#Oc: azura
psychopompoi · 4 months
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coloured this one :) (she/they for character)
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limesquares · 4 months
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the Sentinel and the Moth
(some concept sketches for Mika's universe that still doesn't really have a name)
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auroranekai · 1 month
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I was talking with @runicpixels and got inspired to make a bunch of chibi pixel art of DnD characters!
These are my characters Azura (merfolk fairy), Kai (fire changeling), Zinlora (armored fairy) and Luna's character Rhymexia (deer cutie) !
I do these as commissions for €20! DM me if interested :)
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novemberhope · 2 months
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Nagisa Azura
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froggityboingerrr · 3 months
Woohooo!!! My 29384773737383th ninjago oc has arrived. She’s a former Writer of Destiny. If you’re wondering why she’s a bird person, I like to draw people from the Cloud Kingdom has bird people. Ex: My Euphrasia design or my oc Skye. I based her design off of a blue jay, that being her wings.
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blueberryinko · 4 months
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It is time for Azura to move on from the Destiny universe. There is nothing much else she can do there. She may still have her adventures there, but she needs to have her own story now. One that, when she’s ready, I will be telling you with all my pride.
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"Okay, time to GOOOOO!" Lil Coding shouts, picking up Lily and running out of the room.
"I TOLD YOU THIS COMPETITION WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!" Lily shouts as well, clinging onto her friend as he sharply turns a corner. Behind them, thugs from Azura's gang chase after them, shouting and yelling.
"BUT THE CASH PRICE!" Lil Coding whines.
His feet pound against the floor as he runs through the halls of the overly-complicated building. He quickly accesses memories from a few hours ago and grits his teeth.
He instead turns left instead of right, making Lily gasp. "What're you doing?!" she cries. "This isn't the way we came in!"
"Yeah, but this is the quickest way out!" Lil Coding informs her, moving to the side to avoid daggers thrown their way. He briefly sees them hit the floor, a strange liquid coating them.
He marks the memory.
After what feels like hours of running, Lil Coding finally sees the exit door. He rushes forward and punches it open, not even caring for the fact that it falls off the hinges. He runs out of the building adjacent to the arena and continues running.
The wind blows around the two, swirling and blowing. It pushes and nudges them forward, in a safer direction. One they can't be easily followed.
Lil Coding takes that direction, muttering a thanks to the universe as he does.
Finally, they get to a stopping point, and Lil Coding sets Lily down. He leans against a tree, panting softly as Lily looks back at the building and arena, now small specks in the distance.
"Azura.. seemed afraid." she finally says.
"You noticed that too?" Lil Coding blinks, looking at her.
Lily nods. "Yeah.. she.. she seemed fidgety and nervous, even when disgused as that announcer.." She looks back at him. "And she kept giving us bogus points so we could win. That's.. That's not how Azura goes. She's been hunting me for a while now and.. she's crazy about honor and doing things honorably. She's messed up in the head for hunting me, don't get me wrong, but.. this just.. isn't like her."
Her eyebrows furrow. "This isn't how Azura works."
Lil Coding is quiet before he pulls out a folded note from his pocket. "This fell on the floor when she was confronting us. I thought it was maybe from her. She passed it out and then took it back. But.. now I'm not sure."
Lily takes it and opens it.
The orders are simple. Capture the girl and the boy, then bring them back. Don't fail.
The young girl swallows a growing lump in her throat. Her mouth feels dry. "This isn't Azura's handwriting. It's too neat.."
Lil Coding looks back at the arena in the distance. His eyes narrow as he thinks about it for a moment before shaking his head. "Let's talk about it when we're back at the kingdom."
Lily nods and pockets the note, jogging after Lil Coding as he jogs off. But she can't help but throw one more glance back at the two structures in the distance before continuing to follow him.
"What are we going to do, boss?" one thug asks Azura as they stand on the highest wall of the arena, gazing in the direction their two targets went. "Lady Rose.. she'll kill you!"
"Better me than you all." the blue haired woman scoffs. Her face then softens, a resigned expression showing. "But.. You're right. I'm absolutely dead."
"Maybe we could hide you somewhere. Or we could-"
The thug falls quiet as she places a hand on their shoulder. She smiles bittersweetly. "You know as well as I do that Lady Rose is going to send Anton to find me. And I don't want you guys getting in the way of that."
Azura pushes them towards the door. "Head back to the base. If you don't hear from me in three days.. let Anne know she's in charge, okay?"
She watches as, reluctantly, the thug nods and walks away. She looks up towards the sky, watching as storm clouds began to gather. Thunder cracked and the wind began to howl, almost cutting at her like knives.
Azura let out a laugh. "I never thought this would be how I go out, killed with no defense, but hey! Who am I to judge?"
She crosses her arms behind her back. "There was just.. no honor, in this. Those kids didn't have a chance."
The bounty hunter wasn't stupid. She knew she was a horrible person. She had killed so, so many people. But in the end, it wouldn't affect her life, so she didn't care. Who cares if other people got hurt? The only way she was affected was by money, and that's it.
But she still cared for honor. She wanted her victims to have a chance. It what made it fun. At the very least she gave them a choice!
Azura closes her eyes, blonde hair blowing with the wind. "Well.. I guess this'll be the last time I have these thoughts. Better get going to the boss."
She turns and leaves, just as the sky flashes with lightning and rain pours down.
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mossdoesartshit · 3 months
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@wabbyhazzy 's designs!
I had seen seth and abels designs (i reblogged them here), and then i visit the blog and !!! learn adam had FIVE whole kids!!!!!!!!! what!!!!!!!!!!!! atleast i think thats what happened idk, ive not looked at the bible in years and who knows what all has been cut out throughout the years. REGARDLESS!!!! i saw all of them, and the immense want for making fanart was born
theyre pretty simple drawings (and i notice now ive missed seths necklace (despair)) but!!! i hope theyre enjoyable
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plus a small little bonus one. i like drawing sleep piles, so doing a small doodle of it was pretty fun
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angiemaniac · 9 months
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I had a dream about this and had to draw it.
Yes, I listened to the Peaches song while I was drawing all these lmao
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psychopompoi · 4 months
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Ive been studying for an exam all day so I treated myself to smth incredibly self indulgent. Grins
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limesquares · 1 month
Just stalked your toy house and I’m curious about what Azura’s and JH’s deals are and why does Mika seem to hate em or at least just hate Azura
Also I love Mika, you created a wonderful little freak
Hiya, thanks for the ask! :D
(a little context, this is lore for an oc universe that includes Mika, Francis, Hanah, etc.) Azura and Wormwood are full of god-parasites, hive-minded entities that infect gods to feed on their divine energy. The Moth and the Worm respectively inhabit them.
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As for their beef with Mika, Azura and Mika fill a similar niche, in that they both hunt and kill gods for their energy, and they both like to try to bite each other whenever they cross paths. Wormwood on the other hand, has a more personal hatred of Mika. Her only child is being stolen by the cult of the Red Star, dedicated to worshiping them. As you’d expect, Mika is delighted by this.
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azura-the-underrated · 8 months
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A lot of time has passed since my very first art with Azura. I can't help but notice that the atmosphere created by this art is simply magnificent. It significantly exceeds what was achieved in 2020. My initial drawing was created spontaneously and awkwardly. However, it's time to update it and breathe new life into it.
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wanted to do a line-up of Azura and her Hexsquad. So added their Palismans since I know ppl would've asked if I didn't.
(fun fact: the order they're in is the birthday order)
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Promise me, child
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nekobungi · 10 months
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"Did you twist your ankle?" Lil Coding frowns.
Lily smiles nervously, leaning against the rock. The two were currently in a damn canyon, mostly due to Lil Coding being forced to use a teleportation command to save them from Azura and her thugs after they had jumped them again.
"Uh.. I think?" she shrugs. "It.. definitely doesn't feel good."
Lil Coding kneels down and gently takes her ankle into his hands, inspecting it. He frowns, ears flicking. "Mm.. yeah, it's definitely twisted. Hold still for a second."
The girl tilts her head, going to ask, but watches in amazement as green strings appear and gently wrap around her ankle. The strings continue to appear and wrap before finally stopping.
Her ankle wasn't throbbing anymore, and it almost felt as though there wasn't any pain. Her eyes sparkle at that as she leans down, gently pushing at her ankle. "Woah.. what did you do?"
"Just used some code to act as a cast until we finally manage to get back." Lil Coding answers before turning down. He then kneels down, tail flicking.
"Hop on." he chuckles. "Even if the strings are gonna keep you out of pain.. it'd be better if you didn't walk. So, hop on!"
Lily hesitates before nodding, taking a few steps forward before hopping onto his back. She lets out a small squeak as he stands up, and she wraps her arms around his neck whilst he grabs her legs.
"Can't you teleport again?" she asks as the Code begins to walk.
"In about 5 hours if we want a random location, 10 if we want to teleport directly to my home."
Lily gapes. "What?!"
"It's a complicated command." Lil Coding sighs. "It takes in your exact location, the area you're in, and the actual entirety of the location, and then you need to know the exact coordinates of where you're teleporting. And then it takes in the area of that location, the entirety of that location, and everything else."
He exhales. "And it takes a lot out of me too. I don't use it a lot."
Lily lets out a hum before frowning. "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this.."
"Hey, don't apologize!" the Code turns his head to look at her. "I would've helped you anyway! It's just how I am, you know?"
Lily nods before silence befell the two of them.
"How old are you?" she asks after an hour or two.
"Huh?" he blinks.
"Like.. are you older than me? Younger?" Lily tilts her head.
"Uh.. I'm 12, mentally." he answers.
"Mentally?" she frowns.
"Yeah. You know how I said I'm basically code and I have a physical form?" he asks, continuing as she nods. "So basically, when I was made, I was given the maturity, knowledge, and all that of a 12 year old!"
"You don't act 12.." Lily hums.
"Yeah.." he chuckles nervously. "I'm.. a little jaded, after a lot of stuff."
Lily frowns but doesn't press at that. "Well.. I'm 11."
Lil Coding nods at that and he continues walking.
It's been several more hours, and Lil Coding is painfully aware of how hot Lily is getting. The sun is beating down on the both of them, but he isn't bothered in the slightest, mostly due to being code. But Lily was human, and humans weren't meant to be out in the sun for hours on end.
Lil Coding looks around before gasping from relief. A quick jog soon had the two underneath a stone arch, and he was kneeling down to let her off of his back. She let out a small 'thanks' before slumping against the formation.
Quickly thinking, he pulled up a command box and summoned a few water bottles and handed them to her. Lily didn't even question it, instead taking one and drinking from it.
"You cool down, and then we'll continue." he informs her, and she nods.
Lil Coding leans against the rock formation as well, ears twitching as he listens out for any noises. They were fairly close to the desert, this canon being a couple hundred miles from it. However, if he remembered right, that was southeast, and they were currently going northwest.
As long as they continued the way they were going, they should make it back to the kingdom soon enough.
His ear flicks, picking up footsteps. Casually, as to not alter Lily, he looks up and around, trying to find the source of the noise.
And then he sees them. Thugs wearing rose red shirts and black combat pants, paired with black boots and belts with various weapons.
However, most disheartening was the emblem of a rose wrapped in strings on their sleeves.
"We need to go." Lil Coding slowly picks up Lily, flicking his tail and having the other water bottles vanish. She looks at him, confused, before looking in the same direction as him.
He watches, ears pinning back as she stifles a gasp.
Without a second thought, he shifts her so he's carrying her bridal style, and takes off running.
Lil Coding curses, running faster. He was so glad that he was not only a kid, but a Code with a huge amount of stamina.
His ears flick when he spots a cliff in the distance and the familiar and welcoming sight of trees and towering buildings. He quickly changes direction, heading towards the cliff.
"What are you doing?!" Lily cries, clinging to him tighter.
"Just trust me, okay?" he responds, narrowing his eyes. "I need you to trust me one more time!"
She didn't hesitate to nod but still closed her eyes, clinging to the Code tightly.
"LATER, SUCKERS!" he shouts over his shoulder towards the thugs chasing them, and he jumps off of the cliff, still holding on tightly to Lily.
Soon, he lands at the bottom, the duo now safely obscured by the trees and flora. He shifts Lily onto his back and breaks into a run, grinning.
"We're nearly there!" Lil Coding chuckles, and Lily can't help but let out a small cheer.
"I'm sorry, Your Eminence." Azura hangs her head as she kneels in front of a figure laying across a red velvet sofa. "My men couldn't catch the girl."
"Again." Azura closes her eyes, not flinching as wine is splashed over her head. She had been working with this client for years now and had come to understand what to say and what not to say, and what to do and what not to do.
All she had to do was give the answers her client wanted to hear and it'd be okay.
"You had a perfect opportunity this time." the figure on the chair snaps. She's dressed in a rose red cloak, which had green vines and string patterns all over it. "Everything had been meticulously planned. And yet you failed again."
"I want a good reason."
"She had help, Your Eminence!" Azura clenches her fist. "A young boy with unnatural abilities helped her escape."
"Unatural abilites?" the figure stops swirling what was remaining of the wine in her glass.
"Yes. He had been able to summon spears and strings from out of the air, was able to teleport, and could run faster than a child should." Azura took a small breath. "It was as if he wasn't human."
The figure was quiet before humming. She sips from her glass before sighing. "I'd normally find this hard to believe, but Anton had indeed been scouting and saw that child for herself."
"You are dismissed, Azura."
"Yes, Your Eminence!" Azura quickly nods before getting up and exiting the room, heart pounding in her chest.
The figure sighs, as if this some sort of annoyance. "Oh, how I do want that Lily in my grasp. With that siren-like singing voice, it's no wonder her parents are using her as a cash grab."
"Would you like me to monitor the boy, Your Grace?" A man steps out from the shadows.
"Yes, Anton." the figure addresses the man. "As soon as you're dismissed."
She looks down at her wine glass and hums, gazing at the bit of wine left. She then gazes at Anton, who suppresses a shiver.
"We may need help with that boy. So, keep a close eye on him. Meanwhile.. I will be considering some.. contacts, if you will. Now, you're dismissed."
"Of course, Lady Rose." Anton bows before retreating into the shadows. "Your will is my joyous command."
Lady Rose smiles, swirling the wine in her cup once more. Ah, the perks of being a cult leader.
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