#OTP: What If We Rewrite the Stars?
morganaseren · 18 days
Snippet Sunday (Arranged Marriage AU)
Tagged by: @blackjackkent
Tagging forward: @illusivesoul, @this-is-something-idk-what, @noeldressari, @chaosroid, and anyone else who wants to participate!
Pairing: Leliana/Niamh Cousland
Rating: Teen
AU: If You'd Cross An Ocean for Me
Note: Honestly, you could consider this scene to be a continuation to this one I posted a while back.
Following dinner, Leliana found that the tent she was meant to share with her new wife had already been pitched up. It was domed in its design, and as expected as one of the leaders of the nomadic coalition, it was larger than many of the others that darted the valley. As La Louve brushed aside the tarp entrance to allow her through, Leliana couldn't help the sudden nervousness that settled over her as she wandered into the darkened space.
With their wedding ceremony and the feast that came afterward, the consummation of their marriage was, of course, to be expected.
Leliana was hardly new to sharing her body with another, whether for romantic intent or to satisfy a carnal curiosity. Despite the abruptness of their arranged marriage, La Louve had so far shown herself to be rather courteous--enough that Leliana wouldn't have been opposed to laying with her.
Still, after Marjolaine, Leliana knew all too well that the persona one presented in public could be so very different when behind the privacy of closed doors...
Before her thoughts could darken upon that memory, her breath hitched when she heard the snapping of fingers behind her. Her startlement had less to do with the sound but the fact that the act itself had instantly lit the candles that were lined in various locations within the tent. It brought a comforting warmth to what had been an unknown space to her.
Leliana could see the clean reed matting placed over the ground, providing a clear separation between the outdoors and one's personal sleeping area. Given how nomadic the Fereldans were, she expected the tent to be rather sparse, which was proven true. Save for a collapsible writing desk and chair along with the bags that held their clothing in the corner, the majority of the space was taken up by the pile of furs that Leliana realized was meant to be their bed.
She found that she had wandered over to it without truly meaning to, and as she reached down to touch a large, silvery pelt, she found that it felt just as soft and luxurious as she had expected. Looking over her shoulder, Leliana found that her wife was still standing at the entryway and hadn't bothered to close the distance between them. From the sheepish expression on the other woman's face, she couldn't help but wonder if La Louve was perhaps just as nervous about the expectations of their marriage as she had been.
Soft lips parted to speak, but before La Louve could voice a single word, a shout--a summon perhaps?--from outside had the woman frowning. In response, La Louve poked her head out of the tent briefly, and Leliana could just barely hear the muffled conversation outside. Before long, her wife flashed a look of apology her way. She didn't understand the words that followed either, but she also didn't miss the way La Louve gestured emphatically toward the bed before she left the tent entirely, her dark cloak sweeping behind her.
All in all, it was... not quite how Leliana expected to end her evening.
With nothing left to do, she began to undress, leaving herself only in her smalls before she tucked herself under the covers of the bedding. She couldn't help her sigh of relief as she sank into the soft furs, grateful for the chance to simply relax after such an eventful day.
An eventful month in general if she were being completely honest.
Exhaustion weighed heavy upon her, but she felt it polite to at least wait for her wife before succumbing to it. However, as the candles around her gradually lowered and dimmed, and with La Louve still nowhere in sight, lethargy settled more quickly into her bones.
A few minutes, Leliana thought to herself, barely suppressing a yawn. She could rest her eyes for a few minutes before continuing her vigil. She curled up more comfortably beneath the covers to take a brief rest, but despite her best intentions, her breathing soon slowed as she transitioned into deeper slumber.
When Leliana next awoke, it was to the sound of gentle clamoring outside the confines of her tent along with the scent of food being cooked. Much closer, however, she could hear the repeated scratching of quill against parchment. Blearily shaking off the lingering dredges of sleep from her mind, Leliana slowly sat up in bed, causing the sound of writing to be stopped.
She recognized her wife's voice immediately. Common was perhaps a coarser language than her native Orlesian, but Leliana had quickly noticed that La Louve and her siblings had a distinct inflection--different from the linguistic standard found in Ferelden--when they spoke. Her wife in particular was rather soft-spoken, and it added a pleasing... lyricality when she uttered the syllables of Leliana's name.
She looked up to see La Louve standing from her desk to deliver two bowls to her: one filled with an arrangement of freshly picked berries while the other held the remnants of the ram they'd had last night but in a stew-like form. Energy for the day ahead, she supposed.
Leliana took the food from her wife gratefully, and if her wife appeared at all discomforted by her current state of undress, the other woman didn't show it, offering only a friendly smile, which she recognized to be genuine.
"Thank you, but did you not eat?"
As expected, her inquiry drew confusion in that gaze even as the smile across from hers remained politely in place. The language barrier was likely going to be a continual test for their marriage, Leliana thought, as she carded a hand tiredly through her hair in an attempt to make it more presentable.
"This," she said, pointing to the bowls atop her lap that were barely half empty. She gestured to La Louve then. "Surely, you need more sustenance than this to get yourself through the morning."
Thankfully, the other woman caught on quickly to what she was trying to ask and responded in kind, saying something in Common as she gestured to the bowls and then back to herself before holding up two fingers.
Two... Leliana's brows furrowed, trying to make sense of what was being conveyed to her. Her second bowl then?
"You already ate?"
La Louve seemed to confirm as much with a nod although it was done hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure if she completely understood the question.
"I see." Leliana huffed out a small laugh at the early morning charades before picking up the spoon in the stew bowl. "Thank you then."
With a relieved smile, her wife wandered back over to her desk to begin working anew on the various missives atop it. With the way the other woman's cloak was so casually draped across the back of her chair, it didn't seem she or the Fereldans were in any rush to leave the area anytime soon. Still, there was likely work to still be done, and she didn't want her new wife and clan to think she was a layabout. As such, she ate her fill before preparing her mind for the rest of the day ahead.
It was on her second week with the Fereldans that Leliana found herself growing increasingly perplexed, but it had little to do with the differing customs.
No, that had long been expected.
Rather, her bemusement came with her wife's continual disappearance from their tent whenever night fell. It wasn't as if her wife was avoiding her, Leliana knew. La Louve was always at her desk when Leliana awoke in the morning, rode at her side when it was time to travel, and joined her for every meal.
Yet, Leliana still went to bed alone.
Frowning as she stared at the empty pile of furred pelts, she finally wandered out of the tent to seek an answer. Of course, she soon realized that trying to find one was quickly turning out to be an exercise in frustration.
She had tried to speak with a group of returning hunters to find the whereabouts of La Louve, but, as always, the language barrier proved to be too much. They were hardly rude as they stood there, struggling to understand what she requested of them. As the wife of one of their leaders, perhaps they were wary of showing anything less than the proper deference to her. Still, after a time, one of them--a mage if the staff over her shoulder was any indication--motioned for Leliana to follow her.
She sound found herself led to one of the campfires dotted around the area. As luck would have it, both of La Louve's siblings were there. The mage shouted a greeting, drawing the attention of the two warriors, who saw Leliana and grinned widely in greeting. Both rose to meet her, but the mage who led her there got to them first.
A rapidfire conversation followed that Leliana had no chance of understanding, and the two leaders' gazes darted to her every few seconds, but from the puzzlement in their own gazes, it didn't seem they were any closer in offering her the answer she desired either. The mage could only offer a smile of apology to her before she quickly left to find the other hunters and help dress and preserve their catch of the evening.
Weary, Leliana was all but prepared to return to her tent at that point, but she tried yet again with a small sigh. "Do you know where La Louve is?"
The two warriors glanced at one another for a long moment before the blonde woman spoke to her.
Of course, the word itself meant nothing to her, so Leliana couldn't help but stare blankly in response.
“Lah… loov?” the woman asked haltingly, trying to form the Orlesian words. She then drew her head back to emit a low pantomime of a wolf’s howl before raising her brows in question at Leliana, who recognized at once what she was trying to tell her.
“Yes! La Louve!" she replied excitedly, relieved at having finally gotten a lead. "Do you know where she is?”
The woman could only grin smugly at her brother, who rolled his eyes before waving her off. “Neev,” she said profoundly before escorting Leliana away.
Leliana tossed the word around her mind for several minutes as La Louve's sister led her through the throng of tents. The way the other woman had said it seemed important however--at least in relation to her wife.
She blinked then.
Was it La Louve's actual name?
Before long, they had gotten past the settlement and were making their way down a grassy incline towards the riverbank. The fires of the camp didn't encroach as far out, but with the twin moons hanging overhead, there was little concern about losing their way in the dark.
Or finding La Louve as it turned out.
The woman in question was sitting at the edge of the water atop a bedroll with a sketchbook in hand, determinedly filling in the details of something or other on the page. Leliana knew she always carried it about when they were traveling. Her wife was apparently quite the artist, one who could often be found documenting the flora and fauna around them when her duties as the clan's emissary weren't needed.
"Neev!" the warrior beside her boomed out humorously, causing that dark head to turn toward them.
Moonlit eyes were surprised to see them there although La Louve seemed less than pleased to see her sibling if her expression was any indication. Although Leliana didn't understand the words being spoken between them, the rapport of sibling banter was as universal a language as anything. She bit her lip to keep from laughing when she saw La Louve's eyes roll so hard in exasperation at her sister's comment that she was almost half-convinced they were going to roll right out of their sockets. Having had her fill of the teasing, La Louve clicked her tongue and summoned the mabari pup that had been laying next to her.
In response, the white-furred puppy rose to his paws and immediately placed himself between the warrior and his mistress, bristling and yapping with infantile fury even though his current foe was several times his size. It was so adorable that Leliana almost couldn't resist cooing at the sight. La Louve's sister laughter was a deep, bellowing sound, but she held her hands up placatingly while backing away from the pup. Still, the little mabari insisted on herding the woman away from the two of them, tail wagging all the while--likely pleased at protecting his favorite human--while barking at the warrior's ankles in a vain attempt to get her to move faster. The sounds of them both soon faded away as they passed the perimeter of the encampment.
"Leliana is... okay?"
Leliana turned to see La Louve looking up at her with concern, but she smiled. "I'm fine, yes. I was just curious as to where you've been all these nights." As expected, all she received in return were dark, furrowed brows as her wife tried to piece together what she was saying with little success. Leliana shook her head, unbothered. "But never mind that. Is Neev your name?”
Ghostly-grey eyes lit up toward the end of her sentence, and Leliana felt she was making progress with communicating with her although perhaps not quite enough to bridge the language together just yet. She glanced down at her wife's sketchbook and found the woman had been drawing a flower of some sort but had also written some notes next to it. As she eyed the writing, she found Orlesian and Common shared a similar alphabet although the latter seemingly lacked any diacritics.
Leliana gathered her cloak more tightly around herself to ward against the night's chill before crouching beside the bedroll, motioning for the sketchbook and charcoal pencil in La Louve’s hands, who gave them away without much protest. In little time at all, Leliana had her own name written on a fresh page, which she showed to her wife.
"Leliana." She pointed to the page emphatically before gesturing to herself. "Leliana," she repeated again, watching as more understanding filled her wife's gaze. With the connection made, she proceeded to write what she assumed to the other woman's name just below her own. "Neev," she stated then, pointing to her writing.
After a brief inspection, Leliana could see her wife was very clearly trying not to laugh at her if the smile threatening to curl at the edge of her lips was any indication. Clearing her throat, La Louve gestured for the sketchbook back. From there, the other woman proceeded to cross out the attempt at her name before writing something else down in a neat, flowing script that she finished with a flourish, which she presented to her.
It was... clearly not spelled as Leliana had expected, and when she looked back up with suspicious eyes, La Louve--no, Niamh--merely smiled.
"Are you just teasing me now?"
Niamh bit her lip, shoulders shaking silently, before writing down another name on the page. “Fergus,” she announced, pointing to her brother in the distance, who Leliana could see was helping another clanmate set up a tent. The spelling was more or less what she had anticipated it would be, but when Niamh pointed to her sister, who was currently wrestling with an absolute beast of a mabari--and was laughing maniacally all the while if her ears were to be believed--the arrangement of letters that had been revealed to her was even more complex than Niamh's own name.
"Now you are teasing me..."
Leliana doubted her wife completely understood what she'd said, but she supposed her expression said enough for the both of them because the laughter that spilled from her wife's lips then were akin to the wind chimes that hung along the stables back at her mother's estate--airy and beautiful in their tinkling sound.
"Alright then, Niamh," she said with some measure of humor once her wife's amusement faded on the breeze. "Why are you sleeping out here--" She tapped at the bedroll the woman was sitting on. "--and not in our tent?" she finished, gesturing toward the Fereldan encampment.
As her wife's gaze following her outstretched arm, Leliana wasn't expecting any answer she would truly comprehend, but the pensiveness she saw settling on Niamh's features had her curious as the woman turned back to her.
"I sleep here to..." A jaw worked itself thoughtfully as she struggled to find the words. "...To give Leliana comfort alone."
Leliana blinked as she turned Niamh's answer about in her head.
If she understood correctly, her wife had taken to sleeping out beneath the stars every night because of her. It wasn't far from her initial assumption. Their marriage was still new, and with them both being of different cultures, perhaps Niamh hadn't wanted to overstep any boundaries Leliana might have had. Rather than inadvertently risk making her uncomfortable, Niamh had stayed away to allow Leliana to acclimate to her new surroundings alone.
It was... very thoughtful, Leliana could admit. Unnecessary but thoughtful all the same.
"Well, if you won't join me in our tent, then may I at least sit here?" she asked, tapping the bedroll repeatedly with her request.
Her wife's gaze turned to Leliana and the bedding several times before her eyes widened in seeming realization. The other woman nodded rapidly with her consent, making room for Leliana, but she scooted herself over so much that Leliana couldn't help but laugh when Niamh nearly ended up on the grass.
"Come here, Silly!" she said, reaching out to steady her wife before she needed to fish her out of the river. She tugged her closer across the bedroll and marveled at the warmth emanating from the mage's body even on such a cool night. She smiled. "There's space enough for both of us, no?"
And that's it for now! I always love writing soft things about these two! If you liked this, please leave me a like or comment, and consider checking out the other AUs I have!
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snake-eyes-11 · 2 years
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thesecondbatgirl · 2 years
This is not as positive as you think it is
It’s still Rosh Hashanah, and I’m going to post part of those 17 essays I swore I would never write. Starting off the year as I mean to go on? Or something. I originally had this as the first thing on my list of essays that I would never write but would absolutely get me kicked out of Star Wars fandom but I am tired and cranky and I am going to explain why tagging fics where the Jedi Order reform and start allowing attachment as *Jedi Positive* piss me off so much. 
First, let me make this clear. If you hate the Jedi Order and want to write those, go ahead. If you have issues with the Jedi and want to write those fics, go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. What I’m asking instead is to stop tagging them Pro-Jedi or Jedi positive. Use Jedi critical! Or not Jedi friendly! Please use those tags instead! Yes even if you think its Pro-Jedi! If you are saying that the Order needs to reform to be *good* then it is not Jedi friendly!
I mean, look, if you are writing those things then I have issues with the way you’re interrogating the text and will think that you’re *wrong* and also that you’re using some super problematic (and from my point of view, anti-semitic) tropes but if my 21+ years in fandom have taught me anything its that you are never going to get anyone to agree on anything, but tagging will at least allow us to have our own spaces? Like, you wouldn’t have gone into a [pairing of your choice] positive archive and post a fic where [pairing] break up because the one who isn’t your blorbo is abusive so your blorbo runs to *YOUR* OTP, because that wouldn’t fit the theme of the archive! So if your fic is saying that the old rules for the prequel Jedi are bad and need to be changed to be good, don’t put it with Jedi positive content! 
So first. Attachment. Other people have talked about it better than I have, but have some links about what attachment means in the GFFA and no it really does not mean love.
(Listen I am not going to bother to rewrite the meta when Lumi has already done the work for me)
…. Honestly just have the entire attachment tag ok:
So. Having done your reading, for the purposes of the GFFA, attachment is greed/possession and *very very bad* for psychic space monks. It is not a thing that the Jedi can just suddenly *allow*. Letting Jedi start allowing attachments, which is the big thing I start seeing whenever people start *reforming* the Jedi is, to me, a Jew who lives in the US South, the equivalent of Jews for Jesus.
Whoa, TSB, you say. You’re going too far.
Not really. Let’s go with a central belief of Judaism. The messiah has not come, Jesus is not the messiah. For the Jedi, attachment is not allowed is one of the central core beliefs. So saying that the way the Jedi need to reform by changing one of their core beliefs hits me like the person who told me “oh honey, we don’t care how you worship, as long as you accept Christ” did. (Right after I was introduced as being Jewish!) If you’re changing the *core* of who the Jedi are, you’re making them no longer Jedi. It’s not just changing one thing, it’s changing *everything.* 
And, while the Jedi are much more Buddhist then they are Jewish, they still hit me very much in my Jewish feels. Gee, I wonder *why* I could possibly resonate with a minority religious group who were hunted down and murdered and who get accused of a bunch of anti-semitic tropes including baby stealing and secretly running the government???? There are no parallels, clearly.
So look. Every single time I get hit with a fic that’s tagged Pro-Jedi and then its “we changed our rules about attachment and that stopped us from being murdered” what I hear is “the Jews accepted Jesus so we avoided pogroms/The Holocaust.” Or, as another friend pointed out "the Sikhs cut their hair, converted, and so the Mughal Empire let them live.”
Obviously I don’t speak for every Jew, and I certainly don’t speak for any Sikhs, so not everyone is going to agree with my take. But there are people that relate to Jedi and there is a reason why people are uncomfortable with Jedi reform and allowing attachment. 
But if you’re going to write fic about the Prequel Jedi and have them reform, before you tag it pro-Jedi or Jedi-Positive, please consider if “well they have to change who they are to be good” is as positive as you think it is. Tags help people curate their fannish experience. I very much follow the philosophies of YKINMKATO and don’t like, don’t read. The backbutton is my friend! But when I think I’m getting positive fic and then it isn’t? That sucks. Please tag accurately.
…. And well, since I’ve broken my rule about not writing these essays I guess look forward to my future essays of “No the Jedi are not Catholic” and “Actually they don’t have any political power” and “please stop judging the Jedi Order by some middle grade books” and finally “Galidraan was not the Jedi’s fault oh my god Jango shot first” Shana tova, everyone. Let’s try to do better this year.
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daraasum · 11 months
For the fandom meme: Star Wars?
I am a FinnPoe girl UNTIL I DIE and Disney and Kathleen Kennedy will know my wrath for depriving me
favourite canon pairing
HanLeia is the original, the blueprint, baby's first ship, etc. All hail to Space Mom and Space Dad.
worst pairing ever
Reylo, shouldn't exist, should never have been shipped, and if this opinion upsets you, you're one of THOSE Reylos and we aren't friends.
guilty pleasure pairing
OK so partner showed me this video ages ago like "What If Episode 1 Were Good?" or something along those lines, and the rewrite of PM had Obi-Wan and Padme having a brief romantic attraction and a relationship that culminates in Obi-Wan cutting things off at the end of the film because he feels his attachment to Padme resulted in Qui-Gon's death. I don't ship it in a "oh they were endgame" type way but HOT DAMN am I weak for those short, tragic romances.
a pairing you want to see more
I'd say Revan/Carth Onasi but I also want Disney to stay the FUCK away from Revan so it's conflicting.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” 
Aside from the aforementioned Reylo? Eh. I haven't run across another ship in the SW fandom I don't care for.
favorite non-romantic pair
Kuill and Mando had the best dynamic hands down, it brings me infinite joy, RIP to my best ugnaught grandpa
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
🚀 dear space swap creator 🚀
thank you for whatever you will make for me! i hope you're excited about whatever we matched on.
i'm pretty easily delighted and like being surprised by things i did not consider, so you are welcome to take my suggestions and prompts as random inspiration or pitch them entirely in favor of whatever you want to create!
this letter is just a rewrite of my requests, but with the general likes/dislikes broken out in bullet points to be more legible.
anonymous asks are on for this account, so feel free to ask questions if you want! (& i forgot to write this in my main request, but in case anyone else is here from the exchange, treats are always loved!)
general things i love:
happy or hopeful endings
episode-related fic
pining (especially respectful no-i’m-definitely-NOT-jealous pining)
hurt/comfort (especially oh-my-god-you're-not-dead)
friendship & family fic
canon divergence
5-times fic
anywhere in/post canon is fine but i do have a special love of early-season things in just about every show
all ratings welcome
i tend to really love all canon characters, so feel free to include friends and relations in the fic that aren't directly part of my requests
kinks enjoyed:
soft dom/sub (bondage & praise yes, pain & shaming no)
aliens made them do it (or equivalent)
overindulgence (food, drinks, whatevs)
masturbation (mutual, pining, voyeuristic, whatevs)
body image/weight gain/aging/body worship
i’ve never said no to a quality blow job or hand job fic
sweet i-love-you sex works for me too i'm not picky
general things i do NOT love:
permanent character death
hurt no comfort
crossovers except within the extended canon universe (crossovers between star trek series are welcome)
historical or supernatural AUs (no pride-and-prejudice or zombies)
supernatural elements are actually fine (like telepathy, psychic powers, soulmate stuff, etc) but i specifically want to avoid zombies & vampires
bashing of canon past relationships or other characters (if a character loved somebody else in canon, thumbs down to the "i never really loved them" trope). except sam carter's collection of terrible exes in stargate, i can live with that.
fandoms requested:
stargate atlantis
i'm equally fine with fic set in seasons 1-3, fics where "that just didn't happen," and AUs where elizabeth gets rescued! in rescue AUs i'm fine with "came back wrong" or suffering along the way as long as at her core she's elizabeth and it ends in a hopeful or happy way :)
some prompt ideas/things i think about in this fandom:
john and the challenge of giving/receiving affection or Having A Feeling in general
elizabeth should get to go off-world more
a little surprise telepathy/alien bonding rituals/interesting reactions to alien booze could do everyone some good
i’m always here for fix-it, hurt/comfort, and recovery fics.
stargate sg-1
mini!otp (clone sam/jack): i love them with some understandable existential angst, the tension between what they have lost and this new life they have, navigating a relationship when they spent so long NOT being in a relationship…
some ideas/things i think about with them:
i love the "this used to be normal but now it feels different" kind of injury or hurt/comfort trope for those two.
high school era is great, but i’m also really curious about what happens to them later -- how is it to be 20 or 25, when they were cloned at 15? at what point does this life feel like their own? are they still connected with the SGC? do they want to be?
pairing-specific DNWs: clone sam & jack changing their first names. i usually prefer fics where just sam & jack have been cloned, rather than it becoming an entire high-school AU.
classic sam/jack:
i loveeee episode-related fic (canon compliant or canon divergent!). i'm currently obsessed with "desperate measures" so i always prompt that one, but any episode is great, particularly seasons 1-8 since i haven't gotten to 9-10 yet!
piniiiiing especially if they mutually have to acknowledge it by the end
this pairing is always good for amtdi
pairing-specific DNWs: unexpected pregnancy or babyfic
star trek: picard
soji & kestra or soji & elnor
soji asha my beloved!!
i would love for her to heal, and i especially love "nepenthe" and how the troi-riker home would be such a perfect place for her to heal! and kestra, deanna, and will have their own things they're healing from, so i love the idea of this little family and was excited to see this tag in the tagset.
i have never really thought about soji & elnor's relationship, but it's a cool idea! for a big-idea kind of fic, what if they hadn't been left behind (effectively) in season two? for a smaller-idea kind of fic, what if they helped each other choose their next path in between seasons one and two? (either the direction they ultimately went in canon, or divergence of your choice…)
star trek: voyager
b'elanna/kes is a rarepair delight! with voyager i love everyone and am happy for any kind of canon divergence that keeps the family together (so if you choose to write kes staying into s4 and beyond, that's fine!)
kes has no preconceptions about klingons, so how does that affect how b'elanna sees herself?
anything at all to do with kes's powers
i've been thinking about kes aging, and how b'elanna's abandonment issues might bump up against a friendship or relationship with someone who she will probably outlive by quite a while...
i'm deeply convinced that the kes we see in "fury" is from a mirror universe (maybe not THE mirror universe, but maybe!) so that's an idea, but i would also be very happy to ignore "fury" entirely because it hurts me.
star trek: enterprise
i'm so shocked and delighted to see hoshi and travis show up in the tagset! i used to love them back in the day and genuinely thought i was the only one. they are SO SWEET in the tiny moments they have alone together, and would love to see anything you have to offer for them as friends or lovers or anything in between. some ideas off the top of my head:
something to do with her time recovering from her experience on the xindi weapon
five times hoshi and travis were alone (and/or in command) on the bridge
they should get to save the day once in a while, don't you think?
trip/t'pol prompt ideas:
t'pol lets trip help her in her ongoing recovery
how is it for them to be either on vulcan or on earth as a couple for the first time?
trip survives his injuries in these are the voyages and that brings them back together
thank you again! i hope something in here inspires you (or inspires you to ignore it and do your own thing). see you on the flip side!
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woodelf68 · 2 years
AO3 tag game
Tagged by @luthienebonyx
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your current AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
For fics that I've published/posted to share with others: Robin of Sherwood, Wizards and Warriors, Zorro (the Family Channel series), Lord of the Rings, Once Upon A Time, Stargate: Universe, The Tournament, Thor -- and like 99% of that is OUAT, SGU, and Thor. Everything pre-OUAT was no more than one or two fics per fandom. (I am not a natural story writer. I find it easy to write missing scenes, or extend existing ones, but a proper fic with a beginning, middle and end? At that age, the only thing that could force me to come up with enough words to count as a proper fic were those magic words "free contributor's copy". I did do a lot of art and poetry/filks for RoS, though.)
For all those journals filled with fannish scribbles that I wrote just for myself? Various soap operas, with the most being from Days of Our Lives probably, since I had a couple of big OTPs there. House. Highlander. Beauty and the Beast (Ron Perlman series). A bit of Hercules the Legendary Journeys? I remember writing something for Aphrodite and Hephaestus and at least one thing based on Tyr from Andromeda. More of all the shows that I listed as having posted online or had published in zines. Maybe some ST:TNG for Picard and Crusher? It's hard to remember, it's so long ago; I'm sure I've missed at least one fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bearing in mind that most of the Rumbelle and Rushbelle ones were posted on tumblr years before I copied them to AO3 (thus having most of their likes over here), these are all my more recent Thor fandom ones: Measuring Up, Child of Love, Tumblr Prompt Fics, Mornings, and Trust.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
Yes, always. I very much appreciate any and all comments and I want those who leave them to know that.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*Scrolls through my fics on AO3* Hm, I can't decide, my three fics in which I accept Neal Cassidy as being dead all make me sniffly. It's either 'Rumple and Henry at Neal's grave', 'Rumple names a star after Neal for Henry's birthday present', or 'Years after Neal's death, his sister visits the grave of the brother she never met'. I debated rewriting that last one when the Rumbaby turned out to be a boy, but was too pleased with the way the fic came out to mess with it.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I've done several Rushbelle ones and one Macelle one that springboarded off a Bad Faery fic. Craziest one was a prompt for SGU's Nicholas Rush to turn into a unicorn. It somehow ended up not feeling like crack at all, though.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got a few critical reviews from someone this past winter, but nothing strong enough that I would call it hate or be bothered by it. Like 'this is too fluffy and OOC' and I was like 'if you're looking for angst, you're in the wrong place, but thanks for reading!' I was having quite a bit of fun responding to this person tbqh, I was kind of sad when they stopped after three fics.
9. Do you write smut?
Yep. My brain keeps providing me with ideas, rudely not caring that it's much easier to play out sex scenes in my head for my own pleasure than to actually write them down.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. (At least that I know of!)
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh boy. *Drums fingers* I'm going to go with Vincent and Catherine from Beauty and the Beast, because their journey was cut short when Linda Hamilton left the show and I was left feeling unfulfilled and cheated of everything that they could have been. Fic was good, but they were canon, and we did not get enough of them. I wish they had either tried recasting the role or just cancelled it without doing what they did in the third season. Their romance was just so beautiful.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
If little isolated scenes I just wrote for my own pleasure (often extending an aired scene to make it fluffier or smuttier) in a journal counts, then Days of Our Lives, I think. Or maybe General Hospital. That was the first soap I got hooked on at the tender age of 12, thanks to my mom. For a proper fic written to be shared with others...it might have been a very short Robin of Sherwood scene where Robin wasn't killed due to some Herne-sent Magical Mist™ shrouding him from view of the Sheriff's archers and allowing him to escape back into the woods. (My more experienced self is asking what good that would have done, when the dogs could have just tracked him right back down. I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?)
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh man, I've got too many to choose from. The best I can do is say that for Rumbelle it's probably one (or all) of the fics in the Floofy!verse, and for Thor, one (or all) of the completely self-indulgently fluffy kid Thor and Loki fics.
Open tag for anyone who wants to do it!
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Sick with COVID and trying to find ways to amuse myself 😔 So I found this old post from years ago and decided to redo it!
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Lord of the Rings in middle/high school! I was obsessed with it, and it was the first time I had reliable enough internet access to get involved in forums 🥰
2. What is your latest fandom?
Stranger Things!
3. What is the best fandom you've ever been involved in?
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. I contributed work of my own for the first time and got a GREAT response. And that was before antis made fandom a warzone 🙄 so I wrote whatever I wanted and never got hate for it.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
😬 I'm not gonna say I regret getting involved in Stranger Things fandom. But it's definitely the most annoying one I've ever been a part of. You can't turn around without bumping into an anti or some kid screaming about p*dophilia. It's so fkn cringe lol
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, Gladiator, X-Files, the Star Wars sequel trilogy, Stranger Things
6. List your OTP from each fandom you've been involved in.
Atton/Exile (SW:KOTOR2), Mulder/Scully (X-Files), Reylo, Bileven
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you've been in.
Kylux, Finnr3y, Harringr0ve, M1leven (I see a pattern here lol)
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Billy Hargrove brain rot, July 2019
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
The source material can be really fun 💕 I also met a couple of my bffs because of it.
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don't write in?
Not currently, but in the past I've read fic for the original Star Wars trilogy, Star Trek, Phantom of the Opera, The Office, Labyrinth, and probably more I've forgotten.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Bileven baby 💖💕
12. Who is your current OT3?
I don't have any, though I could see myself getting interested in Bileven + Eddie at some point.
13. Any NoTPs?
See answer to #7
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Too many 😆 I love the entire Hopper-Byers family dynamic, so that's several broTPs right there. Also El and Max.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Bileven is pretty damn obscure, so 😆💀
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
See answer to #7
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Bileven is my only otp for the fandom. Still going strong after nearly three years 😌
18. What ship have you written the most about?
Bileven for sure. I think I've written over 200-300k about them so far.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don't feel them?
I kinda wish I was more into J0pper? I mean, I do like them, but not enough to really feature them in my fic. It would add a lovely dimension to my giant AU though.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Not really? My tastes are very well established by this point 😂
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
A long, rambling fic for Donkey Kong at like, age 9-10
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Nope! It was all necessary to my artistic development ☺️
23. Name a fic you've written that you're especially fond of & explain why you like it.
My current Billy Lives AU! It's the first fic that feels truly raw and heartfelt, like it springs straight from the essence of who I am. Working on it has also taught me a lot about the writing process, honed my writing voice, and helped me unlearn limiting beliefs.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
My Billy Lives AU. I've written a lot of material that I haven't even published yet. I'm rewriting/editing it as we speak 😆
25. What's your most popular fanfic?
A short A/B/O fic I wrote for Reylo. Over 10k hits, good god. That fandom was so horny lmao
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Song titles and lyrics, phrases from the text that have thematic significance.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Writing summaries 😖 I've gotten better at it, but it's still annoying trying to condense a big ol' story into a paragraph lol
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
I would like it to be from my Billy Lives AU, which I think has lots of illustration-worthy moments. Hell, I've got a list of illustrations I'd make myself, if I could just recover from my art burnout...
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
Not really. If I genuinely need help with something, I have a couple friends I can ask, but usually I just wing it on my own. I'm too impatient to wait on someone 😂
30. What inspires you to write?
Powerful emotions, resonant themes and symbols, yin/yang and Hades/Persephone pairings, sad grumpy men who are practically begging for redemption arcs, music
31. What's the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I've gotten several lovely comments that I hoard like a mound of crack. My favorite ones lately say things like "your writing is poetry," "it's so visceral," "cuts you right to the bone." But my top favorite has to be this one:
"I love how you write Billy, because it's so LEGIT. Everything you have him do or say just feels so accurate and true to his character. Like, I can imagine it all happening and playing out in front of me."
I work hard on his characterization, so hearing that had me buzzingggg!
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Oh hell yeah. I draw from a variety of genres depending on the scene I'm writing. For my Billy Lives AU, I've used ambient, heavy metal, all flavors of rock, TV/movie soundtracks, '80s pop, and more.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
All three! I've written a lot of oneshots lately to explore ideas outside of my giant AU, which def counts as a huge epic (rip me 💀). I also have a multi-chap in progress.
34. What's the word count on your longest fic?
Over 100k. Only half of it is published right now.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I used to, but I don't anymore.
36. What's your favourite genre to write?
Sci-fi horror, romance, drama
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Both depending on my mood. My default is third person, but sometimes I switch to first to shake things up and/or internalize the characters' voices.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I usually go for canon characters, but when I sense a gap in the story I'm not above creating an OC to fill it. I'm never gonna stop bragging about how one of my OCs seemed to anticipate Eddie Munson 😆 (mostly in style and backstory, less in personality).
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
I make my readers feel a lot of things. Also I've been told multiple times, "I can see it happening so clearly! 😭" So... good descriptions??
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Perseverance. I tend to come up with complicated epics that would take years to write. To this day, I've yet to finish a single one. Goddammit though, I'm gonna do it someday 😠
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
None. The fanfics I want to read right now are so incredibly specific I doubt I could find them anywhere 🥲 so I'm just writing them myself.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
I'm too lazy to link anyone 😅
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Everyone who's left a kind comment on my work, and fellow Billy fans who can tolerate differences in opinion (a VERY small number 🥲).
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Bileven for sure
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
To this day I still remember some creepy Phantom of the Opera fic I read years ago...
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Worship The Flame, which has the most material to read (50k published so far) and really demonstrates my skills imo.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
AO3 by far. It's clean and organized, I get more interaction there, and hate comments have been easy to deal with. Ff.net is just useless now. Tumblr is okay, but it's extremely hard to get views, and hate comments are more common.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Sometimes! Depends on how strong my reaction was to the work and how much energy I have that day. I haven't read any fic lately though.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
Oh, yeah. I care a lot. A single good comment can lift me out of a writing funk and give me the motivation to keep going. It literally just happened last week 💕 (Thank you kind commenter 💕💕)
Also, reblogs are the only way to get views here. The fics I'm most passionate about tend not to get reblogged (1. they involve a rarepair, so they're niche to begin with; 2. people are too scared to reblog Bileven content). So I cherish every one I get.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Idk, I just fell into it in elementary school. It felt natural. Still does!
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Gush: I love the incredible creativity of fandom! Also, I LIVE for taking back stories from white male creators who have no idea what they're doing. And from corporations who shoot for the lowest common denominator. (Capitalism kills art, tell your friends)
Rant: STOP HARASSING FAN CREATORS FOR MAKING STUFF YOU DON'T LIKE. Oh and let's NOT do the whole censorship thing. We tried it and it was awful. Thank you.
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spreadssheets · 6 months
Fanfic Game Tag
No one tagged me in this, I just love doing these.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 89
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 380,184
3. What fandoms do you write for? I have A LOT because I used to take one off requests so I'm only going to name the ones I have more than one fic for.
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Iron Man/Doctor Who Crossover
Iron Man
Doctor Who
Danny Phantom
Life With Derek
Codename: Kids Next Door
Cody Lyoko
Fullmetal Alchemist
Marvel (Comics)
Mass Effect Triology
Monsters Inc/Frozen Crossover
The Avengers (MCU)
Zoey 101
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
every minute it makes me weaker (Loki (2021) | 9k | E | Lokius)
lightning in a bottle (Cars/Loki | 1k | M | LokiLightning)
coming out of my cage and i've been doing just fine (The Santa Clause/The Santa Clauses | 20k | M | CharlieBernard & CharlieMaria)
i am your shadow (Naruto | 2k | T | ShikaNaru)
As We Know It (Sonny With a Chance | 1k | T | ChadSonny)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Typically I do. I love when people comment on my work, but sometimes I miss stuff! Sometimes I'll go back to update an old fic and I'll see there's like 5 comments I didn't even see and I'm like ???? I'm so sorry! Either that or you comment with a bunch of emojis and I'm like ..... I have no idea how to reply to this, but I love you.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably The Way Life Is or one of the Kids Next Door fics, but tbh It COULD be Unfaithful from my JONAS fic days. Eventually, if I ever fucking finish it, it'll be coming out of my cage (sorry everyone who loves that fic and is hoping for a happy ending).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I guess it's burnin' like a firefly? Or maybe one of my million fics where it ends in a kiss and a love confession?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yep.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm kinda known for it, actually. Haha. I write all kinds of smut, but most of it is F/M with the second highest being MLM, but I think I'm mostly known for my BDSM stuff.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I write a bunch of crossovers. Most of them I don't post, but of the one's I've posted It's probably my Monster's Inc/Frozen or Loki/Cars that people perceive as the craziest, but in all honesty those are all D*sn*y properties, so that's not completely insane.
My Doctor Who/Iron Man one, however....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, but this was like back in the DeviantART/FFN days. Nothing on AO3. That I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I think so? I'm not 100% sure. Someone asked if they could do it, but I never checked to see if they actually did it lol.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yeah.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I don't have an answer for you, but I DO have a spreadsheet where I've tracked all of my reading on AO3 from 2013 to 2022 and I have a graph of the ships I've read most. I'll post the top 5 most read ships from that.
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson | Stranger Things
Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler | Doctor Who (The closest thing to an OTP I could ever have because I've been reading this ship for YEARS, the only reason Steddie overtook it is because I've been obsessively reading 13/Rose and not 10/Rose for the past few years)
Casey McDonald/Derek Venturi | Life with Derek
Gen (I read a lot of Gen ok, full on friendship, full on familial love)
[Ship Redacted] | MCU
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've been trying to do a full Star vs. the Forces of Evil rewrite for like 7 fucking years and I cannot get this bitch off the ground. I'm fucking STRUGGLING. But SOMEDAY. SOMEDAY!!!!
16. What are your writing strengths? This was not a thing I was aware I could do.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Never updating anything ever, never finishing anything, never being able to sit down and write, procrastination, bailing on scenes when I need to sit in it more, not being able to keep tense for more than a fucking page, not being able to keep someone in character to save my life
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Considering I'm bilingual and read fic in both French and English, I'mma go with 100% yes. That and I read novels where a lot of the dialogue is in Spanish (and not translated, and I don't speak Spanish at all, I just adore the storytelling of hispanic & latinx authors) so. Why wouldn't I be on board for fanfiction doing that?
19. First fandom you wrote for? It was probably Codename: Kids Next Door (but there's a very real possibility it was Sailor Moon)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Probably coming out of my cage because that fic is so personal to my own queer journey, or what are you after (some kind of disaster) because it's personal to my trans identity.
I know more people probably think it's my Lokius fic (every minute it makes me weaker) because it's the one that has the most views/attention, but I wrote that fic because I had an idea for it. Some of the writing in there is the best I've ever done, but I don't have any real love for the work. It's good on paper, but I don't feel an emotional connection to it the same way I do coming out of my cage, what are you after, or even be kind and curious in all things.)
Or maybe you think it's the Doctor Who/Iron Man crossover I've been writing for going on...what 7 years now? I love that fic, but it isn't my favourite. It has a lot of flaws I should've fixed, but didn't. Even on the second upload. I took away voices from characters I should've given a bigger platform and I have to live with that.
You can always tell the stories I love the most because I drag my feet on finishing them. I don't have the ability to just write them and post them the same way I do works I don't have an emotional connection to.
coming out of my cage will always be that for me. When I finish it I'm going to be both relieved and ruined.
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marvelsior · 5 years
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Endless Spidercouple edits [1/∞]
Personals don’t reblog.
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blondehairstripe · 2 years
hi! I don't know if you're still doing the otp ask game but if you are: 2, 12, 42, and 97?
Sure am! Thank you for the ask! ✨ (I’m assuming it’s for Varipunzel given the nature of my blog lol)
100 Otp Questions
2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle?
Oh, they’re BOTH big-time cuddlers. Rapunzel is canonically a hugger, and Varian has all the signs of being one touch-starved boi, and he’s certainly not shy about touching people in the series. Put them together and you’d probably need a crowbar to pry them apart.
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12. How did they get together?
Oho man, I have SO many AU scenarios of them getting together it’s not even funny.
But my most 'canon-based' take is that Rapunzel and Eugene break up peacefully after the ‘Stalyan incident’ so Rapunzel can have the freedom to see other people, and come post-series she starts taking notice of how much she and Varian have in common. Meanwhile Varian has been pining for her since the events of Rapunzel’s Return, so them getting together is a no-brainer the moment Rapunzel catches the feels. I like to think she makes the first move, since Varian’s gotten used to the status quo of 'pining from afar.'
42. What is their song?
Overlooking the fact that we were ROBBED of a Varian/Rapunzel duet in the show proper (seriously, their moment in the dungeon cell could have been a make-up song EASY)…Rewrite the Stars always makes me think of them whenever I hear it. A song about wanting to be together enough to rewrite the heavens themselves? Yes please. Also I can just see them doing the entire aerial sequence using her hair, and that’s the good stuff! 👏
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97. Who sleep talks?
Varian. I’d imagine he tends to mumble snippets of whatever he’s dreaming about (a lot of it is probably science gibberish lol), and Rapunzel thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. But there’s probably still some lingering trauma that occasionally pops up as nightmares, and when that happens Rapunzel wakes him up to comfort him with cuddles and kisses. 🥺
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morganaseren · 3 months
Hi! I'd love to know more About We'll Lose the Grip in Waters Dark, the Poets must be out for Blood and the bodyguard au for the wip meme 👀
((I deeply apologize for how long this took me to get out. I work nights now at my apprenticeship, which means I'm on the weirdest sleep schedule... 😅))
Pairing: Leliana/Niamh Cousland
Rating: Teen
AU: We'll Lose Their Grip in Waters Dark Note: While this AU does deal with one of Niamh's worst worldstates, everything in regards to her relationship with Leliana will always be consensual. Honestly, Leliana goes out of her way to ensure Niamh's consent in whatever they do--not necessarily just in the bedroom.
In this scene, Leliana is lost in her thoughts while they're having sex. There's nothing especially explicit about the act itself, but I'm putting everything under a Read More due to length. There's also some mention of what Niamh's past was like before Leliana came into her life, but it's nothing graphic--a brief comment or two at best.
Leliana had remembered early on in their relationship how a simple hug had stunned Niamh into silence, words collapsing mid-sentence with the gesture. At once, Leliana had pulled back, wondering if she'd perhaps been too forward with her affection.
Upon Niamh's features, the surprise had been evident, of course, but Leliana also hadn't missed miss the flicker of quiet wonder and yearning in that gaze--perhaps from the simple knowledge that another person would ever seek to touch her with more than just lust in their hearts.
Past the depths of those bewitching eyes had been a soul so starved of such simple kindness, but beneath the oppressive environment of Kinloch Hold, Niamh had long conditioned herself never to ask for it, less it be misconstrued for more by the men and women who acted as both guard and executioner.
Her thrusts slowed then, unable to help the guilt that slowly crept into her. As Left Hand of the Divine, could she say she was any different from them? With an intelligence network that spanned nearly every corner of Thedas and the ability to command the death of any whom dared to seek harm against Justinia, Leliana was one of the most powerful women in the world. Did Niamh feel the need to chain herself to her out of fear that she'd be next?
And all at once, Leliana's worries faded at the simple call of her name. Her lover's usual soft-spoken voice had become high and tight with her arousal due in no small part to Leliana's ministrations.
Still, Niamh knew it was her there. Not some Templar or some faceless dignitary in the sea of contacts that Knight-Commander Gregoire had used her to curry favor with. Not the Left Hand. Not the terrifying spymaster or bard.
Just... Leliana.
And did Niamh not know her best?
"Leliana, please..." she begged again, voice breaking with the entreaty as blunt nails scrabbled helplessly against the back of her tunic. "I'm so close..."
"Shh... I have you," Leliana reassured, pressing her lips against the damp skin of the other woman's temple in apology for her distraction. "I have you," she repeated. "Just as you never need to hide your pleasure from me, you never need to beg from me either. I will always give you what you desire."
With silken heat still clinging to her fingers between the apex of Niamh's thighs, Leliana swiped her thumb in such a way that it immediately had the woman's body going taut beneath hers with a sharp gasp. Leliana couldn't help her own trembling as she felt velvet walls tightening and shuddering beneath her touch. She wound her arm behind Niamh, providing support as the mage's back arched instinctively with the rush of pleasure coursing through her. Leliana continued to work her fingers through wet folds albeit at a more languid pace, gently coaxing Niamh to the end of her release. It was only when her lover released the tightened grip around her shoulders and ceased shivering did Leliana finally pull out.
"Oh, good girl..." she rasped. She smiled when her words earned a lazy hum of delight at the praise. Leliana then peppered slow, tender kisses across Niamh's face, and the gentle laughter it caused was ever sweet music to her ears. "You did so well. Can you sit up for me? Ah. There we go. Good girl. I'm sure my desk can't make for a very comfortable surface after all that."
Leliana gently maneuvered Niamh's body to the side so that she could get her arms beneath her knees and shoulders more easily. With an effortless flex of muscles, she lifted her lover up and away from her desk. Carefully, she moved to seat them both into the chair behind her, settling Niamh atop her lap with the woman's calves draped over the lacquered arm.
"Are you alright?" she questioned, reaching out to adjust Niamh's robes, where it had settled awkwardly around her waist. Sheepishly, Leliana could admit that she'd been a tad too impatient to deal with the intricacy of the belts and knots there. As such, she had simply tugged and pulled at the fabric until her mouth and hands had unimpeded access to the treasure of soft flesh beneath. She could also see the marks dotting the area around Niamh's neck--all too visible now that enough time had passed--where Leliana had been unable to resist sampling the flawless temptation of skin before her. She was a delight in more ways than one, truly.
"I'm fine."
"You're certain it wasn't too much?" Her continued inquiries only drew a roll of those mist-grey eyes, but there was little missing the smile upon her lover's lips.
"You ask me that as if I didn't provide you ample incentive to take me here. Besides, your own attire didn't escape entirely unscathed either," Niamh remarked, reaching out to touch the vee of her tunic, where it had a more noticeable rip that split further down the middle. The lacing that held it together was now noticeably frayed, barely held in place by the eyelets that were threatening to split at the seams. "Hm. Leave this with me in the morning. Madame de Fer mentioned wanting to introduce me to her seamtress. I can ask if she'd be willing to mend this as well."
"As you wish," was Leliana's own response, unable to deny her, given how so rarely Niamh asked for anything. Granted, Leliana was somewhat distracted with the attention being given to her as Niamh gently adjusted the wide collar of her shirt. She quite enjoyed those small, exploratory touches. "Would you like anything from the kitchens?"
"Later perhaps." Niamh turned her head then to guide her arm back into the sleeve of her robes. "I don't think I can feel my legs ye--"
And then the other woman paused very abruptly, tensing in her lap.
Confused, Leliana's arms tightened instinctively around her, her senses immediately going on alert for anything that could have startled her lover. "Niamh?"
But the mage continued to stare ahead. "I... I think I've ruined your desk," she answered haltingly, disbelief evident in her voice.
Leliana blinked, letting the words settle over her before following Niamh's gaze to the object in question. Her desk had been unceremoniously cleared before she had laid Niamh atop it earlier. Before long, she had her lover's bare back against the wooden surface as they rocked against one another. At one point, however, she could remember feeling the faintest tingle along the nape of her neck during their coupling. It wasn't unlike how she could detect Niamh using her element of her choice out in the battlefield before the mage allowed lightning to strike.
It did in fact strike there as Leliana curiously eyed the fractal burns now etched across the wood grain, perfectly encompassing the shape of her lover's back in jagged asymmetry. She saw beauty in the chaos of its design, but she could also see the dismay settling into Niamh's features, and Leliana couldn't stand to leave her upset. She pressed her lips to the shoulder closest to her, still bare with Niamh's distraction.
"'Ruin?'" she repeated. "How could anything you touch possibly be less than sublime?" Leliana couldn't stop her smug grin. "If anything, I would consider it a compliment to my skills..."
And Leliana supposed such evidence would make working at her desk all the more enjoyable in the future.
Of course, her humor had earned her a grumble of discontent as Niamh hid her face against her neck. Leliana could feel the heat of the woman's blush against her skin, which charmed and amused her in equal measure, but she made no comment about it.
She settled her feet apart more firmly before rising in one fluid motion. Her smirk grew somewhat at the soft noise it elicited from Niamh, who was perhaps still surprised that she could lift her so easily.
"Come along, Mon Ciel Étoilée," she said, carrying her toward the side door of the office that opened into Leliana's personal quarters. "I do believe a warm bath is calling for us."
((I did not forget about your other prompts, friend! I promise! I just decided to separate them into two other parts since they were getting rather long! 😅 I hope you like this first one though!))
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snake-eyes-11 · 2 years
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fenris-ranger · 2 years
random re-introduction
my tumblr got hacked and i lost all my followers and follow-ees and posts so that sucks
- fandom elder (trying to vaguely obscure the connection to my cringe kid stuff, but if the kudos are from Cr a sh Ca rt 9, that’s also me just fyi)
Mastodon: @fenrisranger
Twitter: @fenrisranger
Discord: asyst0lic/fenrisranger
AO3: Cr as hCa r t9 with subpseud fenrisranger
- any/all pronouns (but mostly vibe with they/he)
reactivated my Tumblr to hang out around fandom again because i'm at a severe dopamine deficit and have been Thirteenth Doctor and Thasmin trash since Arachnids in the UK, and thought I was the only one since I had dropped off the face of the fandom-earth
then got suckered into hanging around by Star Trek: Picard (I feel like a terrible nerd admitting it but I've not had the time to keep up with Disco -- Jeri Ryan gets a carved out timeslot in my schedule any day, though)
february '22 update: still here, I made this TARDIS cowl, please look at it I’m very proud
october '22 update: fuck I'm not ready for Power of the Doctor, so I'm coping these remaining few(!) days by blasting out as many of my Whoverse WIPs as possible -- Complex (vid), Recessional (vid), Dancing with the Doctor (pwp fic), Message Received (matchmaker River fic that's trash but I don't think I've ever done epistolary form before)
Summer '23: where I went absolutely insane and threw down like 150k (not all of it published yet) of mostly Saffi works (a few other Star Trek couples as well, but the majority for ST: PIC. That's like 8 times my previous (completed works) lifelong word count total.
Fall '23: where I cannibalized big chunks of aforementioned giant Saffi fic because I'm going to have to rewrite it from scratch if I want to be happy with it, but then completed both Star Trek Femslash Week and Ye Olde October Prompte Meme (Saffi version), and that was an experience but talk about writing practice I haven't ever gotten close to attempting before, especially in terms of . . . expanding one's horizons.
below cut: just bookkeeping, links to notable tags.
I’m terrible at tagging things in a consistent way such that I can do anything archival, but I’m working on it, specifically spurred by wanting to collect all the Saffi meta into one place.
Some that I’ve been better about using (rather than just picking whatever A/B or B x A pattern or other randomly relevant tag suits my fancy that day) may include:
x   OTP: we’ll be outcasts together for B’Elanna/Seven
x   Trying to go back and put #Saffi on everything Seven/Raffi, but probably missed stuff from s1/before we decided that was the ship name
x   Have been reasonably consistent with Thasmin and Garashir and Spirk I think.  (Which is ironic bc tbh I honestly do not prefer portmanteaus as ship names [exception granted to Saffi because that’s too fucking perfect] but I guess this is what we mostly do now.)
x   Don’t really think other ships have been significantly posted enough to deserve mentioning/spending my time standardizing.
x  If there’s a significant amount of OC on my part (even in tags), might organizationally append “my thoughts” (might be fandom, might be RL stuff, might be a picture of my cats, so that probably should be re-organized but I shouldn’t have even spent this much time trying to sort things lol)
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @tessiete
Tagging: @mandaloriandy @outpastthemoat @phoenixyfriend
Remember to make a new post!
How many works do you have on AO3?
48, thirteen of which have been made anonymous.
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On Ao3? 12, including Star Wars (obvs), FMAB, Twilight, The Silmarillion, LOTR, Much Ado About Nothing, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Narnia, The Arcana, VLD (yes, I know), Buzzfeed Unsolved.
In my drafts folder? WAY more. (one day I'll finish you post-OoT Link character study... one day..)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Paternal Relations, Leap of Faith, (Arguable) Flirting, To Catch a Serial Killer, and Being an Investigation of Sorts into the Supernatural and the Supernaturally Stupid
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! Not all of them, because that's something I don't have the energy for. (Fic writers who do respond to all comments—I have the greatest admiration for you, and also how the hell do you do it.) I always respond if it's particularly thoughtful or insightful, and I'll usually respond if it's a joke. I don't bother for an emoji or an 'I liked it.'
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Ehm... I don't really do angst. I do have something in my WIP folder that'll end pretty angstily if I ever get around to it. I think my anonymous Narnia or VLD fics? Maybe the anonymous Silmarillion one?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Not as real fic. As not!fics on tumblr? Absolutely. I'm going to go with the fmab/TPM crossover, because that's the silliest one that comes to mind immediately.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've only ever received "hate" once, and it was the funniest comment I've ever read (not intentionally, unfortunately for them), so I have it screenshotted for when I need a good laugh.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, primarily pwp. I think that emotionally-driven smut that functions as a device for a character study is some of the best, most compelling smut out there. Unfortunately, my smut writing interests lie in a different direction—a hornier one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but now I feel like I should go check.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Smoking_breath did a russian translation of Paternal Relations!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I'm a bit of a control freak, and very particular about style to boot, so there's really only ben one time I've considered it and it was with someone who I was sharing a braincell with.
What's your all time favorite ship?
Oof. I don't really do OTPs, so I don't have an answer for this.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I hesitate to say never, because there's always a chance I'll come back to it, but I have a Princess Bride AU in my WIPs folder that's nearly done that I probably won't touch. (It needs major rewrites, but I do like the premise, which is that Buttercup decides to vent all her grief via grabbing a sword and whacking at things, so who knows.)
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and humor! I think I've got a really good hold on how to pace writing so that jokes land really well, and I think I'm also pretty good at figuring out where to put dialogue tags and such so a conversation proceeds with the pauses where I want them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really struggle with anything character driven. (For context, the last character-driven thing I tried stopped at 20k, but that 20k took me several hundred hours of writing time.) I don't know why that is, but I do know that writing something character-driven is like wrestling with a sugar-crazed five year old covered in oil, and whatever comes out inevitably needs major rewrites. I get a little better every time I try, though! Maybe in thirty years I'll actually be able to do it without giving myself a headache every time I open the doc.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Unless I know the language, I won't do it, and even then I think it can be really dicey. A lot of the time, a foreign language will take me out of the reading experience—not just because it can be hard to understand, but because the author has no idea how people actually use a second language. A really good example of that (and the one I see the most) is pet names.
Unless it makes sense within the context of the characters (e.x. two characters that share a heritage using a pet name from that heritage's language as a means of connecting to each other), I find pet names really take me out of it. I have never in my life been speaking English with someone and then called them a pet name in Hebrew (which, even though I'm not fluent, is the language that I've been called pet names in by my family and is the language I'd use for a pet name). When someone switches languages mid-sentence just to call someone a pet name in a language they don't know, it can read as a little... odd.
Foreign language use gets even dicier when I do speak the language and I can tell that the author doesn't. I've put down fics because they had no clue what they were doing with the Hebrew or the French. If your character is supposed to be fluent and they're making mistakes with gender, then I'm not going to be able to pay attention to the actual story and will instead be trying to format a comment in my head to tell you in the nicest way possible that your grammar is wrong.
So: I don't use it in my fics. I think it can be used to great effect when done right (see: insight into a character's relationship with their past, heritage, etc. (also for comedy, because there's nothing quite like "can you hand me the—the—fuck. The סוכר?" "the sugar?" "oh my god it's the same fucking word in english.")), but on the whole, I'm iffy about it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Technically Avalon: Web of Magic, which I did in fourth grade with a friend. We didn't know what fanfiction was though, so I'm not sure if it counts.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I'm quite fond of Smoke Raised with the Fume of Sighs right now, but more as something I'm enjoying writing than something I'd like reading. It's my first real foray into posting as I go, and it's the first time I've done chapetered fic in a while. It's also great fun, character-wise.
Other than that, I still very much enjoy Paternal Relations. It's got some fun lines.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
📺 dear 90s channel exchange creator 📺
hello writer or art-maker!
thank you for whatever you will make for me! i hope you're excited about whatever we matched on.
i'm pretty easily delighted and like being surprised by things i did not consider, so you are welcome to take my suggestions and prompts as random inspiration or pitch them entirely in favor of whatever you want to create!
this is basically just a rewrite of my request, but with the general likes/dislikes broken out in bullet points to be more legible.
anonymous asks are on for this account, so feel free to ask questions if you want!
general things i love:
happy or hopeful endings
episode-related fic
pining (especially respectful no-i’m-definitely-NOT-jealous pining)
hurt/comfort (especially oh-my-god-you're-not-dead)
friendship & family fic
canon divergence
5-times fic
all ratings welcome
i tend to really love all canon characters, so feel free to include friends and relations in the fic that aren't directly part of my requests
kinks enjoyed:
soft dom/sub (bondage & praise yes, pain & shaming no)
aliens made them do it (or equivalent)
overindulgence (food, drinks, whatevs)
masturbation (mutual, pining, voyeuristic, whatevs)
body image/weight gain/aging/body worship
i’ve never said no to a quality blow job or hand job fic
sweet i-love-you sex works for me too i'm not picky
general things i do NOT love:
permanent character death
hurt no comfort
crossovers except within the extended canon universe (crossovers between star trek series are welcome)
historical or supernatural AUs (no pride-and-prejudice or zombies)
supernatural elements are actually fine (like telepathy, psychic powers, soulmate stuff, etc) but i specifically want to avoid zombies & vampires
bashing of canon past relationships or other characters (if a character loved somebody else in canon, thumbs down to the "i never really loved them" trope). except sam carter's collection of terrible exes in stargate, i can live with that.
fandoms requested:
the x-files:
i'm deeply obsessed with season nine right now, so my requests all have season nine characters, but i also love mulder/scully and am happy for you to include them! i prefer fics that happen during the original series era (or soon afterward) rather than the revival. episode-related fics (any episode) and hurt/comfort are my x-files faves!
john doggett/monica reyes: my otp. i love their long history and friendship and deep trust and the slowly shifting nature of their relationship that seems to parallel john's shifting acceptance of the paranormal. ideas:
what if it's monica's turn to be in hurt or in danger on a case and john's turn to angst/find her/care for her afterward?
was john somehow part of monica's predestiny/repeating past lives in "hellbound"?
monica reyes & dana scully: scully has needed a friend like her for SO LONG 😭.
i have always wondered about scully's drunk little "i like her :)" from empedocles and whether that means reyes kept in touch with her between "this is not happening" and "empedocles."
i also think about how monica is probably william's godmother and has so much love for him.
i'm not opposed to scully/reyes (subtle or overt) if it takes you that way, i just otp them elsewhere so i didn't request it. polyamory welcome!
john doggett & monica reyes & dana scully: i love their working dynamic all together and i also love the interplay of all their individual relationships and the different ways they love/trust/need each other. random ideas:
piggybacking on a prompt above: what if john encouraged scully to stay in touch with monica after mulder's "death," because of how helpful she was to him?
they all get snowed into a cabin or something with ghosts... (either paranormal ghosts, or the non-paranormal angsty ghosts they're all carrying around!)
john doggett/fox mulder/monica reyes/dana scully: honestly i just want to know how this could work without them all killing each other (or only killing each other sometimes). have fun!
stargate sg-1:
mini!otp (clone!sam/jack): i love them as fully grown rational adults now trapped in irrational teenage bodies, trying to sort out their complicated relationships with their new selves and with each other. prompt ideas:
how do they get over their past baggage to get into a relationship?
what do they do after graduation?
what if they got involved in something stargate-related?
i also really love the "oh god one of them is injured or in danger but that feels different now" trope for those two.
specific DNW: them changing their first names
specific DNW: everyone else getting cloned too
classic sam/jack prompt ideas:
anything to do with "desperate measures"
pining to first time 💕
this pairing is always good for amtdi
specific DNW: them having a baby
cassandra fraiser & janet fraiser: honestly when i requested this i was shocked to learn this wasn't already a tag. i fully support canon divergence where everyone lives or you can include "heroes" and the fallout, your call. if you want to include a romantic pairing for janet that's ok! (daniel is usually my preference but anyone or no one is fine). ideas:
what was their bonding process like?
what are little traditions/ways they show they love each other?
what have they learned from each other?
babylon 5:
michael garibaldi/susan ivanova/talia winters:
what if michael and susan rescued her from psi corps!!!
i imagine the sex here could be pretty great. or at least pretty fascinating
i like all their individual relationships too, but this combo seems like a lot of fun and/or deeply fucked up
star trek: deep space nine
how does kira become/continue being part of their family after the finale?
what if she just never leaves after the baby is born?
an exploration of different family dynamics (between the three of them, with the kids, however you want to take that)
a cultural exchange
canon divergent au: what if the war had lasted longer and they'd taken longer to get together?
in danger together (or trying to rescue each other)
honestly just exploring how maybe they could really work out
orrrrr it can be messed up that's fine too, as long as neither of them are really cruel to each other at the end of the day
star trek voyager:
b'elanna needs some gentleness and i think kes can provide that
kes has no preconceptions about klingons, so how does that affect how b'elanna sees herself?
anything at all to do with kes's powers
they make an exception for a special occasion (& optional: how does that impact them going forward? do they repeat it?)
post-ep to "the fight"
post-ep to "good shepherd"
actually anything episode-related :)
specific DNW: no babyfic please
diane chambers/sam malone: this couple is an absolute disaster, but I would have loved them to annoy each other til death do they part. ideas:
how do they support each other (well or very badly) in their ongoing mental health/addiction challenges?
what if they stayed in touch on her writing retreat and she came back like she promised?
if they DID get married, diane would co-own the bar…
that's all! i hope something here inspires you, and if it doesn't, toss it and write whatever you like. :) thank you!
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ovidialee · 3 years
The Ship Tag
tagged by @i-day-dream-everytime-help thank you!
good god Tumblr lost this post 14 times before I figured out it was too long - make sure you all put a keep reading if it happens to you!
First ever ship? - Blanka x Chun-li from Streetfighter (also first fic I ever wrote)
Most recent ship? - Snape x James, just yesterday. Haven’t read a single fic, love it already.
Favourite canon M/F ship? - Nadia x Jack (Nadia Stafford series by Kelley Armstrong)
Favourite canon F/F ship? - Camille x Amanda (Stitchers) (though I prefer Camille x Det. Fisher)
Favourite canon M/M ship? - Kevin x Scottie (Brothers & Sisters)
Favourite non-canon M/F ship? - Jacob x Leah (Twilight)
Favourite non-canon F/F ship? - Diana Prince x whatever Kristen Wiig's character was
Favourite non-canon M/M ship? - Snape x James
Favourite friends-to-lovers ship? - I dislike friends-to-lovers in both real life and fiction, but Harry x Hermione work for me
Favourite enemies-to-lovers ship? - like the above, it doesn't make sense to me. If I hate you, I ain't going near you. If you're friendzoned, it's for a reason. H x H only work because they were WAY too young when they met and puberty had to happen.
drafted yesterday, now Snape x James. See you on the cruise!
Biggest BroTP? (two characters who you ship as friends) - Lucius and Snape
Biggest NoTP? (a ship you hate) - Snape x that Evans [insert preferred bad word of choice], Jacob x Renesmee close second
A ship that you don’t personally ship, but don’t really have a problem with? - Dramione
A ship that you think would have been better as friends? - Romione
Favourite poly ship? - the Rabastan brothers x Bella
Two conflicting ships that you like both of? - Lorelei x Chris, Luke x Lorelei
A ship that grosses you out? - Snamione (I love ageplay as a kink, but I'd be pissed at late 30's Snape dating a teenager)
Favourite movie ship? - Belle x Beast
Favourite book ship? - Jack x Nadia
Favourite TV ship? - the Lannister twins
Favourite sitcom ship? - all 3 She-Wolves (Fuller House) DJ x Steve, Stephanie x Jimmy, Kimmy x Fernando
A ship that isn’t canon yet, but you know probably will be and are looking forward to? - there's no one I want to see bone right now, how sad
A canon ship that a lot of people complain “makes no sense” or “came out of nowhere” but you personally love? - I'm opposite - I generally hate the canon ships everyone likes
A non-canon ship that a lot of people claim “should have been canon” that you just don’t think makes sense? - a lot of the HP ships involving the Marauders are crack-y to me LOL
A ship you used to like, but don’t anymore? - Dramione; oversaturated
I ship you used to dislike, but like now? - Snilch, as Bros
A ship you would be cool with as an alternative to one of your ships? - Bellatrix x Voldy
Guilty pleasure ship? - My ships are the best!! No guilt!!!
A ship you like as both friends and lovers? - Harmione
A ship that everybody seems to love except for you? - Reylo
A ship you find overrated? - Brienne x Jaimie
A ship you find underrated? - Charlie x Sue Clearwater (Twilight)
A ship that deserved better? - Klaus x Dave from Umbrella Academy
A song that reminds you of one of your ships? - too tired to rewrite this one
Most romantic ship? - Nadia x Jack
Most iconic ship? - Monica x Chandler (Friends)
A longtime OTP that Disney completely screwed over by turning them into estranged divorcees with a space terrorist for a son who kills one of them in cold blood despite that not making any sense whatsoever and despite the fact that they’re one of the most iconic, beloved fictional couples of all time who are perfect for eachother in every way imaginable and have what is arguably the most iconic declaration of love in modern cinema to the point where I’ve seen countless people call responding to “I love you” with “I know” “pulling a Han Solo” and oh my God literally nobody asked for this what the hell Disney, George Lucas never should have sold Star Wars to you because we all knew you’d screw it up and turn it into a soulless money-making factory: you tell 'em!
tagging: @kc-needs-coffee @bunny-bopper @nonie-star @royalydamned @marshmallowmcgonagall @professor-severus-snape @i-am-the-hungryshark
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