#New West Record
zonetrente-trois · 2 months
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sisyphusshrugged · 2 days
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thank you Utah for being beautiful, and for letting me see my very good friend Joanna Newsom again (and Death Cab/Postal Service, LCD Soundsystem, etc.)
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taweetie · 29 days
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donnatroyyyy · 4 months
If there’s ever actually a good Live Action Teen Titans show about the OG team, I NEED a New Girl-like scene where Garth finds out he’s colorblind. Like you know how there’s that whole scene of Winston thinking money is brown and stuff and Schmidt being like ‘if that’s brown what color do you think you are’? Yeah I need it in teen titans format.
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thebohemianloner · 1 year
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Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, 2016
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
As an archivist, thinking about the right to be forgotten in a specifically archival context, and the idea that not everyone wants their stories or their records to be made available to anyone/for everyone; that often, what a community judges to be the best preservation for their own histories and culture is not what is beneficial to outsiders, especially outside academics.
More specifically, thinking about this in the context of Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/The Silmarillion/other Legendarium books as “historical” texts.  Thinking about maybe the “authors” not writing everything down because they understand the power of stories and how the telling of a thing grants a certain power over it, over how it is known and spread, and positions the teller as a figure of authority over what (and who) is depicted.
We already know that Bilbo is an unreliable narrator, that he changes things and leaves things out.  There were a few posts and fics years ago, when the Hobbit movies came out, about Bilbo befriending a young Estel in Rivendell and deliberately leaving that out of his stories at Gandalf/Elrond’s request.  What other things might he have left out, perhaps, out of respect for his friends in the Company and their desire to keep their culture and language private and closed? 
Pengolodh compiling the Annals of Beleriand from which came the greater part of The Silmarillion - but he was in Gondolin for much of the First Age, and would have had to rely on other sources to give an account of the rest of Beleriand.  Who did he talk to?  What might they have said and not said, and what might they have requested he include or keep out? 
Anyways, the Legendarium as an archive, something actively created and shaped by the different people in and around it, who both added things and left things out unintentionally or by design or on request. 
#lotr#silmarillion#ironically this would make the archivists of middle-earth more respectful and conscious of this than many irl archivists#i jest; there are many excellent archivists who are putting the time and the effort in to do the work right and to spearhead change#not that there aren't still a great many traditionally trained archivists who are being absurdly obstinate about this#but there is progress; however slow; being made in the archival field about recognizing people's rights to their own records#writing this instead of my personal archives paper asdfghjkl;#this isn't the main point of this post but i also like to headcanon post war of wrath burgeoning loremaster elrond#travelling around and meeting different communities and hearing their stories#and sometimes they ask him to share those stories with others and many other times they ask him not to spread them#he meets a kindi tribe in the east who have no desire to be involved in any of the bullshit happening over in the west#they are fine with him as a friend but explicitly ask that he not let anyone else know about their existence#he befriends dwarves living in the blue mountains who wish people to remember the glory of tumunzahar and gabilgathol#but who don't want their culture and language widely spread for outsiders to know#he reestablishes contact with the silvan elves in the greenwood who are eager to hear news of their long sundered kin#and request that he bring news of them to the survivors of ossiriand
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hzdtrees · 1 year
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Aloy, Burning Shores edition
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The Cure – The Last Day Of Summer
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lynchiangf · 8 months
it's so frustrating to see the ease with which people take israel to be representative of all jewish people somehow. like yesterday I was reading the news and it said something like 'the jewish and the palestinian side of the conflict' as if jewish people are a hivemind and universally support israel. ultimately I think that's a narrative that just benefits israel and if you buy it I'll conclude you respect neither jewish people nor palestinians, you just respect colonial interests
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 months
Question: why can't Broadway musicals tape their performance and put it up on a platform for rental while the shows still on Broadway?
Obviously you charge a fair price for the rental, make it like 48 hours and cost maybe whatever their general admission ticket costs. Then, after the musical comes off Broadway, you make that original cast recording avaliable to buy permanently (like including downloads) for that general admission ticket price and knock down the rental price.
Now you'd have to either come up with a streaming service or license it out to one which is not ideal, but it would vastly improve the availability of musical theater especially to people who live outside of New England or people who don't have thousands of dollars to drop just to go see a musical. Not to mention it could help make newer musicals more accessible and easily spread, and don't get me started on accessibility especially when it comes to physical disabilities that would disallow travel or actually seeing a musical in person. This would also allow people to see the musical and then maybe go watch it in person, which increases revenue.
It also allows a continuous revenue stream for the creative team and possibly actors (depending on how contracts are structured), particularly in cases of musicals with specific historical or literary settings that could be used in classrooms (think Hamilton, West Side Story, Fiddler on the Roof, the upcoming The Outsiders, or like every Shakespear play ever). Or even if a musical is really popular and gets a cult following like 30 years later, it would be available in a watchable format and not just as a soundtrack. Plus it'd get rid of people going to musicals for the sole purpose of uploading a slime tutorial.
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zonetrente-trois · 4 months
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This is mostly a joke, but like. C’mon Todd. Why bother setting the show on the west coast if all you were gonna do was turn it into a carbon copy of the east coast wastelands? I just want to talk Todd. Put down the phone and open the door. I know you can hear me Todd just unlock the
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myvinylplaylist · 3 months
Alice Cooper: Dirty Diamonds (2005)
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Record Store Day 2019 exclusive
Limited to 900 copies on Blood Splatter Vinyl
New West Records
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love-little-lotte · 1 year
me singing "what good is sitting, alone in your room? come hear the music play!" along with jessie buckley while sitting alone in my room and hearing the music play
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vanishingsydney · 2 years
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The vinyl boom! A brand new record store comes to the Inner West. Opening tomorrow. Leichhardt.
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aldieb · 8 months
everywhere i’ve gone for the past 2 days i’ve left in my wake drivers who are pissed off that i go 5 under the speed limit down narrow-ass country roads and waiters who think i’m mage’s useless boytoy
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