#Mistaken Analog Au
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Cryptid batfamily, but the world starts learning about the 'vigilantes' in Gotham via a school project that they think is some sort of Analog horror or ARG. Like it gets incredibly popular because wow the CGI and videos are really good? Can you imagine if you had to worry about seemingly immortal killer clowns and undead bird creatures running around? Wow wouldn't that be crazy. And the lore is so fun too? Like there's the big shadow creature who steals away children who stay out too late? Some sort of crocodile man living in the sewers? A swamp that sometimes revives the dead? Like damn, what a cool series.
But then, then other heroes start to emerge around the world. People with super-speed, ancient warriors, honest to god aliens and magic. Which makes people start to wonder, even if it's just in the back of their minds, What if it's all true?
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bubblesxo · 2 months
i dont know if you will see this but i am a big fan of your g!bruce meets the batfam!!!! I literally have tumblr just for this series (and now that I’ve tried it im beginning to love it ngl) . Annyywaayy ive just read the new chapter and it’s so good!?? Like i am really excited for the next chapter!!!
Oh and I haven’t watched gotham ( im planning too ) but i sometimes mix the twins????? Like your explanations are good dont get me wrong but yk when your reading and you need to check which ones which? Yeah … and like i want to fix that idk how .do i just like memorize the twins personalitys??
also in this au is theres 2 jokers??????? I saw you once mention Jerome(?) being revived or something
ps .im that great at English sorry .
oh wow wow wow thank you so so much!! i'm really glad that you're enjoying my story so much! it really means a lot to me. <33 i think your english is good! but if you need/want me to clarify anything i say here, just let me know and i'll try to rephrase it for you!
okay, so in the Gotham tv show (this has spoilers for all 5 seasons, so read on if you're okay with that) the way that they approached writing the joker was actually really up in the air in the beginning. this is because they didn't have the rights to use the name "joker," and so fox (the company that made the show) planned on making a bunch of smaller characters in the show as a kind of easter egg as people who could be the joker or who resemble him in some way.
this changed when cameron monaghan (the actor for both jerome and jeremiah) guest starred in s1e16 "the blind fortune teller." in it, the character of jerome is introduced as a 17/18 year old boy who travels with the circus with his mother, who is a snake dancer. he is meant to be one of the aforementioned joker-like characters in the show and wasn't actually supposed to be included again after that episode, if i am not mistaken.
however, the viewers LOVED his performance and jerome came back in season two as a member of the maniax, a group of arkham inmates who were broken out of the asylum. i won't go too into detail about the actual plot, but in seasons two, three, and four, jerome shows up in at least a few different episodes with very memorable storylines each time.
it isn't until season four of the show that jeremiah is even revealed at all! jeremiah and jerome are identical twin brothers, however, jeremiah has been in hiding for years under the fake name "xander wilde" in an attempt to escape jerome, who wants to get revenge on him for lying to their mother about what he (jerome) did when they were children. basically, jeremiah lied to their mother (lila, who jerome is revealed to have killed in 1x16) that jerome tried to kill him, causing jeremiah to be sent away and be adopted by rich people and get to go to a well-funded private school where he could live out his best life as a child prodigy (which was jeremiah's end goal to this), whereas jerome was left behind in the circus that they lived at (haly's circus, the same one that dick grayson later was raised in before being adopted by bruce). during this time, jerome was horrifically abused by his mother, his uncle, and his mother's many romantic partners. this eventually caused him to crack, which creates the character we see in the show.
here's an easy way to remember the difference in their personalities:
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in the standard american deck of cards, there are two jokers: one that is black and white and one that is in color. in this analogy, jeremiah is the black and white joker and jerome is the one in color.
this is jerome:
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he's got a *very* boisterous personality. he's outgoing and charismatic and, of course, severely messed up in the head. he *enjoys* the pain he causes people and does it with little to no reservations. he thinks things through less thoroughly than jeremiah but jerome always has a plan and is actually quite smart. i couldn't do him the disservice of calling him the dumb twin, despite some points about jeremiah that i'll get back to later.
anyway, jerome has a grand plan for all of gotham: he believes that, fundamentally, everyone in the world is like him and is also at least a bit crazy inside. he wants everyone to tap into their inner selves and let themselves run free / go crazy. he successfully ensnares huge hoards of gothamites with his persuasive way of speaking and interesting flare to his words. he amasses a large cult following, all of whom are very similar to him in the sense that they all demonstrate similar signs of instability.
here's some more gifs of him.
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jerome kind of invented the iconic "HAHAHA" signature joker laugh in the gotham universe, even though he isn't the one who goes on to become "mr. j" (gotham's version of the joker) in the end (that's jeremiah, though i have a lot to say about that).
jerome's always smiling, a genuinely creepy smile that throws people off at first but can be really scary once you know what you're looking at. he single handedly turns gotham into a madhouse on multiple occasions and is the one who basically spread the "crazy" to the general population (for short: genpop).
he's a classic cult leader in the sense that he can mesmerize a whole room with his magnetic presence but also will ruthlessly cut down any of his followers if they so much as upset him (or even if they're just being annoying or could have a greater purpose, like when he stabbed a follower in the gut to take their blood to draw a frowney-face on bruce).
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that reminds me, another important thing to know about jerome is that he has an iconic stapled-on face! this is because he died once (in season two, though he came back to life for season three onwards) and one of his followers tried to revive him using some insider medical knowledge from doctor hugo strange (who is just... a whole thing. ew.). he thinks that he failed at doing this and steals jerome's face so that he can wear it on television in an attempt to control jerome's followers (spoiler: this doesn't work).
however, it turns out that jerome *was* revived from this, and he's pretty upset that some dude stole his face! so he uses a staple gun to re-attach it after he gets it back (and kills the guy who did it). his face is later punched off by jim gordon but reattached more properly during his time at arkham afterward (the carnival scene happened in season 3 and jerome came back with a kind-of healed face in season 4).
here's some gifs with jerome's messed up face!
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jerome is the colorful joker because he's very much expressive. he lets out every single emotion he feels---unless he's trying to deceive someone, at which point he is a phenomenal liar. (in season 1 when we are first introduced to him, he almost successfully gets away with the murder of his own mother.)
jerome is funny and laughs a lot and is *loud.* he's also absolutely insane and incredibly cruel, as well as impulsive, but he's able to curb his instincts if he feels like he can pull off a big plan.
jerome is a showman by nature. he's a product of the circus and it *shows.* everything he does is like an act, something that is acknowledged by many people in the show.
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he's a funky lil dude. totally crazy, but kind of adorable at times.
he's also SEVERELY traumatized from his horrible past and has huge trust issues.
so, yeah. jerome is colors! remember that.
unfortunately, pookie died in season 4 and doesn't seem to have been revived this time </3
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now, onto his twin brother jeremiah!
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jeremiah is, at least at first, presented to be the complete opposite of jerome. he's calm, collected, and seemingly sane---at least at first. bruce trusts him at first and he even befriends him for a period of time before jeremiah betrays him.
jeremiah is a genius engineer, and, when looking into his past, we can assume that he was a child prodigy. he worked with thomas wayne before he died and designed the wayne plaza building under the aforementioned alias "xander wilde." he also locked himself in an underground maze for ~6 years (i believe?) and never went outside, instead sending his proxy (ecco) out to act in his place during business transactions.
as seen here, jeremiah seems to be the complete opposite of showboat jerome:
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when we first meet jeremiah, we are told that he is totally sane, but we can later see that this is not the complete truth.
i'll use jeremiah's project as a metaphor for this. jeremiah was building a set of generators which could make energy harvesting and usage much less expensive and much more bio-friendly (if i remember correctly). bruce promised to fund his project and jeremiah accepts his offer quickly.
after jerome dies in season 4 after kidnapping bruce and jeremiah, he left behind a concoction of chemicals that seemingly make jeremiah go insane. this is a play on joker toxin / joker venom from the greater dc universe.
however, after jeremiah reveals his new self
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he says that the spray did not actually change who he actually is, but just gave him an altered appearance. there are a lot of fan theories about this, but the general consensus is that the spray likely lowered his inhibitions, which gave him the kick needed to reveal his true self.
even his complexion resembles the joker he corresponds with: black and white. he is the black and white joker because he isn't as expressive, is way more calculated, and is more cruel and less happy. even his skin is paper white.
here's some gifs of what he looks like after those "slight cosmetic changes" :
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that looks a lot more like the joker we know and love today, right? bleach-pale skin, red painted lips, green hair. he's instantly recognizable as the stereotypical joker now.
remember when i mentioned the generators? let's go back to them. the entire time that the generators have been around, they've also been perfectly functional as powerful bombs. their ability to be used as bombs does not undermine the fact that they can also be used as generators, and both of these things were true at the same time *for the entire time they have existed.*
it is in this way that jeremiah's paradoxical nature has always existed. jeremiah is crafty, cunning, and absolutely vicious. he has no care or concern for human life in general and will sacrifice most people in his life if it means that he will get what he wants in the end.
this is shown both before and after the joker toxin in how he lied about jerome when they were children (which caused jerome to be heavily abused) and in how jeremiah willingly killed one of his most devoted and beloved followers, who was being ransomed, just because someone put him on hold and it was personally easier for him to just kill him than sit on hold on the phone for a while. (he also has a vicious streak, though, because he immediately moved the demolition of the bombs up to immediately once he was out of the blast zone because those people inconvenienced him.)
something that's important to realize about jeremiah is that he has an issue with being called crazy. jerome does, too, but he eventually comes to accept the term, almost like he's reclaiming it, but jeremiah is *violently* against it. that's one of the things that set him off in the previously mentioned interaction.
both jeremiah and jerome are obsessed with bruce, though in different ways. jeremiah sees bruce first as his best friend and later as the "brother [he] could never have, that jerome could never be." jerome just sees bruce as a particularly entertaining and interesting kid who he enjoyed tormenting who he would eventually kill.
anyway, despite jeremiah being crazy (or, depending on who you ask, just less inhibited) he is still crazy smart and calculating. he thinks through everything before he does it and his master plans seem like they go on forever with 10000 parts to them and backups and contingencies galore.
the only time that jeremiah ever really seems to break out of this is when he's fighting with bruce. while he still does have a greater point to make or something he's trying to accomplish, he thinks through things less with him and shows his impulsive and rash side a bit more, which is interesting because jerome showed his thoughtful and contemplative side when faced with the obstacle that is bruce thomas wayne. i love parallels and contrasts, especially in these two characters! i just love writing about twins, they're always so interesting.
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some important things about their relationship to one another:
even though jerome kidnapped jeremiah and seemingly strapped a bomb to his neck (after breaking into his house and telling him that he would kill him), jerome doesn't seem to actually want jeremiah to die. instead, as we later find out, he wants jeremiah to unleash his true self and carry on his legacy of chaos and cruelty in gotham for him after his death. this is why he left behind the laughing gas for him.
(the fact that jerome thought to do all of that shows that he really was a smart character and that he truly did understand the world around him well. he knew exactly what would happen in the event of his death, i.e. bruce offering to fund jeremiah's work and jeremiah accepting, as is shown when jerome has the joker venom in a present box which claims to be sent from wayne enterprises.)
jeremiah *hates* to be compared to jerome in any way, as he thinks of himself as "the face of true sanity." he actually has an entire notebook full of jerome's ideas, which he says he will outdo and perfect, thus defeating his brother in the end, which i don't know if i agree with, but whatever.
i think that it's because of the reputation that jerome got at the circus. jeremiah wanted people to think of him as better than jerome and as the perfect child, which he succeeded at. to him, jerome is synonymous with crazy, which i've already mentioned that he hates to be called.
okay, just one more part to talk about. the infamous, much anticipated Mr. J!!!
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in the series finale, it is revealed that jeremiah, after falling into a vat of acid, is horribly disfigured and pretends to be in a vegetative state for the whole ten years that bruce is on his quest to improve himself before becoming batman. he does this as a way of waiting for bruce to come back to gotham so he can continue to be obsessed with him.
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however, though this is jeremiah, it seems that he has actually gone through immense mental trauma sometime during this time (perhaps during his fall into a vat of chemicals), which has caused him to sort of lose his sense of self. he once says that there was "another me" [another him] once, which is, of course, referring to jerome. this implies that jeremiah sees jerome as an extension of himself, almost, and almost makes it seem as if mr. j is a whole different entity of his own.
hopefully this clears everything up a bit for you!! let me know if you have any questions or want to know anything specific about the characters and i will be glad to oblige!
thank you once again for being so kind as to leave this ask!! it really made my day. thank you for enjoying my fic, i hope it continues to live up to expectations. i have a lot of fun things planned (and i am very happy that you decided to look into these characters more, because they are actually extremely important to the plot as we get more into the actual story!). <33
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detectivemaker · 2 months
So I've been thinking about a Batman X persona AU
The basic plot is Terry McGinnis and a bunch of  OCS who are basically descendants of Batman villains team up to beat the s*** out of Hugo Strange for trying to summon Barbados who is a twisted God of Justice, he is summoning Barbados by creating more Insanity in the world,   in his mind the existence of evil  creates the call for the great fist  of Justice, therefore the more  crazy evil in the world will make the call for the fist of Barbados  louder, so you know he'll get here faster
So the cutesy mascot and beginner Navigator of the game is a  depowered Michael who's the god of crazy, but like the freedom crazy can bring, he has his character Arc about doubting if his purpose is really helping the world and he ends up becoming a bushoni catboy at the end
The initial party members are Lewis and Lenore who are the emperor and Empress respectively, I can't think of there initial personas but I have an idea of everyone's ultimate personas being trickster related (for example the doctor freeze analog would have the goddess hel as an ultimate, cuz you know she's cold related and also the kid of a trickster God)
The only initial Persona I have a vague idea about is the lenoirs, I'm thinking Marianne (you know the chick book Alice gets mistaken for) and for sure the goddess   Eris as an ultimate,  I guess another child of Nix for Lewis so they can be siblings by Blood and persona
Dorothy will be the Navigator after Michael quits  so he can focus more on his character Arc, she's the hermit Arcana and she has an Eldredge persona, I'm thinking straight up  Nyarlathotep as an ultimate
Obviously the OG Batman villains are the bosses who need to have that crazy  meters crank down from the maximum Hugo bought them to, though only Lenore Lewis and Dorothy confront their projectors
More about the Hugo plan basically he's driving influential people crazy,  so that can Domino into a big outburst of mental breakdowns,   He  starts his planned by mind screwing with some professors  at   Gotham University,  obviously there Jarvis and Jonathan, if you couldn't tell from Lewis and Lenore being the initial party members
There is a joker  analog and he's working for Hugo, he's not  an OC
He's James Gordon Jr,  
and he's the devil Arcana,  
his personas Loki, 
and he hates  that, he hates that so much he wants to stop existing
So if you guys have any ideas about other party members and personas just hit me up I guess
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sly-fox · 1 year
This is honestly going to suck but-
Okay, I don’t see enough people talking about this so- here we are. This will contain spoilers for the analog horror series, Guilty Tears Au of Sanders Sides. If you haven’t seen it or if any of the following triggers you, please skip: (I am listing the triggers from all the episodes just in case you want to watch it as well so some won’t make sense on a tumblr post, but just in case-) Disturbing Imagery, Loud Sounds, Body Horror, Blood, Gore, Death, Violence, Food (more like implied cannibalism, but ok-), Flashing Lights, Spiders, Ladybugs.
Now if any of that bugs you, I would say that this isn’t for you. This is just my personal opinion and analysis on this series! So let’s get started:
Episode 1: Teachers PowerPoint
So, we’re starting off with a very simple format; a PowerPoint presentation called “Dreams, a Manageable Analysis by Logan Sanders”.
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Like omg Logan is so cute in this 🥺. He keeps talking about sleep and the benefits and downsides of it. But something is… off about it. The monitor keeps glitching out and skipping parts of the presentation. It skipped over the definition of Non-REM sleep, and it just is a bit strange. Then this happens:
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And then it gets closer T-T. I kinda jumped when I saw it ngl- Then he gives us the definition of a nightmare. It kinda was normal at first but then-
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Like wth-? This was honestly just weird to me me, cause he looked like a fucking demon- this isn’t even the weirdest part (and therefore not the most interesting).
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Now, the first one is obviously a reference to everything going on with the wedding arc and… other things. Missing Important Events? The callback. Loneliness. More so up to interpretation, or is it? I’ll come back to it later. Rejection? Again, back to it later. Confusing Emotions? All that Thomas has been dealing with for a WHILE. Broken promises, WTIT, anyone?
The second photo:
Wow.. well what I say about this, is that Logan is snapping at Thomas again, cause as we have seen, he tends to distract himself rather than actually solving his problems. Logan is trying to communicate with Thomas again and he. Won’t. Listen.
After that we got a number sequence:
If you line it up with the letters in the alphabet, you get “Stop Ignoring Re”. I thought I heard it wrong but I didn’t-. So there had to be a reason for it to say “Re” instead of “Me”, right? Right. I’ll be tying it together, I swear. Just bear with me here. I also find it interesting that a YELLOW GLOVED HAND turned off the monitor and put an out of order note on the screen (I mean it was pretty glitchy so I mean-).
(Also there is a sticky note on the bottom left corner that reads “DONT LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN” keep that in the back of your mind c:)
Episode 2: Forgotten Fairytale
So it starts with Janus opening a story book titled “The Young Prince”.
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This is interesting- I see a little crown charm on the bookmark- Erin focus- okay so the cover already grabbed my attention. At first cause I thought of beauty and the beast and
H O L Y S H I T the parallels. We have a mirror with a green gem on the handle (I don’t think it’s important but I could be mistaken-). In it, a black wilting rose. Black roses itself mean death, while the wilting flower by itself means “Term used to supress desire when it would otherwise be impossible to fornicate.” Roman wanted to go to the callback (and ask out Nico), but it seemed just out of reach, so he ended up with choosing an option that goes against himself (Virgil helped him with Nico but still-).
To the actual story, it talks about how lonely Roman feels (Loneliness huh?) and that he wants to meet his true love. He searches and searches but can’t find them. One night, a witch pays a visit. He says that he wants to make a deal: he will give Roman his “one true love” in exchange for half of his kingdom. Roman didn’t want to risk it, and told him no.. the witch did not like that.
He cursed Roman, and his face had melted off. Overwhelmed by heartbreak, he locked himself in his tower. The people eventually forgot about him and he died alone, holding the wilted black rose..
And then Janus literally closes the book on that tale-. So Roman’s I feel is more metaphorical, he feels like his world is falling apart, trying to use love to distract him from the pain of his decision to go to the wedding, and the moment he was attacked, no one helped him.. (Janus I love you but you’re a bitch-)
Episode 3: Cookie Mistake
(Yes I’m sure it’s a pun off of Rookie Mistake, it’s Patton what did you expect?)
So this an actual person acting out Patton this time.
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The puns 😭. But yeah, it’s a simple baking tutorial! And it’s a mime kinda thing, so we have dialogue on the screen. It seemed normal, but this is Guilty Tears.
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He dumped the flour into the bowl and made a little bit of a mess- it’s baking what are you going to do about it? But Patton started shaking slightly saying “That wasn’t supposed to happen…” It’s okay I know you said you were feeling “crumby” but damn- it’s just flour.
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Ok then, laying it on thick. So Patton is freaking out over the little things and these little messages pop up. “Do you feel guilt consuming your every thought?” No I don’t think so- but this is maybe reference to POF, where he caused Thomas pain without realizing. The “Nobody is free of sin” seems like a twisted version of their new concept, “Not everything is black and white.” Patton is trying to distract himself from what happened and is only stressing himself out more.
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HOLY FUCK, PATTON- Okay. So there’s obviously SOMETHING going on. Why did he have blood in the first place? Why’d he think it was a good idea? Patton are you a cannibal now-?
This gave me an idea.. this could be both figurative or literal but, the blood is on his hands.. Let’s take a look at Virgil’s episode.
Episode 4: Wake Up Call
According to (assumedly) Thomas’ phone, it is 3:23 pm. April 23rd. Almost his birthday, hmm.
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Holy shit- no✨ Dolls are creepy enough-. Anyway, it’s starts off by (I assume) Virgil asking Thomas:
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So one answer is normal, one is more normal for Thomas and the other sounds more Anxiety related. He chooses to brush his teeth, but they fall out. In dreams, teeth falling out are associated with loss and important life changes. Thomas has been struggling to coming to terms with the fact that he isn’t a complete pure good, and his life has changed drastically. This series started from a silly blog and now it’s a series dealing with complex and controversial issues, while he’s struggling to show the world who he is.
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With the answers, they’re the same type. He chooses to make breakfast, but in the fridge with Virgil Doll, is a fucking skeleton/corpse and the fridge is all bloody. The “blood on his hands” thing might be more literal than we MAY have thought. Did Thomas kill someone? If so, who did he kill? I’ll get us there (hopefully-).
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Okay- Hi Virgil- so, here I want to point out c. “I promise tomorrow I will change I will be a good person I will clean”. As soon as it had showed up on the screen, Virgil appeared. Thomas is making promises he can’t keep.
Seems like Logan had another good point- Thomas keeps trying to say tomorrow this and tomorrow that, but Virgil knows. He wants Thomas to get up and be productive, but with Logan “out of service” you have anxiety based motivation. Virgil, being his anxiety, is also reminding him what he did.
At the end, Virgil doll is hanging by a thread (literally) and we see a gloved hand cut the thread. Setting Virgil free for now..
Episode 5: Important Reminder
Thomas is upstairs, and is going down to his living room to answer a knock at his door, and it is a WRECK. But worse than before. There’s blood on the walls and all that. He picks up “The Young Prince” something he apparently used to like during childhood, and finds this drawing between the pages:
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“Have you ever imagined killing your brother?” “This is me electrifying my brother!”
Could this imply that Remus was actually the supposed witch? It was (possibly) the drawing mentioned in the Moving On episodes within the pages of a book where Princey died. This could be implying that ever since Remus appeared, Roman has been hurting. Maybe because he blames his dear twin for the murder?
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Okay- I’m okay. If you can’t tell, the word “unhelpful” was written in blood, and there is some behind the curtain. I can’t tell who it is tho- Patton? Nightmare Nico?
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Speaking of Nico, ✨R E J E C T I O N✨
But really, Thomas is obviously having issues. He tried to get out the house, but Nico was busy that whole week. (Including his birthday 😢)
When he finally answered the door..:
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As we’ve seen in WTIT, Thomas is scared of getting older, so I think it’s interesting that Remus called him that. “I can show you how bad things can truly get” I think this is his twisted way of saying “Get over it, you didn’t do as much harm think you did.”
(“Stop Ignoring Re”)
But of course, Janus closes the door on him, shutting him away from Thomas.
Episode 6: Blinding Denial
>No no no.
>I’m fine, I’m alright.
>I’m just…
>I’m just tired.
>I’ll fix it tomorrow, okay?
>I promise.
Thomas have still not learned? 🤨
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I feel when Janus leaves the baby crying, he’s not talking about a literal baby, but Thomas. Janus has been sheltering him from the sides trying to confront him (Turning off the PC, Closing the Book, Editing the Video + cleaning the blood, etc.) but has had enough of Thomas prolonging the inevitable.
“You’ve been walking in circles”
“You’re running away from yourself”
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He squished the Ladybug. Whilst crushing the hope that good luck will suddenly make things better.
“It’s time to move on and forgive yourself”
Holy crap I did it. Well hopefully you enjoyed! See you later!
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alysmond-sideblog · 8 months
Alysmond Ren Faire AU
I'm imagining an Alysmond ren faire AU, inspired in part by the faire I recently went to, and in part by this video on historical accuracy vs historical fantasy.
Aemond "tis I who studies history" is a history major. He is dressed in an exhaustively researched, pedantically historical, wool-and-linen outfit he made himself. He can tell you exactly what place and year his outfit is from, what extant garments his tunic is patterned after, what portraiture he drew from.
(Despite this, I'm not sure he's actually perceived as historical at first glance by the other people at the faire. Is his eyepatch/sapphire mistaken as an accessory rather than a disability? Do they think he's cosplaying as an anime villain?)
Alys is a vendor, running a fantasy booth selling tarot and crystals. Wearing mostly rayon, an off-the-shoulder ruffled chemise, two layered skirts rucked up with a skirt hike, a splash of glitter makeup. Analogizing her lowborn status with the more "trashy" or "tacky" elements less highbrow parts of ren faire.
and then ✨they are drawn to each other✨
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maple-keenes · 4 years
How about analogical with 16 and 63 for the fanfiction mashup
alright so that’s prison au + mistaken for a couple? okay that’ll be... fun 
virgil is what some would call a criminal and what others would call a vigilante. what started as a few harmless hacks became high-profile grand larceny, robbing billionaires and corporations... until he got caught. 
he’s wasting away in a maximum-security prison when all of a sudden the lights go dark and he wakes up in a room with a gorgeous secret agent sitting on the table in front of him. 
he wants virgil to help him rob [fake rich billionaire], and his name is logan. skip to three months later, and they’re advancing nicely on their planning, becoming fast friends, and also one of the doctors assigned to the project, patton, keeps suggesting places for them to go on dates. seriously, virgil sits on logan’s lap one time and all of a sudden they’re dating? 
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
Egg Stan Origins
In my notes earlier today, I saw that someone had liked one of my Egg Stan ficlets, and I decided to reread said ficlet.  And then before I knew it, I was writing stuff for the Egg Stan AU, because I can’t control myself.  So here, have...whatever this is.
              Ford slowly drifted back to wakefulness.  As he opened his eyes, a fish darted across his field of vision.
              Shit!  I’m underwater!  Panicking, Ford began to swim for the surface, before realizing that he wasn’t drowning.  He let himself sink back to the ocean floor.  Why can I breathe underwater?  He held out his hands to inspect them.  His mouth went dry.  Thin, red webbing stretched between his twelve fingers.  He looked down at his legs.  Or rather, where his legs used to be.  In their place was a large, extravagant tail with golden scales and red fins.
              “Fuck,” he whispered.  He ran a hand through his hair.
              I’m- I’m a merman?  How did that happen?  He racked his brain, desperate for answers.  The creature!  The last thing he remembered was being on the ship, with a massive sea serpent bearing down upon them.  When the serpent opened its mouth to spray venom at him, Stan had jumped in front of him to act as a shield.  Stanley!
              “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Ford muttered, frantically looking around for his twin.  There weren’t any other mermen in the vicinity.
              Maybe he avoided this fate?  Doubtful.  Ford’s eyes landed on what looked like a large fish egg, partially buried in the sand. He swam over, rendered clumsy by his new tail, and gently lifted the egg from the sand.  The egg was red but transparent, allowing him to see the very young mer curled up within.  Is this- is this Stan?
              “No.  That’s not possible.”  Ford spoke aloud in an attempt to convince himself.  The mer in the egg suddenly twisted around, revealing its face.  Ford’s heart plummeted.  The mer had a face he recognized well.  No one outside their family had that large, ruddy nose.  “Stanley…”  Ford held the egg close to his chest, panic rising.
              Stan’s been turned into a mer child still in utero. I’m fully grown, but a merman. What am I supposed to do? Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of voices in the distance.  He swallowed nervously.  I’m not one to typically ask for help, but I don’t really have a choice, do I? Ford swam towards the voices.  As he got closer, he saw the source – a young merman and mermaid, probably related, judging by their similar features.
              “Excuse me,” Ford called.  The merman and mermaid changed course, swimming over to him.  “I- I need some help.”
              “Why aren’t ya speakin’ Mermish?” the merman asked in thickly accented English.  His tail was a burnt orange, contrasting with his dark hair.
              “I wasn’t aware that merfolk had their own language,” Ford said.  The merman and mermaid looked doubtfully at each other.  “I- I’m human, you see, and-”
              “Uh, if you were a former human, you’d have a belly button,” said the merman, sounding suspicious.  Ford looked down.  His jaw dropped.
              “What the-”  He stared at the completely smooth skin where his belly button had previously been located.  “I don’t- I don’t know how that happened.”
              “Who’s this lil feller?” the mermaid cooed, peering at the egg Stan was in.  Her accent was just as thick as the merman’s.  She and the merman had the same large nose, but her hair was caramel-colored, matching her pale yellow tail.
              “My twin brother.  What happened to make me like this, it- somehow it affected him more severely and-”
              “What’s a twin?” the merman asked.
              “A sibling born at the same time as you.”
              “Yer claimin’ this cutie is from the same clutch you hatched from?” the mermaid asked.
              “Yes?  No? Look, I don’t understand your mer terminology, I’m human!” Ford burst out.  The merman and mermaid exchanged a concerned look.
              “It’s okay,” the mermaid said soothingly.  She held out her hands.  “I can take yer brother so’s ya can swim better.”
              “No!”  Ford held Stan’s egg even tighter.  Stan swirled around in the egg.  Alarm flashed in the mermaid’s eyes.
              “Okay, okay,” she said.  “I won’t take ‘im.  But I think that it might be best if ya come with us to our house, at least fer the night. It’ll get dark soon.  The guppy eels come out when the light fades.”
              “G-guppy eels?” Ford stammered.
              “They eat eggs ‘n guppies,” the merman said. Ford’s heart leapt into his throat. “Are ya goin’ to come with us, stranger?”  Ford swallowed.
              “I don’t really have any other choice,” he mumbled.  The merman patted him on the back.
              “That’s the spirit.  Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of room fer the both of ya.”
              By the time Ford and the merfolk arrived at their destination, a large underwater cliff face, he was exhausted.  Not just physically, though the swim had been more taxing than he expected.  He was also mentally weary from the immense amount of information he’d learned from the merfolk.  Apparently, humans did turn into mers on rare occasions, but when they did, they kept their belly buttons.  In addition, mer eggs were laid in massive clutches and kept in something called a “guppy basket”.  His hosts had assured him that they had a guppy basket where Stan could go.
              But he’s not leaving my sight.  The merman, whose name was Lute, looked at Ford with some amusement.
              “Yer a bit out of shape, ain’t ya?” he asked. The mermaid, who was named Angie, punched him.
              “Be nice,” she chided.  Ford’s initial assessment of the two being related was correct; they were siblings.
              Not just siblings.  Clutch-mates.  From what Lute and Angie had told him, clutch-mate seemed to be the closest mer analog to a twin.  Clutch-mates were siblings that hatched from the same clutch of eggs, though they sometimes hatched days apart.  
              “I’ll go alert the folks we’ve got a guest,” Lute said.  He opened a door into the cliff that Ford hadn’t seen and ducked inside.  Ford looked askance at Angie.
              “It’s an optical illusion thing,” she said with a shrug.  “Unless ya know where the entrance is, ya can’t find it.”  Of the two siblings, she seemed the kinder and gentler, taking what Ford said at face value.  Unlike her brother.
              Though she could just be humoring me.  I’m fairly certain they think I’m having some sort of nervous breakdown.  Angie smiled at Ford, then opened the door.  I’ll take humoring me over mocking me.
              “C’mon on in,” she said.  Ford reluctantly swam inside.  He was in a pleasantly homey living room that, if it weren’t underwater, could be mistaken for belonging to a human family.  Potted plants lazily swayed from small currents.  A middle-aged merman and mermaid sat on a couch, speaking with Lute.
              Presumably, these are Angie and Lute’s parents. One of the many things he’d been told during the swim was that merfolk lived with their parents until they had a mate, after which they would find their own place to live.  As unmated merfolk, Angie and Lute had yet to move out. Lute was a carbon copy of his father, with the exception of his tail color; his father’s tail was blue.  Angie looked exactly like her mother, down to her tail color, but had her father’s large nose.
              “This must be the poor young man you found,” said their mother, catching sight of Ford.  She got up from the couch and swam over to him.  “Hmm…”  She looked him up and down.  “What’s your name, son?”
              “S-Stanford Pines.”
              “That’s not a mer surname,” the mother commented idly, still looking at Ford with a thoughtful gaze.  “But it is a human one.”  She smiled. “Let me introduce myself.  My name is Sally MerGucket, but if ya like, ya can call me Mrs. MerGucket.”
              “Mrs. MerGucket,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket nodded.
              “My mate Mearl is on the couch.”  Mr. MerGucket smiled warmly at Ford.  “It looks like you could use a guppy basket fer that egg.”
              “No, he’s going to stay with me,” Ford said firmly.
              “Of course he will,” Mrs. MerGucket said, sounding surprised.  “The basket will go in the same room ya sleep in.”
              “Come with me, dear.  I’ll show you to yer room fer the night.”  Mrs. MerGucket took Ford’s hand and led him out of the living room, down a hall, and into what was clearly a guest bedroom of sorts.  Under normal circumstances, Ford would ask a million questions about the furniture in the room, particularly the bed, with a frame made of what appeared to be living coral.
              I don’t feel much like asking questions right now, though.  Ford looked down at Stan’s egg.  Through the membrane, he could see Stan sucking his thumb.  Mom always hated when he did that.
              “Stanford.”  Ford looked up.  Mrs. MerGucket sat on the edge of the bed.  She patted the bed.  “Sit with me.”  Reluctantly, Ford swam over and sat next to her.  “May I?”  Mrs. MerGucket held out her hands.  Ford shook his head, keeping Stan close.  “That’s quite all right.”
              “You don’t believe me, do you?” Ford asked quietly. “That I used to be human.  Your children certainly don’t.”
              “Yes, they’re convinced that ya hit yer head,” Mrs. MerGucket said.  “They were worried fer yer health, as well as the health of the egg, since a confused guardian ain’t a safe one.”
              “You’re dodging the question.”
              “I didn’t mean to.”  Mrs. MerGucket sighed.  “Stanford, I believe ya.”  Ford’s head whipped up.  He stared at her.  “I suspect my children would, too, if they weren’t used to human behaviors.”  Ford frowned.
              “What do you mean?” he asked.  Mrs. MerGucket gestured to her torso.  Ford’s eyes widened.  Unlike her mate and children, Mrs. MerGucket had a belly button.  “You’re…”
              “Yes.  I used to be human.  Since I helped to raise my children, they don’t realize yer behaviors ‘n tendencies ‘re human through ‘n through.  But I’ve spent enough time among merfolk to tell ya used to be human, too.”  Mrs. MerGucket looked at Ford thoughtfully.  “Well.  Either that, or ya were raised by humans.  But I suspect you’d be a tad more traumatized, were that the case.”
              “I’m feeling fairly traumatized at the moment,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket put her hand on his shoulder.
              “Son, you can stay here as long as ya like, okay?”
              “I just want things to be the way they were yesterday,” Ford whispered.
              “I understand.  Unfortunately, I ain’t sure whether there’s a way to do that.  But we’ll do our best to help.  Once we hear yer story from ya, rather than from Lute, we’ll have a better idea of what happened to ya.  But that can wait until you’ve had some rest.  You ‘n that lil egg have been through a lot today.”
              “Yes,” Ford said, his voice breaking.  “We have.”
              “I’ll bring ya the guppy basket to put the egg in, okay?  And once that’s done, ya can get some sleep.”  Ford nodded woodenly.  Mrs. MerGucket left the room.
              “Stanley,” Ford whispered helplessly to the egg that had been his brother.  “What- what are we going to do?”  Stan offered no answers, merely curling up tightly within his egg.
              Stan’s egg rocked back and forth within the guppy basket.
              “Be patient,” Ford chided as he combed his hair. He’d learned the hard way that if he didn’t comb regularly, small crustaceans would take up residence in his thick curls.  After spending a few months with the MerGuckets, he felt more or less settled as a merman.
              At the very least, I feel less like a fish out of water.  Ford managed a small smile at the almost pun.  Every day, he learned more about merfolk and mer society from the MerGuckets.  They had yet to determine what sea creature had transformed him and Stan, however, and as a result, were no closer to reversing the process.  I suspect Mrs. MerGucket was right.  What happened to us can’t be remedied.  His good mood evaporated.  Stanley and I are stuck.  Said stuck egg abruptly rolled in the basket.
              “I told you to calm down,” Ford said, swimming over.  He wasn’t sure how much Stan was aware of in the egg, nor how much he would recall when hatched, but couldn’t shake the habit of talking to the egg like nothing had changed.  Like Stan was still his stubborn, adult self.  “I’ll put you in the sling in a moment.”  The egg rolled again.  “Fine!” Ford grabbed the egg sling off his dresser and put it on.  While it was impossible to carry an entire clutch in an egg sling, merfolk used them to keep close eggs they were concerned about.
              Luckily, I only have one egg, so transporting the full clutch isn’t an issue.  Ford froze. No.  Did I just- did I just think of Stan as being my child?
              “Everything all right in here?” a voice asked.  Ford looked over his shoulder.  Fiddleford treaded water in the doorway, smiling at him. A few days after Ford came to the MerGucket home, Fiddleford, Angie and Lute’s older brother, had returned home from an internship.  Very quickly, Fiddleford had become Ford’s favorite of the MerGucket children. Angie was kind and quite brilliant, but rambunctious in a way that reminded Ford of Stan and was thus painful to be around for long.  Lute was abrasive and curt, and still didn’t seem convinced Ford was telling the truth.
              Fiddleford, however, was gentle and warm, with an intellect to rival Ford’s.  The fact that Fiddleford was obsessed with human culture, and thus fascinated by Ford’s stories, only served to deepen their connection.
              “Yes, everything’s quite all right,” Ford said. He carefully placed Stan’s egg in the sling.  “Stan’s just being difficult this morning.”  Fiddleford swam over, frowning.
              “He’s just an egg.  How could he be difficult?”
              “Oh, he’s been moving around a lot.”
              “He…”  Fiddleford’s eyes widened.  “How long has this been goin’ on?”
              “A couple of days.  Why?”
              “Stanford, eggs start movin’ when they’re gettin’ ready to hatch,” Fiddleford said gently.  Ford’s mouth dropped open.  “I reckon ya might want to put the egg back in the basket.”  Numb, Ford did as he was told, removing Stan’s egg from the sling and gently setting it inside the guppy basket.  The egg began to rock and roll in earnest.  Finally, a tiny hand punched through the egg’s membrane.
              “He’s…” Ford whispered.  His voice failed him as he watched a newborn mer crawl through the hole.  “He’s…”
              “Quite the looker,” Fiddleford said quietly. The newborn mer, with fins and scales a drab green color, scrunched up his face and began to cry.
              “What- what do I-” Ford asked desperately. Fiddleford scooped up the newborn mer and gently placed him in the egg sling Ford still wore.
              “Newborn guppies like to be held,” Fiddleford said.
              Right.  Mer children are referred to as guppies.  And they don’t get their mature scale and fin colors until adolescence.  Ford stared down at the guppy curled up in the sling.  He was the spitting image of old family pictures of Stan.  Which makes sense, given that he is Stan.  Ford hesitantly stroked the guppy’s cheek. The guppy leaned into the movement with a soft crooning sound.  …Is he?
              “Is somethin’ wrong?” Fiddleford asked hesitantly.
              “I…”  Ford swam over to his bed and sat down.  Fiddleford followed, sitting next to him.  “I think that some part of me expected the Stan I knew to hatch from the egg. That he would be himself, with all his memories and quirks, but…a child.”  His voice began to quiver.  “That obviously isn’t the case.  He’s my brother, but not- not really.  Despite my best attempts, I’ve lost him.”
              “Don’t think of it that way,” Fiddleford said. He placed his hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Think of it as him gettin’ a fresh start.  Ya told me how yer pa wasn’t kind.”
              “No, he wasn’t.”
              “Well then, this is a chance fer him to get the kind of father he didn’t get the first time,” Fiddleford said gently. Ford swallowed.
              “…Yes.  I- I suppose you’re right.”  He removed the guppy from the sling to nestle in his arms.  The guppy looked up at him with curious brown eyes.  Ford carefully removed stray bits of egg from the guppy’s thick, brown curls.  “Hello.” The guppy cocked his head, interested. Ford held him close.  “It’s good-” he started.  His voice gave out.  He took a deep breath and tried again.  “It’s good to see you again, Stanley.”
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neo-shitty · 3 years
ah yeah, i think quarentine has given people some opportunity to actually just sit with the person they are, rather than be rushing around for the person they want to become. its good you got smth good out of isolation! ah thats great! hope you had fun and ur partner in crime speeds back home so you can get out more hehe.
ah yeah ty, good suggestions.
hmm good point, i was sort of putting it separate to the whole not-sexualising thing, but yeah. mmm yeah i totally agree, some of the enhypen fics/imagines *shudder* and even reading innie stuff is just a bit *icky* cos everyone still thinks of him as our agi ppang. yeah def would be good but sadly this just seems to be the world we live in. :(
ah yes the holy masterlist (not sarc) i have actually read in the rain and gladius maximus before, but ill go look for in class! oooh thats good! character development lol. hmmmm yes champagne problems was the angst to end all angst, that shit hurt. it was actually one of the first of your fics i read and i recall almost crying over the whole thing, it was so heartbreaking, i can see how it almost made you want to drop angst. good that youve allowed yourself some lee-way tho :)
hehe thats so cool. okay here we go, ill try not to be mortally offended (/hj)
cheese - yes same, i liked it but that was all there was, it wasnt a super standout track. it was rlly underwhelming for me but some of the hook is super catchy so there is Redemption (tm) in store for cheese maybe
thunderous - mmm, yeah at first i totally agreed, i think they suffer from too much good music syndrome, that all their other tracks are such fucking bops its hard to stay at that level of perfection. the choreo was beautiful tho and tbh, the track has grown on me since ive been watching all the vids abt it. its my brothers favourite track
domino - YES GODAMMIT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TITLE TRACK. the raps, the vocals, the vibes, the fucking domino sound in the back? i would have streamed that shit on repeat. but tbh, as good as it is, it doesnt have that sort of grandness/oomph that skz seems to like in their title tracks so i can see why they chose thunderous (tho domino would have been so good) *sigh*
ssick - yeah same, not my fave track by a long mile, the crowd cheering was a ?strange? choice and the chorus was a bit bare/empty, plus like i mentioned earlier, it was kinda funny to me for some reason but ill still play it if im playing thru the whole album
the view - ahh one of those not like other girls (/j) i honestly think its just a good party song, just a bop to play in the background when nobodys rlly paying much attention. its pretty generic pop music but catchy
sorry, i love you - hehe yeah i thought it was going to be sadder as well, but i rlly loved the fact that they all just got to sing, which almost never happens, i dont think ive heard felix sing for a long time, so i enjoyed it. wasnt rlly a standout track but i just casually like it. looking forward to the fic haha
silent cry - this song i swear, some bits are rlly good and then others are just? why?? it does sound like a dance song tho idk. definitely not one of my faves either
secret secret - YES its so good! its such a chill song and i love their vocals in it. the combination of lo-fi/fake strings backup stuff and their heavenly vocals just makes it *chefs kiss* im listening to it rn and just... its so beautiful. it gives me pumped up another day vibes ya know? like my pace is edgy get cool, this one is energetic another day i feel like. overall i love it
STAR LOST - ah thats so cool! i didnt know that! on first listen this song had a similar vibe to secret secret but then the beat came in and ahh its such a good song. i can totally imagine them putting this song to a concert footage vid, this song is so sweet.
red lights - LMAO YES ITS SO AWKWARD WHY DOES IT GO ON FOR SO LONG ah thats good! yeah good point, its quite intense hehe. but that is my fave trope and this is lowkey my favourite track on the album so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just the combination of hyunjins and chans voices, the backing music, the lyrics ahh red lights my beloved
surfin’ - yes lmao its always a shock, i feel like they should have put gone away in between them, but its such a fun cute song, i cant get rlly mad. yeah, as an aussie i think im contractually obligated to like beaches lol. sand im not such a fan of, but my familys rlly into fishing and my brother loves bodyboarding so we stay at a beach house at least twice a year and we live like 5 mins from 3 different beaches (hehe all aussie cities are on the coast lol) so thats cool. do you like beaches?
gone away - ah gone away my beloved, i love this song sm, its just so pure and showcases their vocals and lyrics so well. yes the pitch change is very out of the blue, i feel liek they went directly from seungmins soft vocals to hans powerful ones which was an interesting choice, but hey, im not complaining
wolfgang - YES IKR ah im so happy he got to be included in that era and song. yeah its such a full on song i cant rlly listen to it if im in a quiet mood but its very motivating :)
hehe mood, i hope they do! ahhh no rest, but at least you wont have to pull a blink and wait a year for any word from the group lol. im not rlly into nct but im excited for them! ah hopefully youll be able to sneak some rest into that chaotic schedule, with enhypen (idk if u stan but yeah) squeezed into it haha
<3 w.a. 🐺
i wheezed at partner in crime, it reminded me of smth. i have a lee know fic in the drafts that i wrote 'in honor' of him (and his departure-ish). i'll tag you when i finish it, if you want. it's a rather hilarious one.
oh my god. based on my experience on the collabs i've joined before, writing explicit shit for '01 & '02 is not accepted (nct's maknaes) but with enha's hyung line '01 & '02 somehow it's okay? i do a double take every time i see fics like those i mean, technically, it's legal but still what the fuck. maybe it's just not for me at the moment. not at us venting our frustration about this. it's just something that's so accepted here that i am (in all honesty) slightly uncomfortable about. but oh well. that's kpop writerblr for you.
man i could've linked all the fics in the ask instead so you wouldn't have to go looking for them! i think i saw you like in class the other day (the fic i renamed into sharp-tongued, god it took me a while to remember the new title). describing champagne problems as an angst to end all angst is one way to put what i was feeling back in december. it just hurt to write and admit?? if that ever happened to me i would prolly cry :d
okay back to the album talk! i love how you answered with more thoughts. i love exchanges like these! i am a victim of the cheese hook and it's now one of my favorite tracks in the album. PLS, TOO MUCH GOOD MUSIC SYNDROME. that's on our self-producing kings 😌💅 also, your brother has taste! as i am typing this, domino's currently playing in my head and i realized that too, that it doesn't have that 'vibe' of a skz title track. honestly, this could be a title track of another group. ssick is starting to grown on me because i found the beats cool kdjsk not the not like other girls 😭 the view is the generic pop that i don't like but i get why a lot of people enjoy it. sorry i love you scratches a certain itch that i find myself singing the first few lines every time i remember it. i too would want to hear felix sing more!
> a mini junction on the album talk bc i got side tracked. on that topic, i want skz to switch positions at some point like i know those allrounders are capable of doing so. specifically, i want to hear seungmin rap!!!! (yk in the recent weekly idol he talked faster than changbin in a challenge and changbin is like the fastest rapper in kpop that's active atm if im not mistaken. my dandy boy has some potential and i want it UNLEASHED.)
back to album talk. silent cry is basically sad music to twerk to. secret secret is definitely one of my favorite tracks :( i loved how you compared the tracks HAJSAH i burst out laughing bc yk what, you're right! i want to make a star lost edit of skz but i simply do not have the time i want to cry. i love the song so much. ok, my dreaded track, red lights. idt i have played the track since we last talked. my friend sent me the lyrics tho and i'm itching to write a twisted au out of it. idk if you're comfortable with yandere but somewhere along those themes. the obsessive type of love that's sweet at first but turns rotten. IMAGINE IF THEY PUT GONE AWAY BETWEEN ASHJA it's like going from 50 shades to the notebook.
i was about to ask if you lived near the coast and you literally mentions it here god im so stupid. yes i LOOOOOOOOOVE beaches so much. living in an archipelago is fun :( i live in a part of the country that's more island than city so every time i want some vitamin sea it's accessible. i heard the waves in australia are great :( anYWHOOO gone away :(( every time it plays im compelled to skip it because it makes me sAD AND NOWADAYS I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO BE SAD. contrary to you, i dislike my quiet moods because i tend to overthink a lot.
i have this little analogy about how there are stays that enjoy songs the generic pop + mellow songs and then there are other stays that enjoy the noisy tracks. in my mind, it's like a perfect balance that makes me feel like all the tracks are loved in the end. just by different people.
PULL A BLINK. bro i fucking hate yg entertainment. they have the biggest kpop girl group LOCKED in their basement when they could be (and i mean this in the most business-like way not morally) milking money of the quad. they're yg's biggest hope at not being bankrupt atm so it's a damn fucking mystery to me as to how they aren't doing anything. (jk i just realized lisa solo album soon, but i still need a ot4 cb hELLO)
i stopped looking forward to the teasers. rest > kpop boys. i don't want to sound like a cult member but have you tried checking out nct? are they just not your thing? (i get it tho, that's one hard group to get into). and yes i do stan enhypen!
wow i love how long these asks are! they're like online penpals. but i also want to ask about you! how have you been lately? are you feeling okay both mentally and physically? how's the weather there? do you have anything that you want to talk about? maybe an interesting book you read? feel free to bring up anything you want to share! i'm getting conscious about talking about myself HAJHSJ
and yet another long answer B) i am sooo sorry T___T should these ask exchanges feel draining to you, feel free to stop sending them in AAAA
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chartedrights · 4 years
Golden Age AU Masterpost
For everyone lacking context, the Golden Age AU is just me riffing on every piece of comic book media I’ve ever consumed. Here are some single-paragraph rundowns I’ve made to keep track of things as I start to write!
The Board of Directors is analogous to the Justice League- they’re pretty much entirely people with superpowers (with the exception of Carol, at first), they’re very prestigious, and they come together to ward off larger threats like the impressive super powered task force they are. Or they used to. Membership’s sort of dropped, and people with powers are getting harder to find and recruit, and the big headliner who ran it left it in the hands of some nurse, which is like. So not sexy.
PEIP is PEIP- they fit right in where they were. In the shadows, in the dark, fighting the threats that the “special people” won’t, protecting people on a lower level than “oh god, the apocalypse,” because apparently the superheroes aren’t concerned with espionage or alien meteors anymore. The pricks. Mostly run by people without superpowers- as far as they know- and deeply concerned with keeping heroes responsible for their own actions. They would be oversight, if they were allowed to be.
CCRP Technical is an interesting place. Charlotte and Ted work there, for Sam, though neither of them is quite sure what it actually does. Paul was recruited in hopes he’d grow into upper management, but he didn’t have the ambition for it. Bill has been there for a decade or two now, ever since he started attending those meetings with Becky and Mrs. Davidson. Melissa... Melissa is their rising star. Mr. Davidson isn’t sure what they found in her, but he’s glad to see her succeed! Good for her! Four for you Melissa, you go Melissa!
Hatchetfield.... is Hatchetfield. It’s small, it’s insular, it’s full of gossip and weirdness and people with eccentric ideas of morality. It might be easier to admit that superheroes and supervillains exist, but let nobody say that the citizens of Hatchetfield ever took the easy road. They will walk uphill, in the snow, denying the supernatural both ways.
Paul is a real sweetheart. He’s autistic, he’s quiet, he likes his routine and the simple pleasures in life... and he just happens to be unkillable and he maybe possibly sort of has the ability to fly. He could be an excellent addition to either team, but he refuses to be a proper superhero, making him Hatchetfield’s most obvious target. Which in turn means that he often ends up acting like a proper superhero against his own will. He thinks Emma is perfectly lovely and still hasn’t noticed her committing crimes.
Emma is Hidgens’ Lab Assistant, which is code for “committing crimes for college credit,” and she does a lot of the footwork for him. Being a henchman definitely tops food service, lets put it that way. She also gets to follow in the family business- a long line of Perkins supervillains ended when Jane broke free and became a real hero for Tom’s sake. She always wanted to be a good person, but Emma is not as opposed to violence. She also cannot wait for Hidgens to level Hatchetfield, which is made complicated by the fact that she likes Paul rather a lot, and he likes Hatchetfield.
Hidgens is a supervillain. He never leaves his house, orchestrates incidents of immense damage to the civic infrastructure, and refuses to acknowledge that just maybe putting children into the path of radioactive chemicals is not a valid scientific experiment. He’s not necessarily a bad person, it’s just that his morals refute even the idea of black and white. More like blue and red. Orange and green. He is of the opinion that world peace can only be achieved by world domination, and therefore has begun a track to world domination. He and Sam have a blood feud of indeterminate origin.
Becky Barnes, low-level healer and walking anesthetic, somehow ended up in charge of the Board of Directors. The last leader disappeared three days after handing off control, and Becky is still looking for them. Becky is very conspicuously not looking for her ex-husband, however. It makes some people suspicious, and nobody more than Sam, who is Stanley’s most obnoxious cousin. Apparently, ruining Becky’s life runs in the family. Despite these troubling events, Becky does her best to keep the city standing and the world turning- she and Bill manage what they can, Carol and PEIP manage what they can’t. She’s still in a precarious place, however, and she’s looking for help.
Frank Pricely supplies everyone with gadgets. Hero and villain alike, everyone pays. Not always the same price, but everyone pays. He’s a neutral party, and he acts the part, but everybody likes to debate his loyalties. There’s no such thing as truly neutral, right? Everyone has their price- even him. It’s just a matter of what that price is.
Lex is his cashier, which means that she learned early on in her career in retail that the panic button is not half as good a first resort as the paralysis darts Frank keeps in the cash drawer. She has the ability to manifest objects, as long as she knows where they are. She needs a concrete location to pull them away from, which means that she snoops in every house she visits, checks the staff rooms of every store she enters. She can, on command, find you just about anything you need. For a price. She’s learning a lot lately, though, and what she learns about her powers might put her at risk.
Bill is one of the few members of the Board of Directors still standing. He and Becky get coffee all the time, and commiserate about the lack of help in Hatchetfield. He has telepathy, and certain illusionary abilities, which come in especially handy when he’s talking people down or trying to sneak hostages out of hostage situations. A gentle, well-intentioned man, Bill is not outwardly very intimidating, but he’s strong. Much stronger than most people would like to think. Becky keeps trying to hand off leadership to him, and he gently hands it back every time- he’s got other problems to deal with right now.
Formerly married to the infamous Perkins family heiress, Tom tries to live a nice, quiet life. He used to be a hero- and a damn good one- but Jane defected for him, and then died for it, and he carries more guilt than he probably should. Tom never thought of himself as special, really, and he still doesn’t. He can warp matter- twist it into shape, turn it from one thing to another, and he’s a fine craftsman when he wants to be. But it’s a dangerous thing to have on hand when you’re angry or frightened, and Tom still has an awful case of PTSD hanging around his neck. He’s doing his best to wrangle with it, but he’s going to need some help.
Ethan is just a teenager. Really, he promises. He absolutely swears. Nothing special about him! He’s just real intuitive! He and Lex have been looking into that whole “experimentation” thing they did at CCRP back when they were babies and it wasn’t even interesting! He’s just a mechanic, honestly. He’s a straight C student! He hasn’t even joined the cult off the coast on that houseboat!! He’s a good kid. No reason to be concerned at all.
Ted is also Hidgens’ henchman, but definitely the lower-ranked of the two. He applied hoping he’d make some friends, but thus far all he’s managed to do is fall in love with Charlotte, who is Sam’s henchman. It’s not going badly for him, but it’s not going well, either. He and Paul still work together. Every time Hidgens asks, Ted is like “Paul? Nah. He’s totally normal.”
Gary is a mob lawyer. He used to work for Emma’s family, but now he works for Sherman and Linda. They’re technically competition, and if they ever find out that he’s playing both sides he’ll absolutely die, but in the meantime he is racking up that cash. He is so rich. He is capable of great evil, and occasionally does terrible things, but overall he’s an affable guy. He and Charlotte had an unfortunate tryst once that ended with her tying him to the Welcome to Hatchetfield sign with his own scarf, but he still pines for her. She’s the one that got away. And continues to get away. cops hate her: local woman refuses to go to jail.
MacNamara still works for PEIP, which is only slightly a different job, on account of there being very public superheroes in this world. He and Xander have been married for ten years, but they are both under the (mistaken) impression that it wasn’t a real marriage because it was done undercover. He thinks about that and is very sad about it sometimes. But they’re partners, and that’s good enough that he can be content with it. For now. He has the ability to intensify or nullify other people’s superpowers, and he does his best to keep it quiet. He thinks there’s something noble about living without superpowers, and vaguely wishes that he and Chad’s roles were swapped- until he remembers that Chad has one (1) brain cell to his name.
Xander has the ability to speak to computers. It’s not flashy, at first glance. It doesn’t have the pizzazz of Paul’s gifts or the subtle mind fuckery of John and Bill’s. But he can know whatever he wants, can hear anything, tap any phone call, look through any webcam. He doesn’t, because he’s not a fucking creep, but he can. PEIP was lucky to find him before CCRP- and so was everyone else in the world. Xander’s not flashy in general- he keeps a lot to himself. He and John have been partners for a long time, and they still haven’t said they love each other. He still hasn’t told John that he’s a member of the Board. He still hasn’t told John that he and Paul are in the same book club.
Schaffer doesn’t need powers. You think she needs powers? Her power is that she breathes and death turns away. PEIP was built by good people like Schaffer, people with principles and strong hearts and ice cold spines of steel. Normal, human people, unremarkable except that they chose to be better. She’s fourth-generation PEIP, born and raised to believe in the service they do, the protection they provide. Some of the more bitter agents will say that Schaffer benefitted from nepotism. They will never say this in front of her, because deep down they know she did not and they know that she will prove it by kicking their asses. She and Carol used to date, but the strain of crossing enemy lines in what was, essentially, a Cold War between PEIP and the Board got to them both. Schaffer is the person Hidgens called after he got struck by lightning.
Charlotte is Sam’s henchman and quietly in the running for longest con ever pulled. One day she is going to off him and take his place as the leading supervillain in Hatchetfield, but that day is not today. She likes Ted, but Sam keeps telling her to kill him, so their relationship amounts to “the inherent eroticism of trying to murder each other”. Nobody is entirely certain how she does what she does, but she’s very, very good at her job. Emma looks up to her just a little. She had a therapist once. He tried to sleep with her. She no longer has a therapist. She does have a very lovely goldfish, however.
Mr. Davidson is MacNamara’s twin brother and Hidgens’ ex. His wife is a genuine bona fide Batman-level hero in a bigger city, so he occasionally gets kidnapped or tortured. Hidgens still writes him bitter and mildly threatening love ballads that he genuinely treasures and sends very heartfelt thank you notes for. His life is so messy. There’s so much drama. He’s also completely powerless and cheerful about it. (Re: the Working Boys.... he’s Chad. Chad MacNamara Davidson.)
Alice is developing absolutely no superpowers and she’s really really annoyed about it. She used to take this out on Lex, as teenagers will, but after Lex dropped out she began to regret that. Too little and much too late, but regret is regret. She keeps trying to mend that bridge, but it’s not working. Unfortunately for her, she’s still been seen with Lex and Ethan, and that’s enough. Imminent danger perceives no difference between friend and foe. Alice is full of a very different kind of potential, however, and sooner or later all that bottled-up anger and stress will lash out.
Deb, on the other hand, is an intern at the Board of Directors’ headquarters, which is now St. Damien’s given that Becky is in charge. Interns for heroes are much less common than henchmen working for villains, but Deb has a keen interest in coordination and overseeing operations. Bill hates having her on comms for missions, but she’s just... so good at her job. She can brew a pot of Red Bull twice-steeped coffee, arrange a date with Alice, avoid an international incident, redirect PEIP and talk Bill through defusing a bomb in the same ten-minute stretch. Lesbians can do anything. This is a fact. They are the backbone of our society.
Hot Chocolate Boy is full of secrets. And hot chocolate.
And speaking of St. Damien’s, do you recall poor Bridgette, who lost her eyesight in a horrible accident? I’m not saying Hatchetfield is going to have it’s very own Matt Murdock expy, but I am saying that. She’s blind, she’s Catholic, and she’s coming for your kneecaps.
Linda is a very low-level villain who operates out of her husband’s office and sics her Boating Club on people. Gerald should technically be a threat, given that it’s the Monroe family prerogative to slaughter rising heroes with an alacrity that distinguished them from all the other families in Hatchetfield. He is not. He’s barely even a henchman. Linda got all the bloodlust between the two of them, and she is out for blood from the start. Though initially quickly defeated, she grows in seriousness over the course of time and ends up a formidable threat with a weighty grudge against Becky and Lex. She’s not much in a physical fight, Linda, but she is deeply, deeply vindictive, and she’s willing to make any deals she has to to bring Becky down. Any deals. With anyone. Anything.
Sherman Young is a mob boss, and you know it. He’s a real creep and he’s got some sick hobbies, even for a man in his line of work, but somehow the 80s jacket and the comb-over mullet make it all worse. He’s the richest man in town, and that’s saying something, but if Linda has a say in things he won’t be for long. The Youngs, the Monroes, and the Perkins have been at war since the founding of the town, and Sherman is cutting down his competition. He might have even arranged for Jane’s accident to happen, but nobody is sure. Nobody living, anyway.
Sam is a villain. He’s not super or anything. He’s just a villain. He’s top-tier Joker-level normie, but he still goes toe-to-toe with all kinds of heroes. Notable for being pretty much exactly the same as his show counterpart in regards to his proclivity for threats and violence. He once told Paul to “talk to his fucking gun” only to find that Paul is, despite all outward appearances, fucking immortal. He is still very embarrassed about it. He’s up and coming in the Hatchetfield Villain circuit, but he’s definitely a threat. To who? Who can say. Somebody, somewhere.
Papa Ed is a PEIP informant, and he has the ability to speak to animals. He’s raising Peanuts to be a very small, very enthusiastic little squirrel spy.
Man in a Hurry is a former speedster who lost his powers and compensates for it by Being In A Hurry at all times.
Homeless Man is a CCRP agent. He specializes in camouflage and compassion. He doesn’t remember what came before, but he knows something did, and finding out what it was is all he has left to hope for.
Howard Goodman does not have superpowers, but he’s got gumption. Okay, I lied. He doesn’t have gumption. But he’s a very nice man.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 7: Childhood Friends
Logan and Patton are childhood friends. Patton’s (now ex)husband cheated on him. After getting divorced, Logan pays Patton’s ex a visit. He has a few things to say. Logan POV, One-sided Logicality with Patton/OC and familial Analogicality 
Warnings: Cheating, (mentioned) abuse (it’s only one hit), and death threats against a minor
Day 6 | Masterlist | Day 8
Logan sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day. It’s been the most stressful month of his life. But it was necessary. Now, Patton was finally free from Jacob.
Logan wished that he had seen it sooner. Jacob had always seemed to be perfect for Patton (almost too perfect). He was charming, charismatic, and had so many common interests with Patton. Logan had always been suspicious about Jacob, but Patton had always brushed it off as paranoia and over-protectiveness.
Logan could still remember the day they met. January 6th. The first day of Junior year after the winter holidays. Jacob had transferred to their school that day. He and Patton had met in an assembly meeting and it was love at first sight. At least, that’s what Patton said it was. And at the time, Logan begrudgingly agreed. Logan and Patton had been friends since they were 5, but Jacob seemed to be the only person who could make Patton’s eyes light up the way they did.
Logan shook his head, trying to force those memories out of his head. They weren’t important anymore. Not after what Jacob had done. Jacob had taken his blissful 10-year relationship with Patton and reduced it to ash.
Patton had arrived home early with Virgil (their adopted son and Logan’s pride and joy. 8-year-old Virgil was such a sweetheart, and he was so smart and thoughtful) one evening to find Jacob sleeping (Logan winced at the irony of that phrase. They were definitely wide awake if Patton’s descriptions were anything to go by) with another man. Patton had confronted Jacob, who then slapped Patton and threatened to kill Virgil if he told anyone. Luckily for them, Virgil had decided to record the entire thing on his phone (Logan now regrets every time he argued with Patton over taking away that phone. Sure, Virgil almost never put it down, but after that day it could be literally glued to Virgil’s hand and Logan wouldn’t bat an eye). He had sent the video to Logan, who called the police.
Now, after weeks of trials and legal shenanigans, everything Logan knew had been flipped on its head. Jacob was sentenced five years in prison for threatening Virgil and hurting Patton. Patton had filed for divorce and won full custody over Virgil (it helped that Jacob didn’t want anything to do with Virgil). And now, everything was finally over. Patton and Virgil were currently staying in Logan’s apartment, Jacob was now in prison, and Logan should feel relieved. The keyword being should. But there was still one thing Logan needed to do.
Logan felt his anxieties build as he went through several procedures and rules. He already knew what to do. He already knew what to say. But as he sat in the metal chair, staring into the eyes of the man who had hurt Patton, Logan felt his throat tighten.
Staring at the man, Logan felt his words crumble away as he was reduced to one question. “Why?”
Jacob laughed. “You’ve gotta be more specific, specs.” Logan winced at the nickname. It was a name that Jacob started back when they were in high school. Patton and Virgil were the only people that didn’t call him either ‘specs’ or ‘Mr.Sanders.’ “Are you askin’ why I hit Pat? Or why I threatened the kid? Or maybe why I cheated?”
Logan shook his head. “No, I already know those answers. If you don’t remember, I have several degrees in psychology. I knew you never cared about Virgil. I suspected since day 1 that you never cared about Patton. But that’s where my question comes in.” Logan straightened his tie, attempting to gather his courage. “Why did you drag him along for so long? Why did you let him love you for ten years if you never felt anything for him? Why did you marry him and adopt a child together if you never intended on being faithful? Why did you abuse the love that he gave you?”
Jacob stared at Logan for a few moments. Logan stared back, getting more anxious with every passing second. Jacob seemed to find what he was looking for as he smirked. “I’ll answer with my own question: why did you never tell Patton?”
Logan blinked. “Excuse me?”
Jacob laughed. “Okay Mr. Psychology Major, I’m gonna dissect you for a minute. You’ve known Patton for almost your whole life. Patty used to say that the two of you were like brothers. You’ve never been in a relationship, though you’ve told Patton that you’re gay. You were the best man at our wedding, yet you cried more than Pat did at the ceremony. Every time Patton asked about you settling down, you went back to school for a new degree. You have more diplomas than friends but you have only one friend that matters. You treated Virgil as your own son even though he was your friend’s kid.” Jacob leaned forward, and Logan suddenly gained the urge to punch his teeth in. “So why did you never tell Patton that you’re in love with him?”
Logan glared. “You know why.”
Jacob smirked. “And you should know why I never said anything either. But you don’t, so clarification is needed. Why. Didn’t. You. Tell. Him?”
Logan growled. “Because he was head over heels for you!” Once that was off his chest, Logan couldn’t find himself to stop. “Patton had never shown interest in men before that! And the same day that he comes out as gay, he tells me that he’s in love with the new student! I watched for years while you led him along on a string! I buried myself in my studies as I attempted to forget about my feelings. I had assumed that what I was seeing was a result of my jealousy, but I was obviously mistaken! You never said ‘I love you!’ You never let Patton do anything for himself! Virgil originally assumed that I was Patton’s husband! You never stopped to give them the time of day! They were always a second priority, because you never loved them! So why!?! Why did you take him away from me?!”
Just then, a guard came up to escort Jacob back to his cell. Jacob smirked. “Time’s up.”
Logan felt a tear fall down his cheek as he watched the man who took everything from him walk away.
Logan sighed as he walked into his apartment. Virgil sat in the living room, drawing on a notepad. Logan smiled, moving to sit next to him. “Salutations, Virgil. What are you drawing?”
Virgil looked up and smiled. “I wanted to draw flowers for Dad!”
Logan looked at the drawing. It was quite impressive. Several types of flowers were drawn at different angles. If he didn’t know, Logan wouldn’t have believed that it was drawn by an 8-year-old. He’ll definitely be accepted to any art school he’d like. “Very impressive. I’m sure your dad will appreciate it. Speaking of your father, do you know where he is?”
Virgil frowned. “He’s sleeping.”
Logan nodded. Patton had been sleeping more and more often as of late. They would have to look into that soon. Patton had always shown signs of depression, but the divorce might have been the tipping point, and Logan didn’t want to risk anything.
Logan looked over at Virgil, who had put his sketchpad down. He made grabby hands, and Logan maneuvered himself to allow Virgil to sit in his lap. Virgil sat so that he was facing Logan and wrapped his arms around Logan’s neck. He settled his head on Logan’s shoulder as Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil’s back to support him.
They sat there for several moments before Virgil spoke. He was extremely quiet, but Logan could still hear it perfectly. “I wish you had been my Papa instead of Jacob.”
Logan felt another tear slide down his cheek as his grip on Virgil tightened. “Me too, Virgil. Me too.”
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The Frogman
For @space-mothman 
Synopsis- Analogical cryptid-hunting AU in which they search for the mysterious Frogman for a college documentary project.
Warning- Swearing + Minor wound
Note- Hiya!! I’ve had a lot of fun working with the wishes you asked for and I’m super excited to see what you think of it! I hope you’re doing well :D
Virgil held up the two near-identical hoodies in front of the mirror, deciding which to wear when a familiar head poked through the doorway. 
“Ooh, are you getting ready for your little date?” 
Virgil walked over to kick him out when Janus joined in. 
“Leave our darling little brother alone Remus, his boyfriend will be here soon. We have to find the baby pictures before he arrives.”
“He’s not my boyfriend! The teacher paired us up. I had no say in it.” Virgil said as he tried and failed to push the pair out. “And if either of you shows him any embarrassing pictures of me, you’re both dead.”
“Wow, how scary,” mocked Remus as Janus mimed a face of fear. He then added, “If I were you I’d go for the one on the left, it makes you look less…intimidating and murdery.”
Virgil swatted at him with the hoodie before putting it on reluctantly, huffing about how he was planning to choose it anyway because it was ‘warmer’.
Just then the doorbell rang. Virgil’s eyes opened wide as he ran down the stairs to get to the door first but he was no match for Remus. He shoved Virgil out of the way and opened the door wide. 
“You must be Logan. We’ve heard so much about you. Why don’t you come in?” He invited with a wild grin on his face.
Virgil stared daggers at Remus as Logan walked in, politely telling Remus he has a lovely home. He was wearing a jean jacket over an unbuttoned plaid shirt and a graphic t-shirt depicting Mothman. His soft-looking hair fell over the rim of his glasses, the eyes behind them taking in his new surroundings.
Before Virgil could tell Logan they should leave, Janus began his, rehearsed, warnings. “You better take good care of my brother, young man. I’m expecting you to bring him home with at least three remaining limbs and having gone through a maximum of one demon possession, preferably none, or else there will be hell to pay. I’m also expecting you to keep criminal activity to a minimum along with the use of venomous vipers, they’re nasty creatures.” 
To Virgil’s surprise, Logan had taken out a notepad and started to make notes, taking his speech seriously. Janus clearly wasn’t expecting this either as his expression softened towards Logan. “It’s obvious you’ll take good care of him. I’ll let you two go because I’m sure you have plenty of ‘work’ to do.” He winked at Virgil. “Just be careful.”
“The baby photos and home videos can wait for their second date Rem, let’s give Virge a chance to embarrass himself without our help first.”
Virgil glared at his brothers as he dragged Logan outside, only mildly thankful Janus let him off that easy. What had he done to deserve being stuck with those two morons?
“Have fun!” Remus called out as the door slammed closed. 
“Come on, I parked down the road. It’s not far.” Logan set off walking away, Virgil joining him a moment later.
“I’m super sorry about them,” Virgil said. “Ignore everything they said, they’re not worth wasting energy on.”
“It’s quite alright Virgil, it’s clear they care for you. I have always admired the dynamic between siblings.”
“You’re an only child? Lucky.” He thought back to how embarrassing his brothers were. They took every opportunity available to tease Virgil, regardless of whether they were alone or with any of his few friends. In moments like that, it was hard to remember why he loved them. He reminded himself, trying to calm down.
On his worst nights, Remus would tell him a gruesome ‘bedtime story’ while Deceit badgered him to add a happy end. They would also take him to concerts of bands he liked and try to fit into the scene even though they hated the music and fashion. Seeing Janus in a My Chemical Romance shirt trying not to curse after jabbing himself in the eye with Virgil’s eyeliner was still one of his fondest memories.
“Although,” Virgil added, “It does have its advantages.”
Logan stopped in front of an old pickup truck. Despite the carefully polished hubcaps and fresh paint job, it had visibly been through a lot.
“Here we are, our ride for the evening.” Logan took hold of the passenger door handle. “The door can be a little tricky sometimes.” He rattled the handle, banging at a spot a few inches below it. The door sprang open. “Like to most things, there’s a trick.”
He pulled the door open fully, holding it for Virgil as he clambered up. “Uh…thanks.”
Logan proceeded to join him from the driver’s side. “It may not look it but it’s a strong and reliable vehicle, I spent all last summer fixing it up.” He said proudly.
“No, no, it’s nice!” Virgil reassured him. “Does it have a name?” 
“Why would my truck have a name?” Logan asked, appearing puzzled. He put his key in the ignition. The vehicle whirred to life.
“Nevermind. Are you excited to film our project?” 
“Incredibly so! When Mr Picani said we had to make a documentary on any subject I got super excited about the idea of cryptid hunting! Thank you for going along with it!”
“Whatever gets me to pass the class dude. Plus this seems like a better way to spend time than filming ladybugs walking on leaves and doing some boring commentary.” What Virgil didn’t add was that after seeing the excitement of Logan’s face when he proposed the idea, Virgil couldn’t find it in his heart to say no. 
He shuffled in his seat. “I’m also really happy I got partnered with you. I know we haven’t talked much but you seem a lot easier to get along with than the other people in our class.” Virgil smiled in Logan’s direction and despite the dim lighting, he could have sworn he saw Logan blush.
“Oh, thank you, Virgil. You too have ‘good vibes’ if I’m using the term correctly.” Virgil grinned, telling Logan he did. 
“How about some music?” Logan asked before turning on the radio. Pop music crackled out of it, gently playing for the rest of their journey.
A cold wind blew through the dense, gloomy woods. In the clearing before it, stood a teenager speaking to a camera, visible in the dying light of the sun.
“There are many legends about the Sanders Wilds, however, most revolve around the same being. A creature said to lurk in the depths of these woods, waiting for unsuspecting victims. 
He has been described as a slimy beast with incredible jumping abilities, his hind muscular legs able to propel him forward metres at a time. He most often appears by the many bodies of water found in this forest.
Although no-one has ever disappeared in the woods, most locals swear they’ve met one of the unfortunate souls chased by the being whose very existence is in question.
He goes by many names. The Shadow, the Beast of the Sanders Wilds and recently he’s been referred to as ‘Scary Todd’ by a youngster from a neighbouring Elementary school.”
Virgil raised his eyebrows from behind the camera when he heard ‘youngster’ but Logan brushed it off and continued.
“The most common name of the cryptid we will be investigating today, inspired by its many characteristics, is” Logan stopped for dramatic effect. “The Frogman.“
“That’s quite the speech you prepared there” Virgil called out as he put down the video camera and rubbed his forearm. His arms had begun to stiffen during Logan’s monologue 
“Are you ready to go in?” Logan asked.
Virgil froze. There was only one problem, something he hadn’t told Logan- He was scared. 
Virgil knew that technically there wasn’t anything to be scared of. The frogman was nothing more than an urban legend, mere shadows and reflections mistaken for something, however, it was the what if’s that plagued Virgil’s mind. What if the frogman was real? What if he appeared? Worst of all… what if he caught them? Virgil wasn’t sure if he was willing to risk his life to pass a college class he didn’t even like that much.
“Virgil?” Logan looked concerned. “Are you alright?”
Great, Virgil scolded himself. This was exactly why he hadn’t wanted to tell Logan in the first place. More than anything he didn’t want Logan to think he was a nervous wreck, scared of a fake monster. Now he’d have to tell his handsome partner he was a chicken and he would totally think less of Virgil. Oh why does Logan have to be so handsome, Virgil thought to himself as he looked towards his cryptid hunting companion. 
He was tall, with a sturdy frame that was perfect for giving supportive hugs and his hair was unruly in all the right ways, looking good for running your fingers through. It was very difficult to focus on anything else, Virgil had to admit. Good looking people never failed to make things more difficult.
“I- I’m just… a little scared.” Virgil mumbled reluctantly. “As controversial as it is, I’m not too keen on the whole getting captured by a forest monster thing.”
“Oh.” Logan looked disappointed. “Don’t worry about it, it’s not too late to change the project. I can drive us to the library and we can get started in something different. All that matters is that you feel comfortable.”
Virgil felt touched. Logan was willing to give up something he wanted to do for his well being? It wasn’t often that happened. That’s why he was determined to go in anyway. “No way. We’re going in there and finding that frogman. Just… promise to protect me from any monsters?” Virgil managed a smile as he held out his pinky, holding the camcorder in his other hand.
“Pinky promise,” Logan answered solemnly, hooking his finger around Virgil’s. Then, he smiled wide. “Now, let’s go say hi to The Beast. And…” He paused apprehensively as if he was trying to pick out the right words. “If you’re alright carrying the camcorder with one hand, maybe I could hold your hand? So you feel safe?”
Virgil laughed, slipping his hand into Logan’s. It felt warm compared to the cool evening. “As long as you’re okay with shaky footage.” He joked.
Logan led them into the forest, pulling out a flashlight from his pocket while Virgil switched the camera back on. There was an eerie quiet only broken by the crackling of leaves and snapping of branches under their feet. 
“Hey, Logan, you know you can talk, right? We can edit everything out of the footage later.” There was still no response. 
Virgil glanced towards Logan, seeing him staring intensely at a spot in the direction they were walking. “Make sure you get this.” He murmured before rushing up, tugging Virgil with him. He crouched down next to an animal print in the muddy ground. Virgil let go of his hand so he could step back and get a better angle. 
“This right here is an animal footprint however it belongs to no regular being. While it seems to belong to an amphibian creature as is indicated by the pattern and the indentation from webbing, it is bigger than any regular amphibians could produce.” Logan splayed his hand above the mark to demonstrate. They were around the same size. “This must be the footprint of the Frogman.”
Yay, Virgil thought to himself. Evidence of a creature that might kill them. How wonderful. 
He walked to Logan and helped him up, keeping hold of Logan’s hand afterwards because there was no way he was going to risk getting separated from him now. He also enjoyed the feeling of Logan’s hand in his, it made him a feeling of joy that he couldn’t quite place.
They continued when there was a sudden rustling a few metres in front of them. Instinctively Virgil squeezed Logan’s hand harder, holding onto him for safety. They both froze. Logan’s torch turned to the source of the sound, a bush. A moment later a squirrel scampered out of the said bush, disappearing into the darkness as quickly as it appeared. Both Logan and Virgil sighed in relief.
“That sure was one terrifying squirrel,” Virgil said as they continued to walk deeper into the woods. 
Virgil attempted to strike up small talk again, not wanting things to become awkward. “I like your Mothman shirt.”
“Oh, thank you, Virgil.” Logan beamed, the way he only did when he was speaking about something he was passionate about. “I had a really big cryptid phase as a child, so big my parents decided to take us to Point Pleasant for the summer break one year. That’s the hometown of Mothman, they have a statue of him and everything. It was incredible. That’s when I got the shirt! It’s been a good luck charm. Not that I believe in luck but it never hurts something else on your side”
“You got it as a kid and it still fits? You must’ve been a tall kid.”
“It was the middle of their tourist season so they were sold out of all the youth sizes. According to my mother, it made a very fashionable dress.”
Virgil held back giggles as the thought of a smaller Logan wearing that shirt going down to his knees with a pair of fashionable red heels crossed his mind. For whatever reason, if Logan were to wear a dress, Virgil believed he’d wear it with stunning red heels. He seemed the type.
“Did you spot The Mothman?” he asked, only half kidding.
“Unfortunately not, although it was probably for the best as I was going to ask him for an autograph. I doubt that would have gone down well with Him.“
The idea of a smaller Logan wearing an oversized Mothman merchandise shirt going down to his knees and a pair of fashionable red heels walking up to the Lord of the Shadows himself, at least double his height, and asking him to sign his autograph book was so funny to Virgil that he stopped in his tracks wheezing, his eyes brimming with tears. 
Seeing Logan’s bewildered expression, he tried to calm himself. After a few moments catching his breath trying to keep a straight he was able to regain his composure. “Sorry Lo, I’m fine now.”
“Can I ask-”
“No” Virgil interrupted him. “It’s really for the best you don’t.”
“Alright Virgil, I’ll trust you on this one.” He hummed a song Virgil wasn’t familiar with for a few moments. Then, he said, “I had an idea for while we’re either walking towards the Frogman or further into the depth of woods we might get lost in.” Virgil wasn’t sure if Logan was kidding and frankly he didn’t want to know. 
“Yeah L, what is it?” Virgil’s mind started to race when he realized he had called Logan a nickname. While only a shortening of his name, it still seemed very personal and friendly. What if it bothers him? What if he thinks it’s weird? 
“Well Vee,” Logan paused to see Virgil’s reaction, looking smug. Virgil stuck his tongue out at him. He wouldn’t admit it but his heart would flutter whenever he got that self-righteous expression on his face, seen often when he corrected the teacher or had got full marks on a test. It was cute. Very annoying, but cute.
“We could directly target your fear of the Frogman. You would have to trust me though.”
“I trust you,” Virgil answered with no hesitation. He squeezed Logan’s hand in his.
“Oh…um…” Logan appeared flustered. “This is going to seem scary but there’s a very low possibility of a negative outcome. Now…repeat after me.”
Logan took a deep breath before yelling “Fuck you Frogman!”
Virgil startled, not expected Logan to be so brazen. Yelling was a common occurrence for Logan however such vulgarities? Directed at a possibly supernatural creature who was reported as dangerous? He shook his head in disbelief.
Logan looked at him pointedly. “Oh no Logan, there is no way-” He stopped realizing there would be no convincing Logan. “Fine.” He grumbled.
“Frick you Frogman.” The words sounded uncertain. 
“That was a good first attempt, Virgil. If you want to try again, you should really try to metaphorically shake off any inhibitions and really go for it. I did promise to protect you, the Frogman won’t hurt you.”
“Are you sure?”
They had come to a stop next to a running stream of water. Virgil slipped his camcorder into his hoodie pocket and let go of Logan’s hand, freeing both his arms. After running his fingers through his hair trying to build up enough confidence and jumping where he stood for a moment getting into an energetic mood, he felt ready. Or as ready as he could be. 
Angling his head to the sky he screamed at the top of his lungs “Fuck you Frogman!”
He laughed in exhilaration, adrenaline running through his veins. Virgil felt invincible. “And fuck your Frogmother too!” He raised his hand for a high five.
“Yes!” Logan exclaimed. As he stepped towards Virgil, he must have been too excited to look where he walked because his foot caught on a tree branch. 
Instinctively Virgil went to grab Logan’s hand to keep him up, however, Virgil started hurtling towards the creek as well, knocked off balance. He gasped as he hit the cold water, a moment later crashing into Logan.
The stream had been quite shallow, a foot deep at most. Virgil, quite luckily, didn’t experience the brute of the fall, having fallen on top of Logan. He rolled off and tried to stand. He would definitely have a couple nasty bruises later, he thought to himself. 
“Hey Lo, are you okay?” Virgil looked for the torch that fell out of Logan’s hand during his fall. It wasn’t far and within seconds he was shining it directly at Logan’s face. Logan didn’t appreciate it.
“I’m fine, I assure you but please get that out of my face. The light is blinding.” Virgil muttered a few apologies while helping Logan to his feet. Overall, whilst cold and mildly pained, Logan appeared to be okay overall.
The two were both standing up in the middle of the creek. Although their feet were still submerged in the freezing cold water neither seemed to notice nor care. Instead, they were both looking directly at each other. 
They inched closer and Logan began softly “Virgil, I’ve been meaning to tell you-” however he didn’t get to finish that sentence.
There was a raucous splashing sound from further upstream. Then there was another, this time louder. Whatever was making the noise was approaching. 
Virgil shared a look of terror with Logan. He grabbed the camera and started recording as a shadowy figure started to form. Its form was unclear, however, it moved forward the way a frog might, leaping up and forward. Virgil was sure, it was The Frogman. 
“What are you waiting for, Vee? Run.” Logan urged him to come however Virgil was frozen in fear. This was the end for him. He’d never see Janus and Remus again. He’d never tell Logan how he feels. 
Logan snatched the torch from Virgil and took his now-free hand into his. Glancing back to the shadowy figure a final time, he muttered a few profanities, irked, then started to run, dragging Virgil with him. This was enough to snap Virgil out of his state, as he started running alongside Logan as fast as he could. The sound of the Frogman thudding behind them, hot on their trail, motivated them to keep going.
Virgil would never consider himself particularly athletic, which paired with the fact his legs were quite short created a challenge as he attempted to keep up with Logan, however, Adrenaline paired with the fact Logan wouldn’t have let him fall behind if he wanted to keep him as far from the Frogman as possible.
The journey out the forest was a blur. Virgil remembered stumbling however he got back up immediately. Logan shined the torch in front of them so they didn’t run into any trees. As a few minutes passed the sound of the Frogman following them faded away but neither would risk stopping. They continued forward and by some miracle, they had returned to the clearing where they had started, Logan’s pickup truck only a few yards away.
Logan slowed down to a stop outside it. “It’s alright, he won’t follow us out here.”
“That’s… really… great… Lo.” Virgil panted. He could feel his heart pounding in his head as he breathed so heavily he thought he might cough his lungs out. “How…are you…back to normal…so fast?”
“Oh, I did track in high school. Now you stay there while I get something.”
Virgil leaned against the truck as Logan rummaged around in his glove compartment. He pulled out an emergency foil blanket. He wrapped it over Virgil’s shoulders. “I only have one so you better keep that on. That water was freezing and I don’t want you getting hypothermic. You’re still soaking wet after all. Are you injured anywhere?” 
Unsure, Virgil checked. Sure enough, he had a cut on his shin. Damn, it must’ve happened when I tripped, he thought to himself. Only as the energy from the run wore off, he started to feel it sting.
“Is it okay if I clean that cut for you? I have a first aid kit in the truck’s cargo bed.” 
“Thanks, dude, I would really appreciate that. You better get under this blanket right after though, you’re not allowed to get hypothermic either.”
Logan smiled then pulled out a first aid kit from the back of the truck. “You can have a seat on the grass.” Once Virgil did, Logan joined him. “How are you feeling?”
“Still in shock and denial. It’ll probably only sink in later tonight that we got chased by the actual Frogman. How about you?” 
“Honestly…I feel incredible. We saw the Frogman! The Frogman is real” Logan grinned. “Also, this might hurt a bit” he warned Virgil as he disinfected the cut. He was right. Virgil’s eyes pricked with tears.
“It’s a good thing my jeans were already so ripped, that way people won’t even question this one.” he joked. 
“Did your camera survive that? I hope it’s not water damaged.”
“Nah don’t worry, it’s been through a lot. A little fall and water aren’t going to be the thing to break it.” He inspected the camera. “Unfortunately…I can’t say the same for the footage. The memory card looks completely fried.”
Logan’s smile fell. “That’s a shame, although maybe it’s for the best. The Frogman can continue living his best life in the forest with no scientists looking for him since there’s still no evidence.”
“Really?” Virgil asked incredulously. “You. The smartest person I know. Is against scientists?”
“Well… I’m not against scientists but having watched E.T. as a kid, I wouldn’t trust them with any rare or unusual beings.” He put a plaster on the cleaned injury then looked at his handiwork proudly.
Virgil was bemused by this. “You do know that’s a fictional movie, right?” After Logan did not answer he decided it was best to change tact. 
“C’mon, join me under this blanket so you can warm up before we drive away. I’m thinking we go to mine? I can make us some hot chocolate and we can decide what to do with the assignment. I can also lend you some dry clothes if you don’t mind being dressed Emo.” 
Logan moved so he was sat next to Virgil, their shoulders touching as the blanket covered them. “Sounds great Vee.”
“It’s a shame we wasted the evening though.” Virgil moped, but then Logan turned to face him. Their faces were mere inches away.
“Actually, I wouldn’t call it a wasted evening. I had a lot of fun spending the evening with you. “ 
Virgil was more taken aback by that than he was by him cursing at the Frogman. “I enjoyed spending the evening with you too. You’re really kind and surprisingly easy to talk to. I hope we could maybe spend some time together after this assignment is over if that’s something you’d like?” 
Virgil felt the tips of his ears burning as his face flushed completely. He knew he was being obvious now but it seemed worth it. Putting himself out there didn’t seem as scary with Logan.
Logan spoke as gently as he had when they were standing in the creek together.
“About that. I wanted to tell you something before we were rudely interrupted earlier.”
“Mhm?” Virgil murmured, not trusting himself to say any proper words.
“I believe I have romantic feelings for you, Virgil. I highly enjoy speaking with you and when you’re around my heart begins to beat faster. If you were to feel the same way I would love to take you on a date perhaps? With fewer cryptids, I assure you. If not-”
“Me too,” Virgil said, in disbelief, cutting him off. He didn’t want to hear the ’If not’ because he liked Logan back. A lot. He took hold of Logan’s hand. 
“If it’s okay with you Logan, can I kiss you?” He was surprised by his own confidence, but it felt right. Everything felt right.
Logan answered not with words but by closing the gap between the two of them. It was short and sweet. According to Virgil, it was perfect. Perhaps the evening wasn’t a waste after all.
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princeanxious · 5 years
Cracked Ribs and Old Promises -
TSS Analogical superhero/villain au fic
Warnings: mentions of trouble eating, anxiety, dark/misguided Roman, severe injury, let me know if i should add more!
Thank you to @the-modern-typewriter for the scenario prompt that inspired me to write this!!
“The Knight had been going after anyone he could deem evil, and it had gotten to the point that The Knight had to be leashed in, forced into a league of heros to keep him from going wild. It slowed him down in the end, yes, however, not for good.
Why did Virgil know this, you might ask?”
A new Superhero in town was quickly becoming known for his super strength, and ability to pull objects temporarily from thin air, his chosen name? The Knight. Dressed in galiant and knightly garb and known to speak like a true fairytale prince.
He was also known for constantly disrupting the balance code between villains and heroes.
Some villains were labeled dangerous, others not so much, some were simply suspicious, others weren’t quite villains by definition. Some of those that had powers chose to avoid the hero scene, with the sad disadvantage of being mistaken as having suspicious intents with secrecy. The Knight had been going after anyone he could deem evil, and it had gotten to the point that The Knight had to be leashed in, forced into a league of heros to keep him from going wild. It slowed him down in the end, yes, however, not for good.
Why did Virgil know this, you might ask?
He knew this because The Knight had recently zeroed in on him, a bystander to most, but a non-threatening villain to those few heroes who knew of him. Perhaps, though, he was more of a vigilante, bordering hero terms but always mistaken for a villain. What could he say? Black and purple looked good on him!
Perhaps it was because The Knight had zeroed in on his powers, apparently no one was good if they had control over shadows and darkness, right? The Knight’s morals always seemed too black and white, nevertheless, The Knight seemed to trail him wherever he went. It was a surprise that The Knight didn’t assault him at work or at home.
Seriously, as if Virgil didn't have enough of an anxiety disorder as it was!
Still, there were upsides to it all. The Knight was in a league with a couple of nicer superheroes, ones that spared him or directed The Knights agressions away from him. In fact, one of Virgil’s favorite superheros from that bunch was his own ‘nemesis,’ L.O.G.(Logical Omni Genius, though only Virgil knew that). Truly, there was very little rivalry between them, in fact it bordered on companionship.
Their first fight had been one of wits, moves, and careful actions. Riddles and brain teasers, ‘answer me this and I won’t shut down the factory’s powergrid’ questions and more. There was little aggression, nor any hostility. L.O.G. knew of Virgil’s environmentally friendly motives, or at least learned about them quickly. In all reality, L.O.G. took place in making sure Virgil's plans were both foolproof and harmless to the people it would affect. Virgil even had a little sense of pride in that L.O.G had verbally deemed him a worthy ‘nemesis.’ Still, Virgil was a villain, if only because he could no longer bother the breath to defend himself from having the label.
Today, though. Today was different.
Virgil had nothing but his shadows, he was built for stealth, for mind games, for eliciting existential fear. Virgil was not built to fight, no, he actually bruised very easily, he couldn’t even throw a proper punch despite L.O.G.’s best attempts to teach him self defense. Virgil really wasn’t built to be the villain people made him out to be.
The Knight, for whatever reason, was more fired up than ever to get at him this time. Virgil had been cornered on his route to visit the site of his next strike, weaponless and with nothing but his mask to hide his identity. Well, it wasn’t like Virgil needed weapons, of course, but a holstered dagger sounded great right about now, anything to defend himself from The Knight’s wrath!
From the get go, The knight had already managed a solid surprise punch to the back of his shoulder, he would be surprised if his shoulder wasn’t dislocated already from that one hit alone. Thankfully though, Virgil(or, in his current situation, ‘Nightmare’) didn’t need his shoulder to control the surrounding evening shadows.
The Knight didn’t take kindly to that, growling out rude comments about Virgil’s very existence. Virgil tried to remain in his calm, sarcastic demeanor, firing back witty remarks and snide comments to keep Roman distracted while he formulated an escape plan. Virgil hadn’t eaten well in the past few days due to the stress, so his energy was almost too low to use his shadows to teleport himself, so that was saved as a thread to grasp as a last resort.
Still, though, The Knight had cornered him good, thankfully but also sadly away from civilian life, away from superhero patrol routes, away from anything that could have saved Virgil if he had just begun screaming for help. There was no way out.
The Knight was quickly losing patience with Nightmare, tired of the wordplay and tired of the mind games. All too soon The Knight had Nightmare in his grasp, ignoring how frail and light the villain was as he tossed the man around, expecting the real fight to start. But it didn’t, no shadows came to attack him, but instead worked to cushion each blow, or fall that was administered to the shadowy villain.
He was getting angry, why wasn’t this awful villain fighting back!
The Knight finally tossed Nightmare against a close by brick wall, trying to ignore the sickening thud of the man collapsing to the ground. Thankfully, the man was still breathing, and even struggling to sit up. Still alive, that was good.
“Some chivalrous Knight you turned out to be..” Virgil muttered, though not really expecting the other to hear him.
“You are one to talk, you vile Villain.” The ‘hero’ spat back.
“God, oh chivalrous one, if you hate my guts so much why haven’t you killed me yet? Poor taste, I’m tellin ya, leaving an injured animal in its misery.” Virgil joked sarcastically, growing tired of the other drawing out these exchanges. There was no doubt that a few of his ribs were cracked, and his right shoulder was definitely dislocated now, a possible fracture or brake on the same arms wrist. He didn’t even want to consider the hell that was going to be hiding the bruises at work, if he could even make it that far. He just wanted to get home already.
However, Virgil’s choice of words rung out in the air, and for the first time the prince was silent, staring at him with a mix of unreadable emotions. The next few words out of The Knight’s mouth as his eyes narrowed at Virgil made his blood run cold.
“You know what? Maybe I will.” Next thing Virgil knows, there's a sharp sword in the other’s grip, and hes stalking solemnly up to the injured villain.
Panic seizes Virgil, flooding his senses and throwing his frazzled mind into overdrive. Shadows zip around him, coalescing around him as his physical body quickly fades to teleport, but not before seeing The Knight running at him with the sword drawn. The danger recedes as his body dissipates.
“Where now?” The shadows ask him.
He responds, weakly, “Safety.”
He expects to be deposited in front of his home, where he can curl up and sleep the pain off, and perhaps take a trip to the doctor to investigate his wounds. Expects a night of weak painkillers and an uncomfortable couch, an aching chest and another lonely, hungry 24 hours.
What he doesn’t expect, is to be softly placed in front of L.O.G.’s private lair’s door. Despite the confusion and disorientation, Virgil knows his time is limited before he blacks out and is really put in danger, so he stumbles up and presses the right button to be let in. L.O.G’s hyper intelligent A.I(aptly named Data) system’s voice answers the call.
“Hello, Nightmare. Welcome back.” Virgil sags against the side of the wall, wheezing a bit as his exhaustion finally hits.
“Hey, Data. I-is L.O.G home?”
Virgil curses, “Do I have permission to enter?”
“What is your reason for this emergency?” L.O.G’s only rule for Virgil entering the lair without himself present was that it had to be an emergency, and Data was simply confirming to inform L.O.G of said emergency upon his return.
“Critical injury, as well as imminent threat of blacking out in about 7 minutes, 10 tops.” Virgil wheezed, and was grateful that Data asked no more questions to let him enter. He stumbled inside, thankful to be in a safe environment to black out in.
“Nightmare, do you require any assistance? You are disoriented, I could assist you.” Her voice was calm, obviously concerned that Virgil was going to drop dead. In all reality, Virgil’s energy had just been overused. The recliner looked tempting, but his ribs ached at the thought, he needed to lay flat.
“Is there a bed anywhere?” He asked, hoping that he wouldn’t have to sprawl out on the floor.
“Yes, let me bring it out of the wall for you.” Data’s voice was calming to his rapid beating heart. He watched with a bit of amusement as a panel slid down from a wall to reveal an extra room, set with a bare bed and a dresser, some posters and even a pile of folded clean clothes yet to be put away. “You can rest here until L.O.G. returns from his current patrol. Feel free to ‘yoink’ one of L.O.G’s hoodies if you feel so inclined, so that you do not get cold. I can assume you do not have the energy nor the time to make the bed before blacking out.” Virgil snickered softly, knowing data’s verbal slang was his own doing. Still, Data was right, he was most certainly running out of time.
Slowly trudging up the few small stairs to the opened room, he expressed his gratitude to Data before he lost the energy to talk. He made quick work of a deep blue hoodie, not even bothering to take his roughed up suit-top off when considering how much effort and pain it took to even pick up the hoodie and put it on.
He was lucid enough to toe his boots off, but at that point, the edges of his vision were darkening, and he knew he needed to lay down quickly. Carefully, he laid down flat on his back, distantly thankful for L.O.G’s choice in memory foam, adjusting the hood over his eyes and attempting to get comfortable. It took another minute before Virgil’s vision gave in, and he was out like a light for the next three hours to recharge his energy from overusing his ability.
Logan was glad that this patrol had been one of information gathering rather than of action. It was something he could do well and keep himself occupied while the others were off doing who knew what. Most currently, no one seemed to be up to much, not even his nemesis, whom he hadn’t heard from in just under a week.
Now that the patrol was over, everyone was returning to their secondary abodes/lairs to recharge for the night, considering how late it was. In fact, Logan was anticipating coming home to a quiet, normal morning, perhaps even with the chance to read more of his current book. What he had not expected, was for Data to greet him as L.O.G. at the door, instead of Logan.
That meant only one thing.
“I must inform you that Nightmare is currently resting within your bedroom, and to be careful not to spook him.” Logan barely registered why, striding up into the lair to find his nemesis resting in his bed. No contact for a full week, not even a hello, and Nightmare is resting in his bed.
He got so far as to reach out and rest his hand on the vigilante’s shoulder, expecting him to awaken with a start. To his surprise, the man whimpered but otherwise did not wake.
“Data. What was Nightmare’s reason for entry?” Now that Logan was getting a good look at the other, he noticed a bruise peeking out on Virgil’s neck, and another poking out from Virgil’s hand. He knew the other bruised easily, but these were dark and fresh and angry, a worrying combination.
“To recite the recording exactly,” Data began, before switching over to the recording of Nightmare’s labored and pained voice, “Critical injury, as well as imminent threat of blacking out in about 7 minutes, 10 tops.”
“When did he get here?” Logan took notice of Virgil’s breathing, each breath still labored as if it hurt to expand his chest. Normally Nightmare was the type to curl up no matter the position or place of rest. Seeing the other laying flat out and stock still was highly concerning. “About two hours and 34 minutes ago. I am sensing concern, L.O.G., if it helps, a body scan of Nightmare’s current health indicates that it is stabilizing and not depleting.” Logan nodded.
Nightmare was experiencing an energy blackout, which meant that he would be out for the next 30 minutes to an hour, likely the latter due to his injuries. For now though, Logan draped a blanket over his injured companion and set to work on preparing a late meal and some coffee. Sleep would not be an option tonight.
He’d settled on a frozen pizza, it being too late to make a full meal. He set aside a tall glass of water and strong painkillers before he forgot, then had Data upload and present his league’s daily task logins for the week as well as send out a request to his league’s best healer, Patton, for possible assistance, looking for something to do to pass the time. He was much too stressed to read for leisure now.
He felt his eye twitch as Roman’s log sheet remained a mess, knowing he’d have to sit down and force Roman to fill it out correctly before lecturing him on why he was in the league in the first place. Strangely, Roman’s current log for the day remained blank, which was for one, against the rules. And secondly, entirely unlike Roman. He’d ask Roman about it later, and hope that Roman did not go completely awall.
Logan manages to busy himself until Nightmare wakes up, eventually hearing Data answer to Nightmare’s soft question. There's a bit of shuffling, it taking much longer for Virgil to arrive into Logan’s kitchen than he would have liked to see.
“Goodmorning, V. Coffee?” Came Logan’s strained voice, the question was rhetorical, obviously. Virgil was hugging his right arm with his left, which was odd because it was always the opposite. Virgil said nothing in return, a guilty look passing over his pale face.
Indeed. Something was definitely wrong.
“Sit down.” Logan ordered, “You are not going anywhere until I’ve taken care of your wounds.”
Virgil complied without complaint, sitting slowly in a chair instead of on his usual counter perch. He waited, watching Logan pull out the pizza and set it out to cool after cutting it into slices. And yet, still, Logan’s silent questions did not get directed at him.
“You're not interrogating me? Or angry?”
“Oh no, I’m furious. But, shockingly, not at you.” Logan looked up, a fiercely passionate glint to his eyes as he stared at Virgil’s obviously injured wrist, unconsciously being cradled in his other arm.
“If I ask you what happened, you will run, won’t you?” Virgil could not confirm nor deny this, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. The Knight was part of L.O.G.’s league, an obvious conflict of companionships and oaths. He looked up at Logan, and said nothing.
The unnerving silence from his usually snarky nemesis spoke plenty, Logan could tell his nonthreatening companion had been completely and utterly broken.
Justice behind bars for such a heinous act would not suffice for the rage Logan felt. And L.O.G. had a sneaking suspicion he knew just where he needed to begin.
“Data. Call Roman.”
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mothmanhamlet · 5 years
so this is from @arri-aspects ‘s challenge thing where you take a playlist and turn it into tss aus, so here they are (Under the cut b/c even though I only used 1/5 of my playlist its Long) (Sorry if these end up more fic idea than au)
1. Mr. Brightside by The Killers - mistaken identity au, (roceit) Actor! roman has to follow a mystery man who has taken his identity and begun to live out his life.
2. 18 by Anarbor - Boyfriend for hire au (moxiety), Broke Virgil is hired by Patton to be his boyfriend to piss off his homophobic parents when they suddenly become interested in him after kicking him out.
3. Guillotine by Jon Bellion - Secret boyfriends au (Loceit) Logan has overbearing parents and big dreams but he hides his secret rebellious bf from everyone (that sounds so cheesy lol)
4. Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy - outcasts au (any/no ships) In a small town, outcasts Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman, Remus, and Dee run wild in the streets and solve mysteries sometimes
5. I’m Not a Vampire by Falling In Reverse - Supernatural au (any/no ships) a human named Thomas moves into an “abandoned” house with Ghost! Patton, Werewolf! Roman and Remus, Vampire! Virgil and Logan, and Demon! “Deceit”
6. Sad Song by We The Kings- music soulmates au, (Royality, analogical) Every soulmate knows a part of a song by heart that only their soulmate(s) know the rest to. Feat. jazzy singer Roman, dancer Patton, Pianist Virgil, Violinist Logan, and jazz club owners Dee and Remus
7. The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty by Panic! at the Disco- Con artists au (Any/no ships), a group of con artists band together to pull the heist of the century, robbing a megacorporation casino chain that’s threatened to fuck everyone’s lives over for good. 
8. Goodnight Moon by Go Radio - Runaway gods au (Analogical) Logan runs away from home and encounters Moon God! Virgil. 
9.  Crazy = Genius by Panic! at the Disco- Circus au (Dukceit?) Welcome, one and all, to Dorian’s Circus for the Mad (That totally isn’t the hub for a criminal underground what do you mean). Danger, excitement, and fire awaits. Lots of fire. Now featuring Ringleader Dorian, Sword swallower/fire breather/whatever-we-need-him-for-this-time Remus, and Acrobat/Dancer Roman
10. Blue Lips by Regina Spektor- Washed up roommates au (Logince) Logan had a steady job and was set to move up the ranks in a company he hated. Roman was the heir to that same business. Both end up as roommates after quitting on the same day, trying to figure out their new lives as semi-starving artists (Or, astronomers, in Logan’s case)
11. Primadona by Marina (Previously Marina and The Diamonds)- Hollywood au (any/no ships). The sides (+ extras like remy and emile) work on the set of the same movie. Newbie! Virgil stands no chance against the hordes of famous people.
12. Womanizer by Brittany Spears- con artist + famous au (Prinxiety), Con artist! Virgil has set his mark on famous diva and womanizer Roman. He is determined to make sure it’s impersonal.
13. Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls- angel/demon au (Moceit) Demon! Deceit falls for Archangel! Patton, turning Patton’s views on demons topsy-turvy. Romeo and Juliet but with less death and more immortal pining.
14. Applause by Lady Gaga- Night Club au (Any/no ships), Thomas owns a night club and made the horrible mistake of hiring exclusively chaotic employees. Dj! Roman, Bartenders! Dee, Virgil, and Remy, Cooks! Remus and Patton, Manager! Logan, and Security! Emile
15. Misery Business by Paramore- Cheating au (Any/no ships) One guy is dating Dee, Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton without telling any of them, so they decide to take their revenge.
16. Bad Romance by Artist vs Poet (Cover)- Dark cupid au (Roceit) Cupids aren't supposed to have any feelings of their own. Neither are sirens. This all changes when Cupid! Roman meets Siren! Deceit
17. Derniere Danse by Indilla- Dance au (Logince) Logan is an extremely focused ballerina who is married to his career. He then meets boisterous ballerina Roman and they are forced to compete against each other. 
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nb-octopus-writes · 5 years
Masterpost of Stories
[my AO3] [dA: Sanders Sides] [dA: general writing]
Link on the story title leads to the tumblr masterpost. AO3 and dA links lead to the first chapter on each site, or to the folder/collection, as applicable.
Assorted Shorts
tag: #oneoff [Chronological link]
Various stories which have only one chapter.
tag: #noms [Chrono link]
A masterpost of everything on here with vore in it.
College Crush AU
[AO3] [dA]
Status: In progress
Fluff-Angst Rating: Pretty much all fluff.
Main tag: #college crush au [Chrono Link]
Additional tags: #sanders sides #prinxiety #queerplatonic logicality #logicality
Roman and Virgil are roommates, and Roman’s been smitten since day one by how cute Virgil is. He accidentally confesses his adoration in the most embarrassing way possible.
A collection of very short stories.
Virgil the Wee Vampire
[AO3] [dA]
Status: In progress
Fluff-Angst Rating: Pretty fluffy. A little bit of hurt/comfort with more comfort than hurt.
Main tag: #VtWV [Chronological Link]
Additional tags: #gt #sanders sides
Virgil is a six-inch-tall vampire who’s just lost his home to a Slayer. Shenanigans ensue when he tries to feed from an unsuspecting human and is captured instead.
[AO3] [dA]
Status: In progress
Fluff-Angst Rating: Angst. So much angst. There will be a happy ending eventually but we are not there. Nobody is happy.
Main tag: #SuperSides [Chronological Link]
Additional tags: #gt #sanders sides #supers
In a world where super-powers (and not-so-super-powers) are not uncommon, and where borrowers exist and are as likely to have powers as humans, borrower brothers Logan, Virgil, and Patton go through a fretful time when the human Roman captures one of their own.
Tom and Reggie
[AO3] [dA]
Status: All posted stories are complete, more stories are in the works
Fluff-Angst Rating: Fluffy.
Main tag: #Tom and Reggie [Chronological link]
Additional tags: #gt #oneoff #mouthplay #noms
Tom (human, they/them) and Reggie (6″ tiny, he/him) are housemates and excellent friends, who often get up to shenanigans. Sometimes these are vorish shenanigans.
A collection of standalone short stories, which can be read in any order.
Humans are Weird
Status: All posted stories are complete, more stories are in the works
Main tag: #aliens [Chrono link]
Additional tags: #oneoff
Assorted short stories with humans and aliens interacting. These can also be read in any order.
How Easy You Are to Knead
[AO3] [dA]
Status: complete
Fluff-Angst Rating: Absolute Fluff. Virgil is nervous sometimes but it’s still all fluff.
Main tag: #heyatk [Chrono Link]
Additional tags: #sanders sides #werewolf au #recursive fic #how easy you are to need
A fanfic of @delimeful​​’s wonderful fic, How Easy You Are to Need, partially inspired by this and this.
A Case of Mistaken Identity
[AO3] [dA]
part 1, part 2
Status: complete
Fluff-Angst Rating: Pretty fluffy. A little stress.
Main tag: #acomi
Additional tags: #sanders sides
Summary: Roman’s brother’s boyfriend tried to kiss him yesterday.
Danger Noodles
[AO3] [dA] [Quotev]
Cowritten with @that-prey-lounge!
Status: Complete.
Fluff/Angst Rating: An even mix of really fluffy bits and heartwrenching angst. Plenty of fearing for one’s own / someone else’s life (mostly in the vore timeline), but everyone is safe and unharmed in the end.
Main Tag: #danger noodles
Additional tags: #gt #noms #sanders sides #collab #that prey lounge
Florida Man somehow befriends even the most dangerous of predators.
“I can’t eat him. He’s too cute to be food!”
Or: The time Patton’s sheer adorableness not only saved him from becoming a meal to twin giant nagas, but netted Logan a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that any scientist would envy.
(Note: There is vore in this story, but it's safe and soft when it occurs, and there are alternate, non-vore chapters for each of the chapters which contain vore!)
A Tale of Two Noms [AO3] [dA]
Inspired by a chat with @that-prey-lounge​
Status: Complete
Fluff/Angst Rating: Part 1: Super fluffy. Part 2: Neutral
Main Tag: #atotn
Additional Tags: #foodplay #gt #noms #sanders sides
Part 1: Tea Bath Interrupted
Summary: Patton was having a nice tea soak. Deceit was cold.
Part 2: Jelly As Far as the Eye Can See
Summary: Logan has a bad habit of derailing Remus's pranks without even noticing.
Not Just the Two of Us
[AO3] [deviantArt]
Status: In progress
Fluff/Angst Rating: Mostly fluff. Some angst.
Main Tag: #Not Just the Two of Us
Additional Tags: #sanders sides #polyamory #logince #prinxiety (more tags (particularly ship tags) to be added as the story progresses)
Summary:Roman’s boyfriend is the best. Really. So why can’t he shake this crush?
Ships: Established logince, endgame LAMP without romantic analogical.
There’s a Snek in the Woods
[AO3] [Quotev] [dA]
Cowritten with the lovely @that-prey-lounge!
Status: Complete
Fluff/Angst Rating: Reasonably fluffy, with some very scary bits sprinkled in.
Main Tag: #There’s a Snek in the Woods
Additional Tags: #gt #noms (just a little bit) #sanders sides #collab #that prey lounge
Virgil is a giant naga and a single dad. His son, Logan, is far too curious for his own good.
Janus is on a lovely camping trip with his best friends, the Prince twins, and his therapy naga, Patton.
Their paths cross, and none of their lives will ever be the same.
A reverse AU of Danger Noodles, in which the nagas and the humans have been swapped.
For anyone curious about scales, Logan is 3x human sized, Virgil is 10x, and Patton is between 1/5th and 1/6th. Patton has the proportionally longest tail, about 10’, while Logan’s tail is around 50’-60’ and Virgil’s is over 200’.
WIPs yet to start posting
A non-exhaustive list of stories I'm working on, but haven't started posting (For the most part, it's because they don't have any finished chapters yet, just worldbuilding, outlines, and/or partly written chapters.)
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Every Tainted Soul
Part 4 of Another Goddamn Hero Story
read on ao3
Chapter Pairings: Platonic Analogical, Platonic Royality, Pre-Romantic Prinxiety, 
Chapter Warnings: Descriptions of violence/fighting, forced asphyxiation, threats
Word Count:  3,404
Taglist: @residentanchor​ @royally-anxious​ @bewarethegrammarpolice​   @nightmarebeforevirgil @jemthebookworm​ @arandompasserby​  @sparkly-rainbow-salt​ @astral-eclipse​​ @thelowlysatsuma​ @monsterinatophat @turtally-pawsome @um-yes-hi-hello @idkaurl
Chapter Notes: So, it’s been a minute since the last update, and several ideas for this AU have shifted, particularly in regards to endgame relationships. But I’m still very excited for future reveals and fully intend to finish this story.
There were some upsides to having a partner whose power was super speed. He and Logan always made it to Virgil’s favorite diner before it closed, they almost never had a non-speedster villain or criminal escape them, and racing him was actually a fun challenge.
The biggest downside, however, was Logan’s astounding lack of patience with any form of waiting. Unfortunately for them both, staking out the mysterious villains involved quite a lot of waiting.
The terrain was familiar, at least. The Harmony City Enhanced Ability Regulation and Training School was where Logan and Virgil had met almost 10 years ago. Better known as HEARTS or “the super school,” the building was an institution dedicated to helping young people learn how to understand, use, and control the abilities they were born with or acquired. But some students were younger than others.  Logan, of course, had been enrolled the minute his powers manifested at seven years old. But Virgil hadn’t been enrolled until he was fifteen because that’s when his moms had finally heard of it. Well, that, and the other reason.
Logan was sitting on the low entrance wall, bouncing his leg in boredom. Virgil lounged on top of the roof, in theory keeping a lookout, but in practice he was just picking up tiny pebbles to toss at his best friend to see if the jittery leg was moving so fast that projectiles went through it. It was these small expressions of his friend’s ability that fascinated Virgil. His own powers didn’t do anything small, unless you counted floating in midair or lifting cars with ease “small.”
Another pebble fell through the vibrating leg. Without looking up, Logan said, “Virgil, I’m still aware of that, even if I can’t feel it.”
“Yeah, but it’s funny.”
“Regardless of your entertainment value, I’d rather you-”
“Heads up!” Virgil interrupted, leaping to standing. He pointed towards the city, where two forms were flying across the bay towards the island. “We’ll hide and watch?”
“I’ll take the first two floors, you take roof down to three,” Logan said, speeding into the building.
Virgil ducked behind a vent on the roof to watch the approach of the two forms. From the footage they’d been shown, he was confident that these were indeed the Crimson Marauder and Gale Force, the scourges of Harmony City, responsible for untold numbers of crimes and attacks. So why were they flying in loop-de-loops around each other as they approached?
Keeping his head low, Virgil watched as Gale Force spun around his companion once more then dropped to the ground. Good, Logan would be covering the ground floor and would be ready to counter his plans below. Crimson Marauder floated up to the roof, however, and Virgil tensed, not wanting to attack until he knew what they were up to.
It didn’t take long to find out. The villain pushed back his red-and-black cape with a flourish and started creating constructs on the roof in front of him. He seemed strangely at ease, which confused Virgil. Had the villains somehow discovered that there was an excursion that had emptied out the school for the day? Pushing aside distraction, Virgil narrowed his eyes at the items the villain was assembling. He recognized the components of a bomb when he saw one. He leapt out of his hiding place to land directly in front of where the villain continued to combine his glowing red constructs.
“Stop right there.”
Roman looked up, blinking from the rays of the setting sun. Outlined in light stood a dark-clad hero glaring down at him. His eyes met cold hazel eyes surrounded by a mask and he froze in place. His eyes roved down to muscled shoulders over even more muscled arms, to a trim waist and sharply defined V that was visible even through the man’s costume.
Oh fuck me, Roman thought as his mouth went dry, this one’s hot.
“Did you hear me? Stop and back away from the bomb,” the hero said sharply. Roman lifted his hands, keeping them visible as he smiled.
“I’ll stop, but clearly there’s more than one bomb here.”
The tall hero looked at the villain sharply. “What do you mean? How many have you planted? Does your partner have more?”
“Nope,” Roman replied with a grin. “It’s your butt. Your butt is the bomb.”
The hero rolled his eyes. “And yet my ass has no intention of blowing up a school anytime soon. Break down the constructs now, and no one gets hurt.”
Roman pouted. “But it took so much practice to get them right, Mr. Tall, Dark, & Stormy. Aren’t you impressed?”
“Not in the slightest, Red Light District.” The hero took a step closer, ready to grab the villain if he tried to flee. “I know you can make them disappear. Get on it.”
Roman gasped in indignation at the nickname. “Excuse you, that’s Red Hard Light District to you.”
“Oh I bet you are,” the hero replied with a smirk, advancing ever closer. Virgil as a civilian was never able to flirt, but when he was in character as Reflex, most of his shyness melted away. If he was able to use flirtation instead of violence to capture this villain, all the better. And it appeared to be working. The construct-dynamite was fading away the closer Virgil got, and the villain’s eyes were huge underneath his mask. He was pretty sure he’d even heard the other man gulp audibly. This was going to be easy, for once.
That was when he heard the thwump of compressed air and felt the entire building shake. The sound had come from the lower floors. Where Logan was. Fuck.
Roman used the hero’s momentary distraction to jump off the roof and fly to meet his partner. His descent was immediately halted as he was jerked to a halt by his cape. He twisted to look up at Reflex leaning over the side of the roof, casually holding him back against all Roman’s effort to get away.
“Going so soon? I thought we had something special here, Marauder.”
“Sadly, I’m already committed to another,” Roman replied loftily. “You heroes think you can just flutter an eyelash and turn any poor man’s heart, but you won’t defeat me with your muscled wiles.”
Virgil shrugged. “Guess I won’t, then.” He tugged at the fabric and pulled Roman back onto the roof easily. He proceeded to tie the villain to a radiator using his own cape, ignoring the offended squawks. “Looks like all I needed was just the muscles.”
Roman scowled, and wiggled his hand just enough to make a construct of a rope that snaked out to knock the hero off the roof. Virgil saw it coming and faked a yawn as he stepped into mid-air to dodge it, then tightened the knot. Flicking the bound villain a lazy two-fingered salute, he jumped into the air to fly down to the site of the earlier explosion.
Logan wasn’t able to see the villains’ approach from where he was tensed inside the school building. The long hallways may as well have been tailored to his power, though. Unfettered, he could easily speed from entrance to entrance, and classrooms offered convenient hiding spots. He listened hard, adjusting his goggles as he picked up on sounds of the front doors opening and wind rushing in. He frowned as he realized that he didn’t hear any footsteps. Both villains could fly, but why take such precaution unless they knew they were expected?
He risked a peek out of the classroom and immediately spotted Gale Force floating his way down the hall, carrying some sort of red device. Unfortunately, the villain noticed Logan at the same moment.
“Well hey there! You must be the welcoming committee!”
Logan stepped out into the hallway, standing directly in Gale Force’s path. “You’re mistaken. I’m a superhero, here to prevent you from any plots you may have for this school.”
“Don’t you mean mist-taken?” The villain said with a chuckle, cooling the air around him into a tiny cloud of moisture.
Logan groaned internally. Not only was Gale Force an unknown quantity who flouted the norms of supers by not wearing a mask, he was a punster too?
“What is that device you’re carrying? What are your intentions here?” he asked, voice clipped.
“Oh, nothing you need to worry about!” the freckled villain said brightly. “Just gonna blow this super-school Sky High!”
Logan froze, his brain still catching up with the reality of the villain’s words. The stark dichotomy of the threat to blow up the school with the happy tone and more goddamn puns. The universe just had to curse him with a villain whose sense of humor was identical to his father’s, didn’t it.
“Um, you - you know I’m going to have to stop you, right?” Logan said, scrambling to regain his mental footing. “You can’t destroy this school. Too many children and young adults rely on it. It’s too important to the city.”
The villain’s smiling face darkened for such a brief moment Logan thought he’d imagined it. But when he spoke again, there was a new heat to his sunny tone, and Logan knew something he’d said had hit a nerve.
“I’m really sorry there, kiddo, but I’m gonna have to do this anyway. Sometimes life can be a little messy and complicated! Don’t you worry about it,” he finished with a huge grin. The winds around him picked up as he flew down the hall towards the basement stairs.
With a thought, Logan was speeding down the hall to grab the device, whatever it was, out of the villain’s hands. In a blur, he snagged it and passed the air manipulator completely. He stopped and turned to face his opponent, braced and tensed to move or dodge.
Gale Force still faced Logan’s original location with his back to the hero. He’d flinched as the device was snatched out of his hands but still stared into empty space.
“...a speedster, huh?” he said softly. “How… convenient that must be.”
Logan had to strain to hear the villain’s mutters, but something in the air had shifted. He could practically feel waves of chill emanating from the villain’s form. The back of his neck prickled with unplaced discomfort as he waited for his opponent’s next move.
It came without warning. One minute Gale Force was staring away, seemingly glued to the spot, and the next he had spun to face Logan and a funnel of wind was screeching towards him. Logan zipped to the side, only barely dodging despite his inhuman speed. The full force of the air thudded into the wall, and Logan could feel the whole building shake. He raced to pass the villain again, hoping to get out of his wind range, or at least frustrate it. He felt the cutting wind following just on his heels as he evaded another attack.
“Look at you,” Gale Force commented cheerily. His smile was stretched tight across his face, baring his teeth in a decidedly un-friendly way. “Running like the wind.”
Logan’s attention was caught by the pun and held for just a moment against an opponent where ‘just a moment’ made all the difference. His focus wavered, and the villain’s wind caught him. The funnel twisted around him, pinning his arms to his sides and trapping him in place. Harsh air spun around his face and body. If he hadn’t had his goggles, his eyes would have been tearing up. As it was, he found it harder and harder to breath as the force of the wind slowly cut off the air from entering his lungs.
“Hey there, Vectorious. Looks like you might need a Doctor,” the villain said happily. Logan struggled to free himself, but the edges of his vision were starting to go black. He needed to focus to run, but he couldn’t focus. He couldn’t breathe.
A purple-and-white blur appeared in the air as Virgil sped through the door to collide with Gale Force, knocking him out of midair. At the moment of impact, the air trapping Logan lost its strength, and he fell to his knees, gasping. His first thought was the explosive that he’d grabbed from the villain. Luckily, it was near him. As oxygen brought back his normal thought processes, he disassembled the construct bomb in a blur. Threat destroyed, he looked for his partner. Virgil and Gale Force had apparently busted straight through a wall, as Logan could hear the sounds of blows being exchanged through the hole in the brick wall.
He ran outside after them to see Virgil standing on the roof, in between Gale Force and the Crimson Marauder. The latter was bound by his own cape. Logan snorted. This was why he thought the costume accoutrements were so impractical, and kept urging Virgil to do away with his.
“Hey, let my partner go!” Gale Force shouted.
“He’s under arrest for the attempted sabotage of a school,” Virgil replied coolly. “And you are, too. Stand down, or the drama queen here gets hurt.”
The bound villain scowled. “Just like a hero, isn’t he, Pat?”
“Just like.”
“You should be very offended on my behalf and do something about it.”
Virgil had just a moment to dodge as Gale Force barrelled towards him, heating the air around him as he went. His breezes untangled the Marauder’s cape as he flew over. Freed, both villains wheeled into the sky.
Virgil almost chased them, but caught sight of Logan still standing shakily on the ground. He flew down.
“You okay, Lo?”
“I’m… a little out of breath still. Thank you for your timing - I was starting to lose feeling.”
Virgil hugged the man tightly. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner. But I’m glad you’re okay.”
Logan hugged back. Physical affection wasn’t his strong suit, but with Virgil it was always okay.
“Can you believe Gale Force? No mask, and the Marauder is just tossing his name around. Pat or something?” Virgil asked as they parted.
“Yeah. He’s a cold one for all the smiles and jokes. Quite unsettling.” Checking the sun’s position, Logan offered, “I think it’s time we fill the Mayor in on what we’ve learned about our city’s newest supervillains. Maybe he’ll have some more research for us, as well.”
Virgil nodded and tapped his watch to let City Hall know they were on their way, and sent a call for repairs of the school. “Are you okay to run, Lo? Or do you need a lift?”
Logan grimaced. “You know I hate being carried but… I am still a bit unsteady. I won’t be able to cross the water in my present state.”
Virgil turned and kneeled, letting Logan throw his arms around his neck and loop his legs around his waist. With his friend riding piggyback, Virgil leapt into the air and flew over the harbor towards the mainland.
Joan and Talyn were already waiting for the heroes when Virgil flew in the office window. Both looked concerned as Virgil gently deposited Logan on a chair.
“Fuck, is he okay?” the mayor asked.
Logan nodded. “I will be. We finally encountered Gale Force and the Crimson Marauder. Gale Force is… powerful. The incident you mentioned from last week, with the sidekick Emerald Prodigy, was clearly not an anomaly. While I’m recovering now, if Virgil’s timing had been just a bit slower, I might have had lasting side effects from the air deprivation.”
Talyn, their hair a bright orange today, frowned and tapped a pen against their mouth. “Did you speak with either of them? Any idea of motivation?”
“Gale Force uses an unsettling number of puns and then went into fight mode very easily,” Logan began.
A page from Joan’s executive assistant interrupted them all.
“Swallowtail to see you, Mayor Stokes!”
“Send him in!” Joan said through the intercom. The door opened to reveal a short black man who grinned as he saw the mayor’s company.
“Terrence!” Virgil cried happily, crossing the room in three long strides to greet his fellow hero. He swept him up in a huge bear hug that lifted the much-shorter man completely off the ground.
Logan hung back, though he had a matching smile. Terrence had graduated HEARTS in the same year, and they’d been good friends despite their three-year age difference. Terrence had also been one of the first other heroes to become friends with Virgil when he’d enrolled at the school, and they remained close.
“What brings you in today?” Talyn asked as Virgil deposited Terrence back on his feet.
“Research! I heard you two tangled with the new team today,” Terrence replied. “As the resident villain enthusiast, I gotta know more. And maybe I can help with some background for next time.”
Virgil nodded. “So the biggest thing we learned is that Gale Force can go stone-cold in a second, and his name is ‘Pat.’ I also learned that the Marauder is uh. Super gay.”
“V, you do know that probably means he’s regular gay, right?” Logan asked, rolling his eyes. “You tend to have that effect on everyone who’s attracted to men.”
Virgil scratched his neck. “Oh. I do?”
Joan cut in, also rolling his eyes. “Super strength, super flight, and super oblivious. Yes, Virge. I’ve had to remind the building staff not to ask out any of our supers five times more since you officially joined.”
“Anyway,” Talyn started, glaring at their partner.
“Anygay,” Joan whispered.
“This is just more information to add to what we already know about the Marauder and his past. We even knew his name is Roman, though the family name remains a mystery.”
Virgil frowned. “How do we know anything about him? He’s never been arrested, has he?”
“No,” Terrence replied. “But he was initially a hero.”
“Yes. He was a hero. And he chose to become a villain,” Logan said, disdain dripping from his words. “He was called the Scarlet Prince, before. And then he decided to blame the whole city for one unfortunate accident.”
“He was a sidekick, and his hero was killed in action. After that, he disappeared until he re-emerged as the Crimson Marauder,” Terrence explained.
“Ah. But that could be understandable, right? Losing someone you care about can… change you,” Virgil said.
“Doesn’t change what’s right, though,” Logan replied tightly.
Virgil reached out and laid a gentle hand on Logan’s shoulder, a silent offer of comfort. The speedster almost shook him off, but after a moment let the tension ebb.
“As the villains were escaping, they were making particular digs at us as heroes,” Virgil told the others. “I think it’s safe to say that they aren’t in it to target civilians. Between that and their attack on HEARTS on a day when no one was in the building, I think they’re doing this for, I don’t know. Symbolism, maybe? Or to attack active heroes particularly.”
Joan nodded. “And you got that impression from Gale Force, too?”
“Yes, approximately. Though he may bear more animosity towards the city itself, it’s still not directed towards the citizens as a whole,” Logan said.
“In good news, we’ve gotten better at identifying uses of their powers,” Talyn told them. “Unless you say otherwise, we’re going to keep you two as the primary call for them.”
“That is satisfactory,” Logan said. “I believe I’ve devised a way to avoid the attack that caught me this time.”
“Virge, did they see all your powers?” Joan asked. The tall hero shook his head. “Then there’s still an upper hand. I hope you can catch them soon.”
D.R.E.A.M. Index #337261
Classification: A.3.i [Tertiary Tier Hero, Legacy]
Name: Swallowtail
Status: ACTIVE
Civilian Name: [CLEARANCE: TOP SECRET] Terrence Williams, Jr.
Affiliation: Hero
/////////H.A.T.C.H. Status: Specific Calls and Blackout Only
Partners/Sidekicks: N/A
Primary Foes: N/A
Powers: Shape-shifting: size reduction and addition; Tech-assisted flight;
Costume: Bodysuit in bright florals; yellow, black, and white jet pack painted with namesake butterfly wings
Age: 25
Height: 5’3”
Pronouns: He/His
H.E.A.R.T.S. Class of ‘11
Note: Unconfirmed relation to members of DI#Z-3286 - Fang Patrol, but confirmed hero and son of supers; Classmate and fellow scientist to DI#337255 - Dr. Vectorious; A less active hero, primary role as research/support to S.E.A.M. Stokes and Mayor Stokes;
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patton-croc-agenda · 6 years
Fic Masterpost
Updated: 12/18/18 (or, for anyone not in America- 18/12/18)
Previous names- any fics under these names are also me:
Secretsidesblog Extremist-water-agenda (make sure it has the -s, theres a different person named extremistwateragenda)
All my writing on my blog is tagged as #Jackwrites
(Ratings are the same as Ao3: G(eneral), T(een), M(ature), E(xplicit)
Organized (or at least I attempted to): Newest ---> Oldest (top to bottom)
Call it Fae-t Summary: Logan Sanders does not believe in the old tales of The Fae- nor of more modern tales of fairies that can grant wishes and give gifts. However, after being dragged into the forest by his friend Roman, he learns that they are very much real. And one seems keenly interested in Logan in particular. Words: 13,001 Pairings: Logicality, implied Prinxiety Rating: M (heed warnings)
Summer Snow Day Summary: It’s unbearably hot out, but when Talyn suggests Thomas think cold thoughts- it begins to snow in the Mind Space, much to the confusion of the sides. (Entry in Fander’s Fic Awards summer fluff contest) Words: 2,889 Pairings: Logicality, implied/mentioned Prinxiety, platonic LAMP Rating: G Dancing’s Not a Crime Summary:  Patton may be having a bad day, but when Roman asks him to try a fusion dance with him to see if it could really be done, well, Patton can’t say no. Words: 2,448 Pairings: Royality Rating: T
To Fuse or Not to Fuse Summary: Picani teaches a young Thomas about fusion (A Steven Universe AU) Words: 2,779 Pairings: Implied Logicality/Prinxiety, nothing explicit Rating: G
Lovesick Summary: Logan can't help but feel illogical feelings for Patton. This fact is not at all helped when he learns that Roman can quite literally smell when someone is lovesick, and apparently Logan stinks with it.  Words: 5,578  Pairings: Logicality, side Prinxiety, (platonic Logince and Analogical)
Liar Liar Summary: Patton lies about a lot of things, and he knows the others do too. He’s so tired of it all. Words: 1,352 Pairings: Platonic LAMP, platonic Moceit Rating: E (Please heed the warnings, this is a very emotional fic)
Into the Night Summary: Patton gets lost in the woods, so a helpful stranger helps him out (aka I had writers block and threw out this garbage) Words: 2,056 Pairings: Platonic(?) Logicality, brief platonic Analogical and platonic Sleepality Rating: G
Nightly Inquires Summary: Logan is always one for a full night of sleep and a healthy sleep cycle. Unfortunately, his sleeping schedule is ruined one night by Patton, who's excuse for waking him up is that he wants to ask Logan a question? Clearly, Logan has his work cut out for him. Words: 3,366 Pairings: Logicality Rating: T (Implied sexual humor)
The 5 Stages of Having a Crush Summary:  Logan does not have a crush on Patton Foster, certainly not. There is no way he's going to turn into the same mess as his friend, Virgil, no matter how cute Patton looks in a cheerleader uniform. (Based on @/the-pastel-peach’s HS AU) Words: 3,476 Pairings: Logicality, side Prinxiety Rating T (Implied sexual humor)
Fidget Summary: Patton finds that he tends to fidget with random things (aka me projecting onto Patton a lot) Words: 1,179 Pairings: None Rating: G Baking Vlog Summary: Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil are all in a band together. Along with music, they make YouTube videos for their very successful channel. Roman and Patton decide to vlog their adventures in baking, and Roman starts to realize some feelings. Words: 2,451 Pairings: LAMP (focus on Royality) Raitings: T (light sexual humor)
Missed it, Missed Him Summary: Roman made a lot of mistakes in college, but he didn’t realize any of them until it was too late. Words: 4,713 Pairings: Onesided/platonic Royality, brief Logicality Rating: T I’ll Keep All of My Emotions Right Here Summary:  Logan doesn't like sharing his feelings. Patton doesn't like Logan bottling his feelings up. Shenanigans ensue. Words: 3,025 Pairings: Platonic Logicality, platonic LAMP Rating: G
Movie Night Summary: Logan and Patton have a movie night Words: 1,822 Pairings: Platonic/pre-romantic Logicality Rating: G
Locked Heart Summary: After making the mistake of letting a vampire into his home, Patton wakes up to find himself in a strange room he doesn’t recognize, and no means of escape. (Co-written by @/virge-of-a-breakdown Pairings: Future Logicality, Prinxiety Rating: E Progress: Work in Progress Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Claws and Effect Summary:  Becoming the superhero Morality wasn’t exactly Patton’s first choice of career, but he liked to think he’d been handling it well enough- balancing his alter ego and regular day job at his cousin’s cafe. That is, until a familiar face walks into Sanders Delights, and a mysterious new villain appears soon after. Pairings: Logicality, Desleep, platonic Sleepality Rating: T Progress: Work in Progress Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Coral and Crowns Summary:  Roman Prince has never been one to so easily give his heart away. However, upon meeting a mysterious boy named Patton Coral, Roman finds himself head over heels. Despite Patton's sweet personality, Roman soon comes to learn that his new love is not only laced with secrets- but with danger. Pairings: Royality, background/implied Analogical Rating: G Progress: Work in Progress (On hiatus) Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 (Ao3 link for now because I think tumblr fucking ate it wtf??) Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Completely Unrelated Summary: Logan Sanders just wants to get through one day where he isn't mistaken as related to his group of friends. However, hanging out with three other boys who look shockingly similar to yourself and have the same last name doesn't really help distinguish anyone from each other Pairings: Logicality implied in the last chapter but that’s about it, platonic LAMP Rating: G Progress: Abandoned Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
PHEw THAT WAS A LOT. I’m glad I got this up tho I’ve realized not everything shows up in my writing tag. Enjoy you wonderful children!! And mayyybe don’t read my older fics they’re very yikes jgjdflgdskjdfhgdjk
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