#bc not every character i have has a shit relationship w their parents
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Promise me, child
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seireitonin · 3 months
“Toby/ other characters would be an abuser!1!” A talk on why that pisses me off
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Hi. My name is Seirei. I don’t want to share super personal shit on the internet, but due to certain factors in my life I have BPD. (this is NOT self diagnosis. I have been to a professional and for now they think I have this due to certain trauma/ symptoms I’ve shown) This is part of the cluster B personality type. That being said Toby and many other creepypasta characters either canonically have ASPD/ BPD or it’s a generally accepted headcanon that they do. Now this in itself doesn’t bother me if it’s done well and with research. But the problem is most ppl just slap these labels onto them without doing the proper research. I’ve gotten multiple comments on my TikTok like “well I think Toby is an abuser bc he has ASPD/ BPD” I hate that. I hate that so much. You guys say it’s for “realism” but you’re just demonizing mental disorders. You’re demonizing people like me. In you having your “realism” youre hurting me and ppl in the cluster B personality type. ASPD/ BPD doesn’t instantly make you an abuser. These are personality disorders brought on trauma. Especially trauma with parents/ family. People with ASPD/ BPD know that we’re not well all the time. We’re suffering from disorders that affect our lives. From trauma/ experiences that we didn’t ask for. These are DISORDERS. These aren’t fake edgy illnesses that you can slap onto a character with no thought when you want them to be angsty. For example when ppl say “Toby would be an abuser/ not be capable of love because of his ASPD and he went through abuse in his past” not only are you taking away the depth of his character, you’re just straight up demonizing mental disorders. If you read his story, he loves his mom and sister so much. People with ASPD can love. But it does cause him to be obnoxious and rude. But this isn’t coming from a place of malice. He’s a traumatized man w a disorder! This isn’t me saying Toby can do no wrong and he’s 100% healthy. Toby definitely has issues and I’d never erase that. But to call him an abuser because he has ASPD is so gross and you’re just demonizing ASPD to be edgy without doing research on it or the cluster B personality type in general. As I said before, people with cluster B personality type KNOW we have disorders. We live with them every day. They affect our lives, our relationships, ourselves. We know that we fuck up and what we do isn’t healthy all the time. We KNOW. We’re not doing it because we’re “abusers” we’re suffering and hurting. Again this isn’t me saying that everyone with BPD/ ASPD is a good person who’s willing to do the work and grow. There are bad people with these disorders. But that doesn’t mean everyone who has them are instantly abusive. I’m not an abuser at all. Never have been and never will be. But BPD does affect me and the way I act that can come off as hurtful/ unhealthy and I KNOW THAT. Im always actively putting in the work to be better, like a lot of people with ASPD/ BPD. Just because we have these disorders doesn’t instantly mean we can’t change/ be better. Doesn’t mean we’re not humans with emotions/ trauma of our own. Toby obviously had to do some kind of inner work to be able to be with Clockwork the way kastoway portrayed them. (If it’s canon or not is irrelevant here)When you say shit like “Toby is abusive bc of ASPD/ BPD” that’s what you’re telling us you think of us. You see us and treat us like monsters but then talk about how much you love Toby/ other characters for having our very real disorder. ASPD/ BPD can be seen as two sides of the same coin. They have so many similarities but are shown in different ways. Do proper research before you talk about mental health because you’re stigmatizing/ demonizing disorders that are already looked down upon. Toby does canonically have ASPD and possibly BPD but it’s written into his character pretty well(as well as a 13 year old in the 2010s can do) and now that ppl are older we can actually analyze his character/story correctly. But Jeff and many other characters still aren’t getting this same treatment and they need it.Do better.
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txttletale · 7 months
idk how to put this sorry if this comes off as rude/confrontational I'm not trying to be — when you say stories about forgiveness/reconciliation, do you mean more the type about forgiving & reconciling with family, or more generally (so like including - this isn't the best example but I can't think of any better rn - catra for example? where it's about being trapped in hurting people because of trauma and breaking out of that)? or is the thing you dislike more stories' framing of forgiveness as a moral imperative?
sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm just curious what you think bc you've raised some interesting points and would really like to see you elaborate on them
don't worry you don't come off as rude whatsoever! while i think my points apply broadly to how forgiveness is treated across media (rare actual example of cultural christianity) -- i obviously am not, like, against forgiveness or stories about forgiveness on principle. what i dislike about all the narratives about people forgiving their abusive parents is that:
like you said, it's always framed as a moral imperative. there is always an underlying assumption that forgiving the abuser is the 'right' and 'correct' thing to do, that not doing so would be wrong. this is tremendously insulting to survivors who have every right to not forgive their abusers!
in most of these narratives, the parent barely does shit to be forgiven. there's very often a narrative equivocation, in fact, between parent and child. like, sometimes the parent won't even be expected to apologize -- sometimes, even more grotesquely, both the parent and child apologize for their shared supposed 'wrongdoing'. this is also obviously insulting to survivors, who are not in any way responsible for their abuse or for having a poor relationship with their parents.
the reason why this in particular pisses me off so much is that it mirrors and in turn contributes to the cultural expectation on abuse victims in real life to maintain contact with their abusers, the constant casual pressure from everything from strangers to friends to acquaintances saying 'well, can't you just put it behind you?' or 'look, he's changed' or 'she's your mom' or 'you'll only have one chance to have a relationship with your siblings' or whatever the fuck. the sanctity of the family is a cardinal value across a lot of societies and this sanctity means a constant, neverending societal pressure to bow to sweeping abuse under the rug. i've seen many people i care about struggle deeply with feeling obligated to maintain relationships with family members who treat them like shit and make htem miserable every time they interact bc of exactly these sorts of sentiments being everpresent in their cultural environment. & these narratives always paint that sort of pressure as being well-founded and fair and ultimately for the better, which is absolutely repellent to me.
so, yeah. i am not against narratives where an abusive person actually confronts their actions and changes and repairs that relationship (that's another fucking thing, these narratives always put the onus and responsiblity on the character who was abused to forgive rather than on the abuser to earn forgiveness, just like in real life familial abuse victims are always fucking expected to be the ones to repair the relationship). i think such narratives can be powerful and compelling and explore questions of what the value of 'forgiveness' or 'redemption' even are, as well as dispel the mystique and exceptionalism often attributed to the 'abuser' as a holistic malevolent figure that can be cleanly separated from every other parent/grandparent/sibling/etc.
what i'm against is narratives where someone who is abused has their feelings delegitimized -- their rage is wrong, counterproductive, they need to let go and move on, they need to forgive their abusers and let them back int otheir lives because oh, they did something wrong too or oh, their abuser had a difficult life, or whatever the fuck. to which the answer should be a flat -- no. they don't. all the more power to people who choose to do that if that's what makes them happiest and safest but absolutely nobody has a moral obligation or need to forgive an abusive family member. obviously i am exaggerating slightly when i say every abusive parent subplot should end with the parent being killed with hammers, but i'm using the hammer murder as a synechdoche for a narrative treating an abuse victim's antipathy towards their abuser as something legitimate and justified and obviously reasonable rather than a flaw or something they need to move past.
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ranbling · 8 days
Sending this anonymously bc i don’t wanna get the b/t stans attacking me for saying my observation, but this is in regards to your post about tommy not being enthusiastic about buck
for starters i completely agree w everything you said so this is just my own blurb i wanted to add
this plays into my theory of tommy paralleling abby in s1 who was never looking for anything serious w buck, but saw him as a younger man who could be used as a play-thing meanwhile buck jumps in head first only to learn a lesson about what love actually is along the way after being hurt…. and ik a bunch of people are like “i don’t want buck to get hurt by another relationship” but i genuinely think he needs to be burned a few more times because he obviously still doesn’t realize that his own interests should be celebrated by his partner and not put down— buck hasn’t had something BIG happen to him since the coming out arc and that was a mostly positive arc, aside from the gaslighting from tommy but whatever… it’s time for him to go through another hurdle, not as a side player in someone else’s arc [bobby’s injury/eddie’s breakdown] but as his own arc in which he realizes he is worth more than just being a pretty boy who is only valuable when he’s being kissed. I hope that bobby and eddie’s storylines will show him that in the finale and we can end this whole buck/tommy fiasco before s8, but im scared they will drag it out further into s8 and we will get either retconning from the writers, or we will get the fandom backlashing against tommy being used for his original intended purpose which was to be a PLOT DEVICE…..
we also have seen buck’s interests and excited demeanor subdued and looked down on by taylor often during their relationship. i already have iffy feelings on how the writers handled her character and her relationship arc with buck but aside from the treasure hunt, we never really saw her propping up buck’s interests and often tried to subdue his “golden retriever” personality (something the buckley parents also did)
(this is also interesting bc Taylor Kelly and Tommy Kinard…. T-K and T-K, idk it feels very hmmm to me on top of Tommy kind of repping all of Buck’s past major relationships into s ball)
and i feel like the diaz parents and possibly whatever happens with the will could be that catalyst for him to finally be like “oh… i am worth more thsn just being a side piece” which would hopefully lead to a b/t breakup
bc think about it, who IS the only one (besides bobby/maddie) who is always trying to tell buck he is worth more than just what he is at face value? DING DING DING it’s eddie… and if we get that feelings realization of “oh this is what i need from a relationship and i get that from eddie” we can open the door to buck facing the “im in love with my straight best friend who is going through shit” crisis while eddie could have his own “i am projecting my feelings towards buck onto my dead wife because he is what i want and she is who i thought i was supposed to want”
also for eddie’s side of things, it could also be a sense of realizing that he’s projecting and this further idea of “i’m broken” and then realizing who has been there to help him patch things up in the past as he realizes that everything he has looked for in a partner (mainly someone to be a second parental unit for chris) he already has with buck.
anyway i am so sorry for the long ask i just wanted to put this out there and say that i fully agree w you and share my thoughts that coincide with yours
Hi anon!
I love long asks and I agree with every point you made! Buck is still very obviously stuck in the hamster wheel (but only this time with a guy) and the whole "I don't want him to get hurt" is such a weird thing to say. Like except for Abby, Buck wasn't really upset by his breakups and rn his relationship with Tommy is not deep with a lots of buildup, it's just some dates (one of them failed) and two kiss so not a situation that will cause him a lots of heartache
And Eddie is the one who really matches Buck's energy and not only always hypes him up, but he's just as ready to get into the those situations
The pining arc for them is gonna be soo good, but I really hope they won't make it too long, I think a half season for it is more than enough (but I am an impatient girlie and we had enough slowburn now), I just want them to be domestic
I honestly believe we'll either have bt breakup in the next episode or in the first episode of s8. They did nothing to develop their relationship past e6, but introduced many points that could he grounds for a breakup (all coming back to Tommy's behaviour).
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 months
You know, I'm a lurker here, I used to spend a lot of time on tumblr, loved Choices, specially Open Heart. I also wrote lots of fanfics, with Bryce as MC, and today I logged in and... Can I just say how sad it made me read about Bryce having depression? Sad but also understood, because you read his character so well. Everyone writes him so simple, charming and non-chalant, happy-go-lucky; without realising he has a lot of issues. The thing with his parents it's BIG. The thing with Keiki is real stuff, but everyone writes him as if he just cares about his hair and surgeries, but he's more than that. So you writing about Bryce struggling, having his house a mess and not being able to do anything for it, and having a partner that helps him with it without recriminations... It just... Made my heart swell. It's what my MC would've done, because they have struggled pretty serious too. So. Yeah, thanks for this, for giving him humanity even if he's just a goddamn Choices' character. Bryce deserves the world. Deserves being supported in difficult times, so thank you for showing him in such a true light 🤍
have been screaming over this all morning bc YOU GET IT!!!
"even if he's just a goddamn choices character" THIS IS WHAT I MEAN. he is a short lived character in a mobile story app that is currently in its downfall. but he's the character i, and others, choose to write ab. choose to create for nearly every day. even though he IS just a choices character, what he represents, to me, is more than that. his character had so much potential (more than pb probs meant to give him) and like. i needed to do something w it
i am the first person to say a character has to have some good trauma for me to truly enjoy them, and he is exactly that. he has a fucked up family and somehow he came out of that "unscathed"? like all he is is a pretty surfer boy w good hair and obnoxious confidence? no!! that is coping baybeee. he is literally hated by so many people in canon and truly does not have many close friends besides mc. like. his character is SET UP for this shit. yeah im gonna pack him full of issues bc he HAS THEM!!
his dysthymia is a super important part of his story (in my hc) bc it is so easy to mask. he puts on a confident face for everyone all the time bc then they don't ask questions. but being at home alone all the time? being independent since 17-18? separating himself from his family so suddenly that it becomes habit for him to avoid the potential for that closeness again? it's gonna hurt him
and on top of that him being demiro is very hard in relationships bc most people dont get it so even in that sense it makes it difficult for him to make connections. people would rush him into relationships he didn't really care about so yea it was gonna crash and burn. obvi
so to have an unknown like that where all of his friends are possibly leaving including the only person he's every truly wanted in both a sexual And romantic way? not gonna go so smoothly for him
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Flamebird Kon Guy again (I should start leaving some kinda signature), and Yes!! There’s so much about Krypton and it’s culture that cna be played with, and just barely gets touched on in regards to Kon and the other Kents and then being immigrants!! Like, on Krypton, clones literally had a civil war, and then centuries later, all of the children were born artificially anyways. Literally, Kon would be considered Clark’s kid by their standards, and that’s just never brought up or talked about!!
I’m a bit denier of the Bad Dad Clark fanon shit, but I do want to say, it would be so so INTERESTING to see this type of scenario played with. Kon who compares himself to Clark constantly, and has expressed insecurity over Clark keeping secrets from him and what he (Kon) means to him. And like, Clark has always rushed to assure Kon whenever these insecurities are made known, so something like this would have so much potential!!
But DC is too busy being Mfing haters 😒😒
Anywhores, sorry for the tangent. But this also plays into why I love Flamebird!Kon so much! Because there’s so much that can be explored with Kon taking that name. Imagine Clark telling him about Flamebird, a creature of passion who destroys not because she takes pleasure in it, but because it’s her duty to keep the spark from going out. Kon proudly wearing a name that Clark said he would be a good fit for, and every time they’re together or every time he’s alone, he can’t help but preen because it’s another name that Clark bestowed upon him, and that means something!!
okay first off "anywhores" cracked me up so shoutout to that <3. i just didnt see that coming at ALL hdfjkshdkjHd
anyway. yeah "bad dad clark" is my enemy and i'm setting this particular bit of fanon on fire and throwing it off a cliff. like... here's the nicest guy in the world! also he just hates this teenager for no reason. GET REAL. it's SOOOO much more interesting to give them a nuanced relationship (i also don't subscribe to them having a 100% nuclear family label in any way; i think it's somewhere between "brothers" and "father/son" and also both of them at the same time and also neither. no label fits them too well outside of simply "family"). but them having the struggle of "kon, esp younger early-in-his-narrative kon, craving parental affection from clark, who isn't quite able to give that to him the way he wants" is ABSOLUTELY my cup of tea and im so here for adding the extra layer of old kryptonian vs newer kryptonian culture as a further confounding variable. let them be complex and multifaceted!! the love is there but so are the issues, etc.
re: that last paragraph i can't also help but think of The Agonies... kon defining himself so much by clark's pride in him as a concept makes me wail into my hands. it's in-character Esp again when he's younger but also babygirl you are also your own person!!!! id love a narrative w flamebird kon where he first is so proud of it bc of clark but then grows to forge his own connection to flamebird's mythos and the deity herself too, in addition to the connection to his heritage through clark. kon's narrative re: individuality is just so gripping to me (even if we kinda have to imagine a lot of it bc dc does not want to deliver lmao) and that could be such a fun additional angle on it.
also this whole thing in general made me remember again how mad i am that rebirth just completely nuked the entire kon & clark relationship. clark just doesnt fucking remember him and by the looks of it/the way they wrapped it up so neatly re: house of kent arc, he never will. what the fuck!!!!! rebirth get out of my house bendis do NOT interact!!!!!!
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nebulaegalaxy · 1 year
Hi im late but for the character meme, rapidfire round: naven, ramsey, zora, qibli and peril :3c
First impression: oh he’s just a lil guy!
Impression now: the therapy friend needs therapy [still love him]
Favorite moment: it’s not even canon but “my epithet is twink!”
Idea for a story: :)!
Unpopular opinion: i actually like ac naven. he’s a lil shit but he’s one of my favorite lil shits
Favorite relationship: none really [unless we count platonic but i’m gonna go w the assumption we’re not]
First impression: scrunkly lil rat man
Impression now: this guy deserves a break holy shit [but i’m not gonna be the one to do it]
Favorite moment: oh! it’s extreme ee spoilers from ac! so i won’t say here so i don’t get yelled at by the portion of ee fandom that didn’t watch it
Idea for a story: [in the middle of trying to brainstorm nicknames he might call molly for yet another “[x adult character] would be a better parent for molly” au]
Unpopular opinion: i don’t think i have one?
Favorite relationship: him and zora and/or percy
First impression: oh she’s kinda mean-
Impression now: ma’am i would like your gender [has already stolen her name]
Favorite moment: pretty much most of them, including in ac
Idea for a story: i honestly wanna try to dip into childhood friends stuff w her and percy. we’ve done her and ramsey [multiple times!] and ramsey and percy but.
Unpopular opinion: again, i don’t think i have one
Favorite relationship: her and ramsey and/or percy
Favorite headcanon: she has freckles! and you can pry that from my cold dead hands!
First impression: look at this fuckin nerd [/pos]
Impression now: LOOK AT THIS GUY
Favorite moment: every time him and winter bicker like an old married couple
Idea for a story: uuuhh no thoughts head empty a lot of what i might’ve wanted to do has been done
Unpopular opinion: maybe we don’t go there
Favorite relationship: him and winter and/or moon [softly: wibli....]
Favorite headcanon: [chanting] trans qibli trans qibli trans qibli
First impression: oh she’s a little fucked up actually
Impression now: oh she’s just a lil guy!
Favorite moment: that one bit at the end of her book where she starts a sentence out loud and finishes it in a v stupid way in her head, making moon laugh
Idea for a story: i want her to actually meet her brother
Unpopular opinion: i’m not sure i have one?
Favorite relationship: her and clay [tho she still has some issues to work out]
Favorite headcanon: pan but doesn’t realize bc literally only clay is able to touch her w/o hurting themself
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canarypost · 5 months
pjo ep4. pacing is weird. it felt way too short which is weird bc the chimera and the arch was a MASSIVE thing in the book but at least they kept the ending w the naiad and him learning to breathe underwater. the scene of the three and echidna talking in the train was wayyy too long i was so bored. the fight scene w percy at the top of the arch was super fast i've noticed there is little to no actual action in this show like i wanted the cgi to go all out in the fight scenes but the minotaur fight was super super super dark and there was ZERO music which. wtf. and the clarisse fight was pretty good but this chimera scene was extremely lackluster like stop fucking talking. the chimera looked weird too i don't think there was enough color on it to differentiate the lion/goat/scorpion parts and it would've been really great to get a wide shot of the full form chimera + echidna so itd be really threatening. and there wasnt a lot of lore dropped w them either at least not like there was w medusa which is weird bc i thought they would've been setting a precedent w medusa and making every monster they encounter on their journey help us understand both greek mythology esp for people who havent read the books AND percy and his relationship w his parents. im hoping we get to see gabe being more of a dick on the news after this episode bc i really wanna see him more violent. make us hate him more yk. bc rn he's just pathetic.
but most importantly i've seen this thing go on with the entire show so far and it's that no one fucking talks like real people least of all the golden trio. stop saying "mother" and "father" no one fucking says that least of all these kids of single parents many of whom would rather pour chiron's horse shit into the campfire than show their godly parents the tiniest modicum of respect. no one has interjections like "um" "uh" or "like," no one says "bro" or "dude" not even between percy and grover which is completely absurd like i cannot understate how much it bothers me that we're only told that percy and grover have been friends for years bc if i didn't know better i'd say they've known each other as long as percy and annabeth have. not to mention annabeth's "she [thalia] fought valiantly" in ep3 which is so utterly bonkers annabeth isn't some kinda "old soul" she's a kid with neglectfully abusive parents (which we arent even shown the affects of!! she has to tell it to percy directly for some reason!!! this show has a massive problem with telling instead of showing) who's passionate about architecture and her godly parent. she's just a really fuckin smart kid. now that im typing it all out it's really not as big of a deal to me as the others but it's just fucking weird. but ig if u look at it from some specific angles it's in character. but whatever. i still love her to death for that candy scene in the gas station last episode
but going back to the dialogue thing percy and grover being dumb preteen boy best friends and calling each other "dude" and "bro" 1. shows us instead of just tells us that they've been friends for a long time, 2. has annabeth roll her eyes a bunch (a notable character trait) and shows us she's a little stuck up but more lonely than anything else, and then 3. gives the opportunity to endear percy and grover to annabeth so to not just grow the relationship between all three (golden trio!!! so important) but also the percy/annabeth slow burn AND the healing of the past grover/annabeth relationship which both of them are so so so guilty about. idk i think i need more one-on-one grover/annabeth scenes yet considering we haven't had A SINGLE ONE
last negative thing but the pool flashback at the beginning felt extremely ooc for sally. like i know how important it is for percy to learn to swim esp since he literally doesn't know who his dad is but she was being such a dick!!!! first of all ur kid is clearly more stressed out about swimming than u r about him NOT swimming and second of all it is totally unnecessary to be doing this in PUBLIC swim lessons. like u can see sally looking around at all the other parent/kid pairs like sorry ur worried about how u look to the fucking pool pta but ur kid is fucking terrified. give it another goddamn day give the kid a break. the real sally would never sally jackson i love you i love you i love you
what i DID like about this episode was the opening shot underwater, it reminded me a lot of the movie and controversial opinion but the show could actually use being quite a bit more like the movie bc it was actually pretty good even if it didnt follow the story whatsoever. i liked the shot of the centaurs on the train and i thought i also remembered that from the movie but i think i just remembered seeing the shot in my head when i was reading the book which is actually really impressive. the three getting into real world trouble w the cops is very accurate, percy sitting in the fountain while grover and annabeth splash him was funny, and i ESPECIALLY loved percy pulling a fast one on annabeth at the top of the arch i think it really shows off his self sacrificing nature imo better than him rushing the minotaur in ep1 bc we know his character better by now and we're more emotionally invested. and i really loved that they kept percy's way of learning he could breathe underwater + the naiad from poseidon
actually im not done being neg i really wish they would've kept "isn't that a kind of anteater?" and "prove your bloodline" which would lead to percy purposefully jumping off the arch instead of falling. idk it feels like we're slowwwlllyyy growing to see percy being percy bc im gonna be honest. rn he doesn't have much of a personality. where is persassy. bc i cant fuckin see him
anyway it was a fun episode if a bit slow. it had it's moments. im excited for waterland and the tunnel of looooove next week though :33
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vagevurig · 1 year
//fills out this questionnaire for @sonic-oc-showdown
featuring Lily being a GREMLIN
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Name: Lilium "Lily" Gale (born as Lilium Ludmore Tenebris) Species: Wolf (Albino) Type: I usually assign her Flight. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (on a good day) Home: Some midwestern corn town that likely has an eldritch entity hiding in the corn. You know the sort.
rest under the cut
✨ How did you come up with the OC's name?
I originally named her "Moonlight" (bcs she was very moonthemed), and eventually gave her the nickname "Lilly". During a multitude of character revisions (all within like 2 years of making her), I dropped her original full name, as well as one the L's. Her current full name, "Lilium", comes from the Elfen Lied OP |D
🌼 How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
She's 20/21 ish~ Her birthday is on June 29th, but I keep her age pretty static rn.
🌺 Do they have any love interest(s)?
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(art by @xmooncanary)
🍕 What is their favorite food?
Hot Dogs! Which is actually based on me lmao,
💼 What do they do for a living?
She doesn't currently have a job, but she aspires to be a published author!
🎹 Do they have any hobbies?
Beyond writing, she's also just a general consumer of pop culture (books, movies/shows, games), researches ancient forbidden texts, and is super into freestyle parkour~ She also collects bugs, and octopus/squid/jellyfish plushies
🎯 What do they do best?
BEING AN IDIOT (She's also very intelligent and analytical, but her absolute idiocy often outshines it)
🥊 What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
I feel like i described her loves two questions ago, though she does really like vibin w/ Nicki. drabbling down some story ideas while Nicki plays some chords on her guitar. She quite dislikes having to do anything with her biological family though. Not for any reason to do with them, she just doesnt know them?? And she's annoyed by suddenly having to reconnect with them. It's to figure out why she suddenly has Shadow Powers:tm:
❤️ What is one of your OC's best memories?
Once when she was twelve, a friend mentioned that she taught there was a monster in the corn fields. Lily, 0 fear and Super Interested in monsters, went in to look for it. And she found it! And though she doesnt remember much of it afterwards, she holds it as her bestest memory.
✂️ What is one of your OC's worst memories?
She has 0 control over her Shadow Powers and during a particularly dark night (new moon), she got stuck in an intangible shadow person form. Unable to be heard or seen by anyone else, it was the most isolated she had ever felt in her life. It is probably the one and only time she had a panic attack.
🧊 Is their current design the first one?
HAHAHAHAHAH n o. I change Lily's design like a girl changes clothes. I barely ever drew her the same to begin with, and overal she's gone through a few major redesigns, and plenty of smaller ones.
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Little timeline! not every stage is represented, but it the major redesigns at least!
🍀 What originally inspired the OC?
Believe it or not; a dream. It was a weird ass dream not at all related to Sonic but it featured a sort of moon spirit and my brain was just "I like her" and tried bringing her to the waking world with limited success.
🌂 What genre do they belong in?
Adventure crossed with cosmic and gothic horror? I dont limit myself |D
💚 What is your OC's gender identity and sexuality?
Demigirl, Bisexual
🙌 How many siblings does your OC have?
She has one older foster sister (Swinde) she absolutely loves with her whole heart, as well as 3 biological siblings (1 older; Jillian, and 2 younger; Hilja & Eiju) who she barely knows.
🍎 What is the OC's relationship w/ their parents like?
She has an absolutely Wonderful relationship with her foster mom Lauren, but is more estranged to her biological father, which doesnt become much better :)
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🧠 What do you like most about the OC?
everything. She's one of my oldest characters and is one of a few who comforts me when i feel down so. comfort character.
✏️ How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I do NOT draw her enough, and i really aught to change that, but I talk alot about her with aforementioned Darth Sammi!! I hope that counts |D?
💎 Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I can kill her off I have killed her off before and I will kill her off again in the future :)
💀 Does your OC have any phobias?
Phobias require someone to feel fear at all~ //SLAPPED (She deeply fears fading from existence)
🍩 Who is your OC's arch-nemesis/rival?
She doesnt really have a set one!
🎓 How long have you had the OC?
I made her in February of 2012, when I was 11, so that's 11 years and a few months now. oh man, Lily is almost older now than I was when i made her wack...
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scoopsgf · 2 years
i have my criticisms of lorelai for sure but i never understand people who think her treatment of emily is one of her big flaws?? we see on the show how controlling and manipulative and sometimes gaslighting emily is, and not just towards lorelai. even towards rory sometimes! so it’s not remotely a stretch to believe that’s how she treated lorelai as a child and teen too, and i think we can all agree that is not a healthy childhood. lorelai has every right to not trust emily and to call her out when she tries to pull her usual shit with rory. and even though emily and richard pay for rory’s school that doesn’t mean lorelai has to kiss her ass constantly. emily basically held rory’s tuition hostage to extort a relationship with them. AND lorelai DOES apologize to emily when she genuinely mistreats her! she gives emily so many chances and really does try with her. and i like emily lot!!! she’s a fantastic character and had good sides and genuinely wants to be close with her family!! idek where i’m going with this lol all the characters are well rounded and complex and human that’s why the show is good.
god sorry i completely forgot to answer this but yeah. you’re so right. a lot of people in the fandom have this incredibly unhealthy idea in their heads that if someone does you some kind of favor (especially a financial one) then you’re obligated to grovel at their feet and just go along with whatever they say? which is pretty fucked up. emily and richard might be generous with their money, but they aren’t with their emotions and lorelai considering that to be a fault in how they parented is valid. she was a little girl who grew up in a big house where she never quite seemed to fit and wasn’t able to meet her parents’ expectations bc of who she was. they resented her for her personality and she’s right to be upset about that. they paid for a lot but they weren’t kind and often made fun of her when they were in her company (and def did this to her when she was a kid, too). of course she’s gonna have issues w them and mistrust them, especially when, like you said, emily tried to extort a relationship out of paying for chilton. it wasn’t a no strings attached type thing, and it never is with them.
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abcdosaka · 1 year
I finally played the most recent part of yttd and I’m kind of obsessed with it like idk there’s really nothing like it. like ok yes there’s point and click puzzle adventure visual novel games with similar themes (death games etc) but the characters just hit kinda different here. I’ve played through both logic route w Alice and shin and emotion w kanna and reko
personally my fav dynamic is between Sara and shin bc there is literally zero hints of romance or romantic tension, it’s just pure hatred and fear from both ends. and there’s levels to this hatred too, like this is advanced hate. and yet they’re still cordial with each other lmao
in logic route they’re both fully justified in their hatred for each other but they’re also incredibly similar. like shins original goal was to survive even at the cost of others and now dark Sara is like hmm me too I must survive even if everyone else has to die. So if joe was never in the game, then even tho shin says he’s weak and Sara’s strong, if he and Sara switched win percentages they would’ve acted very similarly to each other. like ugh I love narrative foils brings me back to high school when I learned what that was bc hamlet and horatio were foils !!!!
I think I basically just like every single character. kanna especially. Her development goes insanely hard. her and nao have my fav designs. the bucket is so silly and I love naos big hair. also reko obviously. I used to be a Qtaro hater but he redeemed himself like no other character has before.
I also just rly like how family and sibling relationships are so important in the game that’s like rly different. I feel like in fiction sibling relationships aren’t rly as explored as parent child or romantic so it’s kinda unique in that sense.
also what’s funny abt this game is I trust keiji way too damn much he’s actually so fuckin sus but I wanna trust him no matter what bc he’s hot and he backs me up lmao that’s the only reason. if it was any other character acting like this there’s no way I’d be choosing all the nice options (except the kid chars and girl chars bc I am sexist). quite literally flirting vs harassment. but he kinda makes me mad when I think abt it like he is fully taking advantage of and trying to manipulate the 17 yo girl like he is actually terrible. It’s like he wants her to trust him but he doesn’t trust her. ngl if it came down to it I’d prob pick sou over keiji like if I had to choose who lives in logic route if that became an option. just bc keiji is like low key a shit head. But he’s also so supportive and kind to Sara so idk!!!
Theory I found that I 100% believe is true: mr policeman’s son is joe and keijis wish was to meet his son so that he could return the charm which is how he ended up in the death game. idk though keijis reaction to meeting joe was rly nothing special…well actually did we even see that? I feel like we didn’t
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capnhanbers · 2 years
I went overboard picking questions that sounded fun, answer however many you wish! :D 2, 4, 11, 13, 34, 40, 41, 48, 65 (I was thinking chapter titles bc yours are so bonzo lol), 69 (heheh....), 73, 81, 85, 86
oh jeepers ok let me just choose ones that have good answers
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
hmm i can't off the top of my head think of something specific...i've learned about indian media/music and stuff cuz i started deliberately picking up indian artists, writers, etc, especially in naya's context aka first generation kid w/ immigrant parents. as far as research goes in general, i don't think i come off this way, but i'm a Big researcher. early on in joat i literally calculated naya's total wages for her 3 jobs, what rent might be, how much she'd feasibly have saved up. when we moved to ebott i looked up pacific northwest flora to imagine what kind of garden toriel might have. yeah i'm a secret nerd, not my cool loosy goosy persona lmaooooooo...i think the trick is knowing that very little of what you research will make it into text, but regardless it'll influence how you write.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
oh my god, writing BEDTIME. the chara/naya showdown. holy shit. that scene was never intended to be that badass, it was always just gonna be a conversation, and that chapter came EASY i wrote it in like a DAY, it was NOTHING like i expected it just flowed and it was awesome and UGGGHHH i want another chapter like that......a car-chase kinda writing experience.
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
too hard, i'm very lucky to have gotten so much amazing feedback over the years, but a recent one that really stuck with me was a beautifully lengthy comment on Justice about how the reader interpreted my handling of joat's LGBTQ characters and relationships, and it made me feel extraordinary. i put A LOT A LOT A LOT of thought into that while writing joat, almost to the point of agonizing over it, so having someone acknowledge the attention it's given was genuinely amazing. <3
48. do you reread your own stories?
yes. constantly. repeatedly.
65. what is your favourite title for a [chapter] you’ve written? 
listen i love all my chapter titles, they're my special treat to meself, a little joke for every chapter. :3 two particular favorites are "The Worst Chapter." and "Anyway Here's Wonderwall," because i knew from the beginning that that's what I'd name the first kiss and i love you chapters respectively.
here's something fun. there's another 2 chapters that were almost named differently, and deep down in my heart....i wish i'd named them these lmaoo. they are: "booooooring" which was almost "GIRLS GONE WILD: Spring Break XXX Edition 💋💋💋" and "Big Girls Don't Cry" which was almost "Ketchup Lore." those are both superior titles.
ok tumblr is literally devouring itself the more i try to add to this post so i'mma leave it there for tonight and answer more tomorrow, there's some good ones i didn't get to
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peridotite · 2 years
I want to ask this question because it's like has me wondered a lot.
Could have pink/rose convince the diamonds to stop the colonization and were her feelings towards them were...... invalid? This is probably the strangest question because SU makes it clear that the diamonds are shitty but then at the same time.... Rose faked her death and that pretty much cause corruption and a whole another stuff because she made the assumption that they hated her even though they didn't and every decision she made was completely unnecessary and only cause more pain and Trauma for everybody involved.
I don't know it's like something on my mind and I kind of feel conflicted especially with the themes surrounding SU of parents making their children feel like shit thus making them do extreme shit, making the whole thing with the diamonds and pink..... strange but I am still wondering if it was even possible because the idea that we haven't completely seen the relationship between pink and diamonds
im not sure i get what ur asking exactly. pink did try to stop the colonization of earth once she noticed the harm it was doing? turning into rose and starting the war was literally her last resort bc she'd already insisted time and time again to the diamonds that she didn't want to go through with it, and they didn't listen so she did what she thought would get them to stop.
also, no, her feelings towards her parents were not invalid at all, they abused her, either emotionally or by locking her in a tower for who knows how long, as well as neglecting her in general, not respecting her or her autonomy, etc. sure. they loved her, in a way, they cared about her, but the way they treated her was so bad pink genuinely believe they would not care if she died. that's horrible. even when they thought she was alive (but it was just steven), they still treated her like that. they were awful parents to pink
rose is an extremely traumatized person w extremely low self-esteem who made a lot of mistakes and very bad decisions, mostly while doing what she thought was right, and ultimately she tried to heal and do better as time went by. i recommend this doc that has a compilation of in-show or not quotes about a lot of different aspects of her character. i Think there was another one that ordered the events we know of her existence chronologically but i lost it
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
do you think steve falls in love fast? i can't decide bc he gets v attached to nancy quickly but, given how tommy and carol react to that, that doesn't seem to be normal for him and he seems to be struggling w forming a closer emotional relationship w any of the girls he dates in s4. ik that could be bc they don't know about the upside down so that creates a barrier automatically but he was getting p close to robin even before she got involved in s3.
first just want to say sorry it took so long to answer this. anyway!
really interesting question!! i think that steve gets attached to people quickly, but i don’t think he falls in love quickly.
like you said, he gets attached to nancy fairy quickly in season 1. and we know why, as joe keery said, nancy was the first person to ever really listen to steve, and care about what he’s saying. no one had ever really done that before. we know he has a shit relationship with his parents, tommy and carol weren’t really good friends, and every girl he’d dated before seems to be on a purely physical basis. so, when he finds that connection to nancy, he’s all in very quickly. but i don’t think he’s in love with her.
think about it, in s1 steve thinks he’s been cheated on, and lashes out. he’s hurt, because he really likes nancy, so he wants to hurt her back. but in s2, he’s also pretty sure he’s been cheated on, and he just accepts it. he loves nancy, he doesn’t want to hurt her. so he just lets her go.
we definitely see steve get attached to other characters fast, nancy, dustin, robin, max etc, but i think steve is slower in handing over his love. wanting to protect someone and keep them safe isn’t really the same as loving. so, yeah. fast at forming bonds, but not in falling in love. just likes he’s really attached to robin by the end of s3, but not in love with her.
i think we see this less in s4 because steve doesn’t really want to be in those relationships, he’s just been told he should want to be. he goes on dates and flirts because he thinks that’s what he should be doing, that he should have a girlfriend to be happy. but he doesn’t actually really need one. he’s already happy with robin and dustin and his shitty minimum wage job. so he’s being pickier, he’s not just going to fall for the first girl to show him attention, like he would have in s3.
oh! but i definitely agree that i think the upside down would hinder the entire group in forming serious connections. like, that whole thing of, anyone that doesn’t know would never truly understand what they’d been through, and why they act the way they do etc.
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cmyknoise · 2 years
"i will keep silent bc people dont like it when i dislike these two" i mean. who cares, its ur blog. do what u want! also theyre shit characters so 💖 speak ur mind
sajdd... they infuriate me. more than any other character.
uh, below! (this took extra long because lmao i was in call brr brr barking w/ a friend who missed the stream and we were both just, so mad at phil & techno)
they've never once lost, in so many definitions of that word. the closest techno has ever gotten to losing anything of value was ranboo, and the way that was treated pisses me off, but i digress for now.
i've watched almost every single dsmp lore stream since august of 2020. i've especially watched every single one for SBI. i want to note rq that this is nothing against c!phil or techno, because they're lovely people.
their characters just infuriate me.
i have gone on about c!phil before- about how you can trace almost every single problematic behavior that c!wilbur has back to his upbringing with phil we know about. the way phil has spoken about wilbur as a child is reminescent of a neglectful or misunderstanding parent. the fact that it was HIM who drove the sword through wilbur's chest, no one else, but he blames everyone else- and to this day hasnt apologized for it or even said he did it. he blames anything else.
we know they have a rocky relationship, its brought up constantly. wilbur put phil with schlatt when he talked about liars. he lied to him about his success- and yet he always goes back to him. he wants that validation from a father, and he never gets it.
c!phil gives out advice that is surface level decent advice to give people, but it ends there. i dont know if it's because he's incapable of reading the room, or if he's really that dense, or just doesnt care about anything but his own morals, or all of the above, but thus far he's given advice to c!tommy and c!wilbur, both times when they looked to exclusively him for advice, and in return they were both told they need to either change fundamentally, or accept it as entirely their fault something happened and apologize to everyone else. for tommy it was his fault that he got exiled and thats because he puts items above people, despite the fact that as a viewer we know thats false, but EVEN from phil's perspective he's never ONCE seen tommy do such a thing. actually, phil has witnessed tommy on multiple occasions have absolutely NOTHING and still defend people. but no, things like being exiled was because of the discs, not because of dream.
phil even has the forsight to admit that dream is creepy, that he's off, that he's no good. he said so! he said so after doomsday, that it was 'just business'. phil was one of the very few people to see tommy during exile, shortly before his party, he gave tommy boots. he saw the state tommy was in, ripped clothing, missing shoes, he saw the holes everywhere. the tent. the fact that dream was there.
so when he heard dream was in prison??? no bells went off? and he broke techno out because techno is a friend and that was a favor- EVEN THOUGH we also know their bond isnt completely solid because phil keeps secrets from techno! such as michael! phil has known about michael for over a year, he met him! he even knew that ranboo was at the very least, hanging out with tubbo. but he didnt tell techno because he feared how techno would react. thats not good. THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING.
but no he listened to techno to break dream out despite feeling 'off' about it. the syndicate makes me mad. for something that is supposed to be a community where they make decisions together, no members wanted to speak up that they didnt want to do the prison break out? feels off.
but THEN. right after the prison break out, when tommy came running to him he has the audacity to be mad at dream for going after tommy right away, calling him a wrongun or whatever the fuck. NO SHIT? ever think maybe there was a reason he was in prison???
but god even when tommy was under his "protection" phil like, made it painfully obvious that he's just tolerating tommy, going along. he had to point out that the walls wouldnt work. mind you, he did this WITH ghostboo, meaning he absolutely KNOWS ranboo is dead. he kept brushing tommy's concerns off, even when he SAW the fall pit.
this isnt even onto wilbur yet. ive made posts before, phil has been and has always been a shit father and grandfather. the way he treat fundy too was just, utterly inexcusable and awful, even despite the whole butcher army thing. he forgave tubbo, but wouldnt even give fundy the time of day to step on the property. and when they finally DID speak, he accused fundy of misremembering or lying about l'manburg and manburg, despite fundy having LIVED THROUGH IT, just because it didnt match his own perception of believed events.
just, oh my god i'd go into more detail if i could think coherently but i am just tired and enraged at an old man.
it hurts so much with wilbur you know. just. he has his son, someone he killed before, in front of him. there should be red flags and alarm bells ringing about the way wilbur spoke of himself. it should be familiar, you'd think, of wilbur's final moments with him. the way he speaks and thinks of himself. and all phil can offer is cookies and 'maybe you should distance yourself from everyone you think you've wronged'
and oh my god the way he treated tommy. "the child". hitting him away. not giving him snacks until wilbur insisted
and i've not even SPOKEN about c!techno man.
c!techno genuinely- im sorry pogtopia? he wasn't used as a weapon. he was an ally. i utterly hate the whole 'the blade' thing, thats his nickname, hell, its his last name he signed legal papers that way!
in pogtopia they all had fun moments. maybe in the end, he was a good ally because of power, but NO one ever asked him to make the armor and weapons. never. he was only ever asked to make a potato farm. no one asked him to gear everyone up.
would they have lost the battle? maybe! though in the end it was everyone against only a few.
i just... techno has never given an apology to someone that mattered, not a full apology, and his apology the tubbo was never full.
but he expects apologies from everyone else. he for some reason, cant be viewed as an antagonist, even though he is literally the antagonist for over half the server and has been since november 16th.
people have apologized to him time and time again but he doesn't care. he wants more.
and today when wilbur apologized his first thoughts weren't anything about wilbur, it was once again about himself. was anyone else against him? wilbur said he didnt know and techno would bring it up again. wilbur apoogized again and told him to ask them.
and techno just went 'yeah okay' and forgave him, but wilbur never needed forgiveness from techno, that's one of the last people he needed it from.
it beyond pisses me off that c!techno and c!phil can over and over again hurt people, and cause pain, but then avoid the blame. sure it was sam who drove a sword through ranboo's chest, but that would've never happened if techno and phil didn't break dream out of prison.
and dream never needed broken out. phil didnt even want to, but he did for techno. which. mind you, hot take? the c!emerald duo friendship is lowkey toxic.
phil cant trust techno enough to tell him about michael. he feared he'd 'do something' and so he lied to him about tubbo and ranboo for months.
phil also can't seem to say no to techno, ever? he cant ever say 'this isnt a good idea.', even if he thinks its not. because in his minds eye techno is either always right, or the ends justify the means just because its techno.
and there's the 'for you the world phil' thing, but have we ever been shown that? and has techno EVER asked phil his opinion about things because i cant recall a time.
but no, phil will criticize tommy for his friendship with tubbo, because he put 'discs over his friend', even though that isn't true, and phil wasnt even there to witness the disc confrontation, and has never seen any evidence of tommy doing that, but can make a basis to claim 'maybe tubbo wasnt much of a friend'.
the difference is tubbo and tommy both have the gall to say 'this is a shit idea' and either go along with each other, or stop one another from doing something. they had their ups and downs but they chose each other and would ask each other their thoughts. they have their faults but emerald duo is NO better, and maybe even, in my opnion, a little worse. but clearly im a bit biased.
this is literally just me ranting & rambling, because i have no uh, time rn to do an analysis and point out every thing that they've done, even though i could. i have done quite a bit with phil and his treatment towards wilbur, its somewhere on my blog.
they're at the very least antagonists and it just, upsets me greatly that they're framed as the good guys, that everyone needs to forgive or ignore their wrong doing, even though they've hurt so many, even those they consider 'friends' (niki & ranboo).
c!phil is a neglectful father and grandfather who is so stuck in thinking he's right that he cant see red flags and alarms of his son being suicidal again.
c!techno is so full of himself that even when he loses someone he cares dearly about, he cant bring him up more than once and is 'done' with it once he's 'completed' a task of saving his son, leaving a widowed husband and his son to be on their own.
whatever, i dont like them, ive not liked them for a very long time and every time i think 'maybe ill give them a chance' it always disappoints.
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dilucids · 3 years
hi!! is it alright if you do a scenario w/ the boys with an idol! au where we start going out with them and our fans start getting hints? basically like a continuation from your celebrity crush scenario, thank you!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤDropping Hints, Genshin idol!au
dropping hints to your fans about your relationship.
includes: kaeya, diluc, zhongli, xiao
( i have to write idol!au for more characters soon and thank you for requesting! )
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i feel like kaeya really enjoys showing off his s/o when he's in a relationship so he wouldn't keep anything under wraps at all
he'd post really "subtle" photos of you two on dates on his story with /those/ songs and it'd take people a while to figure out what was happening because they'd be of the scenery or a really closed up photo of you but some crazy twitter fan had been keeping track of them and found a photo of himself where your shadow was also in the photo so shit went down.
someone would notice a certain shirt in one of his close up photos and then would also find you, in that exact shirt; on that exact day, so neither of you are very subtle. ( unless you wanted fans to find out )
either way, dating rumours would pop up and kaeya, who is definitely enjoying the entire situation━━ not even my man's company, just him on his personal twitter at 3am would say: "it's true"
it gets deleted a few minutes later but his company posts an official statement saying you guys are dating and both of you hope fans can be respectful of it and then your company would also come out with it.
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he also likes showing off his s/o but he's more aware of his circumstances so withholds his desires to show you off more than kaeya does.
he would, however, buy you guys matching jewellery sets ( kinda suspicious but no one says anything for now, there's not enough evidence. )
he's usually very good at aligning your instagram posts so if you two are on a date and take photos at the same place, you post at different times so less suspicion is aroused but this particular time, he either forgets ( no chance of that happening ) or he doesn't it purposely ( it's this one ) cause he posts a photo of the same cafe you just did five seconds ago; my man doesn't even wait 24 hours.
you posted a picture of yourself, with someone else sat across from you taking the photo, and your photo shows clearly the drinks on the table; diluc's photo is a photo of the table, which obviously shows the drinks and your shirt in the corner.
everyone goes fucking wild; diluc is literally the nation's dream boyfriend and someone bagged him? a mutal fan later finds that you had posted a mirroring photo earlier and here comes the twitter thread with the matching jewellery and every other little thing.
your company is the first to respond saying that you guys are together and then diluc's
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would go at whichever pace you want to, though he has his own desires of making it known that you two are together when other people flirt with you on variety shows, he's aware that you also have comprised the same thing.
so because of idol contracts, you're banned dating for a few years at least but since you've both outgrown those regulations when you say you'd like to be a bit more public about your relationship, he'd be willing but also establish a few rules since this could possibly jeopardise your careers. ( he first wants to make it known to your respective companies that you're dating )
in terms of actual hints, you guys would wear matching jewellery on same days; zhongli would talk about his day during lives with his fans and if you guys went out that day, he'd discreetly mention you or if you were on live, he'd text you and do cheesy shit that makes you smile and giggle to yourself so your fans are all "wtf they laughing at?" ( yk that young parents do when you're on the phone, laughing bc of sumn you saw or your friend said n they're like "you talking to a lover?" yh that basically. )
obviously, since his fans are all big brained for some reason, it only takes them these simple hints to realise it. obviously, they're all happy and hyping zhongli up on twt or sumn for bagging his celebrity crush ( though many of them are jealous since you're hot and vice versa )
zhongli tweets out a massive paragraph ab how you guys are dating and that he'd treat you right so your fans don't have to worry and that you're an amazing partner so his fans don't have to worry.
his company doesn't know about it but he keeps it up anyways.
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he's very lax about the relationship; meaning he doesn't really care if fans find out or not, he just wants you to be comfortable so when he posts pictures that were from your dates, he always checks with you first.
you were more paranoid about this at first and made sure there was no trace of you whatsoever in his photos but overtime, you allowed to post risker photos just as long as your full body wasn't in the shot or the focus of the picture.
xiao is a big jewellery fan, so matching jewellery is a big yes. however, fans had began to notice that he and you share the same collection of jewellery ( this isn't a mere coincidence, the man steals your jewellery and uses them like they're his own (( dw, he always returns them )) and it's a little suspicious ).
one day, he asks to post a picture where you're stood in the middle of a bridge, the full moon shining down on you, making it apparent that an entity was stood there but still hiding all of your features. he tells you it's okay if you're not fine with it, but after a while, you both comprise and he posts it with no caption nor tag and basically acts like he hadn't just outed his relationship.
his fans though? go mad.
i feel like xiao's fans are the type to be very good at coming up with theories and playing detective ( they're either really good or really stupid sometimes ). they, for some reason, start trying to find the backs of other idols and see if it matches the one in his photo and it takes almost a full month for someone to propose: what if this person wasn't an idol at all.
also, i feel like neither of you ever make it official and you keep dropping hints everywhere so that your fans are in for an eternity of hell.
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