#Shinichi whump
dragonsorceress22 · 2 years
Illustrated 6k kaishin get-together fic
Art by @airu27
Rated T
Temporary character death
Kaito and Shinichi whump
“KID?!” Conan could barely hear his own shout in the aftermath of that horrible sound. The gunshot. He tore his eyes from the spot where KID had dropped, out of sight now from where Conan was crouched farther from the edge, and looked to the tunnels. Two men in black – two more Organization agents – were stepping out onto the platform. One held a gun. The other held Conan’s gaze.
“Hand that over, little boy,” he said. “That doesn’t belong to you.”
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reddbl · 2 months
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I actually did this a while ago…but took some time relettering it in English. It’s not really a story, my friend wanted to see some whump that’s all.🥺
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730kc · 1 year
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tw: blood, injury
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hayaku14 · 11 months
nothing more tragically hilarious than kaito excitedly taking shinichi out to a surprise date only for it to be at tropical land
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patr0nsa1nt · 3 months
Another Okada Masaki content. I guess I'm a fan of him now.
Jdrama - Meishi Game (this show is quite underrated and deserves lots of love)
Mysterious man X (Okada Masaki) kidnaps a corrupt producer of the popular quiz program Kanda (Tsutsumi Shinichi) and his daughter Mina (Otomo Karen) and attached the bomb coller around their neck and forces him to play Meishi Game where he has to return the business cards to their rightful owners. If he makes a mistake, his daughter will blow up.
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airu27 · 2 years
~Return from Ruin
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A @kaishinbigbang project | Story by @dragonsorceress22 | Art by airu_27
Read it here ☆ | Art under the cut! (contains spoilers for the story) | Also on pixiv with bonus outline ver.
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lupizora · 9 months
The DetCo Episode One OVA...
I don't know where to start from to talk about it. Honestly, I really really liked it!
Like, even though I haven't read the first manga chapter, I'm pretty sure I figured out which scenes were additional material for kicks and giggles to give context to an audience that might be seeing the series for the first time, but also a nod or even fanservise for the long-time fans. Although, some of these cameos were a bit on the nose for me since I knew who the characters were and what role they play in the overall franchise.
I admit, I kinda teared up from hearing the very first opening in the beginning (and having scenes from that same opening during the ending was such a ridiculous nostalgia trip) and I have been going through the series only for a whole year now.
I mean, it was another OVA with almost a movie budget and animation quality like The Two Worst Days in History one. Ran's karate tournament fight was seriously INTENSE! The animators had a lot of fun with it, by the looks of it lol.
But man, I didn't wanna get depressed again over Ran's and Shinichi's relationship. This OVA hammered in the definition of tragic irony, considering I, the audience, knew what was coming after this date. It hurt seeing them pining for each other and being all cute together, only for the plot to happen 😭 I have to say though, it was a bit funny how Shinichi was the one who had the delusional fantasies this time around. They are such dorks *screams into a pillow*
Another thing I found interesting was how Shinichi's voice changed into Conan's voice in his thoughts after the police had taken him to the health center but before he truly saw his reflection in the mirror. Like yeah, the actors probably had to switch anyways, and the fact the original English dub had kept Shinichi's VA narrating Conan's thoughts is the one thing I find cool about that localized dub. But it's fascinating to consider that, in-universe, Shinichi had been hearing his childlike voice as Conan for several hours at least. Maybe that made his inner voice change as he got used to the idea he had shrunk, like some sort of subconscious acceptance of the situation. (another case of me focusing on the most random things it seems) 🤔
At this point, I still don't know how to feel about the BO scenes. Like you have them being all threatening, obviously dangerous and bloodthirsty and then there is that part with Korn and Chianti about the ferry's wheel lmao. Shiho was beautiful as always though, no contest 😊
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angelicsentinel · 2 years
KaiShin 34
"You're covered in blood, need to tell me something?"
hurt and comfort dialogue prompts
It was rare that Kaito found himself in a situation in which he couldn't handle himself, but today had been that exception. Some nefarious fellows had gotten the drop on him and now he was strapped to a table and slightly out of it, veins coursing with some mystery chemical he was probably better not knowing the origin of.
Or maybe not. His eyes kept doing something, really, really weird. His vision would sharpen, then blur; the ant navigating its way up the mortar of the top of the far wall looked like it was right in front of his eyes.
His suit was so dirty with set-in blood he’d probably have to procure an entirely new one.
How sad.
His lips were so numb it was difficult to speak, and his arms itched something fierce. Really, it was worse than the pounding in the shoulder from where they’d stabbed him. He wanted to scratch at them, but he was strapped down.
Anyway, Kudō Shinichi kicking down the door and growling at him was far more pleasant than it should have been, really. Well, to be fair, it was probably not at him. More like, uh, the situation in general. Kaito could get behind that. And not to sound overly sentimental, but this horrible day had turned into a pleasant one, now that he'd gotten a chance to see his detective again.
Kaito blinked up at him, eyes unfocused, and then he shook his head and blinked up at him again as Meitantei shifted back into focus. “Detective?” he slurred. "You're covered in blood. Need to tell me something?"
His eyes glowed a fierce blue, lighting up the dim room. “You know what? I guess I do,” he said. “It’ll certainly make it a lot easier to escape if I don’t have to hide.” He shifted, hair sprouting along his face and hands as he bulked up and his clothes disappeared. When he finished, Meitantei was a bipedal wolf, standing a meter taller on wolfish hind legs, drool dripping from a wide maw full of sharp teeth. His umber coat was stained and matted still with blood.
He cut through the straps binding Kaito’s arms to the table with sharp claws, then lifted Kaito over his shoulder with one massive arm. His arms dangled over the detective’s shoulder, and he blinked yet again as he saw feather growth. No wonder they itched so badly. He was molting.
...He was molting!
“Tantei-kun!” he squawked. “What did they do to me?” He dragged out the last word, close to hyperventilating.
A loud sniff as he ran through the halls on his hind legs, tail stiff and alert. “Smells like infection,” he said. “They drugged you and injected you with hato blood.”
“What does that mean? I’m a werepigeon?”
“Weredove,” Shinichi said grimly. “And since you’re taking the change quickly, it means they murdered your predecessor.”
That didn’t make any sense. “I don’t understand. You said I was infected? How does that equate to murder?”
The building rumbled from another explosion. The hall in front of them collapsed, but Shinichi skidded and leaped over it in one smooth motion so they were on the floor above. The pile of rubble had to be two meters tall, and he ran for the waiting area with the large window at the far end of the hall.
“I don’t have time for this. Look. Most shifters are born, not made. It’s poor form to turn a human. Long story short, it’s a complex process, you can be turned without murder, but it takes months, and it’s very painful. But if they trap a soul and bind it to yours, their power becomes yours. And you’re clearly turning.”
“That’s what I’d like to find out. They’re up to something. Didn’t expect to find you in a black organization building.”
“...Do you know a Snake?”
“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” Shinichi asked. “Brace yourself.”
Kaito did. Shinichi threw a chair through the window, then jumped out to the adjacent rooftop.
“What am I supposed to do as a glorified chicken?” he asked.
“Don’t worry. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. We’re in this together now.”
“Yeah. Together.”
And somehow, when Shinichi put it like that, it didn’t seem so bad, regardless of what the future held.
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Really big fan of headcanoning that Shiho kills Gin at the end during bo final showdown
But also sometimes a big fan of headcanoning Shinichi killing Gin coz I love everything about that too. The moral dilemma, the shifting of the moral compass, his life after that, his probable struggles and perhaps being unable to join the police department coz he has killed a guy, people judging him and being wary of him/his fame plummeting and not many customers come the 1st week he opens his private detective agency/office.
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autumn-foxfire · 6 days
Yay!! Heiji's second appearance with him really cermenting he's got a crush on Shinichi considering he's not even a big fan of Holmes and he still decided to go on this Holmes tour because he KNEW Shinichi wouldn't be able to resist (and he was right).
Shinichi usually: why do I have to be around people?
Shinichi when he's with Holmes fans: ThE mOrE tHe MeRrIeR
This is probably one of only time Shinichi will say he likes the name Conan T-T Oh there is so much to explore about how Shinichi used the name of the creator of his idol for his fake identity and how it has become an identity he grow desperate to get rid of. Shinichi whump, my favourite.
Shinichi being called snobbish and arrogant again T-T Well, he kind of is at times but damn Ran, can't you find another way to describe the boy you supposedly love?
Kogoro: there is absolutely nothing to do but answer questions on Holmes Shinichi: this is heaven
Aaaaand then a murder happens because Shinichi can't do anything fun without a crime happening.
God, I love Heiji so much. His friendship with Shinichi means so much to me. He hasn't done anything yet, I just thought everyone should know.
The murderer is a damn good actor, I'll give him that. Brutally killed his girlfriend so he can continue his killing spree and then act sad about it.
I love Shinichi eevesdropping when Heiji is like "Where is that eevesdropping kid when your dad solves crimes" he's got Shinichi down to a tee.
Shinichi is really easy to bait into a trap when it comes to deductions isn't he T-T Poor boy couldn't hide a needle in a stack of needles.
I still can't believe these murders happened over a book, like a real person would attack people for their views on fictional characters-
Heiji telling Ran Shinichi once said to him she was annoying and she just doesn't give a damn. Again, these two are in love? Sorry, I will always dunk on the terrible romance of DCMK and you won't stop me.
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whoops-all-whump · 2 years
Updated whump list for Detective Conan (+ Magic Kaito)
I recall seeing someone post a list of all the whump moments for detco but I thought I would add on since the recent episodes have some more. I’ll also add in Heiji and Kaito moments since they’re pretty good whump as well :)
Edit: Big thanks to @/mizzmilkyway for giving me a list of Rei whump!
Conan/Shinichi whump:
Episode 1: hit on the head and given a poison, his body “burns up” and has a painful transformation
Episode 2: thrown against wall and beaten with a baseball bat
Episode 20: pinned against the wall with a knife
Episode 35: thrown against the wall and sprains his ankle while attacking the culprit
Episode 38: gets choked by the culprit
Episode 43: gets kidnapped
Episode 48-49: has a high fever and collapses, has a painful transformation
Episode 68: pushed off a balcony 
Episode 97: forced to inhale chloroform and is locked inside a basement
Episode 118: gets stabbed by a fleeing culprit (not really but everyone thought he did)
Episode 132: has a fever and passes out from running across a burning bridge
Episode 142: almost falls off the balcony
Episode 188-189: gets shot and has to have surgery (my favorite <3)
Episode 191: almost transforms back into Conan, passes out and collapses
Episode 193: collapses and actually turns back for real this time
Episode 231: thrown on the ground by culprits, jumps out of an exploding bus and arm is bleeding
Episode 263: grabbed and restrained by unknown person
Episode 311: has to hide in a coin locker, almost gets discovered, hyperventilates and passes out
Episode 321: gets kidnapped again, hands are hurt from trying to escape
Episode 331: falls in a river, arm is in a sling and loses voice
Episode 345: knocked out by his own stun-gun wristwatch, kidnapped by Vermouth, knocked out once more by sleeping gas
Episode 376: tries to save Ran during a river flooding and almost drowns
Episode 418: gets “shot” (he’s just acting but it’s realistic enough)
Episode 521-523: falls in the river, has amnesia (its actually the culprit disguised as Shinichi but audience doesn’t know that yet), and transforms back into Conan while screaming in pain
Episode 527: discovered by culprit and is restrained by tape and locked in a tomb
Episode 547: gets kidnapped. again.
Episode 554-555: sprains his ankle, almost gets electrocuted by taser
Episode 564: restrained by bank robber and threatened with a gun
Episode 586-587: knocked out by taser
Episode 622-623: knocked out by his own soccer ball, tied up with tape
Episode 642: has a cold
Episode 672-674: drinks juice laced with sleeping pill and gets kidnapped (he’s actually faking it), gets held hostage with a gun
Episode 705: hit on the head by a tennis racket and knocked out
Episode 716: grabbed & restrained by culprit and locked in a room
Episode 775: hides in the trunk of robbers’ car but is discovered and threatened with a knife
Episode 795: falls off his skateboard and injures his arm
Episode 804-805: knocked out by taser and trapped in a building being demolished
Episode 845-846: kicked in the stomach, tied up and trapped in a hearse, almost gets killed by a car crusher
Episode 869: falls off a cliff
Episode 913-914: kidnapped, pushed out of a moving car
Episode 927: panting and transforms back into Conan
Episode 940: falls off a bridge into the river and almost drowns
Episode 1037: body is freezing because of a blizzard, a bunch of snow falls on him, he passes out and is taken to a hospital
Episode 1057: discovered to be eavesdropping on culprit, kidnapped and wrapped in a cloth, thrown off the roof, hands are hurt
Movie 1: caught in an explosion, hits his head and is taken to a hospital
Movie 2: leg gets stuck and almost drowns
Movie 4: pinned on ground and almost gets stabbed
Movie 7: cornered by assailant with a sword
Movie 8: falls off the rooftop
Movie 9: on a sinking ship, saved by a rescue helicopter but almost falls off
Movie 10: attacked by culprit and falls off a bridge into the river, leg is wrapped in a cast
Movie 11: almost drowns
Movie 12: hit by a wrench and is knocked out
Movie 13: has a nightmare about being discovered by Gin and made to watch Ran get shot, beaten up by Irish, gun is pointed to head
Movie 14: thrown out of a blimp (he gets thrown off a lot of things huh?)
Movie 15: caught in an avalanche and almost runs out of oxygen
Movie 16: caught in explosion and is bleeding
Movie 17: is helpless to save Ran from drowning and cries (really only sheds a tear but eh)
Movie 18: targeted by a sniper and hurts his leg
Movie 19: almost drowns
Movie 24: in a train crash, head is bleeding
Movie 25: held hostage with a gun to his head (he’s actually pretending)
Movie 26: thrown against the wall and beaten up by Pinga, almost drowns in the ocean
OVA 9: has a fever and a nightmare, collapses from transforming back
Lupin III vs Conan TV Special: passes out from the cold and thin air inside an airplane
Lupin III vs Conan Movie: shot in the arm and held hostage
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa TV Special: forced to inhale chloroform, has amnesia (he’s actually faking it)
Episode ONE The Great Detective Turned Small: reanimated scene of Shinichi being made to swallow the poison and has a painful, burning transformation
Manga Special Chapter 8: sprains his foot
Heiji whump:
Episode 118: shot in the stomach and in an ambulance
Episode 223: dangling off a cliff and gets stabbed in the hand by an arrow
Episode 263: hit by his father and told to stay out of the case
Episode 323: held captive and injured by culprits, threatened with gun and knife
Movie 3: gets into an accident on his motorcycle
Movie 7: gets into a swordfight with the culprit, almost gets stabbed
Movie 17: gets shot in the arm
Kaito whump:
MK Special Episode 4: stabbed because of a witch using a voodoo doll of himself, trapped and burning in a magic circle
MK Special Episode 7: hypnotized and trapped in an illusion
MK1412 Episode 5: same as episode 4 of the MK special, just reanimated
Movie 3: is shot by an assassin midair and crashes into the ocean
Movie 23: tazed, shot in the arm by police, wrapping himself in bandages
MK Manga Chapter 34-36: gets stabbed by glass, bleeding out and collapses
Rei whump:
Episode 1029: injured by bullies
Episode 1038: taken hostage, restrained and mouth is taped
Episode 1053-1054: taken hostage, knocked out by assailant
Movie 20: handcuffed to pole, beaten up by Akai
Movie 22: caught in a bomb explosion, arm injured by crashing through glass
Movie 25: forced to wear a collar bomb, hurt by a grenade explosion, injured by helicopter crash
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dragonsorceress22 · 1 year
Chapter 3 is up! Hooray for more whump! Here's an excerpt~
“There,” KID muttered, sounding breathless and faint. His leg was shaking, not quite supporting his weight anymore, leaving more of the strain on his arms. “Now we’re even.” He slid his gaze to a stunned Shinichi, standing in front of him outlined in the sunlight beaming in through the open door. “Can I get some help here?”
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goosewhumps · 5 months
Hi <3 what are your favs or top 5 whump shows/animes/movies/manga/etc. :) just your favs to recommend or stuff you keep rewatching/reading
aw hi! thanks for the ask! idk if these are in order but they're some of my faves! Gave a little bit of reasoning too for fun. surprisingly, choosing 5 was kind of hard, so my picks are probably kind of weird!
-Detective Conan
Love the couple episodes/chapters when Conan gets shot in the cave and then Ran gives him blood. Gotta also love when Shinichi shrinks back down into Conan <3 lots of good stuff in detco
-Vanitas no Carte
Every whump scene in vanitas is so good. of course you gotta love the blood drinking scenes, but i also really like when Vanitas is sick and being taken care of in the cabin
-Persona 5
Love the interrogation room scenes and the rescue afterwards <3 in both the game and anime
-Dragon Quest XI
probably a weird pick, but it got me back into whump a few years back! There's lots of scenes where the protagonist passes out and the like and i love it. it's a bit hard to recommend because it's so long, but it's an incredible game even without the whump!
obsessed with the scene in the first game where Makoto gets a concussion and is trying to stumble back to his room. And then like immediately after he gets all sick and delirious ^^
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flydotnet · 7 months
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled).
He's a child with the brain of an adult, the biggest moron you've ever seen!
I cannot get over the fact I somehow didn't write for Detectice Conan until this week. This franchise was my actual gateway into whump when I was 6 and my ass still didn't write any juicy stuff with it. I got back into DCMK back in 2017, have rewatched select episodes and/or movies of it (mostly the 1st and 2nd ones, which are both part of my formative whump experience lol) every year… but nope!
Actually, this prompt was supposed to be for IDOLiSH7, and I had the idea for it written down for two years; but let's be real, I was never going to write it, especially this late, and instead, I jumped onto the first other opportunity to get rid of this prompt.
That opportunity came in the form of Tekiro who, to my surprise, actually paid attenion to my stupid ramblings about my stupid bingo card for whomst knows what dark purposes, and handed me an idea on a silver platter: DCMK, Shinichi as Conan and Ran, post-falling-into-some-water-during-a-case. I was smitten with the idea and ran with so hard.
I think the final product did diverge from Tekiro's original idea, unfortunately. Ran was meant to play a much more proactive role in this, but instead, I ended up with mostly Shinichi doing what he does best: overthink absolutely everything and also simping for Ran while he's at it. The image of Conan buried in blankets was fun though!
Blanket Statements
Summary: Shinichi, buried underneath three and a half blankets, ponders upon the orb (his feelings on the situation and also how cool Ran is).
Fandom: Detective Conan Relationships: Shinichi/Ran
Word Count: 1.7K words
AO3 version available here.
Somewhere through the haze of fever, between two approximate tons of blankets covering from chin to toe, one statement rings through his mind: this is somewhat humiliating.
Well, Shinichi supposes being a genius sixteen-year-old stuck in a six-year-old’s body is embarrassing to begin with since nobody takes you seriously anymore (except, like, two cops, a fugitive from the criminal organisation who got you there in the first place and one jackass from Osaka who somehow guessed you were a genius sixteen-year-old stuck in a six-year-old’s body). Being treated like a child has certainly not stopped irking him, even if with time, the mask has started sticking with a little less discomfort to his face; but this is another humiliation altogether, even compared to what’s sadly become his daily life.
For all of the mishaps he’s had on cases and outside of his favourite activity in the whole world, Shinichi had never pictured himself buried in a pile of blankets, with just his face sticking out from there, in the Mouris’ flat of all places. Maybe Prof Akasa’s lab would’ve felt less shameful, since that man has seen him in states Shinichi can only hope to forget the memory of, but the Mouris’? Where Ran lives? Mortifying.
The way he ended up in this situation is a farce in itself – that much he knows from how Hattori mocked the hell out of him on the phone when he had to explain the context behind one of Ran and Kazuha’s conversations that stupid Osakan had caught word of. He wouldn’t have needed said Osakan’s opinion to think that, of course, but it only serves to corroborate what he already deducted.
It was just a run-of-the-mill criminal case in Beika: suspicious death near a river, three suspects without any alibi and possible motives all around, foul play clearly involved. Truth be told, it was almost insulting how easy it was for Shinichi to untangle the whole thing and straighten it into a single timeline to take everyone along for the side with Uncle’s cigarette-laden voice.
Or, well, it’d have been, if he hadn’t fallen straight into the cold waters below when trying to showcase something to Inspector Megure.
Instead, it very much had the opposite effect: not only did it then take Inspector Sato around fifteen minutes to deduce what he was trying to hint at, it also threw the whole situation for a loop because, for all of his athletic prowess, Shinichi had trouble swimming with the heavy winter gear Ran had dressed him up in and drowning became a possibility much too fast to his liking.
Ran did save him from the waters, at least, but not before he was thoroughly soaked and had to stew in his own juices for a little while. There was no hiding behind the bushes to pretend to be Sleeping Kogoro either, so it was a long, drawn-out time session of whodunnit – one Shinichi was very frustrated not to be participating in and very satisfied to leave.
If it had stopped at an uncomfortable half-hour spent watching not-that-sharp-witted detectives (and Inspector Sato) try putting together a puzzle that wasn’t that complicated because nobody had noticed the clue left by the riverbank, Shinichi wouldn’t be stewing in his frustration and pile of blankets. No, that’d have been too easy, and someone in the skies above has something against him, he’s certain of it.
It’s a cliché. It’s such a cliché and he’s certain hypothermia isn’t supposed to do that to you aside from, well, hypothermia – but Shinichi has fallen ill after a dip in the water and it pisses him off.
Yeah, okay, he’s caught what can honestly be called a nasty cold, but this doesn’t mean Ran isn’t going overkill with it. He loves her, he really does, including when she gets protective over him (even when she doesn’t know it, courtesy of his current form); but this really is too much.
Ran’s always been like that, though. Once she gets into caring mode, there’s nobody that can stop us. Not even a tsunami could, Shinichi is certain: if he, or her father, or Sonoko, or Kazuha was trapped in the midst of a deadly flood, a wall of water heading for all of them, Ran would swim back to them, put them to safety, and only then maybe think of saving herself. It’s nerve-wracking to be around her, sometimes, when you know she’ll absolutely destruct herself if it means saving someone.
Long reasoning short, it’s not surprising that she’d bury him under a bazillion blankets too much for a simple cold; so imagine one where his voice, usually so childish and disgustingly high-pitched for a teen (let alone impossible to take seriously, let’s be real there), has almost gone instinct on him and where he can spike a fever whenever his body feels like it’s not doing enough damage to the virus inside it. Delightful, really.
It’d be more delightful if it didn’t feel like being smothered in a thousand heavy blankets by the strongest arms in the world – but what can Shinichi say? That he doesn’t like the attention? That’d be a lie. He couldn’t even say that without breaking into a terribly tense smirk. That’s ridiculous.
Ridiculous, but also somewhat humiliating. And also, he’s dying from blanket overdose.
Time to do something about it, he supposes.
“Raaaaan,” he takes on his whiny little snotty brat voice (even if it sounds more scratched than Prof Akasa’s dust-covered records that he still uses, for some reason), “do I really need all those blankets?”
She turns around in half a second (Shinichi refuses to think for even a second this fever and the mucus in his brain are slowing his mind, he’s more than above that) and rushes in a swift run, hair flowing behind her and picking all of the daylight in the room.
“You’ll be cold if you take them off!” She replies without a single grain of reluctance. “And you need to be warm!”
“But… I’m way too hot, Raaaaan…”
Instead of getting at least one blanket off him, out of three (a meltingly comfortable plaid, a scratchy blanket Uncle keeps in his office for some reason and Ran’s favourite, he can tell by the fragrance, it’s very pleasing), she kneels in front of the couch with a worried frown that’s both endearing and infuriating.
“Let me see,” she tells him in that voice she always gives the Detective Boys, always gives Conan.
Maybe it’s because having a head cold is making him snappier, but he can’t jive with that tone as well as he usually does. Most days, he can just bypass the infantilization of it all to focus on what matters (Ran paying him her upmost attention and spending all her time with him).
Ran does what she tends to do when confronted with someone with too red of a cheek: she puts her left hand on her forehead, palm against skin, and the back of her right on someone else’s forehead. Strands of his hair, soaked with sweat, are clinging to the base of her fingers, but she doesn’t complain, doesn’t as much as frown in disgust or discomfort, not even slightly.
“Your fever’s gone down a little,” she concludes with a slightly less concerned voice and alleviated features, much to his own relief. “But we need to keep it in check!”
“I know, Ran, I knooooow.”
She gets back up and stares at the pile in front of her, tilting her head left to right and back to left, a pout on her lips.
“On second thought, if you’re feeling better, maybe we could take off a blanket… Do you feel too hot, Conan?”
He vigorously shakes his head to the point of dizzying himself. This would be embarrassing if he wasn’t too busy trying to get himself a little freer, and also, dealing with a stupid head cold that has turned everything about his sharp senses into nothing but meaningless mush.
“I see,” Ran muses, fingers dancing on her chin before she finally goes for the top blanket – the scratchy one Kogoro keeps in his office. “Is it better?”
He nods again and, to his pleasure, it’s both cooler on his overheated skin and bringing a smile to the girl he’s officially dating when not obligated to be in a six-year-old’s literal shoes.
“That’s good, then! Do you need anything else?”
Shinichi hesitates on that one. Ran’s pretty much been hovering him nonstop for two days, and it’s starting to show on her face. Not so deep down, he knows he doesn’t need much: he has water near him, there is no painkillers he can take for a couple more hours, his eyelids are drooping again and he’s, at the end of the day, a teenager used to living alone.
However, being Conan has a couple perks; most importantly, if he wants to be a needy brat who just has to have big sis Ran by his side during a boring Sunday while sick with a killer head cold, then he gets to be that brat all over again. Ran can barely say no to Conan, much more than she’d be with Shinichi, and there just have to be perks about his current situation. Moreover… Faded memories of frankly lonely days spent wasting away in bed or on the couch with barely any attention other than Prof Akasa’s have left him wanting for more, and if usually he can keep it at bay with a passion for crime mysteries, now, it’s a whole other story. A distraction is always welcome.
All in all, with a dashing uniform vote from all of his sides, Shinichi decides being whiny as Conan is the best use of his stupidly boring sick day.
“Can you stay with me?” He asks, sniffling, as miserable as the most cliché Victorian child possible.
As always, to his upmost happiness, Ran’s face softens and she gives him the sweetest smile as she comes to sit next to him.
“Of course I can do that, Conan,” she replies with words like honey. “Anything else?”
“No, that’s good enough.”
He lets his head droop on her shoulder and falls asleep right here and there.
He can think about this being humiliating or not when it doesn’t feel as fuzzy and warm to be bundled in so many blankets.
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zephyrwrites2 · 7 months
Zéphyr / Zeph | Used to be @zephyrwrites | +21 | 🇨🇵 | They / It / Iel / Ol | Queer | Feminist | Pro-choice | Anti-censorship | Anti-harassment of all kinds
I don't have a DNI and I don't care about yours + I block easily
Posts tagged "untagged" are things I don't have the energy/will to tag so be careful with the possible triggers.
Block the tags Suggestive / Sex Mention if you do not want to see / read nsfw stuffs
Origins of the "I retconned my gender" joke
(The link is for a french youtube video about 2 guys watching and theorising about Petscop).
AO3: Zephyr_Cloe_Ambroise
I have Twitter, Insta and Aethy but I nearly never use them
I can help with any question about French and French culture for your stories + I can translate them
Thanks @dankgemestho for my new pfp 😊
(Nearly) All my fandoms in alphabetical order (the crossed out ones are not my current obsession but you can ask about them):
Boku no Hero Academia (BakuDeku is still my ultimate otp)
DC Comics (especially everything that has to do with Damian <3)
Detroit: Become Human (especially Connor and the Jericrew)
D.Gray-Man (favourite manga forever and Allen is best boi <3)
Marvel (Team Iron Man, Matt Murdock and Loki centric and very anti Steve, Clint and Wanda)
Hetalia (Japan, Germany and N. Italy or FACE Family centric mostly)
Percy Jackson (especially about my boy Percy)
Sherlock BBC (Sherlock centric and not that much of a johnlock shipper anymore because of the last season)
The Sandman (mostly the TV Show, I haven't finished the comics even if I spoiled myself months ago)
Ace Attorney (very occasionally and mostly about Phoenix or Miles)
Assassination Classroom (Class 3-E centric)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (especially Zuko)
Blue Exorcist (very occasionally and Rin and Yukio centric)
Creepypasta (nearly only fanarts)
Criminal Minds (Reid centric and not a big fan of JJ or Seaver)
Danganronpa (only Trigger Happy Havoc)
Danny Phantom (Danny centric and somewhat anti Maddie and Jack)
Deltarune (nearly only the original FUN Gang + sometimes Noëlle and Berdly)
Detective Conan / Magic Kaito (Shinichi/Conan and Kaito centric)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club (very occasionally and Iwatobi + Rin centric)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward my beloved childhood crush <3)
Good Omens (everything about the Ineffable Spouses, Anathema, Warlock or Adam)
Hades 2018 (mostly Zagreus, my sweet boi!)
Haikyuu!! (Hinata centric)
Harry Potter (very occasionally and mostly about Harry or Regulus)
Heartstopper (very occasionally and mostly Charlie centric)
Hollow Knight (The Knight/Little Ghost centric and not against The Pale King + The White Lady bashing)
Hunter x Hunter (very occasionally and Gon/Killua/Kurapika/Leorio centric)
Ib (anything about Ib, Garry, Mary and Guertena)
Into The Spiderverse (mostly Miles centric)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn (Tsuna centric and All27 or Skull centric and nice crossovers)
Lupin III (mostly Lupin, Jigen and Goemon centric)
Kuroko no Basket (Kuroko and Seirin centric and very much NOT Aomine)
Lucifer (very occasionally and mostly Lucifer centric)
Macgyver 2016 (Mac centric with a good dose of Jack, Riley, Bozer, Mattie and Page + not a fan of MacDesi nor of James)
Merlin BBC (Merlin centric + preferably good/redeemed Morgana)
Miraculous (Marinette centric and NOT Adrien or Adrienette)
Mulan 1998 (very occasionally and mostly about Mulan)
NCIS (Tony, Abby or Gibbs centric mostly)
Naruto (Mostly Naruto and Obito centric + not a big fan of Sakura, Jiraiya and Sarutobi)
One Piece (Mostly about the ASL Brothers and Law)
Pandora Hearts (very occasionally and mostly about Oz)
Perception (very occasionally and mostly about Daniel)
Petscop (Paul has retconned his gender like me :D)
Prodigal Son (or as I call (and love) it “Let’s Whump Malcolm!”)
Professor Layton (either Luke or Layton centric)
Resident Evil (Ethan and Leon, my fav DILFs <3 + Jill my love <3)
RPF (French Youtube only)
Scorpion 2014  (very occasionally and mostly about Walter + not a big fan of Page and the rest of the team because of the last season)
SCP Foundation (nearly only fanarts)
Shugo Chara!  (very occasionally and mostly about Amu and Ikuto)
Star Trek (mostly the J.J. Abrams remake and Jim centric)
Supernatural (Dean centric and John bashing + a little Sam bashing)
The Big Bang Theory (very occasionally and mostly Leonard and Sheldon centric)
Teen Wolf (mostly Stiles centric and pretty much anti-Scott)
The Queen’s Gambit (very occasionally and mostly Beth centric + only the TV show)
Undertale (mostly Frisk and Chara centric + NarraChara truther)
Voltron (Lance centric and Langst fan)
Yuri!!! On Ice (Yuuri, Yuri and Viktor centric mostly)
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sick-bay · 2 years
A list of my favorite whumpees (and characters i want to see more whump of!)
Zuko (from ATLA) - back when I was a kid and watched the show on TV I didn't even know what whump was but I always loved that final fight against Azula (you know, the one where he gets hurt)
Ace (from One Piece) - he’s always been my favorite OP character and I like the found family trope he has going on so I like fics and stuff where the other crew members are taking care of him (pls don’t mention his d-word to me, i WILL cry. Actually, he's alive and well!!)
Todoroki (from BNHA) - he's my favorite character in BNHA and tbh he’s very whumpable (also I really enjoy fics where Aizawa ends up looking after him like the dad he is)
Hak (from Akatsuki no Yona) - he canonically gets hurt A LOT and I'm enjoying it. Big, strong, tough guys getting hurt is just chef’s kiss! (I wish there were more fics about it but the manga itself is feeding me quite well so I can’t really complain)
Kaito Kid (from Case Closed/Detective Conan and Magic Kaito 1412) - he's always been my favorite character in the anime and even though I don't keep up with the anime itself, I've watched all the episodes and movies he shows up in lol He's just so whumpable and I love it when when he gets hurt and Shinichi ends up saving him, even though they're rivals.
Vanitas (Vanitas no Carte) - I don’t actively seek out whump content like fics for him but I did enjoy that one episode where he got hurt and ended up with a fever and all that.
Zack Fair (from FF VII) - the kind of whumpee who's loud and cheerful but gets uncharacteristically quiet when he's hurt and/or sick imo! There really isn't enough whump fics about him... Especially not about mentor Angeal and mentee Zack...
Cloud (from FF VII) - another big, tough guy! Very whumpable as well (though there is surprisingly little whumpy fics (and I'm not a fan of psychological whumpy stuff, I prefer it physical with the characters getting bloody and all that <3))!
Noctis (from FF XV) - I only played the game a few months ago (no, we will not talk about the ending. It’s not real) but I've read whump fics and sickfics about him a few years ago already lol Again, I love the found family kinda trope (is it found family if they've all already known each other and have been close for years? Anyways, I love the bond the group has). There is a lot more Noctis whump content than there is Cloud or Zack whump content.)
Suguru Geto (from Jujutsu Kaisen) - HOW COULD I FORGET HIM??? Well probably because there is nowhere near enough whump/sickfic content for him… I am in desperate need for moreeeee!! Maybe the anime onlys will feed me once the new season is out and they'll get to know him… I am hoping that will happen…
Leon (from Resident Evil) - there is NOT enough whump content for Leon! That being said, I enjoy fics where he works together with the BSAA and everything goes to shit and he gets hurt <3 (In my mind he's besties with Claire, Chris and Jill even though canonically he's never even interacted with Jill as far as I'm aware of but that doesn’t matter to me!)
Ghost (from CoD) - honestly I played most CoD games way back when I was in middle school but I never paid much attention to the story itself lmao But because I played the previous games all those years ago I got the new one that was recently released (just because nostalgia, you know?) and it started this new found love for whumpy Ghost. There is NOT enough content of that though (please, I am literally begging, give me more Ghost whump). Another big (like literally, the guy is huge <3), strong dude that I like to see bloody and hurt.
d'Artagnan (from The Musketeers, like the movie or the show or the book idk, just d'Artagnan) - I've known about the Three Musketeers since I was a little girl idk everyone knows them I guess?? ('All for one and one for all!' and all that. It's just famous) but I've only watched that one movie a few years ago (the one with Logan Lerman). Anyways, I enjoy whump fics about him. Simply because he's the 'baby' of the group and the others are like mentors to him and more experienced and even though he's talented and he can hold his ground, I love it when he gets hurt and the others take care of him.
Legolas (from The Lord of the Rings) - I've always loved him. He's always been my favorite but for some strange reason I never thought about whumpee Legolas until like a year ago??? I absolutely love the bromance between him and Aragorn and Gimli and the idea of him talking in elvish with Aragorn when he's hurt and/or feverish is just so dear to me!
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