tojismain · 9 months
toji x sick!reader synopsis. you have a migraine and mama bear toji takes over (I love him)
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This was not an attractive position to be in. Not in any way you can think of. Face planted into the bed, body stiff and straight, Toji confused and worried. 
With work piling on your desk and people speaking to you in different tones of aggressive, work had been more than exhausting. You made it home at 5pm, Toji still caught up in whatever he was doing. A migraine caught up to you faster than you could change out of your clothes, and so, with your blouse unbuttoned and your shoes taken off, you opted for taking away your senses, and shoving your face into the mattress. 
Toji makes it home and is in the midst of loosening his collar as he walks into the bedroom, when his eyes are caught on your figure. Toji is not a stranger to you taking naps, he usually joins you. This time, something was clearly off. 
"Sweetheart? You asleep?", he asks as he turns on the lamp on your bedside table. Although your face is mostly covered, the light makes it through the gaps— making you want to cry as the headache worsens. In a sloth-like movement, you use your hands to cover your face even more, hence, inciting the worry he's now certainly feeling. 
He grimaces at your action and turns off the light, "headache?". Toji knows that the headaches you got every once in a while, were anything but desirable. He notices a slight movement of your head, which indicates a 'yes, toji, im currently dying, so please stop talking', which he's also familiar with. 
He takes a seat next to your place on the bed and asks you to roll over slightly, mindful of his gruff voice. You do as he says and his hand —which dwarves over your own— is then placed on the back of your neck. You can feel his stillness as he calculates what's an okay temperature.
You see, Toji's mean, unbelievably so, cruel intentions and an even crueler smile. Not with you. Never with you. It's different, the way he looks at you, the way his eyes soften after coming home, his guard down, and his head light. But even then, he's still learning, what's okay, what's not, when you need him and when you're capable. Right now though, you needed him, desperately. It was either him, or feeling like someone was actively banging metal in your head.
So he decides that the heat coming off of your neck was not normal. He learns, for you. His scarred hand moves over to your forehead as your eyes are screwed shut. As his hand moves to lift off, you decide that's not good enough, so you grab his hand and lower it back on your forehead. It was warm, and surprisingly helping with the migraine. 
"Baby, i'll be right back, okay?", he says worriedly. Unaware of why you're gripping his hand so gently against your skin.
You whimper shaking your head. "It hurts."
"Where does it hurt baby?", he seems relieved to hear you talk. 
You drag his hand to the right side of your head. "Here", you whisper, sighing as his hand relieves some of the ache.
He brushes his thumb delicately over the same place. 
"I'll get you some pain killers, it's definitely a migraine." 
You shake your head once more, "just a second", you promise as you keep holding his hand against your head. 
"Just a second", he vows with softening eyes. He uses his other hand to cup over your adjacent cheek, brushing your hair out of the way.
When Toji lets go, he leaves the room to grab painkillers, and unbeknownst to you, he also boils water for a heating pad, grabs a mug of steaming water— boiled with lemon and ginger, and he got a ton of water bottles. A ton. He would never admit that he definitely googled all of that.
When he's back, you're back to your position against your pillow, head sinked in, arms surrounding your face. 
He places the tray with everything on your bedside table. You turn your head and spot the contents, you squint at him.
"Are you going to drown me?".
Toji chuckles and shushes you, "you need to stay hydrated", is his response
"Mmm", you hum in reply. A sharp pain then shoots behind your eye making you screw your eyes shut and you let out another whimper. 
"Sweetheart?", Toji is careful not to touch you, knowing that now, it could make it worse. 
The pain fades for a second, and you open your eyes as you feel tears prick in their corners.
"Hey, why are you crying?", Toji's eyebrows furrow in concern. His sentence more of a demand than a question. A pout visible on the creases of his lips.
You don't answer him, only looking for ways to stop the headache, it was excruciating, more so than usual. But you knew it would go away, especially with him here. 
And so Toji uses his warm hands, warm tone, and light touch to lull you to sleep after taking the pills, knowing that it was the only way the painkillers were going to work best and how your migraine would go away. 
As you're sleeping, Toji sits next to you on guard. It was almost as if everything disappeared, and your frame was the only thing visible in his sight. If anyone asked him, he would probably say you had a halo over your hurting head. To Toji, his senses almost heightened when you were sleeping, he didn't want you hurt, ever. He needed you safe and he hated seeing you vulnerable. His hand hovers over your head, caressing whenever he knew he couldn't wake you. He grabs a warmed cloth and puts it on your forehead, careful not to press too much weight onto your head.
For a big person, he was small in his gestures— soft, and willing. 
An hour later, you feel a feather-like touch caressing your nose as you're waking up. Your eyes slowly blink open, looking up at Toji with a drowsy confused expression. He grins at your state, you look incredibly innocent this way. 
"Sleeping beauty is up."
You smile in response, letting your eyes blink a few times to shake off the sleepiness. You then notice Toji's hand hovering over your face with...a makeup wipe?
"What're you doing?", you ask and his smile widens at your groggy voice.
"You fell asleep with your makeup on", is his only explanation.
You could possibly combust right now. 
"Close your eyes."
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snax-writes · 9 months
hehehehehehehehe im here to drown you in harvey requests (expect more)
ok this thought has just been in my head for ages, but what if harvey had a nickname for the reader that she couldn’t figure out where he got it from and it pisses her off when he uses it (note, she’s pissed cause she likes it and can’t hide her blush everytime he says it) and someone else tries to use that nickname w her? and harvey gets mad mad and finally explains that he’s the only one who can call her that
thank you so much :0
[hey, sorry it took so long! thank you so much for your request! it's not exactly like you described but i hope you like it anyway!]
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Sunny - h. specter
summary: harvey has a nickname for you that for some reason no one else is allowed to use.
warnings: listen to easy by cro; slight possessiveness
word count: 391
You and Harvey were in the library looking for a precedent for a shared case, when Mike came in with a file in hand. „Sunny, I need advice on this case.”
“Uh-uh, you don’t call her Sunny.” Harvey interrupted before you could ask about Mike’s case.
You could see Harvey’s eyes glinting with something very close to anger. You noted that the case you two have been working on was a hard one, which was taxing on both of you, but a reaction like that over a nickname…
“Excuse me, Ma’am.” Mike turned to you as you stood up, handing you the file with an amused expression on his face.
You just shrugged your shoulders, studying the given information. “What’s your plan right now?”
“Slam the objection to the subpoena?”
“What’s your Plan B?”
“I’m working on finding more witnesses. The more people, the more I have a chance to a settlement.”
“That works. What do you need my help for?” You grinned proud of the younger associate.
“Okay.” Mike took a deep breath. “Thank you.”
He left the room as you turned back to Harvey, crossing your arms and raising your eyebrow. “What was that?”
“What was what, Sunny?” Harvey countered as he pretended to be engrossed in his work while against your will a subtle blush settled on your cheeks. Damn.
“You don’t call her Sunny.” You imitated Harvey.
“I don’t sound like that at all.”
“No, you sound like some Neanderthal protecting his food.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“You could make it up by finally explaining the nickname to me.” You sat on the desk.
“That’s not fair.”
“I seldom am.” You shrugged.
“That’s untrue.” He countered.
You hadn’t forgotten your request. “Harvey, don’t distract.”
And to your surprise he started singing quietly: “Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain. Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain. The dark days are gone and the bright days are here. My sunny one shines so sincere.” He hesitated before continuing, “Sunny, one so true, I love you.”
Your hand found his bigger, warm one. “You’re cheesy.” You grinned.
“Maybe.” A soft smile appeared his lips.
“I fell for you a long time ago. You could have said something a lot sooner.” You stated and he kissed the back of your hand, letting out a relieved chuckle.
© snax-writes, 2023
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think, send a request!
if i missed a content warning, please tell me and i'll add it!
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lotties-ashwagandha · 29 days
when the world becomes small
shauna sadecki x reader, word count 2k
amid the chaos of moving into your new house, you start to develop a relationship with one of your new neighbors. AU where shauna and jeff are divorced. (sfw) im in a writing slump help
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You’re shocked that the entire world hasn’t drowned by the time the rain stops. It’s been storming for days, and any relief from it you’ve received has been too brief to call a break. Moving in has been hell without any help – your memories of dragging new furniture into the house through the rain and praying nothing would ruin are less than fond. You have already discovered a leak in the basement, too, where no number of towels or buckets can save you from the annoyance of mild flooding. 
It’s the first day the sun’s come out that you truly feel welcome in your new home. Halls once gloomy and dark in the stormy shadows now glow in golden afternoon sunlight, and as you put on your boots and step into the garden, you begin to understand again why you’d chosen to buy this house to begin with. The peace here is incredible. 
You’re in need of a fresh start – moving to New Jersey seemed once to be the answer. You’ve gotten a new job with colleagues you don’t loathe, and you feel finally free from the setbacks of your old life. 
The neighborhood you moved into proves to be just as keen on keeping their privacy as you are. Hardly anyone has introduced themselves in the week you have lived in your new house so far, hospitality far from free-flowing in comparison to that of the small town you grew up in. There was one girl who introduced herself, a teenager you know had been ordered by her mother to welcome you on behalf of the family, but she was more interested in leaving than she had been to welcome you to the neighborhood. Her welcome didn’t count. 
You are content with the solitude, anyway. The sun is out, and you are in the yard planning space for your garden. Your new place has room enough for one as big as you’d like. You make a mental note of everything you want to plant. 
From the corner of your eye you spot movement in the shrubs along the split-rail garden fence. Overgrown plants from the last owners of the house decorate the backyard and make it a prime habitat for rabbits this time of year. Though you will have to cut some of it down later to fix your yard out of becoming a jungle, it brings you joy to watch rabbits scurry under your fence to come get food or take it home. 
You sit down on the steps of the back porch. You watch as they run and jump and hide, letting the sun soak into you as you watch the rabbits as entertainment. Planning the garden could wait. 
“It's the worst this time of year,” someone says from nearby, and you almost jump out of your skin. You look over the garden fence — it only reaches your hips in height — to see a woman standing at the edge of it near an already-planted garden of her own. “The rabbits,” the woman clarifies, noticing your confusion and the scattering of your thoughts in her sudden presence. “As soon as the snow melts, an army of them comes in. They’re hell for my tomatoes.” 
You gather your wits, standing from the porch and making your way to the edge of the fence to meet her. The woman watches you carefully, analyzing you in a way that makes you wonder how much she can tell of you from first impressions. Her dark eyes are scrutinizing. 
“Shauna,” she introduces herself, and extends her hand over the garden fence for you to shake. You introduce yourself as well, and she nods with a knowing expression. 
“Callie,” you say, “she’s your daughter, isn’t she? She came over the other day to welcome me to the neighborhood.”
Shauna sighs, and you can tell she’s resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “I should have done it myself. I made her do it. I doubt she was pleasant company.” 
“No, I loved having her over,” you lie. The girl had been rude to you, exceedingly, but you can’t find it in you to insult the woman before you through insulting her daughter. Even so, Shauna seems slightly surprised by your lie that Callie was good company. 
Shauna’s head turns at the rustling of shrubbery at the far edge of the fence — a rabbit emerges, and settles in the middle of your yard. Something you’re unable to place crosses into her expression, something dark that disappears in the afternoon sun just as soon as you’ve noticed it. Shauna turns her attention back to you. 
“I can take care of the rabbit problem for you.” 
You shake your head. You wonder why she’s so invested in the rabbits, but you don’t want to ask. “I don’t mind them. They bring life to the place.” 
“So do you,” Shauna says. “No one’s lived here for years. To have someone like you move in… it’s in good hands.” 
You aren’t sure what to respond. You weren’t expecting any compliments from her, and to receive them makes you nervous. She’s beautiful, and already you feel the depth of her intelligence, her intuition. There’s power in her gaze as it rests upon you. 
“You should come over for dinner some night,” she says suddenly. She looks kind again, amicable. “Callie usually goes to her dad’s on the weekends. Do you have any plans on Sunday?” 
You don’t, and you tell her so — her relief is obvious, and quickly the two of you make plans to meet Sunday night. When you head back into your house, your interaction with her plays back in your mind on repeat. You’re a bit in shock of it, how quickly you’ve just made plans with the woman who lives next door. You try to imagine it all playing out on Sunday – you try to imagine other compliments she could give you and how it would feel when she gave them. You picture the delight in her eyes at seeing you when you arrive.  
Sunday goes better than you ever could have planned – the two of you talk for hours, sharing a bottle of wine between you and having dinner. You relish in Shauna’s presence, and find comfort in her words and in every bit of attention she spares you. She knows more about you than most at the end of the night, and you know next to nothing about her. You can see the care with which she selects what to reveal to you about her life, and don’t pry for more than she’s willing to give. 
It becomes a regular occasion. Every Sunday you go next door to Shauna’s house in the afternoon and the two of you sit on her patio and talk – words flow like rivers between you, endless and sustaining you. You do most of the talking, and you can tell she prefers to keep it that way, but every once in a while you get stories out of her about raising Callie or how much of a waste of time her ex-husband was or her daydreams of the places she wishes she could go and the things she wishes she could have time to do. Sometimes she comes over during weekdays, just for a moment to drop off plants she’s bought for your garden that you’ve talked about getting or to find an escape from the tribulations of her own home. 
Spring morphs into summer within a few weeks. Your gardens are flourishing, you help each other with work in them. You abide by every suggestion of Shauna’s of what you should and shouldn’t plant, and how to sustain them as she sustains you. You’ve become enchanted by her, living through each week through the promise of Sundays when you’re guaranteed her time. Your thoughts are of her during every moment you’re without her. 
The heat of summer is interrupted when the rain comes back, and this time it’s welcomed. You’re confined to her sunroom instead of the outside bliss of the porch. Shauna’s in the kitchen, pouring the two of you drinks while you watch the rain fall. You feel suspended in time – everything stops in the rain, the world shrinks to the two of you as the horizon becomes a blur and you’re the only ones left in focus. 
Shauna comes back with drinks. Whiskey this time, not wine. ‘It goes better with the rain,’ she tells you, and you take the glass she offers. The taste of it is expensive, burns on your tongue pleasantly. 
Shauna doesn’t sit down by you in the sunroom, but goes to examine some of the plants she has shelved on wooden stands. There’s an abundance of them, you’re a bit jealous of her collection. 
“Callie’s going off to college in a few weeks,” Shauna says suddenly. You look over to her but her eyes are fixed out the window. She’s enchanted by the intimacy of the rain just as you are. “You could come over more often. Any time you want, really, once she’s gone. I don’t know if you’d like that.” 
She glances at you for a moment before turning her eyes back to the rain – checking to see if you would oblige her desire, or if it offended you, as if you would suddenly change your mind on the entire idea of her and run out screaming and throwing things like a psychopath. 
“I would like that,” you agree, suppressing a smile when relief visibly floods over her. It prompts you to add to her request, devise your own way of inviting her into your company more. “I saw an advertisement the other day for a farmer’s market being hosted by this wellness center about an hour away. It’s a bit of a drive, but apparently it’s a really big deal, it’s hosted every summer. I was thinking we could go together this Friday.” 
Shauna nods. You recognize the contentment that comes over her. “You have to drive,” she commands. A way of adding order to the suspected chaos of joy, to stand in front of it and guard it with her words. 
You nod, silent agreement to her terms. The two of you are immersed in peaceful silence for a few minutes – it’s not uncommon between you, just to sit in one another’s company, intimacy in the known safety of being taken into your own thoughts. 
“I hate the rain,” Shauna admits quietly. She takes a sip of her drink. “It makes the world feel small.” 
You stand, coming to her side to look out the window with her. You hear thunder in the distance amid the gentle pattering of rain. 
“That’s what I love about it,” you tell her. Confusion spreads over her features that prompts you to explain. “When the world becomes small, it becomes ours.” 
You know how horribly sappy it sounds, how trivial and cliche, but you can’t stop yourself from admitting to it. Shauna’s expression lightens, and as her gaze rests upon you once more you see that your words have provided her with comfort. 
You reach for her hands, she lets you take them in your own. Yet one of her hands parts from yours, comes up to rest at your jaw, then the back of your neck, and you close the distance between you as she pulls you toward her, your lips finding hers. The kiss is soft, leaves you feeling drunk afterwards on much more than the few sips of whiskey you’ve had. The love that permeates her touch, the sweetness of the longing that fills her kiss as she pulls you in again has your head spinning. You’ve wanted this since you met her, have imagined it a thousand different times in a thousand different ways, but the reality is better than anything you could have dreamed up on your own. 
Shauna steps forward, turns to push you gently against the wall. The world becomes smaller – it doesn’t exist outside of her touch. For as long as it can last your reality is composed only of the love in her eyes, and the desire in her kiss, and the willingness with which she gives it all to you. You realize it is not the rain that makes the world feel small, it is her – that in every moment the great expanse of the horizon fades closer to nothingness, and the view you have of the woman before you is all you need as the promise of fortune. 
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camels-pen · 5 months
For the prompt thing:
How about Sanji or Zoro being jealous of how much time the other spends with Usopp.
Zoro/Sanji being impressed by how skilled Usopp is because he saves him/them in battle or something.
(Your writing is really good btw)
thank you for the prompts 💚 and im glad you like my writing :D
There was a tremble in his arms. In his bones.
The beating of his heart drowned out everything else. Nothing but the odd bump babump bababump.
His body started to feel light. His head too.
His vision flickered a moment. Then two. Hearing was next, he thought, but he wasn’t sure.
Just as his breathing stuttered, his vision was filled with brown boots.
Someone was calling his name. Someone familiar.
He looked up.
“Zoro! Hey!” The familiar voice and distant sound of rapidly growing plants soothed his aches like a balm. “Answer me, you bastard!”
“‘ere,” he said, fighting against his fluttering eyelid. “‘m awake.”
“Good! You better stay awake until I get you to Chopper!” Usopp shouted, readying his slingshot with a quick glance backwards. Zoro went to nod, but nearly sent himself falling over.
At some point, he’d ended up on his knees, swords on the ground next to him in a loose grip. He didn’t remember that happening. Regardless, he wouldn’t leave Usopp to fight alone no matter how much blood he’d lost. He started to tighten his grip, to pick himself up, but paused when Usopp spoke again.
“Don’t, you idiot! Let me handle them!” 
He looked up again. “Not leaving you to—”
“Give me a break,” Usopp said with a laugh, letting another shot fly. Moments later, a line of bamboo shot up out of the ground followed by pained screams. He turned and jabbed a thumb in his chest. “These guys are hardly a challenge for the Great Usopp!”
“Not them…” Zoro trailed off. He gritted his teeth, the pain forcing him to stay conscious. “Big fish,” he said quickly, quietly.
Usopp squatted in front of him. He lightly patted Zoro’s arms and chest, not enough to really do an injury check, rather just brushing over the larger and more visible wounds all across his front. Usopp’s gaze stayed on Zoro’s. “I know,” he whispered. “I can feel them too.”
“Feel—?” Zoro’s eyes widened. “Usopp, when did—?”
“Later, okay?” Usopp gave him a soft grin. “For now, just let me handle this.”
And what was Zoro to say to that, except, “She turns into a bloodsucking gnat.” 
“Mosquito, I’m a mosquito!” shouted the gnat woman, her voice echoing across the clearing. “And quit flirting, it’s annoying!”
This was the moment where Usopp’s knees would start to shake, or his entire body would tremble, or he would start muttering about how he didn’t want to die from a gnat woman. 
Instead, Usopp simply held his gaze and cupped his cheeks. Zoro hardly noticed the blood on his palms, through the warmth seeping into his skin. “I’ll take you to Chopper soon, don’t pass out until then.”
There was a kiss on his forehead. Then another to his bleeding temple. A third, above his left eyebrow, at the tip of his scar. Zoro’s brows furrowed. “‘Sopp?”
Usopp shushed him lightly and continued, slow and unhurried. He pressed a kiss between Zoro’s brows and Zoro couldn’t help it. His face smoothed out and he started to relax under Usopp’s attention. “Thought… wanted me to… awake?” he said, his aim for an irritated grumble completely missed and came out more like a contented sigh. 
Still, Usopp stayed silent. Zoro’s eyelid was fluttering again, but he could recognize the determination in his eyes.
“That’s it!” the gnat woman shouted. “You’re dead!”
There was a high pitched zipping sound and Zoro stiffened. “She’s com—”
In one swift movement, Usopp turned and fired. The gnat woman made some kind of choked noise and Zoro heard a series of small thuds before she skidded close enough for him to see. There was a trickle of blood running down her face and a rather large indent in her temple. One of Usopp’s Lead Stars was rolling around, not far away.
Zoro’s eye widened. He knew Usopp was good—he never doubted his ability in sniping—but that was… wow. The woman was about the size of a Tontatta, yet Usopp knocked her out of her high speed attack like it was nothing. And with a single shot, no less.
Although, he shouldn't be surprised. He huffed in place of a laugh. What was that line Usopp used to say?
“Even a mouse’s eye,” Zoro said, sheathing his swords. “You’re amazing… you know that?”
Usopp sputtered, turning back to Zoro. “I’ll take the compliment, but please don’t bring up Sogeking. I’m strong enough to not need him anymore!” he said, practically whining. 
“You are,” Zoro said, the words easy and immediate. “Strong enough to show off, even.”
“Ah, that was—” Usopp scratched his cheek, looking away.“I-I needed to draw her out, and I thought it’d be fitting, y’know? After seeing the way she was hurting you with her tricks.” 
Liar, Zoro thought fondly. Aloud, he said, “We should kiss.”
Usopp laughed, his face splitting into a brilliant smile. “Sorry Zoro, you know the rules. Make outs are for after medical treatment.” 
Zoro grumbled. Chopper wasn’t even here and Zoro wasn’t about to kick it. “You shouldn’t listen to him as much.”
“You should listen to him more.”
Usopp hoisted Zoro into his arms with ease, one hand under his knees and one around his shoulders. Zoro rested his head against Usopp’s chest with a sigh. “S’rry,” he mumbled, the fight against unconsciousness growing harder with each step his boyfriend took. 
“Apology not accepted.” Usopp leaned down to leave a peck on his nose. “I’ll come to your rescue anytime, just like I know you’ll come to mine.”
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
10ish seconds into the new tntl and already a cute encouraging look between our sillies
I'm so fucking unbelievably happy that the Drought™ has officially dried out! (I suppose Drowned out?)
I don't feel incorrect in saying that in this video, Damien and Angela are the most comfortable I've EVER seen them with each other!
Usually, they get a little stiff around each other. (both of them having issues with people liking/understanding them, so that tracks) but in this last batch of videos they've been really in-line and comfy!
Because they have been so 'in-line' with each other recently (I've noticed it since the Fortnite Monopoly 9 days ago) I caught myself thinking if anything happened recently where they would have bonded more? did they go to something or do something recently that they would have became closer friends??
So it had me thinking about the fact they do shoot weeks, (I believe someone at Smosh said they've been doing them around the beginning of the month, give or take) and Damien's hair looks noticeably different (lil more purple-shampoo-ie) since the Fortnite video. So I believe we've entered early March's batch of videos. (this is all in theory, time wise)
And so, what was happening in beginning of March, that they both would have been at? .....
The fucking Mythical Cookbook release party.
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So it lines up with the assumed shooting schedule, and they definitely talked at it, so how wrong am I in saying that they got to chat and understand each other better since?
(INSANITY (and absolute big braining) OVER)
Regardless if I am right with my theories, these two have definitely gotten closer, and that's so awesome! I'm so happy and excited with what the future holds!
Imo these two are the best when they can freely make jokes to the people they trust, so having another pseudo 'Shayne' and 'Amanda' in each other is going to be great content in the future! (and more fun (for me) because they pick on each other more viciously) (I can't help but love them<3)
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theetherealbloom · 1 year
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Chapter Eight: Darkness Exists To Make Light Truly Count
Summary: The Reader is dragged into the Last of Us universe and has no choice but to watch the events unfold or will she be able to change what was already written?
Paring: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Age-gap Romance, Violence, ANGST, LOTS OF ANGST IM SORRY AGAIN, Swearing, Suicide, FLUFF, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Suggestive content, the pandemic, character death, INFECTED, MY SCIENCE IS WONKY, probable plot holes, rusty writing, TLOU is dark please read at your own risk!
Word Count: 9.6k
A/N: Did I drag myself through hell and back writing this last chapter? YEP. Was I anxious writing this meaning that this would be the end of this series? YEAH. Did life get in the way and forcibly had to make me catch up with my schoolwork? UNFORTUNATELY YEP PLS– 
Song: Someone To Stay by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Previous Chapter -> Epilogue | Series Masterlist
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The bitterness of winter as time month moves on, you are greeted with the sweetness of spring. When did your life become a series of countdowns? Was it all just a grain of sand in an hourglass? One moment you were stumbling through the snow, away from Silver Lake. Next, you’re on the outskirts of Salt Lake City, Utah. Roughly 3,534 miles and you’re counting down the hours of today, vaguely knowing about what happens in Saint Mary's Hospital, the operation on Ellie, and the death of a surgeon triggering a chain reaction to stir violence with the former fireflies to kill Joel.
Each step into the city meant the possibility of losing them both to the future you seem to believe is set in stone, their stories already written and their fates chosen long before you had even stepped foot in the reality you couldn’t have possibly imagined existing. So you are standing and listening to him in that glistening emptiness, scavenging the remaining vehicles that contained any items to use. You hear your childhood sympathies banging against each other in a giant communal eardrum circle, trying to drown out melodies you can’t help but hum to. It feels like a part of your past follows you everywhere you go, a ghost you can’t shake, someone familiar but every time it places its hand in your hand, neither one of you could feel it.
Your weight is resting on the counter of the dilapidated kitchenette in an old RV, Joel tries to call your name, but you are now too deep into the thought that you don’t hear his rich and rough voice telling you about the broken guitar he found. Every part of you is somewhere else, a distant and dazed look in your eyes as you feel your vision blur. Joel approaches you cautiously, not wanting to startle you as he gently places his large palm on the side of your arm, rubbing it gently as he spoke softly, “Birdie… what’s wrong?” You blink up at him, your expression weepy and choked up, “Joel… there’s something you need to know.” He’s quick to ask, “What is it? What’s wrong, Darlin’?”
You feel your body melt at the nickname, but you gently place your hand on his, squeezing it as you said, “Joel… I know how all of this ends. I know how you die.” You watch as his shoulders rise, his breathing becomes still, and his expression was mixed with realization, curiosity, and despair. He swallows as he asks, “How… I thought you didn’t know everythin’?” You nodded, “Yes, I swear to you, there were parts I didn’t know or couldn’t remember. Everything except how all of this ends.” He frowns and grimaces, but never lets go of your hand, gruffly he says, “Tell me.” You move a little closer to his warmth, wanting to be close to him as you spoke, “Everything that will happen at Saint Mary's… the decisions and choices you make in the next few hours will be the cause of your death in the next few years or so. The Doctor you kill and um… You and Ellie… I don’t know if there’s a chance of a happy ending in this world or any way out of this besides going back to Jackson and convincing Ellie that she doesn’t have to go through with this or… fighting our way through the upcoming obstacles in our way.”
Joel shifts his weight from one leg to the other, bringing his eyes to yours, and at that moment you knew, the heat that radiates in his stare as he looks at you, every inch of skin comes alive as he drags his hand along your arm to your waist, sliding it and carefully securing you closer to him. Now, you are inches away from your lips to his, his nose touching the tip of your own with your foreheads pressed together, you breathe him in, close your eyes, and sigh in comfort. He cradles the side of your face and you lean into him, he gently asks, “What would you like me to do, Sweetheart?” You place your hand on top of his, leaving a soft kiss on his wrist and then replying, “I need you to stay alive. Ellie needs you… I need you to be here with us. Next, when the opportunity presents itself, please, I beg you, spare the surgeon.” He whispers his inquiry, “Why?” You sniff and feel your eyes well up, “Because his daughter will be the reason for your death. Look, I don’t care who else you decide to kill, just if you can… leave him alive.” 
He holds you closer as he shakily asks, “Why are you tellin’ me this now, Hon’?” You lick your lips nervously, placing your head on his shoulder as he fully embraces your figure, slowly speaking, “I… I’m scared, Joel. I’m honestly terrified of what’s going to happen next. I don’t want to lose you… I can’t lose you.” You shudder at the thought, the mere idea of it brings you to clutch him tighter, and he cradles your figure closer as he soothes you, “You won’t lose me. I’m persistent, remember?” You weakly laugh at that, and he wipes away the tears from your cheeks while saying, “Let’s go show Ellie what we found.” You open your mouth to speak but he has already read your mind, “We’ll figure it out and cross that bridge when we get there. Okay, Birdie?” He has changed all of your circuitry, the red and gold, writing all over your being. How he looks at you, his eyes say everything without a single word. You nod and whisper, “Okay.” He presses his lips to yours with passion and promises, “I’ll keep us safe, I swear.”
You step out and leave the abandoned RV, grabbing an old board game, and canned food. Joel yells out, “Ellie! Ellie.” Still, no response from the teenager sitting at the back of an old blue truck, and her mind seems to be somewhere else. “Ellie!” Joel yells a bit louder, which causes her to turn around to look at him, preoccupied, remote, distracted perhaps by the magnitude of what their arrival in Salt Lake City could mean.
“D’ya hear me?”Joel asks through the loud wind blowing through everyone’s hair, Ellie shakes her head, “No. What?” Ellie asks, and Joel excitedly shows Ellie that he found a can, “Well, we found this in there. Beefaroni. Chef Boyardee.” Calling back to their campfire meal, to which Ellie tries to sound enthusiastic, but ending up sounding flat, “Oh, cool.” Joel approaches Ellie, shaking the old cardboard box game, “And have you ever played this? Boggle? It’s a word game.” She politely and quietly shakes her head, seemingly uninterested but still trying to please Joel, she hands him back the box and he says, “Well if you wanna beat me at somethin’, it would be this.”
Ellie manages to nod her head, and you frown at her lackadaisical nature, noting that this isn’t like her at all. You walk to Joel’s side as he calmly spoke again, “Well, all right then. We’re gettin’ close. Hospital that way. May be the one we’re lookin’ for.” Ellie pushes herself off the back of the truck, the sound of dirt crunching beneath her boots as she replied, “Got it.” She grabs her pack while Joel shoves the canned food and board game into his backpack. Ellie approaches you both and Joel rolls his shoulder, showing her the rifle, “Take this for me?” Ellie grabs so he can throw the strap of the backpack across his shoulder, “Thanks.” He grabs the rifle once more, carrying it while Ellie nods in acknowledgment.
As the three of you walked along the ruined highway, Joel begins to talk, “They had a guitar in that RV. It was all smashed up but got me thinkin’ maybe I should find one. I haven’t played in forever. In fact, I was thinkin’ maybe I could teach you. I bet you’d be great at it.” Ellie merely hums and Joel asks her with a sort of hopeful tone, “Do you wanna learn how to play guitar?” There is no response from Ellie, your eyes shift from her to Joel, and you see him frown in concern, “Ellie?” She looks up, blinking at him as she hums in response, “Oh, yeah. That’d be great.”
Surprisingly, the entire walk into the city was quiet, there was no chatter from Ellie or Joel, no melody leaving your lips as you pass by abandoned cars. After what seemed like thirty minutes, Joel finally broke the silence once more, “Okay, so this is what I’m thinkin’...” Ellie already knew what he was talking about, “Cut through that building to get around that stuff, find the skyscraper, go up and look around.” You look at her impressed, while Joel says, “Actually, this time I was thinkin’ we blast our way through that rubble. I found some dynamite in that RV back there.” This catches Ellie off guard, “Really?” While you give him a suspicious look, “The fuck has gotten into you?”
Joel confirms he was joking around as he replied to you both, “No, so we’re gonna cut through that building, find a skyscraper, go up, and look around. But I had you both goin’, didn’t I?” You playfully rolled your eyes while Ellie nods once more. The group decides to cut through the building on the way to the hospital, and decide to climb an abandoned skyscraper to get a better vantage point and lay off the land. The red tarpaulins hanging over the scaffolding, “Look at this place,” Joel says as you all take a good look around your environment, “Talk about bad luck. Military drops bombs, not one of them hits the building you’re trying to demolish.” You peek through the rubble to see the sunlight streaming through, Joel cranes his neck to look up, “No way up.”
He approaches the fence gate inside the construction, the steel rattling loudly as he does, and walks through with you and Ellie trailing behind him. Joel spots a ladder peaking from above as you stand next to him, “I get Ellie up there, you can drop down that ladder down, maybe we go through that way. Come one I’ll give you a boost.” You both turn to look for her to find her looking through abandoned blueprints, you watch as Joel is more attentive to her as he asks, “You okay?” Ellie brings her head up to look at him, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Joel doesn’t buy it, “It’s just you seem extra quiet today, so.” Ellie feels the guilt bubble in her, “Oh… I’m sorry.” While you and Joel shake your heads, “No, it’s fine. Did you hear what I…” Ellie is quick to nod, “Yeah, boost. Got it.”
Joel steps on top of the wooden scaffolding, and Ellie grabs his outstretched hand, readying his stance while saying, “One, two, up.” You watch as Ellie pushes her body weight up while Joel asks, “Ya got it?” Ellie responds, “Yeah. Okay.” She’s just about to put down the ladder, however, the usually attentive Ellie is caught off guard by something and instead ends up just dropping the ladder and running off to look at something. Joel barked out, “God dammit, Ellie! Shit.” You also call for her, but there is no indication she hears you. You and Joel lift the ladder while he yells out to the teen, “You stay there!” To which Ellie yells back, “You gotta see this!” You climb the ladder first while Joel follows behind you, your voice echoes as you spoke, “Ellie? Where are you?”
“Up here!” Ellie says while you and Joel pursue her, perhaps worried at first that she’s in danger. Grumbling, Joel says her name but Ellie is quick to run, “Come on!” You and Joel wonder what the fuss is about, he calls her again, trying to get her to stop running so damn fast, “Ellie.” Again, she doesn’t relent, pushing faster to chase whatever caught her attention. Joel is breathing heavily as he mumbles, “Just wait. God damn it.”
After another flight of stairs, you pass by a ruined wall, as you sidestepped it, what you both find is Ellie, standing awestruck by the sight of a giraffe, peacefully munching on some leaves growing on the building. The feeling of enchantment rushes through your body, the familiarity of the scene that you had a glimpse of during your time back in your other universe. How important this meant to both of them.
Joel quietly approaches and stands next to Ellie, while you are to the left of her. Though time is ruthless, it showed you kindness despite the effects the Infected have wrought on the hope and innocence of the world in the end. But showing and by slowing down enough, a second chance to make amends. Ellie pointedly looks at Joel, “Don’t scare it.” To he replies, “I won’t.” He sets down his rifle, draws his weapons, and gives himself and Ellie a welcome reprieve from the darkness so that the balance may be restored. When the world welcomes you in, you’re closer to Heaven than you’ll ever know. They say this place has changed, but strip away all of the technology and you will see that you all are hunters, hunting for something that will make us okay.
Joel grabs a couple of leaves from the side of the tree and Ellie’s voice is in alarm as she asks, “What are you doing?” He reassures her, “It’s all right. Come here, hurry up. Come on.” Ellie walks towards him, a little closer to the giraffe, while you stand there nervously rubbing your arm. Joel spots your discomfort but quickly reassures you, “You too Hummin’ bird.” You exhaled deeply, trusting Joel and walking closer to the giraffe.
He passes leaves to you both, and there is a form of uncertainty between you and the giraffe, but eventually, you stretch out your hand and the giraffe approaches you, grazing on the leaves you have presented to the creature. When you were out of leaves, it then went to Ellie, happily munching on the leaves she had with her. There is something so precious about Ellie’s laugh. The whole is so much greater than the sum of these parts. You've heard the truth before, for in beauty there echoes a speck of our source. There's a voice inside your soul, that resonates through your skin and bone. Crooked mouth, quiet down, you let your fists come undone. The understanding that miscarried love will be reborn. There is hope in our eyes when we truly see each other.
Joel smiles lovingly at her joy, the honoring of every shadow, and gratitude for all that follows. Overwhelmed, wave after wave, you are more afraid to lose what you have found, even after all this evolving, it still feels unnatural, still pulls tight the muscles, and strains the arms and spine. Ellie’s laughs are melodious as she states, “So fucking cool.” There are no more leaves left for the giraffe to munch on, seemingly done, she begins to trot away. Ellie whines, “Aw, where is she going?” She begins to race after her, yelling out to her two guardians, “Come on, come on, come on, come on!”
As Joel was about to turn and call after her, you grab his wrist, causing him to look at you with concern, “What is it, Hon’?” Your heart melts at the nickname, you give him a soft smile as you took in a breath before speaking your heart out, “I have to tell you something.” He frowns in concern, “Now? Ellie might–” You cut him off while nodding, “Yes, now.” Joel leans a little closer, “What is it? Tell me what’s wrong.” You weakly laugh at his statement, knowing him too well to know that whatever is wrong he’d immediately want to fix it for you because that’s how he cares. 
A beat passes between you two, the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, the huffs of the giraffes from outside, and even a few birds chirping, seemed like everything was right where it should be. Joel opens his mouth, and at first, no sound comes out, but he gathers his courage and says, “Not that I wouldn’t say it first, ‘cause I would.” You smile at him knowing what he was implying, and you shake your head, “It’s no big deal,” You try to finish your statement but he cuts you off, his southern accent is more prominent as his voice goes lower, “I’ll tell you soon.” You hold the side of his face, as he looks at you while holding his breath ‘cause you both could, in a voice so soft and sweet, you say, “Until then, I love you.”
The darkness that hangs over him at first tries to reject it as his lips parts in astonishment and bewilderment. He would drag you through the muck while telling you that you belonged to a cleaner lifestyle. He thinks you'd be crushed underfoot by him, that you'd be able to see right through him, that he's just spewing hot air, that you'd be always racing after him as he chases after more svelte models, and that it would be a never-ending cycle. His mouth quivers and his beautiful southern accent is accentuated as he asks, “Are you sure? After everything I’ve done? After all the people I’ve killed?” 
You held your breath while you thought about it for a long, quiet moment. “I am willing to fit into any spaces you give me since I am aware of your sharp edges and have seen your beautiful curves. Bring on the muck if loving you takes becoming filthy,” you said. “And right now, I’m pretty in love with you, if that’s okay.”
He leans it to place his lips to yours, kissing you with such fiery passion you had only ever dreamed or seen in moves and read about in romance novels. His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. Your bodies pressed together heatedly, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. You could taste your shared breath, and feel the thud of your combined heartbeats. And just like that, he did not crave the language he always thought he needed. The warmth and softness of his lips, the taste and scent of his breath, and the subtle movements of both of your tongues. But even though he couldn't say it out loud, it was undeniable that both of their love for each other was palpable. It was in the way you laughed together, the way you touched each other's hands, and the way you looked at each other. Pulling away, to cup your face, and just like that a hand reached backward into a faraway dream and said, “Come on then, we better catch up to Ellie.”
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Moving to the rooftop of the building, Joel pulls the door open and you see Ellie happily observing the herd of giraffes. The rusty door squeaks as it shuts behind you, looking over the towers of giraffes walking around the greenery that has taken over the ruined city. You walk over to Ellie’s side, making her the center between you and Joel. The weight of family and the pull of gravity. It seems like growing up didn't take long, you were a family pulled from the flood, you tore the floorboards up and let the river rush in, not wash away.
You recognize the parallel to the first time you stood on a rooftop with Ellie and Joel, looking over the view of a ruined city to find some absolute answer to a world that seemed so hopeless. Joel places his hands on the ledge of the rooftop, and he gruffly asks, “Is it everything ya hope for?” You look at Ellie, her lips forming a little smile, “It’s got its ups and downs, but you can’t deny that view.” It set your hearts ablaze, and every city was a gift, every skyline was like a kiss upon the lips. Joel looks at Ellie concerned mixed with uncertainty, “Look, I don’t know exactly where this hospital is…” The teen’s determination is unwavering as she swiftly said, “Yeah, we’ll find it.” 
He releases a shaky breath, he feels his parental nature returning, “Sure. It’s just… Maybe there’s nothin’ bad out there, but so far there’s always been somethin’ bad out there.” Ellie shrugs, “We’re still here, though.” Joel nods, “I know. I’m only saying there’s risk.” Ellie looks away but Joel shifts his weight to lean closer, insisting, feeling a presentiment of losing her, “We don’t have to do this. I want you to know that.” Ellie turns to look at him with furrowed brows and a frown, “What do you mean? What else are we supposed to do?” To which Joel responds, “Nothin’. We just go back to Tommy’s. We forget the whole damn thing.”
“After all we’ve been through? Everything I’ve done? It can’t be for nothing,” Ellie replies evenly. “I know you mean well. I know you want to protect me. You have. And when we’re done, we’ll go wherever you want. Tommy’s, sheep ranch, the moon. I’ll follow you anywhere you go. But there’s no halfway with this. We finish what we started.” She finishes giving her a touching speech with clear-eyed dignity. After a beat passes, Joel reluctantly nods in agreement. It becomes clearer now, if you listen just right, you can almost hear it. The symphony of secrecy, life, the search for love, but finding fear. We could hold our breath forever, or maybe for a while. The best will surely come, until then you’ll feel nothing at all.
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You three proceed to cut through an abandoned emergency medical center left over from the outbreak. You see the ruins of triage tents outside, and a brief moment of déjà vu creeps over you, remembering the makeshift facilities and tents from your universe during the outbreak. Some vines overgrow the poles of the tents, there are rotting medical supplies and vehicles. Taking it all in, Ellie wonders, “Was it a FEDRA thing?” Joel shakes his head, “No. Army. They put these places up all around, the first few days after the outbreak. Emergency medical camps. Obviously didn’t last. They had me in one just like this.” Ellie quickly assumes he had his daughter with him, “With Sarah?” 
You look at him concerned and afraid that he would begin to lash out in anger as a defense, but he doesn’t. Instead, he shakes his head in disagreement, “No, she was gone already. So what was wrong with you?” Joel points to his scar, “It was for this.” Ellie nods in realization, “The guy who shot and missed. I figured that would’ve happened later.” There’s a shift in his voice that you catch, “No.” He slows his pace to a stop, “Second day.” You stop to look at him but Ellie continues to talk, “I’ve gotta hand it to the Army people and Birdie. They are way better at stitchin’ you up than I was.” 
“It was me.” This causes Ellie to freeze and turn around to see the rise and fall of her chest falter. Your eyes begin to gloss over and sting and the thoughts seep into her head with a terrifying blankness. It was nauseating. Joel baldly confesses, “It was me,” he says. “I was the guy who shot and missed.” He then moves to sit atop a concrete barrier, while you and Ellie also move to sit beside him, “There’s no story. Sarah died. And I couldn’t see the point anymore. Simple as that. And I wasn’t scared, either. I was ready. I couldn’t have been more ready. When I… When I went to pull the trigger, I flinched. Still don’t know why.” The raw admission, of him opening up himself to you and Ellie shows how far you three have come. A great tremor took over your body, a tightening of your throat and a short intake of breath, you try and will yourself to not cry. “Anyway, the reason I’m telling you all this is…” Ellie cuts him off, “I know why you’re telling the both of us this.”
He nods, “Yeah, I reckon you do.” And you hold his hand to stop his thumb from fidgeting with his pointer finger, unsure if you were comforting him or yourself. To remind yourself he’s still here. After a moment of silence and uncomfortable realization, Ellie says, “So time heals all wounds, I guess.” Joel ponders for a moment, before deciding to openly admit how much he truly cares for Ellie and you, “It wasn’t time that did it.” He unwaveringly, and lovingly looks at Ellie and you, squeezing your hand as he does. For Joel, everything you’ve been through, all the pain and death, it’s worth it because he has a daughter again and now you. It brings everything together for Joel. He’s succeeded here. He cares less about Ellie’s potential for a cure and more about not losing a person he loves again. He, is once again, whole.
Ellie quietly lets go of the breath she was holding, “Well, I’m glad that… that didn’t work out.” Joel nods in agreement, “Me, too.” He wipes away the tears with his other hand and then moves to wipe away the tears that you didn’t even realize had streamed down your face. The teen awkwardly shifts to move off the concrete barrier you three were sitting on, “We should probably get going.” Joel automatically agrees, “Yeah.”
There's something about sadness that leaves you wanting more. A sickness that breathes… from holding on to letting go, like the feeling of change is almost like dying. You know from time to time that hope seems but a foreign land. A distance that you cannot reach and a language you cannot speak. In his words, the movement of his eyes, the expressions on his face, the rush of your walking. And through all the things you'll find out and will hold on tighter to the surface of life. Like a moth to the flame, we become helpless to the beautiful ghost that true love sheds.
You continue your journey to the hospital, Joel hasn’t let go of your hand as you walk side by side with Ellie, he then asks aloud, “You know what I’m in the mood for?” Ellie quizically wonders, “What?” Joel smiles as he responds, “Shitty puns.” She laughs and you smile at her delight, rummaging her pack to find her pun book, flipping through the pages she finds one and says, “‘People are making apocalypse jokes like there’s no tomorrow.’” Joel clicks his tongue, making a face in mock offense, Ellie smiles, “Too soon?” Joel shakes his head and smiles, “No, it’s topical.” Ellie lets out a giggle, “Oh, I love this one! ‘Moon rocks taste better than Earth rocks. Why?” The man next to you scratches his forehead before shrugging, then Ellie answer, “‘Cause they’re meteor.’” You smile in amusement while Joel shakes his head, “Oh, that’s terrible.” Ellie throws back, “Fuck you. That was actually good.” He disagrees entirely, “That’s a zero out of ten.” You laugh, “Oh, we’re giving grades now?” His southern accent is prominent as he replied, “Damn right darlin’.” Ellie laughs, “All right, all right. ‘What did the green grape say to the purple grape? Breathe, you idiot.’” Joel rates, “That’s a three outta ten.” But Ellie tries to bargain, “Seven, minimum.” He shakes his head but tries to meet her in the middle, “I’ll give it a five. Five outta ten.”
In the moments that you feel that you three are closer than ever before, the world drops out from under your feet. The sharp sound of metal from something behind you causes you three to turn your heads in alarm, spotting the stun grenade, Joel moves to shield you and Ellie, bringing you three crashing to the ground. There is smoke that hazes your vision, and the ringing in your ears is sharp and painful, the world around you is a blur. You make the muffled sounds of Ellie yelling for you and Joel, tall figures with firearms taking her and you away from him. There is always something there, to take your hearts like thieves, there is always something there. A painful strike to the head and it all goes white, to close your eyes, to end this chase while unraveling the most essential thread.
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You slowly blink your eyes open, you hear the steady beat of your own heart with the help of the monitor near the side of your bed, and you feel the plush pillow beneath your head, you feel the cotton of a hospital sticking onto your skin while you are trying to get an understanding of where you are. Next, the smell of familiar antiseptic and bleach fills your nostrils, you first spot that you’re hooked into an IV drip, moving your head to the door frame, you feel your eyes widen and they dart across the room to see Marlene. 
You can’t bring yourself to move, as you observe Marlene studying you, finally she says, “You’re finally awake.” You blink once, then again, before swallowing your fears, “Where’s Joel?” Marlene pushes herself off of the wall and uncrosses her arms, “He’s in another room, unconscious but fine. Patrol didn’t know who you were.” Your breathing hitches, “Okay, where’s Ellie?” Marlene replies steadily, as if practiced, “She’s fine. She’s not hurt, mostly worried about you two though.” You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, “You’re going to operate on her.” Marlene sighs, defeatedly she nods, “Yes.” You lick your lips as a nervous tick, “You also know that I’m also immune.” The leader of the rebellion nods again, and you close your eyes to shake your head, “She’s just a kid. She’s everything to Joel… to me. Don’t do the operation on her, take me instead.” Marlene shakes her head in disagreement, “I can’t do that.” You tilt your head to the side, “Why not?”
She heavily sighs, “Your immunity is different from hers.” You scoff, “The cordyceps that she had since birth, grow in her brain, sending a chemical messenger to tell other cordyceps that she is cordyceps. You’re going to have to kill her just to get that damn vaccine. So, just take the plasma from me, it might contain the antibodies that you need to fight the virus.” Marlene places both of her hands on her waist “I can’t let you do that.” Exhausted you frustratingly growl, “Why? This has been the center of debate for years. The fuckin’ goddamn Trolley Problem! Plow into a group of people or turn and hit one person. Forcing you to choose to let other people die, but the solution was so simple.” Marlene takes the bait and asks, “And what is the answer?”
“Sacrificing yourself. And right now, Marlene, I have that choice. Either to let you kill an innocent girl, someone who didn’t ask to be brought into this fractured world to save what little we have left, or save her and all of humanity… with me, someone who never should have been here in the first place.” Marlene hums, “Well, you’re right about one thing… you aren’t from here.” You look at her confused and someone familiar steps into your room, the dark hair, black eyes, his stature lanky and tall, you shakingly exhale, “Adam. How are you even… What?” Another Firefly soldier comes in to retrieve Marlene, whispering that Joel is waking up. She walks away with the Firefly soldier and leaves you and Adam to talk.
He clears his throat, “I’ve been looking for you, and it's been weeks since your apartment burned down with you going missing. Do you remember anything that happened before the fire?” You shake your head, “I remember going to sleep after watching… yeah.” He nods, “You had brought home your research without any of the lab researchers or staff knowing. Your apartment burned down along with the research. I thought it was a little weird since… they didn’t find your body or any indication of you being abducted so I did a little bit of snooping around your desk, found the flash drive of your existing equations and theories before they took it away for evidence, had a hunch you were successful with your research and that you were out there somewhere.”
You manage to let out a chuckle, “Thanks for looking for me… I thought no one would notice if I was gone. It’s nice to have a friend.” He gives an awkward smile, “Did you have to bring yourself into this specific universe?” You rolled your eyes with humor, “It wasn’t intentional, I swear.” He gives you a knowing look but doesn’t tease you any further. Your mind begins to linger on the question you had since you woke up, “Why won’t Marlene just operate on me? It would be the best solution to avoid the upcoming massacre.”
Adam frowns and sighs, “When I first came here to look for you, Marlene had found me and then recruited me to join the Fireflies, but I had told her I wasn’t fit to fight and that I’m a scientist looking for a lost friend in their universe. You could imagine her skepticism but she eventually believed me,” You have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as he continued, “After we made it to Salt Lake City, I had said that if things were to change, if you were to sacrifice yourself, to take Ellie’s place, it would completely cause the boundary between two universes to erode, and collide, destroying one or both entirely.” You look up at the ceiling, the fluorescent lights hanging from above, “Let me guess, our universe is next to this one.” Adam nods, “I’m sorry. I tested the simulation before I got here… There are certain points that you can change but most of it stays the same.”
“Do you know how this ends?” You asked, he raises his eyebrows, “Which part?” You think to yourself before speaking again, “All of it.” He nods then loudly exhales, “Yes. It ends… in a selfish choice. A lie. But you already knew that why do you need to ask?” Unwaveringly, you stare him down, your voice stern and steady as you say, “Because I’m going to make my selfish choice too.” 
It was quiet for a moment, the epiphany kicking in and settling between you and your friend. Adam shifts his weight on the other leg before reaching into his pocket, showing you a small rectangular device, “I managed to figure out the wiring and transmission issue, as well as the power issue with crystalized radium, and stabilized it with other elements. So, I managed to create a portable version of the machine you had. We can go home.”
That is what you were looking for all this time, right? A way back home. Now it’s right here in your grasp, just in reach but you feel no joy. No overwhelming sense of comfort or excitement. Nothing. You swallowed and shake your head, “No.” Adam is taken aback by your answer, “What? But you… your life back home.” You shake your head disagreeing, “That was never my home. You and I both know that. I was already researching a way out of that place, somewhere far away, and now… I’m here, free, and loved.” He shakes his head, “You can’t change what was already written.” You give him a sad smile, “The future is always changing. And I’ll make sure of it.” Adam insists, “And if you can’t?”
You leave all logic aside as you breathlessly say, “Then… At least they don’t have to go through any of the next steps alone.” Adam sighs and waves the device, “What do you want me to do with this.” You raise your eyebrows, “Go home, Adam. Ali needs you there, and as for my research… burn it. All of it, destroy everything.” He disagrees with you, “What?! That’s your life’s work?” You blankly stare into his eyes,  “We aren’t ready for this kind of this discovery just yet. The world is moving so fast over there, if we don’t slow down, we’ll crash and burn.” He tries again to convince you to come home, to go back to the simple life you had before, “But…” You cut him off, “Remember what you told me? All disasters start with a scientist being ignored.” Defeatedly he tilts his head down, then nods agreeing, “Okay.”
You glance out the glass window of your room, there are Fireflies running down the hall, and from a distance the sound of loud pops and gunshots can be heard echoing, followed by yelling and thumping footsteps of Firefly soldiers. You turn back to look at Adam, “Listen to me, you need to leave right now. Burn all of my research. I want everything wiped out from the Cloud and every hard drive to be destroyed, all of it. But seriously, you need to go. Joel figured out what the hell was going on and will kill anyone who gets in his way. I don’t think he’s himself right now… so please just go… and take care of yourself and Ali for me?” Adam achingly smiles with tears in his eyes, “Goodbye and good luck.” With a push of a couple of buttons, followed by a flash of bright light, your only chance, a way back to your original universe was gone.
The sound of people screaming and dying was getting closer, the unmistakable sound of gunshots fill your ears and you feel a sense of dread creep through your bones. It is never safe enough to fall in love in this world. How easy it is to give the thing you want the most and punish you for it. But you’re smart enough to know, you can’t escape the truth of what you want. Every move we make will trigger another, and every small mistake will be a messenger. Your lives are weaving like a thread within each other, faithfully sharing in our joys and miseries and all that the world can give.
A firefly soldier tries to take cover in your room, essentially holding you hostage. You stay frozen in your bed as you observe Joel as he stalks over with an eerie calm expression, easily aiming at him, spraying him with bullets to take him down, and you don’t move as you watch him flick the switchblade open, the silver glimmering in his hand, brutally stabbing the soldier, he screams in agony before his eyes roll back, dead. He picks up the assault rifle from the corpse before standing and making his way to your bedside, a sharp contrast to what you had just seen, he leans in to kiss your forehead, “Hey, Sweetheart. They were tryin’ to take you away from me. Sorry I didn’t come sooner.” You take in the grime on his face, blood, and dust, lovingly gaze into his eyes and wrap your arms around his waist, “It’s okay. I knew you’d come lookin’ for me.” He breathes you in, and for a moment, he can ground himself with you hugging him tightly, close to him, but a dose of reality kicks in when he hears footsteps of oncoming Fireflies, he says to you, “Can you walk?” You nod, “The drugs that they gave me might kick in soon, but for now, yes.” He nods and helps you up while saying, “Let’s go get our baby girl.”
You feel the cold tiles of the hospital floor, wincing now and then over the debris and rocks, you accidentally step on. Joel shoots his way through, cold-heartedly executing anyone who dares and tries and gets in the way of Ellie. You know deep down he’s disassociated, disconnected from himself and the world around him. There is no sign of remorse in his eyes, only clear-cut focus and calmness you can’t quite place.
Eventually, you make it to pediatrics with Joel holding a handgun instead of the assault rifle. A sign points to where the surgery room is, as you walk through the hallway, you notice the different cartoon jungle animals painted on the walls, spotting another giraffe, the gentle giant that represented a holy moment of peace with Ellie. You press forward, slightly limping with the wounds on your feet as you two make it to the end of the hallway and into the operating room.
Joel quietly pushes the door open, spotting Ellie on the table, ready to be cut open and dissected. He then pushes the second door open to stand by the door, and calmly he says, “Unhook her.” The nurses gasp and the lead surgeon steps forward, “How did you get in here?” Joel doesn’t care to reply to his question, pointing his gun at him, “I said unhook her.” Before you knew what you were doing you loudly spoke, “Dr. Anderson. Listen to me, I know what you’re about to do next, the moment you fuckin’ pick up that scalpel blade, he will shoot you with no hesitation. He’s not himself right now. So, for your own daughter’s sake… don’t fucking move and let the nurses unhook Ellie.” He freezes, not expecting what you had just said, he looks between you two and Ellie, “We need to do this. It could work, we could have a vaccine. A chance to win.”
You shake your head, “Vaccines only work if there’s the proper distribution. A collective effort to try and solve this problem together. You have no resources to distribute it, even if you did it would take years to form collective immunity and then we’d have to figure out how to get rid of the infected. We have to share each other's work openly and efficiently. So that together we might achieve what we cannot achieve alone, collective immunity.”
Dr. Anderson takes in the information, the true meaning of your words but eventually settles on a decision, one that would have major implications in the future. He grabs the scalpel from the tray, and points it at you both, “I won’t let you take her.” There is no hesitation as Joel puts a bullet through his head, the loud gunshot causes both of the nurses to flinch and scream in horror. There is a flat tone in Joel’s voice as he says, “Unhook her.” The nurses have their arms up, shakingly cowering as his voice booms, “Move!” They do as they’re told, unhooking Ellie from the IV, blood drips down her arm, “Cover her arm.” Joel said and one of the nurses places a cotton patch on top of it. He then tells them to turn around, which all of them do with no question. As Joel carries Ellie out of the operating room, you quietly say, “I’m sorry. Tell Abby that I tried. But the moment she comes after him, I won’t hesitate to kill her.”
You leave and catch up with Joel who is carrying Ellie’s limp body in his arms, the elevator doors open, and you both step inside. You made mistakes and did a few things right. It will take what it will take, baby that's life, you cannot change what you do not own, everybody knows. But if you live deep and love strong you get pretty damn close. The elevator doors open to the basement of the hospital, and you both quickly spot a car ready to climb into to leave. As you quickly walk towards it, you begin to fade in and out, your energy spent and feeling the effects of the drugs they had given you prior.
“You can’t keep them safe forever.” Marlene walks out of the shadows with a gun pointed at you both, and you feel yourself slip further into darkness, you hazily hear the words from Marlene, “No matter how hard you try, no matter how many people you kill, she’s gonna grow up, Joel. And then you’ll die. She’ll leave. Then what? How long till she’s torn apart by Infected or murdered by raiders? Because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved.” Joel nods, “Maybe. But it isn’t for you to decide.” Marlene throws back at him, “Or you. So what would she decide? ‘Cause I think she’d wanna do what’s right because your girl over there was about to sacrifice herself to spare you both and save the world. And you know it. It’s not too late. Even now,” She tucks the gun away back into her holster, “Even after what you’ve done. We can still find a way.”
That’s when you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, your eyes roll back to your head, you feel your knees give out and your body comes crashing down to the floor. In this sea of change, understanding is our shore, you disappear with no control. The current is strong, your arms are weak. But you are the branch within his reach, though you cannot catch your breath. Joel isn’t able to catch you in time, and it’s as if the world had slowed down to watch your lifeless body crumple and shut down right in front of him and he’s never felt so powerless. He gazes down at you and then at Ellie, considering the rebel leader’s points, then he brings his eyes to Marlene.
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With his closed fists, he will feel like he’s succeeded. Outside of the walls of Jackson is an awful place as far as he can tell. You were victims of a constant loss, you three were not the enemy. He is afraid that his plans will lose their place. Maybe you all could hold your breath forever, or maybe for a while, knowing that the best will surely come like sunshine streaming down or the falling of rain. 
Through your sleepy eyes, contagiously bright, as you stir awake, you are now in the front passenger seat of a truck you do not recognize, stretches of tall trees whiz past your periphery as you slowly crane your neck to look at Joel, who is gazing at you with relief and a little bit of remorse. Slowly, you see it in his eyes. The landscape of being are endlessly competing, back and forth for an answer to existence that you can understand. Perhaps you’re looking far too closely, you can't see all the evidence in its entirety. The air in your lungs and the complexity of both of your love for each other and Ellie. But love travels like a rumor here, losing form with every ear, just a skeleton of something more.
Ellie stirs and starts to wake up confused in the back seat, “What?” Joel is quick to reassure her and says, “It’s all right. You’re with us. Take it slow. The drugs are still wearin’ off.” Ellie mumbles, “I was with the Fireflies, and then… what drugs?” Joel swallows down his guilt before steadily saying, “They were runnin’ some test on you and some others. Turns out there’s a whole lot more like you. People that are immune. Dozens of ‘em. And the doctors, they couldn’t make any of it work. They’ve actually…” There’s a small pause, a wavier in his voice as the flashbacks come back to him in a blur, “They’ve stopped looking for a cure,” he lies, and Ellie then asks him suspiciously, “Where are my clothes?” He fabricates another lie, “Raiders attacked the hospital. Barely got ya both outta there. We’ll find you two some new clothes on the way.” Ellie senses the bullshit, “Were people hurt?” Joel clenches his jaw before deciding, “Yes.” To which she asks, “Is Marlene okay?” His eyes get misty again as he drives, he can’t bring himself to admit the truth to her or spew out more lies, so he settles on something true, “I’m takin’ us home.” She turns over so he can’t see her face in the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.
You sit there stunned at Joel’s lies and see the strength of his resolve. You turn your head to look at him to find him gazing at you as if asking, begging through his whiskey-doe eyes, imploring you to not tell her the truth right now. You have to trust him, he knows where he’s going. The unbearable weight of a hidden question between exchanging looks, “Will you follow me, still?” You close your eyes for a moment, and Joel nearly falters, readying himself for the fallout, but instead, you take his right hand, with your own, squeezing it with reassurance. Some truths, over time, can learn to play nice and some truths are sharper than knives. No matter what category you fit into, truth's got its sight set on you. The light that we hold must be buried to bloom. And in spite of the uneven odds, beauty lifts from the earth. You’re the deal that everyone breaks when you’re without him. Only love proves to be the truth.
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After a couple of stops, grabbing clothes and shoes from abandoned houses and stores. The car that he stole from the Fireflies had broken down, Ellie sat in the driver's seat as she traced her arms of the bitemark of the first Infected she ever faced. You were leaning on the other car door, right beside her, before quietly showing your arm the bite mark of the Infected a few weeks prior. She looks up at you in surprise, “You’re also… Immune?” You nod, explaining to her the possibility of now having the antibodies to fight the cordyceps infection along with the speculation of the radiation you had. She dwells on that information for a moment before asking, “Did the Fireflies try and test you too?” You look directly at her, “Yes. I’m not sure it worked though.” The lie that falls off your tongue tastes sour, but she doesn’t pick up on it, sensing that there was enough truth in what you said. Joel loudly shuts the hood of the car, “Well, she got us close enough.” He looks behind him before walking towards you and Ellie, “We gotta walk the rest of the way. Probably a five-hour hike but we can manage that. Remember?” Ellie smiles at the memory of the good times of the journey, “Yeah.” 
You hike through the woods, taking in the earthly smell of pine trees and dirt. The forest resets in hope, with every crunch beneath your feet, and the two people you hold most dear to your heart. Joel brings himself to talk about Sarah, “You know, Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time. I wouldn’t say it was her favorite thing. She wasn’t a fan of the mosquitos and such. But she was a big climber, or scampering. That’s probably the right word. That girl, she’d see a big rock, and just…” He makes a noise with his mouth indicating that she would bolt right through the trees to climb it, “She woulda liked you and Birdie. Not to say you and Sarah are the same. Definitely different kids.”
Ellie asks, “How so?” Joel glances at her and says, “Well, she was a lot more, I wanna say girly. And I’m not sayin’ you’re not girly.” She shakes her head, “I’m not.” Joel agrees, “Yeah, you’re not. So that. She was taller. She had a killer smile. Again, not sayin’ that you don’t. But you know why I’d think she’d like you?” Ellie indulges him, “Why?” The answer was so simple, quick, and witty, Joel says, “‘Cause you’re funny. I think you would’ve made her laugh. Anyway, I bet you would’ve liked her back.” The teen next to you agrees, “Yeah, bet I would’ve.”
Eventually, you make it to the edge of the mountain top, looking over the view of the community of Jackson, and it is absolutely breathtaking. The breeze causes your skin to form goosebumps, and feel the tickle of the wind behind your neck. Joel takes a breath and says, “There ya go. Not much further now.” He continues walking and you start to follow but notice Ellie standing back, she calls out to him, “Hey, wait.” He stops and turns to face her, she curses, “Fuck.” Then takes a few steps closer to him, “Back in Kansas City, you asked me about the first time I killed someone. When I got bit in the mall, I wasn’t on my own. My best friend was there and she got bit, too.” Her admission causes her to falter a little bit before she says, “We don’t know what to do, and she says, ‘We can just wait it out, be all poetic and just lose our mind together. And then she did. And I had to… Her name was Riley and she was the first to die. And then it was Tess. And then Sam.”
You and Joel shook your heads, “That’s not on you,” he said and she tries to argue, “I know…” He cuts her off, “Look, sometimes things don’t work out the way we hope. You can feel like you’ve come to an end and you don’t know what to do next. But if you just keep goin’ you find somethin’ new to fight for. And maybe that’s not what…” Abruptly, Ellie speaks up, “Swear to me. Swear to me that everything you said about the Fireflies is true.” Joel doesn’t hesitate as he lies, unblinking as he replies, “I swear.” ​​She doesn’t believe him. She knows he’s not telling the truth. But she nods, and says “Okay.”
You hold his hand in support, and then it's just too much, to know that the streets still run with blood. So he tries to push it down, but it comes back faster and harder, tides are changing on a dime. And he’s just trying to keep his head above the water. Surrender's just a word, till you try it out and see how hard it is to hurt with someone else around, you. He’s the worst he’s ever been afraid of almost everything. The skies are clear but storms are always coming. Your gift to him is just to be bracing for the winds he always summons. His home, his heart, thank God you are someone who loves him.
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End Notes:
Its was an ACCIDENT! I established in Chapter 1 that it was all vague and a mystery woOOoo bcs uhhh I don’t think I was supposed to already give that question an answer in the beginning of the series cuz why the heck would u still read this T^T Alsoooo cause you did trYYYyyy to but couldn’t (I.e Tess, Sam and Henry, you voicing out your protests to Kathleen, etc.) And as if you had any other option but to go with Joel, Ellie, and Tess to survive yk the Infected :,))
The Birdie had bits and pieces of what happens in the game, and sHE TRIED TO SAVE THE DAMN SURGEON, but obviously, homie got shot in the head :)) So now she has to figure out a way to stop Abby without having the whole story OR INFOOOOO YAYYYYY
Even though you tried to tell him not to kill Marlene or the Doctor, that it would be the cause of his death. But he still did anyway, a choice that was already made the moment you both were ripped away from him. He was disassociating :,) which I relate to Joel bb
Anyways… AHEM… I LOVE ALL OF YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH! LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I give you hugs and kisses, and cookies for being so incredibly patient and sticking with me for my first-ever multi-chapter fic. CRAZYYYY.
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her-favorite · 1 year
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Summary: Cameron is always there for you
Warnings: kind of just me venting (ig?) in a fic form bc i need comfort in some sort of way - really short, im very sorry
Word Count: 1281
a/n: i’ve been feeling weird lately so i thought some cam fluff might cheer me up
i’m currently working on a jerome fic with over 5k words (still going up) which I originally planned to be my first cam/jerome post but why not have a cam fluff drabble to hold you over? <3
Your mood shifts lately left you with headaches.
One day you felt the happiest you have in a while, then the next you felt like staying in bed all day and not getting up. It gets tiring after awhile, as much as you say you’ve gotten used to it.
It felt like a chore to get up in the mornings, if you ever did. It was draining to get up and shower, to go and get something to eat, to respond to texts.
Everything felt like it was going downhill again. Just days ago you felt fine- happy, even.
What happened?
You sat in bed with the comforter to your shoulders, your pillow damp with tears. Being left alone was never a good or bad thing. Some times it’s nice to get away from everything and calm down. But it usually leads to drowning in your thoughts. Thinking you’re not enough, your looks, your personality; everything is too much. Maybe you are too much.
As your thoughts suffocated you, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Your bed held more comfort to you than anything, feeling safe in the cushions of your mattress.
No matter how fast your emotions shift, it never gets easier. You may be content now; walking around on a nice day, enjoying the hot weather. But the next, you’re stuck in bed, grounded down by your harmful thoughts, beautiful eyes filled with tears. The water in your eyes felt like an ocean, the salty pool waiting to be drained by falling down your skin.
Dangerous thoughts plagued your mentality, forcing you to ignore the soft footsteps outside your room. The door creaked open, making you flinch, but not move from your spot. The floor squeaked as sock-covered feet padded across it, turning around your bed corner.
Legs entered your vision, the person crouching down to look at you. His ginger hair filled your field of view, his perfect face covered with worry.
“Hey, baby, are you okay?”
He was always there for you; always at your beck and call. He was the only one that made you feel normal; kept you grounded. He was the only one that understood you; helped you when times got tough. And here he was, needing no call or text from you to know that something was wrong.
You didn’t reply, both of you already knowing the true answer to that question. He let out a small sigh, sitting down on the floor so his face was level with yours on the bed. He rested his head on the edge of the mattress, looking almost like a puppy with his gorgeous green eyes.
As he stared into yours, hot tears filled your eyes. His face contorted in concern again, getting as close to the bed as possible.
How could he love someone like you? You weren’t anything special, at least not something you thought Cameron Monaghan would even glance at. You felt as if you hadn’t lived up to his expectations of having a perfect girlfriend that was happy all the time. You were anything but.
“Y/N, look at me.” His fingers played with your hair, tucking it behind your ear. He always thought you were beautiful with tearstained cheeks. Your lips get swollen if you cry too hard and your eyes become more alive. You looked vulnerable, not in a sadistic way, but in a way where he can admire how brave you are. You let him see this side of you no one else does. He loves you like he’s never loved anyone before, he’ll do anything to let you know that.
“What’re you thinking about?” He whispers, brushing your hair with his long fingers. Occasionally, his hand will drift down to cradle your cheek.
Cameron knows when you get lost in your thoughts. He’s always in awe of you, tending to take watch of your expressions and body language throughout the days you guys are together. He knows when you’re in a good mood, or when you’re uncomfortable, or upset. But he always catches one and it’s when you’re deep in your thoughts.
You purse your lips, trying to find words, any words, to say. You couldn’t seem to find any. “I don’t know.” Your voice was scratchy, cutting in and out each word. You couldn’t remember the last time you spoken that day, if you even had done so. It drew attention to your now dry throat, feeling immediately sore from using it.
Cameron nods, not watching to push anything. He knows how you react to certain words or phrases. He knows when you lie about feeling fine, or when you lie about wanting to get out of the house. He never lets you do anything you don’t want, he goes by your pace. Anything you need, he will get it in a heartbeat. Water? He’ll run over to the fridge to get some for you. Soup? He’ll drive to the store as quick as he could for you. If you had told him to jump, he would ask, “how high?”
“You know I love you, right?” He whispers into the silent room, his soft voice filling the space. His words make your heart melt, more tears forming in your eyes. Except these were good. He loves you.
He loves you.
You freeze as you see him get up from his spot and walk away. Your stomach fills with anxiety, until you feel the bed dip to your right. You move over, watching him lay under the covers next to you, bringing the soft material up to his shoulders to match you. He looked adorable, a soft red tint on his cheeks from getting in bed with you.
His arm hovers under the covers, inviting you into his hold. You immediately give in, pushing your face into his chest. His soft sweater felt nice against your cheek. His arms engulfed you into his body, one hand on your lower back rubbing up and down. He squeezed you, having to say no words to let you know he was there for you.
His body was warm against yours, heating up your skin. His other hand cupped the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair. He played with it, brushing it away from your face and curling it around his finger. His lips lingered on your forehead, just inches away from your skin. You practically laid on him, your heart beat sinking with his.
“I do love you, Y/N.” His voice was still as quiet as before, almost scared to break the comforting silence. “You’re the most important thing to me, I’d do anything for you. I wish you saw yourself in my eyes. You’re such a beautiful girl, my beautiful girl. Not just your beauty, but your personality. I love everything about you, you captivate me like no other. I could listen to you ramble on for the rest of my life and I would be the happiest man alive.” He pauses before continuing. “I am the happiest man alive when I’m with you.” He confesses, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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fcknstar · 1 year
Hey, how are you?
I would like to make a wish for number 3
Of the character Marcus Lopez
(If possible, could the jealousy be on the part of the reader?)
,, building blocks "
pairings : marcuslopez x fem!reader ( lara )
summary : sometimes you cant force yourself to do things you dont want, maybe this time you can.
content warnings : jealousy, (possible) unrequited love.
** lowercase intended **
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it was normal for people to make friends..right? new student, getting to know one another from their own category. what more can one ask for? 
it was rare to see students from different ranks mix, too rare. but here you are, watching saya wrap her hands around marcus. a sickening sight for you. you and saya relatively knew marcus at the same time, hers more intimate. you cant help but sigh at the thought that marcus might not even consider you as a friend. he should be lucky you were there to stop chiko from slicing his throat the first time he met him. 
" pretty rancid, mate? tough love, tough love. " lex appeared next to you, smoking a blunt. 
" im not in love with marcus. "
" who said anything about him? " 
" fuck you. " lex sighed. he knew you for long enough to read you like a book. it was like reading in another language, you just got to guess and hope for the best. lex was always lucky. 
" c'mon, lara. him? you could do so much better. " willie stood next to you. 
" willie, dont be a dick. " lex sighed. 
" well, its in his name. cant blame him. " you earned a nudge from willie, who glared at you. lex on the other hand, cheered you on. 
" atta girl! "
" atta girl. " willie mocked, " shes not your girl. "
" well, she can be. " lex winked at you. 
you can't help but think whether you just were jealous because you cared about him, or that you cared about him too much that you heart beats faster, threatening you. 
laughing at the possibility of you liking marcus, you invited lex and willie to grab a drink, trying to drown the thoughts of what saya and marcus may be doing. 
" hey lara! " marcus happily planted himself by your side the next morning. 
" morning. " you bluntly reply, the said thoughts also planting itself in your mind almost immediately. 
" i didnt see you at the party last night, where were you? "
" i- " you were rudely interrupted by lex. 
" well mate, she was there. you were just too busy with saya to even notice. " lex often had no filter. 
" lex- " you were then rudely interrupted by marcus. 
" you were? shit, im sorry- "
" its whatever. " shit. that was the wrong response. it made you sound like you were hurt, and you often put a tough facade. its fine was always your go to answer, but what happened just now just slipped, like how your heart started to slip through its designated holder, right into marcus hands. 
you continued to walk as if everything was alright, lex pursing his lips with marcus struggling to get a word out. he had felt guilty for not seeing you when he begged you to come to the party with him and the rest, quoting that you can protect them. but that feeling fell when he saw saya. 
" hey saya! "  he greeted with much more enthusiasm than how he greeted you. its not like you payed attention. but there he is, following says like a lost puppy. 
" fucking hell, love. think you might wanna cut ties with him. " 
" dont you think that's a bit far fetch? " i stopped walking, turning to him. 
" well no? with the way he just left us, i mean you for her? woah. id be lucky to even have you breathing the same air as me. " 
" its fine lex.. "
" its most definitely is not. i can see that you like him, or i think you do. and hes not worth the time. your time! " 
" and i should be taking advice from a guy who sniffs the live out of glue? " you chuckle. it was fun having lex around, he knew how to stand his own ground and knew how to influence others to do the same. 
you thought about what lex said. you didnt want to just break off a friendship just because your heart ached whenever he was with someone and not you. maybe you should have just cut off your feelings because marcus eventually caught on to the sudden changes in your behavior. 
" hey lara. " he greeted. 
you just hummed. just like clockwork, you would just hum. not even share a word with him. not even a glance. the star he once saw in your eye whenever he was around just vanished. he noticed how you hung out with your own league more, besides lex and petra. 
" look saya, i really need to go now. " he winced before running off. him and saya was just having their own time chatting and drinking when he noticed the time. 8.15pm. he was late, 15 minutes late. it was the time whenever you had to spare. he knew, because you would often spend that time with him even if it was your only time to breathe. but you chose it to be with him. 
marcus ran to your dorm, praying you were still in there. 
" lara! " he saw you turn in confusion, after shutting your dorm room door. 
" hey. " he greeted, properly. 
" hi. " you never say hi. unless you want nothing with the said person. 
" you free? or… " he glanced at your outfit which looked like you were dressing up for a date. that made him furrow his eye brows, heart sinking lower into the depths. 
" no. why? " you dryly replied. 
" well, you wanna go out? spend some time together like we used to? " he offered. 
you had worked so hard rebuilding your guard that he easily broke down like building blocks. and now it was shaking. 
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thegeminisage · 4 months
oh boy IT'S tng update time. last night* we watched "imaginary friend" and "i, borg."
*tonight. it's 1am. whatever. it's posting tomorrow when i'll be awake but busy. anyway im gonna have to start splitting these up so tumblr will stop FUCKING me re my character count
imaginary friend:
what i like about this episode and indeed tng as a whole is that the little girl was fucking adorable. tng fans, your show has at least one point of validity. whenever there was a child on tos i wanted to throw them out of the airlock because they acted possessed. all the children on tng inspire within me motherly concern.
we've gone over this at length. we don't need to do it again. i am sick to death of hearing myself talk about it. i want to stop. and yet. every. and i mean EVERY. SINGLE. PROBLEM. in this episode. happened because there were children on a starship.
problem #1: child is making up a fake imaginary friend instead of making real ones = it's because her dad hops from starship to starship
problem #2 her imaginary friend is real now and wants to drown her in the pool like in that one episode of s*pernatural = this is because an alien, from space, read her mind, which it could not have done if she wasn't in space on a starship
problem #3: the alien HATES the grownups and thinks they should die = because she is seeing the ship from a child's pov, because there are children on this starship
and on and on and on.
aside from this huge and ongoing point of contention it was solidly watchable. i liked the little girl. i like guinan. i like worf being a big old softie when he found them out of bounds. i like people not undermining deanna's counseling work. i liked the horrifically unsettling imaginary friend with laser eyes who definitely absolutely inspired 2.11 playthings.
can anyone tell me if the other star trek shows just let them have kids on the ships? ds9 i get because that's a space station but are there kids on the ship in enterprise? voyager? discovery? genuinely please write in i can't take living like this
i, borg:
ooooooh. ooh i am twirling my hair and kicking my feet and giggling about it. OHHH finally we get a good tng episode. and not just a good episode a GREAT episode. the liz community has forgiven tng. oh baby where do i even begin
okay, firstly, beverly. she so instantly sees someone injured and HAS to help, i mean HAS to, it's so good. it's very bonescore in a way that doesn't feel like they're trying to make her a cheap bones knockoff but rather a spiritual successor. he would have also helped his enemy rather than watching him die. hell, he DID do that and got quite literally mind-raped for his trouble, and he'd probably do it again. i was really really lukewarm on poor bev at first but she's come into her own so well and i'm proud of her
the borg himself - third of five, aw, just like seven of nine - but no, hugh - the name is dumb but whatever i'm glad he has one - was well-cast. it would have been easy to make him uncanny and an unpleasant presence onscreen (this was my biggest issue with data's daughter even though the ep DID make me cry, deeply sorry to data whomst i love the most). his "you will be assimilated resistance is futile" song and dance was actually really funny when played off of geordi's wry indifference. "ok, but before we get assimilated, can we please finish x test?" so true king
geordi's a natural choice to pair with this guy because when he's not being the creepiest person on earth to holodeck girls he's sociable, outgoing, and patient. PLUS he has experience befriending machines because of data. hugh actually reminded me of data in some ways because of his general lack of understanding re: humanity but - and this is critical to me - HE IS HUMAN
like, i feel like the episode didn't quite nail the point home hard enough possibly because they were afraid of the implications but the cold hard truth of the matter is that each and every person on the borg cube IS A PERSON. they have been assimilated, but we've twice now seen that it's possible to unassimilate them with only a few days of effort. picard (and guinan!) consider the entire collective their enemy but the collective is comprised of brainwashed prisoners. those fucked up little borg babies they found in the cube were assimilated as INFANTS - i assume they weren't born on the cube bc if the borg could reproduce on its own it wouldn't need to assimilate - but even if they were born on the cube, they had no choice but to be this. you know.
which is whyyyy it's so fucked picard was like yeah give hugh some digital poison let him carry it back to his cube and we'll kill them like ants <3 like, oh my god his lingering borg trauma or whatever. MWAH. when he told deanna he didn't wanna talk. when he and guinan had to trauma-bond while fencing. when he told geordi that he needed to unattach himself because it was nothing more than animal experimentation. STONE FUCKING COLD BY THE WAY. he is fighting in the war on animal experimentation on the side of animal experimentation. he was going to let his cre heal and feed that kid and then send him back laced with poison. diabolical <3
and, of course, when he didn't want to speak or associate that borg kid at all because that's who he used to be AND WHO HE STILL IS in some corner of his brain (!!!)
LIKE. WHEN HE WAS FINALLY CONVINCED TO INTERROGATE THIS KID. and IMMEDIATELY broke out the locutus voice. he still remembered all the protocol! the way of speaking! everything! i was so shocked and thrilled.
i love also how everyone who spoke to hugh came away extremely unsettled but also totally convinced of his humanity. even guinan, which was so fun, because she was even more anti-borg than picard at first and they were bonding over trauma and fantasy racism. that bit where hugh, who had only known about the concept of loneliness for like an hour, immediately pegged her as lonely after like three lines of dialogue. oh my GOD???
i was decently satisfied with the ending - obviously they couldn't send him back with poison nor could they protect him from the borg, but i wish they had informed him of the inevitable memory wipe before he made his choice. (a selfless choice! he loves geordi!!) still i think he mostly walked into it with eyes open. very sad but very proud of him.
my one tiny nitpick with this episode is that for all beverly's genuine and justified concern about hugh, i don't think theyre ever gonna address the fact that she shot and possibly killed some of the borg in the episode where picard got assimilated. i feel like after realizing they are all people, like hugh, she should also realize she's broken the hippocratic oath, and have a little crisis about it. i have no idea why we had the DOCTOR shooting and killing anybody but let alone if we aren't gonna get into that. i don't think anyone cares/cared except me though.
but tbh, for me this is one of the main draws of the borg. they're ALL brainwashed cyber-assassins and they're ALL prisoners and in theory ALL of them could be saved if only they would stop attacking first. sure, yeah, in fights you gotta do what you gotta do because your own life has gotta come first, but the unique scifi horror aspect of all of those guys being perfectly innocent people fucks and they should utilize it a little more!!!
NEXT TIME: "the next phase" and "the inner light."
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
I Won't Let Go
Jonathan Pine x fem!Reader
Request: "as much as i love loki and tom and will, im resisting the urge to request for them because jonathan pine content is seriously lacking sooo the request is, if your interested, about jonathan happens to stumble on where the reader happens to be performing. singing a lovely tune, romantic if you will. they were together before but split because jon was constantly pushing her away because he thinks he's fucked up but the reader will always be there for him. (im thinking this could also be for loki)" - Requested by @stupidthoughtsinwriting ! 😄
Summary: Angela convinced Jonathan to attend a event - held by the Riverhouse, to take his mind off his lovesickness. Unbeknowst to him, you have a gig on exactly that event...
Warnings: none, actually... fluff, maybe a bit angst, some swear words and Jonathan being a bit insecure?
Word Count: 1,6k
a/n: Ahhh, I loved this @stupidthoughtsinwriting ! It was wonderful to write something for Jonathan! 🥰 I kinda missed it... Thank you! I hope you like it! 😊
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @fictive-sl0th @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbs
If you want to be added to my Tom taglist, please let me know! 😊
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Jonathan stood in front of the sink in his bathroom, looking at himself through the still slightly foggy mirror; a towel wrapped around his hips. He had just taken a shower, in order to get ready for the event he was about to attend. Jonathan wasn't very eager to do so, but he had promised Angela. She could be very convincing sometimes… "It'll do you good. You can't drown yourself in your lovesickness all the time, can you? No, you can't. Besides, this event is for you, too. You helped us catch some dangerous boys, including Roper."
But that was what he actually planned to do... Drowning himself in his lovesickness. He had lost you. Not even a month ago - and it had been his fault. Jonathan was the one who let you go and ended this. He had to. His life was simply too fucked up. He fucked it up, way too often. He simply wasn't good enough for you. You deserved someone better, not him. So, Jonathan had no other choice than to push you away. No matter how much it hurt.
The man took a deep breath, facing himself in the mirror once again. His short, blonde-brown hair was still wet. A few droplets were running down his temples, cheeks and all the way down to his freshly shaved chin, before dropping into the sink. His bare upper body was covered in a thin sheen of water, making his muscular chest glistening in the dim bathroom light and causing the patch of fine hair in between his pecs to cling to his wet skin. Jonathan shook his head and reached for the other towel to dry his face and hair, before he left the bathroom and went to his bedroom in order to get dressed. Jonathan got rid of the towel around his hips, replaced it with a fresh pair of black boxers. Then he put on a new pair of black socks on and slipped in a white button-up. Lastly, he reached for his dark blue suit trousers and his shiny, black shoes. A look on the alarm clock, which stood on the nightstand, told Jonathan that it was almost time to go. He grabbed his watch, put it around his wrist and went to take a last look in the mirror, styling his short hair a bit and applying some cologne. Before he left his apartment, he grabbed his wallet, mobile, car keys and lastly his dark blue suit jacket. "Here we go..." Jonathan sighed, closing the door behind himself and headed for the dark blue Jaguar, standing in the driveway.
Fifteen minutes later, he stepped through the big, opened doors of the big, fancy building in downtown London. Loud chattering, laughter and soft piano music urged to his ears. "Evening, Sir." The doorman greeted him with a tip of his head. Jonathan just nodded back at him. His eyes darted around through the big entry hall. A lot of people were already here. Everybody was dressed up in the nicest suits and evening dresses. Then he spotted Angela. She was talking to someone Jonathan didn't know. He smiled and quickly made his way over to her. "Angela." He attracted her attention immediately. A big smile came up her face, when she recognised him. "Jonathan!" The woman pulled him immediately in a big bear hug. "I am so happy to see you here. Glad you decided to come." Angela said, winking at him. Then her eyes darted back to the elderly man she was talking to. "Jonathan, this is Mr. Bernard. He's the new chief of the MI6. Mr. Bernard, this is my boy, Jonathan Pine." The grey-haired man smiled and stretched out his hand, which Jonathan took and shook, of course. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Pine. I already heard a lot of you." Jonathan smiled back. "Likewise."
After chatting for a while with Mr. Bernard, Angela pulled Jonathan with her through the crowd and inside the main hall. "I'll go, look for Joel. You're having some fun now, you hear me? Leave your lovesickness aside for a while. Get to know new people. Maybe there's a woman somewhere here you'll like." Angela said with a smirk, winking. "The buffet is over there." She continued and pointed to the left. "And you can get drinks at the bar. But there are also waiters, who run around with trays full of glasses with champagne. I'll see you later." With those words and a pat on his shoulder, she disappeared in the crowd. Jonathan sighed once again and grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter who had just passed him by. He took a big sip of the expensive liquid and really tried to do what Angela said. Take his mind off things - off you, have fun, get to know new people. This worked for about twenty minutes. Until the 'programme' started and a female voice could be heard through the speakers...
"So, Angela - Mrs. Burr - took me under her wings and-" The sudden sound of the delicate, female voice caught Jonathan completely off-guard. He knew that voice. Gods, he would recognise that voice everywhere. "Excuse me, Madam." He quickly said to the confused black-haired woman opposite him, before he turned on his heels and pushed through the crowd. His eyes searched frantically for the stage and when they found it, realisation hit him like an eighteen-wheeler truck. It was you. You were standing on that stage. Your Y/H/C hair tied up into a beautiful braid. The red evening dress you wore flowed down your body in waves. It was tight, highlighted your curves to perfection, but not in an inappropriate way. You looked like a goddess. Jonathan's eyes widened, jaw slacking. He didn't imagine in his wildest dreams about meeting you here. Hence, he didn't even think he was going to see you ever again. Not after everything he did to you. And now, here you were, standing only a few meters away from him. He swallowed, wasn't able to take his eyes from you. How could he?
So, Jonathan listened to your angelic voice, performing this lovely song he didn't know. He felt like he was in a trance or a daydream. The only thing he was able to hear and see was you. Much to his dismay ended the song way too soon. The lot of the people were clapping and cheering, before they continued their conversations. You stepped from the stage and into the crowd. Jonathan tried to ignore and resist the urge to go to you. He shouldn't do that. It was for the best if he stayed away. Even if it hurt. The problem was his heart. It yearned for you; cried out for him to move his ass and go over to you. It was eating him up inside. The feeling was too strong - so he gave up. His heart was thudding like mad against his ribcage, as he made his way through the people. He could literally hear the blood rushing in his ears. Then he saw you. You were standing in a small round with two other women, chatting and laughing. Oh how much he had missed hearing you laughing.
"Y/N." Your name left his lips, before he could stop himself. You froze in your spot; your laughter dying down immediately. Slowly you turned around - and looked straight into the face of the man you fell in love with such a long time ago. "J-Jonathan?" The way his name rolled off your tongue caused his stomach to flip - in the best way possible. "Hi." You blinked, still not trusting what your eyes saw. "Y-You are here?" You asked, before facepalming yourself. "O-Of course you are... It's a Riverhouse event. I should've known..." Jonathan frowned at your reaction. It sounded like you didn't want to see him. On the other hand… Why would you? He was an asshole. He couldn't blame you. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come to you." The man wanted to turn around and leave, but you stopped him with your delicate, soft hand on his arm. "Jonathan, wait." He stopped, turned around once more. "Stay." You mumbled. "Don't walk away. Not again." Jonathan didn't want to. But he felt how his doubts and fears kicked in, fogging his mind. "Y/N, I can't. I-" You shook your head, interrupting him immediately. "No. Don't push me away, please." You spoke in a quiet voice. "I... I love you. I still do. No matter how often you pushed me away. I never stopped loving you. I never stopped thinking about you. I still care about you." Your words hit him, pierced him like a knife. "I know you're afraid. But you don't have to be. You won't fuck this up. You never could. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." You smiled softly at the stunned man and slowly moved your hand lower to take his bigger hand into your smaller one. "And I don't want to lose you ever again." You stepped closer; your bodies almost touching, before you stood on your tiptoes. The two of you were in your own world; the people around you gone a long time ago. Jonathan was still like frozen to the ground. This whole situation was so overwhelming for him. Your words. Your touch. Your lips only a hairsbreadth away from his. "All you have to do is say yes." You whispered, grazing his lips with yours. All Jonathan could think about was how his heart beat only for you. No one else. No other women in this world. He wanted to say no. At least the more rational and logical part of his brain. But he couldn't. He still loved you, like he never loved someone else before. So, he dipped his head and closed the gap between both your lips, kissing you - a gesture, which spoke so much more than words could ever do.
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arvensimp · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the up coming dlc? I personally am kinda bummed out they only announced the Scar/Vio one, i was hoping for one for pla too ://
On the bright side im excited to see kalos again
I hope this doesn't sound too streak of conscious-y lol
Not to be too Old Woman yells at cloud but I've literally been playing Pokemon for 23-ish years now? I'm still not entirely sold on a Pokemon game needing DLC, much less DLC that costs $35 when the base game cost $60 and tax. THAT SAID I already bought it anyway lol and I'm still super excited to spend more time with my character. I have her decked out in her new clothes already.
I think there's been some confusion on what the DLC is too, so let me recap my understanding of it really quickly.
This fall, pt 1 The Teal Mask will be released. This has like old school Japanese festival vibes.
This winter, pt 2 The Indigo Disc will be released. This takes place at Blueberry Academy.
Both will be playable on scarlet and violet (I saw some folks saying they were game locked?)
I'm super excited to have my baby espurr back, since espurr has been one of my favorites for years.
I'm a little disappointed that we're not obviously going to Kalos, but at the same time I'm glad that we're not PAYING to go to back to a place that they already showed us years ago.
I also saw folks who were disappointed that the wait for the dlc is so long? But idk I'm happy to wait for a good product (so long as it's good!!!). I really don't mind waiting for good content, especially when so much stuff lately has been rushed and not as good, yknow? Especially when rushed content comes at the cost of the well being of employees too
AS FOR CONTENT AND STORY AND STUFF. idk all I really care about is more arven, outfits, and an explanation for paradox Pokemon being in area zero before the time machine's existence.
Like 1. Don't let arven stay trapped in his room all day. Let him come outside with me and have adventures again.
2. I hate the school uniform so much. Let me wear something else please I beg you.
3. I don't generally put much faith in the pokemon company to tell a good story but they KNOW they've left us hanging with the paradox Pokemon mystery. I mean Arven literally says it for himself how strange it is that the scarlet/violet book talks about paradox Pokemon in area zero in a time before the time machine could have ever existed. What does that mean???
Personally I'm interested in the theory that the disc Pokemon or hexagon Pokemon or whatever alters reality based on the desires of those near to it and that terastalization is just a manifestation of a Pokemon to be another type/stronger. The paradox Pokemon are the desires of the professors and the original research team. The time machine and the AI are the same thing as well. With the AI in particular I feel that way because the professor's journal literally says something to the effect of "that man/woman walked out not long after the boy was born. There's so much to do, and I need more help, but how long would it take to train someone else? Would they even understand? If only there were two of me."
Then the next entry is them talking about what is presumably the AI.
Like I don't think the professor who just became a parent and is drowning in research and work and stuff would put EVERYTHING DOWN to work on all new technology that hadn't been invented yet.
So with ALL THAT I'm really hoping that we get more information on what the FUCK is going on with area zero and that Arven can be a part of it.
I also saw a theory that maybe the other professor is involved with blueberry academy??? That'd be nice.
Also some of the folks at blueberry seem to have that cooking motif going on so I don't want my man being left out on the fun
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urstruly-ghst · 1 year
this is ghst dropping by with a few announcements.
one, i would probably take a hiatus once more. it isn't because i lost interest in twst, its because one of my favorite idols has sadly passed away.
many of you may not know, but im a huge astro fan or aroha. being an aroha gave me so much inspiration to write because,, honestly, idk? they just click into my brain. so seeing moonbin, my bias and someone i had the privilege to meet and see perform live, on the news declared as dead... i honestly can't bring myself to write the romance my blog usually produces. its hard seeing the person who has been inspiring me for a long time pass so suddenly.
announcement two. im dropping posts and will still continue to block spam bots/blank blogs. on the span of my hiatus. blank blogs are now being slowly pushed out of my blog to avoid spam bots and drowning my content to not reach the algorithm.
announcement three. im compiling all my works to a masterlist, since i published a lot, this might take some time. i requested help already, but if you want to help, i can always look into it!
i hope you'll still find it in your graces to support me. thank you again for understanding.
this is ghst, logging off, see you!
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minsyal · 1 year
Just venting I will delete this later
1. Im still working on the next parts of all my fics whilst also writing a few different one shots. I’m hoping to have something content-wise before Christmas or shortly after as my gift to you 💕
2. GOD I HATE MY BOSS. So, he’s just gross, right? Smells all the time, stands too close to you, doesn’t respect boundaries, mouth breather, old and slow. I schedule stuff on my calendar and he schedules over the top of it. I tell him what my plans are for this week given I’m only working 3 days and he acts like I just told him I killed his wife. He doesn’t approve my time off and often pulls the whole “well we have to get X done before I’ll approve that.” He moves slower than a snail and insists I sit in his office while he works. It’s so awful that I’ve almost fallen asleep because of it before. He stares at people with this look on his face that feels like he wants to kill you. Once when he looked at me that way I finally snapped and just went “what!?” to which he replied, “I just look at people like that, I can’t help it.” Uhhh yes you fucking can you stupid boomer. You can work on yourself and the way you present to others. It’s called self improvement. He also takes one day a week off every week under the guise of being sick. Like dude, I wonder why you take every Monday off. Also, when i take a day off sick he announces it to the entire company. He sends out an email to our nearly 50 workers letting them know I’ll be out today because I’m sick. LET MY BUSINESS BE MY BUSINESS. He’s the slowest most incompetent accountant I’ve ever seen and I hate everything about him. When we lost my old boss (who was an angel and honestly the manifestation of Jesus in his work ethic and outward look) my new boss insisted we didn’t need any extra help in the department. Guess what? We haven’t even fucking finalized our financial statements from OCTOBER. OCTOBER?!? ITS DECEMBER. ALMOST THE END. WE HAVENT FINISHED OCTOBER YET. IM DROWNING IN THE INCOMPETENCE. He has gone bankrupt like 5 times and the company I work for still thinks it’s a good hire? The dude can’t handle his own finances, what makes you think he can handle someone else’s???? I mentioned his smell right? He reeks. He smells like he hasn’t showered in days and everywhere he walks it follows. He comes and stands in my cubicle for a second and it stinks up the entire space to the point that I’ve now kept a bottle of frbreeze at my desk that I spray once he’s left. AND IT STILL DOESNT GET RID OF THE SMELL.
Rant over. I want to die. Thanks.
Now back to our regularly scheduled content.
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
Hi! I love your fics, and these shorter little ones are giving me life atm when im studying 😂 If the prompts are still open, 6 and 3 please. Maybe Rooster with a cold or flu that progresses to something worse. I could totally see Mav almost saying 3 to himself after finding Rooster seriously ill as if to comfort and reassure himself until he can get him help
Hey there anon! The shorter fics help keep my brain fresh too when I'm studying for exams, I'm just kinda making sure I don't drown in content 😂 Good luck with your studies!
Absolutely!! 6 and 3 work really well together! Also Mav is absolutely muttering to himself the whole time.
3. "Nothing some love and care and a good soup can't fix." and 6. "I will still be here when you wake up."
Side note: why was Miles so hot in Spiderhead and why was that movie so unhinged lmaoooooo.
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Rooster had managed to give himself a head cold and instead of hiding it, as he usually did, he'd pretty much crawled into Maverick's guest bed. The first day he'd been pretty miserable; he'd curled into a ball and set himself to sweat out his fever. When Maverick had ducked his head into the room to check on him around 10pm, Rooster was watching Criminal Minds on his iPad and didn't want to drink water because he was pretty certain he was going to lose his stomach contents pretty soon.
He did indeed lose his stomach contents shortly after.
When the next morning came and Maverick stirred on the bathroom floor, Bradley was getting up and reaching for his toothbrush.
"God, that was awful," he said, piling on the toothpaste.
"Yeah, kid, no shit. Still feel like you could do it again?"
"Nah. My head hurts like hell and I feel like I could actually make a monster with the amount of fluid in my sinuses."
"A snot monster, huh? That'd be pretty impressive."
"Oh god, don't make me laugh, I thought I was done but I'm seriously doubting it now."
Rooster choked on his toothbrush, Maverick laughing at him as he got up and ran a hand over Rooster's shoulders, feeling relieved to find he wasn't as hot as he was the night before. He pressed a kiss to Bradley's forehead in passing, heading for the stairs.
"Nothing some love and care and a good soup can't fix," he muttered to himself as he headed for the kitchen.
"I expect the highest quality Campbell's!" Rooster croaked after him as he went back to the guest room.
The rest of day two was kind of the same; Rooster slept in fits, fever starting to hit harder around lunchtime. When Maverick poked his head into the room to take his temperature he found Rooster lying on his side, mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
"Feeling okay, kiddo?"
"Come sit with me for a bit?"
"You got it. I brought someone."
Maverick presented the bowl of soup and Bradley's eyes lit up.
"You're hilarious. C'mon, sit up, I refuse to spoon feed you."
"But Mav-"
"-that's cute."
Maverick rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Rooster hefted himself up, wrapping his second blanket around his shoulders to keep himself warm. Maverick offered him the bowl and a spoon, unsurprised that he was hesitant to get it into his system.
"What do you need?"
"This soup... and I'm still cold."
"You're not wearing a shirt. Let's start there, hey?"
Maverick went to get up but Rooster stopped him, warm brown eyes searching for acceptance.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. Just want to get you something warm."
Maverick found a soft hoodie, taking the soup from Bradley so he could get the hoodie over his head, covering his torso.
"Feel better?"
"A little. Soup?"
Maverick settled back down by Bradley, gently nudging him.
"Love you, kiddo."
"Thanks for letting me stay, Mav."
"There was no doubt you were staying. The way you crawled into this bed yesterday made my heart hurt."
"Hm, yeah, everything hurts right now."
Bradley woke up gasping for air, yelling and crying. Maverick was there in seconds, helping him settle.
"Roo! It's okay, relax. It's just me, you're safe. You're in my guest bedroom."
Bradley found Maverick, felt his hands on his arms and immediately leaned into him, burying his face into the softness of Maverick's shirt.
"Alright, Bradley, shhhh..."
"Mav," he howled, "it hurts."
"What? Your head or your sinuses? Your stomach?"
"All of it."
Maverick frowned, running a hand through Bradley's curls.
"Shhhh... it's okay, it's good, just lie down for me. I'm not going anywhere."
With Rooster finally lying down again, tears streaking his face and snot everywhere, Maverick made quick work of mopping up what he could and propped himself up against the headboard.
"Go back to sleep, Roo. I will still be here when you wake up."
"The one promise I can keep."
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“It seems like you’re constantly at a low.”
I am, that’s the fucking problem. Nothing even has to happen, one minute im content and the next I’m dipping into disassociation and then two hours has passed or I dip and cry, everything is wrong and I don’t know how to make it stop.
“Just talk to someone!”
Nope, because I’m constantly low and that’s draining to hear. It’s draining to know nothing you do will help me. I don’t even know where to start either, nothings happening, then why am I sad? Who knows. Let me drown. Let me die in peace.
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giyuu-no-tsuma · 2 years
hi!! can i please get a matchup? im bisexual & use she/her pronouns :)
for my personality, im fairly bubbly and energetic (my mbti is esfp & zodiac is cancer!), and i always try to look in an upbeat light, even if i don’t always feel that way. i love most things, and i tend to keep my heart on my sleeve, even if it does me wrong sometimes. im also fairly hopeful and a bit too lenient with second chances, but ya know i like people and i want everyone to be good and happy but… yeah sometimes that ends badly. im also fairly affectionate and touchy with the people i care about, like, i love little acts of physical intimacy, whether it be hand holding, kisses, headpats— literally everything, drown me in affection pls. i also really like really naps (especially when you have a bunch of plushies— amazing!!) and can tend to be a bit of a homebody aajdkene. im also a tremendous animal lover, and lover of anything that’s soft or cute if we’re being honest andjksjs. i really like gardening and baking, too!
my friends say i’m fairly pretty, and im doing my best to believe them (i’ve been compared to so many things in the pixie-fairy department, if that gives you a general idea or overview of my aesthetic ahdheje). im 5’2, have long light brown hair, almond brown eyes, moles across my face, a fading summer tan, and perpetually rosy cheeks!
please and thank you!! hope you have a nice day :)
Hello there, thank you for coming to my humble little imagines blog! I have read your description and you sound absolutely very, very nice and kind!
And now, the one I will be matching you to is:
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Kanroji Mitsuri!!
*For one she's the Love Hashira and of course she will shower you in her love, she likes hugs so much and is always wanting to dump her love on someone, no doubt she's for you!
*Plushies you say? She adores them! She will sew you a lot of plushies. Are you a cat person? Expect many cat plushies from Mitsuri's part, she loves cats and owns one too.
*Mitsuri loves baking too!! The both of you will bake to your hearts content, she lives lonely in her Love Estate, you could fill in the emptiness if you decide to move with her, and help her pull all the overflowing love that she has in her on you.
*Will sing to you her lullabies if you ever can't fall asleep, cradling you in her loving arms, as if you were just a mere baby. But she likes being the big spoon and be the one to hold you, even kissing your forehead as she lulls you to sleep.
*A fan of holding hands? Mitsuri loves it too, you two will hold hands as you have strolls through the flowery meadows, and even she will also create a flower crown to place on your hair saying how cute you look in flowers.
*Don't about Obanai, let's say he's not in love with Mitsuri in this. You two are for each other, meant to be together. The power of Love is stronger than anything, so the both of you are very loving people who rejoice in the love that you radiate with one another.
*She might even braid your hair like hers, the braid buddies! How cute is that?! She'll do it all the time, because she simply adores braided hair, her hair has three braids, yours will have four.
*Overall Kanroji Mitsuri is just for you, the perfect description of hers goes with your own description. You and Mitsuri are like soulmates, like two drops of water, love each other to infinity!
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