#Mention of Arkos
arkos404 · 2 years
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day 5 of the @serireiweek2022​ prompt: Movie/Concert
In which reigen and serizawa go to one of those drive in movie theater to watch a scary movie but they spend the whole time laughing at how innacurate it is
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“I mean, the characters are so dumb! how do they expect me to want them to survive when they keep throwing themselves in danger all the time-!”
“ok you literally--”
“yup, heard it as soon as i say it, just let this one go”
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Ruby, standing before Pyrrha's memorial: "I will finish the work you started, Pyrrha, my love."
Ruby, filled with Determination: "I WILL get Jaune pregnant."
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fontralis · 1 year
daybreak: begini saja  |  2024
Arko sering melihat artikel dan candaan di media sosial tentang anak tengah yang terlupa atau terbuang dibandingkan anak sulung yang tertekan atau anak bungsu yang dimanja. Biasanya ia hanya tertawa, karena di keluarganya keadaan sama sekali tak seperti itu. Kakaknya cerdas dan hebat dan segala pujian yang dapat Arko temukan dalam kamus, tapi tertekan? Tidak. Mungkin karena Kira memang sudah bersinar tanpa perlu ditempa? Lalu Riku. Apanya yang manja, ia pemalu dan penyayang dan dewasa. Mereka berbeda dari pandangan media, jadi tentu Arko juga bukan anak tengah yang tertutup dua permata. Ya kan?
Banyak kok yang Arko punya. Uang, ada. Profesinya menyenangkan, gajinya lumayan. Keluarga dan teman yang sayang dan tulus, tentu ada. Ia masih tinggal bersama orangtua sebagian besar karena kasihan melihat mereka kesepian ditinggal anak sulung dan anak gadis mereka. Talentanya tak banyak tapi gen orangtuanya berbaik hati memberikannya wajah yang dulu dipuja waktu SMA. Arko punya segala kelebihan yang didamba dewasa muda seusianya. Kalau kata teman-temannya, hidup Arko sempurna.
Sempurna. Iya juga, ya?
Tapi setiap ia pulang bekerja, kadang ke rumah atau kadang juga ke hotel di samping restoran yang sudah hafal wajahnya, ia merasa kalah. Dangkal. Ke mana mimpi-mimpinya yang kelewat tinggi dahulu kala? Entah kapan ia mulai menyerah dan menjalani hidup dengan ikut-ikut saja. Semakin buruk rasanya setelah lulus dengan ogah-ogahan dan mendapat gelar yang kosong karena tidak ada materi yang diingatnya. Setidaknya dulu tujuannya ada. Setidaknya lulus dulu, dulu ia mengulang-ulang. Sekarang Arko mau apa?
Setiap ia bertanya pada kedua saudaranya, kok bisa sih sama kerjaan segitu sukanya? Mereka tersenyum dan berkata nanti kamu juga ngerasa!
Kapan ia menjadi seperti mereka?
Lucu kalau dipikir-pikir. Di antara mereka bertiga, Arko yang paling banyak teman, paling banyak kenalan. Pandangannya seharusnya yang terluas dan tak terpaku pada orang-orang di rumah saja. Lalu kenapa ia yang paling terobsesi untuk tidak jatuh jauh dari saudaranya?
Ia bangga. Melihat kakaknya keliling dunia, membawa buku yang tebalnya tak terkira. Melihat adiknya—kembarannya. Kalau dipanggil adik memberengut, bahaya—terbang ke negeri yang entah berapa jauhnya. (Sementara dia? Bukan siapa-siapa.)
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Poisoned Empanadas
Jake Lockley x fem!spider reader
Miguel O'hara x fem!spider reader
Violence, strong language, mentions of death, possibility of people dying, mentions of depression, sexual themes, smut, whump, love triangle, love competition, warnings will change as the story develops.
You get bad news on your anniversary. Jake is moving away, and he ends the relationship. He does it to keep you safe, or so he says, but you know there's another woman. You don't know who it is. He had come home on too many occasions smelling like hard liquor, jasmine, and cinnamon, a scent you didn't wear. You would find hair on his dirty clothes in the wash bin that wasn't yours or his. Every time you confronted him, he said it was for his undercover job for some powerful guy, and he always had women in his cabs after the bars let out on nights he used his cab for stakeouts. Like was he supposed to refuse rides to paying customers? His excuse was his proximity to others, and he assured you he never strayed.
You didn't believe him.
That still didn't explain the suggestive stains in underwear he never wore around you, which you washed for him. It didn't explain why he would fuck off for days or weeks at a time, and he never would tell you where he went, or what he was doing. He never sent you texts, emails, or letters. He never checked in, and just showed up unannounced, fully expecting to be let back into your life without question.
And you let him, every Goddamn time, because, when he was actually around, he treated you so well. Like a Goddess. He lavished you with expensive gifts and took care of your basic necessities. He had paid for the house you lived in, and the car you drove. You let him, because you loved him.
Chapter 1 - Empanada Gallega
Chapter 2 - Empanadas de Santa Rita
Chapter 3 - Empanadas Chilenas
Chapter 4 - A (18+) - Empanadas de Manzana
Chapter 4 - B (18+ mild) - Fast Food Dessert Type Empanadas
Chapter 5 - Pizza Rolls Global
Chapter 6 - Panades Belize
Chapter 7 (18+) - Empanadas de Cordero, Balearic Islands, Spain
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
(Yeah, I know it was just at 8, before, and I still haven't released chapter 4 yet... 👀 I just keep spiraling and writing more and more.)
Special AU one-shot chapter for Kinktober 2023:
Doggy Style - 18+ Smut
Spider-Man 2099 Miguel O'Hara x Spider!Fem!Reader
Special thanks to:
Beta Readers:
@einno-arko @theaussiedragon
Proof Readers:
@howaboutcastiel Chapters 1 - 3
@iceclaw101 Chapter 4 - A & B, 5, 6, 7
Idea Discussions:
@einno-arko @howaboutcastiel @theaussiedragon
@theaussiedragon @autismsupermusicalassassin @readingfan @missdragon-1 @marvelescvpe @lunar-ghoulie @cicithemess2000 @animesnowstorm @mahbeanz @dafuqelaine @bby-lupin @paranoiac-666 @konniebon @cl0v3r-s0up @seraphine-so-pretty @jupitersmoon167 @butterflypillows @ivystoryweaver @mintellaine @bxdbxtxh15 @badbishsblog @cleothegoldfish @xxmadamjinxx @bitchyexpertprincess @sakurayuki8655-blog @jklkverr @jkthinkstoomuch @oscarissac2099 @neteyamsluvts @bad4amficideas @sukioyakio
It won't let me tag some of you properly.
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delsshitposts · 1 year
I'm bored and am in a RWBY mood.
(Note: This is not a best ships list. This is a ships I personally like list. It literally means only that. If have you have different opinions than me, that's good.)
White Rose: Because come on. Come on! How could I not?
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Bumbleby: Again, COME ON!
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Crosshares: I am already out of reasons for obvious choices. They're just cute man
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Renora: They can't all be gay ships. Hell do I even need to give a reason for this one?
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Monochrome: Honestly I ship them because of a single artist who keeps drawing them and converted me to their way. They know who they are.
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Nuts and Dolts: Amazing dynamic! These two together are just sensational together
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Rosebird: Summer would attach herself to this woman and never let go until she starts being happy. And honestly, that's what Raven needs.
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Strawberry Shortcake: I don't know how this happened. I read one fic and suddenly I was trapped in rarepair hell again
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Ladybug: It's just adorable. At this point, put Blake with anybody, just don't leave her alone!
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And I know I said in no particular order. But that doesn't apply to this one cause this is my favorite ship and I suffer for it.
Milk and Cereal: I cannot tell you how much I wish there was more for these two! 269 fics on Ao3 is what I'm working with. And if we exclude the multiship fics it's even less! I NEED MORE! I'm reaching the "Fuck it! I'll do myself!" stage!
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Honorable mention to literally any ship that doesn't include Adam, Cinder, or Torchwick. All ships are great, but those three specifically can fuck off.
Also, Arkos is a good ship, and I would have it on here... But I see too much Jaune in my fic hunts. I just need a break from him.
I'm off to go force my brain into overdrive for fic ideas now.
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chaikachi · 1 year
Rosegarden, Cinderella, and Fairytale Romance
0r Why I Will Eat My Glass Slipper if Oscar and Ruby Don't Dance by the End of the Show
Part of Ruby's arc in v9 is realizing that the ideals and dreams she had as a (younger) child are too ambitious and unrealistic. That life, huntresses, herself… they can't be like the fairytales.
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It is a very big lesson to learn but, much like all things in RWBY, there is a push for nuance. Weiss and Blake even have called out in show that those storybook morals are too simplistic or black and white. Ruby is overwhelmed and breaking under the weight of her burdens and is being given the opportunity to either keep trudging on until it destroys her, or leave all of it behind.
But what about a secret hidden third option? Can she not leave Ruby Rose behind, not become someone entirely new, but rather… Choose to be the version of Ruby Rose she wants to be on purpose? And not as a result of other people's pressures or expectations that she's internalized for too long?
The point I'm trying to make here is that she can admit that holding herself to the impossible standard of an untouchable hero that always wins in the end isn't sustainable, but still find the intersection of fairytale and reality.
Now how does this tie in to RG? For that, I want to talk about two things:
The other canon romance plots in show
One of Ruby's smaller/more subtle 'allusions'
Of the three other big relationships in the show, each one's confession seems to fall into a very specific 'theme' (I understand I am generalizing/simplifying a bit but bare with me):
Arkos is rooted in tragedy: Pyrrha's death
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2. Renora is rooted in reality: A two volume long conflict that ends in them acknowledging their feelings, talking it out, and agreeing to be patient with each other.
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3. Bumbleby is rooted in a literal fairytale: A pocket dimension created specifically in the Ever After to push them into smooching (and y'know... confessing)
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Rosegarden is currently in the tragedy stage. Constant separation over and over again leading up to Oscar being left in Remnant thinking she's dead and Ruby stuck in the Ever After not knowing how much time is passing back home and if he'll even be there when she gets back.
Reality we've seen for them a lot in how down to earth they are with each other. The constant quiet support. Oscar seeing past the pedestal, past the ideal, straight through to Ruby. Ruby seeing past the merge and seeing him fully as just Oscar.
But how do we tie the fairytale into it when Oscar isn't in Ever After to give them that storybook magic? Well, we go back to the earlier mentioned subtle allusion for Ruby: Cinderella.
NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. "But Chai!! We already have a very clear allusion to that character!!!"
Okay yes, but Ruby is a mirror to Cinder. We've seen it in their arcs as primary antagonists to each other, we've seen it in their costume designs with the parting of their hair and similar colour schemes. Cinder Fall, Ruby Rose (as in to rise). They are two sides of one coin.
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Back at the dance in v2, Ruby arrives and is left alone by her friends. She isn't wearing glass slippers, but there is a whole lot of focus on how uncomfortable her shoes are.
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She leaves the dance early after not having fun and runs into Cinder. And when the clock strikes midnight and the spell is broken? Cinder is at the dance in her pretty dress with Mercury and Ruby is back in the tower getting one of, if not the first big reality check(s) of the series.
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This situation is teased by Oz in the episode prior with his little conversation with Ruby:
Ozpin: Not enjoying yourself? Ruby: Oh, no aha, everything's fine. I'm just not much of a... dance-y pantsy... dance-y girl. Ozpin: Well you can't spend your entire life on the battlefield, even if you may want to. Ruby: Yeah that lesson's been floating around a lot lately. Ozpin: If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked. Heh, although one wrong room on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot. Ruby:Or a twisted ankle Ozpin: It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds. But it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.
He teases that the dance is special. That Ruby should get to enjoy it because life has a funny way of creeping up quickly on these things. That these moments are rare and should be treasured... and he's proven right almost immediately.
Every other person in the cast got a dance - or something close to it - that night. Blake and Yang. Blake and Sun. Weiss lost her date 'cause Neptune's a goof, but they still got to sit down and talk. Jaune and Pyrrha had a moment on the balcony before he went to grab a dress and they all danced together. Ren and Nora. Penny even danced with one of her guards. Glynda and Ironwood too!!
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But our hero didn't get one. All she got was a fight.
And see, this is where I think the 'fairytale' comes in. Ruby's had her reality check. Time and time and time again that fairytale spell has been broken. She is going through a metamorphosis throughout v9 to become a newly actualized version of herself, or at least find the start of the path that brings her there. But when she returns to Remnant what is waiting for her? More war. More fighting. More responsibility as being this symbol of hope and a leader for everyone. But part of her arc is learning to share her burdens with others. And the person that has consistently tried to do that with her without her asking for it, has been Oscar. Oscar, who is currently in Vacuo with who knows how much time passing wrestling with the knowledge that Ruby, the rest of her team, and Jaune are very likely dead. Oscar, who is now bearing the weight of this world saving mission without her there.
All I'm trying to say is that a celebration of sorts with a redemption dance, quite possibly in Vacuo, isn't entirely off the table. In fact I'd argue it's been teased since the very start, especially considering just how often they are posed as if they are asking each other to dance.
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Also to go back to something Ozpin said "fighting and dancing aren't so different"... One of Oscar and Ruby's first scenes together, they are sparring in front of a sunset and they can't stop smiling at each other. They're just having so much fun with it.
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Also their premiere moments in volumes 6, 7, and 9 are all RG in a fight of some kind. The first two Ruby is saving him from Grimm. The latter Ruby is being attacked by Neo's illusion of him. In volume 8, we don't get that. But we do get these two moments which also count for something (especially because dances and hugs are also quite similar in some ways):
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There are going to be very high emotions when RWBYJ return to Remnant and what better way to celebrate that they are still alive than a party (and if not then, then after the war is over... but hopefully not THAT long). Where they can just 'dance and laugh and love… and just live'. Even for just a moment because who knows what the next will bring.
Ruby in v2 wasn't really a dance-y pantsy kind of girl... but post-v9 Ruby? She gets to choose the kind of girl she wants to be. Just the knight? Or maybe the princess too, even just for on day. And I think if anyone is going to offer her a chance to try it out, it's going to be her Little Prince.
I love these normal kids with their very normal knees a very normal amount. I love how their respective 'specialness' makes them the perfect match for each other because it means they can be 'normal' together. That is all ty for listening. RG canon okay byeeeeee~
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pilot-boi · 1 year
So I know that your favorite one is obviously Arkos, but what are your thoughts on the other Jaune ships? The ones I have in mind are Lancaster, White Knight, and Arculus Rift (Jaune/Penny, ik that one's not used much because there's no basis in canon but they're so funky in my head and I think they would have the absolute funniest interactions), but as The Jaune Enjoyer Ever™️ your insights on any ship would be based beyond mention.
Gonna state right off the bat that I’m not much of a shipper. I like characters being in close platonic relationships rather than romantic or sexual ones. That’s just my personal preference
While I’m not a shipper, I’m pretty chill with people shipping to their hearts contents! As long as the characters are made wildly OOC, as can happen ESPECIALLY with my boy. But you seem chill, so it’s all good
So as “The Jaune Enjoyer Ever” I will do my best :]
I do adore Arkos, it’s true. They were perfect and precious and CRWBY why do you have to keep tormenting us
After V9 White Knight has honestly been growing on me. They’ve both come a long way since Beacon, and they’re obviously close friends, so if it progressed from there that would be super cute
I like the whole knight aesthetic they’ve both got going on, and their dynamic is excellent. So yeah I’m on board
Lancaster is cute. It squicks me a bit personally, since they act more like siblings than any other pair of mains other than the LITERAL sisters
Don’t get me wrong, I can see why people ship them. They’re very close and deal with very similar problems. And there’s nothing like shared trauma for bringing a relationship together
But just me personally, I’m not a fan. Strictly platonic for me, thanks
Arculus Rift is a cool name, first and foremost
Secondly, I know it’s a crack ship but I could only see this relationship happening from when Penny comes back in V7 on. Not during Beacon. I’m not sure they even KNEW each other then
They would be adorable though, don’t get me wrong. They’re both such dorks, after all. It would be HELLA angst material though, given that Jaune’s former partner/first girlfriend KILLED Penny
And ya know. The fact that Jaune kills her at the end of V8. That’s some JUICY angst right there
But yeah, those are my thoughts! Hope they were fun to read, if not very insightful lol
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emperorverse · 8 months
The Emperor-Verse: RWBY: Saints of Remnant, a reimagined AU(More details in Keep Reading!)
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Once there was a world by the name of Omnibus. Created by the supreme deity The Author Allfather through the mysterious entity The Storyteller, this world was composed of four holy and mighty kingdoms, ruled by The Author’s Patron Saints whose reign protected the people, human and faunus alike, with their mighty armies, hunters, and their own holy powers from barbarian hordes, and the hordes of The Grimm who were the incarnations of hatred of the fallen seraph Grimmel The Black and his fellow fallen angels
In the dreadful world-shattering war of Ragnarök, the glorious age of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and the days of Romance, Heroism Adventure, and Eucatastrophe came to a tragic end.
Now all that remains is the world that is Remnant
But there is a prophecy made by Ozma The First Time Wizard before his death at the hands of The Witch-Emperor, that one day the bloodlines of the original Patron Saints and the families betrothed to them will return to take up these powers, rally armies of the righteous, vanquish the darkness and restore the holy kingdoms and Omnibus and reign over them once more.
Sinners will become Saints
Legends shall be restored and new Legends will be born
And what was a Remnant, Shall Be Whole Again.
But until then, the Hunters lead a struggling battle against the Grimm while the modern kingdoms suffer under corruption of all kinds, both to the benefit of darker forces who have horrifying intentions for the world.
Cue Ruby Rose and her older half-sister Yang Xiao Long, they are about to enter Beacon Academy after being approved by the eccentric Professor Ozpin Pine along with the heiress Weiss Schnee and the introverted faunus Blake Belladonna forming team RWBY
Ozpin has also enrolled a few other students and transferred others.
The former forming team JNPR, and the latter being Team SSSN of Haven Academy
Ozpin seems to have his eye on all of them, but what for?
Heavily inspired by CS Lewis's series The Chronicles of Narnia
Main Ships Contained:
Iceberg/Arctic Water
and some other ships
Also will contain unorthodox reimagining such as Adam Taurus(He's an initial antagonist turned good) and the White Fang and Jacques Schnee and the SDC with their Canon!Counterparts replaced with substitutes among other things
Currently the concept is in the works in a series of notes.
Details of the Emperor-Verse
Now I'm sure there's some questions you probably are all asking which I assume are the same questions as my blog
“Why are you using your Religion?”
Mostly due to it being a strong foundation, notably theology, for most of my stories, there are many strong foundations of storytelling, religion, history, you can even fantasize science if you put the imagination, time, and effort into it.
After doing some soul searching and listening to the Narnia books on Audible, it became another important element in making this au and I might include elements of CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy
This AU is set in my fictional Multiverse The Emperor-Verse which Narnia is implied to exist in, or I should say had existed in(its set after The Last Battle)
“Isn’t this kind of entitled and disrespectful?”
Disagreement isn’t necessarily malicious, and entitlement is not inherently bad if its your opinions and subjective feelings which people are entitled to.
Tolkien was heavily inspired by his distaste for how Shakespeare handled certain concepts, such as the Ents when he was upset and dissatisfied that there were no walking talking trees in the Enchanted Fortest of Macbeth, and the Valar Aule the Smith and the origin of the Dwarves make him something of an Anti-Prometheus
Not to mention Philip Pullman, the author of His Dark Materials Trilogy, made it out his distaste how CS Lewis made the Chronicles of Narnia and his overall beef with Christianity, and nobody seems to take issue with that.
I’m not saying the direction RWBY went with V3 or Pyrrha and the rest of the cast potentially ending tragically in some way or another is objectively bad, it was just not my taste
And I am not saying every normal RWBY fan/RWDE person who liked it is an elitist about it nor are all of them trying to insult me and attack me personally or say my ideas are bad
Nor I’m not trying to change canon or its “trajectory” , nor am I doing this to spite Monty, especially when I never knew the guy. This is a difference in handling ideas and concepts.
I’m doing my RWBY AU, which will most likely be revamped into an original story since it takes a whole different directions with the characters and world, but it's mostly because with post V3 and now in retrospect I saw what this world, characters, ships and other ideas could have been all in a story I believe is worth telling. And I was disappointed that it wasn’t.
I mean yeah it's also due to personal tastes and preferences and subjective feelings, at least I’ve been told, but I also try to integrate that in a meaningful way.
So I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer, which will most likely be put on AO3 and FanFiction.Net, and who knows, I might get a few artists to commission to redesign some characters or illustrate some scenes if anyone is up for it.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
I feel like I’m the only one who thinks Blake and Yang not having kissed yet is fine. Like Pyrrha kissed Jaune bc she was going off to die. Nora kissed Ren with the built of frustration and mutual pining they both had but it happened at a bad time bc Tyrian and Watts pulled their shit at the rally. They COULD have kissed when they reunited in V8 but idk. Not that a couple needs to kiss on screen to be valid or canon but with Arkos and Renora even tho ppl were around it wasn’t like their entire team coming together it was just the two of them kinda vibes? And of course Blake and Yang could kiss and still have to higher out their issues like Renora did but their dynamic is Different so their special just us two moment will be different. Not to mention Renora had that girl and boy bets fiends who actually like each other vibes the moment we saw them and they didn’t kiss until volume seven. So the bees are just the volume after them and Renora still aren’t together together despite the kiss. So while I understand the frustration and how haters will say it took too long or it was rushed or handled badly I personally think the TACKLE HUG AND CUDDLE was fine for the Very First Episode. Especially since right after Weiss broke down and told them about Penny and Jaune so. There moment in the garden will come and it will be special even if I understand the frustration. Cause I’ve been there and been burned by ships I’ve had in the past but that was my own delusion it’s clear Blake and Yang are in love the world has just been giving them nothing but walls to deal with it will happen. If you have negative thoughts about this those are valid just don’t put them on this post please and thank you it’s why this is here and not Twitter Lmao
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etincelleart · 1 year
You got an ask like a week ago about Penny being the P in JNPR 2.0 WHEN she comes back, and I really liked your answer so I wanted to add my two cents. Mostly I just think that Penny needs to be part of another team, away from Ruby. From day one Ruby has been her closest friend and partner, and I think if Penny is going to try and find out who she is outside of being an android she needs to do that with some other people. Of course I think her and Ruby should be together and be friends (and confess their undying love for one another), but I think they need some healthy boundaries and to learn to be ok being apart for like, a day or something. Its fair to say they both are going to have attachment issues. But also! Penny and Nora! The friendship we never knew we needed!
Finally, with all of Penny's stuff, we often forget just how tied she has been to team JNPR from the start. It was Pyrrha's semblance that dismembered Penny the first time, of course it was not on purpose and Pyrrha was manipulated by Emerald, but that still happened. And I think that it is easy to forget that what happened to Penny was clearly one of Pyrrha's final regrets, and one of the main driving forces behind her decision to become the Fall Maiden and ultimately sacrifice herself. So I think it would be very poetic for team JNR to help Penny learn who she is, and in a way bring back to life the person Pyrrha thought she killed.
I can only agree with everything you said ! I LOVE Ruby and Penny together and they are definitely meant to stick together forever (xD), but Penny actually being able to make new friends would be super nice. (like Ruby mentioned in V7 btw, but this time it would really be developped and awesome)
Actually this makes me think of the Windblume festival of this year's Genshin event (spoilers for those who haven't played) : Amber and Collei are very close friends, but Amber is Collei's only friend as well. So when she visits Mondstadt to see Amber, Collei is kinda left with other people on purpose by Amber who thinks it would help her to make new friends different from her. This would be exactly this for Penny ! Of course I'd love Ruby and Penny to be able to actually spend the time they want to spend together, but also see them overcome their fears of losing each other and allowing the other to explore, make friends for Penny, just enjoy this freedom.
And YEAH omg Arkos is involved in both of Penny's death this is insane. xD There are strong connection between all of these characters, and I truly feel like it would be a waste if Penny stayed dead and they never explored them
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dicknouget · 1 year
On Arkos Revival
Before going any further I want to thank @pilot-boi for helping me with the arguments as well as @pottermusprime and @rwby-sk for reviewing the actual essay.
I cover the possible out comes of Pyrrha's revival and how an event like it would affect the show and the cast.
A couple days ago, I mentioned in an ask to Pilot that we never received a name for the red haired lady that Jaune converses with in V6C9 “Lost”. I also then brought up the dialogue where Jaune thought Pyrrha should be standing there, to which the woman replied she is. I’m not going to debate whether or not Arkos will be unsunk or even if Pyrrha will be revived. What I am going to share my thoughts on is how Pyrrha’s revival would affect RJNR’s character arcs, the relationships between Pyrrha and RUBY JNR and would Arkos still happen if, and this is a big IF, Pyrrha was revived. For the sake of the essay format I will be arguing as if Pyrrha’s revival has happened. This is a disclaimer: I recognize that Pyrrha has NOT been revived, and probably won’t be.
The first argument is in regards to Pyrrha and RNJR. RNJR, more specifically JNR, were hit the hardest with Pyrrha’s death. Ruby witnessing it, and JNR being her teammate. Since then we’ve seen the four of them develop and grow as characters, accepting Pyrrha’s sacrifice and recognizing what it means to be a huntsman/huntress. The initial reaction of a Pyrrha revival would be along the lines of “It completely undermines, and undoes the character growth of RNJR!”. However, if you stop and look at how people interpret experiences and events, you realize that it doesn’t undermine the character development and growth of RNJR. RNJR still lost a friend. They still learned to keep moving forward. They still learned the meaning of sacrifice, and what it means to be a huntsman/huntress. Pyrrha’s revival would simply be another event, another experience for RWBYJNR to understand. If she is revived, how did it happen? Is she the same Pyrrha that they loved? Is she older, does she still have her combat prowess? Just because she is revived, doesn’t mean she’ll be the same “Invincible Girl” from before. There’s also the topic of whether or not she would be willing to continue the mission if she turned out the same way, although given the information presented to us, she would likely join the heroes. Pyrrha’s revival is another event and experience that our heroes will have to work through and understand.
As a final support to the first argument, the audience has already seen a character revival. At the start of Vol 7 Penny was shown to be revived by Pietro as the protector of Mantle. Her revival didn’t magically undo everything that RWBYJNR had learned about loss, or even sacrifice. If anything her character arc helped remind them of sacrifices, and that a huntsman/huntress MUST be able to make the toughest decisions, even if that means losing a life.
The second argument is in regards to Pyrrha and RWBYJNR. This is much more uncertain, as it depends on HOW Pyrrha is revived. I will be arguing with a neutral approach given that condition. Let’s start off with Pyrrha and WBY. For the most part, they would be happy she’s back. Yang might tease Weiss about having a crush on Pyrrha. Ruby would give her some space, but would eventually hug her and might ask a couple questions about the afterlife. Blake and Weiss for the most part would be glad to have her back. Onto JNR. Nora and Ren would likely be more emotional, with Nora tackling her and Ren crying while hugging her. And now we have Jaune. Jaune would be emotional, the most of the group. His emotions would be very conflicting, likely a mixture of joy, relief, sadness and anger. One way I’ve always imagined it is similar to how Astrid repays Hiccup at the end of How to Train Your Dragon. A punch on the shoulder for scaring her and a kiss for everything else. While I will admit that Jaune punching Pyrrha would be a little OOC for him, it would be somewhat believable, given that he is a physical character, and in this situation would be overwhelmed by his emotions. Again it would be hard to judge how the characters react to such an event, because there are so many ways for it to occur, whether it be in the ever after, or a small reveal in a quiet part of the show.
The final argument is would Arkos happen. We’ve seen the primary cast grow from their naive, and in some cases ignorant selves, into fleshed out characters with strong backstories and their places in the world of RWBY. Jaune is an interesting character as we have seen him lash out on two occasions, both of which were in relation to Pyrrha. The first time we see him lash out in anger is in Vol 5 when he assaults Cinder, both verbally and physically. The second is when he yells at Ozpin, and unfortunately catches Oscar in the crossfire. However, since then we’ve seen him grow into a much more collected huntsman, even if he is still emotionally charged, the evacuation of Mantle and the battle of the bridges are good examples of this. Continuing, he’s also a much more forgiving person than we would have assumed in Vol 4/5. When JORY exits the Whale in Vol 8, he deliberately holds his ground to ensure that Emerald escapes as well. One of the people that helped orchestrate the fall of Beacon, and a lackey of Cinder, he ensures escape. Why? It’s because he recognizes that she also helped Oscar, and the rest of them escape. This doesn’t mean that he fully trusts her, but it shows that he’s willing to give her an inch of his trust, and work towards forgiveness.
Given this information and analysis of Jaune it would be safe to assume that if he is able to forgive a former enemy, he would be able to do the same to Pyrrha. There would be A LOT of pain, and A LOT of anger, and yelling. But at the end of the day, Jaune would forgive Pyrrha, and they would slowly start to form a relationship again. It would likely start platonically, as a way of building trust back up, but I am confident that Arkos would eventually become romantic. It would be an extremely slow burn, likely one that makes Bumbleby look like a speedrun, but that’s due to Jaune needing to rebuild his trust in his partner, and Pyrrha needing to recover. If Arkos were to become Canon, it would likely not be shown in the main series, likely in an epilogue.
Arkos is one of the more popular ships in RWBY, and evidently, one of my favourites. Jaune’s my favourite character, and I’ve always enjoyed Pyrrha. Part of being an Arkos fan is understanding that it likely will stay sunk, but it’s interesting to think about how it could happen, given the current character’s and their experiences. It’s also compelling to explore how an event such as Pyrrha’s revival would affect RWBY/JNR as well as how said group would react. I don’t claim to know more than what’s been presented onscreen and in extra lore, but I will explore the information presented to the audience on screen.
I hope you enjoyed reading this theory and essay
- Nouget
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vecnawrites · 2 years
Between all the various ships you cover which would you say is the most wholesome to the most depraved excluding au specific ships
For the most part, it depends on the actual ask itself, since I do often tweak things to fit them (not to mention, some of the girls I can see being really wholesome and utterly depraved sexual deviants), so they fit in both categories. But here we go!
Arkos: A loving pair of a goofball and a girl who found a boy who treated her normally and never put her on a pedestal
Scarlet Knight: Jaune and the shy bunny faunus are adorable!
ArcShot: Childhood friends in my headcanon, Jaune and May Zedong are the perfect pair of dorks that work well together.
White Knight: Weiss just wants someone to love her. Luckily there’s a certain knight who likes her even at her most prickly...
Nuts And Dolts: How can this not be wholesome, lol? Penny is an innocent cinnamon roll, and Ruby isn’t much different!
ArcWitch or Neo/Glynda: Glynda’s a repressed teacher who needs some relief, and some of the things that she does...woo!
ArcShot and ScarletKnight: You know what they say about the shy, quiet ones, right?
Silent Knight: ...have you read any of my works with Neo, lmao?
Arkos: Pyrrha’s plenty repressed due to her having to constantly be ‘perfect’ in the eyes of people. So I see her letting her freak flag fly when with the man she loves.
Nora’s Arc: Nora is shameless. Nuff said.
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rwac96 · 1 year
BBTAG intro prompt: Arkos Pyrrha and Vermilion Cavalier Noel
Noel: *pulls out Bolverk* Um, so, you know Jaune?
Pyrrha: *picking up Milo & Akouo* Yes...why do you ask?
Noel: *gets into fighting stance* Um, nothing! Let's focus on the fight!
Victory/Cross Tag
Pyrrha: *lowers Milo* Now that's dealt with...how do you know Jaune again?
Noel: Um...we...um kissed?
Pyrrha: ...Care to repeat that?
Victory Screen
Pyrrha: It's nice to meet you Noel, it's a wonder you've met him in such a chaotic situation.
Noel: Well, it's the last thing I expected in this entire thing. Not to mention meeting compet--Uh! Jaune's partner.
Pyrrha: Same, Noel...same.
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saqui · 1 year
Rwby Ships as my kpop playlist songs:
I'm a very huge kpop stan and I think it would be nice to have some fun just by mixing my two interests into one. Enjoy!
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What I love about this song is it speaks about taking your time to go deeper, slower, in the moment. It also gives deep comfort or ease. This song best suits Rosegarden in my opinion because from how I see Rosegarden, as the world is going faster that it's heavier to carry its heavy weight, they find as if the world became slower and lighter the moment they see each other.
Overall, the vibe just suits 😌🥰❤💚
(1) We goin' slowmotion
(2) I want a deep talk
(3) All day, let's go, it's a long day, trust me, lean next to me.
Renora - "But You" by iKON
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One, I can definitely see Ren singing this to Nora.
Two, this song tells about how sure that the girl, he used to be in a relationship before, is the only one for him no matter what and would want to start over again which I think suits them sooo much. Plus, I think this is something how Ren would really deeply feel about Nora even especially how they are currently.
(1) You're the reason. I need you baby
(2) Start over and fall in love
(3) We know each other better more than anyone else
(4) Nobody but you
Bumbleby - "Bet You Wanna" by BLACKPINK
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They're high for each other. They're hooked for each other. Just look at the gif. Does that not speak volumes to you??? /hj
Anyways, yes, this song has the whole vibe of being high because of their partner. Blake and Yang have always been clingy and whipped for each other and this song expands that idea more. This song is playful and teasing like their love language so it's this I choose.
This song kinda mentions a lot of fire too.
(1) Take me to your paradise cuz I don't wanna wait anymore
(2) Something 'bout me's takin' you higher and you ain't ever gonna come down.
(3) I'm lighting your fire and it ain't ever gonna go out
Blacksun - "Thank You" by TREASURE
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Both Blake and Sun are thankful for being with each other. There are so many lessons and memories they've made from each other and I guess it's time to say "Thank you". They wish each other good things in the world. That's the whole point of the song, just being thankful and moving forward. Also, the vibe or the music just suits them a lot.
(1) Thank you that I met you
(2) All we have to do is walk on the flowery path
(3) Instead, I promise you don't get sick and I hope you meet a good person.
(4) Thank you so much, I was so happy
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Arkos - "Shout Out" by ENHYPEN
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Honestly, everything about arkos makes me associate everything specifically about being true to your feelings which I think relates to the song about "shouting" it out and considering how Pyrrah was always keeping her feelings to herself.
This song also has that beautiful vibe I feel for this ship.
(1) The fake paradigm that locked me up beyond the border line drawn by someone, I shout out, and this is my shout out. I'm all for myself.
(2) Shout out my heart for you. My burning heart, shout out.
(3) I'm trapped in a wall that locked me up. Your voice is calling me
(4) My life without you is a misery
(5) With my real voice, I'll tell you my true feelings.
Everything here is only based on how I interpret both the songs and the ships. This is really fun to make!
The songs are beautiful!
If you're looking for other ships, maybe I would want to make another post for it. That is if you guys are also kpop stans haha!
I'm also genuinely curious what songs you think would fit these rwby ships too, let me know! 🤩
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powertaco · 2 years
It’s food fight time. Best Day Ever...it’s probably the gayest one yet...
The Episode starts with a few minutes of partners bonding. Blake reads smut until Yang badgers her to play a game with her, and Ruby and Weiss both write letters to their family. Weiss’s letter to Winter talks about how Ruby is gonna be a great leader and saved her. Her smile when she writes about Ruby is very...telling. Also very clearly her answer to Ruby in the dream was that yes that can be friends (and eventually girlfriends WR for life)
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There’s some interpartner bonding, ie Blake and Weiss which is nice to see when Weiss insists that she cares, that they all care about Blake and that she needs to come to her team when she needs help. 
She and Blake shake hands and Yang instantly is like ok moving on, which I respect the territory patrolling (i jest).
Blake meanwhile forces Yang to read her books. Not sure if it’s the smut series or not but that’s funnier to imagine so I’m going with that.
And we get ANOTHER WR coffee scene. The scene so nice we see it thrice. Although this time it’s Weiss making coffee for Ruby and she remembers how her dolt takes it. 
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They are both blushing messes which is so adorable it’s hard to put into words as Awake plays in the background. 
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Shion talks about how her semblance evolves and how Nightmares are attracted to those with strong personalities. Yang continuing her reason for being annoys Weiss with this who managed patented Schnee look 12 of suffering at her. 
Nora then dumps on Jaune which is incredible. (He doesn’t have a semblance lol)
Then Renora and WR mess around while BB and Arkos do the same and Ozpin is mysterious and asks to speak with Ruby and Blake separately.  
Ozpin tries to hint at Silver Eyes and Ruby is like “lol can’t remember but friendship is great” (seriously).
The lighting in the scene is a good reflection into Ozpin’s mind, and the current state of Beacon. Ie as Ruby can’t recall the eyes she’s not in so much danger and so Ozpin leans back into the light instead of being shrouded in the darkness. 
The scene lighting continues to be great during Blake’s talk which is really Ozpins way of showing he knows exactly who Blake is, what she did, and came from and being slightly smug about it. 
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When he mentions her heritage and past Blake who is ashamed of it is bathed in darkness but then goes back to light. Ozpin then lays his cards, or some of them on the table and really ramps up the interrogation and essentially all but says he knows more than she’s saying and gives her a chance to talk. Blake being Blake doesn’t. 
And again he’s in the Gendo pose in the dark as he does this. Once the moment passes he’s back to being the affable headmaster in the light. 
We get more monochrome bonding as Weiss waited for Blake so she wouldn’t be alone afterward and they have a really great talk about helping make the world a better place with the help of each other and their team.
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Weiss is...more of a drama queen than I remember but canon adjacent and all that. We get some sisterly teasing which is cute. 
Sun shows up and is just a great guy. Weiss invites him to hang out and for some reason this confuses Yang, which I honestly don’t get at all, but nothing is perfect. 
Sun says he’ll introduce his team to them and that they’re all super hot. Seriously. 
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Weiss then remarks on Pyrrha’s interest in Jaune and says she has weird taste lol. Ruby is like “oh no she really does want to be on Pyrrha’s team, and Weiss gets all upset cause she thinks Ruby is. Then Yang suggest they trade Weiss and Ruby says that Weiss can’t ever get back on the team even if she begs. Then they look like they’re about to kiss and Yang seems pretty amused by it before they all start laughing. 
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Rwby take a group phot and then we cut to a very...excited Pyrrha helping Jaune train and cheer him on. 
Renora remain pure and I love them, and Nora says that Ren is the strongest one of them before they agree to look out for each other and hold hands. Like some sort of cute couple or something. 
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We get this scene and Ruby calls her Weiss and Weiss is of course upset she didn’t refer to her as girlfriend or wife but hey she’s learning. 
Yang makes a pun so bad literally no one gives her a pity laugh even as she makes it several times until Nora clocks her with an apple, which is the only real response. 
Weiss asks if Ruby stole her binder, and Ruby assures her she just added a fun plan to it. 
The food fight happens and there’s some interesting stuff going on. WR save each other several times which is cute. We don’t get the don’t leave me scene cause the fight goes differently and no one really loses or “dies”
and ends on this scene:
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It’s a strange ending and a little anticlimactic, but overall it’s pretty gay. The first few minutes are very very gay for WR with some sprinkled in the rest of the episode. 
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
You clearly missed the point I was making. Blacksun going to the dance together is still not a date because they could have gone together as friends and Neptune joined them right after as well. Not to mention Blake saved her first dance for Yang and Arkos kissing obviously shows attraction to each other, but again that’s through actions and not from them saying out loud that they are attracted to each other prior to that happening because by what you said previously, to you characters need to say out loud that they are attracted to a certain sex or say out loud that they like a certain sex in order for you to understand that they are attracted to them when not even Arkos and Blacksun did that in the show, which is why I mentioned previously about their actions showing their attraction and not always from them outwardly saying that they are
The lgbtq+ merch you mentioned has canon queer characters like Coco and May on them, but my point was pointing out how the one bumblebee jacket sold doesn’t give them much in comparison to the other things sold
Also sorry you don’t speak for all queer people in the lgbtq+ community, you only speak for yourself as someone in the lgbtq+ because again a ton of lgbtq+ people don’t have a problem with their relationship
And nooooo, moron, I said that I needed explicit confirmation, not that the confirmation has to be verbal. More of you twisting my words and purposefully misunderstanding me. You're just trying to find some way out of admitting that the early RWBY years included more straight-ship canonization than RWBY has managed for queer characters in ten years, and honestly I couldn't care less at this point, just stop doing it in my ask box.
Sun asking Blake to accompany him to a prom-like dance and the writers specifically writing Sun to ask if they're going together (emphasis on the together clear) and Blake saying yes they are but she has plans to dance the first dance with someone else IS STILL IN FACT more confirmation than her and Yang going fucking clubbing with a group and having the writers specifically write other characters to wonder if it might possibly mean they're together and leaving it up in the air. If Yang had asked Blake if she wants to go out to a romantic setting with her and Blake coming and Yang asking if this meant they were going together and Blake saying 'yeah yes it does' it would've been confirmation. Them being like 'we're going out dancing with Team FNKI' and then other characters being like "think they're together?" "No, I don't think so" is not a confirmed date. And Blake and Sun aren't even the most explicit opposite-sex attraction which comes in the form of 1. Jaune chasing women, asking them out, having clear conversations with his friends about being head over heels for them, and then also 2. Pyrrha literally kissing him. If Blake and Yang had a kiss I would consider them canon. If Yang had gone on a date with another girl that wasn't Blake or asked out a different girl in the first couple of seasons instead of going to the dance by herself I'd have considered her a canon wlw person.
And you clearly don't know what I'm talking about when I say the pride shirts, but I wasn't referring to the latest pride collection, I was referring to previous Pride shirts they used to sell. Like... I'm being serious when I ask this: Are you a minor, or did you only very recently get into RWBY and have tunnel vision where you think that the only things that exist are in your general immediate perception?
And again, I know I'm not speaking for every queer person, I'm only speaking for myself. But you are actively sending me hate trying to convince me to just pretend that RWBY is on par with things like Steven Universe and the Owl House and other things like that and I just won't. Why do you need every queer person to view this show and this ship exactly as you do? As of right now, Blake and Yang in the year of our lord 2023 have about as much confirmation as a BBC show about a wizard and a prince that ended more than a decade ago did, and I think that's a poor showing, I want better. Stop trying to convince me that I must just be secretly bigoted against my own interests because of that. And again, answer all of my points in my post and also in this one too while you're at it or fucking disengage and just block me.
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