#Please squish me like a weighted blanket
the-side-dish · 10 months
Imagining a girl keeping me pinned with gentle pressure from her soft tummy while she giggles about how flustered and squirmy I’m getting from it please please please please please please please
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segasys · 7 months
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Guys you have no idea
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I took a picture of my cats eariler laying together and it made me think of how childe might drape himself across us to make us feel safe, warm, comfy, or whatever other happy fluffy feeling emotions... now I just need to figure how to put pictures in this 😅
(i believe you can put pictures in submission!!! please do if you feel like it because I WANNA SEE YOUR CATS <333)
did you know that it is scientifically proven that having moth Childe drape himself over you heightens feelings of peace and happiness? it's true, ask any scientist and they'll say it's true!!! (that scientist being ME) Childe is very in tune with your emotions!! (because he loves you so so much) so any change in behavior is immediately noticed. at first he was very apprehensive about comforting you- it's not that he didn't want to!! it's just... he's not sure you'd want it, with his new form and all. but once he found out that yes, you'd very much like it if he nuzzled up to you and made you feel safe and warm, the "want to hug but will not because i am afraid i'll get a bad reaction" phase basically turned to DUST
Childe's looooves going over and putting his chin on your shoulder whenever he's curious or wants to remind you that you're not alone!! sometimes you'll be fretting over something, and suddenly there's a weight on your shoulder as Childe hugs you from behind and mrrps!! he's also likes to just... lay on top of you sometimes- in bed, on the couch, in the sunlight, sometimes Childe scoots over and drapes his entire body over yours (he's very careful not to crush you don't worry <33) it's like your personal weighted blanket!!! that purrs and kneads your back!! and also licks your cheek and occasionally even gives you delicate kisses (don't tease him too much he'll get VERY flustered and we don't want that,,,, unless? >:)
(oh and when Childe kisses you, you can feel his cheeks warm up because he's a wonderful flustered Abyss moth <333)
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Sometimes when I'm feeling the anxiety in my mid and lower back, I just want to be squished squashed fully covered by someone, and like weighted blankets are great but it's not the same, I need the warmth and the weight of someone just pushing me into my mattress
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
Family time with baby Yuji ✨✨
Family time with Baby Yuji 🥹 I didnt know how to to go about it so I just rambled on 🤍 tysm for the ask
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When Yuji was a baby Sukuna loved cradling him in his massive arms despite denying it with a cough. When Yuji got older 4-8 he loves riding around on his dad’s shoulders, bragging on how strong his dad was and sticking his tongue out at kids who wanted to laugh. Of course there are plenty of times when as a family you’d go on walks and young Yuji would take falls from trying to grab a tree branch or his did stretching and shaking him off because he forgot Yuji was on his shoulders 🥹 Yuji would just sit up smiling rubbing the back of his head when you’d both turn back to make sure he was okay. Swatting Sukuna and telling him to be careful while he rolled his eyes setting Yuji back on shoulders, “I told ya woman he doesn’t weigh anything maybe if you fed him more he wouldn’t be this way!” Of course Sukuna being the good husband he is, he sighed and turned to look at his wife. Before he could saying anything he noticed a cut on his son’s knee and frowned. So he brought up a hand and used his reverse cursed technique to heal him, “Brat why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?”
Or the time Yuji was crying because both of you left him with a baby sitter, not Uraume, not your lady in waiting. BUT A RANDOM LADY HE DIDNT KNOW he laid in his bed sniffling and crying. He refused to eat or leave his room all day. If you didn’t love him anymore you just had to tell him 😭 Both you and Sukuna hadn’t made it back till after sun set, to see the panicked baby sitter who was frantically explain how Yuji was reacting. So there you went sitting on the edge of his bed heart aching at his little whimpers and cries “Yuji, baby, please” laying your han son his back he squirmed away from you under the blanket. Sighing you watched Sukuna walk in sitting on his other wide, “Brat.” Was all he said as the mattress shifted under his weight, he laid a heavy hand on Yuji’s back. Yuji squirmed away bumping into you before moving back and pulling the blanket over his head to cover his tear stained puffy red face.
“Yuji.” Was all Sukuna had to say in a strict voice before he looking at his dad like he really did betray him. “You don’t love me anymore.” You looked away not wanting to laugh at your son especially when your husband was being firm with him. “I told you this morning your mother was leaving, I asked if you wanted to go with me and Uraume or stay home.” Yuji puffed his cheeks out “i said stay home because i thought you were gonna stay with me..” You stayed silent as the two had a stare off before Yuji sighed, he looked at you “you don’t love me either! You just left me!” You gasped “Yuji! I came to see you this morning before leaving and you said you wanted to sleep so you were gonna wait for daddy.” You fixed your stare on him and he huffed pulling the blanket over his head before the sniffles started up. Once again Sukuna said his name in a warning tone, before he sat up pushing the blanket off of him, “you left me alone all day and now you don’t want too.” “Stop acting like brat.” Was all Sukuna said before he hauled Yuji up and into his said while laying down in Yuji’s bed. The frame creaking obviously not made to hold Sukuna’s real weight, Yuji was still sniffling not hugging his dad back. Seeing Sukuna motion you over you got into Yuji’s bed, Sukuna turned to face you. Both you squishing Yuji in a hug while he sniffled and let the tears fall. “Yuji…” Sukuna’s voice was soft, you looked down at your son who chose bury his face in his dad’s chest, “I would never abandon you, you ARE my son i could never leave you behind or ..” he hesitated, “or stop… loving you. As long as you’re here, and I have life I will always come back for you and your mother.” Yuji rubbed his face back and forth on his dad’s chest mumbling an “‘m sorry.” Yuji tried to hold onto the both of you, and there you all slept, Sukuna hugging you and Yuji against his chest. That even when the bed frame cracked half way through the night no one moved a muscle.
There’s also that time when you decided to take Sukuna into town 😭 Yuji was holding your hand and his daddy’s hand. Both of your hold tight in his hands because he liked to run, jump and pull his legs up to swing by yours and Sukuna’s hands. Sure he was heavier at 6 but how could either of you say no to his little laughs and big smile? Even walking through the city when he let go your hand he persisted on walking funny as long as he could hold his daddy’s hand. Of course Sukuna got tired of having to lean down and hold Yuji’s hand so he shifted back to his “human” form. To which Yuji went back to grabbing your hand and his dad’s hand. Happily running between both of you to swing himself, the townspeople were almost in awe that Sukuna could show emotion other than displeasure, annoyance and bod thirst as he usually did when they would stand before him. They stood in disbelief that you really had managed to birth his son and that you and that son had managed to tame him enough that he didn’t just kill the man that accidentally knocked over a flower stand and splashed him with old plant water. Everyone watched as Sukuna’s free hand came up ready to slice the Man until they saw how his son pulled on his hand with a pout and pleading eyes. Sukuna sighing and pulling his robes off his shoulders to hang on his wait gave the vendor a fixed stare “Fools should know their place, you should take your place quickly.” Waving his hand he dismissed the vendor and you squeezed Yuji’s hand letting go. He smiled bright before hugging his dad’s arm, Sukuna tsk’ed but pulled Yuji into his side, “don’t think this changes anything brat.”
Then there was Sukuna falling sick 🫠 A real miracle right there on it’s own. Yuji refused to leave his side no matter how many times you dragged him with you. Sukuna would close his eye to rest when you’d close the door leaving with Yuji. Just to hear the door open, a sliver of light filling the room before the door closed and hearing the little patter of Yuji’s feet stopping by his bed side. He tried to force back his smile when Yuji pushed a chair to the bed and tried to replace the wet rag you had left on his forehead, anymore and he would’ve drowned with all the water Yuji poured on him. In the end Yuji crawled over him crawling under the blanket to hug his dad. He didn’t say anything just laid there like good moral support. Sukuna staring down at his son with soaking wet hair and a wet pillow sighed and wrapped an arm around his son pulling him closer, “You shouldn’t be here Yuji.” Yuji looked up at him with big eyes, “Your mom will wring you out if she finds you here.” “Then hide me!” Was all Yuji said pulling the blanket up over his head, “‘m not leaving.” Sukuna gave him a few heavy pats before leaning back into the wet pillow and throwing the sopping rag into the bowl of water, “Alright I warned ya.”
You could feel your eye twitch when you found them both passed out. Sukuna snoring and Yuji half on his chest going up and down with Sukuna’s breathing. “If he tried to hide it was terrible.” Was all you said getting closer, on the night stand half hanging onto the bowl was the soaking rag, wringing it out you placed it back on Sukuna’s forehead. Feeling Yuji’s forehead he was burning up. Leaning over your husband you fixed Yuji so he was laying down, he mumbled something in his sleep reaching out for your hand. Of course Sukuna hit you with a light smack on your rear and he chuckled, “don’t worry about him I’ll fix him up.” You watched as Sukuna started to sit up bringing you up with him, your son mumbling in his sleep trying to hug his daddy. You watched as he’s used his reverse cursed technique healing Yuji like it was nothing. “Ryomen.. if you can..” you stopped when Yuji barely opened his eyes blinking sleepily and reaching for you, “Don’t ask to many questions sweetheart, our son wants you here with us, “get in.” So you didn’t protest taking off your outter robe and getting into bed with your boys mumbling “so you were just looking for some attention hm?” Sukuna side eyed you with a smile before pulling you over to kiss the side of your temple, “Sure if that makes you feel better.”
Then there was Yuji’s birthday 🥹 all he wanted was to go out and play in the snow. “Mommy! Da-daddy?” He looked around your room, no one, he ran to the throne room, no one. Tea room? No, daddy’s bathing room? No. … separated rooms? No.. his room?! No ;-; he was on the verge of crying he couldn’t find Uraume either, so he walked to the kitchen reasoning he could eat something and keep looking later. That’s where he found you arguing with his dad and Uraume looking panicked. “ITS YUJI’S BIRTHDAY HE SHOULD EAT WHAT HE LIKES.” You argued back, “YUJI needs more meat on his bones I say we let Uraume work the kitchen as usual,” Sukuna slammed his fist on the table and you tilted your head giving him a look, “Lady y-NO” you held a hand up to Uraume smiling at him, “we’re going to fix this NOW.” You looked back at your husband, “you wanna eat what you wanna eat? Fine- but if that’s the case I’m taking Yuji to eat at his favorite noodle shop with or without you.” Slamming your own hand on the table it shook everything on the table. You and Sukuna dead set on one another, Uraume became nervous. Sukuna caught a quick glimpse of pink out the corner of his eye. Before he made a displeased face, “Fine, make what she tells you Uraume.” You smiled nodding, “Thank you.” You both watched as Sukuna left grumbling about it being his house why’s his wife bossing him around, Yuji still stood in the kitchen door smiling when his dad winked at him ruffling his hair as he passed by. You turned to Uraume “Make Sukuna a special plate, I swear when he’s hungry at night that thing has mind of its own and would probably take a bite out of Yuji.”Referring to his stomachs mouth, Uraume nodded with a smile “Yes Lady Y/n.”
You turned away from him grabbing a basket to leave when you see Yuji, “Hey sweetie,” you reached your hand out for him and he took it, “Ready to go outside?” He shook his head, “can’t find my coat,” you nodded “let’s go find it then.” Making your way to Yuji’s room you found Sukuna waiting and holding Yuji’s winter coat. “Took you long enough woman.” Yuji let go of your hand rushing to his dad who helped him with his coat, “come with us daddy!” You smiled watching Yuji pull his dads hand and arm. If there was one thing you didn’t understand it was Yuji’s obsession with the snow. Even when his fingers would turn read, and his nose and cheeks were nipped with red, he’d persist he could stay out another hour to play. Maybe it was because while you carried him in your womb, and as a baby you’d sit outside keeping him swaddled and warm in the cool. Remembering your own grandmother did the same, watching your cousins sleep calm and peacefully for so long. Yuji did the same, maybe that’s why he was so drawn to the snow. “Mommy! Cmon!” He waved his hand at you, he was building a snowman with his dad. Walking over you set down the basket on bench you usually sat on in the spring with Yuji, in the afternoon he’d lay his head on your lap yawning listening to birds chirping away while the cherry blossoms gave their last blooms. Falling asleep while you sat there rubbing his back and brushing your hand through his hair.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the bump you felt on your back. Turning around you saw Yuji getting a face full of snow “That’s my wife brat.” Yuji who was now laying in the snow sat up with snow ball “that’s my face!” Before smacking his dad with a snow ball. You couldn’t fight the smile watching them fight, laughing too hard when Sukuna was using one pair of arms to mass produce snow balls and the other to throw them. Yuji finally cried and ran over to hide behind you, “HELP MEEEE” at that point you were laughing hard and felt bad for not being to console your son, “i-I’m sorry-“ another wave of laughs, “Baby” he pouted crossing his arms while you took a deep breath, “You should’ve seen it, sweetie I’m sorry.” Ruffling his hair he still pouted looking at his dad who stood there proud, bare chest puffed out snow balls still in hand. “M cold.” You cleared the snow off the bench, “here I packed these for when you did get cold.” Turning to Sukuna he walked over snowball in hands as he dropped one on Yuji’s head, Yuji just shook his head clean sending snow everywhere. “Here,” you pulled out a smaller basket full of steamed milk buns for Yuji. Pulling out a second basket you offered them to Sukuna, “These were specifically made for you.” He grabbing one eating it in one bite, “it’s good, wouldn’t expect less from Uraume.” You grinned, “I made those.” Sukuna pulled you into his side by the waist, kissing your temple, “In that case they could be better,” he grinned down at you his eyes crinkling when you swatted his chest. Catching your hand against his chest he leaned down pressing his lips against the back of your hand, “They’re perfect don’t worry.” Smiling you pulled your hand free brushing his tussled slicked hair back as he hummed.
“ew,” Yuji’s voice broke the silence you your husband shared before Sukuna snatched his milk bun away, “whaddya mean ew?” He took a bite of the milk bun. “ew you and mommy!” He snatched another milk bun eating it and turning away when his dad tried to reach for it again. “Sit,” Yuji patted the spot next to him, Sukuna sat down spreading his legs out and pulling you to sit between himself and Yuji. Soon you all finished snacking, before Yuji begged to make a snow family. There you were, finding’s rocks and branches. Sukuna stacking the snow balls while Yuji tried to roll them. Sukuna’s Smow man was massive with Four stick arms and four rock eyes. Your snow lady had two arms and two eyes just shorter than Sukuna’s, and Yuji’s 🥹 Yuji’s snow man was built to his height which was still notably smaller than yours and Sukuna’s but the way he looked so proud rolling it to stand between the two bigger ones, he put a big smile on it, angling the arms up before he took an arm off of the others ones re stabbing them in from below, “Now they can hold hands.” You looked your husband who made a choking sounds before clearing his throat looking away using a hand to cover the liver half of his face. You rubbed your hand on his bare back and he looked at you. The soft smile you gave him was reassuring when he walked to stand behind your son. You watched as he hesitated before placing a hand on Yuji’s head pulling him into his side and rubbing his head, Yuji stayed leaning against his dad, before he looked back, waving his hand for you to get closer. Yuji looked up at his dad who picked him up, “alright, come here brat.” Standing beside Ryomen he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and waist, Yuji held on his other side. You turned hugging his waist. Staying like this until the snow started to fall and Yuji wiggled out of his dads grip.
Sitting on the same bench you stayed close to Sukuna, he hadn’t let you go after feeling how cold your hands were. “Ryomen…” his eyes were trained on his son when you looked up at him. He grunted in response, before clearing his throat. “y/n…” the silence hanging in the air. “I love you.” He never looked away from Yuji, before he turned to look down at you, bringing a free hand to your chin he angled your face up leaning in close, “Is that what you want me to say?” A grin broke out on his face when you blinked, he closed the gap and kissed you. Pulling away he angled your chin up and he kissed your neck nipping the skin, “I love you y/n.” It didn’t take long for Yuji to wear himself out when he came to crawl into your lap leaning back against your chest watching the snow fall. Soon he fell asleep across your lap, your head resting on Ryomen who laid his head over yours. His hand running up and down your back in a comforting manner, Yuji’s soft breaths. The falling snow and setting sun. “Happy Birthday Yuji.” You mumbled brushing his hair out his face, Sukuna smiled down at his sleeping son, “Happy Birthday brat.”
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@sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @domainofmarie @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @sakuxxi @mercymccann
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loveephia · 1 year
:¨ ·.· ¨: ハイキュー!! cuddles with some of the HQ boys . . .
`· . ꔫ . . . (suna, ushijima, atsumu, osamu, akaashi, iwaizumi.)
⚠ warning/s: manga spoilers in iwaizumi's.
part 1 | part 2 is coming soon!
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- right after showering from practice, he immediately drags you to the bed and clings onto you like his life depends on it
- this is it. this is your life now; forever trapped in the arms of suna rintarō.
- now to some of you, that might sound like absolute bliss, but if you're anything like me, i'd want some oxygen.
- "tarō, air." you state
- "no." suna stubbornly mumbles
- "tarō." you warned
- and with a defeated sigh, he untightens his grip, but his long arms are still around you
- cuddles with ushijima are the best because you can lay on him like a weighted blanket :3
- and because of how big he is in general, he generates his own warmth, which makes you even closer to him on colder days
- ushijima sometimes has to pry you off of him because he gets a bit sweaty, and he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable from it
- you don't really care tbh. your mind is just "toshi cuddles, toshi cuddles!" on repeat.
- so even though he pries you off, you always find a way back in his arms
- uhuh, if u thought suna was bad, atsumu is about 10× worse.
- yeah, he lets you breathe. for a few minutes.
- savor the oxygen while you can.
- somehow, in the middle of the night, his head is at the footboard, sleeping on his stomach, with a foot in your face
- does he think he's still sleeping with osamu??
- when he ACTUALLY sleeps properly, he sleeps on you with his head buried nicely in your chest
- you brush your fingers through his blond hair while he snores happily
- "osamu miya, what do you think you're doing?"
- osamu's making you into a sushi roll. that's what he's doing.
- now that you're bundled up in the blanket (thanks to osamu's stupidly strong muscles), he gets on the bed and cuddles you
- he may not have a blanket, but he has a sushi roll, and with that, he's happy.
- "y/n, when'd ya get so cute?" he coos, noticing how the blanket squished your cheeks
- "please let me go. i have a family."
- "hmm.. no." osamu gives you an endless amount of pecks to your dismay
- akaashi falls asleep whenever you two cuddle
- and he's so beautiful :((
- you can't even go to sleep because you're too busy admiring at him
- he unconsciously does that thing bunnies do with their nose, like a little twitch, but it's not on purpose or anything
- it's just a little sleep habit he does
- "keiji, why are you so.." breathtaking, you want to say
- when you finally drift off to slumber, it's akaashi's turn to admire you
- sometimes, he traces a finger over your features
- iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer is an expert cuddler. if the national japan team ever knew that, they'd tease him non-stop.
- his cuddles are always perfect, never too suffocating, never too far
- though you're a bit selfish, wanting to always be super duper close to him
- he has an arm secure around you at all times, and you absolutely love it
- "ha-ji-me!" you call out in that cute little tune of yours
- "yes, princess?"
- "cuddles please." you smile at him, and he's quick to bring you into his arms
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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letsnotperceive · 2 days
Okay, I just can’t stop thinking about John Price honestly. Especiallyyy after he’s *retired*!!
Here is a little drabble (is that the right word? Can’t remember, I’m new here). It gets a little 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (18+) towards the bottom but nothing crazy. F!Reader
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ୨ᰔ୧ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉
✧.* Because sure, big buff military man who’s puffin’ more smoke than a chimney is cool and all. But give me sleepy, squishy, human teddy bear Price. Give me Price who’s perpetually exhausted after carrying the weight of the world on his back. Price that just wants to hibernate for a while with his luv.
✧.*Im thinking he’s all softened up around the edges. All that muscle mass doesn’t disappear over night, but as time passes and he’s no longer on an extensive workout routine, it ain’t sticking around forever. Big ol’ pecs that you can squish your face against, a little padding to his stomach. Hold on, stay with me now 🤤
✧.* Of course, he’s still got that grizzly sort of appearance. All mapped in scars and maybe the occasional burn from those late nights spent at his desk with a cigar between his fingers while he’s drifting in and out of consciousness with exhaustion. The damn workaholic! Hairy too; least we forget—that beard and those arms. Oh lord.
✧.*Maybe one day you realize in that post retirement laze of his (which is well deserved, mind you. Don’t give him a hard time now) that he’s looking a lil’ extra scraggly. You sit on the bathroom counter, and with a delicate hand and a very distracted focus, you give his beard a shave. All cute and romantic, the room still steamy from your shared shower…
BAD. Mistake. You both agree to never let it happen again. An angel just lost its wings!! Leave his beard alone 😭
✧.*Treat this man so good, he deserves it. Whether you like to cook or not, you find yourself gravitating to the kitchen on occasion to make sure he’s eating well at least some of the time. Some home-cooked meals to cancel out all those shitty MREs he’s consumed in his lifetime.
✧.*Bet he will reward you for it too; he’s got a soft spot for good girls. He is tired of yelling commands and barking out orders, he’s too worn out to deal with a brat. Be a sweet little thing now and show him some love. Offer to climb into his lap and take over when his bad leg starts acting up, see where it gets you.
✧.*Rolling your hips to a steady rhythm only you hear, he lets you have your fun until he’s ready to set the pace. Big hands pawing at your waist, clutching at you just tight enough his fingers are going to leave red marks for him to soothe away after. He doesn’t even have to roll his hips up against you, he can just move you as he pleases with his strength.
✧.*You don’t even have to try to give him a show—he drinks in every little reaction you give him. His heart skips a beat when you mewl, your eyes threatening to roll back in sheer bliss. The sticky sound of your thighs, drenched in arousal, meeting his skin. The way your lips meet his neck and shoulders, kissing and nipping love bites against his body. The mattress springs squeaking from underneath you two. It’s a performance, and he’s dedicated to appreciating every moment.
✧.*He’ll send you melting with his words, too—
“Mmm, is that good, little luv’?”
“You like that, baby? My darlin’?”
“Such a good girl—doing so well f’me.”
“F-fuck lovie, do that thing with your hips again~”
✧.* Aftercare is top-tier with him too, no questions asked. He may have gotten a little lazy in his retirement, but never when it comes to you. Water, a snack, a quick clean up. Him putting his entire weight over you like a human weighted blanket. Whatever you need, Lovie.
Wrote this quickly after doing an online job interview, I don’t think it went very well bc I have awful RBF but wish me luck :,)
Should I do a full fledged fic about this? Anyone interested? Okay, bye <3
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skullvgirl · 16 days
attractive things they do | bllk
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incl. isagi, bachira, gagamaru, kunigami, naruhaya, nagi, reo, barou, shidou, chigiri, raichi, niko, zantetsu, sae, rin, ego, ayru
warnings. fem reader, probably ooc, established relationship, suggestive
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isagi likes laying his head between your lap, he says their soft like pillows and he likes squishing them like stressballs. ( which they kinda are if you ask him ) he especially loves to lay in your lap while you comb through his hair ; talking about whatever it is that you're talking about as your sexy soothing voice calms him to the brink of extinction sleep.
bachira says he would live under your skin if he could. and you wholeheartedly believe him. he's always touching you, he feels insane around you ( not that he already isnt ) and it makes him giddy. the thought of being able to be with you 25/8 365 days a year always next too him. ( he watches you while you sleep ) .
gagamaru puts all his weight on you when your cuddling. in the way it feels like a weighted blanket so that you dont have any sort of urge to leave him. he's quite direct with you if you attempt to leave however. its always 'yn, where are you going, ill get cold if you leave so stay please'.
kunigami kisses your knuckles without thought, all the time. he usually does it when the conversation is deep and unintentionally holds the longest eye contact with you—all while he's grazing his lips over your fingers as he listens to you speak.
naruhaya is a share-er, and despite having to share his whole life ( curtesy his many siblings ) he doesnt mind sharing with you some more. it's like second nature for him to break, split or divide whatever it is he has for you so that both you and him can have a piece.
nagi likes resting his head on the top of yours, no matter your height he'll bend himself over to snuggle the underside of his chin against your hair, his large arms wrapped perfectly around your neck, squishing your cheeks together in endless bliss.
reo sticks money between your bra. his favorite thing to do is push 100 dollar bills in between your cleavage ( mostly so he can feel you up ) and see how easily your arguing fades away. on a side note he probably does this in bed too but instead of your breasts its used as a gag too soften the exponentially loud moans you emit.
its might sound cliche but barou has a hand around your waist, all the time. its his outward show of affection to let everyone in the vicinity know he's yours and your his. his hands like resting on your hips ( and your hip dips ) out of habit now, and it honestly feels more weird too have his hands off your hips than on them.
shidou likes holding onto the loop your belt buckles, specifically the one right on your hip. he likes tugging at it and pulling you towards him—mostly when he wants a innocent kiss, other times when he's hot and bothered, and needs you as close to him as possible. sometimes he'll slide his two fingers back and forth between a loop and the next one, if you ask him about it hell say he's 'just practicing'.
chigiri has an obsession with your neck, especially when it's exposed. you say its sensive so he likes to tease you, lightly grazing his fingers over it or even kissing the most sensitive spots so that you squirm and giggle all the while he thinks about when he could snatch a chance and bite it.
raichi runs his tounge over his teeth, alot. letting the sparkley white shine with giddy thoughts and damn is it hot. he mostly does it when your telling him a story or when you're trying on clothes for him and the most he could manage without pouncing on you is a grin and tounge across his teeth.
niko is like your shadow. some could even say he has scary dog privileges ( i know, hear me out ) he's not terribly short ( 173 cm or 5'8 ) and the hair that covers his face can kind of give him a scary look, especially when his big green eyes death stare all the guys that try and hit on you. it runs them out trust me.
zantetsu despite being rather slow to understand somethings and hardly knows what he's talking about sometimes can defend you in a conversation like crazzzyyy, he knows you well and honestly sometimes just likes talking about you, even if someones not attacking you.
sae has the biggest softspot for you, but on the down low. he'll never admit and he's different about showing it but man. if you could hear his thoughts and you though him, you'd be blown away. at the store: i wonder if she'd like something like this..i remember she was twiking me about it one day... as he's speaking to you : wow i cannot stop looking at her eyes, i think thats a new mascara she's wearing. i should tell her it looks pretty on her. only he never does these things because he's emotional constipated and hasn't found a reason yet to fix it.
rin is clingy but like his brother, on the downlow. he actually 10x more emotionaly constipated than his older brother and his attachment to you is 10x worse. he's got the cutest way about asking though ; he'll hold onto your shirt like a little kid or even pout when you try to leave him. (#abandonmentissueswho?)
ego has petnames he only uses for you, hes the type of husband that is super evil too the boys but falls quickly under your pressuring gaze. he obviously isn't to fond of many things much less people but i can say for a fact he cares for you like he wouls himself ( which i guess if you really think about it, not all that much but you get my point —) .
ayru twirls your hair when you kiss, his own longer hair covering all the action while you two smooch like lovebirds in a tree. it's so thick and luscious that whenever you guys kiss, hardly anyone can see because its like a sheild in your face.
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an's. this took a lifetime omgg, anyways more parts too the 100 SKULLHEADS special out soon, check my events masterlist too see whats next !
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strawberryforks · 4 months
blue walls, blue eyes, and the blue blanket // cole walter x reader
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summary: you don’t have a good home life and end up unofficially moving in with the walter boys.
warnings: physical & verbal abuse, underage drinking, counsellors depicted in a negative light, swearing, canon divergence–jackie’s family never passes away, so while katherine and her mother are still good friends, they’ve not met/moved in with the walters.
word count: 5957
there’s a ding, and the principal is speaking over the pa. everyone stops what they’re doing so nothing is missed. after all, this doesn’t happen often.
the teacher freezes, dry erase marker still pressed firmly against the board, the end squishing and ink bleeding atop the letter he was writing and danny, who’s sitting beside you, gives you a look. you know its meaning, recognize the weight behind it, and know this routine. you stand up quickly. the backs of your knees slam into the hard plastic you had been sitting on and the chair goes skittering back, bumping into the pair of desks behind you.
you’re too tired to send that apologetic smile to anyone else. fortunately danny isn’t. making sure you aren’t alone, aren’t the only one being disruptive and making noise in an otherwise silent classroom, he braces a hand on the back of his chair, twisting around, to face your wide-eyed classmates. “sorry about that,” he whispers.
your movements are all harsh. they’re fast and full of annoyance, as you swipe your textbook, pencil kit, and water bottle off your desk and into your awaiting tote bag.
standing up, you make your way to the door. the teacher stares daggers at you the entire way. They go to grab your arm and you flinch away. “don’t touch me,” you grit, hands gripping around the doorknob so tightly it hurts. air is hitting your face, propelled towards you by the door you shoved open, when you hear your dismissal “please send y/n l/n to guidance,” spoken over the announcements. your teacher follows you out into the hallway, shouting instructions that you reluctantly follow, after you.
you count the tiles on your way. nearly running into the blue door, you end at fifty six.
ms jacobs, tara, as she’ll insist you call her, is a nice enough lady. she has curly brown hair, brown eyes, and perfectly painted on lipstick. she looks disarming, as a counsellor with the numbers of everyone that could ruin your life on speed dial, you suppose she has to. still, this isn’t new. she leads you further into the room and gestures to a chair “take a seat.”
when you don't, her smile becomes more strained. “please, y/n. this doesn’t need to be difficult, we just need to have a chat.”
you sigh, shoulders sagging as you plop down into the hundredth blue thing in this office. doors, trim, there’s a ridiculous amount of the colour and you don’t like it. blue, represents sadness. it’s something you’ve had enough of. sure, there’s other colours. posters upon posters–some neon, and green leaves stuck onto a large potted plant. there’s other colours just like there’s other feelings, but the one you’re stuck on, the one you can’t get over is sadness; it's blue.
“i hate the colour blue, Ms. Jacobs.” You tell her.
“why?” she asks, interested in you opening up further. you don’t.
“are you going to give me the run-down? tell me what i can and can’t say?”
her brows furrow. “do i need to? i called you here to talk about your grades but if there’s something else going on–”
“there isn’t ms jacobs. i do appreciate the concern, though. about my grades. they’re passing, i don’t see the problem.” you didn’t have a single grade above fifty five. it was hard to, when all of your teachers assigned heaps and heaps of homework and you would rather take a deep-dive into hellfire, brimstone, and lakes of lava, then return to the place you were expected to complete it at.
“call me tara.” you don’t.
“ms jacobs, if it would make you happy, i’ll try harder.”
“it would, y/n. thank you.”
you gather your things and stand. a glance at your phone lets you know your second class is over, so you plan to head to the cafeteria. “and y/n, just know that whatever you say to me is confidential.” Unless you are or are planning to hurt yourself, someone else, or if someone is hurting you.
“bye ms jacobs.”
walking into the cafeteria was masochistic in a way, when they were serving your favourite food, and you had no lunch or money to buy any with. still, in your hurried text chain with danny, this is where you had decided to meet. If you had to sit with the theatre kids to score some time with your friend, you would, although it would be better if you could grab him and go somewhere that didn’t make your mouth water and stomach ache.
walking over to his table, you noticed alex was there too. Just chatting with his brother. You and alex weren’t the best friends, but he was nice enough, and like issac, lee, nathan, and cole, you had his number written down in your notepad under the ‘just in case’ column. you didn’t mind alex, he was polite and much like his brother, danny, never made you feel less than. alex was always armed with a smile.
“danny!” you called, announcing your presence so you wouldn’t scare anyone. you smiled at Alex who as expected, mirrored your expression. “nice to see you. mind if I cut in and steal your brother?”
alex nods, “be my guest. i’ll see you at the end of the day danny!”
he leaves and then you’re pulling danny up and along with you. he barely has time to grab his lunchbox before the two of you are leaving the cafeteria and heading outside. you slump down against the brick wall and danny takes a seat across from you. cross-legged, he pulls out two sandwiches and hands one to you. you eyes widen.
“i’m pretty observant,” he supplies, shrugging.
“thank you, d” you eat the sandwich, and it’s a good one. “do you have plans after school?” ‘please don’t be busy, please don’t be busy, please don’t be busy’ you repeat in your head over and over again. it’s a mantra, you’re manifesting. hoping, hoping, hoping.
“y/n/n, i’m sorry, i actually do. erin tried out for the school’s production and she wants help going over her lines–i would invite you to tag along but…”
“no, no!” yoy laugh. manifesting doesn’t work, mantras are pointless, and shit, what are you supposed to do about tonight? “no, danny. don’t worry about it. i know you like erin and this is the perfect opportunity! if she’s asking for help with lines–i mean you’re awesome–but let’s be real, you can go over lines with anyone. so, if she’s asking you specifically for help, that's such a good–a really good sign!”
you two talk for a while longer but it’s easy to see your mind is elsewhere.
the bell rings, you head to your last classes, and then home.
you’ve got to go home.
well, to your house. that place, those four walls, they stopped being your home a long time ago. when your dad got drunk and your mom got mean.
cole walter pulls up beside you on your way home. his truck slows down, nearly to a stop, and you keep walking. your headphones are on and you’re pretending you can’t hear him. you can, but, you hope he’ll tire of shouting, slam his food on the gas pedal, and leave you in a cloud of dust. “y/n, hey! l/n, you need a ride or what?”
the truck stops, pulls off the side of the road and then you’re hearing a door slam and cringing, face crinkling as you realise you should’ve just said no. shouted it, even.
cole walter jogs up to you. he knows your house is quite far away. too far away to be walking. he calls to you again but you’re still walking forward. he places his hand on your shoulder. you know he’s there. you know he’s beside him and still you fucking flinch. the second time today and you're feeling pathetic. you shouldn’t be–really shouldn’t be. it’s not your fault that people can’t seem to respect the concept of personal space, not your fault that your trust has been violated, shredded and spat out, so many times that touch makes you jump. makes you want to jump, or crawl, your way out of your own skin. you flip your headphones down, letting them fall around your neck, but turning your music up a few clicks so you can still hear it. music is your vice, but no one’s complaining because it’s better than alcohol or drugs or, i don't know, being an asshole–you do that too. unintentionally sometimes. like now.
“what?” you snap. on the defensive.
cole isn’t surprised by your flinching. You were dead to the world, listening to music so loud he could hear it from where he stood paces away from you. if he were you–if it was your hand that had sat down onto his shoulder and surprised him he probably would have shouted. he caught you off guard, he was sorry. both of his hands stuck up in the air. “that’s my bad. sorry for scaring you.”
“sorry for–” you guess he did scare you. in a way. “it’s fine. what are you doing here?” you take your time looking at cole. his sharp jaw, full lips, his blue eyes. usually you hate that colour, but on him? it’s not so bad.
“offering you a ride. youe place is pretty far from here, yeah?”
“it is but i like walking.”
“walking is fine and all, but it’s getting colder and it gets dark around five now. by the time you make it home it’ll be past that. my truck has heat, comfy seats, and i’ll even let you have aux.”
you’re not a stranger to the effect cole walter has on everyone. not at all. when he smiles at you, you feel your cheeks warm. you’re an idiot for not taking him up on that offer. your feet already ache and your legs burn.
some things hurt more, though.
actions, all of them, have consequences.
“i’m fine, cole. but thank you. you’re sweet.”
he shakes his head. you aren’t walking anymore, instead, stopped on the side of the road just waiting. this conversation, it’s going places. places you don’t like. “i can’t let you walk home alone. not in good conscience.”
he’s jogging back to his truck and pulling up beside you. he’s leaning over the centre console and pushing the door open. leaning over further, and helping you up, not starting to drive again until your seatbelt is buckled. if only that was the least of your worries. if. only.
“so what do you want to play?”
you plug in your phone and queue up your playlist. a sad song blasts and you hit skip very quickly, not missing the questioning look cole sends you. you laugh, “don’t tell me you’ve never listened to sad music while you’re reading.”
“i don’t read much, and most of the music i listen to is because of the lyrics. those ones were… dark.”
choosing to disregard most of his statement, you echoed his words back to him. “you don’t read much?”
“alex reads a lot. you two would get along.”
“shared interests aren’t everything. we don’t have much in common but i enjoy your company and danny and i click and we both hate each other's favourite tv show with a passion.”
“what show is that?” you tell him and he grins. “that’s my favourite too–seriously. we should get together and watch it sometime.”
“i’d love that!” so, shared interests aren’t everything, but they’re certainly something. you smile for a couple more kilometres and then it gets harder. when you see the sign with your civic on it, you know that the ride, no matter how awesome it was, and how much fun you had, wasn’t worth it.
you hop out of the truck–cole offered to walk you to the door but you denied, knowing you were already in for it. “thank you, though.”
He nodded. “i can give you a ride tomorrow, too. anytime you need one, really. just ask–or get danny to. I really don’t mind.” you smile. thank him again and climb out of the truck. you walk confidently until he pulls out of the long driveway and onto the road. then you sigh, and it’s because of cole’s conscience that you get home before it’s dark enough for you to slip in unnoticed.
you pause on the porch. you don’t want to go in, but you don’t have a choice. not really. what are your other options? run off into the woods and let yourself be some colorado woodland creature’s lunch? knowing what’s coming, it doesn’t sound too bad. you open the door and nearly sob when the wind slams it shut behind you.
your heart beats hard in your chest like your father’s boots do on the floor. “where the hell have you been! days, gone for days. you couldn’t call, couldn’t fucking text,” with each word, most of them slurred, he storms closer. it’s not even suppertime and his eyes are glassed over with that familiar film, his breath a pungent reminder, as obvious as the one in his hand, of what he’s been drinking all day. your mother is behind him in the hallway, puffing on a cigarette, uninterested. “there’s no respect! ya here the brat? thinking they run the place. comin’ and goin without a care.”
“i don’t–i know i don’t run the place.”
“damn right you don’t!” the half empty–you’ve never been a glass-half-full type of person, not growing up in this–bottle of beer come flying at the wall. it hits just above your head, the liquid and brown pieces of glass falling all over you.
“look what you made me do now! gone and spilled m’drink.”
you had taken your converse off at the door. always being yelled at for trekking in mud and dirtying the floor, the hurried steps you take backwards, hurt. your dad is wearing work boots, steel toe, but the only thing between you and the broken glass is a thin pair of socks. your skin splits. the light blue fabric on your feet turns dark red.
you whimper and each step hurts more than the last. then you bump into the wall. “dad, please.”
“calling me tha’ like you think it’ll make me forgive you. fuck,” he throws a glance over his shoulder. “how’d we make something so… so pathetic?”
your mom shrugs, like she hasn’t a clue, either.
“dad, please. i’m sorry, okay? i’ll call next time.”
“there won’t be a fucking next time! get your shit and get out. all we do for you, all we do and you’re still impossible. keep you fed, clothed, give you a place to sleep and just get attitude, attitude, and disrespect. i’m done being disrespected. done!”
“you can’t just kick me out! i have nowhere to go.” you yell. you yelled. you yelled. oh god. oh hell. oh shit. you see his leg rear back and you go to jump out of the way. you’ve already been kicked out–you just need to get out, and quickly. you jump over his leg but then his fist is wrapped in your hair and you’re falling. then the boot you dodged is slamming into you side. again, again, again. tears are streaming down your face. you’re sobbing.
then he’s picking you up by your shirt. lifting you, dragging you. he opens the door, grabs your bag, your shoes, and throws them outside. then, then he throws you. you land on the porch, body aching and pressing into the hardwood.
the door slams and you’re still sobbing. you’re pretty sure that your new mantra is ‘fuck’. it’s what you repeat over and over again as you drag yourself up and away from the front door. You need to get away, you need to get away. You really need to. creating distance between you and that door, you and those people, is priority.
“fuck, fuck, fuck.”
running isn’t really in the cards for you. you limp away and don’t miss your mother peering out the kitchen window. you guess that from her perspective you do look pathetic. but no more pathetic than your dad, the grown man who had to hurt you to feel powerful and get his point across. your pace is terrible but the darker it gets, the further you get. you’re in the woods now, with no idea where exactly you are and not much supplies. maybe you will end up as woodland creature dinner. there’s not much you can do to help it now. you think about calling someone and then you realise your phone isn’t in your bag. you start to shake. choked laughter bubbles it’s way out of your throat. you’re laughing and then the hysterics shift and you’re sobbing. arms wrapped tightly around yourself you cry for what must be hours.
later, slumped against a tree trunk you decide to tackle your feet. one problem at a time, one shard at a time. you pluck pieces out of your skin and the blood makes you feel nauseous. when the job is done, you slide your socks back on, and walk towards the sound that comforts you most. Rushing water. you find a river, and kneel at its edge. you wash your socks, yourself, and dry on a stone in the sun. you scrub the dirt and grime from your feet. when your socks are mostly dry and the cuts have stopped gushing blood, you put on your shoes and lace them up. then you follow the river. you’ll reach town soon enough. your face isn’t marred, just the rest of you, all hidden beneath layers of clothes–a long sleeve, a flannel, blue jeans.
ideally, you’ll find danny.
you don’t live in an ideal world. the boy you find is not danny but he wants something you can give and has something you need–a place to sleep. you do so without clothes, lying next to him. What you did was in the dark, would stay that way, because before he woke, before you were made to converse with the nameless boy, you dressed and snuck out. the walk of shame was just that, shameful. you felt horrendous. your body still hurt and you found yourself walking into a cafe you knew haley, will’s wife worked at.
asking for handouts made your stomach sour but you couldn’t do much else.
haley was scrubbing down a table when you approached her. “hey, haley.”
“y/n, hey, how’s it going?” then she turned to you and realised, not good. that it was not going good. you shot her a flattened smile. “i really hate to ask. like, i really really do, but i haven’t eaten in a bit and was wondering–”
“yeah, yes. of course. just have a seat, i’ll grab you… do you have any dietary restrictions?” you answer her, and when she comes back, handing you a wrapped meal you thank her profusely. “is there anything you need done around here? i appreciate this so much, but i don’t want to take advantage. i can clean–i’m not a great cook but I can make coffee.”
“you don’t need to do anything. you aren’t taking advantage. not at all. is there anything else i can do for you? anyone i can call? your parents?”
fear fills your eyes and perceptive as ever, she catches it. “not them, please.” is what you whisper. haley nods, disappears behind the counter and makes a phone call. then, she dotes on you for the next ten minutes until wil pulls up outside. he comes in, walks over to your table and sits down across from you.
you’re pretty sure you’ve been caught. the ruse, it’s very much up.
“what’s going on, y/n?”
you shrug and sip at the hot chocolate haley made for you. “well, come on. you don’t have to say anything right now but let’s get you home.” you stand, ready to go anywhere but, and will stops you. “my parent’s home, danny’s. katherine knows you’re coming. come on, kid.”
you follow him to the car. most of the drive is silent, but you thank him when the walter’s house homes into view and katherine is waiting outside on the porch with a smile. up the few stairs, and you head straight for her. you’re grateful for her gentle nature, because as you throw your arms around her and squeeze, she simply rests hers on your back, rubbing soothing circles. “they–they kicked me out.”
she takes a minute to respond, only because she finds this hard to process. you were a good kid, a great one, and she, having so many of her own, couldn’t think of a single thing that would make her abandon or discard one of her own children. “you’ll stay with us then.” it isn’t a question and you’re glad because how would you have answered? your mouth is dry but your eyes aren’t.
you sit in danny’s room. he isn’t home from school yet but he will be soon. katherine and george are upstairs making room for you. you feel like a burden, they assure you that you are not.
you’re waiting for danny, only he isn't who makes it home first. it’s cole. he walks in, tosses his bag down onto the bed, none the wiser that there’s another person in the room. his back faces you and he’s rifling through a drawer when he hears you hiccup. he turns around quickly. Sees you, crying in his brother's bed and immediately his brows are furrowed. “y/n?” he walks closer. the bed is near to the ground so he drops onto his knees. he’s close to you know but he’s made himself less intimidating. “y/n/n? hey.”
“hi Cole.”
“are you okay?”
“i’ve been better.”
cole doesn’t ask, he doesn’t push. instead he opens his laptop, logs into his netflix and puts on the favourite show you both discussed watching together. when the two of you are settled. him on the floor, face resting on the mattress, where you’re curled up in a blanket that belongs to his brother, he breaks the silence. “do you want me to get danny?”
“where is he?”
“he’s with erin at the school. i think they’re going over details for the production. but i can go get him if you need him. do you need him?”
you shake your head. as danny’s best friend you were the biggest ‘derin’ shipper there was. plus, cole was here. he made things okay. “no, no thanks. i don’t really want you to go anywhere if that’s okay?”
“that’s more than okay, but i will say, my bed is comfier.”
you smile for the first time in a bit, looking at the uncomfortable position he has himself in. “yeah? well, we should definitely watch this, over there then.”
“my thoughts exactly.” cole grabs the laptop, grabs you, still wrapped in the blanket he tells himself he’ll replace from the linen closet, and carries both over to his bed. you squeal a bit and bite back a real whimper when his hand touches what you know has to be a massive bruise, sitting you down.
you fall asleep, leaning against him. he pauses the show, closes his laptop, and promises to resume it when you’re awake to watch it with him. then he sends a threatening text to his brother, danny.
COLE: Y/n/n has had a rough day and is sleeping in our room
COLE: Wake her up and you’ll get hit
DANNY: is she okay??? ALSO since when do you call her y/n/n???
COLE: I’ll see you later
COLE: Tell Erin hi for me
DANNY: fuck off
george and katherine didn’t receive that same threatening text but when they peeked into the room to check on you and found you cuddled up against cole, snoring lightly, and looking peaceful they left you be. your room was ready and in the morning you moved into it. your clothes were dirty and katherine washed them for you but in the meantime… well it was her dresses or… or what you went with.
you knocked your fist against the door and cole opened it, shirtless.
“hey cole,” look at his face. just his face. only his face.
“hey y/n. What can i help you with?”
your hand flew to the back of your neck which you rubbed awkwardly. “can i, uh… would you mind if I borrowed a pair of jeans and a belt?” cole chuckled, then realised you were completely serious. then he gave you the jeans. then the belt. “need a shirt too?”
you laughed, cheeks stained pink. “i wouldn’t mind…”
he handed you the plain black one in his hand. “riding with me to school?”
“if i’ve got shotgun.”
“‘course.” he said, grinning.
you headed upstairs and got changed. the pants were big but with the belt, and them cuffed they fit alright. then, came the shirt. it fell mid thigh but once you tucked it in a bit it didn’t look too terrible. you brushed your hair, your teeth, and headed downstairs. george looked at you with wide eyes and you shrugged, “i don’t really like dresses?”
katherine sighed. “we’ll get you some clothes after school.”
“from the thrift store!” you amended.
she rolled her eyes but agreed anyway. then, you were sitting beside cole on the way to school, during the one class you shared, and at lunchtime. you weren’t ditching danny, just his time was split between you and erin now. they started dating. they were sweet, good for and to, each other.
you’d only been living with the walters for two days, but everything was great. until cole invited you to the lake house. two coolers had you feeling buzzed and when it was your first turn, playing ‘truth or dare’, you picked truth and ended up faced with a question you didn’t want to answer. so you turned, and pressed your lips to cole’s. his lips parted in surprise, but then he kissed you back, tongue slipping into your mouth as he deepened the kiss. his hands flew to cup your face, your eyes were shut, and you were feeling things. until someone whistled and another yelled: “get a room!”
next round, you were three coolers in and ballsy enough to pick dare. “i dare you to jump into the lake!”
you rolled your eyes. like that was difficult. sure, it was a bit chilly, but you’d been in the river days ago. rushing water compared to water the sun had beat down on all day was nothing. you grinned, and ran to the edge of the dock, canon-balling and sending water flying everywhere. when you surfaced you saw the asshole who wore cole’s jersey shaking water out of his hair like a dog. you grinned, and started to swim back over when you saw something that caused you to sober up quickly. the foundation and powder you had painted on top of the hand shaped bruise on your arm had worn off. gone. It was gone and fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck.
when you didn’t get out of the water immediately cole was curious. when your face reflected horror, he was concerned.
“you good?” you weren’t. he walked over to the edge and dipped his hand in. the water was freezing. “come on out, you’ll get sick.”
you shook your head, plastering a clearly fake smile on your face. “my immune system is really strong and i want to swim! i’ll be fine cole, gonna go that way.” you make a gesture with your head and begin to paddle in that general direction. away from the lakehouse, away from the people, away from the party. away from cole—or, you tried to get away from cole. he walked on the bank, steps matching your strokes as he followed you. “get out of the water, y/n.” you were still swimming, and now cole was having to duck under and climb over branches and bushes to continue following. now, you couldn’t even hear the people at the lake house.
“no thank you.”
“don’t be stubborn. this was—it was funny thirty minutes ago! It’s lost the charm. just get out, we’ll go back and…”
“i don’t want to go back.”
“then we’ll go home. would that make you happy? we can leave, we don't have to go back to school, i can take you home.”
“i want to stay in the water, cole.”
“y/n, just get out of the fucking lake. it’s not that hard! i don’t understand why you won’t—“
you’re in waist deep water and all of you is submerged until it isn’t. you stand up quickly. teats sting your eyes and emotion clogs your throat. “you don’t understand, huh?” your voice breaks, shatters, and cracks. “does this help? do you see why when i say i want to keep swimming, i mean it? do you see why i want to stay in the water cole?”
he sees something. he sees bruises on your arms. deep purple handprints put there by too big hands and with too much force—force that never should have been used on you. he’s blinking, his eyes are seeing but his mind isn’t thinking, not fast enough.
“do you see?!” you’re shouting now, sobbing too. “because the makeup washed off and now you can see it. bow everyone can. everyone will see and then they’ll report it and i’ll end up in the system in an equally shitty situation! cole,” another wave of sobs interrupts, “cole don’t make me get out of the water.” he doesn’t, he climbs in with you. water soaks his boots, the bottoms of his jeans, you hear it slosh as he takes large steps and closes the distance between you both. “y/n/n.”
“what?” it’s a sob, a plea.
“we’re going to get out of the lake. i’m going to walk you through the woods, out to the road and then i’m going to go get my truck. i’ll be ten minutes tops. i’ll grab my hoodie too.”
“it’s… it’s back on the chair.”
“the red one, i know.”
cole keeps his word, but after five minutes you hear his truck. it stops, he hops out. he sets the hoodie on top of you and you shimmy into it. “No one will see, no one you don’t want to know, will know. but y/n, you will never go back there, okay? not to that house, not ever, because if you go, i’m following, and the things i do, most authorities will not agree with.”
“i don’t ever want to go back there.”
“you won’t ever have to.”
“thank you.”
“don’t thank me for helping you with something that never should’ve happened. we’ll get you some ice as soon as we’re home.” cole cranks the heat up and angles the fans to point your way.
he opens your door for you and walks closely behind you. no one else is home—katherine and george both working and the others at school. cole raids the freezer for anything remotely icey and heads up to your room. he makes a pit-stop to grab his laptop and some snacks from a drawer none of his brothers would ever know about. he steals the blanket you like off of danny’s bed too—the soft one with the blue plaid.
you both watch the show, he looks concerned when you press the frozen peas to your side too. you lift your shirt, show him the damage and he freezes. “ugly, huh?”
“nothing about you has ever been ugly, y/n/n but jesus, maybe we should go to a hospital.”
“flattery will get you everywhere cole but there’s no denying i looked like van gogh fucked up starry night—and no hospital. they’d like immediately call someone. plus i think they’re just bruised and not broken so that’s good.”
“i’m sorry that this happened to you.”
“oh don’t do that. i hate when people apologise for things that aren’t their fault.”
“can i apologise for danny, then? for him not realising what was happening sooner?” cole asked. people weren’t perfect, you realised that then, cole having said the first thing that genuinely upset you. this was no one’s fault. No one but your scum of the earth parent’s.
“no. danny didn’t do anything wrong. i didn’t want him to know and usually i’m good at hiding these things.” a bitter laugh, and: “usually.”
“i blame the alcohol, but, i guess it’s nice that you know.”
“i’m glad i know.”
and he is. he carries your bag, your books, even goes thrifting with you and katherine. “i like this one,” he’d said, holding up a shirt that barely had any fabric to it. you rolled your eyes for the fiftieth time and picked out a baggy graphic tee shirt instead.
at school he walks you to and from your classes. he sits with you at lunch and helps you come up with excuses—none so awesome that they work without the grin and charm he lays on your pe teacher.
weeks later, your bruises were healed, and to the blind eye, the only indication you’d been abused was the occasional flinching. cole tended to call out his moves before he made them, especially if you weren’t sure exactly where he was. your arguments–few and far between, seriously, the only thing you’d argued about so far was where you went for lunch, were had with calm voices and distance between the two of you. cole was perfect. he never caught you off guard, he was just always there.
wouls see you getting anxious and move closer. “i’m going to hold your hand,” he’d whisper. when you needed someone to talk to it was always him because he was always there.
then, one night, the two of you were sitting on that same blue plaid blanket. the one you loved–the one cole had paid danny $40 for. you were both staring up at the same stars, both wondering the same thing: when had you become so close? you weren’t sure if there was a turning point, a particular defining moment, but cole had taken danny’s place in your heart as ‘best friend’. cole had done that and more. he was more to you than that. he baked your favourite pastry, would go just about anywhere with you, and he made you smile. he made you feel safe. he had told no one your secret–but katherine and george had a clue, enough of one that they welcomed you with open arms and seldomly raised their voices. enough of one, that for that first few weeks, the ice was always restocked in the freezer.
they had an idea.
but cole knew. knew everything. knew and made you feel okay in spite of everything. he knew and still.. still looked at you like… like that. cole, he leaned in closer. you waited and listened. “i’m going to kiss you. because i want to. because i love you how you deserve to be loved. and not because of some truth or dare game.
“it wasn’t bad though, right? because i thought it was a pretty good ki–”
cole walter kept his word. he kissed you, and sure, the kiss at the lake house was good. this one was just better.
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tasteracha · 1 year
a/n: @tasteleeknow got this in my head and it’s all i’ve thought about all day. minors dni.
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it’s no secret that minho loves your boobs.
not boobs in general; he’s more of a personality first, body second kind of guy. he loves your boobs, because he loves you.
he likes to lay on them, to shuffle on top of you until he’s draped like a weighted blanket, his head pressed between them. if he’s in a particularly playful mood he’ll blow raspberries into your skin just to hear you giggle. if he’s the opposite, he will hide his tears and small sighs of frustration there like you’re keeping them safe for him. if he dozes off he nuzzles a cheek against one, or both, and it’s probably the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen anyone do.
he likes to grab them, to hold and squish them in his hands like a curious kitten. doesn’t matter if you’re working, sleeping, he’ll fondle them anytime and any place. it’s almost like he’s kneading dough, and it’s so amusing that you never stop him even though it’s a bit weird. you’ll ask him what he’s doing sometimes and he just responds with nothing, leave me alone while continuing his actions, completely undisturbed by the fact that the body parts he’s squishing are attached to a living person.
he likes to suck and nibble on them in bed, swirling his tongue on your nipples until you’re shaking into the sheets. he’ll unhook your bra with reverence, eyes shining at the gift he unveils like he’s never seen them before. he takes his time with you, mouthing at them like he’s starving and they’re the last meal he’s ever going to have. it feels like he spends hours there, hands roaming your torso and arms and hips but not moving any lower, driving you crazy. he’ll look up with a smirk, lips wet and shiny and red, ignoring your pleas for more, please and diving right back in.
he likes to fuck into them, ordering you to hold them in place while he thrusts. he looks like a god kneeling over you, head thrown back in ecstasy when he growls about how good you’re being for him, how perfect you are, how lucky he is to have you. he’ll back away to jerk himself off to completion, painting your chest in furious strokes. he’ll dip his fingers into his own cum to rub it into your skin, like he’s trying to tie his essence to you, an invisible brand to show no one but you how he owns you.
he likes to wash them in the shower afterwards, lathering an unnecessary amount of soap over them. when you tease him for it he just answers my property should be clean, no? and. how can you answer that other than letting him continue?
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Could you please do a Luffy version of the high libido post please? I mean like Luffy finding out his partner has a high libido :) please
Luffy Finding Out His Girlfriend Has a High Sex Drive Headcanons (NSFW-ISH)
Continuation of this and this HC
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: More Implied Virgin Luffy because I have a problem, Fingering, Semi(?) Public, Gropping OOC Luffy,
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He doesn’t know what the hell that even is.
You and Luffy were together for a long time, but never went as far as making out and you going down on him once, ever since then though your urges have gotten worse, but you wasn’t sure if Luffy would be okay of having sex considering you knew once you started with him you wouldn’t be able to stop. And it irritated you a little being so afraid to talk to him about it.
Luffy is a hands on and direct person so there are some moments where you have to just straight up tell him the truth.
However he is also very emotionally intelligent so when he notices how fidgety you get or the amount of times after training you run to the bathroom or bedroom, he peeps.
He ends up finding out about your little secret when you spill to Nami and he overhears.
You explain how much you are grateful to be with Luffy because of how carefree he is, but you’ve been afraid to approach him wanting to move forward sexually, but too afraid because your exes always belittled you for being so “dick drunk” (their words) all the time and it does shocks the boy a little.
Moreso makes him happy because that’s exactly what he wanted to it just wasn’t a heavy desire for him as it was you so the thought of having sex always came and gone in his mind.
But to know you wanted it VERY BADLY, but never came to him about the “problem” he was a bit annoyed at you. Is it that you don’t trust him or something? Who cares if you like to have sex alot?
He just didn’t get why you or your exes that the idea of wanting to have sex alot was bad?
Is sex bad? He thought.
So when he invited you up on the Sunny late night to cuddle after dinner he had a plan.
He knew how you got when he praised you, kissed you, or really any kind of physical attention so he did just that and more.
“You feel really soft, Y/N.” Luffy hummed in your ear holding you under the blankets, the air smelled of the sea and it was just the perfect temperature for being snug around watching the calm waves crash against one another. Your boyfriends hands didn’t graze away from rubbing your tummy under your shirt. You learned very quickly of his obsession with touching your belly alot. He loves kissing it, rubbing it, squishing it and even blowing raspberries on it. You know he means no harm by it, but times like this where his soft breathing out of his parted lips are hitting your neck, and his lips just barely close enough to steal a kiss you got squirmy.
And Luffy took note.
“You’re so jumpy.” Luffy spoke out loud eyes now fixated on your cleavage and warm skinny hands pinching your stomach . “You like me touching you, huh.”
“I…” You body stiffened, something in the tone of Luffy’s voice made your spine crawl, it was lowered, the same kind of voice he makes when he has a plan in motion.
You felt his hands lower and rest in between your legs, almost as if they went numb they didn’t move anymore, you felt the weight of his palms on your crotch where he insisted you wear a big sleep tee shirt under the covers. You laid uncomfortably still on his chest, eyes slowly closing to calm your nerves of feeling turned on, you didnt want to ruin this moment between you and Luffy because of your urges, but now you’re beginning to believe that’s what he wants as you feel his hands stir up again, the tip on his fingers swirling shyly on your clothed clit making you jump up, but you didn’t move far with Luffy’s head on your shoulder.
“I um…oh!” Your hand flew between your legs to grab Luffy’s wrist and stop the firm pressure he kept adding his finger on to your clit, you couldn’t handle being teased right now, “Luffy are you..are you okay?! Why—“
Luffy just placed his lips on yours, he didn’t want you to think too much anymore, your face was hot, but your thighs were hotter as you squeezed his hand in while he rubbed quick and small circles using his two fingers on your panties.
Both humming and moaning in his mouth it didn’t take long for you to give into Luffy’s touch, he smiled in between kisses and pulled away.
“You should have told me you like having me play with you like this. “ he pulled your thigh away pushing your panties to the side, finally seeing the wet mess you made to swirl the pads of his fingers back on your sensitive bud. “We can do this whenever i don’t—ah! Care.”
You both groan feeling your pussy stretch from his now thick fingers he made on purpose to give you the satisfaction you been craving for a while. You move his other hand to go back to attention to your clit now rubbing with three fingers as two of them were inside your greedy cunt.
“Luffy….just like that…”
“I’m not good at this kind of stuff but if you teach me we can feel good together ya know?”
And as a man of his word he most definitely got better at it through time.
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evanhamato · 3 months
Ok ok, the shorties had their fun, how about tall reader tho? Even if the rottmnt boys do get tall, I’d love to see a Headcanon of the boys with a BIG reader, please!
[ Skyscraper ]
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ROTTMNT x GN!reader who is tall
A/N: jesus sorry for disappearing, school decided to ambush me when i wasn't looking??? also im gonna start making headcanons shorter if its not for the individual turts and refrain from giving myself a limit :). ANYWAYS HEHEHE. BIG READER TIME. THANK YOU DEAREST ANON FOR REQUESTING!!!1
Relationships: Romantic
TW: Kissing, cuddling, fluff, play fighting, mention of overstimulation (nothing serious though :3).
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When you first meet, he is baffled.
When he was young, he always assumed nobody would ever be taller than him.
Dreams do come true apparently.
Since you're around his height, you guys can play fight without any anxiety.
You often pick him up or lean him over to kiss him.
Never fails to short circuit his brain.
Kind of shocked at first, but it turns into puns.
"I mean, don't you get tired? From banging your head on doorframes?"
He's actually kind of petty about it.
He can't surprise kiss you or anything, he always has to tug your shirt to ask for a kiss.
What he DOES like is being picked up.
It makes him feel like a pretty princess.
Finds it fascinating.
He didn't quite expect to have a partner taller than him either.
He has nothing against your height, other than the fact you can often block his view.
You have to pay his fee for repair. (Getting him coffee for the rest of the day. He calls it "Repair tax".)
He adores cuddling you, who needs a weighted blanket when he has you?
No weighted blanket needed to calm down from overstimulated anymore, he has you!
Not a surprise for him.
He's literally 4'11". Most people are taller than him.
He does enjoy having a taller partner though.
Climbs you like a cat post.
However, Mikey remains on top when cuddling.
Trust me, you've squished him once and never again.
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lunememes · 1 year
🌙 * ― 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 ( a collection of reactions to common phobias. feel free to adjust pronouns and wording as needed )
❛ it's gone behind the __ ! ❜ ❛ just squish it! ❜ ❛ get it out of the house! ❜ ❛ don't bring it closer! ❜ ❛ it's got too many eyes and way too many legs. ❜ ❛ i don't care if i'm bigger than it! it's still creepy! ❜ ❛ there's so many cobwebs in here... ❜ ❛ i'm not going in there! there's spiders in there! ❜
❛ what's that rattling sound...? ❜ ❛ there's a snake in the grass! ❜ ❛ don't get too close to it! ❜ ❛ we should call a snake catcher to come deal with it. ❜ ❛ what if it bites me?! ❜ ❛ it's staring at me. ❜ ❛ i don't want to hold it. ❜ ❛ just grab it! ❜
❛ oh, no no no, this is way too high! ❜ ❛ 'don't look down'? oh! great advice! ❜ ❛ there's no way in hell i'm going up there. ❜ ❛ that looks so unstable. we are not crossing that! ❜ ❛ i'm getting vertigo... i'm going to be sick. ❜ ❛ can you sit next to the window? ❜ ❛ i'm good standing here, far far away from the edge. ❜ ❛ that doesn't look safe... ❜
❛ walk faster! walk faster! ❜ ❛ do you have a light? ❜ ❛ i swear i saw something moving in the darkness... ❜ ❛ i don't like this, it's way too dark. ❜ ❛ this is how people die in horror movies. ❜ ❛ no ⏤ keep the light on. ❜ ❛ i know logically there's nothing in the darkness but i still don't like it. ❜ ❛ what if something gets me? ❜
❛ let's just wait until later, when it gets less busy. ❜ ❛ there's too many people here. ❜ ❛ let's just... stay in. ❜ ❛ i don't want to go there. ❜ ❛ i want to get out of here. ❜ ❛ can we go somewhere quieter? ❜ ❛ how busy is it going to be? ❜ ❛ i... i can't go out. ❜
❛ it's too loud. ❜ ❛ can you get my weighted blanket, please? ❜ ❛ just, hold me? until it's over? ❜ ❛ sorry ⏤ it just triggers some unpleasant memories. ❜ ❛ turn the music up louder? i want to drown out the storm. ❜ ❛ i've been struck by lightning before... ❜ ❛ i need to get inside, now. ❜ ❛ it's not safe to go outside right now! ❜
❛ i'm not jumping in. ❜ ❛ i can't swim. ❜ ❛ no way! it's ⏤ it's too cold! ❜ ❛ i think i'll pass... ❜ ❛ the ocean is terrifying. ❜ ❛ i almost drowned last time. ❜ ❛ the water is too deep... ❜ ❛ there are so many unknown horrors in the ocean. we know more about space than we do with our oceans. ❜
❛ let me out! let me out! ❜ ❛ i can't breathe. ❜ ❛ i need to get out of here. ❜ ❛ don't shut me in here! ❜ ❛ i can't get out! it's locked / stuck! ❜ ❛ break it down! i don't care. just get me out of here! ❜ ❛ nonono don't! i'll be good! don't lock me in here! ❜ ❛ that's too small. i'm not going in there. ❜
❛ i swear it's watching me. ❜ ❛ they're just... so creepy. makes my skin crawl. ❜ ❛ oh, i hate that doll. ❜ ❛ who collects all these creepy dolls? ❜ ❛ if it moves, i'm out of here. ❜ ❛ it moved! i swear it moved! ❜ ❛ nopenopenope, not going in the doll room. ❜ ❛ who thought that doll was a good idea? ❜
❛ don't wave it in my face and i'll be fine. ❜ ❛ just do it. quickly. ❜ ❛ get that thing away from me! ❜ ❛ don't touch me! ❜ ❛ sorry ⏤ i don't like needles. ❜ ❛ don't tell me what you're going to do, just do it. ❜ ❛ i ⏤ i don't think i can do this. ❜ ❛ i'm not going. ❜
❛ i think i'm gonna throw up... ❜ ❛ oh god, that's a lot of blood... ❜ ❛ don't show me! ❜ ❛ i think i'm gonna faint... ❜ ❛ please cover that up. ❜ ❛ oh god the smell... ❜ ❛ i can't look at blood. ❜ ❛ i'm not good with blood... ❜
❛ a circus? no way. not going. ❜ ❛ horror movie? ....does it have clowns? ❜ ❛ if they have painted smiles on their faces, then why are they so creepy?! ❜ ❛ why would anyone have a clown at a birthday party? ❜ ❛ there's no good clowns. ever. ❜ ❛ i hate the way clowns look. ❜ ❛ don't leave me alone with them! ❜ ❛ it's the makeup. the makeup is what makes them so creepy. ❜
❛ no ⏤ no hospitals. ❜ ❛ what if i don't wake up from surgery? ❜ ❛ it's all so... clinical. i hate it. ❜ ❛ hospitals freak me out. ❜ ❛ i'm about to sign an ama if they don't hurry up. ❜ ❛ i want to leave, now. screw what the doctors say. ❜ ❛ where are my clothes? i'm leaving. ❜ ❛ i'm not staying here the night. no way. ❜
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luveline · 2 years
robin baby blurb idea : using ur gf as a human weighted blanket :3
ty for your request! | 0.6k words
"Robs?" you murmur, lolling your head to the side. 
She turns around where she's sitting cross legged at the coffee table, her face the same height as yours. "What?" she asks. 
You've been laid out on the couch all day and Robin has kept you in diligent and quite frankly adorable company. You should be grateful she's entertained your laziness, but you're greedy. 
"Come hug me." 
Her cheeks pink quickly. It's cute. It's more than cute – it makes you want to cover her pretty face in kisses, one for every single freckle. 
She walks on knees and sets on her haunches, head tilted, lovely hair falling in her face. There's a certain frenetic rhythm to how she brings her hands to your shoulders, warm fingers and soft palms pushing under your neck. 
"Are you still tired?" she asks. "You know, all this lying down is gonna make you feel worse, not better." 
You force your hands under her armpits and encircle her back, pulling her in. She doesn't put up a fight. 
"You know what will make me feel better?" you ask. 
"I don't like squishing you." 
"You don't squish me, Buckley." 
Robin smiles at you like she might say no. You can smell her cherry smackers lip balm as she leans in. "Ten minutes," she concedes.
"Yes!" you say, giggling as she pulls herself up on the couch, swinging her leg over you to get down flat.
Chest to chest, her thigh pushes between yours and her face falls into the slope of your shoulder, her cheek warm with blush. 
She's a steadying weight. The blurriness you've tried to fight all day feels lessened with her so close and her heat brings that sense of safety you crave instantaneously. You melt under her like fruit sorbet in the sun. 
"Why does it…" You ask her this question all the time. She probably knows what you're gonna say before you say it. "Feel so nice, to be this close?"
She lifts her head, her fingertips chasing down your face, following the path of a teardrop that hasn't welled. "Well," she starts, nodding towards her shoulder, "your nervous system is super sensitive to pressure, and when I lie on you like this," she drops her hand, spreading her fingers over your cheek, "I'm stimulating pressure. Your body goes into rest mode, and your hormones…" 
You blink up at her, smiling softly. "Keep going."
"I forgot what I was saying," she admits. 
You giggle thick like there's honey running down your throat, enamoured wildly by her, by her obvious feelings for you. 
"It's my stress hormone," you prompt gently.
"Right! Your stress hormone, cortisol, is lowered. You start to make more melatonin, and that's what makes you tired. When you're tired your defenses lower, and that makes you feel safe." She squeezes your cheek thoughtlessly. 
"What about my Robin hormone?" you ask. 
"Which one's that?" 
"One that makes me need a kiss real bad." 
She rolls her eyes. She's a terrible actress with even less discipline, and you can tell she's gonna give in and kiss you seconds before she breaks. 
"You're a total cornball," she says, words hot on your skin. "Ridiculous." She kisses you, not quite chaste, her fingertips pushed into the underside of your jaw as she cups your neck. 
"You love it," you say sweetly. "'Nother kiss please, cherry girl." 
She gives you another kiss and another, as many as you ask for, and you ask for a few.  
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littlest-dark-age · 2 years
Day 1 : Fall out in the cold star light
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Stalker eddie can't seem to keep his hands to himself
tw : somno, thigh fucking, pet names (precious angel, baby, good slut), eddie calls himself daddy, delusional eddie, slight degradation, mentions of eddie following reader. If I missed anything, please let me know
Eddie knows he shouldn't feel like this, and that his feelings towards you shouldn't push him to do illegal actions. Especially when the town already is convinced he sacrifices goats behind his trailer, yet he can't seem to help it. Finding himself standing in front of your house well past midnight, with such perverse intentions. 
He didn't mean to sneak in while you were home the first time it happened and panicked when he saw your sleeping form tucked into your cozy bed. You had said that you'd be staying the night with Robin whenever he was watching you in the library. Yet in the few hours that he wasn't staring at the back of your head and straining his ears to hear your words, something had come up for her to not be able to have you over that night. Eddie quickly decided that this, being able to watch over you as you rested peacefully unaware of him so close, was better than shoving his face in your pillow and blowing his load all over your poor teddy bears. This is where such a dirty and disgusting habit was born. Sneaking in when he knew you were at home and daring himself to do more and more every night, silently hoping you'd wake in the midst of him touching you. 
Eddie climbs the vine covered lattice panel until he's able to grab onto the edge of your cracked window and hauls himself into your room. Instantly being welcomed by the gentle glow of your little lamp tucked away on the corner of your desk and the sight of you, slightly snoring with your face squished into the pillow. 
A smile spreads across his face at the sight of you, his sweet angel, before he shrugs off his jacket and vest and carefully kicks off his beat up shoes near the window. Eddie shuffles over to the side of your bed in the dim light, trying to be quiet so as to not wake you. He bends down and softly strokes your exposed cheek with his large, warm hands. A bolt of excitement running through him like it always does whenever he gets to feel you, even if it's something as simple as resting his hand on your cheek. 
Growing bolder at the fact that you didn't stir at the light touch, he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead and another to the tip of your nose. Resting his own forehead against yours, Eddie closes his eyes and simply breathes you in for a moment. Before he mixes your intoxicating scent with his own. 
"I love you so much baby. Can't ever get you out of my head but I'm not sure if I want to." His gentle mumbles seem so loud in the calm air of your bedroom. 
Slowly standing all the way up, he begins to crawl onto the bed with you. Stilling when his weight causes the springs to creek as he examines your face for any signs of your waking while he has one knee on the bed, perched on the soft mattress to be as close as he possibly can be. The closeness and your scent causing his cock to stir in his ripped jeans and making them even tighter on him. 
Eddie is finally able to settle in and lay down next to your sleeping body, tucking himself into your neck as he slides his hands over your blanket covered side. Slowly rubbing up and down the length of your side before beginning to tug the soft blanket down, little by little. Revealing your cute pajamas that you got for your birthday last year that also happened to be your favorite, at least that's what you told Robin. He feels like he knows you so well yet is still so far away from you, as if you were the sun and he was the moon. Forced away from one another, yet Eddie couldn't resist your pull. Always wanting to keep you in view, needing to know every scrap of information you would give him. Even if you didn't know you were giving it to him. You consumed Eddie in every way possible and had to know you did, it's why you never bothered to lock your window or the reason you'd always wear such cute night clothes when you knew he was going to sneak in. At least, that's what Eddie convinced himself to push the guilt down of cumming into your underwear the first time. Now he doesn't care, too high on the feeling of you and being able to feel you. 
Blinking away the thoughts that flood his corrupt mind, Eddie shifts you carefully onto your back and finishes tugging the covers down to your thighs. 
"My precious angel….god, look at you. You were teasing me today, weren't you? Showing off those legs during gym because you missed me? You don't have to slut yourself out like that just because I've been busy, honey. Daddy was just busy, that's all. Didn't forget about you….not one bit." Eddie practically purrs out into the silence of your room while fumbling with the knot on the drawstrings of your pajama bottoms. 
He pulls down the bottoms and lifts your legs ever so slightly, giving himself just enough room to wiggle between them. His cold rings grazing your warm and soft skin as he looks down at you from sitting on his knees. Free hand reaching down to unzip and pull his half hard cock out of his jeans, hissing at the cold. Shifting his hips so he can rut against your thigh, brows furrowing at the feeling of your pillow soft skin. 
The sound of Eddie's jeans ruffling against your sheets fill the room along with the quiet squeaking of your bed as he rubs himself against your thighs. Eagerly tugging up your top to reveal your chest, he leans down and presses sloppy open mouthed kisses all over your stomach. Hunched over your body, covering every possible inch of skin with his drooly kisses, slowly making his way up your chest and around your nipples. Flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud and moaning at the taste of your skin. 
"Hold on baby, sorry, gonna rearrange you a bit," he shuffles around so both of your legs are to the left of him and pressed together, trapping his cock between your thighs ",there we go. Fuck…" 
Eddie slowly starts to pump his cock between your legs, squeezing his eyes shut and tossing his head back. Imagining how much better it would feel to actually be in you. 
"No no no, not yet. Want you awake when I finally fuck you. Wanna watch you struggle to take my cock, gonna stretch you out so fucking good. Its tempting though, fucking you awake. Watching that peaceful face turn to shock when you realize what's going on. See those pretty eyes roll back when you feel how good I am to you, that I'm doing all of it to make you feel good." He rambles to the ceiling, hips slapping against your thighs and making them jiggle with every thrust. The mental image of you spread out on his dick causing the knot in his stomach to tangle even further, bolts of pleasure running through him as sweat starts to form on his hairline. 
Jaw dropping as he tries to bite back his moans, whines and hushed whimpers still escaping. Wanting so badly to be able to moan out your name like a prayer but knowing it wouldn't end well if your parents found the town freak corrupting and using their child's body for his own sick desires. The thought of them, and the whole town, knowing that you're his nearly sends him over the edge. You'd be branded with the mark of the beast in their minds and so he'd get you all to himself for whatever he wanted. 
Eddie yanks your underwear hurriedly, holding up one of your legs against him so he can tug on his weeping cook. Gripping himself, he quickly begins to fuck his fist. Pressing kisses to your calf that's resting on his shoulder, the knot in his belly finally snapping as he cums all over you. Thick white spurts coating your precious skin as his whole body shudders. Hips pumping into his slick fist so he can give you every drop of his cum as he pants. 
"Fuck, take it. Take it like a good slut for daddy. That's it baby, that's it…" He rasps out with closed eyes before gulping and beginning to adjust your clothes. Rubbing your underwear into his cum to make a nice wet spot that you'll get embarrassed about in the morning. 
Eddie takes a moment to make sure his knees won't give out as he's climbing back down your lattice paneling, watching your chest rise with every breath. Thinking about how tomorrow during lunch, you'll tell Robin that you think you might need to see someone for leaving such a large wet patch in your underwear over a dream. Not knowing that the town freak, Eddie munson, was the cause
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hanastrodel · 8 months
A hc you can pry from my cold dead hands: 
The OLBA LIs are chubby chasers ESPECIALLY COVE!!! He told me himself!!
anyway more under the cut, targeted more toward fem reader, mentions of 18+ activities, mention of mild injury
Minors/ageless DNI
💙 Cove LOVES how soft you are, but who doesn't love a big softie hehe
💙 He would be nervous about it when he's younger, but as he gets more comfortable, he would love using any part of your body as a pillow: arms, chest, TUMMY, thighs!!! You're so comfy and warm <3
💙 It reaches a point that he'll just pass out IMMEDIATELY (Unless he's in a different kind of mood, but more on that later ;p)
💙 Also, he would really enjoy you laying on him, like full body, all your weight on him. It's like using a weighted blanket, he finds it super calming! Plus you look so sweet with your chubby cheeks squished into his chest!!
💙 When he's feeling overstimulated or just overwhelmed with love, he'll squeeze you as hard as he can. He loves feeling how much you can squish up, and it kinda makes him feel strong 
💙 He also loves how strong he feels when he picks you up. Even if he can only do it for a second, it gives him a rush of confidence to lift you up
💙 If you're like me and you like to choose the options where you jump into hugs, he just LOVES it!! Aside from the overt affection, your trust in him and his strength makes him feel so warm inside!
💙 Side note but please compliment his big strong arms!! He will MELT, that's like pretty much canon lol 
💙 Just imagine batting your eyelashes, wrapping yourself around one of his arms, stroking his bicep like "Cove~ How'd you get so strong~" his brain is fried!
💙 Cove is a canon boobs/chest guy, so just take that as you will
💙 When he's not sleepy-cuddly he's def horny-cuddly for sure for sure. Once his hands start wandering, you know you're in it for the long haul
💙 Tit guy he is, if he's laying on your chest, he'll start nuzzling, and he'll grab your tits to really bury his face in there 
💙 If he's laying on your tummy or thighs, his first thought is definitely his face between your legs, though
💙 Even clothes on, he likes to challenge you to really squeeze him with your thighs.
💙 Even if you aren't very strong, he definitely thought of you when he saw a video of someone crushing a watermelon with their thighs, and he's concerned about how horny he got thinking about it lmaooo
💙 Speaking of crushing him, he NEEDS you to sit on his face. ON IT.
💙 If you're the type to hover, he's pulling you down and keeping you down. He wants to be suffocated by you, and as I said earlier, he loves the pressure of your full weight on him
💙 That being said, there's definitely been at least once that a face sitting session got too rowdy and you realize after the fact that you've bruised his nose 
💙 Don't even think about apologizing for it! He wears that bruise as a badge of honor. He thinks it's so hot that you got that into it, and he likes that the bruise makes him look tough
💙 Once it clears up, he's for sure teasing you like "I'm thinking it's about time for you to bruise my nose again" ahdhdhdgjs
Anyway, yeah, Cove James Holden, professional chubby chaser
I've never written up hcs like this before and it was actually so fun! So if y'all are curious I'd love to share more, my asks are open <3
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