#My OCs had no right to be so funny???? Like bro help why are they hilarious
Looking through old fanfiction is a trip because, while it’s not great, it’s not exactly bad either.
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raya-hunter01 · 5 months
One Shot
Carmelo Hayes x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut
Summary: Carmelo is nervous about returning to his college alma mater FAMU for its homecoming. An alumni ball between his fellow brother Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha is taking place.
Why is he nervous, you ask? A special someone he took for granted is going and he has no idea how to make things right. Follow Carmelo down memory lane as he tries to figure out how to fix the mess he made. Will Kayla forgive him or will this end in disaster as Trick travels with Carmelo to be his wingman for homecoming weekend.
This was a story request from royalkay23 who gave me the music and ideas that we put together. I hope you enjoy it!
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NXT Show
Carmelo POV
“Damn, another night, another show,” I sighed sitting down trying to unwind a bit before I showered and got on the road. Pulling out my phone I checked my messages.
“Damn, I already told Darnell, I was comin’ so what the hell he keep calling for?” I hissed putting in my code to listen to his voicemail.
“Man, I forgot you had a show, I talked to Angela, and she convinced Kayla to come this weekend. You better get ready to do some groveling to get yo’ woman man. I’ll see you down there, later bro,” his voice making my stress levels rise.
What does he mean she’s coming down? Fuck, should I even go? Will she even wanna talk to my ass?
“How did shit get so complicated,” I whispered pinched my nose truly frustrated.
Things used to be so easy; then we made it complicated by giving in to our desires. If only we never crossed that line, we would still be close.
I missed her, I knew the first day I met her that I wanted her to be apart of my life forever.
FAMU Move in day 2019
“Remember we’re gentleman, carry their bags to their rooms. Be welcoming and act like ya’ll got some sense. Give them a couple weeks to get used to campus life before ya’ll start aggravating them,” our oldest fraternity brother Scott said as we all snickered.
“We got you, boss,” I said trying not to laugh as Darnell hit my shoulder trying to hold it together himself.
“No funny business Carmelo, this ain’t an opportunity for you to schedule your next hookup,” Greg hissed as I nodded scoping the parking lot not listening.
“Damn, I got her,” I said pointing to a beautiful young lady standing with her parents about to start pulling luggage outta their trunk. Oh, she bad….Legs and ass for days.
“You ain’t slick, you tryin' to holla at her,” Darnell whispered as I grinned. “I don’t know what you talkin’ about. If ya’ll will excuse me, I’m going to see if they need some help,” I said quickly making myself scarce before anybody could get a word in.
Making my way over to the family I couldn’t help but hear her mom fussing over leaving her daughter here. Smiling, I listened quietly trying to give them a minute before I interrupted.
“Mama, I will be fine,” she said reassuring her mother as they had her surrounded in a group hug.  “You go to your classes and back to your dorm, these folks are a little too wild,” her mom said looking at a couple making out not far from us as I snickered.
 Sorry mama, that’s something I wouldn’t mind doin’ to your daughter…Damn, Melo play it cool…
“Mama, I can handle it, I’m not going to be out here actin’ a fool but I will have fun sometime,” the Carmel beauty said being honest with her parents as her dad smiled.
“As you should, all work and no play sucks, babe give her a break. We raised her right,” her dad said as her mom took a deep breath.
“Yes, ya’ll did, now trust me,” she pleaded with a beautiful smile. Damn, a smile that could start a full-blown war….
 “I do trust you, baby, it’s just it’s your first time away from home, and I’m worried,” her mom said looking around at their surroundings.
“Have you talked to your little boyfriend who couldn’t bother to be here,” her dad said with disgust.
“Daddy, Justin is getting ready to go to college too. It’s ok, he’s going to come up soon,” she said her tone trying to keep the conversation light and positive.
Well, let me introduce myself, maybe that can change the subject, it seemed the mysterious beauty didn’t want to talk about it.
“Excuse me, do you guys need some help?” I asked said as she turned around and instantly blushed when we made eye contact.  
Damn she fine, fine, ok act like a gentleman and don’t embarrass yourself.
“Hi! Um, I guess we do,” she said looking around at all her things on the ground and in the trunk.
“What’s your name son?” her dad asked, as I grinned.
“I’m Carmelo, and I’m from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, sir. I’m apart of the fraternity welcoming committee. We help students move in on campus,” I said shaking her dad’s hand as he smiled at him.
“An Alpha man! I like that, I pledged to that fraternity when I was in college, my daughter here is a junior transfer and is pledging to your sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha,” he said proudly as my ears perked up at the new information.
“You don’t have to tell everybody, Daddy, I might not even make it. Hi, I’m Kayla,” she said shaking my hand as I felt myself falling into those beautiful brown eyes.
“It’s always nice to meet a fellow sister, welcome to the family,” I said gently kissing her hand. Her mother scoffed, clearing her throat and interrupting our moment as I reluctantly let go of her hand as her dad laughed.
 “It’s nice to meet you as well ma’am,” I said taking her mother's hand in mine, kissing it as her smirk grew by the second.
 “Oh, you charming, stay away from this one Kayla,” her mom said as I smiled nervously at her…Alright, don’t let her see you sweat.
“Uh, let’s get you moved in Kayla,” I said trying to change the subject, helping her dad pick up some of her bags. “I would love that,” she said smiling brightly at me.
 For the next hour, I tried to learn all I could about her as we moved her into her dorm.
Her phone also had been ringing nonstop, but she ignored it. “He knows I’m movin’ so why blow me up like this. I’ll call him back in a minute,” she said as we carried up the last of her things.
 “When you do….Tell him he should have brought his ass here to help us move you in if he wanted to know what you are doing every fuckin’ second of the day,” her mom said as Kayla rolled her eyes behind her back.
Poor thing was getting it from all ends, I could see she needed a break from her mother, and it seemed her boyfriend.
Her parents walking ahead of us into her dorm gave me a chance to be nosey.
“Is that you and your man?” I asked, pointing at the wallpaper on her phone. Looking at the photo seemed to have her conflicted, almost nervous.
“Uh, yeah he is, we’ve been together for two years,” Kayla said as I observed her uneasiness.
“Ok, well maybe when he comes to visit, ya’ll can come check out one of our parties. We throw the best ones on campus,” I said trying to make conversation not wanting it to end as I sat her bags down inside.
“That would be cool, thank you for helping us, maybe I’ll see you around,” Kayla said as I felt the excitement dancing in my chest.
“Yeah, you definitely will, might as well call me your new best friend,” I said turning on the charm as she laughed.
“Well, maybe I’ll see you around best friend,” Kayla joked as I walked out of her dorm with a pep definitely in my step.
Senior year was definitely shaping up.
“Aye, you planning to shower or what?” Trick asked bringing me out of my thoughts. “Yeah, I am, just was thinking about Kayla and if I want to go to the Alumni ball,” I said as Trick sat down in front of me and stared intently.
“Well, you deserve to have fun too, maybe ya’ll can talk and work this shit out. I mean it’s been four years, she can’t still be mad,” he said as I sighed.
“I said some fucked up shit that I can’t take back, I don’t even know how to approach her,” I said feeling helpless.
“You go up to her, apologize, and try to make it right. That’s all you can do,” Trick said as I stood up shuffling around the room gathering my things.
“Thanks, man maybe it’ll all work out and I’ll have fun this weekend,” I said as Trick smiled.
“Now that’s it, be positive and have fun this weekend. I’ll even go with you and be your wingman.  I can tell you when to talk and when to shut the hell up, 'cause you talk too much sometimes,” Trick said as I laughed truly thankful for him and our friendship.
“Well, I might take you up on that, let me shower so we can hit the road,” I said heading to the showers.
“Aye, you gon’ get her back, you just gotta shoot your shot!” I heard Trick yell as I started my shower.
I truly hoped so but for now, I had to be realistic, I had a lot of groveling to do, and I was prepared to do it if it meant Kayla could be in my life again.
Delata Flight 193
Kayla’s POV
“Angela, I’m going to have fun and stroll with my sorors. I’m not going to resurrect issues from four years ago,” I said as she rolled her eyes at me.
“Ya’ll two need to talk and squash this shit, you know he didn’t mean it. He was jealous because he was in love with you…Still in love with you might I add,” she said as I scoffed.
“In love…..Carmelo…… Girl bye!” I exclaimed rolling my eyes. “Even if he was in love with me, it don’t make it right what he did.  Have a conversation like an adult and not say spiteful shit. And can we just drop this conversation, you are ruining my buzz,” I said finishing my glass of champagne as Angela sighed grabbing her phone.
Damn, I guess she was going to be team Carmelo all weekend. Love my ass.
“So, he wrestles, that’s cool,” Angela said as I looked over and saw her scrolling through Carmelo’s Instagram as I smiled.
Many of our late-night talks about our dreams began to invade my mind. He was always passionate about wrestling so it didn’t shock me that he made it to the WWE.
Leaning back in my seat I sighed trying to get in the right head space for this weekend. I wanted to have a good time, it would even be better if I could avoid him.
“Girl, he got to work with the undertaker, look!” Angela exclaimed as I leaned back over and looked at his latest Instagram post on her phone.
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“That’s awesome,” I whispered happy him. He looked so happy. As she scrolled to the next picture My focus went to the tattoo of an eye on his upper arm, it seemed to stir something in me, but I didn’t know what.  
I felt like I knew the meaning of it but I couldn’t piece it together as I looked at the beautiful tattoo of a woman’s eye with makeup smudged. Angela quickly swiped to the next post before I could truly process it.
“So, are you going to talk to him this weekend? Angela asked as I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes trying to tune her out.
“No, I have no desire to talk to him, I’m over it,” I said as she laughed. 
“Bullshit, you were in love with Carmelo, and you still are,” she countered as I snapped my head back looking at her wearing a frown.
“Don’t look at me like that, you gon’ put your big girl panties on this weekend, and get yo' man back,” Angela said with determination as I shook my head.
“He was never my man Angela; we just were two friends who had sex one night and it ruined our friendship. Worse mistake ever, I should have taken my ass home that night,” I said smartly as Angela sucked on her teeth.
“Nah, I don’t agree with that. Ya’ll were two friends who loved each other and were scared. He self-destructed jumping to conclusions and you were hurt by his assumptions,” Angela said as I got my air pods out of my purse.
“I’m done talkin’ about Carmelo, I’m takin’ a nap now,” I said putting my air pods in, turning my music on low.
“I know you can hear me so I’ma say this. I know he was wrong, but I think you are takin’ the one bad thing he did and erasing all the good. It wasn’t always bad Kayla and one mistake shouldn’t define him or his love for you, or your love for him,” Angela said as I continued to tune her out.
Yes, he did a lot of great things for me, I couldn’t deny it. Did the good truly outweigh the bad?
Crossing Day 2019
Kayla’s POV
This is supposed to be an amazing night for me, but I feel shitty. It’s nothing but chaos all around me as I see Carmelo and some of his fraternity brothers helping set up the stage for our ceremony that starts in an hour. I hate we got a late start.
My phone ringing for damn near the tenth time within the last thirty minutes is pissing me off as I see Justin’s number.
“What do you want Justin?” I asked, truly fed up, especially after the bomb he dropped this morning.
“I just wanted to make sure you were good,” he said as I pulled the phone away from my ear in disbelief.
“Justin, how am I good? You called me this morning to tell me you’re not coming. You knew how important this was to me,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check not wanting to mess up my makeup.
“It’s not that big a deal, it’s just a sorority thing,” he said as I felt the tears coming. “Really, so something I want to do isn’t important to you. Even though everything you do, I come and support you,” I said raising my voice as Carmelo made his way towards me.
“You ok Kayla?” he asked as shook my head, sighing as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Who is that? Is that your so-called homeboy, I shoulda known his ass was there. I ain’t blind I know ya’ll like each other,” Justin hissed.  
“Look, I got to get ready, I need to get my mind together,” I said trying to end the call.
“Well, that’s cold, you don’t even wanna talk about it. You must be spreadin’ your legs for his ass. Maybe we just need to call this shit off,” he said as I scoffed knowing where this was going.
Gaslighting 101, chapter five, Hide Your Guilt and Accuse Her of What You Are Actually Doing.
This bastard was cheating, and I knew exactly who it was with.
“You know I’m not cheating on you. Just grow a set and tell me you want to break up instead of playing games Justin. I know you sleeping with Regina, the jig is up, ok,” I said as the line got quiet.  
“Look, it ain’t about her, I’m just sayin’ maybe we just need to end this. Experience new people and just have fun, I don’t want to be tied down right now Kayla,” he said as I took a deep breath and looked at Carmelo, who gave me a nod of encouragement.
"I'm here Kay," he whispered as I fought back tears. He was always there to pick up the pieces and wipe my tears.
“Justin, why did you have to do this today? It could have been any other day but today. Look, just lose my number because you’re officially blocked, it's over,” I said hanging up and blocking his number as Carmelo took me in his arms and I broke down.
 “Hey, I got you,” he whispered as I cried. “I don’t think I can do this today,” I cried as his strong arms pulled me closer.
“Oh, yes you can and will because you have worked hard for this. Today is your day, don’t let him take that away from you,” Carmelo said as I nodded slightly pulling away a sad smile adorning my face as he carefully wiped my tears.
“No more tears, go get ready. I’m excited to hear your Crossing Introduction tonight. I know it’s gon' be fire, just like you, and make sure to shake that beautiful hair for me,” he said gently playing with my freshly silked-out hair.
“Ok, I’ll make sure to remember that,” I said reluctantly stepping back as Angela came running up.
“Girl, ya’ll can flirt later, we need to finish getting ready. See you in a few Melo,” she said pulling me away as I laughed.
“Never change Angela, and congrats!” he yelled as she waved back at him.
These two are a mess but it was time. It was time to step into my sorority destiny.
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Everything seemed like such a blur as we waited in line with our heads down. I was getting more nervous as each new soror went before the crowd introducing themselves.
Focus Kayla you did well on the march, now it’s time to let them know who you are.
“Alright Kayla let’em know,” my new fellow Soror whispered as I smiled, tossing my head back and whipping my hair back and forth as the crowd screamed. Here goes nothing…
Stepping out of line and going to the front of the stage I felt nervous till I looked out and saw Carmelo about three rows back smiling at me.
“My…… Name….. is!” I shouted, loud and clear pausing between each word.
“What’s your name?!” the crowd asked as I smiled and began moving my body and hands in sync with my words.
“Yea!” (crowd)
The crowd participating as I said my name had my heart racing. Pausing, taking in the moment, I saw Carmelo wink at me.
Giving him a sexy smirk, I tossed my head back and began shaking my hair again just for him.
 Slowly lowering my head, I paused, building excitement as they waited to hear what my last name was.
“And I am from the Peach State, the one and only Atlanta, GA! And this Georgia Peach has joined this great sorority and I’m this line’s number 17! I shouted with pride bending down into our stroll stance with a bright smile.
Finally releasing the breath I was holding, my eyes found Carmelo again as he licked his lips. His gaze grew more intense as Darnell whispered something to him.
Were they talking about me? I saw Carmelo dap him up sharing a mutual nod before he turned his attention back to me and winked.
"A'ight Peaches, I see you Ms. AKA!" he shouted as I smiled getting back in line.
Yes, it was over! I had done it!… I was an AKA….
Later that night
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
Carmelo’s Room
“You sure you good?” Carmelo asked as I sat my drink down and curled up next to him on the couch. “I’m fine, thanks for being there tonight,” I said glancing up at him as he seemed to be in deep thought.
“It’s no problem, it was no other place I’d rather be,” he whispered caressing my face as I felt myself melting under his gaze.
“What are we doing?” I whispered as his lips slowly descended towards mine.  “What we've always wanted to do,” he whispered gently taking my lips in a kiss as I moaned in pleasure.
“We can’t, I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I whimpered against his lips as his arms encircled my waist pulling me onto his lap.
Feeling his hardness underneath me had me shook. He was hard from just a simple kiss.
 “Mmhm, you feel that Kay? That's what you do to me," Carmelo whispered as I shivered. "Melo we can't," I pleaded as he silenced me with another kiss.
"We both want this, stop fighting it, baby. It won’t change anything, we'll still be us,” Carmelo whispered, his sexy voice casting a powerful spell over me.
 Looking into his beautiful brown eyes I saw nothing but the truth in his words. Kayla just let go and give in to what you want.
"Tonight...Just for tonight," I whispered as Carmelo's grip on me tightened. "I got you," he whispered slowly undressing me.
I felt shy, as he tossed my dress, anxiously over his shoulder before caressing my breasts. “You are so beautiful, just everything I imagined you’d be and more,” Carmelo whispered kissing my neck as I moaned in pleasure, his masterful hands making quick work of my bra.
 His words eased my nervousness and awakened the boldness in me.
Playing with the waistband of his sweats, Carmelo bit back a moan in anticipation. “Go ahead baby, you can touch it. I want you too,” Carmelo moaned as I purred at his words.
Nervously stroking him, his moans urged me on as his mouth feasted upon my neck. “Mmm, yes,” I moaned continuing to stoke him as he slid my thong to the side.
“You got a condom?” I whispered into the air as he nodded, reaching over, fiddling around in the drawer of the small lamp table beside us, as I claimed his lips in a powerful kiss.
His moan of triumph as he retrieved the condom and ripped it open made me tremble against him.
 “Let me,” I whispered against his lips, climbing off his lap, slowly sinking to my knees, holding his gaze I slowly placed the condom over the tip of his length.
Damn he was way bigger than Justin, it caused me to pause in my actions and stare.  
“Don't be scared, I'ma make you feel real good baby. I promise, now gon’ put it on and come take a ride,” Carmelo groaned, picking up on my nervousness as continued to stroke him.
My pussy quivered at his words; it excited me. Using my mouth, I slide the condom down over his hardened length as he bit back a growl, entangling his fingers in my hair.
“Shit! It’s like that baby?” Carmelo moaned, looking at me in amazement.  “Uh huh,” I moaned looking at him, while taking him deeper into my mouth
“Got dammmn Kay,” Carmelo hissed as his head fell back against the couch in pleasure. “You like that,” I whispered as he looked at me through hooded eyes. “Hell yea, I love it but if you don’t stop, this gon’ be over before it starts,” Carmelo panted as I smirked releasing him.
“Mmm, I wouldn't want that, ” I whispered climbing back on his lap nibbing on his neck as he growled grasping my hips, slowly inch by inch filling my wet center with his hardened length until he was to the hilt.  Our moans of satisfaction filled the tiny room.
“Fuck, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Carmelo groaned against my neck as I began to ride him.  “Mm, you too,” I confessed wrapping my arms around his neck as he began meeting my thrusts in desperate need.
“Yea, ride… Mmhm ride dat shit……Just like that Kayla,” Carmelo moaned encouraging me as we chased our end. “Promise me nothing changes….Mmm,Melo!” I exclaimed as he began gently massaging my clit with his thumb as I used his shoulders to steady myself bouncing with a purpose.
 “Mmhm, nothin’ gon’ change, I promise Kay. Now let’s get this nut together baby,” he whispered as he took me higher and higher. “Yes! Melo, Mmhm I’m ready!” I cried as I rotated my hips against him hearing a low growl escape his lips that began to grow in volume as we shared each other’s love.
That’s what it was, love and it was scaring the hell outta me and by the look on Carmelo’s face I could tell it was scaring him too.
“Kay…Kay..Fuck!” Carmelo moaned, finally finding words as we were reaching our end.  “I know, God I know," I moaned shuttering against him as our lips met in desperation.
“I’m cummin!” I whined against his lips as he caressed his tongue with mine, deepening our kiss.
“I’m right there with you,” he moaned as we exploded together. Collapsing against his shoulder I struggled to catch my breath as he held me tight.
For awhile, nothing was said as I relaxed in Carmelo's arms. I felt overwhelmed, I knew I had messed up…I had fallen hard for him.  I felt my tears coming as Carmelo caressed my back.
“Don’t cry Kay, we good. See you doin' all this cryin' lately, I'ma have to get a tattoo of a tear on this shoulder. Better yet, ima put your whole eye up there with the makeup smudges and all," Carmelo said kissing my shoulder.
“See why you gotta tease me,” I said caressing his arms as he sighed.
“Look at me Kay,” Carmelo said lifting my head off his shoulder wiping my tears.
I would never tease you. I’m just glad you trusted me and allowed me to be there to catch your tears,” Carmelo whispered caressing my face, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
Yep….We fucked up….Big time.
“We're about to land Kayla,” I heard Angela say as I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings.
“I’m sorry I just meant to catch a small nap, not sleep the whole flight,” I said taking my air pods out and putting my seatbelt back. on.
“You good girl, it ain’t nothing like listening to music and letting it take you away,” she said smiling at me.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I said trying to shake the memories that were clouding my mind, and the other pieces of the puzzle coming together had me feeling overwhelmed.
Pulling my phone back out I went to WWE.com, turning slightly in my seat so Angela couldn't see. I would never hear the end of this if she knew I was looking at Carmelo's photos but I needed to see the picture again.
In my search, I found an article with the picture in question attached with several other backstage shots. I began skimming through the article and a question threw me for a loop.
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WWE.com Exclusive
"So, what is the significance behind this tattoo of the eye with what seems to be makeup smudged?"
"I got it about three years ago, I got it to remind me of a special someone I knew in college. She was my best friend and my number one supporter. She encouraged me to chase my dreams, and I never forgot that."
"Well, are you two still in touch?"
"Uh, no we aren't, but who knows what the future holds."
“I can't believe he really got that tattoo,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. “Who got what tattoo?” Angela asked leaning over, trying to look at my phone as I quickly opened another tab.
“Uh, nobody I know, I was just thinking about the dream I just had,” I said which technically I wasn't stretching the truth very much. My memories with Carmelo were creeping into my brain and it scared me.
“I hope it was a good dream to start your weekend because we gon’ have fun these next few days,” she said as I sighed.
Girl, if you only knew I would rather be anywhere than Florida this weekend. This was dangerous, I had to keep my guard up.
Maybe I should have just stayed home.
The Next Day
Carmelo’s POV
“Damn, it’s thick out here,” Trick said as I grabbed us a beer. “Yea, they partyin’ hard, half of them probably ain’t making it to the ball,” I laughed looking around trying to find Kayla. 
“Aye, didn’t her homegirl tell you they’d be here?  I’ma need you to chill man,” Trick said as I tried to shake my nerves still looking around.
“I know I’m jus…just,” I said stuttered as I spotted her. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Trick asked turning around to see what had me shook.
“Damn, is that her?” he asked smiling as I nodded still unable to speak.  “You stupid as fuck if I may say so myself,” Trick whispered shaking his head as I growled.
“Look you ain’t gotta rub it in, you supposed to be helping me, and stop looking at her like that,” I hissed as Trick shrugged his shoulders.
“I am here to help you but I ain’t dead. Is that her friend?” Trick asked pointing at Angela. “Yea, that’s her, a straight pain in the ass but I adore her,” I said as Darnell came running up.
“Ooou! I know you see yo’ girl, she out here serving body for days!” Darnell exclaimed as Trick smirked.
“Man shut the fuck up,” I said seething as he laughed. “Now is that how you talk to your frat brother who just talked to the DJ and he’s about to play our favorite stroll with the AKAs,” he said as my eyes widened in shock.
“I know you didn’t,” I whispered as he smiled. “Yep, so get ready,” he said taking off towards the crowd.
"This idiot here is just fuckin’ stupid,” I said as Trick seemed confused. “What’s the issue, I mean a dance can’t hurt nobody,” he said as I sighed.
“In the stroll, I lead the Alphas and Kayla leads the AKAs,” I said as Trick's eyes lit up. “Oh, shit that’s perfect, maybe it will break the ice with Kayla,” he said as I drank the rest of my beer.
“If anything it may entice her to choke my ass out for being so close to her, but I guess I ain’t gotta choice,” I said as I heard the opening cords of Knuck if you buck by Crime Mob
“Class of 2020 and 2021 I need you on the floor it’s your time to shine,” the MC said as I saw the girls already dancing falling in line behind Kayla as she smiled brightly swinging her hips and arms.
“Aye, you betta get yo’ ass over there,” Trick said as Darnell was waving me over as I went to join my frat brothers.
“Taking my place in line across from Kayla felt weird as she seemed to not pay me any attention as she strolled with her line sisters.
“Let’s get it fellas!” I shouted blowing my whistle as we began steppin’ in sync with the girls doing our own stroll.
I saw Kayla look over at me in shock for a second before she recovered and continued leading her line sisters.
“Knuck if you buck!” Angela screamed as the AKAs kneeled deeper in their stance, killin’ it.
“I see ya’ll!” I heard someone yell as I cracked a smile.  It felt good to stroll with my frat brothers and most of all Kay.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she danced, whipping her hair back and forth almost teasing me. She knows what that shit does to me.  Trying to refocus I cut my eyes towards Angela as she smirked at me.
“Yeah, act like you know! Stop playin’ wit her, take us on out Peaches!" she yelled, swinging her arms as Kayla smiled, walking as only she could pretending one of her hands was a mirror as she fluffed her beautiful hair with the other.
The crowd parted, cheering them on while allowing them to pass as we followed closely behind them.
Damn, Kayla still could command a room like no other. “Uh, you can thank me now,” Darnell said as I looked back at him and rolled my eyes getting out of the line, trying to find Kayla again.
Kayla’s POV “We still got it, that was fun,” Angela said as I laughed. “Girl, AKAs gon’ always bring that heat,” I said smiling at her. “I know you saw him, so when ya’ll gon’ talk,” Angela said as I sighed.  
Jeez can I have a moments piece without somebody telling me to talk to Carmelo.
“I didn’t see Carmelo, what are you talking about?” I said playing dumb.
“Oh, so you don’t know me now,” Carmelo said as I sighed looking at the amusement dancing in Angela’s eyes as I slowly turned to face him.
"I’ll let ya’ll two talk," Angela said practically running away as I scoffed. “I hate you!” I hissed as she laughed.
“Look can go talk, I think we both can agree it’s overdue and we don’t want to make a scene here,” Carmelo said as I looked around at everyone having a good time.
“Fine, but I’m not going far,” I said following him through the crowd as he led me to the side of the building.
The silence was defining as we both were trying to think of words to say to each other. It had been three years since we last saw each other after all.
I don’t know what came over me but I slapped him as hard as I could the sound echoing around us as Carmello stumbled rubbing the side of his face.
“A’ight I deserved that,” he said as I took a deep breath trying to not make a fool outta myself. I couldn’t let him know how he truly broke me.
“Yes, you did and more. You’re lucky that’s all you got from me,” I said as Carmelo raised his hands in surrender.  “Kay, I know I hurt you and I’m sorry,” he said as I looked at him my expression unreadable.
“It's Kayla to you, only my friends call me Kay. Look, can you make this quick, I got something to do,” I said folding my arms over my chest.
“So is this how it’s gon’ be the whole weekend, you just ignoring me. I’m trying to apologize, Kayla,” Carmelo said as I tried to wrangle in my feelings.
“Why are you apologizing to a whore. I mean that’s what you said I was right?” I said as a look of defeat and horror crossed his face.
“I didn’t mean it if you would just let me talk,” he started as I cut him off.
“I’m just a needy whore that will ride any dick right,” I said slightly raising my voice as he cringed at my words.
“Look, I was drunk, and I said some shit I didn’t mean alright. You know I lo—,” Carmelo's voice trailed off as he looked down unable to look at me. What was he going to say?
“Carmelo, being drunk ain’t no excuse, I thought you were my best friend!” I exclaimed frustrated that I was letting him get to me.
I am your best friend! Regardless of how you feel about me, you are my best friend Kayla and I miss you. Can you please just forgive me? he pleaded as I tried to walk away. "Carmelo, please stop," I begged trying to walk away as he blocked my path. "Say you can forgive me, please," Carmelo pleaded, his eyes drawing me in as they stared into my soul. I couldn't look away if I wanted.
“Kay, you know I didn’t mean it, can we just agree to talk sometime before we both leave Sunday,” he pleaded as I finally nodded, not trusting my words as I saw Angela walking over.
“Hey, ya’ll good, Kay?" she asked rubbing my shoulder as I held back tears.
“Uh, yeah we were just talking about not letting the drama of the past ruin the weekend," I said wiping a few stray tears that had fallen as Carmelo sighed in relief.
“Well thank God, we all deserve a good weekend of fun,” she said my eyes still focused on Carmelo as he glanced quickly at the tattoo on his shoulder before looking back at me.
I felt a shiver run down my spine, as I tried to shake it off.
“Well, uh, I’ll let ya’ll get back to the party and I will see ya’ll tonight hopefully,” he said giving me a hug, catching me off guard.
Carmelo’s POV
I knew I was pushing it but I couldn't help it. I had to hold her in my arms. Come on beautiful hug me back.
I couldn’t let her go until she hugged me back.
I felt her trembling hands touch my back as I sighed in relief pulling her closer. “I’ma make it right, just let me please. I’m sorry Kay,” I whispered in her ear as I felt her relax against me. Angela smiled at me before leaving us alone.
"You hurt me, Mel," Kayla whispered as I felt my heart sink. “I wish I could take it back, baby,” I whispered honestly.
I didn’t know what else to say, I had played the scenario over and over in my head a thousand times. How different everything could have been if I had just told her how I felt that night. If I did, we wouldn’t be in this shit now.
“I need to go," Kayla whispered pulling away as I felt empty again.
"Yeah, me too, I hope I see you tonight," I said as she flashed a half smile.
"Maybe, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there," she said not looking me in the eye slowly walking back back to the party.
Don't give up on me yet beautiful I whispered watching her walk away from me and carrying my heart right along with her.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
End-of-Year Party
Carmelo’s POV
It was the last party of the year, graduation was near but Kayla was occupying my mind.
We kept our word, after our night nothing changed. We woke up that next morning and went back into our regular routine. Two best friends who adored each other.
 I had gone out with a few girls since then and Kayla was into her sorority life and wasn’t dating.
She had told me how she wanted to heal from the breakup with Justin before she dated anybody. I can’t help but admit I wanted more, and no girl could compare to her but I didn’t even know how to tell her.
"Let me get this straight 'cause you are confusing the fuck outta me. You like Kayla, but instead of telling her you bring Robin to this party. The girl who has made her life hell since she joined the AKAs. You stupid as fuck,” Darnell scoffed hitting me on the back of the head.
"Shit, you didn’t have to hit me, I know I’m wrong,” I said rubbing my head as I saw Kayla on the dancing floor dancing with Angela as I saw Anthony approach them.
"What the fuck is he doin'?" I hissed seeing my frat brother whisper in Kayla’s ear as she blushed, nodding as he pulled her away from Angela and they began dancing.
“Looks like he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one and he asked her to dance,” Darnell said as I growled.
“Fuckin’ freshman thinking he can come in here and do what he wants. Let me set his ass straight,” I hissed finishing my beer.
“Um, why can’t he ask her to dance? She’s single and so is he," Darnell said as I stormed past him not wanting to talk to his ass anymore.
Soon as I got closer Robin slid in front of me catching me off guard. "Hey, I have been looking for you, let’s dance," she said throwing her arms around me as I reluctantly danced with her.
I didn't know how to feel as Kayla looked at me in shock and uncertainty as Robin and I danced. I knew by her eyes she was hurt by my dating choice of the night.
Sighing I tried to play it cool as our eyes seemed to fall deeper into each other before she laid her head on Anthony’s shoulder avoiding my gaze as he seemed to be enjoying it a little too much for my liking.
"Motherfucka," I whispered as Robin pulled back looking at me. "What’s wrong babe?" She asked as I played it off. " Uh, nothin’ let’s go upstairs after this song. I know better things we could be doin', " I said as her eyes lit up.
Yea, I was wrong but I didn’t care at the moment.
"Hands up here now," I heard Kayla say as she moved Anthony's hands back to her waist. He had been trying to caress her ass.
"I'm sorry beautiful," he said as I saw red, I don’t even know what came over me as I stepped away from Robin and went towards them.
"What are you doing!? I know you ain't going over there, she don't need you to save her!" Robin hissed following me. Hell I don’t even know what I’m doing, but I know he ain’t gon’ be touchin’ on her like that.
"Aye, you need to keep your hands to yourself," I said interrupting their dance gently grabbing her arm and moving her behind me as I stepped in Anthony’s face.
"What is your problem, Melo?! We were just dancing," Kayla said as Anthony smirked.
"Ain’t it obvious, he can’t take somebody else takin’ an interest in you Kay, he just wants you to be his little plaything," Anthony said as I grabbed him by the collar snatching his ass up.
"My problem is every time I turn around yo’ bitch ass tryin’ to take something that belongs to me,” I hissed dangerously low as he laughed. "Oh, so she's yours huh," Anthony taunted as the music stopped and people began to stare.
"Let me talk to you for a minute," Kayla whispered grabbing my hand, as I let go of Anthony. I was getting more pissed by the second looking at his cocky ass.
"I know you new freshman, so you don't know me. Keep smirking, I'll knock all your fuckin' teeth out," I hissed, his smirk dropping instantly.
"No your not, let's go," Kayla said steering me towards the stairs as the music started back up.
"Don’t you go up there with her Carmelo! If you do I’m going home!" Robin yelled following us upstairs as Kayla rolled her eyes.
"Just go home, I'll call you later Robin," I said trying to not cause a scene seeing a few people were still looking at us.
"I’m serious, you go in there don't ever call me again," she said as Kayla opened my door pushing me inside before turning to face her.
"Good! It'll save him a trip to the free clinic! Anybody fucking you ends up with something bleach can't wash off and a ten day perscription of penicillin, Bye, irrelevant!" Kayla yelled slamming the door in Robins's face as I heard her scream on the other side of the door before walking away.  
"Aye, you didn’t have to be so rude," I said as Kayla laughed sarcastically.
" Really, you wanna talk about rude. All I was doing was dancing with him and you come over acting like an asshole," she said as I invaded her space pushing her up against my door towering over her.
"I’m sorry ok, I just saw him touchin’ you and I wasn’t thinking," I said honestly caressing her face as she nervously bit her lip before my lips gently grazed hers.
"We need to talk Mel," she whispered as I groaned reluctantly stepping away from her. She was right we needed to talk badly but I didn't want to do it now.
"Ok, what are we talking about?" I asked frustrated the moment was ruined as she looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you serious?  Well, let’s talk about why all of a sudden you actin’ like you my man," Kaylas said as I sighed feeling the anger in me boiling. She couldn’t see that I liked her.
 "We’re friends Carmelo, remember that night wasn’t supposed to change us," she rambled running her hands through her hair, pacing.
"I know what we agreed on, I ain’t dumb!" I yelled as a knock on the door interrupted us.
"I heard yelling….Are you ok in there, Kayla?" Angela asked as she tried to calm her breathing before she responded.
The last thing I needed was Angela bustin’ up in here making matters worse.
"Yeah, I’m good I’ll be down in a minute so we can go," Kayla said as Angela tried to open the door.  
"She’s fine Angela, damn!" I hissed as Kayla sighed. "Don’t get no attitude with me 'cause you fucking stupid. Jealous ass, I’ll be downstairs Kayla,” Angela said as quietness filled the room.
"What are we doin'? This isn’t us, why are we arguing with each other Carmelo. What’s really wrong?” Kayla asked.
Ok, tell her how you feel…This may be your last chance.
" I’m cool, we’re cool. I’m just trying to say before you put yourself back out there, just know women can’t do what men do," I said as Kayla frowned at me.
"What are you tryin' to say?" she asked as I tried to choose my words wisely. "I don’t want a bad reputation following you, I mean all it takes is you opening your legs to one of these idiots and then you are labeled as a whore," I said as I saw the flash of anger cross her beautiful face.
Fuck, I opened the gates of hell.
"Are you saying I’m a whore!?" Kayla exclaimed as I growled. "No! I ain’t sayin’ you’re a whore! I’m sayin’ don’t be out here in these streets grinding up on these clowns like a needy whore that will ride anybody’s dick," I said as Kayla reached up and slapped the fuck outta me.
How dare you? I wasn't grinding on no motherfuckin' body, we were just dancing. Meanwhile, you fuck anything with a gash and me simply just dancing with someone leads to a conversation as to how you don’t want me to be a whore..You're unbelievable," Kayla said throwing her hands up in frustration as I rubbed my face.
"Look, I ain’t gon’ argue with you. I said what I said and if you don’t like it, you can leave. I’m sure Anthony is ready to make you his new little plaything anyway. I’m sure he’ll love that lil trick you do with your mouth,” I said not believing the words coming out of my mouth.
I was supposed to be telling her I loved her, but here I was spewing venom towards her because another man was interested in her.
"I tell you what, I’d rather be his plaything than your so-called best friend?  Hell, maybe he can actually satisfy me better than you did, so fuck you! she yelled storming out of my room, slamming the door behind her.
"DAMN ITTTT!!" I yelled sinking into the couch as I realized the finality of my words.
I had lost my best friend and the woman I loved.
"Aye, earth to Melo! I heard Darnell yell as I cringed. "Stop yelling, I heard you," I said trying to get myself together. " I saw ya'll talking is everything good now? he asked as I smiled.
" We're gonna get together before the weekend is over," I said honestly feeling a little about the weekend. "That’s good to hear, hopefully, ya’ll move past this,” he said as we went back to join the party.
I hoped so, I knew one thing was for certain tonight was the time to shoot my shot and I planned on making my intentions loud and clear.
I wanted Kayla and nothing was going to stop me from telling her this time, not even myself.
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liked by darnellAlpha, AKAangelaLove, @Carmelo_wwe, and 1,000 others
KaylaAKA4Life: Enjoying this weekend and living life to the fullest with my Sorority sisters and fellow Alpha brothers. Let's Party Ya'll! #AKAsDoItBetter #FAMUHomecoming2023 #FAMUAlumni
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Kayla's POV
“Angela thank you so much for helping me find a dress,” I said looking myself over in the mirror as she touched up her makeup.
The Emerald gold hue colored dress looked good on me. The dress being off the shoulder with the built in bra enhanced the beauty of it. Also, who could go wrong with showin' a little leg. Yea, I’m wearing the hell outta this dress right now if I may say so.
“Yea, I was gonna comment on your Instagram post, but you disabled your comments bitch,” she said as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Yes, I did because when Carmelo liked it I kind of panicked. I knew he was going to comment next, then his fans would see it and I ain’t with all that attention,”  I said as Angela nodded in agreement.
“Ah, I get it, I actually don’t blame you on that one,” she said as we made our way back into the dining hall. The night had been going well but I was getting ready to soon leave.
Two hours was enough for me and I hadn’t seen Carmelo yet so my nerves were a little on edge. I can’t believe how just a hug from him was breaking down the walls I had built up. But for now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my weekend.
“Heeeyyy, the party jumpin’ now,” I said looking at the crowded dance floor. “Gril, here come Anthony, don’t look,” Angela said as I sighed truly not in the mood.
“Damn,I was hoping he wouldn’t see me,” I whispered. I knew he was going to ask me to dance. Now don’t get me wrong, “I’ll give all my love to you” by Keith Sweat is one of my favorite songs but I ain’t dancing with his ass.
After the blow up with Carmelo I pretty much stayed away from his frat house all together. That didn’t stop Anthony from spreading rumors that he and I had slept together. So, yea I had to rock his shit one good time too.
“You ladies look amazing,” he said sizing us up as Angela cleared her throat. “Thanks, Anthony” I said as he smiled brightly at me.
“Kayla, may I have this dance?” he asked as I felt someone grab my hand gently bringing it to their lips. I actually sighed in relief seeing it was Carmelo as he smiled at me.
“She’s with me Anthony, ain't nothin' changed Bruh. Let's go Kay, I owe you a dance,” Carmelo said smoothly steering me away as Angela smiled.
“Well ok then Melo, come through boo,” Angela said as I blushed. She always hyping him up in his bullshit.
“Thank you, I was about to have a flashback and was probably gon’ rock his ass again like I did you earlier,” I said as he laughed pulling me close on the dance floor as we danced.
Carmelo’s POV
Step one complete I had her in my arms again our foreheads touching as I caressed her waist swaying to the music. She felt so good, this was a dream it had to be.
I love you in the night
I wanna take it real real slow, my baby
I understand what you told me
And if I, I didn't know
I always wanted someone just like you
“Thank you for dancing with me,” I whispered as she pulled back slightly, those beautiful eyes stirring something deep in my soul.
“Thanks for saving the day like you always use to do,” she smiled as I felt all my troubles melt away. She just didn’t know but I would always protect her.
I really need to hold on, hold you
I'd give the world to you, oh my darlin'
You know I will
Yeah yeah you know i will
I surely will
“You are so beautiful; you know that right?” I asked, caressing her face as she looked away.
“Carmelo,” she started as I cut her off gently grasping her face making her look at me. The more I stared into her beautiful eyes, it seemed the more I got lost.
 “Just be in the moment with me,” I pleaded, gently kissed her forehead, as she relaxed in my arms.
I will never do anything to hurt you
I'll give all my love to you
(I'm gonna give you every bit of my love, my love)
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin' (yes I will)
Only to you (yes my baby yes I will)
I looked over and saw Trick dancing with Angela as he smiled at me giving me a thumbs up. Smiling, I closed my eyes just enjoying Kayla being in my arms again as she laid her head on my chest.
One of her hands resting on my back as the other caressed my arm and not just any arm but the one that contained the tattoo I had joked about getting four years earlier.
“You remember, don’t you? You know it’s your tattoo,” I whispered in her ear,unafraid of the answer as she nodded against me.
I no longer had anything to hide from her.
Girl I've been longing for you baby for a long long time
Let's make love tonight
I can make me feel real good baby
I can make feel real good baby
Sometimes, sometimes I get a little lonely, baby (so lonely baby)
“Why,” she whispered as I leaned down and gently placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I? I wanted to carry you with me always, you’re my best friend and I love you,” I whispered as I felt her still in my arms.
And I need a little love that I can call all mine (I need some lovin')
Girl, you are the one for me, babe
I know that you are the world for me, babe
“I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” Kayla whispered pulling away, walking off the dance floor.
Defeated, my eyes met Trick’s who pointed, silently telling me to go after her.
He was right, I couldn’t let the chance pass me by again. I rushed off the dance floor determined to catch her before she left.
Kayla’s POV
“Don't fall for it... He didn’t mean it Kayla, stop being weak,” I muttered to myself pacing. I felt in flight or fight mode as I saw Carmelo rushing towards me. “Look, I forgave you ok, so you don’t have to do this,” I cried trying to put some space between us as I tried to leave again.
“Kayla we can’t keep running from this baby,” Carmelo said blocking my path as I felt my anxiety rising.
This couldn’t be happening right now, he didn’t love me, he couldn’t.
“Why are you doin’ this!?” I cried as he caressed my face. “I’m doin’ It because I should have told you that night. I should have told you that I loved you,” Carmelo confessed as I felt the room closing in.
“No, no, you couldn’t have,” I whispered as I felt the air rushing out of my lungs.
“I’m sorry to just spring all this on you but, I don’t wanna make the same mistake twice. I can’t let you walk away from me again without telling you. I still love you Kayla and I know you love me too,” Carmelo declared without fear, claiming my lips in an eager kiss.
I will never do anything to hurt you
(I would never, never do one little thing to hurt you)
I'll give all my love to you
My mind was fuzzy as our kisses became more passionate, was this really happening right now.
“I’ma leave, and give you some time,” Carmelo whispered against my lips as I whimpered at the loss.
“I want you to come to me when you’re ready to admit you love me just as much as I love you, he said gently brushing his lips against mine before rushing off towards the elevators.
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin'
Only to you
Running towards the bathroom I locked myself in a stall trying to process what had happened. All this time he loved me, all this time lost.
Did I love him? Who am I kidding, I’ve always loved him and I thought I was over it until I saw him today, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
His words continuing to echo in my head as I got myself together.  Finally building up the courage to come out of the bathroom I ran into what felt like a brick wall as a strong set of arms steadied me.
"Hey, I'm Carmelo's friend Trick. I was looking for him, have you seen him,” the gentleman said as I looked at Angela,who stood behind him.
“He left and went upstairs,” I said as Trick frowned. “So did ya’ll talk?” Angela asked as I nodded.  
“Kayla, did he tell you how he felt?” Trick asked as I nodded again.
"Uh, can you give us an answers and stop all that damn nodding," Angela said I sighed.
“He told me he loved me and that he always had,” I said overwhelmed as Angela squealed in delight. “I knew it! My eyes don’t fool me," she said as I wiped my tears.
“How do you feel about what Melo said?” Trick asked as I contemplated his words.
“I love him too;” I said feeling relieved to say it out loud as Angela hugged me.
 “Then go to him,” she whispered as I nodded in understanding. I guess this is what she mean the other day about me putting my big girl panties on.
I had to tell him he wasn’t wrong, I did love him.
 “Trick, Do you know what room he’s in?' I asked as he smiled. “Room 984,” he said without hesitation as I gave him a hug.
 "Thank you and it was nice meeting you," I whispered as he laughed returning my embrace.
“Nice metting you too Kayla, and I’m sure we will be hanging out soon. Especially if your friend Angela here gives me her number,” he said as I smiled at him before I took off towards the elevator.
“Get ya’ man and have some mind-blowing sex you deserve it!” Angela yelled as Trick laughed. "Trick you better keep your eyes on that one," I said getting on the elevator anxiously waiting for the doors to close.
I felt nervous, the elevator seemed to be going so slow. I almost changed my mind, but the loud dinging noise let me knew I had reached my destination as I walked in a daze to room 984.
Taking a deep breath, I lightly knocked hoping he wouldn’t hear me, and I could leave.
“Damn no such luck,” I muttered as I heard him fumbling around the room. Just do what you feel Kayla, you already know he feels the same. Speak your peace and leave it at that.
Last night I thought to back to when we made good love
Listenin' to some Marvin Gaye all night long
Now I want that old thing back
 It was like time stood still as he opened the door clad in only a towel and a surprised look on his face. Wasting no time and closing the distance between us, I leaped into his arms, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
 It’s power startling us both as we moaned in pleasure as our ever-present need for each other continued to grow more intense by the second as we got lost in each other.
 Reluctantly parting to catch our breath, Carmelo looked at me in wonder, caressing my hips.
Make these moments once again a fact
So won't ya, won't ya, uhhh, do it for us, babe
“So, you do love me?” he whispered in disbelief as I caressed his face his piercing gaze had me under his spell.
“I love you, Carmelo,” I whispered against his lips as he groaned reclaiming my lips, pulling me against his bare chest and into his room, slamming the door.
“I love you too, baby,” he moaned as his hands masterfully unzipped my dress causing it to fall at my feet as I shivered feeling exposed under his intense gaze.
“Are we really doin’ this?” I panted as his eyes continued to roam my body. “Yes, and your even more beautiful than I remembered,” he moaned, his breath now hot on my neck as he slowly grazed his lips across my neck, helping me out of my underwear.  
I couldn’t contain my moans of pleasure as Carmelo entangled his fingers in my hair, kissing and nibbling on my neck.
 Purring against him I felt myself losing control as his towel fell, a barrier no longer between us.
Good lovin, body rockin' knockin' boots all night long yeah
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
But oh, come on, a-come on
“Melo, baby,” I moaned as he growled, his hands caressing my breasts as he teasingly sucked and nipped at them as my grip on his head tightened.
“I need to taste you, Peaches, I bet you taste so sweet,” he groaned using his tongue, licking a path from my stomach to my pelvis as he kneeled before me.
And turn the lights down, and let me get on it, yeah
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right
“Can I taste you, Peaches?” he moaned caressing my thighs wrapping them around his shoulders as I trembled with anticipation as he kissed my inner thigh trailing his tongue over my wet center.
Carmelo’s POV
“Yes! Please baby,” Kayla gasped, arching her hips against my tongue as I tasted her. Her hands gripping my face as I licked and sucked on her clit. “Mmm, you taste so sweet peaches. I knew you would baby,” I praised, her eyes rolling back in her head as I pleased her. 
Her moans urging me on as I swirled my flattened tongue around her swollen sensitive clit over and over as she whimpered underneath me.
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) Somebody rockin', baby, ooh
“Carmelo! Oh, fuck!” Kayla moaned as I groaned savoring her taste. Gripping her ass and standing up while still lapping up her juices, I lifted her higher into the air.
 “What are you doing!” she gasped in shock and pleasure as my hungry eyes met hers. Her back planted firmly against the wall as she shivered against my mouth.
“I'm eating my dessert baby,” I moaned devouring her sweet wet center as her legs trembled around my neck.
I feel so good when I'm near you
That's why I always wanna be close to you
“Give me what I want Peaches,” I moaned against her as her gasps were coming in short spurts, I knew she was close.
 “I want it now Kayla,” I moaned swirling my tongue one last time around her clit before taking it in my mouth sucking it gently as she rode my face, her head thrown back in pleasure.
"Oh God! Melo, I...." She trailed off as her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her strong as I slid my tongue inside her making her scream and writhe against my mouth as her orgasm continued to overtake her.
I moaned loudly as her essence drenched my mouth as I welcomed it.
Enjoying watching the pleasure on her face, I gently unwrapping her thighs from around my neck.  Maintaining my grip, I slowly slid her down my body as she leaned forward kissing me with urgency.
“I need you,” I panted against her lips as she arched her back against the wall as I entered her swiftly, as a strangled moan escaped her beautiful lips.
I'm so addicted, I'm so addicted
To makin' love to you, baby
All night long, baby, all night long, long, long, long
Her moans mixed with the feel of her pulsing around me had me reelin’. “Fuck! Shit, I missed this Kay,” I confessed reclaiming her as she clawed at my back.
“I missed you too Carmelo,” she moaned as I bounced her with ease on my dick. Her arms around my neck and her knees locked on top of my arms as we rocked against each other.
“Yea, bounce on this dick… Bounce on it like a good girl. You like how this dick feels in this pussy don’t you?” I moaned.
“Carmelo, yes! Fuck me! Umph,” She groaned sucking on my neck, her wetness soaking my dick as it got louder with each thrust.
Kayla’s POV
“Yea, this that grown man shit, you like it don’t you? That pussy so wet for me Peaches, you takin’ it so good baby,” Carmelo praised as I whimpered against him. “Yes! I love it!” I screamed holding on for dear life.
He was right, we weren’t shy college kids anymore.  This truly was real grown folks shit and I loved it.  Clawing at his shoulders in disbelief and pleasure, I felt that familiar tingling starting to surge downward. Good lovin', body rockin' all night long, oh, oh
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
“I feel you baby, don’t fight that shit,” Carmelo panted as I whined not wanting to cum just yet. “I got you, I’ma make you cum,” he groaned as I gasped, his thrusts becoming more powerful as he revealed his plan for the night.
“Tonight, you gon’ cum again…and again…and again…and again,” he groaned as I fell apart in his arms, his mouth swallowing my cries as he held me tight.
“Yea, that’s it, you so fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispered against my lips.
But oh, come on, come on and turn the lights down, and let me get on it, uh
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right, so right, so right
Each stroke masterfully takin’ my breath away. “I want you to cum baby,” I whispered wanting him to let himself go.
I wanted to see his face as he found his sweet release as he eased us onto the bed towering over me. “Spread them legs wide for me Peaches, we gon’ get this one together, baby,” he groaned, his mouth once again overpowering mine as his strokes became deeper and harder.
“Yes! Carmelo! Cum with me,” I gasped as the new position allowed him deeper inside me.
“Mmhm, I’m real deep in this pussy, it feels so good too baby,” he praised. Moving in sync with him I knew he was close. His muscles began to twitch under my touch.  
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Your mine,” I moaned as a low growl fell from his lips as I traced my tongue against his lips as he caught it between his lips gently sucking on it.
“You mine too, you always been mine,” he moaned as my pussy pulsed tightly around him again. Smirking, he placed two of his fingers inside my mouth as I gently sucked on them.
“Fuck yea, good girl Peaches,” he whispered taking his fingers and begins rubbing against my clit matching in tune with his strokes.
“Ahh! Baby I’m cumin!!” I exclaimed, his growls becoming louder as his body shook in ecstasy exploding inside me.
‘Cause I'm ready
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) I'm so ready
I'm so ready, baby
“You felt so fuckin’ good. Shit, that was amazin’” he moaned gently kissing me as we came down from our trip of ecstasy.
 “You ain’t never lied. Can’t wait until we do it again,” I whispered as he groaned against my lips.
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
To give you everything that we've been waitin' on
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Best homecoming ever,” he panted collapsing beside me as I laughed.
“I have to agree, it’s definitely one for the books,” I said smiling.
“So does this mean you gon’ be my girl,” he whispered running his fingers through my hair as I laughed.
“Uh, I would hope so, you done gave me head in the air…The damn air Carmelo, that definitely was a first for me and the rest I can’t even talk about right now because the feeling in my legs ain’t back yet,” I said as he laughed.
“That was hot as fuck wasn’t it. It’s you, I ain’t never done no shit like that, you make me this way,” he whispered pulling me close as I kissed his tattoo.
“Well, tonight was definitely happy tears,” I said caressing his tattoo as he smiled.
“I promise as long as you my girl, it’s always going to be is happy tears, I promise you baby,” he declared as I snuggled further into his arms.
 “I love you,” I whispered as I felt his heart beating faster.
“I love you too Kayla,” he replied dropping a tender kiss on my forehead.
Where do we go from here, I didn’t know but I knew he was my man and it was going to stay that way.
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elly99 · 8 months
us without me IV: new jeans
A story series from the perspective of Mia (fem!Reader/OC) as she goes through her memories and recounts falling in love with her best friend in high school, Minji. She suffers in silence until she breaks and it all comes crashing down.
Part 4 of 7. Check here for more details. Reading previous parts for context is encouraged. CW for language.
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“Mia-ya,” she calls from behind her locker door.
“You wanna do something this weekend?”
“I dunno. Just relax, I guess.”
“You don’t wanna do something together?” She closes her locker, revealing her face pouting at you.
There were so many things you wanted to do together. But you bury those ideas under the books you stuff into your own locker.
“Did you have something in mind?”
“Nothing in particular. Just something with you.”
Fucking hell.
“Well, I think I need new jeans. Help me pick out some?”
You catch her smiling to herself.
“Nothing.” She giggles. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Why are you laughing?”
“I’ll tell you later!”
“김민지 이상하다.”
Before closing your locker you notice a tiny bear sticker on the door.
“How did this get here? We’re only a month in and you’ve already started vandalizing my locker?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro.”
“Is this why you were laughing at me?”
“No, no! But I will admit it’s funny how you only noticed it now. And also how easy it was to guess your code.”
“Wait, yeah! How the fuck did you know?”
“Mia! No need to be so angry that your best friend knows you so well.”
It slowly dawns on you. “You remembered the date?”
“Of course! The day we got these,” she says, lifting her ring finger up to your face. “It was my idea after all.”
You look down at your own fingers. And you start to feel your sanity slowly slipping through them.
“To be fair, it did take me a couple of tries before I got it. But still… I know you’re sentimental like that, so it wasn’t hard.”
As she proudly struts away to the cafeteria you spot her applying lip balm - the same one you used.
You thought you’d buried it in your locker along with everything else but you find yourself powerless to stop the idea of kissing her making its way back into your mind as the lip balm touches her lips.
The smell of spring wafted in through the open bedroom window. You had your phone to text her in one hand and the chocolate bar she got you on the walk home in the other.
so we’re just going shopping tomorrow?
yeah unless u had something else u wanted to do
wanna watch a movie?
huh? i thought u didnt like movies
yeah but i just want to spend time with you and i know you like going to the cinema so
You admire the blue ring on your finger and laugh.
My girlfriend really likes me, doesn’t she?
As long as you had it on you could pretend. So you never took it off.
i just checked and there arent any movies showing rn that im interested in
wanna come sleep over at my place then? we can watch the movies we want
wow u really wanna spend time with me huh
you got a problem with that bro?
no its just ur being sweeter than usual idk
well i do have something really important to tell you and i just wanna spend the day together so we can talk about it
No, Mia. It can’t be what you think it is.
is this what u were being so secretive about earlier?
why so serious bro is everything ok?
yeah everything’s perfect! i just want to tell you in person
No. Fucking. Way.
why not now?
i’ll tell you tomorrow dw
you promise?
of course! i’ll pick you up at 10? or is that too early?
no im fine with it but i doubt youll wake up that early
you’re right 😖 i’ll just text you tomorrow
okie good night mimi ily 💗
good night <3
Mia, there’s just no way. Calm down. You’re being silly. You’re being delusional. Stop it.
You start laughing again at the absurdity of the situation. At the fact you were even entertaining the thought. You laugh until tears start pooling in your eyes. Until you forget why you were laughing in the first place. Until the tears fall and you find yourself crying into the night.
i’m up
congrats on waking up before noon ig
hey i set an alarm just for you so you better be grateful
woah im so touched
we have a date today so i better be on time right? 😊
Damn it, Minji.
does that mean youll be here soon?
yeah in 30
It was 11:10. You’d gotten ready to go two hours ago. But she didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know that you were dying to know what it was she wanted to tell you.
hey i miss you
What the fuck?
bro whats up ur never this clingy
sorry i’m just really happy
about what?
you’ll see
It was 11:11. You wish for what you’d always wished for. You knew there was no point but with her being like this and your ring still on your finger, the line between fantasy and reality had never been more blurred.
Waiting outside your front door, you see her approaching from down the street. Even at that distance you could see the radiant smile she was giving you.
Often you wondered what life would have been like had you not moved in just down the street from her. Had you not gone to the same school. What if the universe didn’t give you so many opportunities to get close to each other? Why did it have to give you so many reasons to fall for her? But you had no choice. This was your life now. The girl you called your best friend, the one standing in front of you, was the person you so desperately loved.
“It’s not morning anymore. You’re late.”
“미안!” You’re reminded that every apology would sound like your name. “But I’m here now. Let’s go.”
“Don’t you have something to tell me first?”
“Later. Over dinner.” Her smile was cheeky. Teasing.
“We have dinner plans?”
“Yup. My treat.”
Your heart trips over its own beats.
“Bro, it should be my turn.”
“Mia, no. This one’s important to me.”
Then it starts to scream as it hits the ground.
“My god, Min, what’s this about?”
“Don’t worry about it! Let’s just go get your new jeans first.”
She starts laughing again and you still don’t know why.
“Minji! No way!” you exclaim, shopping bags filled with clothes in one hand, her hand in the other as she tugs you along to a familiar part of the mall.
She just smiles and sticks her tongue out.
“This place is expensive!”
“But it’s your favorite. So it’s where we’re going.”
“Minjiii,” you whine.
“Hey, if you really cared about me spending too much you wouldn’t have such expensive taste. You left me no choice, to be honest.”
For the first time in a while you’re laughing together. For a reason you both knew.
“For real, though, Mia. It’s fine! It’s my treat, so don’t worry about it.”
“You’re so sweet, Min.”
As if that needed further confirmation, she pulls out a chair for you.
“Mia! Are you blushing?”
“What? No!” You quickly cover your face with your hands. Your ring smiles a devilish smile as you bring it close.
“Don’t fall in love, bro,” she says teasingly. But it was way too late for that.
“What do you mean? I’m just excited for the food.”
With that one word her expression changes. You couldn’t quite parse it. But you convinced yourself that there was something about her face that told you that she knew. And there was nothing more terrifying.
As your meal comes to a close and the night slows down she finally says it.
“I have something to tell you.”
“I know.” Your voice falters as your heartbeats quicken. You clear your throat to hide it. “Just tell me already.”
She leans over the table, looking straight into your eyes with something like anxiousness in hers.
“I’m… I’m debuting in July.”
In that moment, as your pounding chest comes to a crashing halt, there was no greater dissonance than wanting to be happy for your best friend but being disappointed that she didn’t want to be more than that. Being excited for her future but being bitter that her future wasn’t you.
Then came rage. Fury. The dissonance between expecting, wanting, praying for her to confess and knowing that that was just a puerile, selfish fantasy you conjured for yourself. “You’re being silly again,” is what she would have said. You were so angry and there was no one else to blame but you.
“Bro, I’m so happy for you!” you strain. “All that hard work’s finally paying off!”
“Thanks, Mia,” she says softly.
“I don’t even know why you were worried you wouldn’t debut! You’re so talented. It was always gonna happen. I’m so proud of you, Min!”
“Thank you,” she repeats with her eyes.
“So, what’s the name of your group?”
She laughs once more and you finally understand why.
“Oh my god, no wonder.”
“But don’t tell anyone, ok?”
“Of course, bro. Why would you even think I’d tell anyone?” you ask a little more aggressively than you’d like, still barely controlling your anger. Thankfully, she doesn’t notice.
“Just making sure.”
“How many songs do you have?”
“Four. And, yeah, we’ll be filming our music videos in Spain.”
“Oh, wow!” You wonder how much longer you could hide it. How much longer until she realizes you were faking it. “When are you leaving?”
“Next week. Which is why I wanted to spend time with you this weekend.”
“Wait, will you be gone for your birthday, then?”
“Oh.” You struggle to find words to say as your anger is replaced by sadness. “I’ll miss you…”
“I’m sorry! I’ll miss you, too! I promise we’ll spend lots of time together when I get back.”
“But I’m sure you’ll be really busy even then. Even more when you debut…”
“Let’s not worry about it yet, Mia! I’m still here. And I’m just happy to be with you now.”
“Me, too.” You smile weakly.
“I’ll just go pay, ok? I’ll be right back, then we can talk more about it at home. We have all night anyway!”
“Thanks, Min. For the food. For today. For everything.”
“Aww, bro, you sound so sad!” she says as she stands up. You look up at her from your chair. Seeing your hand on the table, she gently wraps hers around it and you hear the subtle clink of your rings as they touch. “I’m still here, ok? I always will be.”
You don’t take your eyes off her as she walks away. And they remain glued to her in forbidden admiration as she returns. Every time you looked at her there was always a part of you that wanted to just rush over to her and tell her everything. That she was your everything. Your first love. Now, knowing the world would soon fall in love with her, too - because you knew everyone would - that part of you wanted to keep her all to yourself.
Then there was the part of you just happy to see her. To have her in your life. Because she did make you happy. She always tried her best to put a smile on your face. She was an angel like that and today was further proof of it. And her smile - the same one you could see on her face now as she approached you - it made you feel safe. Like things were going to be alright. There was a strange, counterintuitive comfort you found in it, knowing that, even if she didn’t know your pain, she’d be there for you. She thought the world of you. She loved you like no one else could. Just not in that way. And you were happy with that. You’d have to be.
At the sound of her soft voice your sadness gives way to resignation. You remind yourself that it wasn’t her fault she couldn’t give you what your heart yearned for. And in doing so, you could finally, truly be happy for her.
With your hand hidden from her in your pocket, you slip your ring off with your thumb as she takes you home.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I just had to use a Hercules GIF i love that movie sm -Danny Words: 2,694 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Vida La Vida' -by Coldplay
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XIX: The Son of Olympus
First impression of Heracles: Hot. He's a god, so of course he'd look the part. He kind of reminds her of Percy, if Percy were a Gym-bro.
Piper's the first to speak. "Hello."
"What's up?" Hercules replies.
"Uh, not much." Piper glances at Ara, and the girl encourages her to keep going. "Well, actually, a lot. I'm Piper. This is Jason and Ara. We—"
"Where's your lion skin?" Jason blurts out.
Piper elbows the boy. Luckily, Hercules seems to find the outburst funny. "It's ninety degrees out here. Why would I wear my lion skin? Do you wear a fur coat to the beach?"
"I guess that makes sense." Jason pouts. "It's just that the pictures always show you with a lion skin."
The god glances at the sky with annoyance. "Don't believe everything you hear about me. Being famous isn't as fun as you might think."
"Tell me about it," Piper mumbles.
"Are you famous?"
"My dad... he's in the movies."
"Don't get me started with the movies! Gods of Olympus, they never get anything right. Have you seen one movie about me where I look like me?"
"I'm surprised you're so young," Piper agrees.
"Ha! Being immortal helps. But, yes, I wasn't so old when I died. Not by modern standards. I did a lot during my years as a hero... too much, really." He eyes Jason. "Son of Zeus, eh?"
"Jupiter," Jason corrects.
"Not much difference," Hercules shrugs. "Dad's annoying in either form. Me? I was called Heracles. Then the Romans came along and named me Hercules. I didn't really change that much, though lately just thinking about it gives me splitting headaches... At any rate, if you're Jupiter's son, you might understand. It's a lot of pressure. Enough is never enough. Eventually it can make a guy snap."
He looks at Piper. "As for you, my dear, be careful. Sons of Zeus can be... well, never mind." He locks eyes with Ara. "You're the newest Olympian sensation, aren't you?"
"Ara Jackson," she considers shaking his hand, but she doesn't want him to feel how much she's shaking.
He tilts his head. "Who was your godly parent?"
Hercules burst out laughing, making Ara want to punch his nose. "Has the quality of heroes decreased, or are Aphrodites more sturdy than in ancient times?"
"We've always been sturdy," she scoffs.
"So the quality decreased," he muses. "That sucks."
"You su—"
"Lord Hercules," Piper intervenes. "We're on a quest. We'd like permission to pass into the Mediterranean."
Hercules turns to her, still chuckling. "That's why I'm here. After I died, Dad made me the doorkeeper of Olympus. I said, Great! Palace duty! Party all the time! What he didn't mention is that I'd be guarding the doors to the ancient lands, stuck on this island for the rest of eternity. Lots of fun."
He points at the pillars.
"Stupid columns. Some people claim I created the whole Strait of Gibraltar by shoving mountains apart. Some people say the mountains are the pillars. What a bunch of Augean manure. The pillars are pillars."
"Right," Piper replies. "Naturally. So... can we pass?"
"Well, I have to give you the standard warning about how dangerous the ancient lands are. Not just any demigod can survive the Mare Nostrum. Because of that, I have to give you a quest to complete. Prove your worth, blah, blah, blah. Honestly, I don't make a big deal of it. Usually I give demigods something simple like a shopping trip, singing a funny song, that sort of thing. After all those labors I had to complete for my evil cousin Eurystheus, well... I don't want to be that guy, you know?"
"Appreciate it," Jason nods.
"Hey, no problem," Hercules continues, eyeing Ara. "But I kind of want to see the little one in action."
"Call me little again, and I'll use you as the demonstration dummy," she says dryly.
The young god snorts. "So what's your quest?"
"Giants," Jason explains. "We're off to Greece to stop them from awakening Gaea."
"Giants. I hate those guys. Back when I was a demigod hero... ah, but never mind. So which god put you up to this—Dad? Athena? Maybe Aphrodite?" He glances at Piper with a sly smile. "As pretty as you are, I'm guessing that's your mom too."
Ara senses the danger, but Jason thinks she's about to snap and acts faster. "Hera sent us. She brought us together to—"
The air around Hercules changes, and Piper tries to fix it. "We hate her too. We didn't want to help her. She didn't give us much choice, but—"
"But here you are," Hercules glares at them. "Sorry, you three. I don't care how worthy your quest is. I don't do anything that Hera wants. Ever."
"But I thought you made up with her when you became a god," Jason frowns.
"Like I said, don't believe everything you hear. If you want to pass into the Mediterranean, I'm afraid I've got to give you an extra-hard quest."
"Man, c'mon!" Ara complains. "You know I'm forced to follow orders!"
"And yet you wear that mantle with pride."
"But we're like brothers," Jason insists. "Hera's messed with my life, too. I understand—"
"You understand nothing. My first family: dead. My life wasted on ridiculous quests. My second wife dead, after being tricked into poisoning me and leaving me to a painful demise. And my compensation? I got to become a minor god. Immortal, so I can never forget my pain. Stuck here as a gatekeeper, a doorman, a... a butler for the Olympians. No, you don't understand. The only god who understands me even a little bit is Dionysus. And at least he invented something useful. I have nothing to show except bad film adaptations of my life."
"That's horribly sad, Lord Hercules. But please go easy on us. We're not bad people," Piper uses her charmspeak, but it's hard to sweet-talk a god.
Hercules's eyes harden. "On the opposite side of this island, over those hills, you'll find a river. In the middle of that river lives the old god Achelous."
"...and?" Jason frowns.
"And I want you to break off his other horn and bring it to me."
"He has horns," Jason pauses. "Wait... his other horn? What—?"
"Figure it out! Here, this should help." Hercules tosses a tiny book at Piper. "Bring me that horn by sundown. Just the two of you. No contacting your friends. Your ship will remain where it is. If you succeed, you may pass into the Mediterranean."
"And if we don't succeed?" Piper scowls.
"Well, Achelous will kill you, obviously. And I will break your ship in half with my bare hands and send your friends to an early grave."
"Touch my ship," Ara warns him, "and I'll stick my sword up your—"
"Couldn't we just sing a funny song?" Jason pleads.
"I'd get going," Hercules says with disinterest. "Sundown. Or your friends are dead. And you," he summons a chair for Ara. "We should talk."
Ara shouts a lot of insults that make Piper and Jason look back in alarm as they walk away, but either Hercules finds her amusing, or he's not allowed to hurt a child of Olympus, because he lets her yell until she tires out.
He makes two drinks appear. "Grape. Non-alcoholic for the crybaby."
Ara scowls at the glass. "I'm not a baby."
Hercules sets his club next to her. Ara's barely a head taller than the weapon. "You sure?"
She kicks the club and snatches the grape juice. "I knew you were a jerk, but I didn't know you were petty too."
"Children of Olympus are all petty," he sits down. "Blend too much free time and excessive egos, and you get one of us. We're provoked easily, and we have a talent to incite."
Ara looks back at the ship. Someone's on deck staring in their direction, probably Leo. She's stuck here with Mr Simpathy, so why not employ the time for something useful?
"What being a son of Olympus entails..."
"Do you know what it entails?" He interrupts her.
"Well... I serve the gods."
"Until you die," he pauses. "Although they could promote you to some other thing if they like you. But basically, your life is theirs."
She shrugs. "I don't mind being put to use."
"Because you don't understand what it means," he drinks his wine. "This isn't a reward, kid. You're a threat to all mortals."
"That was before," she argues. "I'm not like you."
Hercules raises a brow. "Then why do you hold that sword? And wear my cloak?"
"I fought a war, and been to dangerous places, all just to keep my loved ones safe. I am not you."
Hercules rolls his eyes. "You pledged your life to Olympus, and you did it for one reason only—You're starving," His words resonate within her unpleasantly. "Have you done something about that hunger, or has it done nothing but grow?"
Ara replies quietly, avoiding his eyes. "I don't know..."
"How long have you been a daughter of Olympus?"
"A year."
Hercules frowns. "How old are you?"
Ara keeps her eyes down. "I'll be fifteen in a few days."
"You're younger than Achilles and I when we were chosen..." his voice sounds different now. "Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you turn into this?"
She clears her throat. "I got tired of burning shrouds. If the gods won't help us, then I will."
Hercules's demeanor changes, he looks pitiful. "We don't help people."
"Maybe you didn't, but I will."
"We're killers. That's what the gods will ask of you, to take out the trash so their home is clean. We'll never be role models."
"I don't want praise," she replies defiantly.
"You say that now," Hercules shrugs. "Get a couple more blessings and see if the treatment doesn't start to feel a little unjust."
"I might die soon, so it doesn't matter," she says bitterly. "Might as well do something good with the time I have left."
He tilts his head with interest, like he's listening to something Ara can't. "Ah... yes, I see it," He smiles and looks to the horizon. "I know the story—Oenone swore Paris would regret leaving her. He'd never get his ideal life with his ideal woman. The nymph then killed herself out of guilt, as the unstable creature she always was."
The girl doesn't even bother to ask how he knows all this, she assumes gods have their ways to poke around a mortal's business. "Well, according to Aphrodite, this life will be no different if I don't do something."
"That's wishful thinking."
"The fates chose us to be part of this prophecy—Two souls in the right place, and right time."
The god shrugs again. "How do you break a centuries-old curse?"
"I don't know. Might be tied to the Mark of Athena—"
Hercules snorts. "You're not a child of Athena, so I doubt it."
"Janus said one of my paths was threading in that direction."
"It can't be the Mark of Athena," he brushes it off.
"Then what is it?" She asks with irritation.
Hercules makes a face. "Do I look like an oracle? I don't know. The price you'll pay has to be high, equal to the value of your curse. They won't set you free otherwise."
"There is no real freedom in a world ruled by prophecies," she scowls.
Hercules can't hide his amusement. "You're so intense. All children of Olympus die by their doing, you know? Honor, power... what's your poison?"
"That's it, I'm going back to my ship now, this is useless!" Ara stands up from her chair. "You won't treat my work as a worthless effort."
"You are fourteen," he corrects her calmly. "No one's saying you're worthless, you're a kid."
Ara blinks. "What?"
He finishes his wine and tosses the goblet over his shoulder. "You're drowning, and what for? You're a child that acts like a child and you tricked yourself into thinking that's wrong. Your ambition, little dove, it's eating your youth away."
Ara stares at him. She likes being young... or she did before Percy brought all these grown-up situations, and she had to catch up with him so he didn't leave her behind. Her brother was her entire world for a long, long time, and at some point, they grew apart, just like she'd always feared. Ara's solution was to force her way into the spotlight so she wouldn't be ignored ever again.
"Let's see, you have..." Hercules examines the embroidery on her cloak. "Six blessings? You're burning out faster than Achilles and I ever did."
Ara's too angry and confused to process what's been said to her, but Hercules keeps going.
"You know why the gods don't give all the blessings? Above ten would be a VIP pass to things a human can't handle," Hercules sighs. "You won't be here for long, and they've always liked playing safe."
He says it like Ara is the most recent doll in the market, and soon she'll go out of fashion and the gods will forget she was even there, just like Helen.
"Any advice?" She asks.
"Yeah," he leans back on his seat. "Watch your mouth. You're young, and there are forces out there that won't hesitate to put you in your place. Teach yourself to be scarier with no symbols of power that announce it to your enemies. And one more thing..."
He looks back at the ship, Ara turns and spots Leo leaning on the railing. When she looks at him, he waves effusively and blows a kiss in her direction.
"Achilles stepped into this role and lost Patroclus," Hercules says absently. "I lost my mind... you will lose, Ara Jackson, and that will be the beginning of the end. The path you chose is nothing but sad and lonely."
"It was bound to be that way no matter what," her voice quivers.
Hercules glances at Leo again. "Yes... you better get used to it. That boy can start over if he survives, you cannot."
Ara nods and adds weakly. "Is it better than being mortal, being a god?"
He responds thoughtfully. "Being a god is... slow-paced. Nothing new happens, nothing old ever comes back. If you interact with mortals, you forget their faces as soon as they leave—if an immortal reaches out, it's meaningless."
"By that, you mean..?"
"Immortals, they don't even look at you. Might as well be hallucinating those meetings."
"Cool," Ara replies dryly. "Well, uh... I have nothing else to say."
Hercules laughs. "I could talk you to death... I'd never known a demigod like you, let alone a daughter of Aphrodite," he looks at the small figures approaching. "But your friends are back."
Ara approaches them anxiously. "Gods almighty—You okay?"
"All good," Jason nods.
"Good," Hercules hums. "You got it. In that case, you are free to go."
"You heard him. He gave us permission," Piper nudges Jason's arm. "That means our ship will be able to pass into the Mediterranean?"
"Yes, yes. Now, the horn," the god demands impatiently.
"Excuse me?"
"Achelous was right," Piper lifts the horn as if it were a bazooka. "You're his curse as much as he is yours. You're a sorry excuse for a hero."
Ara and Hercules share a look as if saying. "Are we hearing that right?"
"You realize I could kill you with a flick of my finger," he raises a brow. "I could throw my club at your ship and cut straight through its hull. I could—"
"You could shut up," Jason continues. "Maybe Zeus is different from Jupiter. Because I wouldn't put up with any brother who acts like you."
Hercules's face gets purple with anger. "You would not be the first demigod I've killed."
"Woah!" Ara steps in. "Let's not throw death threats around, okay?" She turns to Piper and mouths 'What the hell?' but her sister ignores her.
"Jason is better than you. But don't worry. We're not going to fight you. We're going to leave this island with the horn. You don't deserve it as a prize. I'm going to keep it, to remind me of what not to be like as a demigod, and to remind me of poor Achelous and Deianira."
"Do not mention that name!" Hercules snaps. "You can't seriously think I'm worried about your puny boyfriend. No one is stronger than me."
"I didn't say stronger, I said he's better."
Piper lifts the horn a little higher, and from it bursts out a wide variety of fresh food and baked sweets—a whole godly feast. Piper pulls Ara away from the mountain of edibles. "Go!"
Jason seizes them, flying back to the Argo II.
"Kill!" Hercules screams in anger, crawling out from under the food.
Everyone seems to know what's happening except Ara. Leo flies the ship away without asking questions, and Percy summons a huge tide to keep Hercules from throwing coconuts at them.
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Some incorrect quotes about my oc and the clones (she’s married to all of them but Zoha is like her son)
Ryuki: Hantengu, what do you call people you go out with but don’t try to sleep with?
Hantengu: ...People?
Hantengu: *is visibly upset*
Ryuki: Hantengu, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Hantengu: Do you think sex without love is a sin?
Ryuki: If it is, I’ll see you in hell.
Ryuki: Stay foxy.
Hantengu: Die lonely.
Ryuki: Well, Hantengu and I finally did it!
The rest of the clones: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Ryuki: That's right... We kissed!
Ryuki: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Sekido: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Sekido: Are you trying to seduce me?
Ryuki: Why, are you seducible?
Sekido: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Ryuki: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Sekido: Fight me!
Ryuki: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
Ryuki: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
Ryuki: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Sekido: This is a lie.
Sekido: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Sekido: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Ryuki: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Ryuki: This date is boring!
Sekido: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Ryuki: Then why did you invite me?
Sekido: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Sekido I'll do whatever I want!
Karaku: Ryuki, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Ryuki, naked in Karaku's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Karaku, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Karaku: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—
Ryuki: We’re married.
Karaku: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Ryuki: Marry me.
Ryuki: Do you want to know your new name?
Aizetsu: My... my new name?
Ryuki: Yeah, it's your first name-
Aizetsu: Haha. Very funny Ryuki-
Ryuki: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Aizetsu: Oh- oh my god.
Aizetsu: Bro-
Ryuki: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Ryuki: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
Aizetsu: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Ryuki: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Aizetsu: Stop.
Ryuki: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Aizetsu: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Ryuki: That one. I want that one.
Ryuki: Talk dirty to me, baby~
Aizetsu: The dishes.
Ryuki: Wh-
Aizetsu: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.
Ryuki: Wow, Urogi, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Urogi: We literally slept together yesterday.
Ryuki: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Ryuki: What are you in the mood for?
Urogi: World domination.
Ryuki: That's a bit ambitious.
Urogi: You are my world.
Ryuki: Aww...
Ryuki: OH.
Ryuki: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Urogi: Wow. They sound stupid.
Ryuki: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Urogi: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Ryuki: I guess you’re right. Hey Urogi, I love you.
Urogi: See! Just say that!
Ryuki: Holy fucking shit.
Urogi: If that flies over their head then, sorry Ryuki, but they're too dumb for you.
Ryuki: Urogi.
Urogi: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Ryuki: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Urogi: But you’re always acting stupid?
Ryuki: ...
Ryuki: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Urami: Know why I called you in here?
Ryuki: Because I accidentally sent you a tit pic.
Urami: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
Urami: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Ryuki: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Urami: ...
Urami: You mean ring bearER, right?
Ryuki: ...
Urami: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Ryuki: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Urami: Aww-
Ryuki: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Urami: My hands are cold.
Ryuki: Here, let me hold them.
Urami: My lips are cold too.
Ryuki: *covers Urami's mouth with their hand*
Ryuki: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Urami: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Ryuki: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Zohakuten: All the time.
Ryuki: Then you should be used to it by now.
Zohakuten, near tears: Please, Ryuki, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
*Zohakuten and Ryuki are planning to break in somewhere*
Zohakuten: We need to distract the guards.
Ryuki: Right.
Zohakuten: What are we gonna do?
Ryuki: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Zohakuten: Deal.
Zohakuten: When was the last time you cried?
Ryuki: Uh 15 minutes ago, why??
Zohakuten: really? That recent?
Ryuki: Yeah *voice crack* is that a issue? *starts crying again*
Ryuki: Did you have to stab them?
Zohakuten: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Ryuki: What did they say?
Zohakuten: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Ryuki: That’s fair.
Ryuki: Remember what I told you.
Zohakuten: Don’t be a cunt.
Any combo of them:
Karaku: Ryuki, what are you doing tomorrow?
Ryuki: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Zohakuten: We have fun, don’t we, Hantengu?
Hantengu: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Sekido: I'm not doing to well.
Aizetsu: What's wrong?
Sekido: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Zohakuten enters the room*
Sekido: There it is again.
Zohakuten: You’re a loose cannon, Ryuki.
Ryuki: No, I’m not. I’m a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Urogi: I think you play by your own rules.
Hantengu: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Zohakuten: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Ryuki: No, I’m just a reckless renegade. Karaku is a loose cannon.
Karaku: *smashes a chair* Aah! You shut your trap, Ryuki!
Hantengu: I’d say Karaku’s more of a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. That’s an entirely different thing.
Urogi: Now I’m just confused. Is Ryuki a loose cannon or not?
Zohakuten: All right, put on a pot of coffee. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this.
Ryuki: *groans*
Karaku: Aw, man.
Sekido: I know how this must look but I can assure you we have a perfectly logical explanation.
Hantengu: Yeah! We’re cowards!
Urogi: Ryuki has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them.
Hantengu: That can't be true!
Urogi: Watch this.
Urogi: Hey Ryuki, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Ryuki: *Throws themself out a window*
Sekido, watching Hantengu & Aizetsu panic : What's going on?
Karaku: Hantengu is having a midlife crisis and Aizetsu is just having a crisis.
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wolfintestinez · 22 days
i’m struggling to find motivation and such in writing about my characters again, and dot is one of my favorite ocs. it’s mostly because i graduate in a few days and haven’t been able to focus on them in general, so i have some time now and i want to just :3 rant. ramble. my blog bro idk. i’m answering just random questions i found online that sort of help flesh out characters <3.
dot was raised by a single mother, who was basically disowned by her own family for getting pregnant. their relationship is complicated, her mother resents her for stealing away her ‘youth’ , yet she still tried to provide for her at least until she was old enough to work. her mother would repeat the cycle of disowning when dot turned 17, kicking dot out for being ‘selfish’ for wanting to achieve her goals. in reality her mother was jealous that she was planning for college, that she’d be able to make something of her self. plus the fact that she relied on dot to help with rent and such. her mother was also a hypocrite, being a strict catholic woman who got pregnant at 17 and now acts like a saint. though!
dottie had planned on becoming an archivist of some sort, maybe being a librarian at the very least. her plans were cut short during her 3rd of college when she died. she always regrets not being able to graduate, the whole fight with her mother was pointless then if she was always going to end up a ‘failure’. it hurts her feelings to think about it, so she avoids really talking about school itself — rather opting to just speak about the things she’s learned.
in general, she likes to keep company around those that are funny. she enjoys the fact that they still can make life seem so humorous despite the consequences. those who are also good listeners are nice, but she is one to be a listener herself, she’s good to rant to. to her, it’s nice to be known and remembers the smallest of facts, even if idiotic — she looks for those that can do the same.
for a while after becoming a proxy, she didn’t really trust anyone. being betrayed by a childhood friend really does something to you, especially if you wound up dead from it. actions speak louder than words when it comes to trust, unless you’re defending her in a situation, then she may take your side a bit more. as she grew used to her situation, she’s more of a respect me and i’ll respect you person. she’ll be kind for the sake of it, treat others who you want to be treated ! but when others go against that, it’s hard for her to really trust or care. unless you help her understand why you act the way you do.
she may not consider herself as a devout catholic, but she still respects the saints. there are times where after a particularly harsh mission, she’ll find herself wandering to the nearest cathedral. she doesn’t pray, or participate, she just sort of sits. she knows she’s so far deep in the hell of it all, but it’s nice to just pretend sometimes. or maybe she just misses the comfort of a higher power.
other than that, she can be a bit superstitious. even if she knows it’s ridiculous, she sort of gets antsy or anxious at the thought of someone ‘jinxing’ themselves. (“go knock on wood right now”).
a copy of her favorite book maybe, heavily annotated as a way of comfort (frankenstein, she knows it’s a known classic she just finds it too relatable and latched onto it from a young age). good luck charms made for her, she’s sentimental. a few cds maybe; kate bush, early mcr (emo 😞), misfits , thursday , fleetwood mac — it really depends. polaroids , if she’s away for a bit of a mission she yearns. and her journal. maybe random ass items as well. like why do you have a finger trap in there.
depends on the situation, but a lot of the time she sits back and watches anxiously. other times she tries to mediate, she worries what will happen if others fight for too long (mostly if they’re being defiant to the operator). she does it because she cares, but sometimes people really just see her as a coward. if she’s directly involved in the conflict, even if she isn’t in the wrong, she has a way of convincing herself she can be. unfortunately, it is very easy to do so. though, if a boundary is crossed expect a full cut off.
people / characters that sort of inspired dots personality : spencer agnew (humor wise, smosh) , gerard way (personality , him outside of the stage acts), ben hargreeves (umbrella academy), the demo man (mcr, devotion) , hank (swiss army man), frank (little miss sunshine), courage the cowardly dog (😭). there’s probably others i just don’t remember.
songs : highway 9 — barnaby bright. the devil wears a suit and tie — colter wall. being cool — kimya dawson. abbey — mitski. bigmouth strikes again — the smiths. early sunsets over monroeville — mcr. hounds of love — kate bush. do you know what i’m seeing — panic!. east coast — alex g. golden — fall out boy. this close — flyleaf.
random : deer , foxes , the back of the library, ambient / warm lighting, willow trees, water stained books. i feel like she just sort of resembles these things.
★ END ;
erm that’s it :3. just really random questions to answer about dot cause i’m bored, and want to think about her more.
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gothixm00nz · 4 months
I find it so funny how the ONE TIME I make an oc that doesn't have any severe trauma (she has low-level trauma due to depression and unfortunately sh) is a Spidersona / X-Men oc
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this ended up being way too long, so feel free to skim it or even skip it. i ramble way too much jfc
Melanie Kulani Palakiko (she's Hawaiian! :)) is the spidersona I've had for a hot minute and I finally rewrote her storyline and even gave her a new appearance. In this new iteration of Melanie, she now exists in the Ultimate Spider-Man universe, but also the X-Men. Specifically the X-Men live action movies because I can do whatever I want. God gave me free will, it was a mistake. And yes, yes. I am fully away that 95% of my ocs are scene or emo, but I don't fucking care. I LOVE making ocs that look like they just walked right out of 2007! Plus for Mel, it works. Her story takes place from 2000 to 2014.
Mel has no trauma surrounding her home life, school, work, nothing. The trauma she does have is being heavily depressed and losing Peter (who is her best friend, fight me) I didn't want her to be traumatized. I wanted her and Peter to be analogous - or similar but not entirely the same. They both were bitten by an OZ corp spider (two different ones and Mel was bitten four months earlier), they both have a very strong sense of justice and a desire to save people, but that's where the similarities really end.
Peter is traumatized because he's lost so many people he's loved and he uses that to save others so nobody else will suffer, but Melanie has low-level trauma due to suffering from MDD (major depressive disorder) her entire life. Her mother, grandparents and aunt are still alive and safe, she doesn't know the pain of losing someone so near and dear to her. She just wants to help people because she can't bear the thought of people suffering when she could help.
That's why she went to the institute and joined the X-Men. But Peter does things his own way. That's what makes them such great friends, they're so similar yet vastly different.
Also sometimes it's nice to have a character who ISN'T drowning in immense amounts of trauma... Mel is just too precious to me to give her trauma. I love her so much bro 😭
(Off topic; another thing that sets Pete and Mel apart is the fact that Pete has beef with Wolverine, but Melanie is unabashedly in love with him.)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Later Hours
Callie Adams Foster x Male Reader
Request - where lost a bet to his girlfriend callie and has to handcuff someone. He has a sinister idea as to get payback for his friend dima for shooting a powder blaster on his face. The next morning he went to Dima's room and handcuff Oc (Dima) to him for 14 hours and 25 minutes.
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Y/n finished taking a shower and he comes out of the bathroom. Dima approached Y/n and Dima has something behind his back.
“Hey, Y/n,” Dima said.
“What?” Y/n asked.
“Payback!” Dima yelled.
Dima shot a powder blaster onto Y/n’s face. Dima laughed and started to run away and Y/n started to yell.
“I’m going to kill you, Dima!!” Y/n yelled.
Dima and Y/n are best friends. They like to do pranks on each other. Callie came out of the bedroom and starts to laugh.
“Not funny, Callie Foster,” Y/n said.
He goes back inside the bathroom and starts to clean himself. Later, he comes out of the bathroom and told Callie what happened.
“Babe, calm down,” Callie said.
“I mean it, Callie I will get him back. I need to think of a plan” Y/n said.
She kissed his forehead and laughed.
“Boys are so dramatic,” Callie said.
“Sometimes. Do you still need a ride to work?” Y/n said.
“Yes, and hurry up and get dressed,” Callie said.
“So bossy, that's hot” Y/n smiled.
She smacked his arm.
“Hurry up, Y/n,” Callie said.
Y/n starts to get dressed while Callie starts to gather her stuff. They leave The Coterie together, he drives his girlfriend to work. She starts to talk about her job and co-workers.
It is late at night, and Callie and Y/n went to a bar. She had a stressful day at work and he starts to comfort her.
“Thanks, for listening babe,” Callie said.
“I know, next time you tell me and I will kick their ass. Oh, I know how to get my payback” Y/n said.
“Oh?” Callie said.
He nods.
“I will it be so epic and he will hate it” Y/n smiled.
“You, won't let this go, right?” Callie asked.
“Oh, I won't let it go until I get my revenge,” Y/n said.
“Whatever, you say Y/n,” Callie said.
She starts to drink her beer and he talks about the plan. They go home and Callie has on Y/n’s shirt and she cuddles with him.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Callie and the others are in the kitchen. Dima is standing next to Callie, while Y/n is trying to get close to him. Y/n is trying hard not to make it obvious what he is going to do. He takes out the handcuffs and put them on Dima. Everyone is speechless and Y/n just laughed.
“Bro, what did you do!?” Dima yelled.
“I got you. Now you're handcuffed to me” Y/n smiled.
“You can't be serious, Y/n,” Gael said.
“Oh, I'm very serious,” Y/n said.
Y/n threw the key out the window and Dima is freaking out. He grabbed the knife and tried to break the handcuffs, but it's not working. Y/n starts to yell at his friend to stop then he takes the knife away.
“But, why do it?” Callie asked.
“It's a dumb idea, Y/n. You throw away the key and you're still smiling, so weird” Mariana said.
“Feels like, I'm dating a child” Callie sighed.
“I told you about the idea,” Y/n said to Callie.
“And you didn't tell me, Callie!” Dima yelled.
“I thought he wasn't going to do it. I thought it was just talking” Callie said.
“Wow, Y/n. That's all I have to say” Davia said.
Everyone starts to talk at once.
Y/n is enjoying that Dima hates the prank. Everyone thinks the idea is dumb, but they are curious to see how it will go between Y/n and Dima.
“Wait you can't use the bathroom, bro,” Dima said.
“I can't hold it any longer,” Y/n said.
Dima is fighting Y/n not to go into the bathroom.
“Callie, tell your boyfriend to let me go!” Dima yelled.
She starts to laugh that she couldn't finish is her sentence. Y/n managed to go into the bathroom and Dima is using all his strength, not to go to the toilet.
“Somebody help!” Dima yelled.
“So dramatic,” Y/n said and rolled his eyes.
Throughout the day... It got hard to do simple tasks. Callie felt awkward kissing Y/n
“Y/n, I can't keep kissing you,” Callie said.
“Why?” Y/n asked.
Callie and Y/n are on the couch.
“Because Dima is right next to you! No offense” Callie said.
Dima raised his hand.
“Well... The key I threw out was the only key and it didn't have a backup key” Y/n said.
“Callie, I'm going to kill your boyfriend,” Dima said.
“I know a good lawyer,” Callie said.
“Hey!” Y/n said.
“Y/n, you better fix the problem or else,” Callie said.
“Or else?” Y/n asked.
She stood up and walked away.
“Or else!!” Callie yelled.
Y/n and Dima looked at each other. Y/n usually drives Callie to work, this time she had to sit in the backseat. Dima heated hated it because his hand would move all over the place while Y/n is driving.
“Pick you up later?” Y/n asked.
“No. I will get an Uber to drive me home” Callie said.
“Sorry, babe” Y/n said.
Dima mocked.
There is a party at the Coterie. Everyone is having fun, and Dima is starting to drink. He wanted to dance with a girl but it was awkward because Y/n tried not to get close to her.
“You are killing my style,” Dima said.
“Can't believe you guys are still stuck together” Gael said.
“He threw the only key out the window,” Dima said
“Seriously?” Gael asked.
“Have you tried anything to break the handcuffs?” Luca asked.
“We tried a few things but it didn't work,” Y/n said.
Y/n and Dima still partied and Dima is starting to get tipsy. Gael and Luca are having fun.
“I have an idea!” Luca smiled.
“What?” Y/n asked.
“Let's go to the police station, they have a key for the handcuffs,” Luca said.
“Great idea!” Dima smiled.
He hugged Luca. Callie tagged along Gael and told her about Luca’s idea. She is hoping they will have the key and she drives to the police station.
At the police station, it didn't go as planned. They have the key and Dima is being dramatic again.
“Why it has to be me!?” Dima cried out.
“Shut up. You are being such a baby” Y/n sighed.
“You shut up,” Dima said.
“No, you shut up,” Y/n said.
They go back and forth telling each other to shut up.
“You two shut up. Let's go to the fire station” Callie said.
“Why?” Gael asked.
“Maybe they can help. They should have the tools for it” Callie said.
“It's worth a shot,” Y/n said.
Callie drives to the fire station. One of the firefighters got the bolt cutter and she cut the handcuffs, and everyone starts to cheer. Y/n and Dima hugged the firefighter.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Callie is very happy the prank is over. Callie is making out with Y/n in the bedroom alone.
“Don’t ever do a prank like that again,” Callie said.
“It was funny seeing him being like that” Y/n smiled.
She rolled her eyes and he is still smiling.
“Whatever, Y/n,” Callie said.
He gave her a peck on the lips and she starts to smile.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 7 months
YOU LIKE EDGING PEOPLE?? man how do you even do it...like i can never tell when someone is close it's kinda frustrating
so if peer pressure is real...could we all collectively peer pressure you into marrying all of us?? i mean you did say you could do the craziest shit... (ok but thank you to peer pressure because we got an amazing dom!yn fic so huzzah)
I THINK HUZZAH SHOULD BE BROUGHT BACK TOO!! yipee, booyah, all white american venacular...
GALLAGHER GIRLS, DOCTOR WHO, AND SUPERNATURAL??? that's actually really..diverse? thats so cool wtf pls tell me more about those shows
I WILL GIVE YOU IDEAS!! as soon as i can think of them..what do you like to write? i'll kinda base off my asks/ideas off of those so you'll have a better writing experience </3
YOUR BRAIN IS NOT MID??? do you think a mid person would bias woozi?? didn't think so 😒😒
IKR??? HOW COULD HE DO THAT 😭😭😭 istg he literally messaged me first and asked to do everything with me and then out of nowhere he just invites someone else to tag along when we hungout??
im sorry that you're feeling stressed rn 😕😕why is everyone mad at you wtf?? i promise you don't sound narcisstic when you talk about it because if it's bothering you, you gotta let people know how you feel!! im glad the blog and a couple friends can help you feel better; ily and hope you feel better!!
-MISSED YOU TOO (🫨 anon)
I literally have never heard of her before (ASIDE FROM THAT ONE VIRAL TIKTOK AUDIO) but listening to one of her songs... I MEAN HE DOES LIKE SEX SONGS.. listening to some song by arianna one time that had me screaming into a pillow... AND HE WRITES GREAT LIKE SELF-CONFIDENT (?) BOPS (Hit... Super...) ITS VERY POSSIBLE I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED
i feel like it would be really hard to tell when someone is close...
I would marry all of you??? I am literally ready to get married right now??? Let's go???
there's something to be said about white venicular like... It can be so good and funny to say, I used to love 20s slang. Like Hoover was president... people were drinking giggle juice... that shit was the bee's knees !
GALLAGHER GIRLS IS ACTUALLY A BOOK. A TEEN BOOK ABOUT THIS GIRL CAMMIE WHO GOES TO A SCHOOL gallagher academy! that is a private all-girl's school for spies. The first book is pretty good but in the SECOND book you find out that there is also a all-boy's school called Blackthorne Academy AND YOU MEET MR. ZACHARY GOODE HIMSELF.... bro... the books kinda evolve past silly little teenage drama among spy kids who don't know how to be normal and get more serious but my favorite part about my time in that fandom... is that... in the books there are four main girls: Cammie, Macey, Liz, and Bex and all of them have blackthorne boys that we all shipped them with EXCEPT Macey. She had a different love interest cause she is like the daughter of a politician or... something and so her love interest in the books was kinda a lamo nerd and NO ONE LIKED HIM SO ONE PERSON CREATED ONE OC WHO LITERALLY DOES NOT EXIST IN THE BOOKS AND WE ALL ADOPTED HIM. I think his name was maybe Nick? But completely made up. And we all wrote him the same and everything I miss the good old days....
BUT anyways I won't be crazy about doctor who and supernatural but just know I AM crazy about them... my beautiful amazing hyper-fixations.
Doctor Who, a man who stole a time and space travel machine and ran away to save people across the universe just being eccentric and getting up to all kind's of hijinks? Yes. IMMEDIATE YES. The doctor is so funny and relateable and his character is so heavy it just gets me going
AND SUPERNATURAL I am a dean apologist and destiel shipper till DEATH Destiel was the first gay couple in a show I shipped, but like those first few seasons the horror anthology-esque feel of the show is just so fun
WHEN IT COMES TO FANFICS I LIKE WRITING UHM.... uh wow I don't know actually. Anything that will get two characters into a long-relationship kinda fast. Like fwb to lovers kinda? I am kinda good at writing fwb these days LIKE that's like all I write BUT I CAN WRITE ANYTHING I LOVE REQUESTS THAT ARE A BIT DIFFERENT THAN WHAT I USUALLY DO
BRO WHAT THE FUCK. He's playing you... HES A PLAYER. FORGET HIM. BLOCK HIM (i'm just kidding) but also booo him. Get you someone who will treat you right....
I will not go much into it because my stress is making me a little crazy and I'm being a bit crazy these days but in defense of my friends who are all mad at me it's fair. They're mostly mad because I'm hanging out with three different groups of friends and Groups A and B I've been close to the longest and really judge me for hanging out with Group C but I work with Group C the most now and... idk it's a lot. I'm sick thinking about it...
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zorua-gaming · 1 year
Chapters Twenty Four through Twenty Six
We’ve made it to the end! (Also I cry a lot.)
Wait what? How is red Alear here as well?
Was NOT expecting time travel to be part of this.
Hold on, need to write down these details for my Engage dragon fam headcanons (and I guess ocs). So, one older brother drowned; one older sister burned alive; little sister and little brother torn apart by the Corrupted.
Also HOLY FUCK THAT ONE. That must be why the Corrupted unnerve Alear.
I love the way red Alear is talking. Idk how exactly to describe it, but you can tell they’re traumatized from what happened to their siblings and trying to prove themselves to Sombron and that they’re trying to hide their emotions.
Ooooh, red Alear red Marth duo!
Alear, why are you shocked to see Zephia? You just deduced that we were in the past.
Oh XD are we about to have Marth on Marth?
Red Alear can just cause avalanches without meaning to? Does this mean ice powers? ADD THIS TO THE LORE/POTENTIAL HC&OC PILE!!
Also forgot to mention that this is the first time this game that we’ve had a lose condition based on how many turns have passed.
God, those battle dialogues between past Alear & Alear, as well as past Alear & Veyle, ARE SO *gestures wildly*!!!
Okay, but since those feels kinda paradoxy right now, how would it be that the shard is intact again when past Alear eventually becomes present Alear? Maybe I’m thinking too hard about this…
Veyle, what are you hiding?
Wait what? LUMERA?!
Okay, but I thought only Veyle could make Corrupted as perfect as this, so wtf is going on here?
Love it when I have a question and then the game immediately answers it.
Damn, Lumera kinda theatric here; neat that she has hobbies even in death /j
I’m literally in tears rn, they make me so emotional
Don’t mind me; gotta go cry over that cutscene. The parallels, THE PARALLELS!!
Damn, did Alear and Marth just get married? They promised to protect Elyos together forever.
Wait, what do you mean you can’t stay and help us build a peaceful world? Marth, you just promised forever!
Final battle time!
What about if all the Emblems are engaged with someone when the portal closes?
Wtf is Zero Emblem? (He’s probably gonna tell me in a second.)
Cool story, bro. You’re still an asshole who kills your own children if you see them as defective.
Also just gonna make a note that he called it the Emblem of Foundations.
How did the Emblem just leave the ring? Did this bitch really in all this time never try to resummon Emblem Zero?
Love this hype-ass Emblem role call.
OOOOH NEW ONE FOR THE LIST!! “Connect us, Fire Emblem!”
Love that Sombron was like “patricide, really?” and Alear shot back with “filicide, really?”
Why does the model for Sombron’s dragon form get so up in your face when you attack him? It’s kinda funny.
Okay, so he DID try to resummon this Emblem.
Gonna add “Burn us, Emblem of Foundations.” to the list too.
Well, if Marth is about to disappear, then we gotta make out before he does.
“I hope you make an Arcadia of this land.” ROY 🥺🥺🥺
Alear and Chloé got so many MVPs. Truly a power couple.
Also shout-out to that one time Clanne got MVP.
Why does the beginning of this music sound like Lost in Thoughts All Alone? Is it gonna be a remix of past FE songs?
Angsty Queen Céline fics when?
Dang, Ivy is still remembered even after Alear has passed on? That’s gotta be a LONG fucking time.
Teacher Goldmary fics when?
Ooooh, Gradlon Queen Veyle!!
Love this ending song. It’s the same tune as the opening, but different words. Gonna have to listen to it again later to catch all the lyrics.
Okay, so we still have the rings. Good.
What did the end of that cutscene mean? ARE THE EMBLEMS BACK?!
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threeletterslife · 2 years
....hi :)
I didn't realise a whole month had gone by 😭 school started in august and I've been feeling like shit lately, so I just didnt want to come on tumblr. I was in a state where I felt like crying... pretty much all the time.
BUT I am doing much better now so I'm back!! I missed yoongi and y/n and I thought today's finally the day I read the chapters I've missed. I'm so, so sorry for disappearing out of the blue. I felt so bad about it, and I always meant to stay up and read it at night but I was so exhausted I fell asleep right away.
I'll try to come back to tumblr regularly again, though I can't promise anything. Fingers crossed!!
Now, back to my lovelies :( i missed them
(I'm going to read chapter 15 for now)
Oh, it's so cute how she still cares for him even though she knows nothing about him. She's worried that he might not have moved on, oh sweetheart :(((
Doyun my LOVE I missed you too mUAH <3
These dreams are starting to frustrate me too, I can only imagine how y/n feels. Like, why NOW of all times?? Leave her and yoongi in peace so they can have their love story 😭😭
Doyun's being practical with her advice, I like that. As a hoarder myself, i hate letting go of shit whether it's memories or physical things, but eventually, sometimes you just... have to. It's better than spending your time being frustrated about it
AHHH the world building, those little stories and fairytales I love it
Minhee :( Doyun, sweetheart... I want to hug her :((
I already knew yoongi was always a sweetheart, but this just confirms it. I love hearing stories of when people were kids, it's just so sweet and it tells you so much about a person
"Badmouth his family and he'll get furious" why do I feel like this is foreshadowing 💀💀 y/n's going to say some stupid shit about his mother or brother and they're gonna fight, I'm calling it
Y/N SWEETHEART CALL YOURSELF A BOTHER ONE MORE TIME I FUCKING DARE YOU just you wait until I get myself into your world I'm going to give you the biggest, sweetest hug you've ever had
Bro all the symbolism and connections with the solarian lore, it's so cool
Please why do I relate with y/n's thoughts so often. We're the same kind of messed up-
I love the way yoongi and y/ns thoughts practically mirror each other, they're always thinking similar things and they're both so cute-
Yo he finally straightened his posture. All you need to say is "yn was talking about you" and the mf straightens immediately-
NO yoongi so WHAT if she's darlarean you son of a bitch (I say this while because I can't put all my thoughts down in writing. Part of me is sympathising with him while the other part is screaming at him, my brain is a very jumbled mess doing two things at once)
It's so funny, they have such sweet thoughts then immediately try to justify them in entire paragraphs full of half-assed logic, just say you're whipped and go 😭😭
Hwayoung really does sound like y/n, it's so cuteRiding off towards the sun??? Y/n, babe, this is your reincarnation I'm sure of it
CHANA baby great job as always <333 ill try to read chapter 16 soon when I need to procrastinate from doing my homework
I love you <33333
well, hello there!! i'm sorry you were in that mental state, but it's great to hear that you're fine now :)) don't be sorry about prioritizing your health! i definitely took a break from tumblr as well—things have been pretty hectic at school, so i haven't had as much time to look on social media
ahh yes OC has such a kind heart 😭😭 she be feeling bad for a STRANGER. but then again, is he really a stranger? she def feels guilty for not feeling anything for someone who she should be feeling something for LOL
LMAOO "Leave her and yoongi in peace so they can have their love story" PLEASE. ALSO WBK DOYUN KNOWSSS SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING
and yes i very much agree. it's nice to hold onto things, but sometimes you also have to learn to let things go. it can feel more cathartic that way
omg yes i love hearing childhood stories. i totally agree; it really says a lot about a person ngl
eheheheheh it's gonna take a while until she calls him by his name :)))))
i don't want to keep you away from your homework! thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me!! as usual, i really really enjoyed reading through all of your reactions LOL. have a wonderful rest of your day <33333
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jowrites · 18 days
When the Dahlia sings Her Song - 5. Everyone was born to be...
TW: Mentions of death, physical abuse, mental illness, depression, anxiety, parental death, verbal abuse, mute disorder, mentions of sex, some smut(in future), cursing
Strangers to Lovers. Lee Heeseung x F!OC(I like giving names).
Masterlist Here. Prev. Next. Jo's Masterlist Here.
taglist: @enhabooks
Heeseung doesn’t know how much time he stood there next to Kai, but the two of them just got lost in each other’s presence. A very comfortable silence was between them where Kai only wrote down things if she needed, and if had any questions about specific flowers he’d ask. She took him outside in the back where there was indeed this courtyard, it was filled with flowers in bloom and a nice koi pond around the area. Kai explained to him that the flowers there were flowers that only bloomed at night. She showed him Moonflowers, these flowers called Angel’s Trumpets which lived up to their name of falling down like a trumpet, but his favorite became the Evening Primrose-the Oenothera to be exact. 
The two of them just admired the flowers around, and when Heeseung looked at her he could swear she was speaking to them. The way she flowed like the flowers in the wind, the way her movements drifted just as theirs did. He never once took a notice in floral things at all, but now he felt he could appreciate them. He realized just how important a flower can be, just by its meaning alone can mean a lot to someone. Kai reminded him of the Dahlia, how its elegance and grace presented itself, just like she did. She always described it as ‘kind’, and he can only describe her as the kindest, most gentle soul he has ever come across. He never wanted to leave.
Suddenly, Gyuri came out interrupting him from admiring the woman he wanted to be near forever, her voice breaking him out of his thoughts and he couldn’t help but be annoyed. He looked over at the woman, an annoyed expression on his face as she sighed to them.
“Uhm, your friend is drunk.”
Jay was, indeed, drunk. 
Heeseung and the others stood over a very drunk Jay and Sunghoon, both holding each other and singing a random song Heeseung could not recognize. They held paintbrushes in their hands and had paint on part of their clothes and faces. They laughed and laughed some more. Heeseung groned, face palming in frustration. Great, now I have to deal with this.
“Hee, this place is,” Jay stopped as he gurgled to himself. “Amazing.”
“This place is a hotel, right?” Heeseung asked Jake.
“Well, not exactly,” Jake scratched the back of his neck.
“This place is literally called ‘Hotel Juliet’, and you’re telling me it’s NOT actually a hotel?” He started to get agitated. 
He felt someone tugging his hand and he looked down and immediately softened at Kai’s expression, her eyes looking up at him, pleading but also telling him to calm down. He wanted to kiss her right then and there.
I’ll get your room ready, just give us about 10 minutes.
“T-thank you,” Heeseung whispered, never breaking eye contact with her as she smiled and walked off with Gyuri.
“When will Heeseung look at me like that? WHEN WILL YOU LOVE ME LIKE YOU LOVE HER!?” Jay stood up grabbing Heeseung’s collar.
“Bro, calm down!” Heeseung pushed him off as Jay continued to fake cry.
“You know,” Jay slurred. “He’s in lurve! It’s why we’re…here.”
“That’s so funny!” Sunghoon pointed and laughed at Heeseung.
“Oh my god,” Heeseung pinched the bridge of his nose. “Do you have water or something?”
“Uhm, yeah, here,” Jake handed him a water bottle to which he handed one to Sunghoon too. “What does he mean by ‘in love’?”
“He’s being stupid, just ignore him,” Heeseung said as he tried getting Jay to drink, who proceeded to drink and spit the water out in his face and laughed. “I am going to leave you in a field alone and you’ll have to find your way back, asshole!”
“No, you like Kai. Anyone with eyes can see that,” Jake laughed. “Let me tell you a thing, you’re not the first.”
“What do you mean?” Heeseung stood tall, frowning at Jake.
“She has many admirers, but she’s extremely different,” Jake shrugged.
“Yeah, don’t have to tell me twice,” He sighed. “She’s really…neat.”
“‘Neat’? Okay,” Jake chuckled. “If it makes you feel better, I think she likes you too! Don’t tell her I said that though, she’ll kill me.”
“Wait, what?” Heeseung asked, but just as he said that the girls came back interrupting their conversation and trying to help Jay up who ended up passing out beside Sunghoon on the floor.
He watched everyone try to gather the boys as he stood there stunned. It took him a while, Kai having to kick his shin slightly to break him from his trance, and he suddenly began to help. They led him up some stairs where a hallway was and the first door on the left was open. They ushered them into that room and placed the two on the bed, Jay only continued to snore. The 4 of them stood  shaking their heads and resuming to exit. Heeseung couldn’t help but notice Kai behind as she placed some medicine on the side table with water for each of them, before joining him and closing the door. Her acts of service were not left unnoticed for him.
Kai seemed to care for everyone around her. She was extremely silent in her actions, but even the littlest actions, Heeseung couldn’t help but be a big deal. He has never been around people who willingly did things for each other because they wanted to, without wanting or asking for anything back. When they all went back downstairs and to the flower shop, Jake sat down behind the counter, where a small sofa was. Heeseung felt out of place as the others began normal conversation, laughing and smiling with each other. Kai was signing things to them and they were laughing and signing back. Heeseung started removing himself, walking towards the door at a quick pace. He didn’t know why but he felt his breathing get heavy and he started feeling dizzy. He has had panic attacks before but it’s been a while and he needed to get away before he had one in front of everyone. 
He ran outside, quickly catching his breath. He leaned up against his car, closing his eyes and doing his best to count to 10 to control his breathing. He didn’t even know why he was panicking, but just being there and seeing everyone so…happy, made him suddenly uncomfortable. Was he way over his head? They were all from completely different worlds and Heeseung couldn’t help but feel his jealousy build up. They all seemed so carefree, meanwhile he had so much weight on his shoulders. He felt a small tap on his shoulders and quickly gasped, startled and standing straight jumping up and turning to face Kai, who looked just as startled.
She looked worried, looked as if she pitied him, and that was the last thing he wanted.
“No, don’t pity me. Don’t look at me like that.”
She shook her head, holding her hands up in defense as she began to write.
I don’t pity you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.
“Why? Why do you care?”
Why shouldn’t I? 
“Because I don’t deserve it! I don’t deserve anyone caring for me!”
Everyone deserves to be cared for. Everyone was born to be loved.
Heeseung broke down then, right there in front of her. She took him into her arms and hugged him closely. It took him a while before he took his hands and gripped her sides, sobbing into the crook of her neck. Why was she so nice? What was she doing to him?
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evansencezz · 1 year
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⚱︎ ⚱︎—SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL— Autum Candell—⚱︎ ⚱︎
notes: oh my god, angst overload, holy shit, average ginger, mental illness, gore, blood, murder, non-cannon aroace autumn, help bro, girlboss autum, she/they pronouns, twin sisters, fucked up autumn, refrenced death insentences, PTSD, untreated mental illness, revenge, anger issues, stressed out autumn, vicous cycle, i feel so bad for her, flashbacks, trauma, actually okay family ig, atleast compared to my other ocs, immoratal??autumn, revenge plot, guns, knives, afraid of heights, afraid of drowning, shes still sexy though, nice tits, lots of murder, mainuplation, yanderes, bondage, theres like one fluff scence and its not even that cute, choking, half-mute autumn, mechanic autumn, i like mechanics, fashion desginer autumn too, why not, lots of fight scences, autumn being alone, no one gets her. so emo, lashing out, very non-touchy autumn, extremely traumatized autumn, yet she still slays, smoking, drinking, a little flirting but nothing serious, autumn hates men, refrenced towards toture, YEAH.., beating the fuck out of someone, autumn dies like alpha, time loop, popular autumn, sort of simaliar to suimuki bc i love both of them, horror, slasher, major character death, rlly sad ending.
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Autum sighed as she stitched up her arm, just another wound. Her apartment was empty, filled with only herself.
“Died again?” She questioned herself.
It was strange, usually she could remeber how she died. Or atleast make sense of it, but no. She just practically woke up to herself stitiching.
“Fucking hell..” She scofffed, finally ending the stitch by pulling up and sinching it.
When she dropped the needle, the rest of the thread attached to it came out. She cut it off and poked around at the still somewhat gaping hole in her arm
They dug their fingers into the flesh right above it, frustrated.
“How did I mess up again?? All I want is to..” She hissed.
All they wanted was to be viewed as an actual person. People adimired them for their looks and personality. They didn’t even bother to try and help them or look deeper.
It was funny, she had always been treated kindly by other people. What if the ginger had been ugly, or more mean??
Obviously, they would hate her then, right?
She darkened her eyes before swiftly standing up off of the couch. Her long hair followed her movements, unrestrained by a hairtie or anything.
She looked out at the city of Valentino, loud. She would have some way to make a name for herself, even though most people just knew she just kept coming back.
Of course there was the regular person stummbling across Autumn’s body here and there. Terrifed when she shot up and gasped for air. They always had a look of horror when her emerlad eye connected with theirs.
She grunted and moved to her kitchen. Might aswell make coffee before moving out, right??
Some people might have called her insane for still going out into the world. For living her life, as painfilled as it was.
Once the coffee was brewed, she took a cup and poured it into it, then she sealed it with a lid. Her phone, that was sitting on the counter lit up with a message.
‘hey autumn! i’m outside of your place, ready to hang out?? im really exicted, we haven’t seen each other in so long!’
They grimnaced, Summer. Summer was their older sister an awfully nice girl. So naive.
They placed their cup to the side as they picked up the phone. A photo of them and Summer was the profile picture she had set. A stinging feeling filled their upper chest and they clentched the photo tighter.
“God damnit.” They hissed.
She blinked and slowly texted a response. Meanwhile, the taller ginger looked around the area. They were currently outside of the complex, and got brushed by a few people.
They blinked in surprise but a wide grin formed on their face as they read the message Autumn had sent them.
‘yeah yeah, i’m coming relax’ was all it said.
The older didn’t feel the need to respond, so she didn’t. She also flinched when she noticed someone infront of her.
“Hey, arsenic.” The younger sister greeted.
Dark green eyes immeditally glanced up from her phone. She made immediete eye contact with Autumn.
A soft yet exicted smile formed on her face. The younger looked as she always had. Her ginger hair was in a low ponytail now, tied with a green ribbon.
She also had lots of scars alinging her body, one missing through her right eye but don’t damanging the eye itself. She also had a scar on the left side of her neck in the shape of a lightening bolt.
In all honesty, she did look like someone who had been through way too much.
“Autumn!!” Summer shook her head and quickly hugged her sibling.
The other returned the embrace, all be it lighter. When both of them pulled away the other girl got a good look at what they were wearing. A tight fitting shirt with straps that showed..skin.
Like Summer had mentioned earlier, they had bruises, scars and shittly wrapped banadges around areas. The color of the top was a basic marrow bone colored besige with a skelton desigin.
Autumn also had on low waisted jeans that were a deeper gray and with a belt. Finally, with black combat boots, she looked nice.
“It’s good to see you again.” The younger said.
The taller beamed and moved back a little.
“I could say the same! You look..well..?” She questioned.
The younger twin scoffed and shuffled her feet slightly. Her eyes seemed to dart to her feet for a second before back to Summer’s.
“Just tell me I look like shit.” She blurted out.
The other blinked a few times before laughing. It was nice to see that they honestly knew that they weren’t in the best condition.
“Ah, good to see you still have that same humor! Anyways, wanna’ hit up a cafe’ before we fuck around?” She giggled before smiling with her eyes closed.
The ladder simply nodded. They had that sinking feeling in their stomach again, so they tossed a glance over their shoulder. No one else was there, stop being paranoid Autumn.
“Hey?” They were surprised and tensed when a soft hand shook their shoulder.
Their dark eyes connected with slightly brighter ones. A grin formed onto her sisters face and she made a follow me motion.
“Come on, I know I’M suposed to be the ONE visting YOU but I looked up a really cute cafe’!” She explained.
Autumn wasn’t really listening, merly humming. The two walked on the sidewalk, finally out of the compelx area in the full city of Valentino. She noticed people pausing what they were doing to get a good look at her.
Her sibling must have noticed her posture change, as they cocked an eyebrow.
“Does your presnce really radiate that many looks??” They questioned.
The ginger simply grumbled and scowled. She absoutetly despised it, she hated it so much. Why did everyone have so much want and lust towards her?
She would never wish this fate on anyone else, this was exactly why she burdened it. She would weigh herself down if it ment keeping Summer and every other person safe. No matter how many times she died.
Then again, she was currently restarting from a death. It would only be soon enough till some creep made his disgusting move.
“Sooo..I’m assuming no boyfriend or girlfriend?” Her sister asked, keeping pace with her and leaning to the side.
The emerlad eyed girl didn’t have to think about it. She barely had any romantic attraction anymore. Anyone who she had ever dated turned out to become obessed with her and wanted to take her.
She blew out a puff of air and shook her head.
“No..nothing like that.” She answered.
The ladder simply hummed before perking up when a cafe’ came into view. A rather large one at that, Autumn also looked up.
“Ah, here it is!~” She sang, walking faster and opening the door.
The other grunted and shuffled inside, the other female following. There was actually a good amount of people looking at them when they entered.
“Fucking annoying..” They scoffed.
Summer didn’t even look at the people and kept a naive smile on their face. They wished they could keep that naive nature for themself. They were jealous.
They were cut off by someone brushing past the said older sibling and towards them. It was a male, of course it was.
“Hey, sweetness. Aren’t you a cute LITTLE thing?” He cooed towards them.
That intense revenge and hatered towards people like this Autumn had built up crawled into their being again. Maybe they were a sociopath, maybe they didn’t like any people..
But these..PEOPLE..were the most disgusting.
“Not intrested.” She simply replied.
The man seemed to have a reaction towards this, his eyes narrowing. He had short, red hair that looked oddly soft and dark blue eyes.
“Oh yeah? What, this your girlfriend?” He spat, glancing towards her older sister.
The taller burst out laughing while she made a disgusted face. This guy could go hang himself for all she cared, he was vile.
“Twin sister, thank you.” Summer flashed a closed eyed smile.
He grunted and flicked his eyes back towards her.
“Why aren’t you intrested?? Is it because I’m too much for you?!” He agressivly asked.
The long haired female flinched when his large hand grabbed her lower arm and raised it. She quickly scowled and tried tugging it away, he didn’t move. By now, a crowd had formed around them.
“Hey buddy! Get off of them!!” The other ginger dropped her smile and glared at him.
Autumn only narrowed their annoyed eyes further and..
“Get your fucking-!” They started while finally getting free before grabbing him and kicking him harshly in the side.
A round of cheers greeted this and she almost smiled. Then, she grabbed the man by the hair, seeing as he had doubled over.
“DISGUSTING perverted hands off of me. Honestly, that’s sad. Oh, and you have a wedding band on?? How..vile.” She spat before harshly letting go of his hair.
She backed away and glanced towards her sibling. They blinked a few times before making a face and a signal. Autumn made a confused expression before turning around.
Loads of people had their phones out and were recording. No one was helping the male on the ground though, everyone was fawning over her.
“That was so awesome!! What’s your name?!” A male with brown hair and brown eyes asked.
She was about to answer but the crowd of smiling and cheering people came closer. She honestly felt bad for the cafe’ owner.
“Your so pretty!! Do you have a partner?!”
‘WHATTTT?!!’ She thought in her head, recoiling.
All she did was show that disgusting pervert his place. And that wasn’t the first time she had done that. either. The girl had also been sweeped into crowds of ‘fans’ before.
Her older sibling quickly stepped in, smiling nervously at all the people.
“It’s nice to meet all of you, I’m sure! But we must be off!~” They waved before tugging the shorter by the wrist.
They both zoomed out the door, leaving everyone dissapointed. The man, still on the floor groaned.
“I..I could sue!! That..she ASSUALTED ME!!” He complained.
Silence covered the cafe’ before..
“Shut up.” Someone threw their empty, paper cup at them.
It hit the top of his head and he grunted. He looked around to who it was.
“Hey?!! What the-!?” He was cut off again.
“YEAH!! GET OUTTA’ HERE!!” More people threw stuff at him and he yelped.
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“You were so hot back there! Maybe you’ll blow up, become a fugtive!” Summer panted
The other orange-nette rolled her eyes and looked behind her. They were both currently sitting on a fountains edge, water behind them filled with a statue and pennies.
“Please, I dobut it. Actually no-that might happen actually. Knowing my reputation with..’fame’.” She started but thought about it more.
“Pfft- anyways, maybe you should take me to your favorite spot, yeah??” The other snickered before tilting her head and smiling.
The former squinted at her, that was the thing about Summer. She always had a relaxed smile on her face, and was so nice to everyone. She hated that she pushed her own sister away.
“Am..am I mean to you..?” She hestiantely asked.
The brighter eyed girl blinked and rubbed her eyes. Sje simply scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Are you? Sometimes, yeah. But it’s not a bad thing.” They answered.
She looked at them before embrassingly turning away and mummbling something. She dug her fresh nails into the rim of the fountain and scowled.
They didn’t like this sudden feeling that dwelled inside of them. Fear? Softness? Whatever it was, they wanted it gone.
“Autumn? Hey!” They shook their sister by the shoulder.
The said person snapped out of it and looked shakily at the others face. They had a concerned expression on, only natural. Only natural, but still annoying.
“Or we can stay here if you’d like? There seems to be somethin’ bothering you.” They reassuringly smiled.
Her nails dug further into the fountain and she hissed. Was she bleeding by now? Probably.
“Wha-Autumn?! Come back please!” Huh?
The female hadn’t even relized she had gotten up and had started walking away. She tried to pause her movements, but it was like she was being dragged to go somewhere.
Her older sibling had gotten up and this cued the others body to start running. Yes, she had lost control of her bodily funcontions once or twice, dropping a plate when her hand went numb, or something else.
But never..THIS..
“Autumn!!” They faintly heard their sibling call after them but they turned back towards and just sighed.
Maybe they were trying to burn off this annoying feeling that had rised in their being. It was that annoying fury and anger towards everyone and everything.
They halted at a crossroad-slightly winded. Some people raised an eyebrow and they only glared at them. They adjusted their posture and glanced towards the button.
“God..” Autumn glanced behind her into the walking crowds but coudn’t spot Summer.
The light turned green and everyone moved along, including her. She only eye-twitched and ran a hand through her hair.
She followed along with the crowd, still checking her phone here and there. It lit up multiple times with the call singal from her sister. She simply ignored it though.
The ginger quickly found another cafe’, one she had been to multiple times. She didn’t order anything though, she simply sat down and laid her head on the table.
People were probably looking at her strangley, she cracked open and eye and just say a couple people peeking glances at her. She lazily made a two finger wave before slumping over again.
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“Autumn??” A blonde haired girl leered over the orange-nette.
The person, who was zoning out with their cheek in their head perked up. They glanced towards her, before humming.
“Hey, Nari! What’s up?” They closed eyed smiled.
The other seemed to be pleased with the attention but looked away. She glanced towards the door before back towards them.
“Your..boyfriends..here.” She answered.
The former perked up, like sat up straight and smiled wider. Micheal, her boyfriend was so nice, not to mention cute! Ah, she could feel herself getting flustered.
“Thanks Nari! I can always count on youuu..~” She grinned and kissed her friends cheek before skipping off towards her boyfriend.
Meanwhile, Nari Jeong placed a hand on her cheek, feeling weak. God, only if they knew the hold they had on some people. She watched as they smiled and leaned towards their boyfriend, also kissing his cheek.
Ah…her cheek now felt colder.
“You’ having a good day so far, baby? You seem more happy then usual.” The taller of the duo grinned down at them.
“Yep, now it’s even better because your here! I love you..” They cheered before kissing him.
Micheal wasn’t easy, he didn’t always kiss back. He didn’t always call her nicknames, or tease but it was okay. It was okay because they were still together.
He grunted and gently kissed back before easing her down. She still had that wide smile on her face, and he closed his eyes.
“Your so cute darling.” He breathed out.
It was true, everyone in the school adimired her. From her near ginger hair, that was slightly tied back by the white hairband on her head. Or her cute freckles around her face.
The girls scoffed and her cheeks turned a light pink. So cute.
So cute but too easy..
“Ugh, stop! Could you be anymore cheesy?” She sarcastically asked.
The brown haired male only snickered before raising an eyebrow.
“Probably. But you like it, don’t you??” He inquired back.
She simply grumbled something before jolting when the bell rang. Micheal leaned back slightly, grin still on his face.
“Better get to class, slacker!” She teased before being caught off guard when he connected their lips again.
They closed one, green eyed on reflex before softening and kissing back. It was always nice when he decided to shut them up.
However, quickly after he snickered again and pulled away. They cracked their eyes open and huffed. He quickly picked his bag off of the ground and ruffled their locks of hair.
“See you later, Aut’!~” He cooed before walking away.
They groaned, slumping over again. Only to tense when multiple people ran towards them.
“AAAAH-Your so lucky Autumn!!” A girl with pink hair and brown eyes sighed.
The emerlad eyed girl only raised an eyebrow with a now more tense smile on her face.
“You think so??” She questioned.
Another person, a girl with white hair and green eyes spoke up.
“Uh, yeah!! Micheal is so dreamy, not to mention you!” She gawked.
Autumn could only laugh nervously and play with a strand of hair. There were other popular couples though, right??
“Autumn! And the rest of you, get to your classes please!” Someone broke the crowd up.
She glanced towards them, it was Mars. The rest of the crowd yelped in slight fear before scampering off. She smiled geinuley at the navy haired girl.
“Thanks, Mars! They were sort of..” She trailed off.
“Holding you?? Yeah, I noticed. You should be more honest with your..fans?” She sarcastically answered.
The orange-nette only sweat-dropped before nodding. She entered the classroom along with Mars and prepared for another easy-going day.
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The female gasped slightly as she awoke, still in the cafe’. No one was near her, but some people spared a longer glance of confusion at the loud noise.
She muttered something before standing up and rolling her shoulder. She also cracked her hands and strecthed them out before trying to walk out the door.
She was stopped though, by a black haired man. He had fluffy, yet frizzy looking hair with alot of pirecings. He also had black eyes and a grin on his face.
“Hey, I think I know you. Autumn Candell, right?” He asked.
She was immeditally on guard about this, she hadn’t told anyone her name..her throat seized slightly. Oh god, was she going to be able to answer?
“I..I..” She hoarsely said.
Fuck that, her throat closed tighter and she knew she wouldn’t be able to speak. The shorter of the duo wondered how she would be able to communicate.
“Hey, are you alright? Oh! I’m so sorry! Your probably wondering how I know your name?” He relized.
She blinked a few times, was this guy insanely smart or something? Hell, maybe even a mind reader.
They nodded and he placed a relaxed grin on his face.
“We went to the same highschool. I’ve actually been looking for you..” He answered.
‘Oh.’ They thought. ‘That last sentence isn’t creepy, AT ALLLLL..’
“…” They looked around for something before sighing and opening their phone.
They typed something on it and practically shoved it in the male’s face, making him back up.
‘looking for me??’ It asked.
He beamed and nodded, unsettingly. The long haired girl lowered the phone some to get a better look at him.
“I’m so happy to see you again! You probably don’t remeber me, so my name is Michealis Garcia.” He introduced.
She didn’t think about it much, well, her first reaction was to type something in jest.
‘a bit long-winded, wouldn’t you say?’ it sarcastically read.
She also squinted her green eyes at him, Michealis Garcia? Wasn’t that the leader of the football team? Ugh.
He laughed before leaning towards her. She visibly grimanced.
“Ah, have you became even more funny?” He grinned.
She grimnaced more and finally took a good few steps back. She pinched the bridge of her nose for a second before typing something else.
‘i would hope so? anyways, see you.’ she quickly flashed before practically zooming out of the cafe’.
The black haired boy frowned as his eyes followed her until he lost her. How annoying. He narrowed his eyes before joting when someone nudged from behind him.
“Excuse me? Your blocking the door.” They bluntly said.
Michealis just moved aside and watched as they nudged the door open with their elbow. This was due to them carrying a large box with a smaller box on top.
The door closed again and he sighed deeply before walking out of the store aswell. Hopefully Autumn hadn’t wandered too far.
Speaking of, the said person was weaving through the crowds again. Maybe they should just call Summer while they were at it. What time was it again??
They glanced down quickly as the merly clicked the on button and saw the time, 2:00 PM. So as much for hanging out right? Oh well, they were going to be in the city for a couple months.
Maybe the younger should have felt worse, but she really didn’t feel anything. She just kept walking before finally sitting down at a open bar place.
They had bar stools, on the open side-walk and the open bar also faced outwards. It wasn’t crammed, like there was just a random bar jammed into the crowd. It was off to the side like all the other shops.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender asked.
The orange-nette simply cleared her throat and leandd forward. Hopefully her voice was back by now.
“Uh..do..do you sell uhm..like white wine by the bottle.? Along with wiskey?” She asked.
Yeah, the girl liked to down some hard whiskey and wine. And even better was mixing them, which was probably bad for her gut.
“Whiskey and wine bottles?? I can do that, but first I need to see an ID, of course.”
Autumn was really jumpy all of the sudden and flinched slightly. The worker seemed slightly concerned, furrowing their eyebrows. She quickly shaked her head though and found her ID.
It was the only real thing, that well, provded she was real. That’s why she was sometimes scared while she was stabbing a guys vocal chords out, what if she got caught?? No dobut the court of law would look for her legal documents.
“Alright, here you go.” The bartender handed them back ther card and they shoved it in their bag.
They shuffled and flinched immensly when someone slid into the seat next to them.
‘HOLY SHIT’ they yelled in their mind, ‘CAN I NOT GET A FUCKING BREAK?!’
They spared a glance towards the person next to them, only see..
“YOU?!!” They blurted out.
The man laughed, Michealis. His demenor didn’t seem to change, however it was kind of creepy he kinda’ followed them here.
“Yeah, me! You surprised?” He laughed out.
The former made a face and he snickered slightly. Could the bartender be a little quicker?!
“Soooo..did I wear you down so much that you needed a drink??” He questioned.
She slumped over the counter slightly, arms crossed on it. An exhausted expression of annoyment rested on her face.
“Yep. So, go away now.” Drop the plesentries, creep.
Michealis seemed to be taken aback by this, blinking a few times. Before the same smile, but smaller rested on his face. However, his eyes noticeably shrank and dialated.
“Oh, sorry! Did that bother you?” She lazily glanced at him before picking up the two bottles of acohol and stepping down from the seat.
Before the bartender could even say anything about pay, she formed into the crowd. The black eyed male quickly followed after though and somehow fitted to walk beside her.
“Why are you being so rude to a previous friend? Didn’t your par-!” He rather agressivly asked.
They chuckled under their breath, typical. Pull out the parent excuse of manners and be an asshole.
“My parent’s were acholics, and not good people.” She smiled up at him before glancing towards the bottles.
Autumn had a hunch of what was going to come out of his mouth. And they weren’t responsible for what came of it, if he had the guts to say it.
“So..like you??”
“…” There it was.
The girl somehow manged go grab him and swiftly push him into a alleyway. A few people seemed to notice, but they just glanced at the acholoic drinks in their hands before losing intrest.
“Wh-hey!! Awfully fucking handsy!” He grunted.
The shorter stayed silent, swaying before swiftly digging their thumb under one of the corks of the drinks and opening it. They took a pretty good swig before sighing.
“You know, I usually don’t do this sort of thing. Only to people I need revenge on or I knew hurt me. And the-the funny thing is-I don’t even remeber you-AT ALL!!” They stummbled over their words, laughing slightly.
Michealis took a few steps back, glancing behind him every now and then. The long haired girl sighed again and came closer.
“God, you could’ve been such a nobody if you just kept your damn mouth shut. But no, you decided to be gross and come up and talk to me.” She spat.
The black-nette switched over to have fear in his eyes. Was she seriously demented?! Was she actually going to hurt him?!
Oh no, she wasn’t going to hurt him.
She was going to make him suffer.
In all honesty, her current thoughts were all jumbled up. Flashbacks and images from her past clouded her vision and didn’t help with the emotions she felt.
“Please! I’..I’m sorry..!” He aplogized.
And it clicked.
Now she knew exactly why this Michealis guy was all over her. He’s the one who found her body once it hit the ground at school. And yet he didn’t get someone to help, he just stared at it for probably twenty minutes before walking away.
“Your kidding me..” She whispered.
Why didn’t he help her?! Prehaps he could’ve broken the cycle right then and there! Then they wouldn’t have to fucking die over and over again.
“Ha..Ahaha!.. I know exactly who you are now.” She lightly laughed.
She came even closer, now the taller wasn’t able to move any further back. Her right eye darted all around his face before the other remained steady. Pretty creepy.
“Your the guy who was too much of a coward to report a body. Your the guy who practically was a eye-witness but didn’t say anything.” They hissed.
The ladder’s eyes widened as his ‘secret’ was revealed. Honestly, just how despreate was he?? It was really gross.
“Now I can’t feel bad about getting rid of you.” They mummbled aswell.
They tilted the white wine bottle and chugged it back quickly before doing the same with the whiskey. A probably painful display for most people, but it placed a wobbly grin on their face.
“Please..I’m so sorry Candell..” He tried one more time.
Her smile immeditally fell and she slammed the white wine glass into the wall beside her. This made a shattering sound and it became jagged.
The pine eyed female leaned over him, one hand messing with the weapon. An distant look was painted on her face as she spoke:
“Pray to some other god then.”
And with that, she brought the glass down on him. He screamed violently, but knowing the people of Valentino City, they wouldn’t even spare a glance. Blood quickly standed everything, slightly coating her face aswell.
She yanked the bottle that she had inlodged in his stomach out. Then, she grabbed him quickly by the head and twisted it slightly so she could stab the glass in his throat.
He screamed again but it was quickly silenced with noises of him choking on his own blood. The ginger watched as he reached towards her but went slack.
After a few moments, Autumn glanced down towards the weapon in her hand, her eye twitching.
“I seriously just wasted a good bottle of wine on you?! Talk about annoying..” She hissed, tossing the bottle back towards his slumped over body.
Blood was everywhere, on her face and hair. And espically on her clothes that now had spots just completly red.
They glanced down at Michealis’s body one more time before swiftly pinching the bridge of their nose. Whatever, they would just walk in the alleyways so that people didn’t get concerned.
They also glanced down towards their clothes and scowled.
“I fucking liked this shirt too..prick.” She complained before walking away.
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“I’m very sorry, but I haven’t seen anyone who looks like that..” A woman answered.
Summer sighed and lowered her phone. She had tried calling her younger sister over a dozen times now only to not get an answer. She eventually started asking people on the streets.
“No..No it’s okay..I’ll find her eventually..” She reassured the woman, smiling softly before walking back into the crowd.
Of course, Summer wasn’t stupid. She didn’t go up to drug dealers, sex workers, or other people randomly asking where the fuck her sister was.
She instead, gravatated towards the friendly looking people. They were rare, but it was still surprising the amount of people she had asked.
Maybe it was the photo, the girl clicked open her phone and looked at it. It had Autumn with a surprised expression as they looked up from what they were doing.
It was still visible how many scars they had. The former scoffed and turned off the phone.
Jazzy music played throughout the streets as the sun lowered. It was now 4:00 PM and of course it was getting dark.
They faintly remebered the person they were looking for to stay inside at night. Of course, this peeked their curiousty, but they weren’t trying to be another victim.
A victim of what exactly?? Well, of the series of brutual murders that were going around. Men and woman turned up dead left and right, some had their throats cut out. Some had seviere bruising, just what exactly was this person doing to them?!
The person had to be serverly messed up, the victims bodies proof of that. It was like the bodies were the person taking out their mental state out on them.
The orange-nette grimnaced at the thought of becoming a victim. Yet, that was probably on everyone’s minds. This person was clearly a danger.
They blinked a few times, why were they so focused on this?? Autumn was more imporant!!
The older sister groaned softly and passed a crosswalk. She also flinched when someone slightly came up behind her.
“Summer??” A voice called.
It was medium toned, so she couldn’t tell who it belonged to. She turned slightly and saw bright blue eyes and soft blonde hair around a pretty face.
“Nari?!” She walked slightly backwards.
Nari was also aquaintated with the older sibling aswell. They had met once or twice, the older noticing how she was attracted to her sister.
“Ahaha..it’s nice..to uhm..see someone from highschool..” She softly laughed.
The same heighted girl raised an eyebrow at this. The nari she knew was much more..upbeat! Not extremely, but enough to be considered atleast mellow.
But the one walking behind her had eyebags, a thinner face, along with a sort of exhausted and almost wretched vibe coming off of her.
“Are you okay?” It slipped out.
The blonde blinked a few more times in surprise before smiling nervously.
“Oh..uhm..yeah just uh..tired..say!-do you want to eat somewhere? Or atleast talk??” She looked away before snapping back to them.
The green eyed female placed a lop-sided smile on her face and nodded.
The duo pulled to the side and quickly entered a shop. It wasn’t a cafe’, it just looked like a store where you ordered food.
“Do you want anything? I’ll pay.” Nari questioned.
The green eyed girl glanced at the menu and squinted. She leaned forwards before turning towards the other.
“I’ll take a veggie’ sandwhich with choclate milk.” She bluntly answered.
It looked like the other tried not to laugh as she gave her order.
“Veggie’ sandwhich with choclate milk, really??” She replied.
The ginger only blew out a puff of air and shook her head.
“Please..that’s why your somewhat shorter then me.” She smirked bitterly and leaned a little closer.
The blue eyed girl raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah? I think we level out though..” She simply said before turning away.
Summer smiled lightly, the other girl seemed more relaxed now. She could faintly hear her ordering some food before flashing a grin at Summer and making a ‘c’mere’ motion.
“Here.” She softly said before siting down.
They blinked, Nari always had a sort of soft beauty about her.
“Woah..” The other let out, getting a better look at her face.
As they said before, she defentily did look older. But she still had the cute freckles, and almost clear skin.
“What?” The said girl spoke up, a knowing grin on her face.
That was another thing about her, her eyes always scrunched up in joy from her smile. Sometimes her nose also scrunched up.
“You just look..simaliar to how you did back then..” They said slowly.
The blue eyed girl sitting across from them laughed. Her eyes closed and she held her cheek.
“Ah, charming, however..no matter how long it’s been, my heart still belongs to your sister.”
The older blinked a few times, eyes wide. Seriously?! Why was everyone chasing after their sister today?!
“Seriously?! You still want to date her?!” They gawked.
Nari was about to answer but an order name was called as she got up. She quickly walked over and picked a tray up before smoothly walking back and sorting the food.
“What can I say? Autumn has posion. Sure, she might be different now. But she still has that..aura about her..” She described.
The ginger only grunted before stabbing a straw into her choclate milk.
“Well, I have no idea where she is..” She mummbled.
The ladder had her sandwhich raised to her mouth before pausing. She lowered it slightly as she glowered at her.
“What do you mean?? You didn’t move here?” She questioned.
“Oh no, I’m just here visting Autumn. I’m also living here for a couple months.” She shurgged and took another chug of her milk.
Nari Jeong didn’t say anything for a while before completly setting her sanwhich down and staring at her. One hand held her cheek while the other tapped its fingers in a rythmatically way.
“Living here while the murders are at a peak..that’s sort of risky, don’t you think??” She asked.
Summer couldn’t help but agree. Yeah, it was risky. When Summer gave the driver where she wanted to be dropped off at when she first arived, he made a face.
“Yeah, but you live here too.” She answered before taking a bite out of her own sandwhich.
The long haired blonde leaned forward, fingers digging into her cheek. The mood switched suddenly, it seemed like she was on edge.
“Mm..hey, is something wrong?? You seem..tense..” The former spoke through their mouthful, kind of gross.
Nari sighed deeply and took a long look at the others face. What would they say if she spoke about what she thought was right? She wasn’t a dectective or anything..
But these crimes were unatural, the attacker had to have some mental stuff going on. There’s no way the female across from her did it. Even if she was mentally ill.
This person clearly was driven by motovation, by anger. By greif, by whatever THE FUCK. All of these people..were victims..
And they all went to the same highschool she did.
“Nari?” Summer brought her back.
She couldn’t take it anymore, she had to say it. They could get mad, hell, maybe even give her some crude words.
“I think your sibling is the one causing this murders.”
“…….” As soon as she said that, everything went pitch silent.
It was like both of them stopped breathing, their sandwhich held in their hands froze. Their expression blank as they took this in.
“What.” They blurted.
It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. A demand for the yellow-nette to explain just exactly what the fuck was going on with her head.
“Yes, I think Autumn Candell is the murder. Surely you’ve noticed it by now, haven’t you?” She contuined, gulping.
The other candell sibling only stared at her with bland eyes. It was like they were going through the possbilties in their head.
“That they’re all people we went to school with??” She finished.
Summer sat the sandwhich down and came dangerously close to Jeong’s face. This made the blue-eyed girl sweat-drop and lean back.
“Look, I don’t know what your fucking problem is. But if this is another fucking joke of an excuse for me to tell somebody more about my sister, I’ll add you to the body count. Stay the fuck away from me and Autumn.” She vemonsly whispered.
As soon as Summer stood up and harshly turned away, the other female grabbed her wrist.
“Summer-Summer!! Please just-just wait a second! The killer might be suffering from some mental illness, like PTSD! It could be anything really, aren’t you concerned?!” She tried to stop her.
The bright eyed girl whipped around and practically tore her arm away from the other. She scowled at glared down at her.
“So your saying Autumn has PTSD, now? I wouldn’t dobut that. But like I said, I want you out of here.” She hissed.
“So Autumn does have PTSD??” The younger whispered.
Green eyes only seemed to fuel with more disgust and irratation. She yelped when hands curled around her shirt, dragging her closer.
“So what if they do?! You gonna’ add that to your insanity theory, huh?? God, your a fucking physco’.” They said before roughly letting go and storming out the door.
Once she got her barrings again, she reached a hand out but she was too late, she always was. She glanced towards the shop owner but they were busy and had headphones on.
“Damnit!” She scowled.
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“Nari??” Autumn called out.
The blonde flinched slightly and turned towards her. It hurt looking at her, she was so pretty. You could practically put a halo around her and it would fit right in.
“Ah, yeah what’s up?” She turned her attention to the shorter.
They smiled at her and handed over a box. It was neatly wrapped and had a blue ribbon ontop. She looked up and raised an eyebrow as they nervously laughed.
“Happy brithday..?” They said, a small tint of pink covering their face.
Ah that’s right, it was her brithday, wasn’t it? She grinned and looked at the cat wrapping paper.
“Thanks, I apperiacte it.” She spoke.
They grinned back and leaned forward a little. Nari Jeong couldn’t help but notice the ring on their left hand. A pretty emerlad green.
“Well?! Open it!~” They nudged.
The slightly taller girl only smiled wider and opened it. She blinked a few times before slightly squealing.
“Ah!! No way!! A smiths album?!” She freaked out.
Autumn smiled with her eyes closed and backed away a little. She was happy the other liked her gift. Even if Summer had told her to go with a Cars album.
“You’ like it?” She rytorchically asked.
The yellow-nette held the vinyl album closer to her and innocently smiled.
“I love it so much! How did you know I loved them?” She beamed before leaning forward.
The green eyed girl blinked a few times before tensing and blushing. Her eyes darted anywhere but towards Nari.
“Uhm..lucky guesssss’..???” She drawled out.
“Summer told you, didn’t she.” She deadpanned.
Autumn laughed even more nervously and blushed harder.
“Sorry! You just don’t talk about yourself much!” She apologized.
The other simply shook her head before sitting the vinyl down on her desk. The shorter nervously glanced at it, was she mad??
“Come here..~” She mummbled before grabbing her and leaning down to kiss her cheek.
She pulled away swiftly, grabbing her things and leaving the Candell sibling by herself.
“Ugh..” She groaned, grabbing her own cheeks, annoyed.
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Autumn was silent as she sat ontop of the roof. She blacked out again and even more blood was on her clothes. She assumed she was on the rooftop of the old school.
Funnily enough, this was the same place that started everything. All her murders and deaths. She blandly looked down.
Jesus, to think they fell from this height. In the distance you could see lights and buildings blink and wink at you. She scowled and ran a hand through her hair.
Was it just her was she feeling light headed all of the sudden?? The bloody killer decided to get up anyways and swayed before panicking.
“Stop it.” She leaned away from the edge but it felt like she was slipping.
Her breath picked up and her eyes zoned in on the ground. Jesus, was the ground suposed to be looking that close?!
“Stop it stop it..” She breathed.
She scowled and pushed herself to sit down on a bench. Why was it like her body was pushing herself to the ground. Why was it like the rooftop wasn’t straight?!
“Fucking..” She trailed off, leaning her head back.
They flinched when the heard footsteps on the roof. Who exactly?? School was out and no one should be up here.
“There you are..” A raspy voice said, sounding like they had cried.
The ginger immeditally tensed and whipped around. Their eyes searched around frantically before landing on a person. They had blonde hair and big eye bags.
“What are you doing?” The voice asked again.
Autumn swiftly stood up, body still facing the person.
“Better question, what are YOU doing?” She repeated, bitterly.
They laughed a little more before sighing, they came a little closer. The orange-nette squinted before pausing.
“Nari Jeong?!” She blurted out.
The long haired other female smiled in relief. Yeah, it was her. She didn’t know exactly how she ended up here. Maybe to reminse.
“I didn’t actually think you’d be here..consdering and all..” She trailed off.
Autumn scoffed and backed away a little more. The ocean eyed other looked a little worried.
“I’m not scared.” She spat.
And true, she didn’t look scared. No, she looked angry. She looked frustrated and annoyed.
“Just..WHY are YOU here?!..” They tried to yell but it cancelled out at some points.
Nari Jeong frowned and looked away. She should’ve knew better, that they were angry. They were frustrated and tired.
“I know you killed them, Autumn..” She mummbled.
A gust of wind blew by, blocking her from seeing their face as their hair blew infront of it. The blood on their clothes soaked and coated the air with it.
“Can you fucking blame me?” She blandly questioned.
Yes, yes she could.
“Your actually killing-!!” She was cut off by them angrily grabbing their hair.
The taller was geniuley taken aback by the hate in her eyes. It was pure, veomn, hatered. She had enough.
“You’ve always been fucking annoying. What, you about’..you about’ to fucking confess your love for me or something?! Damn right! Because everyyyyyyoneee’ JUST FUCKING LOVES AUTUMN FUCKING CANDELL!! HAHAHAHA-?!” She contuined.
“Instead of being a constant fucking pain in my ass, you could’ve helped! But no-your here! And annoying as fucking EVER.” She hissed, grabbing the ladder by their collar.
The girl stared at her with shaky eyes. Jeong leaned away and paled slightly.
“Stupid.” She simply whispered before pushing her back upright.
The blue eyed girl blinked before furrowing her eye brows. There was something seriously wrong with her..maybe it’s because she didn’t get proper help.
“Autumn, somethings wrong-!” She tried to start.
“What, with me?? Well, no fucking shit Nari! You wouldn’t lose your mind after dying five times over?!” She sarcastically asked.
The female frowned deeper and took a few steps back on her own.
“I..I just want to help..”
“Right. And what good do you think HELP of all things will do?” They quickly replied.
In all honesty, she didn’t know. She was just saying stuff at this point, did they know it?? Probably.
“I…don’t you remeber..?” She stummbled over her words again.
Green pine eyes shifted back and forth in confusion.
“Remeber what?”
“Us! Us, Autumn!” Her voice cracked as she quickly caught them off guard by grabbing their face.
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“Hey, Nari!” The ginger grabbed the other girl’s attention swiftly.
“Hm?” She hummed.
She shoved something into her hands, she was tempted to think it was another gift. But when she looked down, it was a coat.
“I’m going up to the roof to meet Micheal, he wanted to talk about something..can you hold this for me??” She explained before leaning forward.
She didn’t seem the way her friends hands twitched or her hands. Nari could only flash a closed eyed smile.
“Sure. I’ll wait for you.” She simply said.
The former breathed out before grinning. She quickly waved bye before heading up to the roof.
When Autumn opened up the gate to the roof, they were greated by their boyfriend in all his glory.
“Ah, there you are my love.” He noticed.
She placed a giddy grin on her face and walked over. They quickly tucked a piece of hair behind their ear before leaning closer, hands behind their back.
“Hey, Micheal! What do you want to talk about-!” They started.
“Nari Jeong.” He cut them off.
The shorter blinked a few times, posture going a little stiff. The dark haired male raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?? You don’t think I’m THAT dense, do you?” He questioned.
She glanced away for a second before furrowong her eyebrows.
“Micheal, what are you talking about? Nari and me are just friends.” She firmly asked.
He only rolled his eyes, scoffing. He leaned back and stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking away aswell.
“She doesn’t seem to think that.” He scoffed.
The younger quickly scowled and came a little closer. Micheal immedtially backed up some, whistling.
“You think I’m cheating?” She whispered.
The taller didn’t answer, eyes darting away. She scoffed out a laugh before running a hand softly through her hair.
“I’m not cheating, Micheal.” She hissed.
The dark eyed male seemed to have enough as he grabbed her shoulders.
“Just shut up, Autumn.” He groaned before kissing her.
The gesture was unwelcome, as they quickly moved back. They narrowed their green eyes at him.
“‘Just shut up, Autumn’?? Who do you think you are?” She angirly questioned.
“Uhm?? Your boyfriend?” He laughed.
She scowled again and took off her headband, undoing her hair. Her emerlad eyes flicked back and forth.
“Your not my boyfriend. Your not acting like the man I fell in love with.” She bit.
The brown eyed male blinked before bursting out in laughter. The ginger took a quick glance behind her before glancing back towards him.
“Uhm!- News flash, darling, men change. I’m not that sweetheart, sappy and somewhat flirty guy you fell in love with!” He sarcastically said before reaching towards her again.
She swiftly moved back again and frowned.
“What’s wrong with you?! Stay away from me!” Her voice cracked.
Why did this hurt? Why did it feel like her heart was breaking in two?? Why was he acting so lustful?!
“Please..stop..” She whispered.
He didn’t, he only came closer. Now both of them were practically on the edge of the roof. There was no gate protecting from one of them falling off.
“Autumn, I love you..you know that, right..?” Micheal asked.
The long haired girl glanced down before quickly back up.
“Do you?” She mummbled.
“Yes.” Air, whipping through her hair.
She was falling, why? She could feel her body lose control as her eyes stared up at the roof she had just been on.
She blinked before screaming. It was too late, her body had flipped around and she was facing the ground now. The ground had never seemed to threatening.
The ground was something to ground you, as it were. But when you crashed into it, it was scary.
They could faintly hear commotion going on, people stopping in place and then..
It was sickening to hear, even to Autumn’s now fading hearing.
“AAAAAAAA-!!!” Multiple people screamed, some running away, some standing shocked.
Their body twitched in reflex, but they closed their eyes. Funnily enough, they didn’t really feel any pain. Rather more then confusion.
Didn’t..didn’t Micheal say..he loved them..?
Ha, shit..their brain was failing them now..
Well, whatever….people would probably mark..mark it as a..suicide or..or something..
And all went silent.
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“Stop it, stop it, stop it!!” The now present time girl clutched her hair again.
Nari Jeong took this chance to quickly move her away from the edge. She flinched though when they practically fell over themself, on the ground.
“Get away..get away from me..” She whispered, laying her hands flat on the ground, hair blocking her vison.
“Autumn..hey..” The lighter eyed girl cooed.
The shorter flinched away and dug her nails harshly into the flooring.
“Stop it..” She repeated.
There was nothing Nari Jeong could say or do to bring them back. They were stuck in their own memories. Maybe for a couple minutes, maybe forever.
The blonde bit her lip and looked away. What was she suposed to do?? She could easily end all of this, turn them into the police.
She glanced back towards the Candell sibling and bit harder.
Fucking hell..
She quickly took something out of her bag and wrote something down on a small piece of paper. She carefully slid it underneath the other female.
Through her haze of mind, and well, tears, Autumn’s breath hitched. A pale hand right out of the corner of her eye slid her something. It fell right under her chest and she looked down.
‘Hi, my name’s Nari Jeong! What’s your name?’
0 notes
Mark, after Jean-Luc offers to defect to him:
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Tagging @hey-its-zezzy because no one else is going to understand this
#i can just imagine how fuckface mcbastard and douchebag mcshitlord met#mark: ah it sure is nice to be able to enjoy my coffee in peace with the knowledge that the gawain alliance hasn't existed for 400 years#jean-luc materialising out of a bush in all his rat-like glory: are you sure about that#true friendship is plotting to murder 1000 people with your mortal enemy#everyone lowkey hates jean-luc because he's from the gawain alliance originally but hey the bossman gave him money so it's chill#and then he just gets locked away in a prison for 16 years after his daughter gouges his eyes out#where did it all go so wrong?#(it was the murder)#this must seem really weird to everyone who has never had the misfortune of hearing me blabber on about my ocs but i cant help it i love thm#mark and jean-luc had such a good villain bros(tm) dynamic tho#like for some inexplicable reason mark actually likes this sorry sack of human flesh? maybe because he's vile#but yea everyone hating jean-luc and being freakishly loyal to mark is so funny#random gac member: why must jean-luc be in all these meetings can we not get rid of this human incarnation of a rubbish bin pls#mark: no. the rubbish bin is right. he is now rubbish BOSS#jean-luc: ah yes. this decision was in no way shape or form a bad one#jean-luc has such a weird backstory tho#'my wife's sister started going out with the leader of my clan's son and every time i saw him i was so overcome with rage at my own lack of#personal power that i betrayed our whole alliance to the inescapable mega-alliance obsessed with killing people they don't like andconspired#to destroy the one remaining rebel alliance and so i poison the leader whose son i was friends with and became better friends with our#mortal enemy and murdered everyone i once held dear only to be captured by the raid by my pissed-off sister and have my eyes gouged out by#my daughter so i wouldn't be able to see anything i could betray to the GA anymore. so anyways i'm betraying them to the GA again after 16#years of imprisonment how was your day'#it sounds really weird when you say it out loud but fuck it#hey wait isn't jean-luc just a really edgy tory
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Nine-pt1) (Final)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 13.6k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, protected sex, jealous!oc, sensual touching, dry humping, oral (female rec.) face riding
Notes: The end is finally here! But no worries I will most likely do drabbles for you guys:) Thank you SO much for reading this story and sending so many loving comments. Enjoy this last chapter of ‘Always You’ and feel free to send me an ask to chat about the story, I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @hsneptune @betysotelo18 @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @bunnyjeonjk @surfacesanity @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19 @hardcarrykookie @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
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Jungkook stares into his bathroom mirror and sees and feels nothing, absolutely nothing. He looks into his eyes and see nothing behind them. He tries to smile, but falls short. Does this have anything to do with the fact he told you he loves you but you completely misunderstood him? Yup, it probably has everything to do with that.
But Jungkook also feels like shit. He let his feelings become too overwhelming in the moment that he totally and completely forgot he has a girlfriend. So, he is almost glad that you most definitely thought he was just telling you he loves you like one normal friend to another instead of him confessing his deep and passionate feelings towards you. Yup, totally glad.
So, now he looks into the mirror and actually does see and feel something: Shame. Guilt.
And regret. Regret is written all over his face. Not regret because he told you he loves you, no. Regret that he didn’t tell you 4 years ago how he feels. Even if you didn’t feel the same he thinks he should have had the courage, instead he slept with you like a fucking idiot. But that is something he can’t get himself to regret at all…he just can’t regret that amazing night he shared with you.
“Bro! You have been in there for like ever dude, I gotta take a piss!” Jungkook hears Nick from the other side of the door, his insistent banging going completely ignored by Jungkook.
“Seriously man, I will pee in the fucking sink!” Nick threatens and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah man, I’m coming.” He looks into the mirror one last time before taking one deep breath and turning towards the bathroom door.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Jungkook says as he opens the door with Nick already pushing past him.
“Fucking finally!” Nick doesn’t even bother to shut the door behind him as he quickly approaches the toilet to release himself.
Jungkook walks into his room and pulls out his phone as he sits on the edge of his bed. He goes through his message threads, his fingers hovering over your name when he gets to you.
It’s been a few weeks since the trip to your parent’s house. He had such an amazing time. That Saturday your mom cooked one of her famous homemade meals…something Jungkook hasn’t really had in years. Your dad would casually slip in the word ‘son’ in conversation, making Jungkook’s heart glow. You laughed and talked and cried and just looked so at home the entire time, like all your worries were vanishing.
He knows you’re struggling with what to do…but going abroad? Were you serious? You mentioned it to your parents too while there visiting and they loved the idea…making Jungkook’s heart sink. They just encouraged you more while you were there…telling you it was such a fun, and great idea and that it totally suits you. This only made you feel more motivated…Jungkook could see that.
Jungkook wants nothing but the best for you…he just wants you to be happy. Your happiness is his happiness but how could he survive if you left? How could he go a day without seeing you? Or worse…a week? A month? A whole fucking year? He went three months without you and he spiraled pretty bad.
Jungkook continues to sit here, his fingers right over your name and he clicks it.
Jungkook 8:14pm
I have a cold beer with your name on it
y/n 8:21pm
:( I cant hang tonight, sorry boo…im hanging with yoongs and tae. You can come by if youd like to?
Jungkook 8:22pm
No no its okay, you have fun :))
Jungkook brings his phone to his chest, right over his beating heart and he sighs out in frustration. Why can’t everything just be easy? Why is everything so complicated?
“And I will be the youngest curator they’ve ever had at this museum!” Tae finishes proudly, cheering his wine glass with yours and Yoongi’s.
“That’s so amazing Tae.” You bring your glass back to your mouth and take a gulp in his honor.
“Proud of you, kid.” Yoongi smiles fondly at Taehyung and you can’t help but also feel very proud. Taehyung got offered the main curator position at the museum of art downtown and you three are at the record shops cozy corner celebrating.
“Anything else new going on?” Taehyung asks, he eyes both you and Yoongi. “Like, any new love interests? Job offers? Juicy drama? Literally anything.”
“Nothing from me.” You laugh, you and Taehyung look over at Yoongi who is sipping his wine with the biggest blush painted on his cheeks.
“Yoongi?” you pry. “Did something new happen with you?”
“Well…I wouldn’t really call it news.” He begins shyly, “But I maybe met someone.”
You and Taehyung share a look of shock and excitement.
“Wait dude, you mean like a romantic interest?” Taehyung asks, setting his glass down on the table.
“Yeah, like you have a crush on someone?” You smile at Yoongi and his blush deepens.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” he admits, “But they’re really nice and have been coming in the store every week and we sort of just end up talking…and they asked for my number—”
“This is definitely a romantic interest!” Taehyung basically shouts. “Did you give it?”
“Yes…” Yoongi takes another sip of his wine, his eyes sliding to the side. “Did I mention they’re cute?”
“You in fact, did not mention that.” You say with a grin. “I’m happy for you Yoongs.”
“I think I’ll ask them out, what do you guys think?” Yoongi whispers.
“I think that’s a great idea man!” Taehyung basically shouts again and you laugh.
“I think I really admire you for going for it…” You sigh. You wish you had that kind of courage.
“You know…” Yoongi sets his wine glass down, and turns in his seat to face you, “It takes a lot of bravery to open up to someone…it takes a lot of strength to admit when you’re wrong and to admit when things aren’t going right. It takes real courage to open your heart to someone like, romantically. You’re like, the coolest human being in the world if you can do those things.” Yoongi folds his hands out in front of him, he bites his lip as he thinks.
“y/n…you don’t have to be some sort of super human.”
You tilt your head in confusion…you thought Yoongi was going to a place where he tells you to go for it too.
“You shouldn’t always be the one doing things. Others need to form the courage too. You’re worth it. You’re worth that risk…that you may not feel the same. Trust me, I would know.” He chuckles light heartedly. “I think he will come around.”
“I don’t know about that.” Taehyung cuts in. “I want to believe he will but…” Taehyung looks over at you with pity. “…He’s…” Taehyung doesn’t know what to say without spilling anything so he decides to let the words die on his tongue.
“To be honest with you guys…” You reach for your glass of wine and chug back the remainder of what’s in the glass rather quickly before slamming it back down on the table.
“New Year’s Eve.” You say. “Four years ago. Something happened. Something major, he…”
“Four years ago, New Year’s Eve?” Taehyung scrunches his brows together as he tilts his head. “Wait something happened between you two?” you only nod your head at Taehyung’s question.
“Did Jungkook say what he wanted to say?” Taehyung asks with big eyes, completely shocked, this is news to him. But now it’s your turn to tilt your head in confusion.
“Say what he wants to say? What are you talking about?”
“Huh? Uh,” Taehyung guesses it’s not what he’s thinking. “It’s nothing. So what happened?”
“We slept together.” You blurt out quickly, giving yourself no time to regret it.
You hear Yoongi chuckle from beside you and you snap your head in his direction.
“What? What’s so funny?” you ask.
“You thought I didn’t already assume that? That you two haven’t already slept together?”
“Damn,” you say, “Observant as usual.”
“WAIT WHAT?” Taehyung sputters out, quite fucking loudly.
You guess Taehyung isn’t as observant.
“We got kind of drunk, kissed at midnight and went back to his dorm and you know…”
Realization hits Taehyung hard. When Jungkook was pissed about the fact Taehyung slept with you it wasn’t just because he was some heroic friend. It was also because Jungkook has already had you and he knows he doesn’t like to share. Fuck.
“Holy fuck, y/n.” Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment, “Wait, and you guys didn’t talk about it after? Didn’t he have something to tell you perhaps?”
“What are you talking about? He totally brushed it off. So I got bitter and didn’t talk to him for a month. Now we just…I don’t know, we just…I feel like we are more than friends but less than lovers.”
“Makes total sense.” Yoongi adds, “You two are that but more than anything you two are complete and total idiots.” “Well, that we can agree on.” Taehyung grins.
It’s the middle of December meaning it’s time to do your Christmas shopping! You, Trina and Holly are at the mall perusing around and trying to find the perfect gifts.
“Let’s do what we always do y/n.” Trina bumps her elbow into your side, with a smile on her face.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You respond.
“And what do you two always do?” Holly asks, feeling a little left out.
“Oh you know, we agree to no presents.” You say, “One less person to stress over, that’s our gift to each other.”
“Wow.” Holly deadpans, “You guys are so lame.”
“Or are we geniuses?” Trina asks with a grin, she walks closer to Holly and links arms with her, “But don’t worry Hol, I am getting you something.”
“Good.” Holly says, a shy smile making its way on her face.
“Me too!” you say trying to include yourself. “What would you like anyway? Just show me and I’ll buy it for you!”
“That takes out all the fun in gift giving.” Holly pouts, “It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
“Ah, fuck.” Trina spits out, “I suck at gift giving. Just tell us what you want.” She whines.
“No!” Holly laughs. “Look, I’ll be back.” She gestures towards her left, “I gotta use the bathroom.” She waves at you and Trina and walks away.
“Dude what am I going to get Holly?” Trina asks you, her frustration as clear as day. “It’s got to be special.” She adds in shyly. Special? Now’s your time to finally ask her what is up with her and Holly.
“Why special?”
“Oh you know.” Trina’s sheepish grin gives her away. “I don’t got to say it, when you know.”
“Fair enough.” You laugh. “Oh!” you point towards the window of one of the stores to your right, “You see those mugs? Let’s go check them out.”
“What why?”
“Christmas gift.” You say simply.
You both walk towards the glass window and eye the mugs, there’s a whole bunch but there’s a mug with music notes all over it and you’re reminded of the record shop and your two friends. You walk inside and grab three of them. Yes, three matching mugs for you, Yoongi and Taehyung. Even though Taehyung doesn’t drink coffee, he can still put whatever beverage he wants inside.
You pay for the mugs and have them wrapped in Christmas paper! You got some of your first gifts done with! Now you need to find something for Jimin, Jungkook, Holly and your parents. Crap, should you get something for the rest of the boys too? You’ll be seeing them on New year’s…maybe you’ll get them all scarves. That’s easy.
Jimin is easy, you know he’s been eyeing this channel necklace for far too long and you happen to be able to afford it for him. Jungkook isn’t easy at all. So you go with something simple, a new pair of chunky black boots that he’s been talking about for months. Your mom gets a necklace with her birth flower and your dad gets tickets to his favorite sports team…cheap tickets, sorry to your dad. Holly loves penguins so you find a cute penguin pin for her purse, you think she will love it.
Shopping takes almost the whole day, you, Trina and Holly are seated in the malls food court sipping on a smoothie.
“I am so freaking tired.” Holly leans her head on Trina’s shoulder as she speaks.
“Me too, girl, me too.” You respond. “But Christmas is soon!”
“Are you guys excited about going home?” you ask.
“Yeah, my parents promised they would take me ice skating like when I was a kid.” Trina chuckles.
“I’m excited too! What about you y/n?” Holly lifts her head from Trina. “What are you doing for Christmas?”
“Going home, of course. I’m bringing Jungkook with me.” You admit with a soft smile, “My mom and dad love him, they practically beg me every week on the phone that I bring him.”
“You guys are such a couple.” Trina rolls her eyes playfully.
“We’re best friends! He doesn’t have parents to spend it with so he’s coming with me, is that such a crime?” you say lightly.
“No, no. Of course not.” Trina rolls her eyes again. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys get together during your trip.”
“Need I remind you he has a girlfriend?”
Jungkook slides his dick in and out of Vanessa as she clenches around him, he holds her body up as he fucks her from behind. He’s been at it for a while but…
“I’m going to come!” She moans out, “Please tell me you’re close!”
“I—I” Jungkook tries fucking her faster and harder as she comes undone. But Jungkook is still trying, he’s fucking struggling. He screws his eyes shut and thrusts into Vanessa at a fast and hard rate but nothing is working.
“Sorry…sorry.” Jungkook begins to slow down, “I can’t. I just can’t” He admits, totally defeated. He’s tired. He eventually comes to a stop, and pulls out.
“I’m sorry Vanessa.” He says quietly, “It’s not you, I promise.” His voice is hoarse.
Vanessa stands and walks to the bathroom to clean herself up, when she returns she sees Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his pants back on.
“It’s okay, Jungkookie.” Vanessa’s smooth voice doesn’t waver as she speaks, “It happens.”
Jungkook runs his hands down his tired face before looking up at Vanessa, his eyes slightly watery.
“This isn’t fair for you, I should be able to fucking come.” He grits out. “At the fucking least.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“How are you so calm about this? Hm?”
Vanessa sits on the edge of the bed next to Jungkook, she breathes in and out before raising her head to speak to him.
“He wants to get back together with me, you know.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at her words. She couldn’t be talking about her ex, could she?
“It’s okay. I said I no. Somehow I feel okay.” She smiles at him, it isn’t one of those coy or secretive smiles she mostly hands out but a real genuine smile.
“I think I just feel good that he wants me again but now I have the upper hand, you know? I’m the one with power.”
“You told him no?”
“And not even because I am supposed to be your girlfriend…but because I decided I need to respect myself. You’re right…what I was doing…it wasn’t healthy.” She admits, she shakes her head to rid herself of her bangs that keep falling in her eyes.
“I…I’m proud of you.”
“I want to be proud of you too.” She whispers.
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing,” she says quietly, “You’ll see eventually.”
“What does that me—”
“Let’s take a small break.” Vanessa tilts her head to get a quick look at him, “Just until New Year’s.”
“We just need some time to like, miss each other? You know?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “You mean, break up?”
“Just a break. But technically yes, we aren’t together in the meantime.”
“Why?” Jungkook stands up, “We can make this work Vanessa.”
“Please stop.” Vanessa says more sternly. “It’s what I want. Just until New Year’s.”
Jungkook paces back and forth with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He doesn’t understand why she wants this? Because he couldn’t come? All because of that? He stops pacing to stare at her and she’s already looking up at him with a sickingly sweet smile.
“Fine.” He says. “If that’s—that’s what you want.” He clears his throat and tries smiling for her, she all but nods her head.
“You ready?” you ask Jungkook when he walks up to your car. You came to pick him up, insisting that you drive this time.
“Yeah.” Jungkook shows you his bunny grin and you melt, you love that smile of his. He sets his bag in the backseat and walks over to the passenger door and sits down inside.
“I’m excited to spend Christmas with you and your family.”
“Oh, it’s going to be a handful. You’ll be meeting my grandma, some aunts and uncles and some cousins of mine.”
“And I cannot wait.” He repeats. “Do you have my Christmas present here in the car?” he smiles cheekily, “Just give it to me now.”
“Yeah, right. You have to wait until tomorrow dummy!”
“Hey, don’t call me a dummy.” Jungkook pouts. He leans back in the passenger’s seat and closes his eyes.
“Hey, you’re not thinking of taking a nap are you?” You reverse your car out of the parking spot at his apartment.
“Maybe.” Jungkook snickers from beside you, “If you don’t want me falling asleep, tell me something interesting.”
“I think I want to work on getting a TEFL.” You blurt out, “To you know, teach.”
Jungkook’s eyes stay shut as he processes your words, he thinks to himself carefully—he can’t react negatively. He can’t.
“That’s nice, y/n.” He settles for. “You’ll like it.”
“That’s it?” you twist your head to look in his direction, he opens his eyes and stares at you for a few moments.
“Eyes on the road.” Jungkook closes his eyes again.
“Jungkook…you aren’t sad I might be moving away for like, at least a year?” You grip the steering wheel tighter, “You know I would be leaving right?”
“What do you want me to say y/n?” Jungkook opens his eyes and leans forward, “Want me to tell you no? That you aren’t allowed to leave?”
“Well…no. But you could act like you care a little.” You whisper out in pout.
“I do care.” Jungkook huffs, “But I just want you to do whatever makes you happy.”
“You make me happy.”
Jungkook quirks a brow and smiles, “So, you want to do me?”
“Gross,” you reach over and hit his arm. “You know what I mean. I just…I mean I value your opinion.”
Jungkook’s smile begins to fade as he stares at the cars floorboard. He zones out for a few moments, not entirely sure what to say. While it is true he wants you to do whatever makes you happy he also doesn’t want you to go anywhere.
“Do what’s best for you baby.” He all but whispers. “I will believe in you and support you no matter what.”
“I guess I’ll take that for now.” You whine. “How’s work going for you?”
“It’s good.” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “The director is letting me edit some pretty important scenes.” He gushes. “I brought my work stuff so I can show you over the next couple of days.”
“Yeah? That sounds exciting Jungkook!”
You finally merge on the high way for your few hour trip, you got your ‘Chillin’ playlist on and a few snacks on hand. You and Jungkook chit chat every so often but you mostly jam to the music.
“Let’s listen to Disney radio station!” You hand Jungkook your phone, “Hurry, put it.”
Jungkook takes your phone with a grin and selects the Disney option on pandora, the first song to come on is Lion King’s ‘Hakuna Matata’. You and Jungkook sing your hearts out, smiling, giggling and belting out the notes.
A couple hours pass like this, your throat getting admittedly sore. But Jungkook on the other hand is still going strong, he is singing all the parts in ‘Kiss the Girl’ with such passion…you can’t help but chuckle as you listen to him.
“Phew, I am worn out!” you say, laughing. “But I see you can keep going?” you turn the volume down.
“Oh, we can switch it up…but to answer the question you know I can keep going.” He winks. And you know he meant that innocently but you can’t help but blush.
“Right.” You hand him your phone again, “Our trip is almost over…you can just put on a playlist.”
“Are you excited to see your parents again?”
“Well, I just saw them last month…but yes.” You admit, “Being home is always nice. My parents have been bothering me for weeks making sure you are actually coming with me for Christmas.” You chuckle, “They’ll be glad to see you.”
Jungkook grabs a hold of his ears in excitement, you can tell he’s genuinely happy as he sits here and smiles that smile.
“I’m glad to see them too. And I am excited to meet more of your family.”
“There will probably be misunderstandings…but don’t worry, I will make it clear we are just friends.” You nod your head as you speak. Jungkook just shrugs in response, just fucking shrugs.
“Isn’t that your house up there on the corner?” Jungkook points forward towards the house.
When you pull into the driveway your parents are making their way outside, they smile at you and you wave from inside your car. You turn it off and turn to face Jungkook.
“You ready?”
“Yes.” He grins.
You step out of your car and your mom and dad are rushing to bring you in for a hug, they hold you close and you feel yourself feeling right at home. You begin to pull away and head towards the backseat when your mom grabs your arm,
“You two can get your things later—before bed, before bed.” She guides you towards the house, “And hello, Jungkook.” She smiles widely, “So nice you are here again! Let’s go see everyone!”
“Yes mam.” Jungkook says with a small smile, he walks forward and shakes hands with your dad.
“Nice to see you again, son.”
“Yes sir, you too.”
“Stop being so formal!” you look back at him, teasing. You and your mom walk to the front door, waiting for your dad and Jungkook to catch up.
The four of you enter the house, it smells like pie and cookies and warmth and you know, like Christmas. You hear the chitter chatter of your relatives filling the house and you want to smile. You can hear your cousins gossiping in the kitchen, you hear their children playing in the backyard (The back door is open), you hear your grandma snoring on your dads recliner, while your aunt and uncle quietly talk on the other sofas. You hear what it’s like to feel at home.
“Look who is here, everyone!” Your mom announces obnoxiously. “It’s y/n and Jungkook!”
First your aunt and uncle’s attention are caught, they nod your way with smiles on their faces and you head over to the sofas to hug them each. Your grandma stays snoring on the recliner and you giggle, classic grandma.
Next, your cousins are coming in from kitchen. Three of them to be exact, Daniel and his wife Larissa and your other cousin who is your age Manny. Daniel and Larissa have 3 beautiful children who are playing in the back, you can hear their giggles from inside. Manny is much shorter than you, she’s petite and curvy and really, really pretty. You go in to hug her first, she wraps her arms around you loosely.
“y/n!” she yells excitedly, “It’s been since last Christmas right?!” she asks, still holding on to you.
“Something like that.” You giggle, “Hi Daniel, Larissa.” You go in to hug them as well.
“Guys this is Jungkook.” You finally introduce the awkward boy, he stands here swaying from side to side waiting to meet everyone. He bows his head in greeting and everyone says their hello’s. All except sleeping grandma.
“Well, hello.” Manny smiles at Jungkook, “I didn’t even see you there, which is crazy because you’re like crazy hot—”
“Okay, Manny.” You try cutting in early enough, but are a bit late.
“Oh?” Jungkook eyebrows climb to up his forehead as he looks at Manny.
“I’m Manny.” She winks, “ You must be y/n’s friend, I presume?”
“y/n!!!!” Your grandma comes up to you all, her sweet perfume filling the air around you. “You’re here, sweetie.”
“Grandma!” you lean in and hug her frail body, she smells like she always has your whole entire life, sweet.
“And this must be your boyfriend, Jungkook? I have heard so much about you, dear.” Your grandmas opens her arms, signaling Jungkook to lean in and hug her—which he does.
“Actually grandma—”
“You finally have a nice boyfriend, your parents have told me all about him.” she winks, “I am so happy for you sweetie, I think I can finally rest easy.”
“Rest easy?” you question, “No grandma you are mis—”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jungkook smiles at your grandma and she cheeses hard.
“You can call me grandma, dear.” She pats his back lovingly, “I want to hear all about you two. Shall we drink some tea together?”
“Boyfriend?” Manny asks, confused. “I didn’t know you guys started dating?”
“We aren’t—”
“Its new.” Jungkook cuts in. He slides his arm around your waist and you audibly gasp.
“What’s new?” Your mom walks up to you all.
“They’re dating.” Manny says, looking unimpressed.
“WHAT! Darling, get in here!” She calls your dad over, “Jungkook and y/n are together, together!”
“No we are—” you try cutting in but you feel Jungkook dig his fingers into your waist.
“THEY’RE TOGETHER?!” Your dad yells out, his excitement clear as day. You stand here confused as hell as your whole family starts congratulating you two.
“Wait, wait.” You try getting out but Jungkook leans in to whisper in your ear.
“We can’t disappoint grandma.” He says softly.
“I met my Roy at a party too.” Your grandma says between sips, she holds her tea in front of her face as she reminisces.
“Was it love at first sight?” Your grandma asks, wiggling her brows. “Me and my Roy didn’t get together for quite some time so I don’t think it was love at first sight for us…when did you know?”
“Grandma…” you begin, “Can we talk about something else?” you beg.
“I knew only a few months later.” Jungkook admits shyly, he smiles at your grandma while bringing his tea cup to his lips. “I knew no one could take y/n’s spot. But I was content with being friends.”
Your eyes grow in size, his confession warming you up. You know it’s all for show but you can’t help what it does to you.
“I also knew after a few months.” You say quietly.
“Oh, how lovely!” Your grandma claps her hands together softly, “And now here you are! Jungkook…” Your grandma sets down her tea cup and looks over at Jungkook. “I trust you will take care of y/n no matter what, right?”
“No matter what.” He says quickly. “She takes care of me too.”
“And how does she do that?” Your grandma raises a drawn on brow.
“She is always there for me…she always tries to understand me even when I am in the wrong…she always tries to get to know me like she doesn’t already know everything,” he chuckles, “She always hugs me when I need it.” Jungkook looks at you with a soft smile, “She really loves me and I can feel it.” Then his mouth falls open and his eyes expand a little, “Do you… love me y/n? Like—”
“Okay, that’s enough about us babe,” you cut him off, “When did you get in town grandma?”
“Oh, just last night.” She mumbles, “I—”
“So,” Manny comes into the kitchen, her v neck lower than it was 20 minutes ago, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “What do you do Jungkook?” she leans down into his space, one hand squeezing his bicep as she asks her question.
“Um, I work as an editor for a film company.” His eyes shift to you and you roll your eyes again. “What about you?”
“Oh? Me? I work at a marketing firm. Was hoping to see y/n there.” She smiles at you. “But guess she didn’t apply? Maybe?”
“I didn’t get hired.” You state plainly. “But I didn’t want to work there anyway.” You grip your thigh in annoyance.
“y/n is probably too good for that company anyway.” Jungkook says, his hand reaches for yours and you relax a little bit.
“Right.” Manny nods her head exaggeratedly, “That’s got to be it…” she winks at you and you give a half ass smile.
“So Jungkook…” she finally takes a seat next to him, her hand still on his arm. “Film, huh? That’s soo cool. What do you do in your spare time?” she squeezes his bicep again, “Besides working out, of course.” She laughs.
Jungkook looks at you in panic, his eyes shifting from yours to his arm and you just roll your eyes.
“Manny.” You cut in, “How’s Luis?”
“Oh, we broke up.” She says smiling at Jungkook. “Nothing to worry about it.”
“And what’s to worry about,” you lean over and detach her fingers from Jungkook’s arm. “Hm?”
“Oh nothing.” Manny shakes her head.
“Manny, did you ever take my things out of the drier?” Your grandma speaks up, “Please put them in my room if you haven’t already.”
“Speaking of rooms.” Your mom and dad walk into the kitchen, their hands joined together.
“What?” you ask.
“Grandma is in Jungkook’s room. So Jungkook will have to stay in your room with you.” She says nonchalantly.
“Hm? Okay.” You shrug while Jungkook’s eyes widen just slightly. “Where are aunt and uncle sleeping? And Daniel and the rest? “Oh, we got a hotel.” Manny says, “Which sucks because it would have been fun to have a little slumber party.” She says in pout. You give her a tight smile and nod.
“Sure.” You get out, “Guess it’s just me and Jungkook for the slumber party.” You wink at her and Jungkook laughs as he squeezes your hand.
“Can’t wait baby.”
“Oh, you guys are gross.” Manny gags, “We get it.”
“Yeah, behave.” Your mom gives you a pointed look, “You’re still in your parent’s house.”
“Sorry, sorry. We’re just messing around.” You wave your hand, “Also, I can get your things from the drier grandma, I am going upstairs anyway to change.”
“Thank you sweetie.”
You let go of Jungkook’s hand as you stand up, he looks up at you in panic. You’re leaving him here with Manny?! He’s not stupid, this girl is clearly not caring about the whole boyfriend thing but he doesn’t want to make a scene by saying something to her.
“I’ll go with you.” Jungkook rushes to say earning strange looks from your parents. “Be—because I should bring up our bags from the car.”
“Ah, yes! That’s true, that’s true.” Your mom nods her head in agreeance, “You two go.”
Upstairs is much quieter, Jungkook thinks to himself. Just the background noise of muffled voices and occasional laughter. You two are in your childhood bedroom with both of your bags on your small bed. You are digging through your own luggage when you hear Jungkook clear his voice.
“What’s up?” you don’t look up to see him, you continue digging into your bag for some sleep shorts and a t shirt.
“This bed is tiny.” Jungkook groans, “How are we going to sleep on it?”
“I suppose one of us could make a palette on the flo—”
“—No.” Jungkook shakes his head, “I just mean, you’ll have to sleep super close to me.”
“That doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you suddenly?” you grab the small shorts from your bag and set them on the bed.
“W-What? No…” he admits shyly, his teeth on full display at he smiles at his own bag. “I was just saying.”
“Will Vanessa not like it?” you whisper as you find the t shirt. “Because—”
“Actually we—”
“—ask her?”
“No, it’s fine. Trust me.” Jungkook brings out his own change of clothes and stands here awkwardly, not knowing where to go.
“I do trust you.” You breathe out, “We can just turn around and change.” You offer, already spinning on your heels and lifting your sweater over your head. Jungkook continues to stare at you until he’s hit with realization. He quickly turns around and starts changing as well.
“You sure let Manny touch you however she pleases.” You spit out quietly. Jungkook freezes mid shirt lift, his eyes growing in panic.
“It’s not that I was letting her…I just…I didn’t know what to do…I’m sorry—”
“Yeah, I know.” You roll your eyes even though he cannot see. “I’m just—it’s my fault. Me and Manny grew up together. The boy she liked in high school liked me…and ever since then she’s always…” you wiggle into your sleep shorts, slipping the material over your ass.
“Oh, I get it.” Jungkook slips on a new t shirt, “I’m done. Are you?”
“Yeah, I am.”
You both turn around, smiling sheepishly at one another. He’s wearing black sweats with a plain white t shirt and you in your sleep shorts you always use to wear around the apartment that use to drive Jungkook wild and one of his black t shirts.
“Hey, that’s mine.” He pouts, pointing at the shirt you’re wearing.
“Mine now.” You poke your tongue out. Jungkook pretends to reach over the bed to grab your tongue which makes you laugh.
“Don’t let Manny touch you again.” You blurt out, “I don’t like it.”
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip as he stares at you, he begins walking to the other side of the bed until he’s standing in front of you.
“Why don’t you like it?” he asks softly.
“It’s annoying to look at it.”
“It irritates you to see another girl touch me?”
“It’s irritating when that girl is my cousin.”
“Why does it matter who it is specifically?” Jungkook steps closer to you, he pushes his hands in his sweat pockets.
“I don’t want you to fuck my cousin, Jungkook. Sue me.” Your straightforwardness makes Jungkook chuckle.
“I wouldn’t fuck your cousin, y/n.”
“Yeah, because you have Vanessa.” You remind him.
“Actually we—”
“—we should head back downstairs.” You try pushing past him but he catches your wrist.
“Tell me why it irritates you so much.”
“I just don’t like it, Jungkook.” You huff.
“Are you perhaps jealous?” Jungkook lowers your wrist, but he doesn’t let go.
“Why would I be jealous?” You yank your wrist from his hold and push past him, walking towards your bedroom door. “Come on.”
You basically told him you weren’t jealous but why did it have to happen that when teams were being chosen for this game night, Jungkook and Manny would get paired together.
The universe is laughing at you. Manny is…shameless. She has no problem flirting with someone else’s man…you’re no exception. You can tell Jungkook is slightly uncomfortable and not really enjoying the attention but still, somehow you are fuming. It’s not like he’s being exceptionally nice to her, he’s just not being standoffish enough to your liking.
“Oh, Jungkook!” Manny giggles for no reason, she leans into Jungkook’s space, just laughing away while sit you here and watch. He chuckles awkwardly, his hands messing with the playing cards in front of him. You hate this view. You thought any view with Jungkook would be a nice one, but you were wrong. Watching your cousin fawn over him like this is making you angry as fuck. As it should, right? Jungkook is your boyfriend! Well—not actually. But still! As far as Manny is concerned, Jungkook is your man, and she needs to back off.
“Manny, could you maybe give my boyfriend some space.” You snap, your voice cutting in through your family’s chatter. The room quiets down and all eyes are on you.
Manny looks all around the room, red creeping on her cheeks as she sits here, embarrassed. She opens her mouth to speak when you hold up a hand to stop her. Then you use that hand to gesture towards their bodies,
“He’s clearly uncomfortable that you are sitting so close, and frankly, I am too.”
“And he’s too nice to say anything.” Your cold eyes look at her then they slide to Jungkook, “Which is something you need to work on babe.”
“I am not even sitting that close, jeez, you are as dramatic as ever.” Manny tries to roll her eyes, while subtlety scooting away. “And really? You try to call me out in front of everyone?”
“Oh? Should we talk in private then?”
“y/n.” this time the one saying your name is Jungkook. “Maybe we should go to sleep. Start new tomorrow, huh?” The tension between you and Manny too much for him to handle right now, especially in front of everyone.
“I think that’s a great idea.” It’s grandma. “It’s way past my bedtime too.”
“I think your aunt and uncle were just talking about how it’s almost time to leave too. Perfect timing!” Your mom chimes in, “Let’s all say goodnight.”
You don’t say anything to Jungkook as you peel back the baby pink duvet on your bed, you just stare down at your twin mattress with hard eyes.
“Are you okay?”
You continue to stay silent as you slip under the covers, scooting all the way towards the edge of the bed as far as you possibly can.
“y/n…” Jungkook pats in the last of his facial moisturizer into his skin, “I asked if you’re okay?” his back is facing you as he sits on the edge of the bed, placing his moisturizer back in his bag. “It was interesting,” (Hot.) “To see you all…protective,” (Jealous.) “Tonight.”
“I’m going to sleep.” You are laying on your back, staring up at the ceiling fan. “I don’t feel like talking tonight.”
Jungkook lays down next to you, his body so freaking close. He lays on his side, facing you. His right arm going under his head, trying his hardest to get comfortable in such close quarters.
“No talking, but maybe cuddling?” Jungkook whispers, and you of course hear it clear as day because he is so fucking close to you.
“Call me crazy but I don’t feel like cuddling with a guy who can’t even tell another girl to fuck off.” You shut your eyes. “Not in the mood.”
Jungkook blinks a few times, your words sinking in. You’re kind of right, he should of said something too but he didn’t know what to say. It’s your cousin! In front of your family! And he tried his hardest to lean away from Manny as much as possible.
“I’m sorry, y/n. You’re right. I should have said something.” His left hand reaches out to grab your hand that rests on top of your stomach.
“Yeah, you should have. But now I’m the asshole who called her out in front of everyone.”
Jungkook remembers it, and he darkly chuckles.
“Yeah, and it was hot.” He admits, making you open your eyes as you snap your head towards him.
“You think me being crazy jealous was hot?” you give him a look like he’s crazy.
“So you are jealous?” Jungkook smirks, “But I don’t see it that way. I see it as being protective over what’s yours.”
“So, you’re mine?” you turn to lean on your side, your body bumping into his. “At least until the end of this trip right?” you laugh, “I can’t believe you just don’t want to disappoint grandma.”
“At least until the end of this trip.” Jungkook leans his head closer to yours, “You finally brought home a boyfriend.” He grins as his forehead slightly bumps into yours.
What does Jungkook mean at least? And why does he always become closer and closer to you?
If you were to lift your head up at all, his lips would be dangerously close to yours.
“Jeez, how many fake boyfriends am I going to have this year?” you joke, keeping your head down, “I really got to find a real one by now.”
“I know the room is dark,” Jungkook begins, “But I still want to see your eyes when we talk.”
“Didn’t I say I didn’t want to talk?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You’re still mad at me?”
“Not really, it’s not your fault. I’m just still pissed at the situation.” You admit quite easily. “It’s honestly so disrespectful of her. You’re my boyfriend. You’re my man. You’re mine.”
Jungkook’s hand settles over your waist, he grabs on and brings you in closer to his body. He inhales you, taking in your scent. You smell so good to him, he could inhale you forever. Your words echo in his mind as he snuggles you closer. Your man? His heart races faster and faster as the echo gets louder.
“I’m yours, hm?” he runs his fingers down your side, starting from your shoulder until the top of your hip bone. “Does that make you mine?” He breathes out, “Are you mine baby?” his fingers dance over your hips, your shirt and shorts separating his fingers from touching your warm skin.
“You know what I mean.” You huff out, closing your eyes from his gentle touch.
“Do I though?” Jungkook’s hand lingers over your hips, until he is playing with the end of your shirt.
“Let me touch your skin.” He softly begs, “It’ll feel nice.”
Your eyes open in surprise, what skin? Where will he be touching?
“Innocent, I swear.” Jungkook adds, “Just want to make you feel nice.”
“Isn’t that weird?” you finally ask.
“I don’t think so.”
“Fine.” You close your eyes again, “Touch me.”
Jungkook bites his lips when you give him the green light, he wasn’t expecting you to agree so quickly. Because what if it is weird? He just wants to touch your skin, no harm done. Jungkook leans up on his arms and tugs at the bottom of your shirt,
“I am going to slide this up a bit, okay?” he asks and you nod your head but you hear him chuckle.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes.” You breathe out, your eyes still closed.
Jungkook takes the material between his fingers and begins to slowly, very slowly ride the shirt up. His eyes have finally adjusted to the dark, where he can see you just enough. The shirt slides up your body, exposing your skin inch by inch. He gulps.
He lifts the shirt up until your pretty blue bralette is showing itself, your breasts falling to the side giving you a good amount of cleavage. He gulps again.
When the shirt is all bunched up at your armpits, Jungkook lays back down on his side. The cold air that spins in circles thanks to the fan is causing your skin to get goosebumps, your stomach feeling extra sensitive.
“Touch me, Jungkook.” You softly command. “I want you to.”
Jungkook swallows hard at your straightforwardness. His hand slowly creeps up to your shoulder, his fingers brushing against the material of the t shirt before he’s lightly dragging his fingers down your side. His fingertips hit your exposed skin, he lightly glides them down, just barely touching you. When he reaches your hip bone he dances his fingers lower until they’re grazing your lower stomach. His touch is so light it’s got your breathing getting just a bit heavier. He repeats his action a few times, starting from your shoulder until his fingers glide across your bare stomach. He’s right, it does feel nice. Too nice, almost.
“How do my fingers feel?” He clears his throat, his voice nice and low. Your eyes shoot open at his question. This is all innocent, but why does that question feel so dirty?
“They feel so good.” You breathe out, “So good.”
Jungkook smiles and continues sliding his fingers over your lower stomach, causing you to release a long, shaky breath. His touch is so fucking good, his touch leaving a trail of fire. As his fingers lightly skid across your stomach he leaves behind such heat. His fingers finally glide up, they barely reach right under your breasts. Your breath catches in your throat, his fingers so dangerously close to your tits and you want to smash your head on something. God, what it would feel like to have them being touched by his large hand.
Jungkook uses just his pointer finger to drag his finger down from the center of your lower chest until he’s passing your belly button, until he’s reaching your lower stomach again, his finger stopping at the drawstrings on your shorts.
You can’t help but release a long, quiet moan as his finger does that over and over. You clench your stomach muscles with each stroke of his fingers. Why does Jungkook have to make you feel so fucking good?
Jungkook feels himself getting hard against your thigh, but he doesn’t care to hide it. Touching your warm, soft skin feels so intimate and that moan you released? His cock needs to hear more. He grabs a hold of your hip, the material of the shorts in the way of your skin.
“Can I lower these a little?” he pants out. “Just a little.”
“Yes.” You feel your breaths getting heavier.
Jungkook slips his fingers under the shorts and slowly drags down the material over your hip, your panties sliding down as well. Jungkook grunts in approval, he thumbs your hip bone causing you to quietly whimper.
“You really like your hips and stomach to be touched.” He states.
“S-Sensitive.” You admit.
Jungkook massages the skin of your hip, very, very lightly. Almost like he isn’t touching you at all, like he’s just trying to tease you. And it’s working. You feel your breaths become more erratic. You keep your eyes closed as the light feeling of his fingertips begin to make you wet. You can’t help but slightly rotate your hips in circles as he touches you, and you can’t help but moan when he puts more pressure into his massage on your hip.
“You like that?” Jungkook breathes out, “Feel good?”
Your hips move faster underneath his electric touch, you start to become desperate, needing more. You finally open your eyes, Jungkook notices how dark and captivating they look. You reach forward until your own hand is at his shirt.
Jungkook looks at you, very confused. But he doesn’t waste another moment when he sits up and throws his shirt off.
“Good.” Your hands go to grope his chest. His strong muscles flex beneath your touch. You drag your hands down his chest until they stop at the waistband of his sweats, he throws his head back as you explore the front of his body.
“Want to touch you too.” You admit between harsh breaths.
Jungkook’s hand goes to the shirt bunched around your shoulders and tugs on it,
“Off too.” He guides you to sit up and he helps you take off your shirt. Your strappy bralette leaves almost nothing to the imagination, Jungkook thinks. The material is so very thin that he sees your hard nipples and he wants to brush his thumb over them. But he refrains.
“Much better.” Jungkook says in one breath. “Now lay down.”
You do as he says, this time you lay on your back instead of your side. You try breathing in and out normally but can’t help how irregular your breaths are.
“Jungkook.” You whine, “Touch me.”
“So needy.” Jungkook’s hand hovers over the top of your stomach, “My baby is so needy.” He whispers.
You reach up and caress Jungkook’s cheek, “I am.” You admit. Jungkook throws his head back, biting on his lip as he grins.
“Good girl.” His fingers lightly dance below your belly button and you whine. He glides his fingers lower and lower until they’re at your waistband.
“Going to pull these down…just a little.” His voice cracks as he stares down at you.
You nod your head and tell him yes over and over.
He drags the shorts just a bit lower, right before your pussy is exposed. His fingers lightly touch your new exposed skin, and you moan. The feeling getting you so worked up.
“I want to do the same to you.” You try say between your rough breathing. “Let me touch you, Jungkook.” Your hands go to his stomach, your touch anything but light as you drag your hands down with pressure. You reach the top of his waist band and begin pulling down until he’s catching your wrist.
“And what do you think you are doing?” Jungkook’s low, deep voice sends a shiver down your god damn spine.
“Innocent, I promise.” You mock, “Want to touch you too.”
“I think we have had enough,” he teases lightly, bringing his hand back to his own body. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“Fine, cuddle me.” You say, annoyed. You turn to your other side, where your back is facing him.
“Fine by me. But…” He sinks down further into the covers to spoon you, one arm going beneath your head and the other pulling you in by the hips, “Remember what happens when we get in this position.” You feel his hard cock poke your ass and you moan out quietly.
“What happens?” you play dumb.
“4 years ago, you asked me to cuddle you like this because you wanted to get fucked.” he says easily and you choke on your spit. He’s referencing that night?
Jungkook is so lost in you, he doesn’t care anymore. He will bring up that night a million times if he has to. He loves you. And he’s starting to get real tired of the constant tension between you two. He pushes his hips into your ass, you feel how hard he is and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I also said this position makes me feel safe.” You play innocent as you bump your ass into his crotch.
“I make you feel safe?”
“You make me feel a lot of things.” You whimper, backing your ass further into his cock, it’s so hard and poking against you in such a way that drives you nuts.
Jungkook groans as he feels you circling your hips into his crotch. His hand goes to your hip and he squeezes tightly making you moan out.
“You got to be more quiet baby.” Jungkook warns softly, “We don’t want your parents or your grandmother thinking we are really having that ‘slumber party’.” He jokes.
“Then what are we having?”
“Just some innocent massages between friends.” He comments with a snicker.
“Oh? Is my ass massaging your dick so innocent?” you whine out, “I don’t really do this sort of thing with my other friends.” You keep your eyes screwed shut.
“It’s very innocent.” Jungkook teases, he begins lightly humping you. He pushes his cock further and further on your ass cheeks, he moans when you two find a rhythm. He remembers when he fucked you in this position, he remembers it well. How you sounded, how you smelled, how you felt. He memorized the feeling of you.
“Fuck, y/n…” Jungkook quietly groans out. He rocks his hips into you faster, and you hate everything. You want to touch yourself so bad. You want to slide your fingers down your shorts and rub your aching clit, you would like it even more if it was Jungkook’s fingers.
“Not fair…” you say in pout, arching your back.
“What’s not?” he pants.
“I want to feel good too…” you say, flipping to your other side, facing him. You scoot impossibly close until his cock is pressed against your lower stomach.
“Innocently, of course.” You throw a leg over his waist as your hands go to his chest to guide him to lay on his back. “Gonna make us both feel good.” Your eyes are glazed over in lust as you speak.
You straddle his hips and find the right placement in sitting down…his cock nice and snug between your clothed folds. You begin moving your hips until you have the right angle on your clit and you moan.
“Is this okay?” you breathe out and Jungkook nods his head quickly.
You begin rocking yourself against his clothed cock, he quietly whimpers at the feeling. Jungkook screws his eyes shut as his mouth falls open and wonderful panting leaves his lips. You watch him lose his composure as you hump him, you pick up the pace, becoming more and more desperate. Your clit is thanking you. ‘Thank you bitch’ it says.
“I—I can’t” Jungkook moans out, “I—I can’t do this.”
You immediately slow down, rejection sinking in. “What do you mean? You don’t want to do—”
“—I don’t want to do this with clothes on.” Jungkook groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “I need you naked. Fucking now.” He grits out.
You finally still as you process his words. Are you two about to fuck? Is this really a good idea? Again? But you are so far gone…you are so beyond horny that you are able to push your logical thinking to the side.
“Okay.” You look at him with lust filled eyes, “Take off my clothes.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen but he’s nodding his head so fucking fast it’s almost comical. He rushes to unclasp your bralette, your breasts bouncing as they are freed. He sits up, and you are graced with the sight of Jungkook’s mouth sucking on your tit. You arch your back, pushing your breast further into his mouth, his tongue swirling over the hardened nub. You throw your head back in pleasure, his hand giving your other breast all the attention it needs.
“Shorts, Jungkook.” You beg. “Take them off me.”
Jungkook detaches his self from your breast and looks up into your eyes and smirks,
“Say please, princess.”
“Fucking please, please.”
Jungkook’s hands quickly find their way to your shorts and your rise to your knees to help him slip them off your legs. Your panties go down with the shorts and Jungkook couldn’t be more pleased.
“Oh my god baby.” Jungkook stares at you with dark eyes, “Your wetness is literally dripping down your inner thighs. You are so fucking wet.” He comments and you smile shyly.
“You…” you begin to say.
“What about me?” he teases, his fingers grazing your inner thigh, he wipes some of your cum off your sensitive skin.
“You did this to me.”
“Yes I did baby. And I will take full responsibility.” He guides your body up his own, you follow his lead.
“Ride my face.” He commands as he lays back down, his hand in yours still guiding you when you stop abruptly.
“Ride my face baby.” He tugs on your hand and you hesitantly make your way closer to him. You stop when you are hovering over his chest, knees on either side of his neck when you start to get shy.
“I’ve never…”
“Keep going,” his hands go to your hips and he’s guiding you further up until your pussy is hovering over his warm mouth.
“Now sit.”
“I said, sit.”
And you do, you lower yourself over his mouth…you slam your eyes shut, feeling nervous. But then you are met with his wet, warm tongue. You stay still as he begins licking at you, his tongue licking a strip from your hole to your clit. You start to relax as the sensation fills you up, his tongue swirling around causing you to release a long, breathy moan. You can’t help but start to rock your hips back and forth…the feeling even more spectacular. You try to keep quiet, you really do. But Jungkook’s tongue is quite literally fucking you.
“Ah, Jungkook.” You throw your head back, your eyes rolling all around as you ride his face faster. You feel Jungkook moan into your pussy, making you whimper even more.
You don’t know how much time has passed but it does not matter. Jungkook shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, his tongue working to make you feel so fucking good. You ride his face even harder now, your thighs shaking as you squeeze around his head.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You pant out, “I think I’m going to—”
You rock your hips as fast as you can as you feel your orgasm approaching, Jungkook’s hands squeeze your ass cheeks. He encourages you to rock against him even harder as he guides your hips. His tongue is laid flat against your clit as you ride him faster, you can feel how close you are. You thighs shake and you feel your pussy clench around nothing as your orgasm hits you. It hits you so fucking hard, like a strong wind that’s knocked you over.
“Fuuuuuucckkk.” You squeeze your thighs together, probably crushing Jungkook’s head as you come. You breathe so fucking hard as you try to hurry to come down from your amazing orgasm, you struggle to rise to your knees, so Jungkook helps lift you a bit until you are rising from his mouth.
You inch backwards until you are hovering over his chest, when he makes you sit down. You open your eyes, and take a look at the man before you.
His entire face is glistening with your cum and he looks so fucking happy about it. He’s trying to catch his own breath as he eyes you, his entire face wet with your cum. He is fucking grinning at you.
“You did so amazing baby.” He breathes out.
“That was incredible.” You admit. “Want to…” you start off hesitantly, “Want to fuck my mouth?”
Jungkook slams his eyes shut, and takes a few deep breaths before he slowly opens his eyes again.
“No…We should get cleaned up and go to sleep. Don’t you think?” he asks softly.
“Go…to sleep?” you ask, disappointed. “Sure.” You say kind of detached. “If that’s what you want.”
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
It’s the next morning and you are trying your hardest to sleep away from Jungkook. But the bed is so small making it almost impossible. You didn’t sleep at all. Which feels unfair because Jungkook is next to you snoring away with a lazy arm thrown over your waist.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
Jungkook has a girlfriend but you and him…oh my god you made Jungkook a cheater. You are the fucking worst. You let lust win in this dangerous game you two are playing, you let it win and shove it’s victory in your face. You hate yourself. You feel so fucking bad! Vanessa may not be your favorite person but cheating is never okay.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
You wonder if Jungkook will feel these things too as he wakes up…you wonder if he will feel worse. Jungkook is a lot of things but a cheater isn’t one of them. He’s always felt strongly about the subject because of his mom and dad. Will he be weird with you? Will he feel worse than you? Will he be able to forgive himself?
Suddenly, Jungkook’s light snores go quiet and his arm is tightening around your waist just the slightest. He’s awake. He begins pulling you in closer to his body and then you feel his lips on your neck. He leaves just an innocent peck and then you think he may be going back to sleep with how comfortable he’s getting.
“Let’s get up.” You break the silence in the room, “I can hear people downstairs.”
“Oh, good morning.” You feel him smile on your neck, “Why don’t we stay here for just a few minutes?”
Has he not processed what he’s done? Where is his shame? His guilt? His regret? You feel sick.
“We really should get up.” You repeat. “I’m hungry.” You detach yourself from his body and rise from the bed. You don’t even look at him as you grab a change of clothes and exit the room to head towards the bathroom.
Jungkook is left on the bed wondering what’s up with you? Are you feeling awkward after last night? He thought you might be in a good mood…considering your orgasm…but instead your mood seems to be sour.
“Great.” Jungkook mutters underneath his breath. He gets up too, going to his bag to change for the day. When he’s done, he grabs his toiletries and makes his way to the bathroom. He stands outside the door, softly knocking. You swing the door open with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth when you usher him inside.
“I’m going to wash up too…” Jungkook warns. He sets his small toiletry bag on the bathroom counter and takes out his face wash, moisturizer and tooth brush.
You nod your head as you continue to brush your teeth, toothpaste foaming at the corner of your mouth.
“How do you feel this morning?” Jungkook tries to make decent conversation as he applies his face wash to his face.
You spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth, wiping your face dry with a towel.
“Fine.” You spit out. “Just fine.”
Jungkook washes his face with water, and pats his face dry with a small towel, just nodding his head. He feels awkward.
“I feel fine too…” He adds, trying to add more to the convo. “Do you think grandma heard us last night?” he asks.
“Let’s not talk about last night.” You snap, “Can’t you read a room?”
You grab your things and leave the bathroom, leaving Jungkook wondering what the hell he did to make you so mad. Did you hate it that much? Maybe in the past he would have thought that but now…he knows how much you liked it. Loved it even. Jungkook doesn’t feel as insecure as before, he just knows the only way to solve this is to talk to you. Communication.
Communication would be a lot easier if he was given a god damn chance at talking to you but your mom is keeping you so busy in the kitchen with your gossipy aunt’s chitter chatter filling every crevice of the room. You nod along, even laugh as you listen. Jungkook is in the backyard with the three kids, keeping them entertained as you, Manny, Larissa, your aunt and mom bake in the kitchen with grandma sipping her tea at the table. Your dad, uncle and Daniel are in the living room watching some show, clanking their beer bottles together in celebration. Today is Christmas eve. Apparently this is when your family does most of the major celebrating, you guys bake and cook all day, eat a grand dinner and open presents. And Christmas day you just eat leftovers and chill.
The youngest kid has grown quite fond of Jungkook, she tends to feel left out by her two older brothers. Jungkook plays with her and she has already formed an attachment making your cousin in law laugh at them fondly.
“Your boyfriend is great with kids! Lucky you.” Larissa winks at you as she rolls the cookie dough on the counter.
“Yeah, yeah.” You say plainly.
“y/n…what’s wrong?” Manny comes up to your side, “Trouble in paradise?”
“No, Manny.” You snap. “But I bet you would like that.”
“Girls, let’s not fight.” Your aunt cuts in while your mom just looks at you worried.
“I would hardly call it a fight.” You hear your grandmas sweet voice over everyone else’s. “Now how are those drop cookies coming along girls?”
“They’re coming.” You say. “If Manny ever finishes with the dry ingredients.”
“I told you I was almost done, chill out.”
“Girls.” Your mom warns, “y/n, why don’t you go keep Jungkook company?”
Your eyes go from your moms to outside where Jungkook is and you panic.
“No, it’s okay…he’s fine.”
“You know what?” Your grandma speaks up, “I think I will if you won’t.” She sweetly chuckles. She stands from her place at the table, grabs her tea cup and makes her way to the outside table instead, closing the backyard door behind her.
“Hi dear.” Your grandma nods towards Jungkook as he plays pirates with the boys. He is laughing and pretending to have a hook hand, while the boys giggle and run around. The youngest claims she is the lost princess and that Jungkook has to save her. Grandma watches with joy, loving how well he gets along with the children.
“Hi.” Jungkook says out of breath from playing. He tells the kids to keep playing and that he will return shortly, they beg and whined that he stay but he says if they keep playing he will steal them some of the first cookies. The kids nod their head aggressively in agreement.
“How are you this afternoon?” he takes a seat across from her.
“Why is my granddaughter mad at you?” She smiles at Jungkook and his face drains of all color.
“Um…what do you mean?”
“Anyone with eyes knows you two have been strange all morning and afternoon.” Your grandma brings her tea to her mouth, “Maybe Manny was right, there is trouble in paradise.” She smiles again, “The key is to talk to her. Find out what’s going on.”
Jungkook groans, throwing his head into his hands. He lifts his head up again to speak but decides to just groan again in frustration.
“She won’t give me a chance to speak to her.” He admits. “She’s avoiding me.”
“Make the chance happen.” Grandma advices, “You’re a good kid, Jungkook. Even though you decided to lie to poor old me.”
“You think I really couldn’t tell that you’re not really dating my granddaughter? I’ve been around too long to get fooled by something like that. But I see your feelings are real. So are hers. So why aren’t you two together?”
Jungkook sits here, absolutely stunned silent. He doesn’t know how to respond! Grandma begins sipping on her tea again when she lowers it to speak.
“Go talk to her honey. I want to see my grandbaby happy.”
“I guess we don’t have to pretend anymore.” Jungkook finally speaks.
“No, no. Keep going, it is quite entertaining, dear.” Your grandma chuckles, “Plus, it keeps Manny on her toes. Best if she thinks you are taken. Once she finds out that you are single…I fear for your life, boy.” Your grandma laughs out loud, making Jungkook join her.
“Fair enough.” He says, “But how do I…how do I get her to talk to me?”
“I’m sure you know her better than I do.” Grandma points out, “You’ll figure out what works best for her.”
And your grandma is right, he does know you best. But what will work? When you have avoided things in the past he has usually been the one to force answers out of you. Now is no different.
All the baking for the day is complete, you sit down at the table in the kitchen and let your head fall to the table top. You moan out in satisfaction that you all are finally done…how unfair that the guys got to just chill all day? Your mom has been cooking with your aunt for Christmas dinner while you and your cousins worked on pies and cookies. And they sat and drank beer. Typical.
“Hey.” You feel Jungkook’s warm breath hit your ear and you look up at him, his face so close to yours as he is leaned down to speak to you.
“Can we talk?”
“Nothing to talk about.” You lay your head back down on the table until you feel your arm being pulled upwards, causing you to stand to your feet.
“Don’t be a brat. Let’s go.” Jungkook pulls you up, and starts pulling you in the direction of the staircase.
“Let go of me.” She say weakly, “I can walk myself.”
Jungkook let’s go of your arm and instead reaches for your hand, he interlocks his fingers with yours and you roll your eyes.
“I said, I can walk myself.”
Jungkook only shakes his head in response, guiding you up the stairs until you two reach the bedroom, you both walk inside as Jungkook closes the door behind you two.
“Now talk.” He softly commands.
“Nothing to talk about?”
“y/n…” he warns and you feel your eyes start to sting.
“We fucked up, Jungkook.” You blink back the stinging in your eyes, shame, guilt, and regret joining you.
“How so?”
“What do you mean ‘How so?’” you ask incredulously. “Do you not remember the events of last night? You have a girlfriend!” you throw your hands in the air, “You are a cheater! I’m the one you cheated with…oh my god…”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words and he starts shaking his head. He tries walking closer to you but you only step back until your back meets the wall.
“We fucked up.” You cry out. “I’m so sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” Jungkook asks softly. You are starting to wonder why this dude is not panicking.
“I made you a cheater.” You cry. Jungkook walks closer to you again until he’s wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You didn’t.” he whispers. “Vanessa and I…we aren’t together right now.”
You sniffle into his shoulder as you process his words…not together right now? What does that even mean?
“She broke up with me.” He begins to explain, “Said she wants to break up until New Year’s but I don’t think we will be getting back together.”
“Why not?” you whisper.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Oh.” You untangle yourself from Jungkook’s arms, “But you aren’t a cheater?”
You sigh out in relief, a huge, long, heavy sigh. Thank God. You feel shame, guilt, and regret leave your body making you feel ten times lighter.
“So I have nothing to feel bad for?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Jungkook smiles at you, “Now can we go enjoy Christmas? I cannot wait to give you your present.”
You pull on your hair, feeling nervous suddenly. Is he just going to brush past this too? Are you two not going to bring up last night in more detail? Figure out what it means for you two? Are you two just friends who occasionally hook up? That’s not what you want. What do you want? “Sure.”
“Dinner was delicious, honey.” Your dad says reaching over to cup your moms cheek. “I think I ate way too much this year.”
“Oh sweetheart, you say that every year.” Your mom laughs, “What about everyone else? Eat enough?”
Everyone around the table groans in happiness, nodding their heads yes and complimenting the dinner.
“Well, I suppose we should get on to the presents portion of the evening?” Your mom stands from her chair, “Let’s all go into the living room around the tree.”
Everyone makes their way into the living room, you and Jungkook being the last two to make it inside. You two stand here awkwardly, not entirely too sure where to sit since it is a bit crowded. Your grandma points at you two with a cheeky smile.
“Mistletoe.” She yells out. “Mistletoe!”
You point at yourself in question and then at Jungkook. What mistletoe? Then you see Jungkook looking up and his face turning completely red. Oh.
“We really don’t—”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” you hear your various family members chanting. Your parents grinning like fools as they chant as well. Your grandma winks at Jungkook and Jungkook goes even redder.
“We don’t have to Jungkook” you whisper. Jungkook clears his throat repeatedly until his face begins going back to his normal color.
“No, it’s tradition right?”
“I mean, I guess.” You shrug, you begin to turn red yourself.
“C’mere.” He reaches for your hand and pulls you in to his chest, then his other hand goes to cup your jaw. “Just one kiss.” He whispers.
You feel all his body heat enter your body, his touch making you so fucking warm. You nod your head pathetically as you tilt your head up. Jungkook smiles down at you and leans in just a bit, his forehead pressing against yours. Your eyes go to his lips, they are pink and his bottom lip is plump. Jungkook leans lower until his mouth is hovering over yours and he very innocently pecks your lips. You wish his kiss had lingered longer but it is short but sweet. He leans away from you, his forehead still pushed up against your own when you surge forward and kiss him again.
You hear the hollering of your cousin Daniel and his wife Larissa, Manny probably pouting. Your aunt and uncle are giggling and your parents laughing but telling you to behave. Your grandma snickers to herself and starts softly clapping her hands together.
“I thought I said just one?” Jungkook teases, his hand lowering to his side but his other hand keeps holding yours.
“I couldn’t help myself.” You admit confidently “Now let’s do presents!” you turn to face everyone else.
“Agreed!” your mom yells out excitedly. “First, we have Manny from Daniel…”
The night continues, everyone exchanging presents. Your parents loved their gifts, your mom thought the necklace was very thoughtful and your dad says he would love to take you to the game with him. You give Jungkook your gift, he yelps in excitement when he unwraps his gift when he sees the boots.
“Thanks baby, I know I haven’t shut up about these shoes for months!” he leans in to hug you. “Now it’s my turn.” He grins.
He searches the tree for the last gift of the night: Jungkook to you. He grabs the box and hands it to you, a shy smile making its way on his lips.
“Here, for you.” He sits back and waits for you to unwrap it. Your parents and the rest of your relatives wait as well.
“Okay, here I go.” You begin unwrapping the box, throwing the gift paper to the side on the floor and are met with a brown box. You raise a brow at Jungkook and he just smiles widely.
“Go on,” he says, “Open it.”
So you do. You carefully open the box and pull out a wooden box—a music box. The top of the music box is glass with a photo of you and Jungkook, your heart absolutely melts into two.
“Open it, open it.” He urges excitedly.
You lift the top of the music box, revealing its insides. Your absolute favorite song in the world starts playing and you feel the waterworks coming. This song means everything to you. He knows it is your favorite.
“Read what it says…” he mentions shyly. “There’s a message.”
I will always believe in you. I will always support you. And I will always love you.
You read the message to yourself a few times over and you start sniffling, a few tears leaving your eyes. You look up to make eye contact with Jungkook and he smiles. You close the box and slip it back inside the box and set it to the side, you crawl towards Jungkook and hug him. Your arms wrap around his neck and you throw your head into his shoulder, and you start mumbling your thanks.
“Of course baby.” He whispers into your hair, “I mean it.”
“I know you do…” you murmur. “I know.” You sniffle harder. “And I love you more.”
You, yourself aren’t entirely sure how you meant the words ‘I love you’ in this moment. You are so overwhelmed and overjoyed that you aren’t sure if you said it platonically or romantically. All you know is that you meant it.
“That’s impossible.” Jungkook chuckles. You slowly leave his arms, feeling embarrassed now that you’re crying in front of everyone.
“What did it say?” Manny asks, “You didn’t even share!”
“Let’s leave it between the love birds.” Your grandma says.
“Love birds indeed.” Your mom grins, “Well, Santa comes nice and early tomorrow!” she says to the kids.
“Are you sure about leaving them here tonight?” Daniel asks, “Santa can come to the hotel too.”
“Don’t be silly,” your mom says, “I will put them to bed on the sofas. It will be fine.”
“Okay, we will see you all bright and early tomorrow morning then.” Larissa begins packing up their things.
“Heading out already?” Your dad asks, “Well, take some food with you.”
You and Jungkook stay seated on the floor, as the rest begin cleaning up. Your mom picks up all the gift wrapping paper off the floor while your dad puts away gifts and you and Jungkook sit side by side.
“Did you like your gift?” Jungkook inches closer to you.
“I love it, Jungkook.” You lean into his shoulder, resting your head on him. “It makes me so happy.”
“What about me…do I make you happy?”
“So happy.” You admit. “I hope I can make you this happy too.”
“You do.” Jungkook leans his head on top of yours. “Like, you have no idea.” He reaches for your hand and tangles his fingers with yours.
“Do you two want to head to bed? We got the cleaning covered.” Your mom offers. You yawn in response, showing her that you could use some sleep.
“Yeah, okay.” You accept gratefully, you stand up taking Jungkook with you. You two say your goodnight’s and head towards the stairs up to your bedroom.
“Goodnight you two.” Your grandma sings, sending a wink to Jungkook and he goes red again.
“Why does she keep winking at you?” You wonder out loud.
“No idea…” Jungkook is quick to respond. “Weird…”
When you and Jungkook get to your room, you both rush to get changed and wash up in the bathroom. He finishes before you, settling into the bed. You come in next, wearing your sleep shorts and a tank top. You turn the lights off and make your way to your bed, you slip inside and groan in satisfaction…ah, sleep time.
“Hey y/n…”
“Hm?” you sleepily roll over to your side to face Jungkook, “What’s up?”
“I just want to say…” he pauses and bites his lip. “Thanks. I just want to say thanks.”
“For what babe?”
“For bringing me for Christmas…this is the first time I have felt so at home in years.” He admits, “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“I’m glad you’re happy Jungkook.”
“More than happy.” He corrects. “You have no idea what you mean to me.”
“Then tell me.”
“Can I show you instead?” Jungkook leans closer to you, tilting his head at the right angle. “Can I kiss you?”
You can’t help but swallow hard, Jungkook wants to kiss you? To show you what you mean to him? That’s romantic right? You aren’t totally reading this wrong?
“Why?” you ask, gulping down your spit.
“Because.” He breathes out softly, “Please.”
You can smell the toothpaste on his breath, you can smell his laundry detergent on his clothes, you can smell the shampoo in his hair. You inhale him and hold your breath.
“If I say no?” you blink up at him and he smiles softly.
“Then I will respect that.” He answers honestly.
With your eyes still adjusting to the darkness it is hard to see his eyes but you just know they are soft and inviting.
“Jungkook…” You scoot closer to him, moving your head to be at level with his face. “Baby…” you whimper out as you lean in closer to his face.
“Is that a yes?” He asks, his breath hitting your lips. “Because—”
Your lips find his in a slow, tender kiss. You peck his lips over and over and you can feel his lips shaping into a smile. You pull away after a few seconds, feeling breathless after the short kiss.
“Goodnight Jungkook.” You scoot down until your head hits his chest and you snuggle into it.
“Goodnight baby.” Jungkook smiles, laying on his back as he stares up at the dark ceiling. How will he find sleep tonight? His heart is racing in his chest. Are you finally starting to understand his feelings? He knows he hasn’t talked about them yet…but he will. Yes, he definitely will.
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qloof · 2 years
heeey, you got me extremely curious when you mentioned you have a mom for Masamune. Of course take as much time as you need, but if you want, please talk about her. I wanna know :D
im crying bro i got this ask right as i began listening to cariñosa 
*rubs my hands together like a fly* oh my god here we go..
Ok for a little background information i kinda like the idea of Doji being Masamune’s biological father but then him and Masamune’s mom decided to seperate because Masamune’s mom did not want to be involved in any of his things and didn’t want that kind of environment for her son. ( the reason why nobody ever suspects that doji and masamune are related is because masamune looks more like his mom than he does doji )
🎉Doji divorced arc🎉 Masamune just does not remember his dad and honestly he does not gaf, [ It’s mainly a crack thing because i find the idea of Doji being Masamune’s dad and then drop kicking him to the USA very funny. u can literally replace Doji with some other dude, it’s all good, i switch between the ideas in my head a lot. ]
I decided to come up with a sort of idea for her when reading some fics that mentioned Masamune's mom but didn’t really go into much detail with her. I wanted to draw something to help me visualize her a lil better.
m pretty sure any one who take one glance at my profile ever can tell that i headcanon masamune has half filipino lmao so i headcanon his mom as from the Philippines 
Before the divorce, she and Masamune lived in Japan. Afterwards, they moved to the Philippines for 2-3 years. Then, they moved to the USA to link with relatives. 
Her nickname is JoyJoy !! the name is based off one of my relative’s names because i like it and always found it amusing. her real name? unsure tbh maybe Juanita. ( Masamune's full name is Masamune Oración Kadoya )
Her first language is bisaya, second tagalog, third japanese, fourth english
she’s the owner of a little filipino restaurant somewhere in the city Masamune lives in :D ( isn’t it new york city or something?? ) when Masamune was younger, he would stick around at the restaurant and help around with chores. (ALSO Masamune CAN cook... i said it in an earlier post but this mf is just too lazy to clean up so he doesn't cook regularly in his teen years).
JoyJoy also spends a lot of time around the general asian market places. Masamune would come along and he could speak both Japanese and Tag/Bis to the other kids and adults. He could surround himself in both of his cultures and others as well here.
earlier i said fuck it and decided that JoyJoy and the mom of my OC,  Acec, are cousins so that’s how Masamune and Acec are related. whenever masamune and acec were younger, they’d kinda be pushed aside with the other kids at the filo mom parties ( jesus christ they have so many parties,., im speaking from experience mine literally had a get together a few days ago ) 
For some funnies, i want to think JoyJoy didn’t agree to Masamune going on a trip to Japan to fight Ginga, but Masamune being the troublemaker that he is, decided to leave on his own accord….he could dodge the walis (broom) when he returned home. (he did not get hit, dont worry jsjsjdsjkjsdk). However he did get an earful when he returned.
(JoyJoy watched the tournaments and admittedly did enjoy them) (she probably disturbed neighbors with her cheers watching her son) (i imagine her cheering just like how my mom did whenever i used to play soccer, it’s very funny)
She’s always very joyful whenever Zeo and Toby come around, she’s very happy that Masamune has made some friends in America. When Masamune told her another friend would come over and join the group (King) she spent so much time cleaning the house and had full meals cooked when everyone got there. (if u come to a filipino’s house you WILL eat and you WILL be full and there will be extras to take home..)
For her role in Fury I don’t really have much at the moment. Though, the first thing she did when Masamune came home with all his clothes dirty and ripped was give him a short scold in tag/bis but then she sobbed because she was so afraid of what could have happened to her son.
Here’s the first drawings i did of her !! it’s very simple and barebones. honestly writing all of this out makes me want to draw her again, so maybe i’ll do that soon :) Masamune gets the white tips of his hair from her !!
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There’s a lot of ideas and such about interactions and dynamics between JoyJoy and Masamune, and a lot of them about Masamune’s life surrounded by filo culture. Both positives and negatives (personal experiences 💀 i loveeee generational trauma /sarcasm) but anyways i love them and i love these headcanons i have they make me so happy. It also gives me some time to connect and express as much as i can to my Filipino heritage (other than food, customs, languages that i struggle with remembering lmfao, habits and mannerisms, etc) since i’ve lived in the USA most of my life. It makes me really happy.
Thank you so much for this ask !! i really enjoyed writing all these down and i may or may not have cried at some point ( do not worry it was positive )
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