#Nathaniel Undecided
Any ideas on everyones jobs in Princess Bee?
I kinda went over a list of potential jobs for the Class a while ago and I'm going to pull from that:
Marinette - Fashion Designer. Ofc.
Adrien - Mostly house spouse, but does odd jobs helping Marinette (whether it be some secretary work or back to modeling but on his terms)
Alya - Somewhere in the news. Don't know if she's still doing journalism in the form of news blogs, or if she's switched to being on TV news.
Nino - Director and writer! A new studio happened to open(thank you, Felix!) and he started making movies.
Chloé - Spend time as a lawyer, is now kinda taking over the hotel management instead lmao
Mylene - Stage actress! Still does activism on the side.
Ivan - Member of Kitty Section! Helps Mylene's activism on the side
Juleka - Member of Kitty Section and also a model working for Marinette!
Alix - Absolutely works somewhere in the museum/archaeology. May cheat a touch as she's the only one of the Team still able to use their Miraculous
Kagami - Champion fencer! Has an art career on the side
Luka - Member of Kitty Section!
Max - Works somewhere in the robotics/programming/tech industry. Not sure on specifications
Marc - Writer, works with Nathaniel on comics
Kim - kinda undecided. Could be in any kind of sport tbh.
Nathaniel - Artist, makes comics with Marc
Sabrina - Y'all sold me on Mayor!Sabrina lmao
Rose - Member of Kitty Section!
Zoé - Actress! Works with Nino a lot!
Felix - Works in the family business running the French branch of Graham Films. Hired both Nino and Zoé.
Ondine - def champion swimmer
Aurore and Mireille - Still work at TVi news! Working on the adult channels for news and weather.
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whumpster-fire · 1 year
The funniest, and most annoying (to Mr. Underwood) thing that could have happened during the "Demons are very wicked" lesson is if Nathaniel put on the spectacles and accidentally called his master's bluff because his brain went into "small child who does not know the meaning of fear" mode. If he was like "oh, it was scary when I didn't know what was happening but this is just a room full of funky little guys. One of them knocked the jar of pens over like a cat. Someone laughed at me for touching the hot spectacle case. They cannot sit still or stop elbowing each other" and could not take this seriously as threatening. And then figured out that his master obviously put them there so they wouldn't really hurt him. And did something Underwood was completely not expecting. Like ask them what they were ordered to do. Or even funnier, if he just reached out and picked up an imp at random and walked out of the room with it, and all the others were too busy making fun of the victim to stop him, and then they were ordered to remain in the room so they didn't leave it voluntarily.
Imagine Arthur Underwood's fucking face if his apprentice walked in just holding a confused and annoyed-looking imp up like a cat. Or if he was like: "It's been awfully quiet in there, I wonder if the brat actually died of fright," and opens the door to find his six-year-old apprentice sitting there practically buried in small demons, completely unperturbed. Imagine the old prick standing there in utter shock for like thirty seconds with his eyebrows making a bid for freedom while it slowly dawns on him that his exact orders were "when the small boy enters the room, shut the door on him and subtlely frighten him until he puts the spectacles on, then fall upon him and prevent him from leaving, but do not actually inflict injuries." (because he had an hour-long argument with his wife on why this was an appropriate method of teaching a six-year-old based primarily on "My old master did it to me and I turned out fine!" and compromised on not leaving actual scars").
Arthur Underwood, noted cowardly prick who has no empathy for a five-year-old being separated from his parents, and has taken great pains to avoid learning anything about child psychology or interacting with the child in his care more than the bare minimum as a matter of principle, was terrified by demons from his earliest memory, and copied the tactic that had worked on him as a boy, just assuming that the realization that there'd been things in the room with him for the last five minutes that had teeth and tentacles would be enough to cause a lifetime of trauma, and assuming that the imps he'd spent all morning summoning (in his greatest expenditure of magical power in a decade, and an exhausting and draining ordeal for him) would "act according to their nature" and carefully wording his orders to limit what they could do to Nathaniel. It never occurred to him that a six-year-old might react to the room full of imps with curiosity (guess who never so much as glanced at the kid's drawings, never set foot in the kitchen and saw the refrigerator covered in surprisingly good and imaginative sketches of things with lots of eyes and wings and claws), or that the unsophisticated demons he'd summoned would take advantage of a loophole to be less cruel (not that there wasn't vigorous debate on this before Nathaniel entered the room, and most of them were undecided between "piss off our master and undercut his attempt to train a magician to be careful in the future" and "not waste a chance to have a future magician under our power for once," but having someone who could see them not treat them with fear and loathing was such a shock that just about everyone lost their nerve).
The magnitude of his fuckup slowly dawns on him when he realizes that the demon that was giving him the whole "YOUR MOTHER SUCKS FAT COCKS IN HELL" shpiel when he summoned it is allowing the boy to scratch behind its ears (and also flipping off its buddy who's laughing at it behind Nathaniel's back). There is no way of salvaging this Teachable Moment. He cannot order the imps to attack now without shattering the illusion that he isn't the one intentionally harming his pupil and violating his trust. Naturally he dismisses the imps and takes out his frustration on Nathaniel for disobeying and not listening, then seethes over it for months. Somehow he has a feeling the lecture on how the demons were just luring him into a false sense of security wasn't quite as effective.
Three years later, the first time he lets Nathaniel observe a summoning he fucks up Nathaniel's pentacle on purpose and summons a minor demon that can't actually kill him. This does have the desired effect of horribly traumatizing the kid, but unfortunately Nathaniel doesn't believe him when he explains how he did it on purpose to demonstrate what even the slightest mistake can do to you, and Nathaniel thinks Underwood is just a shit magician who tried to pass off his incompetence as "teaching a lesson" and for the rest of his tutelage Nathaniel obsessively researches pentacles and summoning incantations and triple-checks everything his master draws "to develop good habits for when he does it himself." Arthur Underwood pats himself on the back for instilling the lesson well and is blissfully unaware that his apprentice had lost all respect for him and doesn't trust him to do a basic summoning correctly.
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msommers · 6 months
george is my new daughter but she's still in development mode so here's a bunch of unorganized, still to-be-confirmed rambles about her
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georgina "george" "georgie" "gina" quinn; she/her; personality types tossed onto the graphic set here. obligatory pinterest.
part-time baker, tutor, and superhero. inherited aerokenisis (air manipulation abilities) from her parents, both well-established and famous heroes of freedom city.
has an older brother named zachary, he wields hydrokenisis openly while working as one of the city's firefighters and supers. also has a younger sister named charity, she doesn't appear to have inherited any powers and certainly doesn't have a dozen complexes about that fact.
parents: madeline & nathaniel quinn. undecided powers, though likely of elemental variety due to zach and george's ones lmao. potentially part of a group of supers, not determined yet. typical Good Guys type of heroes, decades worth of time spent cutting off crime and dispatching supervillains. heavily influenced the moral compasses and worldviews of their two oldest kids (honor and kindness above all, violence is the last resort, peacekeeping and protection are the goal), lessons they taught are remembered and acted upon even after their deaths reasonably lead to questioning if their ways worked. charity is somewhere around ten years younger than george so she had less time with the parents = conflict with her older siblings on their noble ways which got their parents killed. had quite a few awkward sibling meals end because of those "debates".
hero identity: zephyr. outfits are shades of sky blue and white, always with a hood and matching mask to obscure (some of, comic logic lets it work) her features. isn't spotted as often as other supers, but her vibes are known nonetheless: never fatally wounds, focuses on crowd control and flight, leaves criminals to the police instead of taking justice into her own hands. she'd only do it against chunky baddies who can tank damage but the image of her chucking various objects and items with the use of her powers is pretty fun. other power uses: speed bursts, electricity immunity, manipulating weather (incredibly exhausting on a bigger scale, not done often). has minimal hand-to-hand combat training that she learned from zach, taken up only if she's forced to ground herself during a fight and even then she tries her best to find ways to avoid it.
purely for fun, she's eternally a little chilly because i decided it'd be silly for her wind powers to affect her that way. her wardrobe reflects that and results in annual comments on how she's wearing ridiculous clothing during the warmer months.
the only quinn sibling to pursue education beyond high school, though it never saw much use due to hero life. i'm stupid do not ask me to specify her studies beyond physical science please and thank you <3
in her early teen years she started working at the family bakery (quinntessential confections) on-off, then eventually as an actual job during high school and college. had the privilege of flexible scheduling bc of the whole family-owned thing, which came in handy when she started to join in the supers activity alongside schoolwork.
was 23 when her parents were killed by doc holiday—a malefic entity from another dimension that takes human hosts to inflict its will, defeated in the 60s but recently returned possessing a college student to once again spread terror and violence. the quinns couldn't bring themselves to kill the being as he was controlling a poor kid that wasn't in control and actively hated everything the entity used him to do, which resulted in their deaths as holiday was motivated only to cause as much destruction and suffering as possible.
(might?? have a fun little thing of george having known the guy who holiday decided to turn into his puppet. add even more conflicting feelings to things.)
george ended up inheriting the bakery, while also needing to help cover the family home, which led to her doubling down on citizen work rather than super. she took up tutoring on the side, putting her studies to use there instead of searching for anything in those fields as she couldn't dream of letting the bakery go.
pastels are her beloveds and it's clear from the Everything about her. the bakery decorations, her bedroom, her wardrobe and accessories, etc etc. those things can also display her obsessive and perfectionist nature, everything must be neat and clean or it nags at her.
smth smth running battle with the umbral huntress who keeps trying to sway george towards altering her moral code because the city has so much corruption and her way of doing things is too "soft" to make a real impact. i'll bang out details later, important part is shoving my hero and my vigilante/villain together is fun and sexy. george never wavered until the deaths of her parents, unfortunately some of the huntress's points started to hit after that (probably won't last or truly change her mind?? but a fun journey to go on).
lowkey sims obsession and i don't think her gaming experience would go far beyond that franchise tbh. sometimes self-care is spending hours meticulously building a new school in sims 4 because you don't like the set-up of the default one included in the expansion pack, y'know.
listens to audiobooks as she works and her book collection is probably mostly of that variety, any printed ones are from childhood/teenage years or random ones bought to match an aesthetic she wanted for decorating a shelf or two.
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maximum-potential · 1 year
First sorry if my English is bad, I'm trying to learn more. Well, I gonna make an au (role swap, older!au and kwami swap, maybe some more), where Kagami is the ladybug holder, but I don't see Luka (Adrien's role) being her partner or love interest, because he's too old for both (17/18), and I love your work, so do you have some tips? I'm so undecided about who will be the cat holder, especially considering I don't plan of making a love square since Kagami won't fall in love as fast as in the series. (Not to mention that I never bought the idea of Feligami, so I'm going to make another couple, even it's a crack one).
Ivan, Nathaniel or even Felix can be the "new chat noir", but the last it's just an old idea that I don't wanna make true since they have an quickly romance and I can't believe in "first look love", and the second I can't see a romance to both sides (And Marc x Nathaniel or Chloe x Nathaniel it's some of my favorite ships), Ivan it's an incognite to me, I can see Kagami x Ivan (but I like Myvan), Marinette x Kagami it's an good choice too, but since Marinette will not be introduced to soon, probabily will not have too much time to desenvolve they romance. Kim, Max, Adrien and other male characters I have some ideas, some goods and others bad, for some character fans.
Thanks for reading this and sorry for writing too much
Don’t be sorry! Didheh for one I really appreciate that you like my work enough to ask for advice.
One big thing is that any cat and ladybug duo do not have to be romantic! If you want luka and Kagami you could have it be a older sibling/family dynamic with Kagami. When writing the idea that romance is not a necessity for a story to work is a very helpful tool. But if you want to add romance scenarios for civilian stuff can help, have Marinette tag along with Alya for her ladyblog stuff have. Maybe Marinette has a crush on kagamis hero persona and Kagami rescues her but doesn’t really know her. (Think like an admiration thing with some attraction, not love but like- a little crush)
There’s so many ways you can make stuff like this work, I tend to really focus in on character dynamics platonic or not and building off those characters. Lukas good if you want found family stuff, because he’s a nice contrast to her. He’s calm and has a kinda mom friend vibe while also living a life of freedom, while she’s also calm but in a different way, she’s not afraid to chase after what she wants and lives a very restricted life. Luka likes to wait she likes the chase. And Lukas thing with the heart soul can definitely help with Kagamis issues with self expression.
There’s also Ondine if you are looking for other Kagami ships as people headcanon they go to the same school (a sports private school a believe is the common interpretation) So she’s another option.
But all and all, the cat and ladybug dynamic can be platonic and that could be helpful in many ways plot wise, but if you want romance don’t be afraid to be creative with the citizen and hero dynamics that could come from it! I hope this helps! And I’m glad you appreciate my work^^
All my support, Maddy^^
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pinkfadespirit · 1 year
End of year fic writer round-up
Thank you for the tag @barbex! And Happy New Year everyone!
I’ll tag: @fandomn00blr, @goth-surana, @aria-i-adagio, @johaerys-writes, @sulky-valkyrie, @glowing-blue-feathermage, @potatowitch, @noire-pandora, @factorykat and the others I’ve tagged below and anyone else who might want to do this. 
This year I published 4 new stories on AO3, completed one old one and completed the first draft of a new fic that I’m hoping to start posting in January. 
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): roughly around 150k if I include DADWC stuff. This year started out a bit slow writing wise but it really picked up for me towards the end of the year when I did the DA Create-a-thon and Nanowrimo back to back. I somehow managed to write over 80k in those two months. I’ve slowed down a lot since but I’m still feeling quite positive about my writing after it, which is great!
Smut scenes: I think 3 published ones. One or two unpublished. And there are a few in the fic I’m still editing but they’re mostly glossed over. I may go back and add more to them but I’m undecided on that for now. 
New things I tried: I wrote Nanders for the first time – which was also my first time writing Nathaniel’s POV and my first Awakening fic in general. 
Fic I spent the most time on: the fic that took me the longest to finish was the life that, here, awaits, which I worked on on and off throughout the year. But that was several short chapters with long breaks in between them. So the fic I spent the most time actively working on must have been the Justnanders fic I wrote in part for Nanowrimo. It’s the longest fic I wrote this year at 40k and I’m still working on editing it. 
Fic I spent the least time on: My Secret Sanders gift is the shortest one I have on AO3, if that counts (I know author reveals haven’t happened yet but I’m pretty sure it’s no mystery which one is mine for anyone who is at all familiar with my work - and my giftee has definitely figured it out lol). If that doesn’t count then Trouble Sleeping would probably be it. I can’t actually remember how long I spent on it, just that it’s my shortest work from this year outside of DADWC stuff. 
Favourite thing I wrote: Probably the Justnanders fic. Not officially titled yet but I’m thinking of calling it Not To Disappear (shamelessly stolen from the Daughter song/album). I don’t know if it’s the best thing I’ve written, but I enjoyed writing it and I’m even enjoying editing it so far, which is surprising for me. I think the fact that I’m not rushing myself to publish it is helping a lot with that.  
Favourite thing I read: I read Holy, Holy, Holy by @little--abyss not that long ago and I loved it. Really loved it - like in a ‘it’s been weeks and I’m still thinking about it’ way. Also, The Place Where I Belong by @dismalzelenka is amazing and I think everyone should read it. 
Writing goals for next year: First, I’d like to finish editing and post the Justnanders fic. I’ve filled in most of the placeholders up to chapter six out of eight for that so hopefully that won’t take too much longer. After that, I’d love to get back to All Falls Away. I never meant to take as long a break from that as I did, but I think it was a good thing in the end. I feel excited by the idea of picking it up again so that’s a definite improvement on how I felt about it when I put it on hold back in February.  I also have a Handers modern AU in the works. It was my first nano idea for this year but I ran out of steam after the first week and switched projects. Now I’m having lots of thoughts about it again, mostly just working on a playlist and letting scenes play out in my head but I’d like it to turn into a full fic one day. My main goal is not to get so distracted by exchanges this year and make some progress on some of the ideas I’ve had on hold over the last couple of years.
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n8-shaw · 1 year
{ JACOB ELORDI, 22, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM } Is that NATHANIEL SHAW? A JUNIOR originally from SAG HARBOR, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study UNDECIDED on an ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Nathaniel Shaw hates rich people. Raised in a poor family, by an on-and-off single mother thanks to his absentee father, he had to work for every single cent he’s ever had. He dealt with this with bitterness and resentment, choosing to take it out by punching whoever pissed him off, getting into fights and trouble more often than not as he was growing up. With his athletic talents, it was enough to get him a scholarship to Ogden, but not enough that he’d ever get the chip off his shoulder about being the poor kid around the unbelievably wealthy. He’s over-sensitive, withdrawn, and tactless, but if you get on his good side, he may just allow you to share his weed and show that underneath that, he does have a pisces stellium, and does in fact have feelings beyond just letting them get hurt so he can start hitting people.
pinterest - muse tag
ryan atwood  (the oc) - billy dunne (daisy jones and the six) - nate macauley (one of us is lying) - marcus baker (ginny and georgia)-  jj maybank (obx) - william magnusson (skam) - tim riggins (fnl) - jess (gilmore girls) - johnny castle (dirty dancing) - the ninth doctor (doctor who) - roy kent (ted lasso) - patrick verona (10 things i hate about you) - diego hargreeves (the umbrella academy) - john bender (the breakfast club) - alex karev (grey’s anatomy) - conrad fisher (tsitp)
BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER - dark and troubled past - the stoner - byronic hero - abusive parents - disappeared dad - fish out of water - scholarship student - the casanova - jerk jock - delinquents - book dumb - tall dark and snarky - sour outside sad inside - hidden depths 
Undecided - some classes he has been taking, beyond gen-eds are: ceramics/wheel-throwing, photography, literature classes, and avoiding anything to do with music thus far xoxo
Swimming, Crew, Boxing Club
FULL NAME: Nathaniel Shaw
NICKNAME(S): Nate, Natey (only from his younger sister, if anyone else calls him that, they’re consenting to be punched in the face)
DATE OF BIRTH: march 23rd, 2001
AGE: twenty-one
ZODIAC SIGN: aries sun, pisces moon, aries rising, pisces mercury, pisces venus (in retrograde), aries mars. have fun!
OCCUPATION: ????????????? part time pool boy, illegal street fighter. idk was this man does beyond that
HOMETOWN: sag harbor, ny/melbourne, australia
NATIONALITY: american and australian dual citizen
ETHNICITY: a white man?! no!.gif
LANGUAGE(S): english (barely)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: straight, to make him worse. but also it's sorta "straight"
RELIGION: definitely an atheist
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: i don’t think he has political opinions other than eat the rich
FACE CLAIM: Jacob Elordi
HEIGHT: 6′5″ 
HAIR COLOUR + STYLE: dark brown, worn like this (yes, the mullet, sorry).
ACCENT + INTENSITY: Australian - it comes and goes with how strong it is. He lived in Melbourne from age 3-15, so it’s definitely there, but it also is faded at this point, especially on certain words. it can come out stronger as well, and he definitely do be emphasizing it sometimes
TATTOO(S): a thin line around his left forearm, with a wave above it on the inside of his arm (going almost up into his elbow), coordinates of sag harbor and melbourne on the back of his left arm above his elbow, rowing oar along the outer bone of his right forearm, initial tattoo on the inside of his right forearm (gotten with all four siblings when his younger sister turned 18)
SCAR(S): probably a lot
PIERCING(S): one in each ear lobe - usually wears either a plain gold hoop in them
GLASSES: yes, but he doesn’t wear them 99% of the time. is this man just wandering around blind? very possibly
CLOTHING STYLE: honestly i imagine a lot like Jacob Elordi’s more lowkey style - something like this, this or this. Josh Heuston's style is very fitting too, like this, this, this or this. He also wears all the jewlery/rings/necklaces and often has his nails painted. and this pic is the ultimate nate style for me.
POSITIVE TRAITS: passionate, loyal, independent, honest, brave
NEGATIVE TRAITS: all of them. over-sensitive, short-tempered, aggressive, pessimistic, cynical, crass, withdrawn, resentful, impatient, reckless, (overly) competitive, attention seeking, tactless, brash, intense, aloof
GOALS/DESIRES: (suicide tw) literally nate barely even wants to be alive, so no, he doesn’t have any goals
FEARS: turning into his father
HOBBIES: ….smoking weed, contemplating the misery of his existence, punching people in the face, fucking bitches and getting money (except the money part because he’s poor), playing the guitar/lowkey fucking around with music production
HABITS: his habits include smoking a joint daily, punching whoever pisses him off, scowling when people speak to him……there’s probs more but that’s what i got tbh
SMOKES? weed, constantly.
DRINKS? most definitely
DRUGS? has dabbled....and will get worse if the plots i want work out
Nate is the BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER because, at the end of the day, he is far more sensitive than he will ever let on. Everything hurts this Pisces moon, even as he glowers and glares, and yes, punches his way through them. He’s quick to react with anger - which often translates into violence - all while hiding how things are constantly hurting him. It’s easier to ignore it, because there’s nothing he can do. It’s just the hand he was dealt. And if he’s good at anything (which he still thinks may be debatable), it’s throwing a punch.
Most of Nate’s personality is negative. Even what could be a positive trait (such as competitiveness, honesty, sensitivity, intensity….) he tends to turn it up to 1000 until it’s damaging. But honestly, most of it just negative to start with. He’s very withdrawn and broody, spends most of his time and interactions just glowering at people, and yet has an extremely short fuse, so will go from no reaction to swinging in the blink of an eye. he basically throws tantrums like a toddler, albeit a very large, 6′5″ toddler who actually knows how to fight.
However, he is extremely loyal if he decides someone is worth it - spoiler alert, most people aren’t - he will be there for them in the best way Nate knows how. Still tactless, but like, he tries his best. Basically his way of showing emotional support is being like so, uh, you wanna smoke a joint? Because at the end of the day, Nate is not very smart. Emotionally, or in a book smart sense. He can come off a bit of a himbo, just with his attempts to be charming and flirt with women (when he wants to). Plus he’s hot. And he knows it. And isn’t afraid to use it.
Speaking of women (ladies, please run), Nate likes to be pursued. He hates having to make the first move - probably due to of feeling like he isn’t worth it, more on that below - and he will flirt, charm, seduce, but when it actually comes down to it, he wants the other person to make that final leap. Some sort of validation or something. He likes when girls pay attention to him, and tries to coax it out of them. However, he also has a lot of resentment towards his mother for chasing after his father and bending over backwards to try to make things work, so he also loses interest as soon as a girl is too interested. And when he loses interest, he won’t say anything, he’ll just ghost or cheat. The only kind of confrontation Natey boi is good at is one that involves his fists.
His default way of connecting with people is…well, sex. Nate has no examples of a healthy emotional relationship, and he isn’t good at making friends, so typically, when a girl wants to get close to him, he fakes intimacy with his head between their legs, making them feel like they have him because he’s sleeping with them. Like he’s open and connected to them just because they boned. In reality, it’s just his way of avoiding the emotional intimacy he’s petrified of, because he knows it’ll come back to hurt him. The only downside to all that is the rare times he does want to emotionally connect with someone, he has no idea how to. All he knows how to offer is his body, really. 
Nate’s very dry, prone to swearing (he did grow up in Australia), and his sense of humor is very deadpan. If you actually talk to him, you realize there’s a lot of sarcasm in his cynicism, put the issue is that he’s extremely withdrawn from most people, and honestly doesn’t even see the point in having conversations with them. He also uses this to hide a lot of his fundamental insecurities - he genuinely feels like he’s not going to amount to much, mostly because he’s been made to feel that way. He acts brash and confident, but he really does struggle with feeling like he’s worth anything. It’s part of why he gets so over-competitive, because he wants to prove he’s good at something.
some wanted dynamics -
a childhood friend from australia (one day i will submit this wc to the main)
i still really would like nate to get into music, so someone to help encourage him along that path would be....amazing. he really loves music, but his father was a deadbeat musician, and since nate HATES him sm...he's gotta come to terms with that side of himself
in general, someone(s) who encourages his artsy soft boi side to come out
hamptons enemies - people who summared in the hamptons, dynamic would be dependant on muse. maybe people whose families he worked for (outside of the Morrison's?)?? Bonus points if they had a hot mom he could've banged !!
fight club - nate street fights for money, so ppl who participate or aware of that would be funsies
hook-ups/fwbs/ons's to help him get over the girls in his past since they are all no longer options rip
flirtationships - bc nate rarely makes the first move
the other man - nate has no morals, so if u need someone for ur muse to cheat on their significant other with...here he is
and as always - down to brainstorm and put nate into anything that would fit !!
When the Shaw family moved back to Sag Harbor from Australia, where Nate’s mother grew up, they instantly realized they were not on the same class playing feel as everyone else. They had never been wealthy. Four children and barely steady incomes from their parents - when they were even together - guaranteed that. The kids all realized pretty quickly they were going to have to get jobs, especially now that their father was completely out of the picture. Nate ended up working for a few families who ‘summered’ (god, he hated that word) nearby, working as a pool boy. One of those families…yeah, you guessed it, was the Morrison’s. Greer took interest in the pretty Australian pool boy who was her age, inviting him along to join some of the parties she and her friends had, despite him being her family’s staff. No way was that going to end badly.
Also, they may have hooked up a time or two their senior year of high school. But that’s irrelevant.
SOCIAL CLASS: lower class
FATHER: Luke Shaw
MOTHER: Ella Shaw, née Quentin
SIBLING(S)? 3 - older brother; Liam Shaw , older sister; Melanie Shaw, and a younger sister; Quentin "Quinnie" Shaw.
CHILDREN? do not let this man reproduce no matter what you do (also having children is also his worst nightmare, since the last thing he wants is to his father)
nate is the third out of four kids in five years to two highly incompatible people
his mom followed his dad back to australia when he was 3, only to call it all off 12 years later, and move back to sag harbor when nate was 15
nate took the move v hard in general, got into a lot of fights, briefly ended up in juvie after being charged with assault
couldn't pay for a lawyer, but the kid he was defending became his best friend (xoxo keys) and his father was a public defender and got the charges dropped, so he doesn't TECHNICALLY have it on his record
shortly after he got invited to an illicit fighting ring, which had money being given to winners and tossed around in bets by the rich kids who vacationed in the summer
that's how nate ended up hanging out with them and partying with them despite being poorTM
early in the fall his senior year, there was a back to school party where the house they were in ended up burning down - since nate was the only one who didn't have rich parents, who do you think took the fall? (hint: nate)
stanford stopped recruiting him & he broke up with his girlfriend at the time (actually, he just ghosted her, but that counts)
did he end up getting a scholarship at ogden in return for keeping his mouth shut? maybe (yes)
when he came to ogden as a freshman in college, he came in as an engineering major (why? no idea - think someone told him too and he was like, well, i have no hopes or dreams of my own, so y not), failed a bunch of classes, and then ended up switching to an undecided major for his junior year…so is he going to graduate on time? absolutely not. he is very much behind in his schooling.
yes, nate has jacob's australian accent
he is basically ryan atwood and i regret nothing
he worked as a pool boy and mowed lawns and shit during the summer once he moved back to the Hamptons as a teen to make some extra cash, so rubbed shoulders with a lot of rich kids, which just made him more bitter about all of it
he did in fact sleep with several milf housewives while he was doing above jobs
plays the guitar and piano and likes to fuck around with music production in his free time - his father is a musician so his lack of acknowledging this/sharing this/actually allowing himself to enjoy it is due to his ~ daddy issues ~
deep down he is an artsy soft boi, and he just refuses to acknowledge that he loves music because of his father, and the fear that exploring that side of himself will just turn him into his dad. it's definitely something he needs to come to terms to still
he started taking more art classes this semester now that he is undecided and he signed up for a wheel-throwing class so he QUICKLY became one of those slutty shirtless wheel-throwing tik tok boys. his first successful pot he made he gave to rhia so she could plant things in it.
jesse threw nate under the bus, nate threw jesse under the bus, they kissed fought, the cops were looking at nate real sussy
so yeah from the very first sit down with the cops, nate was not making a good impression
he did get dragged outta the pool during a swim practice to be questioned
after their second interview, he is in their list of suspects :)
overall, nate is trying very hard to not be involved with greer or her disappearance at ALL because he does not want to be held responsible
he did overhear (with pippa) penny saying that she knew why greer left
oh also, he hooked monty and ollie up with a half built house to use as a drug base, thanks to his connects in the construction industry near ogden
he has those connects bc the summer between his freshman and sophomore years, he worked for nat's dad while they were dating. and nat's dad hates him. so nate said fuck u i'ma have my friends deal drugs outta ur house
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syrupwit · 2 years
happiest of fridays to you!! could we see "characters carry out a heist in disguise", perhaps with the awakening crew?
Thank you, I love this for them! Er, a rescue counts as a heist, right? Under the cut, please find exactly 300 words of Sigrun & Oghren & Nathaniel Howe & Justice for @dadrunkwriting :)
Improbably, the costumes fit everyone.
��This is a classic bit,” Oghren assured them. “It’s how I rescued the boss from Fort Drakon. Well, how I would have, if that sodding elf hadn’t taken the Qunari instead.” 
The imposing cliffside fortification where Velanna, Anders, and Warden-Commander Amell were held captive loomed above them at the end of a steep and winding path. 
Nathaniel sniffed his sleeve and grimaced. “I won’t say what this smells like.”
“Mine has bloodstains,” Sigrun announced. “I thought they might be wine, but they’re all… crusty.”
“Just turn it inside out and wear it that way,” said Oghren. 
Sigrun sighed. “Yeah, because I want dried blood that might be darkspawn right next to my skin.” 
“Are you a duster or some fainting lily of a noble, woman?”
“It’s flaking, Oghren. It’s nasty. Look.” She demonstrated, and wiped her hands on Nathaniel, inspiring a minor slapfight that both would agree not to mention later.
Justice’s voice, commanding and imposing despite how ridiculous he looked, rang over their squabbling and Oghren’s snickers. “Why do we tarry? Our friends are still imprisoned. Every moment not devoted to their rescue is wasted.”
“The spirit speaks the truth,” said Nathaniel, shoving Sigrun to the side. “We should make haste.”
“Haste,” Sigrun agreed, kicking his ankle.
“Right,” said Oghren. “Let’s go get our mages back. Broma Siblings, away!” They started up the hill.
“Broma Siblings?” said Sigrun, with effort, after some time walking.
“Better than Broma Brothers and Sister, isn’t it?”
“No one could mistake me for your sister, Oghren. Nate and I, at least we both have dark hair…”
“You mortals should conserve your energy,” said Justice, aggrieved; but the others spent the rest of the journey debating names for their fake acrobat troupe, and remained undecided by the time they arrived.
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secrettyrant · 11 months
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Name: Miles Adair
Age & Birthday: 38 years old, January 20th 1985
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man He/Him
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Time in Atlanta: 38 years
Neighborhood: Downtown
Association: Law Enforcement
Occupation: K9 Trainer
Positive personality traits: Compassionate, Honorable, Benevolent
Negative personality traits: Hesitant, Noncompetitive, Stubborn
Faceclaim: Jared Padalecki
Born as an identical twin to Nathaniel and later becoming an older brother to Lorna, Miles Adair has always been a breezy personality within their family. He's kind like Lorna and stubborn just like Nathaniel but, Miles can mostly be described as drifting somewhere solidly in the middle. He's noncompetitive and doesn't strive for greatness in life, believing success should only be judged by someone's happiness. He also has a quietly mischievious streak to him, especially when it comes to his brother. He will casually sit back and get under Nate's skin with simple comments. As for Lorna, the meanest he ever was consisted of flicking her bedroom light switch on and off for no reason.
While his brother worked for academic success, Miles somewhat dawdled in comparison. He's had many hobbies over the years and different goals in life. He thought sports was his calling, then he was undecided about joining the army. He thought starting his own business would be great and in the end he graduated high school without a single clue what to do. He only began working with animals because a friend was volunteering at a shelter and Miles, not wanting to be sat around twiddling his thumbs, tagged along. He went to college a year later than his brother, not wanting to earn a degree in something he didn't truly want to pursue but he finally decided working with animals was clearly something he was good at. It would do. Which is something you'll always hear Miles say. "That's good enough." He never wants to force or push any boundaries or limits.
Miles is complacent in a lot of ways, accepting life for the ride and doesn't try to force many things. That's where his stubbornness comes in, not wanting to be pushed in any certain direction and just let time work it out instead. It saves making decisions on his own accord. He's always valued his brother's advise and admired Lorna's decisive and freedom-loving nature. Miles couldn't think of anything better for his sister than to leave Atlanta and discover herself. He wished he could've come along for the ride too, but by the age of thirty-three his life had pretty much worked itself out. He was in a serious relationship and had somehow ended up within law enforcement as a dog handler and trainer.
The death of their father came as a sudden shock to the Adair family, Miles taking it particularly to heart. His stubborn grief caused the break down of his relationship, which to this day he still regrets. It sounds corny but he's admitted himself that he let the one slip away, which is why he's all the more supportive of Lorna's relationship with Fenrir. He's happy she's found somebody who's perfect for her, knowing those chances in life only come around the once.
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venix-cherry · 1 year
Name: nathaniel
Age: 17
Bday: march 16
Gender: male
Personality: dead inside, sensitive, independent,
Nicknames: nate
Sexuality: straight
Speices: jackalope
Family: deltin,(dad), ron(bio parent), bea(step mom), jane(sister)
occupation: volenteers at the library
Powers/abilities: many small abilities, his main ablilites due to Ron being 3/4th demon means he can summon/curse and bind things like objects or semi willing people
likes: quiet, pretzles and binge watching shows
dislikes: moxie, zombie movies and dark rooms
strengths: avoiding his chores, avoiding being blamed for shit hes caused and being the one everyone goes to when they need a book recommended to them
weaknesses: a good book and sleep
music inspo: anything calm
Voice: no set voice since he just mimics others
Appearance: undecided
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fergus-cousland · 1 year
i know i’m not supposed to be thinking about The Nathaniel Fic when i have exchange fics to be thinking about but at the same time, i’m so undecided about whether or not to have my Warden’s father in Starkhaven just so Nathaniel can have a moment where he spends Way Too Long trying to work out where he’s seen Gwydion before 
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ogdencollegerp · 2 years
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{ JACOB ELORDI, 21, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM } Is that NATHANIEL SHAW? A JUNIOR originally from SAG HARBOR, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study UNDECIDED on an ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. **ADMIN CHARA 
HOW THEY EMBODY THEIR TROPE: Nate is the BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER because, at the end of the day, he is far more sensitive than he will ever let on. Everything hurts this Pisces moon, even as he glowers and glares, and yes, punches his way through them. He’s quick to react with anger - which often translates into violence - all while hiding how things are constantly hurting him. It’s easier to ignore it, because there’s nothing he can do. It’s just the hand he was dealt. And if he’s good at anything (which he still thinks may be debatable), it’s throwing a punch. 
RELATIONSHIP WITH GREER: When the Shaw family moved back to Sag Harbor from Australia, where Nate’s mother grew up, they instantly realized they were not on the same class playing feel as everyone else. They had never been wealthy. Four chidlren and barely steady incomes from their parents - when they were even toegether - guaranteed that. The kids all realized pretty quickly they were going to have to get jobs, especially now that their father was completely out of the picture. Nate ended up working for a few families who ‘summered’ (god, he hated that word) nearby, working as a pool boy. One of those families...yeah, you guessed it, was the Morrison’s. Greer took interest in the pretty Australian pool boy who was her age, inviting him along to join some of the parties she and her friends had, despite him being her family’s staff. No way was that going to end badly. 
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If LadyLuck was set in the avatar world who'd have what element?
I do have an ML/ATLA Au! I don't have a LL-specific one so it's based around more canon-alignments regarding who is Important™.
BUT! Quick runthrough of who's what!
Of note the ml au involves my Split Avatar AU(because I wanted Mari and Adrien to both be important. Short version for those who don't know: Two Avatars. One has the Elements, the other gets Spirit Bullshit, must be in sync to do big things like the Avatar State.
Anyway! Have the Miracuclass(plus a few more)
Marinette - Avatar! Has the Elements. Starts with Water, lives in the Northern Water Tribe
Adrien - Avatar! No Elements he's a Nonbender but he's the Spirit half! Lives in the Fire Nation
Alya - Earthbender! Lives somewhere in the Earth Kingdom
Nino - Waterbender! Lives in the Northern Water Tribe
Chloé - Can I keep with the Azula parallels and have her a blue-fire wielding Princess of the Fire Nation? Yes! Yes I can!
Mylene - Firebender, lives in the Earth Kingdom
Ivan - probably an Earthbender? I don't think I'd solidfy it. Tempted to say Water to round out the Brainwash Fight Club Squad, but that doesn't vibe. Also lives in the Earth Kingdom
Juleka - Earthbender! Lives in the Earth Kingdom
Alix - Nonbender, Kyoshi Warrior(obvs lives on Kyoshi Island)
Kagami - Firebender, can use Lightning. Has a Dragon. Is from the Fire Nation
Luka - Waterbender, lives in the Earth Kingdom
Max - Nonbender, lives in the Earth Kingdom
Marc - Nonbender, lives in the Southern Water Tribe
Kim - Debating on if he's a Waterbender or not, but from the Northern Water Tribe
Nathaniel - Wanterbender, from the Southern Water Tribe
Sabrina - Nonbender, Chi-Blocker, from the Fire Nation
Rose - Airbender, lives in the Earth Kingdom
Lila - Airbender, origins unknown
Felix - Waterbender, lives in the Southern Water Tribe.
Zoé - undecided on her bending ability(fire, earth, or nothing), lives in the Earth Kingdom.
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No, No I don't. Sorry if you were looking for them.
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Well, where do I begin... My father owns it and he bought it from the previous owners for over half a million...
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
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I was joking about the centipede thing, cant take a joke mr. Purple man? Well. Anyway.
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Also the only skeleton anyone has is inside of them! In any case, my ride to get back should be here shor-
Suddenly, the wall breaks, glass shatters, and dave had been run over...
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Bear-trap? When did you learn how to drive..? I..... welp. I guess your my ride home.
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See ya all later! Heres my dads number mr. Phone, hope we can come to an agreement soon!
Bear-Trap leans closely to Marionette, to simply state:
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You mean my skeletons...
And with that, both Nathaniel and the Bear left, running over dave again in the process - (Submission by @ask-nathaniel-undecided​) Dave made a very pained noise, his fingers wiggling still, despite probably all of his nervous system being shattered. Phoney looked at Dave, then at the dead-looking bear behind the wheel, then at the young man still standing around. Quietly he noted down 'Lacks concern for human life' onto his mental sheet for Nathan and vowed to remember that in the worst case. It wasn't like MANY of them did, but especially someone this young- "OH GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Jeremy cried out in distress, pale as a ghost as he ran up trying to get Dave out from under the car, but not daring to pull in case that it would make everything much worse. The guy was shaken by the way that car bumped, as though it was lighter than it actually was, as if this all was just a giant joke, except the purple dripping down the bumper of the car being very real. Poor boy was at the verge of breaking out into tears. Old Sport quickly picked him up and hugged him. "Shhhhh, shhhhh. Jerry. He's fine. He'll be up in a minute. But you know, your NICE and KIND and GENTLE Puppet friend TOTALLY SHOULD HELP GET THE CAR OFF HIM." The young guard couldn't see it, but Old Sport gave Marion a smug smile. "Y-yes... M-Marion, please- PLEASE get that- that off him-" Mike was having a field day screaming at the bear. "REALLY? In front of JEREMY?! What kind of shithead are you? That's MY fucking role, PISS OFF." The Phone-headed "leader" of the group sighed in utter defeat. "Don't uh- worry about Dave, people in here don't have insurance. Uh... you KNOW we will bill that wall though, right?" The Marionette meanwhile had focused enough psychic power to slightly raise the car and pull it aside. He couldn't keep shit like that up for long, but long enough to make Jeremy feel better at least. Poor, mangled Dave slowly rose from the ground, but he didn't make a sound. His eyes were small glowing dots as he pointed at Nathan. "... ya think you can fuck with me, huh?" His tone was much different than before too. "Listen here, kiddo." With that he swiftly stepped closer, ignoring everyone else's unease. "You have no idea who you're messin' with. Neither you, nor your fuckin' dirtbag of a dad. I want you to know somethin’ about ME as a person." He smiled eerily, it didn't fit with the rest of his expression. "I like to have fun! I'm a big fan of good ole pranks! They're a barrel of laughs! But ya know. Comin' into MY place and drivin' ME over with a car, that shit ain't cute." At this moment, if the bear were to try and intervene, he signed at him roughly. "The same goes for you. I don't care who ya used to be. Now you're a fuckin' attraction for Freddy's. Know your place." Turning back to Nathan from this hypothetical interaction, he loomed over him, tall and thin, a being from a sleep paralysis. "You might not care about what I have to say. And that's your loss, really. But I want ya to know that you should watch your back. And I want ya to know that you might bought the name of Freddy's, but ya sure as shit didn't buy its soul. That one belongs to ME. I AM THE FUCKIN' SOUL OF THIS PLACE! And if ya don't watch it, respect it and remember that you're a fuckin' cog at most currently, then the place itself will turn on you, in MY name." The lights flickered. It was silent for a moment. Then Dave burst out laughing. "Awwwww look at ya FACE! All SQUISHY and SPOOKED!" Roughly he grabbed Nathan's cheeks and while his expression was a smile, the gesture hurt. "Don't cha worry! With eyes like that I'm sure everyone will forgive and forget ya with ease! Just play nice and respect your elders, will ya?" Old Sport was looking fascinated onto it, joining Dave's side like a shadow. Instantly Dave put an arm around him, and visibly relaxed. "Sportsy here and me, we might pay ya place a visit some time!" A grin. "Give it some... pep. Just a bit of... uniqueness. Remember to be nice to Sportsy too! He's basically the fuckin' body of Freddy's. If he decides somethin' should happen, he makes it happen! You're gonna see his magic in action when we're all workin' together on a fun project in the future, you'll see. Now, begone! Would be a shame if someone hid somethin' extremely likely to go up in flames in your car while ya wait around!" The Puppet meanwhile, torn by two different things demanding his attention hissed at the bear. Something about him gave him awful vibes. Not Dave or Henry awful, but certainly disgusting in some way, to some degree like Mike. Though this time it was even worse, as the being wore his best friend's skin. 'You are wearing the skin of a hero. If you bring shame to him, I will not forgive it. I will not let anyone rest until every bit of evil attached to this place is cleaned.' My, what a promise. You will never rest Marion, will you? Then his attention was back on Dave and his escalation, watching defensively, ready to attack if he had to. Thankfully, it didn't turn out to be necessary, he would have hated to do it in front of Jeremy. When the bear hit Dave a second time, he absolutely lost it. "Okay, that's fuckin' it. I've had ENOUGH. We'll make his life hell. Looks like good ole Vincent has to come back out and get a new job, eh? They will regret the second they crossed me." Standing up, dripping purple and red, he turned to Old Sport. "Ya need a new name too for this." "... does Sport Old work?" Interested he asked, not particularly personally offended at Bear's actions, but CERTAINLY down to helping his friend destroy another place. That was what he was truly good at after all. "Yeah, it's fantastic! You're a genius, Sportsy!" Motivated Dave took his hand, his eyes still less brightly lit than usual and ran off. Phone Guy looked after them. For the poor kid's sake he hoped that whatever hellish portal they have come from would close up right behind them. He hated to think what havoc they would wreck at a location they DIDN'T care about.
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thethirdamell · 3 years
Hi! I'm not sure whether someone has asked already, but are you going to cover Mark of the Assassin in the Accursed Ones, or are you skipping it?
Spoilers below on the rest of the plot.
Yes, this quest will take place, but it will be heavily modified.
The following side-quests are left before the end of DA2/Explosion. Legacy will take place after DA2.
- Mark of the Assassin
- Faith
- Favor and Fault
- The Last Holdouts
- A Noble Agenda
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Hey hey hey! So yall voted you wanted to hear the Miraclass’s hero names a LONG while back! So time to deliver! Note; some epithets or names might change in the future, but these are what I got rn and I’m writing this in the context of “this is shortly after the sports festival”
Adrien: Noir
Marinette: The Evolution Hero, Cerise 
Nino: The Suds Hero, Bubbler
Alya: The Transmission Hero, Network
Chloe: The Venomous Hero, Queen Bee
Sabrina: [Undecided]
Alix: The Speedy Hero, Timebreaker
Kim: The Blazing Sun Hero, Icarus 
Max: [Undecided]
Nathaniel: The Illustrator Hero, Picasso
Juleka: The Midnight Hero, Carmilla
Rose: Princess Fragrance 
Ivan: The Bull Hero, Taurus 
Mylene: The Fearless Hero, Quiver
Lila: The Illusionist Hero, Mirage
Kagami: Arashi
Marc: Origami
Aurore: The Weather Hero, Tempest
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