#Madonna on tik tok
itsallmadonnasfault · 2 years
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lupitalover · 2 years
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selenagomez92 · 2 years
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Selena Gomez looks gorgeous with a pop of blue in new selfie.
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Get it right 😤
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candid-by-teneice · 1 year
The Goat: Madonna, Still That Girl 😳| Pretty Girls Walk Like?!
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deusa-astaroth666 · 16 days
I would like to thank everyone for the messages of support and asks🥺❤️, I've already started the drawings and they will be ready by tomorrow, I'm doing them with great care and it really helped me calm down a lot and I even managed to eat a little. I also have three news, one good and two bad.
The good news is that one of my friends got in touch and is well and safe so far, the water has not reached her house.
Now for the bad, my friend and her family are without drinking water to bathe and the water in the fridge to drink is also running out, I hope they deliver supplies to her soon. The other bad news is that my other friend hasn't gotten in touch yet and to make matters worse, another water dam burst, in other words... the catastrophe has just gotten worse and the chances of the current reaching her house have increased, which only increases my concern. I really hope she is safe, the city of Porto Alegre is devastated by the waters, no one leaves or enters except the volunteers with helicopters and boats, an entire city is under water, there are 78 people dead so far and more than 105 are missing, every hour this number grows, 20 thousand have been rescued and 115 thousand are homeless.
The last time I saw something like this was in the tragedy of Brumadinho in Minas Gerais, please do something about it to make it known to the outside media, Brazil needs help, the State of Rio Grande Do Sul is sinking and the tendency is to get worse, Anything to help our country is welcome, donations, repercussions and prayers, here below there will be some videos of the current situation in the State, they are strong images so watch them if you are psychologically prepared😥
I will translate for you
Flood destroys city of Roca Sales in Rio Grande do Sul
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Unfortunately I can only put a single video here, but on Tik Tok and YouTube there are several of them, if you are interested in donating, the government is creating pix keys and the victims themselves too, I will send some Tik Tok accounts that are fighting to help animals and people who were victims of this tragedy. Every 1 Real (Brazilian currency) is worth 0.20 of the North American dollar.
Government releases Pix key for donations
The number for donations is: 92.958.800/0001-38. When making the transfer, confirm that the destination bank is "Banrisul (Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul)".
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This child asks for help with beds and toys, the wreckage you can see behind is what's left of his house.
Here you can see animal rescue
If you want to make other donations for specific things like animal feed and food, just Google the banks that are receiving them, I think it will be safer that way.
I hope that everyone is well and that none of you have to go through something like this, I will continue to update you about it, as it is the only way I could help the media see us, since as I mentioned before the event has passed. unnoticed since it occurred on the same day as Queen Madonna's concert.
Thank you for reading this far, have a good night❤️❤️
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richmond-rex · 2 months
Recently there's been this trend of rather repetitive and questionable facts about the Tudors on tik tok not to bore you with them all but I keep seeing "Elizabeth and henry knew henry⁸ would be a tyrant" is there any historical backing to this at all?
Hi! No, there really isn't. There's not much documented on the relationship of Elizabeth of York with any of her children as I pointed out here, let alone her youngest son (the claim that Elizabeth of York neglected her queenly duties to be some domestic madonna enshrined in her children's nursery is plain wrong and also harmful to the historical memory of the real Elizabeth). The idea that she kept Prince Henry extraordinarily close to her and that she 'spoilt' him in the process is really much more based on fiction and wishful thinking than facts.
Now about Henry VII's relationship with his son in his last years, I think it had to do more with overprotectiveness about his safety as the only acceptable heir than with 'protecting the world from' him, if that makes sense? Please always take everything you see on tiktok with a massive grain of salt, etc. Hope this helps! x
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Had to correct some info in this video going around about Sonic's almost girlfriend - Madonna Garnet
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itsallmadonnasfault · 2 months
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allamericansbitch · 9 days
It happens to me that I see X or Tumblr or Tik Tok, and almost everyone has the need to compare any young artist with Madonna, Taylor Swift or Beyonce, not allowing them to create their own paths, they have to walk through the same steps as them, for example , Olivia or Sabrina have to walk in Taylor's footsteps but Taylor's footsteps are not exact because if they are not hanging on to her but if they are going on a different path than Taylor, they are blamed for wanting to overshadow her, so to speak. not finding another word to describe it. And it is not an issue of the artists, it is an issue of their fandom itself. It is not Taylor's or Beyonce's or Britney's fault that they are taken as references and it is not their fault that their fans do not give free rein to new artists and it only happens with women, it is not something that happens with men. But what do you think?
i completely agree. like you said, it's not the artist's fault, it's the fandoms and swifties specifically have a huge issue with internalized misogyny and not letting other female artists exist outside the taylor swift bubble. the whole made up feud with taylor and olivia fully exists in the heads and imaginations of swifties who are just mad that olivia doesn't speak publicly about her anymore, so that must mean she hates her and there's a catfight between them. and the hypocrisy of another female artist doing something that might be similar to what taylor did in the past, if they love taylor it's an homage but if they haven't publicly raved about her then they're copying her. also swifties tend to forget taylor followed plenty of other female artists footsteps... she didnt invent the wheel and be totally original her entire career.
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So I was scrolling through tik tok last night, as one does, and I came across the "victorian child" trend. If you don't know what that is, it's when people list things they think would send a victorian child into a coma. And I had the absolute cursed thought of: half of these things would put Wilhelm into a coma, too. So, without further ado, I present
Things I Think Would Send Prince Wilhelm of Sweden Into a Coma:
a single episode of Dance Moms
a Bass Pro Shop
the cornbread muffins from a Cracker Barrel
trying to blow out a trick candle
a single serving of cherry flavored cold medicine
Simon's coffee order
the Autism Speaks controversy (this one nearly sent me into a coma to be honest)
a bag of Hot Cheetos
warheads sour candy
his first real life interaction with a "Karen"
finding a story about himself on wattpad
a glass of plain full fat milk on an empty stomach
seeing a Magic Mike show in person
Madonna's cone boobs
literally five minutes locked in a room with a chihuahua
American tap water
Simon calling him beautiful
This has been the most cursed thing to come to my mind in weeks. I hope you enjoyed. This is all obviously a joke no one get mad at me in the reblogs.
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alemdoarcoiris · 17 days
Heal the World, for you and for me 🙏🍄☁️
Boa noite, tumblrs. Noite deste sábado, 4 de maio de 2024. Noite do show da Madonna pra quem gosta, o país pelo visto parou. Não sou fã, não ligo muito, prefiro o rock, Ariana Grande e Britney. Mas um outro cantor que gosto muito e que na minha opinião foi muito julgado é o Michael Jackson. Neste vídeo acima ele está cantando o HEAL THE WORLD (Cure o mundo). Eu vejo que ele foi muito julgado no mundo pelo fato dele ser adulto e ter vivido como criança, como brincadeiras, jogos e o parque Neverland que ele construiu. Não sei se vão compartilhar da mesma ideia que a minha, mas como o personagem Tate de American Horror Story disse, 'o mundo e seu show de horrores' (Pois é, eu amo um filme de terror, demais, prefiro o terror dos filmes, claro, e das séries e livros como Stephen King). É gente sem moral para falar, gente que não faz nada para mudar algo que mais critica. Enfim. Na minha opinião, Michael esteve à frente de seu tempo, grande artista, cantor, gostava de crianças, brincava com elas em seu parque, mas era mal visto por muitos, por acharem que era pedófilo. Pra mim, sempre foi inocente das acusações. Acho que nunca vão entender quando pessoas boas passam temporariamente neste plano, para nós ensinar e mostrar coisas boas. O ser humano é capaz de tudo, um dos irmãos de um rapaz que acusava Jackson, diz ter mentido sobre juramento. Jackson disse "Só Deus sabe que sou inocente". Enfim. 🌈🌹
Compartilho aqui no Tumblr meus gostos, músicas, textos, opiniões, livros, séries, viagens, enfim, quem gosta, me segue e compartilha minhas notas! 🇺🇲☕
Esse vídeo acima é ele cantando HEAL THE WORLD, quando puderem, assistam ao clipe de mesmo título. Várias crianças segurando velas! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
Assista abaixo ao WE ARE THE WORLD, com o grupo USA FOR ÁFRICA (não é USA de United States of América / Estados Unidos e sim, USA de United Support of Artists for Africa):
Abaixo, assista a reportagem depois de seu desencarne no Neverland, seu parque e propriedade imensa:
Michael brincando de guerra de balões de água, em sua propriedade, com o ator Macaulay Culkin quando criança, assista abaixo, muito bom! 😊
Essa outra música dele é linda, NOT ALONE! 🙏
Agora, um papo nerd! Gente, recomendo super o https://carnaubaestudio.com/ - eles fazem carteiras de bolso de couro em formatos de fitas K7 como essa do Engenheiros do Hawaii. Encomendei a minha, postarei fotos quando chegar! Tem também as carteiras para nerds e gamers, como do Super Mário Bros, lindos de doer!
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Encomendei pra mim por R$200,00 o box "Criatividade, um box para quem pensa fora da caixa, com os 3 livros: " ROUBE COMO UM ARTISTA, MOSTRE SEU TRABALHO e SIGA EM FRENTE! Para mentes poderosas, que sonham, para alavancar a criatividade, insights legais, um pouco de profundidade e fórmulas que já existem, com uma roupagem própria e mais simples. Bem ao estilo do que ele sugere! Quando chegar, faço resenha pro canal, postarei aqui, no instagram, facebook, canal e tik tok!
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Quando estamos ao lado dos bons, ficamos melhores ainda! Boa semana a todos, amigos! 🌹🌹🌹
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mistyemily · 6 months
Any advice for somewhere some should go if they go to Italy
Well there's a lot of places in Italy
Sea + summer parties with people that scream a lot: Rimini,  Riccione, Gallipoli
Beautiful sea: Capri (very expensive), isola d'elba, cinque terre, liguria in general (but you have to know the right places), puglia in general (cheap but filled with tourists from all over italy), sicily
Mountains for skiing: all of Valle d'aosta is beautiful, Trentino Alto Adige
Expensive mountains: madonna di campiglio
Culture and monuments: everywhere. Rome, Venice, Firenze, Bologna, a ton of small cities scattered all over italy
Fashion & tik tok celebrities: Milan, Rome
Amazing food: everywhere but Naples + all of Sicily are my favourites
It really depends on what you wanna do :)
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kiss-this · 2 years
The last two interviews, Radio DeeJay and Radio 105
Radio Deejay
They start by asking if Måneskin are the most famous Italians of all time, Dami replies that they'll have to go a long way before they get to the level of Monica Bellucci.
They talk about the whole road made between Beggin and Zitti e Buoni. Damiano says that ZeB got them out of Italy but Beggin made them famous in the world. At first they were worried because it had an 'old' arrangement, from 2017, but then everything went well, also thanks to Tik Tok.
They play a game. Every now and then Måneskin pull a piece of paper with a challenge written on it out of a hat. The first to go is Vic, who has to call a person and the others have to guess if the person is sitting or standing ^^' Vic chooses his sister, but she doesn't answer the phone.
Damiano says that they are the example that one can be successful abroad and that other young Italians should try too.
They ask what the top of Måneskin's career would be for them. Tom says it'd be writing a song that will go down in history, regardless of the streaming numbers.
Another challege. Damiano takes out the piece of paper, he has to sing the Roma's team anthem. He sings with his hand on his heart XD
They ask the band how they would like to be remembered in 30 years. Ethan says that everyone makes comparisons to old artists and he would like it if one day Måneskin were the old artists others where compared to.
They talk about how Måneskin have given a new representation of Italian music abroad, which perhaps now will no longer be just opera. Dami and Tom say they don't like it when they're abroad and people always want to take them to an Italian restaurant. The other two, on the other hand, do not complain. Ethan always orders carbonara.
They talk about the cliches about Italians. The guys say it's annoying but it's not a major problem.
About the South America audience, the band says the audience is super warm and knows the lyrics of the songs.
The challenge: now it's up to Thomas. On the card he pulls out it says that they must turn the interview into a musical, that's to give questions and answers singing They sing about the underwear, bras and glasses that the audience throws on stage.
Now they got asked how do they manage family relationships. Damiano says it's a bit difficult. Then they talk about all the things they lose in hotels. Vic always loses a lot of clothes.
Vic then says that in Los Angeles it always happens that other bands, even small ones, come to hear them, because the musical environment is very rich since all the major producers are in LA, even if New York is cooler for young artists. London is unattainable, however, according to Damiano. Dami also says that Italy is far behind in this regard, because only established artists can play live, while for young people there is no chance.
The speakers ask what it's like to live together 24 hours a day, if they bother each other etc. Dami says Ethan is loud because he is always tapping on things. Vic adds that they travel with a lot of other people so it's not like they're always exclusively with each other.
Speaking of hypothetical collaborations Ethan says that apart from the big names, he would also like to collaborate with someone not famous who does different things from theirs.
A new challenge: the speech if they win an award. Ethan has one ready, that's about a meterorite but he doesn't want to spoil it.
Speaking of the famous people who are their fans, Tom says he ended up at Madonna's house in New York on the one night Vic was too tired to go out with him. Then they talk about the Moonskins, their coverband, and how often people gets Måneskin's name wrong.
Ethan draws a new challenge. Singing a roman rap song “In the panchine”. Ethan doesn't know it, they all sing together.
They ask what the other three do, during the concerts, while Damiano sings. Beside playing, of course. Dami makes fun of Vic who is out of breath because she's not very athletic. He calls her "the little one" ^^ Tom has his mission to keep his clothes on all the time even if he sweats.
The next question is who should play them in a Maneskin movie? Ethan says the Moonskin, the cover band.
Vic has a new challenge, they are the next presidents of the world for two minutes. Vic wants to give way to Ethan because when they went to see the Queen movie together, Ethan literally said they were going to be presidents of the world. Damiano wants Ethan to make a speech to reassure the people of the world when the world is in danger.
They talk about how Måneskin's songs are born. Dami says that for The Loneliest he started with the chorus, then he let the others hear it, they did the arrangement and then the rest of the lyrics was born. Thomas adds that this is not always the case and that they improvise a lot when creating music.
Dami also talks about the confrontation with the past. He says that we are all too tied to the myths of the past, in music, but also in other fields such as sport. He then adds that the market is too fast and creating new myths is difficult because of that.
Radio 105
They start by joking about the fact that Måneskin never made the card to accumulate airline miles. Then they say that in the few days they are at home they stay with friends and family, but sometimes they also see each other.
They ask what “itagnolo” is, Ethan says a mix of Italian and Spanish (= spagnolo) that they spoke in South America.
There's a recap of the nominations then the guys got asked what they tell their families when their songs hit the top of the charts. Damiano says that sometimes their parents tell them.
They talk about the concerts in South America and the audience in Tokyo clapping in a rhythm.
They tell how they shot The Loneliest video and ask Dami to retell the story of when he almost drowned.
The speakers remember the first time Måneskin arrived in that same studio, immediately after X Factor, and said only eight words. Then they ask the band which of their songs they doesn't like anymore. Dami says Chosen, but only because now with the knowledge they have, they would arrange it differently, but he still likes the song and the whole album. They talk about the autonomy they have in creating music, the guys say that they are autonomous and even if they have a good team to delegate some things to, they always want to keep control and that in any case some things are not predictable even for experts, for example. how some songs will perform in some parts of the world.
Tom tells of when James Hatfield (Metallica) came to their dressing room without notifying anyone because he wanted to meet them. Everybody was taken by surprise in fact they were dressing, or eating etc. but he was super happy anyway.
Damiano says he collects trash magnets at airports around the world.
They ask the band what are the events they've enjoyed the most. Vic says it depends not on the importance of the event itself but on the audience and their enthusiasm. Dami says that the crowd abroad don't pay much attention to the fact that they are Italians, it is more Italians who have the complex, but Vic kinda disagree.
Speaking of the elections in Italy, they remember the shitstorm in Damiano's Twitter profile, after he commented on the result. Damiano says it's also partly funny because absurd conspiracy theories come up. For example, when they announced the dates in the stadiums someone commented that it is not possible and that Måneskin are sponsored by the "strong powers". Speakers joke that the Måneskin are the "strong powers" favorite band.
As a last question, they ask the guys what is one of their dreams dream for the future is. Vic says it's playing at Glastonbury, Ethan says playing at the Super Bowl (speakers agree), Dami says it'd be cool having a super group that plays before them at festivals and not the other way around, as it happens now. Tom says he would like to do a concert in an absurd place, like Metallica did in Antarctica.
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