#Press Release S5
cookinguptales · 1 year
I am obsessed with the idea that Guillermo may have weird reactions to getting bitten and it looks like the show might be too so uh TIME TO WRITE FASTER lmao
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jthm-moved · 2 years
metalocalypse ice berg video on my youtube homepage i thinkim. going to need a moment my levels are critical rn
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karofsky · 10 months
WWDITS s5 really is insane for Nandermo. Like. Lmao.
We heard "jealous Nandor" with the initial season press release and were like oh, that'll be so good. Now 6 episodes in we have Darkest Secret Of The Series, murder-suicide romance trope, the entirety of the coffin scene, the setup for Rule of Three's with Nandor closing the distance between them, Guillermo willing to do anything to protect Nandor's feelings, canonically jealous Nandor, canonically flirting Nandermo, Nandor going to and publicly admitting to going to space just to impress Guillermo and win his affection back, Guillermo getting an eyeful of his crush butt ass naked at his first pride, whatever the "are you sure?" was about, even MORE jealousy from both parties, Guillermo admitting that avoiding Nandor is one of the hardest things he's done physically and emotionally, Nandor who would forget his own head had it not been attached to his body having Guillermo's phone number memorized, canon dick handling, a whining and pitiful Nandor crying because Guillermo isn't around to comfort him (three times!!), Guillermo choosing the vampires over his blood family, Nandor pushing Guillermo to argue with him to bring back a sense of normalcy between them and Guillermo instead not taking the bait, Nandor jerking it and Guillermo for whatever reason being aware of this, 0.2 seconds of Nandor reaching for injured Guillermo before Colin appeared, and THEN a canon L-Bomb from Guillermo???
We still have four more episodes, and 3 of them sound like they're shaping up to be absolutely nuts, and I'm like... WHAT else are we going to witness.
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Saturday all :) We only have 5 eps left in this season. I can’t believe it. 17 days to the premiere. Well 18 for me since I don't have cable just Hulu but still. Ahhh the Dim and Juicy Ep. I remember the 3 week hiatus to get to it was the worst. Felt like we had a lot of extended breaks in S5. Drove me insane. But anything is better than the one we’re coming out of now ha I’ll take 3 weeks over 9 months any day heh.
I liked the parallel in this how unhealthy Jake/Sava were. And how solid Tim and Lucy are. I mean Dim And Juicy were a mess. My god the man cheated on her more than once. They are not relationship goals lol I enjoyed them nonetheless though. I know Eric and Melissa had a blast filming this. Did my best to get everything in. Content heavy one. Let us get started.
5x18 Double Trouble
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We hit the ground running in this one. Sava is waiting for Jake outside of prison. He’s getting released due to overcrowding. Not because he was good LOL Even Sava makes a crack it wasn't that. Been serving about 6 months for the drug charge got in 4x22. It’s a trip to watch them. We get all the benefits of Melissa and Eric’s chemistry inside another couple. It's wild. Sava all but squee's when she see's Jake which is pretty cute.
They launch themselves at each other once he’s free. All kisses and hands. Saying how much they missed each other. All the chemistry and swaying cuteness that comes with them. This scene is pretty cute to watch. They do look like they are so in love which makes what Jake does later so confusing and awful tbh. He greets her friend Lisa with a hug and you can see Sava breaks it up pretty quickly.
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Sava brings Jake back to her side. Asking what he wants to do first? Being the classy gentlemen he is saying she knows what. Ha Horny horn dogs. I do love it though. it’s like getting the most reckless AU version of Tim and Lucy. Although they wouldn’t cheat so it’s not entirely accurate lol Sava asking him if he wants to go straight? Jake replying 'Nah, screw that. Let's be bad.'
This leads us into the documentary. Shots of Jake and Sava during it. My god they are sex crazed af. I think that’s why everyone loved watching them though. heh They legit were gonna make a sex tape and got caught LOL I remember being so excited and confused as to what this episode was going to be ha. All I knew was going to be a documentary one and I always have a soft spot for these ones.
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We start off with Lucy getting mic’d up. She looks way more nervous this time around. Why you ask? Her person isn’t with her. Her safe space and grounding force is missing. She even asks why she can’t be interviewed with him? They want their POV's to be separate this time. It’s so sweet she misses him and needs his presence to calm her nerves. This makes me so happy I cannot.
We watch her take a deep breathe knowing they have to be apart. They ask how Lucy knew of Jake Butler in the first place? Lucy goes on to explain about Tamara’s car and drugs they found in it. Which led them to Jake. They bring up the fact he and Tim look alike. Tim is already grumpy and hates these damn things. What happens when you remove him away from his sunshine human.
He’s extra grumpy. It shows in his very first shot. His body language screaming how much he doesn’t want to be here. The crossed arms (mmm hello biceps.) Tim defiantly saying how they don’t look the same at all. Refusing to believe they are anything alike. Other than looks Jake is the complete opposite of everything Tim is for sure. He’s so sassy and salty when the director says they’re identical. ‘Says you.’ Oh my love. I adore you.
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They come at Lucy with both barrels about being Dim and Juicy for their OP in 'Double Down.' Knowing their ‘pretend’ intimacy was so much more than that. Lucy looks like she’s getting overwhelmed poor thing. She tries to divert it back to what they accomplished with their OP. Not the fact that they were UC together as a couple. The director presses more asking if that’s when her and Tim became intimate?
There’s a reason they pulled Tim from her for these questions. He would’ve knocked this guy out for them being so personal. Also for making her feel uncomfortable asking them. She can’t even look the man in the face when she says this BS line about pretending. Cause it’s utter crap and she knows it. Yeah they were in other relationships at the time. To quote Angela from 5x01 ‘All true. Not what I asked.’
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Lucy defending them both. Saying they didn’t get together until they were both single. Which is true and I am eternally grateful for. Do love her making sure everyone knows this. That they didn’t do anything untoward during their OP. Cause they wouldn’t while in relationships. Not who they are. They were damn close but didn't. Why they are the opposite of Jake/Sava. The director says he wants to dial in on that. Lucy becoming agitated asking do we really have to?
These questions clearly getting under her skin. The director noting it’s astronomical they would even meet the both of them. Let alone have both Jake/Sava together and her and Tim as well in a relationship. Before she can answer Tim interrupts says interview is over. She asks what's wrong? He tells her not here.. Lucy thinking it’s linked to questions she’s being asked. I love him holding the door for her as they leave. Ever the gentlemen.
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The closeness and height difference is glorious in this shot. You can tell when they’re alone by her body language Lucy goes into calm down Tim mode. Her hand reaching out for his and subtly touching it. Thinking she has to get him to settle down for hearing those questions. Before Lucy can talk Tim explains why he removed her. Has nothing to do with that. He pulled her over because Jake has gone missing. Doesn’t want to do police work in front of the cameras. Saying Nolan and Celia got missing persons call and it’s about Jake. Lucy is shocked saying 'What?'
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Nolan and Celina show up and Sava is freaking out cause Jake is missing. The director asks why Jake and Sava are at a mansion in Beverley Hills? We find out they’ve been casing rich families. Taking over jobs like handy man, nanny etc so they can live in these fancy houses and steal their stuff. It’s pretty smart despite being awful LOL This last family needed a handy man. Jake beats the crap out of the current one. Strong arms his way into taking his job.
I do love seeing how tall he is in that camera shot. mmm. Tall drink of water that man. Jeans and a leather jacket? Yum. Gimme. Luckily this family needed a nanny as well. So they both fit right into this scenario. Angela saying Sava slid right in LMAO I’m dying at Wes’s reaction. They’re so cute I can’t stand it. I do love me some Wopez. He tells her that's a really descriptive way to say it HA These documentaries always produce the funniest little moments like this. Why I love these and have a soft spot for them.
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We return to Nolan’s and Celina questioning Sava. She is still panicking. Saying this is why she didn't want to call the cops. Nolan noting because they're doing something illegal? She tries to defend their jobs there. That they're "straight" now. John gets her back on track by saying Jake disappeared? We cut to another video slash moment. Sava and her videos ha it is super cute how he looks at the camera. That smile we all love. Jake saying she needs to remind him to erase security footage. My god they’re sex bunnies LMFAO. He gets up to grab another beer and asks if she wants anything? She said lobster salad.
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The ass tap he gives her on his way to get another beer. my goodness. I love it. Reeling over here. Don't worry about me. They must’ve had so much fun filming this. I mean Eric mentioned it was one of fav eps of the season. The BTS they did leading up to his showed how much they enjoyed it. Her little dance after he says he’ll get her lobster salad. Haha Sava just living her best life in this moment and it’s showing. Sadly this is the last time Jake is seen alive on camera.
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We find out Jake took off and never told Sava where he was going. Which is heartbreaking. Because she clearly loved this man very much. Moral compass or not she loved Jake. That gets them on the topic of lying and secrets in a relationship. They ask her if Tim and her keep secrets? Lucy says nothing big.
That honesty is the most important thing in a relationship. Cutting to Tim and his reply I’m rolling. Eric killing it in this episode with his sarcasm. The king delivers once again. I mean he’s not wrong he is sitting there because of her secret. Well intentioned secret though LOL One born out of love. This one was funnier than the other two I thought. Just lots of funny/punchy bits like this one. I enjoyed it so much.
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We return to station. Aaron’s calling in he found a body. That it’s Tim. The expressions in this scene are primo. First off Lucy and Celina's confusion is hysterical. Standing next to him and hearing this when he's very much not. Tim looks so annoyed Aaron couldn’t tell it wasn’t him LOL Also irritated at the thought of being dead. Like he's insulted he would ever be dead in a dumpster haha Oh Tim I love you so much.Like Aaron you’re all looking for Jake and your mind goes to Tim LMAO Never gonna live this down my dude....
Tim grabbing Lucy’s radio off her hip is doing things to me. I also adore the looks when he does. She just allows it only looking down. Such a deep level of comfortability in this action too. Lucy doesn’t react at all. Just used to Tim and his antics. It’s the little glances through out this portion love too. Tim's look into the camera cracking up as well. Like this friggin dope thinking i'm dead... His face the literal version of SMH ha I loved this mini moment so much.
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They ask Tim if it was disconcerting he saw a version of himself dead in the dumpster? Being Tim he’s not going to show a documentary crew of all people his vulnerability. That’s reserved for one person and one person only. We shoot back to Lucy who says she has nightmares. God I can only imagine the nightmares seeing that produced for her though. Even though it wasn’t him you know she carried that with her when they left.
I bet you she had nightmares that night and Tim had to soothe her. Damn that would be good fic... LOL Anyways they ask Lucy if she thinks Tim has nightmares? Lucy tells them no but he’s been doing the job longer. I love her defending his high walls though. Saying why they’re in place. Not wanting them to judge him for it. Refusing to let anyone cast a negative light on him.
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The director asks if she’s jealous he can turn it off like that? Lucy’s answer is great because it’s very her. Telling them No. Personally she needs to feel for people it’s who she is. I totally get that I am a massive empath. It’s how I connect with people as well. It has it's downsides it’s true but worth it in the end. When they ask her bout his walls being an issue? I LOVE her smile. Because those walls have never really been an issue. A challenge for Lucy yes in slowly breaking his down over the years. But never an obstacle for them.
We all know she saw behind his walls very early on in their relationship. Saw the man hiding behind that wall. Tim has been a soft marshmallow for her for YEARS. Legit years. Why she has zero hesitation in her reply. He was soft for her long before they got together. It’s just now he allows himself to fully be this way openly and he’s ok with it. Well when they’re alone he is. Of course he’s going to be rough and grumpy with the crew. They’re not his person. Nor would he ever tell them he was soft for her.
That's not Tim Bradford at all. But his actions speak louder than his words ever could. You have to earn that out of him though. Lucy earned it million times over. Why she is the only one who gets to see it. Does crack me up the way the director says. ‘No sir....’ After Tim asks him if he looks like a big softy? You know Tim loved instilling that fear in him. He may be super gone for his wife. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t command fear and respect around everyone else. These two the epitome of Grumpy x Sunshine per usual. Tim is hard ass unless you’ve made past his wall. He loves Lucy most so she gets all the soft goodies haha
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Sava shows the director a video she’s scared to share with the team after being questioned. Thinking they’re gonna use it against her. It’s a video of them driving around being all cute. Saying I love you to the camera and such. But then get run off the road in an attempt to kill them. Their car gets totaled and Jake has them bail completely. Car and everything they leave behind. They were able to locate the car for evidence after they see this.
They couldn’t get anything from the car scrapings unfortunately. Had the most common paint out there. So another layer was added to this mystery. Who was the driver? Sava then gets a text threatening her about an item she had no idea about. One that needed to be delivered. It was sent to her and Jake. The texts went on to be violent in nature toward Sava. So it was time for Lucy to go UC to figure this out. Meet up with this person threatening her.
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Thanks to Lucy’s UC Op the SL finally has some answers. The guy contacting them was related to Jake they were cousins. He was into some shady stuff and was an international arms dealer. This where I really feel bad for Sava. She had no idea about these back ally dealings he was doing. Not only that but he was cutting her out of the deal on top of it. That Jake targeted this family for a specific reason and she had no idea. Makes me sad when she says she thought he loved her oof.
That she knew him. Pretty sad. We find out later through Sava. That Jake always had a burner phone. They were able to get that number through this whole thing with the shady cousin. It’s where we find out Jake was cheating on Sava. Again….Lucy calling him the Shakespeare of sexting LOL They ask her if she’ll read some of them? It’s adorable how flustered she gets. Saying she can’t her Nana would be watching this. HA
The director does the dumbest thing he could do. Asking Tim if he would read some? Like did you really think that was gonna happen bud? Like really? His reply of if Lucy wasn’t gonna he sure as hell wasn’t going to. Telling him to take that away from him. Have you not paid attention at all in these documentaries? Why would they think asking was a good idea? LMFAO Mess with the bull gonna get the horns people.
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We find out the person Jake was cheating on Sava with was Lisa. Her best friend…Like damn it’s bad enough to cheat but with her best friend? God…As douchey as it gets on his part. Jake breaks up with her via text but Lisa can’t handle the fact he was choosing Sava. It’s when everything comes together. We find out she tried to run them off the road and kill them. When that failed she asks for Jake’s forgiveness. Wanting to meet up. When he showed up she killed him immediately and dumped his body. Shit….That's a seriously scorned women right there.
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This next portion is the definition Grumpy x Sunshine. They ultimately decide not to charge Sava with anything. The director asking what Lucy thinks of this? She of course gives the softest, most empathetic, and hopeful answer. Because it’s Lucy Chen. She exudes all that in her decision making. It is her super power after all. Naturally her answer was geared towards a second chance. Thinking maybe this will put Sava on the right path.
We cut to Tim saying ‘Of course she said that.’ He knows his girl so well. What’s so great here is his expression as he says it. That smile of his when he says that line. We all know one of the reasons he fell for her is that sunshine. That empathy and her seeing the best in people. She charmed her way into his heart with it. He truly does admire her for it. You can see the fond affection his face and tone when he says this.
He may not agree with her but he loves that about her. The man loves her so much even when he’s being sassy it comes off as affectionate. It's the first time we see him smile this episode. Why? He’s talking about Lucy. She brings it out in him. She melts him even without even being present. Just the thought of her and he lights up. Her compassion is one of his fav things about her. Gah they cute.
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They finally get to to be interviewed together. It’s the best part of the episode. Director not wasting any time with his first question. Asking them if they’re worried cause their doppelgänger relationship was so dysfunctional? Lucy once again seeing the best in them. Telling him it was an unfair characterization of them. That Jake cheated not only that but cut her out of a gun deal after that. Not healthy in the least but to her not dysfunctional.
I adore how riled up Tim is with his questions. Protective Tim has entered this conversation. Getting very agitated with what he’s implying. Look at how Lucy looks at Tim as he goes off on his rant. She loves this man sitting next to her. Grumpy rants and all. The amount of affection on her face as he continues his tangent. She could watch him go off all day. My heart. The director saying he thinks it's reasonable question. Tim doesn't agree and tells him off. Saying they’re working too hard. Ha I love him.
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Tim continues on (very passionately might I add) about separating their relationship from Jake/Sava’s. Want's to make it VERY clear they are nothing like those two. That the only thing they share is looks. He is so offended he would even compare the two. I mean it’s true. They’re not on the same planet as Tim and Lucy. Lucy continues to look at her man with serious heart eyes. Her smile giving me all the feels.
She is loving his fierce defense of them as a couple. Saying Jake/Sava based their lives on deceit. Of course it infected their relationship. He’s not wrong…This next bit gets me all in my feels. The way he looks over at Lucy. A real genuine smile just for her. Look at his smile. I'm a puddle. He is the absolute softest for her. *heart clutch*
Saying they’re in a very different place. His passionate defense is of them is sexy if you ask me. Also look how different he is with her by his side. Sharing more than he's been doing in his previous interviews. Being a little vulnerable cause she’s there with him. More than he has the entire episode. I cannot. This makes my heart so happy.
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The look on Lucy’s face when they ask what place they’re in? She is also ready to throw down with them. Incensed they would even ask that. Her reply is perfection. Saying ‘If you don’t know, then you haven’t been paying attention.’ I remember thinking this was a shot at anyone complaining this season. (and I LOVED it) Which blew my mind btw whenever I saw it. Cause if you could be negative in a season this good what makes you happy? I remember unfollowing some people cause I didn't want their tainted vision in my feed. If you could look at their relationship and not see the beautiful progression you weren't watching the same season as me.
To not see what they’ve built to this point in the season. You are like Lucy said clearly not paying attention. I remember seeing some posts about not enough PDA, kisses or intimacy. (there was lots of intimacy btw just not straight up making out) You’re missing the point of the realistic healthy adult relationship that's being portrayed. They're not teenagers who will be angsty over nothing. These are people in a stage of their life where that nonsense isn't going to happen. Any angst they've had has been productive. If you came out of this episode thinking they needed to be more like Jake/Sava you missed the point entirely. Of this season really. They are not them.
The beauty of Lucy and Tim is in the small tender moments. The little things that add up to so much. Yes I love kisses and such don't get me wrong. God I love them. Will lose my mind over any in S6 no doubt. But there is so much more to a relationship than just that. The emotional intimacy and how they’ve grown together since 5x10 is unreal. The massive shift in Tim alone is enough to tell you how well written they are. What a healthy adult relationship looks like. Had their bumps along the way but what couples doesn’t? I just loved that line from Lucy. S5 is a game changer in the best way for them. If you can’t see it or how they've both grown together you clearly haven’t been paying attention. That line was amazing and I loved her saying as such.
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The director takes shot at what place they're in. Coming up with some buzz words. As generic as he could possibly be. Lucy calls him out for it. Because it no where near describes what these two have. Tim is simmering as this guy continues to try and rile them up. I adore him ready to go off and Lucy immediately calms him with a single touch. That’s all takes for him to go from raging bull to heart eye Tim in an instant for her.
Tim was ready to thrown the hell down. I love protective Tim. Lucy taking the wheel in this moment is everything. Her touch basically saying she's got this. Looking directly at her man when she says this next line above. Also don’t think I didn’t see your eyes move to his lips madam. I do adore how she is looking at him. Exuding every ounce of love in her body for him as she speaks. They’re so in love make my heart hurt in the best way. Her eyes so full of warmth and affection for the man sitting next to her. They really are in a beautiful place. Making my shipper heart so very happy.
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Tim’s sweet smiles as she rubs her thumb up and down his wrist in a soothing manner. I love it so very much. Never be over how she make's sure to keep eye contact as she calms him down. Tim also doesn't break his eye contact with her as she does this. They're killing me with all the shipper feels in this moment.
Let’s not forget her necklace on full display here. In this beautiful moment. Happy looks so damn good on them everyone. Another thing I love so much is how Tim lets her take over. He was ready to shut this down. Kick them out. She places her hand on his arm and he’s at peace. Lets her direct them from here on out. Only Lucy has the power to soothe him this quickly and effectively.
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She’s calmed Tim down enough to have him rejoin the convo. Saying as police officer your future is never certain. Lucy adding on anything can happen at any time. Tim rolling it into kicking them out is amazing. Telling them straight up they’ve overstayed their welcome at this point. I mean they really have LOL Cracks me up how she turns her head towards him. Not really shocked but realizing he's over this now. Her smile is the best.
I love him pointing his finger. The shots at his relationship with Lucy were his breaking point. That is the most precious thing in world to him. Something so sacred. Why Lucy had to stop him from eating them lol Lucy’s reaction is the best. She loves this insane man sitting next to her so much. Her pushing his arm down like 'Ok babe that’s enough.' lmao. Such a wifey move to do that but also she knows Tim is at his limit. Tells them it's time to go now....
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I love them instantly going into couple time mode once it's over. Lucy asking if he wants sushi? Tim saying how it’s perfect. Then looks back at them glaringly. Saying this place better be spotless when they get back. I love her escorting him out of the apt. Hand on his back directing him towards the front door before he pops off more. Such a married move. God damn I love them so much everyone. Fantastic ep from start to finish. ❤️
Side notes-non chenford
Grey’s picture and how happy it makes him I love it so much. It’s so cute I can’t stand it.
He was so distraught when it was destroyed lol They replace it and it’s so sweet hilarious adorable thing for Grey.
Thank you to all my readers you make my entire day when you like, comment and reblog. Tis been a joy for me. See you all in 5x19 :)
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henrysglock · 2 years
Third ramble: Byler is an open secret
Y'know...I've been thinking about all the media I've consumed and like...I don't think I've ever really seen a scenario like Byler before.
We found out that Will, the queer character, is canonically in love with Mike in the penultimate season, not the finale, and we have a plot line that can only end in him confessing his feelings. There's no option for a "one of them dies before the confession happens". The painting is inevitable, and leaving it unsettled would make no sense.
On top of this, our queer character has been abused, bullied, traumatized, assaulted, kidnapped, and even POSSESSED for fucks sake. To give him a tragic ending would be, first and foremost, terrible writing. Second, with a release date in 2024...it would be a certain brand of career suicide. Not likely to happen.
So...no outs there. Then, we have Mike, the love interest who is canonically attached to the queer character. Like...so attached. Like "he can't seem to be happy without the queer character around, and trusts the queer character alone with his true thoughts and emotions" attached. Like "there's no way he'd take a love confession badly" attached. There's no evidence to support the theory that the inevitable exposition could go badly.
So no out there, either. But THEN we have the love interest who, without saying so explicitly, reciprocates. The love interest flirts back, checks the queer character out, goes out of his way to take care of the queer character without complaint, is shown consistently initiating physical contact both for support and just...casually?
We also see the love interest put himself in mortal danger repeatedly for the queer character. We see him going batshit insane any time the queer character is missing, hurt, being spoken poorly of...or is even just frightened in any way. So it's not like we don't have clear evidence in support of reciprocation. There's no "oh, it would be out of nowhere" argument.
So...No out there, either. And THEN??? We have the love interest telling the queer character that meeting him and becoming close to him was the best thing the love interest has ever done? EXPLICITLY STATING THIS? The kind of statement you would make to the single most important person in your life, someone you adore??? All this...EXPLICITLY STATED TO THE QUEER CHARACTER'S FACE, WITH OTHER IMPORTANT CHARACTERS PRESENT?
And THEN? The queer character telling the audience (via a veiled confession to the love interest) that the way the love interest behaves around the queer character makes the queer character feel like he's BETTER for being queer? Obviously, something the love interest is doing is consistently showing the queer character that he is loved. Color theories and music patterns and microexpressions are so much fun to analyze but...the analyses really aren't necessary. Byler has been laid out in obvious actions and explicit dialogue. It's literally right in front of us, all it takes to see it is a lack of bias and a working short term memory.
I've never seen anything quite like it in a mainstream show, especially not in one where queerness isn't the center of the plot. tl;dr: Byler endgame is explicitly stated to us, but not in the press-release "They will be a couple in season 5" way. Byler is an open secret, the nature of their relationship unstated because that's the big reveal for the two in s5. If you ever doubt that, just watch the show.
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raayllum · 5 months
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So prior to S5 I thought that this scene in which Soren presses the Star rune like it's a button with the Ocean rune on display, in addition to Callum's "You found it?" being overlaid with the Ocean rune back in 1x04, would mean that they'd find Aaravos' prison in S5. (I also admittedly thought Aaravos would be getting out in S5 as well, so as always - margin of error and a grain of salt.)
That said, we do know now for certain the rune placement can and has foreshadowed things (specifically Callum's dark magic use in S5 and him doing it for Rayla) which opens the door to re-examine other placements with a shred of more... certainty? Merit? Take your pick
I thought Soren turning the cube so it went consistently between Star and Moon was a potential indicator in the future for Rayla and Aaravos battling for Callum's agency (i.e. Rayla trying to break Callum out of Aaravos' possession in future seasons) and that is still my primary takeaway, we know more definitively is an event that will happen (whether she'll stick to trying to break him free, or succeed in it, is a little bit more up in the air, but she'll certainly try) in S6 or S7. Hence going between the Moon and Star
However it would also tie into potential symbolism / theories of Callum falling prey to Aaravos/possession because of what he's willing to do for Rayla, whether that means saving/sparing her or by getting in over his head releasing her family (three Moonshadow elves) from the coins.
Or both the fall and agency? Both. Both is good
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
So I’m asking for another request😂 because your writing is amazingggg. Whenever I see my requests during work, it just makes my day.
So this time I have something a little different👀 could I request a dabi/touya todoroki x female reader? Where the reader is Dabi’s girlfriend but is a kind soul. She doesn’t like what dabi does but he’s very protective and kind to her.
So maybe he gets home in the middle of the night and finds the reader crying on the couch. She was super worried about him after hearing the news of the heroes going after him and she kinda nags him with tears. He just chuckles and says cute things and maybe they cuddle lol.
You can totally add or change whatever you’d like!! Thanks in advance for writing this!!🙏🏻❤️ take your time!
Despite The Things He Does
(Snowwwwww TvT ❤️) (side note, so I hear S6 of MHA is either out or coming out, sooo cue me binging the rest of S5)
Dabi x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romantic
Summary: Despite the things Dabi does, he still finds kindness for you.
You woke up slowly, the blankets having been kicked off the bed and fan running. This was a normal occurrence, your head turning to press into the scarred shoulder next to you. You usually would stay up late whenever you had the hunch Dabi would be coming over, and you’d start the night bundled up under the blankets together, but somewhere in the night Dabi would kick them away and let you curl into him for warmth.
You’d awake and find him wrapped around you, keeping you close and warm, before proceeding to deny everything when he finally awoke.
You never minded, the act being uniquely Dabi, and once he finally let go, you’d trudge into the kitchen to make breakfast like every other morning.
He’d stay for only one plate-full, clean his plate at your sink before absconding off to do whatever villain business he had.
It worried you to no end, despite the things he does, you somehow found love for him in your heart.
As if on cue, a slight shift from you had him pulling you closer, and you allowed it like usual, tucking yourself under his chin and against his chest. You laid there for a few minutes before you lifted your chin, mumbling into Dabi’s ear.
“What d’you want for breakfast?”
“Don’t care.”
You smiled at the sound of his voice being muffled by your shoulder, moments before he released you, eyes watching you slip away and down the hall where the sound of kitchenware quickly followed.
It wasn’t long until you felt his warmth at your back again, arms looped loosely around your waist as his head pressed into the crook of your neck. You pressed your cheek into his hair, hands focused on the pan of bacon and eggs in front of you.
As usual, Dabi stayed for only one serving, washing the dishes with you before slipping away and leaving a lingering kiss to your cheek.
You were about your day by routine, working a few hours at the local book shop, coming back home to unwind.
But today, the news had been going on and on, about how heroes were believed to have come upon one of the League members. You told yourself things would be fine, but as the hours stretched on and on, you began to worry.
You curled up on the couch, bundled up in a blanket as you flipped through channels, trying to ignore the news for now.
You weren’t sure why you were worried, the villains needed to be caught. Plus, Dabi could handle himself.
A glance at the clock showed 12:38 am. Dabi usually showed up between 10 and 11, and you were usually mostly asleep by then anyways. But here you were, wide awake, worried. Remote trembling in your hand as you found no strength in your thumb to push down on the buttons, to change away from yet another late night news station.
You turned away, thumb pressing forcefully down on the off button to the TV, plunging yourself into darkness with a mechanical click. You tossed the remote onto the coffee table, uncaring if it missed and fell onto the floor as you stood, unable to stop your pacing.
Your mind was a whirlwind of worry, only broken by the sudden sound of your window clicking and creaking open.
He had apparently seen your before you had seen him, but Dabi’s voice was enough to make you break into tears. He was quick to flick on a lamp as he made his way to you, hands holding you by the arms. “What’s wrong?”
You took a moment to draw in a breath, eyes squeezing shut as you tried to relax. “The-The news… said… th-that heroes were going after the League… a-and I just got really worried and—!”
“You think some lousy fresh-outta-school heroes are gonna be able to stop me?” Dabi laughed a bit, offering a gentle smile that helped you relax.
“Well,” you sniffled, leaning into the warm palm that reached out to brush away your tears, “I didn’t know they were new heroes, you just come home real late and sometimes with injuries so I just get really worried and…”
As you trailed off, finding no more words come to you, Dabi leaned in to hold you. “You don’t gotta be worried about me, I’m alright and uninjured.”
“You could at least tell me when you're on your way. That way I’m not left wondering if…”
You trailed off, not wanting to finish your thoughts. Dabi leaned down to kiss you, hands warm against your skin where he held your face.
“I’ll start texting you when I’m dropping by, would that help ease your worries?”
“Yes it would.” You then reached out to tug on his arm, “Now come to bed, I would like to not mess up my sleep schedule.”
“Whatever you say, dear.”
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terriblegam2r · 2 years
- slight wwdits spoilers ahead -
After accumulating all the Nandermo press that has been released so far (and especially with Kayvan saying that “Nandor has finally come to the realization that Guillermo is his type” when talking about this upcoming season), I can say with about 95% certainty that Nandermo is going canon this season.
Not canon as in them officially getting together, but with Nandor finally realizing that he’s in love with Guillermo. It’s obviously important that he comes to that conclusion himself because progress cannot be made without him first realizing what’s been right in front of him this whole time (it’s been three whole seasons of his obliviousness, I think it’s about time the writers hurry up with this realization already lol), and I believe that it was important for him to “test” all his past wives out to help him come to that realization faster. And also with Freddie coming into the picture it was just the cherry on top and the final push that their relationship needed ultimately. The show runners are playing out the typical “ship goes their separate ways dating other people and at the end realizes what they had” trope and I am here for it (I’m also here for potential jealous!Nandor as well lol)
I think it’s going to be a while (at the end of S5 imo) until Nandermo actually becomes officially canon (because I do think Freddie is sticking around until then), but at least with this season we will finally get confirmation of Nandor’s (and Guillermo’s, even though it’s pretty obvious) true feelings towards his familiar/body-guard after years of just fan speculation.
With 4x09 and 4x10 titled “The Wedding” and “Memories” respectively, my prediction is that in 4x09, Nandor (or Marwa) will call off the wedding at the last moment and in 4x10, Nandor will finally realize his feelings for Guillermo (in reference to the title - he will recall all the times Guillermo had been kind, supportive, loyal - all around best person to fall in love with and spend eternity with). Or maybe the realization could happen in 4x08 (titled “Freddie”) because the eighth episode of each season is usually focused on their relationship and that’s when milestones happen (it could also parallel the “Gail” episode going by the title alone).
The first half of the series was about Guillermo pining over Nandor, now it’s going to be reversed for the second half, and I’m so excited to see it. This show is really their story, tbh. There’s a reason why the very first episode of the series is about their special anniversary.
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starry-mist · 3 months
General mid-s6 thoughts (because I haven’t had time to actually rewatch 609 yet to do a full post yet):
I love that the show is fun to watch again. I’m actually looking forward to it rather than dreading whatever bullshit they were pulling in the early part of the season.
I’m back from my attempt at being a casual fan (hah, we all knew I would fail) to full-on obsessed. I like it here.
With a little more context now, it seems that this season is very much about Charlie, which I initially disliked, but at this point I can kind of envision where they’re going with it. While the show has always been about the characters’ relationships with each other, there’s a real focus this season on how he’s grown as a character as well as how he copes with new challenges but also resolves some lingering issues, and maybe let’s go of some old baggage (like his conflict with his dad.)
I’m still not 100% convinced there will be entirely smooth sailing on the Charah front. It’s really hard to say given it’s this fucking show (affectionate,) they could go either way. There’s a chance they just continue to be strong and supportive of each other, and I love that for them. I’m just still hanging onto the parallel of Sarah being in school with Julia leaving Charlie to go back to school. I’d be fine with temporary conflict, by the way. Because regardless of if her studies become an issue in her relationship with Charlie (and again, that could go either way, it could just be that added profiler aspect for the team like that one press release said, or it could shake things up a little bit) I do foresee them working out. They’ve always been endgame, it’s just a matter of how they get there.
And in terms of the ending for Charah: I predict a season 7 renewal (there have already been hints,) so I feel like there’s a possibility that they “officially” move in together (excuse me while I roll my eyes at the idea of them not technically living together yet after it was heavily implied in s5) or there’s a proposal. I’m trying to keep my hopes super low so I’ll settle for another on-screen kiss or “I love you.”
Also, this is usually the past of the season where they start dropping more intense episodes, which I think we’re getting a hint of with the (spoiler) upcoming Rex whump and Rex disappearance back to back. I’m dying to know what led them back to filming in Hamilton too. The fact that there’s been the tiniest hint of continuity and mention of Trina has me curious. Not that she’d be specifically based there as CSIS (I honestly don’t know how CSIS works) but it’s where my mind goes when I think of reasons for them to have filmed there again. (My other theory is that Sarah’s sister is getting married there and someone gets murdered. My brain is a very strange place.)
Crap, this got long. I should be channeling this energy into fic.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
sending this now so I can look like a 🤡 later once we know more about him.
Alfie smut.
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So I know the second one asks for it to be about Suresh, but we're putting him on hold for a little while, so I thought I'd write it in to this one.
S5 | Alfie/MC | 3300+ words | @mrsbsmooth
He's been asking her to take it slow... but he can't hold back any more. NSFW - Explicit
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“I really meant what I said, earlier, you know,” Alfie whispered. “About not wanting anybody else.”
Nadia’s enormous brown eyes were full of delicious intensity, as she scratched her nails softly on the back of his neck, the way he loved. 
“I know, baby. And I meant it when I said it back.”
God, this was like a dream.
The second he’d seen her, he was spellbound. She was relaxed. Confident. Her skin was like his; a warm mahogany, and it shone in the sun, though hers was softer. Smoother. He was almost certain his jaw had hit the floor when she stepped out of the villa. And he’d picked it up with a laugh, and a deep breath, knowing for sure that a woman like that wouldn’t take a second look at him. But as their eyes met, a small smile had curled on her full lips, and she’d walked directly to him. He’d gone for pretty much the whole first day with his mouth slightly gaping. 
And when she’d tried to kiss him?
Hoo, boy. He was done for.
He’d hesitated, at first. How the fuck was he supposed to compete with Suresh? He was straight off of a ‘most eligible bachelor’ list. But Nadia couldn’t have been less interested. 
Nadia wanted him. 
One conversation was all it took. Their sense of humour, their families, their values - it had flowed so easily. It was as if they’d been carved for each other, two parts of a whole, their edges meeting flush, just like the one dusted across her cheeks. 
Nadia’s gaze had never faltered, not once. She had eyes for him, and him alone. It took him a hot minute to trust that it wasn’t just some sick practical joke. She really did want him. Alfie still wasn’t sure why… but Finn had slapped some sense into him. When the universe presents you a gift like that, you don’t question it. You say thank you, and hope to god you don’t fuck it up. 
So fuck it, he went all in. 
No one agreed to go exclusive after two days coupled up. No one. But they did. And now, she was his.
Suresh had been proper ropeable when he found out, and to be fair, Alfie didn’t blame him. He couldn’t imagine how much it would hurt to see Nadia with someone else. This was a woman you locked down. This was a woman you treated like royalty. This was a woman who deserved the world, and she was halfway to being the entirety of his already. She deserved to be worshipped. And god, how he was dying to worship her. 
But like the world’s biggest fucking idiot, he’d told her he wanted to take things slow. He’d thought that ‘taking it slow’ was just what you did when you really cared about someone. But he’d never wanted to go faster with anyone in his life. 
He’d fallen for Nadia the minute she’d brushed her lips across his. Like the rest of her, they were soft, but there was a decisiveness behind them. Her honey-flavoured lip balm was how heaven tasted in his dreams, and he’d been aching, aching to taste the rest of her. He was ready to skip the plane, and fly hands, mouth, and cock into wherever she wanted him. 
But even as recently as the day before, there he was. Denying her. Insisting that they take it slow. 
Whenever she kissed him, he could tell she was desperate, pressing for more. He could feel the tension in her body. God, how he ached to be the one releasing her. To be the one whose name she gasped. To be the one drawing those little noises he’d heard so much about.
So there they were, exclusive, and face to face, a soft light filtering through the sheets. Alfie took her chin in his hand. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, and a soft smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. 
“What?” she whispered. “What are you smiling at?”
Alfie shook his head, incredulous that she even had to ask. He just pulled her close, kissing her gently. 
She opened her mouth to him, as he slipped his tongue in to meet hers. His fingertips were stroking gently at her hips, silently praying that she would just go for it. That way, he could keep pretending he hadn’t had to hold himself back every time she brushed up against him. Hadn’t had to push the thought of her writhing beneath him from his mind. The thought of her hands on his chest, his fingertips digging into her thighs, as she rode him to fucking heaven and back.
He didn’t want to seem like the kind of lad who couldn’t keep his cool around her.
But the mental image of his hands on her body were doing absolutely nothing to help.
He could feel that he was properly losing control of his body. The shred of self control he had left was screaming at him to stop, but her arms were wrapped fully around his neck now. Her back was arching under his hands, pushing herself into him. She was begging him for it. 
There was no way his body was letting him turn her down again. 
He was practically shaking with anticipation, and he spread her legs with his knee, resting his thigh between them, and pressing upward against her, a tiny whimper falling from her lips. He broke their kiss, allowing his lips to trail down her jaw, and onto her neck. Nadia gasped, sending a shockwave through his entire body, and he moaned against her skin.
He inched inside her silken camisole, the soft fabric catching on the rough callouses of his palms. But he traced his hand onto her breast, slipping the fabric over her head as he brushed his thumb over her nipple. Her lips parted and she gently brushed them along the outside of his ear. He couldn’t hold back. He took her nipple in his mouth, flicking his tongue across the ridges and taking her in.
Her skin was every part as soft as he’d dreamed, melting under his rough palms as if it were healing them. But where his hands were abrasive, his lips were smooth, glazing over her skin with a slick desperation as he pressed them to every inch of her. Fuck. 
Alfie wasn’t usually a jealous guy. He never let himself get invested enough to develop feelings like that. But with Nadia, it was like the jealousy had implanted itself in his body. The roots had grown the very first time Suresh had interrupted their chat to take her away, and they’d only dug deeper every time someone else wrapped their hand around her waist. He wanted it to be him. Needed it to be him. And now that he had her, the urge to take her as his was… 
He trailed his tongue up to her collarbone, inhaling deeply as he got to her neck. He planted a particularly rough bite to her neck, as she gasped into his ear. He pulled back to gauge her reaction, and found only parted, swollen lips, and a deep, desparate gaze, silently blessing him to take as much of her as he wanted. 
And fuck, he needed to take all of her.
Alfie paused for a moment, hearing someone heavily turn over on the other side of the room. He glanced over, and saw the vague outline of Suresh, rolling to face away from them. 
“Don’t worry about him” she whispered. But he was so fucking nervous. How the fuck was he supposed to compare? He wasn’t the most dominant guy at the best of times, what if she liked a guy to be dominant in bed? What if she…
“Alfie,” she whispered.
Nadia almost chuckled at the surprise in his voice.
“Are you trying to be my first?”
He furrowed his brow at her. “First what?”
She smiled a little, pulling his ear close to her lips. “The first man I ever beg?”
He shuddered above her, completely silent as her words sunk in. The image of her begging him to fuck her echoed through his head. He’d never been this hard in his life, and he knew she could feel it. He was getting way too worked up. Another thing to fucking worry about. 
“Sorry,” he whispered. “I’m just really nervous.”
She pulled him in to kiss him again. “I don’t want to rush you. But god, I want you so badly.”
It sent a chill down his spine, all the way to his cock, which twitched with anticipation, begging him to let it loose on her. Alfie kissed her neck again, moaning into her skin. “God, I want you, too. I want you so fuckin’ much.”
His lips quivered with excitement, but she steadied them as she bit his bottom lip gently. 
She lifted his chin with a single, slender finger, her nail a delicious scratch against his skin. “Then take me.”
He shuddered with anticipation again as she pushed his head downward. He swallowed, hard, as his kisses sank lower, onto her sternum, and trailing needily onto her stomach. 
Her tiny silken shorts were barely covering anything, and he could feel her heat on his chest. Her thighs parted for him, as she teased the sheets beneath them with anticipation. He continued the warm path of his lips right down to between her thighs, his breath teasing her through the fabric. The silk of her shorts was so soft as he ran his lips across it, the ridges of what lay beneath it making his breath catch. He pressed his lips firmly against where he knew she’d be desperate for it, and smiled a little to himself as she practically lurched underneath him. She lifted her hips, silently instructing him to pull her shorts off, and he readily obeyed. His fingers traced down her smooth legs as he removed them, carefully placing them beside the bed so she could reach them later.  
He lowered himself back down, his heart absolutely pounding. He knew he was good at it. He knew that for sure. Had a reputation for it, in fact. He could be a bit rough with his hands, but his mouth?
As comfortable as he was in his ability, this felt different. This felt so important. What if she didn’t like the way he did it? What if he couldn’t make her….
But his thoughts were quickly drowned out by the shallow gasp that he drew from her as his tongue met her clit. He groaned with excitement, and watched as she drew the sheets into her fists beside her. His confidence rushed, and he parted her thighs wider, working his mouth on her, his fingertips digging into her soft thighs as he held them open.
Alfie heard furious whispering through the covers, and paused for a moment. He could hear Suresh furiously whispering to Eddie. 
“...No respect. They’ve got no fucking respect.”
Alfie glanced up at Nadia, who looked more disappointed than she had been by anything so far, and he knew exactly why. 
This was all so unfair on her. She wanted to move on with him. But Suresh just would not stop getting in the way. It’d scared Alfie off. He wasn’t about the drama, the mindgames, the having to fight over her… even if she was the woman of his dreams. 
But he was done with Suresh’s mind games. Done with Nadia having to miss out. Done with Suresh breathing down their necks. 
He just wished he could put a stop to it, wished he knew of a way to get it in their heads. Nadia has moved the fuck on.
Something rushed through him - boldness, braveness, craziness, horniness… Whatever you wanted to call it, it filled him so wholly that it plastered a cocky smirk on his face. And he brought his mouth back to her. 
Nadia’s eyes darted down at him as if he was crazy. He almost chuckled, but instead, he sucked at her, making her hips buck upwards against his face as he buried it into her.
Without giving a single fuck if Suresh was listening. 
Alfie moved his tongue and lips against her, silently hoping it was OK with her. But the way her legs had fallen open to him, and the vice grip she had on the back of his head, told him he’d made the right choice. He broke away from her, taking a teasing moment to kiss and nip at her thighs, silently reprimanding himself for hoping it left a mark.
But then… it fucking happened. 
The tiniest whimper to start with, so quiet he might’ve almost missed it. But as he traced his lips back upward toward her slit, he heard it again. 
It was half gasps, half shuddering squeaks. 
The most desperate, wanting, needing, ravenous, pleading sounds he’d ever heard. 
Holyyyy fffuuuuucccckkkkkk
His mouth fell open, and he crashed it back to her clit, furiously fucking her with his mouth as she clapped her hand over hers, trying to stifle the sounds before everyone in the room decided they wanted a piece of her. 
He was grinding his hips into the bed as he moved his tongue on her, desperate, desperate for her. Desperate to feel her come against his face. Desparate to fuck her straight after. To be inside her. To make her come again, and again, and again. To know she was making those noises for him.
Her thighs gripped his head, and her back arched, but still, he was relentless. He did not let up, not even as she came. He pushed her back to the peak of her orgasm, over and over, until her legs were completely shaking. He finally released her, and shuffled up without a word, just in time to hear Suresh storming out of the room, clearly having pelted something down the stairs with a smash. 
But Alfie was done giving a fuck. 
Those fucking noises had ripped every shred of shame, nerves, or any lingering hesitation he might’ve given about it. He was going to fuck her, and he was going to fuck her now.
He flipped the sheet off their heads briefly, slipping his achingly tight shorts off, and Nadia bit her lip, nodding her approval at him to get what he needed. He ripped the condom open, and had it on so fast that Nadia honest to God almost giggled, but Alfie wasn’t in the mood for a fuckin’ laugh. 
He pulled the sheet back over their heads, lifting her legs by the knees and wrapping them around his waist. She gasped at the decisiveness in his actions, but he said nothing, and just angled himself toward her centre. He pressed his tip to her, and he heard her breath catch with anticipation. 
As he pushed inside her, their breath caught in parallel. He could feel the last rippling waves of her orgasm clenching around him, and she was so tight he almost gasped. Her legs were still shaking as she wrapped them around his waist, fuck, she felt so fucking good. 
Even without the slick from his tongue, she was so wet for him he could barely contain himself. He’d never had a girl feel so much like she was made for him, and he was way, way too worked up over it. 
He tried to calm himself down, running through the process of creating a windowframe. The joins and the edges, the jigsaw, the nails, the…
But Nadia started rolling her hips against him. 
His head dropped back a little, and he exhaled heavily at how fucking incredible she felt. He thrust into her, hard, and it started again. 
Those tiny, pleading mewls, right in his ear. 
Before he knew it, he had his hand clamped firmly over her mouth. He leaned down, and hissed it into her ear. 
“If you don’t shut up, this is going to be over embarrassingly quickly.”
But the deep groan of approval she huffed into his hand was almost worse. 
She knew exactly what she was doing to him. 
Alfie narrowed his eyes at her, drawing his hips back, and thrusting into her. Hard.
Her eyelids fluttered in apparent delight, before meeting his once more. He held her gaze, looking right into her eyes, and thrust again, sending her eyes rolling back into her head. 
Watching her coming apart with every thrust made him feel more God than man, more man than dumb goofball. Watching a woman like her turn into a writhing, whimpering mess underneath him, it… 
Nadia’s nails were already digging into his back, her shuddering breath on his skin, as he dropped his forehead to hers, finally releasing her mouth from under his hand. But instead of the breathy squeaks, she gasped into his ear. 
“From behind, please, please baby, please.”
He pulled out of her, flipping her onto her stomach, and pushing her legs together. He ripped the pillow from underneath her head, placing it under her hips, and leaned down over her. 
“What my baby wants…” he slid back into her, as she gasped her approval. But he couldn’t even finish his sentence, from how rigid his jaw had gone. 
If he’d thought she was tight before, this was… holy fuck. His body completely took over, his fingers gripping her hips with such ferocity he was sure he’d be hurting her, but her hands rushed for the headboard. As they reached it, she braced herself, pushing back into him, rolling her hips to meet his ruthless thrusts.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, he gasped. He was way, way too fucking close. 
He lifted her hips slightly, curling one hand underneath her, his fingers slick with her wetness, but he pressed them to her clit. 
But she started again. And louder this time. Those fucking sounds.
With one hand holding her hips steady, one on her clit, he didn’t have any left to clamp around her mouth to shut her up. He just had to keep going, pressing his fingers against her clit as hard as he could, desperate to get her there again. He was dangling right on the edge, curling his toes to try and hold off, and fuck, fuck, fuck. 
He felt her. 
Nadia gasped, her intoxicating mewls turning to a whimpering moan, as her walls clamped onto him. She came so hard she went completely silent, gripping his cock with such intensity that he lost it entirely. He followed her instantly; their bodies lurching as one as he emptied inside her, his soul and all his energy sucked from him like the vice grip she still had on his cock. 
He couldn’t help but roll her hips gently back and forth on him. His entire length ached from the escalating sensitivity, but he kept rolling into those beautiful hips, incapable of pulling out of her when she felt this good. But it quickly became too much, and he had to stop the movement, lowering himself onto his elbows on top of her. 
He didn’t say anything just yet, it wouldn’t have seemed right. So he just planted kisses to the back of her shoulders, breathing in the taste of sweat on her skin. He curled his hands underneath her, hugging her, holding her, laughing at her moan of protest as he finally began to pull out.
“Noooo-” she complained, softly.
“Sorry, beautiful’,” he chuckled quietly, as he pulled the condom off and dumped it in the bin beside the bed. He kissed her forehead as he snuggled in next to her. “I’ve gotta let you sleep for at least a few hours before I–”
But Kat’s voice shattered the silence. “-- Holyy fuuuuuuccckkkk?”
“Now, now, Kat. You had your chance.” Eddie responded, trying desperately not to laugh.
“Puttin’ us all to shame, there, Alf.” Finn agreed.
“Who would’ve thought?” Dana giggled. “Alfie!”, and the rest of the islanders broke into a fit of giggles. 
“Alright, alright, leave off,” he called, as Nadia tried to stifle her laughter. 
She covered her face in embarrassment, giggling. As the others calmed, Nadia whispered to him. “I’m sorry. About the noises”.
This time, it was he who turned her face to his. He pulled her close to him, whispering in her ear. 
“I’m not.”
Nadia snickered, running her soft fingers against his stubble, and pulled him in for another kiss.
He pressed his lips to hers, over and over, holding her naked body to his chest. He would do whatever it took to feel like this forever.
If it meant throwing hesitation out the window, he would do it.
If it meant not giving a fuck what Suresh thought of it, he would do it. 
If it meant he could hold on to this woman forever? He would do anything. 
And the world would just have to get used to it.
Huge thank you to @sparxaf for reading over this for me, and helping me make it about fifty times better
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
this is going to be controversial but I'm seeing a lot of people saying that if the duffers didn't want to be accused of queerbaiting then they would just come out and say byler is not going to happen but bffr if they did say that y'all would just say something like "they're just saying that to keep the twist a secret". like they could literally do a press release saying byler is not going to be canon and you would take it as byler proof. the truth is that we won't know until s5 and we should prepare for either outcome
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laf-outloud · 6 months
Logically I don’t think they can know much we don’t. Though we know the odds, Jared does not know he won’t be doing a walker s5. Jensen is tied into an Amazon contract until at least April and he could end up with a show with it. They can’t even know when they would be free to do a revival. But it was fascinating to listen to them talk the way they did
Exactly! There are so many factors that until there's a press release, I'm going to take everything said with a grain of salt.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
There was so much hype around Eddie, he was basically the new character that carried the season. I remember when the trailer came out and the show's social media were posting about him and how he was going to be everyone's new favorite, and there is all this merch about him. The hellfire tees are selling like hot bread, the video of Joe getting in character got the most likes in a short time. Also they put so much effort in creating the character, hell they even got an original Dio patch from his widow! Talk about being metal. Why doing all that in a character that got horribly wasted in the most unnecesary death? They didn't do that much for Bob, barb, Alexei and not even Billy, who at least got to be in two seasons. I do feel like somethings up, the fact that we don't know if his corpse was left there or what is suspicious. Also Joe's sudden change to "oh yeah I don't see why they wouldn't call me for s5" to "nope, sorry this was the end" is a bit off
All of this. The fact that all the articles like the one in SFX went absolutely crazy for Eddie as well PLUS Joe's unprompted "Eddie and Jonathan haven't met in ST4 so Charlie and me are pressing for it in ST5" after Vol 1 was released...what was that? So much hype just for a cheap shocker because someone had to die to raise the stakes? Max's death/coma did that already. Everything in me tells me that it's game over but all the hype, the interviews...it doesn't make sense.
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anysin · 1 year
Fic: Melt Your Cold Away
Written for a kiss ficlet request, Jon/Martin and “forcefully”! Dom Jon but a little softer than what I expected, haha. Set after episode “Recollection” in S5.
As they leave the house of fog behind them, Martin clutches Jon's hand tight, and Jon returns the grip. However, once the house has faded completely into the horizon, as if it never existed at all, Martin starts to shake, and his grip on Jon becomes loose.
"Martin?" Jon stops walking, frowning when Martin tries to brush past him, his eyes unfocused, glassy. Jon doesn't let him, releasing Martin's hand only to grab him by the wrist, clasping Martin's shoulder with his free hand. "Martin, listen to my voice."
Martin shudders, looking away from him. But he's not trying to break free, or walk away, so Jon starts to back him up, until Martin's back hits a dead tree.
"Come back to me, Martin." Jon grasps Martin's other wrist too, bringing his hands up against the tree, pressing his body against Martin's. Their chests are together, their hearts beating almost in unison; Martin's pulse is a little faster, and Jon can taste his fear in the air.
"Martin, you're not at that house," he says. "You are with me. You will always be with me."
Jon grips Martin's wrists tighter, bringing his mouth close to Martin's.
"You don't belong to the Lonely anymore," he says. "And never will."
His eyes hazy, Martin blinks at Jon, but there is slight awareness in his gaze now; he still isn't listening, but he sees. To make sure Martin is aware of him in all possible ways, Jon presses their mouths together.
Martin is stiff and cold, so Jon makes the kiss hard, deep, biting, until Martin starts to feel warm to his touch again, until he melts against Jon's lips, starting to kiss him back. Jon releases his wrists at that moment, grasping Martin tight by his hair as he keeps kissing him, his own heartbeat picking up in speed when Martin wraps his arms around him.
When the kiss comes to an end, Martin is breathless, but his eyes are clear once more.
"Sorry," Martin says, glancing down briefly before meeting Jon's gaze again. "I don't know what that was about. It's like I dissociated."
"Perhaps. But you have nothing to apologize about." Jon kisses Martin again, a little gentler this time; he knows Martin's lips are sore now. He lets their mouths linger together before pulling back, smiling at Martin. "I'm sure it's not easy to banish the Lonely. But I'll be there for you."
Jon cups Martin's cheek, stroking its soft, round curve with his thumb.
"And I won't give up what's mine again."
Martin's eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to speak. He says nothing, however, closing his eyes as he leans into Jon's touch.
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backstabkitty · 1 year
At first I really thought it could have been a scheduling thing cause Stephanie had a lot going on with EEAAO last year. However, I just read an Entertainment Weekly interview about the Joel/Mei storyline with ASP and it seems they might have really fumbled the ball with her. The plan seems to have always been to have Mei choose being a doctor over having a family in the name of feminism (according to ASP), which would have been fine. That didn't mean she had to drop Joel completely. It's just the way it was executed. That scene was very quick and the vibe was mad weird the way it was shot. They really got her out of there abruptly. One scene and done. She went up to the closet to get ski equipment like she was in an 80s sitcom never to return again.
Now it could have been both a creative decision AND done to facilitate Stephanie’s schedule. I noticed that she had not said one word about S5 these past fews weeks/months but she’s talked quite a bit about Joy Ride, American Born Chinese and Fall Guy and none of those projects have been released yet. Nor has she been at any of the premieres or press for this season. Interesting.
Oh well. It led to me getting to see Joel get his ass beat so there’s that. 
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piease-iove-me · 1 year
Ohoo I’m so curious about 2, 10 and 14😭
okay i must say i love both the Eichen House ones and i do think they kind of have some similarities? but also not quite so I'll start with them.
10. after s5 liam loses it. it's a lot of coverging factors. like hayden leaving or everything that's happened so far finally catching up with him. so he just loses himself to his own anger now that his anchor is gone. reluctantly, the pack sends hin to eichen house, not permanently, just until he can find a way to no longer be a threat for others and himself.
so it's Mason's idea to get theo back for the hunt (not Liam's) and that's cause he's known all along it wasn't hayden but theo anchoring liam, just very reluctant to admit as much.
needless to say, Theo's totally put off by the idea of Liam being held in eichen (because wth? he got bad precedents with the place too) so he doesn't tell anyone, but gets Jenna's permission to go visit him. he keeps it a secret until he eventually starts pressing the pack to get liam and he's forced to reveal them he's been visiting them regularly.
monroe keeps some her captives at eichen. those she needs to consult for information, or eventual use whatever it might be. so when her hunters find theo, she keeps him there too.
the pack only find out way later from a hunter. but no one does a thing about it (mean ik) until they do release all other supernaturals kept hostages there. and there's an unspoken threat at Theo's freedom, only... there's no need to act on it cause Theo's really not in good shape. still, after some convincing and promises, he does help with the war, but still
liam keeps seeing the same wolf lurking at the preserve's edges. he tells himself it's nothing, that it's not him. but the wolf keeps coming and lurking. he tells Scott, Scott says it's nothing to worry about. and liam convinces himself that it's not. it works, he tries not to feel disappointed when the wolf does not show up at night and not to think too much into it when he does. but then, at a pack meeting, argent shows up with theo and it's so much harder to believe. still the wolf shows up the same, still Liam tells himself it's not theo and refuses to think about who(what) it might be then. but it slowly becomes harder, especially when he finds out argent had been in touch with theo for months before that pack meeting, and it's been just months since he first saw the wolf. so when one night the wolf comes, finds his way through Liam's house's driveway and to his porch, laying silently by his side, liam can't hold bring himself to hold those lies as truth anymore and he's angry and hurt, but it doesn't really matter, does it? Theo's just a wolf laying by his side, silent and unresponsive. and at the next meeting he still never meets Liam's eyes, he still leaves before Liam can reach him and corner him somewhere to talk
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