongho with rigged breathing. His nostrils were flared and his mouth was slightly agape. He had a fire burning in him, making all his blood go straight to his cock. Eyes hazy, and voice deep and growled. He sounded like a predator coaxing his prey.
“I…I don’t know.” You had no clue how to explain with you felt but all your mind could understand was that you needed something, someone to help get rid of the pain. A sharp stab pierces your chest making you hiccup before falling onto the floor. Jongho was quick to meet you on the ground, gripping onto your arm holding you up. His touch sent sparks to your dripping core. You needed him. “J-Jongie I need help…”
Your whimper made Jongho groan, shaking his head in an attempt to suppress his needs. He couldn’t think straight, only thinking about what your pussy could feel like. No, you’re his friends! His friend that he had the biggest crush on. But no, he can’t just pin you down this very floor and fuck the life out of you… right? “H-honey, please. Do you know what kind of plant that is?”
“Woo said uh, it…it was a samfar? Samfarir?” You tried to remember the conversation you had with Wooyoung when he gave you the plant but your mind kept wondering to… other things. you layed down on the cold tiles in the hope you could cool yourself down. Jongho had let go of you leaning against the cabinet along the wall. He sighs, raking his fingers through his damp hair. He knew what this plant was.
“Fuck… That fucking dick. It’s a sex plant.” Jongho’s words made your eyes snap open, sitting up to look at him in a what the fuck did you say expression. “It’s a plant from his home planet that is supposed to help intercourse. But they stopped the practise cause of one downside.”
“What…What's the downside Jongho?!” You sat on your knees, placing your hand on his hot thigh. Your innocent touch alone made his cock twitch. His eyes met yours and the temptation to kiss you was becoming increasingly difficult.
“You don’t have sex. You die.” He said it bluntly. “I found out from a conversation San was having with him. Asking if there was something to help boost his sex life. Typical…” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Now there was a stalemate cause lets face it as much as he wants to, he wasn’t about to ask if you wanna fuck. How would he even ask such a question? And plus his crush on you doesn’t help him in this situation. He watched you wiggle, feeling your pussy begin to drip through your shorts. God, he could smell you too. Everything was making his hair stand up. Your scent, your heavy pants, the way your eyes were glossed, practically begging him to do something, anything.
“If that’s the case…” You trailed off, scooting close to him, placing your free hand on his forearm. He suddenly jumped, pushing himself away from you making you flinch. You didn’t want this either. You were so in love with Jongho since the first day you met and, you did not expect this to be the way you’d be intimate with him. But him pushing away from you hurt so much. You put your hands in your lap feeling your heartbreak. Maybe he thought death was better than having sex with you.
 “Hey wait I uh…” Jongho saw the panic in your eyes, seeing tears start to form, moving back to grab your hands, making you look at him. “I didn’t mean…fuck. Uh. I don’t know wha…” Jongho cut himself off with a hitch. You look so desperate, your tongue sticking out to lick your lips slightly. His hands gripped tighter on yours, forgetting all of his past thoughts, past restraints. You and he can just talk later right? “Fuck.”
He cupped your face, smashing his lips on yours. It was single-handedly the best kiss you’ve ever experienced. His tongue slipped inside quickly, attacking your own. He drew out moans from you that he thought he’d never hear. Your fingers intertwine with his jacket. He was forceful, pushing you down onto the cold hard floor, pushing his thigh between your legs so he could brush it against your core. The pressure was the relief you needed, bucking your hips without a second thought. Everything was happening so quickly but neither of you cared anymore. “J-Jong…”
Jongho swallowed your words, biting down on your bottom lips before pulling away, drawing a sharp gasp of pain from you. There were no words shared, no, only your bodies spoke. Telling one another you needed the other. Your hands ran up his biceps, digging into the leather on him. He kisses the corner of your mouth before slipping down towards your jaw, then neck, before stopping on your collarbone sucking harshly. His teeth grazed your shoulder, using his left hand to help tug down your shirt slightly so he could sink his K-nines into your skin. He didn’t want this to be a memory by the end of it. He needed to leave evidence on your body to show you and himself that this was indeed real and it was happening. Your hips hadn’t stopped there slow grind against his thigh, making his light jeans deepen in colour from your wetness. His hand moved from your shoulder, gliding down to your hem. He tugged it at first seeing how loose it was before getting his other hand to pull the opposite way ripping the fabric in half.
“Pretty.” he sat on his calves, seeing the laced black bra you were sporting. Your chest rose and fell at each breath making him bite his lip and eyes darken. You were more beautiful than he could have imagined. All his late-night wet dreams, fucking his fist at the sheer thought of you would never compare to what his gaze met with now. And he never wanted to let it go. You were going to be his whether you liked it or not. He took his shirt all as well before diving back into your kissing along your breasts before pulling down your bra letting your tits spill over the top. You did have time to say anything before he latched his mouth on your hard nipple, while his thumb rolled over the other.
You cried, feeling tears prickle against the corner of your eyes. You moaned his name over and over, trying to find any type of pressure to heal the ache from below. It was like his mind knew your body, noticing the sign of plea. He gave one last suck on your nipples before pulling away with an audible pop. Your eyes opened slightly to see his dark pair staring at you with intensity. It was like he was scanning your body making sure to remember every scar, beauty mark, freckle and stretch mark so he could reply this event later in his mind. His hand cupped your mould feeling heat pooling from it. If it wasn’t for the plant clouding your judgment, you’d most definitely be embarrassed. But you didn’t so all you did was buck your hips into his hand, spreading your legs more for him to have his way with you.
“Please. I’m yours Jongho. Do something. Anything to me. Have me, however you want. Just please make it stop hurting.” your words made Jongho stop for a moment, even though this plant affected both of you, it seemed that his mind was more clearer than yours. His enhancements must be helping him from completely losing his mind. His face was inches from yours, gripping your chin with his fingers, making you focus on him. He needed to confess before he continued, even if neither of you believed it and blamed the plant afterwards. He needed to tell you what he felt.
“I love you, Honey. I’ve loved you since you arrived as a new recruit. I’m so madly in love half the time I don’t know what to do without you being by my side. And I swear to fucking god, I’ll take you out and treat you like the queen you are afterwards but for now, I’m going to fuck you like our lives depend on it.” He sealed his lips on yours once last time before sitting up to pull your pants down.
“Our lives do depend on it.” you halfheartedly chuckled, groaning at the cool air blowing on your bare cunt. He threw your pants across the room, unzipping his and pulling them down enough to pull his cock out. You gulped at his size, knowing he must be big but he was…definitely big. He placed his hand on the base of his cock while the other snaked the back of your neck, bringing your bodies close together. Your breath was mixing together and your eyes never left his, brows knitting slowly as you felt his tip push against your soaked hole. “I love you… I love you so much.”
“Fuck.” he bottomed you out making you hiss at the pain since neither of you prepped. But the pain was short-lived as he started thrusting slowly. His head fell into the crook of your neck letting you wrap your arms around his broad back. Your nails dug in harder with each snap of his hips. His cock was hitting all the right places, feeling his pelvis rub against your clit perfectly and his balls hit your ass with each moan and gasp that slipped off your tongue. Everything was overwhelming yet perfectly balanced at the same time. You cried, not just from the intense pleasure but from Jongho’s words previously. Your purple-hued vision slowly became normal and your mind unfogged.
The plant's influence slowly left your and Jongho’s system leaving just your raw feelings for one another. Neither of you pulled away. Neither of you wanted to run. You were perfectly content in each other's arms. Locking your lips in a non-verbal seal of love. You were his and he was yours whether either of you voiced that neither of you cared. You only cared for his body caging you on the hard cold floor while he only needed your cunt to keep squeezing him before you both were coming undone. It was sticky, messy, loving and raw. And it was just the way you both dreamed it would be.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 3 months
can you write about dave mustaine watching the fem!reader touching herself through a small space in the bedroom door, and then decides to take the reader by surprise and helps her with his big hands?
A/n: I love size differences, maybe because I'm short but just the thought of it even in a domestic sense like cuddling and stuff, I love it. Dave is half a foot taller than me so I very much enjoyed writing this lol
Warnings: Smut, fingering (f receiving), masturbation, squirting, if you think I missed something please let me know otherwise enjoy :3
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You had been living with your parents for your whole life, bouncing between jobs but nothing ever seemed to stick. Thankfully, your parents were happy to have you around and understood the situation.
Everyday you would check the newspaper for job openings, you’d walk around town and hand in your resume.
One fateful day you were walking around. You were getting down on yourself pretty hard, all your friends had jobs, some had families. You were trying harder than anyone and it seemed to be getting you nowhere. Of course it just had to start raining.
Without an umbrella your only hope was to find a newspaper stand. There was one nearby and you got a random newspaper to hold over your head as you made your way back home. It wasn’t that far so the paper didn’t get soaked all the way through, you thanked your lucky stars.
You got your shoes off and headed into the kitchen. You fell onto a chair at the dining table and dropped the newspaper onto the table before planting your head beside it, completely drained.
Your mom came over and sat beside you, rubbing your back in a comforting manner. She looked over the newspaper and saw a job citing. “What about this one?” She asked, pointing to the small column asking for a tour manager, someone to help get this band you’ve never heard of what they wanted when they wanted it or something. They were paying a fair price and the criteria seemed easy enough so you gave it a shot and called the number. I man answered, walked you through the interview and like that you were hired.
You’ve now been working with Megadeth, an up and coming thrash metal band, for a few weeks now. You’ve been on tour for a week or two, everything has been going great and you were happy to be with this job. The band was nice, anytime anyone ever gave you any trouble they were right there with you, a group of menacing fellows who weren’t afraid to throw more than a few hits.
You were in your room the night before an early flight. The lead singer of the band had a suit and offered you the spare room because he didn’t want you having to pay for a whole room when he had a perfectly fine empty one, his words. That ‘spare’ room you took was supposed to be the bassists room, for whatever reason he decided to give Dave the whole room.
Whatever the reason you didn’t care all too much, you were more than happy to not have to pay for your own room.
You felt that this was finally working out for you, after all your struggle and hard work you’d finally made something, a good something. While lying in bed you figured you deserved a treat, a reward for doing so good.
You slid your hand under your waistband and into your panties, a nice lacey thing you got for yourself as another treat. Feel good, look good, right?
Your fingers circled your clit and teased your hole. Your body was so hot from the excitement you’d been keeping from it for so long that now every touch just drove you crazy.
Dave’s room was right beside yours, he couldn’t quite hear what you were doing but the walls were thin enough that he could hear you rustling around. There had been times during the tour that you guys had to take a flight, fairy or bus ride through the night and Dave had caught you up at unreasonable hours more than once so he figured it was just that, you couldn’t sleep and were tossing and turning to find a comfortable position that didn’t seem to exist.
He got out of bed and made his way to your room. The door was opened a crack and he could see you moving around on your bed. The way your fingers sunk into your hole, the way your back arched and your legs stretched out. He saw all of that, the way you pleased yourself.
He never planned on admitting it to you, he swears, but he didn’t hire you because of the interview. He hired you because of your voice, he didn’t think a more beautiful voice could exist and he knew your looks would match.
Before the tour started he found himself thinking of you late at night, he’d end up in the same predicament that you were in right now. His underwear bunched around his ankles, legs spread apart as he pumped his hand up and down his shaft.
He was given an opportunity right now as he watched you. He was already hardening in his pants at the idea of helping you get off. Your hands just weren’t cutting it, his hands were bigger, calloused from playing the guitar for years.
He opened the door and let himself in. You immediately went to cover yourself, tugging the blanket over your exposed body as fast as you could but it was far too late.
Dave paid no mind to it and just walked over to the bed as you tried to straighten yourself out. “Davie, I-It’s not what you think, I was just-”
“Shh, just let me help you.” Dave said with a soft smile. He sat beside you on the bed, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you to him. He slowly peeled the blanket off of you, revealing your naked body all for him.
Dave moved behind you, letting you lean back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. His one hand went to your chest, groping your chest and pinching your nipples while the other went to your cunt.
He toyed with your swollen clit a bit before pushing a finger in you. Your back arched against him and he loved it. He pumped his finger in and out of you, curling inside you and pushing against your gummy walls, searching for that perfect spot that made you see stars. When he found it he made sure to hit it over and over again.
Your mouth fell open in a waterfall of moans. His finger stretched you out more than your own did, the callouses felt so much better as they prodded your sensitive flesh. “Fuck, you’re so pretty.” Dave whispered in your ear. “Just couldn’t get yourself off, could you? Needed help, didn’t you?” You nodded, bucking your hips into his hand.
“Yes! Yes, fuck, yes, please!” You cried, gripping his arm tightly. Dave chuckled at you and stuck another finger into your hole, making your eyes shoot open and roll to the back of your head. Your body shook as it was taken over by climax, one you hadn’t seen coming until it coated your body.
It took you several moments to figure out why Dave was smiling so proudly down at the sheets. It wasn’t until you gained back your composure enough to look and see that you’d squirted all over the hotel mattress, soaking the sheets and comforter. Your eyes widened at the mess but Dave just chuckled. “What a pretty girl.”
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melonminnie · 1 year
Heart stickers ! (Yan! Valentine family x Veronica’s sisterReader) platonic
tw: slight yandere behavior
- appearance is the same as Veronica Enjoy! Mwah this is pt one (?) dunno I got tired but I have ideas tho this is a draft fyi!
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“Where are you going?” The girl questioned, holding onto Gabriel’s clothes, if he didn’t know any better he’d guess that it was Veronica herself talking to him.
But the boy learned the difference between the two of you, you were younger than her by a few months, while Veronica didn’t have the slightest bit of divine power you on the other hand did.
Gabriel stared at the girl dumbfounded, she’d been sent with him to the valentine household, Her sister silently hoping she’d get killed while living there. “Oh I was going to enter the church” the mumbled, “I can enter with you then!” The girl smiled and held his hand.
Ah, the other difference between the two of you is that, What ever you do or say, makes the atmosphere uncanny in some way, creepy even. While Veronica held the opposite effect.
Gabriel once again stared at the girls gold eyes and let her, he let her drag him wherever she wanted, he didn’t want to protest.Yet to him this was absolute torture.
“Y/n let go” he frowned making it obvious this Time, “Hm, okay” yet she smiled brighter this time, was it to ease this awkward situation?. Why were you smiling.
He disregarded his thoughts and shoved past the girl in hurry, “what did I do?” She muttered under her breath, her eyes trained on him as she watched him leave.
“All I’ve done is act nice to him yet he still treats me like shit!” She whispered, even more, louder this time, her eyes down casting to the floor as she continued walking. “I’ll have to be stuck with him for a few years or so... I don’t even want to be here anymore” she sighed. It was clear that she was sulking.
Y/n returned to her room instead of following the boy, if she did she would’ve probably made it even more awkward and she couldn’t risk it at the moment, “Nothings going as planned, I’m doomed! I’m gonna end up dead!” She cried, She already knew that her own sister didn’t want her, nor did the church want her so that’s why they sent her.
For some reason the two siblings have always had this unspoken rivalry between each other, “I wanna go home” she sulked staring at the wall.
The next few weeks had passed at this point, It was the same routine everyday, it’d be her trying to make conversation with Gabriel then him refusing and then she’d be left alone to do whatever.
“This is so boring!” She sighed, yes it was true that she’d been sulking every day for the past weeks but she had nothing to do, the stuff she had to do was so easy that’d she’d finish it in no time.
The blonde stared out the window, After giving it some thought she decided to go walk in the garden out of boredom.
In a few minutes outside her good eyes sparkled with excitement, she was hiding behind a tree why? , Because she’d just ran into a fairy.
or that’s how she’d like to think, her pink hair was so pretty, it was like she could disappear at any moment.
She never spoke to her though she’d observe her threw the background it was something she’d do to fill her time.
One day she’d brought some food with her to continue this weird task she’d put her self up to, She opened the bag a little too loud when she felt someone staring at her.
She’d been found out. She would run away but then she’d get screamed at by Gabriel which she couldn’t have, she also wasn’t allowed outside when she wasn’t doing anything but here she was.
The blonde looked at her food instead, she didn’t look at the girl when she heard twigs break, nor did she stare when she saw two pair of shoes in front of her, simply she was too afraid.
The pink head knelt down and gave her a piece of paper, she didn’t move after she gave her the paper she stayed still waiting for an answer.
‘Why are you sitting here alone?’
That’s what was written on the paper, the girl looked up and met the fairy’s pink eyes, she smiled at her before standing up to her full height and extended her hand to help her up she gladly accepted.
“Miss.. what’s your name?” Y/n spoke her gold eyes staring at the fairy, she quickly scribbled out her name on a piece of paper before lifting it up.
Her name is really pretty, The girl thought, she thanked Aria and continued following her not knowing what to do.
Aria led y/n to a more quieter place instead of seating on the floor there was a cloth covering it so that you clothes don’t get dirty.
the siren knew that you’d been watching her for a while, you didn’t think she was oblivious now did you?
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I was gonna add the rest but idk How too so bear w me rn
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klutzyroses · 1 month
Sorry to bother I adored your panuck attack headcanons and was wondering plesse van you do it for the other suitor as well ? 🙏 Thank you Have a wonderful day 😍
I wasn't entirely sure which suitors you wanted in particular so I picked 4. Have a wonderful day~
IkeVamp HCs: Panic Attack pt.2
Suitors: Arthur, Isaac, Comte, Vlad
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As frivolous as one may have the impression he is, when the time really calls for it, he will step up.
When the woman started to get anxious, he picked up on it immediately. Being as observant as he was, he noticed the telltale signs.
Jittery movements, agitated breathing, flushed face, all the signs of an incoming breakdown. The mystery author has had anxious patients before, it was nothing all that foreign to him.
Stopping a panic attack as it begins is no easy feat, so he knows its better to either prevent it, or do damage control.
He would gently guide her away and sit her on his lap, rubbing her arms as he whispered soothingly to her.
"Let's breathe luv. Deep breaths, there you go, my darling..."
He cupped her face and encouraged her to focus on him. When she calmed, he praised her and made sure she was alright, having her drink something warm and keeping an eye on her mood afterwards.
He would basically be the best comfort.
Okay...he is a bit hopeless here at first...
He genuinely felt at a loss when she started to hyperventilate and quivering, behaving like a cornered animal ready to attack and defend herself.
To be honest, he had half the mind to find Napoleon, he always knew what to do but...
He couldn't allow another man to take care of his woman.
So, to the best of his ability, he tried to handle the situation himself. He took her to his room and sat alone with her, holding her hand. He hoped the quiet place would sooth her frayed nerves, drawing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.
He kept this up until her hand tightened around his, indicating she was regaining her control.
"Are you...okay now?"
He hesitated to tell her that seeing her like that had been scary, he had thought for a moment she was having a heart attack.
From then on, he would be just a tad more wary about things that could frighten or unsettle her.
He had seen so many tragedies, disasters, horrors that had jaded him to that sort of anxiety, to the point he nearly forgets that his cherie was not quite of the same metal.
When she started to fall apart, he reacted immediately, taking her in his arms when her legs gave out, shielding her in his embrace.
He had her listen to his calming voice, tenderly brushing her hair from her face as he pressed his forehead to hers, bring one of her hands to his lips.
His eyes never left her teary, wide ones as his presence started to ease her anxiety. Her vulnerability both hurt and touched him at once, feeling a surge of protectiveness.
"Mon diamant, your tears make my heart ache, tell me what can I do for you?"
Once he had her breathing calmly, he asked her if she wanted to leave, quick to comply when she says she does, cradling her to him as he wrapped her in his coat. As soon as they were at home, he has Sebastian make her a relaxing tea.
He would not leave her side until he knew she was completely at ease again.
If he were to be honest, he himself was no longer familiar with the concept of panic and anxiety. Perhaps, after living so long, through the things he had, he was numb to that sort of thing.
That didn't mean that he wasn't quick to react when his love started to succumb to fear.
Trembling, whimpering, labored breathing, erratic movement.
Behavior that reminded him that his beloved was just a human being. She seemed to fragile and breakable.
Leaning down to her, he brushes her forehead, using his abilities to fill her mind with pleasant sceneries, flowery meadows and mesmerizing lakes, anywhere to take her mind away from what so frayed her nerves.
When she was calmer, he pressed his lips on her forehead.
"I am here, my flower, don't be afraid."
He would shower her with love long after the attack passed, simply because he felt she needed that extra bit of doting.
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homeslices · 1 year
Jealous Jealous Jealous Girl
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A/N: This request really made me giggle and kick my feet. I put off writing my essay for this so I really hope you enjoy! (Sorry this took longer than I expected, It’s the longest fic I’ve written and it was not on purpose 😭) Also I thought Lana's song kinda fit this perfectly!!
Summary: You are Ellie’s outgoing, amazing, flirty girlfriend, but when you push Ellie a little too far, she reminds you that you are just as much hers as she is yours. (There is a little plot at the beginning)
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Smut
Ellie loves you. She really does. Everything about you. You’re the most beautiful girl she’s ever laid eyes on, you always put yourself out there, you’re outgoing, and take initiative in every situation. You also happen to be extremely flirtatious.
In all reality, it’s not that big of a deal. Actually, it's how you both got together in the first place. It’s just that, being flirty and touchy seems to be one of your traits not exclusive to your girlfriend.
That’s how it has always been though, even before Ellie. Now, she doesn’t blame you. She also hasn’t brought up to you, being the emotionally stubborn person she is. But, whenever you make a coy comment to one of your friends, laugh a little too hard at someone’s not-that-funny joke, or casually link arms and hold hands with someone that is not her, she gets a little green with envy.
She knows you wouldn’t cheat on her, she knows you’re loyal, and she knows you’re just messing around. She knew what she was getting into by dating you, nevertheless, everyone has their breaking points, and this very moment was Ellie’s.
There was a new girl to Jackson, and you took the invitation to make her feel welcomed. A little too welcomed in Ellie’s opinion. You and this girl also were scheduled for patrol the days Ellie and you didn’t have together, so naturally, having to trust each other with one another’s lives, you became fast friends.
You’ve introduced her to Ellie too, properly, not the “Ellie Intimidating New People” way. Ellie always felt as if the new girl was a little off. She didn’t mind your friends, she liked them in fact (considering most of your friends were mutual, she better). But this girl seemed strange.
Whenever you'd be done linking arms and to move your arm from hers, she almost refuses to let go. She always leans a little too close to you, even for your comfort. She’s clingy, never wanting to go anywhere if you’re not there. But, the biggest red flag was how she acted towards your girlfriend.
When you were around, she was always very cordial toward Ellie. She didn’t go out of her way to talk to her, but she did make conversation now and again, and was always very polite. But, whenever you left the room or just weren’t there, then it was like a switch had been flipped. She becomes cold, smug, and overall, a bitch.
This one time in particular when you were seeing her out of Ellie and your shared home, you gave her a hug and quick peck on the cheek as you do to all of your friends. The look she gave Ellie while she hugged you back though, pressing you closer to her body, made Ellie’s blood boil.
This was another thing Ellie had yet to voice to you. Now you weren’t stupid. You may have been naive to this girl’s advances, but you’re very in tune with your girlfriend. So when you noticed Ellie’s jaw clenching, or her eyes turning cold whenever you mention or see that friend, you knew something was up.
So, to make your girlfriend more comfortable (and yourself because that friend was getting a little too close for comfort) you started to distance yourself from the girl. Everything was going well too, Ellie and you were actually both happier with this space from her and you knew you made the right choice (not that it was much of a choice anyways, you’d do anything to make your girlfriend happy).
However, it all came crashing down when the metaphoric straw, more like brick, broke the camel's back for Ellie.
It was one of the days that you had that girl as a partner for parol, which actually went by quicker than you expected. Now, while you did put distance in between the two of you, you still were friendly. So when she insisted on walking you back to your place, you complied.
Ellie could see you from the window in your front room as you said goodbye, giving the girl a pat on her arm, instead of your usual hug and kiss on the cheek.
It was very clear that this girl did not like that, so she took your hand that you just used to touch her arm, pulled you in and leaned in to kiss you. In shock, but having fast reflexes, you quickly turn your head.
The door of your house slammed open and the girl jumped away from you in surprise. Turning, you see your auburn hair girlfriend look enraged as she stares at the bitch behind you.
Ellie then looks at you, eyes aflamed. “Get inside,” her voice was chilling, and you were quick to do as you were told ducking under her arm that was leaning on the doorframe.
As you walked in your house you could hear Ellie behind you speak to the girl, “and you” her voice was vicious now. “I better not see you near my fucking girlfriend again.”
You couldn’t hear her response as your door was swiftly slammed shut and locked.
You shift your weight from one foot to another nervously. Ellie was pissed, more than pissed, she was furious, and when she slowly turned towards you, it took all you had not to take a few steps back.
A moment of silence passed before her voice cuts through the air.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know Ellie, I didn’t know she-”
“What that she wanted to fuck you? That she wanted to take you away from me?” She scoffs. “I find that very hard to believe.”
“I didn’t.” You plead with her.
You know you didn’t. She knows you didn’t. But she still needed to get this point across to you.
“You’re mine.”
Her voice was dripping with dominance, and all you could do was nod your head.
Ellie didn’t like that though, she needed words, she needed for you to fully understand
You watched as she made her way towards you, the only sound in the air was her footsteps, and she only stopped when she was centimeters away. Her eyes looked predatory and you had to stop yourself from shrinking away.
One of her hands gripped you around your waist while the other one trailed up your arm, the same arm that one girl used to pull you near her. She slowly inched her way up, soon skimming her fingers over the side of your shoulder, neck, then suddenly her hand grips your jaw.
Your mouth goes dry, and you begin to feel a dull throb in your core.
All you could do was let out a shaky mhm, but that wasn’t good enough for your girlfriend. No, she wanted to engrave herself to your mind, soul, body, and heart. What she didn’t realize, too blinded by jealousy to see, was that she was all you could think about. And the way she was looking at you right now, was making you crave her in the most primal ways.
There was a shift in Ellie’s eyes, still pissed off, but there was a spark of desire, as if she could read your mind at that very minute.
That spark soon became a fire.
Ellie’s lips crash on yours fervently, teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance, which your girlfriend quickly wins.
Somehow, without tripping, you both make your way to your bedroom, mouths only parting to strip each other of clothes.
In what feels like seconds, the back of your knees find the bed. Ellie pushes you back then quickly climbs on top of you.
Her hands, which were previously holding your face, slowly trail down your body, pausing to pinch your erect nipples. This only causes you to let out a loud whine and quickly bring your hands up to grip your girlfriend's forearm, needing something to ground yourself.
Ellie makes a 'tch' noise and prys your hands off her, only for you to let out a whimper of disapproval.
Your girlfriend only sits back on your hips while holding both of your wrists in one hand. She stares at your chest rising and falling rapidly and your already fucked out face, lips puffy and pupils blown wide.
“You think you deserve to touch me?”
You hesitate, mind not being able to keep up with her words. Ellie didn’t like that though, so she reaches her free hand to grip your jaw like she did previously.
“Answer the question pretty girl.”
A broken, “no” passes through your lips, and lucky Ellie decides to grant you a little mercy by accepting your answer.
“That’s right, no you don’t,” reaching behind you, she grabs an object you couldn’t see. “So we’re going to take care of that.”
Object was soon revealed to be one of her belts, which, in a blink, found home around your wrists and the bed frame, keeping you in place.
“This okay baby? Not too tight?” Ellie asks as she sporadically places open mouthed kisses across your body.
“Yeah, s’okay Els,” you slur out, too focused on her repetitive kissing and the now throbbing sensation placed at your core.
If Ellie were to look in between your legs, she’d find your folds glistening in your slick.
Your auburn hair girlfriend just hums and her eyes flick up to you.
“Gotta show everyone who you belong to pretty girl.”
Placing a kiss at the center of your chest, she works her way up, stopping at the column of your throat. That kissing soon turned to biting, then sucking, as Ellie marked all over your throat, chest, and breasts.
At this point you were panting like a bitch in heat and could only grab the belt for a life line. Ellie worked her way down, claiming you as she did, and once she finished marking the insides of your thighs, there wasn’t a place on your body that wasn’t covered in hickeys and bite marks
She watches you intensely as she finally was face to face with your dripping cunt, and once her mouth wraps around your poor neglected clit, your eyes immediately roll to the back of your head, causing you to miss the smug look Ellie was giving you.
A finger quickly enters your sopping heat, and soon a second follows, a loud moan is ripped out of you as the third one joins the other two. You're a puddle at this point, all you can do is whimper out Ellie’s name as her fingers hit that spongy spot inside you over and over again.
That coil in your stomach was tightening, and you were so close to cumming. Your walls were fluttering, whimpers getting pitches higher, eyes started to close, and out of habit, you voice everything to your girlfriends.
Your quiet, “Els m’bouta cum,” was the only noise that filled the room besides the pornographic wet sounds coming from between your legs.
Then suddenly, as that coil was about to snap, everything stopped.
Your eyes fly open in shock and disbelief, only to see Ellie watching you amused as she sucks your juices from her fingers.
Popping them out of her mouth, a smirk falls over her lips, which were covered in your slick.
“What? You didn’t actually think I was going to let you cum did you?”
“Ellie!” You cry out desperately, desperate to cum, desperate for her.
“Aw don’t worry baby, we’re not done yet.”
Just as she finished her sentence, she moved out of your line of sight. You heard the opening of a draw, and the sound of something else that was very familiar, but you could identify it it in your fucked out state.
Yet when your girlfriend walked back over to you, you realized instantly that she was no longer bare, instead, resting against her pelvis, was a purple strap.
“Think you’re ready for me baby?”
You nod enthusiastically as Ellie climbs on the bed again and amusingly watches you open your legs wider.
The silicone cock rubs against your slick folds, bumping against your clit everytime it goes up and down. You whine achingly, needing her, needing your Ellie.
“Please,” you cry out, as the cock bumps against your clit for what seems like the millionth time.
“Alright pretty girl, you can stop your whining,” She paused. “Just be sure to say my name.”
Then, Ellie takes that silicone cock and slides it all the way in.
The loud sound of Ellie’s name is ripped from your chest, and as soon as your girlfriend bottoms out, she swiftly begins a fast, hard pace.
She crashes her lips to yours once again, and snuck one hand down to rub quick circles around your throbbing clit. The coil that was building up previously and ruined, soon came back twice as fast as it did previously.
Slick was covering the strap base, and the sound of your wetness flowed through the air, along with your broken moans.
Your eyes rolled back once Ellie found that spongy spot in you again, and once she found it, she hit it every single time.
You could hear Ellie’s grunts as she dove into you, and god, it brought you ever closer to the edge.
“Els please,” you plead, barely able to get the two words out.
A sharp stinging sensation suddenly snaps across your cheek, and clenching hard around the fake cock, you realize Ellie had slapped your face. Not hard enough to hurt you, but hard enough so you could feel the tingly sensation.
You let out a guttural moan, and finally your girlfriend responds.
“Say you’re mine baby, and I’ll let you cum,” she breathes out.
“M’ yours Els, all yours, only yours.”
You’re babbling nonsense at this point, Ellie could only make out her name before the gibberish started. So, smugly, Ellie speeds up her pace and places a few more marks on your neck, sucking your sweet spots to bring you closer to the edge.
Then that coil that has been building and building for what seems like forever, finally snaps at Ellie’s final sentence.
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
You gush all over the both of you, and white consumes your vision. You knew this is what euphoria was, nothing could feel better than floating in bliss. And once you came back, it was still like ecstasy as your girlfriend was holding you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Your wrists were now free of your restraints, and the both of you were now clean of your release.
“Such a good girl for me.”
You could finally make out some of the things Ellie was saying to you through your clouded brain. You wrap your arms around her and bury your face in her chest.
“M’ sorry Els,” you mumble out, suddenly feeling a weight of guilt crushing you.
If you figured out how that girl felt before, you wouldn’t have had that argument with your girlfriend in the first place.
“S’not your fault baby, you didn’t know.”
Cupping your face, she gently makes you face her.
“We’re okay, everything is okay.”
She uses her thumb to lovingly brush against your cheek.
“Promise?” you sounded uncertain.
At this, Ellie presses her lips to you in a much more affectionate and pure way.
The next morning, while you and Ellie were walking hand in hand in Jackson, that girl crossed your path, not making eye contact with either you or your girlfriend. No, instead her gaze was directed towards your bare neck, covered in the reminder Ellie gave you, and the warning she gave to others.
If she can’t have you, no one else in this world can.
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dummykittie · 5 months
Pub Crawl part 2
Here's Part One of this story, and here's Part Three and Part Four.
I'm only now writing this down, but I've been fantasizing about this story for years at this point.
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Oh, you got so lost in the moment, getting off to the thought of doing something so slutty, touching yourself hidden in a stall in the male bathroom, hoping no one notices your drunk little self finger-fucking yourself and chocking back moans, that you didn't realize you weren't really chocking down the moans anymore. How could you? You were so close, and so horny, you just wanted to cum, and it felt so good.
Your brain was swimming in the alcohol and the afterglow, the reality of what you had done not yet sinking in when the old, rusty door of the stall started to open. You panicked and tried to keep the door closed, moving your legs so you could push against whoever was trying to go in, a startled yelp leaving your lips. But your legs were still shaking, you were drunk and just not that strong to begin with. A little push from the outside and your legs gave out, while the door flung wide open.
Oh, what do we have here?
You must be quite the sight, you think to yourself. Your face red and flustered, your dress pushed up high, legs wide open and your hand still over your dripping pussy, soaked underwear pushed to the side, clearly giving away what you had been doing, if the heavy breaths and moans hadn't made it clear.
It was a split second before you desperately tried to get away and the man towering over you made to grab you. But you weren't fast enough, and there was nowhere for you to run anyway. He grabbed you by the arm, hard, his fingers digging into your flesh, pushing you up to your feet and pulling you towards him, out of the stall. You tried to get him off you, but he didn't even seem to notice you struggling.
Hey! Look what I found!
The tears started running down your face almost immediately, you didn't even dare to look up once he had taken you out of the stall and your body was held firmly flushed to him. He wasn't talking to you, and the surprised cheers and laughs that answered him made it clear it was not just the two of you. You tried to break free from his grasp, again, with no more success than before.
No, babygirl, where are you going? Are you lost? We just want to help.
You couldn't help but sob, still looking at the floor. He was mocking you, and everyone seemed to find your tears so funny.
Please, please, I'm sorry, just let me go. My friends are outside.
Oh, baby, we're your friends now. Don't worry, we're just going to have a little fun together.
The laughs, again, you were full-on sobbing at this point, he was holding you closer now, and you could clearly feel his erection on your ass. You looked at yourself, your dress still half-pulled up, your panties barely covering your pussy, trying to keep some dignity by covering yourself up as best you could with the hand he wasn't holding, which made your cum soaked fingers even more apparent.
You were starting to have doubts you could safely get out of that situation, but you trashed again and, to your surprise, this time you felt his grip release. The relief was short-lived, you were shaking still, and the moment he let go of you and tried to step again, your knees gave out, and you tripped over yourself. Laughter erupted around you as you found yourself on your hands and knees, surrounded by at least 4 pairs of feet.
You're eager, aren't you? Were your fingers not enough? I know, I know. Don't worry, baby, we'll make you feel good.
You looked up, trying to focus on the face of the man that had found you, doing your best to plead.
Please, don't. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I just want to go home.
Oh, baby, don't worry, you just be a good girl, and you'll be on your way home before you realize.
You're not sure what caused the shiver that ran down your spine, what he was saying, or the way he put his hand on your head, almost caressing your hair, you were fighting the urge to lean into his hand when out of a sudden he grabbed a fistful of your hair. You whimpered, and then screamed as a hard slap landed against your ass.
Now, open your mouth.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
omg the first two parts of the hughes sister and adam is so good ur writing is so nice.
need a part where adam and reader explain to luke how they didnt know when they started going out and lukes reaction
The apology—
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Au Masterlist!!
Luke and you had not talked since his tantrum in the hotel room (I would be pissed too if I was him, but I always support women's wrongs.)
Not to mention the way that he had ignored you like the plague the moment you both landed back in Michigan.
If there was one thing besides hockey Luke was good at, it was holding grudges (tell me I'm wrong. you can't. I'm always right.)
You on the other hand were distraught, over the entire last 24 hours in halifax
Not only did you have to say goodbye to all your family members and return back to Umich for the winter semester, but your best friend was no longer on speaking terms with you.
You saw Adam a handful of times in the next month, opting to put a pause on your relationship until you figured your shit out
Adam was really good at making you feel better about the guilt (which is a big reason you asked to take a break)
You needed the guilt, you needed to feel bad about it all so you could apologize to Luke for breaking his trust.
Luke Warren Hughes is a bitch for making you cry and doubt your morals like that (I keep it real)
Adam on the other hand was obviously upset about it but was more mad at Luke for being okay with letting his little sister suffer over something so stupid.
Luke and Adam definitely got into it one day at practice
They are doing drills when one of the other boys makes a comment about how Adam was being uptight (cause he's no longer getting laid 🤭)
That comment really hit a weak spot for Luke and while they were scrimmaging he and Adam got into a scrum (Adam fighting 😼)
Naurato and Nolan pulled both boys from practice and brought them into the office
Nolan absolutely ripped into them for bringing their personal issues onto the ice and spewed some (as both Luke and Adam would say) bullshit about breaking the bond of the team.
Both the boys sat in silence as they awaited their dismissal
But before they both left Adam stopped Luke in the doorway to finally address the situation
"I know you're mad, be mad at me all you want, I don't care, but don't torture your sister," he said with exhaustion filling his tone, as he walked out of the office.
Luke was definitely taken aback
So he got home to the sophomore house and gave you a call
"Lu? Is everything okay?" your voice filled with worry as he let out a sigh on the other end of the call.
"I want us to figure this out." "Can I come over to talk?" "Please."
and that's how you ended up in your brother's room, with a sad look on your face as he hugged you and shut the door behind him.
I like to picture the four other boys living in the house sitting by the door trying to listen in on the conversation (these boys live and breathe for a good drama session)
The two siblings sat there tensely for a second before you finally started to explain
"I had no idea who he was, up until the hockey party" you confessed, slight guilt about allowing it to continue after a certain point (let's be fr she's not that guilty... I mean have you seen Adam??)
Luke was still having trouble understanding why you would go after Adam, even after finding out that he was on the team, knowing the rule that middle school Luke and yourself made
"I really like him, Lu, he's the first boy I've felt a genuine connection with," you softly smiled, face turning a light shade of pink as you thought about the past few months.
"Meeting him on my own terms and him not knowing about Jacky, Quinner, or you was the best part, cause I didn't have to feel like I had something to prove"
Luke just sat there with parted lips while staring at the slight embarrassment on your face as you spilt your guts
He'd never thought of it that way
He had no idea you'd been insecure about this type of thing
"He's really worth it?" Luke joked as you bit back a smile and nodded your head, "he really is."
Luke nodded slowly and pulled you in for another hug, the tears that you had been holding in let themselves go as you began hugging him back
At that moment he made a silent promise to never ignore you again, not like the way he had, not to let you suffer
"You're really sure he's okay? Cause I have no problem fighting him in your honour"
A laugh passed your lips, "I already heard about your little scrum this morning"
Luke is a softie for his little sister (confirmed)
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