#Plain Long Kurti
jaipurhightech · 2 years
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Women's Red Hot Wedding Party Wear Long Cotton Kurti | Fully Stitched Daily Use Formal Casual Kurti | Indian Handmade A Line Kurta For Women
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damianbugs · 3 months
23 and 14 for damian in the ask game? i am curious ^-^
23. Favorite picture of this character?
picking one was so hard i was scrolling through my camera roll for so long, so i think i'll just show u one of my fav covers. this is a variant for robin #9 by crystal kung and it is so beautiful to me. i love how damian is drawn here <3
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crystal kung is also the artist behind these variants !!
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14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
fair warning i know nothing about fashion including what aesthetic is called what since i own the same plain shirt in six different colours and i have one pair of (really cute) jeans to my name.
that being said, i think damian would love wearing the classic kurti/kurta + jeans combo as an everyday casual. i once wrote in a fic that ra's sends damian clothes from home and since then i have always imagined damian wearing them unless stated otherwise. in case you're not familiar with what i mean:
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desifemininewoman · 9 months
Guide to 90's-2000's desi aesthetic
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If you want to be more like Aishwarya Rai from Dil ka Rishta or Amrita Rao from Vivah, this guide is for you.
1. Go for fitted traditional dresses be it kurta, suit or even long dresses. They should be tailored to your sizes. Choose fabrics like chiffon and georgette.
2. Choose pastel colors or bright colors. Never dull colors.
3. Make it as simple as possible. If you are opting for a kurta set, your duppata should be plain, the kurti can be plain or some simple embroidery or chikankari or some other work can also go. The bottom again should be plain devoid of any work. Make sure you are wearing the same color top to bottom.
Simplicity is the key for this aesthetic. Don't overdo anything. Keep your makeup as natural as possible.
Apply foundation and concealer to hide any acne or pigmentation. Nothing else.
Wear nude lipstick and add lipgloss to it.
Same with eyes. Nude eyeshadow or avoid it if you want to. Finish with eyeliner.
If you have straight hair, this aesthetic works for you. I, personally think, straight hair gives very polished, neat look and this is why the aesthetic works.
Don't worry if you have wavy or curly hair. To achieve that put together look, you can tie up your hair in braids or in a bun or ponytail. If you want to leave it open, what I do is, I frame my hair to my face and then tuck the rest of the hair behind. it works for me cause I have bangs so they stay on the front, rest of the hair behind. Otherwise you could always straighten your hair.
Again, simplicity is the key. Wear a small bindi matching your clothes or you can even wear that shiny one.
Either wear earrings or a necklace set. I mostly prefer earrings but if you want to wear both, make sure they are the small dainty ones.
You can also wear simple set of chudis in both hands matching the color of your clothes.
This is the most important in my eyes. You can look like Aishwarya Rai from Dil ka Rishta but the way you handle the look is the most important.
Ever wondered why Laxman was suddenly interested in Sanju in Mai Hoon Na? It wasn't just her wearing indian that did it neither it was the straightened hair.
She looked put together, more feminine after her makeover. She leaned into her feminine energy.
Be elegant, graceful, expressive. Smile more. Talk softly. Walk properly. Own your outfit with confidence.
Imagine you are Shantipriya yourself from Om Shanti Om, I don't care. Even the lookalike of Shanti had to learn her mannerism. You can do it do.
At the end I would say experiment. I would suggest at first, get your clothes tailored. Make your outfit. See what works and what doesn't. If you are shy about your arms get sleeves. If you are slender and have hourglass figure, go for long bodycon dresses and pair it with duppatta. Research and see what type of necklines, back, straps, etc works for you.
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whump-me · 5 days
Unseen: Chapter 7
Chapter 7 of Unseen, a novel-length whump story about a ruthless mob heiress and the superpowered assassin she kidnaps and forces to work for her—and the unexpected friendship that develops between them.
Masterpost | the Mind Games universe | Read the complete novel on Patreon
Sitting behind her father’s desk, Yvette felt five years old again. That was how old she had been when she had first sat in this chair. She had barely been able to peer over the top of the thick mahogany desk. She had picked up a stack of papers and frowned intently at them, muttering under her breath. Pretending to be her father, hard at work.
Her father had given her one of his rare indulgent smiles. Back then, she had thought he was proud to see his daughter follow in his footsteps. It wasn’t until years later that she realized he had been amused. He had thought her playacting was cute.
Now, as a grown adult, she still felt like she was playacting. The varnish of the wooden chair was worn away in the pattern of her father’s legs, not hers.
The papers in front of her were covered with scribbled notes in her own handwriting, and she had all but memorized the columns of numbers on each of them. That didn’t matter. In her mind, she was a five-year-old playing at doing her father’s work without truly understanding it. Maybe she always would be.
She wondered if the man sitting across from her saw her the same way.
She had known Stefan Kurti for as long as she could remember, although she had never exchanged a word with him beyond him telling her what he’d like to drink. His appearance was deceptively unassuming. His suit was plain, a dull gray-and-white that didn’t betray how much money had gone into each stitch. His hair was thin on top—he didn’t bother with a combover anymore. His eyes were too small for the rest of his face. On first glance, it would have been easy to miss the sharpness there.
It was a good thing Yvette had gotten much more than a single glance at him over the years.
He was one of her father’s long-time business partners, and one of the most reliable. Like many of her father’s contacts, he worked in imports. What he imported was weapons. He sold most of his stock to her father, who passed it on to his stable of happy customers—at a hefty markup, of course.
Not enough of a markup, in Yvette’s opinion. She thought the market could handle more. It wasn’t as if Kurti’s brand of exotica was easy to find. But that was an issue for another day. If she didn’t secure the stock, the details of pricing wouldn’t matter.
Kurti leaned forward in his chair, shifting his considerable bulk. His canny eyes held a gleam that made her feel slimy all over. She was reminded of the rumors of his other imports—the ones that went solely to feed his own unpleasant tastes. But her father had always found it more profitable to ignore those rumors. Yvette could do the same.
She took a long breath in. The office smelled like her father. Unexpected tears prickled at the corners of her eyes.
She should have held the meeting somewhere else.
No. He needed to see her behind her father’s desk. He needed that image of her authority. She swallowed the tears down and fixed him with a cold smile.
Her father had always waited for the other person to speak first. He would make them endure silence for as long as it took them to lose that game of chicken. Yvette had picked up that trick early on. This was the first chance she’d had to use it.
It worked. “Reynold didn’t tell me why you wanted to meet,” he said. “He only said you wanted to meet with me personally. I admit, I’m intrigued.” He licked his fat lips. They looked like two rain-swollen worms crawling across his face.
From his position next to the door, Reynold cleared his throat. “This is a business meeting,” he said, his voice quiet but firm. “I expect you to be professional.”
That was just what she needed—for her father’s business contacts to think she needed her father’s assistant to protect her. “Leave us,” she said, in a tone she had learned from her father. “I can handle him.”
“Are you sure?” Reynold asked.
No. The thought of that door closing, with Reynold on the other side of it, made her want to flee out the window.
She gave him a curt nod. “As you said, this is a business meeting. The details of my father’s business have never been your concern.”
The worry on his face nearly undid her. It would have been easier if he had looked hurt. He returned her nod and slipped wordlessly out the door.
It clicked softly shut behind him. She wished she were on the other side.
“Alone together.” Kurti licked his wormy lips again.
Yvette fixed him with her coldest stare as she drew herself up to her full seated height. “I sent my people to renew our usual deal yesterday, after your regular shipment came in,” she said. “Imagine my surprise when I heard you had already sold your entire stock to someone else.”
His lips parted. His eyebrows arched up into upside down V’s. It looked like that hadn’t been what he had expected to hear. And not just because he had been hoping for a proposition.
That was bad news.
“I sold the stock to the Couvillion Syndicate,” he said, confirming her suspicions. “It looks like you have an internal problem.”
“To whom in my syndicate?” Yvette asked.
“Who else? Representatives of Nathan Stanbury. I’m told he runs things now.”
A small smile played at the corners of his lips. Those canny eyes watched her.
So his surprise wasn’t entirely genuine after all. He knew very well what was going on here.
“You were told wrong,” she said. “I had a message sent to you explaining the new hierarchy last week, before your shipment ever came in. You should have waited for the people I personally sent.”
“I thought perhaps there had been a change in power since your message,” he said. “It’s not unusual, after someone of your father’s stature dies, for power to change hands several times.”
“Then you should have contacted me before making the sale. Unless you were already aware you were going behind my back.” She met those beady eyes of his, and didn’t look away.
He shrugged without guilt. “I’m not in this business to help widows and orphans. I make the deals that are most advantageous to me. Stanbury offered a better deal.”
“You must have known I would find out.”
“Does it matter?” He displayed his smile in full view now. “We both know that in a fight for leadership between you and Stanbury, he’ll come out ahead. He has decades of experience. The sympathy vote won’t count for much.”
She clenched her teeth. That was the only outer show of temper she allowed herself. “Tell him you won’t be working with him in the future, and I’ll be willing to overlook this.”
He shook his head. “His terms were too good for that. Better than anything your father ever offered.”
“What did he give you?”
He named a price. Yvette’s jaw clenched hard enough to send a spike of pain up the side of her face. She knew what was in those shipments. When Reynold had called her downstairs with his message, they had gone over the sheet together, looking at every last piece of inventory.
Stanbury had overpaid. It wasn’t a good business decision… unless his objective was not to maximize profits, but to close Yvette out of her own syndicate.
Yvette ran through the numbers in her hand. If she raised prices by ten percent more than she had already planned… no, it would have to be twenty. That was a risk. Customers wouldn’t be happy. Some would look elsewhere, even if they had to make do with inferior products.
But if she lost Kurti’s weapons, she would lose a full twenty percent of the syndicate’s income source, at least until she found an alternate supplier. Worse, Stanbury would gain that twenty percent.
Only eighty percent to go.
It took effort for her to unclench her jaw enough to speak. “I’m willing to beat that for your next shipment.” She named a price that would have her father’s accountants pulling out their hair and moaning into the strong drinks they would pour especially for the occasion.
Kurti shook his head. “I’m sorry. I already promised Stanbury a long and fruitful business partnership. I’d hate to go back on my word.”
“In other words,” Yvette said, “this isn’t about the money. You think you know the way the wind is blowing, and you want to be on the right side.”
“I’m glad we understand each other.” His smile broadened. His wormy lips seemed to wriggle on his fleshy face. “Now, unless there was anything else?…” He eyed her hopefully.
Yvette stood. “I have another meeting, I’m afraid.”
“Later, then.” He reached across the desk and grabbed her hand with surprising alacrity. He made as if to raise it to his lips.
She twisted her fingers in his grip until she had hold of his pinky. She bent it backward until his face went white and a startled moan of pain escaped his lips.
She let go. “When you reconsider,” she said, “contact Reynold to make an appointment. My schedule is rather full at the moment, but I’ll make time for you.”
When he was gone, she sank into her father’s chair. She felt even smaller now—four years old, three, a squalling infant. A spasmodic tremor ran through her.
She took a deep breath. She straightened her back, and stared at her hands until the trembling stopped. Then she called Reynold on the intercom. She was sure he was still here.
He came to her with embarrassing speed. He must have been waiting just down the hall.
Had he been so certain she would need his help? Had he been so sure that she would fail?
Reynold didn’t ask her how it had gone. She was sure one look at her face was enough to answer that question.
His eyes shone with the warm sympathy that had filled the empty spaces in her heart when she was a child. Now it set her teeth on edge.
She gave him the same look she had given Kurti. But she could only keep it up for a second. Then she looked down at the desk—her father’s desk. Not hers. Never hers. Her shoulders sagged. Her breath caught.
“I’m sorry, Yvette,” Reynold said.
His soft voice made her jaw tighten again. “It’s not over,” she reminded him. “Do you think my father never had trouble with any of his suppliers? You know better. You were there with him through all of it.”
“My offer is still open. I can help you walk away from all this.”
“What I need you to do,” Yvette said, “is look into my father’s other suppliers. Make sure Stanbury hasn’t gotten to them.”
Reynold was silent for a second too long.
“You already did, didn’t you?” Yvette asked. “They already are.”
“I’m sorry,” Reynold said again. There was something offensively final in his tone. Like he thought the battle was already lost.
“I sent them all messages after my father’s death,” she said. “I made sure they understood who they would be dealing with from now on.”
“I know,” Reynold reminded her. “I proofread them all for you.”
“You said they were masterfully done.”
“They were,” Reynold said. “Stanbury must be willing to operate at a loss in order to unseat you. It’s a risky strategy.”
“Not if the money is only an excuse on both sides, and they’ll all go back to the original deals they had with my father soon enough,” Yvette said. “Stanbury thinks I don’t have a chance. If that’s how they all think…” She shook her head. “It will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“Haven’t you ever wanted to get away from all this?” Reynold asked, with a surprising amount of wistfulness in his voice. “Now’s your chance.”
Yvette looked up at him sharply. “It sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”
“Whether I wish your father had chosen a quieter line of work is immaterial,” Reynold said. “Your father loved what he did, and I…”
Yvette didn’t make him finish the sentence. “And I plan to follow in his footsteps,” she said. “But you don’t have to. You can walk away at any time.”
Reynold shook his head. He tried to hide the sadness in his eyes, but she knew him too well.
“I promised your father I would take care of you,” he said. “When you were young, that meant looking out for you when he was too busy. My responsibilities have changed, but my promise hasn’t.”
“If you don’t want to stay, you shouldn’t stay,” said Yvette. “Find a nice beach somewhere. Enjoy a well-deserved retirement.”
“My responsibilities didn’t end with your father’s death,” Reynold said. It was impossible to say whether his sadness was only at the mention of Yvette’s father, or more than that. “One could say they’re just beginning.”
“I don’t need someone to look after me.” Did no one believe she was capable of taking over her father’s empire? She had thought Reynold, at least, was on her side.
But being on her side and having respect for her weren’t necessarily the same thing.
“You’ll have me for as long as you need me,” Reynold said. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Yvette did not point out his unspoken assumption there—that she would always need him. But her lips thinned, and she went quiet.
After a few minutes, he seemed to get the hint. With a nod, he left the room.
Yvette slipped out the door after him. What she had told Kurti hadn’t entirely been a lie—she did have someone else she needed to meet with.
When she reached the fourth floor, Violet was still sitting on the couch. Yvette might have thought she hadn’t moved at all, except that a box of fresh-baked cookies now sat beside her. She had chosen chocolate chip. The cookies were half gone, and chocolatey crumbs littered Violet’s silk shirt. Violet didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes were glued to the flickering screen. Bugs Bunny.
Yvette cleared her throat. Violet jumped. The cookie in her hand flew into the air and landed facedown on the floor.
Violet started to stand up. Yvette shook her head and sank onto the other end of the couch. Violet didn’t complete her motion, but her entire body tensed, like Yvette had caught her in the middle of another escape attempt.
“You like Bugs Bunny?” Yvette asked, nodding toward the screen.
“They’re like drawings,” said Yvette. “But they act like people.” She gave a shy giggle. “It’s funny.”
“And chocolate chip?” Yvette asked.
Violet frowned. She tilted her head in a silent question.
Yvette pointed at the cookies. “Chocolate chip. That’s what the bits of chocolate are called.”
“Chocolate chip,” Violet repeated, with the seriousness of someone repeating a new vocabulary word in a foreign language. “They taste like candy. I had candy once. When I was a child.”
Sympathy swelled Yvette’s throat. Then she swallowed it down. There was no reason to feel sorry for Violet and her deprived childhood. That was all over now. Yvette had saved her.
What Yvette wanted in return wasn’t so bad, really.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying your freedom,” she said. For a second, she wished she could leave Violet here, eating chocolate chip cookies and watching cartoons.
But what she needed was just a minor thing. It was nothing, to someone with Violet’s training. And when it was done, Violet could come right back here to her TV and cookies. She wouldn’t be returning to a cold, empty cell.
Yvette’s eyes flicked to the bracelet. She quickly looked away.
“I need a favor,” she said.
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peachtea-bby · 1 month
Just Exist
*this is a short story I wrote as a fic, but changed the names so I could submit it as an assignment hehe*
Based on the Sabrina Carpenter song, 'skinny dipping'.
fic link - just exist by softspiderman
AJ knew it might be a bad idea coming to this coffee shop, but he missed their iced Americanos too much.
He tries not to use his time noticing all the little changes the place has made since he was last here and uses it scribbling every little thought onto his notebook. He promised Teddy that he would have something to share when they, plus Aaron, meet up later this afternoon. Procrastination might have sunk their claws into him late into the night.
He picks up his cold, plastic cup and takes a long sip of his bitter drink as he stares lasers onto the half filled page of nonsense. Man, Teddy was going to be so pissed that he forgot.
“Oat Milk Latte for Kurtis!”
AJ feels his throat close up and he chokes as he scrambles to not drop his cup. He coughs, trying to cover it up with his hand over his mouth, and whips his head up to look around the semi-crowded room. One, to see if anyone was looking at him basically dying. Two, to see if the name that was just called was the one he thought he heard.
Now, Kurtis isn’t an uncommon name. AJ knows about three people personally named ‘Kurtis.’ But something about it being said here, in this coffee shop, alongside the order of a plain oat milk latte, made the hairs on the back of AJ’s neck stick up in some sort of anticipation.
As AJ shifts his eyes around the room, they immediately get caught in a familiar pool of warm carmel. He freezes up, unable to look away. Unable to run away as the figure gracefully takes steps in AJ’s direction.
It almost takes AJ’s breath away.
“Hi, Kurtis,” he manages to barely choke out.
“What are you doing here?”
Feeling slightly defensive, AJ sits up a tad straighter and looks Kurtis right in the eyes as he asks, “I can’t come to a coffee shop now?”
Kurtis rolls his eyes, “That’s not what I meant and you know that.” AJ did know that. “I mean, when did you start coming here, specifically, again?”
AJ shrugs and picks up his cup to take a sip of his coffee. He isn’t sure what to say. He’s not too sure what Kurtis wants to hear, either.
“Well, how… have you been?” Kurtis was never the best at small talk.
“Good,” AJ answers with a shrug. It was a bold-faced lie that everyone believed unless your name was Kurtis Langley and could read AJ Harmon like your favorite book. “How about you?”
“Good.” Too bad AJ was just as good at reading Kurtis. “How’s your family? How’s your brother?” 
“Justin continues to be Justin.”
Kurtis hums like he already knew AJ’s answer and they fall into a moment of awkward silence. He then reaches into his pants pocket to pull out his phone, where he then reads something from it with a sigh. Putting it back, he looks over AJ with thought. It seems like he is debating whether or not he wants to share his thoughts or comments.
“We should do this on purpose next time.” 
AJ raises an eyebrow to cover up the fact that he just got the shock of his life. “Meet up?”
Kurtis shrugs and says, “Why not?” like seeing AJ again isn’t suffocating him. “Maybe it’ll be nice to catch up. Do you… need my number?” 
The question makes AJ’s ears redden slightly. He can’t help but be a little embarrassed to admit, “I… I still have it saved.” 
“Good, I’ll just text you when I’m free.”
“You still have my number?” AJ slips out. 
“Of course I do,” Kurtis answers like it’s nothing. “So, I’ll send you my schedule and we’ll see when we’re both free?”
AJ is still not over the reeling of a lot of sudden emotions that he’s not sure if he’s capable of confronting yet that he forgets Kurtis just asked him a question. It’s when Kurtis starts to look unsure (his face shifts the slightest bit, not enough for the human eye to be able to catch, yet AJ sees it like looking in the mirror) that AJ actually gives him an answer. 
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, for sure,” AJ stutters. “I’ll… keep an eye out for your message.” 
Kurtis smiles like a ray of moonlight reflecting off water. “See you later, then.” AJ thinks he might drown.
“See you later, Kurtis.” 
AJ knows he’s not subtle as he watches Kurtis leave. Mouth wide open, eyes even wider, he watches Kurtis walk out the front doors and subsequently right back into his life.
AJ, more than anyone in the world, knew he was stubborn. There was no one else he knew that was hard-headed as him. That was until he met Kurtis Langley. That mischievous little shit could really give him a run for his money. 
In the beginning, under the haze of the honeymoon phase, AJ was ecstatic to have someone that understood him so well. At the same time, it terrified him that Kurtis could tell what he was thinking before AJ knew of it himself. It was moments when his fear would overtake him that he usually said something he regretted. 
There is one memory that AJ tries his hardest to forget as it makes him both cringe at the words he said that he never once meant and wallow in heartbreak that Kurtis never chased after him. Not like he deserved it, he supposes. 
It was almost sundown when AJ found himself storming through the door that led to Kurtis’s garage. His face felt tense and hot as he stomped his feet past the work table that belonged to Kurtis’s dad. Before he could make it out of the garage, a strong hand grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back. He stumbles a bit before turning to see an equally red-faced Kurtis.
“What the hell is your problem?” Kurtis hissed in a tone AJ has never heard him use. He doesn’t think about it, though, as he feels his back slightly hunch like an angry cat. 
“My problem?” AJ hisses right back as he shoves his pointer finger into his own chest. “My problem? Are you serious right now?”
Kurtis looks taken aback for only half of a second before narrowing his sharp eyes. “Yes, AJ. Your problem. What is it?”
AJ lets out a disbelieving laugh, shaking his head and rolling his eyes with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He doesn’t want to give Kurtis the satisfaction of seeing the sheen of approaching angry tears, so he turns to keep walking away. Kurtis only lets him take one step before grabbing his shoulder and turning him right back around.
“Are you running away?” Kurtis asks, his voice still sounding knife-like.
“No,” AJ grinds out, only thinking about ways to run away. “I’m just trying to cool down first.” He felt slightly proud of himself for that one. Until equally-as-stubborn Kurtis Langley lets out a scoff. “What?”
“You’re running away.”
AJ bristles as a familiar wave of defiance crashes into him. “I’m not running away.”
“You are.”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are, AJ.”
“You are–”
“Why do you even care?”
The silence that followed could live in AJ forever. Kurtis doesn’t look so smug anymore. Instead, his face falls dramatically and he’s staring at AJ like he just stabbed him. 
“What did you just say?”
“I said–”
“Of course I fucking care, AJ,” Kurtis’s voice still feels hard, but it has fallen into a whisper. It sounded more of disbelief than pointed. “You’re walking away from me right now and you’re asking why I care?” 
AJ shrugs as he says, “You didn’t seem to care about me all day today. Why would me walking away be any different?” Honestly, the fight left his body as soon as he saw it leave Kurtis’s, but he has a problem with always getting the last word in.
“Maybe because, I don’t know, you’re my fucking boyfriend?” Kurtis shrugs as his tone turns facetious.
“Again, with the way you ignored me all day today, how am I supposed to know that?”
“I have not been ignoring you, AJ.”
“Are you ashamed of me, Kurtis?” AJ’s question has Kurtis freeze up completely. “Is that what this is? Because if so, you could have just told me and I would have stayed home.”
“Honey… Why would I be ashamed of you?” Kurtis now sounds dejected, like he truly can’t believe AJ would ask that.
“Because I’m… me,” AJ shrugs. “I don’t know, but you seemed to want to talk to everyone but me.” Kurtis opens his mouth, but AJ keeps talking before he gets the chance. “I mean it’s fine, or whatever, but I would like it if you just told me you didn’t like me.” 
He knows he’s being dramatic. There’s just this little bug in his brain telling him that he needs to make Kurtis feel the way he feels right now, even if he knows it’s not right.
“AJ, you’re being ridiculous,” Kurtis says, a little breathless. For some reason, that raises his hackles. 
“Ridiculous?” AJ’s voice begins to raise. “Oh, now I’m ridiculous? I’m trying to tell you how I feel and you’re calling me ridiculous?”
Kurtis rolls his eyes and seems to feed off the raised tension. He stands up a little straighter and rolls his shoulders back as he meets AJ’s eyes that seem to have a fire lit in them. 
“Yes, AJ,” Kurtis begins. “You’re being completely ridiculous right now. You’re telling me that I don’t care about you, but what have you done to show me that you care, huh?” AJ is taken aback, but hopes he looks stern enough for Kurtis not to notice. “All day, you sat in your little corner and wallowed over something we could fix if you just talked to me! But no! You want this to blow up and that is ridiculous, AJ!” Kurtis points harshly at AJ as he finishes with, “You are ridiculous!”
The moments pass by in a way that it feels like it’s been hours. AJ tries to hold Kurtis’s intense eye contact, but finds it too scalding and looks at the work table instead. The only sounds around them are the muffled laughing of their friends inside and Kurtis’s labored breaths.
“I…” What does one say after that? “I should go…”
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Kurtis look down to his feet, giving AJ the chance to face him head one once more. All the fight and defiance Kurtis displayed just seconds ago seemed to have washed away completely. 
“...Running away again?” Kurtis all but whispers.
AJ doesn’t even have the energy anymore to feel offended. “Yes, Kurtis. I think we both need it.” He doesn’t wait for any more of Kurtis’s comments and turns around to walk away. It’s when AJ crosses the threshold of the garage that he lets a tear slip down his cheek.
Kurtis didn’t even try to come after him.
hey, AJ! it was nice seeing
you today! here’s when i’m free
if any of this works for you!
[attachment: 1]
AJ (me)
heyyy, kurtis! i enjoyed seeing you
today, too!
it looks like we both have a saturday
night free, would that be okay?
saturday is perfect.
sandy’s okay?
AJ (me)
wouldn’t that be too nostalgic?
let’s do it anyway. we won’t sit at our
same old table, i promise.
no talking about the past, either.
completely bureaucratic.
that okay?
AJ (me)
i guess i’ll see you at sandy’s
For a moment, AJ feels like he’s going on a date.
He immediately shakes the thought out of his head as he stands in front of Sandy’s, a little Mom and Pop joint that he and Kurtis used to frequent on “lazy date nights” when neither of them felt like cooking.
Taking a deep breath, AJ slowly walks through the front doors and is immediately met with a mouthwatering smell. He takes another deep breath to soak it all in as his eyes scan the room. It takes an embarrassingly short time for him to find Kurtis, who is already here and talking to someone at the table he chose. It’s when AJ gets closer that Kurtis sees him and he recognizes who Kurtis is talking to. She seems to recognize him, as well.
With a bright smile, she throws up her arms for a hug and all but squeals, “There he is! I was just asking Kurtis when you were getting here! Come here!” 
AJ lets himself relax completely as he steps in the older woman’s arms. She tugs him down due to his taller height and squeezes the life out of him. “It’s good to see you, too, Mrs. Johnson.”
Pulling away just enough to smack his shoulder, the older woman teasingly scolds him, “How many times do I have to tell you boys to just call me Sandy? Mrs. Johnson makes me feel old.”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want that,” Kurtis teases, calling their attention to him. He looks even better than AJ remembers. His eyes are sparkling under the fairy lights around the restaurant and his smirk is just as endearing as the homey feeling of it.
Sandy Johnson pulls completely away from AJ, only to lightly hit the back of Kurtis’s head with a scoff, causing both young men to laugh. She looks back at AJ and gestures to the empty chair in front of Kurtis, “Well, hurry and take a seat, Dear. I’ll get started on your food!”
As AJ takes his seat, his eyebrows scrunch and he turns his head to Sandy, asking, “You remember our order?” 
“Of course I do,” Sandy scoffs as if offended he would even ask such a thing. “I always remember my favorite customers.”
“Is it because we always tip you well?” Kurtis asks.
Sandy’s smirk looks a lot less mischievous than Kurtis’s (AJ is sure no one is as full of mischief as Kurtis), but she doesn’t answer him and instead walks back into the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone for the first time tonight. 
AJ feels nervous all over again. He’s sure Kurtis can tell, but AJ can also tell that he isn't all that relaxed as he acts either. 
“So,” AJ decides to speak up, “how was the rest of your week?” 
“Good,” Kurtis replies. For a moment, AJ thought he was just going to leave it there, until Kurtis asked, “You still write music with Teddy and Aaron?”
AJ can’t help but perk up in his seat as a warm feeling invades his chest. “Yeah! I actually met with them after we bumped into each other.”
“That’s good,” Kurtis comments. His smile is softer than his previous smirk and it makes AJ remember the times he would spend hours just looking at Kurtis’s face as he did something mundane like watching TV or cooking for the two of them. “I like when you do things you love.”
Trying to ignore the heat of his blushing ears and giggle that felt like it punched its way out of him, AJ fiddles with his fingers that rest on his lap. No other person has made him this flustered in such a short amount of time.
“Speaking of things you love,” AJ starts, feeling his face start to burn some more as Kurtis giggles at his small voice crack, “are you still dancing?” 
“Of course,” Kurtis replies. “I actually was just asked to become a teacher for some of the kids.” 
AJ feels his eyes widen and says, “Oh, my gosh! Kurtis! That’s amazing!”
Kurtis, of course, shrugs like it isn’t something he’s been wanting to do forever. It’s a good segue into catching up some more and AJ isn't sure how long they talk for. Even as Sandy brings out their food and drinks with a knowing grin, they pay no mind to the world around them as they laugh and talk. 
After a while, Kurtis takes a glance around the room and raises an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh, we’re the last people here.”
“Huh?” AJ startles and looks around the room to find that Kurtis is right. They’re the only people left in the restaurant. “Oh, geez, what time is it?”
Kurtis flicks his wrist to check his watch and says in a shocked tone, “Almost eight.” He looks at AJ then. “We should probably head out.”
AJ nods and the both of them stand up to walk to the counter to pay. Sandy is the one behind the register and is looking at them with that same knowing smile. He sees Kurtis pull his wallet out and quickly goes to grab his own out of his pocket, but both are stopped when Sandy speaks up.
“Now, I hope you boys don’t think you’re paying,” she teases. 
“Of course we are,” Kurtis says, eyebrows furrowed.
“Maybe next time you two can argue over the bill,” Sandy says. “But tonight is a special night, so it’s on me.” AJ’s eyes widen and when he glances at Kurtis, who turns his head to look at him, he finds Kurtis’s eyes are just as wide. “See you later, now!”
AJ lets out a laugh of disbelief as Sandy basically pushes them out of her restaurant. He turns to look at Kurtis, who shakes his head and mumbles about old women. Under the moonlight, Kurtis seems to glow and AJ can’t look away. Kurtis meets his eyes and smiles. It almost makes AJ choke, but instead he decides to ask something before he regrets not doing so. 
“You wanna take a walk with me?”
If Kurtis is surprised by the sudden question, he’s really good at not showing it. Instead, his smile widens and nods before gesturing to AJ to lead the way. They walk in silence to the park across the street from Sandy’s and a little down the sidewalk. It didn’t feel awkward. It felt like AJ had just taken a breath of fresh air for the first time in months. 
“Can I be honest with you?”
AJ almost doesn’t hear Kurtis ask that, but tries not to look startled as he nods for Kurtis to continue talking.
“Ever since we broke things off, I’ve done nothing but think,” Kurtis says. His eyes are locked on the ground in front of him and his voice is slightly shaky. He’s never been good at being vulnerable and being the one to speak up warms AJ’s heart significantly. “About us. About… everything, really.”
“I keep thinking about us, too,” AJ whispers. Kurtis’s head snaps up so their eyes interlock. “There was never a moment I didn’t.”
“I just… feel so… stupid,” Kurtis reveals.
“Because I let my terrible habit of being emotionally unavailable get in the way of the one thing that mattered to me.”
“I wasn’t all sunshine and daisy’s either, Kurtis,” AJ says, trying not to think too much into what Kurtis is saying. “There were two of us and we both made mistakes.”
“I was wondering something when we bumped into each other that day at the cafe,” Kurtis suddenly says. 
“What is that, then?”
Kurtis slows his steps to make sure he can look right into AJ’s eyes as he says, “Were those mistakes too big for us to fix now?” 
It’s AJ that stops them in their tracks. He’s filled with emotions, too many to name. Kurtis looks the most vulnerable he has ever been and AJ thinks it’s the best he’s ever looked. His eyes are sparkling and they are only looking at AJ. AJ’s choice had never been so easy.
“No… they were never too big, Kurtis,” AJ replies. “I was thinking something, too, you know.”
The corner of Kurtis’s lips quirks up like he’s trying to hide a smile, “And what is that?”
AJ lets a big smile overtake his face as he answers, “You were always gonna be my choice.” Kurtis smiles just as big. “We were scared little kids before and… I don’t feel afraid anymore. Now that I have you again, I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go.”
Kurtis raises an amused brow and teases, “You have me?”
“Um,” AJ stutters as all he had said caught up to him. He felt a prick of embarrassment assuming Kurtis would want to jump back into a relationship with him right away. “I…”
Kurtis laughs and AJ swears his heart just stops. “AJ. Honey.” His laugh dies down, but his fond expression is more prominent than ever. “My Honey.” AJ’s breath catches in his throat. “You’ve always had me, I’m afraid.”
“How embarrassing,” AJ lets himself tease as he stubbornly ignores the butterflies in his tummy. “The whole… feelings talk.” Kurtis giggles as Jisung scrunches his nose. 
“Smarter people would say this is a good thing,” Kurtis says.
AJ hums and says, “I’d say we’re about halfway to being smarter people, then.”
Kurtis laughs again and they fall into silence. It’s that peaceful kind of silence again, but this time it feels powerful. If they were left in this when they were together before, AJ would have run away with his tail between his legs. Now, he’s not sure why he ran away in the first place. All he’s ever wanted is standing right in front of him.
AJ would be damned to let that go.
“Can I walk you home?” Kurtis suddenly asks. AJ just nods and the two resume their walk, this time with the destination of AJ’s apartment. They keep the comfortable silence going, just enjoying each other in this moment.
AJ looks at the few trees lining the sidewalk as he thinks. Thinks about the past. Thinks about right now. As he is thinking, he feels the heat of Kurtis’s fingers grazing against his own. He can’t help but whip his head to look at Kurtis’s face, who is making a point to look in front of him. AJ smiles and takes the invitation, carefully lacing their fingers together. Kurtis’s lips quirk up, but doesn’t try to stop the smile from spreading this time. 
It’s about ten more minutes of walking until they make it to AJ’s apartment. Stopping in front of his door, they turn to fully face each other. 
“So…” AJ drawls.
“So…” Kurtis imitates, causing both of them to fall into giggles.
“I guess this is where our night ends,” AJ says as he tries not to sound too dejected.
“Do you want to get coffee with me tomorrow morning?”
AJ feels his eyes widen as he just blurts out, “Yes.” He didn’t even think about it, not that he would’ve said no anyways.
Kurtis huffs out a small laugh. He takes a moment to simply… look at AJ. His eyes might be AJ’s favorite part about him because they were never good at hiding anything. They also twinkled in this ever-mischievous way that AJ couldn’t help but fall for. Kurtis told him once that his favorite feature on AJ were his cheeks. AJ called him a simp and then they kissed.
AJ kind of wants to kiss Kurtis right now.
“So, I’ll pick you up?” Kurtis’s voice softened to a volume only the two of them could hear. 
“No earlier than nine o’clock,” AJ says. 
“Yes, Princess,” Kurtis groans with a dramatic eye roll that makes AJ laugh. He grips AJ’s hand tighter, reminding him they were still connected, and lets it fall to his side. “I’ll be here at eight-thirty to get you.” Then, he turns to leave.
“Hey!” AJ calls out. “If you show up at eight-thirty, I’m not coming.” Kurtis just raises a peace sign in the air, but AJ can hear his familiar cackle begin to stir up. “I’m serious, Kurtis!”
He watches Kurtis push the door to the stairwell and watches as it closes behind him. He takes in a deep breath and lets himself sit in the moment. It was only a matter of chance that they met again. Maybe that was all they needed to get right back where they left off. This time, though, AJ was determined to do this right.
For so long, they had been swimming on the edge of a cliff. AJ, ever resistant, never teetered off the edge if he could help it. Standing here, right now, in front of his apartment after being dropped off from a sort-of date by his ex he was for sure still in love with, he was glad. He was glad because they have this time to do what they never did before. Take off that load of defiance and past anger to just exist. 
With Kurtis, he could simply exist.
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Welcome to the Cliffside Inn P.3; Isla and Airna Short Intros
CW: gambling mentions, alcohol implications
Spending some more time with Kurtis, and meeting the enigmatic performers of the hotel’s casino.
The next installment will probably be a more in-depth look at Isla and Airna, rather than an intro to the Siren Eris, since this one ended up being so Kurtis-centric. Hope you all don’t mind 💜
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5
After Cecilia leaves, you do your best to shake off your nerves and tidy your belongings in the hotel room; your trip is a week and a half long, after all— may as well unpack a little.
You’re almost done when a knock comes at the door. You brace yourself for yet another enigmatic or larger-than-life person to be waiting on the other side of the door, but to your relief and confusion, nobody is there. The confusion of who knocked and why is quickly replaced with a new question— who’d left such fancy clothes outside your room?
And why— as you pick them up to examine them, a letter falls out— do they look like they’d fit you perfectly?
The letter was on extremely nice paper, and sealed with a… a Lisa Frank sticker, of all things, and was written in magenta ink. You supposed it was pretty obvious who’d left the letter after all. The letter invited you to a casino on the property, and even included a little photograph of the building.
Kurtis didn’t sign his name, instead signing with a little bitty heart at the corner of the page. The ink is ever so slightly smeared, in contrast with the neatness of the rest of the page.
Kurtis seems… a little strange, but you can’t deny the attention feels kind of nice. Part of you screams at you to be careful, but the rest says, “fuck it! We’re on vacation!” You idly wonder if you’re going to end up on some kind of Netflix true-crime special thinking that way, but bring the clothes into your room and try them on anyway.
As you suspected, they fit perfectly— and you look good.
The letter didn’t specify a time, and as you look in the mirror, doubt begins to swirl once more. But again you say, “fuck it!” And decide to go anyway.
It’s been a long, and stressful day. Maybe a night of dancing and partying, or people-watching from the corner, will actually be just what you need. Even if Kurtis is there to talk your ear off the whole time.
The evening air is dark and heavy with humidity, clouds masking the sunset and making it look much later at night than it was. You shiver a little in the salty winds buffeting you among sparse plants and sand-crusted walkways.
The gaudy lights of the casino reach you over a sand dune, drawing you inside. The place is lavish, maybe even more so than the main hotel— but if anything, it looks like a place from the 80’s, something straight out of Twin Peaks or Blue Velvet, rather than out of the 20’s.
The lights are soft, and the atmosphere strangely calm for how many people were gambling and drinking. Maybe when you had as much money as these people, gambling felt less… dangerous, you supposed. Tempers just didn’t run as high then.
You meet Kurtis’ eyes from where he stands behind the bar, decked out in a slim tuxedo. Although it isn’t what you would’ve expected from him; it’s plain black-and-white, the only hint of his favorite pinkish shade a pocket square.
He squeezes in between the bartenders, careful not to disturb their mixing, and makes his way to you. Kurtis’ smile is a million watts as he places his hands on your shoulders and thanks you for coming.
“I wasn’t sure you’d show up,” he admits. “We did just meet after all. Didn’t know if you liked this kind of thing. If not, we could always walk on the beach? It’s so peaceful at night, I love walking out there.”
You let Kurtis ramble on for a bit, but assure him you’re fine to stay here for now.
He grins again in response. “Great! There’s actually a really cool show tonight. Not me doing card tricks, although that’s pretty cool too. Tonight we’ve got our best singers and musicians playing a set.”
As if on cue, the lights in the casino dim, some changing to moody colorful lighting, and a hush falls over the crowd. You and Kurtis sit next to one another at the bar, facing the stage opposite.
Musicians begin to play, one-by-one, weaving together a rich tune.
Spotlights flicker on over one, then two, singers. Their voices are soft and dreamy, mixing with one another in a strangely tense harmony. Everybody is entranced by their voices, the words flowing over you and dragging you under… or at least you think they are, until a third spotlight shines on the last singer.
Her voice is strong, tightly controlled, her mastery over pitch unquestionable. Her tone is rich and dark, a slight vocal fry scratching an itch in your brain you hadn’t known was there. This is what it means to be entranced, you find yourself thinking, leaning forward more and more, even forgetting to blink, until Kurtis’ hand around your waist anchors you back to reality.
You look up at him. His expression is more serious than you’ve ever seen before, gaze fixed on the lead singer. Something about it sends a shiver down your spine.
He seems to feel your gaze on him, and turns, leaning to your ear; “She and her voice are beautiful— but only from a distance. You really should stay away from her.”
You blink at the sudden change in his mood, and try to lighten things up with a risky joke, shakily whispering back “Why? You got a history with her?”
Kurtis smiles down at you, expression brightening like the sun peeking through dispersing storm clouds, and he bumps your shoulder lightly with his. “Nah, thank goodness! She’s just a real man eater. And woman eater. And… well, everyone eater.”
You cover your mouth, trying not to laugh too much at his awkward phrasing— especially since the musicians and singers are still hard at work onstage.
You and Kurtis bring your attention back to them, though they don’t manage to ensnare you in the music as deeply this time. They go through one song, then two, then three, before the lights come up and the hushed awe of the crowd splinters into polite-rich-people-applause and admiring whispers.
All of the singers and musicians bow before leaving the stage, save the lead singer, who walks right off. She looks across the room, meeting your eye by chance— there’s something so cold, so electrifying, about her gaze, but then she’s looking away and being hidden by a throng of admirers. The curiosity is eating you alive— you’ll have to ask for her name later.
Kurtis leans down, as if to whisper something in your ear again, but is interrupted by his phone ringing. He smiles apologetically, and excuses himself to take the call. You see a glimpse of that serious side of him again as he walks out, spine straight and brow furrowed.
How strange.
You don’t have much time to ponder this before you’re accosted by two new acquaintances. One of them bounds up and grabs your hand excitedly, and the other approaches more calmly. They look beautiful in the dim light, the sparkles in their makeup and dresses scintillating.
“Hello~!” The first barks out, startling you with her volume. You blink, surprised that the harmony singers who’d put on such a gorgeous show seem so excited to talk with you of all the people in here.
“Haven’t seen you around here before! You new? We might be a resort but we do get a lot of regulars coming around too. You’re really pretty, too-“
“Airna!” The other singer interjects with a laugh, “I think you’re coming on a little strong. Give them a chance to answer your questions, cariño.”
Airna flushes, smiling guiltily at her, then you. “Hehe, sorry. I’ve been overexcitable like that since I was little.”
You introduce yourself, and they introduce themselves.
Airna and Isla, two peas in a pod. Even just meeting them, you can tell they have a way of completing the other. It makes your heart ache just a little, wishing you had someone like that. But you don’t say so, and the conversation stays light. They’re fun to talk to, and the time slips by before you know it.
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sanini-panini · 1 year
ok so i mentioned i was doing this oc ask game and some friends off tumblr threw questions at me but i thought i’d cross post here for funsies (part 2)
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit? (for everyone)
this question was intended as a jab at my complete inability to remember anyone's glasses but i think it is actually just revealing of how little i think about fashion. anyway. i'm going to consult the color-coded spreadsheet now.
new guard first
ilia: flannel button up and skinny jeans with tennis shoes, usually in cool colors
morgan: i'm cheating bc morgan's creator gave me the outfit word for word. jeans, tank top, dark-colored turtleneck, a red leather jacket, and combat boots. i have forgotten morgan's glasses and i will continue to forget them.
peter: black hoodie and sweatpants/jeans. i haven't used the velcro suit gimmick yet and i feel like i should
juli: goth butch vibes... given their line of work i think it's usually dark t-shirt + cheap faux leather or denim jacket + skinny jeans since anything nicer than that would end up with bullet holes in it
lian: cute patterned sweater + miniskirt or midi skirt in pastel colors
joshua: i am cheating again btw. green aviator jacket + sleeveless turtleneck + ripped jeans + fingerless gloves with steel knuckles + combat boots. first character to have glasses mentioned in canon.
rae: on a casual day probably like. a polo and khakis or dark jeans. i am not at all basing this on my brother
karyme: cardigan + plain blouse + patterned pants +/- scarf depending on weather and if she's going out and such. she has glasses. are you reading this earthy.
dani: tank top + skinny jeans + sweater tied around her waist + sneakers. YES she has glasses i did NOT forget.
auster: black hoodie and jeans. i didn't ask auster's creator for this but i know this in my heart
annnd now the ennead. i need everyone to know that my sister looked at me while i was writing this, narrowed her eyes, and told me to stop insulting her. i had not even told her what i was writing.
jinal: if not scrubs (for work), the answer is probably more casual kurtis and leggings/jeans
haku: dresses like my sister. t-shirt + hoodie + either athletic shorts or sweats. the only character whose glasses i consistently remember
minerva: rompers. hear me out: it's easy to move in and also has the potential to be cute as shit. alternately the dress + leather jacket combo (ty mika for opening my eyes to this)
ven: crop top + jacket + short shorts + long socks or cute dresses
kai: polo or button down + dark jeans or khakis depending on how formal he needs to look
mateen: sweater vests
ridwan: there's no one go-to but like. over the shoulder tops. crop tops. short shorts. patterned leggings. usually darker colors but not always
silpa: dresses like my sister... 2! free t-shirts and jeans but with overalls thrown in. socks and sandals when not working with sharp implements.
felix: pastel blouses/button-ups and patterned short shorts
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borrebrink50 · 2 days
Five Reasons To Love The new Best Casual Dress Combination For Male
Once we turn up for women's put on India diversity and magnificence is the important thing ingredient. Girls's wear India has both simple and conventional costumes that carry the normal spirit in you, and there are additionally the contemporary cuts. No doubt that your first impression is your appearance so while selecting that what you'll wear needs to be in accordance with the occasion, place or event. Men's put on India, Unisex put on and ladies's wear India are really in demand. As of late vogue market creating more range for males's wear India. They supply an in depth vary of high-high quality, international men's clothing brands at cheap costs.
Women's wear India supplies all sorts of sizes and shapes and one can easily purchase clothes online as the range is extensive from saris to denims and kurtis. At current women's wear India represents very important picture of feminine physique coolness and altogether her elegant and fascinating look. A pores and skin-safe physique adhesive popularly generally known as "sock glue" can be utilized to affix the uppermost part of the sock to the calf so that the entire sock will not bunch downward and spoil the look. Leather jackets are known for the warmth and protection they provide so why shouldn't one spend money on a jacket that makes you look good as well as protects you from harsh weather situations.
The evenings together with your in-laws or your girlfriend must be well dressed with a very good pair of casual shirts. People who dress up effectively are inclined to not solely attract a constructive perception, but additionally more comfortable and assured in their own pores and skin. Although white has long been associated with virginity, its style origins are actually extra about celebration (sporting a white gown was a sign of wealth in the Victorian era). rdsubstantiation.com are available in an array of colors and designs starting from the plain to the more subtle. You may even match outfits along with your partner so Buy Clothes on-line for a fair better impact for any particular occasion.
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Seven of my Mortal Kombat characters. A'stan doesn't exist anymore. But I will be introducing them not only for Mortal Kombat but Assassins Creed since all of them no longer exist in canon. They are depicted at their canon height.
Alexander Valkyrie Darkov: 27 years old, male and born to Shao Kahn and an OC. In the Midway era of games (MK- Armageddon) he has no idea of his royal heritage and he is the Baldur of the era. His death kicks off Armageddon. In the NRS trilogy (MK2011-MK11) he was orphaned at the end of MK2011 when he was born and raised by Kano. Kano raises him like a nephew. Alex is a Black Dragon and part of the Kombat Kiddos. He and Cassie are dating during MKX. For Assassin's Creed since his mother is a Spartan and related to Leonidas the first (and thus Kassandra and Alexios) Alex fully embraces his role as a spartan soldier and after they are formed, joins the hidden ones.
Anastasia Rose Darkov: also 27 because she and Alex are twins, female and daughter of Shao Kahn and an OC (Rena Darkov being her name). She regardless of the timeline in Mortal Kombat is a spoiled rotten brat (expect in one where Alex got struck by lightning) and is the crown princess. In the NRS trilogy she was killed the day she was born so there is that. For Assassin's Creed she is a hidden one but a prick.
Jessie James Black: 25 male, ok the name on there says Alex but that was before some changes. Like the twins have their father's Midway era skin tone rather than his more dragon like skin tone from MK11. Since his twin brother (yesh I like twins cause there is one more on the list) Erron Black is a NRS character only, Jessie doesn't exist in the Midway era. For the NRS trilogy, he has been hiding in plain sight from his brother who left Earthrealm. For Assassin's Creed he is an assassin during the Cowboy era. Depending on how long Connor lived, and how soon Jessie could be a Cowboy/assassin, I like to think Connor took on Achilles' role to the young assassin from Wickett, but was far kinder.
Kurtis Jackson Cage: 25 male. I spoke about him in his own post but like Jessie he is a NRS trilogy character so he doesn't exist in the Midway era.
Hasashi Tsuki: ??? Female, and bonus points because she was created to be a cross over character with Marvel, why? She has Venom. For Midway era she would exist and have survived the slaughter of her clan, yes Shirai-Ryu and yes Hanzo's baby sister. In NRS trilogy same thing but since NRS went heavy on the DLC Guest characters Tsuki got bonded to with Venom. For Assassin's Creed, that can happen if I want to bring her in for Embals Saga, a story I want to do but have no motivation for. Otherwise she is one of the Golden Lotus Yakuza members I mentioned in the Desmond's Birthday month posts.
Karkas: ??? Male, oh you poor boy. Ok Karkas is Kabal's Twin brother (see told you I like twins). In the Midway era he would be right at Kabal's side. Both are trained users of the hook swords and are speedstars. In the NRS trilogy he is alive while Kabal is a Revenant. Karkas is also a medical doctor in both timelines. For Assassin's Creed he is an assassin who only joined because he discovered he is descended from Rauf from Lavent. So he and Desmond get along well.
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jaipurhightech · 2 years
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Fashionable Handmade Woman’s Wear Kurti | Traditional Designer Tunic Tops For Woman | Black Cotton Party Wear Casual Kurta For Women
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chloesunit4 · 8 months
Bana - Sikh Spiritual Attire
Bana is the word for the traditional spiritual attire of a Sikh. ​Many Sikhs wear ceremonial bana when attending worship programs and ritual ceremonies at the gurdwara, or during holidays and festivals. Very devout Sikhs may wear bana of traditional colours every day.
Chola - Sikh Warrior Attire
A chola is the name of a particular style of bana worn traditionally by Sikh warriors. It is a kind of dress or robe which has a wide flared skirt made with panels to allow for freedom of movement. A famous story tells how Guru Har Rai, snagged his chola on a rose bush, and the lesson of self-mastery it entailed.
The hajoori (hazoori) neckcloth may be a narrow strip of turban cloth or other fine cloth about 2 meters or yards in length. The hajoori may be from 8 to 12 inches wide or the full width of turban cloth. It is usually white, but may occasionally be orange. The hajoori is worn by most ragis or katha performers on stage at gurwara programs. It is also worn by Nihang warriors and many Singhs or Singhis who sing kirtan. The Hajoori is also worn while reading devotional paath, preparing and serving langar or prashad. It's either wrapped or held to loosely cover the mouth.
Jutti - Footwear
Footwear is removed before entering a gurdwara worship hall. Although western styles are worn, many Sikhs still wear the traditional Punjabi style slipper known as a Jutti. These are made of leather, embellished with embroidery, and may sport a curl up toe. Initially, both slippers in a set are identical and must be worn for a while to conform to the left or right foot.
Kakar - Required Articles of Sikh Faith
The kakar are the five articles of faith:
Kachhera - Loose undergarment
Kanga - Wooden comb
Kara - Iron Bangle
Kes - Unshorn hair
Kirpan - Ceremonial short sword
An initiated Sikh is required to keep the kakar on the body at all times, day and night, regardless of circumstances.
Khanda - Embellishment of Sikh Emblem
The khanda is an emblem representing the Khalsa crest, or Sikh coat of arms. It consists of a double edge sword in the center, a circlet, and two swords. A khanda embellishment may be appliquéd, or embroidered on ceremonial Sikh clothing, or worn as a turban pin.
Kurti is traditional casual wear worn by both men and women. Fabrics include all cotton and synthetic materials. Styles include various lengths from about mid hip to just above the knee. Sleeves can be full length, three-quarters, half sleeve, or short. Men's kurti tend to be plain white, solid colours, striped, hatched, and prints. Women's kurti range from plain white, and solid colours with contrasting embroidery often along with appliqué, to multi-colored patterns and prints
Kurta Pajama - Sikh Men's Wear
Kurta pajama is Sikh men's wear. A Kurta is a kind of long tailored shirt with side slits up to the pocket. A kurta may have a finished or straight edge cuffs and a rounded or straight hem. The pajama is a loose pant often made of fabric to match the kurta. The very devout wear simple styles in solid colours to express humility.
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Salvar Kamees - Sikh Women's Wear
Salvar Kamees is Sikh women's wear. Salvars are baggy loose fitting pants with ankle cuffs called ponche. The salvar is worn beneath the kamees, a dress top which is available in as many styles as there is imagination, and colour, often decorated with embroidery. The color of the salvar and kamees may match or contrast. They are worn with a colour coordinated matching or contrasting chunni or dupatta. The very devout tend to wear simple prints or solid colours with a little embroidery, as an expression of humility.
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Shastar - Weaponry
In addition to the required kirpan, various types of Shastar weaponry may adorn traditional Khalsa warrior attire. Siri Sahib is a term of respect applied to a sizable kirpan. A chakar is often used to adorn a turban. A gurj is a kind of spiky mace historically used in battle and worn at the waist. A singh might also carry a teer in the form of a ceremonial spear or an arrow.
Turban - Headwear of a Sikh
The Sikh turban is worn in a variety of styles. Required wear for a Sikh man, a turban is optional for a Sikh woman who may choose instead to wear a scarf, alone, or over a turban.
Turban styles:
Domalla - Double length turban of 10 or more yards
Pagri - Double width turban of five to six yards
Dastar - A single turban of four to six yards
Keski - A short turban of two or three yards
Patka - A square of half to one yard tied over the joora (top knot) and head
Fifty - A half yard worn beneath turban
Scarf styles:
Chunni - A sheer lightweight veil of up to two and half yards
Dupatta - A double-wide fabric veil of up to two and half yards
Ramal - Square or triangular head cover
Havard referencing:
Sukhmandir Khalsa. (2018). Introduction to the Traditional Dress of Sikhs. [Online]. LearnReligion. Last Updated: 19 April 2018. Available at: https://www.learnreligions.com/traditional-dress-of-sikhs-2993014 [Accessed 18 September 2023].
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tkj19 · 9 months
Casual outfits for women
  Casual outfit for women 
        Casual outfit is basically a non -dress code, and you can wear comfortable clothing. They are perfect, if you want both comfort and style. It can be stylish and intentional, but it lacks any not to need for formality. Casual wear is the clothing that is used for everyday wear. These are made from soft materials such as cotton, linen, silk,  nylon and blends. These casual wear mainly include tops, shorts, sleeveless shirts, short skirts,floral dresses, pajama, palazzo  and so on. 
 Top 15 Casual outfit for Women
1.  Floral Maxi Dress
     A floral maxi dress is an option for casual outfit. Its flowing pattern and design give it a relaxed yet stylish look that is perfect for brunches and stroll in the park. 
2.  Off Shoulder top with Jeans
     An off shoulder top with jeans adds a touch to your casual out wear. It shows the shoulders while maintaining a comfortable and trendy style. 
3.  Denim Shirt Dress 
     A Denim shirt dress is laid-back. It can be worn alone or paired with leggings or skinny jeans for a cool and effortless look.
4.  Jeans With T-shirt 
     This dress combination is comfortable and style effortless. It's simple to wear a T-shirt with jeans, making it an easy choice for casual days. 
5.  A-line Dress
     The A-line dress is a classic choice that flares out gently grim the waist, creating an elegant.  It's suitable for a casual day. 
6.  Shift Dress 
     The shift dress is known for its loose sloppiness.  It's been a long time ago for days when you just want an easy to wear relaxed dress that still looks good. 
7.  T-shirt with Shorts
     You can wear a plain T-shirt and some shorts. A white round neck T-shirt works with shorts for a casual look or you can tuck it in for a smart look. 
8.  Shirt with Jeans 
     The combination of light and dark is good. Similarly there is no better fit for light blue Jeans with a black shirt. Whenever we think of what to wear, blue jeans with black colour are always 1st in our mind. This combination gives you a comfort and style look.
9.  Oversized T-shirt with Jeans 
     Oversized T-shirts are back in style and a popular choice for many people these days. It's a great way to stay cool. There are many ways to wear an oversized T-shirt. To create a simple look you can tuck in a T-shirt and pair it with jeans. It's comfortable and normal for everyday looks. 
10.  Skirt with T-shirt 
       It is easy to style a T-shirt with a skirt.  It's a fun and stylish way to be casual and comfortable all day long. You can do anything after wearing this. 
11.  Shirt with Long Skirt 
       It is lightweight and works for any season. Pair it with a white shirt and a long skirt, so that you can keep the look casual, simple and comfort free. In this you feel also relaxed. 
12. Shirt style kurti 
      These Kurtis are everywhere because they are both stylish and comfortable. It is a perfect combination of traditional and contemporary, these are easy to wear. You can pair it with jeans or leggings. 
13.  Indo-western Kurti
       Every girl has these Kurtis in their collection because they are comfortable, stylish and easy to maintain. You just need a few of these and pair it with trousers, line pants, jeans, leggings etc. 
14.   Denim shirt with Shirt
        Denim shirts are always trendy and comfortable to wear.  Pair your denim short with a white or light colour shirt. For a simple look you can tuck it with shorts. That gave you a complete look. V-necked T-shirt with palazzo pants, Palazzo. 
15.   Crop Top with Palazzo plant
        You can wear palazzo pants on a casual day, with a crop top because palazzo can be casual or formal. This looks simple, relaxable and comfortable. In this you have lots of palazzo pants and many patterns, colours.
         Remember, the key to choosing the right casual dress is considering both comfort and personal style, ensuring you feel confident and at ease in any situation. These dresses empower women to navigate their daily lives with confidence and flair. 
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clovercraftyfashion · 10 months
Bell Sleeves Top - The Come Back Story
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Long sleeves flared outward from the elbow to the wrist are known as "bell sleeves."  This historically feminine sleeve length is returning and for good reason. It is part of the trend of oversize, experimental sleeves that has swept the runways. Here are some examples of bell-shaped sleeves that are often worn nowadays.
Who May Wear Bell Sleeves?
Women in higher education may benefit from wearing bell sleevestop. Bell sleeves are versatile and look well with any shirt or Kurti. Blouses with bell cuffs are also a stylish option. Pair it with a simple saree. Modify the way you wear saris traditionally. Bell sleeves are unique because they cover up extra weight. The fat is concealed.
When Wearing Bell Sleeves, Avoid These Common Mistake
To avoid back pain, avoid carrying bell-shaped accoutrements. These sleeves are so stylish they might be worn as jewellery.
When worn with dark garments, bell sleeves seem bulky. These sleeves are especially lovely on blouses with flowery patterns or bright neon colours.
A Variety Of Bell-Shaped Sleeve Styles
2 Piece Flared Bell Sleeves
This bell sleeve is an extension of a standard 3/4 or half sleeve. A standard sleeve and a flared piece must be drafted and cut before you can begin sewing the bell sleeve.
Circular Flounce Bell sleeves
A bell-shaped object is often a large, circular cloth panel in this context. The standard sleeve was cut from the first draft. Join the sleeve to the body via sewing. Measure the circumference of the sleeve's bottom edge (or wait to attach the sleeve to the bodice until the ruffle has been sewn on). You will need to cut out an inner circle whose circumference matches the sleeve's outside border.
Double-layered Bell sleeves
The construction of this sleeve is identical to that of the last, except that two identical circles are created, with the inner circle being larger than the outer. Before attaching them to the sleeve, layer them and baste stitches in place.
High Low Bell Sleeves
This ruffle is cut asymmetrically, with the front being shorter than the rear, creating a unique and stylish effect.
The 1980s were a time of vintage fashion and widespread hippy influence, both of which contributed to the rise of the bell sleeve style. Since then, stars in both Hollywood and Bollywood have been seen wearing this kind of sleeve. Dresses and shirts often include this kind of sleeve. Tops with bell sleeves are eye-catching and always make a statement when worn. Because of its loose fit, the bell sleeve top is also known as the flare sleeve top. Bell sleeves may be long or short and even layered for added drama.
Frilly Bell Sleeves
Add a gathered cloth to your standard sleeve to create a bell sleeve.
How To Wear: Women's Flared Sleeves
Bell sleeves, or bell hands, as they are often known, are chic and go well with any kind of bottom. Bell sleeve shirts may be worn officially and informally, depending on the design, colour, and pattern. If the shirts are short enough, they may be easily paired with plain or flowy high-waisted pants. You may wear them to the office with leggings and fitted pants if they are a little longer or have a tunic shape. Find these polka dot shirts, mix them with hoops, and block heels for a striking throwback outfit. You may style your bell-sleeved shirts in a variety of ways.
When you want to make a statement with your clothing, a shirt with bell sleeves is the way to go. Tops with bell sleeves come in a wide range of styles, cuts, colours, and patterns in this selection. Pieces range from bold patterns to understated alternatives, satisfying various tastes.
Bell sleeve shirts are the greatest since everyone can wear them. Maintaining a harmonious overall appearance is essential while wearing bell sleeves. Show off your style by matching a shirt with oversized bell sleeves, a pencil skirt, or straight-leg pants. A blouse with understated bell sleeves is a fantastic choice to pair with jeans.
Do Something Bold
The shirts with bell cuffs make the whole ensemble more feminine. Choose a solid-coloured shirt that can be dressed up or down, or choose a patterned bell-sleeved top that is ideal for vacation. Pick a tunic with bell sleeves to wear with leggings or a bellsleeve crop top with high-waisted jeans or skirts. We also offer choices for the athleisure crowd, for those who want a more casual appearance.
Bell Sleeve Fashion Advice
You may add movement and a touch of nostalgia to your look by wearing a dress or top with bell sleeves. You may layer a blouse with bell sleeves over a sleeveless dress or wear it as a top with a pencil skirt. Put on some bell bottoms and a loose top to feel more relaxed. Dresses with flared sleeves are convenient since they need little in the way of style. Wearing a uniform colour scheme will draw all eyes to your sleek profile.
Wear trousers, a collared shirt with puffy sleeves, and heels or wedges that go with your handbag. You may also pair jeans with a pullover or cardigan with flared sleeves. If your shirt is cropped, wear a belt with high-rise or mid-rise pants.
Try a bell-sleeved sweater and ankle boots with torn or faded jeans. You should be seen with a huge purse that complements your shoe colour.
Put together an outfit like a navy shirt with bell cuffs and dark blue skinny pants. You may accessorize with a cranberry or other bright handbag and black wedge shoes.
Wear a crop top with bell-shaped sleeves and a pair of belted, wide-legged capris. Wear slingbacks with chunky heels for this style.
The bell-shaped sleeve style has taken the fashion world by storm with its mysterious silhouette. This stylish feature, which is often a broad or narrow flare toward the hem of the sleeves, adds a great deal of drama and attractiveness to an ensemble. The variety of designs, colours, and patterns flare sleeve top available at Clovercrafty is unparalleled.
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Aarav Fabricator: Your One-Stop Solution for Cotton Kurtis and Sarees
High-Quality Cotton Kurtis and Sarees at Affordable Prices:
Aarav Fabricator is a well-known name in the textile industry, recognized for its exceptional quality of cotton kurtis and sarees. With a wide range of designs, colors, and sizes, Aarav Fabricator offers an extensive collection of cotton kurtis and sarees that cater to the diverse preferences of modern women.
Are you looking for a reliable cotton sarees manufacturers and Cotton Kurtis Manufacturer? Look no further than Aarav Fabricator! We are a leading manufacturer of high-quality cotton kurtis and sarees, offering a wide range of designs, colors, and patterns to suit your needs.
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In this article, we will explore the reasons why Aarav Fabricator is the go-to destination for cotton kurtis and sarees and what makes them stand out from the rest.
·        High-Quality Fabrics
When it comes to cotton kurtis and sarees, the quality of the fabric is of utmost importance. Aarav Fabricator understands this and ensures that all their products are made of high-quality cotton fabrics that are soft, comfortable, and long-lasting.
Their cotton kurtis are made of pure cotton fabrics, which are perfect for the hot and humid Indian weather. The fabric is breathable, absorbs sweat, and keeps you cool and comfortable all day long.
Their cotton sarees are equally comfortable and come in a variety of fabrics like pure cotton, cotton silk, and cotton linen. The fabric is lightweight and drapes beautifully, making it perfect for any occasion.
·        Variety of Designs and Colors
One of the most significant advantages of shopping at Aarav Fabricator is the vast range of designs and colors available. Whether you are looking for a casual, formal, or festive cotton kurti, Aarav Fabricator has got you covered. From vibrant hues to pastel shades, from intricate embroidery to simple prints, their collection has something for everyone.
Their saree collection is equally diverse, with a wide range of fabrics, prints, and designs available. Whether you prefer a classic cotton saree or a modern printed saree, Aarav Fabricator has an extensive collection of sarees to suit every occasion and style.
Our collection of cotton sarees is equally impressive, with a wide variety of designs, colors, and patterns to choose from. Our sarees are made from the finest quality cotton, ensuring comfort and durability. Whether you are looking for printed, embroidered, or plain sarees, we have something for every taste and occasion.
·        Affordable Prices
One of the best things about shopping at Aarav Fabricator is that you can get high-quality cotton kurtis and sarees at affordable prices. They offer a wide range of products at different price points, making it easy for you to find something that fits your budget.
Their affordable prices don't compromise the quality of their products. Aarav Fabricator is committed to providing its customers with the best quality products at reasonable prices.
We understand that our customers value quality and affordability, which is why we offer our cotton kurtis and sarees at highly competitive prices. Our commitment to providing high-quality products at affordable prices is what sets us apart from our competitors.
·        Customer Satisfaction
At Aarav Fabricator, we believe that customer satisfaction is paramount. We strive to provide our customers with exceptional service and quality products that meet or exceed their expectations. Our team of experienced designers and craftsmen works tirelessly to ensure that every product we deliver is of the highest quality.
If you are looking for a reliable Cotton Kurtis Manufacturer and  cotton sarees manufacturers, look no further than Aarav Fabricator. With our commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction, we are your one-stop solution for all your cotton kurti and saree needs.
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greenfashion1 · 1 year
"Ethnic Elegance: Elevating Your Wardrobe with Indian-inspired Dress". 
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India is known for its rich and diverse culture, and this is reflected in the country's traditional attire. Indian dresses for women are famous for their vibrant colors, intricate designs, and beautiful fabrics. Here are some popular Indian dresses for women: 
Online saree: This is a long piece of fabric, usually six yards, that is draped around the body. It is the most iconic Indian dress and is worn by women of all ages. Sarees come in a variety of fabrics, such as silk, cotton, and chiffon, and are often embellished with embroidery or beadwork. 
Online Salwar Kameez: This is a two-piece outfit that consists of a tunic top (kameez) and loose pants (salwar). It is comfortable and versatile and can be worn for both casual and formal occasions. Salwar kameez also comes in various fabrics, including cotton, silk, and georgette. 
Online Lehenga Choli: This is a popular Indian style dress worn during weddings and other formal events. It consists of a long skirt (lehenga) and a short blouse (choli). The skirt is often heavily embellished with embroidery, and the blouse can be plain or embroidered. 
Kurti: This is a shorter tunic top that is usually worn with leggings or jeans this is also popular Indian style dress. It is comfortable and can be worn for both casual and formal occasions. Kurtis come in a variety of styles and fabrics, ranging from simple cotton to heavily embellished silk. 
Anarkali: This is a long, flowing dress that is fitted at the top and flares out at the bottom. It is often worn for formal occasions and is known for its intricate embroidery and embellishments. 
These are just a few of the many Indian dresses for women. Each dress is unique and beautiful, and there is something for every occasion and taste. Indian clothing is online nowdays  
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yashgalleryonline · 1 year
Plain Anarkali Kurti A plain Anarkali kurti is a traditional Indian clothing item that typically consists of a long, flowing tunic with an embroidered or embellished hemline. It usually has a deep V-neck and fitted bodice and flares out at the waist, giving it an A-line silhouette. Plain Anarkali kurtas are typically available in solid colors like white, black, blue, green, yellow, or pink and can be paired with colorful dupattas for a beautiful look. They are perfect for any occasion from casual to formal wear.
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