#Papa Blanc
seasons-serenade · 11 months
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Yippee de blob lol. The Bulb au
Doodle its based on:
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pyreblob · 11 months
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All Them Inkies
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twilightdaisi · 2 years
Making de blob content part 2
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Random de Blob meme I drew
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ducktracy · 5 months
For the polls, do you prefer to judge based on the quality of the joke (if there is one), or the intensity of the yell? Personally, I like a healthy mix of both.
Also, thanks for running this poll! I'm a big fan of voice acting and love hearing all these instances of Mel Blanc putting his whole puthy into it.
HONESTLY there really isn’t a preference! “best” can mean so many things, and so i thought it would be best and maybe a little less mind breaking to leave it up to subjectivity. maybe its what you find is the funniest through the sound! maybe its what you find most impressive! maybe its what benefits the context most—i try to offer at least a few seconds of context beforehand if applicable, since its very helpful to know where these screams are coming from? but i try not to give too much away either to prevent bias by context… if that’s even possible
BUT YEAH, i find my priorities change! rest assured that with each poll i’ve cast a mental ballot for which i personally would vote for… SO YEAH, sometimes it is intensity, sometimes it’s elaborateness, sometimes it’s contrast or even marriage against/to the context… sometimes its something as transparent as “i like this character” (🐖🦆) but i don’t advise purely judging off of that since that’s admittedly very transparent and not much about the yell quality at all HAHA. so don’t be me! or do! preferably don’t!
AND OF COURSE!! i’m a broken record, but i’m really glad this has been so successful so far! i love reading everyone’s tags and perspective on these. especially since i’ve seen some of these cartoons/examples SOOOO many times that its really nice to see it through a fresh pair of eyes! LIKEWISE it scratches many itches for me HAHA: scratches the itch to prop up what a crazy talented voice actor he was, scratches the itch to get some funny clips out that i hope will be enjoyed, scratches the itch to educate from a historical lens on demonstrating which radio (or real life!) catchphrases were popular at the time, or from the historical lens of just seeing how his voice had evolved, how the VOICE direction evolves, how the tone and direction of the shorts evokes, etc! SO! multiple plusses. i also love making lists and categories to a degree of obsession, so its helpful there too HAHA.
thanks for playing along!! i'm most excited to see what the results narrow down to because at this point, i really don't know!
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Li Grande Zombi is the major serpent spirit of worship among New Orleans Voodooists. In New Orleans Voodoo, snakes are not seen as symbols of evil, as in the story of Adam and Eve. Snakes are considered to be the holders of intuitive knowledge—knowing that which can not be spoken. Women often dance with serpents to represent the spiritual balance between the genders. Voodoo rituals in New Orleans almost always include a snake dance to celebrate the link to ancient knowledge. The origin of Li Grande Zombi can be traced to the serpent deity Nzambi from Whydah in Africa. According to the Bantu Creation story, Nzambi is the Creator God:
Nzambi exists in everything and controls the universe through his appointed spirits. In the beginning, only Nzambi existed. When he was ready to create, millions and millions of pieces of matter swirled around him counterclockwise until Ngombe was born. Ngombe is the universe, the planets, the stars, and all physical matters. Nzambi then created movement, and the matter that he had created began to change and drift apart. So, he decided to create a being that could traverse the universe and mediate between matter and space. Nzambi focused on a fixed point and gave life to a being who was simultaneously man and woman, a manifestation of the nature of Nzambi, called Exú-Aluvaiá.
In some groups of practices done in the south, he is also associated with the Haitian lwa known as Damballa. In others, he's associated with Blanc Dani (Dambarra Sutons for Ayida Weddo)
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medicinal-doll · 9 months
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Daddy!Henry x little!reader
Summary: You only wanted to make a simple home cooked meal for your husband but after a recent accident his cautious nature decides to make itself known.
Warnings: Fluff, love bombing, babying, kisses,petnames,injury,hint at ddlg themes,slight Dom/sub dynamic
A/N I hope this helps a bit anon
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me*
You try to ignore your husband's looming eyes on your body. ever since he got home from work...no.. ever since the accident he's been acting as if you're made of glass.
"Let me get that for you sweetie" A strong dominant hand encircles your waist keeping you firm as Henry reaches over your head. grabbing the pasta box from the high shelf.
And now you're frowning in the corner. not only watching him start to cook the meal you planned, but every now and then he gives you a sympathetic smile.
You stand there arms crossed with a pout trying to work up the courage to say something. to tell him that you're far from helpless, and that you can take care of yourself even though you're healing.
But you know that argument would just fall on deaf ears. Henry babied you before you hurt your back. but now, apparently you can't even manage to make dinner without his assistance and under his watchful eye.
You wait until his attention is turned to stirring the basil ridden spaghetti sauce before you sneak out of the luxurious kitchen and make your way to the wine cellar. You scan the dusty shelves looking for the perfect taste to take your mind off of your overbearing husband and the dull ache of your spine when you finally see it.
The 1942 bottle of sauvignon blanc. only it's netted to an old wooden crate. fueled by determination and denial of your altered state you instantly crouch down. gripping the handles of the crate and start applying force as your husband's warnings ring a faint lullaby in the back of your mind.
You pull your hardest with all your might before a sharp seething hot pain shoots through you. causing an involuntary drop of the heavy box with a thud and a loud cry of pain.
You drop to the floor as you caress your back in anguish.
And not a moment later do you hear heavy rushed footsteps come flying down the cellar stairs. finding yourself scooped up within an instant cradled in a protective embrace. You look up to meet Henry's panicked eyes as his irises wander your form looking for any sign of further injury.
"Are you alright honey?.." he looks at you with a sincere gaze as he brushes away your hair to get a good read on your expression.
But as embarrassment starts to settle in. you just give one simple nod as you feel your tears well up. clinging to his chest for comfort, sniffling lightly in shame.
Henry sighs, his concerned expression slightly settling. relieved that you're okay but then his brows furrow as he takes on a more stern look. taking a hold of your chin as he makes you face him hesitantly.
"Look at me babygirl..." He says in that gentle tone he knows you're weak for. shyly you look up at him your face still guilt ridden as ever.
"you're hurt honey" he says gently not wanting to lecture you too harshly.
"So now... You need to be a good girl and let your daddy take care of you, Okay?"
He feels his heart flutter as he watches your little eyes cling on to his every word.
"Papa knows how big and strong you are...and I love that. but now you need to stop being so stubborn and let me take care of you"
"that's what I'm here for angel" he nuzzles your face and you can't help the giggle that slips.
You pout at your husband feeling self conscious of your silly behavior and needless display of false strength. You bury your head into his soothing chest as you feel him carefully lift your feeble form from the ground.
Settling onto the soft bed he seats you on his lap. gently rocking you back and forth. making sure to avoid shifting your injury as he places sweet kisses on your forehead and against your temple.
You meld so easily into his warm and comforting presence. relishing in the delicious concoction of his natural pheromones and faint cologne.
"I love you so much sweetie"
His big hands roam your body lovingly. caressing you from your soft thighs to your hips.then finally nestling around your ribcage delicately pulling you closer to his chest.
"Stay here and relax for me honey" he leans down giving you a deep passionate kiss to the lips. you whimper lightly savouring the softness and the light tickle of his facial hair.
"I promise i'll wake you when dinner's finished" he says in a low accent cuddling you close to him.You nod absentmindedly, not having it in you to prove your strength anymore. only wanting to be good for him now.
Grabbing at his collar for one last tender kiss. He then hushes you under the sheets. whispering his love and adoration for you. before leaving you to rest that pretty little head of yours.
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Willow: Thank you for taking us in Nicholas. We wouldn't have had anywhere to go thanks to him.
Papa Arc: Anything for an old friend.
Winter: So, you're the eldest sister of the Arc's?
Garnet: Yeah?
Winter: I see that you've managed to mostly keep your younger siblings in line.
Garnet: I just make sure they don't get themselves killed, and patch up some cuts when needed.
Saphron: Aww, look at little Weiss. She's adorable.
Weiss: *Huffs*
Jaune: Why did it have to be three more girls.
Whitley: I'm a boy.
Jaune: I don't believe you.
(Because calling it Arc-Blance or Arc-Weiss would be weird)
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alexar60 · 9 months
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C’était un simple crush, une histoire d’une nuit. Mais au matin, Manon se leva, encore vêtue de son t-shirt déchiré. La rouquine prépara ses pinceaux et invita Paul à la rejoindre. Elle trouvait son visage si charmant qu’elle voulait garder une trace. Dès lors, elle dessina son portrait, usant de la peinture et du temps. Son coup du soir demeurait nu, assis sur une chaise, prenant une position sérieuse et intime. Contrairement à l’artiste qui, sans complexe, n’hésita pas à garder les cuisses ouvertes. D’ailleurs, Paul ne pouvait que profiter de son sexe rasé et sa poitrine généreuse à peine voilée par le tissu blanc de son maillot.
Manon peignait, profitant de son inspiration. Elle dessinait magnifiquement mais ne souhaitait pas exposer ni vendre ce nouveau tableau. Contrairement à ses habitudes, celui-ci n’était qu’une envie, un moment de plaisir, un cadeau pour remercier Paul pour cette jolie nuit passionnée.
Je vais faire entrer ton corps dans l’immortalité. Tu changeras mais ce tableau montrera combien tu étais beau, dit-elle.
Paul sourit à cet instant. Cependant, constatant que Manon arrêta de peindre tout en présentant un regard sérieux. Il comprit qu’elle ne voulait pas qu’il bouge, y compris dans la mimique.
A moins que ce soit le tableau qui vieillisse pour toi, comme dans le portrait de Dorian Gray, ajouta Manon. Voudrais-tu que ton portrait change et vieillisse à ta place ?
Non, répondit-il après une hésitation.
Il avait peur qu’elle rate son œuvre parce qu’il aurait remué les lèvres. Toutefois, elle arrêta de peindre et regarda son amant avec étonnement. Dès lors, il se sentit obligé de se justifier.
Je préfèrerais changer ma vie entièrement…Parfois, j’ai l’impression d’avoir loupé quelque-chose. Que ça ne s’est pas passé comme prévu. Rien ne me plait dans cette vie.
La jeune femme écoutait avec attention. Elle comprenait ce qu’il ressentait. Elle avait bientôt 40 ans, pas d’enfant et une vie, pourtant magnifique, mais triste. Elle avait vécu des moments de galère avant la reconnaissance. Cependant, elle sait que la galère peut revenir à tout moment. Et oui, elle aussi, aurait voulu changer sa vie, si elle le pouvait. Paul interrompit sa perdition soudaine. Aussitôt, Manon se remit à peindre.
Le soir venu, le tableau n’était pas encore fini. Paul proposa de revenir le lendemain soir, car il devait rentrer chez lui. Personne ne l’attendait si ce n’est une pile de dossiers pour le boulot. Il s’habilla puis sortit après avoir embrassé langoureusement Manon.
Dehors, il faisait déjà nuit. Le ciel magnifiquement dégagé, se voilait d’un tapis d’étoiles. Paul marcha longtemps, en repensant à leur discussion sur leur vie. Il se demandait si ce n’était pas l’occasion de se ranger, arrêter des histoires sans lendemain et enfin, de pouvoir vivre une vraie histoire d’amour. Il leva la tête pour admirer la lune. Tout à coup, il aperçut une étoile filante. Cette dernière laissait derrière elle, un éphémère trait argenté. Puis il entra dans son appartement et s’endormit en oubliant cette belle journée.
Chéri, tu vas être en retard !
Paul regarda avec des yeux exorbités la belle brune qui se promenait en jogging dans sa chambre. Elle ouvrit la porte d’une armoire qu’il n’avait jamais vue.  Un coup d’œil par la fenêtre, il n’était pas dans son logement. Lui qui, d’ordinaire, voyait une petite cour, se trouvait à découvrir une avenue ou un boulevard. Il se leva, approcha de la femme  qu’il ne connaissait pas. Il allait poser une question lorsqu’il entendit parler. Dès lors, il approcha de la cuisine. Deux petites filles, assises autour d’une table, mangeaient une tartine et buvaient un bol de chocolat.
Bonjour papa ! dirent-elles en cœur.
Hé bien Paul, tu ne t’habilles pas ? Tu vas être en retard.
Et toi, tu ne travailles pas aujourd’hui ? demanda Paul.
Elle sourit à sa question  Cependant, ce n’était pas la première qui lui venait en tête. Mais il ne savait pas comment expliquer qu’il y avait erreur. Il n’était pas marié, n’a jamais eu d’enfant. Et brusquement, il se retrouvait avec une femme et deux gamines dans un appartement qui ne lui disait rien.
Tu sais bien que le mardi, je suis en télétravail, annonça la femme.
Elle pria les filles de prendre leur cartable et les accompagna jusqu’à l’école. Pendant ce temps, Paul se lavait puis quittait à son tour l’appartement pour rejoindre son bureau.
Durant tout le trajet, il interrogea son esprit. Comment était-il possible qu’il ait changé de vie en une nuit ? Les vœux se réalise-t-il ? Il n’avait pas changé d’apparence. Il n’avait pas pris la vie d’un autre. Il était bien lui, mais ne comprenait rien de ce qu’il lui arrivait.
En entrant dans le hall, l’hôtesse d’accueil le regard avec insistance. Paul passa, comme tous les jours, montrant un grand sourire et en disant bonjour. Il partait en direction de l’ascenseur pour rejoindre son bureau minable, encerclé de cloisons qui n’empêchait pas d’entendre les discussions de ses collègues. Seulement, il fut arrêté.
S’il vous plait, monsieur ! Avez-vous rendez-vous ?
Je travaille ici, répondit Paul avec étonnement. Vous ne me reconnaissez pas Mathilde ?
Surprise d’entendre son prénom de la bouche d’un inconnu, Mathilde resta bouche bée. Puis, elle reposa la question. Paul continuait d’affirmer qu’il travaillait dans cette entreprise depuis quatre ans. Finalement, il demanda qu’on appelle son collègue de bureau.
Norbert n’avait pas changé. Petit gros, les cheveux gris, il sortit de l’ascenseur avec son air patibulaire connu. Il commença par engueuler Mathilde tout en dévisageant Paul et un agent de sécurité. Et quand Paul le salua. Il chercha dans son esprit s’il l’avait déjà rencontré.
Non, désolé, je ne vous connais pas, dit-il. Et ne m’appelez pas pour ce genre de foutaise…Déjà que j’étais en pleine réunion !
Il partit sans écouter les appels de Paul. Celui-ci, sentant qu’il n’était pas le bienvenu, quitta le hall surveillé de près par la sécurité. Toutefois, une fois dans la rue, son téléphone sonna.  L’écran afficha un nom qu’il ne connaissait pas. Cependant, il répondit et entendit une voix d’homme
Bonjour Paul, Vous allez bien ? Parce que vous ne nous avez pas prévenu de votre absence.
Oui, ça va. Mais je devais aller où ?
Bin, à la Sorbonne. Vous avez votre cours.
Choqué, il attendit et n’eut pas le temps de parler.
Vous êtes sûr que vous allez bien ? Je peux annuler vos cours de la journée.
Non, ça va. Je...j’arrive.
Paul prit le métro et descendit à Maubert-Mutualité. Il remonta la rue et entra dans l’université par la porte principale. Il ne savait pas où aller ni quoi faire. Il resta hagard jusqu’à ce qu’il croise un étudiant qui le salua. Dès lors, il profita de la discussion pour en savoir plus. Et il apprit ce qu’il n’aurait jamais pensé. Il était professeur de grec ancien.
Après avoir écouté le jeune érudit. Paul s’arrêta devant une salle de cours. Une vingtaine d’élèves attendait patiemment tout en discutant. Son entrée imposa le silence. Il posa une valisette sur la table avant d’observer les étudiants. Le grec ne s’apprend pas. Il avait quelques notions mais cela datait du collège. Il prononça un bonjour obtenant la pareille de ses élèves.
Vous ai-je déjà donné un exercice à faire ? Une traduction ?
Oui, répondit un étudiant.
Immédiatement, il lui proposa de venir au tableau et de traduire le texte étudié. En écoutant, le jeune homme, Paul réalisa qu’il comprenait tout comme s’il parlait couramment le grec ancien. Il s’étonna en corrigeant lui-même quelques erreurs d’accents et de grammaire. Le cours lui parut normal, tout comme la journée.
Au moment de quitter la Sorbonne, son téléphone sonna de nouveau. C’était son épouse.
A quelle heure rentres-tu ? demanda-t-elle.
Je ne sais pas encore.
Si tu vas chez Manon, ne rentre pas trop tard comme hier, s’il te plait. Ce matin, tu m’as paru déboussolé.
Manon ?
Oui, Manon, la peintre.
Il ne s’attendait pas à connaitre déjà Manon. Dans sa nouvelle vie, c’était une amie, alors qu’il l’avait rencontrée la veille. Il se dirigea chez elle. Peut-être avait-elle des explications ? Il reconnut la rue, le même immeuble. Il grimpa jusqu’à son atelier qui servait aussi d’appartement. Il sonna et entendit crier : « C’est ouvert ».
Sans hésiter, le professeur de grec entra. Manon était assise, elle peignait un tableau. La vue de Paul s’attarda sur la raie de ses fesses, indiquant qu’elle ne portait qu’un maillot à moitié déchiré. Elle tourna la tête lorsqu’il toussa.
Oh Paul, je ne t’attendais pas. Je pensais qu’on aurait continué ton portrait demain. (Elle se leva pour faire la bise). Tu vois j’étais en train de faire quelques retouches.
Paul découvrit son portrait nu, assis comme il l’était hier. Elle proposa de reprendre où ils en étaient. Il se retira dans la chambre, se déshabilla et revint s’assoir. Manon se mit à peindre de suite.
Excuse-moi, Manon, mais, on se connait intimement pour que tu restes…
Pour que je reste à poil ? Non, on n’a jamais couché ensemble. C’est une habitude pour mettre à l’aise mes modèles. Je me mets à poil quand ils le sont. Et puis, je ne couche pas avec les maris de mes amies.
Et pourquoi, je pose nu ?
Un cadeau pour Fabienne. Enfin, c’est ce que tu m’avais dit. Je vais faire entrer ton corps dans l’immortalité. Tu changeras mais ce tableau montrera combien tu étais beau
Paul sourit à cet instant parce qu’il avait déjà entendu Manon prononcer ces mots.
A moins que ce soit le tableau qui vieillisse pour toi, comme dans le portrait de Dorian Gray, ajouta Manon. Voudrais-tu que ton portrait change et vieillisse à ta place ?
Cette fois-ci Paul ne répondit pas. Cette nouvelle vie lui paraissait plus belle.
Alex@r60 – août 2023
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xhanisai · 2 months
We always talk about the trauma that Marinette has gotten from Chat Blanc, but we rarely explore the potential for Gabriel as well.
Just think about it, since Creation and Destruction are two halves of a whole, neither can fully beat the other so despite erasing the dystopian timeline, the echoes remain.
Imagine Gabriel waking up in cold sweat and all he can remember from each violent nightmare are:
blue eyes
white hair
"Papa...why did you do this to me?"
And his subconscious knows it's Adrien. He has nightmares of his son every single time. What did he do to hurt him so bad?
Maybe this causes him to double down on the distance between him and Adrien? Or maybe he starts to get more aggressive with each Akuma battle because Emilie must come back and save their family- but wait. Why does he keep hesitating when it comes to Chat Noir? He could have killed him right there and then. That ring was right there! Why does the idea of hurting Chat Noir make his heart ache...?
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reallyromealone · 2 years
There was no denying that (name) Haitani was his father's son, the two year old slept just as much as the Kanto member, the two often seen napping together as Ran held his boy close.
(Name) and Ran slept anytime anywhere, they weren't picky.
"Papa....when's naptime?" Little (name) asked his papa as they grocery shopped, the two dressed casually as Rindō snorted at his nephews words "you just slept little man" the blond teased his nephew lovingly as he tossed some snacks into the cart "I get it bud but we need food so we don't starve" ran said lovingly to his son as the haitanis did their shopping "you can pick one snack for not passing out during the shop bud" Ran said and let his son pick out a candy, the toddler thrilled to bits.
The Haitani brothers actually had a vehicle that wasn't motorbikes, a Lexus car in a nice Matt black and suitable for the tiny Tots car seat and groceries as the brothers couldn't live off of fast food like their teen years.
(Name) enjoyed his snack while they drove back home, glancing out the window and looking at the people minding their business.
When they got home (name) got to carry the light stuff, bread and his papas Mont blanc, being very careful not to drop the important items as they made their way to the kitchen.
(Name) wasn't much help but he tried his best to help out the groceries away before needing another nap, ran not too far behind as the two stretched their limbs in the same way.
When ran was able to be home he always shared naptime with his son, the tot out cold on his dad's chest and stomach as they slept in Rans bed, the two haitanis hair pit up and styled protectively as ran did not allow anyone in his god damn family to look ratty or anything less than what a Haitani is, a gift from God.
Rindō smiled at his brother and nephew brother snapped a picture before going off and working on his own stuff.
It was their day off after all, might as well do what they enjoyed.
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yarnnerdally · 2 years
Random Ikemen Headcanons:
Pregnancy/Dad edition
Includes 18+ Content
~*Minors DNI*~
Sirius has wanted a family as long as he can remember. Growing up with little siblings all over the place is a comfort for him. And when you ask him about having kids he’s honestly a little nervous that you don’t want them but respects your choice either way. (That just means he’ll get to be the cool uncle) (Fenrir and Ray disagree) He still gets dad of the year every year, though. Calls the kids ‘sprout’.
Blanc didn’t realize it was his kink until it slipped out one night nonchalantly over tea. “Blanc, I know you like kids but… what about ours?” It was good Oliver had moved elsewhere by this point because you two fucked. Like. Rabbits. While you both thoroughly enjoyed the process of getting pregnant, Blanc absolutely spoils you when you’re pregnant. Massages, carrying you whenever he gets the chance, begging Luka to make you whatever strange food you want. And once the baby is here? Proudest papa when their hair goes white and is admittedly a little nervous that he can be a good dad.
Kyle is excited and nervous the entire time you’re pregnant. Thankfully he has a good role model in his dad and it seems almost effortless how well he parents. You just know you’re in for a world of trouble when you see them, a grown man and toddler, studying a medicine book intently. Guess it’s time to brush up on your genius wrangling skills!
Arthur would cry when he learned you were pregnant. There’s 0 way he wouldn’t. Absolutely doting with an edge of being terrified that something will go wrong and he’ll lose the most precious person(s) in his life. A good dose of reality from you and Theo sets him straight. He helped deliver and he was trying not to cry then, too. An absolutely doting father, there’s certainly mischief abound later down the road.
Shakespeare is terrified he’s not going to be a good father. He can put on a brave face all he wants, but you know the man under the actor’s mask. With his history with you and everyone else in the mansion, he wonders what karma has blessed him with a child and without a doubt, come hell or high water, puts you and baby first. He’s initially nervous with the baby but, thanks to plenty of support from you and baby’s 11 uncles, he adjusts just fine. Your favorite is watching Will put them to bed with a bedtime story that he makes up on the spot and never the same story twice.
Leonardo’s cigarillo literally falls out of his mouth when you tell him you’re pregnant. Followed immediately by cursing in Italian before taking you up in his arms with his eyes shining “Cara mia, you’re serious, yes?” His voice is slightly strained and he nuzzles into your neck at the confirmation. He’s excited and he’s already tinkering with wood and paper making toys and puzzles and anything else you could imagine for your future child. He knows you like your independence in doing things but he’s more insistent than usual in helping you to do things. Once baby is here, Leonardo is most often found napping with baby on his chest and an arm around them protectively. Lumière basically became a big brother and seeing all three of them napping was one of the sweetest sights to see in the world. As baby grows, Leonardo slowly works on teaching them everything he knows along with plenty of play (Leonardo wouldn’t admit it but he loved the puppet shows he and every one of baby’s uncles put on with the shadow puppets he made.)
Hideyoshi is mama bear. Like, to the extreme. You’ll need to remind him to calm down a lot but he’s so protective and loyal to your little (for now) family. He’s the ultimate giver of piggy back rides and learns how to braid hair for his little girl and teaches his sons about dismantling toxic masculinity.
Sasuke is nervous but he studies and studies and studies anything he can get his hands on when it comes to rearing children. He even goes to Kenshin, Shingen, and Yoshimoto for advice. You both thought about going back to the future for this but decided on staying 500 years in the past. Yukimura is named the fun uncle and the kids tease him all the time. Sasuke is ridiculously patient as a dad and you tell him you appreciate him whenever you can. From words to new foods to potty training, Sasuke is basically a saint. You’re only thankful you don’t have to teach them how to drive.
Masamune is ridiculously excited to hear news that you’re pregnant. He definitely flaunts it and is so happy to show you off and dote on you. He gladly makes you whatever crazy foods you want, even trying to recreate things from 500 years in the future for you. Once the baby is here he’s quiet with awe and you swear you saw a little watering at the corner of his eyes. To say he’s a devoted father is the understatement of the century. You just have to reign him in when he tries to do ridiculous things like having a small saddle commissioned for your baby to ride Shogetsu.
Chevalier knew before you did that you were pregnant, surprise surprise. What did surprise you, however, was how much more expressive he was in his protection over you as well as physically needing to be closer to you most of the time. Of course you didn’t complain, receiving a small “That’s ridiculous,” (definitely not Chev’s way of saying yes) conjoined with him nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck when you asked if he felt more protective now. He seemed to read your kind as always, even if he couldn’t be to your now shared room first he had servants draw you perfectly tempered baths and clothing that was easy for you to dress in. The amount of pressure you felt at the upcoming birth was initially astounding until a night Chevalier reminded you that this baby will be here as a result of your love for one another and not the pressures of politics. Once the baby is born you discover that Chevalier has another type of smile: one reserved solely for your baby. It is the softest smile you’ve ever seen him wear and it absolutely melts your heart. Of course his love for books must’ve been built in through DNA because they’re following along with bedtime stories line to line perfectly.
Sariel is shook. He’s calm on the outside, of course, but inside he’s honestly panicking a little. Most of his parenting experience had been with the twins and that situation had been… an intensely unique one. However, you discovered his feelings through a slip of the tongue and you held his face in your hands gently, assuring him he’d be a spectacular father and there was no one you’d rather have a family with. He felt assured and his demeanor had shifted just enough for people to notice, particularly the princes. Once it became known, Sariel’s usual dark aura intensified a hundredfold as he threatened all eight princes and Rio that if anything were to happen to you or your happiness, they would disappear. Once the baby came, everyone was astounded at how absolutely soft he could be, of course Licht and Nokto being the exception to that. To say your baby is treated like royalty is not hyperbole and it takes a rather firm foot from you to keep Sariel from spoiling them rotten.
Rio cried immediately when you told him, lightly sobbing his promise that they’re happy tears. During the pregnancy he’s almost overbearing, managing to tone it down just before you feel the need to tell him to. One restless night he tells you about a dream he once had, almost three months after you had saved him. It was filled with quiet nights like this, cuddling by the fire, laughing together. “That’s when I knew I wanted you forever. And a family with you.” You nearly broke his hand during delivery but Rio’s smile didn’t falter, staying strong to lend you his strength. The baby came and while Rio insisted that you took turns waking up for baby, you’re pretty sure he was the one to get up more in the middle of the night. The moment baby was in the world, he was wrapped around all their little fingers and toes. Sometimes Rio has a hard time with discipline, but it’s something he’s working on.
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pyreblob · 11 months
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The INKT Corporation and Associates
A redo of this drawing! All of them will be posted separately because of the degree I had to compress the image for posting.
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Papa Blanc Edit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk-iRQkq7ho
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flightfoot · 1 year
One thing that has always bothered me about the Agreste family dynamic are the weird honorifics. The few times when Adrien speaks of Emilie, he never refers to her as Mere/Mother. Always Mom/Maman. This is most clear when he finds her in Chat Blanc or mistakes Amelie for her and refers to her informally as Mom/Maman.
Gabriel, on the other hand, he usually refers to formally as Father/Pere. I have to wonder what Emilie’s thoughts were about this. Why would she allow the difference? Similar dynamics in her childhood household? Gabriel’s insistence?
There’s also evidence that Gabriel used to allow Adrien to use Dad/Papa. It’s evident sometimes when Adrien refers to him as Dad/Papa when he is not around, but most evident in Stormy Weather 2 when Adrien strolls in without thinking, excited about his last photo shoot and speaks to him informally offhand. Gabriel glares at him and he immediately corrects himself, but the fact that he so easily called him Dad/Papa when he wasn’t thinking leads me to believe he must have been allowed to call him that before.
So what happened? Did Gabriel, after Emilie’s death, forbid him from using it and WHY? Was it a privilege that he took away one day because Adrien disappointed him somehow and he just never gave it back? Why would he distance himself from his own son to the point of not allowing him to refer to him casually? Is he really that much of a control freak that he is content to hold it over his head?
I just really have a hard time reconciling the kind man/father that Gabriel supposedly was prior with who he is now. It’s hard to believe he ever genuinely cared for Adrien in a healthy manner. I’m more inclined to believe he was faking being a decent father so Emilie would be happy, that he never actually felt the need to be compassionate toward his son. Especially after his thinly veiled blackmail in ‘Illusion’ but signs of this have been present since the Bubbler when he did not personally get or give Adrien a birthday present, couldn’t even spare him a birthday greeting and saw fit to target his best friend on that day of all days- his first birthday after his mothers death. Hell, even when Emilie was alive, it’s implied that Gabriel forgot his birthday multiple times. Sometimes I feel like the writers want him to be more humanized and sympathetic as a dad with these Marinette parallels, but he just heavily reads ‘sociopath’ to me. Instead of making me more sympathetic to him, the parallels make me nervous for Marinette. Like “so does this mean she’s going the sociopathic narcissist route too?”
I would love to know more about the Agreste family's dynamics when Adrien was younger, like you said there are some hints that they were once closer, but also that things have been... not great for a long time.
Personally I'm betting that Gabriel was a pretty decent father when Adrien was little, like the first 6 or 7 years of his life, when he had no idea that Emilie was in bad shape. Then from around when Adrien was 8 - 10, he probably was a bit antsier, a bit more worried, a bit more distant. And then after age 10, when Gabriel KNEW Emilie was gonna die unless something was done, I bet that's when he really started emotionally neglecting Adrien and putting up walls, insisting that Adrien call him "Father" instead of "Dad".
Emilie, on the other hand, I'm betting got even closer to Adrien in order to compensate, using what time she had left to be with her son. I doubt she'd ever want him to refer to her so formally, be kept at a distance.
As for parallels with Marinette, I'm not worried on that front. While Gabriel and Marinette have their similarities (it's no coincidence that they're both fashion designers for example), I can't see the show having Marinette go down the route Gabriel did. It's too dark, and I think Gabriel took a long time to fall this far, anyway.
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andromedavwrites · 2 months
Sorry if I’m yapping I’m just obsessed - sorry what ok continuing
Idk if you’re waiting reveal it or something but can you please say you’re fancasts (is it considered a fancast if you’re literally the creator? Or the half creator since it’s a reboot?) for your reboot?
I love eah fancasts / just fancasts in general and the way you’ve mentioned some of them in other posts makes me so curious
i never talk about my cast but here’s the list!!(i probably fucked up names on this, i have like five times)
these aren’t set in stone obv, and one of them is a joke bc i thought it would be funny if a certain someone played Rumplestiltskin-
Raven Queen played by Callie Haverda
Apple White played by Mckenna Grace
Madeline Hatter played by Momona Tamada
Briar Beauty played by Kyleigh Curran
Cedar Wood played by Maliah Baker
Ashlynn Ella played by Trinity Likins
C. A. Cupid played by Sarah Dorothy Little
Blondie Lockes played by Ava Kolker
Ginger Breadhouse played by Iman Vellani
Duchess Swan played by Rina Johnson
Darling Charming played by Clementine Lea Spieser
Farah Goodfairy played by Cheyenne Hinojosa
Cerise Hood played by Ashley Sarmentio
Daring Charming played by Tait Blum
Dexter Charming played by Jacob Tremblay
Sparrow Hood played by Dallas Young
Hunter Huntsman played by Mateo Gallegos
Humphrey Dumpty played by Issiah Russel-Bailey
Kitty Cheshire played by Miya Cech
Lizzie Hearts played by Sofia Chicorelli Serna
Alastair Wonderland played by Walker Bryant
Bunny Blanc played by Xochtil Gomez
Chase Redford played by Parker Bates
Courtly Jester played by Trixie Hyde
Meeshell Mermaid played by Sophie Grace
Jillian Beanstalk played by Brianni Walker
Hopper Croakington II played by Jentzen Ramirez
Melody Piper played by Oona O’Brian
Ramona Badwolf played by Symonne Harrison
She played by Izabella Rose
Poppy O’Hair played by Anais Lee
Holly O’Hair played by Mirabelle Lee
Brooke Page played by Pixie Davies
Gus Crumb played by Jace Chapman
Helga Crumb played by Camron Seely
Travis Thumb played by Amari O’Neil
Prudence Step played by Lilo Baier
Charlotte Step played by Ava Ro
Lily Bo-Peep played by Lotus Blossom
Zypherus Wynd played by Camren Conerly
Aquilona Wynd played by Trinitee Stokes
Charity Charming played by Kaylin Hayman
Clara Lear played by Scarlet Spencer
Mahlee Black played by Daria Johns
Coral Witch played by Michela Luci
Nathan Nutcracker played by Finn Little
Justine Dancer played by Priah Ferguson
Witchy Brew played by Pilot Saraceno
Nina Thumbell played by Ella Noel
Felix Princely played by Jackson Dollinger
Tucker Merry played by Miguel Cazarez Mora
Marsha King played by Alexa Nisenson
Jackie Frost played by Anya Taylor-Joy
Northwind Frost played by Logan Lerman
Milton Grimm played by Frank Whaley
Giles Grimm played by Kieran Mulroney
Baba Yaga played by Olga Kurylenko
Rumplestiltskin played by Danny DeVito
Pied Piper played by Collin Donell
Mad Hatter played by Paul Wesley or Alex Hefner
The White Queen played by Kate Winslet
Mr. Badwolf played by Con O’Neil
Momma Bear played by Nathalie Boltt
Papa Bear played by William Baldwin
Coach Gingerbread played by Hill Harper
Snowelle White played by Alison Brie
Elvira Queen played by Clemence Poesy
Good King played by Matt Lanter
Snow Queen played by Lisa Kudro
Snow King played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Lance Charming played by Dan Stevens
Bryce Frost played by Shailene Woodley
Pie played by ?
Butternut played by ?
Cheshire Cat played by Stephanie Hsu
Queen of Hearts played by Meghan Ory
White Rabbit played by Joe Arquette
Cook played by Olivia Hack
i have spent… so long thinking about my cast for this i would DIE if i got even half of these actors to play the characters in the reboot!!
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