solurae · 8 months
(pls comment if you’re interested in being added on a tag list! if you’ve commented on the prologue don’t stress! i’ve got you :D)
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silverhallow · 2 years
ash, do you have any modern benophie fic recs? ones that are just or mostly benophie? (including any of yours!)
Soooooo Nonnie...
Modern Benophie fic recs...
I am going to add a little caveat here... there are 83 tagged Sophie/Benedict works on AO3 with the Modern Setting tag... I imagine a large chunk of these will be mine... and I of course recommend you read all of my works but i'll tell you my own personal favourites at the end :P
so without further a do...
My Modern Benophie Fic recommendations:
My Thoughts Will Echo Your Name by @xlostinobsessionsx
This is linked to her Kanthony Story and it is incredible. Honestly, it always made my Tuesday and Friday when Deni updated. it's beautiful and well written and kept their character so well. (Rating T) Status: Completed
Cast Adrift by osheffields
this is still a WIP and i am not sure if she is going to finish it cause she's got a lot on. She says she is and i hope so cause it's such a wonderful story. (Rating M) Status: In Progress - Hiatus
Enchanted by @newtonsheffield
I know Molly you would do this differently if you were to do it again but I love this story so much. it's beautiful and utter perfection. it's always my first thought when people ask for a Modern Benophie recommendation. it inspired me to write my modern au and I love and Adore you for it. (Rating T) Status: Complete (though i always wish she wrote more :P)
operation: barista 2 (electric boogaloo) by @grantairesbottle
this is a WIP and a texting fic but i've never laughed so hard and I adore this and can't wait for part 2 to come. (Rating E) Status: WIP
Rewrite the Stars by Danzcoach24
this was written before i joined the fandom and it was what started the idea of Wildest Dreams. it is a beautiful story in a modern setting and honestly totally worth a read (Rating: G) Status: Complete
10 minutes ago i met you by empressearwig
it's part of a series about the Bridgerton's playing Ice hockey. Benedict as a goalie. I love the visual and I am here for it... totally incredible. again from before I joined the fandom. (Rating: G) Status; Complete
@liss-99 wrote some incredible and hilarious Full Bridgerton stories in which Benophie appear and are Modern and honestly make me laugh so hard I cried in her Over Roads and Bridgerton's series
Now for my own.
Obviously have to recommend this
SUBITA PARUMPER (unexpected moments) that i have co-written with the incredibly talented @fact-fictionx but it is a cross over with Kanthony. we aren't at the Benophie stage yet but soon... if we ever update ha
Wildest Dreams
My baby, my pain in the arse and my proudest achievement to date. I adore this story and I love the spin off All's Fair for Kanthony and all the little stories i have written along side it. the whole Bridgerton Enterprise AU i recommend you check out...
As the World Falls Down
Angsty as fuck and a bit grim in places but i adore this story to distraction. it was out of my comfort zone and i really put Sophie through it... but totally worth a read if you're not squeamish...
From The Ashes
Angsty again but not as bad as ATWFD but still...
I've got lots of Modern Benophie Smut written and little extras from in and around the BE AU and ATWFD but there are LOADS there...
I hope you find something to read from the above!
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thetrap · 4 years
why i think deancas just might go canon
i’ve been wanting to write this for a bit, but i haven’t really had the time until now. basically this is just a super unorganized collection of thoughts i have on why i think that dean and castiel actually have a fairly decent shot of becoming canon (and by decent shot i mean like.....a solid 5% chance. and that’s being generous). this is based off of the show itself (obviously), quotes from andrew dabb, and other things.
1. andrew dabb is deancas positive
i made a post a while back that never made it out of the drafts, but it was basically a summation of all the good deancas shit dabb has given us as a writer. here are the bullet points:
- the hug/"i'm not leaving here without you!" moment in purgatory (8x02) 
- "don't lose it over one man"
- "he's in love.....with humanity"
- cas/colette parallel ("dean. stop.") in 10x22
- just the fight scene from the prisoner in general like......wow
- sam/jess and dean/cas parallel in 12x23
- "we've lost everything......and now, you're gonna bring him back" + dean's just generally overwhelming grief in 13x01
- "and how is it that you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.....you know, everything"
and these are just the big moments.
also notable is the fact that an activist sent dabb (and some of the other producers of spn i think) a book about dean and cas and why the fans want it/why it would be a good thing for the show. a few years later, meghan fitzmartin (who wrote the most recent episode!) was hired as dabb’s assistant, went into his office and posted a tweet a with pictures of the book, saying something along the lines of “doing some reading for work!”
the fact that dabb actually kept a fanmade deancas book for years.....the fact that he’s consistently written episodes with really strong subtext for years.....the fact that the dean and castiel romantic tension has only picked up since he took over as showrunner (mixtape, lily sunder, cas’s death, dean’s grief arc, the entirety of season fifteen, etc.)......idk i just think it’s really interesting that there has been such a marked shift since he was put in charge.
2. the mixtape
i know this was a few seasons ago, but it’s still relevant because like. a mixtape is not platonic. this scene was not platonic. full-stop.
and it’s not even the act by itself; it’s also the dialogue!! “it was a gift. you keep those.” this is more than likely a direct callback to aragorn and arwen in lord of the rings (that’s the first thing i thought of, at least).
the fact that dabb let this slide, like......he knows what this looks like. berens and glynn, who wrote this episode, know what it looks like. they knew precisely how this would be perceived, and then wrote and aired the scene anyways.
and that’s not even getting into the camerawork. like what?? was this shot???
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yeah so. definitely not platonic.
3. the trap
honestly i thought about just posting this part of this overlong essay thing, because to me, this is the episode where i went okay, so this might actually happen.
there are SO many things in this episode that made me go insane the first time i watched it (”i left, but you didn’t stop me”) but the thing that stuck out to me the most was dean’s reaction to castiel saying, “you don’t have to say it. i heard your prayer,” when dean tries to tell him something.
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like?????? he does not look relieved!! nor does he look particularly happy!!
hell, if you go back and watch the video you can literally see him swallow his words down like....jensen ackles is the master of micro expressions and that shit is Not Accidental. this moment 100% gives the vibe that there is something that is not being said. the camera following dean as he gives cas a lingering look is really interesting too.
3. dabb’s comments about dean and cas in season 15
this part is actually sort of related to the point above, since a lot of dabb’s comments are in reference to “the trap.” here are some interesting ones that i want to point out:
But the Leviathan won’t be the focal point of the purgatory story. Rather, it’s about what Dean and Castiel are going through. “They’re not going to resolve the emotional stuff, but it allows them to redefine their friendship a little bit in light of what’s happened especially earlier this season,” Dabb says. (x)
the key thing here is that dabb said that, in 15x09, dean and cas are “not going to resolve the emotional stuff.”
now. i don’t know about you, but dean falling to his knees, praying to cas and weeping feels a lot like emotional resolution to me. like, sure, things will probably be awkward between them for a while, but surely this is the peak moment of their emotional vulnerability with each other, right? surely this is the moment where they’ve resolved the issue between them? like how the fuck does it get more intensely emotional than this??
yet dabb seems to be implying that it will, which leaves us with the million dollar question: what is left about dean and cas’ relationship to resolve?
keep in mind that as of 15x16, there hasn’t been much forward movement on that front; that is, we’ve had some cute moments between them, but in terms of serious conversation about their relationship, there’s been basically nothing. so we can assume that this development, whatever it is, will occur in 15x18, since dean and cas will be separated for most of 15x17, as cas will be off with sam.
aka the episode where cas will likely get yanked away by the empty. aka the episode with the teary (!!!) conversation we saw in the promo between dean and cas.
also notable from the above quote is dabb saying that dean and cas are redefining their friendship. like....redefining how? to what?? that wording is just really interesting to me.
another quote from dabb re “the trap”:
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it forces them to “start that process.” indicating yet again that the prayer scene between dean and cas is not the moment where whatever is between them is resolved. yet, from where we are right now, dean and cas seem mostly fine. which means that whatever they have yet to work out doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with their fight.
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a really significant chunk of what happens to dean in 15x09 is him confronting his issues with cas. don’t get me wrong - there are other important things that happen in the episode - but the fact that an episode where so much time/emotional energy is given to dean and cas’ dynamic is considered a turning point for dean is very notable and, to me, speaks to the importance of their relationship for the rest of the season.
4. dean/cas and sam/eileen being set up as units
i’m of the opinion that sam and dean will (by choice) go their separate ways at the end of the show. i think this for a variety of reasons that i wrote about here, and to add onto this, i think that dean/cas and sam/eileen are, in a way, being set up as two units.
this theory comes from two points:
1. the fact that eileen got brought back at all
this isn’t to say that eileen isn’t an interesting character all on her own/outside of her romance with sam, but the fact that they brought her back and then proceeded to set her up in this romance feels really significant to me. what’s especially interesting is how, even after she leaves in 15x09, we get a continuation of their romance in 15x14. i don’t necessarily think that she’s sam’s endgame in the sense that the final episode will show sam going to her or whatever, but i do think that part of the reason she was brought back was so that sam would have someone who he loves/someone he could potentially build a life with after he and dean defeat chuck.
2. the way the two couples were portrayed in “the trap”
like....just watch the future scenes in the bunker. there’s very much a sense that these are two couples living together. and “ever since the mark made cas go crazy, ever since i had to bury him in a ma’lak box.” note the use of i, not we. and then dean/cas and sam/eileen are directly paralleled when dean tells sam he needs to give it up after eileen’s death, comparing it to how dean has given it up after having to bury cas in the ma’lak box.
5. dean does not do Well without cas
this is probably an understatement. there have been a couple of notable instances in this season where the viewer is given a glimpse of what happens to dean when cas dies/is in danger of death/is separated from dean (in case the whole ass widower arc in s13 wasn’t enough).
two of these are from “the trap”:
1. dean freaking out/crying/praying when he’s separated from cas in purgatory
2. dean giving up on life/hunting after burying cas in the ma’lak box in the future world
3. dean’s reaction to cas temporarily going to the empty in 15x13
the one i want to spend the most time on is number two, in large part because sam was witness to it and i think that this might get brought up in 15x17.
part of my spec for that episode is that cas will tell sam about his deal/sam will find out somehow, and in reaction sam might tell cas about how dean reacted to his death in s13 - a conversation that was notably absent from the show when cas finally returned in 13x05. i also think that he might mention no. 2 above, basically telling cas that if he dies, dean is done. that he won’t be able to handle it/move past it. the show has been telling us this over and over for a while now, and it’s only been emphasized more in season 15. i think that 15x17 is the episode where this will finally be verbally expressed.
to me, all of this emphasis on dean giving up when cas is gone isn’t for nothing. in my opinion, it’s being done very purposefully to set up an endgame where dean and cas are together in some sense of the word. and a lot of what i’ve said above is what makes me think it’ll be a Romantic together.
5. bobo berens’ three part deancas saga
so we all know that berens is pretty much spn’s foremost deancas warrior, and what i want to point out here is how this season has been utilizing him as a writer.
this season, berens has three solo episodes (he wrote “galaxy brain” with meredith glynn):
1. the rupture
2. the trap
3. despair (formerly known as “the truth”)
so far, these first two episodes have had major deancas moments. you could even label them as:
1. the rupture (the breakup)
2. the trap (the reconciliation)
3. depair (???)
keep in mind also that berens wrote 14x18, where the dean and cas sort of had a preliminary breakup. he’s been in charge of this arc for a while, and the fact that so much of his writing this season has been deancas focused.......i don’t know, i just think it’s significant in part because, while berens has always been deancas positive, he also writes plenty of episodes that aren’t focused on dean and cas. but now, in the final season, the dean and cas emotional arc has been handed to him, and it’s been the primary focus on his writing.
(sidenote: berens was promoted to executive producer for this final season)
to me, this is all leading to a big moment between dean and cas in 15x18 - and the fact that it was at one point called “the truth,” only to be switched back to despair - makes me think that there will be some sort of confession involved. my money is on cas being the one to say it (especially since this would line up with the leak), especially given the glimpse we saw of (what might be) this moment in the promo. which leads me to...
6. cas does not cry
i saved this for last because the promo where we see teary-eyed cas is actually what pulled me back into this shitshow.
cas does not cry. like. ever. he got a little teary in 15x15, when jack told him of his plan to sacrifice himself, but we have never - never - seen him shed actual tears. and in the promo, particularly that shot where cas says “you have fought for this whole world,” it 100% looks like cas is about to cry cry.
cas has seen his son die. he has seen dean die. he died himself, over and over and over. and we have never seen him cry.
yet for some reason, in this moment of vulnerability with dean, he’s crying. i find it highly unlikely that cas would cry because of his impending death, for a number of reasons (for one, he wouldn’t want to upset dean more than he has to). so, assuming he’s not crying because of his own death, then what is making cas so emotional that he is genuinely crying for the first time in the twelve seasons he has been on the show?
my guys.....i can only think of one thing.
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alexhogh7137 · 3 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Eight Continued
Chapter Forty-Nine: "..Now, what has your leader been doing while we were gone hmm?.."
Word Count 3.6k
Warnings: angst
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2 Months later..
Time has seemed to fly by you and your loved one's, these last few months. You have watched your daughter go from a tiny infant to a chunk-a-munch. She is so perfect to you and to everyone around her that it is almost overwhelming. Everyone wants to hold her, coddle her and protect her. Even though that is a sweet gesture, you have become almost selfish. Wanting to keep her all to yourself. Of course, you don't give in to your selfish urges, but it has gotten harder these last few days. Especially, when you get a letter from Wessex. Daario wrote to you, asking if Asta was big enough to travel to Wessex. Your stomach rose to your throat, causing you to vomit. Ivar came to your aid almost instantly, but you did not want to tell him what made you actually ill. 
Ivar "Sweetheart, you must tell me. You were fine seconds ago." 
"I read a letter-"
Ivar "What letter?" You take the piece of parchment out of your clothing and hand it to your husband. What is the use of lying to him, or holding back information that he will find out eventually? He takes the paper from you and instantly becomes infuriated. 
"What should we do?"
Ivar "We go to him, of course."
"We what?"
Ivar snickers and then clears his throat, "If he wishes to see Asta, then we take her to him-"
"Are you cra-"
Ivar "No, let me finish." You hold your tongue, "The sooner he is out of our lives, the better we all will be..hmm?"
"What are you saying, Ivar?"
Ivar "I am saying..I do not have a reason to kill him Y/n. But if I see him with Asta, and with you..I will have a reason to have him killed."
"Is that justified?"
Ivar "Don't you want him-"
"Yes, but it does not feel right."
Ivar sighs, "Y/n..my love. Look at yourself. You became ill at the thought of him being near Asta. And you are questioning my strategy?"
You take a deep breath, "You are right."
Ivar "I will get our men ready, we are not going alone. All of us are going to Wessex."
"All of us?"
Ivar smirks, "All of us."
When Hvitserk finds you, he isn't happy to say the least. He is holding Asta in his arms, bouncing her so she stayed quiet with all of the commotion happening in Kattegat. 
Hvitserk "What did the letter say Y/n?"
"He wishes to see Asta."
Hvitserk "That is it?"
"He said he 'misses her beautiful face' and mine."
Hvitserk scoffs, "And you agreed to go?"
"Ivar wants him killed Hvitserk-"
Hvitserk "So do I-"
"And I do as well. He is a threat to this family. My impression of him has changed, and I do not want him alive to see Asta grow old."
Hvitserk "So what is the plan here huh?"
"Ivar did not tell you?"
Hvitserk shook his head, "He will not talk."
Ubbe "This is going to be fun aye?!" He shouts from across the yard, raising his axe in the air. You could not help yourself but to laugh. "I knew this day would come-!"
Torvi "Oh hush!" Ubbe walks away laughing. "Give me her, I will watch her-"
"No Torvi, she is coming with us."
Torvi "She is what?"
"It is all part of the plan."
Torvi huffs, "You are using Asta as bait?"
"No, I am bait." Hvitserk almost vomited hearing those words come out of your mouth. You have been used most of your life and now you are willing to be used yet again. 
Torvi "You-?"
"Yes. He wishes to not only see my daughter but me as well. And so he will-please excuse me." You walk away, leaving Hvitserk and Torvi behind you, speechless. You find Ivar talking to Ubbe, wanting to know what they are saying to one another. 
Torvi "What are you going to do?"
Hvitserk "Are you really asking me that question?"
Torvi "Yeah, I guess not."
Hvitserk "Everything was fine..everything is always fine until he writes to us. I told her that I did not trust him. But she did not listen-"
Torvi "She has a big heart Hvitserk. Do not blame her for Daario's actions."
Hvitserk "I'm doing no such thing, but I did warn her."
Torvi "And she heard you. But she believed in the greater good, like she always does. This time, it didn't work out in her favor."
Ivar "I want you to have eyes on her at all times, no matter what." Ubbe nods, "No matter what you see, I need her to be watched at all times."
"I have another stalker now, huh?" Ivar turns around and Ubbe starts to laugh, "You might see more than what you bargain for."
Ubbe shrugs, "I will stop anything before it goes too far, Y/n. That is a promise."
"Good. I expect his head on a spike by nightfall."
You rode in the carriage with Ivar, holding Asta the whole way to Wessex. Your warriors rode close behind Hvitserk and Ubbe while your dragon's flew ahead. You felt nervous, scared and sick to your stomach at the thought of what could happen to you today, but the thought of his demise is what is keeping you strong. Ivar kept talking to you, not allowing you time to think, or overthink. 
Ivar "I am not going to let him hurt you, do you understand?"
Ivar "I won't. You are my life Y/n, I won't let him go too far."
Ivar "You just have to trust me, my love."
"I do. We are here." You reach the gates and wait for the guards to open them for you. Getting off of Ivar's carriage, handing Hvitserk Asta and walking to the doors of your kingdom felt like the longest walk of your life. It felt like you were walking to your death, even though you know that that was not going to happen, something inside of you just dreads that moment. Daario comes out of the doors and greets you with open arms. 
Daario "You came!" He picks you up in his arms and spins you around while your husband watches. Once he places you back down, he looks at Ivar in the eyes, "Welcome Ivar." Ivar forces a smile and bows to Naharis. Which caught you off guard. 
Ivar "We got your letter and of course, we came right away-"
Daario "I see that, I am so glad that you all…" he looks at the multiple vikings joining behind Ivar and his two brothers. He pauses and takes it all in. "You brought guards?"
"I always bring guards with me Daario. I am a mother now, I can never be too safe."
Daario scuffs, "Right, of course. Speaking of Asta, where is she?" You pause and then look at Hvitserk. He hesitates before walking from behind Ivar, towards you and Daario. You swallow deeply as Daario's face lights up at the sight of your only daughter. 
Daario "She has gotten so big!" He holds his arms out, asking to hold her. Hvitserk looks at you and you just look down at the ground beneath you. Hvitserk bites his tongue and holds in every urge that he has as a parent, and hands her over to Daario. 
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Daario "Oh my God..she is so perfect."
Ivar "God?" He looks up at Ivar, "You are a Christian?"
Daario "Is that a problem?"
Ivar holds in his smile as he thinks to himself, 'reason number one', "no, no problem at all." Daario does not respond, only looking down at Asta who was picking on a piece of his clothing. 
Daario "I think she likes me, my queen."
You force a smile, "She must." He chuckles as she continues to coo in his arms.
Daario "I cannot wait to become a father one day. What do you think Y/n? Do you think I will do well?"
"Hmm? Oh yes, of course you will. You're a natural."
Daario "What are you thinking about?"
"Oh nothing. Um, Daario..where is Helga?" He did not answer, only looking at Asta. "Naharis, I asked you a question. Where is Helga? She always greets me when I return."
Daario "She sadly passed away." And in that very second, he sealed his fate. There was no way that you will be leaving Wessex with Daario still in charge of your kingdom. 
You hold in your grief, "When and how?"
Daario clears his throat, "She fell ill, many of us did. But she did not pull through."
"And why did you fail to inform me of my people falling ill and in telling me of a woman who I saw as a mother figure, died?!"
Daario "I feared that if I told you, you would not have come. And I missed you Y/n. It has been months since I have seen you."
You force yourself to comply, "You are right, I would not have. But nonetheless, I am here." He smiles, "Did you bury her?"
Daario "Of course, I can take you there if you'd like."
"Yes, please. But first, give me Asta." He hands her to you instantly. You then hand her to her father while Ivar crutches his way towards you, whispering in your ear "I will be right behind you, you just won't see me." And then kisses your cheek. You mouth 'i love you' and then you walk with Daario. He offers you his arm and with a sick stomach, you comply. You know in your heart that he either killed her, or had her killed. You will know everything before he joins his precious God. 
Daario "I am truly sorry for your loss, my queen." He says as you fall to her grave. You could not hold in your tears any longer. Grief clouded your judgement and all you could say to her was 'I am so sorry'. 
Daario "Why are you apologizing?" He asks as he joins you on her grave sight. 
"I couldn't save her..or my best friend."
Daario sighs, "You shouldn't blame yourself," he takes your hand in his own, "this was not your fault. Nothing ever was." You look at your joined hands and then up at him with tears in your eyes. "As a matter of fact, her last words were 'tell Y/n I love her and I will see her in the next life.'" You knew that that was a complete lie. Helga shared the same faith in the gods as you did. She would have said 'i will see her in Valhalla' not in the 'next life'. Another reason to believe that he was the cause of her sudden death. Meanwhile Ubbe, Ivar and Hvitserk are behind the wall of the castle. Watching everything he does. 
Ivar "If he does not attempt anything, we still have reasons to kill him-"
Hvitserk "I am not allowing him to live..not anymore. I do not care if you change your mind at the last minute, Ivar. He dies today, do you understand me brother?" Ivar is taken aback by the way Hvitserk spoke to him, but nonetheless, he nods in agreement. He knows that his brother is fuming, so why get mad at him? They share the same enemy. 
Ubbe "He killed her?"
Ivar "Of course he did Ubbe-" 
Ubbe "Why would he do such a thing? She was an old woman, she could do no harm to him."
Ivar "Isn't it obvious Ubbe? She knew too much. She saw too much. He had to eliminate her."
Ubbe sighs, "I knew something was wrong here."
Hvitserk "Well, he won't live past midnight."
When you recollected yourself, you and Daario got off of the dirt beneath you two and he embraced you. 
Daario "I am truly sorry."
"Thank you."
Daario "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" You look up at him and you find him with an egotistical grin on his face. You knew what he was thinking at that point in time and instinctively, you wanted to run but you did not. 
"What did you have in mind, Naharis?"
Daario paused before he spoke, "I do not know. Perhaps I could give you a need that has not been fulfilled by your crippled husband..hmm?" Oh how you wished to kill him right then and there for speaking about Ivar in such a way, but you controlled yourself. 
"A need?"
Daario chuckles, "Every person has that need. You know exactly what I am talking about, my queen." He stops in his tracks, making you halt, "I can help with that, if you'd like." You look him up and down, trying to be seductive and it works in your favor. 
"Why don't we eat first? I am starving."
Daario smiles, "Yes, yes of course. Anything you'd like, I will have them prepare-"
"I will put in the order. I am queen of Wessex, they take my orders now. Not yours." He smirks and then watches you walk ahead of him. You may be seducing him, but he will not penetrate you. That is a promise. 
Ivar and Hvitserk join you instantly after you pass the wall that they were covering behind. Ivar holds you close, asking you exactly what he said before he joined you all. You tell him exactly what is going to happen and he almost fainted. However Hvitserk, almost lost his temper. 
"He told me that he could make me feel better in a way that you couldn't." Ivar looks at you and then at Daario, who was now walking into the castle. 
Ivar "Oh is that so?"
"That is what he said, but not word for word."
Ivar "Uh huh.."
Hvitserk "Ivar.." he crutches his way into the castle, "Ivar..remember the mission here hmm?" He says as he stops his brother from killing him. 
Ivar "He belittled me-"
Hvitserk "Another reason to kill him, I know. But now is not the time."
Ivar "Oh it isn't?"
"No, it is not. If you kill him now, my people will hate you and me for allowing it. But if we follow through with our plan, my people will understand why he had to die." You place his hand on his chest, "And he is wrong my love. You do please me. In so many ways." He looks down at you and his eyes melt as he hears those words. 
Ivar "I do?"
"Of course you do. And when we get home, how about we-"
Daario "Y/n, what can Asta eat?"
"Small foods.." he stops to think and then he heads back into the kitchen. 
Ivar "Yes, we will. I love you." He leans down to kiss you and you kiss him back. Hvitserk took Asta from a guardsman as she began to cry. 
Hvitserk "Shh..shh little one."
"She is hungry. I have to go feed her. I will be in my bedroom." 
Ivar "Would you like someone to go with you?"
Ubbe "I will guard the door."
"Yes, thank you Ubbe." Feeding Asta took longer than usual. She is cranky, wanting to go home but that is not possible. Not quite yet. 
Ubbe "Is everything alright in there?"
"Yes, we are coming." Shortly after, you and your people sat around and ate together. Some of your people looked absolutely sleep deprived. Some looked so ill that they barely touched their food. You did not know what exactly was going on with your people, but you will find those answers. 
Daario "How was the food?"
"Splendid like always."
Daario "Good, very good." 
Ivar "So Naharis..what have you been up to lately hmm?"
Daario "Just been keeping things in order is all."
Hvitserk "But you said many of you fell ill, did you not?"
Daario "That is right."
Hvitserk "So what happened then, hmm?"
Daario "It was spoiled food. The animals we inhabited were ill and we did not know it. But we are alright now."
"Is that so?"
Daario "Yes, my queen." You nod and stand up, "Would you like me to fulfill the next task, my queen?"
You look at the people at the table, including Ivar who was about to strike. "Oh, if you'd like to."
Daario "My king..if you'll excuse us."
Ivar forces a smile, "Of course." He watches the man take you upstairs and shortly after he closes the door, he looks at Hvitserk and Ubbe. Giving them the green light. 
Ivar "Now, what has your leader been doing while we were gone hmm?" He asked the people at the table the main question that you have been wondering since you all arrived. He was just not prepared for what he was going to be told. 
When the door closed, all you heard was the cell door slamming. It was so vivid that you jolted, catching Daario's attention. 
Daario "Hey..are you alright?"
"Oh, fine. Just fine."
Daario "Then why did you flinch?"
"I just had a flashback-"
Daario "Of what?"
"Does not matter. I am alright."
Daario "Hey, I would never harm you Y/n." He caresses your cheek, "How could I ever harm you, hm?" You do not answer, "Can I kiss you?" Before you could answer, his lips crashed to yours. You get pushed backwards slightly from his force. Hvitserk and Ubbe can't tell specifically what is happening from the small cracks in the door. 
Hvitserk "Now?"
Ubbe "No no, he has to go further."
Hvitserk "How far is too far then huh?"
Ubbe "Quiet brother.." Hvitserk scoffs and then tries to refocus through the crack. 
Daario keeps kissing you until he pulls back, out of breath. "I've been waiting to kiss you from the moment I met you."
"So why have you stopped?" He chuckles before kissing you again and again, before slamming you onto the bed. You were not expecting him to do that, so you let out a tiny whimper, alarming Hvitserk instantly. As Daario starts to undress, you watch Hvitserk and Ubbe slowly open up the door. 
Daario "I've been thinking of this moment for a long time, my queen. I am going to take my time..undress." You do not do as he asks and he gets angry, "I said..undre-" he was not able to finish that sentence. Hvitserk stabs Naharis, but it was not fatal. Daario turns around before falling to his knees. And that was when you heard the most beautiful sound to your ears: your husband's crutches. 
Ivar enters the room and is pleased to see a fresh wound in Daario's stomach. But he is not pleased to see you terrified, sprawled out on the bed like a meal. He walks over to you, offers his hand and gets you off the bed. Once he made sure that you were alright, he focused his attention on the man on the floor. 
Ivar bends over, "Does it hurt?"
Daario "You used me?!'
"Used you? No, I did not use you."
Daario "You played me!'
"Did you really think that I would sleep with you?" Daario does not answer, "I needed a reason to have you killed."
Ivar "You have more reasons than this one, my sweet."
"What do you mean?"
Ivar fixes his posture, "The leader here, starved your people and worked them to the point where they collapsed on your doorstep." He inhales deeply, "And if they did not do as he said, he beat them until they couldn't bare the pain..then they went back to work." 
"Is this true?" He did not respond, so you look at Hvitserk, who was about to strike him again.
Daario "Yes..!" Hvitserk holts, "Yes..that is true." You kneel before him, forcing his face towards you so that he looked at you in the eyes. 
"How could you? I trusted you!"
Daario "You should've listened to your husband..and his broth-" you hit him in the mouth so hard that you thought in that moment that you broke your hand. He spits blood out onto the floor before looking back at you, "You are right, I should have listened. But I won't make the same mistake twice." 
Daario "And what mistake would that be?"
"Allowing you to live." You look at Ubbe, and he lifts him off of the ground and forces him out of the door. 
Daario "What are you going to do to me?!"
"Something I should have done a long time ago. Take him to the front of the yard."
Daario "No...No! NO! Y/N PLEASE-" Ivar holds you back for a moment while Hvitserk, Ubbe and multiple Vikings dragged him out of the room. 
Ivar "My love, are you alright?"
"I'm fine. I shoul-should've listened to you and Hvitserk. I don't know what I was thinking."
Ivar "Do not blame yourself, my love. He was very convincing even I thought that he was a good man the first time we met." You nod, "He will be taken care of and your people will thank you for it."
"Yes but this also means that I have to stay here."
Ivar "what?"
"This is my kingdom Ivar. With Helga dead and Daario being killed.. I have to lead them." Ivar does not know what to say nor what to do, "We will figure it all out, with your help. But right now, we need to take care of the problem."
Ivar "Yes, my queen."
@hvitserkmarcosource @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @readsalot73 @conaionaru @heavenly1927 @saldelys @krissydclayton93
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“You Get Me” Pt. 3 (famous!y/n x harry)
Aka “Kissy” 🥺
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honestly its really just domestic harry bahaha and I added that they have a slight age gap ?but seriously I hope y’all enjoy the third and final installment of my first ever writings -  a little miniseries if you will. I loved writing this part sm, probably my favorite part yet. I linked a spotify playlist that was some inspo (I literally listened to your summer dream on repeat for one part that I wrote, that song is so beautiful) anyways - not really proofread and I tried to break it up more so it was less big chunks to read formatting wise
here’s part 3! read: part 1 | part 2
word count: 4.0k  | warnings: makeout sesh, shirtless harry!, nothing graphic tho (I think!)
tag list : @marauderswhisperer, @morgannope, @daddystevee, @kthemarsian, @bi-andready-tocry
playlist for the inspo✨
One Week Later
“Hey, Har...change of plans!” you exclaimed as you peaked through a door in Harry’s house.
You’d hung out together at your apartment once since your phone retrieval visit and the two of you had been texting constantly. You loved Harry’s company and Harry couldn’t get enough of you. Harry had called you late last night, ‘Want t’take you out tomorrow, love.’ his voice was groggy as if he was about to fall asleep. You’d instantly agreed and drove over to his house the next day. He was leaving back to London on Saturday, so it was your last day to see him for awhile.
Inside the door you had just opened, a beautiful vintage convertible sat. You had found the garage. “You are so driving this,” you turned to see the man who held your entire heart in his hands walking up beside you. Harry reluctantly agreed and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
“Ready?” he questioned, holding up the soft blanket he had retrieved for your coastal picnic. You nodded, proudly displaying the little picnic basket you had packed full with food. Simultaneously the two of you reach for each other’s free hands, clasping them together and walking out to the car.
“I’m on aux, you can focus on the road,” you told Harry when both of you went for the cassette device that functioned to allow you to play music from your phone despite the age of the car. Harry loved how assertive you were even if it meant he didn’t always get his way. That was one of the reasons he liked you so much, your strength, your ability to hold your own in any situation, even with him, opposite of how a lot of people treated him in the industry in bids to get in his good graces. You were his match, so similar, yet so unique.  
The pair of you started out on the road. Harry wore a white t-shirt with a blue bee slogan,  purple trousers, and some clean white vans. His rings and pearl necklace wrapped up the look. His tattooed arms starkly contrasting the crisp white of his shirt. His eyes on the road were covered by large sunglasses, but his hair flew out behind him as the wind rushed over the car. You had chosen high waisted mom jean style denim shorts and a lavender femme top with a mesh white floral overlay, it had ties on the shoulders and it complimented your skin color perfect, tanned in from your life in the golden state. You too had your rings on and a silver necklace with your first initial hidden in the pendant. Even your clothes complemented each other.  
The first song to play through the speakers was Joni Mitchell’s “California.” You looked over to see Harry smile and you two began to sing along. You didn’t talk much on the ride, staying silent other than singing along when you pleased, but you always made sure not to overpower the actual song, you didn’t like to do that if the music was there for ambiance. Harry would speak up a little when passing various things, just simply pointing them out. Then, after the first notes of “California Dreamin’” came on Harry couldn’t help buy say, “Y/N, seriously?  S’not like I don’t love these songs, but please tell me you didn’t just search up ‘California’ and are playing tha’?” All you did was shush him and tell him this was one of your favorite songs before singing along.
Then, as the Mamas and the Papas voices began to fade out, Harry started again, “This next song’s title better not be fuckin’ California or somethin’ with-” but he stopped as the light quick notes of “Golden” came through the speakers, followed by his own voice. You grinned and gave his shoulder a little push. You had just gotten on the PCH and you remembered his mention of it being the quintessential coastal drive song a couple years ago so you had queued just in time.
A grin spreads onto his features that had been in slight exasperation at your antics previously and shakes his head at you, does a little finger shake vaguely in your direction, “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.”
You both burst out in song, practically yelling the first chorus, Harry taking little harmony parts that most wouldn’t even notice, but he notices them, he made them. You dance in your seat to the song, taking control of the background ‘da da da’s. Harry is in awe of how well your voice sounds with the track, when you sing along to the second verse, much more seriously than the first one you had screamed together. He glanced over at your moving figure that began to sway at the slowing of the song. You weren’t wearing sun glasses and you had your eyes closed, basking in the shining sun. You looked at peace, yet completely fulfilled and overjoyed. In that moment, Harry knew he wanted to keep making you feel the way you did right now every time you were together. The song ended and your playlist continued, random songs regarding California and the feeling you get with someone you care about - makes you feel sunkissed.
“You’re literally so corny,” Harry laughs to you when ‘California Girls’ by the Beach Boys came on. You throw side eyes at him, “What can I say, Brian Wilson knew, California girls are where it’s at,” you roll your lips into your mouth and then bite your bottom lip.
The drive continued with you giving a rousing rendition of ‘California Gurls’ with Harry as Katy Perry and you as Snoop Dogg as you had insisted. Harry even busted out some minimal dance moves while driving the car, honking the horn at the appropriate moment. You made Harry feel like he was 19 again.
Then, straight into ‘Canyon Moon,’ Harry really was in disbelief of the woman next to him. You got so into the “I’m goin’ home” part of the song. Harry said, “Really like tha’ one, I gather,” after it finished. It was your turn to look at him in disbelief, “It’s my favorite, Har, I remember listening to Fine Line the first time and loving it immediately. Still loved it even after everyone else barely talked about it. Deserved so much more, s’amazing.” You finished with a half smile slipping onto your face. Harry gave a quiet ‘thanks’ and returned the smile.
Harry was finally satisfied with where you had landed along the coast. There had been no set destination, just a plan to drive to a lookout for the picnic. Finding a small parking area, you two gathered your items and set out for the perfect spot. The California coast really is beautiful. You’d lived there your whole life, just further up north, moving down to Los Angeles when you started your music career. You ran ahead of Harry to seek out a little bluff you’d seen in the distance. “Oi!” Harry called, but didn’t run to catch up, he had taken the picnic basket and it had drinks that wouldn’t be great if they were all shaken up.
You were right, it was the perfect spot, a little ways up from the set path there was a flat surface on the edge of a cliff, it was safe, with wildflowers and tall grass around a more bare area. You layed out the large blanket, then stood and watched as Harry made his way to you. His hair was every which way due to the wind whipping through it during the car ride, you subconsciously ran your hands through your hair for that reason. He looks gorgeous, you thought.
When he arrived at your little patch, he sat down the basket and you threw your arms around his neck. You pulled yourself into him and basked in his glow, his warmth and scent. He held you and ran a hand through your hair. The pair of you could have silly fun, but you could also be extremely intimate. In these quiet moments you wished you could stop time and live here forever. To live in his arms would be a wonderful thing. “So happy right now, darling,” Harry whispered, the soft swish of grass and the distant crash of waves the only sounds he had to speak above. You said nothing, but pushed yourself even further into his body, a response in and of itself. In this moment, there was no one else, just you, Harry, and the beautiful nature you stood in. This moment was everything. And you didn’t want to set it free.
Eventually, the two of you parted and relaxed into the blanket. For once, neither of you played music, you talked and ate and listened to the ambient sounds of nature. The melodic waves carried the conversation, when neither of you felt the need to say words. After eating, you let Harry pop the bottle of champagne he had brought along, unbeknownst to you, nevertheless when you saw it you wanted to be the one to uncork it. Still, your protests fell on deaf ears. “Y’seem to be getting very used to getting everythin’ you want, huh? Already a spoiled princess after a couple months of fame,” Harry teased as he worked to open the bottle. You huffed at his teasing and your failed attempt to get the bottle from him, which had caused him to move off the blanket and have his shirt be stretched from you grabbing at the bottle and only getting fabric.
“Whatever, don’t act like you’re not a total diva sometimes, Styles.” You couldn’t deny that him calling you a ‘spoiled princess’ made you feel things, unholy things. Of course you found Harry unbelievably attractive, but this was your fourth time being with Harry and the two of you hadn’t done anything besides heavy makeout sessions. You loved the way he said your name, but you also loved his nicknames for you, but this was a new one that seemed to hold some meaning within it.
Harry liked to see you all worked up, but knew he could get the exact same way, upset when things don’t turn out the way you want them. Frustrating. Finally, he popped the cork and you both cheered for the golden bubbly liquid. You had spent almost about an hour on the road and an hour or two already on the cliff, so the sun was starting to make its farewells to this side of the earth. The sky was beginning to light up with pinks, oranges, and lavenders. You both sat back down on the blanket, this time with you sat up inside of Harry’s spread legs, reclining back onto his chest.
You continued to talk, about the view before you for a little, but then each other. Whenever you were together, the two of you gravitated to the topic of enjoying the other so much. Today was apparently Harry’s turn to share. “When we were in tha car, earlier,” he started as you twiddled your fingers on his thigh, drawing shapes. You looked up into his eyes to encourage him to continue. “Haven’t had tha’ much fun in awhile. You…” he hesitated again and averted his eyes from your stare. You whispered a little ‘yeah’. You really cared about Harry feeling comfortable with you and making him happy, so you knew encouragement was helpful when he was trying to gather his thoughts. “Y’make me feel young...tha’ sounds so dumb, but y’really do,” he finally got out as put his hand over your moving one on his thigh. The two of you didn’t talk about the fact that Harry was a bit older than you. He was famous when you were a puberty-stricken teenager. The age gap wasn’t really an issue, you were both adults, but his statement reminded you that he would be 30 soon and you were still in your early 20s.
You twisted around to sit on your knees and face Harry. You placed both of your hands on his face, cradling his jaw and cheeks on each side of his face. This forced him to look you right in the eyes. You appreciated the beauty of his piercing green eyes for a moment and then went to kiss his crows feet on the sides of his eyes, his forehead lines, his hairline, his five o’clock shadow, and his smile lines, that had cropped up as he giggled at you. You were making exaggerated kiss noises as you loved on his face. “First of all, you are young,” you finally said in audible words. You waited a beat, then you kissed his soft lips that were smiling up at you. He was still smiling when you kissed him so your lips hit a bit of a tooth and you both giggled. But, you stood strong, not pulling away to laugh. Harry kissed you back. He shifted and brought his hands up from the ground where they had been holding him up to cradle your body instead. The kiss stayed chaste, despite Harry’s protests when you pulled back.
“And second, you make me feel alive.” “Alive…” Harry echoed you slowly, “Tha’s a better way to put it. I am young,” He smirked and then winked at you. You moved your hands to sit on his upper chest and could feel his heart beating soft, but strong beneath his skin. You grabbed his arm and moved it from around you. Harry quirked a brow at you. Then you placed his hand above your left breast and below your collarbone. Now he could feel your heartbeat, too. Yours, you thought, was beating a bit faster than his, but you didn’t care. Touching like this, made you feel close to him. Like you could see inside each other.  
You finished off the bottle of champagne because Harry had to stop drinking to be able to drive the two of you home safely. You felt very warm from it, despite the sun setting a while ago and your bare arms and legs. Luckily, besides the slight buzz you had, it was summer in California, and the nights stayed relatively warm. You skipped to the car and bent over the convertible to put the picnic basket in the backseat. Harry was right behind you and gave your bum a light pat, you pulled yourself up and flipped around, giggling. You tugged Harry in by his shirt and demanded, “Kissy.” Harry snorted and obliged, but with an open mouthed kiss where his tongue basically slobbered over your lips, mouth, and a bit of your nose. You whined, “You’re fucking disgusting, Har.” “Ya’ love it,” he responded with a faux posh voice before giving you a quick peck to your lips and rounded the car, telling you to get in and buckle up.
The whole ride home, Harry had his hand on your thigh. With it there, you occupied yourself with twisting his rings and and dancing your hand around his fingertips. The champagne had made you quiet, but smiley. The music you played was softer on the ride back home, you knew Harry needed to focus with the dark road and you didn’t want the music to distract him.
One song that was of note was “Lavendar (Take 4)” by the Beach Boys. The recording is somewhat unpleasant, but the song is beautiful. It had reminded you of the clothes you and Harry had worn on your date, the wildflowers that had just surrounded you, and the color of the sky when the sun had set on the scene of you and Harry tenderly kissing each other. The Beach Boys are known for their California, Surf pop sounds, but this sound is soft and filled with lushious harmonies, an ode to lavender, maybe a girl named lavender, but nonetheless it was for lavender. Harry harmonized along with their voices, returning to his original state. It ended and went straight into Simon & Garfunkel’s “America.” Paul Simon’s voice passed through the speakers and whispered to us sweetly. Harry again hummed in appreciation for the song choice.
When you arrived at the house, you helped Harry clean up the dishes and trash in the picnic basket. Then you sat on the couch, it was around ten o’clock and Harry had offered to make a pot of tea. You looked over the back of the couch as he moved around his kitchen. He padded around, putting the kettle on, opening cupboards for mugs and tea choices. When the water was ready, he got the tea ready, choosing a loose-leaf blend he’d found at a fancy restaurant in Amsterdam. “No cream tonight,” you called, still watching him work his way around his home.
Admiration shown in your eyes as he nodded and finished up the tea, bringing it over to you at the couch. He chose your mug tonight. Different from the previous two, his and yours were a matching set with dark blue interiors with tiny cartoon sailboats. You loved his collection of fun mugs, it fit him so well. After handing it to you, he snuggled in beside you and you took a sip, then rested your head on top of his strong shoulder. You turned your head to give a light kiss to his shoulder, and then moved back to staring ahead of you.  
“Wanna stay?” Harry asked, his arm around your body, holding you close to him. “Can just drive ‘ome in the mornin’,” he continued. “That’d be really nice,” you sighed. This was so comfortable, how was in possible to be like this with someone you’d known for a little over a week? It didn’t matter to either of you how quick it had happened. But it happened, and it felt right, so you went with it. This, what you and Harry had, made you happy so there couldn’t really be anything wrong with that.
You two chatted a bit more - about your week of tour preparations, Harry’s flight time tomorrow, various random thoughts, - and you drank your tea. At about midnight, Harry suggested that you and he get ready for bed and then watch something on his laptop. You agreed and ventured into an unknown part of his home. You’d started to snoop earlier today when you had found the garage, but had only gotten that far because you got distracted by Harry’s car.
His house was beautiful and perfectly him. It was big, but his decor and things made it specifically Harry, even if he didn’t live here full time anymore. You reached the master bedroom, located in the back of his house, with french doors, identical to those in the sitting room, opening out to the grass in his backyard. His bed. His bed. It was a California King with tasteful bedding and a beautiful wooden headboard and frame.
You ran and jumped onto it, the bed sinking beneath you and the bedding fluffing around you. You snuggled and rolled around in the sheets, “This is so much nicer than my bed in the apartment, it’s only a full…” you trailed off. Harry leaned against the doorway of the room, smiling to himself as he watched you make yourself at home among this life. “You’ll be gettin’ a new place, soon, I reckon?” Harry asked and went to grab you both some clothes to sleep in from his closet. “Yeah, maybe!” you called out to him in the little room connected to the master that housed his clothes.
When Harry returned, he was only in boxers, but was holding two large t-shirts, a pair of sweatpants, and another pair of boxers. “D’ya mind if I sleep like this? I can put more clothes on if that makes you more comfortable?”
You couldn’t keep your jaw from dropping. You’d seen Harry shirtless before, everyone had, but to see him right in front of you, that was something else.
He noticed you staring at his body and smirked, but then threw a shirt and the pair of boxers your way, “Stop bein’ such a perv, love,” he teased. “Rude,” you muttered, “Was simply admiring...but if you don’t want me to look, you can sleep fully clothed,” you scratched your nose and then shrugged your shoulders.
As you worked to slide off the big bed, Harry crossed the room and trapped you on the edge, leaning over you with both his hands landing on either side of you on the bed. You scrunch your eyes and nose up as he tries to make eye contact with you. He goes to kiss you, but you turn your head and your cheek receives a kiss. He stays against your cheek, drags out your name and groans, “s’teasin’ you.” “I know, baby,” you respond and kiss his cheek now. You duck under his arm and run into his en suite bathroom, shutting the door to change. When you re-emerge, Harry’s in the bed, with the sheets pulled back, and his computer in his lap.
Harry calls out to you without looking up from his screen, “S’was thinkin’, y’know, since you’re always saying your apartment is tiny, y’could house sit ‘ere while I’m away?” You tilt you head as you approach the bed as you ponder the idea. “I mean, I guess ‘why not’? It would be a longer commute into the studio, but this place is gorgeous, and I’m gonna start traveling a lot anyway so I won’t need my apartment for much longer…” You continue to think on it as you climb back onto Harry’s bed and snuggle yourself into his body. Harry looks slightly down at you by his side, he’s put on his glasses, “Think you should, I’d also like knowin’ someone was ‘ere, keepin’ things running while I’m away.”
You nodded and move slightly to rest your head on Harry’s naked chest. His sunkissed tattooed body is mesmerizing, you reach your hand up and start tracing the various designs and running your hand along his collarbones and veins as well. Then you flattened a palm and smoothed it over his right pectoral. Harry hummed and pushed himself further down the bed. “Can we not watch anything actually, m’kinda tired,” you whisper up to Harry, your voice the only sound in the house besides the light clicking of a clock in a different room. Harry responds by closing the laptop and readjusting your position in the bed. You and Harry are a tangle of legs and bodies pressed against one another. Everything is calm and Harry says one word, “Kissy.” And you smile and let yourself pull slightly away from Harry to lean up and kiss him one more time before the two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms. It’s soft and chaste, completely closed mouths, but you linger in the kiss, feeling his warm nose brushing besides yours. A hand moves up to his hair and gives it one good run through and then you pull away, “Kissy,” you finalize. The two of you giggle and snuggle even further together.
Your bodies fit so well together and again you were struck with the feeling that you never wanted this to end, even if tomorrow he was flying away, to somewhere halfway across the world. The distance didn’t matter. You knew the two of you had what it took to be there for each other, even if you couldn’t touch or feel the other. Even if laughter over the phone had to suffice for awhile. What the two of you had was greater than all of those obstacles of space and proximity. It was powerful because you were both powerful. Powerful in the way you loved, in the way you worked, in the way you simply were. You fell asleep in Harry’s arms that night filled with contentment. Harry fell asleep with you in his arms that night filled with joy that he’d found someone to share everything with. Someone who was willing to give him all of themselves. Someone who was finally able to get all of him.
love y’all sm 🤍🤍 hope you enjoyed and have a nice day
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All 68 of my SU fics, apparently
((Because @novantinuum did it and then I wanted to do it and then they said “do it” and I took it as a dare
Compiling these gave me a sense of accomplishment. And pain. In my wrist.
Multi-line summaries nearly always squashed to lessen the vertical length of this post, even if most of it is below a readmore))
Multi-chapter fics, regardless of collection status (chronological order--oldest to newest):
And He Doesn’t Wake: My first SU fic, complete; “It can't end like this. Or: Waxing realistic as we examine the events of the episode "Bubbled".” Steven suffers halfway-realistic effects from being exposed to the vacuum of space. Probably not super canon compliant given what we learned in Growing Pains but a fic that branches off at Bubbled and rejoins canon around Mindful Education (and written around that timespan).
Diamond in the Rough: Incomplete; “Connie is in the hospital with a serious disorder, and her biggest chance is an experimental treatment combining minerals with blood transfusions. Little does anyone know...” Originally crack of “Connie gets powers from PD-infused blood” but then ASPR happened and I have to figure out where it goes now (and I want to! but...).
The Results Are In: Incomplete; “Sadie gets a piece of mail from her dad. For most people that'd be pretty mundane, but it's a little more complicated considering who exactly her dad is.” Barb/Blue Diamond crack (it makes sense in context) and affectionately called “Space Maury” internally for reasons that will make sense later. Has a similar but less “it flips the ENTIRE plot” issue with ASPR. I have many idea chunks but almost no connection between them
He’s Gone: Complete (and technically a oneshot with two “bonus chapters”); “Steven asks Peridot to get the shirt Connie got for him for his birthday from his closet. He says he wants to look nice. She's confused by his request. Greg and the Maheswarans are less confused and more terrified. He keeps saying it'll be okay. They'll be okay, even though he'll be going away. It'll just be a couple of days now. Or: Steven and Pink Steven are unable to fuse after being separated on Homeworld. That's not good for Steven.” Steven dies. That’s it. That’s the whole fic. Might potentially get an extra chapter or two still. Or not. Eh.
Thanks, Padparadscha: Incomplete/open-ended oneshot collection; “Stories about the best gem.” Padparadscha oneshots.
Your No-Good, Dirty-Rotten, Gem-Shattering, Rebellion-Leading Mother: Incomplete, little desire to finish; “What if Steven had gone to Camp Green Lake instead of Stanley? Or: If Steven Universe And Holes Were The Same Universe: A Fanfiction (thanks @captainjzh) Or, as the top of my Google Doc I started back exactly a year ago (*2019-01-07) says: SU x Holes: Because the fact that Steven Universe and Stanley Yelnats are both 14 is messing with me”. Wrote this as an exercise after reading the appalling original shopped screenplay for the Holes movie which was basically a nuclear fallout enthusiasts dream world but also quite possibly the worst and most uncomfortable thing ever written and I have had to have whole pages bleached from my memory
It’s Okay to Need Help: Incomplete (three chapters total planned), the last part of the pre-SUF-finale “Steven Corruption Theory” collection; “"Everybody needs support sometimes, and you need support right now, with this. And that's okay." She takes a deep breath. "It's okay to need help, Steven." Or: (Based in corrupted Steven theory as well as taking inspiration/using characteristics from a fic by @love-killed-the-superstar​) Sometime after coming back from corruption, Steven sees a therapist to try to hammer out some lingering issues.” Steven has specific lingering issues from corruption due to the way they had to mitigate it, and that affects how he communicates with his therapist some days. Just been blocked on the best way to write it
Waiting is Worse: Incomplete; “Is there anything more awful than the feeling of powerlessness?” The movie mostly ends the same, except Steven doesn’t un-rejuvenate.
Realism: Incomplete, strong desire to complete; “As much as he may want it to be, this is not a dream. He's not possessing anyone. It's not happening to someone else. It's real.” Steven has the same effects happen to him as the Watermelon Steven from Escapism--an arm and a leg are amputated.
The President Kisses Babies, and Other White House Briefs: Incomplete, open-ended oneshot collection with very little overarching plot; “Oneshot escapades of President Connie Maheswaran and her First Man, Crystal Gem and public speaker, Steven Universe.” Inspired by a Tumblr post and with more ideas in the pipeline! Love this fic even if I lost most inspiration for four years!!
Collection (series) oneshots (chronological order):
Citrusella Tries (And Succeeds!) to Write a Fic Each Day of the Bomb: A collection where I tried to write a fic each day of the HotCG (wedding) bomb. I succeeded but also kind of not? XD
Could You Imagine?: “Imagination is wish fulfillment. What are some of the things Pearl has imagined?” Now We’re Only Falling Apart
Partake In New Extraordinary And Pleasing Pizza Lover Experiences (Or: Kiki's Lament): “Kiki rarely hates her job. But she does hate pineapples.” What’s Your Problem? (Also the title spells PINEAPPLE o.o)
Acquired Taste: “Steven has a snack as he helps prepare for an important ceremony.” The Question
My Whole Life: “Some people are just born to go into certain careers.” Made of Honor
We Can Think About Hope: Incomplete multi-chapter with no hope of completion (why it’s not listed in the multi-chapters, BTW... also the “kind of not” regarding success); “What's going on? What do we do now? Can you still hear me? (Or: The end of Reunited plays out differently.) (Or or: And He Doesn't Wake: Part II: This time with weirder angst! And more not waking!)”
Citrusella's "Steven Corruption Theory" Collection: A collection of fics written on the corruption theory premise before it became canon. It’s Okay to Need Help not duplicated here but would be at the end.
Change: “Steven's come back from probably the most serious thing that's happened to him--save almost dying after his gem was ripped out--but that doesn't mean he came back unchanged. (Based on the "corrupted Steven theory".)”
My Skin: “Steven does a mental inventory of what's changed about him since his uncorruption and finds himself starting to fall into a hole of self-criticism, until a song playing downstairs sets him straight. (Based on the "corrupted Steven theory".)”
Eternity in a Moment: “It had only taken a few hours, and yet, an eternity.”
I Can't Say with Confidence: “Over an hour. He's been sitting in the tub, fully clothed, the bathroom a mess… for over an hour.It should be working! Why isn’t it working?!” Based on this art!
It’s Okay to Need Help
Happy Steven's Day!: Just after Steven discovers his mother is Pink Diamond, Mother's Day rolls around...Greg just doesn't want Steven to be in a slump about it anymore.
You Deserve All the Joy: “Because nothing is better than being surrounded by family and love. Or: Steven's once-a-year struggle with a holiday he doesn't exactly have the ability to traditionally celebrate.” It’s Mother’s Day and Steven is sad. Post-ASPR
Universe Day: “"Being your dad is the only present I really need." Or: Greg and Steven talk and realize their experiences with Mother's Day have been two sides of the same coin.” Post-SUF
Citrusella's Comfortember 2020 Fics: Fics written based on prompts for November 2020 Comfortember... not finished with it
Speed Bump: “Steven's first night on the open road isn't as smooth as he wanted it to be. Attempt to combine prompts 2-6 of Comfortember (prompt 1 just couldn't be squeezed in): "first day/night", "nightmare", anxiety", "cuddling", "afraid to sleep"”
In the After: “Steven wonders if it was corruption. Comfortember days 7-10, though only in the most tenuous, technical sense (and by that I mean all four phrases are mentioned): "blanket fort", "lashing out", "confession", "crying"”
Late Night Hot Chocolate (described in next section)
Zombie Club Chronicles: Steven endures a violent accident on Frightnight (Halloween) that changes his life forever.
Beach City Zombie Club
Prompt: [Randomly roll from list: Steven] doesn’t enjoy the Halloween season, but [Fill in: Steven] take(s) them on a well-meaning trip to an old Gem Ruin where they come to realize [Pick from list: They’ve made a terrible mistake in coming here]
On Frightnight when he is 17, Steven experiences the most serious event of his young life. Almost exactly a year later, Steven takes Steven to Lars' ship in hopes of being able to hop off at a truly secluded gem ruin to talk about something that Steven and Steven have been disagreeing on for several months. Lars has an idea, and Steven comes to a realization.
For the Cluster Spooky Writing Challenge!
Late Night Hot Chocolate (also a Comfortember fic)
"Steven? What are you doing?" He stares into the pot.
The gem half's voice comes monotone. "Making hot chocolate."
"It's three o'clock in the morning. Why on earth are you making… hot chocolate?"
The slyness on his face is one pixel away from nonexistent and yet it's practically a traffic cone to his other half, as he remarks flatly, "Because I've lost control of my life."
Or: Steven and Steven both have nightmares that threaten to take them back to... that night... One copes by making the other hot chocolate and pretending he really isn't having any problems.
Comfortember days 16-18: Protective, Flashbacks, Hot Cocoa
Standalone oneshots (reverse chronological order--newest to oldest):
Rumble Strips:
Prompt: [Randomly roll from list: Greg] notices [Fill in: Steven] is in a somber mood lately. Out of the goodness of their heart they try to cheer up the sad soul in the only way they know how: [Fill in: WHO WANTS TO GO ON A ROAD TRIP?!]
"I really thought I could handle myself on my own." He scoffed. "Even my own therapist didn't think I could do it."
"I bet she thought you could handle yourself just fine. She probably just thought you'd do better with your support system close, bud. Like, literally, I mean." His eye weaved through the thin line of gravel past the edge of the shoulder. "You started saying some pretty concerning things."
Or: Greg and Steven stop on the side of the interstate on their way to Empire City for New Year's, to have a conversation.
For the Cluster Christmas Writing Challenge!
Auto-Injector: “In an alternate timeline, Steven meets Bluebird at her welcome party but he cannot, under any circumstances, try her hors-d'oeuvres. Or: Steven ends up with allergies because why not” (I have three more ideas for chapters)
Don't Put Beans Up Your Nose: “"I know you want answers, and I wish I had some for you, really, Steven, but from what you've described…  those aren't things to play around with. It's unethical to knowingly subject you to those for the sake of 'experimenting', even if you consent." Or: Steven asks Dr. Maheswaran a question she's not ethically able to answer.”
The Exor-schist:
Prompt: A series of events have led to a terrifying effect on one or more of the series’ characters. [Randomly roll from list: Mr. and Dr. Maheswaran] are now suffering from [Randomly roll from list: Spiritual Possession]. How did this happen?
"This corrupted gem, it has a powerful connection to organic matter. Ones this powerful have been known to overtake and even kill humans."
For the Cluster Spooky Writing Challenge!
It's My Party and I'll Dry If I Want To: “You would dry too, if it happened to you! Or: Steven says he wants a pool party for his eighteenth birthday in Delmarva, after over a year of traveling the country. ...But why isn't he swimming?”
Ace Up Your Sleeve: “Or in your back pocket, same diff. Or: Steven's sad about potentially not getting to go to Pride.” (oneshot and an epilogue)
Milestone: “"Okay, so like, the books aren't, like, useless, but they assume you have like the perfect baby. Maybe consider the following: kids are dorks, man." Or: Steven went to the doctor. Once. Or: Greg thinks Steven, at 15 months, is being weird and missing milestones and is worried he's a bad dad so he goes to Vidalia for help.” May eventually be part of a babby Steeb over the years collection
Full Enclosure: “What am I going to tell you? You're better off not knowing the trouble I'm in. / I don't want you to worry about what I've just seen, about where I've just been. / You don't have to be a part of this, I don't think I want you to be! / You don't need this, you don't need me... Or: Steven defines himself by his connection to others. So when they all leave, then… he's no one. (In short: Steven is crushed by his need to be needed.)”
Vice: “He could stop whenever he wanted to. He just didn't want to. Or: Steven falls into a bad habit and tries to rationalize it as okay as long as he's not completely abandoning the idea of improving his life.”
Stairwell Solitude: “Over ten years, Greg wrote just six letters to his parents. What could they have contained?” Post-Mr. Universe
Striations: “At Connie's behest, Dr. Maheswaran makes a house call to Steven's place after his un-monstering. It's different than his last appointment, but its core is the same.”
Everything Stays: “Ever so slightly, daily and nightly, in little ways, when everything stays... Steven's therapist brings up something she's noticed about him outside his PTSD.”
I Do It For Me: “"Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, and overcomes negative emotions such as resentment and vengeance." Steven asks his therapist a question. The answer may surprise him.”
A Break in the Case: “Dr. Maheswaran takes a look at Steven's results but quickly finds herself in over her head.” Mid-Growing Pains
I have a couple entries in the @connieswap omake collection (Comic Relief and Same Old Steven)--I’m not linking them
Changing Tastes: “ Steven and Connie share a conversation after watching Crying Breakfast Friends: Under the Butterknife.”
Rejuvenated Regrets: “Someone calls Steven's name from downstairs. He's not listening closely enough to know who it is. He's not sure he cares right this moment. He wants Mom—Rose—Pink—and that's the one person he knows it's not.”
Gut Feeling: “Every time, he has to push his brain off that train of thought--what if she does it again?--but for someone with super-strength, he's surprisingly not very good at pushing.”
Lapis Watches Titanic (1997) ...There’s no summary
The Cluster Halloween Exquisite Corpse 2019 (I only wrote part of this!!): “Lars tells a horror story but loses track of it, or; a bunch of fic writers do an exquisite corpse and hilarity ensues. Written by DocCairo, citrusella, E350, love-killed-the-superstar and br42.”
Drift Away: “There are timelines where Steven fell into the biopoison when the Earth cracked under his feet. Here we see three times Steven (technically) lived despite a dive into pure poison, and one time he didn't.”
The Rose Wilts: “Once upon a time, he knew Rose. But he knew he didn't know everything.Sometimes it feels like he's learned more about her after she died than he ever knew while she was alive.“ Doug and Rose used to be friends
Tying the Knot: “Steven never wears shoes with laces, because he can't tie them. When Connie finds out, he's pretty chill about it.”
Haploid: “You're not sure if this is what being shattered feels like. You don't know if you want to be sure.” Mid-CYM
Thestral: “"How many have you seen?" "All of them." She answered without hesitation. "Oh." Or: Pearl and Steven talk about a type of gem that corruption has given some... special characteristics.”
500 Words a Secret Santa Gift: The Gratuitous Reference: “200 words a day, every day, until Under the Knife comes back. Or Crying Breakfast Friends. We're not picky at this point. Secret Santa edition! (A Secret Santa gift for @e350tb that deliberately and gratuitously references their 100 Words a Day series.)”
Sesimorp, Sesimorp: “A Lapis Lazuli makes a beautiful work of art.”
Ship Talk: “Lars and Steven share a moment on the Sun Incinerator.”
No Way Around It: “An order is an order.”
Give It A Try!: “Steven gets a Diamond to try something new.”
Better Off: “Peedee ponders what could have been.”
Steven x A Nice Calm Life Please and Thank You™: A Case for the Realization of a Bold New Ship: “Steven deserves a happy life free of interplanetary struggle and strife. It's my OTP. So I'm going to give him that! :D”
I Don't Know: “Will this ever make sense? Will this ever feel normal?” Post-ASPR
Force of Nature: “Her diamond gave her orders no longer.”
My Gemmortal (by XXXbloodstoneshardz666XXX): “the escupaids fo steven hardlight amnesia lion universe and his freinds n crushs” (this is exactly what it sounds like)
The Picture of Steven Pink: “It took a lot out of him.” (SU but Steven takes on the injuries he heals)
Self: “In the Connie Swap AU, Steven considers his identity and place in his family, community, culture, and himself. For a kid who at least tries to be all sunshine and rainbows, this isn't exactly the most fun thing to do, but sometimes it's necessary.” (these are different than the things in the CS omake collection)
I Really AM My Mom...: “"When you're singing, you want to use enough air that you could blow a throatful of peanut butter clear across the room." The crackiest of escape-from-Homeworld plots, based on a ClickHole article and a joke headcanon.”
Left: “Of course there's shame in bailing.”
Old shames (chronological order): Stories I just kinda cringe at now
Shrinking Rose: “Steven never felt bad about his stature. Until he did.” (I just don’t love it)
A Rose for Emily: “What if Rose wanted to spend the rest of her life with someone before Greg? ...It's safe to say she has a skeleton in her closet.” (less old shame than the others on this list but was hard to shoehorn in the A Rose for Emily style writing)
Alone: “Steven won't open up about how everything that happened is affecting him. Not even to himself.” (I know I’ve written other dark stuff but this one just hits different)
You Should've Asked Me, I'm Really Good at Naming Bands (November 2019 Unfinished WIPs): “(title subject to change) I did a challenge that I had to write my WIPs in November (revised to November and December) or be forced to post them unfinished. I got some updates done, but several not done. These are those stories. Dun-dun.” (only “shame” because they were things that were never finished--I also had a Connie Swap omake I was supposed to finish or the punishment was not to post it unfinished but to write Steven and Spinel (NOTP) but I just never did that)
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
here are my thoughts of all the filler/anime original content (filler) added to the bnha anime except i’m not looking up a list this is just everything i can remember 
iirc there wasn’t really any filler in season 1 (probably because they had the least episodes to work with and a brand new show doesn’t really want to waste viewer time on boring/unimportant content) BUT season 1 did come with the first OVA which, although it was pretty forgettable, had some genuinely fun moments i.e. iida and uraraka’s very cute interactions and that part where 13 praises bkg like “he’ll surely become a beautiful hero” and sero’s like “well, he’ll never be beautiful”. i don’t have bad feelings towards it but since all the rest of the OVAs and even though i’m complaining about training exercise plots the show had just started and it was still a good way to get new viewers acquainted with the class 
okay so this is gonna get wordy but bear with me: since anime moved away from the “popular series air year round” structure to the “popular series air in 1-2 cour chunks at a time” the definition of filler changed a lot - in like the early 2010s all you’d hear is “naruto is unwatchable because of how much time they waste on meaningless filler arcs” and i’ve never watched naruto myself but i’d imagine the fact that studios were expected to air 50 episodes a year was a huge part of why it turned out like that. but since things are different now the game is more about “how much of our original story can we fit into a short burst of episodes, and if we have extra time, what can we do to expand on it” and i think bnha proved in season 2 that they were really good at playing that game! s2 does not waste any filler time. like. that tsuyu episode is one of the most beloved episodes of the season and a GREAT example of how to use an extra episode to give a minor character some time to shine while also checking in on some other characters (i’m not gonna get into jean man thoughts right now but Bakugou Makes Kids Cry was a really good scene to expand on how horikoshi first wrote that internship and sorta. a part of why everything after it feels less credible) 
s2 also had the OVA with the zombies and tsuyu’s backstory which only took up the first few minutes BUT made it so that OVA checked off both the boxes of adding something to the story while also just being fun to watch. that scene at the end where all might offers a mummified deku cake in the hospital and he’s just like “i can’t eat this” is just so good 
obviously i’m biased about pool episode but also i think krbks are the only people who came out of that episode really happy. other than really firmly establishing their friendship (which is actually really good & important buildup to kamino) it’s a pretty clunky way to recap the characters and not even all of the flashback sequences were really handled in a way that made sense. i think the concept of a pool episode/race could’ve been done better if they had spent more time on it but what’s there is fine and it’s always nice to see the kids being kids. still don’t get why the girls didn’t get to race though 
i remember being so excited when miss saiko intelli was revealed because that was one of the first anime original GIRLS and i thought everything about the fight with her was fun! very fun watching her and her weird school friends, very fun watching momo and jirou work together while shouji held tsuyu like a baby. i enjoyed it  
i hate that mystery episode. like. not all filler really has to add anything to the story, if it was a really fun and exciting episode that would’ve been just fine but the whole episode was just deku walking around explaining a mystery that the audience had no chance of figuring out on their own. i liked the shot where all the kids poked their heads out from behind a corner in a little stack though 
i don’t remember if it was that episode or not but i do remember there also being a scene with melissa sort of promoing the movie in the anime which i didn’t mind because it was pretty quick and well integrated
i liked the first episode of season 4! camera guy’s quirk was cool, there were a lot of fun shots of the kids, and i thought the moment with him and deku at the end was really heartwarming. i don’t 100% remember what it was but it was heartwarming 
season 4 had a good amount of side arcs and the school festival arc was lighthearted and character-focused enough that i don’t think they had or needed any filler but also if i’m wrong please don’t correct me about it i like living with the mystery 
i just put this in the tags for that ask 1 second ago but season 4 ova was. boring. especially because they got 2 episodes to work with and decided to do another training episode. not much came out of it plot or character-wise other than 3 musketeers (is that what we’re calling them now .) working together and bkg accepting deku as a cane to lean on. those were good scenes but they could’ve shown them in a different scenario (like in team up mission!). idk what there really is to gain from making ovas anyway (unless they’re on a streaming service or something?) so i guess profit isn’t really the issue at hand but you gotta imagine that the people in charge know that another training exercise OVA isn’t gonna be the most exciting thing possible for fans. i’m not gonna demand that they make a fantasy au OVA or anything but if they had the resources to make 44 minutes of new animation and content it feels like a waste that they repeated what they already did without really fleshing anything new out 
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burstingsunrise · 3 years
I hope you're ready for this because I wanted you to reblog this one SO BAD. Here we go asdkfh: ⭐ - The Sun is Burning Down Los Angeles That whole part where Calum comes home with tacos to Luke crying. That whole chunk I want the tea on! ALSO. Have Your Cake and Eat It Too and Denouement (Love is Almost Always Accidental) ANYTHING TO SHARE ON THESE 2 AS WELL! Ok thanks Molly BYE 🥰💜
Hi Sky! I’m really glad you asked about the angsty tacos scene in LA because that was by far the weirdest scene for me in a lot of ways.
For one thing, I totally didn’t plan for things to go that direction. Not that there was much of a plan, but that scene really came out of nowhere. 
I had a bad day. I don’t remember exactly what went on, probably nothing - just one of those bad brain days - and I had literally shut myself in my closet to cry, and I got out my phone and started writing the post-rollerblading scene on my notes app completely out of context of the rest of the story.
So almost that whole scene was written on my phone on the floor of my closet, and then I felt better, and then I worked it in to transition to the ending. I’d guess that if I hadn’t had that experience, the scene probably would have unfolded in a much...fluffier way.
But the thing is, now that the scene exists, I can’t imagine it not existing, or existing in any other form. I feel like it really helps round out the vibes of the fic and does a lot of the resolution of the emotional character work in a more effective way than fluff would have.
Because this way, you get to see how effectively Calum has figured out what Luke needs and how to be there for him, and how Luke is comfortable really opening up to Calum with his fears - he’s still freaked out, but he at least feels like he can share those things with Calum and work through them together. 
I also love how by this point they both pretty much know how they feel each other, but this situation is what finally pushes Calum to make a move, because he understands that’s something he can do for both of them.
And a cut for the other fics...
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too is so weird for me to talk about because it is literally the first fic I’ve ever written, and I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime since then even though it was literally like 5 months ago.
The whole thing came about because I had the idea, and at the time I was mostly lurking in the 5sos fandom on tumblr, so I didn’t know anyone, and I was like...”I really like this idea, and if I want it...I probably need to write it.” And at that point I’d read enough to feel like I kind of knew the style I wanted to go for? So I did. 
It took quite a while, because I didn’t know what I was doing. I had no plan, other than extreme projection onto Luke. I project onto Luke a lot but Bake Off Luke is a special brand of projection. There is so much of me in him. 
Another interesting thing about this one is that I was terrified to write Calum in it, but I ended up having so much fun with him, and now Bake Off Calum is one of my favorites.
Since I wrote it without any outside influence, it made things easier in a way. There was no pressure, and no one knew me. When I posted it, it was like putting it into a void. I had no idea if people would read it, so every comment I got on that fic was such a fun surprise. 
Denouement was me going, “how has no one written an Anna and the French Kiss AU?” It was weird at first because since it’s based on an existing book, so I had to figure out the balance between what I wanted to “retell” and what I wanted to create as totally original.
It was also a choice to have Ashton as Anna and Luke as Etienne, because it really could have gone either way, but I wanted to try doing a full length fic from a perspective that wasn’t Luke since I hadn’t before. I think it was the right move because it really drives home the whole pining aspect of the story. 🥴
There were many moments in this fic where I felt like maybe I was taking it too far with the Luke loving, but then I remembered that one of my favorite things when reading fic is gratuitous Luke loving, so I went all in on it.
There’s more I could say, but I need to shut up at some point. 
Thanks for the questions! 💜
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mel-the-fangirl · 4 years
Race (Part 2)
Sam Holland x Reader, Harry Holland x Reader
Words: 2,206
Sooo, I wrote the first part years ago, it was requested by @/voidxkenobi (I’m not sure if you’re still active around here or if you’re still into the Holland boys but wherever you are and whatever you’re interested in now, I hope you’re happy and healthy. Thank you for the idea.)
This next part was requested by anonymous years ago as well. Forgive me, anon!
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I started writing it as a whole but it was getting too long, so I decided to split it into four to five(?) parts.
You can read part 1 here.
I’m really nervous about this one since the first part was so long ago. But I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave a like, a comment, a reblog, if you fancy it.
There really was nothing like a leisurely bike ride on a sunny afternoon.
The breeze soothingly caressed through your hair, you would close your eyes once and awhile just to revel in the sensation. 
You basked in the gentle sunlight, the warmth of it painting your cheeks in a soft peachy glow.
It was the perfect day, almost as if all the cosmic powers of the universe conspired just for this one day, this one chunk of the afternoon, and boy, were you grateful.
And how could you forget the cherry on top?
The soft breeze carried the sound all around you, echoing and ricocheting off the sun-soaked walls. The sweet, dulcet tones of your friends, Sam and Harry, yelling bloody murder, cursing under their breath, and hurling threats at you.
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face as you boosted yourself on Sam’s bike (which you stole with zero hesitation, by the way), willing yourself to go even faster.
No way in hell were you going to let them catch up with you.
Were they insane? Asking you to… go on dates with them?
Just the thought of it made you all jumpy inside. You three had been friends even before the awkward puberty phases then through the acne, the braces, and through many, many questionable hairstyle choices, they both lived through that. So the fact that they were both pining for your affection was beyond you. 
Your hair whipped behind you in almost violent streaks. You were beginning to forget the point of this whole race since they would no doubt corner you at your house anyway.
Am I supposed to hide? Where in the hell would I even hide?
As you began to think about your next move, you were starting to lose focus on the road and were slowing down. The twins noticed this and decided to use it to their advantage.
Sure, they were competing against each other for the whole thing but there wasn't going to be a thing if you weren’t going to say yes. And to get you to say yes, they were going to have to catch you first.
They shared a look, twin telepathy at work, and gave each other a discreet nod.
You pedalled on, unassuming, somewhat lost in your thoughts.
Did you have feelings for any of them?
You weren’t going to fool yourself, you’d have to be both blind and an idiot not to have noticed how handsome they’ve both gotten through the years.
Maybe you would blush when one of them stared at you too long, maybe the way they would bend over backwards just to make you laugh made your heart melt into lousy puddle, and maybe you would obsess over it for hours when one of them gave you a peck on the cheek before going back home for the day. 
Maybe that’s all happened more than once. Way more than once, if you were being brutally honest.
But so, what? Did that even mean anything?
“No.” you scoffed, picking up speed once again. 
It didn’t mean anything, it shouldn’t mean anything. Dating was complicated, friendship was easy, that’s that. You ignored the way your heart was starting to pump faster, and it wasn’t from all the pedalling.
I do not have feelings for Sam and Harry. I don’t! Who even said I did, definitely not me. I didn’t say that.  It’s hilarious how platonic I feel about them. Hilarious! A real laugh riot!
It was starting to get really obvious how you were drowning yourself in denial and how close you were to becoming a teensy bit unhinged. If there really was nothing there then what harm could one date do? If everything was totally platonic like you said, then why were you panicking?
You weren’t panicking! Panicking? You? Why, you were cool as a cucumber!
“I’m cool as a cucumber!” you stated loudly, causing a passing dog walker to actively increase the distance between you
“Cool as a cucumber.” you quietly muttered to yourself, mind racing
The gears in your head began to turn as quickly as the gears on Sam’s bike. You had it. You finally knew what you were going to do and it all started with what they wanted you to do in the first place.
Let them have their dates with you! Let them have their fun! But at the crucial moment, you’d let them down easy, tell them that all you three would ever be was mates and this whole circus will be forgotten.
Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to see what they were like on a date. Just because you were curious. Not for any other reason. 
You snickered to yourself, clearly losing yourself in the overwhelming waves of denial. When you finally managed to snap yourself out of it, you noticed the absence of Sam and Harry’s heavy footfalls behind you.
“That’s weird.” you mumbled, trying your best to look around for them without getting into an accident
“Well, hello there, Y/N.” Harry materialised in front of you almost from thin air, startling you
You braked just in time, Sam’s bike teetered forward dangerously, threatening to throw you head first onto the pavement. You scrunched your eyes shut, bracing yourself for impact.
“Whoa, Y/N!”
Two sets of arms reached out to catch you, grabbing hold of the handlebars before you could fall.
“Y/N, are you alright? I told him not to startle you but what do you expect?” Sam held your hand to steady you, letting his eyes scan for any injuries 
Harry took a step closer to you, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He kept his eyes on the ground, not daring to look at you.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. Really. I hope you aren’t hurt.” he apologised, oozing with sincerity
You looked at each of their guilt-ridden and concerned faces, feeling your heart skip like a fucking preschooler hopped up on sugar. You were seriously beginning to wonder if you even needed a heart.
“Listen, Y/N, about that thing we cornered you about earlier-” Sam tried his best to maintain eye contact with you but he was getting so red that you could barely make out his freckles
“I’ll do it.” you cut him off, taking pity on him and at the same time setting your plan in motion
Harry put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, gently shoving him out of the way, mouth and eyes wide open, “What did you just say?”
Sam brushed Harry’s hand off his shoulder and gave him a slightly less than gentle shove out of the way, “Did you just...?”
The expression on their faces was something you couldn’t put a price on, it gave you the push you needed to keep any (which there were none) bubbling feelings for them far from the surface. 
That is until they started jumping around, patting themselves on the back. 
A memory from not too long ago flashed before your eyes. The three of you jumping just like they were right then, the twins muddy and sweaty with you in a pristine Sunday dress, their football team had just won the game, with the twins working together to score the winning goal. They ran straight to you and you ran to meet them, you ignored the mud on their uniforms and the disapproving look from your parents and engulfed them in a hug, giddy and overjoyed.
You felt your heart soften, watching them as happy as you were that day, all because they were going to take you on a date. In your mind, you were nowhere near as exciting as scoring a winning goal.
"Well done! We're taking Y/N on a date!" they cheered loudly, attracting a few stares from passersby
“Yeah, yeah. Just keep it down, will you?" you mumbled, feeling your cheeks heat up 
They skipped over to you, arm in arm, and pulled you in a big old hug.
"Okay, okay! You two just… You'd better show me a good time."
"Y/N, when have we ever not shown you a good time?" Harry asked, looking at you quizzically
You untangled yourself from them, regaining some composure and started counting off on your fingers, "Well, there was that one time when we were playing hide and seek as kids and Sam, you told me to hide in a bush that turned out to be poison ivy-" 
"For the hundredth time, I didn't know, it was poison ivy!" Sam interjected
"-and there was that time where both of you took turns spinning me around during prom and I ended up puking on my dress and on your shoes, Harry."
"I didn't mind." he huffed, crossing his arms against his chest
"Well, I did," you placed a hand on your chest for emphasis, “And it was really embarrassing.” you shuddered
The twins put an arm around each other’s shoulders, a united front against your attempt to harm their respectable reputation.
“You’re making it sound like we didn’t shield you from everyone all the way to the ladies’ room.” Harry reminded you
“Yeah, and we snuck all the way to the hotel supply closet for stain remover.” Sam added
They both looked at you with wounded puppy dog eyes, chipping away at your barely existing defenses. You threw your arms up in defeat.
“Alright, fine! Whatever! Can you please just take me home now? You two are exhausting.”
“But you looooove us.” Harry singsonged
You groaned loudly, placing your fists to your eyes as they laughed at you.
After that though, the walk home was surprisingly quiet. You were grateful for it but you couldn't help but wonder what was going on in their heads this time.
Finally, you arrived home. The twins waved goodbye, promising that you would hear from them tomorrow. As ominous as it sounded for you, you couldn't find the strength to worry about it.
You shut the door to your bedroom, turned off all the lights, and burrowed yourself into your blankets. It was time for a very long sleep. 
--In the Holland household--
As soon as the front door shut, Harry and Sam squared off against each other, united front long forgotten.
"So-" Harry began but Sam cut him off before he could get any words out
"I'm not telling you what I’m doing for the date." Sam strode away without another word
Harry stood there in stunned silence, mouth hanging open. He scoffed in disbelief, furrowing his brows and crossing his arms tightly at his chest.
How in the hell did Sam know he was going to ask? Did Sam think he was going to copy off of him? Yeah, right. As if Harry needed help planning a date. He had lots of great date ideas! He just… didn’t have anyone he could do them with.
He brushed that slightly sad thought off with a quick shake of his head and he set out through the house to find Sam. There was no way he wasn’t getting anything out of him.
“Ah, there he is! My favourite brother!” Harry found Sam at the piano, a detail he found mildly odd since Sam was focusing more on cooking these days
Sam rolled his eyes at Harry’s endearment and turned to face him.
“I am not telling you a single thing about my date with Y/N.” he deadpanned, getting up to leave again
Harry raised both arms, blocking his twin’s escape. When Sam tried to get around him, he stomped his foot on the floor just like he did when he was having tantrums as a child.
A concerned look crossed Sam’s face but nonetheless he relented, crossing his arms and looking at Harry expectantly, ready to get this over with.
“I’ll tell you my idea if you tell me yours.” Harry huffed, eyes pleading with his twin
Their eyes met in a deadlock. Some sort of silent conversation passed between them before Sam finally spoke.
“Let’s hear yours first then.”
Harry dropped his arms in relief and sat down on the couch. He sat up with his shoulders back, head held high, the picture of confidence.
“You ready for this?” he looked to Sam who just raised his brows up in reply
He leaned forward as if he was about to reveal nuclear launch codes, “Puttshack.” he said
“Puttshack.” Sam echoed, nodding his head, lips pressed into a thin line, careful not to give anything away 
“Putt. Shack.” Harry echoed back, thoroughly pleased with himself
“I’ve gotta say, bro. I wish you were taking me instead.” Sam smiled
The twins shared a laugh. Harry was basically glowing with pleasure, forgetting why he revealed his plans to Sam in the first place. Sam didn’t forget though.
“Good one, mate. That place is top notch, I wish I thought of that.” he shook his head, watching as Harry preened at the compliments
“Alright, mate. I’m going to head on to Tom’s, said he needed help with something. But smashing idea, really.” Sam took off, racing to the front door and sprinting the short distance to Tom’s house before Harry noticed
“It is a fucking good idea, isn’t-Fuck! SAM! YOU FUCKING PRICK!”
Hope you liked this part! You’re going on a date in the next one, stay tuned!
Part 3
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jennawritesstories · 4 years
A writing update!
Hello friends life is chaos and writing is only happening in tiny frantic chunks at the moment - lets dive in!!
I want to start making regular writing updates on this blog, probably once a month? I realise we’re in the middle of a month right now but time is an abstract concept so!
Short Stories
I have been very editing-focussed recently as I’m trying to polish a small handful of my stories as best I can, gather critiques ( @laughtracksonata @mjmnorwood and @alicewestwater I love you SO much), and hopefully get them to a point I can start to submit them? Exciting times! My 3 strongest stories at the moment are The Bone Key, Smaller Than A Sunflower, and Winged Lions With Faded Manes (intro posts linked). I’ve spent a little time working on edits for a ton more that I’ve either written more recently, or wrote a while ago but they’re not working.
Flash Fiction
I’ve wanted to get into writing flash fiction for a while now, but never had a small enough idea? Well recently I’ve written 2 pieces and have ideas for another 2 so maybe I write flash now! I’ll talk about both pieces in future updates, but one is an extremely weird and surreal thing called Cloud Enshroud, where a man with no memory finds himself sweeping autumn leaves while clouds fall down around him. I like it but it needs a complete rewrite. The other one, I literally got the idea the other day and wrote it in about an hour, and I love how it turned out! It’s a magical realism story called Rummy and follows two men at a cafe waiting to see a miracle they read about on an obscure travel blog.
My Novel - Your Goddess Burns Like You
My poor novel! I haven’t had much brain capacity to work on such a bog project lately, and I get a massive overwhelmed feeling when I open the document. Recently I sat down with a pretty new notebook and did some brainstorming which might help me. I love my novel and am not shelving it, but I need to accept that I’m not always going to be in the frame of mind to write it. If you’re interested, I introduced it here, and posted my first (and so far only) update here.
A Novella (??? do we NEED another project though?)
I’m writing what I’m pretty sure is going to be a novella! It’s called The Shipwreck Sleep Clinic and I won’t go into much detail here because I’m planning to make a whole intro post very soon, but I love the characters so much, and it’s been a very cathartic project to write so far!
The Part Where I Winge About Life
I’m happy with all my writing recently, and proud that I’m still managing to work on it. My job has been ridiculously busy, like record sample numbers we are processing (I work in a lab), and as a result I have been doing an exhausting amount of overtime and my mental health is not doing great! I haven’t spent as much time on tumblr as I’d like to recently, but I see you all and your wonderful work, and I support you all very much <3
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jimlingss · 4 years
pt.2 of yesterday
I don’t want to flood people’s dashes, so hopefully answering your messages here will suffice!
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anonymous asked: Hi! I wanted to tell you how much I love your work and how you make me enjoy every Monday thanks to your regular updates ! I saw a previous anon telling you how your writings lacks of emotion and I totally disagree with them... obviously everybody won’t like it but your stories just DON’T lack of love or emotion this is madness I want to thank you for publishing your amazing stories freely here for everyone to read. (Sorry if my English is weird I’m french ejfjekfjd)
“this is madness” LOL
You’re hilarious, anon. And your english is perfectly fine!!!
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anonymous asked: Hello! Im the culinary student anon who sent you an ask a while ago and i saw you received an ask about the lack of emotion from your stories. I read kitchen romance and i actually really really like it and don’t quite understand how it lacks in emotions as I interpreted the stories more like the beginning of the oc and jin’s love story and they are only starting to open up to each other so i guess thats why anon might feel like it lacks romantic vibe from both of the characters. (1)
Anonymous said: Just want to tell you that you’re one of the best writer and ive been following you for 2/3 years now, you never failed to amaze me with your writings!! All your stories are so well written that i sometimes wonder how do you come up with such an amazing plot every single time and your stories are always nice to re-read and the effort you pour into creating your stories is also admirable (2)
while i was reading kitchen romance and ive only started s&c (currently on chapter 4) i can say that its pretty similar with how it is irl (and the part where we find out jk is an iu fans reminded me of my ex-crush whose also a culinary student, i would like to tell you a story about it but ill just waste your time lol) , just want to send you a few encouragement and love for you and your writings *sending virtual hugs* (3) -👩🏻‍🍳anon
You’re too kind, thank you (and also, welcome back!). I’ll be frank, there was a hot second I was considering taking down Kitchen Romance but I didn’t cause I don’t want my efforts of editing it to go to waste asdfghjkl. I can’t believe you’ve been sticking around me for so long :’) it’s always nice to know some folks stay. Anyway, I’m glad that Sugar and Coffee is pretty similar to how it works irl since I tried my best to do research. I definitely love a good storytime as well so don’t worry about wasting my time :>
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Anonymous said: a good majority of your fics display an unfathomable amount of DEPTH. regarding character development. plot. even the shortest lines of dialogue reveal so much more to the character and unveil their true emotions. i personally think the more REALISTIC side of love may be perceived as 'bland.' ‘emotionless.’ whatever you want to call it. nothing’s wrong with portraying a relationship that isn’t overboard with a whole lot of tooth aching fluff or lowkey annoying pda. +1
Anonymous said: there’s nothing wrong with taking out a bit of emotion to fit the PERSONALITIES of the characters. some people out there don’t necessarily feel a lot of emotions. so it’s honestly not really a mistake if a story lacks it (unless it was unintentional). subtlety is an art that is hard to master, but you’ve done it! and to respond to the anon, sometimes, if you skim through a fic without reading every word the author intended for you to read, +2
Anonymous said: then it’s quite common to not feel the full extent of the emotions you were supposed to feel. just a thought but no hate. we’re all entitled to our opinions. but besides that, kina, you write on a vast scale ranging from hardcore angst to diabetes-inducing fluff. and you do it beautifully. sure there are some stories that are better than others, but i believe a LOT of it comes down to personal preference and taste. +3
Anonymous said: even if you are feeling creatively limited, you work hard to continue writing for your readers, and your determination and diligence wILL NOT GO UNNOTICED. i just want you to know that you write amazingly. your syntax is practically immaculate, your characters feel real… the endings of your stories always wrap something up and the strings are tied—even if it isn’t necessarily a happy ending. you can convey hundreds of different characters through WORDS. +4
Anonymous said: i’ll have you know that it’s hard to write. it’s even harder to write about people who aren’t YOU. so as someone who looks up to you a lot, i want to commend you for your writing. some of your fics that i read on a monthly basis: tears of a villain, a piece of the moonlight, head over heels to hell, ghost in the machine, a mark of betrayal, a kiss of poison, until yesterday, the truth between us and arcadia. +5
Anonymous said: to be fair, there were way more fics but i didn’t want to make this message any longer than it already is LOL. i find these pieces wonderful. heart wrenching. and SO DAMN EMOTIONAL IT PLAGUES MY MIND FOR DAYS. also you’re literally one of the few fucking people who can use the em dash correctly. thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! +6
Oh my goodness. I don’t even know what to say, anon. This is a whole damn thesis and it’s about my fics :’> You know, it’s easy to brush off fanfiction as a ‘whatever’ thing and indeed, it isn’t that big of a deal compared to some things in the world. But I really do take all my stories seriously and put forth a lot of effort - so to see it recognized and appreciated it makes me beyond happy. It’s good to know that my efforts haven’t gone to waste at all and that there are people out there who will support me no matter the endeavours I take. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.
((Also, honestly I picked up the em dash usage after I wrote The Truth Between Us with gukyi who used it. I’m pretty sure I’m not using it right but to hear that I am, god damn that’s a breath of relief right there))
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backtobleuside submitted: Are you kidding me!? Your stories don’t lack love at all. They’re the kind of fics that you read, soak it all in and then come back for more. I’ve cried so much when I read Beyond reach, Boo-lieve in me, A piece of the moonlight, His name, Tell me lies etc. etc, and also laughed and felt the emotions of not just the OC, but also the other characters. Kitchen Romance was also so fluffy and sweet and personally, I don’t think that anything needs to be added to it. Anyway, your fics do not lack emotion—you’re probably the first author I send a message to because your stories impacted me a lot and left a strong impression on me. I even imagine your characters as real people who have real lives that continue on even after the story is done.
asdfghjkl thank you :’) I see you every week and sometimes several times at that. I really appreciate your consistent feedback and following. You never fail to send me a message too which I appreciate a lot. I’m glad you’re enjoying everything I’m producing!!
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youngfleurever said: Would just like to say that your fics do in fact make me violently sob to the boy where my eyes are so swollen I have trouble opening them the next day and I wake up feeling like there’s sawdust in my mouth because I’m dehydrated.
oh my god. please keep yourself hydrated hahahahhaha more importantly, how do you know what sawdust in your mouth is like. WHAT have you been doing LOL
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Anonymous said: I’ve felt emotions that I’ve never felt before when I read your fics.... so as a person that has read your entire masterlist, I DO NOT think that your fics lack emotion.... I hope you don’t feel disheartened because you’re one of my favourite writers, not just on tumblr but like, evER 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Please, even if I was disheartened, the overwhelming amount of feedback and praise has completely overridden it :’)
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joonie-mono said: when tumblr deletes the first part of your ask 🙄😌✌️
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haylo4ever said: Sorry had to add my 10 cents. You're such a talented writer,,, I WISH I could write a smol smol 1/1000000000 that you write,,, like I remember when I followed you bc I was in awe of your writing.... I mean?? Sure maybe not every fic hits it with someone but it's just ridic to name drop (a friend nonetheless) when you're all extremely talented writers.
Trust me, writing comes with practice!! I should honestly just tattoo that on me. God knows my first fanfic was absolutely GARBAGE. I didn’t know pacing, didn’t know that I should separate chunks of paragraphs, how to write dialogue or describe scenes properly. I went in blind. Even my second, third and fourth fanfic was garbage. You could definitely get to “my level” or even far surpass it with enough dedication and practice. I mean I’ve been writing for four years, so thank GOD there’s been improvement. I wouldn’t be natural if there wasn’t. But clearly the more you practice, the better you improve! That applies to anything.
The me in ten years will certainly be better now.
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Anonymous said: Hi kina! I’m here in support of kitchen romance! I actually didn’t feel like it was missing a ton of fluffy moments (and I say that as a huGE LOVER OF FLUFF) but the story was just as entertaining in the whole chase of them getting closer to each other! It’s honestly one of my favorite one shots I’ve read lately and I’m not saying that lightly! Also, that anon that said your work lacks emotion has probably not read like half of your masterlist bc oO MAN QUEEN OF MAKING ME CRY- black heart anon🖤
Thank you :’]
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Anonymous said: Ok I’m very offended wow the audacity!Specially coming for my baby kitchen romance like that story made me feel so much and it’s only one of the many fics you have written kina like I’m literally baffled like dynasty has made me cry scream happy and hot all at the same time and I was literally just thinking about it that whole weekend and this anon has the nerve to say your stories lack emotions?When you are literally the queen of show casing all types of emotions in your stories!You did it all
Anonymous said: Also 😭😭😭😂😂😩hoooooooow and whereeee did they see any lack of love and emotions like have you read jungle park???? Inside my mind??? FREAKING SUGAR AND COFFEE (like this fic is made with love and I- ) Actually you know what , just read the whole masterlist😩😩💗💗💗
LOL tbh I didn’t expect Dynasty to receive the love it has. I was actually kind of wary when posting it cause it’s kind of Wild. 
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bangtans-peaceful-piegon said: just gotta say u handled that whole anon thing so well which not only makes me admire u as a writer but even more as a person :] (i mean i knew u were gr8 before the whole deal but yeah love ya 💛)
tbh, I’m not sure how well I handled it cause I was flooded with over 30 messages afterwards (evidently) ;_; which I love and appreciate but I’m not really as hurt as some people think hahaha criticism should be received well but it’s still hard not to take personally tbh. It’s gonna have to be something I work on or perhaps it’ll be one of those things that I’ll take better with age.
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ftb-writes · 4 years
It's here! The Hellboy fic!
So I looked up Bethmoran Elvish, and it turns out that the team that made Hellboy 2 based their language on Gaeilge, more commonly known as Irish. So I used Gaeilge myself for the Bethmoran spoken in this fic, however we all know how Google translate can be. So for any native speakers out there, let me know if I got something wrong!
*leannán - lover, Bethmoran Elvish
**mo stór - my darling, Bethmoran Elvish
***mo ghrá maith, ná fág mé arís - my good love, never leave me again, Bethmoran Elvish
****Claíomh - lit. sword, the name given to Nuada's bladed weapon, Bethmoran Elvish
The smell in the place is atrocious. The whole building reeks of death; no one is missing from the other units, and this empty, destroyed apartment seems to be the epicenter of the stench. Hellboy wrinkles his nose in disgust, and glances across the room to where Liz is picking through the trash with Abe. "Hey, sweetheart, remind me why we agreed to come back to the BPRD?"
"We need money," she sighs, "and the kids need an education." She tosses a piece of torn metal onto the steadily growing pile of fake clues. The pile of real clues is still non-existent, so far, and Hellboy can tell it's frustrating the three of them as much as the agents milling around in the other rooms. "This place is a dump," Liz continues, tossing a chunk of drywall onto the pile. "You're sure this is where whoever was trying to resurrect the elf twins was staying?"
"Oh, most definitely," Abe assures. "Their magical signature is quite incredible." The fishman tosses a ball of string onto the side of the fake clue pile, and Hellboy watches it tumble lazily down to the floor. "Almost as demonic as yours, Red." He shudders and rejects another chunk of drywall almost as soon as he picks it up. "I don't enjoy the thought of just what they are. I especially dislike the thought of them being anywhere near Princess Nuala."
"Don't worry, Blue, we'll protect your girlfriend," Hellboy assures, gazing through a few holes in the ceiling toward the cloudy night sky. "Found anything?"
"Not yet," Abe starts to say, as his webbed fingers land on a discarded bottle. "Oh!"
Manning stomps into the room then, frowning. "Well," he demands, "can we hurry this up? Please?"
Abe motions them closer. "You will all want to see this."
Liz and Hellboy lay their hands atop Abe's, and Manning cautiously places his hand on Abe's shoulder. "Go on, Blue," Liz tells the fishman. "Show us." The room seems to rewind in a blur of color and motion before fading into darkness. When the light comes back they see--
Sitting on the floor, leaning over and scribbling frantic calculations upon large pieces of parchment, is John Thaddeus Myers. The room is much cleaner now, not destroyed, but still empty save for John himself. The parchment is covered in scrawling Latin phrases, runes, diagrams, and occult symbols, and John swigs from a half-drunk bottle of Mexican Coke -- the bottle Abe now holds.
He is muttering to himself. "Almost there, leannán,* I'm so close, soon," he whispers, the Bethmoran language seeming to come like second nature to him. Myers sounds crazed with his fervor. His pen flies across the parchment. "Yes!"
John sits back, triumphant, and the watching agents know enough about the occult to recognize an incredible revival spell -- complex, unique to the situation. The agents shiver.
"Well, not half-bad," John tells himself. "'Specially for a rush job." He reaches into the front of his coat and gently extracts an old sepia photograph. It's bent slightly in the upper right corner, and as John carefully, lovingly, straightens it out, the agents can see the subject.
Prince Nuada glares out of the photo, hand raised as if to block his face. "Need to get a better shot of you," John says to the photo. "You look so grumpy in this one." He chuckles. "But you'd be secretly proud of me, I think. It took me a whole week of calculations, but I got it done. Oh, you'll be so disapproving over this. 'Sleep, John,'" he grumbles, clearly attempting to imitate the prince. "'Eat, John. You need to take better care of yourself, John." John sighs. "It's your fault," he tells the picture sullenly, "worrying me when you suddenly go quiet. I get home and find out you tried to kill all humans and got yourself knocked off instead."
He tucks the photograph away and gathers all his work into an orderly roll and stands. He glances around the room and clutches the roll to his chest. "Now, lovelies, think you could trash the place for Daddy?"
John darts from the room as a veritable swarm of tooth fairies erupt from the vent in the wall.
Abe looks horrified and intrigued in equal parts when he sets the bottle back down. "Either Agent Myers has never been human, and was just hiding it well," he breathes, "or something alarming has taken his place. We must find him. Now."
"We needed to find him three weeks ago!" Manning glowers and heads out of the room, motioning his scurrying underlings out of the way. "He never reported in when he returned to the states. We wrote him off as just taking a break to recover from Antarctica."
"You think Voodoo could be involved?" Hellboy looks between Abe and his wife. "Kid sounds cookoo. I mean, he can't honestly think that elvish prick likes him."
"It could be a possibility," Abe allows, "but Voodoo would leave its own magical signature. Either this is a side of Agent Myers we did not know existed, or John has been possessed by a powerful demon."
"Let's go," Liz says, worry in her voice, and Hellboy frowns at the spike of jealousy he knows by now is irrational. "Whatever's going on, he obviously needs help."
"I'll admit," Hellboy sighs, "this doesn't look good from any angle. I just hope whatever's happened, boy scout isn't in any pain. I'd feel a bit bad about that."
Abe, on his way out of the apartment behind everyone, notices a red line half-buried under some dust and rubble. He clears the drywall and blows away the dirt to discover a cracked handmirror -- the glass has a pentagram carefully drawn on it, surrounded by runes. It was clearly old, as the cracks marring the glass also cracked the paint of the pentagram. The runes are ones Abe recognizes, a spell meant to disguise true form.
He picks it up and gets an impression of Myers smashing the mirror himself, his face contorted in fury, his surroundings hazy, tears streaking down his face. What events led to John destroying this mirror did not matter as much as the act of destruction itself, and the reminder that it was his choice, not the person who had made the spell. Ending the spell on the mirror had been freeing, and it was a defiance John had felt necessary with his whole being. John hates being lied to, and Abe can feel the betrayal John had felt.
Abe blinks up at Hellboy and offers up the cracked mirror in explanation. The fishman tucks the mirror away and looks around one last time. "It's strange," he comments, realizing something that should have been niggling at him the whole time. "This particular apartment unit has no windows, and none of the other tenants' units had tooth fairies inside. Where did they all go?"
Hellboy shrugs. "Maybe they followed Myers?"
Abe swallows. "For all our sakes, let's hope they went to the nearest entrance to the Troll Market."
Northern Ireland proves just as grey and windy as the last time Hellboy's team had been there nearly a year ago, but they're surprised and relieved when they find Nuala waiting outside the cave housing the dormant Golden Army. Abe embraces her tenderly, and she smiles softly and touches his arm, a silent communication passing between the two before she turns yellow eyes on the other agents.
"I know not who he is to my brother," she tells them hurriedly and motions them into the cave. "But my brother has not attacked him."
The gears on the floor are still, and the trio of agents are shocked to see Nuada cradling the Crown in his hands. Myers appears to be pleading with the prince. The former agent has his hands outstretched, and Nuada's elegant fingers quake, just for a moment, and he shakes his head.
"I'm not upset," Myers murmurs, voice soothing.
"You should be," Nuada whispers, hoarse. "You have every right."
"Nuada," John whispers back, fonder than any of the agents have ever heard from him, and when John reaches the last few inches and lifts the Crown out of Nuada's hands, the elf does not stop him. Tears are rolling slowly down Nuada's cheeks. John tosses the Crown away, hard, and the elf winces as the artifact shatters, tiny pieces skittering away amongst the gears. John lurches forward to embrace Nuada, and the elf trembles in John's arms, his own stiff at his side.
"If anyone can see how terribly cruel humans can be," John breathes in the prince's ear, "it is me, but this isn't the way. I swear, I'm a good seventy-five percent of your impulse control."
"Eighty," Nuada counters softly, and John laughs quietly. "I apologise all the same; I worried you."
"I am a bit upset about that," John groans. "You're half-feral, truly. But I put up with it, don't I? Just like you put up with all my little idiosyncrasies."
"Such as leaving your partially-devoured meals on the couch?" Nuada leans his head into John's and hums contentedly. "I did not believe I would ever miss that, mo stór,** but I did miss you, quirks and all."
John purrs at the admission. "Mo ghrá maith, ná fág mé arís."***
Nuada lifts a shaking hand to cup the back of John's head, and John preens and curls closer to the elf. Nuada swallows and loops his other arm around John's waist. "Can we go home, mo stór?"
"Of course, leannán," John says and moves back, but not far enough to completely seperate. "But first, may I borrow Claíomh?"****
Nuada snaps his head toward his sister and the agents, as if just noticing he and John are no longer alone. His arm tenses around John's waist, tugging him near-imperceptibly closer, but he releases the former agent to draw the weapon.
To the agents' shock, Nuada passes the blade to John. Nuala frowns, settling a hand on Abe's arm once more.
John turns fully to face them, Claíomh held up in warning. It's not very effective; Myers is, at his core, a good man with a pure heart. Hellboy can see in his eyes that he doesn't really want to fight old friends, not to mention that the elf John moves to protect is much more intimidating than the human.
"Agent Myers," Abe calls over the gears. "Please, just come quietly." John's face twists, his gaze hardening, and in a flash of hellfire, John's form rips free of its humanity.
Huge demon horns arch up and away from John's head, grey at the base and shifting to red about halfway up. His skin has turned the same slate-grey, his eyes blink open to reveal purple slit irises and deep red sclerals and bright blue pupils. His nails have lengthened and sharpened, and his fingers turn red at the last knuckle, like his horns. A long tail, also turning red halfway down, whips back and forth behind him, though John's tail is nearly twice as long as Hellboy's. His clothes, too, have changed, and the demon John has become wears nothing more than an overlong breechcloth and golden body jewelry.
This is too much skin for Hellboy's comfort and he reals back and chokes. "An incubus, boy scout? I wouldn't think you had it in you."
John, for his part, looks terribly flustered, ducking his head and flushing lilac. Behind him, Nuada slips out of his armored overcoat and drapes it around John's shoulders.
"I forgot my clothes always change, too," John whines, turning to hide his face against Nuada's chest. The elf mumbles understandingly and reaches around to pat John's back.
"You are still new to this," Nuada reasons, "and you are getting much better. Remember when you would completely lose your clothes and be naked as a babe?"
John pulls back to smack the elf's side. "You said you wouldn't bring that back up!"
"I lied," Nuada chuckles, and the agents are shocked to realize he's teasing Myers. Liz sputters and steps forward.
"John--" she starts to scold, but Myers cuts her off.
"Liz, please, don't say something I'm going to hate you for."
His tone has turned harsh, and his expression's stony when he turns back to them. "Please. You won't have anymore trouble from Nuada again, you won't hear anything from either of us. Just leave, and don't look back."
Nuada coughs lightly. "I might be wont to cause some trouble for them."
"Try again," John sighs.
"I will not cause anymore trouble," Nuada mumbles, pouting, and it's such a strange look on her brother's face that Nuala laughs.
"If you keep him out of harm's way," she calls, motioning the agents away from her brother and John. "Then we will leave you two to go. I do not wish anymore strife between my brother and I. But know this, John Myers: if you hurt my brother, I will not stop the BPRD again."
John's eyes narrow, mistrust evident in his expression, and his tail twitches as Abe moves forward and holds out the cracked handmirror.
John freezes at the sight, and he slowly moves across the gears to stand in front of Abe. Delicate fingers gently take the mirror from the fishman, and Myers lifts it to gaze at himself in the cracked glass. "You found it?"
"I thought you would want it back." Abe looks John over and swallows. "Your human parent didn't tell you until much later in life, correct? They used this to keep you from changing form and discovering the truth." Abe sounds hurt, his eyes sympathetic. "John, I can't imagine -- I'm so sorry, that someone you should have been able to trust could cause you so much torment."
John's eyes water, and he presses the mirror over his heart. "Thank you, Abe."
Nuada is suddenly behind John, and Abe is proud that he manages to keep from jumping like Hellboy and Liz do. Nuada draws Myers back into his own chest, presses a tender kiss to the demon's temple, never taking his eyes off Abe.
"Abraham," he greets tersely. "You will look after my sister. Or I will not hesitate to kill you."
John pinches Nuada's arm where it's looped around him, and Nuada growls softly. "I will not, John, do not dissuade me."
Nuala bows and leads the three BPRD agents out. "I am glad that ended bloodlessly."
"I don't like this," Hellboy growls. "We need to drag them both back--"
"Hellboy, please," Abe holds up a hand to settle the man. "In his human disguise, John's magical signature was dulled. When he revealed himself, I felt John's true power. If John had wanted to, he could have thrown all of us into Hell itself without batting an eye. Despite hiding them from the outside world, John has truly mastered his demonic abilities. He is a dangerous being to cross. We would do best to let him be if he is willing to behave."
Liz frowns and shrugs. "I guess we don't really have much of a choice, then. But hey, at least now there's proof that Myers was never trying to steal me, Red."
"What?" Hellboy frowns himself. "What do you mean?"
"He's gay," Liz snickered. "So if he'd been trying to split us up, it would be to get with you." She smirks and turns to head back to the trucks.
"Don't even joke like that," Hellboy grunts and follows her.
Abe and Nuala giggle between the two of them, and Abe can't be angry at Myers's strange loyalty to the prince if it means Abe can have Nuala back in his life. He has missed her, and he touches her arm so she can feel how deeply he cares for her. The princess beams at him and takes his hand.
"Shall we," she asks, motioning after their friends.
Abe looks over his shoulder as they walk away, and sees John and Nuada peering out of the cave at their retreating backs, John's human form carefully in place. A single tooth fairy sits on John's shoulder.
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psychosistr · 5 years
Hermit’s Heart- Pt.2
Summary: After Caesar’s death, he’s prepared to enter the after life and pass on..however, as always, a certain Joestar derails his plans. With a simple, impulsive gesture, Caesar changes his own fate and becomes Joseph’s unseen guardian.
Notes: So, apparently on my birthday I like making myself sad and decided to share that sadness with others. Enjoy the prequel to the previous part that seemed to make everyone cry as much reading it as me when I wrote it xD
-First Part-
Caesar sighed as he watched Joseph go about his daily business with the real estate firm. Watching Jojo work had its interesting moments, certainly, but, for the most part, it was simply tedious. You think he would be used to it after nearly fifty years of watching after the other man, but there were still times when he would get bored.
It really wouldn’t be so bad if he could actually TALK to his friend, he had thought several times in the past. Unfortunately, that was part of the curse of being DEAD.
With another sigh, Caesar reclined back in the air around him weightlessly as he recalled the years leading up to this point…
There had been the fight against the pillar men, Aztec gods that had sought a way to become immortal and unstoppable. He and Joseph had trained to defeat them, and to save Joseph’s life in the process. Tragedy struck, however, when Caesar decided to go off on his own to fight the pillar men after a rather nasty argument with Joseph. He had lost horribly against Wham, the pillar man holding the antidote needed to save Joseph’s life. In a last ditch effort to save his friend, Caesar had managed to snatch the antidote from Wham before giving up the last of his energy to protect it and make sure Joseph’s life would be saved.
When he awoke some time later, he quickly discovered that he was, as he is currently, dead. He had been floating above the ruins, apparently on his way to the afterlife. He had almost made it to a portal of bright light when..distantly..he heard someone calling his name.
“…Caesar..” He knew that voice..
“Jojo..?” He looked back down, listening for that familiar voice again.
“Fight alongside me, Caesar.” It was definitely Joseph’s voice. It had a resolve to it that Caesar had only ever heard when the Joestar was about to do something that was both foolishly reckless and kind-heartedly selfless at the same time.
“Jojo, don’t you dare get yourself killed!” Caesar yelled while taking off towards Joseph’s voice. Finding out he could fly was a bit of a surprise, but, he supposed, it made sense seeing as he was floating when he woke up. He also found that he could go through solid surfaces such as floors and walls, making it much easier to find Joseph.
What he witnessed sent a swell of affection straight to his no-longer-beating heart: He saw Joseph fighting against Wham in a chariot race, Caesar’s headband tied around his head. He noted that the antidote ring was still in one piece, but decided he would be angry about that later if Joseph didn’t survive the fight.
Luckily, he did, with Caesar watching and cheering him on the whole time. His headband was destroyed during the fight and it soon materialized around his own head again, ending up right where it belonged. Caesar watched with pride as Joseph finally consumed the antidote. He was relieved that his sacrifice had not been in vain- Joseph would live.
Of course, there was the still the battle with Kars that almost dispelled what little relief Caesar had felt over Joseph’s victory against Wham. Kars had proven to be a much more challenging and underhanded opponent. Joseph almost died quite a few times before finally sending Kars flying off into space. However, the chunk of earth he had been on quickly plummeted towards the ground.
Caesar looked towards Joseph, wondering how he would find a way out of this. To his surprise, however, Joseph merely lied down on the rock with a content smile on his face.
“Caesar..” Joseph called his name, not once opening his eyes. “Guess I’ll be seeing you soon…”
“Jojo..” Caesar reached out to touch his friend, but his hand went right through him. “No..no, damn it!” He yelled while trying futilely to grab onto the brunette. “Don’t you dare give up now! I didn’t die just so you could join me here! You have to live, Jojo!”
His attempts at getting Joseph’s attention were all in vain, sadly, and Caesar feared the Joestar really would perish without trying at all to save his own life.
Luckily, it seemed the universe had other plans as the rock fell into the sea and Joseph was later picked up by a fishing boat. After that he was taken back to Italy and placed under Suzi Q’s care. She turned out to be a wonderful nurse, her and Joseph clearly enjoying each other’s company just as much as when Caesar was around. He had to admit, though, that he was a bit jealous watching the two of them. They looked like they would make a great couple.
“A couple…” Caesar said one evening while watching Joseph sleep. He reached out, his hand phasing through the sleeping Joestar’s cheek before he pulled it back to make-believe he was actually touching his face. “I guess you’ll be getting married soon..moving in together..having a nice big family…” These were all things that Caesar himself had wanted to have one day, but had given up to safe Joseph’s life. While he would never regret giving up his life for Joseph, there was one thing he did deeply regret. “I wish that..I could have been the one to experience all of that with you…” It was a foolish dream, he was aware- society was very adamantly against those kinds of relationships. Yet, even knowing this, he had still fallen in love with the foolish but clever man lying before him now. With a depressed sigh, Caesar rose to his feet. “Perhaps it is time for me to move on. You’re in good hands here and you no longer need me by your side. Arrivederci..amore..”
He walked over to the window nearby and looked outside. He could still see that glowing portal from before, hanging in the sky like a second-moon. He instinctively knew that that was where he was supposed to go- where he should have gone days ago.
As he started to phase through the wall, a quivering voice caught his attention. “Cae..sar…” He stopped and looked back towards the room’s only other occupant. Joseph’s brow was creased and he was fidgeting under the covers. Was he having a nightmare? “Caesar..” He said the other man’s name again, his arm that wasn’t in a cast reaching out in front of him like he was trying to grab something. “Please..don’t..go..”
“Jojo..?” Caesar frowned and walked back over, sitting beside Joseph on the bed and trying to grab his hand. “Joseph, you need to calm down, you’ll hurt yourself again if you fall out of the bed.” He knew the other couldn’t hear him, he never could, and his hand just went right through him, but he tried nonetheless.
“Caesar..I’m..I’m sorry..” To Caesar’s wide-eyed astonishment, there were tears forming in the corners of Joseph’s eyes. “I’m sorry..Caesar..I’m sorry..come back..please…Caesar..!”
Caesar frowned, hating that he was unable to do anything to ease his friend’s pain. “Jojo…” He wrapped himself around Joseph’s body in an attempt at a hug, his forehead pressing against the larger man’s tenderly. “Joseph..wake up..”
It could have been a coincidence. It could have been a power that Caesar was unaware he had. Either way, Joseph’s eyes shot open and he sat up immediately (Caesar moving out of his way instinctively, even though he knew the other would just go through him), his hand reaching out in front of him desperately. “CAESAR!!” He was panting heavily, wide eyes looking around like he was searching. Apparently not finding what he wanted only seemed to upset him further and the normally proud Joestar curled in on himself with a choked sob. “Caesar…”
“Jojo..” Caesar replied with a pained look. He hated this. He hated not being able to comfort his beloved friend. Hated not being able to wrap his arms around him for real and tell him that everything would be okay. All he could do was sit there and watch his friend come undone.
“Jojo?” A gentle voice questioned from somewhere behind Caesar. He turned his head and saw Suzi Q in the room’s doorway with a lantern, a concerned look on her face. She walked further into the room. “Jojo, is something wrong? Did the stitches pop again?”
Joseph sniffled and rubbed at his eyes with his uninjured hand. “I..Never mind, it’s nothing..just..go back to bed, Suzi…” He didn’t look up at her, merely stared at his legs under the blanket.
“……” She walked over to him instead and set the lantern on the nightstand by his bed before gently wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders. “You were thinking about Caesar, right?”
Caesar was just as surprised as Joseph to hear her guess it right so easily. “!!”
She looked down at him with a sympathetic but sad smile. “I heard you saying his name. It’s okay, I miss him too.”
Joseph looked up at her for a while before his eyes looked back down again. “Promise you won’t think any less of me if I tell you something weird?”
Suzi shook her head and sat down by Joseph on the bed, Caesar moving around to the other side so he wouldn’t feel so crowded over there. “Of course- I can keep a secret!”
Joseph gripped the blankets under his hand tightly, unable to meet her sincere smile and patient eyes. “I……I loved him…”
Caesar stared at Jojo in surprise. “Joseph..? You..?”
Joseph continued, unaware of the man in question hearing every word of his confession. “I don’t know when it started..but..at some point..I fell in love with him. I know it was stupid- he was a freakin’ Casanova and always showed off how easily he could get anyone he wanted, so why would he choose someone like me? Still..it happened..to top it all off, I didn’t even figure it out ‘til we had that stupid fight and he stormed off to go fight the pillar men all by himself..” He brought his hand up to his face and covered his eyes. “I was so worried about him..I thought, if I caught up to him, then maybe we could work things out and I could tell him then…..but..then we found his headband..and I knew I’d missed my chance…” His shoulders shook and Caesar could see tears leaking out from under Joseph’s hand again. “I loved him..hell..I STILL love him..and-and now..he’s…” He broke down into a fit of sobs again and Caesar’s heart broke more hearing it.
“Jojo..” Suzi wrapped her arms around him again, holding him as he cried.
“It’s not fair, damn it!” Joseph sobbed in her arms, his whole body trembling with the force of his emotions. “Why’d that idiot have to go and die like that?! Why’d he have to leave me alone?! He should’ve been the one to live, not me!!” He gave a broken sob and clung to Suzi. “He was the one who could’ve married a cute girl and had a nice family and actually DONE SOMETHING with his life! Lisa Lisa said it herself- I’m probably gonna end up dead or in jail, so what good is it for someone like ME to be alive while HE’S dead?!”
“Idiota..don’t talk like that..” Caesar was choking back tears of his own. “I wanted you to live so that you could have those things, too..you deserve them just as much as me.”
“Joseph..” Suzi’s voice was sweet and kind, as it always was. “Caesar cared about you, too. He had a funny way of showing it, but we all saw it. He probably wanted you to grow old and have a good life with the people who love you.” She carefully put her hands on Joseph’s head, a few tears in her own eyes as she spoke. “I…I know I can never take his place..but..I promise I won’t leave you alone. Okay?”
Joseph sniffled and looked at her. “Suzi..” He loosened his grip on her and let his forehead rest on her shoulder. “You think you’d be okay with a guy that’s still hung up on someone else?”
“Of course I would.” Suzi said while gently patting his head. “As long as that guy could care about me a little, too.”
Joseph managed a small smile and a broken laugh while holding onto her. “I think that’d be pretty easy.”
Caesar watched the pair embracing on the bed, feeling more than a little envious. However, despite his jealousy at not being the one to hold and comfort Joseph, he was relieved to see that he did have someone so understanding. Very few people would have been so okay with the one they cared for harboring feelings for someone else.
Still, as he watched the two of them, he could feel the sadness coming off of Joseph in waves. “Jojo.” He placed a hand on the larger man’s back and stroked it gently. He felt his resolve building and voiced it aloud. “Even if you can’t see my face..even if you can’t hear my voice..even if you can’t feel my touch..I’ll stay right here beside you. After all, you asked me to fight alongside you and I still haven’t gotten the chance to do that.” He let his head rest against Joseph’s back and closed his eyes. “Until we get to see each other again, I’ll wait right here by your side.”
And Caesar had done just as he promised, even now, fifty years after his life had been cut tragically short.
Through the decades he had watched Joseph get married, start a family, give up his hamon training, and slowly age into an old man as one-by-one his older relatives passed away. Joseph had traveled the world and seen many exotic and unusual things thanks to the Speedwagon Foundation. A while ago, he’d traveled to Egypt and met a fortune teller that told him about a mystic presence known as a “stand” that embodied the user’s soul. It had been a shock for Caesar to see the fiery red bird appear, but Joseph had apparently not seen it. The whole time, Caesar had a feeling that the fortune teller, and the bird-like spirit, were aware of his presence with how they kept glancing in his general direction.
Now, though, Joseph was done with traveling for a bit and back in New York to continue his day-job. It was a monotonous day-to-day existence, but Caesar was not one to break a promise- even if the one he promised had never actually heard him.
“Hurry up and finish already, Joseph. You always take forever doing your paperwork..” Caesar nagged the brunette while changing his position in the air to a cross-legged one.
He couldn’t explain it, but lately he had been feeling a bit…anxious. Something had been pulling at the back of his mind, giving him a sense of paranoia and unease that something might happen to Joseph if the old fool wasn’t careful. It made him nervous whenever Joseph was outside of his home or by himself in public. Caesar’s eyes often scanned the area for threats, even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything should Joseph be attacked.
“He is in danger.” A voice spoke to him suddenly and without precedence.
“?!” Caesar’s head shot up and he looked around for the source of the voice. The only one in the room besides himself was Joseph, and the phone wasn’t turned on at the moment so it couldn’t have been a phone call. Plus Joseph seemed ignorant to the voice’s words, simply going about his business as usual. “Who said that?!” Caesar questioned while looking around but staying close to Joseph.
“He is in danger.” The voice repeated. It was an odd voice, seeming to come from all directions at once. It sounded like every voice Caesar had ever heard in the background of a crowded room and yet like nothing at all. It was unsettling yet calming at the same time. “Joseph Joestar is in danger. His whole family is.” The voice continued. “They will soon face an ancient evil that seeks to end the Joestar line forever.”
Caesar felt like the voice was telling him the truth. He looked at Joseph with wide, worried eyes. “Joseph..he can’t fight like he used to..if something as powerful as the pillar men attacked him, he may not survive..” Fear and concern bubbled up within his chest. There had to be some way to warn him! Some way to protect him from such a threat!
“There is a way to save him.” The voice spoke calmly. “He will need someone to fight at his side and grant him guidance in these trials. Should you be willing, you may become his strength to ensure his survival.”
“I’ll do it!” Caesar responded without hesitation and complete conviction in his words.
“Do not agree so readily.” The voice warned him. “For if you choose this path, there is no going back. You will lose much that may not be reclaimed for many years to come..”
“I don’t care!” Caesar’s conviction did not waver in the slightest. “I already gave up my life for him! I would gladly give that and anything else up for his safety! Just tell me what to do and I will do it!”
“Very well…” The voice relented. “Touch his hand and you shall be transformed into something he will need in these coming days: A stand. He was not born with this ability, nor was he exposed to the source for it..however, the enemy of his bloodline has gained this power and caused it to awaken in others who share that blood. Those, like Joseph Joestar, will need guardians to become their stands since they do not possess them already.”
Caesar did as he was instructed and touched Joseph’s hand, grasping it as much as he could without going through it. “Jojo…” He felt a rush of energy spreading outward from where his body was touching Joseph’s, shooting up his arm and into his chest. “This time..we will fight together.”
He closed his eyes as the energy burned through him. It was an odd sensation, like his long-dead veins were burning while his every muscle was simultaneously being split apart. Strangely enough, it didn’t hurt, it was simply…odd. The feeling spread over every part of his body from his head to his toes, leaving him feeling oddly loose and shifty by the time it was all over.
When he opened his eyes again, he came to the odd realization that he wasn’t exactly sure WHERE his eyes were. He looked at himself and discovered that his body had unraveled into several thorny, purple vines. Many of them were spread out in the surrounding area, simply lying in wait to be moved as Caesar realized after a bit of focusing. The main part of him, the part that held the greater portion of his consciousness that could loosely be called his “head” was focused into about three or four vines which were growing out of Joseph’s hand.
As he focused on where his no longer visible “eyes” were looking, he noticed that Joseph was looking at him with a perplexed expression. “What the hell..?”
Caesar moved one of his vines back and forth to test if Joseph could see him. “Jojo? Joseph, can you see me?” Joseph’s eyes followed the vine, meaning that he could indeed see him. “Ah! You CAN see me! Jojo, it’s me- it’s Caesar!” Caesar was so excited to know that he had a way to interact with his old friend again. He tried moving one of his vines to touch Joseph’s face and was even more elated to find out that he could actually make contact with him. “This is great! Joseph, there is so much we need to-!”
Joseph continued to look at him with a confused expression, using his other hand to carefully touch the vine that had just touched his cheek. “Woah..this is cool..but, still, what the hell are you??”
Caesar’s good mood fell almost instantly. “Huh? What are you talking about? Jojo, it’s me!” A thought occurred to him as he watched Joseph examining his vines carefully. “You..You can’t hear me…”
He felt like his heart (wherever it was in this mass of vines) was breaking all over again. It was so unfair…after all this time..Joseph could finally see him..he could touch him..but he couldn’t even let him know who or what he was…he was so close, yet still so far…
While Caesar was wallowing in the bitter feeling of despair over his current predicament, Joseph grabbed a camera from a drawer on his desk. “This is so weird..I wonder if it’ll show up on film..?” Caesar felt some of his vines shifting over to Joseph’s other hand, coming out of his hand in the same way his main ones were on the other side. This startled Joseph and caused him to grip the camera harder. “Woah! Ah, shit!” He swore as it started to crack.
Caesar felt an energy racing through him, similar to what he felt when his body changed. “Ah!” He gasped (though there was no telling where his mouth was like this) as the energy seemed to link him to Joseph’s mind.
He saw flashes of thought, memories of the fortune teller he’d met in Egypt. Then he felt a pull on another part of his mind- while one half was staying connected to Joseph’s thoughts, the other half was seeing things in another location. He saw the man that Joseph was thinking of- he was in the middle of performing a tarot card reading for a group of children along the side of a road. That image froze in his mind and the energy within him spread through the vines, into Joseph’s hands, and then finally into the camera he was holding.
The camera shattered completely in Joseph’s grip, but, from the wreckage, a single photo was printed out: It was the image of the fortune teller that had been in Caesar’s mind.
Joseph put down the camera’s remains and picked up the picture with a look of shock and awe. “Woah! This is crazy! I was just thinking about how Avdol might be able to explain this to me!” He looked back down at the vines on his hand. “Did you do that?”
“I..I think I did..?” Caesar replied despite Joseph being deaf to his words. He was pretty sure that was his doing just now, but he still had no idea HOW he did it. This would take some practice and experimentation from both of them to figure out the full extent of Caesar’s new form and powers.
While he would have preferred a form that allowed him to speak to Joseph, or at least allow him to be recognized, Caesar still hoped this new power would prove useful to Joseph in whatever bizarre challenges he was about to face.
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Fic author ask meme
haha so @veliseraptor​ tagged me literally months ago, as in so long ago I have no idea when it actually was, and I didn’t get all my answers typed up until...now. actually a lot of them were typed up a few months ago and then I finally finished this yesterday on the plane home. no, I don’t know why either
Author Name: 100indecisions on AO3
Fandoms You Write For: it's pretty much all Loki at the moment and has been for the last several years. I've written for other fandoms in the past and I have others on my WIP list, but yeah, it's like 95% Loki.
Where You Post: everything is on AO3, and I do mean "everything" because I get obsessive about that sort of thing. I do still have an FFN account under ladymoriel and most of my fics are reposted there, although none of my most recent fics are because I haven't gotten around to digging up cover images for them. also FFN sucks but I crave attention/validation and there are still some people who only use FFN, so I'll get around to it at some point.
Most Popular One-Shot: for some reason “the state of my head” has 1,157 kudos on AO3, so I guess it would be that one.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: technically “the adventures of tiny Loki and Thor (and friends),” because it’s a multi-chapter fic (boy is it ever) and it has 1,020 kudos, but if we’re talking actual planned fic it would be “the kindness of strangers” at 623.
Favorite Story You Wrote: man, I don’t know. I’m partial to “I am a time bomb ticking away the hours to blow your world apart” because I like my headcanon and I think I structured it well, and “all this that is more than a wish is a memory” gets points for being the longest thing I’ve actually finished. but honestly I don’t know that I have a single favorite.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: haha well I'm sure there's been more than one, but if we're talking about the fic I was most nervous to post, I think that honor would go to my Grandthorki fic "I will kiss you till your breath is found," which is the most explicit AND most fucked-up fic I've written so far. I was nervous about...so many things with that one.
How Do You Pick Your Titles: probably 99% of them are song lyrics. sometimes I'll start with a specific song that's relevant to the fic itself in some way, but I also have a whole list of song lyrics that sound like good titles to me whether the rest of the song has anything to do with the subject of the fic. often I'll come up with a good lyric early in the process, just like "oh yeah I've had this hanging around in my list for ages and it works here"; otherwise, once I've finished or nearly finished a fic (or much earlier, actually, if I'm obsessing over an aspect of writing it that is...not actually writing, which happens a lot), if I still don't have a title I read through my whole list and make a much shorter list of titles that seem to fit this fic. if nothing from there seems just right, I’ll go hunting through my iTunes library and then Google for semi-relevant song lyrics. on occasion, though, the title comes first or otherwise shapes the direction of the fic, like with "I will kiss you till your breath is found"--I had a vague idea of what I might want to do, but it was very vague and I hadn't committed to it, and then I just happened to listen to some Sufjan Stevens and went "heyyyyy I know exactly what to do and it's terrible and I'm gonna do it, I have a title now, I have to do it"
Do You Outline: it depends on the fic. for long ones, at a minimum I'll write a bulleted list of plot points I need to hit, which often ends up being basically two or three pages of a zero draft that I then struggle to turn into actual prose...and then I often re-do the outline at least once or twice as I go along so I can compress it into something more useful that fits on one page and I can cross stuff out as I go. (if a list can’t fit on one page/view, there’s basically no way I can hold all of it in my head at once.) I often end up with shorter lists of scenes I still need to write and specific things to hit during revisions, too. for short fics it's not really necessary, although I often do still write up something similar if I've let it drag out over way too much time and I can't keep straight what I wanted to do with it. (don't be me.)
How Many of Your Stories are complete: welllll, as a rule I don't post WIPs because I know myself well enough to know that that way lies several different kinds of madness, so in general, my only completed fics are what's up on AO3, and everything there is complete. in practice that's not 100% true because I'm very bad at deadlines and I have a few different fics where I couldn't finish in time and I either posted the first chunk of the fic that still functioned as a self-contained story even if it wasn't the full story I'd planned to write, with the intention of properly finishing it later, or I did the same thing but worse because the part I posted was...not really a complete story. in my defense I've only done the latter a couple times, and in the case of "going down to nowhere" I really thought I'd be posting the rest soon because it was all written, it was just extremely rough, and for various reasons I still haven't gotten around to revising and posting the remaining 80% of the fic. (as far as the opposite issue goes, I have 0 finished fics that I haven't posted anywhere, because I'm too obsessive about being complete to do anything else. I think I do have one old, extremely short, very bad Lost fic on FFN that I never reposted to AO3 because I decided it sucked...and if we're being completely technical about it, I have some stories I wrote as a little kid that are technically fanfic because they featured licensed characters, but nobody wants to see those. all the other old stuff I haven't posted, including at least two Neopets fics, never got finished and that's the only reason I never posted them anywhere.)  
In-Progress: uhhhh. well, this made me realize my posted WIP list is out of date, not because I've finished anything on it but because I have MULTIPLE short fics that were supposed to be QUICK so I figured I didn't need to bother putting them on the list and then they weren't quick because I am so fucking bad at 1) sitting down and actually writing and 2) finishing anything. But yeah, basically what’s on there.
Coming Soon: fuck, I don’t know. Half the fics on my WIPs list are ones I thought I could crank out in one or two sittings, AND YET. But I’d like to finish the rest of my Whumptober fic soon, because that one really should be pretty easy...and I’d also like to finish the short little Endgame fix-it I thought of on my way out of the theater, where 2012!Loki hops universes and revives IW!Loki...and then there’s the even older IW/Endgame fix-it that’s basically just “everything is fine because I say so, let’s have a little recovery”, especially because I’m like 90% sure that one’s almost done but probably some of it needs typing up and then it all needs stitching together...oh, and finally getting around to finishing typing one of two notebooks reminded me that the other theoretically short fix-it where the Guardians pick up both Thor and Loki is also nearly done, I just need to finish typing it. so...one of those, probably.
Do You Accept Prompts: in theory, although I...don't think I get prompts often enough to know one way or another? plus my brain is The Worst, so my general reaction to actually getting a prompt is basically "that's interesting but I have never had an idea in my life, ever, and apparently I'm not starting now", with an added element of social anxiety or something because it's Somebody Else's Idea and that puts a mental block on my ability to develop it as my own idea. so...anyone's welcome to send me prompts, with the understanding that I might well never do anything with it and if I do, it might take literal years.
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: I also don’t know. I mean, in recently typing up some older stuff (like the one where the Grandmaster decides publicly executing Loki sounds like a fun idea, from which I posted a couple excerpts recently) I got excited about those again, which is a good reminder of why I want to stay on top of my typing, but I don’t know if I’m more excited for one specific fic than others.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions: I have no idea who might have answered this months ago so I’ll just say that if you read this post and you want to answer these questions, please consider yourself tagged. yes, that means you.
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grelrik-da-bozz · 5 years
starco, something to think about...
Ok, so it has been almost a whole week and I’ve been celebrating about this ‘final’ they brought to the horrible curse that was cast on Marco and star almost 4 years ago.
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It really is good to see that the one most affected by the curse (Marco) is finally free of that... disgusting situation he was in, but since we are talking about Disney, and considering what we have seen during the third season there is a huge possibility that they will spoil everything and come with a “we loved each other before the curse” scenario, even though there were no signs at all (specially from Marco) that there was anything but friendship between them.
Now about this bad transition we have three direct responsables!
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The first one being the curse of the bloodmoon itself as it was the direct thing to affect Marco's personality and interfer with his decisions after being cast on both Marco and star, they both acted differently, slightly at first and almost unnoticeable on star but on Marco it was... quite obvious specially in season 3! But there were times in season 2 when you were all like “wtf? why did he do that?” Running with scissors is a good example. Follow me on this ok? Marco decides he doesn’t want to return back home as he has a different life in Hekapoo’s dimension (making star useless as now the one who has his attention in the ‘adventure cool section’ is H-poo) but then star asks him “What about your parents or your friends... or... me?” we see Marco do something quite particular... that in this last episode (Curse of the Bloodmoon) had a special sound and now everything is different! Marco had decided already, he was a 31 years old man, had made up his mind, but the curse forced him to change it. And I honestly hated that part of the episode! How come star decided to casually forget mentioning Jackie She should have said “What about your parents or your friends... or... Jackie... or me?” (some people have argued that star had feelings towards Marco before the bloodmoon but most of them base that presumption on the book*).
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Now, the second direct responsable is star, for not accepting Marco's advice when she decided to go see what Tom had prepared for that party, even though Marco had already been right many times before about things related to the outcome of how bad everything could be if she continued using magic, doing what she considered right, following her own ideas, etc. and that only because of the Mary sue powers they ended up a-okay. (Honestly she should have at least said "Marco has already been right sometimes I should listen to him this one time, I mean, he is my friend.”) But no, she didn't, and do you wanna know why she didn’t listen to him? Because star is a strong independent “warrior” princess and that makes it all fine, right? I mean as long as a girl says that she is a strong and independent woman it doesn’t matter how much damage she broughts to anyone, we have to see it as positive. So yeah, sarcasm aside, a huge chunk of responsability falls on her shoulders**.
Finally the third responsable for how badly the curse developed are both “the plot” and Daron & the team that helped her, we all have heard some couple of things about the show, starting from the fact that Daron was already quite sure of how she wanted the show to be, she had more or less worked on it in her head since she was... how old 14? 13? More or less a teen age for sure, and therefore had been munching on that bone every once in a while for the last 15 years! Also is worthy mentioning that she said a couple of times that she had changed things during the course of the years but the idea was there, as solid as it could be and with steps she wanted to follow, now, following her trajectory so far and knowing a couple of her works we know she, for some reason, liked to add some drama in her stories***. And also she seems to be more or less on board the “social/genres/let’s-break-the-stereotypes train” although that could also be Sabrina Cotungo, who, by the way, got promoted to director for Season 3 (promoted might be a bad term as what actually happened is that the other two guys in charge of directing the show in Season 1 & 2 left after they finished), therefore took care of some of the importante decisions for the third season and apparently is the one to blame for it to be so... shity, Now I wonder if she was in charge of the story boards in the episodes where there was social drama issues...  Anyway, returning to the topic of blamming the horrible development of the bloodcurse and the third group of responsables, Daron (as far as we can asume) had this idea of Marco being a really tough subject for star when love was in the middle, I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually had planned for her to fall in love with Marco but that she would also suffer about it cause he had eyes for other girl! The thing is they developed in more than one episode the story for that to happen, they made Marco a really brilliant co-protagonist and many felt quite nice with him finally getting to get the chick he wanted, many out there celebrated it, of course there were also starco-fans who hated it, but the thing is we can’t deny the way they two got together was good! ponyhead helped Marco and Jackie to break the ice, to finally have him telling her she was his crush, accidentally of course but she did, star helped as well, but at the end of the episode we had a strong hint that she liked Marco, that was only a hint, something that star had not really gave her mind too much time to think about, she wrote in her diary something about Marco, how she felt about him and didn’t want him to read it because obviosly she probably wrote that she felt something strange, like butterflies in her stomach when seeing him. She was more or less oblivious to how strong her feelings where and I feel like the real issue here is that star was never meant to end with Marco, I feel that Daron wanted her to suffer a little for Marco and then turn the page, to return back to Mewni and continue her life, sad, angry with herself, but ready to give her heart another chance to find a good guy to love.
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*: For those out there who don’t know about it, every cartoon of the last decade (perhaps even a little more than a decade) has done some thing(s) like that before, bringing something special or that expands the lore and that exist only in a type of merchandise that you have to buy in order to read and know. MLP, Adventure time, etc. It’s not something “new” that SVTFOE has and in all of those mentioned cases they had been clear about one thing: the book/magazine/comic IS CANON but it is a SEPARATE CANON, they are not interconnected, even if the author says so. Lauren Faust for example! She had said before some things about specific ponies, ideas she had or things she had planned for some moment in the story... but the show has pointed at other direction. So yeah, we can respect the book but we can’t really take it as 100% interconnected canon. **Ok, I have to point something else about this star issue, yes, she is not the only one responsable, some could argue that Tom is the ‘main responsable’ there, but to anyone other there wanting to say that I’d like to know your answer to this: Did Tom plan involved star and Marco dancing? The answer is a huge NO, yeah he is the one who wanted to dance with star, something bad cause he would have never told her that her sudden change on feeling about him was due to the curse, but it was something he had thought for what he believed was the best, he had never thought about Marco being his friend at the time nor did he planned for them to have their souls linked. And,  as people suggest star was already a little bit in love with Marco before the curse so, that would explain why those feelings were slowly increasing in her heart for the latino boy, but then there is a little something I wanna talk about.  Star managed to finally overcome her crush on Marco and decided she wanted to start dating Tom once again, after she tried to dress him like Marco, overcame her addiction to his musk, etc. She returned his hoodie and closed the portal... they could have ended it right there, Marco could have returned just casually and for some episodes, fighting Meteora and stuff. ***About the drama that Daron had done in some other projects she did before SVTFOE, we have at least a couple which are the most well-known ones. There is this short animated thingy where the girl is captured by some folks, they take her away and her “boyfriend/husband/lover/whatever” takes it on his shoulders to go and rescue her, when he arrives and is all ready to break the ‘bad guy’ it is revealed it actually is a Bad girl, a MILFy looking bad girl who acts all sassy with him and in a matter of seconds they are kissing right there in front of the “princess”. The short clearly points to the idea of “hey girls, never expect a boy to free you from a dangerous situation, free yourself and punch his face because you are strong and independent”… you probably understand my point, is not a bad lesson but I feel some other Disney princesses did it a lot, lot better. So anyway, the idea is clear, the ‘main character’ who casually  looks quite similar to star. The second short I remember is this one  where this girl is cutting with scissors some pieces of cloth that other two girls pass her, to work, she is pretty much daydreaming and ends up being fired, her dreams are all like stuff from the 70s you know, way too colorful and stuff (this short is all drawn in black and white) which is fine, but the design and others… makes it feel odd. (Personal opinion). The third one is probably the most famous one, this young girl leaves her house after her older sister tells her to stay away while she sees the pictures of her ex, which seems to be dating someone else, the young girl (has a lizard as her pet, she talks and hears the pet talk) enters a pub and drinks some beverage she steals and has some kind of alusination and gets scared, fortunately the older sister’s ex recognizes her and acts as if he had been looking for her to help her out of the situation, taking her back home and… that’s it. As you can see two of these three shorts have things in common, a protagonist daydreaming with what seems to be ‘magic in her imagination’ which is what we know star was going to do  (she didn’t have magic, they suggested Daron to make the magic real minutes before she presented the story board for the pilot)  and secondly there is some naughty thing going on as both the blonde princess and the older sister seem to “like” their couple/ex while they are kissing/dating someone else.
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arcanelucario · 5 years
Hi, I’m Troy McClure ArcaneLucario and you may remember me from such fanfics as Linked Through And Throughout or Always or for some reason from A Second Chance. Or perhaps you know me from my Twitter or Instagram or I dunno...maybe even one of my YouTube accounts or Imgur or god knows where. Or maybe you don’t know me and just happened to stumble across this post in a drunken rampage across Tumblr when looking for art for one of your ships that actually makes sense as opposed to the absolutely terrible ones such as KacChako or KiriBaku or AruAni or whatever else which you see people for some rarted reason ship and try to cram down your throats. (oh boy I can smell the hate already...y’know...despite the anosmia)
Or maybe you remember me from this post from March of this year (2019 for you cucks from the future...or past) in which I claimed I was gonna write a text post detailing everything that’s gonna happen in His Warmth...and then didn’t.
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And so, below the oncoming read more link thingy I will attempt to recall everything I have planned for this fic so far. And I guess this post not only works for you, but also works for me because I’ll have everything written down so I can check back here for reference. Anyway, spoilers ahead so this is your last chance to turn back should you wish to remain unspoiled for the day I finally get back to writing His Warmth. Oh and I’m not just doing this cuz I feel bad that some people said they wanted to see this and then I never got round to writing it.
Okay I lied, this is your last chance. Anyway, lets get to it. Welcome to the world of His Warmth.
So far in the fic there’s only 2 chapters: The first introducing us to the characters and the school they are attending, and the second starting off with a flashback and then back to current time, but you guys knew that already. Just for the record, at the start of chapter it says the flashback takes place 5 years prior, but I’m gonna change that to 8 years instead because the ages make more sense that way and also cuz I’m bad at maths and stuff. I’m also probably gonna change the ending of that chaper, cuz when I wrote it I kinda rushed the ending and regret ending it the way I did, but maybe I won’t. Who knows? Probably not, sounds like a lot of effort.
Now for shit you don’t know, whoooooo.
In the oncoming chapters, what I’m thinking is I’ll attempt to build a friendship between Annie and Mina as I intend on making them be best friends, (probably) re-instate the friendship between Annie, Reiner and Bertolt and then rekindle the friendship (and crush that Eren has) between Eren and Annie. I’ll try to do this in actually realistic way that is doable in a high school setting, and there’ll likely be a number of (small-ish) gestures from Eren towards Annie that reaffirms her of her feelings towards Eren, ones she hadn’t had since her younger years. These won’t be anything crazy, just stuff like perhaps a small gift or buying her something to eat when everyone’s hanging out in a group, or giving her a hand with something. I dunno...well actually that’s a lie, I sort of have an idea. At some point I’ll also have Annie start sparring with Eren again and teaching him her moves.
To be honest I don’t actually know how long all that is gonna go on for, but eventually we’re gonna come to the start of some conflict. One day Annie will come into school acting differently than before. She’ll be quieter, more tense than usual and have a sort of afraid energy about her, and she’ll be covering her face with her hood. She’ll approach Eren and order him to fight with her, which Eren will notice as unusual because usually she’ll ask to spar, not order to fight. Instead of talking with Eren, Annie will just lead him to their usual sparring spot, and they’ll begin their usual routine. Not long after though, Eren will notice that Annie’s attacks weren’t the same as they usually are, instead they’re switching between strong and precise hits with the intent to cause pain, and weak and sloppy ones that are nothing like her. At some point Annie’s hood will fall off, and Eren will realize the problem. Annie’s face will be revealed to be bruised and scarred, signs of abuse. That’s right, I’m making this one of those fics where Annie’s dad is the bad guy. At this revelation, Annie’s attacks will become more hectic and uncontrolled, meaning Eren can find an opening and stop her from fighting, which he will do. Eventually Eren will be able to capture Annie in a hold, and she’ll sort of calm down soon after. She’ll beg Eren not to ask what happened (though he’ll have a bit of an idea), and Eren will ask Annie what she’s gonna do next, and tell her if she wants to, she can crash at his (and Mikasa’s) house. For now, Annie will remain undecided but she’ll vaguely respond, and then follow Eren back to school...and then promptly disappear.
After all that, Annie will start skipping school, and to everyone’s knowledge she’s not been going home since that day, and on the days she does go to school she’ll avoid everyone. This’ll lead to Eren, Reiner, Bert and Mina following her after school, trying to figure out where she’s been staying. Turns out, she’s been hiding out on the streets because she had been afraid, and didn’t know what to do or where to turn, who to trust. Reiner, Bert and Mina will all try to offer her their help but Annie won’t make any decision. After they leave, Eren will once again offer a place at his house, and they’ll discuss hypotheticals which Eren will figure out aren’t actually hypotheticals. Annie will tell Eren she’ll think about it, but for now to let her be, which he’ll do.
The next day at the end of school, Annie will finally approach Eren again and ask if his offer is still open, and that she accepts it. So Eren will go with her to the place she’d been staying the past few days, get her things and then take her to his house. And this will be the start of a whole new chunk of the story. Having Eren and Annie live together will be a very interesting dynamic to write about, and I’m honestly excited for when I get to do this. At first, it’ll be awkward for the both of them but over time they’ll get used to it, and it’ll be sort of like a couple who had been living together for a long time.
Anyway, in this first day of Annie staying with Eren, there will be some awkward stuff between them, and the two of them won’t exactly get along but Annie will learn to get along with Eren and throw him a bone. After all, he is helping her in her time of need. Oh and something will happen that will lead to Eren and Annie sharing a bed. Also, along with this chapter there’ll be a flashback to a time in their childhood where Eren had stayed the night at the Leonhart household. 
Now in these chapters we’ll have lots of fun stuff, and there’ll come a moment where Annie realizes she does actually have a full on crush on Eren, but that now isn’t the time for her to act on her feelings and that things could become weird otherwise. There’ll also be a chapter that involves Historia, Ymir and jealousy. Not gonna say anything more on that part. Unless you want me to?
Next up we’ll come to a Christmas chapter, where Eren and Mikasa will go stay with Grisha for Christmas, and Eren will invite Annie to come along, who will reluctantly agree after a bit of convincing, initially not feeling that she should attend another family’s Christmas. This is gonna be a pretty sweet chapter in my opinion, and if I remember correctly I believe I have at one point ages ago talked about a little bit of it in the EreAnnie Discord. Anyway, in this chapter Eren is gonna give Annie a present, one that is gonna mean a massive amount to Annie, causing her to temporarily have a strong emotional reaction and have to take a step outside. Eren will follow her shortly after, and will notice something about her, and in this moment the two of them will realize that they don’t just have crushes on each other, but are actually in love...though neither will actually admit it (or actually maybe Annie will have realised this in a previous chapter, I can’t actually remember atm). But in an attempt to cheer Annie up, Eren will get in a snowball fight with her, and this will work, and will lead to a moment where Annie considers kissing Eren, but at the last second decides not to. After this, they’ll head inside and Annie will take part in the first of many annual Yeager Christmas photos where they wear silly sweaters.
The next chapter or two will likely be something fillery (or maybe not and I’ll just skip ahead to the next thing) and then we’ll come to a valentine’s day chapter, where for the whole time Annie is wondering if Eren has got her anything, and if so, what? At the end of the chapter Annie will force Eren to reveal what he’s done, and it’ll turn out that he hasn’t actually got her anything, knowing that Annie wouldn’t have actually wanted anything, and also that it would be weird since they aren’t dating. Because of this, and also to repay him for everything else he’s done, Annie will make a surprise move and will out of nowhere kiss Eren on the cheek, but close enough to the point where their lips will slightly touch. This’ll of course freak Eren out, but he’ll calm himself down quick enough. And no, this doesn’t mean they’re dating, that’s still a bit off. Also, along with this chapter will be another flashback, one that takes place before the previous flashback.
After this I believe it takes us to a pretty big time-skip, and we’ll come to summer vacation (I guess)? So there’ll be a plan for a beach trip with everyone, and so one chapter will focus on insecurities that Annie has about herself and her body (which will involve a brief flashback), and so Eren will have to help Annie regain her confidence...and he’ll sort of accidentally peep on her when she’s trying on her bikini or whatever. And then the next chapter is the actual beach episode chapter, which may or may not involve a reference to a Brian Hyland song. This chapter will also involve a small fight between Eren and Annie, and then a disaster will strike. Not gonna say what, but just know it’s gonna be pretty god damn big, like tears will be shed (in the fic, of course). This will lead to Eren and Annie leaving the beach early, and everyone else agreeing that Eren and Annie need to admit their feelings and get together, and fast.
The next chapter will be about the aftermath of the beach trip, and might possibly create some tension. There will also be a reference to a Barenaked Ladies song. Anyway, after a few days, Eren and Annie’s friends will have thought of a plan to get the two dorks to admit their feelings, so it’ll go along the lines of something like Mina talking to Annie about whatever, and then she’ll bring up stuff about Eren and talk about Annie’s crush on him, and nag her to the point that Annie accidentally has an outburst where she admits that she’s in love with Eren. And at the same time that this is happening, Mikasa and Armin will have just happened to have brought Eren to the same place where Mina brought Annie, and Eren will overhear Annie’s confession. He’ll want to go to her and talk about it, but Mikasa and Armin will convince him to leave it till later, when they’re alone. And so, that night before they go to bed, Eren will ask Annie to wait up, and he’ll hint at the fact he overheard her confession and will cause Annie to start shouting at him. At first it’ll seem like she’s angry at him, but Eren will quickly realize that it’s not anger, it’s her passion and feelings coming out, that this is just because she loves him, and that he loves her back. One thing will lead to another and Eren will confess to Annie and interrupt her with a kiss, and then they’ll end up doing adult stuff and having sex...or doing taxes...I’m not really sure what happens in there, never really paid much attention in sex-ed.
ANYWAY, after all that lovely jubbly stuff, the two lil fukin dorks will fall asleep in each other’s embrace, content at their newfound relationship status. The next day they’ll officially start their relationship together, and will enjoy the stage of their relationship which I believe is referred to as “the bubble”, at least according to Parks & Rec. From then on we’ll have a bunch of adorable moments between them, and they’ll be much happier.together, which everyone will notice.
We’ll then maybe get a bit of filler, or perhaps I’ll skip time again, and something will happen in our lovebirds relationship, and I mean something big. Annie’s dad would have secretly started trying to reach out to Annie again, but this isn’t something Annie has revealed to Eren, creating distance between them. Eren’s protective instincts will sort of take over him, and he’ll accidentally get mad at Annie, saying she should have told him. They’ll fight, and Annie will freak out and attack Eren (causing either bleeding or a black eye, probably a black eye) which she’ll feel guilty about, but before either can properly react, she’ll grab whatever of her things she can and run back home to her dad.
Now broken up, there will be a lot of distance and tension in Eren and Annie’s friendship, and Mikasa will start to get real protective of Eren and will kinda dislike Annie. Eren will be depressed as hell, and I’ll have a little segment where Levi (one of the teachers at the school) will question what’s going on, at which point Petra (his wife and the school counselor) will walk in and tell him. I’m actually considering having Petra be a counselor for a few students throughout the fic, but I’m undecided on that as of now.
Anyway, for a lil bit we’ll have all this go on, and we’ll have a chapter detailing Annie’s perspective after all this, which will involve her back at her dads, but things will take a dark turn again, and Mr Leonhart will once again hit Annie, at which point she’ll finally hit back and break his leg (or something like that), but then she’ll run away from home. At first she’ll run to stay with Reiner and Bert, but her dad knows where they live and will find her there so she’ll run again. I might have Annie stay on the streets for a couple more days, but all I know is she’ll think about her options, and that the only thing she can do is go back to Eren.
So, that will happen. Annie will run back to Eren’s house, and on the way will run into him. She’ll start to trip over her words, and will panic and try to run away, but Eren will catch her and bring her inside. I’m not saying he’ll instantly forgive her, but he will realize that she’s scared and alone and needs to have someone there for her, and that someone has to be him. We’ll have some sweet moments, reminiscent of earlier moments from the story, and I can’t think of the words to describe it but...it’ll be pleasant. Eren will tend to Annie’s needs, and will help her understand that he’ll always be there for her, even if they aren’t together. Eventually, Annie will get super drowsy, and so Eren will carry her to his room where he’ll put her to bed, but before he can leave, Annie will beg him to stay with her and sleep in the same bed again. At first Eren will turn it down, but then will now realize the true nature of his relationship with Annie, and the true nature behind everything that has happened. This isn’t everyone else’s regular relationship, it’s their’s, and it’s so much bigger than what he previously thought. So, Eren will do what she asked, and lay with her once more.
The next morning, Eren will wake to Annie staring at him, and will notice that she looks exhausted. It turns out that she spent most of the night looking at and holding onto Eren, making sure he wouldn’t leave her side. Eren will try to reason with her, letting Annie know he’d never leave her side, and then he’ll excuse himself, making a decision that will be for the best for both of them. This decision has him making a call to his dad, asking if he and Annie can come stay with him for a few days, and stating that it’s finally time for him and Annie to reveal what’s going on, why Annie has been living with Eren. Grisha will accept, and then Eren will return to bed with Annie, telling her about the plan, and telling her to go back to sleep before they leave. Later that day they’ll start their journey, and Eren will talk to Annie about their relationship and where they stand, and will talk about problems that everyone has in their relationships, whether it be romantic relationships or that of father and son, which kind of cheers Annie up and helps her see what she couldn’t before.
They’ll arrive at Grisha’s, and they’ll reveal the whole truth, leading to Grisha helping Annie with her situation and Mr Leonhart being put away for his crimes. I’ll then have something surprising happen between Eren and Annie (not gonna say what), and eventually Mikasa and Jean will come to Grisha’s as well, helping out however they can. And that will be the final proper chapter of the story, before the epilogue, that is.
AND THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is His Warmth. Or rather, like 90% of it. I’ve actually still left some stuff out, and may still come up with more things for it. But yeah, that is more or less my vision for this story, my masterpiece. Not sure when I’ll actually get back to writing it, but maybe this will be motivation to do so. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my crazy rambling, and I hope you’ll enjoy the finished product, cuz I know I sure as hell will. Please feel free to let me know what you think.
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