#Rosalina x King Boo x reader
crabcantwrite · 2 months
It’s like a nightlight
Words: ~1.1k
Fandom: MarioLore
Ships: Rosalina/Boo, Boo/Reader, Rosalina/Reader, Rosalina/Boo/Reader
Warnings: Injury
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You sat next to King Boo’s hospital bed. The few torches scattered around the room cast him in a ghostly glow. His breathing was raspy and uneven as he lay limp on the bed. You sighed, placing your hand on his chest. You had known that Boo’s lungs were scarred, but this had shown you the true extent.
It was a little over six hours ago when King Boo collapsed as you were rushing to get to a meeting. He’d been unconscious since he was rushed to the hospital.
The sound of someone rushing into the room startled you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw Rosalina, wide-eyed and panting.
“Is he okay!?” 
You nodded and gave her a tired smile. “He’ll be alright.”
Rosalina let out a breath and sat down next to you. She placed one hand on top of yours and gave it a light squeeze. You smiled at her appreciatively. 
“I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my best friend,” she whispered.
She turned to look at King Boo. “Are you alright?”
King Boo groaned and turned to look at her with glassy eyes. As if he were in a trance. He silently reached his arms out, making grabby hands. Rosalina furrowed her brows but obliged and pulled Boo into a hug.
“That’s odd” You frowned as King Boo hid his face in her dress. “He’s not usually this openly affectionate.”
Rosalina gave you a guilty look. “..sorry”
You brushed off her concern. “Don’t be; I’m glad he’s not being so distant.”
“Maybe he hit his head,” Rosalina laughed. King Boo looked up and gave her an offended look, though he stayed silent. He huffed and laid his head back down.
Both you and Rosalina stared as King Boo laid back down. He was quiet, not bothering to retort. The only sound coming from him was his raspy breathing. Rosalina blinked a few times. “That's unusual.”
"Very.” You frowned. “Maybe I should call for the doctor”
Rosalina nodded and rubbed the back of Boo’s head. You left the room and came back a few minutes later with the doctor. King Boo scowled up at the doctor, sticking his tongue out at him.
“Boo!” Rosalina exclaimed. She looked up at the doctor “He’s been acting strange since he woke up.”
You nodded. “This really isn’t like him.”
The doctor frowned and looked at King Boo. “Hmm, how is he acting?”
“Clingy..childish” Rosalina explained. You nodded again. King Boo just huffed and glared at the doctor. The doctor made a note on his clipboard. “Has he been under any stress lately?”
You and Rosalina looked at each other and burst out laughing. The doctor gave you both a stern look. “Well?”
"Yeah.” You managed to get out in between laughs. The doctor nodded. “Mmm.”
“He could be regressing back to a younger age due to stress,” the doctor continued to write on his clipboard, “though it’s a rather uncommon coping mechanism.”
“That would explain why he’s being weird." Rosalina looked down at King Boo. “..alright”
You reached over and ruffled King Boo’s hair; he grumbled but leaned into your touch. The doctor turned and set a bottle of pills and a jar of paste on the dresser. “Make sure he takes these twice a day, morning and night.”
The doctor left without another word, leaving you and Rosalina to deal with Boo. You sighed and looked up at Rosalina. “I guess we should get him to bed..?”
Rosalina nodded and nudged King Boo out of her lap. “I suppose so.”
“Hey!” King Boo cried, stumbling out of her lap and crossing his arms. He glared at the two of you, pouting slightly. “I don’t wanna sleep.”
“You have to sleep." You crossed your arms. “You’re hurt; you need rest.”
“I’m fine..” King Boo whined and stomped, “I’m not going to bed!”
He stormed out of the room before either of you could reply. You looked at Rosalina in confusion. “What just happened..?”
“Let’s just go get him." Rosalina sighed. You followed her out of the room, the cold night air biting at your cheeks. You could barely make out King Boo’s figure; he was curled up against the wall. You and Rosalina rushed to his side.
King Boo whimpered, trying to hide how he’s hyperventilating. You picked him up and held him close. “Hey, sweetheart.”
King Boo grumbled and crossed his arms. He probably would’ve been kicking and screaming had he not been so out of breath. Rosalina rubbed his back “deep breaths.”
Boo shot her a glare but tried to breathe deeper, his breath raspy and shallow. You frowned and carried him back to his hospital room, laying him down in bed. 
“Don’t wanna sleep." King Boo whined, crossing his arms and glaring at the ceiling. Rosalina just sighed, visibly exasperated. You sat down and pulled the hospital blanket over him. “Why not?”
“ ‘m not tired." King Boo protested, though the bags under his eyes disagreed. You sighed and tucked him in. “You have to sleep.”
Boo huffed and crossed his arms, glaring up at you. Rosalina shook her head, crossing her arms back at him. “You’re exhausted, Boo.”
He just rolled his eyes and flopped onto his stomach. You and Rosalina glanced at each other before she groaned and sat down in bed with him. Boo huffed and grumbled as he climbed into her lap. 
“What do I do?” Rosalina gave you a helpless glance. You thought for a moment before walking over to the window and opening the blinds. Moonlight streamed in, reflecting off of Boo’s hair. The moonlight made him look terribly pale, accentuating the bruises and bags on his face and eyes.
“Tell him about the constellations." You suggested, squeezing into bed on King Boo’s other side, “He always liked that.”
Rosalina nodded anxiously, wrapping an arm around Boo’s shoulders and pointing up at the sky through the window. Boo nodded, following her gaze. 
“-And that one’s the fireflower constellation.”
Boo laid his head on her shoulder, repeating the words to himself. Rosalina nodded "exactly.”
She was about to keep speaking when Boo’s eyes shut, and he mumbled what sounded like "night, Rosa.”
“Night Boo” Rosalina ruffled his hair, tucking him under the blanket. You smiled, watching the pair cuddle. You kissed the back of Boo’s head before shutting your eyes.
"Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight, Rosa.” 
"Goodnight, Y/N,” Rosalina echoed.
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the-blind-geisha · 6 months
You're the Inspiration - Chapter 6
The peaceful image of Rosalina stared the king in the face upon his return. That was the only one he cared about. But he couldn't just talk to her in his mansion. He had to be in another dimension of his own creation.
That way, he could at least have most of the power on his side to prevent her from dodging his questions.
Even if he was wearing himself thin with how often he was using the magic crown, he conjured up a portal that would take them both to the ghost dimension. It was a world he had complete dominion over, so her chances of escaping were minimal.
The world had nothing but darkness, dotted with a few hovering windows that silhouetted the background. Beyond them was the galaxy that he knew she so loved. Underneath them both was a marble flooring composed of sharp designs.
The painting began to ripple at the center as he pulled her from the prison he had placed her within only to swiftly slam down a large birdcage in its place, trapping her once more. Coming to her senses, Rosalina sighed as the boo, larger than usual thanks to the powers surrounding him, laughed at her predicament.
“After all this time, and this is the way you wish to go about things?” She lounged on her side, not allowing him an ounce of her fear to feast upon.
“In the past few hours, I have treated you far better than you have me,” he hissed in anger.
“Indulge me, Your Majesty,” Rosalina sighed. “What have I done to wrong you so?”
Chapter 6
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crabcanwrite · 18 days
MarioLore Masterlist
Bowser (teen + current)
Parties, Flirting, and monsters
Jealousy, Jealousy
Luma Polari
Princess Rosalina
It’s like a nightlight
King Boo (teen + current)
Parties, Flirting, and monsters
It’s like a nightlight
Chain Chomp
Princess Peach
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Uh so I told LoveBunny, a cosplayer from Tiktok who is working on a Mario themed series (iykyk), that I'd write MarioLore smut and can I just say:
I will be delivering on that promise.
Here are a few ideas and ships I have:
Peach x Toadette
Toadette x Chompette
King Boo x Male Party Goer (it might be a reader insert but there's specifically a side character whis name I don't know (I don't think he has a name, Ken plays him) and I ship him and king boo despite knowing that their relationship would merely be to fuck around)
Rosalina x toadette
And finally
Rosalina x King Boo
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tothemeadow · 4 years
ok my friend suggested this one to me because she loves Mario kart. What about the pillars playing Mario kart with a fem reader? But the catch is it’s boys vs girls so every race the girls don’t come in 1st-3rd they have to get a hickey from all the boys? (I’m going to hell for this)
‘to claim victory’ / (Pillars x Reader)
thank your friend for this one
warnings: things get kinda... spicy
words: 1,381
(a/n): Muichiro is 18+ for this!
for reference: Giyuu = Yoshi / Sanemi = Dry Bowser / Tengen = Rosalina / Kyojuro = Donkey Kong / Gyomei = Shy Guy / Obanai = Waluigi / Muichiro = Isabelle / Mitsuri = Tanuki Mario / Shinobu = Boo King
It’s unfair.
It’s unfair to be humiliated like this, to watch in horror as the guys accept another victory. Sure, the idea seemed simple enough – boys versus girls – but when the time comes to accept defeat and serve your punishment, your blood boils. And, if you are going to be completely honest with yourself, it’s not entirely because of anger.
Six against three is ridiculous. Of course they’re going to score some wins when the odds are like that. However, you, along with Mitsuri and Shinobu, have shown up the guys multiple times. It’s funny to watch them get a taste of their own medicine, to see them wallow in their defeat.
You know they’re cheating. They’re deliberately teaming up in pairs and taking each of you girls on two to one. They’re slamming you against walls, tailing you, throwing shells and bob-ombs, all of that irritating shit. Frankly, it pisses you off, but that’s how the game is played. Yeah, it’s the asshole way, but what are you going to do, seriously? Yell at them to play fair? Yeah, right. Everybody gets a bit more moody whenever your group plays Mario Kart, so it would only lead to an argument.
On your screen, you see Boo King throw a red shell at Yoshi.
“Put that in your pipe and smoke it,” Shinobu snickers. Giyuu merely grumbles and hurries to get back in his place.
A spark of hope flares in your heart. If Shinobu managed to land a hit on Giyuu – who were you kidding, she always did – maybe things would turn out in your favor.
“Now, now, now,” Kyojuro says, an uncharacteristic smirk stretching his lips, “let’s be friendly.”
“No thanks,” Shinobu jibes. “I’ll start being friendly whenever we score another victory.”
You take pleasure in Shinobu’s open hostility. All three of you girls have to end up in the top three places if you want to go unpunished. Even so, a small part of you wants to lose on purpose. Receiving so much attention is kind of nice, after all…
“It’s cute that you think you ladies will win,” Tengen says in a singsong voice. He winks at Mitsuri. “But I can just tell that you’re dying to lose.” At that, Mitsuri catches his eye and her face erupts in a deep blush.
Sanemi cackles. “Of course they do- fucking hell what the fuck?”
You smile. The blue shell you sent Dry Bowser’s way must’ve found its target.
“Come on, get your shit together,” Obanai mutters to his friend. “Lose focus and they’re going to win.”
Let’s face it – even though none of them breath a single word, all of the guys want to see you girls lose again.
“Must be hard to be in first place,” you coo, using a mocking tone. “Let me take the weight off of you.”
Sanemi growls at your response. You can hear Giyuu stifle a chuckle.
Just then, Isabelle zooms right past you. When did Muichiro get so close?
“Sorry not sorry,” Muichiro throws your way, his character gaining distance on you.
So many of you are clustered so close together. It can be anyone’s game, really. All that mattered now is pure luck.
“Have some mercy on us,” Mitsuri says with a pout. “Don’t you want to see Tanuki Mario win?”
“Can’t say I do!” Kyojuro exclaims. “Actually, I’d love to see him come last!”
Mitsuri gasps at the response. You have to agree – that’s just brutal.
After that, everyone falls silent. All of you stay focused on your screens, holding your breaths as each of you draw closer to the finish line. It happens all in an instant; Muichiro, coming first, followed closely by Shinobu, then Sanemi. You curse loudly as you place fourth. Mitsuri places eighth.
“Well, wouldn’t you look at that?” Sanemi scoffs. He turns to you. “What was it that you were saying about getting first place?”
You huff and cross your arms, not saying anything.
“You girls didn’t place in the top,” Tengen begins, feigning innocence. He runs a hand through his silvery strands. “I wonder what will happen now…?” The corners of his mouth twitch into a foxy grin.
With a sigh, each of you girls set aside your devices and prepare yourself for what was to come. Your neck still stings from the last batch of hickeys you received; Sanemi is a harsh one, and so is Kyojuro. This time, though, they switch things up. Sanemi and Obanai end up with Mitsuri (the poor girl’s face is so red), Kyojuro and Gyomei with Shinobu, and Giyuu and Muichiro with you.
You involuntarily lick your lips as the two men draw closer to you. Muichiro holds a mischievous glint in his dazzling eyes; Giyuu’s, on the other hand, only appear darker. Swallowing thickly, you tense up as the two of them sit on either side of you.
Mitsuri’s gasp fills the thick atmosphere. Glancing over, you see that Sanemi hasn’t wasted any time in sinking his teeth into her flesh. A shiver runs down your spine.
“You know,” Muichiro whispers into your ear, “you’re pretty cute when you’re flustered.”
You jerk when Giyuu starts to lightly nibble at your other earlobe. Blood rushing through your ears, you can barely make out your own heavy breathing and the sounds coming from the other girls. Mitsuri is more vocal than Shinobu, but even Shinobu’s resolve weakens with time.
“I wonder where I should mark you,” Muichiro continues to whisper. He drags a finger down the column of your neck.
Giyuu’s lips ghost over Kyojuro’s mark. You jerk again, a pathetic whimper passing through your lips. “Lucky bastard,” Giyuu grumbles. Creeping further down, he attaches himself to the side of your throat. The fingers of your left hand instinctively grasp onto the strands of his hair.
“You know,” Muichiro voices, just loud enough that Giyuu can hear him, “we never specified where we can leave hickeys.”
Your blood stills in your veins. Even Giyuu stops and he glances up at the other. Some silent conversation must be happening between them. You audibly gulp.
“Do you think-“
“Can we-“
Both of them speak to you as their hands gingerly grab onto the hem of your shirt. Your brain rushes to pick up what they’re implying. Your shirt inches up your stomach, revealing more and more smooth skin. Goosebumps prickle the flesh, both from the cold and… other things.
“Will you let us do this?” Giyuu breathes in your ear. Your eyes flutter and you bite your lip. Hesitantly, you nod.
A rush of air pushes itself from your lungs as your back meets the floor. Your shirt gets pushed up to beneath your chin, exposing the entirety of your torso and your bra. Two sets of fingers trace over your skin, dance across your ribcage, trace the edge of your bra. Your back arches into their touch, your mind beginning to swim.
The other sounds in the room gradually become louder. You know you’re right there with them, breathing heavily and shaking with anticipation. “Giyuu, Mui-“ you murmur. A slight moan breaks free as Muichiro’s mouth lands on the swell of your breast, his teeth grazing your skin. Giyuu remains further down; he plants his own mouth above the hem of your pants.
Your body continues to tremble as they kiss and suck on their respective areas. Giyuu is being far more gentle with you, lavishing you with his tongue. Muichiro likes to use his teeth, lightly gnawing at your skin before sucking it into his mouth.
Both of your hands are buried in their hair, tugging at the strands as you attempt to keep yourself calm. Your body feels too warm, too worked up. If only you had won the race, you wouldn’t even be in this situation.
After what feels like forever, the both of them remove themselves with a wet ‘pop.’ Your skin feels sticky with their saliva, but you don’t care. Giyuu gently pulls your shirt down and licks his lips. Muichiro’s eyes shine with an emotion you haven’t seen on him before. He wipes his mouth off with the back of his hand.
“Well, that seems to settle that,” Kyojuro suddenly says, bringing you back to reality. “Who’s ready for the next match?”
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the-blind-geisha · 3 months
You're the Inspiration - Chapter 10
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Nothing truly stood out to her at first glance. It was a mere few vases, plates, and other things that didn't really garner attention from her for very long. The creaking noises that soon bellowed about the old room made her body tense as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She passed it all off again as mere buried anxieties from King Boo’s ire previously to her own fears of any basement. But something felt as though it were whispering to her, calling to her from the corner of the room.
A weird unknown horror made the blood in her veins turn ice cold as she hesitantly turned when curiosity got the better of her. The white cloth that she could just make out in the distance nearly made her faint from fright, thinking it was a boo just staring at her without speaking a word.
But no. It was something else. 
It was hiding something underneath it that was slender with a T-shape at the top. Venturing closer to the old cloth, her face contorted in confusion as to why this covered item felt so foreboding to her.
“No doubt because of the boos and everything,” she muttered to herself, twining her fingers about the musty fabric to lift it up and expose something she never expected to see within King Boo’s mansion.
She didn't know what it was by name, but the moment she saw it, her heart seemed to awkwardly pick up the pace as if scared of it. The IV pole’s hooks clinked quietly in the darkness upon being uncovered. As though an unknown fear had crept out of the mansion’s walls to drag her under, she found herself unable to look at it for much longer.
Chapter 10
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the-blind-geisha · 7 months
You're the Inspiration - Chapter 5
King Boo let out an annoyed sigh at her behavior towards him still, twisting his mouth to the side with a raise of his brow. “And? What did you want?”
She showed him the toy in her hands. “This, umm. This belonged to that little girl I came here for. Milliya.”
“I am well aware. What of it?”
That weirdly surprised her that he would take note of a small detail like that. And here she thought he saw humans beneath him. “I was wondering if you could give it back to her?”
The king’s twisted snarl rumbled in his throat, as if to protest.
“Or at least send someone to give it to her? P-Please?” The woman took a bold step forward. “She’s had this toy for many years now, and I can’t imagine how upset she’ll be without it.”
“You want for me or my boos to risk bringing this toy to a human village?”
“Can you not just teleport it there?”
King Boo scoffed at the thought. “I can’t just teleport something anywhere, my dear. I have to have seen the location first. Or it needs to be from a dimension I can personally reach, be it by my own creation or otherwise.”
She gave him a curious look. “By.. your own creation…?” It was vague what he meant about that.
The giant boo shook from side to side, his tongue rolling from his maw momentarily. He grumbled, knowing there would be no other way to escape her desire to return this item. “Let me have it,” he ordered, the crown illuminating the plush so it could be in his care. “I’ll have a few of my boos take it to her. Do you know the description of her house at least? The last thing I need on my hands is a war with you humans.”
Chapter 5
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