#Radia Perlman
coupleofdays · 8 months
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According to the Tron Wiki, the character "Radia" is possibly named after the computer programmer Radia Perlman, whose contributions to network design (that are far too complicated for me as a layperson to understand) has earned her the nickname "Mother of the Internet".
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She did once write a short poem about her work, a parody of Joyce Kilmer´s (in)famous poem "Trees":
I think that I shall never see
A graph more lovely than a tree.
A tree whose crucial property
Is loop-free connectivity.
A tree which must be sure to span
So packets can reach every LAN.
First the root must be selected.
By ID it is elected.
Least cost paths from root are traced.
In the tree these paths are placed.
A mesh is made by folks like me
Then bridges find a spanning tree.
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geekpopnews · 2 months
Especial Dia da Mulher: Radia Perlman, a Mãe da Internet
Nesse dia da mulher homenageamos Radia Perlman, uma pioneira da tecnologia de redes que criou o protocolo de rede responsável por termos a internet mundial que temos hoje #diadamulher #internet #stp #radiaperlman
No Dia Internacional da Mulher, homenageamos as mulheres que deixaram uma marca indelével em seus campos de atuação, desafiando estereótipos e moldando o futuro, uma dessas mulheres notáveis é Radia Perlman. Cujo trabalho pioneiro no campo das redes de computadores a tornou uma figura lendária no mundo da tecnologia. Hoje, destacamos sua invenção mais famosa, o Protocolo de Árvore de Spanning…
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carmenvicinanza · 4 months
Radia Perlman
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Radia Perlman, informatica statunitense, tra le maggiori esperte mondiali di software design e ingegneria informatica, è l’inventrice dello Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) che ha reso più efficiente la rete, ottimizzando il collegamento tra i suoi nodi.
Nominata Inventrice dell’anno 2004 dalla Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association, è stata annoverata tra le 20 persone più influenti nel campo della tecnologia da Data Communications Magazine.
Nata a Portsmouth, in Virginia, il 18 dicembre 1951, da una coppia di ingegneri che lavorava per il Governo, ha vissuto a lungo in New Jersey. Brillante studentessa in scienze e matematica al liceo, dopo il diploma è stata tra le rarissime ragazze a frequentare il MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) dove, nel 1976, si è laureata in Matematica.
Nel 1980, lavorando per Digital Equipment Corp, colosso dei computer, agli albori di internet, ha prodotto l’algoritmo per STP.
Nel 1988 ha conseguito il dottorato in informatica presso il MIT.
Ha lasciato Digital nel 1993 per lavorare per Novell e nel 1997 è entrata in Sun Microsystems, dove si è specializzata nella sicurezza di rete. Nel 2007, le è stato conferito il titolo di Distinguished Engineer. 
Ha insegnato alle Università di Harvard e di Washington. Nel corso della sua carriera ha ottenuto circa 80 brevetti.
È l’autrice di Interconnections: Bridges and Routers e coautrice (assieme a Charlie Kaufman) di Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, due fra i dieci più importanti testi in materia di networking.
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
rahu and technology: 💻
earlier this month, my friend levi (@LeviathanAstro1) made a tweet about rahu’s potential connection to robotics, artificial life, and the uncanny valley
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the three nakshatras ruled by rahu are ardra, swati, and shatabhisha. after doing more research, i found a ton of a prominent figures in the technology world who have rahuvian placements !!
katherine johnson - swati mars, ardra jupiter
bill gates - swati sun
valerie thomas - sba. venus
steve jobs - sba. sun
kimberly bryant - sba. moon
radia perlman - swati venus
grace hopper - ardra jupiter, sba. saturn
marsha rhea williams - ardra venus
ada lovelace - swati venus + jupiter
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i also received several responses from my followers with rahu-ruled planets, talking about their interest in different technological activities or media:
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rahu-ruled nakshatras: (sidereal degrees)
ardra: 6°40’ - 20°0’ gemini
swati: 6°40’ - 20°0’ libra
shatabhisha: 6°40’ - 20°0’ aquarius
rahu-ruled nakshatras: (tropical degrees)
ardra: 0°31’ - 13°51’ cancer
swati: 0°31’ - 13°51’ scorpio
shatabhisha: 0°31’ - 13°51’ pisces
are you a rahuvian placement who really enjoys technology, robotics, sci-fi, or coding ? tell me in the replies :)
book a reading !!
my linktree
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stevebattle · 1 year
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TORTIS (Toddler's Own Recursive Turtle Interpreter System) by Radia Perlman (1974), MIT, Cambridge, MA. TORTIS is a device that lets pre-school children communicate with and program a robot turtle. It has three button boxes, designed so that key concepts can be introduced gradually. The first box has buttons for simple turtle actions, 'forward', 'back', 'right', 'left', 'toot', 'penup', 'pendown', 'light on', and 'light off.' A 'commands box' has the same nine buttons, with an additional row of numbers 1 to 10; pressing a number before the action button, repeats the action that many times. A third 'memory box' can be plugged in, that stores and recalls sequences of actions. Later on, a "blox box" was added that allows command blocks to be plugged into a 16x16 grid, representing a map that lights up to show the turtle's position, and executes the command at that point. The “blox box” is widely considered to be the first use of tangible programming. Perlman went on to invent the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), that allows Ethernet networks to transport data without getting stuck in a loop, a development that was key to the growth of the internet.
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Here's my list of forgotten/cool women from history. Please take it, reblog it with more, spread it, learn about them, make books about them:
Lucy (slave used for experimentations on the uterus)
Nightwitches from WW2
Grace Hopper
Mary Anning
Maria Mitchell
Ada Lovelace
Kate Warne
Agnes Barre
Flora Tristan
Olympe de Gouges
Eleanor Roosevelt
Bessie Smith
Sylvia Plath
Sweet Tee
Lady D (the rapper)
The Sequence
Lady B
Rachel Carson
Lalla Fatma N'Soumer
Rosalind Franklin
Miriam Makeba
Alexandra David Néel
Suzanne Noël
Helena Rubinstein
Katherine Switzer
Jeanne Barret
Sophie Germain
Katherine Johnson
Margaret Hamilton
Hedy Lamarr
Betty Snyder Holberton
Kathleen McNulty Mauchly Antonelli
Marilyn Wescoff Meltzer
Frances Bilas Spence
Ruth Lichteman Teitelbaum og Jean Jennings Bartik
Valerie Thomas
Karen Sparck Jones
Dr Shirley Ann Jackson
Radia Perlman
Stacy Horn
Dr Betty Harris
Beulah Louise Henry
Elizabeth "Jake" Feinler
Empress Zenobia of the Palmyrene Empire
Surya Bonaly
Dolly Parton
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Shelley
Queen Nzinga of Ndongo Kingdom
Queen Yaa Asantewa Ashanti
Empress Candace of Ethiopia
Queen Sarraounia Mangou of Aznas Kingdom
Dona Beatriz
Mileva Marić
Janet Sobel
Claudette Colvin
Marsha P. Johnson
Marian Anderson
Madam CJ Walker
Frida Kahlo
Mirka Mora
Dahomey Amazons
The 40 Elephants
Diamond Alice
Maggie Bailey
Julie d'Aubigny
Bessie Coleman
Policarpa Salavarrieta
Annie Oakley
Anna Julia Cooper
Sojourner Truth
Ida B. Wells
Shirley Chisholm
Mary Church Terrell
Audre Lorde
Harriet Tubman
Maria W. Stewart
Angela Davis
Florynce Kennedy
Jocelyn Bell
Alice Ball
Lise Meitner
Chien Shiung Wu
Marie Tharp
Elizabeth Blackwell
Wu Zetian
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whatsapp83 · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsappsms · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsapplist · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsappmovbilelist · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsappdata09 · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsappdata11 · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsappdata12 · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索引擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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whatsapp08 · 5 months
当时它只是一个统计理论,但在 1994 年,Mike Burrows使用它创建了Alta Vista搜索��擎。 拉迪亚·帕尔曼,“互联网之母” Radia Perlman (1951) 是一位计算机科学家,她发明了 STP(生成树协议)通
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Innovators Unite: Celebrating Diversity at the International Technology Awards
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Are you ready to celebrate diversity and innovation at the International Technology Awards? Innovators from around the world are coming together to showcase their groundbreaking contributions to the tech industry. This event is a platform for recognizing the brilliance and creativity that arises from diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. Join us as we honor the trailblazers who are shaping the future of technology through their unique visions and talents.
The Prestigious International Technology Awards
Recognizing Innovation and Excellence
At the International Technology Awards, innovation and excellence take center stage, celebrating the groundbreaking contributions of visionaries in the tech industry. This prestigious event sets the standard for global recognition, honoring the relentless pursuit of innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
Through an intricate selection process, the Awards applaud companies and individuals who have conceived, developed, and delivered game-changing technologies that redefine the industry. The annual ceremony creates a platform where innovators are acknowledged, lauded, and given the opportunity to shine on an international stage. This acknowledgment is not just an honor for the recipients, but also a catalyst for further pioneering advancements that shape the future of technology.
Global Impact and Influence
The International Technology Awards not only spotlight innovation but also recognize the global impact and influence that technology has on societies and economies worldwide. As technology continues to evolve, its influence transcends borders, revolutionizing industries, empowering communities, and fostering advancement on a global scale.
The awarded technologies are those that embody the potential to positively impact, enhance, and transform lives on a global level. They are the driving force behind societal and economic progress, serving as a testament to the transformative power of technology in addressing global challenges and creating opportunities for a brighter future. Through the recognition of global impact and influence, the Awards inspire a collective commitment to harnessing technology for the betterment of humanity.
Embracing Diversity in Technology
Breaking Barriers and Challenging Norms
In the world of technology, diversity is not just a buzzword; it is a crucial element for progress and innovation. Embracing diversity means breaking barriers and challenging norms that have limited the industry for too long. By welcoming individuals from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, the technology sector can tap into a wealth of varied ideas and fresh approaches. This diverse tapestry of thought fosters an environment where creativity thrives and new solutions emerge.
Fostering Inclusivity and Collaboration
Fostering inclusivity in technology is about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully. It's about building a culture that promotes collaboration and teamwork, where each person brings their unique strengths to the table. By embracing inclusivity, the industry can harness the power of collective intelligence, leading to more innovative products and solutions. When diverse voices are not just heard but actively listened to, the technology community becomes all the more vibrant and impactful.
Celebrating Innovators from Diverse Backgrounds
Women Trailblazers in Technology
Women have been breaking barriers and making significant contributions to the field of technology, despite historical underrepresentation. Individuals like Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, and Radia Perlman have paved the way for future generations. Today, women continue to lead the charge in technological innovations, from developing cutting-edge software to spearheading AI research. Their unique perspectives and inventive ideas have propelled the industry forward, inspiring others to pursue careers in technology.
Pioneering Innovations from Minority Communities
Minority communities have played a pivotal role in driving technological advancements. From the groundbreaking work of Dr. Shirley Jackson in telecommunications to the revolutionary impact of Mark Dean in computer engineering, these visionaries have left an indelible mark on the industry. Through their relentless determination and groundbreaking inventions, they have reshaped the technological landscape, proving that diversity fosters innovation. Their contributions serve as a testament to the wealth of talent and ingenuity that exists within diverse communities.
The Power of Inclusive Innovation
Diversity in the tech industry has the power to drive innovation and technological advancements, shaping a future that is inclusive and representative of global demographics. Embracing diverse perspectives and experiences is not just a matter of fairness; it is an essential element for driving progress and nurturing creativity in the technological landscape.
Driving Technological Advancements through Diversity
Innovation thrives in environments where a wide range of perspectives and ideas are welcomed. When individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences collaborate, they bring a breadth of insights that can lead to groundbreaking technological advancements. By embracing inclusivity, the tech industry can push the boundaries of what is possible and create solutions that cater to a more diverse audience.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators
When aspiring technologists see individuals who resemble themselves succeeding in the industry, they are encouraged to pursue their own ambitions. Celebrating diversity at technology awards and showcasing the achievements of innovators from various backgrounds can inspire the next generation to pursue careers in tech. By highlighting diverse role models, we can ignite a passion for innovation in young minds and foster a future generation of diverse tech leaders.
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In conclusion, the International Technology Awards stand as a testament to the power of diversity in driving innovation and progress in the tech industry. By uniting innovators from diverse backgrounds, these awards fuel a culture of collaboration and creativity that propels technology advancements forward. Embracing and celebrating diversity not only enriches the tech community but also yields groundbreaking solutions that positively impact the world. Join the celebration of diversity at the International Technology Awards and be part of the driving force behind the future of technology.
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aldieb · 2 years
nothing has made me happier recently than learning that the creator of the spanning tree algorithm promptly wrote a poem abt it:
I think that I shall never see
A graph more lovely than a tree.
A tree whose crucial property
Is loop-free connectivity.
A tree that must be sure to span
So packets can reach every LAN.
First, the root must be selected.
By ID, it is elected.
Least-cost paths from root are traced.
In the tree, these paths are placed.
A mesh is made by folks like me,
Then bridges find a spanning tree.
—“Algorhyme” by Radia Perlman
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