madeimpact · 2 years
Headcanon / meta: Structure of the Underworld.
This takes what we know about the Underworld from canon and combines it with lore from Greek mythology to fully flesh out what happens in the afterlife.
The Underworld is structured fairly similarly to its mythological counterpart. Souls are ferried across the River Styx, past Twinbellows, and to the City of Souls, where excess souls await the verdict on their final resting place.
From there, they may be sent to one of four places:
Tartarus, where the wickedest souls are punished for their deeds;
The Vale of Mourning, where those who were consumed by unhappy love dwell;
The Asphodel Meadows, where the “neutral” souls live, not wicked enough for Tartarus but not remarkable enough for...
The Fields of Elysium, a paradise for exceptional souls. A soul can choose to remain here, free of toil, or choose to be reincarnated. ( Souls that choose the latter would drink from the Lethe to forget their previous lives. Ooh, segue! )
Several rivers flow in and out of the different areas of the Underworld, not just limited to flowing water, but also fire and excess souls. If there are more souls coming into the Underworld than can be ferried across the Styx at a given moment, they simply stream directly into the City of Souls without any sort of divine protection. These souls might fade away...or be consumed. Normally, there’s not much more than a stream of excess souls entering the City of Souls this way, but during the events of Uprising, the fighting and death in the Overworld causes this stream to become a torrent.
Hades himself is responsible for dealing specifically with the souls that end up in Tartarus, but in the events leading up to his appearance in Uprising, his lust for power drove him to target any and all souls entering the Underworld, preventing them from reaching their intended destinations.
Other places of note include:
The Underworld Castle, where Medusa ( and presumably also Hades and his other Commanders ) preside over the Underworld;
The Rewind Spring, located on the outskirts of the City of Souls, capable of reversing the effects of time on anyone who comes in contact with its waters. Or completely erasing their existences if they linger for too long. The Lethe flows from here.
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t00thpasteface · 3 months
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"i-is anybody even payin' attention to me...?"
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zarla-s · 2 months
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I saw this post about how Engie was probably born into generational wealth and I can't stop thinking about it.
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collophora · 2 months
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Hunter doodle in some hidden layer when I was figuring how to draw him
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sixoclockuty · 2 months
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red giant starlo au doodles
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vlasdygoth · 10 months
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picked this up at the thrift store the other day do you think it's any good
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courfeyrec · 2 months
i keep coming back to 'i was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic' because i do distinctly remember conversations about how taylor seemed to be drinking a lot more and getting drunk at like every awards show she went to. and those conversations were coming from a place of concern and of hoping that she was alright and that this wasn't a problem.
so to then say 'ugh i can't believe no one noticed this problem i had' when i know that people definitely did, and on the same album say that fans who are genuinely concerned about a new relationship that you are in are just 'bitching and moaning'? what do you want from them? you're talking about so many people who do at least believe that they are coming from a place of care and concern, and you are totally dismissing them on both ends of a scale!
not to mention that her implying that since nobody (???) was noticing her ~aesthetic~ drinking problem she just stopped having it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to people who do have drinking problems and can't just stop having them, since that's not how it fucking works.
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cheebuss · 4 months
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thanks Robin for some guys that have haunted me since I was like 14, very cool!!!
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deadscell · 19 days
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where is my friend?
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violentlydefending · 1 year
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happy raiden kills a president day!! [x]
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
floyd/riddle valentine's day headcanons 💙❤️
(okay, this post is more overly detailed than i originally planned because i ended up writing a whole scenario about what their first valentine's day after they start dating could be like. but i still want to share it, so here it is.)
riddle is somewhat conflicted about valentine's day. on the one hand, he was always a bit of a romantic, and as a kid there were times when he dreamed that someday he'd have a special someone to spend this holiday with. but he's changed since he was a kid, and regardless of how he might or might not feel, this year he happens to have an exam coming up in a few days and thinks that studying for it would be a more practical use of his time.
besides, floyd will also be busy working at the mostro lounge that evening. each year they hold a special valentine's event with discounts for couples, and floyd seems to be very focused on helping jade and azul plan for it. what makes valentine's day so important, anyway, when the one you love should be special to you every day? they can just go on a date whenever they like.
he still wants to try and respect the rules of the holiday, though. he knows from books he's read that it would be wrong of him not to get his boyfriend a gift, and he also knows that it's a popular tradition to make handmade chocolates for your partner on valentine's day.
so he buys some chocolate-making supplies and molds--the molds are shaped like hearts and roses, so they're sure to make floyd think of riddle when he eats them. and he does the best he can, knowing floyd will still love them even if they're not perfectly made.
he also buys a card with a simple yet elegant red and gold design, and makes sure it's blank inside rather than having a cheesy prewritten message, so that he can write his own message thanking floyd for bringing so much excitement and joy into his life.
the card he picks probably looks something like this:
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he plans to take the chocolate and the card, along with one white rose and one red rose from heartslabyul's gardens, to floyd in the morning and see if they can plan to spend a day together after the exam.
while on his way there, he starts to feel a little embarrassed and wonder if the roses are too much. he doesn't really care about the holiday (or so he claims, but he sure did spend a lot of time preparing for it) and surely floyd doesn't care beyond exploiting it for business purposes, so this is a bit silly, isn't it?
wrong! for floyd's part, they don't have valentine's day in the coral sea, so he's actually been pretty excited for it--which riddle had guessed, since for the last few days he's been constantly asking riddle for advice on decorations and menu items for mostro lounge's event as well as spending quite a lot of his spare time there, presumably helping prepare things.
what riddle fails to realize is that floyd's excitement is about far more than just making money at the lounge.
so, riddle is standing outside floyd's door and about to knock when floyd suddenly comes rushing out and absolutely lights up upon seeing riddle there.
he doesn't even give riddle a chance to get a word in before tearing the gifts from his hands, popping a rose-shaped chocolate in his mouth, and doing a goofy little laugh as he tells riddle he loves him. riddle hopes floyd doesn't see the blush on his face.
"goldfishieee!" he exclaims. "i got you something too, and i just know you'll love it!!"
he runs back into his dorm room and comes out holding a small, very messily-wrapped box of store-bought white chocolate truffles, a plushie of a pink hedgehog holding a heart, and an envelope containing one of those fancy pop-out valentine's cards--specifically, one with a goofy pun on it. i'm picturing something like these:
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riddle opens the card and rolls his eyes at the pun while trying to pretend that he's not smiling fondly at it.
he's about to ask about their plans when floyd leans over and drapes his arms around riddle's shoulders, and then says that he absolutely has to come to the lounge tonight for a very special surprise.
riddle is genuinely shocked at this, but he agrees, somewhat reluctantly because he's supposed to be studying--but also secretly excited at the thought of floyd having planned something just for him. he has to enlist cater's help to find something decent to wear.
floyd grabs riddle by the arm and drags him over to a table within seconds of him getting to the lounge. jade takes their order, they talk and tease each other and laugh together like they always do, and they also have fun chatting with some of their other friends who are sitting nearby with their own dates.
riddle almost forgets that floyd was supposed to have some kind of surprise for him, until floyd suddenly excuses himself and then shows back up a few minutes later with a small heart-shaped cake, covered in strawberries and other elaborate decorations.
it turned out that floyd had baked and decorated this cake for him. riddle felt guilty because he'd already eaten more than he meant to for the day, and especially because this must have taken much more work than the chocolates and roses he'd given floyd.
he tells him as much but then floyd tells him he's being silly before snatching the fork from his hand and going "if you're not going to eat it then i guess i'll have to!"
riddle feels a flash of anger because floyd can't just try to take his food, there are rules against such a thing. he takes the fork back and tries a bite of the cake, reasoning that it would be rude not to. it's strawberry flavored and possibly the best thing he's ever tasted.
when they leave the lounge that evening, they end up going back to heartslabyul together and for some reason floyd all of a sudden decides that they're playing tag and makes riddle have to chase him into the rose garden.
floyd didn't have any extra surprise for him, he just wanted riddle to keep having fun with him for a little while longer.
at the end of the day, riddle finds that he doesn't regret having lost a bit of study time for this, and he makes sure to tell floyd how grateful he is. he has to admit to himself that maybe there is something special about valentine's day after all.
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papple · 1 month
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For @thelunarsystemwrites' superhero au!
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guys do you think he plays splatoon
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Everytime I see Sora's hair I just want to eat it (affectionate <3) - it just looks so edible to me idk
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viola-halogen · 11 days
Oh so when they said Dead Boy Detectives episode 7 was like Hadestown they weren’t lying huh. THEY WEREN’T FUCKING LYING.
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autoboros · 1 month
Never got to finish it but here's more of my Mask
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densitywell · 2 months
as someone who agrees that FCG dying permanently here is likely the most satisfying resolution to their arc, i think the belief that resurrection in general "cheapens" death, or negates its consequences, kind of... overestimates the inherent weight that character death has, as a storytelling tool. or at least reweights that impact to be placed entirely on staying dead as opposed to dying in the first place.
in more traditional storytelling, a character death is a calculated risk; that the story gains more, whether in meaning and emotion or purely practically, from a character dying than the potential that's lost with them. the possibility of ressurection, and specifically how its set up by dnd and Matt in particular, expands the available directions a story could go after a death. to a certain extent it lets you have your cake and eat it too, because not only does resurrection take time, materials, travel and making connections and upending all of your plans, but it doesn't erase the trauma the death first caused. it's not an undo button.
i find the idea that death needs to be permanent to impart a lesson especially strange wrt c3, given how largely the Hells' first encounter with Otohan continued to loom over their psyches even long after Laudna was brought back. shit, they still might not be able to shake it now that she's dead. what lesson of this second encounter requires that FCG's death be permanent? things are serious now? dying is bad? they've known that since, well. since the first time they fought Otohan. going into this battle they didn't know if resurrection was even on the table anymore.
i don't think there would've been anything gained, narratively, by Laudna permanently dying, and it would have shut the door on her arc before it really got started. FCG is a different story, with the revelations they reached before their death giving a real sense of completeness to their character development, but it's not like his story has been completely explored either. there's still more to be story to be told about FCG, and there's story to be told about bringing FCG back, as well.
and in one way or another, the consequences of their decision would still be felt, most obviously by the complications destroying their arcane core (and body) may have on their resurrection, including potentially requiring they come back in a completely different body. if he did come back he would not be the same FCG that blew himself up to save the Hells, and they would not be the same Hells who watched him do it.
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