#Marc x steven
thirstworldproblemss · 11 months
Favorite moon Knight fics??
Fav Moon Knight Fics you say....?
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It's possible I might have a few so freakin' many, 'nonny, you don't even know...
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List Notes:
Fics are Sorted by type of pairing, then alphabetically by Title
Uses AO3 Ratings: General audiences - Teen & up - Mature - Explicit
Check your Content Settings if you're 18+ and want to be able to see mature content (Settings -> scroll down to Content You See -> Community Labels -> Mature -> show)
Graphics: MK header is mine; adorable moon & stars divider by @straywords
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— MK System x Reader — .
B-Roll by @heybluechild [ Marc x F reader, 2.2k, E, oneshot ] Summary: You and Marc make a sex tape. (smut, humor)
Chocolate by @bits-and-babs [ Steven x F reader, 6.1k, E, oneshot ] Summary: After weeks of pining for your coworker Steven Grant, sharing chocolate over a late shift causes sparks to fly. (pining, soft smut)
Disaster [ao3] by @softlyspector [ Marc-centric MK system x F reader, 6k, T, oneshot ] Summary: Marc's mental health takes a turn for the worse when you give him some news. After chasing him to Chicago, you, Steven, and Jake are left to pick up the pieces. (heavy angst--mind the warnings!, angst with a hopeful ending)
The First Time by @youvebeenlivingfictional [ Marc x F reader, 3.2k, E, oneshot ] Summary: The first time you and Marc catch one another in a tight spot, you both make it out by the skin of your teeth. You’re both wounded; you’re both riled up as all hell. (violence, angry smut, feeeeeeelings)
Gift of Min & Redux [ao3] by @astroboots [ Steven x F reader x Marc (x Jake), 21k, E, twoshot ] Summary: Marc brings back a trinket from his trip that may or may not contain an ancient sex god/aphrodisiac. Either way, Marc’s not telling, and it’s for you and Steven to find out. (Smut, sex pollen)
Idling by @juneknight [ Jake-centric MK system x F reader, 10k, E, in progress as of 7/6/23 ] Summary: Jake keeps having to front for Marc and Steven's new girlfriend. (angst--mind the warnings!, promises of future smut)
keep your vigils on the road [ao3] by @charnelhouse [ Steven x F reader x Marc (x Jake), 4.2k, E, oneshot ] Summary: They’re on the run. It’s kind of a vacation. (smut, violence)
Killing me by @astroboots [ Jake x F reader (x Steven/Marc), 2.4k, E, oneshot ] Summary: Jake takes it “easy” on you after a long night with Steven. (smut)
Moon Struck [ao3] by @softlyspector [ MK system x dancer F reader, 43.3k, E, series ] Summary: Steven asks you out, Marc falls in love (slowburn, some angst with a happy ending, eventual smut)
No fish were harmed in the making of this meet-cute by @writefightandflightclub [ Marc Spector x F reader, 2.1k, G, oneshot ] Summary: You have a dilemma. You don’t want to sell the man any more fish. But you do want him to keep coming back to your shop 👀 (fluff, humor, angry meet cute)
Obsessed by @juneknight [ Marc x F reader, college AU, 7.2k, E, twoshot in an ongoing series ] Summary: Marc likes eating pussy and offers to eat yours. (smut, college roommates AU) ...Honestly, I probably could have listed ALL of Dorm Room Marc here. Other Favs: The Thing About Marc Spector, Pushing Buttons, Sweet Requitement
Pornstar MK Boys: Marc, Steven, Jake by @runa-falls [ MK system x F reader, porn star AU, 3.0k, E, threeshot ] Summary: as a fluffer, it’s your job to know how to keep the boys interested. each alter has their own preferences (porn star AU, smut)
Shadow of a Doubt by @writefightandflightclub [ Marc x F reader x Steven (x Jake), 7.1k, E, oneshot ] Summary: Marc was first. Steven was second. Khonshu’s never going to love you. …And you’re wondering if Jake will ever get there at all. (relationship/character exploration, some smut, angst with a hopeful ending)
Sting by @bits-and-babs [ Marc x F reader, 3.5k,E, oneshot ] Summary: Marc relies on your amateur skills to patch him up following a brutal fight. (blood, smut, pain kink)
Stone Heart by @magpie-to-the-morning [ Steven x demisexual F reader, 1.5k, T, twoshot ] Summary: Maybe Steven’s one-sided friendship isn’t so one-sided after all... AKA a Moon Knight Pygmalion AU (fluff, romance)
Take Care of You by @tropes-and-tales [ Steven x F reader x Marc, 3.8k, E, oneshot ] Summary: For Steven, it was love at first sight. For Marc, it was a slower thing. (smut, feeeeeeelings)
Where To, Miss? by @foxilayde [ Jake x F reader, E, 7.5k, oneshot ] Summary: Jake Lockley is your driver, escorting you safely in your nighttime travels. There’s something about him. Tonight, you’re going to find out what that something is. (violence, blood, and surprisingly soft smut)
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— Intra-MK System Pairings — .
All this time I was just waiting for you by @nakimochiku [ Steven x Marc, E, 20.6k, complete ] Summary: Things never seem to go Steven’s way romantically. Marc helps him work on that. (pining, smut with feeeeeeelings)
in the aftermath by queenie [ Steven x Marc x Jake, E, 37.5k, complete ] Summary: Having his own body is strange (separated into their own bodies after the show AU, slow burn, eventual smut)
last night i watched myself sleep by sweaterlou [ Steven x Marc, E, 19.4k, complete ] Summary: A look into Marc and Steven's relationship progression; from sharing a body to sharing a bed. (pining, smut)
the loneliest number by unstuckintime [ Steven x Marc, 9.6k, E, complete ] Summary: The problem with Steven is that he wants so much and he’s so lonely. He’s so lonely and he asks Marc for it all the time. (smut, feeeeeeelings)
making two reflections into one by marin27 [ Steven x Marc, 101k (as of 9/22/22) , M , incomplete ] Summary: After falling into the sands of Duat, Steven is sent back in time to fix things. He may or may not end up fixing the wrong, but no less important, things. (TL;DR: The fic where Steven fixes his relationship with Marc as the Moon Knight plot happens in the background.) (back in time redo AU, slowburn, pining, feeeeeeelings)
Our Body by apartment [ Marc x Steven, 1.4k, E, oneshot ] Summary: There are benefits to sharing a body, Steven realizes, especially when getting kidnapped is commonplace these days. Or: the "you don't have him; he has you" meme, plus marc's attempts at being a boyfriend (violence, smut)
paths diverted by solarzenith [ Steven x Marc, separate bodies, 6.8k, E, oneshot ] Summary: Khonshu reanimates them, with an ultimatum: come back as one, or come back separate. Marc makes the decision readily, too easily, and Steven had no idea Marc wanted him out of their head so badly. (pining, angst with a happy ending, smut)
see through my act, tell me I'm wrong by snapdragonpop007 [ Marc/Jake x Steven, 31k, T, complete ] Summary: “Leave him alone,” Marc scowled up at Jake from the reflection on the tiled floor. Jake ignored Marc and made a beeline right towards the gift shop as The Man In The Gift Shop Named Steven got back to his feet and went back to the register. “Jake if you go in there I swear to god—” (Steven gets a separate body AU, slow burn, feeeeeeelings)
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— Canon / MK System x Layla El Faouly — .
do not enter is written on the doorway (but you can stay) by FlowerCitti [ incidental Marc x Layla x Steven, 19.8k, M, complete ] Summary: When it came to heroes and other vigilantes, Marc didn’t have any interest in interacting with them. He travels with Khonshu’s will, continuing to protect those under the moon and following through with Khonshu’s severe judgments. He kills and keeps Khonshu content and fed, shielded under the darkness of night and the flickers of the moon. (Or, Marc meets the Avengers. And then gets shot in the head.) (plot-centric MCU crossover)
Marc/Layla Ficlet by @writefightandflightclub [ Marc x Layla, 0.3k, T, oneshot ] Summary: How did Marc tie the knot with Layla? (mild angst)
not quite a meet-cute by notmadderred [ MK system-centric, Marc x Layla x Steven, 8.3k, T, complete ] Summary: Layla meets Jake and things get complicated for both of them. (character exploration & bonding)
so this could be the death of me (or maybe just a better me) by @quinnathy [ MK system, Marc x Layla mention, 25k, T, complete ] Summary: One time Marc saves Steven, one time Jake saves Marc, and one time Steven saves Jake. (And so forth.) (character exploration and bonding, some angst)
To Sleep by @radiowallet [ Steven/Marc x Layla, 1.2k, T, drabble series, ongoing ] Summary: Sometimes Steven dreams. For Marc it's a nightmare. Layla El-Faouly does not sleep. (angst, yearning, mentions of canon-typical violence)
— Canon / Gen (no Pairing) — .
Jake's not very good, very bad day. No worse than that by Beyney [ Jake-centric, gen (no pairing), 6k, T, oneshot ] Summary: The Avengers think Moon Knight just has no marbles left to lose. The system is not amused. Khonshu is gleeful, and Jake just doesn't want to deal with this shit anymore. At least the god will keep bringing him back if this mission goes way more sideways than it already has, right? ...Right? (MCU crossover, Jake whump, violence/death mention, does some of the MCU crew a little bit dirty for the sake of the story)
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That's all I've got for you for now, 'nonny, but this is definitely a non-exhaustive list. I've read so many wonderful MK fics, I'm sure I've missed some that should've been on here and will no doubt discover even more amazing stories in the future. Chances are I'll wind up coming back to add to the list, and you all should feel free to reblog/reply/send me an ask with your fav MK fics!!
Thank you for the ask, dear anon friend! And thank you for being patient with me—it turns out I have a lot more fav MK fics than I originally thought, and it took me a little while to get this list together. Hopefully they'll be something new-to-you here for you to enjoy! 💕
🧡 twp
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mandofury · 2 years
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little-worm-grant · 4 months
Moonboys: Top Notch Banter
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Marc Spector & Steven Grant
404 words / Masterlist.
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Steven's all fired up and trying to explain British things to Marc. All of this is complete nonsense and none of it should be taken seriously.
Notes: Inspired by this post. Was funny to me it ended up being 404 words.
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Marc was ready to pull his hair out. Staring forlornly back towards the reflection where his counterpart had been driving him crazy for the better part of a day.
They’d argued earlier and Steven decided there was no peace to be had. He chose violence, though nothing like Marc or Jake’s. Talking to himself mostly. Rambling, rambling, rambling. All in the constant vicinity of Marc. Making it near impossible to concentrate. If he couldn’t beat it. He tried joining it.
“But what does cheeky Nando's mean?? It has to have a meaning.”
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked. He was verging on losing his own sanity.
“Mate it’s hard to explain.” Steven started with a disappointed sigh. “It’s just like one day you’ll just be with your mates having a look in JD.”
“… right.” Marc answered. Finding none of it right. He really was trying to follow along. Steven continued on with little breath between his strung-together words of gibberish.
“And you might fancy curry club at the ‘Spoons but your lad Calum, who’s an absolute ledge and the Archbishop of Banterbury will be like, ‘Brevs, let’s have a cheeky Nando's instead.’ And you’ll think ‘Top. Let’s smash it.’”
Hand rubbing over his face to comprehend this level of fuckery. Marc stared for the longest time.
“What are you saying?? You’re not even British? Have you picked this up off the internet?”
“Oi! You wot. Don’t say that. I’ll have you.” Steven pointed his finger up threateningly. “I’ll clap your ears together, I swear on me mum.”
Marc inhaled longingly for a moment of peace. Head tilting back to stare at the ceiling. It was either he put up with this for another hour or say what he’d been meaning to say.
“Alright. Fine. I really can’t listen to you anymore. I’m sorry I ate the last Oreo.”
“Too right! I knew it was you! Knobhead. What’re you like?”
“Did you even know half the shit you were talking about?”
“Course! JD’s a shop you have a gander in. And everyone knows ‘Spoons. Solid place if you fancy a pint in the beer garden. Even if it tastes like piss.”
And still, somehow, none of it was okay for Marc.
“Gotta love a cheeky Nando’s when the occasion calls for it. Just don’t invite any ledges or Archbishops of Banterbury unless you wanna get wankered.”
“Steven. I’m begging you, please. Forget I ever asked.”
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deadqueerboys · 6 months
Marc: There's only one rule. Don't..
M/n: What? Don't kill anybody? I know.
Marc: No, don't you ever interrupt Steven. You'll regret this.
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mistressvera · 11 months
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@mcuchallenge tournament - 2nd Semi-Final Moon Knight vs. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
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lockleysfav · 2 years
Leaked Desires
Steven grant x fem!reader
summary: When getting into a street fight, your hit with a bag of powder. You’re not sure what the effects are but only as you get home do you feel the need for Steven to fuck you.
Warnings; NSFW, drugs, sex drug, dom!steven, pet names, smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), creampie, breeding kink, multiple orgasms, biting.
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Steven came rushing to you, he was in the shop and had no idea what was going on until he was paying for the groceries, he looked to his right and saw you on the floor scratching yourself.
“Hey hey hey” he grabbed your hands away from your face and you looked at him with dazed eyes “Steven?” you say with a small slur and he smiles “Hey, come on lets go i’ve got the stuff” he tells you, holding up the bags to show you. You nod and cling to him as he helps you up and you both start walking back to the flat.
It took about 10 minutes until you felt an aching in your core. At first you assumed it was just you getting horny when you’re around steven too long but it just kept getting worse. Steven shut the door and started putting the food away while you fell onto the couch, holding your stomach and curling in on yourself.
“Love? could you help me with the last bag please” steven asks in such a sweet tone you almost moan. You get up shakily and walk over to him “Y-yeah” you reply and grab onto the last bag, helping him stack things into the cupboards and fridge. After finishing, Steven shrugged off his jacket and the aftershave he had on practically smacked you in the face “Steven” you whined and his head jolted around to look at you. His eyes grew wide when you were sweating and red faced.
He stood frozen as you limped over to him buried your face in his chest “fuck you smell so good baby” you pushed him to sit on the couch, straddling his lap and kissing at his neck. Steven groaned and placed his hands on your hips “W-whats got into you ey?” he laughes nervously but you were to focused on him and not his voice.
Marc was in the mirror trying to get Stevens attention “Steven!” he yelled and Steven whipped his head to the mirror “She inhaled some fucking drug” he whisper yelled to him while your hands were all over his chest. Steven furrowed his eyebrows and turned back to you, haulting your movements “Dove? are you okay?” he asks sweetly and you whimper “i-i need you stevie please” you begged, your hands fumbling for his belt.
Although Steven was about to stop you, tell you it’s wrong because he’d be taking advantage of you since you’ve been drugged, he also knew leaving you alone would end up becoming painful for you. So he reached down helping you get his belt off.
You were whining as he lifting his hips to allow you to pull down his jeans and scramble onto his lap “fuck fuck, i need you so bad” you whispered against his ear causing him to shiver. He grabbed your hips “You need me hm? beg darling i know you’ve got it in you” he smirked. You clawed at his shirt “Steven! please please i need your dick so bad, need you to fill my pussy up to the brim” you tugged his shirt and he suddenly felt something inside him snap. He lifted you up and walked you to the bed, laying you down and immediately kneeling to bury his face against your panties “you smell so good love” he says, yanking then down and forcing your thighs apart. His tongue dove into your pussy, lapping at your clit and devouring you.
Your fingers pulled at his curls “Steven! oh my god” you arched your back and ground your pussy against his mouth, whining when he groaned and held you down “Stay still”. He was suckling your clit, teasing a finger at your entrance “Please sir, please” you tugged harder on his curls and his cock twitched at the name. you only ever called Marc that and called Jake papi.
He slid his finger into you, curling it slowly and you let out a strangled moan “m-more please” you begged and felt his other finger slide into you with ease. He started pumping his fingers into you, curling them into your g-spot and you swear for a second you saw stars floating around your head like a fucking cartoon.
“Im gonna cum! im gonna cum baby dont stop” you pleaded and Steven started finger fucking you faster “Thats right love, cum on my fingers” he continued encouraging you until you came hard on his fingers, creaming along his knuckles. He smiled against your clit and slowly pulled his fingers out, keeping eye contact with you as he sucked and licked his fingers clean “you taste delicious” he bites his lip starts to palm his cock, watching you squirm on the bed, your pussy clenching around nothing.
He leaned over you, kissing your neck and nipping at your earlobe pulling a whine out of you “need your cock buried inside me” you press and Steven nods, pulling off his shirt and caging you in his arms “You gonna take it like a good girl? not gonna complain?” he teases, rubbing the tip of his leaking cock along your clit and you nod frantically “because if you start whining im gonna stop and leave you withering on the bed like a little kitty in heat” his voice was low and mocking but you didnt care, you were practically heaving. “o-okay i wont i promise please just fuck me” you cried out when Steven sunk his throbbing dick into you, pausing to let you adjust and then taking no time to pound into you mercilessly.
Your jaw was slack and eyes were rolled back as Steven continued ruining you. He felt you clench and he fell on top of you biting into your shoulder harshly “Fuck love, do that again for me” and you complied, squeezing his dick. He growled against your ear and when you mewl at him to go deeper he grips your waist, sits back on his heels and lifts your legs to rest on his shoulders, when you’re comfortable with the position he leans forward, fucking into you deeper and you wail “so fucking deep, i love it so much feeling you in my stomach” stevens jaw tightens as he holds back a whimper at your words “look at you honey, such a needy little slut” he looks down at you, getting dangerously close to your face “im gonna fill this little pussy up with my cum” he says, pushing even deeper “want to watch your stomach grow with my baby” you moan and lift your head up to kiss him “please steven please put a baby in me” you beg and he pants heavily.
His mouth suddenly latches around your nipple, sucking hard and licking to soothe the pain afterwards “ready to cum litte dove? hm?” he coos and you hum. He reaches down to rub at your clit and your hips jolt upwards, his hips slamming against yours “come on love, be a good girl and cum for me” his words send you over the edge and you cum again, squeezing him tightly and he grunts loudly “fuck!” he spills into you, slowly his movements and shoving himself as deep as he can.
Tears prick at your eyes and Steven slowly pulls out “Hey, whats wrong did i hurt you?” his hands cup your cheeks as he kisses your tears away but you shake your head “im sorry i just- i get overwhelmed after an orgasm sometimes” you laugh as tears stream down your cheeks and Steven looks at you in awe “come here sweetheart” he pulls you against him and you nuzzle into his chest. Whatever drug you had seemed to fade away as you slowly dozed off.
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casiopea22395 · 1 year
Got your back
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*Steven, Marc and Jake sitting in jail*
Steven: So who should we call?
Marc: I’d call Konshu, but I feel safer in jail
Jake: I can get us out
Both Steven and Marc: no killing
Jake: I can’t get us out
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melodygatesauthor · 11 months
Marc X Steven - Random Horny Thots #1 - Filthy Little Boy
Steven wakes up in the dead of night, still in his bed, to the feeling of someone behind him, pulling his pants down around his thighs. He starts to protest but he feels a large hand wrap over his mouth. He whimpers into the fingers of this unknown assailant.
“Don’t play coy Steven, I see the way you look in the mirror when you know I’m watching.”
It’s Marc.
That means they’re in the headspace, but this was new. Marc’s never done anything like this before. Steven feels the prod of Marc’s erection against his rear, but more than that, he feels Marc’s free hand snake around his waist to grab Steven’s cock in a caged fist. Steven breathes heavily into Marc’s palm.
“Leaking so much already, my needy boy. Just relax Steven, it’ll feel better if you just relax for me baby.”
Steven tries to relax, and when he does he can feel Marc’s thick length glide into his never penetrated entrance. Steven cries out in surprise. It’s painful, the stretch of his tight hole around the man’s girth, but once he lets the tension go, and he lets out a deep exhale, he can start to feel the pleasure of Marc’s evenly paced hand over his own erection while moving his length deeper inside.
“That’s it baby boy, let me take good care of you. I know exactly how you like it.” Marc’s tone is gruff and almost dark. “I see you peeking over at the mirror while you jerk yourself off every fucking night. You think I didn’t notice what a little tease you were being?”
Marc snaps his hips forward and Steven moans deeply. He’s never felt so full in all his life. Steven’s watering eyes roll back in his head while Marc fucks him harder. Marc was right, Steven had secretly been fisting his own release in the hopes that Marc might see him and would do something like this, but Steven wasn’t brave enough to just ask for it.
“You’re drooling so fucking much,” Marc took his hand off Steven’s mouth and grabbed his hair, tugging his head back. “Such a pathetic little boy you are. Can’t even ask me to fuck you. You’re so hard for me, so needy—fuck.”
Marc leans in and kisses Steven, moaning deep into his alter’s mouth. Steven groans in response. His eyes close but then snap back open when he feels Marc tug on his dark locks.
“You’re gonna fucking look at me while you coat my fingers Steven,” Marc’s hips start moving unevenly, “f-fuck you’re tight Steven, oh I’m gonna fill this little hole, nothing you can do about it…fuck it’s so good.”
“M-Marc, oh god, you’re so big I—I can’t handle anymore…gonna explode if you come in me!” Steven cries out in a mix of pleasure and pain as the man behind him starts slamming faster.
“Good, hope you’re so full of me that your tummy can’t take it…I want you crying on this cock Steven, f-fuck!”
Marc’s hips stop and he starts pumping Steven full of his hot cum, coating his walls and filling him to the brim. Steven couldn’t even utter a single word, his voice just a mess of raspy whines as he spills over Marc’s caged fingers. Marc brings his messy hand up to Steven’s mouth when he’s finished emptying into Marc’s palm.
He pries Steven’s lips open with his cum soaked fingers and slides them inside, “clean up this fucking mess you made, you filthy little boy.”
Any of my blurbs can be used as inspo for a fic. Please tag me for credit. Thank you!
Random Blurbs Masterlist
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evilwy · 2 years
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give them some love...
just my headcanon for their first kiss
(i almost never draw comics so pls forgive me for mistakes🙏)
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lulila-safu · 2 years
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luddycris · 2 years
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Keep dreaming boys 💭
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mandofury · 2 years
Steven: *is wearing silk pants and checking himself out in the mirror* How does this look?
Marc: Like it slips on and off real easily.
Steven: *blushing*
Marc: No wait, I didn't mean it like that-
Jake: *in a teasing tone* Oh, we know exactly what you meant love.
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little-worm-grant · 3 months
Steven's pov: Mooning Business
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Marc Spector & Khonshu & Steven Grant
336 words / Masterlist.
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Marc's discovered something nefarious at the port. Steven's getting more involved in this whole Mooning business. (To which Marc will keep telling him not to call it that but alas.)
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“Quiet a minute.” Marc shushed him. Focusing on the one with the golden mask. Determined to find a way to swoop in just as that crate was getting opened.
‘Our evidence is about to go in the river if you don’t bloody look.’
“What?” That got Marc’s attention. Leaning back into himself to stop him from plunging out from hiding. Eyes darting in the direction away from the unboxing. Closer to the waterline. Steven was right. Someone was dumping shit into the river.
Marc moved, going as fast as he could while trying to minimize the risk of discovery. Looking around to see if any others were around. Finding no one. Marc moved in.
‘No wait! I found him let me!’ Marc hesitated.
‘DO NOT LET THE WORM INTERFERE.’ Khonshu was suddenly in his head again.
A tap on the guys shoulder, head swiveling around. Mr. Knight chirps, “Alright mate?” All before socking him in the face with his baton.
His arms wave to keep his balance but he too falls back into the water with a splash. He can swim, he’ll be alright. Steven wastes no time bending down to pick up a piece of rock in confusion. Grey stone all over except where the breaks were, all iridescent and pretty. Steven had never seen anything like it.
“Opal?” He asks. “No whys this fellow tossin’ opal into the river?”
Turning the stone over revealed it was once part of someone’s arm. Steven knew enough about the decimation to know it wasn’t just stone. That was once a person. He almost bleeding went and dropped it. Making a disgusted noise as he stepped back away from the crime scene. “Ooooh bloody hell that’s a-”
‘Quick looking at it and run.’ Marc barked. Jostling Steven into a panicked blind run out of there, following the water’s edge. Hugging the stone arm tight to his chest. Gunfire kicked up water behind him and Steven yelled in panic.
“Alright! Alright! That’s it. I'm out. Take the body Marc - Take it- Take-”
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deadqueerboys · 1 year
Jake: I told Steven his ears flush when they lie.
Marc: Why?
Person A: Shh, watch! Hey Steven! Do you love us?
Steven, covering his ears: NO!
Marc: that is adorable.
Jake: I know!
the fact that is Jake who thinked abt that is so cute
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unfilteredaj · 6 months
Once again thinking about how Marc and Steven briefly got to hold each other, and got to know the other was a TANGIBLE, LIVING soul, and then they had that ripped away from them.
My angsty little heart is going BANANAS.
I’m imagining Marc and Steven both being so happy to be working together, and creating a cohesive life together, but then after the joy of that wears off, they’re both secretly deeply sad.
And they’re so concerned about each other they don’t realize their own sadness.
Until one day, when Marc is fronting, in the privacy of their apartment, Steven goes cocon to use the hands to touch Marc’s face gently.
And Marc breaks down, because he remembers the time Steven clung to him like a life line, shaky and afraid. And how he clung to Steven just as hard, because he was so afraid he’d lost him.
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