evkami · 4 months
Rougarou Showcase
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Rougarou is a folklore creature from the swamps of Louisiana, US....this one is a bit more cute than the legend
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schweizercomics · 6 months
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Companions of Christmas day 7: Guinefort, the Cajun Rougarou When Santa Claus visits the bayous of Louisiana, the dense canopy of trees that blanket the rivers along which its people live preclude him from employing his reindeer-pulled sleigh. He has instead taken to using a pirogue, a type of flat-bottomed boat, and in lieu of reindeer employs the services of eight charitable alligators.
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The people along the bayou’s rivers light bonfires on the bank each Christmas Eve to help Santa find his way.
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But those settlements, and the cabins and houses between them, are spread out enough that the oppressive darkness of the waterland often persists for long obstacled stretches.
Luckily for Santa and the children of Louisiana, he is assisted along these stretches by a Rougarou, a type of werewolf, whose real name is not known, but whom the Acadian locals calls “Guinefort” after St. Guinefort, a popular saint in France who happens to be a dog.
The Cajuns were always wary of Guinefort because it is, after all, prudent to be wary of wolves, but knowing that his birthday was Christmas (because, as many know, only those born on Christmas can be cursed to become werewolves), people would leave him treats and presents on that day, so Guinefort came to love Christmas, because it was the day that he felt loved himself.
Now, the furry Cajun makes the most of his agile nature and keen night vision to help Santa navigate the sometimes treacherous waterways, standing on the backs of Santa’s alligators and serving as a pilot, avoiding submerged logs and Cypress roots while sipping hot chicory and casting a warm glow with his red lantern.
Happy December, friends! Each year around this time I post up drawings of Christmas and other winter holiday figures, along with narratives to explain the practices with which folklorists and holiday buffs might be familiar. When stories exist, I use them; when they don't, I do what I can to piece together what folklore surrounds them to fill in the gaps (or, in some instances, defer to the theories of my friend and fellow narrative reconcilianist Benito Cereno). I hope you enjoy them!
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gouachevalier · 1 year
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crowandmoonwriting · 11 days
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goldenwolfen · 1 year
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The invisible ink "Rampage" stickers are now up! Get them quick before they disappear! 💀
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jekyll-doodles · 8 months
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Folklore 💚My Ko-fi & Commission Info💚 Do not edit, trace, or repost!
ORtober 2023, Day 14 : Folklore or Fairytale
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muiithecat · 4 months
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lab-grown werewolf
click for better quality
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hoarart · 7 months
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seeking or hiding?
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dreamytfw · 5 days
Extremely funny to me that rougarou is just the Cajun dialect way of saying loup-garou, which is the French way of saying werewolf. And SPN writers had the GALL to go "nah, different monster completely. Citation: trust me bro"
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lowcountry-gothic · 8 months
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Beware of the Rougarou in New Orleans, Louisiana. Photo by Valerie Esparza.
If you aren't familiar with the Rougarou it's basically a werewolf that can change whenever, no full moon needed, a Cajun tale.
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spinachandhoney · 4 months
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A hopefully helpful guide to the major differences between my lycanthropes
Things I didn’t mention or clarify:
Rougarous are created through curses. A witch will either curse a young woman or herself with lycanthropy which cannot be cured, and from then on every girl born into the cursed woman’s family will also be a rougarou while males will be human. However, if the rougarou has a werewolf partner (like Hans’ parents), all female children will be born rougarous and males will be born hybrids. On the contrary, if a werewolf has a child with a human, their children will be born human and can only become werewolves through transmission (bite or scratch).
Rougarous are much smaller than werewolves due to the fact that their condition is genetic, so their bodies don’t grow much larger than their “human” form. Since werewolves become lycanthropes through transmission, their condition acts more like a mutation or disease, causing their body to distort strangely. Because of this, their bodies are a lot huskier and don’t have as much fur as a rougarou.
Hybrids like Hans do not have control over their beast form on full moons when they are born. They can either succumb to madness and never retain their consciousness on full moons, or they can train their minds at a young age to avoid losing their sense of self. His sisters, however, have full control over their minds on full moons. Hybrids also do not grow much larger than their “human” bodies when in beast form.
The BIGGEST difference I mention in the comic but not in the guide is that rougarous can turn not only into their beast form at will (outside of a full moon), but can transform into a true wolf as well. By this, I mean they just look like a really big wolf (think: the wolves from Twilight).
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evkami · 5 months
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Wolpertinger + Rougarou prototypes
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szkin-art · 1 year
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One more Everest for my Lancer group, for a new player who just joined!
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raindoecoates · 1 year
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goldenwolfen · 1 year
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It is finished! Presenting "Moon's Chosen". I absolutely loved doing this piece. An instant classic that is a call-back to my roots.  Watercolor and colored pencil on 11 X 14 smooth Bristol paper.
Prints available HERE
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kairunatic · 2 months
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Rothhart CG is soo funny and sort of idk wholesome in a way
Basically Bashkar and Rougarou found him sleeping in his room and noticed his dreaming of something
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And he's literally dreaming about Rougarou loving him. We all know these two have a Rebellios son/Dotting dad Relationship
Real Rougarou is more brash talks loud and well rebellious and Never listen to Rothhart
But dream Rougarou is different he's speaking like Some sort of upper-class British dude and dream Rougarou Adores his Dad(Like crazy adore him)
Ig in a way all Rothhart ever wanted was Rougarou to love him as any son to a father should(In a weird sex way I know they have like a Stepson and Dad Relationship too so ig it counts as Incest)
But anyway yeah that's basically His Secret CG
And NGL seeing Rougarou talk like Rothhart is funny
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