#Pls dont be mean
zibats · 3 months
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milesmoraleswife4l · 1 year
Miles 1610 X Nigerian Y/N
notes: nigga when I tell you this took my too long to make. Like writing this is not for the weak bruh
warnings: jus fluff ig
summary: y/n takes miles to meet her nigerian parents. ( im nigerian so umm yea)
“Miles, they are not going to like you if you don't take this seriously.” You said this for the 15th time. Miles is coming with you to a party your parents are throwing at your house. You thought it would be a good time to introduce them to Miles for the first time. As much as you were excited, you were hella nervous because this was the first time you ever brought into this household. And not just any household, but a Nigerian one at that. 
Miles needed to understand that one wrong move will ultimately end in your mom gossiping to all your aunts and your dad to the uncles saying, “ arabinrin mi, o ko ni gbagbọ aṣiwère ti ọmọbinrin wa mu fun wa lati pade oh.” (my sister, you won't believe the fool our daughter has brought back for us to meet oh) 
It's like you could hear it from a mile away. The thought made you sweat bullets because you know that they'll never approve if they have a horrible introduction to each other. “ No Miles try again, that's not right! C’mon you actually have to try. “ You said about just giving up and saying maybe this isn't the right time for him to meet them. ‘’Mami por que te preocupas tanto?’’ He said coming closer to hold your waist. “ because you don't know my parents, they're super judgemental and really strict. Like they didn't want me to even think about boys until i was at the ripe age of 30.’’ “ Thats crazy.’’ He said while laughing. 
 ‘Not its not, because as much as i love you, i need our parents to support our relationship.’’ you said as you were pacing around your room. ‘’ Ok ok I understand. Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it ok?” he said while grabbing both of your sides and engulfing you in a warm hug. And you sigh as you take in a pleasant whiff of his cologne.
Miles rang the doorbell to your parents house. “ remember everything i taught you please, and just be yourself at the same time.’’ you said while giving him a nervous smile. ‘’ Don't worry mami everything will be ok’’ He said wanting to give you a kiss but the door flew open.’’ e kassan mommy this is Miles” you said very sweetly to your mom. “ ekassan ma o dara pupọ o pade rẹ” Miles said while bending down to greet your mom. You just stand there; completely shook because you never taught him all of that. ‘’ Here are some roses I brought you, and you look completely beautiful, now I know where Yn got her beauty from.” He says smirking a little at you and how surprised you are. “ AHH AHH YN, why didn't you tell me you got with this handsome man?! Please arewa okunrin, what's your ethnicity, let me have three guesses!’’ your mom said begging the poor boy. “ No mom please no, he doesn't need to tell you all of that.” you said completely embarrassed that it even came out of her mouth. Luckily, Miles just laughed and proceeded to answer the question. “ I'm actually African american and Puerto rican ma.’’ “
Ehen so Yn has now gone and brought home a latin boy, ok ohh.’’ Your mom says, folding her arms in astonishment. “ Ok well Yns dad isn't here right now but you're more than welcome to stay.” Your mom says pulling him away for him to meet all your aunties. “ Come and see the fine boy Yn has brought to me ohh.’’ She exclaimed while pulling miles away. You laughed as you saw him being poked and prodded by many aunties at once. When they finally finished, which felt like hours after, he came back to meet you with a smirk on your face. “ Well, that was definitely something.’’ he said like he just saw a ghost. “ This is my family for you.’’ You said while laughing your head off. “ Haha. very funny.’’ He said while rolling his eyes. “ Anyway, im super hungry, can i get something to eat real quick?’’ He asked, wrapping his hand around your shoulder. “ Not too close omo, do you want her to get pregnant?!’’ Your mom yelled from far away. “ Mom! Stop please im begging” you said covering your face in embarrassment. “ Sorry!” Miles quickly said while moving his arm, but still scooting closer to you so that he can be near you as much as possible. “ Ok lemme just get something for you to eat c’mon.’’ You said while pulling him off the couch. 
He followed you to the kitchen and jumped up when he saw plantain. 
“ You guys have platanos too?!’’ “ Mi vida, here if anyone hears you call it that you're in big trouble. We call it dodo or plantain.” You said while rubbing his face by how cute he's being. “ Well whatever you want to call it, give me two big spoon-fuls of that please.” He said  while looking at it like it was his prey he was about to catch. “ Ok OK! It's not going anywhere why are you looking at it like that?’’ You said, chuckling at how hungry he is. “ Oh and gimme some fufu and efo riro.” He said looking over the table. “ Miles bruh, how do you even know about that?’ You said dying of laughter. “ Mami stop asking my questions and just put it please i'm dying over here” He said all dramatic.
Ok so this is litterally my first story so dont judge me pls. :)
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vintagefuckk · 2 years
Dicked Down by the DM
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This is literally my FIRST TIME EVER writing so pls be kind but also let me know about any mistakes I made. I <3 Constructive criticism
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Synopsis: Reader is acting like a little brat and Eddie reminds her where her place is.
Word Count: 5.1K and some change
cw: cursing, drug deals, people doing drugs, spanking, spanking with a belt, face fucking, edging, overstimulation, crying, reader is a little shit, dom!eddie, brat!reader, dom/sub undertones, SEX, piv unprotected sex (don't be a fool, cover your tool), aftercare (OFC)
You loved pushing Eddie’s buttons. You loved how Eddie’s normal soft-dom demeanor changed to something harder, or primal. You liked to not just know, but feel his strength over you, make him work for your submission. Tonight was no different.
It was a lovely warm summer night; you and Eddie were at one of Steve’s parties. His father was out of town on a business trip and his mother, the untrusting woman she was, accompanied him. Music was blasting throughout the house, the bass starting to make your head hurt. Eddie was here to sell weed to some high schoolers and you decided to tag along. But it was getting late, and you wanted to go back home. 
“Eddie,” you said bringing his hand to your lips to kiss the back. “I’m tired. Let’s go home.”
He barely glanced at you. “Just a second, babe. I wanna score a few more deals before we go. Give me another hour.”
You sighed softly and kissed him on the cheek. “Okay. I’m going to say hi to some friends, then.” Releasing your grip on his hand, you turn to walk away and find Robin when his grip tightens and pulls you back to him. 
“Ahem,” You look at your intertwined hands and then back up to his eyes, confusion written on your face. “Forgetting something sweetheart?” 
You notice his eyes flicker down to your lips before finding yours again. Realizing he wanted a kiss you quickly peck him on the lips and smile. He smiles back and lets go of your hand, turning his attention to the crowd to find his next customer. 
You smile softly and go back to your previous task of finding Robin, walking away from Eddie.
It’s been over an hour. Eddie looks like he’s no closer to leaving than he did before. Walking back over to him, you grab his hand and with it, his attention. “Eddie it’s been over an hour. Can we go?”
His eyes don’t meet yours, instead, he’s looking somewhere over your shoulder. Following his line of sight, you find that he’s spotted another customer. 
“Just a sec, babe.” He says letting go of your hand and walking over to him. 
Your lips upturn into a pout and you cross your arms, staring at Eddie as he laughs at what was undoubtedly one of his jokes. An idea pops into your head. Smirking at the thought of your mischievous plan you uncross your arms and saunter to him, ready to put the plan into action.
Walking up behind him you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head on his shoulder, looking at the kid he’s talking to. He hardly glanced at you before returning to his deal.
The kid, nervous as all hell, quickly hands him a twenty and takes the baggie from Eddie, quickly shoving it into his pocket. He forces out a quick “Thanks.” and rushes off in the other direction.
Eddie turns in your arms with a big toothy grin. “I’ve made about 200 bucks tonight!” His eyes sweep the room. “Speaking of, I’m about to make some more.” He says as his eyes land on his next victim. 
He lets go of your waist, expecting you to do the same, but you don’t. If anything, your grip gets tighter. 
“Babe? You gotta let me go.” He chuckles. You pretend to think for a moment, going as far as to look up at the ceiling and hum. Your eyes find his again before you give him your answer.
“I’m sorry, babe, what was that?”
“I said,” You moved your lips close to his ear. “no, Daddy.”
You watched as his eyes darkened. “Oh?” he asked.
Letting go of him you shrug noncommittedly and turned to walk away, purposely moving your hips side to side in the way he liked. It wasn’t long before he caught up with you, his turn to wrap his arms around you trapping you where you stood and making you squeak in surprise. He turned you around and looked into your eyes. You quickly averted your gaze, looking anywhere but his face knowing it riles him up. 
Eddie grabbed your chin. “Eyes on me sweetheart,” It took a second but eventually your eyes landed on his. “There we go, baby. Your pretty eyes on mine..” He let go of your face and instead brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “You wanna repeat what you said earlier?”
“Uhh no, thanks for asking though.” You tell him with a smirk. 
“Is that how you wanna play tonight?” 
Feeling very bold, you rolled your eyes at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You turned away from him and attempted to walk off, but Eddie quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him. You looked down at his hand and then back up at his eyes.
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered in your ear and placed a kiss on the shell. 
Your hands found his waist and started rubbing circles on his sides. You slowly move your hands lower and reached his ass. “What are you going to do about it?” you asked breathily. Both hands let go of him, one returning to his waist and the other leaving for just a second before bringing it back down and landing a firm smack on his ass.
Before he could process what you did, you wiggled out of his grip and traipsed to the dance floor. Turning around, you find Eddie’s eyes and began to dance provocatively, trying to seduce him. You move your hands up and down your body, over your breasts, and pushed them together. Your hips swayed side by side to the rhythm. Eddie looked unamused. You turn so your back is facing him and start shaking your ass for everyone to see. When you turned back around Eddie was gone. You skimmed the crowd looking for the mop of messy curly hair or his signature jean jacket, but he was nowhere to be found. 
Suddenly, you feel someone’s hand cup the back of your neck and breathe on your shoulder. “Looking for someone?” It was Eddie. You take in a sharp breath as his hand on your neck grew tighter. “I think it’s time we go home.”
“It took you long enough.” You huff sassily.
The hand on your neck squeezed tighter for a fraction before moving and grabbing your arm, Eddie dragging you outside and to his van. “I think someone needs a lesson on how to behave when we’re in public.” He growls in your ear. He opened the passenger door and helped you get settled in your seat before buckling you in and shutting the door. He got into the driver’s seat and started the engine. 
The drive back to the trailer was silent. Neither you nor Eddie said a word or turned on the radio. Wayne wasn’t home, he just started working the graveyard shift at his new job. He wouldn’t be back until the early hours of the morning.
Eddie parked the van in his usual spot but didn’t make a move to leave. Instead, he turned to you. “I want you to go in there and get ready for me. Strip and sit on the bed and wait. I’ll be there shortly.” 
You nodded your head and made a move to grab the door handle. Before you could even wrap your fingers around the handle, Eddie was quick to grab your hair to stop you. He used your hair to turn your head to him. 
“Words, darling.” He looked into your eyes. 
The bratty attitude had you in a chokehold. Instead of responding with respect you grit out “Bite me.” 
Eddie’s fist tightened in your hair and his other hand came up and grabbed your throat with such speed you couldn’t even process it before you felt it. “You wanna repeat that?”
“I said, bite. me.” You stare into his eyes, a silent challenge.
Eddie, now having a firm grip on your throat, let go of your hair just to bring his hand down across your face. The sound echoed against the metal walls of the van and brought tears to your eyes. “Try again.”
“Yes Daddy,” You mumbled softly.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought you said.” He gave you a quick peck on your lips and released your throat and hair. He pointed to the house. “Go. Now.” He demanded. 
You scramble to get out of the seat and into the trailer as quickly as possible to avoid agitating him further. You darted to his room, quick to pull off your clothes in the process, clutching them in your hand before dumping them on the floor of his bedroom. Once you got naked you hopped on the bed, lied down, and settled yourself in the middle. Eddie loved to make you wait, it always made you more desperate. You fidgeted with your fingers, anxiously waiting for him to come in too. You heard the door open and slam shut, sending shivers down your spine, but Eddie didn’t immediately walk into the bedroom. You hear the fridge door open and close and the silent ‘pshh’ of a bottle opening. 
After waiting for what seemed like ages but was probably only a few minutes, Eddie walked in, a bottle of root beer in his hand. He never got drunk before a scene, he was a firm believer in being completely sober because if you’re not sober you can’t consent properly. He takes in your naked form, eyes lingering for a few seconds on your glistening pussy, before looking back up at your eyes. 
“So,” He starts. “You thought it was a good idea to act like a brat tonight.” He takes a swig from his bottle. “Do you have anything to say before we begin?”
“Nope, but thanks for asking.” You smirk and stare into his eyes, silently daring him to do something about your attitude.
“Alright, honey,” he said as he stalked to the bed slowly, his voice became sickeningly sweet. He set his drink down on the desk and sat on the edge of the bed next to you. “You just let me know when you change your mind, ‘kay?”
“I can assure you I will not be changing my- umph!” He cut you off, manhandling you over his lap. “Lucky for you, I know how to put brats in their place.” He smirks. His rough hands were slowly rubbing the soft skin of your ass cheeks.
You look at him over your shoulder and narrow your eyes. “Do your worst, bitch.” You bite out. That was a big no-no in your relationship. Eddie tolerated your cursing outside of the bedroom, but once you were his in the bedroom his attitude to foul language quickly changed. His eyes darkened dangerously.
“What are your colors?” Eddie asked, breaking out of his dominant mindset briefly.
“Green and yellow.”
“Good girl. And if you need me to stop?”
“Metallica or red.”
“Perfect.” He stopped rubbing circles on your flesh, taking his hand away. Letting his dominant headspace slide back in place, he dragged his right hand gently up your back, making you shiver with excitement. His hand slid up the back of your neck and head, grabbing a fistful of hair. Using your hair as a handle he pulled your head back so he could look into your eyes.
“Alright sweetheart. Just remember, you asked for this,” he reminded you gently. His hand let go of your hair. Eddie brought his hand down on your left ass cheek, the sound reverberating against the walls. You whimper as he squeezed the flesh his hand landed before giving the other cheek the same treatment. He rained down strikes of various strengths. You loved being over his knee like this, loved the pain from his hand, loved the fact that you wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for a few days. Something about it turned you on an unbelievable amount. After a particularly harsh smack, you let a whine slip out from your throat. Eddie’s hand paused its abuse. He let his hand run over the pinkened skin making you hiss softly.
“You done bein’ a brat?” 
“That depends, you done hitting like a bitch?”
“Okay honey, I hear you.” Eddie chuckles softly. He knew to take your words with a grain of salt. He knew the reason behind you bratting out so violently. You just like to make sure that the one you love isn’t going to leave you, that he won’t just up and leave because he got bored or found a better opportunity somewhere else. In fact, you knew Eddie wouldn’t take actual offense to your words. He would give you what you needed, and he would show you physically that he wasn’t going anywhere, that he was there to stay. Forever.
His hand moved down to your pussy, running a finger up and down your slit. “You’re wet baby. Is this for me?” You kept your mouth shut but he kept talking. “You enjoying your punishment that much, darling?” When you still didn’t answer he sighed, giving up.
He gently patted your ass, a silent command to stand up. As you steadied yourself on your feet, your eyes searched Eddie’s, tilting your head to the side, perplexed. Eddie noticed and stood up with you.
“Aw honey, you didn’t think I was done did you?” His hands went to his waist. “No. I just think I need some extra help to make sure you remember your place.” His hands start fumbling with his belt, unbuckling it, and pulling it from the loops in one smooth motion. He gestured to the bed.
“Go ahead and bend over for me, darling.”
You stared at his face, ready for him to call his bluff. After a few seconds of him not saying anything, you speak up. “You’re joking, right?”
“Not at all, baby. Not unless you have something to say to me?” Metallica. You take one last glance at his face and sigh, surrendering to your fate. You shook your head and lay yourself over the edge of the bed. Besides, momma ain’t raised no bitch. You bend over and grab a pillow placing it under your hips. It wasn’t the first time you ended up here and you knew for a fact it wouldn’t be the last.
“I want you to count for me, baby,” Eddie murmured as he ran his hand over your sensitive skin. “I want you to thank me after each one. Can you do that for me?”
You nod, hiding your face in the sheets. You curl your fingers into the fabric, waiting for Eddie to begin. Eddie makes a tutting sound behind you and pinches the pinkest part of your ass. It caught you completely off guard and your head jerked up, a loud yelp escaping your lips.
“Wha- Eddie! Oww!” you whined.
“’m only gonna tell you one more time darling. Use. Your. Words.” His fingers dug into your flesh harder after each word, enunciating them. 
“Yes, daddy! ‘m sorry!” you cry out quickly.
“Good girl. I’m thinking ten.” He let go of your ass and stepped away. Staying still and quiet. You were about to look behind you, just to make sure he didn’t leave the room when he let the belt strike your ass. It took you by surprise and you cry out loudly.
“You seem to be forgetting something sweetheart,” Eddie warned and let another strike come down. “Whadaya say?”
You whine and let out a soft “One, thank you, daddy.” He didn’t even let you catch your breath before letting the next one fall. “Two, thank you, Daddy.” The next 2 strikes fall in the same manner. By the fifth strike, you feel tears start to form in your eyes. Eddie pauses for a second, letting his hand smooth over the smarting skin. 
“Color?” he whispers softly, checking in.
“’m still green, sir” you sniffle.
“Alright baby, you’re halfway done. Only five more to go. You can do that for me, right sweetheart?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
Number six comes down harder than the rest. Eddie always went harder in the last couple of strokes. You were prepared for it, but it still forced a whimper out of your throat and made you stand on your toes. The tears in your eyes began to overflow. “S-six. Thank you, sir.” Your body goes rigid, waiting for the next stroke. It didn’t come. You felt your body begin to relax and that’s when Eddie landed the next blow. Your body went stiff, and you stomped your foot to deal with the pain. Tears started to stream down your face, and you choked out a sob before counting it. 
“Three more baby. You can do it.” Eddie reassured you.
Strike eight landed, the hardest strike of them yet. You were full-out sobbing at this point, throwing a hand back to stop the next blow from landing.
“Baby, you know better. Move your hand so Daddy doesn’t hurt your pretty fingers.”
You whine in protest but still moved your hand back to the sheets, tangling your fingers and holding on tightly. “I’m sorry.” You sniffled. He ran his hand up your back, pausing a second to soothe you.
“It’s alright baby. What strike was that?”
“E-eight. Thank you, daddy.”
“Good girl.” He set his hand down at the small of your back, pinning you to the bed. You felt your heart drop. Eddie never put his hand on your back when he was punishing you, not unless-
Number nine landed, and you let out a small scream, going limp over the bed and sobbing into your arms. “Nine..” you barely let out before the tenth and final stroke landed. “Ten! Ten, daddy!” You shakily inhale and thank him. You heard Eddie drop his belt to the floor, the buckle making a soft thumping sound against the carpet. Eddie quickly scooped you up in his arms and laid on the bed, making you straddle his hips and curl up on his chest, so you don’t have to put any weight on your blistered ass. 
He ran his fingers through your hair and softly said in your ear “Shhh baby. You did so well, made me so proud.” He kissed the top of your head. “It’s over now baby, you’re amazing, my beautiful, good girl.” His other arm was wrapped around you, hand rubbing up and down your back.
When you cry all you could and you’ve had a second to calm down completely, you start feeling antsy. There was just something in the way Eddie took you down that turned you on so much. Eddie and his belt sparked a fire in you, flames blazing. Your mind started drifting to his hands and him holding his belt. You felt yourself begin to grow wet and started to squirm in Eddie’s arms.
Eddie noticed and he smirked. “You okay, baby? Something bothering you?”
You whine against his neck and start to kiss the sensitive flesh, using your teeth to nip, coloring the skin. Your hips ground down against his, trying desperately to get him to take the hint. You wanted him and you wanted him now.
“Daddyyyy,” You look him in the eyes and give him your best impression of puppy dog eyes.
Eddie smiled down at you. “Yes, darling?”
“Can we- um.”
“Can we what baby? You gotta use your words.” He was teasing you. He knew exactly what you wanted. He ground his hips up into yours, his scratchy jeans stimulating your aching core. You let out a wanton moan and start humping against Eddie’s groin. His hands quickly went to your hips, stilling them and tutting softly.
“Now, now, baby. Is that any way to ask for things you want?” You whine at his words and hide your face in his shirt. “Hm. If you’re not going to voice what you want, I will.” His hands rub over your thighs and his eyes find yours. “I want you to get on your pretty little knees for me.”
Eager to please him, you scramble off Eddie and the bed and kneel on the floor. Your ass makes contact with your heels and you wince, face curling up in discomfort. Eddie sits at the edge of the bed and looks down at you, chuckling at the face you made. His hand comes up to caress your cheek and he looks into your eyes. “Go ahead and get my cock out.”
Your hands reach up to the button in Eddie’s ripped skinny jeans, fumbling to get it undone. After it finally pops free, you make quick work of the zipper and Eddie stands for a second so you can pull his jeans and boxers. He sits back down and his hands take off his shirt, tossing it on the floor somewhere behind you. 
Your mouth starts watering at the sight of Eddie’s cock. No matter how many times you see it, it never fails to startle you. It’s thick and heavy, it curves up slightly, and it stares you down. You giggle as a strange thought popped into your head but quickly school your expression when Eddie looks down at you.
“What’s so funny, babe?” he asks, genuinely confused.
“This,” you say as you grab his erection, making Eddie inhale sharply. “is a knick-knack you paddy whack before you give the dog a moan.”
Eddie just stares at you. You think you could even hear the gears turning in his head as he tried to process what the fuck you just said. He starts to laugh, and I mean laugh. Hysterically. The laughter comes from his chest, making his entire body shake and he throws his head back cackling. He lets his body fall backward and he lays there trying to get his breath back from his laughing fit. 
You take the opportunity to put his tip in your mouth, sucking harshly. Eddie lets out a loud moan, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair while he bucks his hips into your mouth. 
You use one of your hands to wrap around his base, stroking what didn’t fit in your mouth. Your tongue swirled around his length.
“Lemme fuck your face.” Eddie huffs out. You let go of his cock and place your hands on his thighs. You relax your throat and look up at him through your lashes. The sight of you makes him groan deeply. His hands grab a hold of your face and start a slow and shallow pace. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl.” He groans, pace speeding up. With every thrust in, his cock slid deeper. Your gag reflex was next to zero, Eddie made sure of that. He put a lot of hours into training your throat to take him whole and it wasn’t long before his hips were smashing against your face. You were breathing shallowly through your nose and every so often you would hum, sending vibrations from your throat through Eddie’s dick, making him shiver. He threw his head back and moaned wantonly at the ceiling.
His head tilted back down and his eyes found yours. Something in his eyes glimmers and pulls out of your mouth without a warning. “’m getting too close. When I cum, it’ll be deep in your pussy, not down your throat.” He grabs you by the throat and hauls you up on the bed, tossing you on your back. His hand grabbed your hair, wrenching your head back as he breathed in your ear. “’m gonna fuck you so hard that the only thing you know is my name and my cock. ‘m gonna fuck you stupid sweetheart.”
You moan and arch your back, spreading your legs, giving him full access to your mound. “Do it. Claim my pussy. Fill me up, I need it please!” you whine. Eddie’s fingers stroke over your slit. “Damn, baby. You’re fucking soaking. Who made you this wet?” Two of his fingers sink into your slit, immediately finding your sweet spot and pounding relentlessly. You throw your head back and cry out, eyes shutting as you finally feel some relief for your aching pussy.
When you don’t give him an answer he slides his fingers out. You whine at the loss and open your eyes to look at him. He brings his hand down on your cunt, the unexpected pain makes you tightly close your legs, and you yelp.
“I asked you a question little girl..” he growls and forces your legs back open.
“It’s you! You make me this wet Daddy!” You cry out. His fingers swiftly enter you again, curling into the perfect spot. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, and you feel yourself start to get close
“Daddy, can I cum?”
“Open your eyes and ask me again.”
Your legs start shaking and you feel that knot in your stomach grow. You quickly open your eyes and stare into his chocolate-brown eyes. “Can I please cum?” You ask desperately, feeling so close to the edge already. 
“No,” Eddie tells you cruelly. You clench hard around his fingers and your breath starts to pick up, telltale signs that mean you’re about to fly over the edge regardless of his denial. You feel yourself get closer, feel that ever-growing knot about to snap when he pulls his fingers out, effectively stopping your release. 
He climbed on the bed between your thighs and flipped you over on your stomach. He wasted no time in lining his cock up with your weeping hole. The tip barely brushed against your slit before Eddie starts pushing in, not slowing down or stopping until he was fully seated in you.
You throw your head back with a high-pitched cry.
“That’s right, slut. Scream for me.” His hips began a fast and punishing pace, his hands grab yours and traps them behind your back, using it as leverage to fuck into you harder. You keen, feeling Eddie’s hips slap against your already bruised ass. The pain doesn’t swerve you away from an orgasm. If anything, it forces you closer.
“Eddie-” you gasp. A hand falls hard on your backside and you cry out louder than before. 
“What’s my name, baby?”
“Edd-” His hand falls on your ass again forcing a whimper from your throat.
“What’s my name?” 
It dawns on you what he’s talking about and you’re quick to cry out.
“That’s right, babygirl.” He pulls out of you, causing you to whine, and flips you on your back. Before you have time to process what he’s doing, his hard cock enters you again. One of his hands runs up your body, gently playing with a nipple. His head comes down and puts the other nipple in his mouth, gently biting down on it. You feel so overwhelmed all at once, you can feel your orgasm approaching, and approaching fast. 
“Daddy! I’m gonna cum!”
Eddie’s thrusts don’t slow down but he continues to deny you. “Not yet, baby, I want you to last a little longer for me.” You clench down hard on his cock, trying to stave off your orgasm. Eddie barely changes position and you feel him directly hit your sweet spot. Your scream out, orgasm crashing down on you impossibly hard. Your whole body spasms, trembling and shaking all over.
“Bad girl,” Eddie tuts. He doesn’t slow down his thrusts, fucking you through your orgasm. You feel so sensitive, and to add insult to injury his hand snakes down to your clit, rubbing his thumb quickly over the small nub. You actually scream this time, throat feeling worse as it was raw already from the face fucking.
“D-daddy! Please.. I’m too s-sensitive..” you whine, digging your nails into his back.
His eyes bore into yours. With a sly smile, he said, “You came without permission, this is your punishment.” His lips fell on your neck, sucking his mark into the skin. He kissed the shell of your ear and whispered, “You’re gonna come for me again. And. Again. And. Again.” His thrusts punctuated every word. He sent you over the edge for the second time. 
“Damn baby. Your pussy is squeezing the life outta me.” His fingers dig into your hips. If there weren’t bruises there already, they were definitely forming now. Your nails scratch lines down his back, overstimulated to the point of tears. 
“Daddy, I can’t- please.” You beg. Tears are slipping down your temple and into your hairline. 
“Yes, you can baby.” Eddie pinches your clit, and you howl. “Just one more baby. Cum with me.”
You’re sobbing now, mascara running everywhere and you look like a raccoon more than anything.
You shake your head, scared to cum a third time.
“It’s okay baby. You can do it. Come with me, baby. Cum now.”
You feel your entire body seize up, all the joints are locked and your orgasm washes over you. Eddie follows soon after, pumping his come in you and riding out your orgasms. He stills and looks down to where your bodies are still connected. 
“Baby?” He says, not looking away. “Did you know you could do this?”
You look down to see what the fuck he was talking about and noticed the sheets around your pussy are completely soaked. “D-did I do that?”
“Yeah baby, you squirted everywhere.” His eyes are full of wonder and mischief. “We are definitely doing that again. I didn’t know you could squirt.” He leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. 
He pulls out slowly and carefully, but it still pulls a whine from your throat. You’re completely fucked out and you don’t want to move. “Shh. I know baby. I got you.” He walks out of the room and into the bathroom. You can hear the water run for a second before he walks back in, damp washcloth in his hand. He gently cleans you up, running the warm washcloth all over you. You hiss softly as he runs it over your sensitive area, shushing you softly. When he’s done he leaves again.
He comes back in with some water bottles. He hands one of them to you. “I want you to drink at least half. Do you want any ice or cream for your ass?”
You open the bottle, taking a large swig before saying “No, I think I’m good.”
“Okay baby. Turn on your stomach for me anyway.” You turned over on your stomach after you finish your water. “You did so well for me tonight, you made me so proud, You're such a good girl.” Eddie whispered.
You feel Eddie’s hands start to massage your back. It feels amazing. All your muscles are relaxing, and you start to feel drowsy. “Hey, Eds? I think- sleep.”
He chuckles. “Alright baby, you go ahead and rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” His fingers dig harder into your back.
“’kay.. I love you.” You mumble out.
“I love you too darling.” He murmurs, kissing your forehead.
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whosesta · 1 year
a little ler lucifer and lee MC fanfic even though no one asked 💪
Summery ; MC was making their homework late at night, but Lucifer wants that they go to sleep. Lucifer finds a way how to get MC to bed.
Lucifer walked in the dorm from MC, he saw that they made homework. "MC, go to bed and sleep." Said Lucifer. MC Obviously disagreed.
"I'm almost done I promise!" MC said, trying to finish their questions on the paper, Lucifer walked to MC and sat next to them. "Alright make your work, don't get distracted though."
The first born brother said, poking MC's side, and of course MC didn't want to get distracted. After a few minutes of poking MC gave up, "ohohokay! Fihihine!" MC laughed, they got up and went to bed.
After a few minutes Lucifer left the room, MC fell asleep and was dreaming about getting absolutely wrecked by Lucifer.
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princeofsnails · 1 year
I wanna caregiver. It'd be nice to have someone to tuck me until bed, tell me stories and take care of me when im regressed. I just take care of myself. Which can be hard when im mentally like 4... and I want someone to color pictures for an stuff. It can be lonely just being by myself when im smol...
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i-may-be-an-emu · 2 years
Is it just me or do other nd people have these weird-as things where we absaloutly NEED The Thing to Only Be Used For That One Thing, but then with other stuff thats just as weird is fine?
Like I HATE drinking water from a mug. Its just wrong and disgusting and it confuses me and I CANT DO IT. I thought maybe I could before and tried it and had to force myself to swallow the water. There was nothing wrong with the water, just the cup. In my mind, only chocolate milk, hot chocolate, coffee or tea goes in a mug. But then, i can fill a bowl with water and drink it and be like "this is normal" and fill a cup up with (dry) cornflakes (dry) oats or licorice and eat it from a cup and go "yep, normal."
Im still undiagnosed (dont hate on me pls im trying to be diagnosed but its hard) and idk what this sort of thing is a symptom of.
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teefiesworld · 1 year
is it weird of me, as an afab, to have once felt really nonbinary and now feel like a woman again? not in a “im detransitioning” way but in a “i transed my gender once ill trans it again” way?
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thurio-edau · 12 days
idk man i might have a... theory... that @b3achysurfur and @5andysurfur are the same person,, just a theory...
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jametartt · 1 year
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2x02 / 3x03
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dvnieldraws · 9 months
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death duo means sm to me (╥_╥)
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evilresidentz · 3 months
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P4 scares me if I think too hard abt it (always thinks too hard about it)
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arcanewebs · 2 months
amazing episode EASILY one of my most favorite battle episodes of all time. How Ever is it insane of me to wish it went Just a little bit worse than it did. for the plot
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dreamwinged · 2 months
being comfortable with ur selfship means admitting when ur f/o looks bad in official art
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nosfelixculpa · 2 months
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cloud: weehee silly time tifa with a spray gun: DOWN BOY
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tasenwrobots · 1 year
...and then they hugged
I imagine this frequently, might as well animate it.Not me animating for the first time without knowing shit about even the basics 💀
Based of this post of cass apocalyptic series made by the dude the myth the legend @somerandomdudelmao . You have inspired me to make my first ever animation thingie :]]
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ninihowlter · 6 days
hear me out i believe i have figured a project out potentially
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^^ 29 february
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^^ 29 april (2 months after 29 february)
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JUNE 29 (2 months after april 29)
listen i may be clowning and i may be completely wrong !! but its fun to wonder what they have up their sleeves
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