#Shattered Politics
tennessoui · 2 months
Anakin as Obi-Wan's Campaign Manager?? Say more right now please!
correction - anakin (19yo) as obi-wan (35yo)'s nonconsensual campaign manager
here's a bit more! all just set up, i have no idea what i want out of this fic yet word-count wise. structure wise. etc.
The Kenobi thing happens accidentally, honestly. Anakin isn’t even sure how he got into it, but at the end of September, Padmé had mentioned how formative canvassing had been to her own political outlook, how impactful it had been to help out on a campaign, and Anakin had thought—that’s it. I can do that, and then she'll see we have things in common and then she'll fall in love with me. And that night, he’d gone to his apartment and researched upcoming local elections. He’d found the list of people running for the city council, and he’d chosen one at a random. Obi-Wan Kenobi was thirty-five and up for re-election. He’d first been elected four years ago, at thirty-one, one of the youngest city councilmen in the history of Coruscant, running—as far as Anakin could tell—on the issue of city infrastructure and misuse and diversion of funds away from public goods like pothole-less roads to drive on. Even just reading the summary on the guy’s past campaign had been boring as hell, but he’d won, is the thing. He’d won, which means he has a good shot of winning it again, which would make it incredibly easy to help him along. Not many people vote in city council elections—fact. Not many people vote for names they don’t recognize, and they have a higher chance of recognizing an incumbent’s name over a challenger’s—fact. It’s only impressive to canvas for a campaign if the guy you’re canvassing for is elected—fact. So Obi-Wan Kenobi was a safe choice. A stellar choice. Anakin hit the books that weekend, printed out a bunch of blurbs on what the guy’s done—apparently it’s been mostly advocating for filling in potholes on what Anakin would bet his tuition money on is the guy’s commute to work—and hit the streets to drum up support for him. The election is in the middle of November, and today is October 2nd. Half the doors Anakin knocks on remain unopened, a fourth are closed in his face, and the remaining percentage are either not registered to vote or seem lukewarm to the idea of voting in a city council election at all. Three different elderly ladies have asked him if Kenobi is running for president. Hell, next time he’s just going to say yes. —--------- But Ahsoka isn’t wrong. Anakin hates to admit it, but he knows he has to. She’s not wrong. Something needs to change in his strategy because he’s not getting the numbers he needs. Honestly, this whole adventure has made him lose faith in the effectiveness of democracy. Maybe dictatorships aren’t so bad. It’s not like these people are voting anyway. He’s smart enough to keep this observation to himself, of course, but he wonders what could have been so eye-opening about Padmé’s time canvassing when Anakin’s having a hard enough time making this whole thing door-opening.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
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SO true
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spiderscribe · 10 days
soundrod, roleswap, enemies to lovers, political alliance, happy ending
When the Quintessons invade Cybertron, famed killer Decepticon Hot Rod and compassionate Autobot Soundwave form a shaky, temporary truce so they can free everyone from the Loop. It’s up to them and their ragtag band of clowns enemies to get past the multiple murder attempts on each other and save the planet.
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theluckywizard · 1 month
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 73: Bound
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Summary: In the day following the harrowing turn of events at the Winter Palace gala, Rose recovers and attempts to strike a bargain with Empress Celene.
Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke. Excerpt under the cut 👇
I awaken to the sound of knuckles rapping on glass. Moonlight illuminates a pair of familiar shoulders through the seeded glass of the balcony doors. A muffled entreaty comes through.
“Psst. Rose.”
“Hawke?” I answer, sleep dragging on my voice. 
He peers through the glass with cupped hands. I motion him inside, but the door requires picking which leaves me waiting for this ham handed brute for the second time tonight. My heart is raw with anticipation as he fumbles his way through the procedure. He finally trips his way in and crosses the distance between us in a second despite his obvious limp and drops to the floor beside my bed. We fall into a desperate kiss, sloppy and brutally uncomfortable, but we kiss. There isn’t any better evidence that we both made it: the chafe of his nascent stubble against my chin, the warmth of his lips, our mutual stink of elfroot and antiseptic. We clutch each other too tightly, yet much too gently and when I pull him closer suddenly for more he hisses in pain.
“Sorry,” I mutter against his lips.
“Don’t stop,” he answers, drinking me up.
I twist to reach more of him, truly an atrocious idea. “Ow, fuck!”
We both retreat a few inches. “We should stop,” he whispers on a huff of laughter. “Maybe. Before we tear something anew.”
He eases me back against the pillows, lips pressed to mine the whole way down and then pulls back, stroking my banged up face in the whisper of moonlight. His pitying, commiserative look nearly draws a chuckle out of me. And then bound together by our shared worry, our saved up words tumble over each other.
“I was so scared something happened—”
“I thought you were dead—”
He laughs and then winces, clutching his ribs. “Maker, same.”
I feel around the nightstand for the brass matchbox in the darkness. “Let me get a look at you.”
Obliging me, Hawke lights a lamp and puffs out the match before dropping to his knees again. The swelling around his eye has calmed but purple bruises flower all around it. His fingers graze my tender right cheekbone.
“We’re a matching set,” he says. By the glisten in his eyes, I suspect we are in more ways than our twin shiners.
I shake my head and flip down the blankets beside me. “Come here.” There’s no telling whether my body can take what I need, but I need it nonetheless. He stands and eases out of his usual jerkin and then winces as he pulls off his shirt and kicks off his boots and breeches. The glow of the lamp lights up the bandages all over him. One plastered down over a wound on his right shoulder with some kind of resin, his left forearm and right thigh are wrapped completely. His ribs are mottled in large shadowy bruises, one precision bash by the look of it. He slides carefully in beside me under the covers, opening his arms to me. I roll toward him slowly enough that I won’t tear the tenuously renewed flesh inside me. He handles me like fragile bloom, folding his arms around me in a gentle cage.
“I told the guards to let you pass, you know,” I say, the words catching on the knot in my throat as I fidget with the bandages on my forearms.
“You did?” he replies, genuine surprise brightening his face. “Well, climbing the drainpipe did the trick in a pinch.”
“It’s certainly more romantic,” I manage through the strain in my voice. “If a bit reckless given your state.”
I press my lips just beneath his collarbone as he does the same to the top of my head and we lie in silence. There’s so much to tell him but I can’t decide where to begin. He grazes his fingers over my wrapped up forearms in an inquiry.
“Defensive wounds,” I explain.
A nearly inaudible gasp catches above me. “They told me you took a knife for Celene,” he says, his lips skimming against my forehead as if to confirm I’m actually beside him.
“I did.” The words are barely a whisper, barely anything.
Read the rest here!
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goldenspirits · 3 months
saw one post here like "No one my age is voting republican" and I had to spend a day in silence and disbelief because. Clearly words uttered by someone who has not been called Slurs by a local neon'zi or maybe even a tradc'ath monarchist lmfao.
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simptasia · 5 months
actually maybe its a good thing hurley and daniel never interacted. if they'd become friends, hurley woulda shattered dan's bones
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rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months
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three paragraphs away from finishing draft 1 of Antiphon, which will probably fare around 6-7k words. Then I'll have a bunch of edits to make, because the devil *really* is in the details with this one.
anyway, some post-ganondorf rule gerudo angst for those who may dabble!!!!!
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goldensunset · 2 months
i will NOT pick fights with my group members i will not i will not and i will ESPECIALLY not pick fights with the girl who’s both one of the leaders of the project and who i’ll probably be coworkers with next year i will have patience i am so chill and fine and secure and confident not at all going to explode
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soldier-poet-king · 11 months
I'm reading thru my kid brother's summer reading list with him because he's a lazy butthead and can't be cajoled to do anything academic and he needs to prep for his Fancy Highschool and someones gotta read along and make sure he's ACTUALLY reading and not just using sparknotes and I'm incredibly jealous of the academic opportunities he's getting that we couldn't afford when I was his age
Half his reading list is stuff I also read in highschool, and the other half isn't, which is fine except that what I REALLY want to do is go back to thara celehar hours. The count of Monte Cristo is RLLY interesting so far but also I can only read about bonapartists and royalists for so long before I go insane
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lululeighsworld · 2 months
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fyi if you see or hear @thislittlekumquat and i chortling incoherently about kuroshit in the coming weeks please know that it's related to our incredibly indulgent queer self insert au that ropes in just about all our fave characters from this series in some way, shape, or form
this graphic would be absolutely CHAOTIC if we tried to include everyone involved (and would probably need to be broken up into multiple diagrams to TRULY capture the scale we're talking about) so here are the main players, as they're related to the upcoming arcs. in truth a lot of our au takes place after the events of the main story but victoria and leigh meet for the first time at the upcoming cricket match as they're cheering on their respective family members!! so this arc is like the start of it all B) fics that feature this au reaping what you sow and the wolf might know best by thislittlekumquat as queer as i find myself by lululeighsworld also special version of the graphic that includes the most spoiled character in this entire au :P
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orbdotexe · 1 year
Trying SO hard not to give Wolf more people on their side bc they're the ultimate Depressed Bitch... I don't even know what to do about Saint yet!!! I have no idea if Osiris believes them or not! but here I go thinking about Saladad and the Young Wolf's Howl :(
In my defense, consider:
This is more than a weapon. Forged by Lord Saladin within the hallowed halls of the Iron Temple, this sword was intended for you, and none other. When you wield it, its burning flames represent the bright light of your valor — and the all-consuming sacrifice that you have promised to make, should you be called to it.
According to Saladin, that sword is a promise. Become what the enemies of the City fear. The only Nightmare worth fearing, as Eris put it.
At its core, the sword is an Iron Lord's oath to protect the City, no matter the personal cost.
Like... What does it mean to Saladin, to see it on their back when they pull the trigger on Lakshmi? That it was with them when they tried to kill Cayde? That they're still using it now, even as they sow the end?
Is he angered to see his next generation, the one who was supposed to carry the torch of his fallen friends, turn their back on everything he taught them?
Or maybe he knows, in some part. Does he see that they believe they've upheld their promise, even now? Does he think they're delusional?
Even worse, consider them returning it. I'm very drawn on this, though, because of what it means. Wolf giving the sword up would be an admission that they don't care, and Wolf does. Wolf cares so, so much. and they're a sentimental bitch here!!
BUT. What if Saladin found them, one day, treating the sword?
He tells them that sword is an oath, and they tell him they've kept it. He asks why they tried to kill Cayde, and they don't answer. He asks why their killed Lakshmi, and they tell him Ikora would know.
There's silence as he considers this, glaring them down. Wolf stands up, holding the sword in an almost reverie. They ask if he's here to take it back. He doesn't answer.
They set it against the wall, telling him they have more swords.
They leave.
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belle-keys · 1 year
ya paranormal fantasy book series that were released around 2008-2013? that unapologetically existed just so young people could have fun with vampires and werewolves and angels? and which knew they weren't actually good but were still memorable and allowed for escapism? and weren't shackled to booktok or bookstagram and money grabs?
yeah, idc those were the good days.
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lit-in-thy-heart · 10 months
people leaving not glowing reviews in ao3 bookmarks my unbeloved
#went onto one of my fics to familiarise myself with interactions before continuing to tackle a planned sequel#saw someone else had bookmarked it and went :DD and got even more excited to see it had been bookmarked with a comment#buut the comment was just like 'i mean it was alright' which isn't shattering criticism but it's like#i spent 2 weeks writing and editing and tying myself in knots and worrying about the depiction of characters in that fic#it's one that i'm actually quite proud of and am putting a lot of effort into the follow-up and trying to maintain the same tone#why would someone bother to bookmark it if it just felt average -- moreover why bother to say that?#i've seen worse ones#like i understand that you're not going to like every single fic in existence but unless people ask for feedback#you don't need to leave your critical review in a comment that the author can see#and i know how i've worded it may sound conceited#but some i've seen very much carry the same vibe as being invited in to someone's house and dumping spaghetti bolognese on their carpet#like if you're not a fan either don't accept the invitation or politely leave instead of posting a pic on social media#with a caption of how much of a state the house was#it just baffles me why someone would bookmark something they didn't thoroughly enjoy#anyway#shoutout to the fantastic people who leave lovely comments on fics and in bookmarks and put a smile on fic writers' faces you're all swell#even just a !!!!!! makes my day <3#personal#lit talks
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mihrsuri · 29 days
Latest tropey idea knocking around in my head: Thomas and Mary develop a psychic/telepathic connection for 24 hours and must deal with being in each others’ heads until it goes away. Both are horrified by this, for various reasons, and hijinks ensue.
The hijinks version is that Mary is like i did not need to know ANYTHING ABOUT MY PARENTS SEX LIFE AAAGH. Though she does also get the depth of love/devotion Thomas has (It depends if it’s like, can feel emotions or can hear thoughts or both). Though it’s also cute because MARY’S TINY SIBLINGS LOVE.
And uh, have my initial reaction which is kind of Incredibly Depressing (references to abuse, suicide and victim blaming)
My brain went Oh Fuck That’s Depressing TBH (because Mary gets the ‘you make me feel like Norwich did’ (it’s not her fault and it is absolutely not what she intends but it’s like, unfortunately trauma going to trauma) and Thomas gets all the things Mary never said - also for various reasons (kindness, love for her siblings, politic) and honestly, it might kill Thomas if he wasn’t utterly determined to not put that on Mary but maybe it would be a favour to the world
(I’m so sorry I’ll try to talk about hijinks! I think my automatic reaction was just…OH FUCK)
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introvert-celeste · 4 months
It's so insane seeing all these atrocities continuing to take place for months and there are still people who whole-heartedly support Israel.
They will see the thousands of dead and dying Palestinian civilians, their bombed out homes and their leveled city and the IDF commiting the most heinous acts, and all they will think is "Hamas did this" and "but the hostages!" Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, can excuse the deaths of over 12,000 CHILDREN, not even if there were Hamas militants hiding behind each one. The Hamas are merely an excuse that they're using to decimate Palestine and colonize it for themselves. Land and profit are the zionists' end goals, and the governments who support this are the ones who stand to benefit.
Anyway, if hell exists I hope the monsters responsible for the Palestinian genocide go there soon.
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