#Riley All Stars
Barry Trivers and Gerd Oswald dropping “The Conscience of the King” on December 8th of 1966, only to never elaborate on Tarsus IV and Kirk’s past there
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tinderbox210 · 1 month
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Happy April 25th
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reyzxzc · 1 month
till death do us part
summary: riley and nico’s wedding.
contains: cussing, instagram, fluff, crying
(this timeline makes no sense but i’ll be writing stuff in the future for riley and nico, like 2025 so.)
april 19, 2024
today was the day. the devils season had ended a few days ago and nico and riley were getting married today.
they only got engaged five months ago, but since nico was playing in worlds, they figured the earlier the better.
riley was getting into her dress, when her brothers walked in. she was just zipping the back of it. “quinn can you get the zipper?” riley asked.
quinn nodded and zipped the dress. “you look good.” quinn said. “thank you.” riley sat down.
“oh don’t you three look handsome.” riley said. jack had a sling on his arm, it wasn’t really ideal for him, but as long as he healed.
“nico’s going crazy.” jack said, sitting by his sister. “me too.” riley sighed. “you really made your ring barrier curtis’ kid?” jack whined.
“i can’t help you have beef with an adorable angel.” riley touched up her makeup. jack rolled his eyes.
“okay you two leave, luke can you stay for. second?” riley said. “um yea.” luke said. jack and quinn are nico’s best man, so they had to get going anyway.
luke didn’t want to be in the wedding, but jim and him are walking riley down the isle. riley wanted to include him.
luke pulled a chair up to her. “what’s up?” luke asked. “i just wanted to see you.” riley said, buckling her shoes.
luke hummed. “i’ll allow you to get tipsy as long as jack buys them for you. your not getting drunk, okay?” riley said. she wanted luke to have fun, he’s almost 21 anyways.
luke raised his eye brow. “promise?” “promise.”
riley linked her arms around luke’s and jim’s. the brides maids had just walked down, now the maid of honor, her best friend, erin.
the three began to walk down the isle, when riley reached the platform, riley and nico grabbed hands.
“you look so beautiful.” nico smiled. “you do to.” riley smiled.
“dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of nico hischier and riley hughes. the two have prepared their own vows, mr. hischier will start as requested.” the officiator said.
nico sighed contently. “riley, your the only person i will ever truely want to be with for the rest of my life. for the rest of my life, i want to hear your laugh, your voice, see you smile, watch your eyes light up. spend time with the girl i get to call the love of my life.” nico said, squeezing her hand.
riley smiled, a tear running down her cheek.
“okay. now for ms. hughes.”
“okay mine are nothing like yours, but. i’m excited to spend the rest of my life with to. i’m exited for moments like, watching you cook and complain about how the game went. watching movies, growing old. spending all my hours with you, watching you turn gray. you are the only person i want.”
nico smiled.
“okay. mr.hischier do you take ms. hughes to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death death do you part?”
“i do.”
“do you ms. hughes take mr. hischier to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”
“i do.”
“you may now kiss the bride”
nico kissed riley, deeply. cheers around them. curtis’ kid brought them the rings. riley laughed. “thank you owen.” riley smiled.
owen handed them the rings with a big smile.
nico placed the ring on riley’s finger, riley placing nico’s on his.
riley_hughes just posted
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caption: got married today! so glad i get to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life! love you nico thank you for everything!
tagged// nicohischier
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diver5ion · 4 months
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But you came in here hot. On fire. It's making me sweat.
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simply-ewok · 24 days
helllloooo sweetheart!!!! im just gonna say, i hateeee when my hair sticks to my foundation, like bye????? im just trying to look fuckable (for anakin and jacob elordi) but like wtv...
FR and when my baby hairs make me look like a mad scientist when they won’t staY DOWN
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waitingintheskyyy · 9 months
When Chris and Una went on shore leave together and met Chris's dad
Disclaimer - This is from the comic "Star trek:early voyages" i do not own the art.
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
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Steamy Saturday
Two people shared a secret -- one a woman who denied it -- the other a man who knew him as no woman ever had . . .
He was beautifully built . . . and I felt the urge rising in me again.
I wanted him now as much as I ever wanted a woman.
The feel of his eager masculinity made me shudder in expectation.
We could make love in the myriad way of unnatural sex.
Oh, how the stealthy devolve into steam! An intrepid magazine reporter is sent to California to infiltrate and report on the Hollywood gay scene -- "snooping to find out what makes homosexuals tick!" Despite having a girlfriend and trying to maintain his journalistic objectivity, he is nevertheless drawn deep into gay sex life. But can he extricate himself from this seductive but deviant underworld? In the end, he convinces himself that he has --
I walked with my head high, for now I was certain that there was no trace of the homo about me. . . . "Dammit," I told myself aloud, "I'm no more a homosexual than the next man."
Or is he?
The Dungaree Jungle by Riley Benton was published in West Hollywood as an original All Star Book, a division of Challenge Publications, in 1966. Unfortunately, we could find nothing on the author (a pseudonym, no doubt), the publisher, or the cover artist. Please let us know if you have any information.
View other gay fiction posts.
View other pulp fiction posts.
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mlmcaptainpike · 2 years
i love you una chin-riley i love you kathryn janeway i love you kira nerys i love you la’an noonien singh i love you b’elanna torres i love you t’pol i love you ro laren i love you t’pring
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
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Thank you @amikoroyaiart and @hoodedmiho for this AU, never thought I’d need a starwars cod au in my life
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sulevinen · 1 year
something about soap being so casual with ghost right from the start and easily bantering with him and just not afraid of ghost at all makes me just so agajhsjasahajja
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fiadorable · 3 months
For the three word prompt thing, Una and Chris, #6 or #23 please!
#6 for Pikeuna: Be gentle, please. Number One checks on Pike after the events of "All Those Who Wander".
As captain, Chris' quarters had the most and best viewports on the ship, and he kept them open as much as possible. "It's why we're up here, isn't it," he'd said one night, fingers trailing shivery patterns up her spine as they lay tangled in his sheets. "To be among the stars."
Tonight, every viewport was shuttered.
Number One stepped far enough into Chris' quarters for the doors to close behind her, and then stopped. The lights were off, the main section of the room lit only by an aging fire crackling in the fireplace. A glint of light reflecting off a squat glass bottle on the coffee table caught her eye, drawing her gaze to the couch. As her eyes adjusted, the lumpy form occupying it gradually took shape as a supine Chris.
"Captain?" she asked, squinting.
"What do you need, Number One?" Chris' voice was rough and papery, and punctuated with the sharp clink of a glass being set on the floor.
Number One clasped her hands behind her back. "Permission to enter?"
His silence siphoned the air from the room, her lungs, had her pulse pounding in her ears and her palms sweating. Her thoughts spun back to the dizzying, tense moment on the bridge earlier when his shuttle wasn't at their rendezvous point. She'd sent a scout shuttle down to the surface to report in, the minutes without contact ticking by like a cord winding tighter and tighter around her chest.
"Granted," Chris finally rasped.
Number One unclenched her jaw and let her arms fall to her sides. She approached the couch with soft, deliberate steps. There was a little space on the cushion near his feet. She sat, resting a hand on his blanket-covered knee.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.
"No," he said. "Do you?"
Number One shook her head. "No, I would very much like to not talk for a while."
Chris shifted from his back to his side, pushing her toward the edge of the cushion with his foot. "C'mere."
She rose and resettled in the curve created by his upper body. Her palm skimmed his arm, followed the arc of his shoulder down to the warm dampness on his cheek.
Lifting his hand, he traced the full curve of her lower lip with the pad of his thumb. His palm cradled her cheek.
Number One covered his hand with hers. She kissed his wrist, and then helped him stand, leading him toward the sleeping alcove. Here, the viewports above his bed were open, blanketing the room in a dim silver. Stars crawled past as the ship towed its precious, broken cargo.
When her shins knocked the foot of his bed frame, she turned, hands rising to press against his chest.
Chris' arms encircled her waist, tugged her body close to his until their foreheads were touching and their breath mingled between them like a fog.
He was here. He was alive. His heart beat a furtive tattoo beneath her palms.
Here. Alive. Heart beating.
Gasping, her, when his hands rucked up her uniform and undershirt in one move, trailing fire across her skin.
Groaning, him, when she dragged her fingernails through the thicket of silver hair at the nape of his neck.
"Please," she whispered, nosing his face upward. Pressing her lips to his, hard. No, that felt wrong. He tensed. Number One softened the kiss. Gentle, her feathery kiss to his upper lip said. I'll be gentle.
Chris melted into her embrace. She guided him down to the bed, then removed her boots. The viewport controls were on his side of the bed. She walked over, touched her fingertips to the prompt that would lower the shades.
From the bed, Chris looked up at her with glassy, questioning eyes before darkness reclaimed the room. Number One crawled into the bed, cradled his body with her own. "It's why we're up here together, isn't it? To be among each other when the stars are too bright."
One hundred thousand apologies for the late response to your prompt, @lindsaybob. This one needed to steep in my WIP pile for a few months. 😅
just like lindsay, you, too, can try your luck and send me a prompt and a pairing
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syoddeye · 2 days
went to a sports thing and now all I can think about is official!reader either making a call that costs them the game or wins them the game, and the fellas proceed accordingly
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purecommemasolitude · 8 months
society if kevin riley had appeared more often in tos
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reyzxzc · 1 month
The Proposal
summary: nico proposes to riley.
contains: cussing (it’s in all of my writings), fluff, crying, instagram.
december 20, 2023.
riley sat with her family and nico at the lake house in michigan. nico didn’t get a flight out to switzerland for christmas this year.
the hughes family was being quiet, like they knew something. everyone but riley. riley felt at a loss, not knowing why everyone was being weird around her.
“okay, someone tell me why everyone is acting so strange.” riley said. nico kissed her head. “no one’s acting strange, my love.”
riley rolled her eyes. “shut up.” riley placed her finger over his lips. “i don’t know what your talking about, my dear sister.” luke shrugged.
jack leaned over the counter, he was the only one who couldn’t keep a secret in their family. “jack.” nico mouthed to him.
jack groaned. “riley, can you um.. come skate with me?” jack asked. this was apart of nico’s plan to propose. “why can’t you just do it with luke or quinn?” riley asked.
“because i miss my sister, is that a problem?” jack asked. “okay.” riley said. jack smiled. riley kissed nico on the cheek and grabbed her coat.
jack opened the door and they walked out to the outdoor rink and put on their skates.
jack and riley got on the ice. “why’d you wanna skate, jack?” riley asked. “i love my big sister, what’s the problem with that?” jack asked, grabbing her hand.
riley hummed. “so no surprise?” riley asked. “no.” jack shook his head. riley hugged jack, kissing his head. jack hugged her back. he was loosing his sister more and more everyday. nico was proposing today.
jack didn’t ever wanna let go. he loves nico, yes. but he doesn’t love loosing his sister. jack has always been an older sisters boy. he would always go to riley when he needed something.
he can’t do that anymore. she’s gonna get married.
“jack?” riley said. jack hummed in response. “you getting tears on my shirt.” riley whispered. “what?” jack wasn’t even aware he was crying.
“sorry. must’ve just got lost in my thought.” jack wiped his tears. “no it’s okay.”
riley and jack walked back inside. “i’ll make some hot coco.” riley said, walking to the kitchen. “okay.” jack nodded, sitting on the couch in front of the tv, turning on a christmas movie.
riley made two cups of hot coco and handed one to jack. jack leaned into his sister. “i’m happy for you. i want you to know that, ry. i know i wasn’t at first but i am know.” jack said.
“i know buddy. never in my entire life would i thing you aren’t happy for me.” riley said. jack smiled. “what are we watching?” riley asked. “polar express.” jack smiled.
later that day, the table was set and everyone was eating. “um riley.” nico said. “yea?” riley asked, putting her fork down.
nico cleared his throat, which made riley cringe. nico got down one knee. riley gave him a look. nico pulled a ring out of his pocket.
“riley dakota hughes, the past year and a half has been the best off my life. it may seem a little early but i love you, more than anything else in this world. riley, would you do the honors and marry me?” nico asked.
riley nodded. “yes.” riley said. nico let out a sigh, and placed the ring on her finger. nico stood up, riley doing the same. riley hugged him, tightly.
nice kissed her when she pulled away from the hug.
“let’s pop some champagne!” ellen cheered. riley laughed and wiped her eyes. “none for you luke.” riley said. “not even an exception?” luke pouted. riley shook her head.
riley_hughes just posted
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caption: and we’re engaged. i’ve spent countless hours trying to figure out the way to word this. but the only thing that comes to mind is i love you. because that’s all i know. i love you nico. here’s to forever.
tagged// nicohischier
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jackhughes: riley’s all grown up :,)
- riley_hughes: i’m older then you, jack.
lhughes_06: okay wtf, where’s the ‘luke took this photo’??
- riley_hughes: you didn’t tho…
nicohischier: 🫶🏻
- riley_hughes: 🌷
_quinnhughes: that should he me 😔 getting married 😔 that should be me marrying nico😔
- riley_hughes: .
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Una Chin-Riley (Number One) vs. Evelyn Wang
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Una Chin-Riley (Number One), Star Trek: Canonically, she's a badass who has hopped around multiple departments in Starfleet and is serving as the First Officer of the flagship (where she is 'the best first officer in the Fleet'). She collects information and people tend to 'end up owing her favors.' Her Illyrian heritage gives her increased strength and a super immune system, which she successfully hides from everyone for decades while serving with distinction. When Captain Pike is kidnapped on Talos, she goes after him, breaks into the lair, and convinces the Talosians that humans would make terrible slaves by threatening to blow herself and all of them up rather than remaining imprisoned.
Evelyn Wang, Everything Everywhere All At Once: After living the worst possible version of her life, Evelyn, wielding her infinite selves in one hand and kindness in the other, saved the multiverse from collapsing on itself AND was able to submit her taxes.
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mai-komagata · 10 months
Snw literally has an episode where a character ships two same sex characters together even though they aren’t together in a story and goes into a nebula to rewrite the story to make her ship explicit and then proceeds to live forever with Debra. Curious.
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