#Not all witches work with Lucifer or Satan
Witch History & the origins/culture of England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales
I never understood why modern day witches seem to be willfully ignorant of Witch history from the (14th-18th Century) in various countries including England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales & why they act like it never happened or they only focus on their country of origin. The witch-trials happened in various countries, men & women were accused of witchcraft but some of the accused never admitted or confessed to being a witch under duress due to torture, I respect their resilience & courage. I'll never understand why some disrespectful people claim white people supposedly don't have any culture, but England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales is Celtic, Druid, Pagan in it's origin, why would we have Stonehenge in Wiltshire if there were no Celtic people, Druids or Pagans? It is a place of worship, it is sacred. 💖😊 Why do we have places associated with witchcraft or witch's (The Ancient Ram Inn, The Witch's Cage, The Hellfire Club Caves, Loftus Hall, Leap Castle) if we supposedly have no culture? England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales all have their own individual mythologies, folklore, Lore, Urban Legends, Unexplained mysteries, Paranormal encounters, Cryptids, Witch History. This is our culture, our beliefs, I think people should educate themselves about all Witch History instead of having a biased opinion, perception, attitude, mentality & confirmation bias because they choose to only know one aspect of Witch History that's just based on their country of origin. It's narcissistic, boastful, arrogant, attention-seeking, dismissive of other countries, cultures, because you think your country of origin is better than the rest of the world for whatever reason 🙄😒😑
A lot of things that are celebrated now are "borrowed from Paganism, so it's witchcraft. I am aware that some of the people that were originally accused of being a witch were a very early version of a healer, botanist, physician, apothecary, herbalist. They were thought of as suspicious since not everyone at the time had knowledge of herbalism and how to use plants, herbs, spices for medicinal purposes.
The werewolf trials were just as interesting the (14th-18th Centuries) is a very interesting period of time, due to mass hysteria, people consuming ergot on rye bread which is a fungus that makes you hallucinate when consumed. So it makes sense that people thought that anyone they were suspicious, fearful, distrusting of was a witch, werewolf, or they sold their souls to the devil and consorted with demons.
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ladylightning · 5 months
i am obsessed with ruby supernatural as being one of the most unwaveringly devout characters on the show. so many angels and demons act in their own self-interest, disillusioned by god or lucifer or archangels or the entire structure of the afterlife. fine. but RUBY?!? a human. a witch. sells her soul. dedicates her life to lucifer. in death she is tortured and molded and shaped into a demon. and yet she still worships. she is recruited into the ultimate satanic plan, cast as the delilah of the apocalypse. she spends multiple years publicly siding with the beloathed winchesters, being seen as a traitor to her kind. being hunted. being tortured repeatedly at the hands of her brethren for treason. painstakingly slowly seducing sam, convincing sam. luring sam to enact the plan. she lets sam drink her blood. so much blood. she is the sacrificial lamb. she is the best of those sons of bitches. all to be killed. and she knows this. she has to have known this. and she doesn't care. she's done it, the holy work. incredible character.
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obey-me-disaster · 11 months
I saw the Mammon with a clingy MC headcannons and was wondering if you could please write those for the rest of the brothers?
Sure thing ^-^
This is the first I got to write after the hiatus. It was such a nice thing to work on in order to get back into writing.
Demon brothers with a very clingy MC
As much as he would love to indulge you, he is a busy demon. He can't always be by your side and sometimes, he needs his alone time to get rid of his nerves.
Still, he tries to make time for you cause he would hate if you started to feel neglected because of his work.
Usually when he invites you over to his room to listen to music or to talk about 'important matters' it just means you'll get to be as clingy as you want with him.
He takes advantage of those times to let go of all the stress and just relax with his lover. If he drinks enough he might start venting about either his brothers or Diavolo and be generally more open.
Sometimes, when he is doing paperwork, he will let you sit on his lap to cuddle him. From time to time he will stop to check on you and give you a kiss.
Unless he is doing really important work, he will let himself be dragged away from his office by a clingy MC without putting too much of a fight. As much as he may try not to show it, he adores you and he would be more than happy to indulge a clingy MC
If he is in demon form at an event, he likes to wrap on of his wings around you to bring you closer to him.
Already done here
He adores it but he is not used to it!
He isn't used to the attention, the affection, and all the spending time together.
He is an introvert, from time to time he needs time some time alone in order to recharge his social batteries. Tho, as time passes, some of the 'time alone sessions' can be 'spending time in the same room but doing different things in silence' sessions.
He adores all the cuddles and attention, but it will take him some time to get fully comfortable. He will go through some phases where he feels guilty for not being all that comfortable from the get go but that's nothing a little bit of reassurance won't solve.
He likes to wrap his tail around you when play games, either around on of your legs or waist.
He tries to convince you to either wear one of his hoodies or for you to give him one of your jackets/hoodies. He tries...but he always gets embarrassed before really saying anything.
Once he gets used to all of the attention and affection he will start being clingy too, and actually be open about it!
It would hit him pretty hard that someone wants to be that close to him in that way. Sure, there have probably been demons and witches alike that wanted to be close with him for various reasons, but this was the first time when he felt so calm and warm about it.
This feeling didn't really hit him at first, he would just be close to MC while he was reading. It really hit him one random day when he realized how little his wrath was screaming inside of him.
Whenever you decide to cuddle him he treats the same way as if a cat would sit on his lap, he is no longer allowed to move.
Would honestly take a clingy MC to different museums or exhibitions in order to both satisfy your clinginess and his thirst for knowledge.
He is quite a romantic demon from all those novels he has read, so a lot of the things you two do, especially on the days you're especially clingy, would remind him of scenes from his favourite books.
No matter how clingy you may be, Asmo has you beat in that category. He is honestly the best brother for a clingy MC.
He is clingy himself, would welcome with open arms all of your affection and doesn't have any emotional baggage holding him back from being affectionate with you.
You two are basically never separated after a while. You two might as well share a room and a closet. He has no qualms about sharing clothes with you.
He likes to think about what activities would bring you even closer. And of course, there will be tons of photos, both for Asmo's enjoyment and for devilgram.
The poor guy gets so used to having you always by his side that if he has to go through a day without you he will start complaining that his affection levels are low. He will start crying about dying if you don't shower him in your affection, so go wait him in his room won't you?
Would be really chill about a clingy MC. If they wanted to, he could just carry them around. He enjoys their attention and food tastes better when they are with him.
Working out? Chances are you are being used as one of his weights. Eating? Sitting in his lap. 10/10 guy to cling to.
He prefers to carry you around cause he is aware of his one track mind. If he gets too focused about either one of his hobbies, food or working out, he fears he wouldn't be able to give you as much attention as you need.
Be prepared to be his pillow 24/7. He will fully take advantage of you being clingy towards him to make you his nap partner.
You can't exactly get too mad at him either...you get to be clingy and he gets his sleep, with how nice and soft he feels chances are you'll fall asleep too.
Even when he isn't asleep, he likes to lean against you and generally be really close with you. He is probably as clingy as you are.
Uses his younger brother privileges to get his brothers to leave the two of you alone.
Honestly, a lot of the time it would be enough if he was able to sleep in the same room you're in, even if you aren't cuddled up with him, but if he can convince you to put off for later whatever you were working on why wouldn't he? He is the avatar of sloth after all.
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projectcaramel · 23 days
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #6
How the brothers show they love you:
Does things he considers embarrassing / acts stupid in front of you
Goes out of his way to make your favorite foods, particularly when you off-handedly mention you're craving something
Cancels meetings / stops working altogether for quality time
Cuddles you in the morning/night whispering sweet nothings whether you're awake or not
Buys things for you and will scrape together money from hard jobs if that's how you want it
Does pretty much anything you seriously ask for
Holds your hand when he thinks you're not paying attention
If you're a bad gambler, he lets you win everything. If you're great at it, he's openly happy about losing money to you.
Bases his game purchases off of what you want to play, even if it's not co-op
Tries to fight his insecurities with you
Does couple cosplays with you
Will let you use his PC, even if he hasn't cleared his browser history
Will read and annotate any book you recommend regardless of genre and be ready for a full-fledged discussion
Acts of service, including making your favorite foods (don't tell him he has this in common with his mom for obvious reasons)
If you happen to be a dog lover, he will grow to love any dog you have
Finds it very difficult to get angry at you, and even when he does, he grounds himself into a civil discussion
Posts you on his socials almost as much as himself
If you ask him to doll you up, he'll turn you into a god/goddess
Invites you to every party he attends
Gives you the offerings he gets from witches
Would give you all his food if asked (and would offer it if you look hungry)
Lots and lots of bear-hugs
Is the first to jump towards beating someone up if they bully you unless you tell him not to
Exercises with you and gives you pointers about your fitness goals
Will readily kill someone for you and bury the body
Refuses to let you have nightmares
Participates in any mischief you want to create and doesn't rat you out to Lucifer to save his skin
Often uses you as his pillow
-- Caramel: We're on another romantic headcanon over here. We (I) hope you enjoyed ^^ --
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 7 months
Obey me! Brothers with Demon behaviors (part 1??) :
You can find any other parts here: part one (you are here), part two, part three, part four
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Welcome! This is a random drabble of some of the demon behaviors I believe the brothers have. Basically animailistic behaviors or odd things the brothers do because their demons. It may have dark themes or dark themes may be implied. If this isn't you're cup of tea then don't read it! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
Caution: May contain dark themes or imply towards dark themes. May contain nsfw or it may imply towards nsfw themes.
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✧✧Sleeping patterns✧✧
I've seen people talk about the demon brothers or just the demons in general having animalistic characteristics. I like to think that not only do they have a pact mentality with Mc, but also that their sleep schedules are the way they are so that one of the brothers is always up. Belphie is no help in this but Lucifer & Levi are always up doing something, Levi's gaming, Lucifer doing paperwork. Satan is sometimes up reading and Beel wakes up in the middle of the night for a snack. I imagine Mammon is usually coming home late either from doing errands for the witches or because he was at the casino. Asmo gets his beuaty sleep usually, unless he's partying. So i imagine the first brothers up are Asmo and Beel, Lucifer probably gets up early but he doesn't get a lot of sleep, Satan may also get up early, i feel like it just depends with him. Like Imagine when Levi maybe even Mammon go to bed thats when Asmo and Beel are getting up. Lucifer probably sleeps sometime around this time too. Beel probably gets up around like 4-5 in the morning just to work out or go for a run. Asmo probably gets up around 4-5-6 in the morning to start getting ready for the day. Levi is usually just going to bed after gaming or watching anime around this time, and Mammon is probably just getting home. Lucifer may take a nap for like 3-5 in the morning, I mean Levi is up and always in the house, so he knows the house is protected. Lucifer is definitely the type to time his sleep schedule just so he knows one of his brothers or even Mc is up. I can see Satan being the same in that aspect, Satan probably perfers to sleep knowing someone else in the house is up, but I feel like he wouldn't be as bad as Lucifer about it, if Satan's tired enough he's going to bed, simple as that. It's defiently preferred for someone to be up however. It's like an unspoken rule between the brothers. The brothers may trust Mc and allow Mc to be the only one up, but i feel like they would prefer for one of them to be up with Mc, what if something happens?? Someone needs to be up and ready to protect Mc. Also demons definitely don't need as much sleep as humans do, unless they use a lot or over use their demon powers. So it's very uncommon to find every brother in the house asleep.
Scents are a big thing for animals and I feel like for Demons it matters a lot as well. I'm sure hygiene is important in the Devildom, but no where near as important as in the human world. When I say scent I mean their scent on Mc. They may have a certain cologne or perfume they wear, that might make someone say hey that smells like whatever brother, probably like fancy cologne that not all demons can afford as well, but i believe they each have their own specific scent, that can only be rubbed off by them. Each brother has their own way of making sure Mc smells like them. Although they would prefer for Mc to smell just like them, their pact mentality will allow for Mc to smell like all of them, in their minds if Mc smells like 7 of some of the most powerful demons in Devildom, well what idiot would even interact with Mc then. The brothers have more subtle ways of making Mc smell like them, but the brothers have blatantly obvious ways as well. The obvious ways are usually only used when being jealous or protective over Mc.
Lucifer is usually more subtle about it: He may gift Mc a perfum or cologne that smells oddly similar to his. Its the same one mans has no shame. Oh Mc you look cold, here put on Lucifer's coat and gloves. No its not so that you'll smell like him, he cant have you getting sick is all. To him both reasons are valid. You're safer smelling like him after all. I also imagine Lucifer has like his own Landry detergent, that no one else is allowed to use, but if Lucifer has Landry duty Mc is bound to find that their clothes smell like Lucifer's while everyone else's clothes smell normal. Lucifer may do subtle ways like those to make Mc smell like him, but say he hasn't had time to do those things, or he's feeling overly protective, he has no problem just swooping in and making sure you smell like him in a less subtle way. Lucifer may just walk up and scoop Mc into a really long hug or make out session, if he has the time he'll gladly take them to his bedroom to make sure his smell stays on them. Lucifer wouldnt just out right spray Mc with his cologne but he may subtly put some on his gloves and then graze his hands over Mc's body, so his cologne scent is all over Mc. Call him out on it, he'll deny it with his life. If all else fails Lucifer will shamelessly hide Mc's shower supplies, claim that one of his brothers must have sold or stole them, and then promptly tell them to feel free to use his shower supplies until they can get replacements. He's shameless about it as long as Mc doesnt know, and even if Mc does know, Mc will never get the Avatar of Pride to admit he sunk that low just to make his human smell like him. If Lucifer just decides to scoop Mc up and he happens to take Mc from one of his brothers, if hes in the mood he may go along with the fight, or he may just put his brothers in their place, either way he will wind up with Mc.
Mammon oh sweet boy he tries to be subtle sometimes such as: Mammon may gift Mc his cologne or perfume, but he may also gift them gold items or items that just scream Mammon. Mammon will gift shower products to Mc, claiming they help him look good for modeling gigs so they have to be good products. Their just random products he always uses, but he needs Mc smelling like him, he's their first man!! Mammon can always come up with some exuse for Mc to wear something he's always wearing. His signature jacket- humans get sick faster than demons and theres a slight breeze Mc!! His signature sunglasses? Doesnt matter that theres not sun in the Devildom Mc. The light in this room is to bright for you're human eyes!! No this has nothing to do with the fact that a low rank demon flirted with you, you're first man is just looking out for you!! Even though Mammon attempts to be subtle, its usually not subtle, if Mammon is feeling jealous or protective enough that shy tsundare personality will go out the window. Mammon is the Avatar of Greed, and Mc is his human. Mammon has no shame when he is making sure Mc smells like him. He will shamelessly pull Mc into a random make out session anywhere, and will take it as far as Mc will let him, no matter the setting. Mammon will usually use physical touch to brush his scent off onto Mc, long hugs, lots of cuddles, just touching Mc in general. If Mammon doesnt have the time to, say he has to go on an errand for the witches but passes Mc and smells that his scent is gone, well lets just say Mammon is not the Avatar of Pride. Mammon will shamelessly drag Mc into his room, just to drench them in his cologne making sure they at least smell like him in that way. When Mammon gets back from the errand he'll make sure Mc smells like the real him, not just his cologne. If Mammon gets jealous enough to steal Mc from one of his brothers, well chaos erupts. His brothers tend to forget hes the second oldest because he doesnt act like it or flaunt about it to often. Unless its Lucifer, Mammon will gladly show his younger brothers why he's the second oldest, if its Lucifer hes taking Mc from, Mammon will put his all into the fight, he may respect Lucifer but thats his human, and his human should smell like their first man.
Leviathan has many subtle ways to make Mc smell like him. Our jealous boy is to shy to flat out make Mc smell like him unless he's feeling jealous enough. Instead he has a notebook, with methodically thought out plans on how to subtly make Mc smell like him. Luckily but Unluckily he stays in his room most of the time. He's lucky for this, because his room and everything in it has and rubs off his scent. He's unlucky because anytime Mc isn't in his room or with him, Mc is getting other scents on them and loosing his scent. Levi envys his brothers that Mc always seems to smell like, always wishing it was his scent instead. When Mc comes into Levi's room to hang out, if its a planned hang out session, Levi will have planned before hand. He'll sleep with a certain blanket for days before hand, going to the extreme of even having the blanket on him while gaming. He'll sit in the game chair thats supposed to be designated to Mc just so when Mc sits in it, they get his scent on them. Levi will use the controller he designated to Mc, anything "player two" designated gets used so it will give Mc his scent. If the hang out session isn't planned? Thats okay! Mc is his 3D idol he worships! Adding things to his routine that would help in worshiping them was like adding a new anime character to his worship routine! Levi does all the things said before on a daily basis, he can never miss a opportunity! Mc will smell like him at all costs!! That being said, let's talk the more obvious ways Levi will scent claim Mc. If Levi gets jealous enough he wobt even realizing hes acting until he's already done whatever he does. Say Mc hasn't hung out with Levi in awhile so they don't smell like him, and then he sees Mc with one of his brothers all over them?? Usually he'll let it go but say he's having a bad day lost a ruri-chan figure and he sees said situation and catches a whiff of Mc, the envy and jealous would overflow. He'd go marching up to Mc and whatever brother, in his demon form and all, if its a younger brother he'll just snatch Mc out of their arms hissing and baring his fangs as he shouts about Mc being his Henry. If he takes Mc from Beel, unless Beel feeling moody, Beel will let him take Mc since he'd be a confused puppy, Beel usually doesn't get yelled at and Levi usually doesn't at like that. If its Lucifer or Mammon Levi has to take Mc from, well just hope they let him take Mc, maybe they'll let it go because he usually doesn't act like this. If they don't let it go and fight him over it, Levi will put all he has into the fight, he has to win his Henry back. If Levi loses If they give up and let him win, or he goes against the odds and beats them, he'll scoop Mc up and drag them with him to his room. There he will do whatever he needs to make his scent stick on Mc. Once Mc smells like him, he'll slowly go back to acting normal, which means he gets really sheepish and apologizes for how he acted, but he'll do it all over again if he has to.
Satan went to the books for help on how to make Mc smell like him, subtly and unsubtly. The subtle ways Satan makes Mc smell like him is through romantic gestures: lending his jacket/sweater when its cold, reading books snuggled up close, having Mc hold his arm or hand, kissing Mc's wrist or hand, giving gifts that oddly smell like him. Small subtle tricks to make at least a little of his scent rub off onto Mc. If Satan's desperate for Mc to smell like him but he doesnt have the time to be with Mc, he'll sneak into their room and spray his cologne on the clothes they wear the most, R.A.D Uniform, casual clothes, bed clothes, whatever he's making sure they smell like him. When Satan is being less subtle, maybe he's in a mood, or maybe Mc smelled a bit to much like Lucifer for Satan's liking, Satan will gladly find Mc and drag them to his room or the library, somewhere were his brothers arent. If he happens to take Mc from one of his brothers and his brother trys to fight him for Mc..Well he'll just show him why he's the Avatar of Wrath. Even if he looses the fight, he does his damage and fights his battle hard. If Satan wins the fight he'll bring them to his room and try to act casual, like he didnt just lose his composure. He'll read books while cuddling with them, placing kisses anywhere he can reach on Mc while rubbing his hands gently across their body, trying to spread his scent across them, if Mc allows he will gladly take it further, leading to a passionate heated night. It doesn't matter what choice Mc picks, they will smell like Satan by the time they leave his room, and he'll make sure of it.
Asmodeus can pull his scent claiming off as subtle better than most if not all his brothers. Asmo is a touchy person. Asmo will hug Mc, hold hands with Mc, kiss Mc, you think of it hes doing it, as long as Mc allows him to. Asmo has all kinds of products he can give to Mc that will make Mc smell like him all while claiming its good for their health or it was just such a nice product to use! Asmo gifts Mc whatever kind of perfume or colgne he's currently wearing, if he switches he buys two making sure to give the second to Mc. Same goes for bath products, and lotions, any products that have a scent he is making Mc has it as well. Asmo also has a lot more clothes and fashion accessories than most of his brothers. Asmo will almost beg Mc to choose stuff from his closet to wear, playing it off on it just being cute and how he only want to take some Devilgram pictures, in actuality he wants Mc to wear his clothes and accessories so his scent will rub off on them. If Mc somehow doesn't smell like Asmo, or one of his brothers scents over powers his to much, Asmo will not hesitate to use unsubtle methods of scent claiming. Mc can expect to witness an incredibly dramatic fight. If its one of the older brothers, Asmo gives it his all, if he loses he's overly dramatic and whiney. If Asmo wins the fight against any of his brothers, he'll promptly scoop Mc up, if Mc allows it he'll do whatever in front of the brother he won Mc from, if Mc likes being in the private of his room, he carry them off to his room in a hurry. Asmo will scent claim Mc anyway Mc will allow him. He's the Avatar of Lust he's ready when Mc is ready. If Mc wants more casual not all the way, well cuddles and kisses will defiently put his scent on Mc!
Beelzebub has his subtle ways to make Mc smell like him. I don't think Beel uses colgne besides for special occasions so Mc usually gets his natural scent on them. Some subtle ways Beel scent claims Mc: Beel will offer them piggy back rides or shoulder rides, saying he doesnt want to loose Mc in crowds or even going as far as saying it'll help him work out. Beels most subtle way of getting his scent on Mc is working out together, Mc sits on his back as he does pushups all close together and adding his sweat, Mc will stench of Beel by the time they leave to do something else. Beel is a cuddle bear, if Mc isn't hugging or always touching him, Beel can innocently ask for hugs or cuddles to rub his scent on them, Beel can also offer his jacket to Mc claiming its cold and humans get sick fast. I feel like Beel doesnt do the unsubtle ways very often, he doesnt seem like the type to get jealous fast, and hes a cuddle bear so he's not prone to fighting. That being said he's still a bear, he may not be one of the oldest but his physical strength and large apperance help when it comes to fighting his brothers for Mc. It's rare that these fights take place, but say he gets jealous enough he will try and take Mc from anyone of his brothers. Besides maybe Lucifer and Belphie, the twins share well Belphie says it in game all the time. If Beel looses the fight hes like a sad puppy, but uses the lose as motivation to work out more. If Beel wins the fight he'll run off to his and Belphie's room with Mc in his arms. Beel seems like the type to apologize to Mc for his actions right away. As he's carrying Mc away from whatever brother he won them from, he'll apologize for acting so aggressively, and for possibly scaring Mc. When they get to the twins room Mc can lead it to be something a little more spicy, or Mc can allow Beel to cuddle them and use them as a weight for working out. He needs to workout his anger someway either through spicy actions with Mc or just working out normally, and what better way to make Mc smell like him then to have Mc wind up covered in his sweat from being his workout weight.
Belphegor has his subtle ways, but he's a spoiled brat so I feel like he would shamelessly do unsubtle ways of scent claiming Mc. Belphie's subtle ways of scent claiming Mc are: taking naps in their bed so his scent rubs off on their bed, they'll get covered in his scent when they go to sleep next. Stealing their blankets or pillows to take naps with, only giving them back to Mc once the items are covered in his scent, claiming it was just to soft to not nap with, but he really just wants Mc to smell like him. Belphie takes nap with Mc, or lays on Mc and naps while Mc does other things. This and the fact that he's a clingy demon, means that Mc is usually covered in his scent anyways. If all else fails Belphie will offer his hoodie thing? to mc claiming humans get cold fast, if that doesnt work, Belphie will, if he can fit in them, wear Mc's clothes. If he cant fit in them he'll just sleep with Mc's clothes like a stuffed animal or he'll pile Mc's clothes up and then sleep on all of them. Belphie is the youngest which means if he's jealous enough and wanted to pull Mc away from one of his brothers and it came down to a fight over who gets Mc, he'd probably lose unless his brothers let him win. Belphie is a whiney brat and he will throw a tantrum if he looses the fight. If he wins the fight he'll scoop Mc up and take them to his and Beel's room or the attic. Belphie usually chooses the attic just because its his safe space, and his feelings are off the roof after a fight over Mc with one of his brothers. Belphie would never say it out loud to Mc but he's scared to loose them. Belphie won't let Mc go until they smell like him again, Mc can have lots of cuddles and a good nap, or if he's jealous enough and Mc's in the mood things can get spicy. Either way Mc will probably nap with Belphie and when they finally get free of Belphie's clingy grasp they will stench of the sloth demon.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! I'll probably do more parts of this! I just love the headcannons of them actually acting like demons. They aren't meant to be sweet and innocent all the time, they are literal demons. & as Mc we take a class that teaches us how they would seduce us, I'm sorry but I personally believe they act a little like demons sometimes, even if Mc doesnt know or realize. Anyways! I have other content coming soon so Stay tuned! Stay safe! & Stay Classy!
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lou-struck · 5 months
Bigger Bling
Mammon x reader
~Mammon can’t stand to look at that damn promise ring Lucifer gave you any longer.
a/n: This is a loose sequel to this Lucifer One-Shot HERE (You don’t have to read it but If you want to go ahead)
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It's shiny
It's expensive 
And it's BIG!
Mammon's deep blue eyes glare down at the stunning promise ring on your finger. The very one Lucifer had bought for you all those months ago. As it rests on that special finger, the Demon determines that he has never hated a gem more in his life. The deep red garnet with the black-gold band looks like something his brother would choose for you. 
He really hates that.
"Mc, you should take that thing off and Let the Great Mammon give you a real rock." he pouts, his tanned fingers boredly toying with the sparkling gem on your finger. 
You only laugh and ruffle the Demon's white hair with your unembellished hand. "Mammon, I can't do that. This ring is very important to me. How would Lucifer feel if I took his gift off?" 
The Demon's cheeks turn a dusty pink color as he tries to hide your effect on him with his hands.
"Who cares what he thinks?" he mutters, "I want to give ya somethin' even better so you'll be dyin' to take that old ring off."
That's it!
Mammon's eyes light up as the cogs in his head start to turn with a not-so-evil scheme. 
All he has to do to get you to take off that cheap little ring is to buy you something even better. It will be gold, and shinier and will cost even more Grimm than what his older brother had spent on you. 
He turns towards the door, using his insane speed to bolt before you have a chance to say goodbye to him. He doesn't notice the look of confusion on your face as he shuts the double doors behind him with a conniving grin. 
With you out of sight, Mammon has the alone time he needs to revel in his brilliance. He had just made a killing from selling some of the gifts that were just sitting in Asmo's closet of offerings from his fan clubs. 
His brother really has no idea how much of a fortune he is sitting on…
Nevertheless, Mammon reaches into his wallet and pulls out Goldie. The credit card seems to shake in apprehension of the Demon's upcoming shopping trip to only the best jewelry shops the Devildom has to offer. 
It's been a long day at RAD, and without Mammon's company, the day seemed to go by even slower than normal. After he walked out on you this morning, you didn't see him for the rest of the day.
After talking to a few lesser demons you realized that he didn't show up for any of his other classes either. And as you are sent to his voicemail box for the nth time today, your heart begins to ache in worry that your Avatar of Greed has somehow gotten himself into some kind of trouble.
Twisted scenarios of the Demon being chased by witches or undead debt collectors churn your gut throughout your walk home. As you let yourself in through the massive double doors, your weary mind replays your last interaction with him before he left. 
You fiddle with the ring on your finger and wonder what was it about the gem on your finger that got him so upset?
Your good-natured worrying begins to boil under your skin. When you notice that he's not in the living room with the others, those feelings only increase.
Clear your throat, gaining the attention of the three conscious demons in the room. Belphie, the fourth, is fast asleep, resting his head on his twin's lap. Lucifer is off at the castle doing some work with Diavolo. And Levi is up in his room, where he has been working his way through a new game since last night. "Hey, have any of you guys seen Mammon anywhere?" 
Satan looks up from his book briefly and gives you a smile. "Thankfully, no. Without his jabbering, I've been able to make some sufficient progress in my book."
You roll your eyes lightheartedly at the blond's remark but look to the others in hope they have a different answer for you. 
Asmo sees the concern on your features and tries to comfort you with an embrace. The sweet scent of his cologne soothing you a bit. "Sorry, Hon, I haven't seen him since breakfast. But I'm sure he'll come back soon. In the meantime, how about I take your mind off things?" The playful suggestiveness in his tone makes you giggle as you look over 
"Mmnnnother two., Breakfast." Beel hums dreamily as he imagines the Bufo Egg quiche Asmo baked for you all this morning. You can tell from the little stream of drool that trickles from the corner of his , That he will be of little help to you. 
Belphie blinks up at you sleepily, stretching his arms out lethargically as he sits upward. "Mammon?" he yawns. "I saw him earlier when Beel and I were walking home. He was out shopping and looked strangely happy. 
"We did?" Beel asks, coming out of his food-related daze. "When? I didn't see him."
"Probably because you were trying to sniff out the Devil Dog vendor." Belphie snorts before turning his attention back to you and gives you a sleepy smile. "He's just messing around somewhere. He'll be back soon."
As if on cue, you hear the front door burst open. Mammon calls your same in a sing-song voice from the entrance as the others groan. Satan huffs and puts a cat-shaped bookmark in the novel he is reading. "There goes my quiet afternoon. I'm gonna go to my room and finish this."
The Avatar of Wrath gets up and pads quickly out the door just as Mammon strides in with a pep in his step. A small gift bag in his hand as he blinds you with his pearly white smile. He looks elated, which kinda irks you since you have spent the better part of the afternoon concerned for his well-being.
What are ya doin' Mc?" the white-haired Demon asks, as if you are the one who has evaded him all day long.
"Wondering where you have been all day, Mammon?" You respond back exasperatedly. "You just got up and left me this morning and didn't show up for any of your other classes. I thought you got yourself in trouble or kidnapped by witches… again." you mutter that last part under your breath, but Mammon seems too excited to notice. 
"Course you were worried bout the Great Mammon," he laughs, slinging an arm around you comfortably. "That's why yer such a good human."
"Mammon, seriously, Where were you?" 
There is a twinkle in his eyes and a faint dusting of crimson on his tanned skin as he looks around the room at his brothers, who are not-so-subtly listening in on the conversation. "Lemme show ya somewhere private."
He takes your left hand but quickly jolts and releases it when he comes into contact with your ring. He takes your right one instead, and you notice how sweaty his hands are. He walks you silently down the hallway and up the stairs until he gets you to the safety of his bedroom. 
He sits with you on his plush bed and begins to ruffle through the tissue paper of his gift bag before pulling out a cubic, black, crushed velvet box. 
The size throws you off a bit since it is roughly the size of a child's shoe box. 
Far bigger than any kind of jewelry box you have ever seen. 
Not even the cases Diavolo uses when transporting the crown Jewels are this big. Your curiosity and confusion blend together in a strange concoction as Mammon sets the box in your hands. "Mammon, what is this?" you ask nervously. 
He is practically wiggling in your seat in anticipation "Jus' open it, you'll see."
Spurred but his excitement, you crack open the box to reveal the biggest freaking diamond you have ever seen in your life. The gem is the size of a softball and is tethered to a thin golden band at the bottom. 
You blink at your reflection in the facets of the gem, unsure of what to say. "I-is this a."
"Isn't it amazin'?" he gushes. "The biggest ring ya ever seen?"
So it is a ring…
"It's certainly the biggest." you parrot, unsure if you should take the ring out of the box or put it in some kind of museum. "This must've cost a fortune. How did you pay for this?"
"Oh it's nothin'," he laughs with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "It'll take me a few hundred years to pay the thing off, but only the best for my human." It takes both of his hands to remove the heavy ring from its cushion. The thin golden band looks like it is bending under the ring's weight. "Come on, you should take that old thing off and put this baby on instead."
You realize that he is gesturing to your promise ring, and everything clicks into place. 
Mammon wanted to give you something so special so you would remove the ring Lucifer had given you all those months ago. That ring is invaluable; it's a promise, a thank you for the love you have given to him and his brothers since you arrived in the Devildom. It's not something you can just discard.
But Mammon must think you wear it as a sign you love Lucifer more than him. "Oh Mammon," you murmur, placing your hand on his shoulder. "You know I love you, right?"
When he realizes that you aren't going to throw your older ring to the floor in disgust, his face falls. He's confused and looks at you like a kicked puppy. "B-but this one is better; i-it costs ten-no a hundred times more than the other one."
"It's not the price of the ring that makes it special," you say softly, gently tracing your finger over the massive diamond Mammon had gotten you. "This is beautiful, but it's too much."
"I jus' wanted to show ya that I'm yer first. I love ya Mc." he sighs. "And I wanted to give ya somethin special so everyone would know it."
"I know you do, and I love you." gently, you close the box and hand it back to him. "Even without the Diamond to end all diamonds." 
"I know ya do." he sighs, bumping you playfully with his shoulder. "But do ya really want me to return it?" 
"It's for the best," you chuckle. "I wouldn't want you to be in debt."
"It was a lot of Grimm," he says, chuckling nervously. "I swear Goldie was cryin' when I pulled her out t' pay but yer worth every bit."
"I'm sure she was," you laugh. "But I do appreciate the gesture. How about we take it back together."
"Yer the best mc," the Demon says eagerly, giving you a heartfelt smile, "How about we pick out another piece for ya. Like a bracelet or somethin?" He sees the slight apprehension on your face and places his hand over your own. "It doesn't have to be crazy expensive if ya don't want it ta be' I jus' wanna give ya somethin' so ya know how much the Great Mammon cares about ya."
Swayed by this little compromise, you find yourself agreeing to the Demon's request. Standing from the bed and taking his hand.
A few hours later, you come back wearing a simple yet elegant gold bracelet. Giggling when Mammon marches you around the Devildom to show everyone the special piece of jewelry he got for you.
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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moth--blood · 7 months
Obey Me × MC with chronic migraines
[ ft. the 7 brothers (seperate), Diavolo, Barbatos ]
cws: fluff mostly, brief nsfw ref with Asmo
the most consistent of the brothers with getting your meds and not panicking, more importantly
he tends to get small headaches from overworking, so he offers his meatheads to make you feel better if you don't have any practical ones ("no, im not letting you chug a gallon of chocolate milk thats not going to help. ..what do you MEAN thats worked before???")
insists on you laying down and resting in his room until you feel better. doesn't matter how often it is, he always makes you stop whatever you're doing to go rest
will play his softer records while you sleep in hopes it'll help the migraine go away faster
panics, first and foremost.
are you broken? dying? humans are fragile MC don't laugh at him he's WORRIED
especially worried if you describe the pain as stabbing. for a second he genuinely thinks you're being stabbed by some Witch's voodoo doll of you. that concern never fully leaves
his worry turns to pampering when he's realized you're not, in fact, being stabbed through a doll, and now he's full of questions
will suggest anything and everything he can think of to help you, from the lights to kisses. doesn't matter he WILL try it
in awe you came to him about being in pain before anything else
awkwardly offers to let you sleep in his tub, and to get you meds or something else you might ask for
if the lights in Henry's tank bother you he'll put blankets over the tub so you don't have to look at them so directly
if physical contact helps and you ask him to lay with you he will lose his fucking mind. he'll do it but he'll be stiff as shit for several minutes before finally relaxing
offers to read his/your favorite manga to you if the noise wont be a bother
surprisingly really fucking clingy when you're so reliant on him. it makes him feel special
will play the lofi or quiet anime music that helps him sleep if the noise won't bother you. he figures if it helps him sleep it might help you not be in pain :)
also in awe you chose to come to him with this, especially if it's NB!Satan. he takes less time to process than Levi though
makes a big show of tucking you into his bed to rest, offers to get you tea and to read to you if the noise isn't an issue
if lights are a trigger dont even worry about it his room is dark as fuck!
he pampers you a bit less than Mammon does, but he still insists on getting you things and doing stuff for you.
takes very quick notice of your triggers, and does his best to help you avoid them!
zero hesitation will yell at the others for possibly accidentally causing another attack he gets protective quick.
immediate pampering he doesn't need to be told twice
"oh, you don't feel good? here let me take care of EVERYTHING today don't even worry about it"
if scents are a trigger and his soaps or perfumes/colognes get a migraine going he will not stop apologizing. he feels AWFUL
dims all his lights and does his best to neutralize all the smells in his room, insisting you stay and let him take care of you
will also try everything he can think of, or at least suggest it
he's not the biggest fan of the idea of doing stuff to you while you're in pain but if that helps you he'll try it. but you gotta tell him the second it starts getting worse because the pampering will continue exactly where it left off
he's so worried :(
also lowkey thinks you're dying so he's extra careful with you.
will do anything you ask bro is at your beck and call when you don't feel good
akin to everyone else he'll bring up anything he can think of that might help
more than willing to cuddle you into feeling better if you ask.
gets Lucifer to bring you meds because he doesn't wanna leave you alone, and if you're not the biggest fan of taking them he'll stare at you with the biggest puppy eyes until you do
pulls you upstairs to the attic and insists on you sleeping it off, even if that doesn't always work
a big cuddler so he doesn't mind holding you if physical contact helps
goes and gets you medicine and a drink without even being asked, and if you question or tease him about it he'll just mutter something about wanting to sleep in peace without you complaining about your head
he's just worried don't let him fool you again
very observant with your triggers and when you're around bright lights or loud noises, for example, too long he'll pull you aside and quietly ask if you're still feeling okay. if it's a yes he'll pretend he never asked and if it's a no, he'll pull you back to the attic pft
also thinks you're dying at first. i mean, for all he knew you were! Solomon hardly counts as human so imagine his absolute panic when his first actual human starts complaining of excessive brain pain. several times.
after you've been around a while though, he's super calm about it
words cannot express how quickly he goes "oh okay! here, drugs"
does keep your medicine on him basically constantly, just in case!
takes you to his room or to an unused room in RAD so you can rest for a little bit, and if it's bad enough at RAD he'll just fucking leave to take you home lmao
doesn't fully understand still, but he's doing his best! it's the thought that counts even if he's unknowingly making it just a little worse </3
also keeps your medicine on his person after a while.
memorizes your list of triggers and things that help as soon as he realizes you get migraines at all. he uses his power to find when you mention said lists and if you ask, he'll just smile and tell you not to worry about it
also tends to pull you aside when you're around your triggers for a while to make sure you're alright. regardless of answer he reminds you he has your meds if you need them
if warm drinks or comfort foods help, he figures out how to make them and when pretty fast. he likes being efficient at getting your pain to go away as soon as possible
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Special Moments With The Brothers
     He won’t let you listen to his beloved cursed music to try and keep you safe, but he does love cuddling you on his bed in his room while you listen to classical music. He has a habit of slightly ‘conducting’ while listening, the both of you sipping wine while you enjoy the music and have some pillow talk. You chatter a bit about the chaos you and the other brothers have gotten up to the past week or about how Diavolo’s plan is going to bring peace to the three realms. It’s his chance to get comfort from you and also learn the lives of his brothers that they try to hide from him. He’s never mad about the chaos you tell him about, and he never brings it up anything you talk about to his brothers. He’s just so happy that you’re with him and his family and making everyone happy.
     Ninety percent of his schemes are not just to get money, but to spend time with you. They always end up with you two alone together and laughing and talking as you both fail at making some sort of DIY thing (jewelry, plushies, etc). Mammon will always keep the FIRST of any item you make. He has a whole section of his room dedicated to those items. And each one is a treasure to him. While you work you talk about anything and everything. You talk about the other brothers’ latest interests because you know Mammon will want to do something nice for each of them related to what you tell him. Every scheme ends with a mutual scolding from Lucifer, but neither of you mind when you’re cuddling and laughing about it all before Mammon goes and gives the money to witches for child support. (There is a devilgram that tells you that Mammon’s money and debt are all child support for a kid he rescued).
     You two spend a lot of time watching anime and playing games. However Levi’s favorite moments are when you help him during a raid. You didn’t realize how intense raids in games actually were at first, but then Levi was going to do one and you wanted to watch. It took nearly a full 24 hours with no sleep and few breaks. And they didn’t even win. Levi began cursing himself and beating himself up over the loss. The next raid, you surprise him by saying you’ll help him. You learned enough from all his explanations that you can let him actually take bathroom breaks and eat and cover for him for a few minutes at a time. After the raid, you fall asleep cuddling and the following morning he showers you in gratitude and cries in happiness. Win or lose, you’re at his side. A true Henry! In thousands of years, none of his family had helped him with a raid before. His joy at your presence melts your heart and while you can’t show up for every raid, you do your best to support him.
     He sits up against a bookshelf, you are leaning against his chest with a book in both your hands. There’s mugs of tea or coffee beside you and you’re both just enjoying the quiet and reading together. Satan loves these quiet moments because it’s just so calm. There’s no chaos, there’s no shenanigans, and his temper is placated by your warmth and heartbeat. Sometimes soft piano music is played, sometimes there’s a smuggled in cat in your laps. Your favorite moments are when he sings to you. His favorite moments are when you sing to him. It’s almost storybook. And he loves that you give him such moments.
     The bath is always the perfect temperature, the bubbles and soothing scents relaxing the two of you. Asmo is cuddling you, of course, and you take turns massaging and washing each other’s hair and bodies. He doesn’t even mind it doesn’t get sexy, just the fact you’re alone with him and letting him see all of you. You gossip about things going on at RAD and about Asmo’s latest party and new fashion going on. You also gossip about Mammon being a model a bit. You then brush and dry each other’s hair and and just pamper each other. You then fall asleep in his very comfortable bed with his arms around you.
     You’re surprised that hanging out with Beel doesn’t just always include food at first. But then you see just how skilled he is. He plays Sax, he snowboards, surfs, and plays sports. But he also encourages you to work out. He NEVER expects you to keep up with his pace. You literally can’t. But once you’ve hit your limit, he gets to use YOU as a weight. Or as a spotter. Working out together helps you keep in shape but you also get to talk and hear about Beel’s training for RAD’s sport’s team and how the team’s doing. You also hear about the latest food that he’s decided he loves. Burgers are his favorite but his cravings, but sometimes he wants pancakes or steaks and potatoes or other various foods from the Devildom. You love hearing him talk about his day and cravings as you know JUST what to make when it’s your turn to cook.
     There’s a lot of cuddle time, but your favorite times with Belphie are when you go stargazing. It’s always night in the Devildom so it’s not hard to find a good time to do it, but just sitting on the lawn on a blanket (half the time with Beel there too and eating snacks) and looking at the stars. Belphie will tell you about the different constellations as you look for shooting stars. Lucifer has found the two of you asleep on the lawn more than once as you stayed out too late to keep stargazing.
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Mc get´s involved in the Shenanigans for once and the others have to help
how did you manage to shrink yourself down to thumb size? you know what he doesn´t want to know
he just needs to figure out how to watch over you while your tiny
which ends with you in one of his pockets
and that´s good for Lucifer because he allowed you to tell Demons to fuck of when they annoy him
what isn´t as great is that you constantly try to distract him or try to run away
which naturally you won´t get far
your punishment will be to either sit there without moving while he works or help him with paper work
two very boring things who will take a lot of time
he may or may not have gifted you something that he stole which might be responsible for why you´re a crow now
but you have the Great Mammon looking after you so don´t worry!
and he definitely doesn´t say that because he has plans for you which might entail some illegal activities
he would never do this!... unless you´re up for it
okay he´s sorry! stop trying to scratch his eyes out! he´ll even buy you snacks
after this little fiasco both of you just decided to chill together
or Mammon trying to do his scams and you sitting on his head glaring at every Demon… actually did you get a tiny knife? how can a bird even hold one? but it definitely scares other Demons and even some Witches
how did you get stuck in his newest game?!?! especially without him! He wanted to play with you!
okay all you have to do is just beat the game and than your free
which might be really difficult considering not only did he buy one that´s supposed to be very difficult but it also started at the highest difficulty
let´s just hope it doesn´t have perma-death enabled and that it doesn´t hurt when you get hit
and if Levi doesn´t take this situation serious, let´s hope for his sake he´s far gone when you get out ^-^ otherwise he´ll regret buying the game
and now your a Sheep
he´s going to kill Mammon for giving you random things to drink
the only good thing is that you can still use magic, actually now that he thinks about it this is a horrible thing because now your in a bad mood
annd Mammon´s burning now
definitely a bad thing
he just picked you up and threw you in a bathtub so you stop
it didn´t help but it was a funny sight
the other good thing about you as a Sheep is that he can make you chase Lucifer
it´s very satisfying to see Lucifer running from a pink Sheep with a lance tied to their back
he promised you after you can catch Lucifer he´ll turn you back
but your lucky that it will also stop after a period of time and Satan would never get down from the ceiling if you ever managed to attack Lucifer considering it was his idea and everything
Mc since when are you so beautiful?! let him look into his eyes a bit longer!
yeah the Potion Solomon gave you both made you switch bodies
it´s a very weird experience and sadly you didn´t get Asmo´s charm ability
but he can still use it to cause chaos
and let´s be real he will definitely take advantage of this situation
it will actually be a pain if you wanted to turn back immediately
and very difficult to catch Asmo in the beginning considering the Brothers are all Simps and the majority of them lose their common sense when it´s about you
you´ll have to explain so much just so they will stop trying to attack you
it will get so exhausting
why isn´t he feeling hungry? and why are you eating so much?
and the answer is Solomon once again
you should really stop drinking random potions people offer you
especially if those people are Solomon
it´s just like the time he and Belphie switched
but Beel hates to admit that it´s kinda nice to not constantly experience hunger
but now you´re the one who has to suffer and now he feels bad that he was happy, even if it was just for a moment
he will be so happy when the 24 hours are up and both are you are back to normal
okay why do you look like him? wait why does he look like you!?
A truly confusing day for sleepy cow boy, yeah turns out the food Lucifer forced you to eat has some… interesting side effects when Humans eat it
and just like that you are in the bodies of each other
why are only you two affected? it only works on Humans and even then only those closest will get affected
luckily Lucifer found out it will wear of over time yay, bad news you will have to wait a minimum of 24 hours for the effects to wear of
this will be a long day...
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
My very imaginative human names for the boys are stan for satan and simon for simeon i thought very hard for those
Due to the nature of the idea, I want to keep it to things that I think that, if the brothers were going to the human world, they would pick out for themselves. Unfortunately, that also means they could just be bad at naming things. The current rankings are:
Lucifer: Lance or Luther. Lucifer is smart and I think he would know that Lucien or Lucius is going to stand out. (One of those is literally the alias for the guy who founded the Satanic Temple. It's not a normal name with normal connotations.) And Lukas is just Luke and he already knows one. Either of those still sound vaguely posh but not overly attention seeking.
Mammon: Though I was thinking Mattias or Mateo, if I'm being honest, I think he would pick something extra like Maximilian purely because it sounds like "a million"= 1,000,000 Grimm. Won't fit him at all, but he'll go by Max.
Levi: Levi shouldn't change his name, but if he's going to the human world then he'll treat it like an isekai situation. He's going to change his name to Aki or Subaru or something. Whatever the most vaguely generic Japanese protag name I can think of is.
Satan: He's going to name himself after a popular cat. It is a forgone conclusion. So I'm thinking either Salem (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) or Sylvester (Looney Tunes, but the nickname is Sullie). Salem is witchy but I like the nickname Sullie.
Asmo: I'm pretty content with the name Aster for him. It's a flower, it's unisex, it even starts with As. I can see him in a good fit, put the name Aster on him, and it works well enough for me. Works even better if you imagine Solomon calling him that in the exasperated voice of a long suffering BF.
Beel: Ben. I went looking through a lot of names and realized that Beel probably isn't going to remember anything too complicated. He'll stick to something easy. Ben works.
Belphie: For this idea, the brothers are picking their own names, and this is the human hating era, so I just don't think he'll pick one. No alias, just Belphegor and the world has to deal with it. Thankfully, he's lesser known so it won't raise instant red flags for most. MC will eventually call him Bell/Belle instead of Belphie, so it's just a bit more normal.
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inhuman-obey-me · 11 months
First of all, love your analysis!! They are legit my favourites <3 second, do you think the brothers have had past relationships before MC? Were they intimate or just some fwb kind of thing? Do you think that some nobles try to get with one of the brothers? Sorry if I sound nosy!! Just wanna know your guys opinions cause you guys always have the best answers! >:D (ps. you guys are my favourite obey me blog hehe)
Ahhhh thank you, you're so sweet!! Σ(O///O) (,,>﹏<,,) Apologies for the delay in answering this!
As far as past relationships before MC go, yes we think there probably have been some. It is a dating sim, so of course they want to make it that MC is ✨special✨ for them, but let's think realistically about it. They've all lived an incredibly long time before MC!
We certainly do know that nobles and others are interested in them. Barbatos mentions that all of them have fan clubs, and there's even a memory UR card titled "Popular with the Ladies" after all! And Great Witch Maddi is infamously aggressive for trying to get with some of them, including frustrating the hell out of Satan and Lucifer -- as well as a rather dark implication about what she might have done to Mammon once.
As to the particular nature of their past relationships, though, it probably varies a lot from brother to brother!
Lucifer doesn't do anything half-assed, and he's way too prideful for anything that could damage his or his family's reputation. He might go on a few dates for political reasons, but he thinks of those as work, not romance. If he actually gets into a relationship, it's serious. That said, he's such a workaholic that past relationships are probably pretty few and far in between except with Diavolo.
Mammon is the type to hook up intending it to be a casual one-night stand, and end up in love before he knows what's happened. He falls in love fast, and though the relationships may have burned up just as quickly, he really loved them -- even if he might never admit it.
Leviathan prides himself on being a hardcore shut-in, so his relationship history is probably mainly littered with online relationships with fellow gamers. He may have been too shy to actually ever meet up with any of them, or maybe not.
Satan has a lot of acquaintances and is generally well-liked within the Devildom, so he's undoubtedly had his share of admirers. And he's always trying to expand his horizons by trying new things, to get away from being "only wrath." So yeah, he's probably tried dating casually, maybe had some that were considered more serious, but didn't really have that full-blown understanding of love until MC came along.
Asmodeus is, well....let's just be realistic here. He's the Avatar of Lust. We saw the brothers giving him shit for hitting on everyone even when he was an angel, so of course he's probably hooked up with tons of people before MC. But the whole reason MC has been so special to him is because they're the first one that he feels like really loves him for more than just his beauty, so they're the first serious relationship for him.
Beelzebub is one of the "popular with the ladies" guys, but it just isn't really a priority for him. Still, he's not one to say no if someone invites him out for a meal, so he's definitely gone out on dates from time to time, even if some of them may have been accidental. But it seems MC is really the first to be equally important to him as his family, so any past relationships probably weren't nearly as serious.
Belphegor isn't a total shut-in like Levi, but frankly he just doesn't care a whole lot about anybody outside of his family. So he might have had casual flings with those who showed interest, but he likely would have hit a point where he would have decided it's not worth the effort.
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belphiesgirlfriend · 10 months
Obey me! Brothers music taste headcanons
more like ramblings than headcanons tbh but i had this stuck in my head and needed to get it out, also feel free to send requests for diff headcanons!
Cw’s: none!
Little bit satirical (i over exaggerate sometimes cuz it’s funny) but pretty in character overall i thinkk
• You know this motherfucker listens to classical music and classical music only cuz he’s boring
• Okay but jokes aside i see him listening to like 30’s 40’s 50’s music especially the love songs.
• Like straight up fallout 4 soundtrack music, he’d listen to it while doing paperwork or unwinding
• He’d definitely be really prideful (no duh) about his taste in music, he’d feel all fancy and refined when he tells people
• Type of dude to be like “modern music simply can’t compare to the classics…” shut up grandpa we get it u know bach’s zodiac sign, penis size, and mothers maiden name
• Wants to be different so bad, he’d strictly listen to music from his vintage record player or some shit cause it’s the “most authentic” way to listen, fr acts like a manic pixie dream girl (he’d hit me upside the head if he heard me say that sorry luci🫶)
• r&b and spanish music
•but i feel like he’d like 2000s party music from all the clubbing and casinos
• def a weekend listener and like 90’s rap
• but also like i wouldn’t be surprised if he listened to some 90s rock too
• he’d listen 2 sublime or nirvana or local h (i’m projecting on the last one)
• but anyways he’d be a #1 rihanna fan he’d blast her music in his room but then deny liking her💀make it make sense!!
• also he knows her best album is loud CAUSE HE HAS TASTE!!
• also tyler the creator i get the vibe he’d love him
• kali uchis fan too
•ALSO i feel like he had a phase where he listened to juice wrld and was like “these cheating lying females….” after he got his heart broken by a witch YOU CANG TELL ME IM WRONG😭😭 it’s okay though cause he’s embarrassed by it now
• oh childish gambino too duh forgot about him
• this one’s gonna be real fucking short IM SORRYYY
• he listens to anime openings and game soundtracks strictly
• that’s literally all i can think of dude
• he’d be like “i don’t have time for normie music…”
• his room is literally that old caramelldansen meme from 2019/2020
• this one was harder for me to pinpoint
• first instinct would be classical music but it’s canon he likes ska music too so 🤷‍♀️
• i really do feel like he’d listen to all types of music, like a true jack of all traits, if he likes it he likes it so his playlist is allllll over the place
• for some reason i get a vibe he’d really like 80s music in particular though
• the song that pops into my head is who can it be now? by men at work idk why
• maybe even older music i feel like he’d like sam cooke
• OH both him and belphie would like mazzy star and fiona apple idk why but they would
• okay crucify me for this one but…mitski I JUSG FEEL LIKE HE WOULD
• but i also see him loving lady gaga a lot cuz he has taste
•omg he’d listen to old katy perry too
•but yea also probably lil nas x he’d have a celeb crush on him
• oh tyler the creator too with his gay ass, him and mammon both love him, they def have done a duet to see u again
• he’d be a barb probably defend nicki too😭
• and as much as it pains me to say it, he’d fucking listen to ayesha erotica and be like “this is so good!!!”, hed post a devilgram story with one of her songs and then get cancelled on twitter
• “I made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement…” and then did the same thing a week later
• type of guy when you ask him what music he listens to he goes “idk i don’t really listen to music”
• he legitimately looks up “hype playlist” on youtube to work out and that’s the extent of it
• really can’t see him being a big music guy
• if u invited him to a concert or something he’d go though for food
•he’d give you a piggy back ride so u can see better
• tbh if u were to put on music he would not care much no matter how good/bad it is
• you could walk in on him working out and literally listening 2 cbat or some shit
• HE LITERALLY IS CBAT GUY😭 he’d be like “i always use this song when i’m working out..
• emo fucker
• i feel like he’d like emo/ 90s rock ( but more “rockish” than mammons 90’s rock)
• but he’d also love any more relaxing music with softer vocals
• they have the combination of 90s rock but also more soothing calming vocals, theyd literally b perfect
• and for that reason his favorite albums r koi no yokan and saturday night wrist, also their self titled,
• would call mammon a poser for his music taste “nirvana isn’t even *real* rock idiot🙄”
• but nah, also like i said in satans fiona apple and mazzy star fan
• he’d suck so bad though he’d go on twitter and be like, “if you like deftones ur a poser” (while being their number 1 fan, fucking brat) then turn off his phone and take a nap for the funny
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this is quite ramble tbh but this thought has been sitting in my head for so long. as a poc obey me player i have this little self indulgent scenario where my mc is talking w the brothers and they ask about how mc dealt w all the bs the other demons were giving them about being a human. and my mc is like “racism exists in the human world too??” and it made me think about how out of touch the brothers are from the human world. like do they know anything from the last 500 years of human world?
The funniest thing to me is like yeah there's classism and racism (though I would argue it's more classism than racism) within the demons of the Devildom but it seems to be mostly based on "how able am i to kick your ass" hence the more magically and physically powerful demons end up in higher positions (and this makes much more sense when you learn that the Devildom had no laws until Diavolo's grandfather so it would have very literally been "survival of the fittest")
However if you take out the magical/physical strength factor: demons, as we see in the game, come in all shapes and sizes and from different cultures and are never treated differently based on that eg: the ant sized demons and the nightlantern people
So all I can imagine is demons being like:
Humans discriminate each other based on *rapidly check notes* skin...colour????? and where you come from and what you believe in???? Not on who can knock out the most teeth????????????????
Just absolutely bamboozled by it
Also about knowing what the human world is like, we find out in S3 that at least Mammon has a pretty good idea what the human world is like because of how often he visits it due to running errands for Lucifer, paying debts to the witches, visiting his kid - to the point that he blends in pretty easily unlike some people *cough*Satan*cough*
It's not human world racism but Nightbringer shows that the 7 brothers have a pretty good idea of what racism actually is, given the way they're initially treated by civilians of the Devildom (eg: how they're kicked out of shops) and how they still seem to be treated by the nobility. "Fallen Angel" also seems to be a slur or something similar which I will never get over
We also get to see a lot of racism from the angels towards the demons in S1-4 and vice versa in Nightbringer. Also, of course, keep in mind that the Devildom and the Celestial Realm aren't actually Hell and Heaven and it's not a story of Evil vs. Good, so like Mammon and MC say in Nightbringer there's no actual difference between being an angel or a demon other than living in a strict society vs living in a free/chaotic society
And going on a tangent here because this interests me:
About the Sins vs Nobility and how they treat lesser demons
We never see the Sins, or Diavolo for that matter, treating lesser demons badly despite being some of the most high ranking demons in the realm:
• With Diavolo of course it'd go against his personality to treat them differently
• The second Dames event shows that the Sins seem to have more of a problem with the nobility than anything else
• Which is supported by how against them the nobility are in Nightbringer
• Through Mephisto, in the current time, we see that though this attitude has mellowed out it hasn't completely left
• Despite the Sins and the Nobility generally being in a similar station of power there's a huge difference between their attitudes towards the lesser demons
• Mephisto for instance is so rich that not only is Belphie shocked by it but Mephisto has also never eaten a burger before which is insane
• Meanwhile, all the Sins have frequently held working class jobs, either because they're genuinely trying to earn some money or because they're covering a shift for a friend
• In Nightbringer, despite thinking MC is a lesser demon they're never really treated differently by the Sins. If they are ordered around (which again is very rarely) it's because they're literally working for the Sins and if MC doesn't want to do what they're ordered to they just... don't and they face no consequences. The Sins also acknowledge and respect MC's competence and opinion.
• Meanwhile, in Nightrbringer we see Mephisto (who is literally and narratively a representative of the House of Lords and Nobility) thinking MC's a lesser demon; ignore MC, dismiss their opinion and expect to be shown out of RAD by them without even being asked which heavily implies that due to their perceived difference in position this is MC's duty even if they don't work for Mephisto/Diavolo/RAD
• The Sins seem to see more of themselves in the lesser demons than in the Nobility which makes sense when you consider how they came to the Devildom with nothing, had to rely on Diavolo to survive, still live in what is essentially a RAD dormitory and have to actually work and earn money to buy the things they want
• Whereas, the Nobility are probably demons who had to fight their way to the top long before Diavolo's grandfather introduced the laws and then spent generations at the top, amassing wealth and getting more than used to their set status quo
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
I really like your writing and Idk if you do this kinda thing for requests but I was wondering if you could do something similar to the body swap headcannons you did a bit ago but who's swapped with who is changed like mc getting body swapped with Lucifer
I don't mind doing this sort of thing so don't worry ^-^
Here is part 1 for those who are curious!
Demon brothers x gn!MC
The Demon Brothers Swap Bodies part 2
It's been a while since the whole body switch curse. After the witch has been dealt with everything went back to normal, or as normal as things can be in Hell.
What the brothers take into account, was that the witch's coven was out for revenge, and what better way to take revenge than to cast the same body swap spell once again.
After the curse was casted, the witches went into hiding and waited for the chaos to begin.
Lucifer -> MC's body
He felt something was off about his body, but when he tried to move around he found out he was restricted by someone...or rather held down.
After a lot of turning he realized he was sandwiched between the twins. When he started to call out to them and explain themselves he noticed that something was wrong with his voice. That was the moment when the realization dawned on him.
Least to say, all the brothers were woken up by an angry 'MC' gathering all of them in the living room.
The whole affair was more then frustrating to him, seeing as he was way weaker than usual. He didn't have access to MC's pacts and some of their magic, so he was in a rather powerless position. His only saving grace was that he didn't need to deal with his sin for a while, which he didn't realize how much it affected him.
His overworking tendencies don't work as well as usual since he is in a human's body. He would have probably enjoyed it more, but he got no time to rest with the amount of work he has while in a weaker body.
After the whole incident is up he will make sure that MC gets all the rest they need. While he knew that humans were physically weaker, he didn't realize how big the gap was...and in how much danger he has put them through at the begging of the exchange.
Mammon -> Beelzebub's body
He was woken by an angry MC screaming at him. He was too busy with figuring out what he did wrong that he didn't realize right away that he was in a different body.
He didn't know what it was worse. That he, in a way, cuddled up to Lucifer for who knows how long or that MC apparently had a sleep over with the twins. He honestly didn't know who to be angry at, since everyone's bodies are mixed up, so he decided to pout in the corner.
His only saving grace when it comes to dealing with the sin of gluttony, was the fact that it's pretty similar to his own sin. Sure, he did devour everything sight, but he is also one of the brothers with the best self control when he wants so the situation wasn't as hard to control after a while...he just hopes Asmo won't question where some of his make up disappeared.
Throws a fit that MC switched bodies with another one of his brothers. It does not last for long until he realizes in whose body they are in. He will use this opportunity to get his debts paid off. Lucifer is in a human's body, so he can't do anything to him this time.
Leviathan -> Satan's body
He got so scared when 'MC' started to scream at him, he fell off his bed and a bookshelf also fell on him. He didn't know what was more confusing, the fact that he was buried in books or the fact that he was sleeping in a bed??
All of his envy and self loathing transformed into pure rage. He doesn't know how to control his anger, so out of fear of taking his frustration out on his beloved figurines, he refuses to go into his room.
His brothers had to put a silencing spell on him due to the amount of screaming from losing in video games. Funny enough, he doesn't really take his anger out on others. He is always on the verge of summoning Lotan tho. He tries summon him for moral support more than anything.
He still tried to avoid social situations, but since he is in Satan's body, the demon with connections everywhere, he can't avoid them. It's like hell for him. Pure torture. He NEEDS to recharge his social batteries. He can't deal with all of that.
Satan -> Leviathan's body
His woke up with both a back and a neck pain from sleeping in a literal bathtub. He really didn't appreciate being woken up by an angry 'MC'.
He got even more angry...actually no...jealous when he found out that Lucifer was in their body. Instead of getting angry he would get envious. He was so glad that he was good at hiding his usual sin, so it was hard for others to fully know what he was feeling from looking at him. But on the inside? He was envious to the point of anger. He never realized until that point how close the two sins are tied to each other.
Will use the fact that MC is in Lucifer's body to pull so many pranks. So many embarrassing photos and videos to be used for later some sent to Diavolo and the best part? Lucifer couldn't do anything, he was human.
The whole switching body is a drag, having to deal with a different sin is shit, but all the pranks opportunities make it almost worth it.
Asmodeus -> Belphegor's body
He was so whiny about being screamed at the first thing in the morning. Especially that his body refused to listen to him. His mind doesn't really process things at that moment. He just sees 'MC' and snuggles up to them. It takes more screaming from Lucifer for him to actually wake up.
He is horrified by the state Belphegor is in. With great effort he resists the sin of sloth and uses any and all skin care routine he knows. Same goes for hair. By the time Belphie will get his body back, it will feel like new...someone does need to check on Asmo from time to time tho...he might fall asleep in the bathtub and drown.
He might or might not try to set up Belphie with some his succubus friends he has while he is in his body...Belphie might have to stop him.
He tries to fit the sin of sloth so hard just so he can go shopping and partying it's funny. He also makes Belphegor keep up the appearances so his fans wouldn't suspect anything happened.
Beelzebub -> Mammon's body
He woke up to an angry MC screaming at him and not being in his arms...it would be an understatement to say he was not in a happy mood.
On one hand doesn't have to fight with his hunger all the time, which is nice, but on the other hand he steals everything that catches his eye without realizing. He doesn't sell it or anything. He just hides in a place only he knows of.
He has to deal with all the witches and debt collectors that come after Mammon's ass. He never realized how bad his brother's situation was and he starts feeling kind of bad for Mammon.
He takes it upon himself to protect Lucifer while he is in MC's body...which from the outside it just looks like Mammon being protective of MC. So people outside of HOL don't really see the difference at first. Only when Beel returns stuff he stole while in Mammon's body do people start questioning the situation
Belphegor -> Asmodeus's body
He hated the situation for so many reasons:
He wasn't cuddling MC anymore
'MC' was screaming at him
It's actually Lucifer in MC's body
He woke up in his brother's body, a brother that sleeps naked (Beel had to deal with the same shit with Mammon's body)
He had to stop Asmo from doing dumb stuff while in his body. He also had to put up with his nagging. He didn't even know so many types of skin care even existed...
He also refused to pay any attention to the sin of lust for the most part. Just full on ignore it.
At least he got a lot of dirt on Lucifer during this whole situation. At least something good came out of this whole situation.
He also refused to talk about the unholy amount of demons that tried to sleep with him.
Mc -> Lucifer's body
They woke up tired, with a headache and a nasty back pain by the screaming of their own body. MC couldn't function until they got at least a cup of coffee...didn't matter if they liked it before or not. Lucifer's body NEEDS IT
This whole situation is hilarious. They are suddenly one of the strongest demons in the whole Devildom?? They are so taking advantage of that.
Both to get dirt on him and to actually make it rest. After a full blown photo and video session sponsored by Diavolo they went to have a self care session Lucifer's body needed it. Eating proper meals, drinking more water instead of coffee, taking some relaxing walks and most importantly, sleeping.
They might or might have not fooled around with his powers. Just a bit...and destroyed a mountain...no one needs to know about that one. They might have just realized that Lucifer went really easy on them in the past...
No one even wants to begin about an overly proud MC. They were happy that MC was finally not shy about boasting about their power....if only they weren't in Lucifer's body.
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
These flowers....are for me?
The Obey Me! Characters bringing you flowers
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Satan x gn!reader
Genre: fluff?
A/N: I haven't written for Obey Me! in a while and this randomly popped in my head and I just quickly whipped this up so i'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes😅
Beelzebub, Simeon
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With Lucifer, its become a tradition between both of you. Everyday he shows up at your door with a bouquet of different flowers. Roses being his personal favourite.
He'll also set a charm on the flowers so that they never go brittle. Some of the bouquets are scattered throughout the House of Lamentation in vases.
If he is in a hurry he doesn't add it, but usually he adds little notes with the bouquet containing some small poems or encouragements for you throughout the day.
And if you give him flowers, his heart explodes as he tries to maintain the smile on his face. He'll thank you profusely before kissing the back of your hand and almost running towards his office.
He keeps the flowers that you gave him treasured in either his room or office. So now anytime he has his head stuck in stacks of paperwork, as he glances up to stretch, a smile falls on his face as he spots the flowers you gave him.
And for a minute, all his worries are gone and what is left is a warm feeling blooming in his chest as he thinks of you.
It was you who first gifted him flowers on a normal day. Mammon was in his room, counting up his money when you quietly entered his room.
He didn't even notice you come in, too engrossed in his next money making scheme and how he was gonna escape from the witches.
So when you tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped up, startled. Blushing, he demanded why you came in his room.
And when you just smile gently with a "for you, it made me think of you" and hand him some colourful tulips, he thinks he stopped working for a minute there.
Blushing even more and taking the flowers from you, he grumbles to knock before you come here and mumbles a shy thank you under his breath that he hopes you didn't catch.
But you did, and you smile and lean in to peck his cheek which causes him to malfunction more.
And later as Levi is demanding to be payed back, his mind wonders back in circles to that moment, he thinks that maybe life isn't so shitty afterall and Levi's shouting falls deaf to his ears.
You had convinced Satan to finally take a break from all the mystery novels and try reading romance novels for a change. He of course welcomed your suggestion with an open mind.
He had to admit, those romance novels didn't really amuse him back then but now that he was with you, they manage to tug on his heartstrings.
Satan wasn't obviously foreign to the concept of giving flowers to your partner, its just that he never really felt the adoration for someone like that. Well until you that is.
He knew that you would be delighted by the action and so he set forth to research about your favourite flowers and their symbolic meanings.
After quite a bit of research, he finally managed to trach down the best florist in the Devildom and purchase a bouquet, not too extravagent but heartfelt.
And all that research and running around Devildom was definitely worth it to see the way your eyes lit up when he presented the bouquet to you.
From then on, he would often give you flowers just to see the your bright smile which in turn makes him smile as he realizes that the feeling of never ending wrath in him wasn't for evermore.
'Cause looking at you he felt nothing but love.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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Witch MC
It doesn’t change much of his behavior towards you, honestly. However, knowing how to use your magic makes him even more hesitant to form a pact. 
He does tend to ask about magic because I have a personal headcanon that human magic and demon magic are different and each human culture has different forms of magic. 
Likes to watch you work, not he’ll really admit that openly, whether you’re doing something as simple as taking notes or actually performing magic. 
Wary as fuck of you at first. Our boy has had some bad experiences with witches so… He’s pretty quick to relax though. 
He whines when you’re studying instead of paying attention to him though. Will believe you if you tell him you can do crazy shit. Threaten to turn him into a frog and watch him freak the fuck out. 
He will ask for magical solutions to the most mundane problems. You have to tell him “No” quite a lot if you don’t want a lot of unnecessary work. 
Soooo curious about your books. Whether it’s whatever fiction you read but especially any of your books about magic that he might not have. He will not so subtly read over your shoulder when you’re taking notes. 
You guys accidentally form a magic book club as you guys lend each other books back and forth. 
Study dates. It’s a thing that happens a lot to the point that the others sometimes get jealous and try to drag you out of Satan’s room. It doesn’t usually doesn’t work unless Lucifer gets involved because you two have been in there all day or something. 
Will ask you to magic up food instead of doing the work of cooking. You do have to inform him that magic is also work and you still need components and such. Lowkey, do actually do it for him because he will have the biggest look of awe on his face. 
Don’t have him in the room with you when you brew potions or anything like that because he will lose his impulse control and eat ingredients or drink the potion itself. Accidental guinea pig. You will spend quite a bit of time fixing this because he ate something he wasn’t supposed to. 
He tends to stare a lot. He’ll be snacking and watching you while you work. He doesn’t tell you but it’s because he’s nervous of spells going wrong and you getting hurt. Will put himself between you and anything dangerous if he sees it going wrong. 
Usually has a list of things he wants you to get when you go to get things for your spellcraft. It never has anything to do with school or work, he just doesn’t want to leave the house. 
He’s actually kinda curious about your specific type of magic since every witch is a little different. He rarely asks though. You will get passing questions if you choose to work in his company. 
He tends to start playing more games with witches in them without even noticing it. 
He thinks you work too much. You have to explain that it can be dangerous for you and others if you don’t keep on top of your studies. Still drags you away from studying from time to time for a “self care day”. 
He’s used to Solomon’s bs so your “odd” habits don’t really phase him. He even tends to remind you of things you need like if you’re running low on something he knows you’ll need for a spell he knows your planning. 
He likes to mess with your hair while you’re reading or working. It’s oddly soothing. 
Drags you into his nest to cuddle while you study. He will not take no for an answer. Beel will bring you two food and drinks upon request so Belphie reasons that you don’t need anything. Whines whenever you get up. 
Isn’t really interested in your work itself but will listen if you need to talk outloud to someone. Is petty enough to hide your books if he thinks you need a break. 
Will force you to sleep if you haven’t for awhile for whatever reason, studying, insomnia, whatever.
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