#Ray Fam
fanficwriter284 · 2 months
there haven't been any murders caused by the ray family lately?
"Not that I know of"
"No...well hopefully none"
"I don't know"
"................No comment"
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ohhhh but it's so fascinating to me to see the ways ray's struggle with the mew vs. sand situation is the perfect mirror to sand's struggle with the boeing vs. ray situation. in so many ways the 2 cases are so similar, but it's the ways in which they are different are what make it so interesting.
both sand and ray started off this series being haunted by 'what-ifs' in their respective love lives. ray was haunted by a love he'd always wanted but never had. sand was haunted by a love he'd once had but then lost.
even just in ray and sand's dialogues, there are clear parallels in the way they talk about the hold the previous what-if holds over them:
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right when it seems like ray is about to move on with sand, he finally gets a chance with mew. ray has wanted it for so long that he immediately jumps at the chance without even thinking of the consequences, almost like a knee-jerk reaction.
sand gives ray an ultimatum: it's either me or mew. but i will not wait for you, and i only want you to choose me if it's me that you really want - i do not want to be the second choice.
and so, ray lets go of mew and chooses sand - but then the script flips.
right when it seems like sand and ray are about to start a new beginning, now you have sand getting his (second) chance with boeing. sand has spent so long bemoaning the loss of his "stolen" love that he's way caught off guard by boeing's sudden reappearance and remorse, by sand's expression you'd think it's almost as if he'd unconsciously fallen right back into the headspace he'd been a year ago when it was just him and boeing.
ray gives sand an ultimatum, too: it's either me or boeing. i'll always be second so as long as he's around, so if you want to choose me - then you will also have to let him go for good.
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their situations are almost inverses in a way as well. sand asks ray to choose once and for all to avoid being ray's second choice time and time again. ray asks sand to choose while admitting he is in the 'second string' position, yet still wanting to prove that sand is still ray's first and only choice, and that ray has no qualms about blatantly fighting for him.
another interesting parallel: even though ray has definitely chosen sand by the time he and mew have their Talk in ep9, ray still lets mew do most of the talking when they call it quits. it's what seals the deal for ray that he really does just love mew as a friend. you can see it in the way ray's i love you to mew comes out much more self-assured.
similarly, even though sand has 100% chosen ray by the time boeing shows up with the arctic monkey tickets, sand still lets ray do most of the talking to ward boeing off. it's what seals the deal for sand that not only has ray chosen him, but more importantly that ray will stay. you can see it in the way sand's demeanor is so much more relaxed after ray shows up. (mew is even there to give his final blessing to the couple lol)
there's more parallels with these two cases that i could go on about i'm sure, but more than anything i love that it fits with the theme of everything in this show happening twice - and often, it is the character growth that shines through in the differences between the parallels.
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frnkiebby · 1 month
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
You know what? I think that it's interesting that three out of the four times Bart has been an adult in the comics he has chosen extreme violence (Albeit it is kind of a righteous fury in these instances too).
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Impulse #75
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The Ray (1994) #25 (Thanks thebartallenblog and cosmoteer for telling me about this one)
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The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13 (Vol. 1)
And that is just very Thawne-like of him. And two out the three times also involve interacting with Thawnes (President Thaddeus Thawne and Thad Thawne II (Inertia) respectively).
Yes, I am still on my Bart-has-Thawne-qualities-and-one-of-them-is-anger propaganda. Bart being angry is just so interesting to me because it's not typically the emotion or characteristic anyone associates him with, but it's there. When he gets angry he's not holding back.
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elnavegador · 2 years
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Rewatching the second season and having feelings about them.
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coloredsnowo · 2 years
I like to pretend they all grew up together (and drove each other crazy)
ft overprotective dad bruce
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biperhart · 1 year
i love ignoring the actual issues with henry danger. like let's be real, we all know I don't give a fuck abt that. it's nickelodeon. "what would you change about the show?" I feel like henry could've been more of a loser. that's it. thanks.
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goatpaste · 2 years
Yknow since Star Platinum has pillar man horns in your au does that mean some of the other joestar stands who are part pillar man have them too?
shocked pikachu face realizing iv never thought about this before,,, i really focused in on the idea of star reflecting jotaro pillar man family feelings,, but theres a lot of potential to capitalize with the others,,
I gave my Holly stand design, Ross horns but i didnt even think about it in that way at the time,, but her with horns and a type of mask like face that lifts up to show her real face and sharp teeth,,,
also pointy Stone Free with a bit of of toothy and horns,,, just lil baby ones being at the bottom of the pillar man genetic pool in the family. just a hint a flavor there but enough to leave an noticeable impression that cant be ignored
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point horn and teeth family ^^
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My queer headcanons for my f/o's!
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Hitoshi: transmasc agender aspec (he/they)
Ochako: bisexual (she/her)
Fresh: genderqueer aromantic (he/him + any neopronouns)
Mei: bisexual trans girl (she/her)
Suguru: gay (he/him)
Satoru: genderqueer bisexual (he/him)
S! Papyrus: unlabeled (he/him)
Joanne: gay (he/him)
Bakugou: genderfluid arospec gay (he/him or she/her depending on the day)
Aizawa: gay trans man (he/him)
Hizashi: genderqueer bisexual (he/him)
Hanta: aroace (he/him)
Denki: nonbinary bisexual (he/they/she)
Yuugo: bisexual greyace (he/him)
Lucas: gay (he/him)
Cross: demisexual gay (he/him)
All the others that aren't in here are canonically queer (Asra, Fizzarolli, Portia and Julian.)
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fanficwriter284 · 11 months
I know I haven’t talked about Beau much in a while! But the Rays got him certified to be a service dog! So now Beau goes EVERYWHERE with them!
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chaoticdean · 1 year
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ASHES FALLING FROM THE SKY | Rating: Gen | wc: 1.9k
Bravo Team has been given devastating news while they're still stuck on an OP in Jordan. Between grief and one last high-profile mission, Jason and Ray find themselves on the roof of the stash house, grieving their co-worker, friend and brother in every sense of the way.
Writing Ray & Jason again after so long has been so cathartic I cannot really put words into it (which is kinda ironic, seeing as I'm a writer and all).
Many thanks to my friend @nickelkeep for beta'ing this even though they know nothing about the show!
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kresnikcest · 2 years
commissioning the anniversary outfits and. listen. i would love julius putting his coat over elle. it would be so fuckin’ cute. but sadly julius and ludger are already palette swaps so i need to differentiate them. so julius is putting his coat over ludger instead. but one day...
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h0ney-bee · 2 years
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dgct2 · 1 year
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Dylan McDermott and Alexa Davalos as Remy Scott and Kristin Gaines in FBI Most Wanted 4x15 Double Fault.
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neonstatic · 7 months
today i remembered how painfully sensitive i am to criticism and judgment, real or perceived. anyway guess how my second driving lesson went :'))))
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goatpaste · 2 years
Imagine after Hollys adventure her family somehow finds out, and Suzi and Joseph are super worried and concerned but Wamuu and the other Pillars are immensely proud of her. I mean she (probably/mostly) singlehandedly took down an underground betting ring full of dangerous people with powerful stands, thats badass PillarMan shit right there!! Adding onto the fact that Pillar Men cant see stands and cant fight against them normally, it would be even more impressive to them.
oh ye 100%
for context on the joestar family side of my fan part
wham wouldn't be around for the event of this part, he's away on one of his trips again, returning home soon to see Holly. Holly has recently become single (still deciding how, but I think potentially having had a divorce lol. runs in the family) and with a lot of changes in her life, has returned to america to stay with her parents as their starting to get up in age, and need help around the house as well has a hand in taking care of the young 6 year old shizuka. She's also just visiting to kinda spend time with the part of her family she feels she hasnt gotten to be around as much since she moved to japan.
Janelle, after gaining access for Roxanne's files on local stand users, found all her information on Joseph Joestar and the rest of the Joestar linage. Janelle had heard some things of their family both in their connection to the speedwagon foundation, as well as local talk and Roxanne's own thoughts. Also aware that Roxanne seems to have to hesitation in letting them come around her business and staying away from prying eyes. Janelle just knew if she was going to get help to get herself and everyone out from under Roxanne's control they needed someone who made Roxanne worry. So she would send a letter to the Joestar household to try and reach Joseph Joestar. Unaware both that Holly would be staying with her parents, or that she still had a stand of her own.
Holly would intercept Janelles request for meet Joseph and ask for help, going as far as to lie about one of their wrestlers having potential family connection. Deciding she couldn't ignore this but also wouldn't let her older father put himself and their family in danger, she would go in his stead without letting them know.
hesitant to help Janelle at first, as Holly wasnt sure she could help she did ultimately decide to help the fellow stand user the best she could. the two would work to undermine Roxanne and get everyone out of her grasp and make sure no one was ever trapped in her work again.
Holly would lie to Suzi and Joseph that she was going to visit an old friend from back when she grew up in the city and would return in some week, keeping contact when she could. Truthfully she would be just a short 40 minute walk away from their home in New York, staying with local taxidermist while she works with Janelle.
However, Joseph as nosey as he is feels something isnt right and tails Holly along with his newest partner in crime, the young Shizuka. Neither could know the danger Holly was getting herself into and why she was keeping them far away. Leading to a few interceptions between Roxie's employee's and Joseph and Shizuka from time to time. I do picture Mac and Shizuka forming a funny unlikely friendship.
Basically Joseph and Holly both end up keeping this a secret from Suzi as they promised her they would stay out of their typical family drama and danger and both quickly broke that promise together in one swoop. But Suzi is clever and I can picture near the end of the part she finds out and supports Holly and her choices (but defiantly GETS joseph's ass for putting himself and Shizuka in trouble)
Wham would return home shortly after the events of my fan part when Holly's saved the day or whatever and gets to truly come home and rest. and he would be SO proud of her. they all would, knowing Holly spent many many many years falling back on issues she has with standing up for herself and self image and such. watching how she's grown leaves them star struck
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Holly family so proud and amazed in her growth and ability!!
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