evilgodfuckers · 2 months
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Sodomy is a Satanic Sacrament. So if you are a SATANISTS then you should be honoring SATAN by indulging in acts of Sodomy as often as you can. HAIL SATAN!!! FUCK Jesus!!!
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The sacrament of confession is 😎pretty cool😎 and you should 😎go receive it😎
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apenitentialprayer · 11 months
The Catholic understanding of priesthood is a sign and symbol of Christ the Mediator, and thus the priest is not himself the mediator, but the sacrament of Christ the Mediator [… T]he priest is not substituting for Christ, but personifying Him.
Matthew Pulis (An Embodied vs. a Silicon-based Priesthood: AIs can Never Be Catholic Priests)
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hunterofyeets · 6 months
Short morman sacrament story.
So, I'm 18 now. I just browsed through the Ex-morman tag and I remembered something. For those who don't know: Every Sunday, we would bless some torn bread and water and then pass it to the other members. The bread was always given to us by someone in the church.
So, one time, someone made bread. It was so dense, we couldn't tear it apart. So, I motioned to the bishop (sort of the leader of our church group) to come over to the small room where we prepare the sacrament. I explained to him the problem, and he basically said "Figure it out."
So, I think for a moment. Then, I remembered something. Our church, had a kitchen. I went over, and grabbed a knife. I walked back, and cut the bread.
Afterwards I put the knife back, and we all swore to secrecry on what happened.
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tonreihe · 4 months
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Elizabeth R. Powell, David Jones and the Craft of Theology
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ghostowlattic · 9 months
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the-rockinahard-place · 5 months
I’ve convinced myself that the reason I can’t pass the sacrament at church is because I simply don’t show up early enough.
It’s either think like this or start getting really sad about something out of my control.
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alicenineshou · 6 months
H.I.M - The sacrament [Piano Cover]
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Okay so I'm not dead, probably, and I have loads of art to upload. I also got a new sketchbook which is neat except it's currently MIA which sucks for me ig
Anyways heres a snippet from sacrament today
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evilgodfuckers · 4 months
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SODOMY between the sexes no matter what your gender is unbelievably hot and if you are Dedicated to SATAN then you NEED to try it to find out just how Inconceivably overwhelming to your Senses it can be. So get out there and practice Sodomy. It is a Satanic Sacrament and it will please SATAN if you practice it. HAIL SATAN!!! FUCK Jesus!!!
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apollysabyss · 2 years
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If I had a nickel for every child protagonist whose family was Water Cursed, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's crazy it's happened twice right?
Drew my oc River as Raz Aquato from Psychonauts for Halloween!
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apenitentialprayer · 9 months
The goal is, through His humanity, His mysteries, His Church, His sacraments —and other things besides— we're actually conformed to Him; and in being conformed to Him, we are assimilated to God. Like, we're drawn into the divine life by interfacing with the means Our Lord appointed to precisely that end.
Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. (Stop Adding to the Rosary!)
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unbecoming-kiley · 2 years
“Love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling”
Oscar Wilde
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tonreihe · 2 months
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David Jones on Art as sacrament and the Eucharistic sacrifice as artwork. (From a 1962 letter.)
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lost-sunset-canine · 2 years
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Ultra-Angel-tober #31 : sacrament i had no clue hat to do here , even after googling it was pretty hard, in a coincidence i saw some pose similar to this and i got finally an idea to visualize teh sacrament as a form of baptism  , i still dont feel too confident in the meaning of sacrament , but i like how this turned out anyway qwq
participating in the Angeltober from @ultrainfinitepit​
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andimthedad · 4 months
All Theology
Luke: [age 18] "One of my classes got into a discussion about the sacraments." Beth: [age 15] "The sacraments?" Luke: "Yeah, like communion, or baptism." Mom: "Or marriage." Luke: "Oh, I guess that's a big one." Mom: [to Beth] "A sacrament is a specific action or event that the church says has special spiritual value. Like taking communion to symbolize the sacrifice of Jesus. But different churches have different sacraments or think about them in different ways. The Catholics have a lot more sacraments than others." Beth: "OK. I know what those things are, I just didn't remember the word 'sacraments'." Me: "I still don't understand how Catholics think communion bread turns into the flesh of Jesus when you swallow it." Beth: "That's called something... trans something...." Me: "Transubstantiation." Beth: "I remember hearing about transubstantiation around the same time I first heard about genetic engineering. Somehow I got the picture in my head that God just manufactured more of Jesus." Luke: "That's one thing we talked about: If you added up all the flesh of Jesus that all the Catholics have eaten, how many bodies of Jesus is that?" Me: "Seems like a lot. According to Beth's theory, there are vats of genetically-grown Jesus somewhere. A big Jesus factory." Mom: "Years ago I had a conversation with a Catholic friend who believed in transubstantiation. They said it was different from my belief that the bread just symbolic, that it actually turns into the body of Jesus." Me: "Exactly at what point in the esophagus does it transform?" Mom: "Well, right. I asked when it changed, and they said it didn't. I said, so it's still bread when you digest it? No, they said, it's the body of Jesus. But it's still bread? Well, yes, physically it resembles bread but spiritually it's the body of Jesus. So how is that different from me believing it's symbolic? It just is, they said." Me: "So it's not literally flesh at any point?" Luke: "If it were, could vegetarian Catholics take communion?" Me: "It just feels like playing with words." Luke: "All theology feels like playing with words."
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