#OC Jadis
tea-potato-gt · 2 months
Kæmpe Stør’s Life Part 2:
Part 1 here
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By now Stør has been living with Joseph and Rudy for about 6 months. In that time, they have been teaching Stør how to interact with people smaller than him. They bought several mannequins for Stør to pick up and use all his strength on so he can know the limits of himself and other creatures. And eventually, Stør was allowed to pick up his parents when they ALL felt ready.
Stør is taught to only pick up people when absolutely necessary or if a person wants to be picked up. Stør cannot touch people outside his family without expressed permission and consent.
He’s also scolded for picking up objects that aren’t his, because of how easily he could accidentally break something. At the age of 6, Stør can pick up a motorcycle with one hand. It’s only a matter of time before he could pick up a car or a truck.
Joseph and Rudy never want Stør to think of objects or people as toys, which wasn’t really a problem in the first place, but they wanted to be sure. In order to adopt Stør, the couple made an agreement, that Stør could be taken away by the government at any moment for messing up or hurting someone.
House wise, Joseph and Rudy moved to a lot by the sea. There, they built a entire new house and off to the side a large barn that would house their growing giant child. Nobody knows how big Stør would/could get, so the couple decided to be safe and just build him a separate room/building that he can grow into. They also added several skylights on the house roof with hatches on the outside so if Stør gets tall enough he can open them and look inside the house.
The food and clothes issue was solved at the same time. Joseph’s best friend (Elijah) married (Magie) one of the most powerful Witches in the world. (Strega’s parents.) Joseph asked for her help. Magie developed a potion that, when put in food, would multiply its nutients and portions size to Stør’s. His clothes were enchanted by another powerful Witch. When Stør isn’t touching his clothes they are human sized, but as soon as Stør picks them up they grow proportional to his giant stature.
But the family needs to constantly get refill on Stør’s food potions, which leads to the young boy hanging around the Witch house hold a lot. There, Stør met and befriended Strega and her two older siblings (Lin & Jadis). Strega is 4 years old.
Learn more about Strega here
Stør and Strega: ☺️🥺
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Stør also spent his days at the Witch house because both his dads had to work during the day. Elijah is a stay at home husband, so he watches Stør and Strega while Lin and Jadis go off to school.
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When Stør first started being watched by Elijah, he’d cry when his dads dropped him off. He had SEVERE separation anxiety and worried his parents wouldn’t come back.
Stør at this point has not gone to school, his parents want to make sure he’s comfortable around other smaller people and understands the power/danger he could pose to those around him.
Elijah, Joseph and Rudy all worked to fill in Stør’s education he already was missing before sending him to a real school. Basic reading/writing/etc.
After six months, Stør’s fathers felt he was ready to go to a real school.
At this age, being only 11 and a half feet tall, Stør can go inside the school, though he hits his head on the ceiling and door frames. He needs a large bean table for a desk.
At recess, Stør is forbidden from playing with the other kids for fear he might accidentally hurt them. So he sits to the side with the teachers all recess.
It's here that Stør meets Yilan, his future best friend.
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Yilan didn’t want to play with the other kids during recess, so he hid behind Stør. There they begin talking and quickly become friends.
Yilan, much like Stør, was alone. Yilan is half human and half snake, a very dangerous combo leading many people to fear the 7 year old, much like people fear Stør.
More about Yilan here
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Keep in mind, Stør is still a very energetic 6 year old and being cooped up all day unable to expel that energy is not doing the kid any favors. He became jittery, restless and irritated. Joseph and Rudy had to get creative.
They turned to the ocean in their very back yard. Rudy taught Stør to swim, he learned quickly and grew to love it. Everyday after school Stør would go to the beach with his fathers and swim. If he was frustrated? Swim. Happy or excited? Swim.
Being in the water became calming to him. He loves all kinds of water, the feeling of a stream through his fingers or just floating in the ocean. (Maybe that's why he likes to be around Mizu so much?🫣)
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Part 3 here
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veersnz · 1 month
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Here's a drawing as an introduction for my first OC Jadis ! More infos will be posted soon !
Close up underneath for more details (because tumblr quality sucks 💀)
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If I had a nickel for every non-binary flavored tiefling I have I’d have a lot of nickels, anyway here’s Jadis (they/them) a triton/tiefling hybrid
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gllerr · 3 months
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R.I.P to Patty she was too noisy
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tass3l · 5 months
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more work doodles that i did before i got slammed. end of the year wrap up is always the worst 🥲
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rhea-de-la-bahia · 1 month
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Jadie Hla Nwe Moe 🩰
Cause of Death: Complications of Anorexia Nervosa
Developmental Regression Range: 4-5 years old
Support Needs: Limited Mobility, Selective Mutism, Trouble Regulating Basic Bodily Systems
Jadie was a hyper competitive gymnast and ballerina in life. She had potential to go pro in both, however was more keen on having a career in ballet.
Her family was extremely toxic. But where Rhea's parents were uninvolved, Jadie was smothered by an overbearing, enmeshed mother. She put Jadie up on a pedestal one moment, telling her how slim and beautiful and graceful and talented she was, just to tear her down the next. Jadie was never truly good enough. The pressure of trying to chase the approval of her mother, her toxic coaches, and the hypercompetitive gymnast and dance world eventually lead her to developing an eating disorder.
I won't go into detail, but I will say that Jadie tried many, many times to recover. However, she passed away shortly after her 19th birthday from chronic health complications brought on by the ED.
Jadie arrived rather unceremoniously to the hotel. Lucifer found her one evening sitting in front of the fireplace in the lobby. The poor girl was so cold that she was literally sticking her hands and face in the fire, yet wasn't burning.
Jadie is a solid piece of jade stone. She's as beautiful as a carved Greco-Roman statue. Her hair, her eyes, her lips, her hands, only move because she wills them to. As with any natural stone, she has natural variation to her skin tone; some parts are nearly pure white, while others are a deep mint green.
She is 300 lbs of densely packed rock in a petite frame. She moves slowly, but is not in pain. She often needs walking breaks, so her stroller and adapted shopping carts are a necessity. The stone of her body audibly grinds against itself with every movement; her legs walking, her eyes shifting, even her stomach digesting food.
Jadie cannot regulate her body heat, and relies on cozy clothes, heating pads, heating lamps, and snuggles to stay comfortable. When she gets too cold, she lets out a heartbreaking cry and it takes a while to get her to warm up/calm down. She cannot recognize when she needs to eat, drink, sleep, or use the bathroom. Because of this, her main caregiver Angel Dust keeps her on a strict care schedule.
Jadie's personality is calm but content. She loves the hotel. She loves the caregivers. She doesn't speak, but follows directions very well (Charlie gives her the "Best Listener Award" every week in nursery school). She doesn't attempt to communicate, although she is very bright and in tune with what's going on around her. Her favorite toys are cars, and her favorite games are Candy Land and Duck Duck Goose. She loves the Barbie movies (animated and live action). Rhea keeps trying to fight her, but Jadie always wins. Rhea will get on top of the couch to pounce on Jadie, and Jadie just throws her across the room and goes back to playing. It's weird as hell and Vaggie can't figure out 1) what Rhea's deal is, and 2) how a baby of HERS is so bad at fighting. Seriously. Rhea can't even get a hit in but keeps going back for more.
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jade-green-butterfly · 9 months
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Each OC/self-insert has a very special place in my heart, especially my newest one - Jadie, for she is inspired by my old dog, Maddie (1996-2004) a sweet English Cocker Spaniel who was and always will be, a important member of my family when I was growing up - making Jadie extra special~🫶 If y'all wanna know more about Jadie, I brought her to life in Picrew but fleshed her out with her own BIO when I got more into Bluey, all thanks to my dear buddy, CJ on tumblr. Such a wholesomely super cute show which really tugs at your heart strings and makes you laugh, including me~💙🧡
Jadie | Female | English Cocker Spaniel
Occupation: Sweet Shop Owner
BIO: Was an exchange student at Chilli's school for a year, where she befriended her until she unfortunately had to leave and go back home to England. Although she still kept in contact with Chilli as pen pals over the years.
But when she grew up to the age she is now, Jadie finally got the opportunity to officially move back to Brisbane, Australia and (unbeknownst to her) find a house in Chilli’s neighborhood, and also set up shop as a new sweet shop owner. Although she still has no idea of the lay of the land yet, up until she spotted by the Heelers and a wholesome reunion took place~
Jadie enjoys playing along with Bluey and Bingo’s games whenever she visits or the Heelers visit her. She likes to make a positive out of a negative, and usually has an answer for the kids’ curious (and sometimes cheeky) questions. And whenever she gets bashful or very embarrassed, she hides her face behind her long wavy ears. I saw a lot of adorable and dashing characters (Bandit becoming a comfort character for me) in the series, but one who stood out the most and I took a strong liking to, was Busker - voiced by Joff Bush, the man behind the show's music. He has real charm, and I adore his voice and personality, his character over all - I thought he'd be make great match with Blueysona~🧡🐶🤎💘💚🐶🤍 Very much so that I was inspired to draw Busker and Jadie on their future wedding day, thanks to Bandit's older bro, Radley and his beloved Frisky getting married, along with Bandit and Chilli's own lovely wedding photo~😊But the main inspiration was the beautiful 'Happy Marriage Song' from the Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie~🥰 I even drew Jadie and Busker's future children - two lovely twin girls called Maddie and Bonnie, in tribute to my two former pet dogs IRL, Maddie (as mentioned above, 1996-2004) and Bonnie (2007-2023) Dearly missed but always loved~💕🙏 Hope you all like, peeps!👍💞🫂 I am super chuffed of how all of this turned out and stay tuned for more Coossy cuteness, coming soon!💗😍
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Busker (c) Bluey/Joe Brumm/Ludo Studio Jadie (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!) Jadie Sketch (c) @dragon-cookies/@dragoncookiesdraws
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serenofroses · 2 months
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Renata Vitali, aka Darth Jadis: [47/?]
sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
she/her and they/them pronouns only. was formerly Jadus but recent developments made me separate Jadis from actual Jadus.
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jadiereal · 9 months
fear and hungr oc momnt.,,. dn't have much ideas for her as of nw.,,. she doesn't hav a nam yet,..,
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jadis-and-spruce · 1 year
Hellooooooo welcome to the broadcasting world be careful of those magic squirrels that live here they will eat you up :0
Ps How Your days going freinds :3?
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Really loving the dark dye for Riqi. Fits well with an Alliance kid that saw the organization fall, in large part because of the Republic. So she holds a big grudge against the Republic government and definitely chafes at having to help them after being taken in by the Jedi.
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tea-potato-gt · 2 months
Meet Strega
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Name: Strega
Age: 15
Height: 5'1
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Yes
Species: Witch (human)
Birthday: June 21st
Family: Mother Magie (Most powerful Potions master in the world), Father Elijah (human, Stay at home husband), The older Twins Jadis & Merlin "Lin" (both competent and powerful mages), Strega is the middle child, Little brother Sortem (starting to show signs of prophetic abilities), little baby girl Yaga (Already showing high levels of magic energy).
Likes: Showing off her magic, her friends, cute stuffed animals, doodling on her robe, Flying.
Dislikes: Magic tests, being treated differently because of her mom, being compared to her siblings and mother, worrying
Strega struggles with controlling the amount of magic she puts out when casting a spell, usually leading to a single strong burst of power and Strega passing out.
Fun Fact: Witches powers can be put into 3 main categories: Magic, Potions, and Enchantment.
Magic is self explanatory, memorizing spells to do specific tasks, it requires a constant flow of magic
Potions requires a lot of training of the magical herbs of the world, and knowing what goes together. And at the end one needs to add magic to get the ingredients together properly.
Enchantment means a witch embus an object with their magic that doesn't constantly need a spell to keep it going. The witch who casts a chair to dance can leave the room and the chair will keep it up with out them. Enchantment requires an EMENCE amount of magical energy to be put into an object all at once. Enchantment usually requires at least 2 witches to work on so one doesn't loose all their magic at once.
Each witch should have a basic understanding of each category. To fly a broom it requires the broom to be enchanted in the first place, then a witches magic to get it to fly where is needed.
Each Witch is given a medallion that represents their station/level. Within those medallions are color coordination to indicate one's class within, but here's the four basic categories of medallions given. The Star represents a beginner/practicing mage, Strega has this. Bubbles represent Potions, her mother has a mastery level of this. Wand represents Magic, her sister Jadis is about to get her’s. And finally a Rose represents Enactment, The hardest one to achieve.
Bonus Fun Fact: Strega's father was Joseph (Stor's dad) grooms men at his wedding to Rudy. And in turn Joseph was her dad's groomsman at his wedding to his wife Magie. When Joseph and Rudy adopted Stør, they had a problem of trying to feed a constantly growing giant, so they reached out to Strega's mom, the strongest potions master in the world and she came up with a potion that allows for Stør’s meal's nutrients/size to be proportional to Stør, ensuring he can eat without it becoming too costly.
More on Stør and Strega here
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veersnz · 1 month
Intro Post / Before You Follow ⟡
Hello! And welcome to my little corner of the internet ! My name is Veer ⟡ 22 years old ⟡ Non-Binary ⟡ They/She pronouns
[THIS IS A SNZ KINK BLOG ! BEWARE !] So as with any kink or sexual-oriented content on the internet, DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 !
I also ask non-kink blogs to please refrain from reblogging my stuff, thank you ♡
DNI : The usual, creeps, transphobes, etc... ⟡ Asks and messages are very appreciated and welcome although; I'm also not comfortable with private messages from cishet men, you can interact with my content but I rather not talk, sorry. ⟡ I'm also not into contagion, I have germaphobia so please no contagion-oriented asks
⟡ Tags : #snz wav to listen to all of the wavs and snz recordings I've done ! #veer draws to see my vanilla art #snz art for my snz kink drawings (more to come in the future ⟡) #oc jadis for my little alien oc Jadis I'm also into teratophilia and monsterfucking so if that's not your jam, they're tagged under #terato tag
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my stuff ! ⟡
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assassins-wasteland · 8 months
Fallout Haunted Wasteland 2023 - Oct 2
So this ended up being a lot longer than I was expecting. Original prompts from @falloutfandomeventhub. Link to prompts here.
Word count: 1.6K
The crisis in Far Harbor was dealt with. The Harbormen on the docks returned home to their settlements, the Children of Atom were pacified, and the synths in Acadia were safe and free. The island was at peace. A peaceful resolution was a rarity in the Wasteland. Even if that resolution was built on a foundation of lies. She tried not to think about how long the fragile state of peace would last. Especially now.
Today Jadis was supposed to return home to the Commonwealth. She couldn’t. There was one last matter for her to attend to and she needed to do it alone. So she left Nick on the dock with nothing but the promise that she’d come back later and disappeared into the island fog that seemed to swallow her whole with only her rifle and a gallon of gasoline.
The fog was thick. So thick she could barely see past her outstretched hand. Jadis’ only tools she had to guide her were blurry memories from her childhood, the cracked, overgrown pavement that crunched beneath her feet, and an outdated map on her pip-boy that didn’t account for collapsed buildings and rubble and Wasteland critters blocking her path as she hiked blindly through the island. Her island. Her home. The Harbormen may call it Far Harbor but this island will always be Bar Harbor.
In the fog around her memories played. Memories of a time before the bombs. A time when the island was truly alive and thick fog didn’t drive you mad or burn your lungs. Jadis remembers being small, long before her sister was born, sitting in the backseat of a motionless car while her parents complained about the summer traffic clogging up the island. Right here there was the general store where Dad always stopped to get bait for his boat. Here’s where the ice cream shop used to stand that Mom took her to every Friday. This road was the one she took to go to school. That field was where she played soccer every spring. The fog shielded her from seeing the worst of the rot and decay that became of all these spots.
Finally, she stops. The silhouette of the familiar cabin stands before her. For a moment she just stares at it. It felt like she was returning to a family member. In a way, she was. Jadis readjusts her gas mask and continues forward.
When Jadis was born the cabin was gifted to her parents by her grandparents so they could raise her. After her father was drafted to Anchorage and relocated her family to Massachusetts her grandparents held on to the cabin. In her mother’s words, it was in case they ever needed to come home.
Everything about the cabin felt so foreign and yet so familiar at the same time. Somehow, despite everything, despite two centuries of neglect and being picked over by scavengers and pests, the cabin still stood. The wood was rotted and the windows were shattered, but it still stood. Jadis steps through the doorway, the actual door having long since rusted off its hinges. The fog leaks inside the home making everything hazy, like she was walking through a dream. This place seemed so much bigger when she was little.
She paces through it, drifting through each and every room like a ghost. The living room, the kitchen, the laundry room, the storage closet, and everything downstairs had been picked apart for scraps by needy Wastelanders. Jadis climbs the stairs and the wood creaks under her weight. She walks slowly through the hall, taking in every little detail and trying to remember where everything used to be.
She enters her parent’s old room. She used to sleep in their bed every night until she was seven because she was so scared to sleep alone. Now that very bed is collapsed onto the floor, the mattress is rotted and moldy, blankets a pillows gone with whatever poor soul needed them to keep warm. She opens the drawer of the only remaining end table and finds her mother's compact mirror. Her mother would use it to check her makeup before going anywhere. Besides it was her father’s cologne bottle, his favorite from that time that once smelled of musky pine. The mirror is broken and faded and the cologne is empty and has no more smell. Jadis takes the two little treasures and holds them in her hand.
The next room she enters is her sister’s nursery. All that remained of the crib was the wheels. Metal letters that were once pink and spelled out her name ‘CARTER’ once hung on the wall, now only the paint chipped and rusted C and T remained. In a firm grip, Jadis pries the C off the wall and takes it with her too.
Her final stop is her room. The ceiling in this room, though damaged, still mostly holds, but holes have begun to form in the rotting wood. The old polka-dot wallpaper has peeled off over the years exposing the crumbling plaster beneath. The hardwood floor beneath her feet had warped with age becoming uneven. Her old bed was long gone and the shelves that once housed books and toys were empty. Jadis lingered in this room the longest, mulling over foggy memories that don’t feel two hundred years old and yet are two centuries decayed.
In the window, something catches her eye. Her teddy bear sits on the windowsill, threadbare and slouched and it’s color faded, but looks like it’s been waiting for her to find it. Careful not to cause any more damage she carefully picks it up and looks into its button eyes. Jadis remembers forgetting it when they moved to Boston. She cried for hours and begged for days for her parents to find some way to get it back. They never did. She was ten years old after all; far too old to be crying over a missing stuffed animal. And here it was. Like it was waiting for her to find it again.
In her hands, Jadis holds the four little trinkets. A broken compact mirror, an empty cologne bottle, a rusty letter C, and a teddy bear that’s one loose thread away from falling apart. Objects the people of the wasteland deemed little more than trash. She would have too at one point, but now these little trinkets are the only remnants she has from the short time her family was whole that she can take with her. The Wasteland can’t have what little is left of it. She won’t let it.
She shoves the items into her pack, uncaps the gas can, and douses her childhood bedroom in the noxious liquid. Gasoline drips down the walls, soaks the tattered curtains, and puddles on the floor. Then she moves to Carter’s nursery and repeats the process. Then in her parent’s room. Once again, Jadis moves through the house but she is no longer an aimless ghost. Now she’s firm, splattering the gasoline with fury and determination over what remains of her past. She moves through the hall, down the stairs, through the laundry room, the kitchen, and the living room, there was no space in the cabin untouched.
With was few little treasures she was able to save Jadis left the cabin and returned to the fog outside pouring the rest of the gasoline out behind her until she reached the end of what used to be the driveway. The gas can is tossed away. From her pocket, she takes out a lighter and flicks the wheel. It sparks but no flame comes. Again and again, she flicks the wheel but there are still only sparks. Tears sting at the corners of her eyes as her frustration grows.
“Need a light?” Nick’s voice sounds from the fog. He emerges from its tendrils with a warm smile on his face and hands in his pockets. Nick had followed her through the fog. He approaches her casually as if he didn’t see a thing but Jadis knows he saw enough.
She looks at the puddle of gasoline at her feet to avoid his gaze and doesn’t say a word. Her busted lighter stays firmly in her white-knuckled grip. Jadis expects him to ask questions but… he doesn’t. He fishes his own lighter out and with a single flick it holds the flame, and then he offers it to her, a look of understanding on his face. Slowly, she takes it and for a moment she just looks into the tiny flame as if it held the answer to every question she could ever ask.
She lowers the lighter to the ground and touches it to gasoline. In an instant, the flame grew and spread down the path she had left for it and sped into the cabin. One by one each room ignited in a burst of light she could see through the windows. In only minutes the whole cabin was consumed by fire. Black smoke billowed out, merging with the white fog in a dance while the flames licked at the sky.
As she watched her childhood home burn tears began to roll down her cheeks and pool at the rubber seal of her mask. Nick took off his coat and wrapped it around her then pulled her in, hugging her tightly while she sobbed. Her own arms found their way around his waist and gripped the back of his shirt in her fists. He held her the whole time while they watched the fire devour the cabin and the fog carry away the ashes until only smoldering cinders remained.
“Nicky…” she croaks.
“Yeah, kid?”
“Thank you…”
Nick just smiles again and pats her hair with his good hand. “Anytime.”
“I think I’m ready to go home now.”
“Sounds good to me.” He tucks Jadis under his arm and guides her back to the road to begin the hike back to the docks. She spares one last look over her shoulder at the glowing coals and watches as the cinders of her past disappear in the fog.
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gllerr · 2 months
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U SaID no killiNg waS uptIOnAl, rIGHT?...ii FUCKING LOVE IT!
(LaCroix should have known who's he dealing after Elizabeth Dane)
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tass3l · 5 months
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some thangs i finished recently :]
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